1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project 3 4 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 8 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 limitations under the License. 15 --> 16 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> 17 <!-- General strings --> 18 19 <!-- title for the dialog showing the error of camera hardware --> 20 <string name="camera_error_title">Camera error</string> 21 22 <!-- message for the dialog showing the error of camera hardware --> 23 <string name="cannot_connect_camera">Can\'t connect to the camera.</string> 24 25 <!-- message for the dialog showing the camera is disabled because of security policies. Camera cannot be used. --> 26 <string name="camera_disabled">Camera has been disabled because of security policies.</string> 27 28 <!-- label for the icon meaning 'show me all the images that were taken with the camera' --> 29 <string name="camera_label">Camera</string> 30 31 <!-- label for the 'video recording application shown in the top level 'all applications' --> 32 <string name="video_camera_label">Camcorder</string> 33 34 <!-- label for the folder that contains Camera pictures in the gallery --> 35 <string name="gallery_camera_bucket_name">Camera pictures</string> 36 37 <!-- label for the folder that contains Camera videos in the gallery --> 38 <string name="gallery_camera_videos_bucket_name">Camera videos</string> 39 40 <!-- alert to the user to wait for some operation to complete --> 41 <string name="wait">Please wait\u2026</string> 42 43 <!-- alert to the user that USB storage must be available before using the camera [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 44 <string name="no_storage" product="nosdcard">Mount USB storage before using the camera.</string> 45 <!-- alert to the user that an SD card must be installed before using the camera --> 46 <string name="no_storage" product="default">Insert an SD card before using the camera.</string> 47 48 <!-- alert to the user that the USB storage is too full to complete the operation [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 49 <string name="not_enough_space" product="nosdcard">Your USB storage is full.</string> 50 <!-- alert to the user that the SD card is too full to complete the operation --> 51 <string name="not_enough_space" product="default">Your SD card is full.</string> 52 53 <!-- alert to the user that the USB storage is being disk-checked [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 54 <string name="preparing_sd" product="nosdcard">Preparing USB storage\u2026</string> 55 <!-- alert to the user that the SD card is being disk-checked --> 56 <string name="preparing_sd" product="default">Preparing SD card\u2026</string> 57 58 <!-- alert to the user that the camera fails to read or write the USB storage. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 59 <string name="access_sd_fail" product="nosdcard">Couldn\'t access USB storage.</string> 60 <!-- alert to the user that the camera fails to read or write the SD card. --> 61 <string name="access_sd_fail" product="default">Couldn\'t access SD card.</string> 62 63 <!-- Confirmation dialog when restoring settings --> 64 <string name="confirm_restore_title">Restore defaults</string> 65 <string name="confirm_restore_message">Restore Camera default settings?</string> 66 67 <!-- button in review mode indicating that the video just taken should be played [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> 68 <string name="review_play">Play</string> 69 70 <!-- button in review mode indicating that the photo taking, video recording, and panorama saving session should be canceled [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> 71 <string name="review_cancel">CANCEL</string> 72 73 <!-- button in review mode indicating that the taken photo/video is OK to be attached/uploaded [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> 74 <string name="review_ok">DONE</string> 75 76 <!-- button in review mode indicate the user want to retake another photo/video for attachment [CHAR LIMIT=10] --> 77 <string name="review_retake">RETAKE</string> 78 79 <!-- Button indicating to go to the image gallery --> 80 <string name="camera_gallery_photos_text">Gallery</string> 81 82 <!-- Button indicating to switch to another camera --> 83 <string name="switch_camera_id">Switch Camera</string> 84 85 <!-- A lable that overlays on top of the preview frame to indicate the camcorder is in time lapse mode [CHAR LIMIT=35] --> 86 <string name="time_lapse_title">Time lapse recording</string> 87 88 <!-- Settings screen, camera selection dialog title. Users can select a camera from the phone (front-facing or back-facing). [CHAR LIMIT=20] --> 89 <string name="pref_camera_id_title">Select camera</string> 90 91 <string name="pref_camera_id_default" translatable="false">0</string> 92 93 <!-- In select camera setting, back facing camera. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 94 <string name="pref_camera_id_entry_back">Back</string> 95 <!-- In select camera setting, front-facing camera. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 96 <string name="pref_camera_id_entry_front">Front</string> 97 98 <!-- Settings screen, setting title text --> 99 <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_title">Store location</string> 100 101 <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_default" translatable="false">none</string> 102 103 <!-- Settings screen, Record location dialog choices --> 104 <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_entry_off">Off</string> 105 <string name="pref_camera_recordlocation_entry_on">On</string> 106 107 <!-- The Video quality settings in preference [CHAR LIMIT=21] --> 108 <string name="pref_video_quality_title">Video quality</string> 109 <!-- The default quality value is 5 (720p) --> 110 <string name="pref_video_quality_default" translatable="false">5</string> 111 <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in 1080p quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] --> 112 <string name="pref_video_quality_entry_1080p" translatable="false">HD</string> 113 <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in 720p quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] --> 114 <string name="pref_video_quality_entry_720p" translatable="false">HD</string> 115 <!-- Video quality setting entry. Videos will be recorded in 480p quality. [CHAR LIMIT=24] --> 116 <string name="pref_video_quality_entry_480p" translatable="false">SD</string> 117 118 <!-- Describes the preference dialog for choosing interval between frame capture for 119 time lapse recording. Appears at top of the dialog. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 120 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_title">Time lapse interval</string> 121 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_default" translatable="false">0</string> 122 <!-- The time interval between frame capture for time lapse recording --> 123 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_entry_1000" translatable="false">1s</string> 124 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_entry_1500" translatable="false">1.5s</string> 125 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_entry_2000" translatable="false">2s</string> 126 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_entry_2500" translatable="false">2.5s</string> 127 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_entry_3000" translatable="false">3s</string> 128 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_entry_5000" translatable="false">5s</string> 129 <string name="pref_video_time_lapse_frame_interval_entry_10000" translatable="false">10s</string> 130 131 <!-- Settings screen, Camera setting category title --> 132 <string name="pref_camera_settings_category">Camera settings</string> 133 134 <!-- Settings screen, Camcorder setting category title --> 135 <string name="pref_camcorder_settings_category">Camcorder settings</string> 136 137 <!-- Settings screen, Picture size title --> 138 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_title">Picture size</string> 139 140 <!-- Settings screen, Picture size dialog radio button choices --> 141 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_2592x1936">5M pixels</string> 142 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_2048x1536">3M pixels</string> 143 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1600x1200">2M pixels</string> 144 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1280x960">1.3M pixels</string> 145 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_1024x768">1M pixels</string> 146 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_640x480">VGA</string> 147 <string name="pref_camera_picturesize_entry_320x240">QVGA</string> 148 149 <!-- Settings screen, Focus mode title --> 150 <string name="pref_camera_focusmode_title">Focus mode</string> 151 152 <!-- Settings screen, Focue mode dialog radio button choices --> 153 <string name="pref_camera_focusmode_entry_auto">Auto</string> 154 <string name="pref_camera_focusmode_entry_infinity">Infinity</string> 155 <string name="pref_camera_focusmode_entry_macro">Macro</string> 156 157 <!-- Default flash mode setting.--> 158 <string name="pref_camera_flashmode_default" translatable="false">auto</string> 159 160 <!-- Value for flash off setting--> 161 <string name="pref_camera_flashmode_no_flash" translatable="false">no_flash</string> 162 163 <!-- Settings screen, Flash mode title --> 164 <string name="pref_camera_flashmode_title">Flash mode</string> 165 166 <!-- Settings screen, Flash mode dialog radio button choices --> 167 <string name="pref_camera_flashmode_entry_auto">Auto</string> 168 <string name="pref_camera_flashmode_entry_on">On</string> 169 <string name="pref_camera_flashmode_entry_off">Off</string> 170 171 <!-- Default videocamera flash mode setting.--> 172 <string name="pref_camera_video_flashmode_default" translatable="false">off</string> 173 174 <!-- Default white balance setting. --> 175 <string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_default" translatable="false">auto</string> 176 177 <!-- Settings screen, white balance title --> 178 <string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_title">White balance</string> 179 180 <!-- Settings screen, White balance dialog radio button choices --> 181 <string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_auto">Auto</string> 182 <string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_incandescent">Incandescent</string> 183 <string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_daylight">Daylight</string> 184 <string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_fluorescent">Fluorescent</string> 185 <string name="pref_camera_whitebalance_entry_cloudy">Cloudy</string> 186 187 <!-- Default scene mode setting. --> 188 <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_default" translatable="false">auto</string> 189 190 <!-- Settings screen, Select Scene mode --> 191 <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_title">Scene mode</string> 192 193 <!-- Settings menu, scene mode choices --> 194 <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_auto">Auto</string> 195 <!-- Scene mode that takes an image quickly with little motion blur. --> 196 <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_action">Action</string> 197 <!-- Scene mode that takes long exposures to capture night scenes without flash. --> 198 <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_night">Night</string> 199 <!-- Scene mode optimized for taking images in the sunset. --> 200 <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_sunset">Sunset</string> 201 <!-- Scene mode optimized for taking indoor low-lights pictures. [CHAR LIMIT=16] --> 202 <string name="pref_camera_scenemode_entry_party">Party</string> 203 204 <!-- Toast after trying to select a setting that is not allowed to change in scene mode [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 205 <string name="not_selectable_in_scene_mode">Not selectable in scene mode.</string> 206 207 <!-- Restore settings item in preference --> 208 <string name="pref_restore_title">Camera settings</string> 209 <string name="pref_restore_detail">Restore defaults</string> 210 211 <!-- Exposure settings in preference --> 212 <string name="pref_exposure_title">Exposure</string> 213 <string name="pref_exposure_default" translatable="false">0</string> 214 215 <!-- Dialog "OK" button. Dismisses dialog. --> 216 <string name="dialog_ok">OK</string> 217 218 <!-- Low-memory dialog message [CHAR LIMT=NONE] --> 219 <string name="spaceIsLow_content" product="nosdcard">Your USB storage is running out of space. Change the quality setting or delete some images or other files.</string> 220 <!-- Low-memory dialog message [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 221 <string name="spaceIsLow_content" product="default">Your SD card is running out of space. Change the quality setting or delete some images or other files.</string> 222 223 <!-- Camera format string for new image files. Passed to java.text.SimpleDateFormat. --> 224 <string name="image_file_name_format" translatable="false">"'IMG'_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"</string> 225 226 <!-- Video Camera format string for new video files. Passed to java.text.SimpleDateFormat. --> 227 <string name="video_file_name_format" translatable="false">"'VID'_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"</string> 228 229 <!-- Filename prefix for panorama output. --> 230 <string name="pano_file_name_format" translatable="false">"'PANO'_yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"</string> 231 232 <!-- The messsage shown when video record reaches size limit. --> 233 <string name="video_reach_size_limit">Size limit reached.</string> 234 235 <!-- The text of menu item to switch the mode to Camera. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 236 <string name="switch_to_camera_label">Switch to camera</string> 237 238 <!-- The text of menu item to switch the mode to Video. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 239 <string name="switch_to_video_label">Switch to video</string> 240 241 <!-- The text of menu item to switch the mode to Panorama. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] --> 242 <string name="switch_to_panorama_label">Switch to panorama</string> 243 244 <string name="setting_increment" translatable="false">></string> 245 <string name="setting_decrement" translatable="false"><</string> 246 247 <!-- Title of the dialog showing a list of applications that can share the captured picture. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 248 <string name="share_picture_via">Share picture via</string> 249 250 <!-- Title of the dialog showing a list of applications that can share the captured video. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 251 <string name="share_video_via">Share video via</string> 252 253 <!-- Toast saying that there is no picture to share. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 254 <string name="no_picture_to_share">No picture to share.</string> 255 256 <!-- Toast saying that there is no video to share. [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 257 <string name="no_video_to_share">No video to share.</string> 258 259 <!-- The text shown when the panorama panning speed is to fast [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> 260 <string name="pano_too_fast_prompt">Too fast</string> 261 262 <!-- The text shown in the progress dialog when panorama preview is generating in the background [CHAR LIMIT=30] --> 263 <string name="pano_dialog_prepare_preview">Preparing panorama</string> 264 265 <!-- The text shown in the dialog when panorama saving failed [CHAR LIMIT=40] --> 266 <string name="pano_dialog_panorama_failed">Couldn\'t save panorama.</string> 267 268 <!-- The text shown on the dialog title in the dialogs for Panorama [CHAR LIMIT=12] --> 269 <string name="pano_dialog_title">Panorama</string> 270 271 <!-- The text shown on the top-left corner of the screen to indicate the capturing is on going [CHAR LIMIT=27] --> 272 <string name="pano_capture_indication">Capturing panorama</string> 273 274 <!-- The text shown on the bottom-left corner of the screen to indicate that the saving is in process [CHAR LIMIT=13] --> 275 <string name="pano_review_saving_indication_str">Saving\u2026</string> 276 277 <!-- Toast telling users tapping on the viewfinder will trigger autofocus [CHAR LIMIT=28] --> 278 <string name="tap_to_focus">Touch to focus.</string> 279 280 <!-- Default effect setting that clears the effect. --> 281 <string name="pref_video_effect_default" translatable="false">none</string> 282 283 <!-- Title of video effect setting popup window --> 284 <string name="pref_video_effect_title">Effects</string> 285 286 <!-- Effect setting item that clear the effect. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 287 <string name="effect_none">None</string> 288 <!-- Effect setting item that squeezes the face. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 289 <string name="effect_goofy_face_squeeze">Squeeze</string> 290 <!-- Effect setting item that makes eyes big. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 291 <string name="effect_goofy_face_big_eyes">Big eyes</string> 292 <!-- Effect setting item that makes mouth big. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 293 <string name="effect_goofy_face_big_mouth">Big mouth</string> 294 <!-- Effect setting item that makes mouth small. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 295 <string name="effect_goofy_face_small_mouth">Small mouth</string> 296 <!-- Effect setting item that makes nose big. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 297 <string name="effect_goofy_face_big_nose">Big nose</string> 298 <!-- Effect setting item that makes eyes small. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 299 <string name="effect_goofy_face_small_eyes">Small eyes</string> 300 <!-- Effect setting item that replaces background with Android in Space. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 301 <string name="effect_backdropper_space">In space</string> 302 <!-- Effect setting item that replaces background with a sunset. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 303 <string name="effect_backdropper_sunset">Sunset</string> 304 <!-- Effect setting item that replaces background with a disco effect. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 305 <string name="effect_backdropper_disco">Disco</string> 306 <!-- Effect setting item that replaces background with video from gallery. [CHAR LIMIT=14] --> 307 <string name="effect_backdropper_gallery">Choose your own</string> 308 309 <!-- Message displayed in overlay during background replacement training [CHAR LIMIT=180]--> 310 <string name="bg_replacement_message">Set your device down\nStep out of view for a moment</string> 311 312 <!-- Toast after trying to select a setting that is not allowed to change in effect [CHAR LIMIT=50] --> 313 <string name="not_selectable_in_effect">Not selectable when the effect is on.</string> 314 315 <!-- Toast telling users tapping on the viewfinder will take a picture [CHAR LIMIT=65] --> 316 <string name="video_snapshot_hint">Take a photo during video recording by touching the preview screen.</string> 317 318 <!-- Toast telling users video snapshot is disabled when the effects are on and a user tries to tap on the viewfinder [CHAR LIMIT=65] --> 319 <string name="disable_video_snapshot_hint">Video snapshot is disabled when special effects are on.</string> 320 321 <!-- A button in effect setting popup to clear the effect. [CHAR LIMIT=26] --> 322 <string name="clear_effects">Clear effects</string> 323 324 <!-- Title of category for silly face effects. [CHAR LIMIT=26] --> 325 <string name="effect_silly_faces">SILLY FACES</string> 326 327 <!-- Title of category for background replacement effects. [CHAR LIMIT=26] --> 328 <string name="effect_background">BACKGROUND</string> 329 330 <!-- The shutter button. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 331 <string name="accessibility_shutter_button">Shutter button</string> 332 <!-- The button to review the thumbnail. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 333 <string name="accessibility_review_thumbnail">Most recent photo</string> 334 <!-- The front/back camera switch. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 335 <string name="accessibility_camera_picker">Front and back camera switch</string> 336 <!-- The mode picker to switch between camera, video and panorama. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 337 <string name="accessibility_mode_picker">Camera, video, or panorama selector</string> 338 <!-- The button to switch to the second-level indicators of the camera settings. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 339 <string name="accessibility_second_level_indicators">More setting controls</string> 340 <!-- The button to back to the first-level indicators of the camera settings. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 341 <string name="accessibility_back_to_first_level">Close setting controls</string> 342 <!-- The zoom control button. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 343 <string name="accessibility_zoom_control">Zoom control</string> 344 <!-- The decrement button in camera preference such as exposure, picture size. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 345 <string name="accessibility_decrement">Decrease %1$s</string> 346 <!-- The increment button in camera preference such as exposure, picture size. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 347 <string name="accessibility_increment">Increase %1$s</string> 348 <!-- The on/off switch in camera settings, such as store location. [CHAR LIMIT = NONE] --> 349 <string name="accessibility_switch">%1$s switch</string> 350 351 <!-- TODO: remove the string as it is a work-around solution to bypass the default speak of the element type. --> 352 <string name="empty" translatable="false">" "</string> 353 </resources> 354