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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!--
      3 /**
      4  * Copyright (c) 2010, The Android Open Source Project
      5  *
      6  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      7  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      8  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      9  *
     10  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     11  *
     12  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     13  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     14  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     15  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     16  * limitations under the License.
     17  */
     18 -->
     19 <resources
     20     xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
     21     <!-- Label for this package -->
     22     <string
     23         name="label">Sample SyncAdapter</string>
     25     <!-- Permission label -->
     26     <string
     27         name="permlab_samplesyncadapterAuthPassword">access to passwords for Sample SyncAdapter accounts</string>
     28     <!-- Permission description -->
     29     <string
     30         name="permdesc_samplesyncadapterAuthPassword">Allows applications direct access to the passwords for the
     31         Sample SyncAdapter account(s) you have configured.</string>
     33     <!-- Permission label -->
     34     <string
     35         name="permlab_samplesyncadapterAuth">view configured accounts</string>
     36     <!-- Permission description -->
     37     <string
     38         name="permdesc_samplesyncadapterAuth">Allows applications to see the usernames (email addresses) of
     39         the Sample SyncAdapter account(s) you have configured.</string>
     40     <string
     41         name="notification_login_error">Touch to sign into your Sample SyncAdapter account.</string>
     43     <!-- Title string for Login activity-->
     44     <string
     45         name="ui_activity_title">Sign-in</string>
     46     <!-- Message shown in progress dialog while app connects to the server -->
     47     <string
     48         name="ui_activity_authenticating">Authenticating\u2026</string>
     50     <!-- AuthenticatorActivity -->
     51     <skip />
     52     <!-- Label above username EditText -->
     53     <string
     54         name="login_activity_username_label">Username</string>
     55     <!-- Label above password EditText -->
     56     <string
     57         name="login_activity_password_label">Password</string>
     58     <!-- Button to sign in after entering username and password -->
     59     <string
     60         name="login_activity_ok_button">Sign in</string>
     62     <!-- Message shown in dialog if the username or password is invalid. -->
     63     <string
     64         name="login_activity_loginfail_text_both">The username or password isn\'t valid. A Sample SyncAdapter account is
     65         required. Please try again. </string>
     66     <!-- Message shown in dialog if the password is invalid -->
     67     <string
     68         name="login_activity_loginfail_text_pwonly">You entered the wrong password or your account has changed.
     69         Please re-enter your password.</string>
     70     <!-- Message shown in dialog to prompt the user for their password -->
     71     <string
     72         name="login_activity_loginfail_text_pwmissing">Type the password for this account.</string>
     73     <!--
     74         Message shown if the provided account doesn't support the current
     75         activity.
     76     -->
     77     <string
     78         name="login_activity_newaccount_text">Sign in to your Sample SyncAdapter account. </string>
     80     <!-- Button that takes the user to the "sign in" screen -->
     81     <string
     82         name="sign_in_button_label">Sign in</string>
     83     <!-- Button for going to the previous screen or step -->
     84     <string
     85         name="back_button_label">Back</string>
     86     <!-- Button to cancel the current operation -->
     87     <string
     88         name="cancel_button_label">Cancel</string>
     89     <string
     90         name="profile_action">Sample profile</string>
     91     <string
     92         name="view_profile">View Profile</string>
     94     <string name="header_account_type">SampleSync contact</string>
     96     <string name="label_name">Name</string>
     97     <string name="label_phone_home">Home Phone</string>
     98     <string name="label_phone_mobile">Mobile Phone</string>
     99     <string name="label_phone_work">Work Phone</string>
    100     <string name="label_email">Email</string>
    101     <string
    102         name="menu_done">Done</string>
    103     <string
    104         name="menu_cancel">Cancel</string>
    106     <!-- Strings for contacts.xml -->
    107     <skip />
    109     <!-- The label of the button to add contact to this contact provider  -->
    110     <string name="invite_action_label">Add to Sample SyncAdaper</string>
    112     <!-- The description for the invite contact flow -->
    113     <string name="invite_contact_description">Congratulations! The user wants to add the contact
    114         to the amazing Sample SyncAdapter social network. If this was a real app, it should now
    115         make best efforts to add the contact to this network. This would probably involve
    116         looking up the person on the network, inviting if he is not there already and syncing
    117         the new contact down.
    119         Ideally, when the user gets back to the People app, the new contact should already
    120         be there, enriching the original contact.
    122         This is the information we got to lookup the contact:</string>
    124     <!-- The label of the button to view a group -->
    125     <string name="view_group_action_label">Show sample group details</string>
    127     <!-- The description for the view group button -->
    128     <string name="view_group_description">This would now show the details of the group.
    130         This is the group uri:</string>
    132 </resources>