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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html>
      3 <!--
      4 This page is a simple testing environment for gaia_login.html to help
      5 iterate on the design without having to compile and launch the
      6 browser.  Note that you must supply the "--allow-file-access-from-files"
      7 for the chrome you are using to load this page for this to work.
      8 -->
      9 <style>
     10 body {
     11   background-color: #d0d0d0;
     12 }
     14 #iframe {
     15   height: 375px;
     16   width: 421px;
     17   border: 0px;
     18   float: left;
     19 }
     20 #options {
     21   float: left;
     22 }
     24 </style>
     25 <script>
     26 function gel(id) {
     27   return document.getElementById(id);
     28 }
     30 function get_selected_value(el) {
     31   for (var i = 0; i < el.length; ++i) {
     32     if (el[i].checked)
     33       return el[i].value;
     34   }
     35   return null;
     36 }
     38 function set_up_testing() {
     39   var win = window.frames[0];
     40   var doc = win.document;
     41   var form = gel("form");
     42   form.addEventListener("change", function() { update(); }, true);
     44   win.JSON = {};
     45   win.JSON.parse = function() {
     46     return {
     47       error: get_selected_value(form.error),
     48       user: "homer (a] gmail.com",
     49       captchaUrl: "https://www.google.com/accounts/Captcha"
     50     };
     51   };
     53   console.log(win.JSON.parse());
     55   set_text("introduction",
     56            "Chromium sync makes it easy to share your data (such as " +
     57            "bookmarks and preferences) between your computers. Chromium " +
     58            "synchronizes your data by storing it online with Google when " +
     59            "you login with your Google Account.");
     60   set_text("settingupsync", "Setting up sync");
     61   set_text("errorsigningin", "Error signing in.");
     62   set_text("signinsuffix", "Account");
     63   set_text("emaillabel", "Email:");
     64   set_text("cannotbeblank", "cannotbeblank");
     65   set_text("passwordlabel", "Password:");
     66   set_text("invalidcredentials", "Invalid user name or password.");
     67   set_text("captchainstructions",
     68            "Enter the correct password above and then type the characters " +
     69            "you see in the picture below.");
     70   set_text("couldnotconnect", "Could not connect to the server");
     71   set_text("value:signin", "Sign in");
     72   set_text("href:cannotaccessaccounturl", "href:cannotaccessaccounturl");
     73   set_text("cannotaccessaccount", "I cannot access my account");
     74   set_text("href:createnewaccounturl", "href:createnewaccounturl");
     75   set_text("createaccount", "Create a Google account");
     76   set_text("value:cancel", "Cancel");
     78   function set_text(id, text) {
     79     if (id.indexOf(":") >= 0) {
     80       var node = doc.evaluate("//*[@i18n-values='" + id + "']",
     81                               doc,
     82                               null,
     83                               XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,
     84                               null).singleNodeValue;
     85       node.setAttribute(id.split(":")[0], text);
     86     } else {
     87       var node = doc.evaluate("//*[@i18n-content='" + id + "']",
     88                               doc,
     89                               null,
     90                               XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE,
     91                               null).singleNodeValue;
     92       node.innerHTML = text;
     93     }
     94   }
     96   win.initForm();
     97 }
     99 function update() {
    100   window.frames[0].document.location.reload();
    101 }
    103 </script>
    104 <body>
    105 <div>
    106 <iframe
    107   id="iframe"
    108   src="gaia_login.html"
    109   onload="set_up_testing()">
    110 </iframe>
    111 <div id="options">
    112 <form id="form" name="form">
    113 <p>
    114   <input type="radio" name="error" value="" checked> No Error
    115   <input type="radio" name="error" value="1"> Bad Password
    116   <input type="radio" name="error" value="3"> Lost Connection
    117   <input type="radio" name="error" value="4"> Captcha
    118 </p>
    119 </form>
    120 </div>
    121 </div>
    122 </body>
    123 </html>