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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <!-- 
      3 /*
      4 **
      5 ** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
      6 **
      7 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      8 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      9 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
     10 **
     11 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     12 **
     13 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     14 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     15 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     16 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     17 ** limitations under the License.
     18 */
     19  -->
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     22     xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
     23     <string name="english_ime_name" msgid="7252517407088836577">"Tastatura Android"</string>
     24     <string name="english_ime_settings" msgid="6661589557206947774">"Parameters da la tastatura Android"</string>
     25     <!-- no translation found for english_ime_input_options (3909945612939668554) -->
     26     <skip />
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     28     <skip />
     29     <!-- no translation found for android_spell_checker_settings (5822324635435443689) -->
     30     <skip />
     31     <!-- no translation found for use_proximity_option_title (7469233942295924620) -->
     32     <skip />
     33     <!-- no translation found for use_proximity_option_summary (2857708859847261945) -->
     34     <skip />
     35     <string name="vibrate_on_keypress" msgid="5258079494276955460">"Vibrar cun smatgar in buttun"</string>
     36     <string name="sound_on_keypress" msgid="6093592297198243644">"Tun cun smatgar in buttun"</string>
     37     <string name="popup_on_keypress" msgid="123894815723512944">"Pop-up cun smatgar ina tasta"</string>
     38     <!-- no translation found for general_category (1859088467017573195) -->
     39     <skip />
     40     <!-- no translation found for correction_category (2236750915056607613) -->
     41     <skip />
     42     <!-- no translation found for misc_category (6894192814868233453) -->
     43     <skip />
     44     <!-- no translation found for advanced_settings (362895144495591463) -->
     45     <skip />
     46     <!-- no translation found for advanced_settings_summary (5193513161106637254) -->
     47     <skip />
     48     <!-- no translation found for key_preview_popup_dismiss_delay (6213164897443068248) -->
     49     <skip />
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     51     <skip />
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     53     <skip />
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     55     <skip />
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     57     <skip />
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     59     <skip />
     60     <!-- no translation found for enable_span_insert_summary (2947317657871394467) -->
     61     <skip />
     62     <string name="auto_cap" msgid="1719746674854628252">"Maiusclas automaticas"</string>
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     64     <skip />
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     66     <skip />
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     68     <skip />
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     70     <skip />
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     72     <skip />
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     74     <skip />
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     76     <skip />
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     78     <skip />
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     80     <!-- outdated translation 6881047311475758267 -->     <string name="auto_correction_summary" msgid="5625751551134658006">"Curreger automaticamain il pled precedent"</string>
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     82     <skip />
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     84     <skip />
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     86     <skip />
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     88     <skip />
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     90     <string name="bigram_suggestion_summary" msgid="4383845146070101531">"Meglierar la proposta cun agid dal pled precedent"</string>
     91     <!-- no translation found for bigram_prediction (8914273444762259739) -->
     92     <skip />
     93     <!-- no translation found for bigram_prediction_summary (1747261921174300098) -->
     94     <skip />
     95     <string name="added_word" msgid="8993883354622484372">"<xliff:g id="WORD">%s</xliff:g> : Memoris"</string>
     96     <string name="label_go_key" msgid="1635148082137219148">"Dai"</string>
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     99     <string name="label_send_key" msgid="2815056534433717444">"Trametter"</string>
    100     <!-- no translation found for label_to_alpha_key (4793983863798817523) -->
    101     <skip />
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    103     <skip />
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    105     <skip />
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    107     <skip />
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    109     <skip />
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    111     <skip />
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    113     <skip />
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    115     <skip />
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    117     <skip />
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    119     <skip />
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    121     <skip />
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    123     <skip />
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    125     <skip />
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    127     <skip />
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    129     <skip />
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    131     <skip />
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    133     <skip />
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    135     <skip />
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    137     <skip />
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    139     <skip />
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    141     <skip />
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    143     <skip />
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    145     <skip />
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    147     <skip />
    148     <!-- no translation found for spoken_description_left_parenthesis (8524822120595052415) -->
    149     <skip />
    150     <!-- no translation found for spoken_description_right_parenthesis (1085757995851933164) -->
    151     <skip />
    152     <!-- no translation found for spoken_description_colon (4312420908484277077) -->
    153     <skip />
    154     <!-- no translation found for spoken_description_semicolon (37737920987155179) -->
    155     <skip />
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    157     <skip />
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    159     <skip />
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    161     <skip />
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    163     <skip />
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    165     <skip />
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    167     <skip />
    168     <!-- no translation found for spoken_description_pi (4554418247799952239) -->
    169     <skip />
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    171     <skip />
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    173     <skip />
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    175     <skip />
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    177     <skip />
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    179     <skip />
    180     <!-- no translation found for spoken_description_ellipsis (1687670869947652062) -->
    181     <skip />
    182     <!-- no translation found for spoken_description_low_double_quote (3551394572784840975) -->
    183     <skip />
    184     <string name="voice_warning_title" msgid="4419354150908395008">"Cumonds vocals"</string>
    185     <string name="voice_warning_locale_not_supported" msgid="637923019716442333">"\"Cumonds vocals en Vossa lingua na vegnan actualmain betg sustegnids, ma la funcziun  disponibla per englais.\""</string>
    186     <!-- outdated translation 4611518823070986445 -->     <string name="voice_warning_may_not_understand" msgid="5596289095878251072">"Ils cumonds vocals n ina funcziunalitad experimentala che utilisescha la renconuschientscha vocala da rait da Google."</string>
    187     <!-- outdated translation 5652369578498701761 -->     <string name="voice_warning_how_to_turn_off" msgid="3190378129944934856">"\"Per deactivar ils cumonds vocals, avri ils parameters da tastatura.\""</string>
    188     <!-- outdated translation 6892342981545727994 -->     <string name="voice_hint_dialog_message" msgid="1420686286820661548">"\"Per utilisar ils cumonds vocals, smatgai il buttun dal microfon u stritgai cun il det sur la tastatura dal visur.\""</string>
    189     <string name="voice_listening" msgid="467518160751321844">"Ussa discurrer"</string>
    190     <string name="voice_working" msgid="6666937792815731889">"Operaziun en progress"</string>
    191     <string name="voice_initializing" msgid="661962047129906646"></string>
    192     <string name="voice_error" msgid="5140896300312186162">"Errur. Empruvai anc ina giada."</string>
    193     <string name="voice_network_error" msgid="6649556447401862563">"Impussibel da connectar."</string>
    194     <string name="voice_too_much_speech" msgid="5746973620134227376">"Errur - discurr memia ditg."</string>
    195     <string name="voice_audio_error" msgid="5072707727016414454">"Problem audio"</string>
    196     <string name="voice_server_error" msgid="7807129913977261644">"Errur dal server"</string>
    197     <string name="voice_speech_timeout" msgid="8461817525075498795">"Betg ud ina frasa vocala"</string>
    198     <string name="voice_no_match" msgid="4285117547030179174">"Betg chatt correspundenzas"</string>
    199     <string name="voice_not_installed" msgid="5552450909753842415">"Betg install la tschertga vocala"</string>
    200     <string name="voice_swipe_hint" msgid="6943546180310682021"><b>"Commentari:"</b>" Stritgai cun il det sur la tastatura per discurrer."</string>
    201     <string name="voice_punctuation_hint" msgid="1611389463237317754">"\""<b>"Commentari:"</b>" Empruvai la proxima giada d\'agiuntar segns d\'interpuncziun sco \"\"punct\"\", \"\"comma\"\" u \"\"segn da dumonda\"\" cun cumonds vocals.\""</string>
    202     <string name="cancel" msgid="6830980399865683324">"Interrumper"</string>
    203     <string name="ok" msgid="7898366843681727667">"OK"</string>
    204     <!-- outdated translation 2466640768843347841 -->     <string name="voice_input" msgid="3583258583521397548">"Cumonds vocals"</string>
    205     <!-- no translation found for voice_input_modes_main_keyboard (3360660341121083174) -->
    206     <skip />
    207     <!-- no translation found for voice_input_modes_symbols_keyboard (7203213240786084067) -->
    208     <skip />
    209     <!-- no translation found for voice_input_modes_off (3745699748218082014) -->
    210     <skip />
    211     <!-- no translation found for voice_input_modes_summary_main_keyboard (6586544292900314339) -->
    212     <skip />
    213     <!-- no translation found for voice_input_modes_summary_symbols_keyboard (5233725927281932391) -->
    214     <skip />
    215     <!-- no translation found for voice_input_modes_summary_off (63875609591897607) -->
    216     <skip />
    217     <!-- no translation found for selectInputMethod (315076553378705821) -->
    218     <skip />
    219     <!-- no translation found for configure_input_method (373356270290742459) -->
    220     <skip />
    221     <string name="language_selection_title" msgid="1651299598555326750">"Linguas da cumonds vocals"</string>
    222     <!-- no translation found for select_language (3693815588777926848) -->
    223     <skip />
    224     <!-- outdated translation 8058519710062071085 -->     <string name="hint_add_to_dictionary" msgid="9006292060636342317">" Tippar danovamain per memorisar"</string>
    225     <string name="has_dictionary" msgid="6071847973466625007">"Dicziunari disponibel"</string>
    226     <string name="prefs_enable_log" msgid="6620424505072963557">"Activar il feedback da l\'utilisader"</string>
    227     <string name="prefs_description_log" msgid="5827825607258246003">"Gidai a meglierar quest editur da la metoda d\'endataziun cun trametter automaticamain datas statisticas davart l\'utilisaziun e rapports da collaps a Google."</string>
    228     <!-- outdated translation 437433231038683666 -->     <string name="keyboard_layout" msgid="8451164783510487501">"Design da la tastatura"</string>
    229     <!-- no translation found for subtype_de_qwerty (3358900499589259491) -->
    230     <skip />
    231     <!-- no translation found for subtype_en_GB (88170601942311355) -->
    232     <skip />
    233     <!-- no translation found for subtype_en_US (6160452336634534239) -->
    234     <skip />
    235     <!-- no translation found for prefs_usability_study_mode (1261130555134595254) -->
    236     <skip />
    237     <!-- no translation found for prefs_vibration_duration_settings (3194657361314787870) -->
    238     <skip />
    239 </resources>