1 page.title=Sensors 2 pdk.version=1.0 3 doc.type=porting 4 @jd:body 5 6 <div id="qv-wrapper"> 7 <div id="qv"> 8 <h2>In this document</h2> 9 <a name="toc"/> 10 <ul> 11 <li><a href="#androidSensorsInterface">Interface</a></li> 12 </ul> 13 </div> 14 </div> 15 16 <p>Android defines a user space C abstraction interface for sensor hardware. The interface header is defined in 17 <code>hardware/libhardware/include/hardware/sensors.h</code>. 18 In order to integrate sensors with Android you need to build a shared library that implements this interface. 19 20 The types of sensors currently supported by Android include: 21 <ul> 22 <li>Accelerometer</li> 23 <li>Magnetic Field</li> 24 <li>Orientation</li> 25 <li>Gyroscope</li> 26 <li>Light</li> 27 <li>Pressure</li> 28 <li>Temperature</li> 29 <li>Proximity</li> 30 </ul> 31 </p> 32 33 <a name="androidSensorBuildingDriver"></a><h3>Building a Sensor Library</h3> 34 <p> To implement a Sensors driver, create a shared library that implements the interface defined in <code>sensors.h</code>. You must name your shared library 35 <code>libsensors.so</code> so that it will get loaded from <code>/system/lib</code> at runtime. 36 </p> 37 38 <p> The following stub file, <code>Android.mk</code>, ensures that <code>libsensors</code> compiles and links to the appropriate libraries:</p> 39 40 <pre> 41 LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) 42 include $(CLEAR_VARS) 43 44 LOCAL_MODULE := sensors 45 46 LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE := false 47 48 LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES)/hw 49 50 LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := liblog 51 # include any shared library dependencies 52 53 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := sensors.c 54 55 include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY) 56 </pre> 57 58 <a name="androidSensorsInterface"></a><h3>Interface</h3> 59 60 61 <p><span class="lh3"><a name="androidDoxygenNote"></a></span> 62 63 <p class="note"><strong>Note</strong>: This document relies on some Doxygen-generated content that appears in an iFrame below. To return to the Doxygen default content for this page, <a href="sensors.html">click here</a>.</p> 64 65 66 <iframe onLoad="resizeDoxFrameHeight();" src="sensors_8h.html" scrolling="no" scroll="no" id="doxygen" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" 67 frameborder="0" style="width:100%;"></iframe> 68