1 Test creation of each type of Node and check intial values 2 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". 4 5 6 Attribute creation using createElement on an HTML doc: 7 PASS attr.nodeName is 'foo' 8 PASS attr.name is 'foo' 9 FAIL attr.localName should be null (of type object). Was foo (of type string). 10 PASS attr.namespaceURI is null 11 PASS attr.prefix is null 12 PASS attr.nodeValue is '' 13 PASS attr.value is '' 14 PASS attr.attributes is null 15 Attribute creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: 16 PASS attr.nodeName is 'example:foo' 17 PASS attr.name is 'example:foo' 18 PASS attr.localName is 'foo' 19 PASS attr.namespaceURI is 'http://www.example.com' 20 PASS attr.prefix is 'example' 21 PASS attr.nodeValue is '' 22 PASS attr.value is '' 23 PASS attr.attributes is null 24 Attribute creation using createElement on an XHTML doc: 25 PASS attr.nodeName is 'foo' 26 PASS attr.name is 'foo' 27 FAIL attr.localName should be null (of type object). Was foo (of type string). 28 PASS attr.namespaceURI is null 29 PASS attr.prefix is null 30 PASS attr.nodeValue is '' 31 PASS attr.value is '' 32 PASS attr.attributes is null 33 Attribute creation using createElementNS on an XHTML doc: 34 PASS attr.nodeName is 'example:foo' 35 PASS attr.name is 'example:foo' 36 PASS attr.localName is 'foo' 37 PASS attr.namespaceURI is 'http://www.example.com' 38 PASS attr.prefix is 'example' 39 PASS attr.nodeValue is '' 40 PASS attr.value is '' 41 PASS attr.attributes is null 42 PASS comment.nodeName is '#comment' 43 PASS comment.localName is null 44 PASS comment.namespaceURI is null 45 PASS comment.prefix is null 46 PASS comment.nodeValue is 'foo' 47 PASS comment.data is 'foo' 48 PASS comment.attributes is null 49 PASS document.createCDATASection('foo') threw exception Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9. 50 PASS cdata.nodeName is '#cdata-section' 51 PASS cdata.localName is null 52 PASS cdata.namespaceURI is null 53 PASS cdata.prefix is null 54 PASS cdata.nodeValue is 'foo' 55 PASS cdata.data is 'foo' 56 PASS cdata.attributes is null 57 PASS fragment.nodeName is '#document-fragment' 58 PASS fragment.localName is null 59 PASS fragment.namespaceURI is null 60 PASS fragment.prefix is null 61 PASS fragment.nodeValue is null 62 PASS fragment.attributes is null 63 PASS doc.nodeName is '#document' 64 PASS doc.localName is null 65 FAIL doc.namespaceURI should be http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml (of type string). Was null (of type object). 66 PASS doc.prefix is null 67 PASS doc.nodeValue is null 68 PASS doc.attributes is null 69 PASS doctype.nodeName is 'svg' 70 PASS doctype.name is 'svg' 71 PASS doctype.localName is null 72 PASS doctype.namespaceURI is null 73 PASS doctype.prefix is null 74 PASS doctype.nodeValue is null 75 PASS doctype.attributes is null 76 Element creation using createElement on an HTML doc: 77 PASS element.nodeName is 'PRE' 78 FAIL element.localName should be null (of type object). Was pre (of type string). 79 FAIL element.namespaceURI should be null (of type object). Was http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml (of type string). 80 PASS element.prefix is null 81 PASS element.nodeValue is null 82 PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' 83 Prefixed element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: 84 PASS element.nodeName is 'html:pre' 85 PASS element.localName is 'pre' 86 PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' 87 PASS element.prefix is 'html' 88 PASS element.nodeValue is null 89 PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' 90 SVG Element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: 91 PASS element.nodeName is 'svg' 92 PASS element.localName is 'svg' 93 PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' 94 PASS element.prefix is null 95 PASS element.nodeValue is null 96 PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' 97 Unknown Element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: 98 PASS element.nodeName is 'foo:svg' 99 PASS element.localName is 'svg' 100 PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.webkit.org' 101 PASS element.prefix is 'foo' 102 PASS element.nodeValue is null 103 PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' 104 Element creation using createElementNS on an HTML doc: 105 FAIL element.nodeName should be pre. Was PRE. 106 PASS element.localName is 'pre' 107 PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' 108 PASS element.prefix is null 109 PASS element.nodeValue is null 110 PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' 111 Element creation using createElement on an XHTML doc: 112 PASS element.nodeName is 'pre' 113 FAIL element.localName should be null (of type object). Was pre (of type string). 114 FAIL element.namespaceURI should be null (of type object). Was http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml (of type string). 115 PASS element.prefix is null 116 PASS element.nodeValue is null 117 PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' 118 Element creation using createElementNS on an XHTML doc: 119 PASS element.nodeName is 'html:pre' 120 PASS element.localName is 'pre' 121 PASS element.namespaceURI is 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' 122 PASS element.prefix is 'html' 123 PASS element.nodeValue is null 124 PASS element.attributes.toString() is '[object NamedNodeMap]' 125 PASS document.createEntityReference('gt') threw exception Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9. 126 PASS entityReference.nodeName is 'gt' 127 PASS entityReference.localName is null 128 PASS entityReference.namespaceURI is null 129 PASS entityReference.prefix is null 130 PASS entityReference.nodeValue is null 131 PASS entityReference.attributes is null 132 PASS document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="missing.xsl"') threw exception Error: NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: DOM Exception 9. 133 PASS processingInstruction.nodeName is 'xml-stylesheet' 134 PASS processingInstruction.localName is null 135 PASS processingInstruction.namespaceURI is null 136 PASS processingInstruction.prefix is null 137 PASS processingInstruction.nodeValue is 'type="text/xsl" href="missing.xsl"' 138 PASS processingInstruction.attributes is null 139 PASS processingInstruction.target is 'xml-stylesheet' 140 PASS processingInstruction.data is 'type="text/xsl" href="missing.xsl"' 141 PASS text.nodeName is '#text' 142 PASS text.localName is null 143 PASS text.namespaceURI is null 144 PASS text.prefix is null 145 PASS text.nodeValue is 'foo' 146 PASS text.data is 'foo' 147 PASS text.attributes is null 148 PASS successfullyParsed is true 149 150 TEST COMPLETE 151 152