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      1 @echo off
      3 SET tools_dir=%~dp0
      4 IF 1%D8_PATH% == 1 (SET D8_PATH=%tools_dir%..)
      6 SET log_file=v8.log
      8 rem find the name of the log file to process, it must not start with a dash.
      9 rem we prepend cmdline args with a number (in fact, any letter or number)
     10 rem to cope with empty arguments.
     11 SET arg1=1%1
     12 IF NOT %arg1:~0,2% == 1 (IF NOT %arg1:~0,2% == 1- SET log_file=%1)
     13 SET arg2=2%2
     14 IF NOT %arg2:~0,2% == 2 (IF NOT %arg2:~0,2% == 2- SET log_file=%2)
     15 SET arg3=3%3
     16 IF NOT %arg3:~0,2% == 3 (IF NOT %arg3:~0,2% == 3- SET log_file=%3)
     17 SET arg4=4%4
     18 IF NOT %arg4:~0,2% == 4 (IF NOT %arg4:~0,2% == 4- SET log_file=%4)
     19 SET arg5=5%5
     20 IF NOT %arg5:~0,2% == 5 (IF NOT %arg5:~0,2% == 5- SET log_file=%5)
     21 SET arg6=6%6
     22 IF NOT %arg6:~0,2% == 6 (IF NOT %arg6:~0,2% == 6- SET log_file=%6)
     23 SET arg7=7%7
     24 IF NOT %arg7:~0,2% == 7 (IF NOT %arg7:~0,2% == 7- SET log_file=%7)
     25 SET arg8=8%8
     26 IF NOT %arg8:~0,2% == 8 (IF NOT %arg8:~0,2% == 8- SET log_file=%8)
     27 SET arg9=9%9
     28 IF NOT %arg9:~0,2% == 9 (IF NOT %arg9:~0,2% == 9- SET log_file=%9)
     30 type %log_file% | %D8_PATH%\d8 %tools_dir%splaytree.js %tools_dir%codemap.js %tools_dir%csvparser.js %tools_dir%consarray.js %tools_dir%profile.js %tools_dir%profile_view.js %tools_dir%logreader.js %tools_dir%tickprocessor.js %tools_dir%tickprocessor-driver.js -- --windows %*