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      7 <title>ProGuard Usage</title>
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     11 <h2>Usage</h2>
     13 To run ProGuard, just type:
     14 <p class="code">
     15 <code><b>java -jar proguard.jar </b></code><i>options</i> ...
     16 </p>
     17 You can find the ProGuard jar in the <code>lib</code> directory of the
     18 ProGuard distribution. Options can also be put in one or more configuration
     19 files. Typically, you'll put most options in a configuration file (say,
     20 <code>myconfig.pro</code>), and just call:
     21 <p class="code">
     22 <code><b>java -jar proguard.jar @myconfig.pro</b></code>
     23 </p>
     24 You can combine command line options and options from configuration files, for
     25 instance:
     26 <p class="code">
     27 <code><b>java -jar proguard.jar @myconfig.pro -verbose</b></code>
     28 </p>
     29 <p>
     30 In a configuration file, a <code><b>#</b></code> sign and all remaining
     31 characters on that line are ignored, allowing you to add comments.
     32 <p>
     33 Extra whitespace between words and delimiters is ignored. To specify file
     34 names with spaces or special characters, words can be quoted with single or
     35 double quotes. Note that the quotes may need to be escaped when used on the
     36 command line, to avoid them being gobbled by the shell.
     37 <p>
     38 Options can be grouped arbitrarily in arguments on the command line and in
     39 lines in configuration files. This means that you can quote any arbitrary
     40 section of command line options, to avoid shell expansion of special
     41 characters, for instance.
     42 <p>
     43 The order of the options is generally irrelevant. They can be abbreviated to
     44 their first unique characters.
     45 <p>
     47 The sections below provide more details:
     48 <ul>
     49 <li><a href="#iooptions">Input/Output Options</a>
     50 <li><a href="#keepoptions">Keep Options</a>
     51 <li><a href="#shrinkingoptions">Shrinking Options</a>
     52 <li><a href="#optimizationoptions">Optimization Options</a>
     53 <li><a href="#obfuscationoptions">Obfuscation Options</a>
     54 <li><a href="#preverificationoptions">Preverification Options</a>
     55 <li><a href="#generaloptions">General Options</a>
     56 <li><a href="#classpath">Class Paths</a>
     57 <li><a href="#filename">File Names</a>
     58 <li><a href="#filefilters">File Filters</a>
     59 <li><a href="#filters">Filters</a>
     60 <li><a href="#keepoverview">Overview of <code>Keep</code> Options</a>
     61 <li><a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">Keep Option Modifiers</a>
     62 <li><a href="#classspecification">Class Specifications</a>
     63 </ul>
     65 <a name="iooptions">&nbsp;</a>
     66 <h2>Input/Output Options</h2>
     68 <dl>
     69 <dt><a name="at"><code><b>@</b></code></a><a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
     71 <dd>Short for '<a href="#include"><code>-include</code></a>
     72      <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>'.</dd>
     74 <dt><a name="include"><code><b>-include</b></code></a>
     75     <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
     77 <dd>Recursively reads configuration options from the given file
     78     <i>filename</i>.</dd>
     80 <dt><a name="basedirectory"><code><b>-basedirectory</b></code></a>
     81     <a href="#filename"><i>directoryname</i></a></dt>
     83 <dd>Specifies the base directory for all subsequent relative file names in
     84     these configuration arguments or this configuration file.</dd>
     86 <dt><a name="injars"><code><b>-injars</b></code></a>
     87     <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt>
     89 <dd>Specifies the input jars (or wars, ears, zips, or directories) of the
     90     application to be processed. The class files in these jars will be
     91     processed and written to the output jars. By default, any non-class files
     92     will be copied without changes. Please be aware of any temporary files
     93     (e.g. created by IDEs), especially if you are reading your input files
     94     straight from directories. The entries in the class path can be filtered,
     95     as explained in the <a href="#filefilters">filters</a> section. For better
     96     readability, class path entries can be specified using multiple
     97     <code>-injars</code> options.</dd>
     99 <dt><a name="outjars"><code><b>-outjars</b></code></a>
    100     <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt>
    102 <dd>Specifies the names of the output jars (or wars, ears, zips, or
    103     directories). The processed input of the preceding <code>-injars</code>
    104     options will be written to the named jars. This allows you to collect the
    105     contents of groups of input jars into corresponding groups of output jars.
    106     In addition, the output entries can be filtered, as explained in
    107     the <a href="#filefilters">filters</a> section. Each processed class file
    108     or resource file is then written to the first output entry with a matching
    109     filter, within the group of output jars.
    110     <p>
    111     You must avoid letting the output files overwrite any input files. For
    112     better readability, class path entries can be specified using multiple
    113     <code>-outjars</code> options. Without any <code>-outjars</code> options,
    114     no jars will be written.</dd>
    116 <dt><a name="libraryjars"><code><b>-libraryjars</b></code></a>
    117     <a href="#classpath"><i>class_path</i></a></dt>
    119 <dd>Specifies the library jars (or wars, ears, zips, or directories) of the
    120     application to be processed. The files in these jars will not be included
    121     in the output jars. The specified library jars should at least contain the
    122     class files that are <i>extended</i> by application class files. Library
    123     class files that are only <i>called</i> needn't be present, although their
    124     presence can improve the results of the optimization step. The entries in
    125     the class path can be filtered, as explained in the <a
    126     href="#filefilters">filters</a> section. For better readability, class path
    127     entries can be specified using multiple <code>-libraryjars</code> options.
    128     <p>
    129     Please note that the boot path and the class path set for running ProGuard
    130     are not considered when looking for library classes. This means that you
    131     explicitly have to specify the run-time jar that your code will use.
    132     Although this may seem cumbersome, it allows you to process applications
    133     targeted at different run-time environments. For example, you can process
    134     <a href="examples.html#application">J2SE applications</a> as well as <a
    135     href="examples.html#midlet">JME midlets</a>, just by specifying the
    136     appropriate run-time jar.</dd>
    138 <dt><a name="dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses"><code><b>-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses</b></code></a></dt>
    140 <dd>Specifies not to ignore non-public library classes. By default, non-public
    141     library classes are skipped while parsing library jars. The classes are
    142     typically not relevant during processing, since they don't affect the
    143     actual program code in the input jars. Ignoring them reduces memory usage
    144     and processing time. Occasionally, a badly designed library may contain a
    145     non-public library class that is extended/implemented by a public library
    146     class. If the latter library class in turn is extended/implemented by a
    147     program class, ProGuard will complain that it can't find the non-public
    148     library class, which it had ignored during parsing. This option will
    149     overcome that problem, at the cost of greater memory usage and longer
    150     processing time.</dd>
    152 <dt><a name="dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers"><code><b>-dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers</b></code></a></dt>
    154 <dd>Specifies not to ignore package visible library class members (fields and
    155     methods). By default, these class members are skipped while parsing
    156     library classes, as program classes will generally not refer to them.
    157     Sometimes however, program classes reside in the same packages as library
    158     classes, and they do refer to their package visible class members. In
    159     those cases, it can be useful to actually read the class members, in order
    160     to make sure the processed code remains consistent.</dd>
    162 <dt><a name="keepdirectories"><code><b>-keepdirectories</b></code></a>
    163     [<i><a href="#filefilters">directory_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    165 <dd>Specifies the directories to be kept in the output jars (or wars, ears, or
    166     directories). By default, directory entries are removed. This reduces the
    167     jar size, but it may be undesirable if the program code tries to find them
    168     with constructs like "<code>MyClass.class.getResource("")</code>". If the
    169     option is specified without a filter, all directories are kept. With a
    170     filter, only matching directories are kept.</dd>
    172 <dt><a name="target"><code><b>-target</b></code></a> <i>version</i></dt>
    174 <dd>Specifies the version number to be set in the processed class files. The
    175     version number can be one of <code>1.0</code>, <code>1.1</code>,
    176     <code>1.2</code>, <code>1.3</code>, <code>1.4</code>, <code>1.5</code> (or
    177     just <code>5</code>), or <code>1.6</code> (or just <code>6</code>). By
    178     default, the version numbers of the class files are left unchanged. For
    179     example, you may want to <a href="examples.html#upgrade">upgrade class
    180     files to Java 6</a>, by changing their version numbers and having them
    181     preverified.</dd>
    183 <dt><a name="forceprocessing"><code><b>-forceprocessing</b></code></a></dt>
    185 <dd>Specifies to process the input, even if the output seems up to date. The
    186     up-to-dateness test is based on a comparison of the date stamps of the
    187     specified input, output, and configuration files or directories.</dd>
    189 </dl>
    190 <p>
    192 <a name="keepoptions">&nbsp;</a>
    193 <h2>Keep Options</h2>
    195 <dl>
    196 <dt><a name="keep"><code><b>-keep</b></code></a>
    197     [<a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">,<i>modifier</i></a>,...]
    198     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    200 <dd>Specifies classes and class members (fields and methods) to be preserved
    201     as entry points to your code. For example, in order to <a
    202     href="examples.html#application">keep an application</a>, you can specify
    203     the main class along with its main method. In order to <a
    204     href="examples.html#library">process a library</a>, you should specify all
    205     publicly accessible elements.</dd>
    207 <dt><a name="keepclassmembers"><code><b>-keepclassmembers</b></code></a>
    208     [<a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">,<i>modifier</i></a>,...]
    209     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    211 <dd>Specifies class members to be preserved, if their classes are preserved as
    212     well. For example, you may want to <a
    213     href="examples.html#serializable">keep all serialization fields and
    214     methods</a> of classes that implement the <code>Serializable</code>
    215     interface.</dd>
    217 <dt><a name="keepclasseswithmembers"><code><b>-keepclasseswithmembers</b></code></a>
    218     [<a href="#keepoptionmodifiers">,<i>modifier</i></a>,...]
    219     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    221 <dd>Specifies classes and class members to be preserved, on the condition that
    222     all of the specified class members are present. For example, you may want
    223     to <a href="examples.html#applications">keep all applications</a> that
    224     have a main method, without having to list them explicitly.</dd>
    226 <dt><a name="keepnames"><code><b>-keepnames</b></code></a>
    227     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    229 <dd>Short for <a href="#keep"><code>-keep</code></a>,<a href="#allowshrinking"><code>allowshrinking</code></a>
    230     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a>
    231     <p>
    232     Specifies classes and class members whose names are to be preserved, if
    233     they aren't removed in the shrinking phase. For example, you may want to
    234     <a href="examples.html#serializable">keep all class names</a> of classes
    235     that implement the <code>Serializable</code> interface, so that the
    236     processed code remains compatible with any originally serialized classes.
    237     Classes that aren't used at all can still be removed. Only applicable when
    238     obfuscating.</dd>
    240 <dt><a name="keepclassmembernames"><code><b>-keepclassmembernames</b></code></a>
    241     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    243 <dd>Short for <a href="#keepclassmembers"><code>-keepclassmembers</code></a>,<a href="#allowshrinking"><code>allowshrinking</code></a>
    244     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a>
    245     <p>
    246     Specifies class members whose names are to be preserved, if they aren't
    247     removed in the shrinking phase. For example, you may want to preserve the
    248     name of the synthetic <code>class$</code> methods when <a
    249     href="examples.html#library">processing a library</a>, so obfuscators can
    250     detect it again when processing an application that uses the processed
    251     library (although ProGuard itself doesn't need this). Only applicable when
    252     obfuscating.</dd>
    254 <dt><a name="keepclasseswithmembernames"><code><b>-keepclasseswithmembernames</b></code></a>
    255     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    257 <dd>Short for <a href="#keepclasseswithmembers"><code>-keepclasseswithmembers</code></a>,<a href="#allowshrinking"><code>allowshrinking</code></a>
    258     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a>
    259     <p>
    260     Specifies classes and class members whose names are to be preserved, on
    261     the condition that all of the specified class members are present after
    262     the shrinking phase. For example, you may want to <a
    263     href="examples.html#native">keep all native method names</a> and the names
    264     of their classes, so that the processed code can still link with the
    265     native library code. Native methods that aren't used at all can still be
    266     removed. If a class file is used, but none of its native methods are, its
    267     name will still be obfuscated. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    269 <dt><a name="printseeds"><code><b>-printseeds</b></code></a>
    270     [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
    272 <dd>Specifies to exhaustively list classes and class members matched by the
    273     various <code>-keep</code> options. The list is printed to the standard
    274     output or to the given file. The list can be useful to verify if the
    275     intended class members are really found, especially if you're using
    276     wildcards. For example, you may want to list all the <a
    277     href="examples.html#applications">applications</a> or all the <a
    278     href="examples.html#applets">applets</a> that you are keeping.</dd>
    280 </dl>
    281 <p>
    283 <a name="shrinkingoptions">&nbsp;</a>
    284 <h2>Shrinking Options</h2>
    286 <dl>
    287 <dt><a name="dontshrink"><code><b>-dontshrink</b></code></a></dt>
    289 <dd>Specifies not to shrink the input class files. By default, shrinking is
    290     applied; all classes and class members are removed, except for the ones
    291     listed by the various <code>-keep</code> options, and the ones on which
    292     they depend, directly or indirectly. A shrinking step is also applied
    293     after each optimization step, since some optimizations may open the
    294     possibility to remove more classes and class members.</dd>
    296 <dt><a name="printusage"><code><b>-printusage</b></code></a>
    297     [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
    299 <dd>Specifies to list dead code of the input class files. The list is printed
    300     to the standard output or to the given file. For example, you can <a
    301     href="examples.html#deadcode">list the unused code of an application</a>.
    302     Only applicable when shrinking.</dd>
    304 <dt><a name="whyareyoukeeping"><code><b>-whyareyoukeeping</b></code></a>
    305     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    307 <dd>Specifies to print details on why the given classes and class members are
    308     being kept in the shrinking step. This can be useful if you are wondering
    309     why some given element is present in the output. In general, there can be
    310     many different reasons. This option prints the shortest chain of methods
    311     to a specified seed or entry point, for each specified class and class
    312     member. <i>In the current implementation, the shortest chain that is
    313     printed out may sometimes contain circular deductions -- these do not
    314     reflect the actual shrinking process.</i> If the <a
    315     href="#verbose"><code>-verbose</code></a> option if specified, the traces
    316     include full field and method signatures. Only applicable when
    317     shrinking.</dd>
    319 </dl>
    320 <p>
    322 <a name="optimizationoptions">&nbsp;</a>
    323 <h2>Optimization Options</h2>
    325 <dl>
    326 <dt><a name="dontoptimize"><code><b>-dontoptimize</b></code></a></dt>
    328 <dd>Specifies not to optimize the input class files. By default, optimization
    329     is enabled; all methods are optimized at a bytecode level.</dd>
    331 <dt><a name="optimizations"><code><b>-optimizations</b></code></a>
    332     <a href="optimizations.html"><i>optimization_filter</i></a></dt>
    334 <dd>Specifies the optimizations to be enabled and disabled, at a more
    335     fine-grained level. Only applicable when optimizing. <i>This is an expert
    336     option.</i></dd>
    338 <dt><a name="optimizationpasses"><code><b>-optimizationpasses</b></code></a> <i>n</i></dt>
    340 <dd>Specifies the number of optimization passes to be performed. By default, a
    341     single pass is performed. Multiple passes may result in further
    342     improvements. If no improvements are found after an optimization pass, the
    343     optimization is ended. Only applicable when optimizing.</dd>
    345 <dt><a name="assumenosideeffects"><code><b>-assumenosideeffects</b></code></a>
    346     <a href="#classspecification"><i>class_specification</i></a></dt>
    348 <dd>Specifies methods that don't have any side effects (other than maybe
    349     returning a value). In the optimization step, ProGuard will then remove
    350     calls to such methods, if it can determine that the return values aren't
    351     used. Note that ProGuard will analyze your program code to find such
    352     methods automatically. It will not analyze library code, for which this
    353     option can thus be useful. For example, you could specify the method
    354     <code>System.currentTimeMillis()</code>, so that any idle calls to it will
    355     be removed. Note that ProGuard applies the option to the entire hierarchy
    356     of the specified methods. Only applicable when optimizing. In general,
    357     making assumptions can be dangerous; you can easily break the processed
    358     code. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're doing!</i></dd>
    360 <dt><a name="allowaccessmodification"><code><b>-allowaccessmodification</b></code></a></dt>
    362 <dd>Specifies that the access modifiers of classes and class members may be
    363     broadened during processing. This can improve the results of the
    364     optimization step. For instance, when inlining a public getter, it may be
    365     necessary to make the accessed field public too. Although Java's binary
    366     compatibility specifications formally do not require this (cfr. <a href=
    367     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/j.title.doc.html"
    368     >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
    369     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/binaryComp.doc.html#47259"
    370     >Section 13.4.6</a>), some virtual machines would have problems with the
    371     processed code otherwise. Only applicable when optimizing (and when
    372     obfuscating with the <a
    373     href="#repackageclasses"><code>-repackageclasses</code></a> option).
    374     <p>
    375     <i>Counter-indication:</i> you probably shouldn't use this option when
    376     processing code that is to be used as a library, since classes and class
    377     members that weren't designed to be public in the API may become
    378     public.</dd>
    380 <dt><a name="mergeinterfacesaggressively"><code><b>-mergeinterfacesaggressively</b></code></a></dt>
    382 <dd>Specifies that interfaces may be merged, even if their implementing
    383     classes don't implement all interface methods. This can reduce the size of
    384     the output by reducing the total number of classes. Note that Java's
    385     binary compatibility specifications allow such constructs (cfr. <a href=
    386     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/j.title.doc.html"
    387     >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
    388     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/binaryComp.doc.html#45347"
    389     >Section 13.5.3</a>), even if they are not allowed in the Java language
    390     (cfr. <a href=
    391     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/j.title.doc.html"
    392     >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
    393     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/classes.doc.html#34031"
    394     >Section 8.1.4</a>). Only applicable when optimizing.
    395     <p>
    396     <i>Counter-indication:</i> setting this option can reduce the performance
    397     of the processed code on some JVMs, since advanced just-in-time
    398     compilation tends to favor more interfaces with fewer implementing
    399     classes. Worse, some JVMs may not be able to handle the resulting code.
    400     Notably:
    401     <ul>
    402     <li>Sun's JRE 1.3 may throw an <code>InternalError</code> when
    403         encountering more than 256 <i>Miranda</i> methods (interface methods
    404         without implementations) in a class.
    405     </ul></dd>
    407 </dl>
    408 <p>
    410 <a name="obfuscationoptions">&nbsp;</a>
    411 <h2>Obfuscation Options</h2>
    413 <dl>
    414 <dt><a name="dontobfuscate"><code><b>-dontobfuscate</b></code></a></dt>
    416 <dd>Specifies not to obfuscate the input class files. By default, obfuscation
    417     is applied; classes and class members receive new short random names,
    418     except for the ones listed by the various <code>-keep</code> options.
    419     Internal attributes that are useful for debugging, such as source files
    420     names, variable names, and line numbers are removed.</dd>
    422 <dt><a name="printmapping"><code><b>-printmapping</b></code></a>
    423     [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
    425 <dd>Specifies to print the mapping from old names to new names for classes and
    426     class members that have been renamed. The mapping is printed to the
    427     standard output or to the given file. For example, it is required for
    428     subsequent <a href="examples.html#incremental">incremental
    429     obfuscation</a>, or if you ever want to make sense again of <a
    430     href="examples.html#stacktrace">obfuscated stack traces</a>. Only
    431     applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    433 <dt><a name="applymapping"><code><b>-applymapping</b></code></a>
    434     <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
    436 <dd>Specifies to reuse the given name mapping that was printed out in a
    437     previous obfuscation run of ProGuard. Classes and class members that are
    438     listed in the mapping file receive the names specified along with them.
    439     Classes and class members that are not mentioned receive new names. The
    440     mapping may refer to input classes as well as library classes. This option
    441     can be useful for <a href="examples.html#incremental">incremental
    442     obfuscation</a>, i.e. processing add-ons or small patches to an existing
    443     piece of code. In such cases, you should consider whether you also need
    444     the option <a
    445     href="#useuniqueclassmembernames"><code>-useuniqueclassmembernames</code></a>.
    446     Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    448 <dt><a name="obfuscationdictionary"><code><b>-obfuscationdictionary</b></code></a>
    449     <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
    451 <dd>Specifies a text file from which all valid words are used as obfuscated
    452     field and method names. By default, short names like 'a', 'b', etc. are
    453     used as obfuscated names. With an obfuscation dictionary, you can specify
    454     a list of reserved key words, or identifiers with foreign characters, for
    455     instance. White space, punctuation characters, duplicate words, and
    456     comments after a <code><b>#</b></code> sign are ignored. Note that an
    457     obfuscation dictionary hardly improves the obfuscation. Decent compilers
    458     can automatically replace them, and the effect can fairly simply be undone
    459     by obfuscating again with simpler names. The most useful application is
    460     specifying strings that are typically already present in class files (such
    461     as 'Code'), thus reducing the class file sizes just a little bit more.
    462     Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    464 <dt><a name="classobfuscationdictionary"><code><b>-classobfuscationdictionary</b></code></a>
    465     <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
    467 <dd>Specifies a text file from which all valid words are used as obfuscated
    468     class names. The obfuscation dictionary is similar to the one of the
    469     option <a
    470     href="#obfuscationdictionary"><code>-obfuscationdictionary</code></a>.
    471     Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    473 <dt><a name="packageobfuscationdictionary"><code><b>-packageobfuscationdictionary</b></code></a>
    474     <a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a></dt>
    476 <dd>Specifies a text file from which all valid words are used as obfuscated
    477     package names. The obfuscation dictionary is similar to the one of the
    478     option <a
    479     href="#obfuscationdictionary"><code>-obfuscationdictionary</code></a>.
    480     Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    482 <dt><a name="overloadaggressively"><code><b>-overloadaggressively</b></code></a></dt>
    484 <dd>Specifies to apply aggressive overloading while obfuscating. Multiple
    485     fields and methods can then get the same names, as long as their arguments
    486     and return types are different (not just their arguments). This option can
    487     make the processed code even smaller (and less comprehensible). Only
    488     applicable when obfuscating.
    489     <p>
    490     <i>Counter-indication:</i> the resulting class files fall within the Java
    491     bytecode specification (cfr. <a href=
    492     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/vmspec/2nd-edition/html/VMSpecTOC.doc.html"
    493     >The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition</a>, first
    494     paragraphs of <a href=
    495     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/vmspec/2nd-edition/html/ClassFile.doc.html#2877"
    496     >Section 4.5</a> and <a href=
    497     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/vmspec/2nd-edition/html/ClassFile.doc.html#1513"
    498     >Section 4.6</a>), even though this kind of overloading is not allowed in
    499     the Java language (cfr. <a href=
    500     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/j.title.doc.html"
    501     >The Java Language Specification, Second Edition</a>, <a href=
    502     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/classes.doc.html#40898"
    503     >Section 8.3</a> and <a href=
    504     "http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/classes.doc.html#227768"
    505     >Section 8.4.7</a>). Still, some tools have problems with it. Notably:
    506     <ul>
    507     <li>Sun's JDK 1.2.2 <code>javac</code> compiler produces an exception when
    508         compiling with such a library (cfr. <a href=
    509         "http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4216736">Bug
    510         #4216736</a>). You probably shouldn't use this option for processing
    511         libraries.
    512     <li>Sun's JRE 1.4 and later fail to serialize objects with overloaded
    513         primitive fields.
    514     <li>Sun's JRE 1.5 <code>pack200</code> tool reportedly has problems with
    515         overloaded class members.
    516     </ul></dd>
    518 <dt><a name="useuniqueclassmembernames"><code><b>-useuniqueclassmembernames</b></code></a></dt>
    520 <dd>Specifies to assign the same obfuscated names to class members that have
    521     the same names, and different obfuscated names to class members that have
    522     different names (for each given class member signature). Without the
    523     option, more class members can be mapped to the same short names like 'a',
    524     'b', etc. The option therefore increases the size of the resulting code
    525     slightly, but it ensures that the saved obfuscation name mapping can
    526     always be respected in subsequent incremental obfuscation steps.
    527     <p>
    528     For instance, consider two distinct interfaces containing methods with the
    529     same name and signature. Without this option, these methods may get
    530     different obfuscated names in a first obfuscation step. If a patch is then
    531     added containing a class that implements both interfaces, ProGuard will
    532     have to enforce the same method name for both methods in an incremental
    533     obfuscation step. The original obfuscated code is changed, in order to
    534     keep the resulting code consistent. With this option <i>in the initial
    535     obfuscation step</i>, such renaming will never be necessary.
    536     <p>
    537     This option is only applicable when obfuscating. In fact, if you are
    538     planning on performing incremental obfuscation, you probably want to avoid
    539     shrinking and optimization altogether, since these steps could remove or
    540     modify parts of your code that are essential for later additions.</dd>
    542 <dt><a name="dontusemixedcaseclassnames"><code><b>-dontusemixedcaseclassnames</b></code></a></dt>
    544 <dd>Specifies not to generate mixed-case class names while obfuscating. By
    545     default, obfuscated class names can contain a mix of upper-case characters
    546     and lower-case characters. This creates perfectly acceptable and usable
    547     jars. Only if a jar is unpacked on a platform with a case-insensitive
    548     filing system (say, Windows), the unpacking tool may let similarly named
    549     class files overwrite each other. Code that self-destructs when it's
    550     unpacked! Developers who really want to unpack their jars on Windows can
    551     use this option to switch off this behavior. Note that the obfuscated jars
    552     will become larger as a result. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    554 <dt><a name="keeppackagenames"><code><b>-keeppackagenames</b></code></a>
    555     [<i><a href="#filters">package_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    557 <dd>Specifies not obfuscate the given package names. The optional filter is a
    558     comma-separated list of package names. Package names can contain <b>?</b>,
    559     <b>*</b>, and <b>**</b> wildcards, and they can be preceded by the
    560     <b>!</b> negator. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    562 <dt><a name="flattenpackagehierarchy"><code><b>-flattenpackagehierarchy</b></code></a>
    563     [<i>package_name</i>]</dt>
    565 <dd>Specifies to repackage all packages that are renamed, by moving them into
    566     the single given parent package. Without argument or with an empty string
    567     (''), the packages are moved into the root package. This option is one
    568     example of further <a href="examples.html#repackaging">obfuscating package
    569     names</a>. It can make the processed code smaller and less comprehensible.
    570     Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    572 <dt><a name="repackageclasses"><code><b>-repackageclasses</b></code></a>
    573     [<i>package_name</i>]</dt>
    575 <dd>Specifies to repackage all class files that are renamed, by moving them
    576     into the single given package. Without argument or with an empty string
    577     (''), the package is removed completely. This option option overrides the
    578     <a
    579     href="#flattenpackagehierarchy"><code>-flattenpackagehierarchy</code></a>
    580     option. It is another example of further <a
    581     href="examples.html#repackaging">obfuscating package names</a>. It can
    582     make the processed code even smaller and less comprehensible. Its
    583     deprecated name is <code>-defaultpackage</code>. Only applicable when
    584     obfuscating.
    585     <p>
    586     <i>Counter-indication:</i> classes that look for resource files in their
    587     package directories will no longer work properly if they are moved
    588     elsewhere. When in doubt, just leave the packaging untouched by not using
    589     this option.</dd>
    591 <dt><a name="keepattributes"><code><b>-keepattributes</b></code></a>
    592     [<i><a href="#filters">attribute_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    594 <dd>Specifies any optional attributes to be preserved. The attributes can be
    595     specified with one or more <code>-keepattributes</code> directives. The
    596     optional filter is a comma-separated list of attribute names. Attribute
    597     names can contain <b>?</b>, <b>*</b>, and <b>**</b> wildcards, and they
    598     can be preceded by the <b>!</b> negator. Typical optional attributes are
    599     <code>Exceptions</code>, <code>Signature</code>, <code>Deprecated</code>,
    600     <code>SourceFile</code>, <code>SourceDir</code>,
    601     <code>LineNumberTable</code>, <code>LocalVariableTable</code>,
    602     <code>LocalVariableTypeTable</code>, <code>Synthetic</code>,
    603     <code>EnclosingMethod</code>, <code>RuntimeVisibleAnnotations</code>,
    604     <code>RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations</code>,
    605     <code>RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations</code>,
    606     <code>RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations</code>, and
    607     <code>AnnotationDefault</code>. The <code>InnerClasses</code> attribute
    608     name can be specified as well, referring to the source name part of this
    609     attribute. For example, you should at least keep the
    610     <code>Exceptions</code>, <code>InnerClasses</code>, and
    611     <code>Signature</code> attributes when <a
    612     href="examples.html#library">processing a library</a>. As another example,
    613     you should keep the <code>SourceFile</code> and
    614     <code>LineNumberTable</code> attributes for <a
    615     href="examples.html#stacktrace">producing useful obfuscated stack
    616     traces</a>. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    618 <dt><a name="renamesourcefileattribute"><code><b>-renamesourcefileattribute</b></code></a>
    619     [<i>string</i>]</dt>
    621 <dd>Specifies a constant string to be put in the <code>SourceFile</code>
    622     attributes (and <code>SourceDir</code> attributes) of the class files.
    623     Note that the attribute has to be present to start with, so it also has to
    624     be preserved explicitly using the <code>-keepattributes</code> directive.
    625     For example, you may want to have your processed libraries and
    626     applications produce <a href="examples.html#stacktrace">useful obfuscated
    627     stack traces</a>. Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    629 <dt><a name="adaptclassstrings"><code><b>-adaptclassstrings</b></code></a>
    630     [<i><a href="#filters">class_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    632 <dd>Specifies that string constants that correspond to class names should be
    633     obfuscated as well. Without a filter, all string constants that correspond
    634     to class names are adapted. With a filter, only string constants in
    635     classes that match the filter are adapted. For example, if your code
    636     contains a large number of hard-coded strings that refer to classes, and
    637     you prefer not to keep their names, you may want to use this option.
    638     Primarily applicable when obfuscating, although corresponding classes are
    639     automatically kept in the shrinking step too.</dd>
    641 <dt><a name="adaptresourcefilenames"><code><b>-adaptresourcefilenames</b></code></a>
    642     [<i><a href="#filefilters">file_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    644 <dd>Specifies the resource files to be renamed, based on the obfuscated names
    645     of the corresponding class files (if any). Without a filter, all resource
    646     files that correspond to class files are renamed. With a filter, only
    647     matching files are renamed. For example, see <a
    648     href="examples.html#resourcefiles">processing resource files</a>. Only
    649     applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    651 <dt><a name="adaptresourcefilecontents"><code><b>-adaptresourcefilecontents</b></code></a>
    652     [<i><a href="#filefilters">file_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    654 <dd>Specifies the resource files whose contents are to be updated. Any class
    655     names mentioned in the resource files are renamed, based on the obfuscated
    656     names of the corresponding classes (if any). Without a filter, the
    657     contents of all resource files updated. With a filter, only matching files
    658     are updated. The resource files are parsed and written using the
    659     platform's default character set. You can change this default character set
    660     by setting the environment variable <code>LANG</code> or the Java system
    661     property <code>file.encoding</code>. For an example,
    662     see <a href="examples.html#resourcefiles">processing resource files</a>.
    663     Only applicable when obfuscating.</dd>
    665 </dl>
    666 <p>
    668 <a name="preverificationoptions">&nbsp;</a>
    669 <h2>Preverification Options</h2>
    671 <dl>
    672 <dt><a name="dontpreverify"><code><b>-dontpreverify</b></code></a></dt>
    674 <dd>Specifies not to preverify the processed class files. By default, class
    675     files are preverified if they are targeted at Java Micro Edition or at
    676     Java 6 or higher. For Java Micro Edition, preverification is required, so
    677     you will need to run an external preverifier on the processed code if you
    678     specify this option. For Java 6, preverification is not required (yet),
    679     but it improves the efficiency of the class loading in the Java Virtual
    680     Machine.</dd>
    682 <dt><a name="microedition"><code><b>-microedition</b></code></a></dt>
    684 <dd>Specifies that the processed class files are targeted at Java Micro
    685     Edition. The preverifier will then add the appropriate StackMap
    686     attributes, which are different from the default StackMapTable attributes
    687     for Java Standard Edition. For example, you will need this option if you
    688     are <a href="examples.html#midlets">processing midlets</a>.</dd>
    690 </dl>
    691 <p>
    693 <a name="generaloptions">&nbsp;</a>
    694 <h2>General Options</h2>
    696 <dl>
    697 <dt><a name="verbose"><code><b>-verbose</b></code></a></dt>
    699 <dd>Specifies to write out some more information during processing. If the
    700     program terminates with an exception, this option will print out the entire
    701     stack trace, instead of just the exception message.</dd>
    703 <dt><a name="dontnote"><code><b>-dontnote</b></code></a>
    704     [<i><a href="#filters">class_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    706 <dd>Specifies not to print notes about potential mistakes or omissions in the
    707     configuration, like typos in class names, or like missing options that
    708     might be useful. The optional filter is a regular expression; ProGuard
    709     doesn't print notes about classes with matching names.</dd>
    711 <dt><a name="dontwarn"><code><b>-dontwarn</b></code></a>
    712     [<i><a href="#filters">class_filter</a></i>]</dt>
    714 <dd>Specifies not to warn about unresolved references and other important
    715     problems at all. The optional filter is a regular expression; ProGuard
    716     doesn't print warnings about classes with matching names. Ignoring
    717     warnings can be dangerous. For instance, if the unresolved classes or
    718     class members are indeed required for processing, the processed code will
    719     not function properly. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're
    720     doing!</i></dd>
    722 <dt><a name="ignorewarnings"><code><b>-ignorewarnings</b></code></a></dt>
    724 <dd>Specifies to print any warnings about unresolved references and other
    725     important problems, but to continue processing in any case. Ignoring
    726     warnings can be dangerous. For instance, if the unresolved classes or
    727     class members are indeed required for processing, the processed code will
    728     not function properly. <i>Only use this option if you know what you're
    729     doing!</i></dd>
    731 <dt><a name="printconfiguration"><code><b>-printconfiguration</b></code></a>
    732     [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
    734 <dd>Specifies to write out the entire configuration that has been parsed, with
    735     included files and replaced variables. The structure is printed to the
    736     standard output or to the given file. This can sometimes be useful for
    737     debugging configurations, or for converting XML configurations into a more
    738     readable format.</dd>
    740 <dt><a name="dump"><code><b>-dump</b></code></a>
    741     [<a href="#filename"><i>filename</i></a>]</dt>
    743 <dd>Specifies to write out the internal structure of the class files, after
    744     any processing. The structure is printed to the standard output or to the
    745     given file. For example, you may want to <a
    746     href="examples.html#structure">write out the contents of a given jar
    747     file</a>, without processing it at all.</dd>
    749 </dl>
    750 <p>
    752 <a name="classpath">&nbsp;</a>
    753 <h2>Class Paths</h2>
    755 ProGuard accepts a generalization of class paths to specify input files and
    756 output files. A class path consists of entries, separated by the traditional
    757 path separator (e.g. '<b>:</b>' on Unix, or '<b>;</b>' on Windows platforms).
    758 The order of the entries determines their priorities, in case of duplicates.
    759 <p>
    760 Each input entry can be:
    761 <ul>
    762 <li>A class file or resource file.
    763 <li>A jar file, containing any of the above,
    764 <li>A war file, containing any of the above,
    765 <li>An ear file, containing any of the above,
    766 <li>A zip file, containing any of the above,
    767 <li>A directory (structure), containing any of the above.
    768 </ul>
    769 <p>
    770 The paths of directly specified class files and resource files is ignored, so
    771 class files should generally be part of a jar file, a war file, an ear file, a
    772 zip file, or a directory. In addition, the paths of class files should not have
    773 any additional directory prefixes inside the archives or directories.
    775 <p>
    776 Each output entry can be:
    777 <ul>
    778 <li>A jar file, in which all processed class files and resource files will be
    779     collected.
    780 <li>A war file, in which any and all of the above will be collected,
    781 <li>An ear file, in which any and all of the above will be collected,
    782 <li>A zip file, in which any and all of the above will be collected,
    783 <li>A directory, in which any and all of the above will be collected.
    784 </ul>
    785 <p>
    786 When writing output entries, ProGuard will generally package the results in a
    787 sensible way, reconstructing the input entries as much as required. Writing
    788 everything to an output directory is the most straightforward option: the
    789 output directory will contain a complete reconstruction of the input entries.
    790 The packaging can be almost arbitrarily complex though: you could process an
    791 entire application, packaged in a zip file along with its documentation,
    792 writing it out as a zip file again. The Examples section shows a few ways
    793 to <a href="examples.html#restructuring">restructure output archives</a>.
    794 <p>
    795 Files and directories can be specified as discussed in the section on <a
    796 href="#filename">file names</a> below.
    797 <p>
    798 In addition, ProGuard provides the possibility to filter the class path
    799 entries and their contents, based on their full relative file names. Each
    800 class path entry can be followed by up to 5 types of <a
    801 href="#filefilters">file filters</a> between parentheses, separated by
    802 semi-colons:
    803 <ul>
    804 <li>A filter for all zip names that are encountered,
    805 <li>A filter for all ear names that are encountered,
    806 <li>A filter for all war names that are encountered,
    807 <li>A filter for all jar names that are encountered,
    808 <li>A filter for all class file names and resource file names that are
    809     encountered.
    810 </ul>
    811 <p>
    812 If fewer than 5 filters are specified, they are assumed to be the latter
    813 filters. Any empty filters are ignored. More formally, a filtered class path
    814 entry looks like this:
    815 <pre>
    816 <i>classpathentry</i><b>(</b>[[[[<i>zipfilter</i><b>;</b>]<i>earfilter</i><b>;</b>]<i>warfilter</i><b>;</b>]<i>jarfilter</i><b>;</b>]<i>filefilter</i><b>)</b>
    817 </pre>
    818 <p>
    819 Square brackets "[]" mean that their contents are optional.
    820 <p>
    821 For example, "<code>rt.jar(java/**.class,javax/**.class)</code>" matches all
    822 class files in the <code>java</code> and <code>javax</code> directories inside
    823 the <code>rt</code> jar.
    824 <p>
    825 For example, "<code>input.jar(!**.gif,images/**)</code>" matches all files in
    826 the <code>images</code> directory inside the <code>input</code> jar, except
    827 gif files.
    828 <p>
    829 Note that the different filters are applied to all corresponding file types,
    830 irrespective of their nesting levels in the input; they are orthogonal.
    831 <p>
    832 For example,
    833 "<code>input.war(lib/**.jar,support/**.jar;**.class,**.gif)</code>" only
    834 considers jar files in the <code>lib</code> and <code>support</code>
    835 directories in the <code>input</code> war, not any other jar files. It then
    836 matches all class files and gif files that are encountered.
    837 <p>
    838 The filters allow for an almost infinite number of packaging and repackaging
    839 possibilities. The Examples section provides a few more examples
    840 for <a href="examples.html#filtering">filtering input and output</a>.
    841 <p>
    843 <a name="filename">&nbsp;</a>
    844 <h2>File Names</h2>
    846 ProGuard accepts absolute paths and relative paths for the various file names
    847 and directory names. A relative path is interpreted as follows:
    848 <ul>
    849 <li>relative to the base directory, if set, or otherwise
    850 <li>relative to the configuration file in which it is specified, if any, or
    851     otherwise
    852 <li>relative to the working directory.
    853 </ul>
    854 <p>
    855 The names can contain Java system properties delimited by '<b>&lt;</b>' and
    856 '<b>&gt;</b>'. The system properties
    857 are automatically replaced by their respective values.
    858 <p>
    859 For example, <code>&lt;java.home&gt;/lib/rt.jar</code> will automatically be
    860 expanded to something like <code>/usr/local/java/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar</code>.
    861 Similarly, <code>&lt;user.home&gt;</code> will be expanded to the user's home
    862 directory, and <code>&lt;user.dir&gt;</code> will be expanded to the current
    863 working directory.
    864 <p>
    865 Names with special characters like spaces and parentheses must be quoted with
    866 single or double quotes. Note that each file name in a list of names has to be
    867 quoted individually. Also note that the quotes themselves may need to be
    868 escaped when used on the command line, to avoid them being gobbled by the
    869 shell.
    870 <p>
    871 For example, on the command line, you could use an option like <code>'-injars
    872 "my program.jar":"/your directory/your program.jar"'</code>.
    873 <p>
    875 <a name="filefilters">&nbsp;</a>
    876 <h2>File Filters</h2>
    878 Like general <a href="#filters">filters</a>, a file filter is a
    879 comma-separated list of file names that can contain wildcards. Only files with
    880 matching file names are read (in the case of input jars), or written (in the
    881 case of output jars). The following wildcards are supported:
    883 <table cellspacing="10">
    884 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
    885     <td>matches any single character in a file name.</td></tr>
    886 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
    887     <td>matches any part of a filename not containing the directory
    888         separator.</td></tr>
    889 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
    890     <td>matches any part of a filename, possibly containing any number of
    891         directory separators.</td></tr>
    892 </table>
    894 For example, "<code>java/**.class,javax/**.class</code>" matches all
    895 class files in the <code>java</code> and <code>javax</code>.
    896 <p>
    898 Furthermore, a file name can be preceded by an exclamation mark '<b>!</b>' to
    899 <i>exclude</i> the file name from further attempts to match with
    900 <i>subsequent</i> file names.
    901 <p>
    902 For example, "<code>!**.gif,images/**</code>" matches all files in the
    903 <code>images</code> directory, except gif files.
    904 <p>
    905 The Examples section provides a few more examples for <a
    906 href="examples.html#filtering">filtering input and output</a>.
    908 <a name="filters">&nbsp;</a>
    909 <h2>Filters</h2>
    911 ProGuard offers options with filters for many different aspects of the
    912 configuration: names of files, directories, classes, packages, attributes,
    913 optimizations, etc. 
    914 <p>
    915 A filter is a list of comma-separated names that can contain wildcards. Only
    916 names that match an item on the list pass the filter. The supported wildcards
    917 depend on the type of names for which the filter is being used, but the
    918 following wildcards are typical:
    920 <table cellspacing="10">
    921 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
    922     <td>matches any single character in a name.</td></tr>
    923 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
    924     <td>matches any part of a name not containing the package separator or
    925         directory separator.</td></tr>
    926 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
    927     <td>matches any part of a name, possibly containing any number of
    928         package separators or directory separators.</td></tr>
    929 </table>
    931 For example, "<code>foo,*bar</code>" matches the name <code>foo</code> and
    932 all names ending with <code>bar</code>.
    933 <p>
    935 Furthermore, a name can be preceded by a negating exclamation mark '<b>!</b>'
    936 to <i>exclude</i> the name from further attempts to match
    937 with <i>subsequent</i> names. So, if a name matches an item in the filter, it
    938 is accepted or rejected right away, depending on whether the item has a
    939 negator. If the name doesn't match the item, it is tested against the next
    940 item, and so on. It if doesn't match any items, it is accepted or rejected,
    941 depending on the whether the last item has a negator or not.
    942 <p>
    943 For example, "<code>!foobar,*bar</code>" matches all names ending with
    944 <code>bar</code>, except <code>foobar</code>.
    945 <p>
    947 <a name="keepoverview">&nbsp;</a>
    948 <h2>Overview of <code>Keep</code> Options</h2>
    950 The various <code>-keep</code> options for shrinking and obfuscation may seem
    951 a bit confusing at first, but there's actually a pattern behind them. The
    952 following table summarizes how they are related:
    953 <p>
    955 <table cellpadding="5">
    957 <tr>
    958 <th>Keep</th>
    959 <td>From being removed or renamed</td>
    960 <td>From being renamed</td>
    961 </tr>
    963 <tr>
    964 <td>Classes and class members</td>
    965 <td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keep"><code>-keep</code></a></td>
    966 <td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepnames"><code>-keepnames</code></a></td>
    967 </tr>
    969 <tr>
    970 <td>Class members only</td>
    971 <td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclassmembers"><code>-keepclassmembers</code></a></td>
    972 <td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclassmembernames"><code>-keepclassmembernames</code></a></td>
    973 </tr>
    975 <tr>
    976 <td>Classes and class members, if class members present</td>
    977 <td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclasseswithmembers"><code>-keepclasseswithmembers</code></a></td>
    978 <td bgcolor="#E0E0E0"><a href="#keepclasseswithmembernames"><code>-keepclasseswithmembernames</code></a></td>
    979 </tr>
    981 </table>
    982 <p>
    984 Each of these <code>-keep</code> options is of course followed by a
    985 <a href="#classspecification">specification</a> of the classes and class
    986 members (fields and methods) to which it should be applied.
    987 <p>
    988 If you're not sure which option you need, you should probably simply use
    989 <code>-keep</code>. It will make sure the specified classes and class members
    990 are not removed in the shrinking step, and not renamed in the obfuscation step.
    991 <p>
    992 <table>
    993 <tr><td valign="top">
    994 <img src="attention.gif" width="64" height="64"alt="attention">
    995 </td><td>
    996 Always remember:
    997 <ul>
    998 <li>Specifying a class without class members only preserves the class as an
    999     entry point &mdash; any class members may then still be removed, optimized,
   1000     or obfuscated.</li>
   1001 <li>Specifying a class member only preserves the class member as an entry
   1002     point &mdash; any associated code may still be optimized and adapted.</li>
   1003 </ul>
   1004 </td></tr>
   1005 </table>
   1006 <p>
   1008 <a name="keepoptionmodifiers">&nbsp;</a>
   1009 <h2>Keep Option Modifiers</h2>
   1011 <dl>
   1012 <dt><a name="allowshrinking"><code><b>allowshrinking</b></code></a></dt>
   1014 <dd>Specifies that the entry points specified in the <a href="#keep">-keep</a>
   1015     option may be shrunk, even if they have to be preserved otherwise. That
   1016     is, the entry points may be removed in the shrinking step, but if they are
   1017     necessary after all, they may not be optimized or obfuscated.</dd>
   1019 <dt><a name="allowoptimization"><code><b>allowoptimization</b></code></a></dt>
   1021 <dd>Specifies that the entry points specified in the <a href="#keep">-keep</a>
   1022     option may be optimized, even if they have to be preserved otherwise. That
   1023     is, the entry points may be altered in the optimization step, but they may
   1024     not be removed or obfuscated. This modifier is only useful for achieving
   1025     unusual requirements.</dd>
   1027 <dt><a name="allowobfuscation"><code><b>allowobfuscation</b></code></a></dt>
   1029 <dd>Specifies that the entry points specified in the <a href="#keep">-keep</a>
   1030     option may be obfuscated, even if they have to be preserved otherwise. That
   1031     is, the entry points may be renamed in the obfuscation step, but they may
   1032     not be removed or optimized. This modifier is only useful for achieving
   1033     unusual requirements.</dd>
   1035 </dl>
   1036 <p>
   1038 <a name="classspecification">&nbsp;</a>
   1039 <h2>Class Specifications</h2>
   1041 A class specification is a template of classes and class members (fields and
   1042 methods). It is used in the various <code>-keep</code> options and in the
   1043 <code>-assumenosideeffects</code> option. The corresponding option is only
   1044 applied to classes and class members that match the template.
   1045 <p>
   1046 The template was designed to look very Java-like, with some extensions for
   1047 wildcards. To get a feel for the syntax, you should probably look at the <a
   1048 href="examples.html">examples</a>, but this is an attempt at a complete formal
   1049 definition:
   1050 <p>
   1052 <pre>
   1053 [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>final</b>|<b>abstract</b>|<b>@</b> ...] [<b>!</b>]<b>interface</b>|<b>class</b>|<b>enum</b> <i>classname</i>
   1054     [<b>extends</b>|<b>implements</b> [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] <i>classname</i>]
   1055 [<b>{</b>
   1056     [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>private</b>|<b>protected</b>|<b>static</b>|<b>volatile</b>|<b>transient</b> ...] <b>&lt;fields&gt;</b> |
   1057                                                                       (<i>fieldtype fieldname</i>)<b>;</b>
   1058     [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>private</b>|<b>protected</b>|<b>static</b>|<b>synchronized</b>|<b>native</b>|<b>abstract</b>|<b>strictfp</b> ...] <b>&lt;methods&gt;</b> |
   1059                                                                                            <b>&lt;init&gt;(</b><i>argumenttype,...</i><b>)</b> |
   1060                                                                                            <i>classname</i><b>(</b><i>argumenttype,...</i><b>)</b> |
   1061                                                                                            (<i>returntype methodname</i><b>(</b><i>argumenttype,...</i><b>)</b>)<b>;</b>
   1062     [<b>@</b><i>annotationtype</i>] [[<b>!</b>]<b>public</b>|<b>private</b>|<b>protected</b>|<b>static</b> ... ] <b>*;</b>
   1063     ...
   1064 <b>}</b>]
   1065 </pre>
   1066 <p>
   1067 Square brackets "[]" mean that their contents are optional. Ellipsis dots
   1068 "..." mean that any number of the preceding items may be specified. A vertical
   1069 bar "|" delimits two alternatives. Non-bold parentheses "()" just group parts
   1070 of the specification that belong together. The indentation tries to clarify
   1071 the intended meaning, but white-space is irrelevant in actual configuration
   1072 files.
   1073 <p>
   1074 <ul>
   1076 <li>The <code><b>class</b></code> keyword refers to any interface or class.
   1077     The <code><b>interface</b></code> keyword restricts matches to interface
   1078     classes. The <code><b>enum</b></code> keyword restricts matches to
   1079     enumeration classes. Preceding the <code><b>interface</b></code> or
   1080     <code><b>enum</b></code> keywords by a <code><b>!</b></code> restricts
   1081     matches to classes that are not interfaces or enumerations, respectively.
   1082     <p>
   1084 <li>Every <i>classname</i> must be fully qualified, e.g.
   1085     <code>java.lang.String</code>. Class names may be specified as regular
   1086     expressions containing the following wildcards:
   1088 <table cellspacing="10">
   1090 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
   1092 <td>matches any single character in a class name, but not the package
   1093     separator. For example, "<code>mypackage.Test?</code>" matches
   1094     "<code>mypackage.Test1</code>" and "<code>mypackage.Test2</code>", but not
   1095     "<code>mypackage.Test12</code>".</td></tr>
   1097 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
   1099 <td>matches any part of a class name not containing the package separator. For
   1100     example, "<code>mypackage.*Test*</code>" matches
   1101     "<code>mypackage.Test</code>" and
   1102     "<code>mypackage.YourTestApplication</code>", but not
   1103     "<code>mypackage.mysubpackage.MyTest</code>". Or, more generally,
   1104     "<code>mypackage.*</code>" matches all classes in
   1105     "<code>mypackage</code>", but not in its subpackages.</td></tr>
   1107 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
   1109 <td>matches any part of a class name, possibly containing any number of
   1110     package separators. For example, "<code>**.Test</code>" matches all
   1111     <code>Test</code> classes in all packages except the root package. Or,
   1112     "<code>mypackage.**</code>" matches all classes in
   1113     "<code>mypackage</code>" and in its subpackages.</td></tr>
   1115 </table>
   1117     For additional flexibility, class names can actually be comma-separated
   1118     lists of class names, with optional <code><b>!</b></code> negators, just
   1119     like file name filters. This notation doesn't look very Java-like, so it
   1120     should be used with moderation.
   1121     <p>
   1122     For convenience and for backward compatibility, the class name
   1123     <code><b>*</b></code> refers to any class, irrespective of its package.
   1124     <p>
   1126 <li>The <code><b>extends</b></code> and <code><b>implements</b></code>
   1127     specifications are typically used to restrict classes with wildcards. They
   1128     are currently equivalent, specifying that only classes extending or
   1129     implementing the given class qualify. Note that the given class itself is
   1130     not included in this set. If required, it should be specified in a
   1131     separate option.
   1132     <p>
   1134 <li>The <code><b>@</b></code> specifications can be used to restrict classes
   1135     and class members to the ones that are annotated with the specified
   1136     annotation types. An <i>annotationtype</i> is specified just like a
   1137     <i>classname</i>.
   1138     <p>
   1140 <li>Fields and methods are specified much like in Java, except that method
   1141     argument lists don't contain argument names (just like in other tools
   1142     like <code>javadoc</code> and <code>javap</code>). The specifications can
   1143     also contain the following catch-all wildcards:
   1145 <table cellspacing="10">
   1147 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>&lt;init&gt;</b></code></td>
   1148 <td>matches any constructor.</td></tr>
   1150 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>&lt;fields&gt;</b></code></td>
   1151 <td>matches any field.</td></tr>
   1153 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>&lt;methods&gt;</b></code></td>
   1154 <td>matches any method.</td></tr>
   1156 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
   1157 <td>matches any field or method.</td></tr>
   1159 </table>
   1161     Note that the above wildcards don't have return types. Only the
   1162     <code><b>&lt;init&gt;</b></code> wildcard has an argument list.
   1163     <p>
   1165     Fields and methods may also be specified using regular expressions. Names
   1166     can contain the following wildcards:
   1168 <table cellspacing="10">
   1169 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
   1170     <td>matches any single character in a method name.</td></tr>
   1171 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
   1172     <td>matches any part of a method name.</td></tr>
   1173 </table>
   1175     Types in descriptors can contain the following wildcards:
   1177 <table cellspacing="10">
   1178 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>%</b></code></td>
   1179     <td>matches any primitive type ("<code>boolean</code>", "<code>int</code>",
   1180         etc, but not "<code>void</code>").</td></tr>
   1181 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>?</b></code></td>
   1182     <td>matches any single character in a class name.</td></tr>
   1183 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>*</b></code></td>
   1184     <td>matches any part of a class name not containing the package                     separator.</td></tr>
   1185 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>**</b></code></td>
   1186     <td>matches any part of a class name, possibly containing any number of
   1187         package separators.</td></tr>
   1188 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>***</b></code></td>
   1189     <td>matches any type (primitive or non-primitive, array or
   1190         non-array).</td></tr>
   1191 <tr><td valign="top"><code><b>...</b></code></td>
   1192     <td>matches any number of arguments of any type.</td></tr>
   1194 </table>
   1196     Note that the <code>?</code>, <code>*</code>, and <code>**</code>
   1197     wildcards will never match primitive types. Furthermore, only the
   1198     <code>***</code> wildcards will match array types of any dimension. For
   1199     example, "<code>** get*()</code>" matches "<code>java.lang.Object
   1200     getObject()</code>", but not "<code>float getFloat()</code>", nor
   1201     "<code>java.lang.Object[] getObjects()</code>".
   1202     <p>
   1204 <li>Constructors can also be specified using their short class names (without
   1205     package) or using their full class names. As in the Java language, the
   1206     constructor specification has an argument list, but no return type.
   1207     <p>
   1209 <li>The class access modifiers and class member access modifiers are typically
   1210     used to restrict wildcarded classes and class members. They specify that
   1211     the corresponding access flags have to be set for the member to match. A
   1212     preceding <code><b>!</b></code> specifies that the corresponding access
   1213     flag should be unset.
   1214     <p>
   1215     Combining multiple flags is allowed (e.g. <code>public static</code>). It
   1216     means that both access flags have to be set (e.g. <code>public</code>
   1217     <i>and</i> <code>static</code>), except when they are conflicting, in
   1218     which case at least one of them has to be set (e.g. at least
   1219     <code>public</code>
   1220     <i>or</i> <code>protected</code>).
   1222 </ul>
   1223 <p>
   1225 <hr>
   1226 <address>
   1227 Copyright &copy; 2002-2009
   1228 <a href="http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~eric/">Eric Lafortune</a>.
   1229 </address>
   1230 </body>
   1231 </html>