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      1 //===- MBlazeInstrFormats.td - MB Instruction defs ---------*- tablegen -*-===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     10 // Format specifies the encoding used by the instruction.  This is part of the
     11 // ad-hoc solution used to emit machine instruction encodings by our machine
     12 // code emitter.
     13 class Format<bits<6> val> {
     14       bits<6> Value = val;
     15 }
     17 def FPseudo : Format<0>;
     18 def FRRR    : Format<1>;  // ADD, OR, etc.
     19 def FRRI    : Format<2>;  // ADDI, ORI, etc.
     20 def FCRR    : Format<3>;  // PUTD, WDC, WIC, BEQ, BNE, BGE, etc.
     21 def FCRI    : Format<4>;  // RTID, RTED, RTSD, BEQI, BNEI, BGEI, etc.
     22 def FRCR    : Format<5>;  // BRLD, BRALD, GETD
     23 def FRCI    : Format<6>;  // BRLID, BRALID, MSRCLR, MSRSET
     24 def FCCR    : Format<7>;  // BR, BRA, BRD, etc.
     25 def FCCI    : Format<8>;  // IMM, BRI, BRAI, BRID, etc.
     26 def FRRCI   : Format<9>;  // BSRLI, BSRAI, BSLLI
     27 def FRRC    : Format<10>; // SEXT8, SEXT16, SRA, SRC, SRL, FLT, FINT, FSQRT
     28 def FRCX    : Format<11>; // GET
     29 def FRCS    : Format<12>; // MFS
     30 def FCRCS   : Format<13>; // MTS
     31 def FCRCX   : Format<14>; // PUT
     32 def FCX     : Format<15>; // TPUT
     33 def FCR     : Format<16>; // TPUTD
     34 def FRIR    : Format<17>; // RSUBI
     35 def FRRRR   : Format<18>; // RSUB, FRSUB
     36 def FRI     : Format<19>; // RSUB, FRSUB
     37 def FC      : Format<20>; // NOP
     39 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     40 //  Describe MBlaze instructions format
     41 //
     43 //
     44 //  opcode  - operation code.
     45 //  rd      - dst reg.
     46 //  ra      - first src. reg.
     47 //  rb      - second src. reg.
     48 //  imm16   - 16-bit immediate value.
     49 //
     50 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     52 // Generic MBlaze Format
     53 class MBlazeInst<bits<6> op, Format form, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr,
     54                  list<dag> pattern, InstrItinClass itin> : Instruction {
     55   let Namespace = "MBlaze";
     56   field bits<32> Inst;
     58   bits<6> opcode = op;
     59   Format Form = form;
     60   bits<6> FormBits = Form.Value;
     62   // Top 6 bits are the 'opcode' field
     63   let Inst{0-5} = opcode;
     65   // If the instruction is marked as a pseudo, set isCodeGenOnly so that the
     66   // assembler and disassmbler ignore it.
     67   let isCodeGenOnly = !eq(!cast<string>(form), "FPseudo");
     69   dag OutOperandList = outs;
     70   dag InOperandList  = ins;
     72   let AsmString   = asmstr;
     73   let Pattern     = pattern;
     74   let Itinerary   = itin;
     76   // TSFlags layout should be kept in sync with MBlazeInstrInfo.h.
     77   let TSFlags{5-0}   = FormBits;
     78 }
     80 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     81 // Pseudo instruction class
     82 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     83 class MBlazePseudo<dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern>:
     84       MBlazeInst<0x0, FPseudo, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, IIC_Pseudo>;
     86 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     87 // Type A instruction class in MBlaze : <|opcode|rd|ra|rb|flags|>
     88 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     90 class TA<bits<6> op, bits<11> flags, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr,
     91          list<dag> pattern, InstrItinClass itin> :
     92          MBlazeInst<op,FRRR,outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin>
     93 {
     94   bits<5> rd;
     95   bits<5> ra;
     96   bits<5> rb;
     98   let Inst{6-10}  = rd;
     99   let Inst{11-15} = ra;
    100   let Inst{16-20} = rb;
    101   let Inst{21-31} = flags;
    102 }
    104 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    105 // Type B instruction class in MBlaze : <|opcode|rd|ra|immediate|>
    106 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    108 class TB<bits<6> op, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern,
    109          InstrItinClass itin> :
    110          MBlazeInst<op, FRRI, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin>
    111 {
    112   bits<5>  rd;
    113   bits<5>  ra;
    114   bits<16> imm16;
    116   let Inst{6-10}  = rd;
    117   let Inst{11-15} = ra;
    118   let Inst{16-31} = imm16;
    119 }
    121 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    122 // Type A instruction class in MBlaze but with the operands reversed
    123 // in the LLVM DAG : <|opcode|rd|ra|rb|flags|>
    124 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    126 class TAR<bits<6> op, bits<11> flags, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr,
    127           list<dag> pattern, InstrItinClass itin> :
    128           TA<op, flags, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin>
    129 {
    130   bits<5> rrd;
    131   bits<5> rrb;
    132   bits<5> rra;
    134   let Form = FRRRR;
    136   let rd = rrd;
    137   let ra = rra;
    138   let rb = rrb;
    139 }
    141 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    142 // Type B instruction class in MBlaze but with the operands reversed in
    143 // the LLVM DAG : <|opcode|rd|ra|immediate|>
    144 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    145 class TBR<bits<6> op, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr, list<dag> pattern,
    146          InstrItinClass itin> :
    147          TB<op, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin> {
    148   bits<5>  rrd;
    149   bits<16> rimm16;
    150   bits<5>  rra;
    152   let Form = FRIR;
    154   let rd = rrd;
    155   let ra = rra;
    156   let imm16 = rimm16;
    157 }
    159 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    160 // Shift immediate instruction class in MBlaze : <|opcode|rd|ra|immediate|>
    161 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    162 class SHT<bits<6> op, bits<2> flags, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr,
    163           list<dag> pattern, InstrItinClass itin> :
    164           MBlazeInst<op, FRRI, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin> {
    165   bits<5>  rd;
    166   bits<5>  ra;
    167   bits<5>  imm5;
    169   let Inst{6-10}  = rd;
    170   let Inst{11-15} = ra;
    171   let Inst{16-20} = 0x0;
    172   let Inst{21-22} = flags;
    173   let Inst{23-26} = 0x0;
    174   let Inst{27-31} = imm5;
    175 }
    177 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    178 // Special instruction class in MBlaze : <|opcode|rd|imm14|>
    179 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    180 class SPC<bits<6> op, bits<2> flags, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr,
    181           list<dag> pattern, InstrItinClass itin> :
    182           MBlazeInst<op, FRI, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin> {
    183   bits<5>  rd;
    184   bits<14> imm14;
    186   let Inst{6-10}  = rd;
    187   let Inst{11-15} = 0x0;
    188   let Inst{16-17} = flags;
    189   let Inst{18-31} = imm14;
    190 }
    192 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    193 // MSR instruction class in MBlaze : <|opcode|rd|imm15|>
    194 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
    195 class MSR<bits<6> op, bits<6> flags, dag outs, dag ins, string asmstr,
    196           list<dag> pattern, InstrItinClass itin> :
    197           MBlazeInst<op, FRI, outs, ins, asmstr, pattern, itin> {
    198   bits<5>  rd;
    199   bits<15> imm15;
    201   let Inst{6-10}  = rd;
    202   let Inst{11-16} = flags;
    203   let Inst{17-31} = imm15;
    204 }