1 Tests that the window.DeviceMotionEvent and window.ondevicemotion properties are present. 2 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". 4 5 6 FAIL typeof window.DeviceMotionEvent == 'object' should be true. Was false. 7 FAIL typeof window.DeviceMotionEvent == 'function' should be false. Was true. 8 PASS hasDeviceMotionEventProperty() is true 9 PASS 'DeviceMotionEvent' in window is true 10 PASS window.hasOwnProperty('DeviceMotionEvent') is true 11 PASS typeof window.ondevicemotion == 'object' is true 12 PASS hasOnDeviceMotionProperty() is true 13 PASS 'ondevicemotion' in window is true 14 FAIL window.hasOwnProperty('ondevicemotion') should be true. Was false. 15 PASS successfullyParsed is true 16 17 TEST COMPLETE 18 19