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     11 <h1>
     12 <b><font color="#00cc00">J</font><font color="#ff0000">U</font><font
     13  color="#000000">nit
     14 3.8.2</font></b></h1>
     15 <hr width="100%">
     16 <font color="#000000"><br>
     17 11/11/2004<br>
     18 </font>
     19 <ul>
     20   <li><font color="#000000"><a href="#Summary%20of">Summary of Changes</a></font></li>
     21   <li>
     22     <font color="#000000"><a href="#Contents">Contents</a></font></li>
     23   <li>
     24     <font color="#000000"><a href="#Installation">Installation</a></font></li>
     25   <li>
     26     <font color="#000000"><a href="#Getting">Getting Started</a></font></li>
     27   <li>
     28     <font color="#000000"><a href="#Documentation">Documentation</a></font></li>
     29 </ul>
     30 <h2>
     31 <font><a name="Summary of"></a><font color="#000000">Summary of Changes
     32 between 3.8.1 and 3.8.2</font></font></h2>
     33 <font color="#000000">The changes between the versions are minimal and
     34 the focus was on fixing the accumulated bug reports. The most
     35 signifanct change is replacing the much-reviled string comparison
     36 format with something easier to read and use.<br>
     37 </font>
     38 <ul>
     39   <li>ComparisonFailure shows context.&nbsp; <br>
     40   </li>
     41   <ul>
     42     <li>assertEquals("Mary had a little lamb", "Mary had the little
     43 lamb") shows: expected:&lt;Mary had [a] little lamb&gt; but
     44 was:&lt;Mary had [the] little lamb&gt;<br>
     45 Longer prefixes and suffixes are truncated to a fixed size (currently
     46 20):</li>
     47     <li>expected:&lt;...st of the emergency [broadcasting]
     48 system&gt; but was:&lt;...st of the emergency [locating] system&gt;<br>
     49     </li>
     50   </ul>
     51   <li><font color="#000000">Running single tests.&nbsp;
     52 junit.ui.TestRunner can be invoked with "-m</font> ClassName.testName"
     53 to run a single test.</li>
     54   <li>TestSuite(Class[]).&nbsp;
     55 There is a new TestSuite constructor that takes an array of classes as
     56 a parameter and returns a suite of suites, each of which is constructed
     57 from a single class.</li>
     58 </ul>
     59 <h3><font><font color="#000000">Closed Bugs/Patches and Enhancment
     60 Requests<br>
     61 </font></font></h3>
     62 <ul>
     63   <li><a
     64  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=698067&group_id=15278&atid=115278">assertEquals(float,float,delta)
     65 fails on negative delta</a></li>
     66   <li><a
     67  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=609972&group_id=15278&atid=115278">'...'
     68 in ComparisonFailure</a></li>
     69   <li><a
     70  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=461535&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Trouble
     71 in teardown hides orig. probl.</a></li>
     72   <li><a
     73  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=609819&group_id=15278&atid=115278">NaN's
     74 in assertEquals</a></li>
     75   <li><a
     76  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=620039&group_id=15278&atid=115278">BaseTestRunner.setPreference
     77 static</a></li>
     78   <li><a
     79  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=658044&group_id=15278&atid=115278">failNotEquals()
     80 should be protected</a></li>
     81   <li><a
     82  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=777097&group_id=15278&atid=115278">RFE:
     83 make private methods protected</a></li>
     84   <li><a
     85  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=654507&group_id=15278&atid=365278">Printing
     86 version number</a></li>
     87   <li><a
     88  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=993150&group_id=15278&atid=315278">Patch
     89 to quell warnings in tiger</a></li>
     90   <li><a
     91  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=657593&group_id=15278&atid=315278">Enhanced
     92 ComparisonFailure output</a></li>
     93   <li><a
     94  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=625016&group_id=15278&atid=315278">addt'l
     95 TestSuite constructrs for Class[]</a></li>
     96   <li><a
     97  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=908467&group_id=15278&atid=315278">Run
     98 one test method for junit</a></li>
     99   <li><a
    100  href="http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=756480&group_id=15278&atid=315278">excluded.properties:
    101 Add commons logging</a></li>
    102 </ul>
    103 <h2><font color="#000000">Summary of Changes between 3.8 and 3.8.1</font></h2>
    104 <ul>
    105   <font color="#000000"> <li>Backed out setting the testing Thread's
    106 context class loader (see <a
    107  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=598200&group_id=15278&atid=115278">JUnit
    108 not setting ClassLoader</a>). It has caused problems in tests that
    109 worked OK before. See the bug report for more details.</li>
    110   <li>Fixes:&nbsp;
    111     <ul>
    112       <li><a
    113  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=601326&group_id=15278&atid=115278">NPE
    114 in ComparisonFailure</a></li>
    115       <li><a
    116  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=602948&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Swing
    117 UI: NoSuchMethodError on JDK 1.3</a></li>
    118     </ul>
    119   </li>
    120   </font>
    121 </ul>
    122 <h2>
    123 <font color="#000000">Summary of Changes between 3.7 and 3.8</font></h2>
    124 <h3>
    125 <font color="#000000">Framework</font></h3>
    126 <ul>
    127   <li>
    128     <font color="#000000">Made the string argument TestCase constructor
    129 optional. You can now delete
    130 constructors of the form "FooTestCase(String name) { super(name); }".</font></li>
    131   <li>
    132     <font color="#000000">Deleted deprecated assert(boolean) in favor
    133 of assertTrue(boolean) and
    134 assertFalse(boolean). To migrate to JUnit 3.8, rename calls to
    135 assert(boolean)
    136 to call assertTrue(boolean).</font></li>
    137   <li>
    138     <font color="#000000">Added assertFalse() to avoid the difficult of
    139 reading the assertTrue(!
    140 condition).</font></li>
    141   <li>
    142     <font color="#000000">Added assertNotSame(Object, Object).</font></li>
    143   <li>
    144     <font color="#000000">Deleted deprecated TestCase.name() in favor
    145 of TestCase.getName().</font></li>
    146   <li>
    147     <font color="#000000">Deleted deprecated package junit.ui in favor
    148 of junit.awtui.</font></li>
    149 </ul>
    150 <h3>
    151 <font color="#000000">Test Runner</font></h3>
    152 <ul>
    153   <li>
    154     <font color="#000000">When you compare two long strings with a
    155 small delta embedded in the middle, it
    156 is hard to spot the difference. In 3.8, when you call
    157 assertEquals(String,
    158 String), only the differences between the strings are displayed. The
    159 common
    160 prefix and suffix are replaced with "...".</font></li>
    161   <li>
    162     <font color="#000000">Added initial version of a TestRunListener
    163 attached to TestRunners which
    164 eventually will replace TestListeners attached to the TestResult.</font></li>
    165   <li>
    166     <font color="#000000">Filled in ActiveTestSuite constructors.</font></li>
    167   <li>
    168     <font color="#000000">Added these packages to the
    169 excluded.properties:<font size="2">
    170     <ul>
    171       <li>org.w3c.dom.*</li>
    172       <li>org.xml.sax.*</li>
    173       <li>net.jini.*</li>
    174     </ul>
    175     </font></font></li>
    176   <li><font color="#000000">Extracted textual formatting of a
    177 TestResult from junit.textui.TestRunner into ResultPrinter.</font></li>
    178 </ul>
    179 <h3><font color="#000000">Documentation</font></h3>
    180 <ul>
    181   <font color="#000000"> <li>Much improved <a href="doc/faq/faq.htm">FAQ</a>
    182 thanks to Mike Clark.</li>
    183   </font>
    184 </ul>
    185 <h3><font color="#000000">Closed Bugs</font></h3>
    186 <ul>
    187   <font color="#000000"> <li><a
    188  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=583346&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Class
    189 loader problem</a></li>
    190   <li><a
    191  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=551239&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Cookbook
    192 Simple Test Case problems</a></li>
    193   <li><a
    194  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=539015&group_id=15278&atid=115278">License
    195 not included in source</a></li>
    196   <li><a
    197  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=560081&group_id=15278&atid=115278">assert
    198 is a keyword</a></li>
    199   <li><a
    200  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=572444&group_id=15278&atid=115278">javadoc
    201 returns mysterious message</a></li>
    202   <li><a
    203  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=581251&group_id=15278&atid=115278">swingui
    204 CounterPanel values disappear</a></li>
    205   <li><a
    206  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=574641&group_id=15278&atid=115278">TestCase
    207 javadoc incorrect example</a></li>
    208   <li><a
    209  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=582784&group_id=15278&atid=115278">silly
    210 cookbook error</a></li>
    211   <li><a
    212  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=583328&group_id=15278&atid=115278">junit
    213 properties missfunction</a></li>
    214   <li><a
    215  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=595957&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Test.java
    216 is not Serializable</a></li>
    217   <li><a
    218  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=598200&group_id=15278&atid=115278">JUnit
    219 not setting ClassLoader`</a></li>
    220   <li><a
    221  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=592713&group_id=15278&atid=115278">NullPointerException
    222 when loading suite</a></li>
    223   <li><a
    224  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=544683&group_id=15278&atid=115278">labels
    225 for bug counts too small in Swing</a></li>
    226   <li><a
    227  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=537502&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Swing
    228 TestRunner layout shifts</a></li>
    229   <li><a
    230  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=528868&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Exit
    231 code problem for cygwin/w2k</a></li>
    232   <li><a
    233  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=529953&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Automatic
    234 reload causes strange errors</a></li>
    235   <li><a
    236  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=532952&group_id=15278&atid=115278">TestRunner
    237 fails with swing/awtui</a></li>
    238   <li><a
    239  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=533411&group_id=15278&atid=115278">CVS
    240 version doesn't build on NetBSD</a></li>
    241   <li><a
    242  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=520210&group_id=15278&atid=115278">NullPointerException
    243 JUnit sample w/ Ant</a></li>
    244   <li><a
    245  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=527511&group_id=15278&atid=115278">money
    246 sample bug</a></li>
    247   <li><a
    248  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=491981&group_id=15278&atid=115278">incomplete
    249 message from failNotSame()</a></li>
    250   <li><a
    251  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=471577&group_id=15278&atid=115278">Icons
    252 on systems with 64 colors exceptio</a></li>
    253   <li><a
    254  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=470324&group_id=15278&atid=115278">1000+
    255 tests, swing gui doesn't display</a></li>
    256   <li><a
    257  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=442752&group_id=15278&atid=115278">test
    258 selector included incorrect classes</a></li>
    259   <li><a
    260  href="https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=430974&group_id=15278&atid=115278">No
    261 UI update when re-run methods fail</a></li>
    262   </font>
    263 </ul>
    264 <h2>
    265 <font color="#000000">Summary of Changes between 3.6 and 3.7</font></h2>
    266 <h3>
    267 <font color="#000000">GUI</font></h3>
    268 <ul>
    269   <li>
    270     <font color="#000000">Eliminated warning when re-running tests when
    271 class loading checkbox is
    272 unchecked. There are legitimate reasons for doing this, so a warning
    273 didn't
    274 make much sense, and it was too obtrusive.</font></li>
    275   <li>
    276     <font color="#000000">Stopped reloading classes when running in
    277 VisualAge for Java.</font></li>
    278   <li>
    279     <font color="#000000">Print total number of tests as well as number
    280 of tests run so far (Swing
    281 only).</font></li>
    282 </ul>
    283 <h3>
    284 <font color="#000000">Framework</font></h3>
    285 <ul>
    286   <li>
    287     <font color="#000000">Introduced Assert.assertTrue(boolean) and
    288 assertTrue(String, boolean) deprecated
    289 assert(boolean) and assert(String, boolean) in preparation for the
    290 assert
    291 keyword in Java 1.4. We plan to support native assertions when they are
    292 publicly available. You can either move to assertTrue() or wait for 1.4
    293 and delete parentheses as the syntax is e.g. "assert 2 == 3".</font></li>
    294   <li>
    295     <font color="#000000">Added accessors for TestCase.fName and
    296 TestSuite.fName.</font></li>
    297   <li>
    298     <font color="#000000">Added a no argument TestCase constructor to
    299 support serialization.</font></li>
    300   <li>
    301     <font color="#000000">Improved warnings when constructing
    302 TestSuites.</font></li>
    303 </ul>
    304 <h3>
    305 <font color="#000000">Text Runner</font></h3>
    306 <ul>
    307   <li>
    308     <font color="#000000">Made doRun() public so clients can create a
    309 text runner with a specified
    310 output stream and then run tests.</font></li>
    311 </ul>
    312 <h3>
    313 <font color="#000000">Fixed Bugs (SourceForge Bug Tracker Ids)</font></h3>
    314 <font color="#000000">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [420315] No trace when fail
    315 with message...
    316 <br>
    317 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [419375] reload warning lags
    318 <br>
    319 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [418849] Classloader warning too obtrusive
    320 <br>
    321 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [417978] constructor stack trace, please
    322 <br>
    323 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [415103] Reload checkbox should be ignored in VAJ
    324 <br>
    325 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [414954] error reporting when invoking suite()
    326 <br>
    327 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [407296] Make doRun() public
    328 <br>
    329 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [227578] rmi callbacks fail since TestCase has no
    330 noArg constructor
    331 <br>
    332 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [422603] Decorated decorators bug
    333 </font>
    334 <h2><font color="#000000">Summary of Changes between 3.5 and 3.6</font></h2>
    335 <h3>
    336 <font color="#000000">TestRunner</font></h3>
    337 <ul>
    338   <li>
    339     <font color="#000000">The UI test runners provide a check box to
    340 enable/disable the custom class
    341 loader. The user is warned when running a second test with the non
    342 loading
    343 class loader.</font></li>
    344   <li>
    345     <font color="#000000">Renames to address file name length
    346 limitation on MacOS:</font></li>
    347   <ul>
    348     <li>
    349       <font color="#000000">LoadingClassPathTestCollector -&gt;
    350 LoadingTestCollector</font></li>
    351     <li>
    352       <font color="#000000">SimpleClassPathTestCollector -&gt;
    353 SimpleTestCollector</font></li>
    354   </ul>
    355 </ul>
    356 <h3>
    357 <font color="#000000">Framework</font></h3>
    358 <ul>
    359   <li>
    360     <font color="#000000">Added TestSuite.getName()</font></li>
    361 </ul>
    362 <h3>
    363 <font color="#000000">Builds</font></h3>
    364 <ul>
    365   <li>
    366     <font color="#000000">Updated the build script for Ant 1.3.</font></li>
    367 </ul>
    368 <h3>
    369 <font color="#000000">Fixed Bugs (SourceForge Bug Tracker Ids)</font></h3>
    370 <blockquote><font color="#000000">[ #229753 ] assertEquals on NaN and
    371 Infinity does not work
    372 correctly
    373   <br>
    374 [ #229287 ] Class Name too long "SimpleClassPathTestCollector"
    375   <br>
    376 [ #229609 ] Stack Filtering missing in textui.TesRunner
    377   <br>
    378 [ #229870 ] Clicking on ... after tests failed gives NPE
    379   <br>
    380 [ #229974 ] Incorrect icon shown for first element in Swing GUI
    381   <br>
    382 [ #230581 ] swingui.TestTreeModel: results of decorated testcases...
    383   <br>
    384 [ #230971 ] Make junit.extensions.TestDecorator.getTest() public
    385   <br>
    386 [ #231569 ] DocBug: JUnit Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests
    387   <br>
    388 [ #232645 ] BaseTestRunner.getTest loses exception information
    389   <br>
    390 [ #233094 ] TestSuite masks exceptions
    391   <br>
    392 [ #410967 ] No icon provided for first test
    393   <br>
    394 [ #230745 ] ClassPathTestCollector sometimes lists classes in duplicate</font></blockquote>
    395 <h3>
    396 <font color="#000000">Documentation</font></h3>
    397 <ul>
    398   <li>
    399     <font color="#000000">Added documentation about the <a
    400  href="doc/JUnitProperties.html">properties</a>
    401 supported by TestRunners.</font></li>
    402   <li>
    403     <font color="#000000">Updated the FAQ</font></li>
    404 </ul>
    405 <h2>
    406 <font color="#000000">Summary of Changes between 3.4 and 3.5</font></h2>
    407 <h3>
    408 <font color="#000000">Framework</font></h3>
    409 <ul>
    410   <li>
    411     <font color="#000000">Added TestSuite.addTestSuite(Class testClass)</font></li>
    412   <font color="#000000"><br>
    413 This method allows to create a TestSuite with a class containing test
    414 cases directly.
    415   <br>
    416 Instead of writing <b>suite.addTest(new TestSuite(AssertTest.class))
    417   </b>you
    418 can now write <b>suite.addTestSuite(AssertTest.class)</b>;
    419   <li>Added assertEquals methods for all primitive types: float,
    420 boolean, byte,
    421 char, int, short</li>
    422   <li>
    423 The signature of&nbsp; TestListeners.addFailure(Test test, Throwable t)</li>
    424   <br>
    425 was changed to addFailure(Test test, AssertionFailedError t)</font>
    426 </ul>
    427 <h3>
    428 <font color="#000000">TestRunner</font></h3>
    429 <ul>
    430   <li>
    431     <font color="#000000">The Swing TestRunner provides an experimental
    432 feature to browse test classes.
    433 There is an additional browse ("...") button besides the suite combo.
    434 It
    435 shows a simple dialog to select a test class from a list. Different
    436 strategies
    437 to locate Test classes are supported and you can plug-in your own
    438 strategy.
    439 This allows to leverage functionality provided by an extension API of
    440 an
    441 integrated development environment (IDE). To define a custom test
    442 collector
    443 you 1) implement the <b>junit.runner.TestCollector </b>interface and
    444 2)
    445 add an entry to the <b>junit.properties</b> file with the key <b>TestCollectorClass</b>
    446 and the name of your TestCollector implementation class as the key:</font></li>
    447   <font color="#000000"><br>
    448 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    449 TestCollectorClass=junit.swingui.LoadingClassPathTestCollector
    450   <br>
    451 This class has to be installed on the class path.
    452   <br>
    453 JUnit provides two different TestCollector implementations:
    454   </font>
    455   <ul>
    456     <li>
    457       <font color="#000000">simple
    458 (junit.runner.SimpleClassPathTestCollector) - considers all classes
    459 on the class path on the file system that contain "Test" in their name.
    460 Classes in JARs are not considered.</font></li>
    461     <li>
    462       <font color="#000000">loading
    463 (junit.runner.LoadingClassPathTestCollector) - loads all classes
    464 on the class path and tests whether the class is assignable from Test
    465 or
    466 has a static <b>suite</b> method.</font></li>
    467   </ul>
    468   <font color="#000000">By default the simple the test collector is
    469 used. The loading collector
    470 is more precise but much slower than the simple one. The loading
    471 collector
    472 doesn't scale up when many classes are available on the class path.
    473   <br>
    474   <b><font color="#ff0000">Notice</font></b>: that both TestCollectors
    475 assume that the class files reside are kept in the file system. This
    476 isn't
    477 case in VA/Java and they will not work there. A custom TestCollector is
    478 required for VA/Java.
    479   <li>The Swing TestRunner now provides an additional test result view
    480 that shows
    481 all tests of the executed test suite as a tree. The view shows the
    482 success
    483 status for each test. The view is shown as an additional tab in the
    484 TestRunner
    485 window. In previous versions of JUnit this view was shown in a separate
    486 window.</li>
    487   <li>
    488 The failure panels in the Swing and AWT TestRunners filter the
    489 exception
    490 stack trace so that only non-framework stack frames are shown.</li>
    491   <li>
    492 There is support to plug-in a custom failure panel that provides
    493 additional
    494 functionality like navigating from a failure to the source. To do so
    495 you
    496 implement the <b>junit.runner.FailureDetailView</b> interface and
    497 register
    498 the implementation class in the junit.properties file under the key <b>FailureViewClass</b>,
    499 for example</li>
    500   <br>
    501 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    502 FailureViewClass=MyFailureViewClassName.
    503   <li>The Swing and AWT TestRunners now understand an additional
    504 command line
    505 argument "-noloading". When this argument is set then the standard
    506 system
    507 class loader is used to load classes. This is an alternative to setting
    508 the <b>loading</b> property to false in the junit.properties file.</li>
    509   <li>
    510 Swing TestRunner - the maximum test history length shown in the suite
    511 combo
    512 can be defined in the junit.properties file with the key <b>maxhistory</b>.</li>
    513   <li>
    514 BaseTestRunner.<b>getLoader</b>() is no longer a static method and can
    515 now be overridden in subclasses.</li>
    516   <li>
    517 BaseTestRunner removed dependency on JDK 1.2.</li>
    518   <li>
    519 Swing TestRunner - fixed the problem that a suite name was sometimes
    520 duplicated
    521 in the history combo.</li>
    522   <li>
    523 Swing TestRunner - the Run button is now the default button.</li>
    524   <li>
    525 Output string truncation can now be controlled by adding the <b>maxmessage</b>
    526 key with the desired maximum length to the junit.properties file.
    527 Setting
    528 maxmessage to -1 means no output truncation.</li>
    529   <li>
    530 The Text TestRunner now shows the summary at the very end so that you
    531 don't
    532 have to scroll back.</li>
    533   </font>
    534 </ul>
    535 <h3>
    536 <font color="#000000">Tests</font></h3>
    537 <ul>
    538   <li>
    539     <font color="#000000">TextRunnerTest now only depends on a nonzero
    540 status to indicate abnormal
    541 termination.</font></li>
    542   <li>
    543     <font color="#000000">TextRunnerTest now also passes on JDK 1.1.*.
    544 It uses the -classpath command
    545 line argument instead of -cp.</font></li>
    546 </ul>
    547 <h3>
    548 <font color="#000000">Documentation</font></h3>
    549 <ul>
    550   <li>
    551     <font color="#000000">Add an FAQ entry about what to do when the
    552 junit tests provided with the
    553 distribution can't be found.</font></li>
    554 </ul>
    555 <h2>
    556 <font color="#000000">Older Change Notes</font></h2>
    557 <blockquote>
    558   <li><font color="#000000">Changes between <a
    559  href="doc/changes34.html">2.1 and 3.4</a></font></li>
    560   <li>
    561     <font color="#000000">Changes between <a href="doc/changes21.html">1.0
    562 and 2.1</a></font></li>
    563 </blockquote>
    564 <h2>
    565 <font color="#000000"><a name="Contents"></a>Contents of the Release</font></h2>
    566 <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
    567   <tbody>
    568     <tr>
    569       <td><tt>README.html&nbsp;</tt></td>
    570       <td>this file</td>
    571     </tr>
    572     <tr>
    573       <td><tt>junit.jar</tt></td>
    574       <td>a jar file with the JUnit framework and&nbsp; tools&nbsp;</td>
    575     </tr>
    576     <tr>
    577       <td>src.jar</td>
    578       <td>a jar file with the source code of the junit framework</td>
    579     </tr>
    580     <tr>
    581       <td><tt>junit</tt></td>
    582       <td>the source code of the JUnit samples</td>
    583     </tr>
    584     <tr>
    585       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; samples</tt></td>
    586       <td>sample test cases</td>
    587     </tr>
    588     <tr>
    589       <td><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; tests</tt></td>
    590       <td>test cases for JUnit itself</td>
    591     </tr>
    592     <tr>
    593       <td><tt>javadoc</tt></td>
    594       <td>javadoc generated documentation</td>
    595     </tr>
    596     <tr>
    597       <td><tt>doc</tt></td>
    598       <td>documentation and articles</td>
    599     </tr>
    600   </tbody>
    601 </table>
    602 <h2>
    603 <font color="#000000"><a name="Installation"></a>Installation</font></h2>
    604 <font color="#000000">Below are the installation steps for installing
    605 JUnit:
    606 </font>
    607 <ol>
    608   <li>
    609     <font color="#000000">unzip the junit.zip file</font></li>
    610   <li>
    611     <font color="#000000">add<i> </i><b>junit.jar</b> to the
    612 CLASSPATH. For example: <tt>set
    613 classpath=%classpath%;INSTALL_DIR\junit3\junit.jar</tt></font></li>
    614   <li>
    615     <font color="#000000">test the installation by using either the
    616 batch or the graphical TestRunner
    617 tool to run the tests that come with this release. All the tests should
    618 pass OK.</font></li>
    619   <font color="#000000"><br>
    620   <b><font color="#ff0000">Notice</font></b>: that the tests are not
    621 contained in the junit.jar but in the installation directory directly.
    622 Therefore make sure that the installation directory is on the class
    623 path
    624   </font>
    625   <ul>
    626     <li>
    627       <font color="#000000">for the batch TestRunner type:</font></li>
    628     <font color="#000000"><br>
    629     <tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java junit.textui.TestRunner
    630 junit.samples.AllTests</tt>
    631     <li>for the graphical TestRunner type:</li>
    632     <br>
    633     <tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java junit.awtui.TestRunner
    634 junit.samples.AllTests</tt>
    635     <li>for the Swing based graphical TestRunner type:</li>
    636     <br>
    637     <tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; java junit.swingui.TestRunner
    638 junit.samples.AllTests</tt></font>
    639   </ul>
    640 </ol>
    641 <font color="#000000"><b><font color="#ff0000">Important</font></b>:
    642 don't install the junit.jar
    643 into the extension directory of your JDK installation. If you do so the
    644 test class on the files system will not be found.
    645 </font>
    646 <h2><font color="#000000"><a name="Getting"></a>Getting Started</font></h2>
    647 <font color="#000000">To get started with unit testing and JUnit read
    648 the Java Report article:
    649 <a href="doc/testinfected/testing.htm">Test
    650 Infected - Programmers Love Writing Tests</a>.
    651 <br>
    652 This article demonstrates the development process with JUnit in the
    653 context of multiple currency arithmetic. The corresponding source code
    654 is in junit\samples\money.
    655 </font>
    656 <p><font color="#000000">You find additional samples in the
    657 junit.samples package:
    658 </font></p>
    659 <ul>
    660   <li>
    661     <font color="#000000">SimpleTest.java - some simple test cases</font></li>
    662   <li>
    663     <font color="#000000">VectorTest.java - test cases for
    664 java.util.Vector</font></li>
    665 </ul>
    666 <h2>
    667 <font color="#000000"><a name="Documentation"></a>Documentation</font></h2>
    668 <blockquote><font color="#000000"><a href="doc/cookbook/cookbook.htm">JUnit
    669 Cookbook</a>
    670   <br>
    671 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A cookbook for implementing tests with JUnit.
    672   <br>
    673   <a href="doc/testinfected/testing.htm">Test Infected - Programmers
    674 Love Writing Tests</a>
    675   <br>
    676 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; An article demonstrating the development process
    677 with JUnit.
    678   <br>
    679   <a href="doc/cookstour/cookstour.htm">JUnit - A cooks tour</a>
    680   <br>
    681   <a href="javadoc/index.html">Javadoc</a>
    682   <br>
    683 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; API documentation generated with javadoc.
    684   <br>
    685   <a href="doc/faq/faq.htm">Frequently asked questions</a>
    686   <br>
    687 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Some frequently asked questions about using JUnit.
    688   <br>
    689   <a href="doc/JUnitProperties.html">TestRunner Preference settings</a>
    690   <br>
    691 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Describes the preferences settings that can be
    692 configured
    693 for the JUnit TestRunners.<br>
    694   <a href="cpl-v10.html">License</a>
    695   <br>
    696 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The terms of the common public license used for
    697 JUnit.</font></blockquote>
    698 <h2>
    699 <font color="#000000"><a name="Extending"></a>Extending JUnit</font></h2>
    700 <font color="#000000">Examples of possible JUnit extensions can be
    701 found in the <tt>junit.extensions</tt>
    702 package:
    703 </font>
    704 <ul>
    705   <li>
    706     <font color="#000000"><a
    707  href="javadoc/junit/extensions/TestDecorator.html">TestDecorator</a>
    708 - A decorator for Test. You can use it as the base class for
    709 implementing
    710 decorators to extend test cases.</font></li>
    711   <li>
    712     <font color="#000000"><a
    713  href="javadoc/junit/extensions/ActiveTestSuite.html">ActiveTestSuite</a>
    714 - A TestSuite which runs each test in a separate thread and waits until
    715 they are all terminated.</font></li>
    716   <li>
    717     <font color="#000000"><a
    718  href="javadoc/junit/extensions/TestSetup.html">TestSetup</a> - A
    719 Decorator
    720 to set up and tear down additional fixture state. Subclass TestSetup
    721 and
    722 insert it into your tests when you want to set up additional state once
    723 before the tests are run.</font></li>
    724   <li>
    725     <font color="#000000"><a
    726  href="javadoc/junit/extensions/ExceptionTestCase.html">ExceptionTestCase</a>
    727 - A TestCase that expects a particular Exception to be thrown.</font></li>
    728 </ul>
    729 <hr width="100%">
    730 <!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan --><font color="#000000"><a
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    735 </body>
    736 </html>