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      1 page.title=Common Tasks and How to Do Them in Android
      2 parent.title=FAQs, Tips, and How-to
      3 parent.link=index.html
      4 @jd:body
      6 <ul>
      7     <li><a href="#neweclipseandroidproject">Creating an Android Application using
      8     the Eclipse plugin</a></li>
      9     <li><a href="#newandroidprojectnoeclipse">Creating an Android Application without
     10     the Eclipse plugin</a></li>
     11     <li><a href="#addexternallibrary">Adding an External Library (.jar) using Eclipse</a></li>
     12     <li><a href="#implementcallbacks">Implementing Activity callbacks</a> (Android
     13         calls your activity at various key moments in its life cycle. You must know
     14         how to handle each of these to draw your screen, initialize class members,
     15         and acquire data.)</li>
     16     <li><a href="#opennewscreen">Opening a new screen</a></li>
     17     <li><a href="#listening">Listening for button clicks </a></li>
     18     <li><a href="#configurewindowproperties">Configuring general window properties </a></li>
     19     <li><a href="#localhostalias">Referring to localhost from the emulated environment</a></li>
     20     <li><a href="#appstate">Storing and retrieving state</a></li>
     21     <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/data-storage.html#preferences">Storing and retrieving preferences</a></li>
     22     <li><a href="#storingandretrieving">Storing and retrieving larger or more complex
     23             persistent data</a> (files and data) </li>
     24     <li><a href="#playback">Playing audio, video, still, or other media files</a></li>
     25     <li><a href="#broadcastreceivers">Listening for and broadcasting global messages
     26         and setting alarms</a></li>
     27     <li><a href="#alerts">Displaying alerts </a></li>
     28     <li><a href="#progressbar">Displaying a progress bar</a> </li>
     29     <li><a href="#addmenuitems">Adding items to the screen menu</a> </li>
     30     <li><a href="#webpage">Display a web page</a> </li>
     31     <li><a href="#binding">Binding to data</a></li>
     32     <li><a href="#handle">Getting a Handle to a Screen Element</a></li>
     33     <li><a href="#captureimages">Capture images from the phone camera </a></li>
     34     <li><a href="#threading">Handling expensive operations in the UI thread</a></li>
     35     <li><a href="#selectingtext">Selecting, highlighting, or styling portions of
     36             text</a></li>
     37     <li><a href="#querymap">Utilizing attributes in a Map query</a></li>
     38     <li><a href="#filelist">List of files for an Android application</a></li>
     39     <li><a href="#logging">Print messages to a log file</a></li>
     40 </ul>
     41 <p>The ApiDemos sample application includes many, many examples of common
     42 tasks and UI features. See the code inside
     43 <code>&lt;sdk&gt;samples/ApiDemos</code> and the other sample applications
     44 under the <code>samples/</code> folder in the SDK.</p>
     47 <h2 id="neweclipseandroidproject">Creating an Android Application using the Eclipse Plugin</h2>
     49 <p>Using the Android Eclipse plugin is the fastest and easiest way
     50 to start creating a new Android application. The plugin automatically generates
     51 the correct project structure for your application, and keeps the resources
     52 compiled for you automatically.</p>
     54 <p>It is still a good idea to know what is going on though. Take a look at <a
     55 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals.html">Application Fundamentals</a> 
     56 to understand the basics of how an Android application works.</p> 
     58 <p>You should also take a look at the ApiDemos application and the other sample
     59 applications included in the SDK, in the <code>&lt;sdk&gt;/samples/</code>
     60 folder in the SDK.</p>
     62 <p>Finally, a great way to started with Android development in Eclipse is to
     63 follow both the <a href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/hello-world.html">Hello,
     64 World</a> and <a
     65 href="{@docRoot}resources/tutorials/notepad/index.html">Notepad</a> code
     66 tutorials. In particular, the start of the Hello Android tutorial is an
     67 excellent introduction to creating a new Android application in Eclipse.</p>
     69 <h2 id="newandroidprojectnoeclipse">Creating an Android Application without the Eclipse Plugin</h2>
     71 <p>This topic describes the manual steps in creating an Android application.
     72 Before reading this, you should read <a
     73 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals.html">Application Fundamentals</a> 
     74 to understand the basics of how an Android application works. You might also 
     75 want to look at the sample code included with the Android SDK, in the 
     76 <code>&lt;sdk&gt;/samples/</code> directory. </p>
     78 <p>Here is a list of the basic steps in building an application.</p>
     79 <ol>
     80     <li><strong>Create your required resource files</strong> &nbsp;&nbsp;This includes
     81         the AndroidManifest.xml global description file, string files that your application
     82         needs, and layout files describing your user interface. A full list of optional
     83         and required files and syntax details for each is given in <a href="#filelist">File
     84         List for an Android Application</a>. </li>
     85     <li><strong>Design your user interface</strong> &nbsp;&nbsp;See <a
     86     href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/index.html">User Interface</a> for
     87     details on elements of the Android screen. </li>
     88     <li><strong>Implement your Activity </strong>(this page)<strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong> You
     89         will create one class/file for each screen in your application. Screens will
     90         inherit from an {@link android.app android.app} class, typically {@link android.app.Activity
     91         android.app.Activity} for basic screens, {@link android.app.ListActivity
     92         android.app.ListActivity} for list screens, or {@link android.app.Dialog
     93         android.app.Dialog} for dialog boxes. You will implement the required callbacks
     94         that let you draw your screen, query data, and commit changes, and also perform
     95         any required tasks such as opening additional screens or reading data from
     96         the device. Common tasks, such as opening a new screen or reading data from
     97         the device, are described below.
     98         The list of files you'll need for your application are described in <a href="#filelist">List
     99         of Files for an Android Application</a>. </li>
    100     <li><strong><a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/building/building-cmdline.html">Build and install your
    101                 package</a>.</strong> The Android SDK has some nice tools for generating
    102                 projects and debugging code. </li>
    103 </ol>
    105 <h2 id="addexternallibrary">Adding an External Library (.jar) using Eclipse</h2>
    106 <p>
    107 You can use a third party JAR in your application by adding it to your Eclipse project as follows:
    108 </p>
    109 <ol>
    110 <li>
    111 In the <strong>Package Explorer</strong> panel, right-click on your project and select <strong>Properties</strong>.
    112 <li>
    113 Select <strong>Java Build Path</strong>, then the tab <strong>Libraries</strong>.
    114 <li>
    115 Press the <strong>Add External JARs...</strong> button and select the JAR file.
    116 </ol>
    117 <p>
    118 Alternatively, if you want to include third party JARs with your package, create a new directory for them within your project and select <strong>Add Library...</strong> instead.</p>
    119 <p>
    120 It is not necessary to put external JARs in the assets folder.
    121 </p>
    123 <a name="implementcallbacks" id="implementcallbacks"></a>
    124 <h2>Implementing Activity Callbacks</h2>
    125 <p>Android calls a number of callbacks to let you draw your screen, store data before
    126     pausing, and refresh data after closing. You must implement at least some of
    127     these methods. Read the <a
    128 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/activities.html#Lifecycle">Activities</a>
    129     document to learn when and in what order these methods 
    130     are called. Here are some of the standard types of screen classes that Android provides:</p>
    131 <ul>
    132     <li>{@link android.app.Activity android.app.Activity} - This is a standard screen,
    133         with no specialization.</li>
    134     <li>{@link android.app.ListActivity android.app.ListActivity} - This is a screen
    135         that is used to display a list of something. It hosts a ListView object,
    136         and exposes methods to let you identify the selected item, receive callbacks
    137         when the selected item changes, and perform other list-related actions. </li>
    138     <li>{@link android.app.Dialog android.app.Dialog} - This is a small, popup dialog-style
    139         window that isn't intended to remain in the history stack. (It is not resizeable
    140         or moveable by the user.)</li>
    141 </ul>
    143 <a name="opennewscreen" id="opennewscreen"></a><h2>Opening a New Screen</h2>
    144 <p>Your Activity will often need to open another Activity screen as it progresses.
    145     This new screen can be part of the same application or part of another application,
    146     the new screen can be floating or full screen, it can return a result, and you
    147     can decide whether to close this screen and remove it from the history stack
    148     when you are done with it, or to keep the screen open in history. These next
    149     sections describe all these options. </p>
    150 <h3>Floating or full?<a name="floatingorfull" id="floatingorfull"></a></h3>
    151 <p>When you open a new screen you can decide whether to make it transparent or floating,
    152     or full-screen. The choice of new screen affects the event sequence of events
    153     in the old screen (if the new screen obscures the old screen, a different
    154     series of events is called in the old screen). See the <a
    155     href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/activities.html#Lifecycle">Activities</a> document for
    156 details. </p> 
    157 <p>Transparent or floating windows are implemented in three
    158     standard ways: </p>
    159 <ul>
    160     <li>Create an {@link android.app.Dialog app.Dialog} class </li>
    161     <li>Create an {@link android.app.AlertDialog app.AlertDialog} class </li>
    162     <li>Set the {@link android.R.style#Theme_Dialog} <em>theme</em> attribute to <code>&#64;android:style/Theme.Dialog</code>
    163         in your AndroidManifest.xml file. For example:    
    164     <pre>&lt;activity class=&quot;AddRssItem&quot; android:label=&quot;Add an item&quot; android:theme=&quot;&#064;android:style/Theme.Dialog&quot;/&gt;</pre></li>
    165 </ul>
    167 <p>Calling startActivity() or startActivityForResult() will open a new screen in whatever
    168     way it defines itself (if it uses a floating theme it will be floating,
    169     otherwise it will be full screen). </p>
    170 <h3>Opening a Screen </h3>
    171 <p>When you want to open a new screen, you can either explicitly specify the activity
    172     class to open, or you can let the operating system decide which screen to open,
    173     based upon the data and various parameters you pass in. A screen is opened by
    174     calling {@link android.app.Activity#startActivity(android.content.Intent) startActivity}
    175     and passing in an {@link android.content.Intent Intent} object, which specifies
    176     the criteria for the handling screen. To specify a specific screen, call Intent.setClass
    177     or setClassName with the exact activity class to open. Otherwise, set a variety
    178     of values and data, and let Android decide which screen is appropriate to open.
    179     Android will find one or zero Activities that match the specified requirements;
    180     it will never open multiple activities for a single request. More information
    181     on Intents and how Android resolves them to a specific class is given in the
    182     {@link android.content.Intent Intent} topic. </p>
    183 <a name="intentexamples" id="intentexamples"></a><h3>Some Intent examples </h3>
    184 <p>The following snippet loads the com.android.samples.Animation1 class, and
    185     passes it some arbitrary data.:</p>
    186 <pre>Intent myIntent = new Intent();
    187 myIntent.setClassName(&quot;com.android.samples&quot;, &quot;com.android.samples.Animation1&quot;);
    188 myIntent.putExtra(&quot;com.android.samples.SpecialValue&quot;, &quot;Hello, Joe!&quot;); // key/value pair, where key needs current package prefix.
    189 startActivity(myIntent);    </pre>
    190 <p>The next snippet requests that a Web page be opened by specifying the VIEW action,
    191     and a URI data string starting with &quot;http://"; schema:</p>
    192 <pre>Intent myIntent = new Intent(Intent.VIEW_ACTION, Uri.parse(&quot;http://www.google.com";));</pre>
    193 <p>Here is the intent filter from the AndroidManifest.xml file for com.android.browser:</p>
    194 <pre>&lt;intent-filter&gt;
    195     &lt;action android:name=&quot;android.intent.action.VIEW&quot; /&gt;
    196     &lt;category android:name=&quot;android.intent.category.DEFAULT&quot; /&gt;
    197     &lt;scheme android:name=&quot;http&quot; /&gt;
    198     &lt;scheme android:name=&quot;https&quot; /&gt;
    199     &lt;scheme android:name=&quot;file&quot; /&gt;
    200 &lt;/intent-filter&gt; </pre>
    201 <p>Android defines a number of standard values, for instance the action constants
    202     defined by {@link android.content.Intent}. You can define custom values, but
    203     both the caller and handler must use them. See the &lt;intent-filter&gt;
    204     tag description in <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro.html">The AndroidManifest.xml
    205     File</a> for more information on the manifest syntax for the handling
    206     application. </p>
    207 <a name="returningaresult" id="returningaresult"></a><h3>Returning a Result from a Screen</h3>
    208 <p>A window can return a result after it closes. This result will be passed back
    209     into the calling Activity's {@link android.app.Activity#onActivityResult(int,int,android.content.Intent)
    210     onActivityResult()} method, which can supply an Intent containing arbitrary data, along with
    211     the request code passed to startActivityForResult(). Note that you must call the {@link
    212     android.app.Activity#startActivityForResult(android.content.Intent,int) startActivityForResult()}
    213     method that accepts a request code parameter to get this callback. The following
    214     code demonstrates opening a new screen and retrieving a result. </p>
    215 <pre>// Open the new screen.
    216 public void onClick(View v){
    217     // Start the activity whose result we want to retrieve.  The
    218     // result will come back with request code GET_CODE.
    219     Intent intent = new Intent(this, com.example.app.ChooseYourBoxer.class);
    220     startActivityForResult(intent, CHOOSE_FIGHTER);
    221 }
    223 // Listen for results.
    224 protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data){
    225     // See which child activity is calling us back.
    226     switch (requestCode) {
    227         case CHOOSE_FIGHTER:
    228             // This is the standard resultCode that is sent back if the
    229             // activity crashed or didn't doesn't supply an explicit result.
    230             if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED){
    231                 myMessageboxFunction("Fight cancelled");
    232             } 
    233             else {
    234                 myFightFunction(data);
    235             }
    236         default:
    237             break;
    238     }
    239 }
    241 // Class SentResult
    242 // Temporary screen to let the user choose something.
    243     private OnClickListener mLincolnListener = new OnClickListener(){
    244         public void onClick(View v) {
    245             Bundle stats = new Bundle();
    246             stats.putString("height","6\'4\""); 
    247             stats.putString("weight", "190 lbs");
    248             stats.putString("reach", "74\"");
    249             setResult(RESULT_OK, "Lincoln", stats);
    250             finish();
    251         }
    252     };
    254     private OnClickListener mWashingtonListener = new OnClickListener() {
    255         public void onClick(View v){
    256             Bundle stats = new Bundle();
    257             stats.putString("height","6\'2\""); 
    258             stats.putString("weight", "190 lbs");
    259             stats.putString("reach", "73\"");
    260             setResult(RESULT_OK, "Washington", stats);
    261             finish();
    262         }
    263     };
    264 	</pre>
    265 <h3>Lifetime of the new screen </h3>
    266 <p>An activity can remove itself from the history stack by calling {@link android.app.Activity#finish()
    267     Activity.finish()} on itself, or the activity that opened the screen can call
    268     {@link android.app.Activity#finishActivity(int) Activity.finishActivity()}
    269     on any screens that it opens to close them. </p>
    270 <a name="listening" id="listening"></a><h2>Listening for Button Clicks</h2>
    271 <p>Button click and other UI event capturing are covered in <a
    272 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/ui-events.html">Input Events</a>.</p>
    273 <a name="configurewindowproperties" id="configurewindowproperties"></a><h2>Configuring General Window Properties</h2>
    274 <p>You can set a number of general window properties, such as whether to display
    275     a title, whether the window is floating, and whether it displays an icon, by
    276     calling methods on the {@link android.view.Window Window} member
    277     of the underlying View object for the window. Examples include calling {@link
    278     android.app.Activity#getWindow() getWindow().requestFeature()} (or the convenience
    279     method {@link android.app.Activity#requestWindowFeature(int) requestWindowFeature(<em>some_feature</em>)})
    280     to hide the title. Here is an example of hiding the title bar:</p>
    281 <pre>//Hide the title bar
    282 requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);
    283 </pre>
    284 <p>A better way to achieve the same end is to specify a theme in your Android
    285 Manifest file:</p>
    286 <pre>&lt;application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar"&gt;
    287 </pre>
    288 <p>This is preferable because it tells the system not to show a title bar while
    289 your application is starting up. With the explicit method call, your application
    290 will have a title bar visible to the user until <code>onCreate</code> runs.</p>
    291 <p>(Note that this can be applied to either the <code>&lt;application&gt;</code>
    292 tag or to individual <code>&lt;activity&gt;</code> tags.)</p>
    293 <p class="caution"><strong>Caution:</strong> This theme will also hide the Action Bar on Android
    294 3.0 and higher. If you want to keep the Action Bar, but hide the title bar, see how you can <a
    295 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html#SelectATheme">select a theme based on platform
    296 version</a>.</p>
    297 <a name="localhostalias" id="localhostalias"></a><h2>Referring to localhost from the emulated
    298 environment</h2>
    299 <p>
    300 If you need to refer to your host computer's <em>localhost</em>, such as when you 
    301 want the emulator client to contact a server running on the same host, use the alias 
    302 <code></code> to refer to the host computer's loopback interface. 
    303 From the emulator's perspective, localhost (<code></code>) refers to its own 
    304 loopback interface.
    305 </p>
    306 <a name="appstate" id="appstate"></a><h2>Storing and Retrieving State</h2>
    307 <p>If your application is dumped from memory because of space concerns, it will lose
    308     all user interface state information such as checkbox state and text box values
    309     as well as class member values. Android calls {@link android.app.Activity#onSaveInstanceState(android.os.Bundle)
    310     Activity.onSaveInstanceState} before it pauses the application. This method hands in a {@link
    311     android.os.Bundle Bundle} that can be used to store name/value pairs that will
    312     persist and be handed back to the application even if it is dropped from memory.
    313     Android will pass this Bundle back to you when it calls {@link android.app.Activity#onCreate(android.os.Bundle)
    314     onCreate()}. This Bundle only exists while the application is still in the history
    315     stack (whether or not it has been removed from memory) and will be lost when
    316     the application is finalized. See the topics for {@link android.app.Activity#onSaveInstanceState} and
    317     {@link android.app.Activity#onCreate} for
    318     examples of storing and retrieving state.</p>
    319 <p>Read more about the lifecycle of an activity in <a
    320 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/fundamentals/activities.html">Activities</a> document.</p>
    321 <h3>Storing and Retrieving Larger or More Complex Persistent Data<a name="storingandretrieving" id="storingandretrieving"></a></h3>
    322 <p>Your application can store files or complex collection objects, and reserve them
    323     for private use by itself or other activities in the application, or it can expose
    324     its data to all other applications on the device. See <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/data/data-storage.html">Storing,
    325     Retrieving, and Exposing Data</a> to learn how to store and retrieve private data,
    326     how to store and retrieve common data from the device, and how to expose your
    327     private data to other applications.</p>
    328 <a name="playback" id="playback"></a><h2>Playing Media Files</h2>
    329 <p>Please see the document <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/media/index.html">Audio and Video</a> for more details.</p>
    330 <a name="broadcastreceivers" id="broadcastreceivers"></a><h2>Listening For and Broadcasting Global Messages, and Setting Alarms</h2>
    331 <p>You can create a listening class that can be notified or even instantiated whenever
    332     a specific type of system message is sent. 
    333 </p>
    334 <p>The listening classes, called broadcast receivers, extend {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver
    335     BroadcastReceiver}. If you want Android to instantiate the object whenever an appropriate
    336     intent notification is sent, define the receiver with a <code>&lt;receiver&gt;</code> element
    337     in the AndroidManifext.xml file. If the caller is expected to instantiate the
    338     object in preparation to receive a message, this is not required. The receiver
    339     will get a call to their {@link android.content.BroadcastReceiver#onReceive(android.content.Context,android.content.Intent)
    340     BroadcastReceiver.onReceive()} method. A receiver can define an <code>&lt;intent-filter&gt;</code> tag
    341     that describes the types of messages it will receive. Just as Android's IntentResolver
    342     will look for appropriate Activity matches for a startActivity() call, it will
    343     look for any matching Receivers (but it will send the message to all matching
    344     receivers, not to the &quot;best&quot; match). </p>
    345 <p>To send a notification, the caller creates an {@link android.content.Intent Intent}
    346     object and calls {@link android.app.Activity#sendBroadcast(android.content.Intent)
    347     Context.sendBroadcast()} with that Intent. Multiple recipients can receive
    348     the same message. You can broadcast an Intent message to an intent receiver in
    349     any application, not only your own. If the receiving class is not registered
    350     using <code>&lt;receiver&gt;</code> in its manifest, you can dynamically instantiate
    351     and register a receiver by calling {@link android.content.Context#registerReceiver(android.content.BroadcastReceiver,android.content.IntentFilter)
    352     Context.registerReceiver()}. </p>
    353 <p>Receivers can include intent filters to specify what kinds of intents they are
    354     listening for. Alternatively, if you expect a single known caller to contact
    355     a single known receiver, the receiver does not specify an intent filter, and
    356     the caller specifies the receiver's class name in the Intent by calling {@link
    357     android.content.Intent#setClassName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) Intent.setClassName()}
    358     with the recipient's class name. The recipient receives a {@link android.content.Context
    359     Context} object that refers to its own package, not to the package of the sender.</p>
    360 <p><em><strong>Note:</strong></em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;If a receiver or broadcaster
    361     enforces permissions, your application might need to request permission
    362     to send or receive messages from that object. You can request permission by using
    363     the &lt;uses-permission&gt; tag in the manifest. </p>
    364 <p>Here is a code snippet of a sender and receiver. This example does not demonstrate
    365     registering receivers dynamically. For a full code example, see the AlarmService
    366     class in the ApiDemos project.</p>
    367 <h3>Sending the message</h3>
    368 <pre>// We are sending this to a specific recipient, so we will
    369 // only specify the recipient class name. 
    370 Intent intent = new Intent(this, AlarmReceiver.class);
    371 intent.putExtra(&quot;message&quot;,&quot;Wake up.&quot;);
    372 sendBroadcast(intent);
    373 </pre>
    374 <h3>Receiving the message</h3>
    375 <p><strong>Receiver AndroidManifest.xml </strong>(because there is no intent filter
    376     child, this class will only receive a broadcast when the receiver class is specified
    377     by name, as is done in this example):</p>
    378 <pre>
    379 &lt;receiver class=".AlarmReceiver" /&gt;</pre>
    380 <p><strong>Receiver Java code: </strong></p>
    381 <pre>
    382 public class AlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{
    383     // Display an alert that we've received a message.    
    384     &#064;Override 
    385     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent){
    386 	    // Send a text notification to the screen.
    387         NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager)
    388         context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
    389         nm.notifyWithText(R.id.alarm,
    390                           &quot;Alarm!!!&quot;,
    391                           NotificationManager.LENGTH_SHORT,
    392                           null);
    393    }
    394 }   </pre>
    395 <h3>Other system messages</h3>
    396 <p>You can listen for other system messages sent by Android as well, such as USB
    397     connection/removal messages, SMS arrival messages, and timezone changes. See
    398     {@link android.content.Intent} for a list of broadcast messages to listen for.
    399     Messages are marked &quot;Broadcast Action&quot; in the documentation. </p>
    400 <h3>Listening for phone events<a name="phoneevents" id="phoneevents"></a></h3>
    401 <p>The {@link android.telephony android.telephony} package overview page describes how to
    402     register to listen for phone events. </p>
    403 <a name="alarms" id="alarms"></a><h3>Setting Alarms </h3>
    404 <p>Android provides an {@link android.app.AlarmManager AlarmManager} service that
    405     will let you specify an Intent to send at a designated time. This intent is typically
    406     used to start an application at a preset time. (Note: If you want to send
    407     a notification to a sleeping or running application, use {@link android.os.Handler
    408     Handler} instead.)</p>
    409 <a name="alerts" id="alerts"></a><h2>Displaying Alerts</h2>
    410 <p>There are two major kinds of alerts that you may display to the user:
    411 (1) Normal alerts are displayed in response to a user action, such as
    412 trying to perform an action that is not allowed.  (2) Out-of-band alerts,
    413 called notifications, are
    414 displayed as a result of something happening in the background, such as the
    415 user receiving new e-mail.</p>
    417 <a name="dialogsandalerts" id="dialogsandalerts"></a><h3>Normal Alerts</h3>
    419 <p>Android provides a number of ways for you to show popup notifications to your
    420     user as they interact with your application. </p>
    421 <table width="100%" border="1">
    422     <tr>
    423         <th scope="col">Class</th>
    424         <th scope="col">Description</th>
    425     </tr>
    426     <tr>
    427         <td>{@link android.app.Dialog app.Dialog}</td>
    428         <td>A generic floating dialog box with a layout that you design. </td>
    429     </tr>
    430     <tr>
    431         <td><p>{@link android.app.AlertDialog app.AlertDialog}</p></td>
    432         <td>A popup alert dialog with two buttons (typically OK and Cancel) that
    433             take callback handlers. See the section after this table for more details. </td>
    434     </tr>
    435     <tr>
    436         <td>{@link android.app.ProgressDialog ProgressDialog} </td>
    437         <td>A dialog box used to indicate progress of an operation with a known progress
    438             value or an indeterminate length (setProgress(bool)). See <strong>Views</strong> &gt; <strong>Progress Bar</strong> in
    439             ApiDemos for examples. </td>
    440     </tr>
    441     <tr>
    442         <td>Activity</td>
    443         <td>By setting the theme of an activity to
    444             {@link android.R.style#Theme_Dialog 
    445             android:theme=&quot;&#064;android:style/Theme.Dialog&quot;}, 
    446             your activity will take on
    447             the appearance of a normal dialog, floating on top of whatever was
    448             underneath it.  You usually set the theme through the
    449             {@link android.R.attr#theme android:theme} attribute in your AndroidManifest.xml.
    450             The advantage of this
    451             over Dialog and AlertDialog is that Application has a much better managed
    452             life cycle than dialogs: if a dialog goes to the background and is killed,
    453             you cannot recapture state, whereas Application exposes a {@link android.os.Bundle
    454             Bundle} of saved values in <code>onCreate()</code> to help you maintain state.</td>
    455     </tr>
    456 </table>
    457 <h3>AlertDialog</h3>
    458 <p>This is a basic warning dialog box that lets you configure a message, button text,
    459     and callback. You can create one by calling using the {@link 
    460     android.app.AlertDialog.Builder} class, as shown here. </p>
    461 <pre>private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
    462     public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
    463         switch (msg.what) {
    464             case ACCEPT_CALL:
    465             answer(msg.obj);
    466             break;
    468             case BOUNCE_TO_VOICEMAIL:
    469             voicemail(msg.obj);
    470             break;
    472         }
    473     }
    474 };
    477 private void IncomingMotherInlawCall(Connection c) {
    478     String Text;
    480     // &quot;Answer&quot; callback.
    481     Message acceptMsg = Message.obtain();
    482     acceptMsg.target = mHandler;
    483     acceptMsg.what = ACCEPT_CALL;
    484     acceptMsg.obj = c.getCall();
    486     // &quot;Cancel&quot; callback.
    487     final Message rejectMsg = Message.obtain();
    488     rejectMsg.target = mHandler;
    489     rejectMsg.what = BOUNCE_TO_VOICEMAIL;
    490     rejectMsg.obj = c.getCall();
    492     new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
    493       .setMessage("Phyllis is calling")
    494       .setPositiveButton("Answer", acceptMsg)
    495       .setOnCanceListener(new OnCancelListener() {
    496         public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
    497           rejectMsg.sendToTarget();
    498         }});
    499       .show();
    500 }    </pre>
    502 <h3>Notifications</h3>
    504 <p>Out-of-band alerts should always be displayed using the
    505 {@link android.app.NotificationManager}, which allows you to tell the user
    506 about something they may be interested in without disrupting what they are
    507 currently doing.  A notification can be anything from a brief pop-up box
    508 informing the user of the new information, through displaying a persistent
    509 icon in the status bar, to vibrating, playing sounds, or flashing lights to
    510 get the user's attention.  In all cases, the user must explicitly shift their
    511 focus to the notification before they can interact with it.</p>
    513 <p>The following code demonstrates using NotificationManager to display a basic text
    514     popup when a new SMS message arrives in a listening service, and provides the
    515     current message count. You can see several more examples in the ApiDemos application,
    516     under app/ (named <em>notification</em>*.java).</p>
    517 <pre>static void setNewMessageIndicator(Context context, int messageCount){
    518    // Get the static global NotificationManager object.
    519    NotificationManager nm = NotificationManager.getDefault();</p>
    521    // If we're being called because a new message has been received, 
    522    // then display an icon and a count. Otherwise, delete the persistent
    523    // message.
    524    if (messageCount &gt; 0) {
    525       nm.notifyWithText(myApp.NOTIFICATION_GUID,      // ID for this notification.
    526                 messageCount + &quot; new message&quot; + messageCount &gt; 1 ? &quot;s&quot;:&quot;&quot;, // Text to display.
    527                 NotificationManager.LENGTH_SHORT); // Show it for a short time only.
    528    }
    529 }</pre>
    530 <p>To display a notification in the status bar and have it launch an intent when
    531     the user selects it (such as the new text message notification does), call {@link
    532     android.app.NotificationManager#notify(int, android.app.Notification) NotificationManager.notify()},
    533     and pass in vibration patterns, status bar icons, or Intents to associate with
    534     the notification. </p>
    535 <a name="progressbar" id="progressbar"></a><h2>Displaying a Progress Bar</h2>
    536 <p>An activity can display a progress bar to notify the user that something is happening.
    537     To display a progress bar in a screen, call {@link android.app.Activity#requestWindowFeature(int)
    538     Activity.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS)}. To set the value
    539     of the progress bar, call {@link android.view.Window#setFeatureInt(int,int)
    540     Activity.getWindow().setFeatureInt(Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS, <em>level</em>)}.
    541     Progress bar values are from 0 to 9,999, or set the value to 10,000 to make the
    542     progress bar invisible. </p>
    543 <p>You can also use the {@link android.app.ProgressDialog ProgressDialog} class,
    544     which enables a  dialog box with an embedded progress bar to send a &quot;I'm working
    545     on it&quot; notification to the user. </p>
    546 <a name="addmenuitems" id="addmenuitems"></a><h2>Adding Items to the Screen Menu</h2>
    547 <p>See <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/menus.html">Menus</a>.</p>
    549 <a name="webpage" id="webpage"></a><h2>Display a Web Page</h2>
    550 <p>Use the {@link android.webkit.WebView webkit.WebView} object. </p>
    551 <a name="binding" id="binding"></a><h2>Binding to Data</h2>
    552 <p>You can bind a ListView to a set of underlying data by using a shim class called
    553     {@link android.widget.ListAdapter ListAdapter} (or a subclass). ListAdapter subclasses
    554     bind to a variety of data sources, and expose a common set of methods such as
    555     getItem() and getView(), and uses them to pick View items to display in its list.
    556     You can extend ListAdapter and override getView() to create your own custom list
    557     items. There are essentially only two steps you need to perform to bind to data: </p>
    558 <ol>
    559     <li>Create a ListAdapter object and specify its data source</li>
    560     <li>Give the ListAdapter to your ListView object.</li>
    561 </ol>
    562 <p>That's it!</p>
    563 <p>Here's an example of binding a ListActivity screen to the results from a cursor
    564     query. (Note that the setListAdapter() method shown is a convenience method that
    565     gets the page's ListView object and calls setAdapter() on it.)</p>
    566 <pre>// Run a query and get a Cursor pointing to the results.
    567 Cursor c = People.query(this.getContentResolver(), null);
    568 startManagingCursor(c);
    570 // Create the ListAdapter. A SimpleCursorAdapter lets you specify two interesting things:
    571 // an XML template for your list item, and
    572 // The column to map to a specific item, by ID, in your template.
    573 ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter(this,  
    574                 android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,  // Use a template that displays a text view
    575                 c,                                    // Give the cursor to the list adapter
    576                 new String[] {People.NAME} ,          // Map the NAME column in the people database to...
    577                 new String[] {"text1"});              // The "text1" view defined in the XML template
    578 setListAdapter(adapter);</pre>
    579 <p>See view/List4 in the ApiDemos project for an example of extending ListAdapter
    580     for a new data type. </p>
    582 <a name="handle"></a>
    584 <h2>Getting a Handle to a Screen Element</h2>
    585 <p>You can get a handle to a screen element by calling {@link
    586 android.app.Activity#findViewById(int) Activity.findViewById}. You can then use
    587 the handle to set or retrieve any values exposed by the object. </p>
    588 <a name="captureimages" id="captureimages"></a><h2>Capture Images from the Phone Camera</h2>
    589 <p>You can hook into the device's camera onto your own Canvas object by using the
    590     {@link android.hardware.Camera Camera} class. See that class's documentation,
    591     and the ApiDemos project's Camera Preview application (Graphics/Camera Preview)
    592     for example code. </p>
    595 <a name="threading" id="threading"></a><h2>Handling Expensive Operations in the UI Thread</h2>
    596 <p>Avoid performing long-running operations (such as network I/O) directly in the UI thread &mdash; 
    597 the main thread of an application where the UI is run &mdash; or your application may be blocked 
    598 and become unresponsive. Here is a brief summary of the recommended approach for handling expensive operations:</p>
    599 <ol>
    600 <li>Create a Handler object in your UI thread</li>
    601 <li>Spawn off worker threads to perform any required expensive operations</li>
    602 <li>Post results from a worker thread back to the UI thread's handler either through a Runnable or a {@link android.os.Message}</li>
    603 <li>Update the views on the UI thread as needed</li>
    604 </ol>
    606 <p>The following outline illustrates a typical implementation:</p>
    608 <pre>
    609 public class MyActivity extends Activity {
    611     [ . . . ]
    612     // Need handler for callbacks to the UI thread
    613     final Handler mHandler = new Handler();
    615     // Create runnable for posting
    616     final Runnable mUpdateResults = new Runnable() {
    617         public void run() {
    618             updateResultsInUi();
    619         }
    620     };
    622     &#64;Override
    623     protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    624         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    626         [ . . . ]
    627     }
    629     protected void startLongRunningOperation() {
    631         // Fire off a thread to do some work that we shouldn't do directly in the UI thread
    632         Thread t = new Thread() {
    633             public void run() {
    634                 mResults = doSomethingExpensive();
    635                 mHandler.post(mUpdateResults);
    636             }
    637         };
    638         t.start();
    639     }
    641     private void updateResultsInUi() {
    643         // Back in the UI thread -- update our UI elements based on the data in mResults
    644         [ . . . ]
    645     }
    646 }
    647 </pre>
    649 <p>For further discussions on this topic, see 
    650 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/practices/design/responsiveness.html">Designing for Responsiveness</a> 
    651 and the {@link android.os.Handler} documentation.</p>
    653 <a name="selectingtext" id="selectingtext"></a><h2>Selecting, Highlighting, or Styling Portions of Text</h2>
    654 <p>You can highlight or style the formatting of strings or substrings of text in
    655     a TextView object. There are two ways to do this:</p>
    656 <ul>
    657     <li>If you use a <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html#stringresources">string resource</a>,
    658         you can add some simple styling, such as bold or italic using HTML notation.
    659         The currently supported tags are: <code>B</code> (bold),
    660         <code>I</code> (italic), <code>U</code> (underline),
    661         <code>TT</code> (monospace), <code>BIG</code>, <code>SMALL</code>,
    662         <code>SUP</code> (superscript), <code>SUB</code> (subscript),
    663         and <code>STRIKE</code> (strikethrough).
    664         So, for example, in res/values/strings.xml you could declare this:<br />
    665         <code>&lt;resource&gt;<br />
    666         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&lt;string&nbsp;id=&quot;@+id/styled_welcome_message&quot;&gt;We
    667         are &lt;b&gt;&lt;i&gt;so&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/b&gt; glad to see you.&lt;/string&gt;<br />
    668         &lt;/resources&gt;</code></li>
    669     <li>To style text on the fly, or to add highlighting or more complex styling,
    670         you must use the Spannable object as described next. </li>
    671 </ul>
    672 <p>To style text on the fly, you must make sure the TextView is using {@link android.text.Spannable}
    673     storage for the text (this will always be true if the TextView is an EditText),
    674     retrieve its text with {@link android.widget.TextView#getText}, and call {@link
    675     android.text.Spannable#setSpan}, passing in a new style class from the {@link
    676     android.text.style} package and the selection range. </p>
    677 <p>The following code snippet demonstrates creating a string with a highlighted section,
    678     italic section, and bold section, and adding it to an EditText object. </p>
    679 <pre>// Get our EditText object.
    680 EditText vw = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.text);
    682 // Set the EditText's text.
    683 vw.setText("Italic, highlighted, bold.");
    685 // If this were just a TextView, we could do:
    686 // vw.setText("Italic, highlighted, bold.", TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);
    687 // to force it to use Spannable storage so styles can be attached.
    688 // Or we could specify that in the XML.
    690 // Get the EditText's internal text storage
    691 Spannable str = vw.getText();
    693 // Create our span sections, and assign a format to each.
    694 str.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.ITALIC), 0, 7, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    695 str.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(0xFFFFFF00), 8, 19, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    696 str.setSpan(new StyleSpan(android.graphics.Typeface.BOLD), 21, str.length() - 1, Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    697 </pre>
    699 <a name="querymap" id="querymap"></a><h2>Utilizing attributes in a Map query</h2>
    700 <p>
    701 When using a search intent to ask the Maps activity to search for something, the Maps activity responds to the following attributes in the optional context bundle:
    702 </p>
    703 <pre>
    704                float "centerLatitude" default 0.0f
    705                float "centerLongitude" default 0.0f
    706                float "latitudeSpan" default 0.0f
    707                float "longitudeSpan" default 0.0f
    708                int "zoomLevel" default 10
    709 </pre>
    710 <p>
    711 This context information is used to center the search result in a particular area, and is equivalent to adjusting the Map activity to the described location and zoom level before issuing the query.
    712 </p>
    713 <p>
    714 If the latitudeSpan, longitudeSpan, and zoomLevel attributes are not consistent, then it is undefined which one takes precedence.
    715 </p>
    717 <a name="filelist" id="filelist"></a><h2>List of Files for an Android Application</h2>
    718 <p>The following list describes the structure and files of an Android application.
    719     Many of these files can be built for you (or stubbed out) by the android tool
    720     shipped in the tools/ menu of the SDK. </p>
    721 <table width="100%" border="0">
    722     <tr>
    723         <td width="28%" valign="top">MyApp/<br /></td>
    724         <td width="72%" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
    725     </tr>
    726     <tr>
    727         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;AndroidManifest.xml</td>
    728         <td valign="top">(<em>required</em>) Advertises the screens that this application provides,
    729             where they can be launched (from the main program menu or elsewhere),
    730             any content providers it implements and what kind of data they handle,
    731             where the implementation classes are, and other application-wide
    732             information. Syntax details for this file are described in <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-intro.html">The AndroidManifest.xml File</a>.</td>
    733     </tr>
    734     <tr>
    735         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;src/<br />
    736         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;/<em>myPackagePath</em>/.../<em>MyClass</em>.java</td>
    737         <td valign="top">(<em>required</em>) This folder holds all the source code files for your
    738             application, inside the appropriate package subfolders. </td>
    739     </tr>
    740     <tr>
    741         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;res/</td>
    742         <td valign="top">(<em>required</em>) This folder holds all the <em>resources</em> for
    743             your application. Resources are external data files or description files
    744             that are compiled into your code at build time. Files in different folders
    745             are compiled differently, so you must put the proper resource into the
    746             proper folder. (See <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/resources-i18n.html">Resources</a> for details.)</td>
    747     </tr>
    748     <tr>
    749         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;anim/<br />
    750             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>animation1</em>.xml<br />
    751         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>...</em></td>
    752         <td valign="top">(<em>optional</em>) Holds any animation XML description files that the
    753             application uses. The format of these files is described in <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/resources-i18n.html">Resources</a>. </td>
    754     </tr>
    755     <tr>
    756         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;drawable/<br />
    757             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>some_picture</em>.png<br />
    758             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>some_stretchable</em>.9.png<br />
    759             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>some_background</em>.xml<br />
    760         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...</td>
    761         <td valign="top">(<em>optional</em>) Zero or more files that will be compiled to {@link
    762             android.graphics.drawable android.graphics.drawable} resources. Files
    763             can be image files (png, gif, or other) or XML files describing other
    764             graphics such as bitmaps, stretchable bitmaps, or gradients. Supported
    765             bitmap file formats are PNG (preferred), JPG, and GIF (discouraged),
    766             as well as the custom 9-patch stretchable bitmap format. These formats
    767             are described in <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/resources-i18n.html">Resources</a>. </td>
    768     </tr>
    769     <tr>
    770         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;layout/<br />
    771             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>screen_1_layout</em>.xml<br />
    772         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;...<br /></td>
    773         <td valign="top">(<em>optional</em>) Holds all the XML files describing screens or parts
    774             of screens. Although you could create a screen in Java, defining them
    775             in XML files is typically easier. A layout file is similar in concept
    776             to an HTML file that describes the screen layout and components. See <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/index.html">User Interface</a> for more information about designing screens, and <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/available-resources.html#layoutresources">Available Resource Types</a> for the syntax of these files.</td>
    777     </tr>
    778     <tr>
    779         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;values/<br />
    780             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;arrays<br />
    781   &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;          &nbsp;classes.xml<br />
    782             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;colors.xml<br />
    783             &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;dimens.xml<br />
    784 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;            strings.xml<br />
    785         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;styles.xml<br />
    786         &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;values.xml<br /></td>
    787         <td valign="top"><p>(<em>optional</em>) XML files describing additional resources
    788                 such as strings, colors, and styles. The naming, quantity, and number
    789                 of these files are not enforced--any XML file is compiled, but these
    790                 are the standard names given to these files. However, the syntax
    791                 of these files is prescribed by Android, and described in <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/resources-i18n.html">Resources</a>. </p>
    792         </td>
    793     </tr>
    794     <tr>
    795         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;xml/</td>
    796         <td valign="top">(<em>optional</em>) XML files that can be read at run time on the device. </td>
    797     </tr>
    798     <tr>
    799         <td valign="top">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;raw/</td>
    800         <td valign="top">(<em>optional</em>) Any files to be copied directly to the device. </td>
    801     </tr>
    802 </table>
    805 <a name="logging" ></a>
    806 <h2>Print Messages to a Log File</h2>
    808 <p>To write log messages from your application:</p>
    809 <ol><li>Import <code>android.util.Log</code>.</li>
    810     <li>Use <code>Log.v()</code>, <code>Log.d()</code>, <code>Log.i()</code>,
    811     <code>Log.w()</code>, or <code>Log.e()</code> to log messages.
    812     (See the {@link android.util.Log} class.)<br/> E.g., 
    813     <code>Log.e(this.toString(), "error: " + err.toString())</code></li>
    814     <li>Launch <a href="{@docRoot}guide/developing/tools/ddms.html">DDMS</a> from a terminal
    815     by executing <code>ddms</code> in your Android SDK <code>/tools</code> path.</li>
    816     <li>Run your application in the Android emulator.</li>
    817     <li>From the DDMS application, select the emulator 
    818     (e.g., "emulator-5554") and click <b>Device > Run logcat...</b>
    819     to view all the log data.</li>
    820 </ol>
    821 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you are running Eclipse and 
    822 encounter a warning about the VM debug port when opening DDMS, you can ignore it
    823 if you're only interested in logs. However, if you want to further inspect and
    824 control your processes from DDMS, then you should close Eclipse before launching DDMS so that 
    825 it may use the VM debugging port.</p>