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      1 page.title=OpenGL ES Versions
      2 @jd:body
      4 <style type="text/css">
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     39 <p>This page provides data about the relative number of active devices that support a particular
     40 version of OpenGL ES. Note that support for one particular version of OpenGL ES also implies
     41 support for any lower version (for example, support for version 2.0 also implies support for
     42 1.1).</p>
     44 <p>To declare which version of OpenGL ES your application requires, you should use the {@code
     45 android:glEsVersion} attribute of the <a
     46 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html">{@code &lt;uses-feature&gt;}</a>
     47 element. You can also use the <a
     48 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/supports-gl-texture-element.html">{@code
     49 &lt;supports-gl-texture&gt;}</a> element to declare the GL compression formats that your application
     50 uses.</p>
     52 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> This data is based on the number
     53 of Android devices that have accessed Google Play within a 7-day period
     54 ending on the data collection date noted below.</p>
     57 <div class="dashboard-panel">
     59 <img alt="" width="400" height="250"
     60 src="http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=p&chs=400x250&chco=c4df9b,6fad0c&chl=GL%201.1%20only|GL%202.0%20%26%201.1&chd=t%3A10.8,89.2" />
     62 <table>
     63 <tr>
     64 <th scope="col">OpenGL ES Version</th>
     65 <th scope="col">Distribution</th>
     66 </tr>
     67 <tr>
     68 <td>1.1 only</th>
     69 <td>10.8%</td>
     70 </tr>
     71 <tr>
     72 <td>2.0 &amp; 1.1</th>
     73 <td>89.2%</td>
     74 </tr>
     75 </table>
     77 <p><em>Data collected during a 7-day period ending on March 4, 2012</em></p>
     78 </div>