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      4 <head>
      5   <link rel="stylesheet" href="llvm.css" type="text/css">
      6   <title>LLVM Coding Standards</title>
      7 </head>
      8 <body>
     10 <h1>
     11   LLVM Coding Standards
     12 </h1>
     14 <ol>
     15   <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
     16   <li><a href="#mechanicalissues">Mechanical Source Issues</a>
     17     <ol>
     18       <li><a href="#sourceformating">Source Code Formatting</a>
     19         <ol>
     20           <li><a href="#scf_commenting">Commenting</a></li>
     21           <li><a href="#scf_commentformat">Comment Formatting</a></li>
     22           <li><a href="#scf_includes"><tt>#include</tt> Style</a></li>
     23           <li><a href="#scf_codewidth">Source Code Width</a></li>
     24           <li><a href="#scf_spacestabs">Use Spaces Instead of Tabs</a></li>
     25           <li><a href="#scf_indentation">Indent Code Consistently</a></li>
     26         </ol></li>
     27       <li><a href="#compilerissues">Compiler Issues</a>
     28         <ol>
     29           <li><a href="#ci_warningerrors">Treat Compiler Warnings Like
     30               Errors</a></li>
     31           <li><a href="#ci_portable_code">Write Portable Code</a></li>
     32           <li><a href="#ci_rtti_exceptions">Do not use RTTI or Exceptions</a></li>
     33           <li><a href="#ci_class_struct">Use of <tt>class</tt>/<tt>struct</tt> Keywords</a></li>
     34         </ol></li>
     35     </ol></li>
     36   <li><a href="#styleissues">Style Issues</a>
     37     <ol>
     38       <li><a href="#macro">The High-Level Issues</a>
     39         <ol>
     40           <li><a href="#hl_module">A Public Header File <b>is</b> a
     41               Module</a></li>
     42           <li><a href="#hl_dontinclude"><tt>#include</tt> as Little as Possible</a></li>
     43           <li><a href="#hl_privateheaders">Keep "internal" Headers
     44               Private</a></li>
     45           <li><a href="#hl_earlyexit">Use Early Exits and <tt>continue</tt> to Simplify
     46               Code</a></li>
     47           <li><a href="#hl_else_after_return">Don't use <tt>else</tt> after a
     48               <tt>return</tt></a></li>
     49           <li><a href="#hl_predicateloops">Turn Predicate Loops into Predicate
     50               Functions</a></li>
     51         </ol></li>
     52       <li><a href="#micro">The Low-Level Issues</a>
     53         <ol>
     54           <li><a href="#ll_naming">Name Types, Functions, Variables, and Enumerators Properly</a></li>
     55           <li><a href="#ll_assert">Assert Liberally</a></li>
     56           <li><a href="#ll_ns_std">Do not use '<tt>using namespace std</tt>'</a></li>
     57           <li><a href="#ll_virtual_anch">Provide a virtual method anchor for
     58               classes in headers</a></li>
     59           <li><a href="#ll_end">Don't evaluate <tt>end()</tt> every time through a
     60               loop</a></li>
     61           <li><a href="#ll_iostream"><tt>#include &lt;iostream&gt;</tt> is
     62               <em>forbidden</em></a></li>
     63           <li><a href="#ll_raw_ostream">Use <tt>raw_ostream</tt></a></li>
     64           <li><a href="#ll_avoidendl">Avoid <tt>std::endl</tt></a></li>
     65         </ol></li>
     67       <li><a href="#nano">Microscopic Details</a>
     68         <ol>
     69           <li><a href="#micro_spaceparen">Spaces Before Parentheses</a></li>
     70           <li><a href="#micro_preincrement">Prefer Preincrement</a></li>
     71           <li><a href="#micro_namespaceindent">Namespace Indentation</a></li>
     72           <li><a href="#micro_anonns">Anonymous Namespaces</a></li>
     73         </ol></li>
     76     </ol></li>
     77   <li><a href="#seealso">See Also</a></li>
     78 </ol>
     80 <div class="doc_author">
     81   <p>Written by <a href="mailto:sabre (a] nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a></p>
     82 </div>
     85 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
     86 <h2>
     87   <a name="introduction">Introduction</a>
     88 </h2>
     89 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
     91 <div>
     93 <p>This document attempts to describe a few coding standards that are being used
     94 in the LLVM source tree.  Although no coding standards should be regarded as
     95 absolute requirements to be followed in all instances, coding standards can be
     96 useful.</p>
     98 <p>This document intentionally does not prescribe fixed standards for religious
     99 issues such as brace placement and space usage.  For issues like this, follow
    100 the golden rule:</p>
    102 <blockquote>
    104 <p><b><a name="goldenrule">If you are adding a significant body of source to a
    105 project, feel free to use whatever style you are most comfortable with.  If you
    106 are extending, enhancing, or bug fixing already implemented code, use the style
    107 that is already being used so that the source is uniform and easy to
    108 follow.</a></b></p>
    110 </blockquote>
    112 <p>The ultimate goal of these guidelines is the increase readability and
    113 maintainability of our common source base. If you have suggestions for topics to
    114 be included, please mail them to <a
    115 href="mailto:sabre (a] nondot.org">Chris</a>.</p>
    117 </div>
    119 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    120 <h2>
    121   <a name="mechanicalissues">Mechanical Source Issues</a>
    122 </h2>
    123 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    125 <div>
    127 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    128 <h3>
    129   <a name="sourceformating">Source Code Formatting</a>
    130 </h3>
    132 <div>
    134 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    135 <h4>
    136   <a name="scf_commenting">Commenting</a>
    137 </h4>
    139 <div>
    141 <p>Comments are one critical part of readability and maintainability.  Everyone
    142 knows they should comment, so should you.  When writing comments, write them as
    143 English prose, which means they should use proper capitalization, punctuation,
    144 etc.  Although we all should probably
    145 comment our code more than we do, there are a few very critical places that
    146 documentation is very useful:</p>
    148 <h5>File Headers</h5>
    150 <div>
    152 <p>Every source file should have a header on it that describes the basic 
    153 purpose of the file.  If a file does not have a header, it should not be 
    154 checked into Subversion.  Most source trees will probably have a standard
    155 file header format.  The standard format for the LLVM source tree looks like
    156 this:</p>
    158 <div class="doc_code">
    159 <pre>
    160 //===-- llvm/Instruction.h - Instruction class definition -------*- C++ -*-===//
    161 //
    162 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
    163 //
    164 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
    165 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
    166 //
    167 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    168 //
    169 // This file contains the declaration of the Instruction class, which is the
    170 // base class for all of the VM instructions.
    171 //
    172 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    173 </pre>
    174 </div>
    176 <p>A few things to note about this particular format:  The "<tt>-*- C++
    177 -*-</tt>" string on the first line is there to tell Emacs that the source file
    178 is a C++ file, not a C file (Emacs assumes <tt>.h</tt> files are C files by default).
    179 Note that this tag is not necessary in <tt>.cpp</tt> files.  The name of the file is also
    180 on the first line, along with a very short description of the purpose of the
    181 file.  This is important when printing out code and flipping though lots of
    182 pages.</p>
    184 <p>The next section in the file is a concise note that defines the license
    185 that the file is released under.  This makes it perfectly clear what terms the
    186 source code can be distributed under and should not be modified in any way.</p>
    188 <p>The main body of the description does not have to be very long in most cases.
    189 Here it's only two lines.  If an algorithm is being implemented or something
    190 tricky is going on, a reference to the paper where it is published should be
    191 included, as well as any notes or "gotchas" in the code to watch out for.</p>
    193 </div>
    195 <h5>Class overviews</h5>
    197 <p>Classes are one fundamental part of a good object oriented design.  As such,
    198 a class definition should have a comment block that explains what the class is
    199 used for... if it's not obvious.  If it's so completely obvious your grandma
    200 could figure it out, it's probably safe to leave it out.  Naming classes
    201 something sane goes a long ways towards avoiding writing documentation.</p>
    204 <h5>Method information</h5>
    206 <div>
    208 <p>Methods defined in a class (as well as any global functions) should also be
    209 documented properly.  A quick note about what it does and a description of the
    210 borderline behaviour is all that is necessary here (unless something
    211 particularly tricky or insidious is going on).  The hope is that people can
    212 figure out how to use your interfaces without reading the code itself... that is
    213 the goal metric.</p>
    215 <p>Good things to talk about here are what happens when something unexpected
    216 happens: does the method return null?  Abort?  Format your hard disk?</p>
    218 </div>
    220 </div>
    222 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    223 <h4>
    224   <a name="scf_commentformat">Comment Formatting</a>
    225 </h4>
    227 <div>
    229 <p>In general, prefer C++ style (<tt>//</tt>) comments.  They take less space,
    230 require less typing, don't have nesting problems, etc.  There are a few cases
    231 when it is useful to use C style (<tt>/* */</tt>) comments however:</p>
    233 <ol>
    234   <li>When writing C code: Obviously if you are writing C code, use C style
    235       comments.</li>
    236   <li>When writing a header file that may be <tt>#include</tt>d by a C source
    237       file.</li>
    238   <li>When writing a source file that is used by a tool that only accepts C
    239       style comments.</li>
    240 </ol>
    242 <p>To comment out a large block of code, use <tt>#if 0</tt> and <tt>#endif</tt>.
    243 These nest properly and are better behaved in general than C style comments.</p>
    245 </div>
    247 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    248 <h4>
    249   <a name="scf_includes"><tt>#include</tt> Style</a>
    250 </h4>
    252 <div>
    254 <p>Immediately after the <a href="#scf_commenting">header file comment</a> (and
    255 include guards if working on a header file), the <a
    256 href="#hl_dontinclude">minimal</a> list of <tt>#include</tt>s required by the
    257 file should be listed.  We prefer these <tt>#include</tt>s to be listed in this
    258 order:</p>
    260 <ol>
    261   <li><a href="#mmheader">Main Module Header</a></li>
    262   <li><a href="#hl_privateheaders">Local/Private Headers</a></li>
    263   <li><tt>llvm/*</tt></li>
    264   <li><tt>llvm/Analysis/*</tt></li>
    265   <li><tt>llvm/Assembly/*</tt></li>
    266   <li><tt>llvm/Bitcode/*</tt></li>
    267   <li><tt>llvm/CodeGen/*</tt></li>
    268   <li>...</li>
    269   <li><tt>Support/*</tt></li>
    270   <li><tt>Config/*</tt></li>
    271   <li>System <tt>#includes</tt></li>
    272 </ol>
    274 <p>and each category should be sorted by name.</p>
    276 <p><a name="mmheader">The "Main Module Header"</a> file applies to <tt>.cpp</tt> files
    277 which implement an interface defined by a <tt>.h</tt> file.  This <tt>#include</tt>
    278 should always be included <b>first</b> regardless of where it lives on the file
    279 system.  By including a header file first in the <tt>.cpp</tt> files that implement the
    280 interfaces, we ensure that the header does not have any hidden dependencies
    281 which are not explicitly #included in the header, but should be.  It is also a
    282 form of documentation in the <tt>.cpp</tt> file to indicate where the interfaces it
    283 implements are defined.</p>
    285 </div>
    287 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    288 <h4>
    289   <a name="scf_codewidth">Source Code Width</a>
    290 </h4>
    292 <div>
    294 <p>Write your code to fit within 80 columns of text.  This helps those of us who
    295 like to print out code and look at your code in an xterm without resizing
    296 it.</p>
    298 <p>The longer answer is that there must be some limit to the width of the code
    299 in order to reasonably allow developers to have multiple files side-by-side in
    300 windows on a modest display.  If you are going to pick a width limit, it is
    301 somewhat arbitrary but you might as well pick something standard.  Going with
    302 90 columns (for example) instead of 80 columns wouldn't add any significant 
    303 value and would be detrimental to printing out code.  Also many other projects
    304 have standardized on 80 columns, so some people have already configured their
    305 editors for it (vs something else, like 90 columns).</p>
    307 <p>This is one of many contentious issues in coding standards, but it is not up
    308 for debate.</p>
    310 </div>
    312 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    313 <h4>
    314   <a name="scf_spacestabs">Use Spaces Instead of Tabs</a>
    315 </h4>
    317 <div>
    319 <p>In all cases, prefer spaces to tabs in source files.  People have different
    320 preferred indentation levels, and different styles of indentation that they
    321 like; this is fine.  What isn't fine is that different editors/viewers expand
    322 tabs out to different tab stops.  This can cause your code to look completely
    323 unreadable, and it is not worth dealing with.</p>
    325 <p>As always, follow the <a href="#goldenrule">Golden Rule</a> above: follow the
    326 style of existing code if you are modifying and extending it.  If you like four
    327 spaces of indentation, <b>DO NOT</b> do that in the middle of a chunk of code
    328 with two spaces of indentation.  Also, do not reindent a whole source file: it
    329 makes for incredible diffs that are absolutely worthless.</p>
    331 </div>
    333 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    334 <h4>
    335   <a name="scf_indentation">Indent Code Consistently</a>
    336 </h4>
    338 <div>
    340 <p>Okay, in your first year of programming you were told that indentation is
    341 important.  If you didn't believe and internalize this then, now is the time.
    342 Just do it.</p>
    344 </div>
    346 </div>
    348 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    349 <h3>
    350   <a name="compilerissues">Compiler Issues</a>
    351 </h3>
    353 <div>
    355 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    356 <h4>
    357   <a name="ci_warningerrors">Treat Compiler Warnings Like Errors</a>
    358 </h4>
    360 <div>
    362 <p>If your code has compiler warnings in it, something is wrong &mdash; you
    363 aren't casting values correctly, your have "questionable" constructs in your
    364 code, or you are doing something legitimately wrong.  Compiler warnings can
    365 cover up legitimate errors in output and make dealing with a translation unit
    366 difficult.</p>
    368 <p>It is not possible to prevent all warnings from all compilers, nor is it
    369 desirable.  Instead, pick a standard compiler (like <tt>gcc</tt>) that provides
    370 a good thorough set of warnings, and stick to it.  At least in the case of
    371 <tt>gcc</tt>, it is possible to work around any spurious errors by changing the
    372 syntax of the code slightly.  For example, a warning that annoys me occurs when
    373 I write code like this:</p>
    375 <div class="doc_code">
    376 <pre>
    377 if (V = getValue()) {
    378   ...
    379 }
    380 </pre>
    381 </div>
    383 <p><tt>gcc</tt> will warn me that I probably want to use the <tt>==</tt>
    384 operator, and that I probably mistyped it.  In most cases, I haven't, and I
    385 really don't want the spurious errors.  To fix this particular problem, I
    386 rewrite the code like this:</p>
    388 <div class="doc_code">
    389 <pre>
    390 if ((V = getValue())) {
    391   ...
    392 }
    393 </pre>
    394 </div>
    396 <p>which shuts <tt>gcc</tt> up.  Any <tt>gcc</tt> warning that annoys you can
    397 be fixed by massaging the code appropriately.</p>
    399 <p>These are the <tt>gcc</tt> warnings that I prefer to enable:</p>
    401 <div class="doc_code">
    402 <pre>
    403 -Wall -Winline -W -Wwrite-strings -Wno-unused
    404 </pre>
    405 </div>
    407 </div>
    409 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    410 <h4>
    411   <a name="ci_portable_code">Write Portable Code</a>
    412 </h4>
    414 <div>
    416 <p>In almost all cases, it is possible and within reason to write completely
    417 portable code.  If there are cases where it isn't possible to write portable
    418 code, isolate it behind a well defined (and well documented) interface.</p>
    420 <p>In practice, this means that you shouldn't assume much about the host
    421 compiler, and Visual Studio tends to be the lowest common denominator.
    422 If advanced features are used, they should only be an implementation detail of 
    423 a library which has a simple exposed API, and preferably be buried in 
    424 libSystem.</p>
    426 </div>
    428 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    429 <h4>
    430 <a name="ci_rtti_exceptions">Do not use RTTI or Exceptions</a>
    431 </h4>
    432 <div>
    434 <p>In an effort to reduce code and executable size, LLVM does not use RTTI
    435 (e.g. <tt>dynamic_cast&lt;&gt;</tt>) or exceptions.  These two language features
    436 violate the general C++ principle of <i>"you only pay for what you use"</i>,
    437 causing executable bloat even if exceptions are never used in the code base, or
    438 if RTTI is never used for a class.  Because of this, we turn them off globally
    439 in the code.</p>
    441 <p>That said, LLVM does make extensive use of a hand-rolled form of RTTI that
    442 use templates like <a href="ProgrammersManual.html#isa"><tt>isa&lt;&gt;</tt>,
    443 <tt>cast&lt;&gt;</tt>, and <tt>dyn_cast&lt;&gt;</tt></a>.  This form of RTTI is
    444 opt-in and can be added to any class.  It is also substantially more efficient
    445 than <tt>dynamic_cast&lt;&gt;</tt>.</p>
    447 </div>
    449 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    450 <h4>
    451 <a name="ci_class_struct">Use of <tt>class</tt> and <tt>struct</tt> Keywords</a>
    452 </h4>
    453 <div>
    455 <p>In C++, the <tt>class</tt> and <tt>struct</tt> keywords can be used almost
    456 interchangeably. The only difference is when they are used to declare a class:
    457 <tt>class</tt> makes all members private by default while <tt>struct</tt> makes
    458 all members public by default.</p>
    460 <p>Unfortunately, not all compilers follow the rules and some will generate
    461 different symbols based on whether <tt>class</tt> or <tt>struct</tt> was used to
    462 declare the symbol.  This can lead to problems at link time.</p> 
    464 <p>So, the rule for LLVM is to always use the <tt>class</tt> keyword, unless
    465 <b>all</b> members are public and the type is a C++
    466 <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_old_data_structure">POD</a> type, in
    467 which case <tt>struct</tt> is allowed.</p>
    469 </div>
    471 </div>
    473 </div>
    475 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    476 <h2>
    477   <a name="styleissues">Style Issues</a>
    478 </h2>
    479 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
    481 <div>
    483 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    484 <h3>
    485   <a name="macro">The High-Level Issues</a>
    486 </h3>
    487 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    489 <div>
    491 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    492 <h4>
    493   <a name="hl_module">A Public Header File <b>is</b> a Module</a>
    494 </h4>
    496 <div>
    498 <p>C++ doesn't do too well in the modularity department.  There is no real
    499 encapsulation or data hiding (unless you use expensive protocol classes), but it
    500 is what we have to work with.  When you write a public header file (in the LLVM
    501 source tree, they live in the top level "<tt>include</tt>" directory), you are
    502 defining a module of functionality.</p>
    504 <p>Ideally, modules should be completely independent of each other, and their
    505 header files should only <tt>#include</tt> the absolute minimum number of
    506 headers possible. A module is not just a class, a function, or a
    507 namespace: <a href="http://www.cuj.com/articles/2000/0002/0002c/0002c.htm">it's
    508 a collection of these</a> that defines an interface.  This interface may be
    509 several functions, classes, or data structures, but the important issue is how
    510 they work together.</p>
    512 <p>In general, a module should be implemented by one or more <tt>.cpp</tt>
    513 files.  Each of these <tt>.cpp</tt> files should include the header that defines
    514 their interface first.  This ensures that all of the dependences of the module
    515 header have been properly added to the module header itself, and are not
    516 implicit.  System headers should be included after user headers for a
    517 translation unit.</p>
    519 </div>
    521 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    522 <h4>
    523   <a name="hl_dontinclude"><tt>#include</tt> as Little as Possible</a>
    524 </h4>
    526 <div>
    528 <p><tt>#include</tt> hurts compile time performance.  Don't do it unless you
    529 have to, especially in header files.</p>
    531 <p>But wait! Sometimes you need to have the definition of a class to use it, or
    532 to inherit from it.  In these cases go ahead and <tt>#include</tt> that header
    533 file.  Be aware however that there are many cases where you don't need to have
    534 the full definition of a class.  If you are using a pointer or reference to a
    535 class, you don't need the header file.  If you are simply returning a class
    536 instance from a prototyped function or method, you don't need it.  In fact, for
    537 most cases, you simply don't need the definition of a class. And not
    538 <tt>#include</tt>'ing speeds up compilation.</p>
    540 <p>It is easy to try to go too overboard on this recommendation, however.  You
    541 <b>must</b> include all of the header files that you are using &mdash; you can
    542 include them either directly or indirectly (through another header file).  To
    543 make sure that you don't accidentally forget to include a header file in your
    544 module header, make sure to include your module header <b>first</b> in the
    545 implementation file (as mentioned above).  This way there won't be any hidden
    546 dependencies that you'll find out about later.</p>
    548 </div>
    550 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    551 <h4>
    552   <a name="hl_privateheaders">Keep "Internal" Headers Private</a>
    553 </h4>
    555 <div>
    557 <p>Many modules have a complex implementation that causes them to use more than
    558 one implementation (<tt>.cpp</tt>) file.  It is often tempting to put the
    559 internal communication interface (helper classes, extra functions, etc) in the
    560 public module header file.  Don't do this!</p>
    562 <p>If you really need to do something like this, put a private header file in
    563 the same directory as the source files, and include it locally.  This ensures
    564 that your private interface remains private and undisturbed by outsiders.</p>
    566 <p>Note however, that it's okay to put extra implementation methods in a public
    567 class itself. Just make them private (or protected) and all is well.</p>
    569 </div>
    571 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    572 <h4>
    573   <a name="hl_earlyexit">Use Early Exits and <tt>continue</tt> to Simplify Code</a>
    574 </h4>
    576 <div>
    578 <p>When reading code, keep in mind how much state and how many previous
    579 decisions have to be remembered by the reader to understand a block of code.
    580 Aim to reduce indentation where possible when it doesn't make it more difficult
    581 to understand the code.  One great way to do this is by making use of early
    582 exits and the <tt>continue</tt> keyword in long loops.  As an example of using
    583 an early exit from a function, consider this "bad" code:</p>
    585 <div class="doc_code">
    586 <pre>
    587 Value *DoSomething(Instruction *I) {
    588   if (!isa&lt;TerminatorInst&gt;(I) &amp;&amp;
    589       I-&gt;hasOneUse() &amp;&amp; SomeOtherThing(I)) {
    590     ... some long code ....
    591   }
    593   return 0;
    594 }
    595 </pre>
    596 </div>
    598 <p>This code has several problems if the body of the '<tt>if</tt>' is large.
    599 When you're looking at the top of the function, it isn't immediately clear that
    600 this <em>only</em> does interesting things with non-terminator instructions, and
    601 only applies to things with the other predicates.  Second, it is relatively
    602 difficult to describe (in comments) why these predicates are important because
    603 the <tt>if</tt> statement makes it difficult to lay out the comments.  Third,
    604 when you're deep within the body of the code, it is indented an extra level.
    605 Finally, when reading the top of the function, it isn't clear what the result is
    606 if the predicate isn't true; you have to read to the end of the function to know
    607 that it returns null.</p>
    609 <p>It is much preferred to format the code like this:</p>
    611 <div class="doc_code">
    612 <pre>
    613 Value *DoSomething(Instruction *I) {
    614   // Terminators never need 'something' done to them because ... 
    615   if (isa&lt;TerminatorInst&gt;(I))
    616     return 0;
    618   // We conservatively avoid transforming instructions with multiple uses
    619   // because goats like cheese.
    620   if (!I-&gt;hasOneUse())
    621     return 0;
    623   // This is really just here for example.
    624   if (!SomeOtherThing(I))
    625     return 0;
    627   ... some long code ....
    628 }
    629 </pre>
    630 </div>
    632 <p>This fixes these problems.  A similar problem frequently happens in <tt>for</tt>
    633 loops.  A silly example is something like this:</p>
    635 <div class="doc_code">
    636 <pre>
    637   for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB-&gt;begin(), E = BB-&gt;end(); II != E; ++II) {
    638     if (BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast&lt;BinaryOperator&gt;(II)) {
    639       Value *LHS = BO-&gt;getOperand(0);
    640       Value *RHS = BO-&gt;getOperand(1);
    641       if (LHS != RHS) {
    642         ...
    643       }
    644     }
    645   }
    646 </pre>
    647 </div>
    649 <p>When you have very, very small loops, this sort of structure is fine. But if
    650 it exceeds more than 10-15 lines, it becomes difficult for people to read and
    651 understand at a glance. The problem with this sort of code is that it gets very
    652 nested very quickly. Meaning that the reader of the code has to keep a lot of
    653 context in their brain to remember what is going immediately on in the loop,
    654 because they don't know if/when the <tt>if</tt> conditions will have elses etc.
    655 It is strongly preferred to structure the loop like this:</p>
    657 <div class="doc_code">
    658 <pre>
    659   for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BB-&gt;begin(), E = BB-&gt;end(); II != E; ++II) {
    660     BinaryOperator *BO = dyn_cast&lt;BinaryOperator&gt;(II);
    661     if (!BO) continue;
    663     Value *LHS = BO-&gt;getOperand(0);
    664     Value *RHS = BO-&gt;getOperand(1);
    665     if (LHS == RHS) continue;
    667     ...
    668   }
    669 </pre>
    670 </div>
    672 <p>This has all the benefits of using early exits for functions: it reduces
    673 nesting of the loop, it makes it easier to describe why the conditions are true,
    674 and it makes it obvious to the reader that there is no <tt>else</tt> coming up
    675 that they have to push context into their brain for.  If a loop is large, this
    676 can be a big understandability win.</p>
    678 </div>
    680 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    681 <h4>
    682   <a name="hl_else_after_return">Don't use <tt>else</tt> after a <tt>return</tt></a>
    683 </h4>
    685 <div>
    687 <p>For similar reasons above (reduction of indentation and easier reading),
    688 please do not use '<tt>else</tt>' or '<tt>else if</tt>' after something that
    689 interrupts control flow &mdash; like <tt>return</tt>, <tt>break</tt>,
    690 <tt>continue</tt>, <tt>goto</tt>, etc. For example, this is <em>bad</em>:</p>
    692 <div class="doc_code">
    693 <pre>
    694   case 'J': {
    695     if (Signed) {
    696       Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
    697       if (Type.isNull()) {
    698         Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf;
    699         return QualType();
    700       <b>} else {
    701         break;
    702       }</b>
    703     } else {
    704       Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
    705       if (Type.isNull()) {
    706         Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
    707         return QualType();
    708       <b>} else {
    709         break;
    710       }</b>
    711     }
    712   }
    713   }
    714 </pre>
    715 </div>
    717 <p>It is better to write it like this:</p>
    719 <div class="doc_code">
    720 <pre>
    721   case 'J':
    722     if (Signed) {
    723       Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
    724       if (Type.isNull()) {
    725         Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf;
    726         return QualType();
    727       }
    728     } else {
    729       Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
    730       if (Type.isNull()) {
    731         Error = ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
    732         return QualType();
    733       }
    734     }
    735     <b>break;</b>
    736 </pre>
    737 </div>
    739 <p>Or better yet (in this case) as:</p>
    741 <div class="doc_code">
    742 <pre>
    743   case 'J':
    744     if (Signed)
    745       Type = Context.getsigjmp_bufType();
    746     else
    747       Type = Context.getjmp_bufType();
    749     if (Type.isNull()) {
    750       Error = Signed ? ASTContext::GE_Missing_sigjmp_buf :
    751                        ASTContext::GE_Missing_jmp_buf;
    752       return QualType();
    753     }
    754     <b>break;</b>
    755 </pre>
    756 </div>
    758 <p>The idea is to reduce indentation and the amount of code you have to keep
    759 track of when reading the code.</p>
    761 </div>
    763 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    764 <h4>
    765   <a name="hl_predicateloops">Turn Predicate Loops into Predicate Functions</a>
    766 </h4>
    768 <div>
    770 <p>It is very common to write small loops that just compute a boolean value.
    771 There are a number of ways that people commonly write these, but an example of
    772 this sort of thing is:</p>
    774 <div class="doc_code">
    775 <pre>
    776   <b>bool FoundFoo = false;</b>
    777   for (unsigned i = 0, e = BarList.size(); i != e; ++i)
    778     if (BarList[i]-&gt;isFoo()) {
    779       <b>FoundFoo = true;</b>
    780       break;
    781     }
    783   <b>if (FoundFoo) {</b>
    784     ...
    785   }
    786 </pre>
    787 </div>
    789 <p>This sort of code is awkward to write, and is almost always a bad sign.
    790 Instead of this sort of loop, we strongly prefer to use a predicate function
    791 (which may be <a href="#micro_anonns">static</a>) that uses
    792 <a href="#hl_earlyexit">early exits</a> to compute the predicate.  We prefer
    793 the code to be structured like this:</p>
    795 <div class="doc_code">
    796 <pre>
    797 /// ListContainsFoo - Return true if the specified list has an element that is
    798 /// a foo.
    799 static bool ListContainsFoo(const std::vector&lt;Bar*&gt; &amp;List) {
    800   for (unsigned i = 0, e = List.size(); i != e; ++i)
    801     if (List[i]-&gt;isFoo())
    802       return true;
    803   return false;
    804 }
    805 ...
    807   <b>if (ListContainsFoo(BarList)) {</b>
    808     ...
    809   }
    810 </pre>
    811 </div>
    813 <p>There are many reasons for doing this: it reduces indentation and factors out
    814 code which can often be shared by other code that checks for the same predicate.
    815 More importantly, it <em>forces you to pick a name</em> for the function, and
    816 forces you to write a comment for it.  In this silly example, this doesn't add
    817 much value.  However, if the condition is complex, this can make it a lot easier
    818 for the reader to understand the code that queries for this predicate.  Instead
    819 of being faced with the in-line details of how we check to see if the BarList
    820 contains a foo, we can trust the function name and continue reading with better
    821 locality.</p>
    823 </div>
    825 </div>
    827 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    828 <h3>
    829   <a name="micro">The Low-Level Issues</a>
    830 </h3>
    831 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
    833 <div>
    835 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    836 <h4>
    837   <a name="ll_naming">
    838     Name Types, Functions, Variables, and Enumerators Properly
    839   </a>
    840 </h4>
    842 <div>
    844 <p>Poorly-chosen names can mislead the reader and cause bugs. We cannot stress
    845 enough how important it is to use <em>descriptive</em> names.  Pick names that
    846 match the semantics and role of the underlying entities, within reason.  Avoid
    847 abbreviations unless they are well known.  After picking a good name, make sure
    848 to use consistent capitalization for the name, as inconsistency requires clients
    849 to either memorize the APIs or to look it up to find the exact spelling.</p>
    851 <p>In general, names should be in camel case (e.g. <tt>TextFileReader</tt>
    852 and <tt>isLValue()</tt>).  Different kinds of declarations have different
    853 rules:</p>
    855 <ul>
    856 <li><p><b>Type names</b> (including classes, structs, enums, typedefs, etc)
    857   should be nouns and start with an upper-case letter (e.g.
    858   <tt>TextFileReader</tt>).</p></li>
    860 <li><p><b>Function names</b> should be verb phrases (as they represent
    861     actions), and command-like function should be imperative.  The name should
    862     be camel case, and start with a lower case letter (e.g. <tt>openFile()</tt>
    863     or <tt>isFoo()</tt>).</p></li>
    865 <li><p><b>Enum declarations</b> (e.g. <tt>enum Foo {...}</tt>) are types, so
    866     they should follow the naming conventions for types.  A common use for enums
    867     is as a discriminator for a union, or an indicator of a subclass.  When an
    868     enum is used for something like this, it should have a <tt>Kind</tt> suffix
    869     (e.g. <tt>ValueKind</tt>).</p></li>
    871 <li><p><b>Enumerators</b> (e.g. <tt>enum { Foo, Bar }</tt>) and <b>public member
    872     variables</b> should start with an upper-case letter, just like types.
    873     Unless the enumerators are defined in their own small namespace or inside a
    874     class, enumerators should have a prefix corresponding to the enum
    875     declaration name.  For example, <tt>enum ValueKind { ... };</tt> may contain
    876     enumerators like <tt>VK_Argument</tt>, <tt>VK_BasicBlock</tt>, etc.
    877     Enumerators that are just convenience constants are exempt from the
    878     requirement for a prefix.  For instance:</p>
    880 <div class="doc_code">
    881 <pre>
    882 enum {
    883   MaxSize = 42,
    884   Density = 12
    885 };
    886 </pre>
    887 </div>
    888 </li>
    890 </ul>
    892 <p>As an exception, classes that mimic STL classes can have member names in
    893 STL's style of lower-case words separated by underscores (e.g. <tt>begin()</tt>,
    894 <tt>push_back()</tt>, and <tt>empty()</tt>).</p>
    896 <p>Here are some examples of good and bad names:</p>
    898 <div class="doc_code">
    899 <pre>
    900 class VehicleMaker {
    901   ...
    902   Factory&lt;Tire&gt; F;            // Bad -- abbreviation and non-descriptive.
    903   Factory&lt;Tire&gt; Factory;      // Better.
    904   Factory&lt;Tire&gt; TireFactory;  // Even better -- if VehicleMaker has more than one
    905                               // kind of factories.
    906 };
    908 Vehicle MakeVehicle(VehicleType Type) {
    909   VehicleMaker M;                         // Might be OK if having a short life-span.
    910   Tire tmp1 = M.makeTire();               // Bad -- 'tmp1' provides no information.
    911   Light headlight = M.makeLight("head");  // Good -- descriptive.
    912   ...
    913 }
    914 </pre>
    915 </div>
    917 </div>
    920 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
    921 <h4>
    922   <a name="ll_assert">Assert Liberally</a>
    923 </h4>
    925 <div>
    927 <p>Use the "<tt>assert</tt>" macro to its fullest.  Check all of your
    928 preconditions and assumptions, you never know when a bug (not necessarily even
    929 yours) might be caught early by an assertion, which reduces debugging time
    930 dramatically.  The "<tt>&lt;cassert&gt;</tt>" header file is probably already
    931 included by the header files you are using, so it doesn't cost anything to use
    932 it.</p>
    934 <p>To further assist with debugging, make sure to put some kind of error message
    935 in the assertion statement, which is printed if the assertion is tripped. This
    936 helps the poor debugger make sense of why an assertion is being made and
    937 enforced, and hopefully what to do about it.  Here is one complete example:</p>
    939 <div class="doc_code">
    940 <pre>
    941 inline Value *getOperand(unsigned i) { 
    942   assert(i &lt; Operands.size() &amp;&amp; "getOperand() out of range!");
    943   return Operands[i]; 
    944 }
    945 </pre>
    946 </div>
    948 <p>Here are more examples:</p>
    950 <div class="doc_code">
    951 <pre>
    952 assert(Ty-&gt;isPointerType() &amp;&amp; "Can't allocate a non pointer type!");
    954 assert((Opcode == Shl || Opcode == Shr) &amp;&amp; "ShiftInst Opcode invalid!");
    956 assert(idx &lt; getNumSuccessors() &amp;&amp; "Successor # out of range!");
    958 assert(V1.getType() == V2.getType() &amp;&amp; "Constant types must be identical!");
    960 assert(isa&lt;PHINode&gt;(Succ-&gt;front()) &amp;&amp; "Only works on PHId BBs!");
    961 </pre>
    962 </div>
    964 <p>You get the idea.</p>
    966 <p>Please be aware that, when adding assert statements, not all compilers are aware of
    967 the semantics of the assert.  In some places, asserts are used to indicate a piece of
    968 code that should not be reached.  These are typically of the form:</p>
    970 <div class="doc_code">
    971 <pre>
    972 assert(0 &amp;&amp; "Some helpful error message");
    973 </pre>
    974 </div>
    976 <p>When used in a function that returns a value, they should be followed with a return
    977 statement and a comment indicating that this line is never reached.  This will prevent
    978 a compiler which is unable to deduce that the assert statement never returns from
    979 generating a warning.</p>
    981 <div class="doc_code">
    982 <pre>
    983 assert(0 &amp;&amp; "Some helpful error message");
    984 // Not reached
    985 return 0;
    986 </pre>
    987 </div>
    989 <p>Another issue is that values used only by assertions will produce an "unused
    990 value" warning when assertions are disabled.  For example, this code will
    991 warn:</p>
    993 <div class="doc_code">
    994 <pre>
    995 unsigned Size = V.size();
    996 assert(Size &gt; 42 &amp;&amp; "Vector smaller than it should be");
    998 bool NewToSet = Myset.insert(Value);
    999 assert(NewToSet &amp;&amp; "The value shouldn't be in the set yet");
   1000 </pre>
   1001 </div>
   1003 <p>These are two interesting different cases. In the first case, the call to
   1004 V.size() is only useful for the assert, and we don't want it executed when
   1005 assertions are disabled.  Code like this should move the call into the assert
   1006 itself.  In the second case, the side effects of the call must happen whether
   1007 the assert is enabled or not.  In this case, the value should be cast to void to
   1008 disable the warning.  To be specific, it is preferred to write the code like
   1009 this:</p>
   1011 <div class="doc_code">
   1012 <pre>
   1013 assert(V.size() &gt; 42 &amp;&amp; "Vector smaller than it should be");
   1015 bool NewToSet = Myset.insert(Value); (void)NewToSet;
   1016 assert(NewToSet &amp;&amp; "The value shouldn't be in the set yet");
   1017 </pre>
   1018 </div>
   1021 </div>
   1023 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1024 <h4>
   1025   <a name="ll_ns_std">Do Not Use '<tt>using namespace std</tt>'</a>
   1026 </h4>
   1028 <div>
   1030 <p>In LLVM, we prefer to explicitly prefix all identifiers from the standard
   1031 namespace with an "<tt>std::</tt>" prefix, rather than rely on
   1032 "<tt>using namespace std;</tt>".</p>
   1034 <p> In header files, adding a '<tt>using namespace XXX</tt>' directive pollutes
   1035 the namespace of any source file that <tt>#include</tt>s the header.  This is
   1036 clearly a bad thing.</p>
   1038 <p>In implementation files (e.g. <tt>.cpp</tt> files), the rule is more of a stylistic
   1039 rule, but is still important.  Basically, using explicit namespace prefixes
   1040 makes the code <b>clearer</b>, because it is immediately obvious what facilities
   1041 are being used and where they are coming from. And <b>more portable</b>, because
   1042 namespace clashes cannot occur between LLVM code and other namespaces.  The
   1043 portability rule is important because different standard library implementations
   1044 expose different symbols (potentially ones they shouldn't), and future revisions
   1045 to the C++ standard will add more symbols to the <tt>std</tt> namespace.  As
   1046 such, we never use '<tt>using namespace std;</tt>' in LLVM.</p>
   1048 <p>The exception to the general rule (i.e. it's not an exception for
   1049 the <tt>std</tt> namespace) is for implementation files.  For example, all of
   1050 the code in the LLVM project implements code that lives in the 'llvm' namespace.
   1051 As such, it is ok, and actually clearer, for the <tt>.cpp</tt> files to have a
   1052 '<tt>using namespace llvm;</tt>' directive at the top, after the
   1053 <tt>#include</tt>s.  This reduces indentation in the body of the file for source
   1054 editors that indent based on braces, and keeps the conceptual context cleaner.
   1055 The general form of this rule is that any <tt>.cpp</tt> file that implements
   1056 code in any namespace may use that namespace (and its parents'), but should not
   1057 use any others.</p>
   1059 </div>
   1061 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1062 <h4>
   1063   <a name="ll_virtual_anch">
   1064     Provide a Virtual Method Anchor for Classes in Headers
   1065   </a>
   1066 </h4>
   1068 <div>
   1070 <p>If a class is defined in a header file and has a v-table (either it has 
   1071 virtual methods or it derives from classes with virtual methods), it must 
   1072 always have at least one out-of-line virtual method in the class.  Without 
   1073 this, the compiler will copy the vtable and RTTI into every <tt>.o</tt> file
   1074 that <tt>#include</tt>s the header, bloating <tt>.o</tt> file sizes and
   1075 increasing link times.</p>
   1077 </div>
   1079 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1080 <h4>
   1081   <a name="ll_end">Don't evaluate <tt>end()</tt> every time through a loop</a>
   1082 </h4>
   1084 <div>
   1086 <p>Because C++ doesn't have a standard "<tt>foreach</tt>" loop (though it can be
   1087 emulated with macros and may be coming in C++'0x) we end up writing a lot of
   1088 loops that manually iterate from begin to end on a variety of containers or
   1089 through other data structures.  One common mistake is to write a loop in this
   1090 style:</p>
   1092 <div class="doc_code">
   1093 <pre>
   1094   BasicBlock *BB = ...
   1095   for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); I != <b>BB->end()</b>; ++I)
   1096      ... use I ...
   1097 </pre>
   1098 </div>
   1100 <p>The problem with this construct is that it evaluates "<tt>BB->end()</tt>"
   1101 every time through the loop.  Instead of writing the loop like this, we strongly
   1102 prefer loops to be written so that they evaluate it once before the loop starts.
   1103 A convenient way to do this is like so:</p>
   1105 <div class="doc_code">
   1106 <pre>
   1107   BasicBlock *BB = ...
   1108   for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(), E = <b>BB->end()</b>; I != E; ++I)
   1109      ... use I ...
   1110 </pre>
   1111 </div>
   1113 <p>The observant may quickly point out that these two loops may have different
   1114 semantics: if the container (a basic block in this case) is being mutated, then
   1115 "<tt>BB->end()</tt>" may change its value every time through the loop and the
   1116 second loop may not in fact be correct.  If you actually do depend on this
   1117 behavior, please write the loop in the first form and add a comment indicating
   1118 that you did it intentionally.</p>
   1120 <p>Why do we prefer the second form (when correct)?  Writing the loop in the
   1121 first form has two problems. First it may be less efficient than evaluating it
   1122 at the start of the loop.  In this case, the cost is probably minor &mdash; a
   1123 few extra loads every time through the loop.  However, if the base expression is
   1124 more complex, then the cost can rise quickly.  I've seen loops where the end
   1125 expression was actually something like: "<tt>SomeMap[x]->end()</tt>" and map
   1126 lookups really aren't cheap.  By writing it in the second form consistently, you
   1127 eliminate the issue entirely and don't even have to think about it.</p>
   1129 <p>The second (even bigger) issue is that writing the loop in the first form
   1130 hints to the reader that the loop is mutating the container (a fact that a
   1131 comment would handily confirm!).  If you write the loop in the second form, it
   1132 is immediately obvious without even looking at the body of the loop that the
   1133 container isn't being modified, which makes it easier to read the code and
   1134 understand what it does.</p>
   1136 <p>While the second form of the loop is a few extra keystrokes, we do strongly
   1137 prefer it.</p>
   1139 </div>
   1141 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1142 <h4>
   1143   <a name="ll_iostream"><tt>#include &lt;iostream&gt;</tt> is Forbidden</a>
   1144 </h4>
   1146 <div>
   1148 <p>The use of <tt>#include &lt;iostream&gt;</tt> in library files is
   1149 hereby <b><em>forbidden</em></b>. The primary reason for doing this is to
   1150 support clients using LLVM libraries as part of larger systems. In particular,
   1151 we statically link LLVM into some dynamic libraries. Even if LLVM isn't used,
   1152 the static constructors are run whenever an application starts up that uses the
   1153 dynamic library. There are two problems with this:</p>
   1155 <ol>
   1156   <li>The time to run the static c'tors impacts startup time of applications
   1157       &mdash; a critical time for GUI apps.</li>
   1159   <li>The static c'tors cause the app to pull many extra pages of memory off the
   1160       disk: both the code for the static c'tors in each <tt>.o</tt> file and the
   1161       small amount of data that gets touched. In addition, touched/dirty pages
   1162       put more pressure on the VM system on low-memory machines.</li>
   1163 </ol>
   1165 <p>Note that using the other stream headers (<tt>&lt;sstream&gt;</tt> for
   1166 example) is not problematic in this regard &mdash;
   1167 just <tt>&lt;iostream&gt;</tt>. However, <tt>raw_ostream</tt> provides various
   1168 APIs that are better performing for almost every use than <tt>std::ostream</tt>
   1169 style APIs. <b>Therefore new code should always
   1170 use <a href="#ll_raw_ostream"><tt>raw_ostream</tt></a> for writing, or
   1171 the <tt>llvm::MemoryBuffer</tt> API for reading files.</b></p>
   1173 </div>
   1176 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1177 <h4>
   1178   <a name="ll_raw_ostream">Use <tt>raw_ostream</tt></a>
   1179 </h4>
   1181 <div>
   1183 <p>LLVM includes a lightweight, simple, and efficient stream implementation
   1184 in <tt>llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h</tt>, which provides all of the common
   1185 features of <tt>std::ostream</tt>.  All new code should use <tt>raw_ostream</tt>
   1186 instead of <tt>ostream</tt>.</p>
   1188 <p>Unlike <tt>std::ostream</tt>, <tt>raw_ostream</tt> is not a template and can
   1189 be forward declared as <tt>class raw_ostream</tt>.  Public headers should
   1190 generally not include the <tt>raw_ostream</tt> header, but use forward
   1191 declarations and constant references to <tt>raw_ostream</tt> instances.</p>
   1193 </div>
   1196 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1197 <h4>
   1198   <a name="ll_avoidendl">Avoid <tt>std::endl</tt></a>
   1199 </h4>
   1201 <div>
   1203 <p>The <tt>std::endl</tt> modifier, when used with <tt>iostreams</tt> outputs a
   1204 newline to the output stream specified.  In addition to doing this, however, it
   1205 also flushes the output stream.  In other words, these are equivalent:</p>
   1207 <div class="doc_code">
   1208 <pre>
   1209 std::cout &lt;&lt; std::endl;
   1210 std::cout &lt;&lt; '\n' &lt;&lt; std::flush;
   1211 </pre>
   1212 </div>
   1214 <p>Most of the time, you probably have no reason to flush the output stream, so
   1215 it's better to use a literal <tt>'\n'</tt>.</p>
   1217 </div>
   1219 </div>
   1221 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1222 <h3>
   1223   <a name="nano">Microscopic Details</a>
   1224 </h3>
   1225 <!-- ======================================================================= -->
   1227 <div>
   1229 <p>This section describes preferred low-level formatting guidelines along with
   1230 reasoning on why we prefer them.</p>
   1232 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1233 <h4>
   1234   <a name="micro_spaceparen">Spaces Before Parentheses</a>
   1235 </h4>
   1237 <div>
   1239 <p>We prefer to put a space before an open parenthesis only in control flow
   1240 statements, but not in normal function call expressions and function-like
   1241 macros.  For example, this is good:</p>
   1243 <div class="doc_code">
   1244 <pre>
   1245 <b>if (</b>x) ...
   1246 <b>for (</b>i = 0; i != 100; ++i) ...
   1247 <b>while (</b>llvm_rocks) ...
   1249 <b>somefunc(</b>42);
   1250 <b><a href="#ll_assert">assert</a>(</b>3 != 4 &amp;&amp; "laws of math are failing me");
   1252 a = <b>foo(</b>42, 92) + <b>bar(</b>x);
   1253 </pre>
   1254 </div>
   1256 <p>and this is bad:</p>
   1258 <div class="doc_code">
   1259 <pre>
   1260 <b>if(</b>x) ...
   1261 <b>for(</b>i = 0; i != 100; ++i) ...
   1262 <b>while(</b>llvm_rocks) ...
   1264 <b>somefunc (</b>42);
   1265 <b><a href="#ll_assert">assert</a> (</b>3 != 4 &amp;&amp; "laws of math are failing me");
   1267 a = <b>foo (</b>42, 92) + <b>bar (</b>x);
   1268 </pre>
   1269 </div>
   1271 <p>The reason for doing this is not completely arbitrary.  This style makes
   1272 control flow operators stand out more, and makes expressions flow better. The
   1273 function call operator binds very tightly as a postfix operator.  Putting a
   1274 space after a function name (as in the last example) makes it appear that the
   1275 code might bind the arguments of the left-hand-side of a binary operator with
   1276 the argument list of a function and the name of the right side.  More
   1277 specifically, it is easy to misread the "a" example as:</p>
   1279 <div class="doc_code">
   1280 <pre>
   1281 a = foo <b>(</b>(42, 92) + bar<b>)</b> (x);
   1282 </pre>
   1283 </div>
   1285 <p>when skimming through the code.  By avoiding a space in a function, we avoid
   1286 this misinterpretation.</p>
   1288 </div>
   1290 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1291 <h4>
   1292   <a name="micro_preincrement">Prefer Preincrement</a>
   1293 </h4>
   1295 <div>
   1297 <p>Hard fast rule: Preincrement (<tt>++X</tt>) may be no slower than
   1298 postincrement (<tt>X++</tt>) and could very well be a lot faster than it.  Use
   1299 preincrementation whenever possible.</p>
   1301 <p>The semantics of postincrement include making a copy of the value being
   1302 incremented, returning it, and then preincrementing the "work value".  For
   1303 primitive types, this isn't a big deal... but for iterators, it can be a huge
   1304 issue (for example, some iterators contains stack and set objects in them...
   1305 copying an iterator could invoke the copy ctor's of these as well).  In general,
   1306 get in the habit of always using preincrement, and you won't have a problem.</p>
   1308 </div>
   1310 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1311 <h4>
   1312   <a name="micro_namespaceindent">Namespace Indentation</a>
   1313 </h4>
   1315 <div>
   1317 <p>
   1318 In general, we strive to reduce indentation wherever possible.  This is useful
   1319 because we want code to <a href="#scf_codewidth">fit into 80 columns</a> without
   1320 wrapping horribly, but also because it makes it easier to understand the code.
   1321 Namespaces are a funny thing: they are often large, and we often desire to put
   1322 lots of stuff into them (so they can be large).  Other times they are tiny,
   1323 because they just hold an enum or something similar.  In order to balance this,
   1324 we use different approaches for small versus large namespaces.  
   1325 </p>
   1327 <p>
   1328 If a namespace definition is small and <em>easily</em> fits on a screen (say,
   1329 less than 35 lines of code), then you should indent its body.  Here's an
   1330 example:
   1331 </p>
   1333 <div class="doc_code">
   1334 <pre>
   1335 namespace llvm {
   1336   namespace X86 {
   1337     /// RelocationType - An enum for the x86 relocation codes. Note that
   1338     /// the terminology here doesn't follow x86 convention - word means
   1339     /// 32-bit and dword means 64-bit.
   1340     enum RelocationType {
   1341       /// reloc_pcrel_word - PC relative relocation, add the relocated value to
   1342       /// the value already in memory, after we adjust it for where the PC is.
   1343       reloc_pcrel_word = 0,
   1345       /// reloc_picrel_word - PIC base relative relocation, add the relocated
   1346       /// value to the value already in memory, after we adjust it for where the
   1347       /// PIC base is.
   1348       reloc_picrel_word = 1,
   1350       /// reloc_absolute_word, reloc_absolute_dword - Absolute relocation, just
   1351       /// add the relocated value to the value already in memory.
   1352       reloc_absolute_word = 2,
   1353       reloc_absolute_dword = 3
   1354     };
   1355   }
   1356 }
   1357 </pre>
   1358 </div>
   1360 <p>Since the body is small, indenting adds value because it makes it very clear
   1361 where the namespace starts and ends, and it is easy to take the whole thing in
   1362 in one "gulp" when reading the code.  If the blob of code in the namespace is
   1363 larger (as it typically is in a header in the <tt>llvm</tt> or <tt>clang</tt> namespaces), do not
   1364 indent the code, and add a comment indicating what namespace is being closed.
   1365 For example:</p>
   1367 <div class="doc_code">
   1368 <pre>
   1369 namespace llvm {
   1370 namespace knowledge {
   1372 /// Grokable - This class represents things that Smith can have an intimate
   1373 /// understanding of and contains the data associated with it.
   1374 class Grokable {
   1375 ...
   1376 public:
   1377   explicit Grokable() { ... }
   1378   virtual ~Grokable() = 0;
   1380   ...
   1382 };
   1384 } // end namespace knowledge
   1385 } // end namespace llvm
   1386 </pre>
   1387 </div>
   1389 <p>Because the class is large, we don't expect that the reader can easily
   1390 understand the entire concept in a glance, and the end of the file (where the
   1391 namespaces end) may be a long ways away from the place they open.  As such,
   1392 indenting the contents of the namespace doesn't add any value, and detracts from
   1393 the readability of the class.  In these cases it is best to <em>not</em> indent
   1394 the contents of the namespace.</p>
   1396 </div>
   1398 <!-- _______________________________________________________________________ -->
   1399 <h4>
   1400   <a name="micro_anonns">Anonymous Namespaces</a>
   1401 </h4>
   1403 <div>
   1405 <p>After talking about namespaces in general, you may be wondering about
   1406 anonymous namespaces in particular.
   1407 Anonymous namespaces are a great language feature that tells the C++ compiler
   1408 that the contents of the namespace are only visible within the current
   1409 translation unit, allowing more aggressive optimization and eliminating the
   1410 possibility of symbol name collisions.  Anonymous namespaces are to C++ as 
   1411 "static" is to C functions and global variables.  While "static" is available
   1412 in C++, anonymous namespaces are more general: they can make entire classes
   1413 private to a file.</p>
   1415 <p>The problem with anonymous namespaces is that they naturally want to
   1416 encourage indentation of their body, and they reduce locality of reference: if
   1417 you see a random function definition in a C++ file, it is easy to see if it is
   1418 marked static, but seeing if it is in an anonymous namespace requires scanning
   1419 a big chunk of the file.</p>
   1421 <p>Because of this, we have a simple guideline: make anonymous namespaces as
   1422 small as possible, and only use them for class declarations.  For example, this
   1423 is good:</p>
   1425 <div class="doc_code">
   1426 <pre>
   1427 <b>namespace {</b>
   1428   class StringSort {
   1429   ...
   1430   public:
   1431     StringSort(...)
   1432     bool operator&lt;(const char *RHS) const;
   1433   };
   1434 <b>} // end anonymous namespace</b>
   1436 static void Helper() { 
   1437   ... 
   1438 }
   1440 bool StringSort::operator&lt;(const char *RHS) const {
   1441   ...
   1442 }
   1444 </pre>
   1445 </div>
   1447 <p>This is bad:</p>
   1450 <div class="doc_code">
   1451 <pre>
   1452 <b>namespace {</b>
   1453 class StringSort {
   1454 ...
   1455 public:
   1456   StringSort(...)
   1457   bool operator&lt;(const char *RHS) const;
   1458 };
   1460 void Helper() { 
   1461   ... 
   1462 }
   1464 bool StringSort::operator&lt;(const char *RHS) const {
   1465   ...
   1466 }
   1468 <b>} // end anonymous namespace</b>
   1470 </pre>
   1471 </div>
   1474 <p>This is bad specifically because if you're looking at "Helper" in the middle
   1475 of a large C++ file, that you have no immediate way to tell if it is local to
   1476 the file.  When it is marked static explicitly, this is immediately obvious.
   1477 Also, there is no reason to enclose the definition of "operator&lt;" in the
   1478 namespace just because it was declared there.
   1479 </p>
   1481 </div>
   1483 </div>
   1485 </div>
   1487 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
   1488 <h2>
   1489   <a name="seealso">See Also</a>
   1490 </h2>
   1491 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
   1493 <div>
   1495 <p>A lot of these comments and recommendations have been culled for other
   1496 sources.  Two particularly important books for our work are:</p>
   1498 <ol>
   1500 <li><a href="http://www.amazon.com/Effective-Specific-Addison-Wesley-Professional-Computing/dp/0321334876">Effective
   1501 C++</a> by Scott Meyers.  Also 
   1502 interesting and useful are "More Effective C++" and "Effective STL" by the same
   1503 author.</li>
   1505 <li>Large-Scale C++ Software Design by John Lakos</li>
   1507 </ol>
   1509 <p>If you get some free time, and you haven't read them: do so, you might learn
   1510 something.</p>
   1512 </div>
   1514 <!-- *********************************************************************** -->
   1516 <hr>
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   1523   <a href="mailto:sabre (a] nondot.org">Chris Lattner</a><br>
   1524   <a href="http://llvm.org/">LLVM Compiler Infrastructure</a><br>
   1525   Last modified: $Date$
   1526 </address>
   1528 </body>
   1529 </html>