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      1 Writing Extensions for Python-Markdown
      2 ======================================
      4 Overview
      5 --------
      7 Python-Markdown includes an API for extension writers to plug their own 
      8 custom functionality and/or syntax into the parser. There are preprocessors
      9 which allow you to alter the source before it is passed to the parser, 
     10 inline patterns which allow you to add, remove or override the syntax of
     11 any inline elements, and postprocessors which allow munging of the
     12 output of the parser before it is returned. If you really want to dive in, 
     13 there are also blockprocessors which are part of the core BlockParser.
     15 As the parser builds an [ElementTree][] object which is later rendered 
     16 as Unicode text, there are also some helpers provided to ease manipulation of 
     17 the tree. Each part of the API is discussed in its respective section below. 
     18 Additionaly, reading the source of some [[Available Extensions]] may be helpful.
     19 For example, the [[Footnotes]] extension uses most of the features documented 
     20 here.
     22 * [Preprocessors][]
     23 * [InlinePatterns][]
     24 * [Treeprocessors][] 
     25 * [Postprocessors][]
     26 * [BlockParser][]
     27 * [Working with the ElementTree][]
     28 * [Integrating your code into Markdown][]
     29     * [extendMarkdown][]
     30     * [OrderedDict][]
     31     * [registerExtension][]
     32     * [Config Settings][]
     33     * [makeExtension][]
     35 <h3 id="preprocessors">Preprocessors</h3>
     37 Preprocessors munge the source text before it is passed into the Markdown 
     38 core. This is an excellent place to clean up bad syntax, extract things the 
     39 parser may otherwise choke on and perhaps even store it for later retrieval.
     41 Preprocessors should inherit from ``markdown.preprocessors.Preprocessor`` and 
     42 implement a ``run`` method with one argument ``lines``. The ``run`` method of 
     43 each Preprocessor will be passed the entire source text as a list of Unicode 
     44 strings. Each string will contain one line of text. The ``run`` method should 
     45 return either that list, or an altered list of Unicode strings.
     47 A pseudo example:
     49     class MyPreprocessor(markdown.preprocessors.Preprocessor):
     50         def run(self, lines):
     51             new_lines = []
     52             for line in lines:
     53                 m = MYREGEX.match(line)
     54                 if m:
     55                     # do stuff
     56                 else:
     57                     new_lines.append(line)
     58             return new_lines
     60 <h3 id="inlinepatterns">Inline Patterns</h3>
     62 Inline Patterns implement the inline HTML element syntax for Markdown such as
     63 ``*emphasis*`` or ``[links](http://example.com)``. Pattern objects should be 
     64 instances of classes that inherit from ``markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern`` or 
     65 one of its children. Each pattern object uses a single regular expression and 
     66 must have the following methods:
     68 * **``getCompiledRegExp()``**: 
     70     Returns a compiled regular expression.
     72 * **``handleMatch(m)``**: 
     74     Accepts a match object and returns an ElementTree element of a plain 
     75     Unicode string.
     77 Note that any regular expression returned by ``getCompiledRegExp`` must capture
     78 the whole block. Therefore, they should all start with ``r'^(.*?)'`` and end
     79 with ``r'(.*?)!'``. When using the default ``getCompiledRegExp()`` method 
     80 provided in the ``Pattern`` you can pass in a regular expression without that 
     81 and ``getCompiledRegExp`` will wrap your expression for you. This means that 
     82 the first group of your match will be ``m.group(2)`` as ``m.group(1)`` will 
     83 match everything before the pattern.
     85 For an example, consider this simplified emphasis pattern:
     87     class EmphasisPattern(markdown.inlinepatterns.Pattern):
     88         def handleMatch(self, m):
     89             el = markdown.etree.Element('em')
     90             el.text = m.group(3)
     91             return el
     93 As discussed in [Integrating Your Code Into Markdown][], an instance of this
     94 class will need to be provided to Markdown. That instance would be created
     95 like so:
     97     # an oversimplified regex
     98     MYPATTERN = r'\*([^*]+)\*'
     99     # pass in pattern and create instance
    100     emphasis = EmphasisPattern(MYPATTERN)
    102 Actually it would not be necessary to create that pattern (and not just because
    103 a more sophisticated emphasis pattern already exists in Markdown). The fact is,
    104 that example pattern is not very DRY. A pattern for `**strong**` text would
    105 be almost identical, with the exception that it would create a 'strong' element.
    106 Therefore, Markdown provides a number of generic pattern classes that can 
    107 provide some common functionality. For example, both emphasis and strong are
    108 implemented with separate instances of the ``SimpleTagPettern`` listed below. 
    109 Feel free to use or extend any of these Pattern classes.
    111 **Generic Pattern Classes**
    113 * **``SimpleTextPattern(pattern)``**:
    115     Returns simple text of ``group(2)`` of a ``pattern``.
    117 * **``SimpleTagPattern(pattern, tag)``**:
    119     Returns an element of type "`tag`" with a text attribute of ``group(3)``
    120     of a ``pattern``. ``tag`` should be a string of a HTML element (i.e.: 'em').
    122 * **``SubstituteTagPattern(pattern, tag)``**:
    124     Returns an element of type "`tag`" with no children or text (i.e.: 'br').
    126 There may be other Pattern classes in the Markdown source that you could extend
    127 or use as well. Read through the source and see if there is anything you can 
    128 use. You might even get a few ideas for different approaches to your specific
    129 situation.
    131 <h3 id="treeprocessors">Treeprocessors</h3>
    133 Treeprocessors manipulate an ElemenTree object after it has passed through the
    134 core BlockParser. This is where additional manipulation of the tree takes
    135 place. Additionally, the InlineProcessor is a Treeprocessor which steps through
    136 the tree and runs the InlinePatterns on the text of each Element in the tree.
    138 A Treeprocessor should inherit from ``markdown.treeprocessors.Treeprocessor``,
    139 over-ride the ``run`` method which takes one argument ``root`` (an Elementree 
    140 object) and returns either that root element or a modified root element.
    142 A pseudo example:
    144     class MyTreeprocessor(markdown.treeprocessors.Treeprocessor):
    145         def run(self, root):
    146             #do stuff
    147             return my_modified_root
    149 For specifics on manipulating the ElementTree, see 
    150 [Working with the ElementTree][] below.
    152 <h3 id="postprocessors">Postprocessors</h3>
    154 Postprocessors manipulate the document after the ElementTree has been 
    155 serialized into a string. Postprocessors should be used to work with the
    156 text just before output.
    158 A Postprocessor should inherit from ``markdown.postprocessors.Postprocessor`` 
    159 and over-ride the ``run`` method which takes one argument ``text`` and returns 
    160 a Unicode string.
    162 Postprocessors are run after the ElementTree has been serialized back into 
    163 Unicode text.  For example, this may be an appropriate place to add a table of 
    164 contents to a document:
    166     class TocPostprocessor(markdown.postprocessors.Postprocessor):
    167         def run(self, text):
    168             return MYMARKERRE.sub(MyToc, text)
    170 <h3 id="blockparser">BlockParser</h3>
    172 Sometimes, pre/tree/postprocessors and Inline Patterns aren't going to do what 
    173 you need. Perhaps you want a new type of block type that needs to be integrated 
    174 into the core parsing. In such a situation, you can add/change/remove 
    175 functionality of the core ``BlockParser``. The BlockParser is composed of a
    176 number of Blockproccessors. The BlockParser steps through each block of text
    177 (split by blank lines) and passes each block to the appropriate Blockprocessor.
    178 That Blockprocessor parses the block and adds it to the ElementTree. The
    179 [[Definition Lists]] extension would be a good example of an extension that
    180 adds/modifies Blockprocessors.
    182 A Blockprocessor should inherit from ``markdown.blockprocessors.BlockProcessor``
    183 and implement both the ``test`` and ``run`` methods.
    185 The ``test`` method is used by BlockParser to identify the type of block.
    186 Therefore the ``test`` method must return a boolean value. If the test returns
    187 ``True``, then the BlockParser will call that Blockprocessor's ``run`` method.
    188 If it returns ``False``, the BlockParser will move on to the next 
    189 BlockProcessor.
    191 The **``test``** method takes two arguments:
    193 * **``parent``**: The parent etree Element of the block. This can be useful as
    194   the block may need to be treated differently if it is inside a list, for
    195   example.
    197 * **``block``**: A string of the current block of text. The test may be a 
    198   simple string method (such as ``block.startswith(some_text)``) or a complex 
    199   regular expression.
    201 The **``run``** method takes two arguments:
    203 * **``parent``**: A pointer to the parent etree Element of the block. The run 
    204   method will most likely attach additional nodes to this parent. Note that
    205   nothing is returned by the method. The Elementree object is altered in place.
    207 * **``blocks``**: A list of all remaining blocks of the document. Your run 
    208   method must remove (pop) the first block from the list (which it altered in
    209   place - not returned) and parse that block. You may find that a block of text
    210   legitimately contains multiple block types. Therefore, after processing the 
    211   first type, your processor can insert the remaining text into the beginning
    212   of the ``blocks`` list for future parsing.
    214 Please be aware that a single block can span multiple text blocks. For example,
    215 The official Markdown syntax rules state that a blank line does not end a
    216 Code Block. If the next block of text is also indented, then it is part of
    217 the previous block. Therefore, the BlockParser was specifically designed to 
    218 address these types of situations. If you notice the ``CodeBlockProcessor``,
    219 in the core, you will note that it checks the last child of the ``parent``.
    220 If the last child is a code block (``<pre><code>...</code></pre>``), then it
    221 appends that block to the previous code block rather than creating a new 
    222 code block.
    224 Each BlockProcessor has the following utility methods available:
    226 * **``lastChild(parent)``**: 
    228     Returns the last child of the given etree Element or ``None`` if it had no 
    229     children.
    231 * **``detab(text)``**: 
    233     Removes one level of indent (four spaces by default) from the front of each
    234     line of the given text string.
    236 * **``looseDetab(text, level)``**: 
    238     Removes "level" levels of indent (defaults to 1) from the front of each line 
    239     of the given text string. However, this methods allows secondary lines to 
    240     not be indented as does some parts of the Markdown syntax.
    242 Each BlockProcessor also has a pointer to the containing BlockParser instance at
    243 ``self.parser``, which can be used to check or alter the state of the parser.
    244 The BlockParser tracks it's state in a stack at ``parser.state``. The state
    245 stack is an instance of the ``State`` class.
    247 **``State``** is a subclass of ``list`` and has the additional methods:
    249 * **``set(state)``**: 
    251     Set a new state to string ``state``. The new state is appended to the end 
    252     of the stack.
    254 * **``reset()``**: 
    256     Step back one step in the stack. The last state at the end is removed from 
    257     the stack.
    259 * **``isstate(state)``**: 
    261     Test that the top (current) level of the stack is of the given string 
    262     ``state``.
    264 Note that to ensure that the state stack doesn't become corrupted, each time a
    265 state is set for a block, that state *must* be reset when the parser finishes
    266 parsing that block.
    268 An instance of the **``BlockParser``** is found at ``Markdown.parser``.
    269 ``BlockParser`` has the following methods:
    271 * **``parseDocument(lines)``**: 
    273     Given a list of lines, an ElementTree object is returned. This should be 
    274     passed an entire document and is the only method the ``Markdown`` class 
    275     calls directly.
    277 * **``parseChunk(parent, text)``**: 
    279     Parses a chunk of markdown text composed of multiple blocks and attaches 
    280     those blocks to the ``parent`` Element. The ``parent`` is altered in place 
    281     and nothing is returned. Extensions would most likely use this method for 
    282     block parsing.
    284 * **``parseBlocks(parent, blocks)``**: 
    286     Parses a list of blocks of text and attaches those blocks to the ``parent``
    287     Element. The ``parent`` is altered in place and nothing is returned. This 
    288     method will generally only be used internally to recursively parse nested 
    289     blocks of text.
    291 While is is not recommended, an extension could subclass or completely replace
    292 the ``BlockParser``. The new class would have to provide the same public API.
    293 However, be aware that other extensions may expect the core parser provided
    294 and will not work with such a drastically different parser.
    296 <h3 id="working_with_et">Working with the ElementTree</h3>
    298 As mentioned, the Markdown parser converts a source document to an 
    299 [ElementTree][] object before serializing that back to Unicode text. 
    300 Markdown has provided some helpers to ease that manipulation within the context 
    301 of the Markdown module.
    303 First, to get access to the ElementTree module import ElementTree from 
    304 ``markdown`` rather than importing it directly. This will ensure you are using 
    305 the same version of ElementTree as markdown. The module is named ``etree`` 
    306 within Markdown.
    308     from markdown import etree
    310 ``markdown.etree`` tries to import ElementTree from any known location, first 
    311 as a standard library module (from ``xml.etree`` in Python 2.5), then as a third
    312 party package (``Elementree``). In each instance, ``cElementTree`` is tried 
    313 first, then ``ElementTree`` if the faster C implementation is not available on 
    314 your system.
    316 Sometimes you may want text inserted into an element to be parsed by 
    317 [InlinePatterns][]. In such a situation, simply insert the text as you normally
    318 would and the text will be automatically run through the InlinePatterns. 
    319 However, if you do *not* want some text to be parsed by InlinePatterns,
    320 then insert the text as an ``AtomicString``.
    322     some_element.text = markdown.AtomicString(some_text)
    324 Here's a basic example which creates an HTML table (note that the contents of 
    325 the second cell (``td2``) will be run through InlinePatterns latter):
    327     table = etree.Element("table") 
    328     table.set("cellpadding", "2")                      # Set cellpadding to 2
    329     tr = etree.SubElement(table, "tr")                 # Add child tr to table
    330     td1 = etree.SubElement(tr, "td")                   # Add child td1 to tr
    331     td1.text = markdown.AtomicString("Cell content")   # Add plain text content
    332     td2 = etree.SubElement(tr, "td")                   # Add second td to tr
    333     td2.text = "*text* with **inline** formatting."    # Add markup text
    334     table.tail = "Text after table"                    # Add text after table
    336 You can also manipulate an existing tree. Consider the following example which 
    337 adds a ``class`` attribute to ``<a>`` elements:
    339 	def set_link_class(self, element):
    340 		for child in element: 
    341 		    if child.tag == "a":
    342                 child.set("class", "myclass") #set the class attribute
    343             set_link_class(child) # run recursively on children
    345 For more information about working with ElementTree see the ElementTree
    346 [Documentation](http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm) 
    347 ([Python Docs](http://docs.python.org/lib/module-xml.etree.ElementTree.html)).
    349 <h3 id="integrating_into_markdown">Integrating Your Code Into Markdown</h3>
    351 Once you have the various pieces of your extension built, you need to tell 
    352 Markdown about them and ensure that they are run in the proper sequence. 
    353 Markdown accepts a ``Extension`` instance for each extension. Therefore, you
    354 will need to define a class that extends ``markdown.Extension`` and over-rides
    355 the ``extendMarkdown`` method. Within this class you will manage configuration 
    356 options for your extension and attach the various processors and patterns to 
    357 the Markdown instance. 
    359 It is important to note that the order of the various processors and patterns 
    360 matters. For example, if we replace ``http://...`` links with <a> elements, and 
    361 *then* try to deal with  inline html, we will end up with a mess. Therefore, 
    362 the various types of processors and patterns are stored within an instance of 
    363 the Markdown class in [OrderedDict][]s. Your ``Extension`` class will need to 
    364 manipulate those OrderedDicts appropriately. You may insert instances of your 
    365 processors and patterns into the appropriate location in an OrderedDict, remove
    366 a built-in instance, or replace a built-in instance with your own.
    368 <h4 id="extendmarkdown">extendMarkdown</h4>
    370 The ``extendMarkdown`` method of a ``markdown.Extension`` class accepts two 
    371 arguments:
    373 * **``md``**:
    375     A pointer to the instance of the Markdown class. You should use this to 
    376     access the [OrderedDict][]s of processors and patterns. They are found 
    377     under the following attributes:
    379     * ``md.preprocessors``
    380     * ``md.inlinePatterns``
    381     * ``md.parser.blockprocessors``
    382     * ``md.treepreprocessors``
    383     * ``md.postprocessors``
    385     Some other things you may want to access in the markdown instance are:
    387     * ``md.htmlStash``
    388     * ``md.output_formats``
    389     * ``md.set_output_format()``
    390     * ``md.registerExtension()``
    392 * **``md_globals``**:
    394     Contains all the various global variables within the markdown module.
    396 Of course, with access to those items, theoretically you have the option to 
    397 changing anything through various [monkey_patching][] techniques. However, you 
    398 should be aware that the various undocumented or private parts of markdown 
    399 may change without notice and your monkey_patches may break with a new release.
    400 Therefore, what you really should be doing is inserting processors and patterns
    401 into the markdown pipeline. Consider yourself warned.
    403 [monkey_patching]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_patch
    405 A simple example:
    407     class MyExtension(markdown.Extension):
    408         def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
    409             # Insert instance of 'mypattern' before 'references' pattern
    410             md.inlinePatterns.add('mypattern', MyPattern(md), '<references')
    412 <h4 id="ordereddict">OrderedDict</h4>
    414 An OrderedDict is a dictionary like object that retains the order of it's
    415 items. The items are ordered in the order in which they were appended to
    416 the OrderedDict. However, an item can also be inserted into the OrderedDict
    417 in a specific location in relation to the existing items.
    419 Think of OrderedDict as a combination of a list and a dictionary as it has 
    420 methods common to both. For example, you can get and set items using the 
    421 ``od[key] = value`` syntax and the methods ``keys()``, ``values()``, and 
    422 ``items()`` work as expected with the keys, values and items returned in the 
    423 proper order. At the same time, you can use ``insert()``, ``append()``, and 
    424 ``index()`` as you would with a list.
    426 Generally speaking, within Markdown extensions you will be using the special 
    427 helper method ``add()`` to add additional items to an existing OrderedDict. 
    429 The ``add()`` method accepts three arguments:
    431 * **``key``**: A string. The key is used for later reference to the item.
    433 * **``value``**: The object instance stored in this item.
    435 * **``location``**: Optional. The items location in relation to other items. 
    437     Note that the location can consist of a few different values:
    439     * The special strings ``"_begin"`` and ``"_end"`` insert that item at the 
    440       beginning or end of the OrderedDict respectively. 
    442     * A less-than sign (``<``) followed by an existing key (i.e.: 
    443       ``"<somekey"``) inserts that item before the existing key.
    445     * A greater-than sign (``>``) followed by an existing key (i.e.: 
    446       ``">somekey"``) inserts that item after the existing key. 
    448 Consider the following example:
    450     >>> import markdown
    451     >>> od = markdown.OrderedDict()
    452     >>> od['one'] =  1           # The same as: od.add('one', 1, '_begin')
    453     >>> od['three'] = 3          # The same as: od.add('three', 3, '>one')
    454     >>> od['four'] = 4           # The same as: od.add('four', 4, '_end')
    455     >>> od.items()
    456     [("one", 1), ("three", 3), ("four", 4)]
    458 Note that when building an OrderedDict in order, the extra features of the
    459 ``add`` method offer no real value and are not necessary. However, when 
    460 manipulating an existing OrderedDict, ``add`` can be very helpful. So let's 
    461 insert another item into the OrderedDict.
    463     >>> od.add('two', 2, '>one')         # Insert after 'one'
    464     >>> od.values()
    465     [1, 2, 3, 4]
    467 Now let's insert another item.
    469     >>> od.add('twohalf', 2.5, '<three') # Insert before 'three'
    470     >>> od.keys()
    471     ["one", "two", "twohalf", "three", "four"]
    473 Note that we also could have set the location of "twohalf" to be 'after two'
    474 (i.e.: ``'>two'``). However, it's unlikely that you will have control over the 
    475 order in which extensions will be loaded, and this could affect the final 
    476 sorted order of an OrderedDict. For example, suppose an extension adding 
    477 'twohalf' in the above examples was loaded before a separate  extension which 
    478 adds 'two'. You may need to take this into consideration when adding your 
    479 extension components to the various markdown OrderedDicts.
    481 Once an OrderedDict is created, the items are available via key:
    483     MyNode = od['somekey']
    485 Therefore, to delete an existing item:
    487     del od['somekey']
    489 To change the value of an existing item (leaving location unchanged):
    491     od['somekey'] = MyNewObject()
    493 To change the location of an existing item:
    495     t.link('somekey', '<otherkey')
    497 <h4 id="registerextension">registerExtension</h4>
    499 Some extensions may need to have their state reset between multiple runs of the
    500 Markdown class. For example, consider the following use of the [[Footnotes]] 
    501 extension:
    503     md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['footnotes'])
    504     html1 = md.convert(text_with_footnote)
    505     md.reset()
    506     html2 = md.convert(text_without_footnote)
    508 Without calling ``reset``, the footnote definitions from the first document will
    509 be inserted into the second document as they are still stored within the class
    510 instance. Therefore the ``Extension`` class needs to define a ``reset`` method
    511 that will reset the state of the extension (i.e.: ``self.footnotes = {}``).
    512 However, as many extensions do not have a need for ``reset``, ``reset`` is only
    513 called on extensions that are registered.
    515 To register an extension, call ``md.registerExtension`` from within your 
    516 ``extendMarkdown`` method:
    519     def extendMarkdown(self, md, md_globals):
    520         md.registerExtension(self)
    521         # insert processors and patterns here
    523 Then, each time ``reset`` is called on the Markdown instance, the ``reset`` 
    524 method of each registered extension will be called as well. You should also
    525 note that ``reset`` will be called on each registered extension after it is
    526 initialized the first time. Keep that in mind when over-riding the extension's
    527 ``reset`` method.
    529 <h4 id="configsettings">Config Settings</h4>
    531 If an extension uses any parameters that the user may want to change,
    532 those parameters should be stored in ``self.config`` of your 
    533 ``markdown.Extension`` class in the following format:
    535     self.config = {parameter_1_name : [value1, description1],
    536                    parameter_2_name : [value2, description2] }
    538 When stored this way the config parameters can be over-ridden from the
    539 command line or at the time Markdown is initiated:
    541     markdown.py -x myextension(SOME_PARAM=2) inputfile.txt > output.txt
    543 Note that parameters should always be assumed to be set to string
    544 values, and should be converted at run time. For example:
    546     i = int(self.getConfig("SOME_PARAM"))
    548 <h4 id="makeextension">makeExtension</h4>
    550 Each extension should ideally be placed in its own module starting
    551 with the  ``mdx_`` prefix (e.g. ``mdx_footnotes.py``).  The module must
    552 provide a module-level function called ``makeExtension`` that takes
    553 an optional parameter consisting of a dictionary of configuration over-rides 
    554 and returns an instance of the extension.  An example from the footnote 
    555 extension:
    557     def makeExtension(configs=None) :
    558         return FootnoteExtension(configs=configs)
    560 By following the above example, when Markdown is passed the name of your 
    561 extension as a string (i.e.: ``'footnotes'``), it will automatically import
    562 the module and call the ``makeExtension`` function initiating your extension.
    564 You may have noted that the extensions packaged with Python-Markdown do not
    565 use the ``mdx_`` prefix in their module names. This is because they are all
    566 part of the ``markdown.extensions`` package. Markdown will first try to import
    567 from ``markdown.extensions.extname`` and upon failure, ``mdx_extname``. If both
    568 fail, Markdown will continue without the extension.
    570 However, Markdown will also accept an already existing instance of an extension.
    571 For example:
    573     import markdown
    574     import myextension
    575     configs = {...}
    576     myext = myextension.MyExtension(configs=configs)
    577     md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=[myext])
    579 This is useful if you need to implement a large number of extensions with more
    580 than one residing in a module.
    582 [Preprocessors]: #preprocessors
    583 [InlinePatterns]: #inlinepatterns
    584 [Treeprocessors]: #treeprocessors
    585 [Postprocessors]: #postprocessors
    586 [BlockParser]: #blockparser
    587 [Working with the ElementTree]: #working_with_et
    588 [Integrating your code into Markdown]: #integrating_into_markdown
    589 [extendMarkdown]: #extendmarkdown
    590 [OrderedDict]: #ordereddict
    591 [registerExtension]: #registerextension
    592 [Config Settings]: #configsettings
    593 [makeExtension]: #makeextension
    594 [ElementTree]: http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm