1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 3 <string name="app_name">Nfc Service</string> 4 <string name="nfcUserLabel">Nfc</string> 5 6 <!-- The label for the NFC admin permission --> 7 <string name="permlab_nfcAdmin">control Near Field Communication secure hardware</string> 8 9 <!-- The description for the NFC admin permission --> 10 <string name="permdesc_nfcAdmin">Allows this application to control the secure hardware used with Near Field Communication, 11 for example, to modify payment credentials.</string> 12 13 <!-- A notification description string informing the user that contact details were received over NFC [CHAR-LIMIT=64] --> 14 <string name="inbound_me_profile_title">Contact received over NFC</string> 15 16 <!-- A notification action string prompting the user to add contact details to the People application [CHAR-LIMIT=64] --> 17 <string name="inbound_me_profile_text">Tap to add this person as a contact</string> 18 19 <!-- A notification description string asking the user to share their contact details over NFC [CHAR-LIMIT=64] --> 20 <string name="outbound_me_profile_title">NFC interaction complete</string> 21 22 <!-- A notification action string prompting the user to share their contact details over NFC [CHAR-LIMIT=64] --> 23 <string name="outbound_me_profile_text">Tap to give this person your contact info</string> 24 25 <!-- Content description of the NFC enabled notification icon for accessibility (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 26 <string name="accessibility_nfc_enabled">NFC enabled.</string> 27 <string name="touch">Touch to beam</string> 28 </resources> 29