1 <html> 2 <script> 3 function load() 4 { 5 var url="http://movies.apple.com/movies/us/apple/ipoditunes/2007/touch/ads/apple_ipodtouch_touch_r640-9cie.mov"; 6 var vid = document.getElementById('vid') 7 vid.src = url; 8 vid.volume = 0.05; 9 vid.load(); 10 } 11 function setVolume(vol) 12 { 13 var vid = document.getElementById('vid') 14 vid.volume = vol; 15 } 16 </script> 17 18 <body> 19 20 <video id=vid controls autoplay> 21 </video> 22 <p>TEST: Audio volume should be 0.05 when the movie begins playing.</p> 23 <input type="button" value="Load movie" onclick="load()"> 24 <br> 25 <input type="button" value="volume=1.0" onclick="setVolume(1.0)"> 26 <input type="button" value="volume=0.05" onclick="setVolume(0.05)"> 27 </body> 28 </html? 29