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      1 #!/bin/bash
      2 ##
      3 ##  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
      4 ##
      5 ##  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
      6 ##  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
      7 ##  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
      8 ##  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
      9 ##  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
     10 ##
     13 self=$0
     14 self_basename=${self##*/}
     15 EOL=$'\n'
     16 EOLDOS=$'\r'
     18 show_help() {
     19     cat <<EOF
     20 Usage: ${self_basename} [options] file1 [file2 ...]
     22 This script generates a Visual Studio 2005 solution file from a list of project
     23 files.
     25 Options:
     26     --help                      Print this message
     27     --out=outfile               Redirect output to a file
     28     --ver=version               Version (7,8,9) of visual studio to generate for
     29     --target=isa-os-cc          Target specifier
     30 EOF
     31     exit 1
     32 }
     34 die() {
     35     echo "${self_basename}: $@" >&2
     36     [ -f "${outfile}" ] && rm -f ${outfile}{,.mk}
     37     exit 1
     38 }
     40 die_unknown(){
     41     echo "Unknown option \"$1\"." >&2
     42     echo "See ${self_basename} --help for available options." >&2
     43     [ -f "${outfile}" ] && rm -f ${outfile}{,.mk}
     44     exit 1
     45 }
     47 indent1=$'\t'
     48 indent=""
     49 indent_push() {
     50     indent="${indent}${indent1}"
     51 }
     52 indent_pop() {
     53     indent="${indent%${indent1}}"
     54 }
     56 parse_project() {
     57     local file=$1
     58     local name=`grep Name "$file" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\""}{if (NR==1) print $2}'`
     59     local guid=`grep ProjectGUID "$file" | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\""}{if (NR==1) print $2}'`
     61     # save the project GUID to a varaible, normalizing to the basename of the
     62     # vcproj file without the extension
     63     local var
     64     var=${file##*/}
     65     var=${var%%.vcproj}
     66     eval "${var}_file=\"$1\""
     67     eval "${var}_name=$name"
     68     eval "${var}_guid=$guid"
     70     # assume that all projects have the same list of possible configurations,
     71     # so overwriting old config_lists is not a problem
     72     config_list=`grep -A1 '<Configuration' $file |
     73         grep Name | cut -d\" -f2`
     74     proj_list="${proj_list} ${var}"
     75 }
     77 process_project() {
     78     eval "local file=\${$1_file}"
     79     eval "local name=\${$1_name}"
     80     eval "local guid=\${$1_guid}"
     82     # save the project GUID to a varaible, normalizing to the basename of the
     83     # vcproj file without the extension
     84     local var
     85     var=${file##*/}
     86     var=${var%%.vcproj}
     87     eval "${var}_guid=$guid"
     89     echo "Project(\"{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}\") = \"$name\", \"$file\", \"$guid\""
     90     indent_push
     92     eval "local deps=\"\${${var}_deps}\""
     93     if [ -n "$deps" ]; then
     94         echo "${indent}ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject"
     95         indent_push
     97         for dep in $deps; do
     98             eval "local dep_guid=\${${dep}_guid}"
     99             [ -z "${dep_guid}" ] && die "Unknown GUID for $dep (dependency of $var)"
    100             echo "${indent}$dep_guid = $dep_guid"
    101         done
    103         indent_pop
    104         echo "${indent}EndProjectSection"
    106     fi
    108     indent_pop
    109     echo "EndProject"
    110 }
    112 process_global() {
    113     echo "Global"
    114     indent_push
    116     #
    117     # Solution Configuration Platforms
    118     #
    119     echo "${indent}GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution"
    120     indent_push
    121     IFS_bak=${IFS}
    122     IFS=$'\r'$'\n'
    123     for config in ${config_list}; do
    124         echo "${indent}$config = $config"
    125     done
    126     IFS=${IFS_bak}
    127     indent_pop
    128     echo "${indent}EndGlobalSection"
    130     #
    131     # Project Configuration Platforms
    132     #
    133     echo "${indent}GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution"
    134     indent_push
    135     for proj in ${proj_list}; do
    136         eval "local proj_guid=\${${proj}_guid}"
    137         IFS=$'\r'$'\n'
    138         for config in ${config_list}; do
    139             echo "${indent}${proj_guid}.${config}.ActiveCfg = ${config}"
    140             echo "${indent}${proj_guid}.${config}.Build.0 = ${config}"
    142         done
    143         IFS=${IFS_bak}
    144     done
    145     indent_pop
    146     echo "${indent}EndGlobalSection"
    148     #
    149     # Solution Properties
    150     #
    151     echo "${indent}GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution"
    152     indent_push
    153     echo "${indent}HideSolutionNode = FALSE"
    154     indent_pop
    155     echo "${indent}EndGlobalSection"
    157     indent_pop
    158     echo "EndGlobal"
    159 }
    161 process_makefile() {
    162     IFS_bak=${IFS}
    163     IFS=$'\r'$'\n'
    164     local TAB=$'\t'
    165     cat <<EOF
    166 found_devenv := \$(shell which devenv.com >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes)
    167 .nodevenv.once:
    168 ${TAB}@echo "  * devenv.com not found in path."
    169 ${TAB}@echo "  * "
    170 ${TAB}@echo "  * You will have to build all configurations manually using the"
    171 ${TAB}@echo "  * Visual Studio IDE. To allow make to build them automatically,"
    172 ${TAB}@echo "  * add the Common7/IDE directory of your Visual Studio"
    173 ${TAB}@echo "  * installation to your path, eg:"
    174 ${TAB}@echo "  *   C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE"
    175 ${TAB}@echo "  * "
    176 ${TAB}@touch \$@
    177 CLEAN-OBJS += \$(if \$(found_devenv),,.nodevenv.once)
    179 EOF
    181     for sln_config in ${config_list}; do
    182         local config=${sln_config%%|*}
    183         local platform=${sln_config##*|}
    184         local nows_sln_config=`echo $sln_config | sed -e 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g'`
    185         cat <<EOF
    186 BUILD_TARGETS += \$(if \$(NO_LAUNCH_DEVENV),,$nows_sln_config)
    187 clean::
    188 ${TAB}rm -rf "$platform"/"$config"
    189 .PHONY: $nows_sln_config
    190 ifneq (\$(found_devenv),)
    191   ifeq (\$(CONFIG_VS_VERSION),7)
    192 $nows_sln_config: $outfile
    193 ${TAB}devenv.com $outfile -build "$config"
    195   else
    196 $nows_sln_config: $outfile
    197 ${TAB}devenv.com $outfile -build "$sln_config"
    199   endif
    200 else
    201 $nows_sln_config: $outfile .nodevenv.once
    202 ${TAB}@echo "  * Skipping build of $sln_config (devenv.com not in path)."
    203 ${TAB}@echo "  * "
    204 endif
    206 EOF
    207     done
    208     IFS=${IFS_bak}
    209 }
    211 # Process command line
    212 outfile=/dev/stdout
    213 for opt in "$@"; do
    214     optval="${opt#*=}"
    215     case "$opt" in
    216     --help|-h) show_help
    217     ;;
    218     --out=*) outfile="${optval}"; mkoutfile="${optval}".mk
    219     ;;
    220     --dep=*) eval "${optval%%:*}_deps=\"\${${optval%%:*}_deps} ${optval##*:}\""
    221     ;;
    222     --ver=*) vs_ver="$optval"
    223              case $optval in
    224              [789])
    225              ;;
    226              *) die Unrecognized Visual Studio Version in $opt
    227              ;;
    228              esac
    229     ;;
    230     --ver=*) vs_ver="$optval"
    231              case $optval in
    232              7) sln_vers="8.00"
    233                 sln_vers_str="Visual Studio .NET 2003"
    234              ;;
    235              [89])
    236              ;;
    237              *) die "Unrecognized Visual Studio Version '$optval' in $opt"
    238              ;;
    239              esac
    240     ;;
    241     --target=*) target="${optval}"
    242     ;;
    243     -*) die_unknown $opt
    244     ;;
    245     *) file_list[${#file_list[@]}]="$opt"
    246     esac
    247 done
    248 outfile=${outfile:-/dev/stdout}
    249 mkoutfile=${mkoutfile:-/dev/stdout}
    250 case "${vs_ver:-8}" in
    251     7) sln_vers="8.00"
    252        sln_vers_str="Visual Studio .NET 2003"
    253     ;;
    254     8) sln_vers="9.00"
    255        sln_vers_str="Visual Studio 2005"
    256     ;;
    257     9) sln_vers="10.00"
    258        sln_vers_str="Visual Studio 2008"
    259     ;;
    260 esac
    262 for f in "${file_list[@]}"; do
    263     parse_project $f
    264 done
    265 cat  >${outfile} <<EOF
    266 Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version $sln_vers${EOLDOS}
    267 # $sln_vers_str${EOLDOS}
    268 EOF
    269 for proj in ${proj_list}; do
    270     process_project $proj >>${outfile}
    271 done
    272 process_global >>${outfile}
    273 process_makefile >${mkoutfile}