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      1 Quake
      3 In order to run Quake on the simulator and/or device, you must:
      5 	1) Configure the Sources
      6         2) Build
      7 	3) Install
      8 	4) Run
      9 	5) Uninstall Quake (this step is optional)
     11 Configure the Sources
     12 ---------------------
     14 Edit src/com/android/quake/QuakeActivity.java to configure where and how Quake will obtain its data files. The
     15 configuration variables are:
     17     private final static boolean USE_INTERNAL_FLASH = false;
     18     private final static boolean USE_DOWNLOADER = false;
     20 This means that by default Quake will look for its files on the SD Card, and it will not
     21 attempt to download the files from an external web server. (Use the ./setupdevicesdcard.sh script,
     22 described below, to copy the data files from the Android source tree onto the device's SD Card.)
     24 Note that if USE_DOWNLOADER is set to true then you need to configure a web server to serve the Quake
     25 data files, and the FILE_CONFIG_URL variable needs to be set to point to the configuration file on
     26 the web server. Read the source for DownloaderActivity.java to figure out how to do this.
     28 Building Quake
     29 --------------
     31 Quake and libQuake are built by default, as part of the standard Android build.
     32 If for some reason you would like to build Quake manually, you can do so by
     33 using the mm command:
     35 $ cd $TOP/apps/Quake
     36 $ mm
     39 Installing Quake
     40 ----------------
     42 Quake is not installed by default. To install Quake you need to copy the Quake executable
     43 files and data files to the device.
     45 Quake needs about 20 MB of space to store its data files. Quake files go on an external
     46 micro SD card (This is /sdcard/data/quake directory).
     48 Using the device with a microsd card:
     50 	Turn on phone, plug into your development PC/Mac using the supplied ADB cable.
     51 	cd $TOP/apps/Quake
     52 	adb remount
     53 	adb install $OUT/system/app/Quake.apk
     55 Make sure your device is not mounted as an USB Storage Device:
     56     Press Home button on Phone
     57     Press Menu
     58     Select "SD card & phone storage
     59     Make sure "Use for USB storage" is unchecked.
     61 Then install the Quake data files by executing this script:
     63 	./setupdevice.sh
     65 (Or if you've set QuakeActivity.USE_INTERNAL_FLASH to false, then use this script instead:)
     67 	./setupdevicesdcard.sh
     69 Using the emulator:
     71 	You can use Quake with the emulator, but you have to create and mount an sdcard image.
     72 	(Doing that is beyond the scope of this document.)
     73 	Once you've started the emulator with a sdcard image you can follow the directions for
     74 	a real device.
     77 Running Quake
     78 -------------
     80 Turn on the device
     82 Look for Quake in the Activities folder. Launch it as you would any other activity.
     83 It will take up to thirty seconds to start running.
     85 When Quake starts running it will display a console with some debug information, then
     86 go into an "attract mode" loop.
     88 Starting a game:
     90 Press space bar to bring up the main menu.
     91 The "Quake icon" should be next to the "Single Player" menu item. Press the
     92 "Enter" button twice to start the game.
     94 Controls:
     96 The Quake controls are customizable, depending upon the settings of config.cfg,
     97 but the defaults are:
     99 Android     PC Key    Command          Notes
    100 Keypad
    101 ----------  --------- ---------------  ----------------------------------
    102 Alt Space   TAB       +showscores      Shows scores in multiplayer games
    103 DPad Enter  ENTER     +jump
    104 Menu        ESCAPE    togglemenu       Shows/hides menu
    105 space       SPACE     +jump
    106 +           +         sizeup           Increases size of screen
    107 ,           ,         +moveleft	       Strafe left
    108 -           -         sizedown
    109 .           .         +moveright       Strafe right
    110 /           /         impulse 10       Toggle weapons up
    111 0           0         impulse 0        
    112 1           1         impulse 1        Select weapon 1 (axe)
    113 2           2         impulse 2        Select weapon 2 (shotgun)
    114 3           3         impulse 3        Double-barrled shotgun
    115 4           4         impulse 4        Nailgun
    116 5           5         impulse 5        Super nailgun
    117 6           6         impulse 6        Grenade launcher
    118 7           7         impulse 7        Rocket Launcher
    119 8           8         impulse 8        Thunderbolt
    120 =           =         sizeup
    121 \           \         +mlook           Mouse look. (Not very useful, as there is no mouse.)
    122 Alt w       `         toggleconsole    Used to enter fancy commands.
    123 w           w         +forward
    124 s           s         +back
    125 a           a         +left
    126 d           d         +right
    127 q           q         +lookup
    128 z           z         +lookdown
    129 v           v         +movedown
    130 f           f         +moveup
    131 t           t         messagemode
    132 DPad Up     UPARROW   +forward
    133 DPad Down   DOWNARROW +back
    134 DPad Left   LEFTARROW +left
    135 DPad Right  RIGHTARROW+right
    136 Alt         ALT       +strafe
    137 @ or /      CTRL      +attack
    138 Cap         SHIFT     +speed
    139 Alt 1       F1        help              (This is just an advertisement in the shareware version.)
    140 Alt 2       F2        menu_save
    141 Alt 3       F3        menu_load
    142 Alt 4       F4        menu_options
    143 Alt 5       F5        menu_multiplayer
    144 Alt 6       F6        echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick
    145 Alt 9       F9        echo Quickloading...; wait; load quick
    146 Alt 0       F10       quit
    147 Alt t       F11       zoom_in
    148 Alt y       F12       screenshot
    149 <none>      INS       +klook
    150 <none>      DEL       +lookdown
    151 <none>      PGDN      +lookup
    152 <none>      END       centerview
    153 <none>      MOUSE1    +attack
    154 <none>      MOUSE2    +forward
    155 <none>      MOUSE3    +mlook
    156 Alt z       PAUSE     pause
    157 Camera      HOME      ...not bound by default...
    158 -----
    160 Console Commands:
    162 timedemo demo#  run time demo # (1..3)
    163 god 	        turns on god mode
    164 fly 	        enables fly mode
    165 kill 	        commits suicide
    166 notarget 	enemies don't attack until provoked
    167 noclip 	    walk through walls
    168 give s # 	gives # (where # = a number) of shotgun shells
    169 give n # 	gives # of nails
    170 give r # 	gives # of rockets/grenades
    171 give c # 	gives # of cells
    172 give h # 	gives # of health
    173 give # 	    gives weapon #
    174 map e#m# 	warps to the episode and mission specified
    175 impulse -1 	quad cheat
    176 impulse 9 	all weapons and keys
    177 impulse 255 	quad cheat
    181 Uninstalling Quake
    182 ------------------
    184 Quake has to be uninstalled in two parts:
    185     a) the Quake.apk file
    186     b) the data files on the sdcard
    188 Use the Phone UI to uninstall the Quake apk:
    190     Press Home Key
    191     Press Menu Key
    192     Select Settings
    193     Select Applications
    194     Selct Manage Applications
    195     Select Quake
    196     Press "Uninstall"
    198 Make sure your device is not mounted as an USB Storage Device:
    199     Press Home button on Phone
    200     Press Menu
    201     Select "SD card & phone storage
    202     Make sure "Use for USB storage" is unchecked
    204 Then run this script to delete the Quake files on the sdcard:
    206     cd $TOP/apps/Quake
    207     ./cleanupdevicesdcard.sh