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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!--
      3 /*
      4 **
      5 ** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
      6 **
      7 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      8 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      9 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
     10 **
     11 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     12 **
     13 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     14 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     15 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     16 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     17 ** limitations under the License.
     18 */
     19 -->
     20 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
     21     <!-- Symbols that are suggested between words -->
     22     <string name="suggested_punctuations">!?,:;\u0022()\u0027-/@_</string>
     23     <!-- Symbols that should be swapped with a magic space -->
     24     <string name="magic_space_swapping_symbols">.,;:!?)]}\u0022</string>
     25     <!-- Symbols that should strip a magic space -->
     26     <string name="magic_space_stripping_symbols">\u0009\u0020\n/_\u0027-</string>
     27     <!-- Symbols that should convert magic spaces into real space -->
     28     <string name="magic_space_promoting_symbols">([*&amp;@{&lt;&gt;+=|</string>
     29     <!-- Symbols that do NOT separate words -->
     30     <string name="symbols_excluded_from_word_separators">\u0027-</string>
     31     <!-- Word separator list is the union of all symbols except those that are not separators:
     32     magic_space_swapping_symbols | magic_space_stripping_symbols |
     33             magic_space_neutral_symbols \ symbols_excluded_from_word_separators -->
     34     <!-- Symbol characters list that should switch back to the main layout -->
     35     <!--  \u0022: Quotation mark (double quotation mark)
     36           \u0027: Apostrophe (single quotation mark)
     37           \u2018: Left single quotation mark
     38           \u2019: Right single quotation mark
     39           \u201a: Single low-9 quotation mark
     40           \u201b: Single high-reversed-9 quotation mark
     41           \u201c: Left double quotation mark
     42           \u201d: Right double quotation mark
     43           \u201e: Double low-9 quotation mark
     44           \u201f: Double high-reversed-9 quotation mark
     45           \u00ab: Left-pointing double angle quotation mark
     46           \u00bb: Right-pointing double angle quotation mark  -->
     47     <!-- string name="layout_switch_back_symbols">\u0022\u0027\u2018\u2019\u201a\u201b\u201c\u201d\u201e\u201f\u00ab\u00bb</string> -->
     48     <string name="layout_switch_back_symbols"></string>
     50     <!-- Label for "switch to more symbol" modifier key.  Must be short to fit on key! -->
     51     <string name="label_to_more_symbol_key">= \\ &lt;</string>
     52     <!-- Label for "switch to more symbol" modifier key on tablets.  Must be short to fit on key! -->
     53     <string name="label_to_more_symbol_for_tablet_key">~ \\ {</string>
     55     <!-- Label for "Tab" key.  Must be short to fit on key! -->
     56     <string name="label_tab_key">Tab</string>
     57     <!-- Label for "switch to phone numeric" key.  Must be short to fit on key! -->
     58     <string name="label_to_phone_numeric_key">123</string>
     59     <!-- Label for "switch to phone symbols" key.  Must be short to fit on key! -->
     60     <string name="label_to_phone_symbols_key">\uff0a\uff03</string>
     62     <!--  Always show the suggestion strip -->
     63     <string name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_value">0</string>
     64     <!--  Show the suggestion strip only on portrait mode -->
     65     <string name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_value">1</string>
     66     <!--  Always hide the suggestion strip -->
     67     <string name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_value">2</string>
     68     <!--  Default value of the visibility of the suggestion strip -->
     69     <string name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_default_value">0</string>
     70     <!--  Option to show/hide the suggestion strip -->
     71     <string-array name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_values">
     72        <item>@string/prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_value</item>
     73        <item>@string/prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_value</item>
     74        <item>@string/prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_value</item>
     75     </string-array>
     76     <string-array name="prefs_suggestion_visibilities">
     77        <item>@string/prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_name</item>
     78        <item>@string/prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_name</item>
     79        <item>@string/prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_name</item>
     80     </string-array>
     82     <string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_off">0</string>
     83     <string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_modest">1</string>
     84     <string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_aggeressive">2</string>
     85     <string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_very_aggeressive">3</string>
     86     <string-array name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_indexes">
     87       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_off</item>
     88       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_modest</item>
     89       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_aggeressive</item>
     90       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_index_very_aggeressive</item>
     91     </string-array>
     92     <string-array name="auto_correction_threshold_modes">
     93       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_off</item>
     94       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_modest</item>
     95       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_aggeressive</item>
     96       <item>@string/auto_correction_threshold_mode_very_aggeressive</item>
     97     </string-array>
     99     <string name="voice_mode_main">0</string>
    100     <string name="voice_mode_symbols">1</string>
    101     <string name="voice_mode_off">2</string>
    102     <string-array name="voice_input_modes_values">
    103         <item>@string/voice_mode_main</item>
    104         <item>@string/voice_mode_symbols</item>
    105         <item>@string/voice_mode_off</item>
    106     </string-array>
    107     <!-- Array of Voice Input modes -->
    108     <string-array name="voice_input_modes">
    109         <item>@string/voice_input_modes_main_keyboard</item>
    110         <item>@string/voice_input_modes_symbols_keyboard</item>
    111         <item>@string/voice_input_modes_off</item>
    112     </string-array>
    113     <!-- Array of Voice Input modes summary -->
    114     <string-array name="voice_input_modes_summary">
    115         <item>@string/voice_input_modes_summary_main_keyboard</item>
    116         <item>@string/voice_input_modes_summary_symbols_keyboard</item>
    117         <item>@string/voice_input_modes_summary_off</item>
    118     </string-array>
    120     <!-- Title for Latin keyboard debug settings activity / dialog -->
    121     <string name="english_ime_debug_settings">Android keyboard Debug settings</string>
    122     <string name="prefs_debug_mode">Debug Mode</string>
    124     <!-- Keyboard theme names -->
    125     <string name="layout_basic">Basic</string>
    126     <string name="layout_high_contrast">Basic (High Contrast)</string>
    127     <string name="layout_stone_bold">Stone (bold)</string>
    128     <string name="layout_stone_normal">Stone (normal)</string>
    129     <string name="layout_gingerbread">Gingerbread</string>
    130     <string name="layout_ics">IceCreamSandwich</string>
    132     <!-- For keyboard theme switcher dialog -->
    133     <string-array name="keyboard_layout_modes">
    134         <item>@string/layout_basic</item>
    135         <item>@string/layout_high_contrast</item>
    136         <item>@string/layout_stone_normal</item>
    137         <item>@string/layout_stone_bold</item>
    138         <item>@string/layout_gingerbread</item>
    139         <item>@string/layout_ics</item>
    140     </string-array>
    141     <string-array name="keyboard_layout_modes_values">
    142         <item>0</item>
    143         <item>1</item>
    144         <item>2</item>
    145         <item>3</item>
    146         <item>4</item>
    147         <item>5</item>
    148     </string-array>
    150     <!-- Subtype locale name exceptions -->
    151     <string-array name="subtype_locale_exception_keys">
    152         <item>en_US</item>
    153         <item>en_GB</item>
    154         <item>de_ZZ</item>
    155     </string-array>
    156     <string-array name="subtype_locale_exception_values">
    157         <item>English (US)</item>
    158         <item>English (UK)</item>
    159         <item>Deutsch (QWERTY)</item>
    160     </string-array>
    162     <!-- Generic subtype label -->
    163     <string name="subtype_generic">%s</string>
    165     <!-- dictionary pack package name /settings activity (for shared prefs and settings) -->
    166     <string name="dictionary_pack_package_name">com.google.android.inputmethod.latin.dictionarypack</string>
    167     <string name="dictionary_pack_settings_activity">com.google.android.inputmethod.latin.dictionarypack.DictionarySettingsActivity</string>
    168     <string name="settings_ms">ms</string>
    169 </resources>