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      1 /*
      2  * This file was generated automatically by gen-mterp.py for 'x86-atom'.
      3  *
      4  * --> DO NOT EDIT <--
      5  */
      7 /* File: c/header.cpp */
      8 /*
      9  * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
     10  *
     11  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     12  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     13  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     14  *
     15  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     16  *
     17  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     18  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     19  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     20  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     21  * limitations under the License.
     22  */
     24 /* common includes */
     25 #include "Dalvik.h"
     26 #include "interp/InterpDefs.h"
     27 #include "mterp/Mterp.h"
     28 #include <math.h>                   // needed for fmod, fmodf
     29 #include "mterp/common/FindInterface.h"
     31 /*
     32  * Configuration defines.  These affect the C implementations, i.e. the
     33  * portable interpreter(s) and C stubs.
     34  *
     35  * Some defines are controlled by the Makefile, e.g.:
     36  *   WITH_INSTR_CHECKS
     38  *   EASY_GDB
     39  *   NDEBUG
     40  */
     42 #ifdef WITH_INSTR_CHECKS            /* instruction-level paranoia (slow!) */
     43 # define CHECK_BRANCH_OFFSETS
     45 #endif
     47 /*
     48  * Some architectures require 64-bit alignment for access to 64-bit data
     49  * types.  We can't just use pointers to copy 64-bit values out of our
     50  * interpreted register set, because gcc may assume the pointer target is
     51  * aligned and generate invalid code.
     52  *
     53  * There are two common approaches:
     54  *  (1) Use a union that defines a 32-bit pair and a 64-bit value.
     55  *  (2) Call memcpy().
     56  *
     57  * Depending upon what compiler you're using and what options are specified,
     58  * one may be faster than the other.  For example, the compiler might
     59  * convert a memcpy() of 8 bytes into a series of instructions and omit
     60  * the call.  The union version could cause some strange side-effects,
     61  * e.g. for a while ARM gcc thought it needed separate storage for each
     62  * inlined instance, and generated instructions to zero out ~700 bytes of
     63  * stack space at the top of the interpreter.
     64  *
     65  * The default is to use memcpy().  The current gcc for ARM seems to do
     66  * better with the union.
     67  */
     68 #if defined(__ARM_EABI__)
     69 # define NO_UNALIGN_64__UNION
     70 #endif
     73 //#define LOG_INSTR                   /* verbose debugging */
     74 /* set and adjust ANDROID_LOG_TAGS='*:i jdwp:i dalvikvm:i dalvikvmi:i' */
     76 /*
     77  * Export another copy of the PC on every instruction; this is largely
     78  * redundant with EXPORT_PC and the debugger code.  This value can be
     79  * compared against what we have stored on the stack with EXPORT_PC to
     80  * help ensure that we aren't missing any export calls.
     81  */
     82 #if WITH_EXTRA_GC_CHECKS > 1
     83 # define EXPORT_EXTRA_PC() (self->currentPc2 = pc)
     84 #else
     85 # define EXPORT_EXTRA_PC()
     86 #endif
     88 /*
     89  * Adjust the program counter.  "_offset" is a signed int, in 16-bit units.
     90  *
     91  * Assumes the existence of "const u2* pc" and "const u2* curMethod->insns".
     92  *
     93  * We don't advance the program counter until we finish an instruction or
     94  * branch, because we do want to have to unroll the PC if there's an
     95  * exception.
     96  */
     98 # define ADJUST_PC(_offset) do {                                            \
     99         int myoff = _offset;        /* deref only once */                   \
    100         if (pc + myoff < curMethod->insns ||                                \
    101             pc + myoff >= curMethod->insns + dvmGetMethodInsnsSize(curMethod)) \
    102         {                                                                   \
    103             char* desc;                                                     \
    104             desc = dexProtoCopyMethodDescriptor(&curMethod->prototype);     \
    105             LOGE("Invalid branch %d at 0x%04x in %s.%s %s",                 \
    106                 myoff, (int) (pc - curMethod->insns),                       \
    107                 curMethod->clazz->descriptor, curMethod->name, desc);       \
    108             free(desc);                                                     \
    109             dvmAbort();                                                     \
    110         }                                                                   \
    111         pc += myoff;                                                        \
    112         EXPORT_EXTRA_PC();                                                  \
    113     } while (false)
    114 #else
    115 # define ADJUST_PC(_offset) do {                                            \
    116         pc += _offset;                                                      \
    117         EXPORT_EXTRA_PC();                                                  \
    118     } while (false)
    119 #endif
    121 /*
    122  * If enabled, log instructions as we execute them.
    123  */
    124 #ifdef LOG_INSTR
    125 # define ILOGD(...) ILOG(LOG_DEBUG, __VA_ARGS__)
    126 # define ILOGV(...) ILOG(LOG_VERBOSE, __VA_ARGS__)
    127 # define ILOG(_level, ...) do {                                             \
    128         char debugStrBuf[128];                                              \
    129         snprintf(debugStrBuf, sizeof(debugStrBuf), __VA_ARGS__);            \
    130         if (curMethod != NULL)                                              \
    131             LOG(_level, LOG_TAG"i", "%-2d|%04x%s",                          \
    132                 self->threadId, (int)(pc - curMethod->insns), debugStrBuf); \
    133         else                                                                \
    134             LOG(_level, LOG_TAG"i", "%-2d|####%s",                          \
    135                 self->threadId, debugStrBuf);                               \
    136     } while(false)
    137 void dvmDumpRegs(const Method* method, const u4* framePtr, bool inOnly);
    138 # define DUMP_REGS(_meth, _frame, _inOnly) dvmDumpRegs(_meth, _frame, _inOnly)
    139 static const char kSpacing[] = "            ";
    140 #else
    141 # define ILOGD(...) ((void)0)
    142 # define ILOGV(...) ((void)0)
    143 # define DUMP_REGS(_meth, _frame, _inOnly) ((void)0)
    144 #endif
    146 /* get a long from an array of u4 */
    147 static inline s8 getLongFromArray(const u4* ptr, int idx)
    148 {
    149 #if defined(NO_UNALIGN_64__UNION)
    150     union { s8 ll; u4 parts[2]; } conv;
    152     ptr += idx;
    153     conv.parts[0] = ptr[0];
    154     conv.parts[1] = ptr[1];
    155     return conv.ll;
    156 #else
    157     s8 val;
    158     memcpy(&val, &ptr[idx], 8);
    159     return val;
    160 #endif
    161 }
    163 /* store a long into an array of u4 */
    164 static inline void putLongToArray(u4* ptr, int idx, s8 val)
    165 {
    166 #if defined(NO_UNALIGN_64__UNION)
    167     union { s8 ll; u4 parts[2]; } conv;
    169     ptr += idx;
    170     conv.ll = val;
    171     ptr[0] = conv.parts[0];
    172     ptr[1] = conv.parts[1];
    173 #else
    174     memcpy(&ptr[idx], &val, 8);
    175 #endif
    176 }
    178 /* get a double from an array of u4 */
    179 static inline double getDoubleFromArray(const u4* ptr, int idx)
    180 {
    181 #if defined(NO_UNALIGN_64__UNION)
    182     union { double d; u4 parts[2]; } conv;
    184     ptr += idx;
    185     conv.parts[0] = ptr[0];
    186     conv.parts[1] = ptr[1];
    187     return conv.d;
    188 #else
    189     double dval;
    190     memcpy(&dval, &ptr[idx], 8);
    191     return dval;
    192 #endif
    193 }
    195 /* store a double into an array of u4 */
    196 static inline void putDoubleToArray(u4* ptr, int idx, double dval)
    197 {
    198 #if defined(NO_UNALIGN_64__UNION)
    199     union { double d; u4 parts[2]; } conv;
    201     ptr += idx;
    202     conv.d = dval;
    203     ptr[0] = conv.parts[0];
    204     ptr[1] = conv.parts[1];
    205 #else
    206     memcpy(&ptr[idx], &dval, 8);
    207 #endif
    208 }
    210 /*
    211  * If enabled, validate the register number on every access.  Otherwise,
    212  * just do an array access.
    213  *
    214  * Assumes the existence of "u4* fp".
    215  *
    216  * "_idx" may be referenced more than once.
    217  */
    219 # define GET_REGISTER(_idx) \
    220     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize ? \
    221         (fp[(_idx)]) : (assert(!"bad reg"),1969) )
    222 # define SET_REGISTER(_idx, _val) \
    223     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize ? \
    224         (fp[(_idx)] = (u4)(_val)) : (assert(!"bad reg"),1969) )
    225 # define GET_REGISTER_AS_OBJECT(_idx)       ((Object *)GET_REGISTER(_idx))
    226 # define SET_REGISTER_AS_OBJECT(_idx, _val) SET_REGISTER(_idx, (s4)_val)
    227 # define GET_REGISTER_INT(_idx) ((s4) GET_REGISTER(_idx))
    228 # define SET_REGISTER_INT(_idx, _val) SET_REGISTER(_idx, (s4)_val)
    229 # define GET_REGISTER_WIDE(_idx) \
    230     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize-1 ? \
    231         getLongFromArray(fp, (_idx)) : (assert(!"bad reg"),1969) )
    232 # define SET_REGISTER_WIDE(_idx, _val) \
    233     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize-1 ? \
    234         (void)putLongToArray(fp, (_idx), (_val)) : assert(!"bad reg") )
    235 # define GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(_idx) \
    236     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize ? \
    237         (*((float*) &fp[(_idx)])) : (assert(!"bad reg"),1969.0f) )
    238 # define SET_REGISTER_FLOAT(_idx, _val) \
    239     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize ? \
    240         (*((float*) &fp[(_idx)]) = (_val)) : (assert(!"bad reg"),1969.0f) )
    241 # define GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(_idx) \
    242     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize-1 ? \
    243         getDoubleFromArray(fp, (_idx)) : (assert(!"bad reg"),1969.0) )
    244 # define SET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(_idx, _val) \
    245     ( (_idx) < curMethod->registersSize-1 ? \
    246         (void)putDoubleToArray(fp, (_idx), (_val)) : assert(!"bad reg") )
    247 #else
    248 # define GET_REGISTER(_idx)                 (fp[(_idx)])
    249 # define SET_REGISTER(_idx, _val)           (fp[(_idx)] = (_val))
    250 # define GET_REGISTER_AS_OBJECT(_idx)       ((Object*) fp[(_idx)])
    251 # define SET_REGISTER_AS_OBJECT(_idx, _val) (fp[(_idx)] = (u4)(_val))
    252 # define GET_REGISTER_INT(_idx)             ((s4)GET_REGISTER(_idx))
    253 # define SET_REGISTER_INT(_idx, _val)       SET_REGISTER(_idx, (s4)_val)
    254 # define GET_REGISTER_WIDE(_idx)            getLongFromArray(fp, (_idx))
    255 # define SET_REGISTER_WIDE(_idx, _val)      putLongToArray(fp, (_idx), (_val))
    256 # define GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(_idx)           (*((float*) &fp[(_idx)]))
    257 # define SET_REGISTER_FLOAT(_idx, _val)     (*((float*) &fp[(_idx)]) = (_val))
    258 # define GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(_idx)          getDoubleFromArray(fp, (_idx))
    259 # define SET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(_idx, _val)    putDoubleToArray(fp, (_idx), (_val))
    260 #endif
    262 /*
    263  * Get 16 bits from the specified offset of the program counter.  We always
    264  * want to load 16 bits at a time from the instruction stream -- it's more
    265  * efficient than 8 and won't have the alignment problems that 32 might.
    266  *
    267  * Assumes existence of "const u2* pc".
    268  */
    269 #define FETCH(_offset)     (pc[(_offset)])
    271 /*
    272  * Extract instruction byte from 16-bit fetch (_inst is a u2).
    273  */
    274 #define INST_INST(_inst)    ((_inst) & 0xff)
    276 /*
    277  * Replace the opcode (used when handling breakpoints).  _opcode is a u1.
    278  */
    279 #define INST_REPLACE_OP(_inst, _opcode) (((_inst) & 0xff00) | _opcode)
    281 /*
    282  * Extract the "vA, vB" 4-bit registers from the instruction word (_inst is u2).
    283  */
    284 #define INST_A(_inst)       (((_inst) >> 8) & 0x0f)
    285 #define INST_B(_inst)       ((_inst) >> 12)
    287 /*
    288  * Get the 8-bit "vAA" 8-bit register index from the instruction word.
    289  * (_inst is u2)
    290  */
    291 #define INST_AA(_inst)      ((_inst) >> 8)
    293 /*
    294  * The current PC must be available to Throwable constructors, e.g.
    295  * those created by the various exception throw routines, so that the
    296  * exception stack trace can be generated correctly.  If we don't do this,
    297  * the offset within the current method won't be shown correctly.  See the
    298  * notes in Exception.c.
    299  *
    300  * This is also used to determine the address for precise GC.
    301  *
    302  * Assumes existence of "u4* fp" and "const u2* pc".
    303  */
    304 #define EXPORT_PC()         (SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->xtra.currentPc = pc)
    306 /*
    307  * Check to see if "obj" is NULL.  If so, throw an exception.  Assumes the
    308  * pc has already been exported to the stack.
    309  *
    310  * Perform additional checks on debug builds.
    311  *
    312  * Use this to check for NULL when the instruction handler calls into
    313  * something that could throw an exception (so we have already called
    314  * EXPORT_PC at the top).
    315  */
    316 static inline bool checkForNull(Object* obj)
    317 {
    318     if (obj == NULL) {
    319         dvmThrowNullPointerException(NULL);
    320         return false;
    321     }
    323     if (!dvmIsHeapAddressObject(obj)) {
    324         LOGE("Invalid object %p", obj);
    325         dvmAbort();
    326     }
    327 #endif
    328 #ifndef NDEBUG
    329     if (obj->clazz == NULL || ((u4) obj->clazz) <= 65536) {
    330         /* probable heap corruption */
    331         LOGE("Invalid object class %p (in %p)", obj->clazz, obj);
    332         dvmAbort();
    333     }
    334 #endif
    335     return true;
    336 }
    338 /*
    339  * Check to see if "obj" is NULL.  If so, export the PC into the stack
    340  * frame and throw an exception.
    341  *
    342  * Perform additional checks on debug builds.
    343  *
    344  * Use this to check for NULL when the instruction handler doesn't do
    345  * anything else that can throw an exception.
    346  */
    347 static inline bool checkForNullExportPC(Object* obj, u4* fp, const u2* pc)
    348 {
    349     if (obj == NULL) {
    350         EXPORT_PC();
    351         dvmThrowNullPointerException(NULL);
    352         return false;
    353     }
    355     if (!dvmIsHeapAddress(obj)) {
    356         LOGE("Invalid object %p", obj);
    357         dvmAbort();
    358     }
    359 #endif
    360 #ifndef NDEBUG
    361     if (obj->clazz == NULL || ((u4) obj->clazz) <= 65536) {
    362         /* probable heap corruption */
    363         LOGE("Invalid object class %p (in %p)", obj->clazz, obj);
    364         dvmAbort();
    365     }
    366 #endif
    367     return true;
    368 }
    370 /* File: cstubs/stubdefs.cpp */
    371 /*
    372  * In the C mterp stubs, "goto" is a function call followed immediately
    373  * by a return.
    374  */
    376 #define GOTO_TARGET_DECL(_target, ...)                                      \
    377     extern "C" void dvmMterp_##_target(Thread* self, ## __VA_ARGS__);
    379 /* (void)xxx to quiet unused variable compiler warnings. */
    380 #define GOTO_TARGET(_target, ...)                                           \
    381     void dvmMterp_##_target(Thread* self, ## __VA_ARGS__) {                 \
    382         u2 ref, vsrc1, vsrc2, vdst;                                         \
    383         u2 inst = FETCH(0);                                                 \
    384         const Method* methodToCall;                                         \
    385         StackSaveArea* debugSaveArea;                                       \
    386         (void)ref; (void)vsrc1; (void)vsrc2; (void)vdst; (void)inst;        \
    387         (void)methodToCall; (void)debugSaveArea;
    389 #define GOTO_TARGET_END }
    391 /*
    392  * Redefine what used to be local variable accesses into Thread struct
    393  * references.  (These are undefined down in "footer.cpp".)
    394  */
    395 #define retval                  self->interpSave.retval
    396 #define pc                      self->interpSave.pc
    397 #define fp                      self->interpSave.curFrame
    398 #define curMethod               self->interpSave.method
    399 #define methodClassDex          self->interpSave.methodClassDex
    400 #define debugTrackedRefStart    self->interpSave.debugTrackedRefStart
    402 /* ugh */
    403 #define STUB_HACK(x) x
    404 #if defined(WITH_JIT)
    405 #define JIT_STUB_HACK(x) x
    406 #else
    407 #define JIT_STUB_HACK(x)
    408 #endif
    410 /*
    411  * InterpSave's pc and fp must be valid when breaking out to a
    412  * "Reportxxx" routine.  Because the portable interpreter uses local
    413  * variables for these, we must flush prior.  Stubs, however, use
    414  * the interpSave vars directly, so this is a nop for stubs.
    415  */
    416 #define PC_FP_TO_SELF()
    417 #define PC_TO_SELF()
    419 /*
    420  * Opcode handler framing macros.  Here, each opcode is a separate function
    421  * that takes a "self" argument and returns void.  We can't declare
    422  * these "static" because they may be called from an assembly stub.
    423  * (void)xxx to quiet unused variable compiler warnings.
    424  */
    425 #define HANDLE_OPCODE(_op)                                                  \
    426     extern "C" void dvmMterp_##_op(Thread* self);                           \
    427     void dvmMterp_##_op(Thread* self) {                                     \
    428         u4 ref;                                                             \
    429         u2 vsrc1, vsrc2, vdst;                                              \
    430         u2 inst = FETCH(0);                                                 \
    431         (void)ref; (void)vsrc1; (void)vsrc2; (void)vdst; (void)inst;
    433 #define OP_END }
    435 /*
    436  * Like the "portable" FINISH, but don't reload "inst", and return to caller
    437  * when done.  Further, debugger/profiler checks are handled
    438  * before handler execution in mterp, so we don't do them here either.
    439  */
    440 #if defined(WITH_JIT)
    441 #define FINISH(_offset) {                                                   \
    442         ADJUST_PC(_offset);                                                 \
    443         if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeJitTraceBuild) {        \
    444             dvmCheckJit(pc, self);                                          \
    445         }                                                                   \
    446         return;                                                             \
    447     }
    448 #else
    449 #define FINISH(_offset) {                                                   \
    450         ADJUST_PC(_offset);                                                 \
    451         return;                                                             \
    452     }
    453 #endif
    456 /*
    457  * The "goto label" statements turn into function calls followed by
    458  * return statements.  Some of the functions take arguments, which in the
    459  * portable interpreter are handled by assigning values to globals.
    460  */
    462 #define GOTO_exceptionThrown()                                              \
    463     do {                                                                    \
    464         dvmMterp_exceptionThrown(self);                                     \
    465         return;                                                             \
    466     } while(false)
    468 #define GOTO_returnFromMethod()                                             \
    469     do {                                                                    \
    470         dvmMterp_returnFromMethod(self);                                    \
    471         return;                                                             \
    472     } while(false)
    474 #define GOTO_invoke(_target, _methodCallRange, _jumboFormat)                \
    475     do {                                                                    \
    476         dvmMterp_##_target(self, _methodCallRange, _jumboFormat);           \
    477         return;                                                             \
    478     } while(false)
    480 #define GOTO_invokeMethod(_methodCallRange, _methodToCall, _vsrc1, _vdst)   \
    481     do {                                                                    \
    482         dvmMterp_invokeMethod(self, _methodCallRange, _methodToCall,        \
    483             _vsrc1, _vdst);                                                 \
    484         return;                                                             \
    485     } while(false)
    487 /*
    488  * As a special case, "goto bail" turns into a longjmp.
    489  */
    490 #define GOTO_bail()                                                         \
    491     dvmMterpStdBail(self, false);
    493 /*
    494  * Periodically check for thread suspension.
    495  *
    496  * While we're at it, see if a debugger has attached or the profiler has
    497  * started.
    498  */
    499 #define PERIODIC_CHECKS(_pcadj) {                              \
    500         if (dvmCheckSuspendQuick(self)) {                                   \
    501             EXPORT_PC();  /* need for precise GC */                         \
    502             dvmCheckSuspendPending(self);                                   \
    503         }                                                                   \
    504     }
    506 /* File: c/opcommon.cpp */
    507 /* forward declarations of goto targets */
    508 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(filledNewArray, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    509 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeVirtual, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    510 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeSuper, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    511 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeInterface, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    512 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeDirect, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    513 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeStatic, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    514 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeVirtualQuick, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    515 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeSuperQuick, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat);
    516 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(invokeMethod, bool methodCallRange, const Method* methodToCall,
    517     u2 count, u2 regs);
    518 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(returnFromMethod);
    519 GOTO_TARGET_DECL(exceptionThrown);
    521 /*
    522  * ===========================================================================
    523  *
    524  * What follows are opcode definitions shared between multiple opcodes with
    525  * minor substitutions handled by the C pre-processor.  These should probably
    526  * use the mterp substitution mechanism instead, with the code here moved
    527  * into common fragment files (like the asm "binop.S"), although it's hard
    528  * to give up the C preprocessor in favor of the much simpler text subst.
    529  *
    530  * ===========================================================================
    531  */
    533 #define HANDLE_NUMCONV(_opcode, _opname, _fromtype, _totype)                \
    534     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    535         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    536         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    537         ILOGV("|%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                       \
    538         SET_REGISTER##_totype(vdst,                                         \
    539             GET_REGISTER##_fromtype(vsrc1));                                \
    540         FINISH(1);
    542 #define HANDLE_FLOAT_TO_INT(_opcode, _opname, _fromvtype, _fromrtype,       \
    543         _tovtype, _tortype)                                                 \
    544     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    545     {                                                                       \
    546         /* spec defines specific handling for +/- inf and NaN values */     \
    547         _fromvtype val;                                                     \
    548         _tovtype intMin, intMax, result;                                    \
    549         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    550         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    551         ILOGV("|%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                       \
    552         val = GET_REGISTER##_fromrtype(vsrc1);                              \
    553         intMin = (_tovtype) 1 << (sizeof(_tovtype) * 8 -1);                 \
    554         intMax = ~intMin;                                                   \
    555         result = (_tovtype) val;                                            \
    556         if (val >= intMax)          /* +inf */                              \
    557             result = intMax;                                                \
    558         else if (val <= intMin)     /* -inf */                              \
    559             result = intMin;                                                \
    560         else if (val != val)        /* NaN */                               \
    561             result = 0;                                                     \
    562         else                                                                \
    563             result = (_tovtype) val;                                        \
    564         SET_REGISTER##_tortype(vdst, result);                               \
    565     }                                                                       \
    566     FINISH(1);
    568 #define HANDLE_INT_TO_SMALL(_opcode, _opname, _type)                        \
    569     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    570         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    571         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    572         ILOGV("|int-to-%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                \
    573         SET_REGISTER(vdst, (_type) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1));                    \
    574         FINISH(1);
    576 /* NOTE: the comparison result is always a signed 4-byte integer */
    577 #define HANDLE_OP_CMPX(_opcode, _opname, _varType, _type, _nanVal)          \
    578     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    579     {                                                                       \
    580         int result;                                                         \
    581         u2 regs;                                                            \
    582         _varType val1, val2;                                                \
    583         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    584         regs = FETCH(1);                                                    \
    585         vsrc1 = regs & 0xff;                                                \
    586         vsrc2 = regs >> 8;                                                  \
    587         ILOGV("|cmp%s v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);         \
    588         val1 = GET_REGISTER##_type(vsrc1);                                  \
    589         val2 = GET_REGISTER##_type(vsrc2);                                  \
    590         if (val1 == val2)                                                   \
    591             result = 0;                                                     \
    592         else if (val1 < val2)                                               \
    593             result = -1;                                                    \
    594         else if (val1 > val2)                                               \
    595             result = 1;                                                     \
    596         else                                                                \
    597             result = (_nanVal);                                             \
    598         ILOGV("+ result=%d", result);                                       \
    599         SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                         \
    600     }                                                                       \
    601     FINISH(2);
    603 #define HANDLE_OP_IF_XX(_opcode, _opname, _cmp)                             \
    604     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, +CCCC*/)                                \
    605         vsrc1 = INST_A(inst);                                               \
    606         vsrc2 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    607         if ((s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _cmp (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc2)) {       \
    608             int branchOffset = (s2)FETCH(1);    /* sign-extended */         \
    609             ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,v%d,+0x%04x", (_opname), vsrc1, vsrc2,        \
    610                 branchOffset);                                              \
    611             ILOGV("> branch taken");                                        \
    612             if (branchOffset < 0)                                           \
    613                 PERIODIC_CHECKS(branchOffset);                              \
    614             FINISH(branchOffset);                                           \
    615         } else {                                                            \
    616             ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,v%d,-", (_opname), vsrc1, vsrc2);             \
    617             FINISH(2);                                                      \
    618         }
    620 #define HANDLE_OP_IF_XXZ(_opcode, _opname, _cmp)                            \
    621     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, +BBBB*/)                                   \
    622         vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);                                              \
    623         if ((s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _cmp 0) {                              \
    624             int branchOffset = (s2)FETCH(1);    /* sign-extended */         \
    625             ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,+0x%04x", (_opname), vsrc1, branchOffset);    \
    626             ILOGV("> branch taken");                                        \
    627             if (branchOffset < 0)                                           \
    628                 PERIODIC_CHECKS(branchOffset);                              \
    629             FINISH(branchOffset);                                           \
    630         } else {                                                            \
    631             ILOGV("|if-%s v%d,-", (_opname), vsrc1);                        \
    632             FINISH(2);                                                      \
    633         }
    635 #define HANDLE_UNOP(_opcode, _opname, _pfx, _sfx, _type)                    \
    636     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    637         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    638         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    639         ILOGV("|%s v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                       \
    640         SET_REGISTER##_type(vdst, _pfx GET_REGISTER##_type(vsrc1) _sfx);    \
    641         FINISH(1);
    643 #define HANDLE_OP_X_INT(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)                     \
    644     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    645     {                                                                       \
    646         u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
    647         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    648         srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    649         vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
    650         vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
    651         ILOGV("|%s-int v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                   \
    652         if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
    653             s4 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
    654             firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                 \
    655             secondVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc2);                                \
    656             if (secondVal == 0) {                                           \
    657                 EXPORT_PC();                                                \
    658                 dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
    659                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
    660             }                                                               \
    661             if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && secondVal == -1) {            \
    662                 if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
    663                     result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
    664                 else                                                        \
    665                     result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
    666             } else {                                                        \
    667                 result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
    668             }                                                               \
    669             SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
    670         } else {                                                            \
    671             /* non-div/rem case */                                          \
    672             SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                              \
    673                 (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc2));     \
    674         }                                                                   \
    675     }                                                                       \
    676     FINISH(2);
    678 #define HANDLE_OP_SHX_INT(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)                     \
    679     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    680     {                                                                       \
    681         u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
    682         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    683         srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    684         vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
    685         vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
    686         ILOGV("|%s-int v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);                   \
    687         SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                                  \
    688             _cast GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) & 0x1f));    \
    689     }                                                                       \
    690     FINISH(2);
    692 #define HANDLE_OP_X_INT_LIT16(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)               \
    693     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, #+CCCC*/)                               \
    694         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    695         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    696         vsrc2 = FETCH(1);                                                   \
    697         ILOGV("|%s-int/lit16 v%d,v%d,#+0x%04x",                             \
    698             (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);                                 \
    699         if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
    700             s4 firstVal, result;                                            \
    701             firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                 \
    702             if ((s2) vsrc2 == 0) {                                          \
    703                 EXPORT_PC();                                                \
    704                 dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
    705                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
    706             }                                                               \
    707             if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && ((s2) vsrc2) == -1) {         \
    708                 /* won't generate /lit16 instr for this; check anyway */    \
    709                 if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
    710                     result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
    711                 else                                                        \
    712                     result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
    713             } else {                                                        \
    714                 result = firstVal _op (s2) vsrc2;                           \
    715             }                                                               \
    716             SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
    717         } else {                                                            \
    718             /* non-div/rem case */                                          \
    719             SET_REGISTER(vdst, GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (s2) vsrc2);         \
    720         }                                                                   \
    721         FINISH(2);
    723 #define HANDLE_OP_X_INT_LIT8(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)                \
    724     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, #+CC*/)                               \
    725     {                                                                       \
    726         u2 litInfo;                                                         \
    727         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    728         litInfo = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    729         vsrc1 = litInfo & 0xff;                                             \
    730         vsrc2 = litInfo >> 8;       /* constant */                          \
    731         ILOGV("|%s-int/lit8 v%d,v%d,#+0x%02x",                              \
    732             (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);                                 \
    733         if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
    734             s4 firstVal, result;                                            \
    735             firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                 \
    736             if ((s1) vsrc2 == 0) {                                          \
    737                 EXPORT_PC();                                                \
    738                 dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
    739                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
    740             }                                                               \
    741             if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && ((s1) vsrc2) == -1) {         \
    742                 if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
    743                     result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
    744                 else                                                        \
    745                     result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
    746             } else {                                                        \
    747                 result = firstVal _op ((s1) vsrc2);                         \
    748             }                                                               \
    749             SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
    750         } else {                                                            \
    751             SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                              \
    752                 (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (s1) vsrc2);                   \
    753         }                                                                   \
    754     }                                                                       \
    755     FINISH(2);
    757 #define HANDLE_OP_SHX_INT_LIT8(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)                \
    758     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, #+CC*/)                               \
    759     {                                                                       \
    760         u2 litInfo;                                                         \
    761         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    762         litInfo = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    763         vsrc1 = litInfo & 0xff;                                             \
    764         vsrc2 = litInfo >> 8;       /* constant */                          \
    765         ILOGV("|%s-int/lit8 v%d,v%d,#+0x%02x",                              \
    766             (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);                                 \
    767         SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                                  \
    768             _cast GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) _op (vsrc2 & 0x1f));                  \
    769     }                                                                       \
    770     FINISH(2);
    772 #define HANDLE_OP_X_INT_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)               \
    773     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    774         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    775         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    776         ILOGV("|%s-int-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);             \
    777         if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
    778             s4 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
    779             firstVal = GET_REGISTER(vdst);                                  \
    780             secondVal = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
    781             if (secondVal == 0) {                                           \
    782                 EXPORT_PC();                                                \
    783                 dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
    784                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
    785             }                                                               \
    786             if ((u4)firstVal == 0x80000000 && secondVal == -1) {            \
    787                 if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
    788                     result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
    789                 else                                                        \
    790                     result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
    791             } else {                                                        \
    792                 result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
    793             }                                                               \
    794             SET_REGISTER(vdst, result);                                     \
    795         } else {                                                            \
    796             SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                              \
    797                 (s4) GET_REGISTER(vdst) _op (s4) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1));      \
    798         }                                                                   \
    799         FINISH(1);
    801 #define HANDLE_OP_SHX_INT_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)               \
    802     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    803         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    804         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    805         ILOGV("|%s-int-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);             \
    806         SET_REGISTER(vdst,                                                  \
    807             _cast GET_REGISTER(vdst) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) & 0x1f));     \
    808         FINISH(1);
    810 #define HANDLE_OP_X_LONG(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)                    \
    811     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    812     {                                                                       \
    813         u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
    814         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    815         srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    816         vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
    817         vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
    818         ILOGV("|%s-long v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);       \
    819         if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
    820             s8 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
    821             firstVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1);                            \
    822             secondVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc2);                           \
    823             if (secondVal == 0LL) {                                         \
    824                 EXPORT_PC();                                                \
    825                 dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
    826                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
    827             }                                                               \
    828             if ((u8)firstVal == 0x8000000000000000ULL &&                    \
    829                 secondVal == -1LL)                                          \
    830             {                                                               \
    831                 if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
    832                     result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
    833                 else                                                        \
    834                     result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
    835             } else {                                                        \
    836                 result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
    837             }                                                               \
    838             SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst, result);                                \
    839         } else {                                                            \
    840             SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                         \
    841                 (s8) GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1) _op (s8) GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc2)); \
    842         }                                                                   \
    843     }                                                                       \
    844     FINISH(2);
    846 #define HANDLE_OP_SHX_LONG(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)                    \
    847     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    848     {                                                                       \
    849         u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
    850         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    851         srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    852         vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
    853         vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
    854         ILOGV("|%s-long v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);       \
    855         SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                             \
    856             _cast GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) & 0x3f)); \
    857     }                                                                       \
    858     FINISH(2);
    860 #define HANDLE_OP_X_LONG_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op, _chkdiv)              \
    861     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    862         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    863         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    864         ILOGV("|%s-long-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);            \
    865         if (_chkdiv != 0) {                                                 \
    866             s8 firstVal, secondVal, result;                                 \
    867             firstVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst);                             \
    868             secondVal = GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1);                           \
    869             if (secondVal == 0LL) {                                         \
    870                 EXPORT_PC();                                                \
    871                 dvmThrowArithmeticException("divide by zero");              \
    872                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
    873             }                                                               \
    874             if ((u8)firstVal == 0x8000000000000000ULL &&                    \
    875                 secondVal == -1LL)                                          \
    876             {                                                               \
    877                 if (_chkdiv == 1)                                           \
    878                     result = firstVal;  /* division */                      \
    879                 else                                                        \
    880                     result = 0;         /* remainder */                     \
    881             } else {                                                        \
    882                 result = firstVal _op secondVal;                            \
    883             }                                                               \
    884             SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst, result);                                \
    885         } else {                                                            \
    886             SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                         \
    887                 (s8) GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst) _op (s8)GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vsrc1));\
    888         }                                                                   \
    889         FINISH(1);
    891 #define HANDLE_OP_SHX_LONG_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _cast, _op)              \
    892     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    893         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    894         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    895         ILOGV("|%s-long-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);            \
    896         SET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst,                                             \
    897             _cast GET_REGISTER_WIDE(vdst) _op (GET_REGISTER(vsrc1) & 0x3f)); \
    898         FINISH(1);
    900 #define HANDLE_OP_X_FLOAT(_opcode, _opname, _op)                            \
    901     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    902     {                                                                       \
    903         u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
    904         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    905         srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    906         vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
    907         vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
    908         ILOGV("|%s-float v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);      \
    909         SET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vdst,                                            \
    910             GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vsrc1) _op GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vsrc2));       \
    911     }                                                                       \
    912     FINISH(2);
    914 #define HANDLE_OP_X_DOUBLE(_opcode, _opname, _op)                           \
    915     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    916     {                                                                       \
    917         u2 srcRegs;                                                         \
    918         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    919         srcRegs = FETCH(1);                                                 \
    920         vsrc1 = srcRegs & 0xff;                                             \
    921         vsrc2 = srcRegs >> 8;                                               \
    922         ILOGV("|%s-double v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);     \
    923         SET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vdst,                                           \
    924             GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vsrc1) _op GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vsrc2));     \
    925     }                                                                       \
    926     FINISH(2);
    928 #define HANDLE_OP_X_FLOAT_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op)                      \
    929     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    930         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    931         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    932         ILOGV("|%s-float-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);           \
    933         SET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vdst,                                            \
    934             GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vdst) _op GET_REGISTER_FLOAT(vsrc1));        \
    935         FINISH(1);
    937 #define HANDLE_OP_X_DOUBLE_2ADDR(_opcode, _opname, _op)                     \
    938     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB*/)                                       \
    939         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
    940         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);                                               \
    941         ILOGV("|%s-double-2addr v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1);          \
    942         SET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vdst,                                           \
    943             GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vdst) _op GET_REGISTER_DOUBLE(vsrc1));      \
    944         FINISH(1);
    946 #define HANDLE_OP_AGET(_opcode, _opname, _type, _regsize)                   \
    947     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    948     {                                                                       \
    949         ArrayObject* arrayObj;                                              \
    950         u2 arrayInfo;                                                       \
    951         EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
    952         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
    953         arrayInfo = FETCH(1);                                               \
    954         vsrc1 = arrayInfo & 0xff;    /* array ptr */                        \
    955         vsrc2 = arrayInfo >> 8;      /* index */                            \
    956         ILOGV("|aget%s v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);        \
    957         arrayObj = (ArrayObject*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                      \
    958         if (!checkForNull((Object*) arrayObj))                              \
    959             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
    960         if (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) >= arrayObj->length) {                      \
    961             dvmThrowArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(                         \
    962                 arrayObj->length, GET_REGISTER(vsrc2));                     \
    963             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
    964         }                                                                   \
    965         SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst,                                        \
    966             ((_type*)(void*)arrayObj->contents)[GET_REGISTER(vsrc2)]);      \
    967         ILOGV("+ AGET[%d]=%#x", GET_REGISTER(vsrc2), GET_REGISTER(vdst));   \
    968     }                                                                       \
    969     FINISH(2);
    971 #define HANDLE_OP_APUT(_opcode, _opname, _type, _regsize)                   \
    972     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, vBB, vCC*/)                                \
    973     {                                                                       \
    974         ArrayObject* arrayObj;                                              \
    975         u2 arrayInfo;                                                       \
    976         EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
    977         vdst = INST_AA(inst);       /* AA: source value */                  \
    978         arrayInfo = FETCH(1);                                               \
    979         vsrc1 = arrayInfo & 0xff;   /* BB: array ptr */                     \
    980         vsrc2 = arrayInfo >> 8;     /* CC: index */                         \
    981         ILOGV("|aput%s v%d,v%d,v%d", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, vsrc2);        \
    982         arrayObj = (ArrayObject*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                      \
    983         if (!checkForNull((Object*) arrayObj))                              \
    984             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
    985         if (GET_REGISTER(vsrc2) >= arrayObj->length) {                      \
    986             dvmThrowArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(                         \
    987                 arrayObj->length, GET_REGISTER(vsrc2));                     \
    988             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
    989         }                                                                   \
    990         ILOGV("+ APUT[%d]=0x%08x", GET_REGISTER(vsrc2), GET_REGISTER(vdst));\
    991         ((_type*)(void*)arrayObj->contents)[GET_REGISTER(vsrc2)] =          \
    992             GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst);                                   \
    993     }                                                                       \
    994     FINISH(2);
    996 /*
    997  * It's possible to get a bad value out of a field with sub-32-bit stores
    998  * because the -quick versions always operate on 32 bits.  Consider:
    999  *   short foo = -1  (sets a 32-bit register to 0xffffffff)
   1000  *   iput-quick foo  (writes all 32 bits to the field)
   1001  *   short bar = 1   (sets a 32-bit register to 0x00000001)
   1002  *   iput-short      (writes the low 16 bits to the field)
   1003  *   iget-quick foo  (reads all 32 bits from the field, yielding 0xffff0001)
   1004  * This can only happen when optimized and non-optimized code has interleaved
   1005  * access to the same field.  This is unlikely but possible.
   1006  *
   1007  * The easiest way to fix this is to always read/write 32 bits at a time.  On
   1008  * a device with a 16-bit data bus this is sub-optimal.  (The alternative
   1009  * approach is to have sub-int versions of iget-quick, but now we're wasting
   1010  * Dalvik instruction space and making it less likely that handler code will
   1011  * already be in the CPU i-cache.)
   1012  */
   1013 #define HANDLE_IGET_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
   1014     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
   1015     {                                                                       \
   1016         InstField* ifield;                                                  \
   1017         Object* obj;                                                        \
   1018         EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
   1019         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
   1020         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
   1021         ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
   1022         ILOGV("|iget%s v%d,v%d,field@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref); \
   1023         obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
   1024         if (!checkForNull(obj))                                             \
   1025             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
   1026         ifield = (InstField*) dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref);  \
   1027         if (ifield == NULL) {                                               \
   1028             ifield = dvmResolveInstField(curMethod->clazz, ref);            \
   1029             if (ifield == NULL)                                             \
   1030                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1031         }                                                                   \
   1032         SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst,                                        \
   1033             dvmGetField##_ftype(obj, ifield->byteOffset));                  \
   1034         ILOGV("+ IGET '%s'=0x%08llx", ifield->field.name,                   \
   1035             (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
   1036     }                                                                       \
   1037     FINISH(2);
   1039 #define HANDLE_IGET_X_JUMBO(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
   1040     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vBBBB, vCCCC, class@AAAAAAAA*/)                 \
   1041     {                                                                       \
   1042         InstField* ifield;                                                  \
   1043         Object* obj;                                                        \
   1044         EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
   1045         ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;   /* field ref */              \
   1046         vdst = FETCH(3);                                                    \
   1047         vsrc1 = FETCH(4);                      /* object ptr */             \
   1048         ILOGV("|iget%s/jumbo v%d,v%d,field@0x%08x",                         \
   1049             (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref);                                   \
   1050         obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
   1051         if (!checkForNull(obj))                                             \
   1052             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
   1053         ifield = (InstField*) dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref);  \
   1054         if (ifield == NULL) {                                               \
   1055             ifield = dvmResolveInstField(curMethod->clazz, ref);            \
   1056             if (ifield == NULL)                                             \
   1057                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1058         }                                                                   \
   1059         SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst,                                        \
   1060             dvmGetField##_ftype(obj, ifield->byteOffset));                  \
   1061         ILOGV("+ IGET '%s'=0x%08llx", ifield->field.name,                   \
   1062             (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
   1063     }                                                                       \
   1064     FINISH(5);
   1066 #define HANDLE_IGET_X_QUICK(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
   1067     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
   1068     {                                                                       \
   1069         Object* obj;                                                        \
   1070         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
   1071         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
   1072         ref = FETCH(1);         /* field offset */                          \
   1073         ILOGV("|iget%s-quick v%d,v%d,field@+%u",                            \
   1074             (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref);                                   \
   1075         obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
   1076         if (!checkForNullExportPC(obj, fp, pc))                             \
   1077             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
   1078         SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst, dvmGetField##_ftype(obj, ref));        \
   1079         ILOGV("+ IGETQ %d=0x%08llx", ref,                                   \
   1080             (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
   1081     }                                                                       \
   1082     FINISH(2);
   1084 #define HANDLE_IPUT_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
   1085     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
   1086     {                                                                       \
   1087         InstField* ifield;                                                  \
   1088         Object* obj;                                                        \
   1089         EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
   1090         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
   1091         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
   1092         ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
   1093         ILOGV("|iput%s v%d,v%d,field@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref); \
   1094         obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
   1095         if (!checkForNull(obj))                                             \
   1096             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
   1097         ifield = (InstField*) dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref);  \
   1098         if (ifield == NULL) {                                               \
   1099             ifield = dvmResolveInstField(curMethod->clazz, ref);            \
   1100             if (ifield == NULL)                                             \
   1101                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1102         }                                                                   \
   1103         dvmSetField##_ftype(obj, ifield->byteOffset,                        \
   1104             GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                                  \
   1105         ILOGV("+ IPUT '%s'=0x%08llx", ifield->field.name,                   \
   1106             (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
   1107     }                                                                       \
   1108     FINISH(2);
   1110 #define HANDLE_IPUT_X_JUMBO(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
   1111     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vBBBB, vCCCC, class@AAAAAAAA*/)                 \
   1112     {                                                                       \
   1113         InstField* ifield;                                                  \
   1114         Object* obj;                                                        \
   1115         EXPORT_PC();                                                        \
   1116         ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;   /* field ref */              \
   1117         vdst = FETCH(3);                                                    \
   1118         vsrc1 = FETCH(4);                      /* object ptr */             \
   1119         ILOGV("|iput%s/jumbo v%d,v%d,field@0x%08x",                         \
   1120             (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref);                                   \
   1121         obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
   1122         if (!checkForNull(obj))                                             \
   1123             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
   1124         ifield = (InstField*) dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref);  \
   1125         if (ifield == NULL) {                                               \
   1126             ifield = dvmResolveInstField(curMethod->clazz, ref);            \
   1127             if (ifield == NULL)                                             \
   1128                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1129         }                                                                   \
   1130         dvmSetField##_ftype(obj, ifield->byteOffset,                        \
   1131             GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                                  \
   1132         ILOGV("+ IPUT '%s'=0x%08llx", ifield->field.name,                   \
   1133             (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
   1134     }                                                                       \
   1135     FINISH(5);
   1137 #define HANDLE_IPUT_X_QUICK(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
   1138     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vA, vB, field@CCCC*/)                           \
   1139     {                                                                       \
   1140         Object* obj;                                                        \
   1141         vdst = INST_A(inst);                                                \
   1142         vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* object ptr */                            \
   1143         ref = FETCH(1);         /* field offset */                          \
   1144         ILOGV("|iput%s-quick v%d,v%d,field@0x%04x",                         \
   1145             (_opname), vdst, vsrc1, ref);                                   \
   1146         obj = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vsrc1);                                \
   1147         if (!checkForNullExportPC(obj, fp, pc))                             \
   1148             GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                         \
   1149         dvmSetField##_ftype(obj, ref, GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));        \
   1150         ILOGV("+ IPUTQ %d=0x%08llx", ref,                                   \
   1151             (u8) GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));                             \
   1152     }                                                                       \
   1153     FINISH(2);
   1155 /*
   1156  * The JIT needs dvmDexGetResolvedField() to return non-null.
   1157  * Because the portable interpreter is not involved with the JIT
   1158  * and trace building, we only need the extra check here when this
   1159  * code is massaged into a stub called from an assembly interpreter.
   1160  * This is controlled by the JIT_STUB_HACK maco.
   1161  */
   1163 #define HANDLE_SGET_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
   1164     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, field@BBBB*/)                              \
   1165     {                                                                       \
   1166         StaticField* sfield;                                                \
   1167         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
   1168         ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
   1169         ILOGV("|sget%s v%d,sfield@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, ref);           \
   1170         sfield = (StaticField*)dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref); \
   1171         if (sfield == NULL) {                                               \
   1172             EXPORT_PC();                                                    \
   1173             sfield = dvmResolveStaticField(curMethod->clazz, ref);          \
   1174             if (sfield == NULL)                                             \
   1175                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1176             if (dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref) == NULL) {      \
   1177                 JIT_STUB_HACK(dvmJitEndTraceSelect(self,pc));               \
   1178             }                                                               \
   1179         }                                                                   \
   1180         SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst, dvmGetStaticField##_ftype(sfield));    \
   1181         ILOGV("+ SGET '%s'=0x%08llx",                                       \
   1182             sfield->field.name, (u8)GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));          \
   1183     }                                                                       \
   1184     FINISH(2);
   1186 #define HANDLE_SGET_X_JUMBO(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
   1187     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vBBBB, class@AAAAAAAA*/)                        \
   1188     {                                                                       \
   1189         StaticField* sfield;                                                \
   1190         ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;   /* field ref */              \
   1191         vdst = FETCH(3);                                                    \
   1192         ILOGV("|sget%s/jumbo v%d,sfield@0x%08x", (_opname), vdst, ref);     \
   1193         sfield = (StaticField*)dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref); \
   1194         if (sfield == NULL) {                                               \
   1195             EXPORT_PC();                                                    \
   1196             sfield = dvmResolveStaticField(curMethod->clazz, ref);          \
   1197             if (sfield == NULL)                                             \
   1198                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1199             if (dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref) == NULL) {      \
   1200                 JIT_STUB_HACK(dvmJitEndTraceSelect(self,pc));               \
   1201             }                                                               \
   1202         }                                                                   \
   1203         SET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst, dvmGetStaticField##_ftype(sfield));    \
   1204         ILOGV("+ SGET '%s'=0x%08llx",                                       \
   1205             sfield->field.name, (u8)GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));          \
   1206     }                                                                       \
   1207     FINISH(4);
   1209 #define HANDLE_SPUT_X(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)                   \
   1210     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vAA, field@BBBB*/)                              \
   1211     {                                                                       \
   1212         StaticField* sfield;                                                \
   1213         vdst = INST_AA(inst);                                               \
   1214         ref = FETCH(1);         /* field ref */                             \
   1215         ILOGV("|sput%s v%d,sfield@0x%04x", (_opname), vdst, ref);           \
   1216         sfield = (StaticField*)dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref); \
   1217         if (sfield == NULL) {                                               \
   1218             EXPORT_PC();                                                    \
   1219             sfield = dvmResolveStaticField(curMethod->clazz, ref);          \
   1220             if (sfield == NULL)                                             \
   1221                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1222             if (dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref) == NULL) {      \
   1223                 JIT_STUB_HACK(dvmJitEndTraceSelect(self,pc));               \
   1224             }                                                               \
   1225         }                                                                   \
   1226         dvmSetStaticField##_ftype(sfield, GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));    \
   1227         ILOGV("+ SPUT '%s'=0x%08llx",                                       \
   1228             sfield->field.name, (u8)GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));          \
   1229     }                                                                       \
   1230     FINISH(2);
   1232 #define HANDLE_SPUT_X_JUMBO(_opcode, _opname, _ftype, _regsize)             \
   1233     HANDLE_OPCODE(_opcode /*vBBBB, class@AAAAAAAA*/)                        \
   1234     {                                                                       \
   1235         StaticField* sfield;                                                \
   1236         ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;   /* field ref */              \
   1237         vdst = FETCH(3);                                                    \
   1238         ILOGV("|sput%s/jumbo v%d,sfield@0x%08x", (_opname), vdst, ref);     \
   1239         sfield = (StaticField*)dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref); \
   1240         if (sfield == NULL) {                                               \
   1241             EXPORT_PC();                                                    \
   1242             sfield = dvmResolveStaticField(curMethod->clazz, ref);          \
   1243             if (sfield == NULL)                                             \
   1244                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();                                     \
   1245             if (dvmDexGetResolvedField(methodClassDex, ref) == NULL) {      \
   1246                 JIT_STUB_HACK(dvmJitEndTraceSelect(self,pc));               \
   1247             }                                                               \
   1248         }                                                                   \
   1249         dvmSetStaticField##_ftype(sfield, GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));    \
   1250         ILOGV("+ SPUT '%s'=0x%08llx",                                       \
   1251             sfield->field.name, (u8)GET_REGISTER##_regsize(vdst));          \
   1252     }                                                                       \
   1253     FINISH(4);
   1255 /* File: c/OP_IGET_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1256 HANDLE_IGET_X(OP_IGET_VOLATILE,         "-volatile", IntVolatile, )
   1257 OP_END
   1259 /* File: c/OP_IPUT_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1260 HANDLE_IPUT_X(OP_IPUT_VOLATILE,         "-volatile", IntVolatile, )
   1261 OP_END
   1263 /* File: c/OP_SGET_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1264 HANDLE_SGET_X(OP_SGET_VOLATILE,         "-volatile", IntVolatile, )
   1265 OP_END
   1267 /* File: c/OP_SPUT_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1268 HANDLE_SPUT_X(OP_SPUT_VOLATILE,         "-volatile", IntVolatile, )
   1269 OP_END
   1271 /* File: c/OP_IGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1272 HANDLE_IGET_X(OP_IGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE,  "-object-volatile", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1273 OP_END
   1275 /* File: c/OP_IGET_WIDE_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1276 HANDLE_IGET_X(OP_IGET_WIDE_VOLATILE,    "-wide-volatile", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1277 OP_END
   1279 /* File: c/OP_IPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1280 HANDLE_IPUT_X(OP_IPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE,    "-wide-volatile", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1281 OP_END
   1283 /* File: c/OP_SGET_WIDE_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1284 HANDLE_SGET_X(OP_SGET_WIDE_VOLATILE,    "-wide-volatile", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1285 OP_END
   1287 /* File: c/OP_SPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1288 HANDLE_SPUT_X(OP_SPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE,    "-wide-volatile", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1289 OP_END
   1291 /* File: c/OP_BREAKPOINT.cpp */
   1293     {
   1294         /*
   1295          * Restart this instruction with the original opcode.  We do
   1296          * this by simply jumping to the handler.
   1297          *
   1298          * It's probably not necessary to update "inst", but we do it
   1299          * for the sake of anything that needs to do disambiguation in a
   1300          * common handler with INST_INST.
   1301          *
   1302          * The breakpoint itself is handled over in updateDebugger(),
   1303          * because we need to detect other events (method entry, single
   1304          * step) and report them in the same event packet, and we're not
   1305          * yet handling those through breakpoint instructions.  By the
   1306          * time we get here, the breakpoint has already been handled and
   1307          * the thread resumed.
   1308          */
   1309         u1 originalOpcode = dvmGetOriginalOpcode(pc);
   1310         LOGV("+++ break 0x%02x (0x%04x -> 0x%04x)", originalOpcode, inst,
   1311             INST_REPLACE_OP(inst, originalOpcode));
   1312         inst = INST_REPLACE_OP(inst, originalOpcode);
   1313         FINISH_BKPT(originalOpcode);
   1314     }
   1315 OP_END
   1317 /* File: c/OP_EXECUTE_INLINE_RANGE.cpp */
   1319     {
   1320         u4 arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3;
   1321         arg0 = arg1 = arg2 = arg3 = 0;      /* placate gcc */
   1323         EXPORT_PC();
   1325         vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* #of args */
   1326         ref = FETCH(1);             /* inline call "ref" */
   1327         vdst = FETCH(2);            /* range base */
   1328         ILOGV("|execute-inline-range args=%d @%d {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1329             vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1331         assert((vdst >> 16) == 0);  // 16-bit type -or- high 16 bits clear
   1332         assert(vsrc1 <= 4);
   1334         switch (vsrc1) {
   1335         case 4:
   1336             arg3 = GET_REGISTER(vdst+3);
   1337             /* fall through */
   1338         case 3:
   1339             arg2 = GET_REGISTER(vdst+2);
   1340             /* fall through */
   1341         case 2:
   1342             arg1 = GET_REGISTER(vdst+1);
   1343             /* fall through */
   1344         case 1:
   1345             arg0 = GET_REGISTER(vdst+0);
   1346             /* fall through */
   1347         default:        // case 0
   1348             ;
   1349         }
   1351         if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeDebuggerActive) {
   1352             if (!dvmPerformInlineOp4Dbg(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, &retval, ref))
   1353                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1354         } else {
   1355             if (!dvmPerformInlineOp4Std(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, &retval, ref))
   1356                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1357         }
   1358     }
   1359     FINISH(3);
   1360 OP_END
   1362 /* File: c/OP_INVOKE_OBJECT_INIT_RANGE.cpp */
   1364     {
   1365         Object* obj;
   1367         vsrc1 = FETCH(2);               /* reg number of "this" pointer */
   1368         obj = GET_REGISTER_AS_OBJECT(vsrc1);
   1370         if (!checkForNullExportPC(obj, fp, pc))
   1371             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1373         /*
   1374          * The object should be marked "finalizable" when Object.<init>
   1375          * completes normally.  We're going to assume it does complete
   1376          * (by virtue of being nothing but a return-void) and set it now.
   1377          */
   1378         if (IS_CLASS_FLAG_SET(obj->clazz, CLASS_ISFINALIZABLE)) {
   1379             EXPORT_PC();
   1380             dvmSetFinalizable(obj);
   1381             if (dvmGetException(self))
   1382                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1383         }
   1385         if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeDebuggerActive) {
   1386             /* behave like OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE */
   1387             GOTO_invoke(invokeDirect, true, false);
   1388         }
   1389         FINISH(3);
   1390     }
   1391 OP_END
   1393 /* File: c/OP_RETURN_VOID_BARRIER.cpp */
   1395     ILOGV("|return-void");
   1396 #ifndef NDEBUG
   1397     retval.j = 0xababababULL;   /* placate valgrind */
   1398 #endif
   1400     GOTO_returnFromMethod();
   1401 OP_END
   1403 /* File: c/OP_IPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1404 HANDLE_IPUT_X(OP_IPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE,  "-object-volatile", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1405 OP_END
   1407 /* File: c/OP_SGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1408 HANDLE_SGET_X(OP_SGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE,  "-object-volatile", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1409 OP_END
   1411 /* File: c/OP_SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE.cpp */
   1412 HANDLE_SPUT_X(OP_SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE,  "-object-volatile", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1413 OP_END
   1415 /* File: c/OP_INVOKE_OBJECT_INIT_JUMBO.cpp */
   1417     {
   1418         Object* obj;
   1420         vsrc1 = FETCH(4);               /* reg number of "this" pointer */
   1421         obj = GET_REGISTER_AS_OBJECT(vsrc1);
   1423         if (!checkForNullExportPC(obj, fp, pc))
   1424             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1426         /*
   1427          * The object should be marked "finalizable" when Object.<init>
   1428          * completes normally.  We're going to assume it does complete
   1429          * (by virtue of being nothing but a return-void) and set it now.
   1430          */
   1431         if (IS_CLASS_FLAG_SET(obj->clazz, CLASS_ISFINALIZABLE)) {
   1432             EXPORT_PC();
   1433             dvmSetFinalizable(obj);
   1434             if (dvmGetException(self))
   1435                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1436         }
   1438         if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeDebuggerActive) {
   1439             /* behave like OP_INVOKE_DIRECT_RANGE */
   1440             GOTO_invoke(invokeDirect, true, true);
   1441         }
   1442         FINISH(5);
   1443     }
   1444 OP_END
   1446 /* File: c/OP_IGET_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1447 HANDLE_IGET_X_JUMBO(OP_IGET_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-volatile/jumbo", IntVolatile, )
   1448 OP_END
   1450 /* File: c/OP_IGET_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1451 HANDLE_IGET_X_JUMBO(OP_IGET_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-wide-volatile/jumbo", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1452 OP_END
   1454 /* File: c/OP_IGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1455 HANDLE_IGET_X_JUMBO(OP_IGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-object-volatile/jumbo", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1456 OP_END
   1458 /* File: c/OP_IPUT_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1459 HANDLE_IPUT_X_JUMBO(OP_IPUT_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-volatile/jumbo", IntVolatile, )
   1460 OP_END
   1462 /* File: c/OP_IPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1463 HANDLE_IPUT_X_JUMBO(OP_IPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-wide-volatile/jumbo", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1464 OP_END
   1466 /* File: c/OP_IPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1467 HANDLE_IPUT_X_JUMBO(OP_IPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-object-volatile/jumbo", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1468 OP_END
   1470 /* File: c/OP_SGET_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1471 HANDLE_SGET_X_JUMBO(OP_SGET_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-volatile/jumbo", IntVolatile, )
   1472 OP_END
   1474 /* File: c/OP_SGET_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1475 HANDLE_SGET_X_JUMBO(OP_SGET_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-wide-volatile/jumbo", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1476 OP_END
   1478 /* File: c/OP_SGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1479 HANDLE_SGET_X_JUMBO(OP_SGET_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-object-volatile/jumbo", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1480 OP_END
   1482 /* File: c/OP_SPUT_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1483 HANDLE_SPUT_X_JUMBO(OP_SPUT_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-volatile", IntVolatile, )
   1484 OP_END
   1486 /* File: c/OP_SPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1487 HANDLE_SPUT_X_JUMBO(OP_SPUT_WIDE_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-wide-volatile/jumbo", LongVolatile, _WIDE)
   1488 OP_END
   1490 /* File: c/OP_SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO.cpp */
   1491 HANDLE_SPUT_X_JUMBO(OP_SPUT_OBJECT_VOLATILE_JUMBO, "-object-volatile/jumbo", ObjectVolatile, _AS_OBJECT)
   1492 OP_END
   1494 /* File: c/gotoTargets.cpp */
   1495 /*
   1496  * C footer.  This has some common code shared by the various targets.
   1497  */
   1499 /*
   1500  * Everything from here on is a "goto target".  In the basic interpreter
   1501  * we jump into these targets and then jump directly to the handler for
   1502  * next instruction.  Here, these are subroutines that return to the caller.
   1503  */
   1505 GOTO_TARGET(filledNewArray, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   1506     {
   1507         ClassObject* arrayClass;
   1508         ArrayObject* newArray;
   1509         u4* contents;
   1510         char typeCh;
   1511         int i;
   1512         u4 arg5;
   1514         EXPORT_PC();
   1516         if (jumboFormat) {
   1517             ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;  /* class ref */
   1518             vsrc1 = FETCH(3);                     /* #of elements */
   1519             vdst = FETCH(4);                      /* range base */
   1520             arg5 = -1;                            /* silence compiler warning */
   1521             ILOGV("|filled-new-array/jumbo args=%d @0x%08x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1522                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1523         } else {
   1524             ref = FETCH(1);             /* class ref */
   1525             vdst = FETCH(2);            /* first 4 regs -or- range base */
   1527             if (methodCallRange) {
   1528                 vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);  /* #of elements */
   1529                 arg5 = -1;              /* silence compiler warning */
   1530                 ILOGV("|filled-new-array-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1531                     vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1532             } else {
   1533                 arg5 = INST_A(inst);
   1534                 vsrc1 = INST_B(inst);   /* #of elements */
   1535                 ILOGV("|filled-new-array args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   1536                    vsrc1, ref, vdst, arg5);
   1537             }
   1538         }
   1540         /*
   1541          * Resolve the array class.
   1542          */
   1543         arrayClass = dvmDexGetResolvedClass(methodClassDex, ref);
   1544         if (arrayClass == NULL) {
   1545             arrayClass = dvmResolveClass(curMethod->clazz, ref, false);
   1546             if (arrayClass == NULL)
   1547                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1548         }
   1549         /*
   1550         if (!dvmIsArrayClass(arrayClass)) {
   1551             dvmThrowRuntimeException(
   1552                 "filled-new-array needs array class");
   1553             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1554         }
   1555         */
   1556         /* verifier guarantees this is an array class */
   1557         assert(dvmIsArrayClass(arrayClass));
   1558         assert(dvmIsClassInitialized(arrayClass));
   1560         /*
   1561          * Create an array of the specified type.
   1562          */
   1563         LOGVV("+++ filled-new-array type is '%s'", arrayClass->descriptor);
   1564         typeCh = arrayClass->descriptor[1];
   1565         if (typeCh == 'D' || typeCh == 'J') {
   1566             /* category 2 primitives not allowed */
   1567             dvmThrowRuntimeException("bad filled array req");
   1568             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1569         } else if (typeCh != 'L' && typeCh != '[' && typeCh != 'I') {
   1570             /* TODO: requires multiple "fill in" loops with different widths */
   1571             LOGE("non-int primitives not implemented");
   1572             dvmThrowInternalError(
   1573                 "filled-new-array not implemented for anything but 'int'");
   1574             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1575         }
   1577         newArray = dvmAllocArrayByClass(arrayClass, vsrc1, ALLOC_DONT_TRACK);
   1578         if (newArray == NULL)
   1579             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1581         /*
   1582          * Fill in the elements.  It's legal for vsrc1 to be zero.
   1583          */
   1584         contents = (u4*)(void*)newArray->contents;
   1585         if (methodCallRange) {
   1586             for (i = 0; i < vsrc1; i++)
   1587                 contents[i] = GET_REGISTER(vdst+i);
   1588         } else {
   1589             assert(vsrc1 <= 5);
   1590             if (vsrc1 == 5) {
   1591                 contents[4] = GET_REGISTER(arg5);
   1592                 vsrc1--;
   1593             }
   1594             for (i = 0; i < vsrc1; i++) {
   1595                 contents[i] = GET_REGISTER(vdst & 0x0f);
   1596                 vdst >>= 4;
   1597             }
   1598         }
   1599         if (typeCh == 'L' || typeCh == '[') {
   1600             dvmWriteBarrierArray(newArray, 0, newArray->length);
   1601         }
   1603         retval.l = (Object*)newArray;
   1604     }
   1605     if (jumboFormat) {
   1606         FINISH(5);
   1607     } else {
   1608         FINISH(3);
   1609     }
   1613 GOTO_TARGET(invokeVirtual, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   1614     {
   1615         Method* baseMethod;
   1616         Object* thisPtr;
   1618         EXPORT_PC();
   1620         if (jumboFormat) {
   1621             ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;  /* method ref */
   1622             vsrc1 = FETCH(3);                     /* count */
   1623             vdst = FETCH(4);                      /* first reg */
   1624             ADJUST_PC(2);     /* advance pc partially to make returns easier */
   1625             ILOGV("|invoke-virtual/jumbo args=%d @0x%08x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1626                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1627             thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst);
   1628         } else {
   1629             vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* AA (count) or BA (count + arg 5) */
   1630             ref = FETCH(1);             /* method ref */
   1631             vdst = FETCH(2);            /* 4 regs -or- first reg */
   1633             /*
   1634              * The object against which we are executing a method is always
   1635              * in the first argument.
   1636              */
   1637             if (methodCallRange) {
   1638                 assert(vsrc1 > 0);
   1639                 ILOGV("|invoke-virtual-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1640                     vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1641                 thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst);
   1642             } else {
   1643                 assert((vsrc1>>4) > 0);
   1644                 ILOGV("|invoke-virtual args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   1645                     vsrc1 >> 4, ref, vdst, vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   1646                 thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst & 0x0f);
   1647             }
   1648         }
   1650         if (!checkForNull(thisPtr))
   1651             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1653         /*
   1654          * Resolve the method.  This is the correct method for the static
   1655          * type of the object.  We also verify access permissions here.
   1656          */
   1657         baseMethod = dvmDexGetResolvedMethod(methodClassDex, ref);
   1658         if (baseMethod == NULL) {
   1659             baseMethod = dvmResolveMethod(curMethod->clazz, ref,METHOD_VIRTUAL);
   1660             if (baseMethod == NULL) {
   1661                 ILOGV("+ unknown method or access denied");
   1662                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1663             }
   1664         }
   1666         /*
   1667          * Combine the object we found with the vtable offset in the
   1668          * method.
   1669          */
   1670         assert(baseMethod->methodIndex < thisPtr->clazz->vtableCount);
   1671         methodToCall = thisPtr->clazz->vtable[baseMethod->methodIndex];
   1673 #if defined(WITH_JIT) && defined(MTERP_STUB)
   1674         self->methodToCall = methodToCall;
   1675         self->callsiteClass = thisPtr->clazz;
   1676 #endif
   1678 #if 0
   1679         if (dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall)) {
   1680             /*
   1681              * This can happen if you create two classes, Base and Sub, where
   1682              * Sub is a sub-class of Base.  Declare a protected abstract
   1683              * method foo() in Base, and invoke foo() from a method in Base.
   1684              * Base is an "abstract base class" and is never instantiated
   1685              * directly.  Now, Override foo() in Sub, and use Sub.  This
   1686              * Works fine unless Sub stops providing an implementation of
   1687              * the method.
   1688              */
   1689             dvmThrowAbstractMethodError("abstract method not implemented");
   1690             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1691         }
   1692 #else
   1693         assert(!dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall) ||
   1694             methodToCall->nativeFunc != NULL);
   1695 #endif
   1697         LOGVV("+++ base=%s.%s virtual[%d]=%s.%s",
   1698             baseMethod->clazz->descriptor, baseMethod->name,
   1699             (u4) baseMethod->methodIndex,
   1700             methodToCall->clazz->descriptor, methodToCall->name);
   1701         assert(methodToCall != NULL);
   1703 #if 0
   1704         if (vsrc1 != methodToCall->insSize) {
   1705             LOGW("WRONG METHOD: base=%s.%s virtual[%d]=%s.%s",
   1706                 baseMethod->clazz->descriptor, baseMethod->name,
   1707                 (u4) baseMethod->methodIndex,
   1708                 methodToCall->clazz->descriptor, methodToCall->name);
   1709             //dvmDumpClass(baseMethod->clazz);
   1710             //dvmDumpClass(methodToCall->clazz);
   1711             dvmDumpAllClasses(0);
   1712         }
   1713 #endif
   1715         GOTO_invokeMethod(methodCallRange, methodToCall, vsrc1, vdst);
   1716     }
   1719 GOTO_TARGET(invokeSuper, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   1720     {
   1721         Method* baseMethod;
   1722         u2 thisReg;
   1724         EXPORT_PC();
   1726         if (jumboFormat) {
   1727             ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;  /* method ref */
   1728             vsrc1 = FETCH(3);                     /* count */
   1729             vdst = FETCH(4);                      /* first reg */
   1730             ADJUST_PC(2);     /* advance pc partially to make returns easier */
   1731             ILOGV("|invoke-super/jumbo args=%d @0x%08x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1732                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1733             thisReg = vdst;
   1734         } else {
   1735             vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* AA (count) or BA (count + arg 5) */
   1736             ref = FETCH(1);             /* method ref */
   1737             vdst = FETCH(2);            /* 4 regs -or- first reg */
   1739             if (methodCallRange) {
   1740                 ILOGV("|invoke-super-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1741                     vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1742                 thisReg = vdst;
   1743             } else {
   1744                 ILOGV("|invoke-super args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   1745                     vsrc1 >> 4, ref, vdst, vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   1746                 thisReg = vdst & 0x0f;
   1747             }
   1748         }
   1750         /* impossible in well-formed code, but we must check nevertheless */
   1751         if (!checkForNull((Object*) GET_REGISTER(thisReg)))
   1752             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1754         /*
   1755          * Resolve the method.  This is the correct method for the static
   1756          * type of the object.  We also verify access permissions here.
   1757          * The first arg to dvmResolveMethod() is just the referring class
   1758          * (used for class loaders and such), so we don't want to pass
   1759          * the superclass into the resolution call.
   1760          */
   1761         baseMethod = dvmDexGetResolvedMethod(methodClassDex, ref);
   1762         if (baseMethod == NULL) {
   1763             baseMethod = dvmResolveMethod(curMethod->clazz, ref,METHOD_VIRTUAL);
   1764             if (baseMethod == NULL) {
   1765                 ILOGV("+ unknown method or access denied");
   1766                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1767             }
   1768         }
   1770         /*
   1771          * Combine the object we found with the vtable offset in the
   1772          * method's class.
   1773          *
   1774          * We're using the current method's class' superclass, not the
   1775          * superclass of "this".  This is because we might be executing
   1776          * in a method inherited from a superclass, and we want to run
   1777          * in that class' superclass.
   1778          */
   1779         if (baseMethod->methodIndex >= curMethod->clazz->super->vtableCount) {
   1780             /*
   1781              * Method does not exist in the superclass.  Could happen if
   1782              * superclass gets updated.
   1783              */
   1784             dvmThrowNoSuchMethodError(baseMethod->name);
   1785             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1786         }
   1787         methodToCall = curMethod->clazz->super->vtable[baseMethod->methodIndex];
   1789 #if 0
   1790         if (dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall)) {
   1791             dvmThrowAbstractMethodError("abstract method not implemented");
   1792             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1793         }
   1794 #else
   1795         assert(!dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall) ||
   1796             methodToCall->nativeFunc != NULL);
   1797 #endif
   1798         LOGVV("+++ base=%s.%s super-virtual=%s.%s",
   1799             baseMethod->clazz->descriptor, baseMethod->name,
   1800             methodToCall->clazz->descriptor, methodToCall->name);
   1801         assert(methodToCall != NULL);
   1803         GOTO_invokeMethod(methodCallRange, methodToCall, vsrc1, vdst);
   1804     }
   1807 GOTO_TARGET(invokeInterface, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   1808     {
   1809         Object* thisPtr;
   1810         ClassObject* thisClass;
   1812         EXPORT_PC();
   1814         if (jumboFormat) {
   1815             ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;  /* method ref */
   1816             vsrc1 = FETCH(3);                     /* count */
   1817             vdst = FETCH(4);                      /* first reg */
   1818             ADJUST_PC(2);     /* advance pc partially to make returns easier */
   1819             ILOGV("|invoke-interface/jumbo args=%d @0x%08x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1820                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1821             thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst);
   1822         } else {
   1823             vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* AA (count) or BA (count + arg 5) */
   1824             ref = FETCH(1);             /* method ref */
   1825             vdst = FETCH(2);            /* 4 regs -or- first reg */
   1827             /*
   1828              * The object against which we are executing a method is always
   1829              * in the first argument.
   1830              */
   1831             if (methodCallRange) {
   1832                 assert(vsrc1 > 0);
   1833                 ILOGV("|invoke-interface-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1834                     vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1835                 thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst);
   1836             } else {
   1837                 assert((vsrc1>>4) > 0);
   1838                 ILOGV("|invoke-interface args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   1839                     vsrc1 >> 4, ref, vdst, vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   1840                 thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst & 0x0f);
   1841             }
   1842         }
   1844         if (!checkForNull(thisPtr))
   1845             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1847         thisClass = thisPtr->clazz;
   1850         /*
   1851          * Given a class and a method index, find the Method* with the
   1852          * actual code we want to execute.
   1853          */
   1854         methodToCall = dvmFindInterfaceMethodInCache(thisClass, ref, curMethod,
   1855                         methodClassDex);
   1856 #if defined(WITH_JIT) && defined(MTERP_STUB)
   1857         self->callsiteClass = thisClass;
   1858         self->methodToCall = methodToCall;
   1859 #endif
   1860         if (methodToCall == NULL) {
   1861             assert(dvmCheckException(self));
   1862             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1863         }
   1865         GOTO_invokeMethod(methodCallRange, methodToCall, vsrc1, vdst);
   1866     }
   1869 GOTO_TARGET(invokeDirect, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   1870     {
   1871         u2 thisReg;
   1873         EXPORT_PC();
   1875         if (jumboFormat) {
   1876             ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;  /* method ref */
   1877             vsrc1 = FETCH(3);                     /* count */
   1878             vdst = FETCH(4);                      /* first reg */
   1879             ADJUST_PC(2);     /* advance pc partially to make returns easier */
   1880             ILOGV("|invoke-direct/jumbo args=%d @0x%08x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1881                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1882             thisReg = vdst;
   1883         } else {
   1884             vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* AA (count) or BA (count + arg 5) */
   1885             ref = FETCH(1);             /* method ref */
   1886             vdst = FETCH(2);            /* 4 regs -or- first reg */
   1888             if (methodCallRange) {
   1889                 ILOGV("|invoke-direct-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1890                     vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1891                 thisReg = vdst;
   1892             } else {
   1893                 ILOGV("|invoke-direct args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   1894                     vsrc1 >> 4, ref, vdst, vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   1895                 thisReg = vdst & 0x0f;
   1896             }
   1897         }
   1899         if (!checkForNull((Object*) GET_REGISTER(thisReg)))
   1900             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1902         methodToCall = dvmDexGetResolvedMethod(methodClassDex, ref);
   1903         if (methodToCall == NULL) {
   1904             methodToCall = dvmResolveMethod(curMethod->clazz, ref,
   1905                             METHOD_DIRECT);
   1906             if (methodToCall == NULL) {
   1907                 ILOGV("+ unknown direct method");     // should be impossible
   1908                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1909             }
   1910         }
   1911         GOTO_invokeMethod(methodCallRange, methodToCall, vsrc1, vdst);
   1912     }
   1915 GOTO_TARGET(invokeStatic, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   1916     EXPORT_PC();
   1918     if (jumboFormat) {
   1919         ref = FETCH(1) | (u4)FETCH(2) << 16;  /* method ref */
   1920         vsrc1 = FETCH(3);                     /* count */
   1921         vdst = FETCH(4);                      /* first reg */
   1922         ADJUST_PC(2);     /* advance pc partially to make returns easier */
   1923         ILOGV("|invoke-static/jumbo args=%d @0x%08x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1924             vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1925     } else {
   1926         vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* AA (count) or BA (count + arg 5) */
   1927         ref = FETCH(1);             /* method ref */
   1928         vdst = FETCH(2);            /* 4 regs -or- first reg */
   1930         if (methodCallRange)
   1931             ILOGV("|invoke-static-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1932                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1933         else
   1934             ILOGV("|invoke-static args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   1935                 vsrc1 >> 4, ref, vdst, vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   1936     }
   1938     methodToCall = dvmDexGetResolvedMethod(methodClassDex, ref);
   1939     if (methodToCall == NULL) {
   1940         methodToCall = dvmResolveMethod(curMethod->clazz, ref, METHOD_STATIC);
   1941         if (methodToCall == NULL) {
   1942             ILOGV("+ unknown method");
   1943             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1944         }
   1946 #if defined(WITH_JIT) && defined(MTERP_STUB)
   1947         /*
   1948          * The JIT needs dvmDexGetResolvedMethod() to return non-null.
   1949          * Include the check if this code is being used as a stub
   1950          * called from the assembly interpreter.
   1951          */
   1952         if ((self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode & kSubModeJitTraceBuild) &&
   1953             (dvmDexGetResolvedMethod(methodClassDex, ref) == NULL)) {
   1954             /* Class initialization is still ongoing */
   1955             dvmJitEndTraceSelect(self,pc);
   1956         }
   1957 #endif
   1958     }
   1959     GOTO_invokeMethod(methodCallRange, methodToCall, vsrc1, vdst);
   1962 GOTO_TARGET(invokeVirtualQuick, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   1963     {
   1964         Object* thisPtr;
   1966         EXPORT_PC();
   1968         vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* AA (count) or BA (count + arg 5) */
   1969         ref = FETCH(1);             /* vtable index */
   1970         vdst = FETCH(2);            /* 4 regs -or- first reg */
   1972         /*
   1973          * The object against which we are executing a method is always
   1974          * in the first argument.
   1975          */
   1976         if (methodCallRange) {
   1977             assert(vsrc1 > 0);
   1978             ILOGV("|invoke-virtual-quick-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   1979                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   1980             thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst);
   1981         } else {
   1982             assert((vsrc1>>4) > 0);
   1983             ILOGV("|invoke-virtual-quick args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   1984                 vsrc1 >> 4, ref, vdst, vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   1985             thisPtr = (Object*) GET_REGISTER(vdst & 0x0f);
   1986         }
   1988         if (!checkForNull(thisPtr))
   1989             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   1992         /*
   1993          * Combine the object we found with the vtable offset in the
   1994          * method.
   1995          */
   1996         assert(ref < (unsigned int) thisPtr->clazz->vtableCount);
   1997         methodToCall = thisPtr->clazz->vtable[ref];
   1998 #if defined(WITH_JIT) && defined(MTERP_STUB)
   1999         self->callsiteClass = thisPtr->clazz;
   2000         self->methodToCall = methodToCall;
   2001 #endif
   2003 #if 0
   2004         if (dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall)) {
   2005             dvmThrowAbstractMethodError("abstract method not implemented");
   2006             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   2007         }
   2008 #else
   2009         assert(!dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall) ||
   2010             methodToCall->nativeFunc != NULL);
   2011 #endif
   2013         LOGVV("+++ virtual[%d]=%s.%s",
   2014             ref, methodToCall->clazz->descriptor, methodToCall->name);
   2015         assert(methodToCall != NULL);
   2017         GOTO_invokeMethod(methodCallRange, methodToCall, vsrc1, vdst);
   2018     }
   2021 GOTO_TARGET(invokeSuperQuick, bool methodCallRange, bool jumboFormat)
   2022     {
   2023         u2 thisReg;
   2025         EXPORT_PC();
   2027         vsrc1 = INST_AA(inst);      /* AA (count) or BA (count + arg 5) */
   2028         ref = FETCH(1);             /* vtable index */
   2029         vdst = FETCH(2);            /* 4 regs -or- first reg */
   2031         if (methodCallRange) {
   2032             ILOGV("|invoke-super-quick-range args=%d @0x%04x {regs=v%d-v%d}",
   2033                 vsrc1, ref, vdst, vdst+vsrc1-1);
   2034             thisReg = vdst;
   2035         } else {
   2036             ILOGV("|invoke-super-quick args=%d @0x%04x {regs=0x%04x %x}",
   2037                 vsrc1 >> 4, ref, vdst, vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   2038             thisReg = vdst & 0x0f;
   2039         }
   2040         /* impossible in well-formed code, but we must check nevertheless */
   2041         if (!checkForNull((Object*) GET_REGISTER(thisReg)))
   2042             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   2044 #if 0   /* impossible in optimized + verified code */
   2045         if (ref >= curMethod->clazz->super->vtableCount) {
   2046             dvmThrowNoSuchMethodError(NULL);
   2047             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   2048         }
   2049 #else
   2050         assert(ref < (unsigned int) curMethod->clazz->super->vtableCount);
   2051 #endif
   2053         /*
   2054          * Combine the object we found with the vtable offset in the
   2055          * method's class.
   2056          *
   2057          * We're using the current method's class' superclass, not the
   2058          * superclass of "this".  This is because we might be executing
   2059          * in a method inherited from a superclass, and we want to run
   2060          * in the method's class' superclass.
   2061          */
   2062         methodToCall = curMethod->clazz->super->vtable[ref];
   2064 #if 0
   2065         if (dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall)) {
   2066             dvmThrowAbstractMethodError("abstract method not implemented");
   2067             GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   2068         }
   2069 #else
   2070         assert(!dvmIsAbstractMethod(methodToCall) ||
   2071             methodToCall->nativeFunc != NULL);
   2072 #endif
   2073         LOGVV("+++ super-virtual[%d]=%s.%s",
   2074             ref, methodToCall->clazz->descriptor, methodToCall->name);
   2075         assert(methodToCall != NULL);
   2076         GOTO_invokeMethod(methodCallRange, methodToCall, vsrc1, vdst);
   2077     }
   2081     /*
   2082      * General handling for return-void, return, and return-wide.  Put the
   2083      * return value in "retval" before jumping here.
   2084      */
   2085 GOTO_TARGET(returnFromMethod)
   2086     {
   2087         StackSaveArea* saveArea;
   2089         /*
   2090          * We must do this BEFORE we pop the previous stack frame off, so
   2091          * that the GC can see the return value (if any) in the local vars.
   2092          *
   2093          * Since this is now an interpreter switch point, we must do it before
   2094          * we do anything at all.
   2095          */
   2096         PERIODIC_CHECKS(0);
   2098         ILOGV("> retval=0x%llx (leaving %s.%s %s)",
   2099             retval.j, curMethod->clazz->descriptor, curMethod->name,
   2100             curMethod->shorty);
   2101         //DUMP_REGS(curMethod, fp);
   2103         saveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);
   2105 #ifdef EASY_GDB
   2106         debugSaveArea = saveArea;
   2107 #endif
   2109         /* back up to previous frame and see if we hit a break */
   2110         fp = (u4*)saveArea->prevFrame;
   2111         assert(fp != NULL);
   2113         /* Handle any special subMode requirements */
   2114         if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode != 0) {
   2115             PC_FP_TO_SELF();
   2116             dvmReportReturn(self);
   2117         }
   2119         if (dvmIsBreakFrame(fp)) {
   2120             /* bail without popping the method frame from stack */
   2121             LOGVV("+++ returned into break frame");
   2122             GOTO_bail();
   2123         }
   2125         /* update thread FP, and reset local variables */
   2126         self->interpSave.curFrame = fp;
   2127         curMethod = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->method;
   2128         self->interpSave.method = curMethod;
   2129         //methodClass = curMethod->clazz;
   2130         methodClassDex = curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex;
   2131         pc = saveArea->savedPc;
   2132         ILOGD("> (return to %s.%s %s)", curMethod->clazz->descriptor,
   2133             curMethod->name, curMethod->shorty);
   2135         /* use FINISH on the caller's invoke instruction */
   2136         //u2 invokeInstr = INST_INST(FETCH(0));
   2137         if (true /*invokeInstr >= OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL &&
   2138             invokeInstr <= OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE*/)
   2139         {
   2140             FINISH(3);
   2141         } else {
   2142             //LOGE("Unknown invoke instr %02x at %d",
   2143             //    invokeInstr, (int) (pc - curMethod->insns));
   2144             assert(false);
   2145         }
   2146     }
   2150     /*
   2151      * Jump here when the code throws an exception.
   2152      *
   2153      * By the time we get here, the Throwable has been created and the stack
   2154      * trace has been saved off.
   2155      */
   2156 GOTO_TARGET(exceptionThrown)
   2157     {
   2158         Object* exception;
   2159         int catchRelPc;
   2161         PERIODIC_CHECKS(0);
   2163         /*
   2164          * We save off the exception and clear the exception status.  While
   2165          * processing the exception we might need to load some Throwable
   2166          * classes, and we don't want class loader exceptions to get
   2167          * confused with this one.
   2168          */
   2169         assert(dvmCheckException(self));
   2170         exception = dvmGetException(self);
   2171         dvmAddTrackedAlloc(exception, self);
   2172         dvmClearException(self);
   2174         LOGV("Handling exception %s at %s:%d",
   2175             exception->clazz->descriptor, curMethod->name,
   2176             dvmLineNumFromPC(curMethod, pc - curMethod->insns));
   2178         /*
   2179          * Report the exception throw to any "subMode" watchers.
   2180          *
   2181          * TODO: if the exception was thrown by interpreted code, control
   2182          * fell through native, and then back to us, we will report the
   2183          * exception at the point of the throw and again here.  We can avoid
   2184          * this by not reporting exceptions when we jump here directly from
   2185          * the native call code above, but then we won't report exceptions
   2186          * that were thrown *from* the JNI code (as opposed to *through* it).
   2187          *
   2188          * The correct solution is probably to ignore from-native exceptions
   2189          * here, and have the JNI exception code do the reporting to the
   2190          * debugger.
   2191          */
   2192         if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode != 0) {
   2193             PC_FP_TO_SELF();
   2194             dvmReportExceptionThrow(self, exception);
   2195         }
   2197         /*
   2198          * We need to unroll to the catch block or the nearest "break"
   2199          * frame.
   2200          *
   2201          * A break frame could indicate that we have reached an intermediate
   2202          * native call, or have gone off the top of the stack and the thread
   2203          * needs to exit.  Either way, we return from here, leaving the
   2204          * exception raised.
   2205          *
   2206          * If we do find a catch block, we want to transfer execution to
   2207          * that point.
   2208          *
   2209          * Note this can cause an exception while resolving classes in
   2210          * the "catch" blocks.
   2211          */
   2212         catchRelPc = dvmFindCatchBlock(self, pc - curMethod->insns,
   2213                     exception, false, (void**)(void*)&fp);
   2215         /*
   2216          * Restore the stack bounds after an overflow.  This isn't going to
   2217          * be correct in all circumstances, e.g. if JNI code devours the
   2218          * exception this won't happen until some other exception gets
   2219          * thrown.  If the code keeps pushing the stack bounds we'll end
   2220          * up aborting the VM.
   2221          *
   2222          * Note we want to do this *after* the call to dvmFindCatchBlock,
   2223          * because that may need extra stack space to resolve exception
   2224          * classes (e.g. through a class loader).
   2225          *
   2226          * It's possible for the stack overflow handling to cause an
   2227          * exception (specifically, class resolution in a "catch" block
   2228          * during the call above), so we could see the thread's overflow
   2229          * flag raised but actually be running in a "nested" interpreter
   2230          * frame.  We don't allow doubled-up StackOverflowErrors, so
   2231          * we can check for this by just looking at the exception type
   2232          * in the cleanup function.  Also, we won't unroll past the SOE
   2233          * point because the more-recent exception will hit a break frame
   2234          * as it unrolls to here.
   2235          */
   2236         if (self->stackOverflowed)
   2237             dvmCleanupStackOverflow(self, exception);
   2239         if (catchRelPc < 0) {
   2240             /* falling through to JNI code or off the bottom of the stack */
   2241 #if DVM_SHOW_EXCEPTION >= 2
   2242             LOGD("Exception %s from %s:%d not caught locally",
   2243                 exception->clazz->descriptor, dvmGetMethodSourceFile(curMethod),
   2244                 dvmLineNumFromPC(curMethod, pc - curMethod->insns));
   2245 #endif
   2246             dvmSetException(self, exception);
   2247             dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(exception, self);
   2248             GOTO_bail();
   2249         }
   2251 #if DVM_SHOW_EXCEPTION >= 3
   2252         {
   2253             const Method* catchMethod = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->method;
   2254             LOGD("Exception %s thrown from %s:%d to %s:%d",
   2255                 exception->clazz->descriptor, dvmGetMethodSourceFile(curMethod),
   2256                 dvmLineNumFromPC(curMethod, pc - curMethod->insns),
   2257                 dvmGetMethodSourceFile(catchMethod),
   2258                 dvmLineNumFromPC(catchMethod, catchRelPc));
   2259         }
   2260 #endif
   2262         /*
   2263          * Adjust local variables to match self->interpSave.curFrame and the
   2264          * updated PC.
   2265          */
   2266         //fp = (u4*) self->interpSave.curFrame;
   2267         curMethod = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp)->method;
   2268         self->interpSave.method = curMethod;
   2269         //methodClass = curMethod->clazz;
   2270         methodClassDex = curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex;
   2271         pc = curMethod->insns + catchRelPc;
   2272         ILOGV("> pc <-- %s.%s %s", curMethod->clazz->descriptor,
   2273             curMethod->name, curMethod->shorty);
   2274         DUMP_REGS(curMethod, fp, false);            // show all regs
   2276         /*
   2277          * Restore the exception if the handler wants it.
   2278          *
   2279          * The Dalvik spec mandates that, if an exception handler wants to
   2280          * do something with the exception, the first instruction executed
   2281          * must be "move-exception".  We can pass the exception along
   2282          * through the thread struct, and let the move-exception instruction
   2283          * clear it for us.
   2284          *
   2285          * If the handler doesn't call move-exception, we don't want to
   2286          * finish here with an exception still pending.
   2287          */
   2288         if (INST_INST(FETCH(0)) == OP_MOVE_EXCEPTION)
   2289             dvmSetException(self, exception);
   2291         dvmReleaseTrackedAlloc(exception, self);
   2292         FINISH(0);
   2293     }
   2298     /*
   2299      * General handling for invoke-{virtual,super,direct,static,interface},
   2300      * including "quick" variants.
   2301      *
   2302      * Set "methodToCall" to the Method we're calling, and "methodCallRange"
   2303      * depending on whether this is a "/range" instruction.
   2304      *
   2305      * For a range call:
   2306      *  "vsrc1" holds the argument count (8 bits)
   2307      *  "vdst" holds the first argument in the range
   2308      * For a non-range call:
   2309      *  "vsrc1" holds the argument count (4 bits) and the 5th argument index
   2310      *  "vdst" holds four 4-bit register indices
   2311      *
   2312      * The caller must EXPORT_PC before jumping here, because any method
   2313      * call can throw a stack overflow exception.
   2314      */
   2315 GOTO_TARGET(invokeMethod, bool methodCallRange, const Method* _methodToCall,
   2316     u2 count, u2 regs)
   2317     {
   2318         STUB_HACK(vsrc1 = count; vdst = regs; methodToCall = _methodToCall;);
   2320         //printf("range=%d call=%p count=%d regs=0x%04x\n",
   2321         //    methodCallRange, methodToCall, count, regs);
   2322         //printf(" --> %s.%s %s\n", methodToCall->clazz->descriptor,
   2323         //    methodToCall->name, methodToCall->shorty);
   2325         u4* outs;
   2326         int i;
   2328         /*
   2329          * Copy args.  This may corrupt vsrc1/vdst.
   2330          */
   2331         if (methodCallRange) {
   2332             // could use memcpy or a "Duff's device"; most functions have
   2333             // so few args it won't matter much
   2334             assert(vsrc1 <= curMethod->outsSize);
   2335             assert(vsrc1 == methodToCall->insSize);
   2336             outs = OUTS_FROM_FP(fp, vsrc1);
   2337             for (i = 0; i < vsrc1; i++)
   2338                 outs[i] = GET_REGISTER(vdst+i);
   2339         } else {
   2340             u4 count = vsrc1 >> 4;
   2342             assert(count <= curMethod->outsSize);
   2343             assert(count == methodToCall->insSize);
   2344             assert(count <= 5);
   2346             outs = OUTS_FROM_FP(fp, count);
   2347 #if 0
   2348             if (count == 5) {
   2349                 outs[4] = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   2350                 count--;
   2351             }
   2352             for (i = 0; i < (int) count; i++) {
   2353                 outs[i] = GET_REGISTER(vdst & 0x0f);
   2354                 vdst >>= 4;
   2355             }
   2356 #else
   2357             // This version executes fewer instructions but is larger
   2358             // overall.  Seems to be a teensy bit faster.
   2359             assert((vdst >> 16) == 0);  // 16 bits -or- high 16 bits clear
   2360             switch (count) {
   2361             case 5:
   2362                 outs[4] = GET_REGISTER(vsrc1 & 0x0f);
   2363             case 4:
   2364                 outs[3] = GET_REGISTER(vdst >> 12);
   2365             case 3:
   2366                 outs[2] = GET_REGISTER((vdst & 0x0f00) >> 8);
   2367             case 2:
   2368                 outs[1] = GET_REGISTER((vdst & 0x00f0) >> 4);
   2369             case 1:
   2370                 outs[0] = GET_REGISTER(vdst & 0x0f);
   2371             default:
   2372                 ;
   2373             }
   2374 #endif
   2375         }
   2376     }
   2378     /*
   2379      * (This was originally a "goto" target; I've kept it separate from the
   2380      * stuff above in case we want to refactor things again.)
   2381      *
   2382      * At this point, we have the arguments stored in the "outs" area of
   2383      * the current method's stack frame, and the method to call in
   2384      * "methodToCall".  Push a new stack frame.
   2385      */
   2386     {
   2387         StackSaveArea* newSaveArea;
   2388         u4* newFp;
   2390         ILOGV("> %s%s.%s %s",
   2391             dvmIsNativeMethod(methodToCall) ? "(NATIVE) " : "",
   2392             methodToCall->clazz->descriptor, methodToCall->name,
   2393             methodToCall->shorty);
   2395         newFp = (u4*) SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp) - methodToCall->registersSize;
   2396         newSaveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(newFp);
   2398         /* verify that we have enough space */
   2399         if (true) {
   2400             u1* bottom;
   2401             bottom = (u1*) newSaveArea - methodToCall->outsSize * sizeof(u4);
   2402             if (bottom < self->interpStackEnd) {
   2403                 /* stack overflow */
   2404                 LOGV("Stack overflow on method call (start=%p end=%p newBot=%p(%d) size=%d '%s')",
   2405                     self->interpStackStart, self->interpStackEnd, bottom,
   2406                     (u1*) fp - bottom, self->interpStackSize,
   2407                     methodToCall->name);
   2408                 dvmHandleStackOverflow(self, methodToCall);
   2409                 assert(dvmCheckException(self));
   2410                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   2411             }
   2412             //LOGD("+++ fp=%p newFp=%p newSave=%p bottom=%p",
   2413             //    fp, newFp, newSaveArea, bottom);
   2414         }
   2416 #ifdef LOG_INSTR
   2417         if (methodToCall->registersSize > methodToCall->insSize) {
   2418             /*
   2419              * This makes valgrind quiet when we print registers that
   2420              * haven't been initialized.  Turn it off when the debug
   2421              * messages are disabled -- we want valgrind to report any
   2422              * used-before-initialized issues.
   2423              */
   2424             memset(newFp, 0xcc,
   2425                 (methodToCall->registersSize - methodToCall->insSize) * 4);
   2426         }
   2427 #endif
   2429 #ifdef EASY_GDB
   2430         newSaveArea->prevSave = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(fp);
   2431 #endif
   2432         newSaveArea->prevFrame = fp;
   2433         newSaveArea->savedPc = pc;
   2434 #if defined(WITH_JIT) && defined(MTERP_STUB)
   2435         newSaveArea->returnAddr = 0;
   2436 #endif
   2437         newSaveArea->method = methodToCall;
   2439         if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode != 0) {
   2440             /*
   2441              * We mark ENTER here for both native and non-native
   2442              * calls.  For native calls, we'll mark EXIT on return.
   2443              * For non-native calls, EXIT is marked in the RETURN op.
   2444              */
   2445             PC_TO_SELF();
   2446             dvmReportInvoke(self, methodToCall);
   2447         }
   2449         if (!dvmIsNativeMethod(methodToCall)) {
   2450             /*
   2451              * "Call" interpreted code.  Reposition the PC, update the
   2452              * frame pointer and other local state, and continue.
   2453              */
   2454             curMethod = methodToCall;
   2455             self->interpSave.method = curMethod;
   2456             methodClassDex = curMethod->clazz->pDvmDex;
   2457             pc = methodToCall->insns;
   2458             self->interpSave.curFrame = fp = newFp;
   2459 #ifdef EASY_GDB
   2460             debugSaveArea = SAVEAREA_FROM_FP(newFp);
   2461 #endif
   2462             self->debugIsMethodEntry = true;        // profiling, debugging
   2463             ILOGD("> pc <-- %s.%s %s", curMethod->clazz->descriptor,
   2464                 curMethod->name, curMethod->shorty);
   2465             DUMP_REGS(curMethod, fp, true);         // show input args
   2466             FINISH(0);                              // jump to method start
   2467         } else {
   2468             /* set this up for JNI locals, even if not a JNI native */
   2469             newSaveArea->xtra.localRefCookie = self->jniLocalRefTable.segmentState.all;
   2471             self->interpSave.curFrame = newFp;
   2473             DUMP_REGS(methodToCall, newFp, true);   // show input args
   2475             if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode != 0) {
   2476                 dvmReportPreNativeInvoke(methodToCall, self, fp);
   2477             }
   2479             ILOGD("> native <-- %s.%s %s", methodToCall->clazz->descriptor,
   2480                   methodToCall->name, methodToCall->shorty);
   2482             /*
   2483              * Jump through native call bridge.  Because we leave no
   2484              * space for locals on native calls, "newFp" points directly
   2485              * to the method arguments.
   2486              */
   2487             (*methodToCall->nativeFunc)(newFp, &retval, methodToCall, self);
   2489             if (self->interpBreak.ctl.subMode != 0) {
   2490                 dvmReportPostNativeInvoke(methodToCall, self, fp);
   2491             }
   2493             /* pop frame off */
   2494             dvmPopJniLocals(self, newSaveArea);
   2495             self->interpSave.curFrame = fp;
   2497             /*
   2498              * If the native code threw an exception, or interpreted code
   2499              * invoked by the native call threw one and nobody has cleared
   2500              * it, jump to our local exception handling.
   2501              */
   2502             if (dvmCheckException(self)) {
   2503                 LOGV("Exception thrown by/below native code");
   2504                 GOTO_exceptionThrown();
   2505             }
   2507             ILOGD("> retval=0x%llx (leaving native)", retval.j);
   2508             ILOGD("> (return from native %s.%s to %s.%s %s)",
   2509                 methodToCall->clazz->descriptor, methodToCall->name,
   2510                 curMethod->clazz->descriptor, curMethod->name,
   2511                 curMethod->shorty);
   2513             //u2 invokeInstr = INST_INST(FETCH(0));
   2514             if (true /*invokeInstr >= OP_INVOKE_VIRTUAL &&
   2515                 invokeInstr <= OP_INVOKE_INTERFACE*/)
   2516             {
   2517                 FINISH(3);
   2518             } else {
   2519                 //LOGE("Unknown invoke instr %02x at %d",
   2520                 //    invokeInstr, (int) (pc - curMethod->insns));
   2521                 assert(false);
   2522             }
   2523         }
   2524     }
   2525     assert(false);      // should not get here
   2528 /* File: cstubs/enddefs.cpp */
   2530 /* undefine "magic" name remapping */
   2531 #undef retval
   2532 #undef pc
   2533 #undef fp
   2534 #undef curMethod
   2535 #undef methodClassDex
   2536 #undef self
   2537 #undef debugTrackedRefStart