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      1 function apmtest(task, testname, casenumber, legacy)
      2 %APMTEST is a tool to process APM file sets and easily display the output.
      3 %   APMTEST(TASK, TESTNAME, CASENUMBER) performs one of several TASKs:
      4 %     'test'  Processes the files to produce test output.
      5 %     'list'  Prints a list of cases in the test set, preceded by their
      6 %             CASENUMBERs.
      7 %     'show'  Uses spclab to show the test case specified by the
      8 %             CASENUMBER parameter.
      9 %
     10 %   using a set of test files determined by TESTNAME:
     11 %     'all'   All tests.
     12 %     'apm'   The standard APM test set (default).
     13 %     'apmm'  The mobile APM test set.
     14 %     'aec'   The AEC test set.
     15 %     'aecm'  The AECM test set.
     16 %     'agc'   The AGC test set.
     17 %     'ns'    The NS test set.
     18 %     'vad'   The VAD test set.
     19 %
     20 %   CASENUMBER can be used to select a single test case. Omit CASENUMBER,
     21 %   or set to zero, to use all test cases.
     22 %
     24 if nargin < 4
     25   % Set to true to run old VQE recordings.
     26   legacy = false;
     27 end
     29 if nargin < 3
     30   casenumber = 0;
     31 end
     33 if nargin < 2
     34   task = 'test';
     35 end
     37 if nargin < 1
     38   testname = 'all';
     39 end
     41 if ~strcmp(task, 'test') && ~strcmp(task, 'list') && ~strcmp(task, 'show')
     42   error(['TASK ' task ' is not recognized']);
     43 end
     45 if casenumber == 0 && strcmp(task, 'show')
     46   error(['CASENUMBER must be specified for TASK ' task]);
     47 end
     49 filepath = 'data/';
     50 inpath = [filepath 'input/'];
     51 outpath = [filepath 'output/'];
     52 refpath = [filepath 'reference/'];
     54 % Temporary
     55 if legacy
     56   refpath = [filepath 'output/'];
     57   outpath = [filepath 'reference/'];
     58 end
     60 if strcmp(testname, 'all')
     61   tests = {'apm','apmm','aec','aecm','agc','ns','vad'};
     62 else
     63   tests = {testname};
     64 end
     66 if legacy
     67   progname = '/usr/local/google/p4/dev/depot/test';
     68 else
     69   progname = './process_test';
     70 end
     72 global farFile;
     73 global nearFile;
     74 global eventFile;
     75 global delayFile;
     76 global driftFile;
     78 if legacy
     79   farFile = 'vqeFar.pcm';
     80   nearFile = 'vqeNear.pcm';
     81   eventFile = 'vqeEvent.dat';
     82   delayFile = 'vqeBuf.dat';
     83   driftFile = 'vqeDrift.dat';
     84 else
     85   farFile = 'apm_far.pcm';
     86   nearFile = 'apm_near.pcm';
     87   eventFile = 'apm_event.dat';
     88   delayFile = 'apm_delay.dat';
     89   driftFile = 'apm_drift.dat';
     90 end
     92 simulateMode = false;
     93 nErr = 0;
     94 nCases = 0;
     95 for i=1:length(tests)
     96   simulateMode = false;
     98   if strcmp(tests{i}, 'apm')
     99     testdir = ['apm/'];
    100     outfile = ['out'];
    101     if legacy
    102       opt = ['-ec 1 -agc 2 -nc 2 -vad 3'];
    103     else
    104       opt = ['--no_progress -hpf' ...
    105           ' -aec --drift_compensation -agc --fixed_digital' ...
    106           ' -ns --ns_moderate -vad'];
    107     end
    109   elseif strcmp(tests{i}, 'apm-swb')
    110     simulateMode = true;
    111     testdir = ['apm-swb/'];
    112     outfile = ['out'];
    113     if legacy
    114       opt = ['-fs 32000 -ec 1 -agc 2 -nc 2'];
    115     else
    116       opt = ['--no_progress -fs 32000 -hpf' ...
    117           ' -aec --drift_compensation -agc --adaptive_digital' ...
    118           ' -ns --ns_moderate -vad'];
    119     end
    120   elseif strcmp(tests{i}, 'apmm')
    121     testdir = ['apmm/'];
    122     outfile = ['out'];
    123     opt = ['-aec --drift_compensation -agc --fixed_digital -hpf -ns ' ...
    124         '--ns_moderate'];
    126   else
    127     error(['TESTNAME ' tests{i} ' is not recognized']);
    128   end
    130   inpath = [inpath testdir];
    131   outpath = [outpath testdir];
    132   refpath = [refpath testdir];
    134   if ~exist(inpath,'dir')
    135     error(['Input directory ' inpath ' does not exist']);
    136   end
    138   if ~exist(refpath,'dir')
    139     warning(['Reference directory ' refpath ' does not exist']);
    140   end
    142   [status, errMsg] = mkdir(outpath);
    143   if (status == 0)
    144     error(errMsg);
    145   end
    147   [nErr, nCases] = recurseDir(inpath, outpath, refpath, outfile, ...
    148       progname, opt, simulateMode, nErr, nCases, task, casenumber, legacy);
    150   if strcmp(task, 'test') || strcmp(task, 'show')
    151     system(['rm ' farFile]);
    152     system(['rm ' nearFile]);
    153     if simulateMode == false
    154       system(['rm ' eventFile]);
    155       system(['rm ' delayFile]);
    156       system(['rm ' driftFile]);
    157     end
    158   end
    159 end
    161 if ~strcmp(task, 'list')
    162   if nErr == 0
    163     fprintf(1, '\nAll files are bit-exact to reference\n', nErr);
    164   else
    165     fprintf(1, '\n%d files are NOT bit-exact to reference\n', nErr);
    166   end
    167 end
    170 function [nErrOut, nCases] = recurseDir(inpath, outpath, refpath, ...
    171     outfile, progname, opt, simulateMode, nErr, nCases, task, casenumber, ...
    172     legacy)
    174 global farFile;
    175 global nearFile;
    176 global eventFile;
    177 global delayFile;
    178 global driftFile;
    180 dirs = dir(inpath);
    181 nDirs = 0;
    182 nErrOut = nErr;
    183 for i=3:length(dirs) % skip . and ..
    184   nDirs = nDirs + dirs(i).isdir;
    185 end
    188 if nDirs == 0
    189   nCases = nCases + 1;
    191   if casenumber == nCases || casenumber == 0
    193     if strcmp(task, 'list')
    194       fprintf([num2str(nCases) '. ' outfile '\n'])
    195     else
    196       vadoutfile = ['vad_' outfile '.dat'];
    197       outfile = [outfile '.pcm'];
    199       % Check for VAD test
    200       vadTest = 0;
    201       if ~isempty(findstr(opt, '-vad'))
    202         vadTest = 1;
    203         if legacy
    204           opt = [opt ' ' outpath vadoutfile];
    205         else
    206           opt = [opt ' --vad_out_file ' outpath vadoutfile];
    207         end
    208       end
    210       if exist([inpath 'vqeFar.pcm'])
    211         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeFar.pcm ' farFile]);
    212       elseif exist([inpath 'apm_far.pcm'])
    213         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_far.pcm ' farFile]);
    214       end
    216       if exist([inpath 'vqeNear.pcm'])
    217         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeNear.pcm ' nearFile]);
    218       elseif exist([inpath 'apm_near.pcm'])
    219         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_near.pcm ' nearFile]);
    220       end
    222       if exist([inpath 'vqeEvent.dat'])
    223         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeEvent.dat ' eventFile]);
    224       elseif exist([inpath 'apm_event.day'])
    225         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_event.dat ' eventFile]);
    226       end
    228       if exist([inpath 'vqeBuf.dat'])
    229         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeBuf.dat ' delayFile]);
    230       elseif exist([inpath 'apm_delay.day'])
    231         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_delay.dat ' delayFile]);
    232       end
    234       if exist([inpath 'vqeSkew.dat'])
    235         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeSkew.dat ' driftFile]);
    236       elseif exist([inpath 'vqeDrift.dat'])
    237         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'vqeDrift.dat ' driftFile]);
    238       elseif exist([inpath 'apm_drift.dat'])
    239         system(['ln -s -f ' inpath 'apm_drift.dat ' driftFile]);
    240       end
    242       if simulateMode == false
    243         command = [progname ' -o ' outpath outfile ' ' opt];
    244       else
    245         if legacy
    246           inputCmd = [' -in ' nearFile];
    247         else
    248           inputCmd = [' -i ' nearFile];
    249         end
    251         if exist([farFile])
    252           if legacy
    253             inputCmd = [' -if ' farFile inputCmd];
    254           else
    255             inputCmd = [' -ir ' farFile inputCmd];
    256           end
    257         end
    258         command = [progname inputCmd ' -o ' outpath outfile ' ' opt];
    259       end
    260       % This prevents MATLAB from using its own C libraries.
    261       shellcmd = ['bash -c "unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH;'];
    262       fprintf([command '\n']);
    263       [status, result] = system([shellcmd command '"']);
    264       fprintf(result);
    266       fprintf(['Reference file: ' refpath outfile '\n']);
    268       if vadTest == 1
    269         equal_to_ref = are_files_equal([outpath vadoutfile], ...
    270                                        [refpath vadoutfile], ...
    271                                        'int8');
    272         if ~equal_to_ref
    273           nErr = nErr + 1;
    274         end
    275       end
    277       [equal_to_ref, diffvector] = are_files_equal([outpath outfile], ...
    278                                                    [refpath outfile], ...
    279                                                    'int16');
    280       if ~equal_to_ref
    281         nErr = nErr + 1;
    282       end
    284       if strcmp(task, 'show')
    285         % Assume the last init gives the sample rate of interest.
    286         str_idx = strfind(result, 'Sample rate:');
    287         fs = str2num(result(str_idx(end) + 13:str_idx(end) + 17));
    288         fprintf('Using %d Hz\n', fs);
    290         if exist([farFile])
    291           spclab(fs, farFile, nearFile, [refpath outfile], ...
    292               [outpath outfile], diffvector);
    293           %spclab(fs, diffvector);
    294         else
    295           spclab(fs, nearFile, [refpath outfile], [outpath outfile], ...
    296               diffvector);
    297           %spclab(fs, diffvector);
    298         end
    300         if vadTest == 1
    301           spclab([refpath vadoutfile], [outpath vadoutfile]);
    302         end
    303       end
    304     end
    305   end
    306 else
    308   for i=3:length(dirs)
    309     if dirs(i).isdir
    310       [nErr, nCases] = recurseDir([inpath dirs(i).name '/'], outpath, ...
    311           refpath,[outfile '_' dirs(i).name], progname, opt, ...
    312           simulateMode, nErr, nCases, task, casenumber, legacy);
    313     end
    314   end
    315 end
    316 nErrOut = nErr;
    318 function [are_equal, diffvector] = ...
    319     are_files_equal(newfile, reffile, precision, diffvector)
    321 are_equal = false;
    322 diffvector = 0;
    323 if ~exist(newfile,'file')
    324   warning(['Output file ' newfile ' does not exist']);  
    325   return
    326 end
    328 if ~exist(reffile,'file')
    329   warning(['Reference file ' reffile ' does not exist']);  
    330   return
    331 end
    333 fid = fopen(newfile,'rb');
    334 new = fread(fid,inf,precision);
    335 fclose(fid);
    337 fid = fopen(reffile,'rb');
    338 ref = fread(fid,inf,precision);
    339 fclose(fid);
    341 if length(new) ~= length(ref)
    342   warning('Reference is not the same length as output');
    343   minlength = min(length(new), length(ref));
    344   new = new(1:minlength);
    345   ref = ref(1:minlength);
    346 end
    347 diffvector = new - ref;
    349 if isequal(new, ref)
    350   fprintf([newfile ' is bit-exact to reference\n']);
    351   are_equal = true;
    352 else
    353   if isempty(new)
    354     warning([newfile ' is empty']);
    355     return
    356   end
    357   snr = snrseg(new,ref,80);
    358   fprintf('\n');
    359   are_equal = false;
    360 end