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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll (at) kde.org)
      3  *           (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto (at) kde.org)
      4  *           (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (mueller (at) kde.org)
      5  * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
      6  * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (http://www.torchmobile.com/)
      7  *
      8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
      9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
     10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
     11  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
     12  *
     13  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     16  * Library General Public License for more details.
     17  *
     18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
     19  * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
     20  * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
     21  * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
     22  *
     23  */
     25 #ifndef Node_h
     26 #define Node_h
     28 #include "EventTarget.h"
     29 #include "KURLHash.h"
     30 #include "RenderStyleConstants.h"
     31 #include "ScriptWrappable.h"
     32 #include "TreeShared.h"
     33 #include <wtf/Forward.h>
     34 #include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
     36 #if USE(JSC)
     37 namespace JSC {
     38     class JSGlobalData;
     39     class MarkStack;
     40 }
     41 #endif
     43 namespace WebCore {
     45 class Attribute;
     46 class ClassNodeList;
     47 class ContainerNode;
     48 class Document;
     49 class DynamicNodeList;
     50 class Element;
     51 class Event;
     52 class EventContext;
     53 class EventListener;
     54 class FloatPoint;
     55 class Frame;
     56 class InputElement;
     57 class IntRect;
     58 class KeyboardEvent;
     59 class NSResolver;
     60 class NamedNodeMap;
     61 class NameNodeList;
     62 class NodeList;
     63 class NodeRareData;
     64 class PlatformKeyboardEvent;
     65 class PlatformMouseEvent;
     66 class PlatformWheelEvent;
     67 class QualifiedName;
     68 class RegisteredEventListener;
     69 class RenderArena;
     70 class RenderBox;
     71 class RenderBoxModelObject;
     72 class RenderObject;
     73 class RenderStyle;
     74 #if ENABLE(SVG)
     75 class SVGUseElement;
     76 #endif
     77 class TagNodeList;
     78 class TreeScope;
     80 typedef int ExceptionCode;
     82 const int nodeStyleChangeShift = 25;
     84 // SyntheticStyleChange means that we need to go through the entire style change logic even though
     85 // no style property has actually changed. It is used to restructure the tree when, for instance,
     86 // RenderLayers are created or destroyed due to animation changes.
     87 enum StyleChangeType {
     88     NoStyleChange = 0,
     89     InlineStyleChange = 1 << nodeStyleChangeShift,
     90     FullStyleChange = 2 << nodeStyleChangeShift,
     91     SyntheticStyleChange = 3 << nodeStyleChangeShift
     92 };
     94 class Node : public EventTarget, public TreeShared<ContainerNode>, public ScriptWrappable {
     95     friend class Document;
     96     friend class TreeScope;
     98 public:
     99     enum NodeType {
    100         ELEMENT_NODE = 1,
    101         ATTRIBUTE_NODE = 2,
    102         TEXT_NODE = 3,
    103         CDATA_SECTION_NODE = 4,
    104         ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE = 5,
    105         ENTITY_NODE = 6,
    107         COMMENT_NODE = 8,
    108         DOCUMENT_NODE = 9,
    109         DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE = 10,
    110         DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE = 11,
    111         NOTATION_NODE = 12,
    112         XPATH_NAMESPACE_NODE = 13
    113     };
    114     enum DocumentPosition {
    115         DOCUMENT_POSITION_EQUIVALENT = 0x00,
    117         DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING = 0x02,
    118         DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING = 0x04,
    119         DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS = 0x08,
    120         DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY = 0x10,
    122     };
    124     static bool isSupported(const String& feature, const String& version);
    126     static void startIgnoringLeaks();
    127     static void stopIgnoringLeaks();
    129     static void dumpStatistics();
    131     enum StyleChange { NoChange, NoInherit, Inherit, Detach, Force };
    132     static StyleChange diff(const RenderStyle*, const RenderStyle*);
    134     virtual ~Node();
    136     // DOM methods & attributes for Node
    138     bool hasTagName(const QualifiedName&) const;
    139     bool hasLocalName(const AtomicString&) const;
    140     virtual String nodeName() const = 0;
    141     virtual String nodeValue() const;
    142     virtual void setNodeValue(const String&, ExceptionCode&);
    143     virtual NodeType nodeType() const = 0;
    144     ContainerNode* parentNode() const;
    145     Element* parentElement() const;
    146     Node* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
    147     Node* nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
    148     PassRefPtr<NodeList> childNodes();
    149     Node* firstChild() const;
    150     Node* lastChild() const;
    151     bool hasAttributes() const;
    152     NamedNodeMap* attributes() const;
    154     virtual KURL baseURI() const;
    156     void getSubresourceURLs(ListHashSet<KURL>&) const;
    158     // These should all actually return a node, but this is only important for language bindings,
    159     // which will already know and hold a ref on the right node to return. Returning bool allows
    160     // these methods to be more efficient since they don't need to return a ref
    161     bool insertBefore(PassRefPtr<Node> newChild, Node* refChild, ExceptionCode&, bool shouldLazyAttach = false);
    162     bool replaceChild(PassRefPtr<Node> newChild, Node* oldChild, ExceptionCode&, bool shouldLazyAttach = false);
    163     bool removeChild(Node* child, ExceptionCode&);
    164     bool appendChild(PassRefPtr<Node> newChild, ExceptionCode&, bool shouldLazyAttach = false);
    166     void remove(ExceptionCode&);
    167     bool hasChildNodes() const { return firstChild(); }
    168     virtual PassRefPtr<Node> cloneNode(bool deep) = 0;
    169     const AtomicString& localName() const { return virtualLocalName(); }
    170     const AtomicString& namespaceURI() const { return virtualNamespaceURI(); }
    171     const AtomicString& prefix() const { return virtualPrefix(); }
    172     virtual void setPrefix(const AtomicString&, ExceptionCode&);
    173     void normalize();
    175     bool isSameNode(Node* other) const { return this == other; }
    176     bool isEqualNode(Node*) const;
    177     bool isDefaultNamespace(const AtomicString& namespaceURI) const;
    178     String lookupPrefix(const AtomicString& namespaceURI) const;
    179     String lookupNamespaceURI(const String& prefix) const;
    180     String lookupNamespacePrefix(const AtomicString& namespaceURI, const Element* originalElement) const;
    182     String textContent(bool convertBRsToNewlines = false) const;
    183     void setTextContent(const String&, ExceptionCode&);
    185     Node* lastDescendant() const;
    186     Node* firstDescendant() const;
    188     // Other methods (not part of DOM)
    190     bool isElementNode() const { return getFlag(IsElementFlag); }
    191     bool isContainerNode() const { return getFlag(IsContainerFlag); }
    192     bool isTextNode() const { return getFlag(IsTextFlag); }
    194     bool isHTMLElement() const { return getFlag(IsHTMLFlag); }
    196     bool isSVGElement() const { return getFlag(IsSVGFlag); }
    197     virtual bool isSVGShadowRoot() const { return false; }
    198 #if ENABLE(SVG)
    199     SVGUseElement* svgShadowHost() const;
    200 #endif
    202 #if ENABLE(WML)
    203     virtual bool isWMLElement() const { return false; }
    204 #else
    205     static bool isWMLElement() { return false; }
    206 #endif
    208     virtual bool isMediaControlElement() const { return false; }
    209     virtual bool isMediaControls() const { return false; }
    210     bool isStyledElement() const { return getFlag(IsStyledElementFlag); }
    211     virtual bool isFrameOwnerElement() const { return false; }
    212     virtual bool isAttributeNode() const { return false; }
    213     bool isCommentNode() const { return getFlag(IsCommentFlag); }
    214     virtual bool isCharacterDataNode() const { return false; }
    215     bool isDocumentNode() const;
    216     bool isShadowRoot() const { return getFlag(IsShadowRootFlag); }
    217     // FIXME: Remove this when all shadow roots are ShadowRoots.
    218     virtual bool isShadowBoundary() const { return false; }
    219     virtual bool canHaveLightChildRendererWithShadow() const { return false; }
    221     Node* shadowAncestorNode();
    222     Node* shadowTreeRootNode();
    223     bool isInShadowTree();
    224     // Node's parent, shadow tree host, or SVG use.
    225     ContainerNode* parentOrHostNode() const;
    226     // Use when it's guaranteed to that shadowHost is 0 and svgShadowHost is 0.
    227     ContainerNode* parentNodeGuaranteedHostFree() const;
    229     Element* shadowHost() const;
    230     void setShadowHost(Element*);
    232     bool selfOrAncestorHasDirAutoAttribute() const { return getFlag(SelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoFlag); }
    233     void setSelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoAttribute(bool flag) { setFlag(flag, SelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoFlag); }
    235     // Returns the enclosing event parent node (or self) that, when clicked, would trigger a navigation.
    236     Node* enclosingLinkEventParentOrSelf();
    238     bool isBlockFlow() const;
    239     bool isBlockFlowOrBlockTable() const;
    241     // These low-level calls give the caller responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the tree.
    242     void setPreviousSibling(Node* previous) { m_previous = previous; }
    243     void setNextSibling(Node* next) { m_next = next; }
    245     // FIXME: These two functions belong in editing -- "atomic node" is an editing concept.
    246     Node* previousNodeConsideringAtomicNodes() const;
    247     Node* nextNodeConsideringAtomicNodes() const;
    249     // Returns the next leaf node or 0 if there are no more.
    250     // Delivers leaf nodes as if the whole DOM tree were a linear chain of its leaf nodes.
    251     // Uses an editing-specific concept of what a leaf node is, and should probably be moved
    252     // out of the Node class into an editing-specific source file.
    253     Node* nextLeafNode() const;
    255     // Returns the previous leaf node or 0 if there are no more.
    256     // Delivers leaf nodes as if the whole DOM tree were a linear chain of its leaf nodes.
    257     // Uses an editing-specific concept of what a leaf node is, and should probably be moved
    258     // out of the Node class into an editing-specific source file.
    259     Node* previousLeafNode() const;
    261     // enclosingBlockFlowElement() is deprecated. Use enclosingBlock instead.
    262     Element* enclosingBlockFlowElement() const;
    264     Element* rootEditableElement() const;
    266     bool inSameContainingBlockFlowElement(Node*);
    268     // FIXME: All callers of this function are almost certainly wrong!
    269     virtual void deprecatedParserAddChild(PassRefPtr<Node>);
    271     // Called by the parser when this element's close tag is reached,
    272     // signaling that all child tags have been parsed and added.
    273     // This is needed for <applet> and <object> elements, which can't lay themselves out
    274     // until they know all of their nested <param>s. [Radar 3603191, 4040848].
    275     // Also used for script elements and some SVG elements for similar purposes,
    276     // but making parsing a special case in this respect should be avoided if possible.
    277     virtual void finishParsingChildren() { }
    278     virtual void beginParsingChildren() { }
    280     // Called on the focused node right before dispatching an unload event.
    281     virtual void aboutToUnload() { }
    283     // For <link> and <style> elements.
    284     virtual bool sheetLoaded() { return true; }
    286     bool hasID() const { return getFlag(HasIDFlag); }
    287     bool hasClass() const { return getFlag(HasClassFlag); }
    288     bool active() const { return getFlag(IsActiveFlag); }
    289     bool inActiveChain() const { return getFlag(InActiveChainFlag); }
    290     bool inDetach() const { return getFlag(InDetachFlag); }
    291     bool hovered() const { return getFlag(IsHoveredFlag); }
    292     bool focused() const { return hasRareData() ? rareDataFocused() : false; }
    293     bool attached() const { return getFlag(IsAttachedFlag); }
    294     void setAttached() { setFlag(IsAttachedFlag); }
    295     bool needsStyleRecalc() const { return styleChangeType() != NoStyleChange; }
    296     StyleChangeType styleChangeType() const { return static_cast<StyleChangeType>(m_nodeFlags & StyleChangeMask); }
    297     bool childNeedsStyleRecalc() const { return getFlag(ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
    298     bool isLink() const { return getFlag(IsLinkFlag); }
    300     void setHasID(bool f) { setFlag(f, HasIDFlag); }
    301     void setHasClass(bool f) { setFlag(f, HasClassFlag); }
    302     void setChildNeedsStyleRecalc() { setFlag(ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
    303     void clearChildNeedsStyleRecalc() { clearFlag(ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag); }
    304     void setInDocument() { setFlag(InDocumentFlag); }
    305     void clearInDocument() { clearFlag(InDocumentFlag); }
    307     void setInActiveChain() { setFlag(InActiveChainFlag); }
    308     void clearInActiveChain() { clearFlag(InActiveChainFlag); }
    310     void setNeedsStyleRecalc(StyleChangeType changeType = FullStyleChange);
    311     void clearNeedsStyleRecalc() { m_nodeFlags &= ~StyleChangeMask; }
    313     void setIsLink(bool f) { setFlag(f, IsLinkFlag); }
    314     void setIsLink() { setFlag(IsLinkFlag); }
    315     void clearIsLink() { clearFlag(IsLinkFlag); }
    317     enum ShouldSetAttached {
    318         SetAttached,
    319         DoNotSetAttached
    320     };
    321     void lazyAttach(ShouldSetAttached = SetAttached);
    323     virtual void setFocus(bool = true);
    324     virtual void setActive(bool f = true, bool /*pause*/ = false) { setFlag(f, IsActiveFlag); }
    325     virtual void setHovered(bool f = true) { setFlag(f, IsHoveredFlag); }
    327     virtual short tabIndex() const;
    329     // Whether this kind of node can receive focus by default. Most nodes are
    330     // not focusable but some elements, such as form controls and links, are.
    331     virtual bool supportsFocus() const;
    332     // Whether the node can actually be focused.
    333     virtual bool isFocusable() const;
    334     virtual bool isKeyboardFocusable(KeyboardEvent*) const;
    335     virtual bool isMouseFocusable() const;
    337     bool isContentEditable() const;
    339     bool rendererIsEditable() const { return rendererIsEditable(Editable); }
    340     bool rendererIsRichlyEditable() const { return rendererIsEditable(RichlyEditable); }
    341     virtual bool shouldUseInputMethod() const;
    342     virtual IntRect getRect() const;
    343     IntRect renderRect(bool* isReplaced);
    345     // Returns true if the node has a non-empty bounding box in layout.
    346     // This does not 100% guarantee the user can see it, but is pretty close.
    347     // Note: This method only works properly after layout has occurred.
    348     bool hasNonEmptyBoundingBox() const;
    350     virtual void recalcStyle(StyleChange = NoChange) { }
    352     unsigned nodeIndex() const;
    354     // Returns the DOM ownerDocument attribute. This method never returns NULL, except in the case
    355     // of (1) a Document node or (2) a DocumentType node that is not used with any Document yet.
    356     virtual Document* ownerDocument() const;
    358     // Returns the document associated with this node. This method never returns NULL, except in the case
    359     // of a DocumentType node that is not used with any Document yet. A Document node returns itself.
    360     Document* document() const
    361     {
    362         ASSERT(this);
    363         ASSERT(m_document || (nodeType() == DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE && !inDocument()));
    364         return m_document;
    365     }
    367     TreeScope* treeScope() const;
    369     // Do not use this method to change the scope of a node until after the node has been
    370     // removed from its previous scope. Do not use to change documents.
    371     void setTreeScope(TreeScope*);
    373     // Used by the basic DOM methods (e.g., appendChild()).
    374     void setTreeScopeRecursively(TreeScope*);
    376     // Returns true if this node is associated with a document and is in its associated document's
    377     // node tree, false otherwise.
    378     bool inDocument() const
    379     {
    380         ASSERT(m_document || !getFlag(InDocumentFlag));
    381         return getFlag(InDocumentFlag);
    382     }
    384     bool isReadOnlyNode() const { return nodeType() == ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE; }
    385     virtual bool childTypeAllowed(NodeType) const { return false; }
    386     unsigned childNodeCount() const;
    387     Node* childNode(unsigned index) const;
    389     // Does a pre-order traversal of the tree to find the next node after this one.
    390     // This uses the same order that tags appear in the source file. If the stayWithin
    391     // argument is non-null, the traversal will stop once the specified node is reached.
    392     // This can be used to restrict traversal to a particular sub-tree.
    393     Node* traverseNextNode(const Node* stayWithin = 0) const;
    395     // Like traverseNextNode, but skips children and starts with the next sibling.
    396     Node* traverseNextSibling(const Node* stayWithin = 0) const;
    398     // Does a reverse pre-order traversal to find the node that comes before the current one in document order
    399     Node* traversePreviousNode(const Node* stayWithin = 0) const;
    401     // Like traverseNextNode, but visits parents after their children.
    402     Node* traverseNextNodePostOrder() const;
    404     // Like traversePreviousNode, but visits parents before their children.
    405     Node* traversePreviousNodePostOrder(const Node* stayWithin = 0) const;
    406     Node* traversePreviousSiblingPostOrder(const Node* stayWithin = 0) const;
    408     void checkSetPrefix(const AtomicString& prefix, ExceptionCode&);
    409     bool isDescendantOf(const Node*) const;
    410     bool contains(const Node*) const;
    411     bool containsIncludingShadowDOM(Node*);
    413     // This method is used to do strict error-checking when adding children via
    414     // the public DOM API (e.g., appendChild()).
    415     void checkAddChild(Node* newChild, ExceptionCode&); // Error-checking when adding via the DOM API
    417     void checkReplaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild, ExceptionCode&);
    418     virtual bool canReplaceChild(Node* newChild, Node* oldChild);
    420     // Used to determine whether range offsets use characters or node indices.
    421     virtual bool offsetInCharacters() const;
    422     // Number of DOM 16-bit units contained in node. Note that rendered text length can be different - e.g. because of
    423     // css-transform:capitalize breaking up precomposed characters and ligatures.
    424     virtual int maxCharacterOffset() const;
    426     // FIXME: We should try to find a better location for these methods.
    427     virtual bool canSelectAll() const { return false; }
    428     virtual void selectAll() { }
    430     // Whether or not a selection can be started in this object
    431     virtual bool canStartSelection() const;
    433     // Getting points into and out of screen space
    434     FloatPoint convertToPage(const FloatPoint&) const;
    435     FloatPoint convertFromPage(const FloatPoint&) const;
    437     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    438     // Integration with rendering tree
    440     RenderObject* renderer() const { return m_renderer; }
    441     RenderObject* nextRenderer();
    442     RenderObject* previousRenderer();
    443     void setRenderer(RenderObject* renderer) { m_renderer = renderer; }
    445     // Use these two methods with caution.
    446     RenderBox* renderBox() const;
    447     RenderBoxModelObject* renderBoxModelObject() const;
    449     // Attaches this node to the rendering tree. This calculates the style to be applied to the node and creates an
    450     // appropriate RenderObject which will be inserted into the tree (except when the style has display: none). This
    451     // makes the node visible in the FrameView.
    452     virtual void attach();
    454     // Detaches the node from the rendering tree, making it invisible in the rendered view. This method will remove
    455     // the node's rendering object from the rendering tree and delete it.
    456     virtual void detach();
    458     virtual void willRemove();
    459     void createRendererIfNeeded();
    460     PassRefPtr<RenderStyle> styleForRenderer();
    461     virtual bool rendererIsNeeded(RenderStyle*);
    462     virtual bool childShouldCreateRenderer(Node*) const { return true; }
    463     virtual RenderObject* createRenderer(RenderArena*, RenderStyle*);
    464     ContainerNode* parentNodeForRenderingAndStyle() const;
    466     // Wrapper for nodes that don't have a renderer, but still cache the style (like HTMLOptionElement).
    467     RenderStyle* renderStyle() const;
    468     virtual void setRenderStyle(PassRefPtr<RenderStyle>);
    470     RenderStyle* computedStyle(PseudoId pseudoElementSpecifier = NOPSEUDO) { return virtualComputedStyle(pseudoElementSpecifier); }
    472     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    473     // Notification of document structure changes
    475     // Notifies the node that it has been inserted into the document. This is called during document parsing, and also
    476     // when a node is added through the DOM methods insertBefore(), appendChild() or replaceChild(). Note that this only
    477     // happens when the node becomes part of the document tree, i.e. only when the document is actually an ancestor of
    478     // the node. The call happens _after_ the node has been added to the tree.
    479     //
    480     // This is similar to the DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument DOM event, but does not require the overhead of event
    481     // dispatching.
    482     virtual void insertedIntoDocument();
    484     // Notifies the node that it is no longer part of the document tree, i.e. when the document is no longer an ancestor
    485     // node.
    486     //
    487     // This is similar to the DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument DOM event, but does not require the overhead of event
    488     // dispatching, and is called _after_ the node is removed from the tree.
    489     virtual void removedFromDocument();
    491     // These functions are called whenever you are connected or disconnected from a tree.  That tree may be the main
    492     // document tree, or it could be another disconnected tree.  Override these functions to do any work that depends
    493     // on connectedness to some ancestor (e.g., an ancestor <form> for example).
    494     virtual void insertedIntoTree(bool /*deep*/) { }
    495     virtual void removedFromTree(bool /*deep*/) { }
    497     // Notifies the node that it's list of children have changed (either by adding or removing child nodes), or a child
    498     // node that is of the type CDATA_SECTION_NODE, TEXT_NODE or COMMENT_NODE has changed its value.
    499     virtual void childrenChanged(bool /*changedByParser*/ = false, Node* /*beforeChange*/ = 0, Node* /*afterChange*/ = 0, int /*childCountDelta*/ = 0) { }
    501 #if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(ANDROID_DOM_LOGGING)
    502     virtual void formatForDebugger(char* buffer, unsigned length) const;
    504     void showNode(const char* prefix = "") const;
    505     void showTreeForThis() const;
    506     void showTreeAndMark(const Node* markedNode1, const char* markedLabel1, const Node* markedNode2 = 0, const char* markedLabel2 = 0) const;
    507 #endif
    509     void registerDynamicNodeList(DynamicNodeList*);
    510     void unregisterDynamicNodeList(DynamicNodeList*);
    511     void notifyNodeListsChildrenChanged();
    512     void notifyLocalNodeListsChildrenChanged();
    513     void notifyNodeListsAttributeChanged();
    514     void notifyLocalNodeListsAttributeChanged();
    515     void notifyLocalNodeListsLabelChanged();
    516     void removeCachedClassNodeList(ClassNodeList*, const String&);
    517     void removeCachedNameNodeList(NameNodeList*, const String&);
    518     void removeCachedTagNodeList(TagNodeList*, const QualifiedName&);
    519     void removeCachedLabelsNodeList(DynamicNodeList*);
    521     PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByTagName(const AtomicString&);
    522     PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByTagNameNS(const AtomicString& namespaceURI, const AtomicString& localName);
    523     PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByName(const String& elementName);
    524     PassRefPtr<NodeList> getElementsByClassName(const String& classNames);
    526     PassRefPtr<Element> querySelector(const String& selectors, ExceptionCode&);
    527     PassRefPtr<NodeList> querySelectorAll(const String& selectors, ExceptionCode&);
    529     unsigned short compareDocumentPosition(Node*);
    532     // Overridden to prevent the normal new from being called.
    533     void* operator new(size_t size);
    534     void* operator new[](size_t size);
    536     // Overridden to prevent the normal delete from being called.
    537     void operator delete(void* p, size_t size);
    538     void operator delete[](void* p, size_t size);
    540     static size_t reportDOMNodesSize();
    541 #endif
    543     virtual Node* toNode() { return this; }
    545     virtual InputElement* toInputElement();
    547     virtual ScriptExecutionContext* scriptExecutionContext() const;
    549     virtual bool addEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener>, bool useCapture);
    550     virtual bool removeEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, EventListener*, bool useCapture);
    552     // Handlers to do/undo actions on the target node before an event is dispatched to it and after the event
    553     // has been dispatched.  The data pointer is handed back by the preDispatch and passed to postDispatch.
    554     virtual void* preDispatchEventHandler(Event*) { return 0; }
    555     virtual void postDispatchEventHandler(Event*, void* /*dataFromPreDispatch*/) { }
    557     using EventTarget::dispatchEvent;
    558     bool dispatchEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>);
    559     void dispatchScopedEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>);
    561     virtual void handleLocalEvents(Event*);
    563     void dispatchSubtreeModifiedEvent();
    564     void dispatchUIEvent(const AtomicString& eventType, int detail, PassRefPtr<Event> underlyingEvent);
    565     bool dispatchKeyEvent(const PlatformKeyboardEvent&);
    566     bool dispatchWheelEvent(const PlatformWheelEvent&);
    567     bool dispatchMouseEvent(const PlatformMouseEvent&, const AtomicString& eventType, int clickCount = 0, Node* relatedTarget = 0);
    568     void dispatchSimulatedClick(PassRefPtr<Event> underlyingEvent, bool sendMouseEvents = false, bool showPressedLook = true);
    570     virtual void dispatchFocusEvent();
    571     virtual void dispatchBlurEvent();
    572     virtual void dispatchChangeEvent();
    573     virtual void dispatchInputEvent();
    575     // Perform the default action for an event.
    576     virtual void defaultEventHandler(Event*);
    578     // Used for disabled form elements; if true, prevents mouse events from being dispatched
    579     // to event listeners, and prevents DOMActivate events from being sent at all.
    580     virtual bool disabled() const;
    582     using TreeShared<ContainerNode>::ref;
    583     using TreeShared<ContainerNode>::deref;
    585     virtual EventTargetData* eventTargetData();
    586     virtual EventTargetData* ensureEventTargetData();
    588 private:
    589     enum NodeFlags {
    590         IsTextFlag = 1,
    591         IsCommentFlag = 1 << 1,
    592         IsContainerFlag = 1 << 2,
    593         IsElementFlag = 1 << 3,
    594         IsStyledElementFlag = 1 << 4,
    595         IsHTMLFlag = 1 << 5,
    596         IsSVGFlag = 1 << 6,
    597         HasIDFlag = 1 << 7,
    598         HasClassFlag = 1 << 8,
    599         IsAttachedFlag = 1 << 9,
    600         ChildNeedsStyleRecalcFlag = 1 << 10,
    601         InDocumentFlag = 1 << 11,
    602         IsLinkFlag = 1 << 12,
    603         IsActiveFlag = 1 << 13,
    604         IsHoveredFlag = 1 << 14,
    605         InActiveChainFlag = 1 << 15,
    606         InDetachFlag = 1 << 16,
    607         HasRareDataFlag = 1 << 17,
    608         IsShadowRootFlag = 1 << 18,
    610         // These bits are used by derived classes, pulled up here so they can
    611         // be stored in the same memory word as the Node bits above.
    612         IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag = 1 << 19, // Element
    613         IsStyleAttributeValidFlag = 1 << 20, // StyledElement
    614         IsSynchronizingStyleAttributeFlag = 1 << 21, // StyledElement
    615 #if ENABLE(SVG)
    616         AreSVGAttributesValidFlag = 1 << 22, // Element
    617         IsSynchronizingSVGAttributesFlag = 1 << 23, // SVGElement
    618         HasSVGRareDataFlag = 1 << 24, // SVGElement
    619 #endif
    621         StyleChangeMask = 1 << nodeStyleChangeShift | 1 << (nodeStyleChangeShift + 1),
    623         SelfOrAncestorHasDirAutoFlag = 1 << 27,
    625 #if ENABLE(SVG)
    626         DefaultNodeFlags = IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag | IsStyleAttributeValidFlag | AreSVGAttributesValidFlag
    627 #else
    628         DefaultNodeFlags = IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag | IsStyleAttributeValidFlag
    629 #endif
    630     };
    632     // 4 bits remaining
    634     bool getFlag(NodeFlags mask) const { return m_nodeFlags & mask; }
    635     void setFlag(bool f, NodeFlags mask) const { m_nodeFlags = (m_nodeFlags & ~mask) | (-(int32_t)f & mask); }
    636     void setFlag(NodeFlags mask) const { m_nodeFlags |= mask; }
    637     void clearFlag(NodeFlags mask) const { m_nodeFlags &= ~mask; }
    639 protected:
    640     enum ConstructionType {
    641         CreateOther = DefaultNodeFlags,
    642         CreateText = DefaultNodeFlags | IsTextFlag,
    643         CreateComment = DefaultNodeFlags | IsCommentFlag,
    644         CreateContainer = DefaultNodeFlags | IsContainerFlag,
    645         CreateElement = CreateContainer | IsElementFlag,
    646         CreateStyledElement = CreateElement | IsStyledElementFlag,
    647         CreateHTMLElement = CreateStyledElement | IsHTMLFlag,
    648         CreateSVGElement = CreateStyledElement | IsSVGFlag,
    649     };
    650     Node(Document*, ConstructionType);
    652     // Do not use this method to change the document of a node until after the node has been
    653     // removed from its previous document.
    654     void setDocument(Document*);
    655     void setDocumentRecursively(Document*);
    657     virtual void willMoveToNewOwnerDocument();
    658     virtual void didMoveToNewOwnerDocument();
    660     virtual void addSubresourceAttributeURLs(ListHashSet<KURL>&) const { }
    661     void setTabIndexExplicitly(short);
    662     void clearTabIndexExplicitly();
    664     bool hasRareData() const { return getFlag(HasRareDataFlag); }
    666     NodeRareData* rareData() const;
    667     NodeRareData* ensureRareData();
    669 private:
    670     enum EditableLevel { Editable, RichlyEditable };
    671     bool rendererIsEditable(EditableLevel) const;
    673     void setStyleChange(StyleChangeType);
    675     // Used to share code between lazyAttach and setNeedsStyleRecalc.
    676     void markAncestorsWithChildNeedsStyleRecalc();
    678     RenderObject* createRendererAndStyle();
    680     virtual void refEventTarget();
    681     virtual void derefEventTarget();
    683     virtual NodeRareData* createRareData();
    684     bool rareDataFocused() const;
    686     virtual RenderStyle* nonRendererRenderStyle() const;
    688     virtual const AtomicString& virtualPrefix() const;
    689     virtual const AtomicString& virtualLocalName() const;
    690     virtual const AtomicString& virtualNamespaceURI() const;
    691     virtual RenderStyle* virtualComputedStyle(PseudoId = NOPSEUDO);
    693     Element* ancestorElement() const;
    695     // Use Node::parentNode as the consistent way of querying a parent node.
    696     // This method is made private to ensure a compiler error on call sites that
    697     // don't follow this rule.
    698     using TreeShared<ContainerNode>::parent;
    700     void trackForDebugging();
    702     Document* m_document;
    703     Node* m_previous;
    704     Node* m_next;
    705     RenderObject* m_renderer;
    706     mutable uint32_t m_nodeFlags;
    708 protected:
    709     bool isParsingChildrenFinished() const { return getFlag(IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag); }
    710     void setIsParsingChildrenFinished() { setFlag(IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag); }
    711     void clearIsParsingChildrenFinished() { clearFlag(IsParsingChildrenFinishedFlag); }
    712     bool isStyleAttributeValid() const { return getFlag(IsStyleAttributeValidFlag); }
    713     void setIsStyleAttributeValid(bool f) { setFlag(f, IsStyleAttributeValidFlag); }
    714     void setIsStyleAttributeValid() const { setFlag(IsStyleAttributeValidFlag); }
    715     void clearIsStyleAttributeValid() { clearFlag(IsStyleAttributeValidFlag); }
    716     bool isSynchronizingStyleAttribute() const { return getFlag(IsSynchronizingStyleAttributeFlag); }
    717     void setIsSynchronizingStyleAttribute(bool f) { setFlag(f, IsSynchronizingStyleAttributeFlag); }
    718     void setIsSynchronizingStyleAttribute() const { setFlag(IsSynchronizingStyleAttributeFlag); }
    719     void clearIsSynchronizingStyleAttribute() const { clearFlag(IsSynchronizingStyleAttributeFlag); }
    721 #if ENABLE(SVG)
    722     bool areSVGAttributesValid() const { return getFlag(AreSVGAttributesValidFlag); }
    723     void setAreSVGAttributesValid() const { setFlag(AreSVGAttributesValidFlag); }
    724     void clearAreSVGAttributesValid() { clearFlag(AreSVGAttributesValidFlag); }
    725     bool isSynchronizingSVGAttributes() const { return getFlag(IsSynchronizingSVGAttributesFlag); }
    726     void setIsSynchronizingSVGAttributes() const { setFlag(IsSynchronizingSVGAttributesFlag); }
    727     void clearIsSynchronizingSVGAttributes() const { clearFlag(IsSynchronizingSVGAttributesFlag); }
    728     bool hasRareSVGData() const { return getFlag(HasSVGRareDataFlag); }
    729     void setHasRareSVGData() { setFlag(HasSVGRareDataFlag); }
    730     void clearHasRareSVGData() { clearFlag(HasSVGRareDataFlag); }
    731 #endif
    732 };
    734 // Used in Node::addSubresourceAttributeURLs() and in addSubresourceStyleURLs()
    735 inline void addSubresourceURL(ListHashSet<KURL>& urls, const KURL& url)
    736 {
    737     if (!url.isNull())
    738         urls.add(url);
    739 }
    741 inline ContainerNode* Node::parentNode() const
    742 {
    743     return getFlag(IsShadowRootFlag) || isSVGShadowRoot() ? 0 : parent();
    744 }
    746 inline ContainerNode* Node::parentOrHostNode() const
    747 {
    748     return parent();
    749 }
    751 inline ContainerNode* Node::parentNodeGuaranteedHostFree() const
    752 {
    753     ASSERT(!getFlag(IsShadowRootFlag) && !isSVGShadowRoot());
    754     return parentOrHostNode();
    755 }
    757 } //namespace
    759 #ifndef NDEBUG
    760 // Outside the WebCore namespace for ease of invocation from gdb.
    761 void showTree(const WebCore::Node*);
    762 #endif
    764 #endif