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      1 page.title=Testing Fundamentals
      2 parent.title=Testing
      3 parent.link=index.html
      4 @jd:body
      6 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      7   <div id="qv">
      8   <h2>In this document</h2>
      9   <ol>
     10     <li>
     11         <a href="#TestStructure">Test Structure</a>
     12     </li>
     13     <li>
     14         <a href="#TestProjects">Test Projects</a>
     15     </li>
     16     <li>
     17       <a href="#TestAPI">The Testing API</a>
     18       <ol>
     19         <li>
     20           <a href="#JUnit">JUnit</a>
     21         </li>
     22         <li>
     23           <a href="#Instrumentation">Instrumentation</a>
     24         </li>
     25         <li>
     26             <a href="#TestCaseClasses">Test case classes</a>
     27         </li>
     28         <li>
     29           <a href="#AssertionClasses">Assertion classes</a>
     30         </li>
     31         <li>
     32           <a href="#MockObjectClasses">Mock object classes</a>
     33         </li>
     34       </ol>
     35     </li>
     36     <li>
     37         <a href="#InstrumentationTestRunner">Running Tests</a>
     38     </li>
     39     <li>
     40         <a href="#TestResults">Seeing Test Results</a>
     41     </li>
     42     <li>
     43         <a href="#Monkeys">monkey and monkeyrunner</a>
     44     </li>
     45     <li>
     46        <a href="#PackageNames">Working With Package Names</a>
     47     </li>
     48     <li>
     49         <a href="#WhatToTest">What To Test</a>
     50     </li>
     51     <li>
     52         <a href="#NextSteps">Next Steps</a>
     53     </li>
     54   </ol>
     55   <h2>Key classes</h2>
     56     <ol>
     57       <li>{@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}</li>
     58       <li>{@link android.test}</li>
     59       <li>{@link android.test.mock}</li>
     60       <li>{@link junit.framework}</li>
     61     </ol>
     62   <h2>Related tutorials</h2>
     63     <ol>
     64         <li>
     65             <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/testing/helloandroid_test.html">
     66             Hello, Testing</a>
     67         </li>
     68         <li>
     69             <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/testing/activity_test.html">Activity Testing</a>
     70         </li>
     71     </ol>
     72   <h2>See also</h2>
     73       <ol>
     74         <li>
     75           <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_eclipse.html">
     76           Testing in Eclipse, with ADT</a>
     77         </li>
     78         <li>
     79           <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_otheride.html">
     80           Testing in Other IDEs</a>
     81         </li>
     82         <li>
     83           <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/monkeyrunner_concepts.html">
     84           monkeyrunner</a>
     85         </li>
     86         <li>
     87      <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/monkey.html">UI/Application Exerciser Monkey</a>
     88         </li>
     89       </ol>
     90   </div>
     91 </div>
     92 <p>
     93     The Android testing framework, an integral part of the development environment,
     94     provides an architecture and powerful tools that help you test every aspect of your application
     95     at every level from unit to framework.
     96 </p>
     97 <p>
     98     The testing framework has these key features:
     99 </p>
    100 <ul>
    101     <li>
    102         Android test suites are based on JUnit. You can use plain JUnit to test a class that doesn't
    103         call the Android API, or Android's JUnit extensions to test Android components. If you're
    104         new to Android testing, you can start with general-purpose test case classes such as {@link
    105         android.test.AndroidTestCase} and then go on to use more sophisticated classes.
    106     </li>
    107     <li>
    108         The Android JUnit extensions provide component-specific test case classes. These classes
    109         provide helper methods for creating mock objects and methods that help you control the
    110         lifecycle of a component.
    111     </li>
    112     <li>
    113         Test suites are contained in test packages that are similar to main application packages, so
    114         you don't need to learn a new set of tools or techniques for designing and building tests.
    115     </li>
    116     <li>
    117         The SDK tools for building and tests are available in Eclipse with ADT, and also in
    118         command-line form for use with other IDES. These tools get information from the project of
    119         the application under test and use this information to automatically create the build files,
    120         manifest file, and directory structure for the test package.
    121     </li>
    122     <li>
    123         The SDK also provides
    124   <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/monkeyrunner_concepts.html">monkeyrunner</a>, an API
    125         testing devices with Python programs, and <a
    126         href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/monkey.html">UI/Application Exerciser Monkey</a>,
    127         a command-line tool for stress-testing UIs by sending pseudo-random events to a device.
    128     </li>
    129 </ul>
    130 <p>
    131     This document describes the fundamentals of the Android testing framework, including the
    132     structure of tests, the APIs that you use to develop tests, and the tools that you use to run
    133     tests and view results. The document assumes you have a basic knowledge of Android application
    134     programming and JUnit testing methodology.
    135 </p>
    136 <p>
    137     The following diagram summarizes the testing framework:
    138 </p>
    139 <div style="width: 70%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">
    140 <a href="{@docRoot}images/testing/test_framework.png">
    141     <img src="{@docRoot}images/testing/test_framework.png"
    142         alt="The Android testing framework"/>
    143 </a>
    144 </div>
    145 <h2 id="TestStructure">Test Structure</h2>
    146 <p>
    147     Android's build and test tools assume that test projects are organized into a standard
    148     structure of tests, test case classes, test packages, and test projects.
    149 </p>
    150 <p>
    151     Android testing is based on JUnit. In general, a JUnit test is a method whose
    152     statements test a part of the application under test. You organize test methods into classes
    153     called test cases (or test suites). Each test is an isolated test of an individual module in
    154     the application under test. Each class is a container for related test methods, although it
    155     often provides helper methods as well.
    156 </p>
    157 <p>
    158     In JUnit, you build one or more test source files into a class file. Similarly, in Android you
    159     use the SDK's build tools to build one or more test source files into class files in an
    160     Android test package. In JUnit, you use a test runner to execute test classes. In Android, you
    161     use test tools to load the test package and the application under test, and the tools then
    162     execute an Android-specific test runner.
    163 </p>
    164 <h2 id="TestProjects">Test Projects</h2>
    165 <p>
    166     Tests, like Android applications, are organized into projects.
    167 </p>
    168 <p>
    169     A test project is a directory or Eclipse project in which you create the source code, manifest
    170     file, and other files for a test package. The Android SDK contains tools for Eclipse with ADT
    171     and for the command line that create and update test projects for you. The tools create the
    172     directories you use for source code and resources and the manifest file for the test package.
    173     The command-line tools also create the Ant build files you need.
    174 </p>
    175 <p>
    176     You should always use Android tools to create a test project. Among other benefits,
    177     the tools:
    178 </p>
    179     <ul>
    180         <li>
    181             Automatically set up your test package to use
    182             {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner} as the test case runner. You must use
    183             <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code> (or a subclass) to run JUnit tests.
    184         </li>
    185         <li>
    186             Create an appropriate name for the test package. If the application
    187             under test has a package name of <code>com.mydomain.myapp</code>, then the
    188             Android tools set the test package name to <code>com.mydomain.myapp.test</code>. This
    189             helps you identify their relationship, while preventing conflicts within the system.
    190         </li>
    191         <li>
    192             Automatically create the proper build files, manifest file, and directory
    193             structure for the test project. This helps you to build the test package without
    194             having to modify build files and sets up the linkage between your test package and
    195             the application under test.
    196             The
    197         </li>
    198     </ul>
    199 <p>
    200     You can create a test project anywhere in your file system, but the best approach is to
    201     add the test project so that its root directory <code>tests/</code> is at the same level
    202     as the <code>src/</code> directory of the main application's project. This helps you find the
    203     tests associated with an application. For example, if your application project's root directory
    204     is <code>MyProject</code>, then you should use the following directory structure:
    205 </p>
    206 <pre class="classic no-pretty-print">
    207   MyProject/
    208       AndroidManifest.xml
    209       res/
    210           ... (resources for main application)
    211       src/
    212           ... (source code for main application) ...
    213       tests/
    214           AndroidManifest.xml
    215           res/
    216               ... (resources for tests)
    217           src/
    218               ... (source code for tests)
    219 </pre>
    220 <h2 id="TestAPI">The Testing API</h2>
    221 <p>
    222     The Android testing API is based on the JUnit API and extended with a instrumentation
    223     framework and Android-specific testing classes.
    224 </p>
    225 <h3 id="JUnit">JUnit</h3>
    226 <p>
    227     You can use the JUnit {@link junit.framework.TestCase TestCase} class to do unit testing on
    228     a plain Java object. <code>TestCase</code> is also the base class for
    229     {@link android.test.AndroidTestCase}, which you can use to test Android-dependent objects.
    230     Besides providing the JUnit framework, AndroidTestCase offers Android-specific setup,
    231     teardown, and helper methods.
    232 </p>
    233 <p>
    234     You use the JUnit {@link junit.framework.Assert} class to display test results.
    235     The assert methods compare values you expect from a test to the actual results and
    236     throw an exception if the comparison fails. Android also provides a class of assertions that
    237     extend the possible types of comparisons, and another class of assertions for testing the UI.
    238     These are described in more detail in the section <a href="#AssertionClasses">
    239     Assertion classes</a>
    240 </p>
    241 <p>
    242     To learn more about JUnit, you can read the documentation on the
    243     <a href="http://www.junit.org">junit.org</a> home page.
    244     Note that the Android testing API supports JUnit 3 code style, but not JUnit 4. Also, you must
    245     use Android's instrumented test runner {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner} to run
    246     your test case classes. This test runner is described in the
    247     section <a href="#InstrumentationTestRunner">Running Tests</a>.
    248 </p>
    249 <h3 id="Instrumentation">Instrumentation</h3>
    250 <p>
    251     Android instrumentation is a set of control methods or "hooks" in the Android system. These hooks
    252     control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle. They also control how
    253     Android loads applications.
    254 </p>
    255 <p>
    256     Normally, an Android component runs in a lifecycle determined by the system. For example, an
    257     Activity object's lifecycle starts when the Activity is activated by an Intent. The object's
    258     <code>onCreate()</code> method is called, followed by <code>onResume()</code>. When the user
    259     starts another application, the <code>onPause()</code> method is called. If the Activity
    260     code calls the <code>finish()</code> method, the <code>onDestroy()</code> method is called.
    261     The Android framework API does not provide a way for your code to invoke these callback
    262     methods directly, but you can do so using instrumentation.
    263 </p>
    264 <p>
    265     Also, the system runs all the components of an application into the same
    266     process. You can allow some components, such as content providers, to run in a separate process,
    267     but you can't force an application to run in the same process as another application that is
    268     already running.
    269 </p>
    270 <p>
    271     With Android instrumentation, though, you can invoke callback methods in your test code.
    272     This allows you to run through the lifecycle of a component step by step, as if you were
    273     debugging the component. The following test code snippet demonstrates how to use this to
    274     test that an Activity saves and restores its state:
    275 </p>
    276 <a name="ActivitySnippet"></a>
    277 <pre>
    278     // Start the main activity of the application under test
    279     mActivity = getActivity();
    281     // Get a handle to the Activity object's main UI widget, a Spinner
    282     mSpinner = (Spinner)mActivity.findViewById(com.android.example.spinner.R.id.Spinner01);
    284     // Set the Spinner to a known position
    285     mActivity.setSpinnerPosition(TEST_STATE_DESTROY_POSITION);
    287     // Stop the activity - The onDestroy() method should save the state of the Spinner
    288     mActivity.finish();
    290     // Re-start the Activity - the onResume() method should restore the state of the Spinner
    291     mActivity = getActivity();
    293     // Get the Spinner's current position
    294     int currentPosition = mActivity.getSpinnerPosition();
    296     // Assert that the current position is the same as the starting position
    297     assertEquals(TEST_STATE_DESTROY_POSITION, currentPosition);
    298 </pre>
    299 <p>
    300     The key method used here is
    301     {@link android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2#getActivity()}, which is a
    302     part of the instrumentation API. The Activity under test is not started until you call this
    303     method. You can set up the test fixture in advance, and then call this method to start the
    304     Activity.
    305 </p>
    306 <p>
    307     Also, instrumentation can load both a test package and the application under test into the
    308     same process. Since the application components and their tests are in the same process, the
    309     tests can invoke methods in the components, and modify and examine fields in the components.
    310 </p>
    311 <h3 id="TestCaseClasses">Test case classes</h3>
    312 <p>
    313     Android provides several test case classes that extend {@link junit.framework.TestCase} and
    314     {@link junit.framework.Assert} with Android-specific setup, teardown, and helper methods.
    315 </p>
    316 <h4 id="AndroidTestCase">AndroidTestCase</h4>
    317 <p>
    318     A useful general test case class, especially if you are
    319     just starting out with Android testing, is {@link android.test.AndroidTestCase}. It extends
    320     both {@link junit.framework.TestCase} and {@link junit.framework.Assert}. It provides the
    321     JUnit-standard <code>setUp()</code> and <code>tearDown()</code> methods, as well as well as
    322     all of JUnit's Assert methods. In addition, it provides methods for testing permissions, and a
    323     method that guards against memory leaks by clearing out certain class references.
    324 </p>
    325 <h4 id="ComponentTestCase">Component-specific test cases</h4>
    326 <p>
    327     A key feature of the Android testing framework is its component-specific test case classes.
    328     These address specific component testing needs with methods for fixture setup and
    329     teardown and component lifecycle control. They also provide methods for setting up mock objects.
    330     These classes are described in the component-specific testing topics:
    331 </p>
    332 <ul>
    333     <li>
    334         <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/activity_testing.html">Activity Testing</a>
    335     </li>
    336     <li>
    337         <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/contentprovider_testing.html">
    338         Content Provider Testing</a>
    339     </li>
    340     <li>
    341         <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/service_testing.html">Service Testing</a>
    342     </li>
    343 </ul>
    344 <p>
    345     Android does not provide a separate test case class for BroadcastReceiver. Instead, test a
    346     BroadcastReceiver by testing the component that sends it Intent objects, to verify that the
    347     BroadcastReceiver responds correctly.
    348 </p>
    349 <h4 id="ApplicationTestCase">ApplicationTestCase</h4>
    350 <p>
    351     You use the {@link android.test.ApplicationTestCase} test case class to test the setup and
    352     teardown of {@link android.app.Application} objects. These objects maintain the global state of
    353     information that applies to all the components in an application package. The test case can
    354     be useful in verifying that the &lt;application&gt; element in the manifest file is correctly
    355     set up. Note, however, that this test case does not allow you to control testing of the
    356     components within your application package.
    357 </p>
    358 <h4 id="InstrumentationTestCase">InstrumentationTestCase</h4>
    359 <p>
    360     If you want to use instrumentation methods in a test case class, you must use
    361     {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestCase} or one of its subclasses. The
    362     {@link android.app.Activity} test cases extend this base class with other functionality that
    363     assists in Activity testing.
    364 </p>
    366 <h3 id="AssertionClasses">Assertion classes</h3>
    367 <p>
    368     Because Android test case classes extend JUnit, you can use assertion methods to display the
    369     results of tests. An assertion method compares an actual value returned by a test to an
    370     expected value, and throws an AssertionException if the comparison test fails. Using assertions
    371     is more convenient than doing logging, and provides better test performance.
    372 </p>
    373 <p>
    374     Besides the JUnit {@link junit.framework.Assert} class methods, the testing API also provides
    375     the {@link android.test.MoreAsserts} and {@link android.test.ViewAsserts} classes:
    376 </p>
    377 <ul>
    378     <li>
    379         {@link android.test.MoreAsserts} contains more powerful assertions such as
    380         {@link android.test.MoreAsserts#assertContainsRegex}, which does regular expression
    381         matching.
    382     </li>
    383     <li>
    384         {@link android.test.ViewAsserts} contains useful assertions about Views. For example
    385         it contains {@link android.test.ViewAsserts#assertHasScreenCoordinates} that tests if a View
    386         has a particular X and Y position on the visible screen. These asserts simplify testing of
    387         geometry and alignment in the UI.
    388     </li>
    389 </ul>
    390 <h3 id="MockObjectClasses">Mock object classes</h3>
    391 <p>
    392     To facilitate dependency injection in testing, Android provides classes that create mock system
    393     objects such as {@link android.content.Context} objects,
    394     {@link android.content.ContentProvider} objects, {@link android.content.ContentResolver}
    395     objects, and {@link android.app.Service} objects. Some test cases also provide mock
    396     {@link android.content.Intent} objects. You use these mocks both to isolate tests
    397     from the rest of the system and to facilitate dependency injection for testing. These classes
    398     are found in the Java packages {@link android.test} and {@link android.test.mock}.
    399 </p>
    400 <p>
    401     Mock objects isolate tests from a running system by stubbing out or overriding
    402     normal operations. For example, a {@link android.test.mock.MockContentResolver}
    403     replaces the normal resolver framework with its own local framework, which is isolated
    404     from the rest of the system. MockContentResolver also also stubs out the
    405     {@link android.content.ContentResolver#notifyChange(Uri, ContentObserver, boolean)} method
    406     so that observer objects outside the test environment are not accidentally triggered.
    407 </p>
    408 <p>
    409     Mock object classes also facilitate dependency injection by providing a subclass of the
    410     normal object that is non-functional except for overrides you define. For example, the
    411     {@link android.test.mock.MockResources} object provides a subclass of
    412     {@link android.content.res.Resources} in which all the methods throw Exceptions when called.
    413     To use it, you override only those methods that must provide information.
    414 </p>
    415 <p>
    416     These are the mock object classes available in Android:
    417 </p>
    418 <h4 id="SimpleMocks">Simple mock object classes</h4>
    419 <p>
    420     {@link android.test.mock.MockApplication}, {@link android.test.mock.MockContext},
    421     {@link android.test.mock.MockContentProvider}, {@link android.test.mock.MockCursor},
    422     {@link android.test.mock.MockDialogInterface}, {@link android.test.mock.MockPackageManager}, and
    423     {@link android.test.mock.MockResources} provide a simple and useful mock strategy. They are
    424     stubbed-out versions of the corresponding system object class, and all of their methods throw an
    425     {@link java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException} exception if called. To use them, you override
    426     the methods you need in order to provide mock dependencies.
    427 </p>
    428 <p class="Note"><strong>Note:</strong>
    429     {@link android.test.mock.MockContentProvider}
    430     and {@link android.test.mock.MockCursor} are new as of API level 8.
    431 </p>
    432 <h4 id="ResolverMocks">Resolver mock objects</h4>
    433 <p>
    434     {@link android.test.mock.MockContentResolver} provides isolated testing of content providers by
    435     masking out the normal system resolver framework. Instead of looking in the system to find a
    436     content provider given an authority string, MockContentResolver uses its own internal table. You
    437     must explicitly add providers to this table using
    438     {@link android.test.mock.MockContentResolver#addProvider(String,ContentProvider)}.
    439 </p>
    440 <p>
    441     With this feature, you can associate a mock content provider with an authority. You can create
    442     an instance of a real provider but use test data in it. You can even set the provider for an
    443     authority to <code>null</code>. In effect, a MockContentResolver object isolates your test
    444     from providers that contain real data. You can control the
    445     function of the provider, and you can prevent your test from affecting real data.
    446 </p>
    447 <h3 id="ContextMocks">Contexts for testing</h3>
    448 <p>
    449     Android provides two Context classes that are useful for testing:
    450 </p>
    451 <ul>
    452     <li>
    453         {@link android.test.IsolatedContext} provides an isolated {@link android.content.Context},
    454         File, directory, and database operations that use this Context take place in a test area.
    455         Though its functionality is limited, this Context has enough stub code to respond to
    456         system calls.
    457         <p>
    458             This class allows you to test an application's data operations without affecting real
    459             data that may be present on the device.
    460         </p>
    461     </li>
    462     <li>
    463         {@link android.test.RenamingDelegatingContext} provides a Context in which
    464         most functions are handled by an existing {@link android.content.Context}, but
    465         file and database operations are handled by a {@link android.test.IsolatedContext}.
    466         The isolated part uses a test directory and creates special file and directory names.
    467         You can control the naming yourself, or let the constructor determine it automatically.
    468         <p>
    469             This object provides a quick way to set up an isolated area for data operations,
    470             while keeping normal functionality for all other Context operations.
    471         </p>
    472     </li>
    473 </ul>
    474 <h2 id="InstrumentationTestRunner">Running Tests</h2>
    475 <p>
    476     Test cases are run by a test runner class that loads the test case class, set ups,
    477     runs, and tears down each test. An Android test runner must also be instrumented, so that
    478     the system utility for starting applications can control how the test package
    479     loads test cases and the application under test. You tell the Android platform
    480     which instrumented test runner to use by setting a value in the test package's manifest file.
    481 </p>
    482 <p>
    483     {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner} is the primary Android test runner class. It
    484     extends the JUnit test runner framework and is also instrumented. It can run any of the test
    485     case classes provided by Android and supports all possible types of testing.
    486 </p>
    487 <p>
    488     You specify <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code> or a subclass in your test package's
    489     manifest file, in the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/instrumentation-element.html">
    490     instrumentation</a> element. Also, <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code> code resides
    491     in the shared library <code>android.test.runner</code>,  which is not normally linked to
    492     Android code. To include it, you must specify it in a
    493     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-library-element.html">uses-library</a> element.
    494     You do not have to set up these elements yourself. Both Eclipse with ADT and the
    495     <code>android</code> command-line tool construct them automatically and add them to your
    496     test package's manifest file.
    497 </p>
    498 <p class="Note">
    499     <strong>Note:</strong> If you use a test runner other than
    500     <code>InstrumentationTestRunner</code>, you must change the &lt;instrumentation&gt;
    501     element to point to the class you want to use.
    502 </p>
    503 <p>
    504     To run {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}, you use internal system classes called by
    505     Android tools. When you run a test in Eclipse with ADT, the classes are called automatically.
    506     When you run a test from the command line, you run these classes with
    507     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/adb.html">Android Debug Bridge (adb)</a>.
    508 </p>
    509 <p>
    510     The system classes load and start the test package, kill any processes that
    511     are running an instance of the application under test, and then load a new instance of the
    512     application under test. They then pass control to
    513     {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}, which runs
    514     each test case class in the test package. You can also control which test cases and
    515     methods are run using settings in Eclipse with ADT, or using flags with the command-line tools.
    516 </p>
    517 <p>
    518     Neither the system classes nor {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner} run
    519     the application under test. Instead, the test case does this directly. It either calls methods
    520     in the application under test, or it calls its own methods that trigger lifecycle events in
    521     the application under test. The application is under the complete control of the test case,
    522     which allows it to set up the test environment (the test fixture) before running a test. This
    523     is demonstrated in the previous <a href="#ActivitySnippet">code snippet</a> that tests an
    524     Activity that displays a Spinner widget.
    525 </p>
    526 <p>
    527     To learn more about running tests, please read the topics
    528     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_eclipse.html"">
    529     Testing in Eclipse, with ADT</a> or
    530     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_otheride.html">
    531     Testing in Other IDes</a>.
    532 </p>
    533 <h2 id="TestResults">Seeing Test Results</h2>
    534 <p>
    535     The Android testing framework returns test results back to the tool that started the test.
    536     If you run a test in Eclipse with ADT, the results are displayed in a new JUnit view pane. If
    537     you run a test from the command line, the results are displayed in <code>STDOUT</code>. In
    538     both cases, you see a test summary that displays the name of each test case and method that
    539     was run. You also see all the assertion failures that occurred. These include pointers to the
    540     line in the test code where the failure occurred. Assertion failures also list the expected
    541     value and actual value.
    542 </p>
    543 <p>
    544     The test results have a format that is specific to the IDE that you are using. The test
    545     results format for Eclipse with ADT is described in
    546     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_eclipse.html#RunTestEclipse">
    547     Testing in Eclipse, with ADT</a>. The test results format for tests run from the
    548     command line is described in
    549     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_otheride.html#RunTestsCommand">
    550     Testing in Other IDEs</a>.
    551 </p>
    552 <h2 id="Monkeys">monkey and monkeyrunner</h2>
    553 <p>
    554     The SDK provides two tools for functional-level application testing:
    555 </p>
    556     <ul>
    557         <li>
    558 The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/monkey.html">UI/Application Exerciser Monkey</a>,
    559             usually called "monkey", is a command-line tool that sends pseudo-random streams of
    560             keystrokes, touches, and gestures to a device. You run it with the
    561             <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/adb.html">Android Debug Bridge</a> (adb) tool.
    562             You use it to stress-test your application and report back errors that are encountered.
    563             You can repeat a stream of events by running the tool each time with the same random
    564             number seed.
    565         </li>
    566         <li>
    567     The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/monkeyrunner_concepts.html">monkeyrunner</a> tool
    568             is an API and execution environment for test programs written in Python. The API
    569             includes functions for connecting to a device, installing and uninstalling packages,
    570             taking screenshots, comparing two images, and running a test package against an
    571             application. Using the API, you can write a wide range of large, powerful, and complex
    572             tests. You run programs that use the API with the <code>monkeyrunner</code> command-line
    573             tool.
    574         </li>
    575     </ul>
    576 <h2 id="PackageNames">Working With Package names</h2>
    577 <p>
    578     In the test environment, you work with both Android application package names and
    579     Java package identifiers. Both use the same naming format, but they represent substantially
    580     different entities. You need to know the difference to set up your tests correctly.
    581 </p>
    582 <p>
    583     An Android package name is a unique system name for a <code>.apk</code> file, set by the
    584     &quot;android:package&quot; attribute of the &lt;manifest&gt; element in the package's
    585     manifest. The Android package name of your test package must be different from the
    586     Android package name of the application under test. By default, Android tools create the
    587     test package name by appending ".test" to the package name of the application under test.
    588 </p>
    589 <p>
    590     The test package also uses an Android package name to target the application package it
    591     tests. This is set in the &quot;android:targetPackage&quot; attribute of the
    592     &lt;instrumentation&gt; element in the test package's manifest.
    593 </p>
    594 <p>
    595     A Java package identifier applies to a source file. This package name reflects the directory
    596     path of the source file. It also affects the visibility of classes and members to each other.
    597 </p>
    598 <p>
    599     Android tools that create test projects set up an Android test package name for you.
    600     From your input, the tools set up the test package name and the target package name for the
    601     application under test. For these tools to work, the application project must already exist.
    602 </p>
    603 <p>
    604     By default, these tools set the Java package identifier for the test class to be the same
    605     as the Android package identifier. You may want to change this if you want to expose
    606     members in the application under test by giving them package visibility. If you do this,
    607     change only the Java package identifier, not the Android package names, and change only the
    608     test case source files. Do not change the Java package name of the generated
    609     <code>R.java</code> class in your test package, because it will then conflict with the
    610     <code>R.java</code> class in the application under test. Do not change the Android package name
    611     of your test package to be the same as the application it tests, because then their names
    612     will no longer be unique in the system.
    613 </p>
    614 <h2 id="WhatToTest">What to Test</h2>
    615 <p>
    616     The topic <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/what_to_test.html">What To Test</a>
    617     describes the key functionality you should test in an Android application, and the key
    618     situations that might affect that functionality.
    619 </p>
    620 <p>
    621     Most unit testing is specific to the Android component you are testing.
    622     The topics <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/activity_testing.html">Activity Testing</a>,
    623     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/contentprovider_testing.html">
    624     Content Provider Testing</a>, and <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/testing/service_testing.html">
    625     Service Testing</a> each have a section entitled "What To Test" that lists possible testing
    626     areas.
    627 </p>
    628 <p>
    629     When possible, you should run these tests on an actual device. If this is not possible, you can
    630     use the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/devices/emulator.html">Android Emulator</a> with
    631     Android Virtual Devices configured for the hardware, screens, and versions you want to test.
    632 </p>
    633 <h2 id="NextSteps">Next Steps</h2>
    634 <p>
    635     To learn how to set up and run tests in Eclipse, please refer to <a
    636     href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_eclipse.html">Testing in
    637     Eclipse, with ADT</a>. If you're not working in Eclipse, refer to <a
    638     href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/testing/testing_otheride.html">Testing in Other
    639     IDEs</a>.
    640 </p>
    641 <p>
    642     If you want a step-by-step introduction to Android testing, try one of the
    643     testing tutorials or sample test packages:
    644 </p>
    645 <ul>
    646     <li>
    647         The <a
    648         href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/testing/helloandroid_test.html">Hello,
    649         Testing</a> tutorial introduces basic testing concepts and procedures in the
    650         context of the Hello, World application.
    651     </li>
    652     <li>
    653         The <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/testing/activity_test.html">Activity
    654         Testing</a> tutorial is an excellent follow-up to the Hello, Testing tutorial.
    655         It guides you through a more complex testing scenario that you develop against a
    656         more realistic application.
    657     </li>
    658     <!-- sample is not available
    659     <li>
    660         The sample test package <a href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/AlarmServiceTest/index.html">
    661         Alarm Service Test</a> is an example of testing a {@link android.app.Service}. It contains
    662         a set of unit tests for the Alarm Service sample application's {@link android.app.Service}.
    663     </li>
    664     -->
    665 </ul>