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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include <errno.h>
     18 #include <libgen.h>
     19 #include <stdio.h>
     20 #include <stdlib.h>
     21 #include <string.h>
     22 #include <sys/stat.h>
     23 #include <sys/statfs.h>
     24 #include <sys/types.h>
     25 #include <fcntl.h>
     26 #include <unistd.h>
     28 #include "mincrypt/sha.h"
     29 #include "applypatch.h"
     30 #include "mtdutils/mtdutils.h"
     31 #include "edify/expr.h"
     33 int SaveFileContents(const char* filename, FileContents file);
     34 static int LoadPartitionContents(const char* filename, FileContents* file);
     35 int ParseSha1(const char* str, uint8_t* digest);
     36 static ssize_t FileSink(unsigned char* data, ssize_t len, void* token);
     38 static int mtd_partitions_scanned = 0;
     40 // Read a file into memory; optionally (retouch_flag == RETOUCH_DO_MASK) mask
     41 // the retouched entries back to their original value (such that SHA-1 checks
     42 // don't fail due to randomization); store the file contents and associated
     43 // metadata in *file.
     44 //
     45 // Return 0 on success.
     46 int LoadFileContents(const char* filename, FileContents* file,
     47                      int retouch_flag) {
     48     file->data = NULL;
     50     // A special 'filename' beginning with "MTD:" or "EMMC:" means to
     51     // load the contents of a partition.
     52     if (strncmp(filename, "MTD:", 4) == 0 ||
     53         strncmp(filename, "EMMC:", 5) == 0) {
     54         return LoadPartitionContents(filename, file);
     55     }
     57     if (stat(filename, &file->st) != 0) {
     58         printf("failed to stat \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
     59         return -1;
     60     }
     62     file->size = file->st.st_size;
     63     file->data = malloc(file->size);
     65     FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb");
     66     if (f == NULL) {
     67         printf("failed to open \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
     68         free(file->data);
     69         file->data = NULL;
     70         return -1;
     71     }
     73     ssize_t bytes_read = fread(file->data, 1, file->size, f);
     74     if (bytes_read != file->size) {
     75         printf("short read of \"%s\" (%ld bytes of %ld)\n",
     76                filename, (long)bytes_read, (long)file->size);
     77         free(file->data);
     78         file->data = NULL;
     79         return -1;
     80     }
     81     fclose(f);
     83     // apply_patch[_check] functions are blind to randomization. Randomization
     84     // is taken care of in [Undo]RetouchBinariesFn. If there is a mismatch
     85     // within a file, this means the file is assumed "corrupt" for simplicity.
     86     if (retouch_flag) {
     87         int32_t desired_offset = 0;
     88         if (retouch_mask_data(file->data, file->size,
     89                               &desired_offset, NULL) != RETOUCH_DATA_MATCHED) {
     90             printf("error trying to mask retouch entries\n");
     91             free(file->data);
     92             file->data = NULL;
     93             return -1;
     94         }
     95     }
     97     SHA(file->data, file->size, file->sha1);
     98     return 0;
     99 }
    101 static size_t* size_array;
    102 // comparison function for qsort()ing an int array of indexes into
    103 // size_array[].
    104 static int compare_size_indices(const void* a, const void* b) {
    105     int aa = *(int*)a;
    106     int bb = *(int*)b;
    107     if (size_array[aa] < size_array[bb]) {
    108         return -1;
    109     } else if (size_array[aa] > size_array[bb]) {
    110         return 1;
    111     } else {
    112         return 0;
    113     }
    114 }
    116 void FreeFileContents(FileContents* file) {
    117     if (file) free(file->data);
    118     free(file);
    119 }
    121 // Load the contents of an MTD or EMMC partition into the provided
    122 // FileContents.  filename should be a string of the form
    123 // "MTD:<partition_name>:<size_1>:<sha1_1>:<size_2>:<sha1_2>:..."  (or
    124 // "EMMC:<partition_device>:...").  The smallest size_n bytes for
    125 // which that prefix of the partition contents has the corresponding
    126 // sha1 hash will be loaded.  It is acceptable for a size value to be
    127 // repeated with different sha1s.  Will return 0 on success.
    128 //
    129 // This complexity is needed because if an OTA installation is
    130 // interrupted, the partition might contain either the source or the
    131 // target data, which might be of different lengths.  We need to know
    132 // the length in order to read from a partition (there is no
    133 // "end-of-file" marker), so the caller must specify the possible
    134 // lengths and the hash of the data, and we'll do the load expecting
    135 // to find one of those hashes.
    136 enum PartitionType { MTD, EMMC };
    138 static int LoadPartitionContents(const char* filename, FileContents* file) {
    139     char* copy = strdup(filename);
    140     const char* magic = strtok(copy, ":");
    142     enum PartitionType type;
    144     if (strcmp(magic, "MTD") == 0) {
    145         type = MTD;
    146     } else if (strcmp(magic, "EMMC") == 0) {
    147         type = EMMC;
    148     } else {
    149         printf("LoadPartitionContents called with bad filename (%s)\n",
    150                filename);
    151         return -1;
    152     }
    153     const char* partition = strtok(NULL, ":");
    155     int i;
    156     int colons = 0;
    157     for (i = 0; filename[i] != '\0'; ++i) {
    158         if (filename[i] == ':') {
    159             ++colons;
    160         }
    161     }
    162     if (colons < 3 || colons%2 == 0) {
    163         printf("LoadPartitionContents called with bad filename (%s)\n",
    164                filename);
    165     }
    167     int pairs = (colons-1)/2;     // # of (size,sha1) pairs in filename
    168     int* index = malloc(pairs * sizeof(int));
    169     size_t* size = malloc(pairs * sizeof(size_t));
    170     char** sha1sum = malloc(pairs * sizeof(char*));
    172     for (i = 0; i < pairs; ++i) {
    173         const char* size_str = strtok(NULL, ":");
    174         size[i] = strtol(size_str, NULL, 10);
    175         if (size[i] == 0) {
    176             printf("LoadPartitionContents called with bad size (%s)\n", filename);
    177             return -1;
    178         }
    179         sha1sum[i] = strtok(NULL, ":");
    180         index[i] = i;
    181     }
    183     // sort the index[] array so it indexes the pairs in order of
    184     // increasing size.
    185     size_array = size;
    186     qsort(index, pairs, sizeof(int), compare_size_indices);
    188     MtdReadContext* ctx = NULL;
    189     FILE* dev = NULL;
    191     switch (type) {
    192         case MTD:
    193             if (!mtd_partitions_scanned) {
    194                 mtd_scan_partitions();
    195                 mtd_partitions_scanned = 1;
    196             }
    198             const MtdPartition* mtd = mtd_find_partition_by_name(partition);
    199             if (mtd == NULL) {
    200                 printf("mtd partition \"%s\" not found (loading %s)\n",
    201                        partition, filename);
    202                 return -1;
    203             }
    205             ctx = mtd_read_partition(mtd);
    206             if (ctx == NULL) {
    207                 printf("failed to initialize read of mtd partition \"%s\"\n",
    208                        partition);
    209                 return -1;
    210             }
    211             break;
    213         case EMMC:
    214             dev = fopen(partition, "rb");
    215             if (dev == NULL) {
    216                 printf("failed to open emmc partition \"%s\": %s\n",
    217                        partition, strerror(errno));
    218                 return -1;
    219             }
    220     }
    222     SHA_CTX sha_ctx;
    223     SHA_init(&sha_ctx);
    224     uint8_t parsed_sha[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE];
    226     // allocate enough memory to hold the largest size.
    227     file->data = malloc(size[index[pairs-1]]);
    228     char* p = (char*)file->data;
    229     file->size = 0;                // # bytes read so far
    231     for (i = 0; i < pairs; ++i) {
    232         // Read enough additional bytes to get us up to the next size
    233         // (again, we're trying the possibilities in order of increasing
    234         // size).
    235         size_t next = size[index[i]] - file->size;
    236         size_t read = 0;
    237         if (next > 0) {
    238             switch (type) {
    239                 case MTD:
    240                     read = mtd_read_data(ctx, p, next);
    241                     break;
    243                 case EMMC:
    244                     read = fread(p, 1, next, dev);
    245                     break;
    246             }
    247             if (next != read) {
    248                 printf("short read (%d bytes of %d) for partition \"%s\"\n",
    249                        read, next, partition);
    250                 free(file->data);
    251                 file->data = NULL;
    252                 return -1;
    253             }
    254             SHA_update(&sha_ctx, p, read);
    255             file->size += read;
    256         }
    258         // Duplicate the SHA context and finalize the duplicate so we can
    259         // check it against this pair's expected hash.
    260         SHA_CTX temp_ctx;
    261         memcpy(&temp_ctx, &sha_ctx, sizeof(SHA_CTX));
    262         const uint8_t* sha_so_far = SHA_final(&temp_ctx);
    264         if (ParseSha1(sha1sum[index[i]], parsed_sha) != 0) {
    265             printf("failed to parse sha1 %s in %s\n",
    266                    sha1sum[index[i]], filename);
    267             free(file->data);
    268             file->data = NULL;
    269             return -1;
    270         }
    272         if (memcmp(sha_so_far, parsed_sha, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) {
    273             // we have a match.  stop reading the partition; we'll return
    274             // the data we've read so far.
    275             printf("partition read matched size %d sha %s\n",
    276                    size[index[i]], sha1sum[index[i]]);
    277             break;
    278         }
    280         p += read;
    281     }
    283     switch (type) {
    284         case MTD:
    285             mtd_read_close(ctx);
    286             break;
    288         case EMMC:
    289             fclose(dev);
    290             break;
    291     }
    294     if (i == pairs) {
    295         // Ran off the end of the list of (size,sha1) pairs without
    296         // finding a match.
    297         printf("contents of partition \"%s\" didn't match %s\n",
    298                partition, filename);
    299         free(file->data);
    300         file->data = NULL;
    301         return -1;
    302     }
    304     const uint8_t* sha_final = SHA_final(&sha_ctx);
    305     for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_SIZE; ++i) {
    306         file->sha1[i] = sha_final[i];
    307     }
    309     // Fake some stat() info.
    310     file->st.st_mode = 0644;
    311     file->st.st_uid = 0;
    312     file->st.st_gid = 0;
    314     free(copy);
    315     free(index);
    316     free(size);
    317     free(sha1sum);
    319     return 0;
    320 }
    323 // Save the contents of the given FileContents object under the given
    324 // filename.  Return 0 on success.
    325 int SaveFileContents(const char* filename, FileContents file) {
    326     int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
    327     if (fd < 0) {
    328         printf("failed to open \"%s\" for write: %s\n",
    329                filename, strerror(errno));
    330         return -1;
    331     }
    333     ssize_t bytes_written = FileSink(file.data, file.size, &fd);
    334     if (bytes_written != file.size) {
    335         printf("short write of \"%s\" (%ld bytes of %ld) (%s)\n",
    336                filename, (long)bytes_written, (long)file.size,
    337                strerror(errno));
    338         close(fd);
    339         return -1;
    340     }
    341     fsync(fd);
    342     close(fd);
    344     if (chmod(filename, file.st.st_mode) != 0) {
    345         printf("chmod of \"%s\" failed: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    346         return -1;
    347     }
    348     if (chown(filename, file.st.st_uid, file.st.st_gid) != 0) {
    349         printf("chown of \"%s\" failed: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    350         return -1;
    351     }
    353     return 0;
    354 }
    356 // Write a memory buffer to 'target' partition, a string of the form
    357 // "MTD:<partition>[:...]" or "EMMC:<partition_device>:".  Return 0 on
    358 // success.
    359 int WriteToPartition(unsigned char* data, size_t len,
    360                         const char* target) {
    361     char* copy = strdup(target);
    362     const char* magic = strtok(copy, ":");
    364     enum PartitionType type;
    365     if (strcmp(magic, "MTD") == 0) {
    366         type = MTD;
    367     } else if (strcmp(magic, "EMMC") == 0) {
    368         type = EMMC;
    369     } else {
    370         printf("WriteToPartition called with bad target (%s)\n", target);
    371         return -1;
    372     }
    373     const char* partition = strtok(NULL, ":");
    375     if (partition == NULL) {
    376         printf("bad partition target name \"%s\"\n", target);
    377         return -1;
    378     }
    380     switch (type) {
    381         case MTD:
    382             if (!mtd_partitions_scanned) {
    383                 mtd_scan_partitions();
    384                 mtd_partitions_scanned = 1;
    385             }
    387             const MtdPartition* mtd = mtd_find_partition_by_name(partition);
    388             if (mtd == NULL) {
    389                 printf("mtd partition \"%s\" not found for writing\n",
    390                        partition);
    391                 return -1;
    392             }
    394             MtdWriteContext* ctx = mtd_write_partition(mtd);
    395             if (ctx == NULL) {
    396                 printf("failed to init mtd partition \"%s\" for writing\n",
    397                        partition);
    398                 return -1;
    399             }
    401             size_t written = mtd_write_data(ctx, (char*)data, len);
    402             if (written != len) {
    403                 printf("only wrote %d of %d bytes to MTD %s\n",
    404                        written, len, partition);
    405                 mtd_write_close(ctx);
    406                 return -1;
    407             }
    409             if (mtd_erase_blocks(ctx, -1) < 0) {
    410                 printf("error finishing mtd write of %s\n", partition);
    411                 mtd_write_close(ctx);
    412                 return -1;
    413             }
    415             if (mtd_write_close(ctx)) {
    416                 printf("error closing mtd write of %s\n", partition);
    417                 return -1;
    418             }
    419             break;
    421         case EMMC:
    422             ;
    423             FILE* f = fopen(partition, "wb");
    424             if (fwrite(data, 1, len, f) != len) {
    425                 printf("short write writing to %s (%s)\n",
    426                        partition, strerror(errno));
    427                 return -1;
    428             }
    429             if (fclose(f) != 0) {
    430                 printf("error closing %s (%s)\n", partition, strerror(errno));
    431                 return -1;
    432             }
    433             break;
    434     }
    436     free(copy);
    437     return 0;
    438 }
    441 // Take a string 'str' of 40 hex digits and parse it into the 20
    442 // byte array 'digest'.  'str' may contain only the digest or be of
    443 // the form "<digest>:<anything>".  Return 0 on success, -1 on any
    444 // error.
    445 int ParseSha1(const char* str, uint8_t* digest) {
    446     int i;
    447     const char* ps = str;
    448     uint8_t* pd = digest;
    449     for (i = 0; i < SHA_DIGEST_SIZE * 2; ++i, ++ps) {
    450         int digit;
    451         if (*ps >= '0' && *ps <= '9') {
    452             digit = *ps - '0';
    453         } else if (*ps >= 'a' && *ps <= 'f') {
    454             digit = *ps - 'a' + 10;
    455         } else if (*ps >= 'A' && *ps <= 'F') {
    456             digit = *ps - 'A' + 10;
    457         } else {
    458             return -1;
    459         }
    460         if (i % 2 == 0) {
    461             *pd = digit << 4;
    462         } else {
    463             *pd |= digit;
    464             ++pd;
    465         }
    466     }
    467     if (*ps != '\0') return -1;
    468     return 0;
    469 }
    471 // Search an array of sha1 strings for one matching the given sha1.
    472 // Return the index of the match on success, or -1 if no match is
    473 // found.
    474 int FindMatchingPatch(uint8_t* sha1, char** const patch_sha1_str,
    475                       int num_patches) {
    476     int i;
    477     uint8_t patch_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE];
    478     for (i = 0; i < num_patches; ++i) {
    479         if (ParseSha1(patch_sha1_str[i], patch_sha1) == 0 &&
    480             memcmp(patch_sha1, sha1, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) {
    481             return i;
    482         }
    483     }
    484     return -1;
    485 }
    487 // Returns 0 if the contents of the file (argv[2]) or the cached file
    488 // match any of the sha1's on the command line (argv[3:]).  Returns
    489 // nonzero otherwise.
    490 int applypatch_check(const char* filename,
    491                      int num_patches, char** const patch_sha1_str) {
    492     FileContents file;
    493     file.data = NULL;
    495     // It's okay to specify no sha1s; the check will pass if the
    496     // LoadFileContents is successful.  (Useful for reading
    497     // partitions, where the filename encodes the sha1s; no need to
    498     // check them twice.)
    499     if (LoadFileContents(filename, &file, RETOUCH_DO_MASK) != 0 ||
    500         (num_patches > 0 &&
    501          FindMatchingPatch(file.sha1, patch_sha1_str, num_patches) < 0)) {
    502         printf("file \"%s\" doesn't have any of expected "
    503                "sha1 sums; checking cache\n", filename);
    505         free(file.data);
    507         // If the source file is missing or corrupted, it might be because
    508         // we were killed in the middle of patching it.  A copy of it
    509         // should have been made in CACHE_TEMP_SOURCE.  If that file
    510         // exists and matches the sha1 we're looking for, the check still
    511         // passes.
    513         if (LoadFileContents(CACHE_TEMP_SOURCE, &file, RETOUCH_DO_MASK) != 0) {
    514             printf("failed to load cache file\n");
    515             return 1;
    516         }
    518         if (FindMatchingPatch(file.sha1, patch_sha1_str, num_patches) < 0) {
    519             printf("cache bits don't match any sha1 for \"%s\"\n", filename);
    520             free(file.data);
    521             return 1;
    522         }
    523     }
    525     free(file.data);
    526     return 0;
    527 }
    529 int ShowLicenses() {
    530     ShowBSDiffLicense();
    531     return 0;
    532 }
    534 ssize_t FileSink(unsigned char* data, ssize_t len, void* token) {
    535     int fd = *(int *)token;
    536     ssize_t done = 0;
    537     ssize_t wrote;
    538     while (done < (ssize_t) len) {
    539         wrote = write(fd, data+done, len-done);
    540         if (wrote <= 0) {
    541             printf("error writing %d bytes: %s\n", (int)(len-done), strerror(errno));
    542             return done;
    543         }
    544         done += wrote;
    545     }
    546     return done;
    547 }
    549 typedef struct {
    550     unsigned char* buffer;
    551     ssize_t size;
    552     ssize_t pos;
    553 } MemorySinkInfo;
    555 ssize_t MemorySink(unsigned char* data, ssize_t len, void* token) {
    556     MemorySinkInfo* msi = (MemorySinkInfo*)token;
    557     if (msi->size - msi->pos < len) {
    558         return -1;
    559     }
    560     memcpy(msi->buffer + msi->pos, data, len);
    561     msi->pos += len;
    562     return len;
    563 }
    565 // Return the amount of free space (in bytes) on the filesystem
    566 // containing filename.  filename must exist.  Return -1 on error.
    567 size_t FreeSpaceForFile(const char* filename) {
    568     struct statfs sf;
    569     if (statfs(filename, &sf) != 0) {
    570         printf("failed to statfs %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    571         return -1;
    572     }
    573     return sf.f_bsize * sf.f_bfree;
    574 }
    576 int CacheSizeCheck(size_t bytes) {
    577     if (MakeFreeSpaceOnCache(bytes) < 0) {
    578         printf("unable to make %ld bytes available on /cache\n", (long)bytes);
    579         return 1;
    580     } else {
    581         return 0;
    582     }
    583 }
    586 // This function applies binary patches to files in a way that is safe
    587 // (the original file is not touched until we have the desired
    588 // replacement for it) and idempotent (it's okay to run this program
    589 // multiple times).
    590 //
    591 // - if the sha1 hash of <target_filename> is <target_sha1_string>,
    592 //   does nothing and exits successfully.
    593 //
    594 // - otherwise, if the sha1 hash of <source_filename> is one of the
    595 //   entries in <patch_sha1_str>, the corresponding patch from
    596 //   <patch_data> (which must be a VAL_BLOB) is applied to produce a
    597 //   new file (the type of patch is automatically detected from the
    598 //   blob daat).  If that new file has sha1 hash <target_sha1_str>,
    599 //   moves it to replace <target_filename>, and exits successfully.
    600 //   Note that if <source_filename> and <target_filename> are not the
    601 //   same, <source_filename> is NOT deleted on success.
    602 //   <target_filename> may be the string "-" to mean "the same as
    603 //   source_filename".
    604 //
    605 // - otherwise, or if any error is encountered, exits with non-zero
    606 //   status.
    607 //
    608 // <source_filename> may refer to a partition to read the source data.
    609 // See the comments for the LoadPartition Contents() function above
    610 // for the format of such a filename.
    612 int applypatch(const char* source_filename,
    613                const char* target_filename,
    614                const char* target_sha1_str,
    615                size_t target_size,
    616                int num_patches,
    617                char** const patch_sha1_str,
    618                Value** patch_data) {
    619     printf("\napplying patch to %s\n", source_filename);
    621     if (target_filename[0] == '-' &&
    622         target_filename[1] == '\0') {
    623         target_filename = source_filename;
    624     }
    626     uint8_t target_sha1[SHA_DIGEST_SIZE];
    627     if (ParseSha1(target_sha1_str, target_sha1) != 0) {
    628         printf("failed to parse tgt-sha1 \"%s\"\n", target_sha1_str);
    629         return 1;
    630     }
    632     FileContents copy_file;
    633     FileContents source_file;
    634     const Value* source_patch_value = NULL;
    635     const Value* copy_patch_value = NULL;
    636     int made_copy = 0;
    638     // We try to load the target file into the source_file object.
    639     if (LoadFileContents(target_filename, &source_file,
    640                          RETOUCH_DO_MASK) == 0) {
    641         if (memcmp(source_file.sha1, target_sha1, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) {
    642             // The early-exit case:  the patch was already applied, this file
    643             // has the desired hash, nothing for us to do.
    644             printf("\"%s\" is already target; no patch needed\n",
    645                    target_filename);
    646             return 0;
    647         }
    648     }
    650     if (source_file.data == NULL ||
    651         (target_filename != source_filename &&
    652          strcmp(target_filename, source_filename) != 0)) {
    653         // Need to load the source file:  either we failed to load the
    654         // target file, or we did but it's different from the source file.
    655         free(source_file.data);
    656         LoadFileContents(source_filename, &source_file,
    657                          RETOUCH_DO_MASK);
    658     }
    660     if (source_file.data != NULL) {
    661         int to_use = FindMatchingPatch(source_file.sha1,
    662                                        patch_sha1_str, num_patches);
    663         if (to_use >= 0) {
    664             source_patch_value = patch_data[to_use];
    665         }
    666     }
    668     if (source_patch_value == NULL) {
    669         free(source_file.data);
    670         printf("source file is bad; trying copy\n");
    672         if (LoadFileContents(CACHE_TEMP_SOURCE, &copy_file,
    673                              RETOUCH_DO_MASK) < 0) {
    674             // fail.
    675             printf("failed to read copy file\n");
    676             return 1;
    677         }
    679         int to_use = FindMatchingPatch(copy_file.sha1,
    680                                        patch_sha1_str, num_patches);
    681         if (to_use >= 0) {
    682             copy_patch_value = patch_data[to_use];
    683         }
    685         if (copy_patch_value == NULL) {
    686             // fail.
    687             printf("copy file doesn't match source SHA-1s either\n");
    688             return 1;
    689         }
    690     }
    692     int retry = 1;
    693     SHA_CTX ctx;
    694     int output;
    695     MemorySinkInfo msi;
    696     FileContents* source_to_use;
    697     char* outname;
    699     // assume that target_filename (eg "/system/app/Foo.apk") is located
    700     // on the same filesystem as its top-level directory ("/system").
    701     // We need something that exists for calling statfs().
    702     char target_fs[strlen(target_filename)+1];
    703     char* slash = strchr(target_filename+1, '/');
    704     if (slash != NULL) {
    705         int count = slash - target_filename;
    706         strncpy(target_fs, target_filename, count);
    707         target_fs[count] = '\0';
    708     } else {
    709         strcpy(target_fs, target_filename);
    710     }
    712     do {
    713         // Is there enough room in the target filesystem to hold the patched
    714         // file?
    716         if (strncmp(target_filename, "MTD:", 4) == 0 ||
    717             strncmp(target_filename, "EMMC:", 5) == 0) {
    718             // If the target is a partition, we're actually going to
    719             // write the output to /tmp and then copy it to the
    720             // partition.  statfs() always returns 0 blocks free for
    721             // /tmp, so instead we'll just assume that /tmp has enough
    722             // space to hold the file.
    724             // We still write the original source to cache, in case
    725             // the partition write is interrupted.
    726             if (MakeFreeSpaceOnCache(source_file.size) < 0) {
    727                 printf("not enough free space on /cache\n");
    728                 return 1;
    729             }
    730             if (SaveFileContents(CACHE_TEMP_SOURCE, source_file) < 0) {
    731                 printf("failed to back up source file\n");
    732                 return 1;
    733             }
    734             made_copy = 1;
    735             retry = 0;
    736         } else {
    737             int enough_space = 0;
    738             if (retry > 0) {
    739                 size_t free_space = FreeSpaceForFile(target_fs);
    740                 enough_space =
    741                     (free_space > (256 << 10)) &&          // 256k (two-block) minimum
    742                     (free_space > (target_size * 3 / 2));  // 50% margin of error
    743                 printf("target %ld bytes; free space %ld bytes; retry %d; enough %d\n",
    744                        (long)target_size, (long)free_space, retry, enough_space);
    745             }
    747             if (!enough_space) {
    748                 retry = 0;
    749             }
    751             if (!enough_space && source_patch_value != NULL) {
    752                 // Using the original source, but not enough free space.  First
    753                 // copy the source file to cache, then delete it from the original
    754                 // location.
    756                 if (strncmp(source_filename, "MTD:", 4) == 0 ||
    757                     strncmp(source_filename, "EMMC:", 5) == 0) {
    758                     // It's impossible to free space on the target filesystem by
    759                     // deleting the source if the source is a partition.  If
    760                     // we're ever in a state where we need to do this, fail.
    761                     printf("not enough free space for target but source "
    762                            "is partition\n");
    763                     return 1;
    764                 }
    766                 if (MakeFreeSpaceOnCache(source_file.size) < 0) {
    767                     printf("not enough free space on /cache\n");
    768                     return 1;
    769                 }
    771                 if (SaveFileContents(CACHE_TEMP_SOURCE, source_file) < 0) {
    772                     printf("failed to back up source file\n");
    773                     return 1;
    774                 }
    775                 made_copy = 1;
    776                 unlink(source_filename);
    778                 size_t free_space = FreeSpaceForFile(target_fs);
    779                 printf("(now %ld bytes free for target)\n", (long)free_space);
    780             }
    781         }
    783         const Value* patch;
    784         if (source_patch_value != NULL) {
    785             source_to_use = &source_file;
    786             patch = source_patch_value;
    787         } else {
    788             source_to_use = &copy_file;
    789             patch = copy_patch_value;
    790         }
    792         if (patch->type != VAL_BLOB) {
    793             printf("patch is not a blob\n");
    794             return 1;
    795         }
    797         SinkFn sink = NULL;
    798         void* token = NULL;
    799         output = -1;
    800         outname = NULL;
    801         if (strncmp(target_filename, "MTD:", 4) == 0 ||
    802             strncmp(target_filename, "EMMC:", 5) == 0) {
    803             // We store the decoded output in memory.
    804             msi.buffer = malloc(target_size);
    805             if (msi.buffer == NULL) {
    806                 printf("failed to alloc %ld bytes for output\n",
    807                        (long)target_size);
    808                 return 1;
    809             }
    810             msi.pos = 0;
    811             msi.size = target_size;
    812             sink = MemorySink;
    813             token = &msi;
    814         } else {
    815             // We write the decoded output to "<tgt-file>.patch".
    816             outname = (char*)malloc(strlen(target_filename) + 10);
    817             strcpy(outname, target_filename);
    818             strcat(outname, ".patch");
    820             output = open(outname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
    821             if (output < 0) {
    822                 printf("failed to open output file %s: %s\n",
    823                        outname, strerror(errno));
    824                 return 1;
    825             }
    826             sink = FileSink;
    827             token = &output;
    828         }
    830         char* header = patch->data;
    831         ssize_t header_bytes_read = patch->size;
    833         SHA_init(&ctx);
    835         int result;
    837         if (header_bytes_read >= 8 &&
    838             memcmp(header, "BSDIFF40", 8) == 0) {
    839             result = ApplyBSDiffPatch(source_to_use->data, source_to_use->size,
    840                                       patch, 0, sink, token, &ctx);
    841         } else if (header_bytes_read >= 8 &&
    842                    memcmp(header, "IMGDIFF2", 8) == 0) {
    843             result = ApplyImagePatch(source_to_use->data, source_to_use->size,
    844                                      patch, sink, token, &ctx);
    845         } else {
    846             printf("Unknown patch file format\n");
    847             return 1;
    848         }
    850         if (output >= 0) {
    851             fsync(output);
    852             close(output);
    853         }
    855         if (result != 0) {
    856             if (retry == 0) {
    857                 printf("applying patch failed\n");
    858                 return result != 0;
    859             } else {
    860                 printf("applying patch failed; retrying\n");
    861             }
    862             if (outname != NULL) {
    863                 unlink(outname);
    864             }
    865         } else {
    866             // succeeded; no need to retry
    867             break;
    868         }
    869     } while (retry-- > 0);
    871     const uint8_t* current_target_sha1 = SHA_final(&ctx);
    872     if (memcmp(current_target_sha1, target_sha1, SHA_DIGEST_SIZE) != 0) {
    873         printf("patch did not produce expected sha1\n");
    874         return 1;
    875     }
    877     if (output < 0) {
    878         // Copy the temp file to the partition.
    879         if (WriteToPartition(msi.buffer, msi.pos, target_filename) != 0) {
    880             printf("write of patched data to %s failed\n", target_filename);
    881             return 1;
    882         }
    883         free(msi.buffer);
    884     } else {
    885         // Give the .patch file the same owner, group, and mode of the
    886         // original source file.
    887         if (chmod(outname, source_to_use->st.st_mode) != 0) {
    888             printf("chmod of \"%s\" failed: %s\n", outname, strerror(errno));
    889             return 1;
    890         }
    891         if (chown(outname, source_to_use->st.st_uid,
    892                   source_to_use->st.st_gid) != 0) {
    893             printf("chown of \"%s\" failed: %s\n", outname, strerror(errno));
    894             return 1;
    895         }
    897         // Finally, rename the .patch file to replace the target file.
    898         if (rename(outname, target_filename) != 0) {
    899             printf("rename of .patch to \"%s\" failed: %s\n",
    900                    target_filename, strerror(errno));
    901             return 1;
    902         }
    903     }
    905     // If this run of applypatch created the copy, and we're here, we
    906     // can delete it.
    907     if (made_copy) unlink(CACHE_TEMP_SOURCE);
    909     // Success!
    910     return 0;
    911 }