1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <!-- Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project 3 4 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 8 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 limitations under the License. 15 --> 16 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 17 <!-- Title for the activity that dials the phone. This is the name 18 used in the Launcher icon. --> 19 <string name="launcherDialer">Phone</string> 20 21 <!-- Title for the activity that opens the People app. This is the name 22 used in the Launcher icon. --> 23 <string name="people">People</string> 24 25 <!-- Directory partition name --> 26 <string name="contactsList">Contacts</string> 27 28 <!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to a contact. 29 This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc --> 30 <string name="shortcutContact">Contact</string> 31 32 <!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to dial a contact. 33 This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc --> 34 <string name="shortcutDialContact">Direct dial</string> 35 36 <!-- Name of activity that allows users to create shortcuts on the home screen to message (SMS) a contact. 37 This shows up in a list of things like bookmark, folder, music playlist, etc --> 38 <string name="shortcutMessageContact">Direct message</string> 39 40 <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a shortcut. --> 41 <string name="shortcutActivityTitle">Choose a contact shortcut</string> 42 43 <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a direct dial shortcut. --> 44 <string name="callShortcutActivityTitle">Choose a number to call</string> 45 46 <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact for a direct message shortcut. --> 47 <string name="messageShortcutActivityTitle">Choose a number to message</string> 48 49 <!-- Activity title when the user is selecting a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 50 <string name="contactPickerActivityTitle">Select a contact</string> 51 52 <!-- Title for the activity that shows only starred contacts --> 53 <string name="starredList">Starred</string> 54 55 <!-- Title for the activity that shows only frequently contacted contacts --> 56 <string name="frequentList">Frequent</string> 57 58 <!-- Title for the activity that shows a mix of starred contacts and frequently contacted 59 contacts. --> 60 <string name="strequentList">Favorites</string> 61 62 <!-- The title bar when viewing the contact details activity --> 63 <string name="viewContactTitle">Contact details</string> 64 65 <!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow 66 viewing a contact. This string represents the built in way to view the contact. --> 67 <string name="viewContactDesription">View contact</string> 68 69 <!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow 70 editing a contact. This string represents the built in way to edit the contact. --> 71 <string name="editContactDescription">Edit contact</string> 72 73 <!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow 74 creating a new contact. This string represents the built in way to create the contact. --> 75 <string name="insertContactDescription">Create contact</string> 76 77 <!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow 78 editing a group. This string represents the built in way to edit the group. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 79 <string name="editGroupDescription">Edit group</string> 80 81 <!-- The description presented to the user in the Intent choose when there are multiple activities that allow 82 creating a new group. This string represents the built in way to create the group. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 83 <string name="insertGroupDescription">Create group</string> 84 85 <!-- The tab label for the contact detail activity that displays information about the contact [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> 86 <string name="contactDetailAbout">About</string> 87 88 <!-- The tab label for the contact detail activity that displays information about the contact [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> 89 <string name="contactDetailUpdates">Updates</string> 90 91 <!-- Hint text in the search box when the user hits the Search key while in the contacts app --> 92 <string name="searchHint">Search contacts</string> 93 94 <!-- Menu item to search contacts --> 95 <string name="menu_search">Search</string> 96 97 <!-- Menu item to create a new contact --> 98 <string name="menu_newContact">New contact</string> 99 100 <!-- Menu item used to view the details for a specific contact --> 101 <string name="menu_viewContact">View contact</string> 102 103 <!-- Menu item used to call a contact, containing the name of the contact to call --> 104 <string name="menu_callNumber">Call <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g></string> 105 106 <!-- Menu item used to add a star to a contact, which makes that contact show up at the top of favorites --> 107 <string name="menu_addStar">Add to favorites</string> 108 109 <!-- Menu item used to remove a star from a contact, making the contact no longer show up at the top of favorites --> 110 <string name="menu_removeStar">Remove from favorites</string> 111 112 <!-- Menu item used to edit a specific contact --> 113 <string name="menu_editContact">Edit</string> 114 115 <!-- Menu item used to delete a specific contact --> 116 <string name="menu_deleteContact">Delete</string> 117 118 <!-- Menu item used to call a specific contact when viewing the details of that contact. --> 119 <string name="menu_call">Call contact</string> 120 121 <!-- Menu item used to send an SMS or MMS message to a specific phone number or a contacts default phone number --> 122 <string name="menu_sendSMS">Text contact</string> 123 124 <!-- Menu item that splits an item from the contact detail into a separate aggregate --> 125 <string name="menu_splitAggregate">Separate</string> 126 127 <!-- Menu item that edits the currently selected group [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 128 <string name="menu_editGroup">Edit</string> 129 130 <!-- Menu item that deletes the currently selected group [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 131 <string name="menu_deleteGroup">Delete</string> 132 133 <!-- Menu item (in the action bar) that creates a new contacts [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> 134 <string name="menu_new_contact_action_bar">New</string> 135 136 <!-- Menu item (in the action bar) that creates a new group [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> 137 <string name="menu_new_group_action_bar">New</string> 138 139 <!-- Title of the confirmation dialog for separating contacts into multiple instances [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 140 <string name="splitConfirmation_title">Separate contact</string> 141 142 <!-- Confirmation dialog for separating contacts into multiple instances [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 143 <string name="splitConfirmation">Are you sure you want to separate this single contact into multiple contacts?</string> 144 145 <!-- Menu item that joins an aggregate with another aggregate --> 146 <string name="menu_joinAggregate">Join</string> 147 148 <!-- Heading of the Join Contact screen --> 149 <string name="titleJoinContactDataWith">Join contacts</string> 150 151 <!-- Info blurb on the Join Contact screen --> 152 <string name="blurbJoinContactDataWith">Select the contact you want to join with <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g>.</string> 153 154 <!-- An item in the Join Contact activity that opens up the full contact A-Z list --> 155 <string name="showAllContactsJoinItem">Show all contacts</string> 156 157 <!-- List separator for the Join Contact list: Suggestions --> 158 <string name="separatorJoinAggregateSuggestions">Suggested contacts</string> 159 160 <!-- List separator for the Join Contact list: A-Z --> 161 <string name="separatorJoinAggregateAll">All contacts</string> 162 163 <!-- Toast shown after two contacts have been joined by a user action --> 164 <string name="contactsJoinedMessage">Contacts joined</string> 165 166 <!-- Confirmation dialog title after users selects to delete a contact. --> 167 <string name="deleteConfirmation_title">Delete</string> 168 169 <!-- Menu item that opens the Options activity for a given contact [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> 170 <string name="menu_set_ring_tone">Set ringtone</string> 171 172 <!-- Menu item that opens the Options activity for a given contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 173 <string name="menu_redirect_calls_to_vm">All calls to voicemail</string> 174 175 <!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a ReadOnly contact. --> 176 <string name="readOnlyContactWarning">You cannot delete contacts from read-only accounts, but you can hide them in your contacts lists.</string> 177 178 <!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with ReadOnly and Writable sources. --> 179 <string name="readOnlyContactDeleteConfirmation">This contact contains information from multiple accounts. Information from read-only accounts will be hidden in your contacts lists, not deleted.</string> 180 181 <!-- Warning dialog contents after users selects to delete a contact with multiple Writable sources. --> 182 <string name="multipleContactDeleteConfirmation">Deleting this contact will delete information from multiple accounts.</string> 183 184 <!-- Confirmation dialog contents after users selects to delete a Writable contact. --> 185 <string name="deleteConfirmation">This contact will be deleted.</string> 186 187 <!-- Menu item to indicate you are done editing a contact and want to save the changes you've made --> 188 <string name="menu_done">Done</string> 189 190 <!-- Menu item to indicate you want to cancel the current editing process and NOT save the changes you've made [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> 191 <string name="menu_doNotSave">Cancel</string> 192 193 <!-- Menu item to indicate you want to stop editing a contact and NOT save the changes you've made [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> 194 <string name="menu_discard">Discard</string> 195 196 <!-- The label describing the Notes field of a contact. This field allows free form text entry about a contact --> 197 <string name="label_notes">Notes</string> 198 199 <!-- The label describing the SIP address field of a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 200 <string name="label_sip_address">Internet call</string> 201 202 <!-- Hint text for the organization name when editing --> 203 <string name="ghostData_company">Company</string> 204 205 <!-- Hint text for the organization title when editing --> 206 <string name="ghostData_title">Title</string> 207 208 <!-- Message displayed in a toast when you try to view the details of a contact that 209 for some reason doesn't exist anymore. --> 210 <string name="invalidContactMessage">The contact does not exist.</string> 211 212 <!-- When picking a contact from a list of all contacts there is an entry at the top of the 213 list that allows the user to create a new contact, which this string is used for --> 214 <string name="pickerNewContactHeader">Create new contact</string> 215 216 <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of phone numbers when editing or creating a phone number for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 217 <string name="phoneLabelsGroup">Phone</string> 218 219 <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of email addresses when editing or creating an email address for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 220 <string name="emailLabelsGroup">Email</string> 221 222 <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of IM account when editing or creating an IM account for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 223 <string name="imLabelsGroup">IM</string> 224 225 <!-- Header that expands to list all of the types of postal addresses when editing or creating an postal address for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 226 <string name="postalLabelsGroup">Address</string> 227 228 <!-- The order of the items below is important, don't reorder without changing EditContactActivity.java --> 229 <skip/> 230 <!-- The labels that are under the otherLabelsGroup when editing a contact. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 231 <string-array name="otherLabels"> 232 <!-- An organization associated with a contact --> 233 <item>Organization</item> 234 <!-- A note associated with a contact --> 235 <item>Note</item> 236 </string-array> 237 238 <!-- Description in the dialog that appears if there are no pictures from which to create an icon for a contact --> 239 <string name="photoPickerNotFoundText" product="tablet">No pictures are available on the tablet.</string> 240 <!-- Description in the dialog that appears if there are no pictures from which to create an icon for a contact --> 241 <string name="photoPickerNotFoundText" product="default">No pictures are available on the phone.</string> 242 243 <!-- Description used in the attach photo Intent from third party apps [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 244 <string name="attach_photo_dialog_title">Contact photo</string> 245 246 <!-- Title of the dialog used to set a custom label for a contact detail, like a phone number or email address. 247 For example, this may be used to set a phone number's label to "Vaction house" --> 248 <string name="customLabelPickerTitle">Custom label name</string> 249 250 <!-- Check box label that allows calls to the contact to be sent directly to voicemail --> 251 <string name="send_to_voicemail_checkbox">Send calls directly to voicemail</string> 252 253 <!-- The menu item that allows you to remove a photo from a contact [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 254 <string name="removePhoto">Remove photo</string> 255 256 <!-- The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying all contacts [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 257 <string name="noContacts">No contacts</string> 258 259 <!-- The text displayed when the groups list is empty while displaying all groups [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 260 <string name="noGroups">No groups</string> 261 262 <!-- The text displayed when the groups list is empty and no accounts are set on the device while displaying all groups [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 263 <string name="noAccounts">To create groups you need an account</string> 264 265 <!-- The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying results after searching contacts --> 266 <string name="noMatchingContacts">No matching contacts found.</string> 267 268 <!-- The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying only contacts that have phone numbers --> 269 <string name="noContactsWithPhoneNumbers">No contacts with phone numbers.</string> 270 271 <!-- Displayed in a spinner dialog after the user creates a contact and it's being saved to the database --> 272 <string name="savingContact">Saving contact\u2026</string> 273 274 <!-- Displayed in a spinner dialog as user changes to display options are saved --> 275 <string name="savingDisplayGroups">Saving display options\u2026</string> 276 277 <!-- Toast displayed when a contact is saved [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 278 <string name="contactSavedToast">Contact saved</string> 279 280 <!-- Toast displayed when saving a contact failed --> 281 <string name="contactSavedErrorToast">Error, unable to save contact changes.</string> 282 283 <!-- Toast displayed when a group is saved [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 284 <string name="groupSavedToast">Group saved</string> 285 286 <!-- Toast displayed when saving a group failed [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 287 <string name="groupSavedErrorToast">Error, unable to save group changes.</string> 288 289 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" is selected --> 290 <plurals name="listTotalPhoneContacts"> 291 <item quantity="one">1 contact with phone number</item> 292 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> contacts with phone numbers</item> 293 </plurals> 294 295 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero as total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" is selected [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 296 <string name="listTotalPhoneContactsZero">No contacts with phone numbers</string> 297 298 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts visible when "Only contacts with phones" not selected --> 299 <plurals name="listTotalAllContacts"> 300 <item quantity="one">1 contact</item> 301 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> contacts</item> 302 </plurals> 303 304 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts visible when "All contacts" is selected [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 305 <string name="listTotalAllContactsZero">No contacts</string> 306 307 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts visible when "Custom" is selected [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 308 <string name="listTotalAllContactsZeroCustom">No visible contacts</string> 309 310 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts visible when starred contact list is selected [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 311 <string name="listTotalAllContactsZeroStarred">No Favorites</string> 312 313 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts visible when a group or account is selected [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 314 <string name="listTotalAllContactsZeroGroup">No contacts in <xliff:g id="name" example="Friends">%s</xliff:g></string> 315 316 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the account filter selected [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 317 <string name="listAllContactsInAccount">Contacts in <xliff:g id="name" example="abc (a] gmail.com">%s</xliff:g></string> 318 319 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing single contact. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 320 <string name="listSingleContact">Single contact</string> 321 322 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing single contact. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 323 <string name="listCustomView">Contacts in custom view</string> 324 325 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected --> 326 <plurals name="listFoundAllContacts"> 327 <item quantity="one">1 found</item> 328 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> found</item> 329 </plurals> 330 331 <!-- Displayed at the top of search results indicating that more contacts were found than shown [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 332 <string name="foundTooManyContacts">more than <xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> found</string> 333 334 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the zero total number of contacts found when "Only contacts with phones" not selected --> 335 <string name="listFoundAllContactsZero">Not found</string> 336 337 <!-- Displayed at the top of the contacts showing the total number of contacts found when typing search query --> 338 <plurals name="searchFoundContacts"> 339 <item quantity="one">1 found</item> 340 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%d</xliff:g> found</item> 341 </plurals> 342 343 <!-- The content description for the "all contacts" tab. 344 345 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 346 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 347 348 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 349 <string name="contactsAllLabel">All</string> 350 351 <!-- The content description text for the groups tab. 352 353 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 354 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 355 356 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 357 <string name="contactsGroupsLabel">Groups</string> 358 359 <!-- The description text for the favorites tab. 360 361 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 362 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 363 364 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 365 <string name="contactsFavoritesLabel">Favorites</string> 366 367 <!-- The description text for the dialer tab. 368 369 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 370 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 371 372 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 373 <string name="dialerIconLabel">Phone</string> 374 375 <!-- The description text for the call log tab. 376 377 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 378 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 379 380 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 381 <string name="recentCallsIconLabel">Call log</string> 382 <string name="liveFolderAll">All contacts</string> 383 <string name="liveFolderFavorites">Starred contacts</string> 384 <string name="liveFolderPhone">Contacts with phone numbers</string> 385 386 <!-- Menu item used to send an SMS or MMS message to a phone number --> 387 <string name="menu_sendTextMessage">Send text message</string> 388 389 <!-- Menu item used to call a contact from the call log --> 390 <string name="recentCalls_callNumber">Call <xliff:g id="name">%s</xliff:g></string> 391 392 <!-- Menu item used to copy a number from the call log to the dialer so it can be edited before calling it --> 393 <string name="recentCalls_editNumberBeforeCall">Edit number before call</string> 394 395 <!-- Menu item used to add a number from the call log to contacts --> 396 <string name="recentCalls_addToContact">Add to contacts</string> 397 398 <!-- Menu item used to remove a single call from the call log --> 399 <string name="recentCalls_removeFromRecentList">Remove from call log</string> 400 401 <!-- Menu item used to remove all calls from the call log --> 402 <string name="recentCalls_deleteAll">Clear call log</string> 403 404 <!-- Menu item used to delete a voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 405 <string name="recentCalls_trashVoicemail">Delete voicemail</string> 406 407 <!-- Menu item used to share a voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 408 <string name="recentCalls_shareVoicemail">Share voicemail</string> 409 410 <!-- Text displayed when the call log is empty --> 411 <string name="recentCalls_empty">Call log is empty.</string> 412 413 <!-- Title of the confirmation dialog for clearing the call log --> 414 <string name="clearCallLogConfirmation_title">Clear call log</string> 415 416 <!-- Confirmation dialog for clearing the call log --> 417 <string name="clearCallLogConfirmation">Are you sure you want to clear the call log?</string> 418 419 <!-- Title of the "Clearing call log" progress-dialog [CHAR LIMIT=35] --> 420 <string name="clearCallLogProgress_title">Clearing call log</string> 421 422 <!-- The title of a dialog that displays the IMEI of the phone --> 423 <string name="imei">IMEI</string> 424 425 <!-- The title of a dialog that displays the MEID of the CDMA phone --> 426 <string name="meid">MEID</string> 427 428 <!-- String used for displaying calls to the voicemail number in the call log --> 429 <string name="voicemail">Voicemail</string> 430 431 <!-- String used to display calls from unknown numbers in the call log --> 432 <string name="unknown">Unknown</string> 433 434 <!-- String used to display calls from private numbers in the call log --> 435 <string name="private_num">Private number</string> 436 437 <!-- String used to display calls from pay phone in the call log --> 438 <string name="payphone">Pay phone</string> 439 440 <!-- Displayed in the text entry box in the dialer when in landscape mode to guide the user 441 to dial using the physical keyboard --> 442 <string name="dialerKeyboardHintText">Use keyboard to dial</string> 443 444 <!-- Hint text displayed in the "digits" field above the dialer's 445 dialpad, if there's already a call in progress. (This hint 446 reminds the user that the dialer will add a new call, as opposed 447 to sending DTMF tones over the current call.) --> 448 <string name="dialerDialpadHintText">Dial to add a call</string> 449 450 <!-- Dialog text displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial --> 451 <string name="simContacts_emptyLoading">Loading from SIM card\u2026</string> 452 453 <!-- Dialog title displayed when loading a phone number from the SIM card for speed dial --> 454 <string name="simContacts_title">SIM card contacts</string> 455 456 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user want to create a shortcut, but there is no contacts, and contact syncing is enabled --> 457 <string name="noContactsHelpTextWithSyncForCreateShortcut">"You don't have any contacts to display. (If you just added an account, it can take a few minutes to sync contacts.)"</string> 458 459 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user want to create a shortcut, but there is no contacts --> 460 <string name="noContactsHelpTextForCreateShortcut">"You don't have any contacts to display."</string> 461 462 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is disabled --> 463 <string name="noContactsHelpText" product="tablet">"You don't have any contacts to display.\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 464 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the tablet\n</li> 465 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 466 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SIM or SD card\n</li>" 467 </string> 468 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is disabled --> 469 <string name="noContactsHelpText" product="default">"You don't have any contacts to display.\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 470 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the phone\n</li> 471 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 472 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SIM or SD card\n</li>" 473 </string> 474 475 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is enabled --> 476 <string name="noContactsHelpTextWithSync" product="tablet">"You don't have any contacts to display. (If you just added an account, it can take a few minutes to sync contacts.)\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 477 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the tablet\n</li> 478 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Display options</b></font> to change which contacts are visible\n</li> 479 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 480 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SIM or SD card\n</li>" 481 </string> 482 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is enabled --> 483 <string name="noContactsHelpTextWithSync" product="default">"You don't have any contacts to display. (If you just added an account, it can take a few minutes to sync contacts.)\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 484 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the phone\n</li> 485 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Display options</b></font> to change which contacts are visible\n</li> 486 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 487 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SIM or SD card\n</li>" 488 </string> 489 490 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is disabled, and there is no sim card (cdma)--> 491 <string name="noContactsNoSimHelpText" product="tablet">"You don't have any contacts to display.\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 492 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the tablet\n</li> 493 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 494 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SD card\n</li>" 495 </string> 496 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is disabled, and there is no sim card (cdma)--> 497 <string name="noContactsNoSimHelpText" product="default">"You don't have any contacts to display.\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 498 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the phone\n</li> 499 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 500 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SD card\n</li>" 501 </string> 502 503 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is enabled, and there is no sim card (cdma) --> 504 <string name="noContactsNoSimHelpTextWithSync" product="tablet">"You don't have any contacts to display. (If you just added an account, it can take a few minutes to sync contacts.)\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 505 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the tablet\n</li> 506 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Display options</b></font> to change which contacts are visible\n</li> 507 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 508 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SD card\n</li>" 509 </string> 510 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no contacts and they are displaying the My Contacts group, and contact syncing is enabled, and there is no sim card (cdma) --> 511 <string name="noContactsNoSimHelpTextWithSync" product="default">"You don't have any contacts to display. (If you just added an account, it can take a few minutes to sync contacts.)\n\nTo add contacts, press <font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Menu</b></font> and touch:\n 512 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Accounts</b></font> to add or configure an account with contacts you can sync to the phone\n</li> 513 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Display options</b></font> to change which contacts are visible\n</li> 514 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>New contact</b></font> to create a new contact from scratch\n</li> 515 \n<li><font fgcolor="#ffffffff"><b>Import/Export</b></font> to import contacts from your SD card\n</li>" 516 </string> 517 518 <!-- Displayed full screen when the user has no favorites and they are displaying the favorites tab --> 519 <string name="noFavoritesHelpText">"You don't have any favorites.\n\nTo add a contact to your list of favorites:\n 520 <li>Touch the <b>Contacts</b> tab\n</li> 521 \n<li>Touch the contact you want to add to your favorites\n</li> 522 \n<li>Touch the star next to the contact\'s name\n</li>" 523 </string> 524 525 <!-- Live folder label for all contacts --> 526 <string name="liveFolder_all_label">All contacts</string> 527 528 <!-- Live folder label for only starred contacts --> 529 <string name="liveFolder_favorites_label">Starred</string> 530 531 <!-- Live folder label for all contacts with phone numbers --> 532 <string name="liveFolder_phones_label">Phones</string> 533 534 <!-- Item label: jump to the in-call DTMF dialpad. 535 (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call 536 is already in progress.) --> 537 <string name="dialer_useDtmfDialpad">Use touch tone keypad</string> 538 539 <!-- Item label: jump to the in-call UI. 540 (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call 541 is already in progress.) --> 542 <string name="dialer_returnToInCallScreen">Return to call in progress</string> 543 544 <!-- Item label: use the Dialer's dialpad to add another call. 545 (Part of a list of options shown in the dialer when another call 546 is already in progress.) --> 547 <string name="dialer_addAnotherCall">Add call</string> 548 549 <!-- Title bar for call detail screen --> 550 <string name="callDetailTitle">Call details</string> 551 552 <!-- Toast for call detail screen when couldn't read the requested details --> 553 <string name="toast_call_detail_error">Couldn\'t read details for the requested call.</string> 554 555 <!-- Title for incoming call details screen --> 556 <string name="type_incoming">Incoming call</string> 557 558 <!-- Title for outgoing call details screen --> 559 <string name="type_outgoing">Outgoing call</string> 560 561 <!-- Title for missed call details screen --> 562 <string name="type_missed">Missed call</string> 563 564 <!-- Title for voicemail details screen --> 565 <string name="type_voicemail">Voicemail</string> 566 567 <!-- Description for incoming calls going to voice mail vs. not --> 568 <string name="actionIncomingCall">Incoming calls</string> 569 570 <!-- Action string for calling back a number in the call log --> 571 <string name="callBack">Call back</string> 572 573 <!-- Action string for calling a number in the call log again --> 574 <string name="callAgain">Call again</string> 575 576 <!-- Action string for returning a missed call in the call log --> 577 <string name="returnCall">Return call</string> 578 579 <!-- A nicely formatted call duration displayed when viewing call details. For example "42 mins 28 secs" --> 580 <string name="callDetailsDurationFormat"><xliff:g id="minutes" example="42">%s</xliff:g> mins <xliff:g id="seconds" example="28">%s</xliff:g> secs</string> 581 582 <!-- The text displayed on the divider for the Favorites tab in People app indicating that items below it are frequently contacted [CHAR LIMIT = 39] --> 583 <string name="favoritesFrequentContacted">Frequently contacted</string> 584 585 <!-- The text displayed on the divider for the Favorites tab in Phone app indicating that items below it are frequently called as opposed to starred contacts [CHAR LIMIT = 39] --> 586 <string name="favoritesFrequentCalled">Frequently called</string> 587 588 <!-- Dialog title when prompting before creating a contact --> 589 <string name="add_contact_dlg_title">Add contact</string> 590 <!-- Dialog message when prompting before creating a contact. Includes 591 the email address, e.g. "Add xyz (a] foo.com to contacts?" --> 592 <string name="add_contact_dlg_message_fmt">Add \"<xliff:g id="email">%s</xliff:g>\" to contacts?</string> 593 594 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton one 595 596 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 597 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 598 --> 599 <string name="description_image_button_one">one</string> 600 601 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton two 602 603 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 604 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 605 --> 606 <string name="description_image_button_two">two</string> 607 608 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton three 609 610 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 611 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 612 --> 613 <string name="description_image_button_three">three</string> 614 615 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton four 616 617 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 618 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 619 --> 620 <string name="description_image_button_four">four</string> 621 622 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton five 623 624 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 625 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 626 --> 627 <string name="description_image_button_five">five</string> 628 629 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton six 630 631 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 632 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 633 --> 634 <string name="description_image_button_six">six</string> 635 636 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton seven 637 638 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 639 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 640 --> 641 <string name="description_image_button_seven">seven</string> 642 643 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton eight 644 645 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 646 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 647 --> 648 <string name="description_image_button_eight">eight</string> 649 650 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton nine 651 652 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 653 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 654 --> 655 <string name="description_image_button_nine">nine</string> 656 657 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton star 658 659 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 660 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 661 --> 662 <string name="description_image_button_star">star</string> 663 664 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton zero 665 666 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 667 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 668 --> 669 <string name="description_image_button_zero">zero</string> 670 671 <!-- String describing the image on ImageButton pound 672 673 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 674 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 675 --> 676 <string name="description_image_button_pound">pound</string> 677 678 <!-- String describing the Voicemail ImageButton 679 680 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 681 --> 682 <string name="description_voicemail_button">voicemail</string> 683 684 <!-- String describing the Search ImageButton 685 686 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 687 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] 688 --> 689 <string name="description_search_button">search</string> 690 691 <!-- String describing the Dial ImageButton 692 693 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 694 --> 695 <string name="description_dial_button">dial</string> 696 697 <!-- String describing the Delete/Backspace ImageButton 698 699 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 700 --> 701 <string name="description_delete_button">backspace</string> 702 703 <!-- String describing the digits text box containing the number to dial. 704 705 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. 706 --> 707 <string name="description_digits_edittext">number to dial</string> 708 709 <!-- String describing the Contact Photo Image 710 711 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. 712 --> 713 <string name="description_contact_photo">contact photo</string> 714 715 <!-- String describing the Contact Editor Minus button 716 717 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 718 --> 719 <string name="description_minus_button">minus</string> 720 721 <!-- String describing the Contact Editor Plus button 722 723 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 724 --> 725 <string name="description_plus_button">plus</string> 726 727 <!-- String describing a contact picture that introduces users to the contact detail screen. 728 729 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the button. 730 731 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] 732 --> 733 <string name="description_view_contact_detail" msgid="2795575601596468581">View contact</string> 734 735 <!-- Dialog title shown when (USB) storage does not exist [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 736 <string name="no_sdcard_title" product="nosdcard">Storage unavailable</string> 737 <!-- Dialog title shown when SD Card does not exist --> 738 <string name="no_sdcard_title" product="default">No SD card</string> 739 740 <!-- Dialog message shown when (USB) storage does not exist [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 741 <string name="no_sdcard_message" product="nosdcard">No storage detected</string> 742 <!-- Dialog message shown when SDcard does not exist --> 743 <string name="no_sdcard_message" product="default">No SD card detected</string> 744 745 <!-- Dialog title shown when searching vCard data from SD Card --> 746 <string name="searching_vcard_title">Searching for vCard</string> 747 748 <!-- Action string for selecting SIM for importing contacts --> 749 <string name="import_from_sim">Import from SIM card</string> 750 751 <!-- Action string for selecting (USB) storage for importing contacts [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 752 <string name="import_from_sdcard" product="default">Import from storage</string> 753 754 <!-- Action that exports all contacts to (USB) storage [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 755 <string name="export_to_sdcard" product="default">Export to storage</string> 756 757 <!-- Action that shares visible contacts --> 758 <string name="share_visible_contacts">Share visible contacts</string> 759 760 <!-- One of alternatives shown when the system allows a user to select how many vCard files 761 should be imported. This message shows only when the system is certain that there's more 762 than one vCard files available in the system. --> 763 <string name="import_one_vcard_string">Import one vCard file</string> 764 765 <!-- One of alternatives shown when the system allows a user to select how many vCard files 766 should be imported. This message shows only when the system is certain that there's more 767 than one vCard files available in the system. --> 768 <string name="import_multiple_vcard_string">Import multiple vCard files</string> 769 770 <!-- One of alternatives shown when the system allows a user to select how many vCard files 771 should be imported. This message shows only when the system is certain that there's more 772 than one vCard files available in the system. --> 773 <string name="import_all_vcard_string">Import all vCard files</string> 774 775 <!-- Dialog message shown when searching VCard data from (USB) storage [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 776 <string name="searching_vcard_message" product="nosdcard">Searching for vCard data in storage</string> 777 <!-- Dialog message shown when searching VCard data from SD Card --> 778 <string name="searching_vcard_message" product="default">Searching for vCard data on SD card</string> 779 780 <!-- Dialog title shown when scanning VCard data failed. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 781 <string name="scanning_sdcard_failed_title" product="nosdcard">Couldn\'t scan storage</string> 782 <!-- Dialog title shown when scanning VCard data failed. --> 783 <string name="scanning_sdcard_failed_title" product="default">Couldn\'t scan SD card</string> 784 785 <!-- Dialog message shown when searching VCard data failed. 786 An exact reason for the failure should [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 787 <string name="scanning_sdcard_failed_message" product="nosdcard">Couldn\'t scan storage (Reason: \"<xliff:g id="fail_reason">%s</xliff:g>\")</string> 788 <!-- Dialog message shown when searching VCard data failed. 789 An exact reason for the failure should --> 790 <string name="scanning_sdcard_failed_message" product="default">Couldn\'t scan SD card (Reason: \"<xliff:g id="fail_reason">%s</xliff:g>\")</string> 791 792 <!-- The failed reason shown when Contacts app (especially vCard importer/exporter) 793 emitted some I/O error. Exact reason will be appended by the system. --> 794 <string name="fail_reason_io_error">I/O Error</string> 795 796 <!-- Failure reason show when Contacts app (especially vCard importer) encountered 797 low memory problem and could not proceed its import procedure. --> 798 <string name="fail_reason_low_memory_during_import">Memory is insufficient (the file may be too large)</string> 799 800 <!-- The failed reason shown when vCard parser was not able to be parsed by the current vCard 801 implementation. This might happen even when the input vCard is completely valid, though 802 we believe it is rather rare in the actual world. --> 803 <string name="fail_reason_vcard_parse_error">Couldn\'t parse vCard for unexpected reason</string> 804 805 <!-- The failed reason shown when vCard importer doesn't support the format. 806 This may be shown when the vCard is corrupted [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 807 <string name="fail_reason_not_supported">The format is not supported.</string> 808 809 <!-- Message used when vCard import has failed. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 810 <string name="vcard_import_failed">Couldn\'t import vCard</string> 811 812 <!-- The failure message shown when the system could not find any vCard file. 813 (with extension ".vcf" in (USB) storage.) 814 [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 815 <string name="import_failure_no_vcard_file" product="nosdcard">No vCard file found in the storage</string> 816 <!-- The failure message shown when the system could not find any vCard file. 817 (with extension ".vcf" in SDCard.) 818 [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 819 <string name="import_failure_no_vcard_file" product="default">No vCard file found on the SD card</string> 820 821 <!-- Fail reason shown when vCard importer failed to look over meta information stored in vCard file(s). --> 822 <string name="fail_reason_failed_to_collect_vcard_meta_info">Couldn\'t collect meta information of given vCard file(s).</string> 823 824 <!-- The failed reason shown when the import of some of vCard files failed during multiple vCard 825 files import. It includes the case where all files were failed to be imported. --> 826 <string name="fail_reason_failed_to_read_files">One or more files couldn\'t be imported (%s).</string> 827 828 <!-- The failed reason which should not be shown but it may in some buggy condition. --> 829 <string name="fail_reason_unknown">Unknown error</string> 830 831 <!-- Dialog title shown when a user is asked to select vCard file --> 832 <string name="select_vcard_title">Select vCard file</string> 833 834 <!-- The title shown when vCard importer is caching files to be imported into local temporary 835 data storage. --> 836 <string name="caching_vcard_title">Caching vCard(s) to local temporary storage</string> 837 838 <!-- The message shown when vCard importer is caching files to be imported into local temporary 839 data storage. --> 840 <string name="caching_vcard_message">Importer is caching vCard(s) to local temporary storage. Actual import will start soon.</string> 841 842 <!-- The message shown while importing vCard(s). 843 First argument is current index of contacts to be imported. 844 Second argument is the total number of contacts. 845 Third argument is the name of a contact which is being read. 846 [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 847 <string name="progress_notifier_message">Importing <xliff:g id="current_number">%s</xliff:g>/<xliff:g id="total_number">%s</xliff:g>: <xliff:g id="name" example="Joe Due">%s</xliff:g></string> 848 849 <!-- Description shown when importing vCard data. 850 The argument is the name of a contact which is being read. 851 [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 852 <string name="importing_vcard_description">Importing <xliff:g id="name" example="Joe Due">%s</xliff:g></string> 853 854 <!-- Dialog title shown when reading vCard data failed [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 855 <string name="reading_vcard_failed_title">Couldn\'t read vCard data</string> 856 857 <!-- The title shown when reading vCard is canceled (probably by a user) 858 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 859 <string name="reading_vcard_canceled_title">Reading vCard data was canceled</string> 860 861 <!-- The title shown when reading vCard finished 862 The argument is file name the user imported. 863 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 864 <string name="importing_vcard_finished_title">Finished importing vCard <xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g></string> 865 866 <!-- The title shown when importing vCard is canceled (probably by a user) 867 The argument is file name the user canceled importing. 868 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 869 <string name="importing_vcard_canceled_title">Importing <xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g> was canceled</string> 870 871 <!-- The message shown when vCard import request is accepted. The system may start that work soon, or do it later 872 when there are already other import/export requests. 873 The argument is file name the user imported. 874 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 875 <string name="vcard_import_will_start_message"><xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g> will be imported shortly.</string> 876 <!-- The message shown when vCard import request is accepted. The system may start that work soon, or do it later when there are already other import/export requests. 877 "The file" is what a user selected for importing. 878 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 879 <string name="vcard_import_will_start_message_with_default_name">The file will be imported shortly.</string> 880 <!-- The message shown when a given vCard import request is rejected by the system. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 881 <string name="vcard_import_request_rejected_message">vCard import request is rejected. Please try later.</string> 882 <!-- The message shown when vCard export request is accepted. The system may start that work soon, or do it later 883 when there are already other import/export requests. 884 The argument is file name the user exported. 885 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 886 <string name="vcard_export_will_start_message"><xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g> will be exported shortly.</string> 887 <!-- The message shown when a given vCard export request is rejected by the system. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 888 <string name="vcard_export_request_rejected_message">vCard export request is rejected. Please try later.</string> 889 <!-- Used when file name is unknown in vCard processing. It typically happens 890 when the file is given outside the Contacts app. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 891 <string name="vcard_unknown_filename">contact</string> 892 893 <!-- The percentage, used for expressing the progress of vCard import/export. --> 894 <string name="percentage">%s%%</string> 895 896 <!-- Dialog title shown when a user confirms whether he/she export Contact data --> 897 <string name="confirm_export_title">Confirm export</string> 898 899 <!-- Dialog message shown when a user confirms whether he/she export Contact data [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 900 <string name="confirm_export_message">Export your contact list to file \"<xliff:g id="vcard_filename">%s</xliff:g>\"?</string> 901 902 <!-- Dialog title shown when exporting Contact data failed --> 903 <string name="exporting_contact_failed_title">Couldn\'t export contact data</string> 904 905 <!-- Dialog message shown when exporting Contact data failed --> 906 <string name="exporting_contact_failed_message">Couldn\'t export contact data.\nReason: \"<xliff:g id="fail_reason">%s</xliff:g>\"</string> 907 908 <!-- The failed reason shown when there's no contact which is allowed to be exported. 909 Note that user may have contacts data but all of them are probably not allowed to be 910 exported because of security/permission reasons. --> 911 <string name="fail_reason_no_exportable_contact">There is no exportable contact</string> 912 913 <!-- The failed reason shown when vCard exporter could not create a file for the vCard since 914 there are too many files relevant to vCard. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 915 <string name="fail_reason_too_many_vcard" product="nosdcard">Too many vCard files in the storage</string> 916 <!-- The failed reason shown when vCard exporter could not create a file for the vCard since 917 there are too many files relevant to vCard. --> 918 <string name="fail_reason_too_many_vcard" product="default">Too many vCard files on the SD card</string> 919 920 <!-- The failed reason shown when the given file name is too long for the system. 921 The length limit of each file is different in each Android device, so we don't need to 922 mention it here. --> 923 <string name="fail_reason_too_long_filename">Required filename is too long (\"<xliff:g id="filename">%s</xliff:g>\")</string> 924 925 <!-- The title shown when exporting vCard is successfuly finished [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 926 <string name="exporting_vcard_finished_title">Finished exporting <xliff:g id="filename" example="export.vcf">%s</xliff:g></string> 927 928 <!-- The title shown when exporting vCard is canceled (probably by a user) 929 The argument is file name the user canceled importing. 930 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 931 <string name="exporting_vcard_canceled_title">Exporting <xliff:g id="filename" example="export.vcf">%s</xliff:g> was canceled</string> 932 933 <!-- Dialog title shown when the application is exporting contact data outside --> 934 <string name="exporting_contact_list_title">Exporting contact data</string> 935 936 <!-- Message shown when the application is exporting contact data outside --> 937 <string name="exporting_contact_list_message">Exporting contact data to \"<xliff:g id="file_name">%s</xliff:g>\"</string> 938 939 <!-- The failed reason shown when contacts exporter fails to be initialized. 940 Some exact reason must follow this. --> 941 <string name="fail_reason_could_not_initialize_exporter">Could not initialize the exporter: \"<xliff:g id="exact_reason">%s</xliff:g>\"</string> 942 943 <!-- The failed reason shown when some error happend during contacts export. 944 Some exact reason must follow this. --> 945 <string name="fail_reason_error_occurred_during_export">Error occured during export: \"<xliff:g id="exact_reason">%s</xliff:g>\"</string> 946 947 <!-- The error reason the vCard composer "may" emit when database is corrupted or 948 something is going wrong. Usually users should not see this text. --> 949 <string name="composer_failed_to_get_database_infomation">Couldn\'t get database information</string> 950 951 <!-- This error message shown when the user actually have no contact 952 (e.g. just after data-wiping), or, data providers of the contact list prohibits their 953 contacts from being exported to outside world via vcard exporter, etc. --> 954 <string name="composer_has_no_exportable_contact" product="tablet">There are no exportable contacts. If you actually have contacts on your tablet, all the contacts may be prohibited from being exported to outside the tablet by some data providers.</string> 955 <!-- This error message shown when the user actually have no contact 956 (e.g. just after data-wiping), or, data providers of the contact list prohibits their 957 contacts from being exported to outside world via vcard exporter, etc. --> 958 <string name="composer_has_no_exportable_contact" product="default">There are no exportable contacts. If you actually have contacts on your phone, all the contacts may be prohibited from being exported to outside the phone by some data providers.</string> 959 960 <!-- The error reason the vCard composer may emit when vCard composer is not initialized 961 even when needed. 962 Users should not usually see this error message. --> 963 <string name="composer_not_initialized">The vCard composer is not correctly initialized</string> 964 965 <!-- The failed reason shown when vCard importer/exporter could not open the file 966 specified by a user. The file name should be in the message. --> 967 <string name="fail_reason_could_not_open_file">Could not open \"<xliff:g id="file_name">%s</xliff:g>\": <xliff:g id="exact_reason">%s</xliff:g></string> 968 969 <!-- Message in progress bar while exporting contact list to a file "(current number) of (total number) contacts" The order of "current number" and "total number" cannot be changed (like "total: (total number), current: (current number)")--> 970 <string name="exporting_contact_list_progress"><xliff:g id="current_number">%s</xliff:g> of <xliff:g id="total_number">%s</xliff:g> contacts</string> 971 972 <!-- Title shown in a Dialog confirming a user's cancel request toward existing vCard import. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 973 <string name="cancel_import_confirmation_title">Canceling vCard import</string> 974 975 <!-- Message shown in a Dialog confirming a user's cancel request toward existing vCard import. 976 The argument is file name for the vCard import the user wants to cancel. 977 [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 978 <string name="cancel_import_confirmation_message">Are you sure to cancel importing <xliff:g id="filename" example="import.vcf">%s</xliff:g>?</string> 979 980 <!-- Title shown in a Dialog confirming a user's cancel request toward existing vCard export. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 981 <string name="cancel_export_confirmation_title">Canceling vCard export</string> 982 983 <!-- Message shown in a Dialog confirming a user's cancel request toward existing vCard export. 984 The argument is file name for the vCard export the user wants to cancel. 985 [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 986 <string name="cancel_export_confirmation_message">Are you sure to cancel exporting <xliff:g id="filename" example="export.vcf">%s</xliff:g>?</string> 987 988 <!-- Title shown in a Dialog telling users cancel vCard import/export operation is failed. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 989 <string name="cancel_vcard_import_or_export_failed">Couldn\'t cancel vCard import/export</string> 990 991 <!-- The string used to describe Contacts as a searchable item within system search settings. --> 992 <string name="search_settings_description">Names of your contacts</string> 993 994 <!-- Menu items for dialpad options as part of Pause and Wait ftr --> 995 <string name="add_2sec_pause">Add 2-sec pause</string> 996 <string name="add_wait">Add wait</string> 997 998 <!-- Title for the call disambiguation dialog --> 999 <string name="call_disambig_title">Call using</string> 1000 1001 <!-- Menu item label for call settings [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1002 <string name="call_settings">Settings</string> 1003 1004 <!-- Title for the sms disambiguation dialog --> 1005 <string name="sms_disambig_title">Text using</string> 1006 1007 <!-- Message next to disamgiguation dialog check box --> 1008 <string name="make_primary">Remember this choice</string> 1009 1010 <!-- Shown as a toast when the user taps on a QuickContact icon, and no application 1011 was found that could perform the selected action --> 1012 <string name="quickcontact_missing_app">No application found to handle this action</string> 1013 1014 <!-- Shown as the display name for a person when the name is missing or unknown. [CHAR LIMIT=18]--> 1015 <string name="missing_name">(no name)</string> 1016 1017 <!-- The menu item to open the list of accounts --> 1018 <string name="menu_accounts">Accounts</string> 1019 1020 <!-- The menu item to filter the list of contacts displayed --> 1021 <string name="menu_contacts_filter">Contacts to display</string> 1022 1023 <!-- The menu item to bulk import or bulk export contacts from SIM card or SD card. --> 1024 <string name="menu_import_export">Import/Export</string> 1025 1026 <!-- Dialog title when selecting the bulk operation to perform from a list. --> 1027 <string name="dialog_import_export">Import/Export contacts</string> 1028 1029 <!-- The menu item to share the currently viewed contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1030 <string name="menu_share">Share</string> 1031 1032 <!-- The menu item to show all contacts in Phone entrance [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1033 <string name="menu_all_contacts">All contacts</string> 1034 1035 <!-- Dialog title when picking the application to share a contact with. --> 1036 <string name="share_via">Share contact via</string> 1037 1038 <!-- Toast indicating that sharing a contact has failed. --> 1039 <string name="share_error">This contact cannot be shared.</string> 1040 1041 <!-- Header that expands to list all name types when editing a structured name of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1042 <string name="nameLabelsGroup">Name</string> 1043 <!-- Header that expands to list all nickname types when editing a nickname of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1044 <string name="nicknameLabelsGroup">Nickname</string> 1045 <!-- Header that expands to list all organization types when editing an organization of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1046 <string name="organizationLabelsGroup">Organization</string> 1047 <!-- Header that expands to list all website types when editing a website of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1048 <string name="websiteLabelsGroup">Website</string> 1049 <!-- Header that expands to list all event types when editing an event of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1050 <string name="eventLabelsGroup">Events</string> 1051 <!-- Header for the list of all relationships for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1052 <string name="relationLabelsGroup">Relationship</string> 1053 <!-- Header for the list of all groups for a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1054 <string name="groupsLabel">Groups</string> 1055 1056 <!-- Single-character overlay for home phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts --> 1057 <string name="type_short_home">H</string> 1058 <!-- Single-character overlay for mobile phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts --> 1059 <string name="type_short_mobile">M</string> 1060 <!-- Single-character overlay for work phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts --> 1061 <string name="type_short_work">W</string> 1062 <!-- Single-character overlay for pager phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts --> 1063 <string name="type_short_pager">P</string> 1064 <!-- Single-character overlay for other phone numbers when creating desktop shortcuts --> 1065 <string name="type_short_other">O</string> 1066 1067 <string name="dialog_new_contact_account">Create contact under account</string> 1068 1069 <!-- Title for the disambiguation dialog that requests the user choose an account for the new group to be created under [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1070 <string name="dialog_new_group_account">Create group under account</string> 1071 1072 <string name="menu_sync_remove">Remove sync group</string> 1073 <string name="dialog_sync_add">Add sync group</string> 1074 <string name="display_more_groups">More groups\u2026</string> 1075 1076 <!-- List title for a special contacts group that covers all contacts.--> 1077 <string name="display_ungrouped">All Other Contacts</string> 1078 1079 <!-- List title for a special contacts group that covers all contacts that 1080 aren't members of any other group. --> 1081 <string name="display_all_contacts">All Contacts</string> 1082 1083 <!-- Warning message given to users just before they remove a currently syncing 1084 group that would also cause all ungrouped contacts to stop syncing. --> 1085 <string name="display_warn_remove_ungrouped">Removing \'<xliff:g id="group" example="Starred">%s</xliff:g>\' from sync will also remove any ungrouped contacts from sync.</string> 1086 1087 <!-- Title for data source when creating or editing a contact that doesn't 1088 belong to a specific account. This contact will only exist on the phone 1089 and will not be synced. --> 1090 <string name="account_phone" product="tablet">Tablet-only, unsynced</string> 1091 <!-- Title for data source when creating or editing a contact that doesn't 1092 belong to a specific account. This contact will only exist on the phone 1093 and will not be synced. --> 1094 <string name="account_phone" product="default">Phone-only, unsynced</string> 1095 1096 <!-- Action string for calling a custom phone number --> 1097 <string name="call_custom">Call <xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g></string> 1098 <!-- Action string for calling a home phone number --> 1099 <string name="call_home">Call home</string> 1100 <!-- Action string for calling a mobile phone number --> 1101 <string name="call_mobile">Call mobile</string> 1102 <!-- Action string for calling a work phone number --> 1103 <string name="call_work">Call work</string> 1104 <!-- Action string for calling a work fax phone number --> 1105 <string name="call_fax_work">Call work fax</string> 1106 <!-- Action string for calling a home fax phone number --> 1107 <string name="call_fax_home">Call home fax</string> 1108 <!-- Action string for calling a pager phone number --> 1109 <string name="call_pager">Call pager</string> 1110 <!-- Action string for calling an other phone number --> 1111 <string name="call_other">Call</string> 1112 <!-- Action string for calling a callback number --> 1113 <string name="call_callback">Call callback</string> 1114 <!-- Action string for calling a car phone number --> 1115 <string name="call_car">Call car</string> 1116 <!-- Action string for calling a company main phone number --> 1117 <string name="call_company_main">Call company main</string> 1118 <!-- Action string for calling a ISDN phone number --> 1119 <string name="call_isdn">Call ISDN</string> 1120 <!-- Action string for calling a main phone number --> 1121 <string name="call_main">Call main</string> 1122 <!-- Action string for calling an other fax phone number --> 1123 <string name="call_other_fax">Call fax</string> 1124 <!-- Action string for calling a radio phone number --> 1125 <string name="call_radio">Call radio</string> 1126 <!-- Action string for calling a Telex phone number --> 1127 <string name="call_telex">Call telex</string> 1128 <!-- Action string for calling a TTY/TDD phone number --> 1129 <string name="call_tty_tdd">Call TTY/TDD</string> 1130 <!-- Action string for calling a work mobile phone number --> 1131 <string name="call_work_mobile">Call work mobile</string> 1132 <!-- Action string for calling a work pager phone number --> 1133 <string name="call_work_pager">Call work pager</string> 1134 <!-- Action string for calling an assistant phone number --> 1135 <string name="call_assistant">Call <xliff:g id="assistant">%s</xliff:g></string> 1136 <!-- Action string for calling a MMS phone number --> 1137 <string name="call_mms">Call MMS</string> 1138 1139 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a custom phone number --> 1140 <string name="sms_custom">Text <xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g></string> 1141 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a home phone number --> 1142 <string name="sms_home">Text home</string> 1143 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a mobile phone number --> 1144 <string name="sms_mobile">Text mobile</string> 1145 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work phone number --> 1146 <string name="sms_work">Text work</string> 1147 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work fax phone number --> 1148 <string name="sms_fax_work">Text work fax</string> 1149 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a home fax phone number --> 1150 <string name="sms_fax_home">Text home fax</string> 1151 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a pager phone number --> 1152 <string name="sms_pager">Text pager</string> 1153 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an other phone number --> 1154 <string name="sms_other">Text</string> 1155 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a callback number --> 1156 <string name="sms_callback">Text callback</string> 1157 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a car phone number --> 1158 <string name="sms_car">Text car</string> 1159 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a company main phone number --> 1160 <string name="sms_company_main">Text company main</string> 1161 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a ISDN phone number --> 1162 <string name="sms_isdn">Text ISDN</string> 1163 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a main phone number --> 1164 <string name="sms_main">Text main</string> 1165 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an other fax phone number --> 1166 <string name="sms_other_fax">Text fax</string> 1167 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a radio phone number --> 1168 <string name="sms_radio">Text radio</string> 1169 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a Telex phone number --> 1170 <string name="sms_telex">Text telex</string> 1171 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a TTY/TDD phone number --> 1172 <string name="sms_tty_tdd">Text TTY/TDD</string> 1173 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work mobile phone number --> 1174 <string name="sms_work_mobile">Text work mobile</string> 1175 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a work pager phone number --> 1176 <string name="sms_work_pager">Text work pager</string> 1177 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to an assistant phone number --> 1178 <string name="sms_assistant">Text <xliff:g id="assistant">%s</xliff:g></string> 1179 <!-- Action string for sending an SMS to a MMS phone number --> 1180 <string name="sms_mms">Text MMS</string> 1181 1182 <!-- Generic action string for text messaging a contact. Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1183 <string name="sms">Text message</string> 1184 1185 <!-- Action string for sending an email to a home email address --> 1186 <string name="email_home">Email home</string> 1187 <!-- Action string for sending an email to a mobile email address --> 1188 <string name="email_mobile">Email mobile</string> 1189 <!-- Action string for sending an email to a work email address --> 1190 <string name="email_work">Email work</string> 1191 <!-- Action string for sending an email to an other email address --> 1192 <string name="email_other">Email</string> 1193 <!-- Action string for sending an email to a custom email address --> 1194 <string name="email_custom">Email <xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g></string> 1195 1196 <!-- Generic action string for sending an email --> 1197 <string name="email">Email</string> 1198 1199 <!-- Action string for viewing a home postal address --> 1200 <string name="map_home">View home address</string> 1201 <!-- Action string for viewing a work postal address --> 1202 <string name="map_work">View work address</string> 1203 <!-- Action string for viewing an other postal address --> 1204 <string name="map_other">View address</string> 1205 <!-- Action string for viewing a custom postal address --> 1206 <string name="map_custom">View <xliff:g id="custom">%s</xliff:g> address</string> 1207 1208 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the AIM protocol --> 1209 <string name="chat_aim">Chat using AIM</string> 1210 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the MSN or Windows Live protocol --> 1211 <string name="chat_msn">Chat using Windows Live</string> 1212 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Yahoo protocol --> 1213 <string name="chat_yahoo">Chat using Yahoo</string> 1214 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Skype protocol --> 1215 <string name="chat_skype">Chat using Skype</string> 1216 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the QQ protocol --> 1217 <string name="chat_qq">Chat using QQ</string> 1218 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Google Talk protocol --> 1219 <string name="chat_gtalk">Chat using Google Talk</string> 1220 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the ICQ protocol --> 1221 <string name="chat_icq">Chat using ICQ</string> 1222 <!-- Action string for starting an IM chat with the Jabber protocol --> 1223 <string name="chat_jabber">Chat using Jabber</string> 1224 1225 <!-- Generic action string for starting an IM chat --> 1226 <string name="chat">Chat</string> 1227 <!-- Generic action string for starting an audio chat. Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1228 <string name="audio_chat">Audio chat</string> 1229 <!-- Generic action string for starting a video chat. Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1230 <string name="video_chat">Video chat</string> 1231 1232 <!-- Field title for the full postal address of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 1233 <string name="postal_address">Address</string> 1234 <!-- Field title for the street of a structured postal address of a contact --> 1235 <string name="postal_street">Street</string> 1236 <!-- Field title for the PO box of a structured postal address of a contact --> 1237 <string name="postal_pobox">PO box</string> 1238 <!-- Field title for the neighborhood of a structured postal address of a contact --> 1239 <string name="postal_neighborhood">Neighborhood</string> 1240 <!-- Field title for the city of a structured postal address of a contact --> 1241 <string name="postal_city">City</string> 1242 <!-- Field title for the region, or state, of a structured postal address of a contact --> 1243 <string name="postal_region">State</string> 1244 <!-- Field title for the postal code of a structured postal address of a contact --> 1245 <string name="postal_postcode">ZIP code</string> 1246 <!-- Field title for the country of a structured postal address of a contact --> 1247 <string name="postal_country">Country</string> 1248 1249 <!-- Field title for the full name of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 1250 <string name="full_name">Name</string> 1251 <!-- Field title for the given name of a contact --> 1252 <string name="name_given">Given name</string> 1253 <!-- Field title for the family name of a contact --> 1254 <string name="name_family">Family name</string> 1255 <!-- Field title for the prefix name of a contact --> 1256 <string name="name_prefix">Name prefix</string> 1257 <!-- Field title for the middle name of a contact --> 1258 <string name="name_middle">Middle name</string> 1259 <!-- Field title for the suffix name of a contact --> 1260 <string name="name_suffix">Name suffix</string> 1261 <!-- Field title for the phonetic given name of a contact --> 1262 <string name="name_phonetic_given">Phonetic given name</string> 1263 <!-- Field title for the phonetic middle name of a contact --> 1264 <string name="name_phonetic_middle">Phonetic middle name</string> 1265 <!-- Field title for the phonetic family name of a contact --> 1266 <string name="name_phonetic_family">Phonetic family name</string> 1267 <!-- Field title for the phonetic name of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=64]--> 1268 <string name="name_phonetic">Phonetic name</string> 1269 1270 <!-- Title for the list of all contact details that come from third-party sources (including a corporate directory) [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1271 <string name="connections">Connections</string> 1272 1273 <!-- Label of the button to open the "add connection" popup where the user can invite a contact to other social networks or services [CHAR LIMIT=32] --> 1274 <string name="add_connection_button">Add connection</string> 1275 1276 <!-- Section title for the page containing the contact's social updates on the contact card [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> 1277 <string name="recent_updates">Recent</string> 1278 1279 <!-- String describing which account type a contact came from when editing it --> 1280 <string name="account_type_format"><xliff:g id="source" example="Gmail">%1$s</xliff:g> contact</string> 1281 1282 <!-- String describing which account a contact came from when editing it --> 1283 <string name="from_account_format"><xliff:g id="source" example="user (a] gmail.com">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1284 1285 <!-- Checkbox asking the user if they want to display a particular photo for a contact --> 1286 <string name="use_photo_as_primary">Use this photo</string> 1287 1288 <!-- Text used to explain that a contact cannot be edited from the People application since the data is read only [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1289 <string name="contact_read_only">Not editable from this application</string> 1290 1291 <!-- Text describing that a contact has no information available other than name and photo --> 1292 <string name="no_contact_details">No additional information for this contact</string> 1293 1294 <!-- Text used to explain that a group cannot be edited since the data is read only [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1295 <string name="group_read_only">Not editable on this device</string> 1296 1297 <!-- Label of the "sort list by" display option --> 1298 <string name="display_options_sort_list_by">Sort list by</string> 1299 1300 <!-- An allowable value for the "sort list by" contact display option --> 1301 <string name="display_options_sort_by_given_name">Given name</string> 1302 1303 <!-- An allowable value for the "sort list by" contact display option --> 1304 <string name="display_options_sort_by_family_name">Family name</string> 1305 1306 <!-- Label of the "view names as" display option --> 1307 <string name="display_options_view_names_as">View contact names as</string> 1308 1309 <!-- An allowable value for the "view names as" contact display option --> 1310 <string name="display_options_view_given_name_first">Given name first</string> 1311 1312 <!-- An allowable value for the "view names as" contact display option --> 1313 <string name="display_options_view_family_name_first">Family name first</string> 1314 1315 <!-- Gray hint displayed in the search field in Contacts when empty --> 1316 <string name="search_bar_hint">Search contacts</string> 1317 1318 <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is no photo yet [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 1319 <string name="take_photo">Take photo</string> 1320 1321 <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is already a photo [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 1322 <string name="take_new_photo">Take new photo</string> 1323 1324 <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is no photo yet [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 1325 <string name="pick_photo">Select photo from Gallery</string> 1326 1327 <!-- An option in the 'Contact photo' dialog, if there is already a photo [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 1328 <string name="pick_new_photo">Select new photo from Gallery</string> 1329 1330 <!-- Text shown in the contacts app while the background process updates contacts after a locale change [CHAR LIMIT=300] --> 1331 <string name="locale_change_in_progress">Contact list is being updated to reflect the change of language.</string> 1332 1333 <!-- Text shown in the contacts app while the background process updates contacts after a system upgrade [CHAR LIMIT=300] --> 1334 <string name="upgrade_in_progress">Contact list is being updated.</string> 1335 1336 <!-- Text shown in the contacts app if the background process updating contacts fails because of memory shortage [CHAR LIMIT=300] --> 1337 <string name="upgrade_out_of_memory">Contacts are in the process of being upgraded. 1338 \n\nThe upgrade process requires approximately <xliff:g id="size_in_megabytes">%s</xliff:g> 1339 Mb of internal storage.\n\nChoose one of the following options:</string> 1340 1341 <!-- Button shown in the contacts app if the background process updating contacts fails because of memory shortage [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 1342 <string name="upgrade_out_of_memory_uninstall">Uninstall some applications</string> 1343 1344 <!-- Button shown in the contacts app if the background process updating contacts fails because of memory shortage [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 1345 <string name="upgrade_out_of_memory_retry">Retry upgrade</string> 1346 1347 <!-- Title shown in the search result activity of contacts app while searching --> 1348 <string name="search_results_searching">Searching...</string> 1349 1350 <!-- Label to display only selection in multiple picker --> 1351 <string name="menu_display_selected">"Show selected"</string> 1352 1353 <!-- Label to display all recipients in multiple picker --> 1354 <string name="menu_display_all">"Show all"</string> 1355 1356 <!-- Label to select all contacts in multiple picker --> 1357 <string name="menu_select_all">"Select all"</string> 1358 1359 <!-- Label to clear all selection in multiple picker --> 1360 <string name="menu_select_none">"Unselect all"</string> 1361 1362 <!-- The text displayed when the contacts list is empty while displaying only selected contacts in multiple picker --> 1363 <string name="no_contacts_selected">"No contacts selected."</string> 1364 1365 <!-- The add field button shown in the editor under each editable Raw Contact [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1366 <string name="add_field">Add another field</string> 1367 1368 <!-- The button to add another entry of a specific data type (i.e. email, phone, address) to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=22] --> 1369 <string name="add_new_entry_for_section">Add new</string> 1370 1371 <!-- The button to add an organization field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=22] --> 1372 <string name="add_organization">Add organization</string> 1373 1374 <!-- The button to add an organization field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> 1375 <string name="event_edit_field_hint_text">Date</string> 1376 1377 <!-- The button to add an organization field to a contact in the Raw Contact Editor [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> 1378 <string name="group_edit_field_hint_text">Group name</string> 1379 1380 <!-- Attbution of a contact status update, when the time of update is unknown --> 1381 <string name="contact_status_update_attribution">via <xliff:g id="source" example="Google Talk">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1382 1383 <!-- Attbution of a contact status update, when the time of update is known --> 1384 <string name="contact_status_update_attribution_with_date"><xliff:g id="date" example="3 hours ago">%1$s</xliff:g> via <xliff:g id="source" example="Google Talk">%2$s</xliff:g></string> 1385 1386 <!-- String describing the Star/Favorite checkbox 1387 1388 Used by AccessibilityService to announce the purpose of the view. 1389 --> 1390 <string name="description_star">favorite</string> 1391 1392 <!-- The title of the Edit-Contact screen --> 1393 <string name="edit_contact">Edit contact</string> 1394 1395 <!-- Shows how many contacts have been merged. The value 1 is not shown but should be translated 1396 anyway if we change our mind later --> 1397 <plurals name="merge_info"> 1398 <item quantity="one">not merged</item> 1399 <item quantity="other">merged from <xliff:g id="count">%0$d</xliff:g> sources</item> 1400 </plurals> 1401 1402 <!-- The name of the invisible local contact directory --> 1403 <string name="local_invisible_directory">Other</string> 1404 1405 <!-- The title of a confirmation dialog shown when the user selects a 1406 contact aggregation suggestion in Contact editor. [CHAR LIMIT=128]--> 1407 <string name="aggregation_suggestion_join_dialog_title">Join contacts</string> 1408 1409 <!-- The message in a confirmation dialog shown when the user selects a 1410 contact aggregation suggestion in Contact editor. [CHAR LIMIT=512]--> 1411 <string name="aggregation_suggestion_join_dialog_message">Join 1412 the current contact with the selected contact?</string> 1413 1414 <!-- The title of a confirmation dialog shown when the user selects a 1415 contact aggregation suggestion in Contact editor. [CHAR LIMIT=128]--> 1416 <string name="aggregation_suggestion_edit_dialog_title">Edit selected contacts</string> 1417 1418 <!-- The message in a confirmation dialog shown when the user selects a 1419 contact aggregation suggestion in Contact editor. [CHAR LIMIT=512]--> 1420 <string name="aggregation_suggestion_edit_dialog_message">Switch to editing 1421 the selected contact? Information you entered so far will be copied.</string> 1422 1423 <!-- The button that creates a local copy of a corporate contact. [CHAR LIMIT=40]--> 1424 <string name="menu_copyContact">Copy to my contacts</string> 1425 1426 <!-- The button that adds a contact to the predefined group "My Contacts" (as this is 1427 mostly interesting for Google-contacts, this should have the same description as the 1428 function of GMail/Contacts on the Web 1429 [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1430 <string name="add_to_my_contacts">Add to "My Contacts"</string> 1431 1432 <!-- The description of the directory where the contact was found [CHAR LIMIT=100]--> 1433 <string name="contact_directory_description">Directory <xliff:g id="type" example="Corporate Directory">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1434 1435 <!-- The label in section header in the contact list for a contact directory [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1436 <string name="directory_search_label">Directory</string> 1437 1438 <!-- The label in section header in the contact list for a local contacts [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1439 <string name="local_search_label">All contacts</string> 1440 1441 <!-- Toast shown when creating a personal copy of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=100] --> 1442 <string name="toast_making_personal_copy">Creating a personal copy</string> 1443 1444 <!-- Contact list filter label indicating that the list is showing all available accounts [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1445 <string name="list_filter_all_accounts">All contacts</string> 1446 1447 <!-- Contact list filter label indicating that the list is showing all starred contacts [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1448 <string name="list_filter_all_starred">Starred</string> 1449 1450 <!-- Contact list filter indicating that the list shows groups chosen by the user [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1451 <string name="list_filter_custom">Custom</string> 1452 1453 <!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows groups chosen by the user [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1454 <string name="list_filter_customize">Customize...</string> 1455 1456 <!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows all contacts with phone numbers [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1457 <string name="list_filter_phones">All contacts with phone numbers</string> 1458 1459 <!-- Contact list filter selection indicating that the list shows only the selected contact [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1460 <string name="list_filter_single">Contact</string> 1461 1462 <!-- Title of the activity that allows the user to customize filtering of contact list [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1463 <string name="custom_list_filter">Define custom view</string> 1464 1465 <!-- Message that appears in the favorites tab of the Phone app when the contact list has not fully loaded yet (below the favorite and frequent contacts) [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1466 <string name="contact_list_loading">Loading \u2026</string> 1467 1468 <!-- Title of the settings activity [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1469 <string name="activity_title_settings">Settings</string> 1470 1471 <!-- Title of the activity that allows the uesr to filter the list of contacts displayed according to account [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 1472 <string name="activity_title_contacts_filter">Contacts to display</string> 1473 1474 <!-- Menu item for the settings activity [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1475 <string name="menu_settings" msgid="377929915873428211">Settings</string> 1476 1477 <!-- The preference section title for contact display options [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1478 <string name="preference_displayOptions">Display options</string> 1479 1480 <!-- Text used to show a organization that has both a company and title. This is used in the Detail-View 1481 of a Contact. This is mostly about the formatting of the two elements, so it should be kept small [CHAR LIMIT=79] --> 1482 <string name="organization_company_and_title"><xliff:g id="company" example="Technical Program Manager">%2$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="company" example="Google Inc.">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1483 1484 <!-- Query hint displayed inside the search field [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1485 <string name="hint_findContacts">Find contacts</string> 1486 1487 <!-- Title shown for the phone number when the number tries to call on a device that it not a phone [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1488 <string name="non_phone_caption">Phone number</string> 1489 1490 <!-- Button to add a phone number to contacts [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 1491 <string name="non_phone_add_to_contacts">Add to contacts</string> 1492 1493 <!-- Title of the activity that allows the user to confirm the addition of a detail to 1 existing contact [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 1494 <string name="activity_title_confirm_add_detail">Add to contact</string> 1495 1496 <!-- Button to close without add a phone number to contacts [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 1497 <string name="non_phone_close">Close</string> 1498 1499 <!-- Format string that combines the name and the phonetic name for the widget. if the phonetic name is empty, only the display name is used instead [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 1500 <string name="widget_name_and_phonetic"><xliff:g id="display_name" example="John Huber">%1$s</xliff:g> (<xliff:g id="phonetic_name">%2$s</xliff:g>)</string> 1501 1502 <!-- Checkbox whether to provide a year for a birthday [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1503 <string name="date_year_toggle">Provide a year</string> 1504 1505 <!-- Label for the widget that shows picture and social status of a contact [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1506 <string name="social_widget_label">Contact</string> 1507 1508 <!-- Message of widget while it is loading data [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1509 <string name="social_widget_loading">Loading \u2026</string> 1510 1511 <!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device. 1512 Creates a new contact. [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1513 <string name="contacts_unavailable_create_contact">Create a new contact</string> 1514 1515 <!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device. 1516 Navigates to account setup [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1517 <string name="contacts_unavailable_add_account">Sign in to an account</string> 1518 1519 <!-- Button shown on the main contacts screen when there are no contacts on the device. 1520 Initiates a contact import dialog [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1521 <string name="contacts_unavailable_import_contacts">Import contacts from a file</string> 1522 1523 <!-- Title of the dialog that allows creation of a contact group [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1524 <string name="create_group_dialog_title">Create new group</string> 1525 1526 <!-- An item in the popup list of groups that triggers creation of a contact group [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1527 <string name="create_group_item_label">[Create new group]</string> 1528 1529 <!-- Title of the dialog that allows deletion of a contact group [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1530 <string name="delete_group_dialog_title">Delete group</string> 1531 1532 <!-- Shows how many groups are from the specified account [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> 1533 <plurals name="num_groups_in_account"> 1534 <item quantity="one">1 group</item> 1535 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%0$d</xliff:g> groups</item> 1536 </plurals> 1537 1538 <!-- Confirmation message of the dialog that allows deletion of a contact group [CHAR LIMIT=256] --> 1539 <string name="delete_group_dialog_message">Are you sure you want to delete the group 1540 \'<xliff:g id="group_label" example="Friends">%1$s</xliff:g>\'? 1541 (Contacts themselves will not be deleted.) 1542 </string> 1543 1544 <!-- Subtitle of the group detail page that describes how many people are in the current group [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1545 <plurals name="num_contacts_in_group"> 1546 <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> person from <xliff:g id="account_type">%2$s</xliff:g></item> 1547 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> people from <xliff:g id="account_type">%2$s</xliff:g></item> 1548 </plurals> 1549 1550 <!-- Subtitle of a group (in the group list) that describes how many people are in the current group [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1551 <plurals name="group_list_num_contacts_in_group"> 1552 <item quantity="one"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> person</item> 1553 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> people</item> 1554 </plurals> 1555 1556 <!-- Toast displayed when the user creates a new contact and attempts to join it 1557 with another before entering any data [CHAR LIMIT=256] --> 1558 <string name="toast_join_with_empty_contact">Please enter contact name before joining 1559 with another contact. 1560 </string> 1561 1562 <!-- Option displayed in context menu to copy long pressed item to clipboard [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1563 <string name="copy_text">Copy to clipboard</string> 1564 1565 <!-- Option displayed in context menu to set long pressed item as default contact method [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1566 <string name="set_default">Set default</string> 1567 1568 <!-- Option displayed in context menu to clear long pressed item as default contact method [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1569 <string name="clear_default">Clear default</string> 1570 1571 <!-- Toast shown when text is copied to the clipboard [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1572 <string name="toast_text_copied">Text copied</string> 1573 1574 <!-- Title of the alert dialog when the user hits the Cancel button in the editor [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1575 <string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_title">Discard changes</string> 1576 1577 <!-- Contents of the alert dialog when the user hits the Cancel button in the editor [CHAR LIMIT=128] --> 1578 <string name="cancel_confirmation_dialog_message">Do you want to discard your changes?</string> 1579 1580 <!-- Description of a call log entry, made of a call type and a date --> 1581 <string name="call_type_and_date"> 1582 <xliff:g id="call_type" example="Friends">%1$s</xliff:g> <xliff:g id="call_short_date" example="Friends">%2$s</xliff:g> 1583 </string> 1584 1585 <!-- Text displayed in place of the display name for the contact that represents the user's 1586 personal profile entry [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1587 <string name="profile_display_name">Set up my profile</string> 1588 1589 <!-- Label to instruct the user to type in a contact's name to add the contact as a member of the current group. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1590 <string name="enter_contact_name">Type person\'s name</string> 1591 1592 <!-- Button to view the updates from the current group on the group detail page [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 1593 <string name="view_updates_from_group">View updates</string> 1594 1595 <!-- Title of the notification of new voicemails. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1596 <plurals name="notification_voicemail_title"> 1597 <item quantity="one">Voicemail</item> 1598 <item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g> Voicemails</item> 1599 </plurals> 1600 1601 <!-- Used to build a list of names or phone numbers, to indicate the callers who left 1602 voicemails. 1603 The first argument may be one or more callers, the most recent ones. 1604 The second argument is an additional callers. 1605 This string is used to build a list of callers. 1606 1607 [CHAR LIMIT=10] 1608 --> 1609 <string name="notification_voicemail_callers_list"><xliff:g id="newer_callers">%1$s</xliff:g>, <xliff:g id="older_caller">%2$s</xliff:g></string> 1610 1611 <!-- Text used in the ticker to notify the user of the latest voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1612 <string name="notification_new_voicemail_ticker">New voicemail from <xliff:g id="caller">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1613 1614 <!-- Message to show when there is an error playing back the voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1615 <string name="voicemail_playback_error">Couldn\'t play voicemail.</string> 1616 1617 <!-- Message to display before we have prepared the media player, i.e. before we know duration. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1618 <string name="voicemail_buffering">Buffering\u2026</string> 1619 1620 <!-- Message to display whilst we are waiting for the content to be fetched. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1621 <string name="voicemail_fetching_content">Fetching voicemail\u2026</string> 1622 1623 <!-- Message to display if we fail to get content within a suitable time period. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1624 <string name="voicemail_fetching_timout">Couldn\'t fetch voicemail.</string> 1625 1626 <!-- The header in the call log used to identify missed calls and voicemail that have not yet been consumed [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> 1627 <string name="call_log_new_header">New</string> 1628 1629 <!-- The header in the call log used to identify items that have been already consumed [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> 1630 <string name="call_log_old_header">Older</string> 1631 1632 <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to notify the user that no new 1633 voicemails are currently available. This can happen when both notification as well as data 1634 connection to the voicemail server is lost. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1635 <string name="voicemail_status_voicemail_not_available">Cannot connect to voicemail server.</string> 1636 <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to notify the user that there is no 1637 data connection to the voicemail server, but there are new voicemails waiting on the server. 1638 [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1639 <string name="voicemail_status_messages_waiting">Cannot connect to voicemail server. New voicemails waiting.</string> 1640 <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call log to invite the user to configure 1641 visual voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1642 <string name="voicemail_status_configure_voicemail">Configure your voicemail.</string> 1643 <!-- Voicemail status message shown at the top of call details screen to notify the user that 1644 the audio of this voicemail is not available. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1645 <string name="voicemail_status_audio_not_available">Audio not available.</string> 1646 1647 <!-- User action prompt shown next to a voicemail status message to let the user configure 1648 visual voicemail. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1649 <string name="voicemail_status_action_configure">Configure</string> 1650 <!-- User action prompt shown next to a voicemail status message to let the user call voicemail 1651 server directly to listen to the voicemails. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1652 <string name="voicemail_status_action_call_server">Call voicemail</string> 1653 1654 <!-- The slowest voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1655 <string name="voicemail_speed_slowest">slowest speed</string> 1656 <!-- Slower than normal voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1657 <string name="voicemail_speed_slower">slow speed</string> 1658 <!-- Normal voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1659 <string name="voicemail_speed_normal">normal speed</string> 1660 <!-- Faster than normal pvoicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1661 <string name="voicemail_speed_faster">fast speed</string> 1662 <!-- Fastest voicemail playback speed. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1663 <string name="voicemail_speed_fastest">fastest speed</string> 1664 1665 <!-- The counter for calls in a group and the date of the latest call as shown in the call log [CHAR LIMIT=15] --> 1666 <string name="call_log_item_count_and_date">(<xliff:g id="count">%1$d</xliff:g>) <xliff:g id="date">%2$s</xliff:g></string> 1667 1668 <!-- Hint text in the group name box in the edit group view. [CHAR LIMIT=20]--> 1669 <string name="group_name_hint">Group\'s Name</string> 1670 1671 <!-- The "file name" displayed for vCards received directly via NFC [CHAR LIMIT=16] --> 1672 <string name="nfc_vcard_file_name">Contact received over NFC</string> 1673 1674 <!-- Menu item used to show only voicemails in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1675 <string name="menu_show_voicemails_only">Show voicemails only</string> 1676 1677 <!-- Menu item used to show all calls in the call log. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1678 <string name="menu_show_all_calls">Show all calls</string> 1679 1680 <!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is available for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] --> 1681 <string name="status_available">Available</string> 1682 1683 <!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is away or idle for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] --> 1684 <string name="status_away">Away</string> 1685 1686 <!-- Used to display as default status when the contact is busy or Do not disturb for chat [CHAR LIMIT=19] --> 1687 <string name="status_busy">Busy</string> 1688 1689 <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to play a voicemail. 1690 1691 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1692 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1693 --> 1694 <string name="description_call_log_play_button">Play voicemail</string> 1695 1696 <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to represent an incoming call. 1697 1698 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1699 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1700 --> 1701 <string name="description_call_log_incoming_call">Incoming call</string> 1702 1703 <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to represent an outgoing call. 1704 1705 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1706 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1707 --> 1708 1709 <string name="description_call_log_outgoing_call">Outgoing call</string> 1710 1711 <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to represent a missed call. 1712 1713 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1714 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1715 --> 1716 1717 <string name="description_call_log_missed_call">Missed call</string> 1718 1719 <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to represent a voicemail left to the user. 1720 1721 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1722 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1723 --> 1724 <string name="description_call_log_voicemail">Voicemail</string> 1725 1726 <!-- String describing the button to add a contact for the current number. 1727 1728 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1729 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1730 --> 1731 <string name="description_add_contact">Add contact</string> 1732 1733 <!-- String describing the button to view the contact for the current number. 1734 1735 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1736 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1737 --> 1738 <string name="description_view_contact">View contact <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1739 1740 <!-- String describing the button to call a number or contact. 1741 1742 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1743 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1744 --> 1745 <string name="description_call">Call <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1746 1747 <!-- String describing the button to SMS a number or contact. 1748 1749 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1750 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1751 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] 1752 --> 1753 <string name="description_send_text_message">Send text message to <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1754 1755 <!-- String describing the icon in the call log used to represent an unheard voicemail left to 1756 the user. 1757 1758 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1759 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1760 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] 1761 --> 1762 <string name="description_call_log_unheard_voicemail">Unheard voicemail</string> 1763 1764 <!-- String describing the button to send a text message on quick contact. 1765 1766 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1767 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1768 [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] 1769 --> 1770 <string name="description_send_message">Send message to <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1771 1772 <!-- String describing the text for a phone number in quick contact. 1773 1774 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1775 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1776 --> 1777 <string name="description_dial_phone_number">Dial phone <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1778 1779 <!-- String describing the text for photo of a contact in a contacts list. 1780 1781 Note: AccessibilityServices use this attribute to announce what the view represents. 1782 This is especially valuable for views without textual representation like ImageView. 1783 --> 1784 <string name="description_quick_contact_for">Quick contact for <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string> 1785 1786 <!-- The string used to represent an unknown location for a phone number in the call log [CHAR LIMIT=3] --> 1787 <string name="call_log_empty_gecode">-</string> 1788 1789 <!-- String describing the text on the header of the profile contact in the contacts list 1790 This may be programatically capitalized. [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1791 <string name="user_profile_contacts_list_header" msgid="9154761216179882405">Me</string> 1792 1793 <!-- Header label in the contact editor for a profile that is local to the device only (and not associated with any account) [CHAR LIMIT=25] --> 1794 <string name="local_profile_title">My local profile</string> 1795 1796 <!-- Header label in the contact editor for a profile that comes from an external third-party app whose name is given by source [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1797 <string name="external_profile_title">My <xliff:g id="external_source">%1$s</xliff:g> profile</string> 1798 1799 <!-- Toast shown when the app starts showing all contacts regardless of its current 1800 contact filter state. [CHAR LIMIT=64] --> 1801 <string name="toast_displaying_all_contacts">Displaying all contacts</string> 1802 1803 <!-- Message in the standard "no account" prompt that encourages the user to add a Google account before continuing to use the People app [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1804 <string name="no_account_prompt">People works better with a Google Account.\n\n\u2022 Access from any web browser.\n\u2022 Back up your contacts securely.</string> 1805 1806 <!-- Message in the standard "no account" prompt that encourages the user to add any account (non Google-specific) before continuing to use the People app [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1807 <string name="generic_no_account_prompt">Keep your contacts safe even if you lose your phone: synchronize with an online service.</string> 1808 1809 <!-- Title of the screen that encourages the user to add any account (non Google-specific) for a better People app experience [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1810 <string name="generic_no_account_prompt_title">Add an account</string> 1811 1812 <!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that notifies the user that the newly created contact will not be saved to any account, and prompts addition of an account [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1813 <string name="contact_editor_prompt_zero_accounts">Your new contact won\'t be backed up. Add an account that backs up contacts online?</string> 1814 1815 <!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that asks the user if it's okay to save the newly created contact to the account shown. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1816 <string name="contact_editor_prompt_one_account">Your new contact will be synchronized with <xliff:g id="account_name">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string> 1817 1818 <!-- Message in the contact editor prompt that asks the user which account they want to save the newly created contact to. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1819 <string name="contact_editor_prompt_multiple_accounts">You can synchronize your new contact with one of the following accounts. Which do you want to use?</string> 1820 1821 <!-- Button label to indicate that the user wants to save the newly created contact locally (instead of backing it up online) [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 1822 <string name="keep_local">Keep local</string> 1823 1824 <!-- Button label to prompt the user to add an account (when there are 0 existing accounts on the device) [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1825 <string name="add_account">Add account</string> 1826 1827 <!-- Button label to prompt the user to add another account (when there are already existing accounts on the device) [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 1828 <string name="add_new_account">Add new account</string> 1829 1830 <!-- Dialog title which is shown when the user tries to make a phone call 1831 to prohibited phone numbers [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1832 <string name="dialog_phone_call_prohibited_title" msgid="4313552620858880999">Call not sent</string> 1833 1834 <!-- Dialog title which is shown when the user tries to check voicemail 1835 while the system isn't ready for the access. [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 1836 <string name="dialog_voicemail_not_ready_title">Voicemail number unavailable</string> 1837 1838 <!-- Dialog message which is shown when the user tries to check voicemail 1839 while the system isn't ready for the access. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 1840 <string name="dialog_voicemail_not_ready_message">To configure voicemail, go to Menu > Settings.</string> 1841 </resources> 1842