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      1 page.title=Publishing on Android Market
      2 @jd:body
      4 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      5 <div id="qv">
      7 <h2>Quickview</h2>
      9 <ul>
     10 <li>You can publish your application using a hosted service such as Android Market or through a web server.</li>
     11 <li>Before you publish, make sure you have prepared your application properly.</li>
     12 <li>Android Market makes it easy for users of Android-powered devices to see and download your application.</li>
     13 </ul>
     16 <h2>In this document</h2>
     18 <ol>
     19 <li><a href="#overview">About Android Market</a>
     20 <li><a href="#marketupgrade">Publishing Updates on Android Market</a></li>
     21 <li><a href="#marketLicensing">Using Android Market Licensing Service</a></li>
     22 <li><a href="#marketintent">Linking to Your Apps on Android Market</a>
     23   <ol>
     24     <li><a href="#OpeningDetails">Opening an app's details page</a></li>
     25     <li><a href="#PerformingSearch">Performing a search</a></li>
     26     <li><a href="#BuildaButton">Build an Android Market button</a></li>
     27     <li><a href="#UriSummary">Summary of URI formats</a></li>
     28   </ol>  
     29 </li>
     30 </ol>
     32 <h2>See also</h2>
     34 <ol>
     35 <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/publishing/licensing.html">Application Licensing</a></li>
     36 <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/publishing/preparing.html">Preparing to Publish</a></li>
     37 </ol>
     39 <div id="qv-extra">
     40   <img id="rule" src="{@docRoot}assets/images/grad-rule-qv.png">
     41   <div id="qv-sub-rule">
     42     <img src="{@docRoot}assets/images/icon_market.jpg" style="float:left;margin:0;padding:0 5px;">
     43     <h2 style="color:#669999;">Interested in publishing your app on Android Market?</h2>
     44     <p><a href="http://market.android.com/publish">Go to Android Market</a> to
     45 create a developer account and upload your application. For more information about the
     46 required assets, listing details, and options, see <a
     47 href="http://market.android.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=113469">Uploading
     48 applications</a>.</p>
     49   </div>
     50 </div>
     52 </div>
     53 </div>
     55 <p>If you've followed the steps outlined in <a
     56 href="{@docRoot}guide/publishing/preparing.html">Preparing to Publish</a>, the result of the process
     57 is a compiled {@code .apk} file that is signed with your private release key. Your application is
     58 now ready to be published publicly so users can install it.</p>
     60 <p>You can publish your application and allow users to install it any way you choose, including
     61 from your own web server. This document provides information about publishing your Android
     62 application with Android Market.</p>
     65 <h2 id="overview">About Android Market</h2>
     67 <p>Android Market is a service that makes it easy for users to find and download Android
     68 applications to their Android-powered devices, either from the Android Market application on their
     69 device or from the Android Market web site (<a
     70 href="http://market.android.com">market.android.com</a>). As a developer, you can use Android Market
     71 to distribute your applications to users on all types of Android-powered devices, all around the
     72 world.</p>
     74 <p>To publish your application on Android Market, you first need to register
     75 with the service using a Google account and agree to the terms of service.
     76 Once you are registered, you can upload your application to the service whenever
     77 you want, update it as many times as you want, and then publish it when you are ready.
     78 Once published, users can see your application, download it, and rate it. </p>
     80 <p>To register as an Android Market developer and get started with publishing,
     81 visit the Android Market publisher site: </p>
     83 <p style="margin-left:3em;"><a
     84 href="http://market.android.com/publish">http://market.android.com/publish</a>
     85 </p>
     87 <p>If you plan to publish your application on Android Market, you must make sure
     88 that it meets the requirements listed below, which are enforced by the Market
     89 server when you upload the application.</p>
     91 <div class="special">
     92 <p>Requirements enforced by the Android Market server:</p>
     93 <ol>
     94 <li>Your application must be signed with a cryptographic private key whose
     95 validity period ends after <span style="color:red">22 October 2033</span>. </li>
     96 <li>Your application must define both an <code>android:versionCode</code> and an
     97 <code>android:versionName</code> attribute in the
     98 <a
     99 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html"><code>&lt;manifest&gt;</code></a>
    100 element of its manifest file. The server uses the <code>android:versionCode</code> as
    101 the basis for identifying the application internally and handling updates, and
    102 it displays the <code>android:versionName</code> to users as the application's
    103 version.</li>
    104 <li>Your application must define both an <code>android:icon</code> and an
    105 <code>android:label</code> attribute in the <a
    106 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html"><code>&lt;application&gt;</code></a>
    107 element of its manifest file.</li>
    108 </ol>
    109 </div>
    112 <h2 id="marketupgrade">Publishing Updates on Android Market</h2>
    114 <p>At any time after publishing an application on Android Market, you can upload
    115 and publish an update to the same application package. When you publish an
    116 update to an application, users who have already installed the
    117 application may receive a notification that an update is
    118 available for the application. They can then choose to update the application
    119 to the latest version.</p>
    121 <p>Before uploading the updated application, be sure that you have incremented
    122 the <code>android:versionCode</code> and <code>android:versionName</code>
    123 attributes in the <a
    124 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html"><code>&lt;manifest&gt;</code></a>
    125 element of the manifest file. Also, the package name must be the same as the existing version and
    126 the {@code .apk} file must be signed with the same private key. If the package name and signing
    127 certificate do <em>not</em> match those of the existing version, Market will
    128 consider it a new application, publish it as such, and will not offer it to existing users as an
    129 update.</p>
    132 <h2 id="marketLicensing">Using Android Market Licensing Service</h2>
    134 <p>Android Market offers a licensing service that lets you enforce licensing
    135 policies for paid applications that you publish through Android Market. With
    136 Android Market Licensing, your applications can query Android Market at runtime
    137 to obtain the licensing status for the current user, then allow or disallow
    138 further use of the application as appropriate. Using the service, you can apply a flexible
    139 licensing policy on an application-by-application basis&mdash;each 
    140 application can enforce its licensing status in the way most appropriate
    141 for it. </p>
    143 <p>Any application that you publish through Android Market can use the Android
    144 Market Licensing Service. The service uses no dedicated framework APIs, so you can
    145 add licensing to any application that uses a minimum API Level of 3 or
    146 higher.</p>
    148 <p>For complete information about Android Market Licensing Service and how to
    149 use it in your application, read <a
    150 href="{@docRoot}guide/publishing/licensing.html">Application Licensing</a>.</p>
    154 <h2 id="marketintent">Linking to Your Apps on Android Market</h2>
    156 <p>To help users discover your published applications, you can use two special Android Market URIs
    157 that direct users to your application's details page or perform a search for all of your published
    158 applications in Android Market. You can use these URIs to create a button in your application or a
    159 link on a web page that:</p>
    161 <ul>
    162   <li>Opens your application's details page in the Android Market application or web site.</li>
    163   <li>Searches for all your published applications in the Android Market application or web
    164 site.</li>
    165 </ul>
    167 <p>You can launch the Android Market application or web site in the following ways:</p>
    168 <ul>
    169   <li>Initiate an {@link android.content.Intent} from your application that launches the
    170 Android Market application on the user's device.</li>
    171   <li>Provide a link on a web page that opens the Android Market web site (but will also
    172 open the Android Market application if clicked from a device).</li>
    173 </ul>
    175 <p>In both cases, whether you want to initiate the action from your application or from a web
    176 page, the URIs are quite similar. The only difference is the URI prefix.</p>
    178 <p>To open the Android Market application from your application, the prefix for the intent's data
    179 URI is:</p>
    181 <p style="margin-left:2em"><code>market://</code></p>
    183 <p>To open Android Market from your web site, the prefix for the link URI is:</p>
    185 <p style="margin-left:2em"><code>http://market.android.com/</code></p>
    187 <p>The following sections describe how to create a complete URI for each action.</p>
    189 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you create a link to open Android Market from your web
    190 site and the user selects it from an Android-powered device, the device's Market application will
    191 resolve the link so the user can use the Market application instead of opening the web
    192 site. As such, you should always use {@code http://market.android.com/} URIs when creating a link on
    193 a web page. When pointing to your apps from within your Android app, use the
    194 {@code market://} URIs in an intent, so that the Market application always opens.</p>
    197 <h3 id="OpeningDetails">Opening an app's details page</h3>
    199 <p>As described above, you can open the details page for a specific application either on the
    200 Android Market application or the Android Market web site. The details page allows the user to see
    201 the application description, screenshots, reviews and more, and choose to install it.</p>
    203 <p>The format for the URI that opens the details page is:</p>
    205 <p style="margin-left:2em"><code>&lt;URI_prefix&gt;<b>details?id=</b>&lt;package_name&gt;</code></p>
    207 <p>The <code>&lt;package_name&gt;</code> is a placeholder for the target application's
    208 fully-qualified package name, as declared in the <a
    209 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html#package">{@code
    210 package}</a> attribute of the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html">{@code
    211 &lt;manifest&gt;}</a> element.</p>
    214 <h4>Opening the app details page from your Android app</h4>
    216 <p>To open the Android Market details page from your application,
    217 create an intent with the {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_VIEW} action and include a data URI
    218 in this format:</p>
    220 <p style="margin-left:2em"><code>market://details?id=&lt;package_name&gt;</code></p>
    222 <p>For example, here's how you can create an intent and open an application's details page in
    223 Android Market:</p>
    225 <pre>
    226 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
    227 intent.setData(Uri.parse("market://details?id=com.android.example"));
    228 startActivity(intent);
    229 </pre>
    231 <p>This will open the Android Market application on the device to view the {@code
    232 com.android.example} application.</p>
    235 <h4>Opening the app details page from a web site</h4>
    237 <p>To open the details page from your web site, create a link with a URI in this
    238 format:</p>
    240 <p style="margin-left:2em">
    241   <code>http://market.android.com/details?id=<package_name>;</code>
    242 </p>
    244 <p>For example, here's a link that opens an application's details page on Android Market:</p>
    246 <pre>
    247 &lt;a href="http://market.android.com/details?id=com.android.example">App Link&lt;/a>
    248 </pre>
    250 <p>When clicked from a desktop web browser, this opens the Android Market web site to view the
    251 {@code com.android.example} application. When clicked from an Android-powered device, users are
    252 given the option to use either their web browser or the Android Market application to view the
    253 application.</p>
    257 <h3 id="PerformingSearch">Performing a search</h3>
    259 <p>To initiate a search in Android Market, the format for the URI is:</p>
    261 <p style="margin-left:2em">
    262   <code>&lt;URI_prefix&gt;<b>search?q=</b>&lt;query&gt;</code>
    263 </p>
    265 <p>The <code>&lt;query&gt;</code> is a placeholder for the search query to execute in Android
    266 Market. The query can be a raw text string or you can include a parameter that performs a search
    267 based on the publisher name:</p>
    269 <ul>
    270   <li>To perform a raw text search, append the query string:
    271   <p><code>&lt;URI_prefix&gt;<b>search?q=</b>&lt;search_query&gt;</code></p></li>
    273   <li>To search based on the publisher name, use the {@code pub:} parameter in the query, followed
    274 by the publisher name:
    275   <p><code>&lt;URI_prefix&gt;<b>search?q=pub:</b>&lt;publisher_name&gt;</code></p>
    276   <p>You can use this type of search to show all of your published applications.</p></li>
    277 </ul>
    280 <h4>Searching from your Android app</h4>
    282 <p>To initiate a search on Android Market from your application, create an intent with the
    283 {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_VIEW} action and include a data URI in this format:</p>
    285 <p style="margin-left:2em"><code>market://search?q=&lt;query&gt;</code></p>
    287 <p>The query may include the {@code pub:} parameter described above.</p>
    289 <p>For example, here's how you can initiate a search in the Android Market application, based on the
    290 publisher name:</p>
    292 <pre>
    293 Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
    294 intent.setData(Uri.parse("market://search?q=pub:Your Publisher Name"));
    295 startActivity(intent);
    296 </pre>
    298 <p>This opens the Android Market application to perform the search. The search result shows all
    299 applications published by the publisher that are compatible with the current device.</p>
    302 <h4>Searching from a web site</h4>
    304 <p>To initiate a search on Android Market from your web site, create a link with a URI in this
    305 format:</p>
    307 <p style="margin-left:2em">
    308   <code>http://market.android.com/search?q=<query>;</code>
    309 </p>
    311 <p>The query may include the {@code pub:} parameter described above.</p>
    313 <p>For example, here's a link that initiates a search on Android Market, based on the
    314 publisher name:</p>
    316 <pre>
    317 &lt;a href="http://market.android.com/search?q=pub:Your Publisher Name">Search Link&lt;/a>
    318 </pre>
    320 <p>When clicked from a desktop web browser, this opens the Android Market web site and performs the
    321 search. When clicked from an Android-powered device, users are given the option to use either their
    322 web browser or the Android Market application to perform the search.</p>
    326 <h3 id="BuildaButton">Build an Android Market button</h3>
    328 <p>Use the following form to generate an "Available in Android Market" button that you can use on
    329 your web site. Input either your application's package name or publisher name and the button will
    330 take users to Android Market to either view your application's information or view a list of
    331 your published apps. If users click the button while on an Android-powered device, the Android
    332 Market application will respond to show users your application(s).</p>
    334 <p>This form offers four versions of the official "Available in Android Market" button at
    335 recommended sizes. If you want to create a different size, you can download an EPS file for
    336 the button images from the <a href="http://www.android.com/branding.html">Android Brand
    337 Guidelines</a>.</p>
    339 <style type="text/css">
    341 form.button-form {
    342   margin-top:2em;
    343 }
    345 /* the label and input elements are blocks that float left in order to
    346    keep the left edgets of the input aligned, and IE 6/7 do not fully support "inline-block" */
    347 label.block {
    348   display: block;
    349   float: left;
    350   width: 100px;
    351   padding-right: 10px;
    352 }
    354 input.text {
    355   display: block;
    356   float: left;
    357   width: 250px;
    358 }
    360 div.button-row {
    361   white-space:nowrap;
    362   min-height:80px;
    363 }
    365 div.button-row input {
    366   vertical-align:120%;
    367 }
    369 #jd-content div.button-row img {
    370   margin: 0;
    371 }
    373 </style>
    375 <script type="text/javascript">
    377 // variables for creating 'try it out' demo button
    378 var imagePath = "http://www.android.com/images/brand/"
    379 var linkStart = "<a href=\"http://market.android.com/";
    380 var imageStart = "\">\n"
    381         + "  <img src=\"" + imagePath;
    382 var imageEnd = ".png\"\n"
    383         + "       alt=\"Available in Android Market\" />\n</a>";
    385 // variables for creating code snippet
    386 var linkStartCode = "&lt;a href=\"http://market.android.com/";
    387 var imageStartCode = "\"&gt;\n"
    388         + "  &lt;img src=\"" + imagePath;
    389 var imageEndCode = ".png\"\n"
    390         + "       alt=\"Available in Android Market\" />\n&lt;/a>";
    392 /** Generate the HTML snippet and demo based on form values */
    393 function buildButton(form) {
    394   if (form["package"].value != "com.android.example") {
    395     $("#preview").show();
    396     $("#snippet").show().html(linkStartCode + "details?id=" + form["package"].value
    397             + imageStartCode + $('form input[type=radio]:checked').val() + imageEndCode);
    398     $("#button-preview").html(linkStart + "details?id=" + form["package"].value
    399             + imageStart + $('form input[type=radio]:checked').val() + imageEnd);
    400   } else if (form["publisher"].value != "Example, Inc.") {
    401     $("#preview").show();
    402     $("#snippet").show().html(linkStartCode + "search?q=pub:" + form["publisher"].value
    403             + imageStartCode + $('form input[type=radio]:checked').val() + imageEndCode);
    404     $("#button-preview").html(linkStart + "search?q=pub:" + form["publisher"].value + imageStart +
    405     $('form input[type=radio]:checked').val() + imageEnd);
    406   } else {
    407     alert("Please enter your package name or publisher name");
    408   }
    409   return false;
    410 }
    412 /** Listen for Enter key */
    413 function onTextEntered(event, form, me) {
    414   // 13 = enter
    415   if (event.keyCode == 13) {
    416     buildButton(form);
    417   }
    418 }
    420 /** When input is focused, remove example text and disable other input */
    421 function onInputFocus(object, example) {
    422   if (object.value == example) {
    423     $(object).val('').css({'color' : '#000'});
    424   }
    425   $('input[type="text"]:not(input[name='+object.name+'])',
    426           object.parentNode).attr('disabled','true');
    427   $('#'+object.name+'-clear').show();
    428 }
    430 /** When input is blured, restore example text if appropriate and enable other input */
    431 function onInputBlur(object, example) {
    432   if (object.value.length < 1) {
    433     $(object).attr('value',example).css({'color':'#ccc'});
    434     $('input[type="text"]', object.parentNode).removeAttr('disabled');
    435     $('#'+object.name+'-clear').hide();
    436   }
    437 }
    439 /** Clear the form to start over */
    440 function clearLabel(id, example) {
    441   $("#preview").hide();
    442   $('#'+id+'').html('').attr('value',example).css({'color':'#ccc'});
    443   $('input[type="text"]', $('#'+id+'').parent()).removeAttr('disabled');
    444   $('#'+id+'-clear').hide();
    445   return false;
    446 }
    448 /** When the doc is ready, find the inputs and color the input grey if the value is the example
    449     text. This is necessary to handle back-navigation, which can auto-fill the form with previous
    450     values (and text should not be grey) */
    451 $(document).ready(function() {
    452   $(".button-form input.text").each(function(index) {
    453     if ($(this).val() == $(this).attr("default")) {
    454       $(this).css("color","#ccc");
    455     } else {
    456       /* This is necessary to handle back-navigation to the page after form was filled */
    457       $('input[type="text"]:not(input[name='+this.name+'])',
    458               this.parentNode).attr('disabled','true');
    459       $('#'+this.name+'-clear').show();
    460     }
    461   });
    462 });
    464 </script>
    466 <form class="button-form">
    467   <label class="block" for="package">Package name:</label>
    468   <input class="text" type="text" id="package" name="package"
    469          value="com.android.example"
    470          default="com.android.example"
    471          onfocus="onInputFocus(this, 'com.android.example')"
    472          onblur="onInputBlur(this, 'com.android.example')"
    473          onkeyup="return onTextEntered(event, this.parentNode, this)"/>&nbsp;
    474          <a id="package-clear" style="display:none" href="#"
    475             onclick="return clearLabel('package','com.android.example');">clear</a>
    476   <p style="clear:both;margin:0">&nbsp;<em>or</em></p>
    477   <label class="block" style="margin-top:5px" for="publisher">Publisher name:</label>
    478   <input class="text" type="text" id="publisher" name="publisher"
    479          value="Example, Inc."
    480          default="Example, Inc."
    481          onfocus="onInputFocus(this, 'Example, Inc.')"
    482          onblur="onInputBlur(this, 'Example, Inc.')"
    483          onkeyup="return onTextEntered(event, this.parentNode, this)"/>&nbsp;
    484          <a id="publisher-clear" style="display:none" href="#"
    485             onclick="return clearLabel('publisher','Example, Inc.');">clear</a>
    486          <br/><br/>
    488 <div class="button-row">
    489   <input type="radio" name="buttonStyle" value="45_avail_market_logo1" id="ns" checked="checked" />
    490     <label for="ns"><img src="http://www.android.com/images/brand/45_avail_market_logo1.png"
    491 alt="narrow and small logo" /></label>
    492     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    493   <input type="radio" name="buttonStyle" value="60_avail_market_logo1" id="nm" />
    494     <label for="nm"><img src="http://www.android.com/images/brand/60_avail_market_logo1.png"
    495 alt="narrow and large logo" /></label>
    496 </div>
    498 <div class="button-row">
    499   <input type="radio" name="buttonStyle" value="45_avail_market_logo2" id="ws" />
    500     <label for="ws"><img src="http://www.android.com/images/brand/45_avail_market_logo2.png"
    501 alt="wide and small logo" /></label>
    502     &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
    503   <input type="radio" name="buttonStyle" value="60_avail_market_logo2" id="wm" />
    504     <label for="wm"><img src="http://www.android.com/images/brand/60_avail_market_logo2.png"
    505 alt="wide and large logo" /></label>
    506 </div>
    508   <input type="button" onclick="return buildButton(this.parentNode)" value="Build my button"
    509 style="padding:5px" />
    510   <br/>
    511 </form>
    513 <div id="preview" style="display:none">
    514   <p>Copy and paste this HTML into your web site:</p>
    515   <textarea id="snippet" cols="80" rows="4" onclick="this.select()"
    516 style="font-family:monospace;background-color:#efefef;padding:5px;display:none;margin-bottom:1em">
    517   </textarea >
    519 <p>Try it out:</p>
    520 <div id="button-preview" style="margin-top:1em"></div>
    521 </div>
    528 <h3 id="UriSummary">Summary of URI formats</h3>
    530 <p>The table below provides a summary of the URIs currently supported by the Android Market (both on
    531 the web and in the Android application), as discussed in the previous sections.</p>
    533 <table>
    534 <tr>
    535 <th>For this result</th>
    536 <th>Use this URI in a web page link</th>
    537 <th>Or this URI in an {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_VIEW} intent</th>
    538 </tr>
    540 <tr>
    541 <td>Display the details screen for a specific application</td>
    542 <td><code>http://market.android.com/details?id=<package_name>;</code> 
    543 <td><code>market://details?id=&lt;package_name&gt;</code></td>
    544 </tr>
    546 <tr>
    547 <td>Search for applications using a general string query.</td>
    548 <td><code>http://market.android.com/search?q=<query>;</code></td>
    549 <td><code>market://search?q=&lt;query&gt;</code></td>
    550 </tr>
    552 <tr>
    553 <td>Search for applications by publisher name</td>
    554 <td><nobr><code>http://market.android.com/search?q=pub:<publisher_name>;</code></nobr></td>
    555 <td><nobr><code>market://search?q=pub:&lt;publisher_name&gt;</code></nobr></td>
    556 </tr>
    558 </table>