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     10 Android API Differences Report
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     43     <table class="diffspectable">
     44       <tr>
     45         <td colspan="2" class="diffspechead">API Diff Specification</td>
     46       </tr>
     47       <tr>
     48         <td class="diffspec" style="padding-top:.25em">To Level:</td>
     49         <td class="diffvaluenew" style="padding-top:.25em">4</td>
     50       </tr>
     51       <tr>
     52         <td class="diffspec">From Level:</td>
     53         <td class="diffvalueold">3</td>
     54       </tr>
     55       <tr>
     56         <td class="diffspec">Generated</td>
     57         <td class="diffvalue">2009.11.19 19:34</td>
     58       </tr>
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     74 <h1>Android&nbsp;API&nbsp;Differences&nbsp;Report</h1>
     75 <p>This report details the changes in the core Android framework API between two <a 
     76 href="http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/api-levels.html" target="_top">API Level</a> 
     77 specifications. It shows additions, modifications, and removals for packages, classes, methods, and fields. 
     78 The report also includes general statistics that characterize the extent and type of the differences.</p>
     79 <p>This report is based a comparison of the Android API specifications 
     80 whose API Level identifiers are given in the upper-right corner of this page. It compares a 
     81 newer "to" API to an older "from" API, noting all changes relative to the 
     82 older API. So, for example, API elements marked as removed are no longer present in the "to" 
     83 API specification.</p>
     84 <p>To navigate the report, use the "Select a Diffs Index" and "Filter the Index" 
     85 controls on the left. The report uses text formatting to indicate <em>interface names</em>, 
     86 <a href= ><code>links to reference documentation</code></a>, and <a href= >links to change 
     87 description</a>. The statistics are accessible from the "Statistics" link in the upper-right corner.</p>
     88 <p>For more information about the Android framework API and SDK, 
     89 see the <a href="http://developer.android.com/index.html" target="_top">Android Developers site</a>.</p>
     90 <p>
     91 <a NAME="Added"></a>
     92 <TABLE summary="Added Packages" WIDTH="100%">
     93 <TR>
     94   <TH VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=2>Added Packages</FONT></TD>
     95 </TH>
     96 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
     97   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
     98   <A NAME="android.accessibilityservice"></A>
     99   <nobr><A HREF="../../../../reference/android/accessibilityservice/package-summary.html" target="_top"><code>android.accessibilityservice</code></A></nobr>
    100   </TD>
    101   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    102 </TR>
    103 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    104   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    105   <A NAME="android.gesture"></A>
    106   <nobr><A HREF="../../../../reference/android/gesture/package-summary.html" target="_top"><code>android.gesture</code></A></nobr>
    107   </TD>
    108   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    109 </TR>
    110 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    111   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    112   <A NAME="android.speech.tts"></A>
    113   <nobr><A HREF="../../../../reference/android/speech/tts/package-summary.html" target="_top"><code>android.speech.tts</code></A></nobr>
    114   </TD>
    115   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    116 </TR>
    117 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    118   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    119   <A NAME="android.view.accessibility"></A>
    120   <nobr><A HREF="../../../../reference/android/view/accessibility/package-summary.html" target="_top"><code>android.view.accessibility</code></A></nobr>
    121   </TD>
    122   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    123 </TR>
    124 </TABLE>
    125 &nbsp;
    126 <p>
    127 <a NAME="Changed"></a>
    128 <TABLE summary="Changed Packages" WIDTH="100%">
    129 <TR>
    130   <TH VALIGN="TOP" COLSPAN=3>Changed Packages</FONT></TD>
    131 </TH>
    132 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    133   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    134   <A NAME="android"></A>
    135   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.html">android</A></nobr>
    136   </TD>
    137   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    138 </TR>
    139 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    140   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    141   <A NAME="android.app"></A>
    142   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.app.html">android.app</A></nobr>
    143   </TD>
    144   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    145 </TR>
    146 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    147   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    148   <A NAME="android.content"></A>
    149   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.content.html">android.content</A></nobr>
    150   </TD>
    151   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    152 </TR>
    153 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    154   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    155   <A NAME="android.content.pm"></A>
    156   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.content.pm.html">android.content.pm</A></nobr>
    157   </TD>
    158   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    159 </TR>
    160 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    161   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    162   <A NAME="android.content.res"></A>
    163   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.content.res.html">android.content.res</A></nobr>
    164   </TD>
    165   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    166 </TR>
    167 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    168   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    169   <A NAME="android.graphics"></A>
    170   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.graphics.html">android.graphics</A></nobr>
    171   </TD>
    172   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    173 </TR>
    174 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    175   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    176   <A NAME="android.graphics.drawable"></A>
    177   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.graphics.drawable.html">android.graphics.drawable</A></nobr>
    178   </TD>
    179   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    180 </TR>
    181 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    182   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    183   <A NAME="android.hardware"></A>
    184   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.hardware.html">android.hardware</A></nobr>
    185   </TD>
    186   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    187 </TR>
    188 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    189   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    190   <A NAME="android.inputmethodservice"></A>
    191   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.inputmethodservice.html">android.inputmethodservice</A></nobr>
    192   </TD>
    193   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    194 </TR>
    195 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    196   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    197   <A NAME="android.location"></A>
    198   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.location.html">android.location</A></nobr>
    199   </TD>
    200   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    201 </TR>
    202 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    203   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    204   <A NAME="android.media"></A>
    205   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.media.html">android.media</A></nobr>
    206   </TD>
    207   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    208 </TR>
    209 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    210   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    211   <A NAME="android.net.wifi"></A>
    212   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.net.wifi.html">android.net.wifi</A></nobr>
    213   </TD>
    214   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    215 </TR>
    216 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    217   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    218   <A NAME="android.opengl"></A>
    219   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.opengl.html">android.opengl</A></nobr>
    220   </TD>
    221   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    222 </TR>
    223 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    224   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    225   <A NAME="android.os"></A>
    226   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.os.html">android.os</A></nobr>
    227   </TD>
    228   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    229 </TR>
    230 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    231   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    232   <A NAME="android.provider"></A>
    233   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.provider.html">android.provider</A></nobr>
    234   </TD>
    235   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    236 </TR>
    237 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    238   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    239   <A NAME="android.telephony"></A>
    240   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.telephony.html">android.telephony</A></nobr>
    241   </TD>
    242   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    243 </TR>
    244 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    245   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    246   <A NAME="android.telephony.gsm"></A>
    247   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.telephony.gsm.html">android.telephony.gsm</A></nobr>
    248   </TD>
    249   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    250 </TR>
    251 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    252   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    253   <A NAME="android.test"></A>
    254   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.test.html">android.test</A></nobr>
    255   </TD>
    256   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    257 </TR>
    258 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    259   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    260   <A NAME="android.test.mock"></A>
    261   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.test.mock.html">android.test.mock</A></nobr>
    262   </TD>
    263   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    264 </TR>
    265 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    266   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    267   <A NAME="android.text.style"></A>
    268   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.text.style.html">android.text.style</A></nobr>
    269   </TD>
    270   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    271 </TR>
    272 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    273   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    274   <A NAME="android.util"></A>
    275   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.util.html">android.util</A></nobr>
    276   </TD>
    277   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    278 </TR>
    279 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    280   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    281   <A NAME="android.view"></A>
    282   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.view.html">android.view</A></nobr>
    283   </TD>
    284   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    285 </TR>
    286 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    287   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    288   <A NAME="android.view.animation"></A>
    289   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.view.animation.html">android.view.animation</A></nobr>
    290   </TD>
    291   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    292 </TR>
    293 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    294   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    295   <A NAME="android.widget"></A>
    296   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_android.widget.html">android.widget</A></nobr>
    297   </TD>
    298   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    299 </TR>
    300 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    301   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    302   <A NAME="java.util.concurrent"></A>
    303   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_java.util.concurrent.html">java.util.concurrent</A></nobr>
    304   </TD>
    305   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    306 </TR>
    307 <TR BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" CLASS="TableRowColor">
    308   <TD VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH="25%">
    309   <A NAME="java.util.concurrent.locks"></A>
    310   <nobr><A HREF="pkg_java.util.concurrent.locks.html">java.util.concurrent.locks</A></nobr>
    311   </TD>
    312   <TD>&nbsp;</TD>
    313 </TR>
    314 </TABLE>
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