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Found non-EXIDX input sections in EXIDX output section unwinding may not work because EXIDX input section %u of %s is not in EXIDX output section uneven .ARM.exidx section size in %s section %u undefined or discarded local symbol %u from object %s in GOT undefined or discarded symbol %s in GOT EXIDX section %s(%u) links to invalid section %u in %s EXIDX sections %s(%u) and %s(%u) both link to text section%s(%u) in %s EXIDX section %s(%u) links to non-allocated section %s(%u) in %s EXIDX section %s(%u) links to non-executable section %s(%u) in %s relocation section %u has invalid info %u section %u has multiple relocation sections %u and %u %s uses VFP register arguments, output does not %s: conflicting CPU architectures %d/%d conflicting architecture profiles %c/%c %s: conflicting platform configuration %s: SB relative addressing conflicts with use of R9 %s uses %u-byte wchar_t yet the output is to use %u-byte wchar_t; use of wchar_t values across objects may fail %s uses %s enums yet the output is to use %s enums; use of enum values across objects may fail %s uses iWMMXt register arguments, output does not fp16 format mismatch between %s and output %s: unknown mandatory EABI object attribute %d %s: unknown EABI object attribute %d unable to provide V4BX reloc interworking fix up; the target profile does not support BX instruction %s: unsupported ELF file type %d %s: Thumb BLX instruction targets thumb function '%s'. %s: unexpected %s in object file cannot handle %s in a relocatable link unexpected opcode while processing relocation %s cannot handle branch to local %u in a merged section %s cannot scan executable section %u of %s for Cortex-A8 erratum because it has no mapping symbols. multiple SHT_ARM_EXIDX sections %s and %s in a non-relocatable link cannot relocate %s in object file x d d # # # # # # # # # # # # # # d d d d d d d # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # d 8 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ H H @ ( P ! 9 9 7: 7: 9 9 9 9 9 7: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7: 7: 7: 9 9 9 9 7: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7: 7: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7: 7: 7: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7: 7: 7: 7: 7: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 = = /> /> = = = = = /> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /> /> /> = = = = /> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /> /> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = /> /> /> = = = = = = = /> /> /> /> /> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = x x @ x x p x x x x p p ( @ & x & x & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & x 0 x & x p X X X X P x X X X X P P X X X X X U U W U U X X X X U U U U U U U U U U U X X X X V U V U U U U X U U U U U U X U U X U X X U U X X U U U U U U W U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U V U V U U U U U W W W W W <` <` Ha <` <` b b b b <` <` <` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` b b b b 8a <` X` <` <` <` <` b ` ` ` <` <` <` b <` <` b <` b b <` <` b b <` <` <` <` <` <` Ha <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` <` ` ` ` ` ` ` X` ` 8a ` <` <` <` <` a a a a a ; + ! 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R_ARM_GOT_BREL R_ARM_PLT32 R_ARM_CALL R_ARM_JUMP24 R_ARM_THM_JUMP24 R_ARM_BASE_ABS R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_7_0 R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_15_8 R_ARM_ALU_PCREL_23_15 R_ARM_LDR_SBREL_11_0_NC R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_19_12_NC R_ARM_ALU_SBREL_27_20_CK R_ARM_TARGET1 R_ARM_SBREL31 R_ARM_V4BX R_ARM_TARGET2 R_ARM_PREL31 R_ARM_MOVW_ABS_NC R_ARM_MOVT_ABS R_ARM_MOVW_PREL_NC R_ARM_MOVT_PREL R_ARM_THM_MOVW_ABS_NC R_ARM_THM_MOVT_ABS R_ARM_THM_MOVW_PREL_NC R_ARM_THM_MOVT_PREL R_ARM_THM_JUMP19 R_ARM_THM_JUMP6 R_ARM_THM_ALU_PREL_11_0 R_ARM_THM_PC12 R_ARM_ABS32_NOI R_ARM_REL32_NOI R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0_NC R_ARM_ALU_PC_G0 R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1_NC R_ARM_ALU_PC_G1 R_ARM_ALU_PC_G2 R_ARM_LDR_PC_G1 R_ARM_LDR_PC_G2 R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G0 R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G1 R_ARM_LDRS_PC_G2 R_ARM_LDC_PC_G0 R_ARM_LDC_PC_G1 R_ARM_LDC_PC_G2 R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0_NC R_ARM_ALU_SB_G0 R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1_NC R_ARM_ALU_SB_G1 R_ARM_ALU_SB_G2 R_ARM_LDR_SB_G0 R_ARM_LDR_SB_G1 R_ARM_LDR_SB_G2 R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G0 R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G1 R_ARM_LDRS_SB_G2 R_ARM_LDC_SB_G0 R_ARM_LDC_SB_G1 R_ARM_LDC_SB_G2 R_ARM_MOVW_BREL_NC R_ARM_MOVT_BREL R_ARM_MOVW_BREL R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL_NC R_ARM_THM_MOVT_BREL R_ARM_THM_MOVW_BREL R_ARM_TLS_GOTDESC R_ARM_TLS_CALL R_ARM_TLS_DESCSEQ R_ARM_THM_TLS_CALL ( PLT R_ARM_PLT32_ABS R_ARM_GOT_ABS R_ARM_GOT_PREL R_ARM_GOT_BREL12 R_ARM_GOTOFF12 R_ARM_GOTRELAX R_ARM_GNU_VTENTRY R_ARM_GNU_VTINHERIT R_ARM_THM_JUMP11 R_ARM_THM_JUMP8 R_ARM_TLS_GD32 R_ARM_TLS_LDM32 R_ARM_TLS_LDO32 R_ARM_TLS_IE32 R_ARM_TLS_LE32 R_ARM_TLS_LDO12 R_ARM_TLS_LE12 R_ARM_TLS_IE12GP R_ARM_PRIVATE_0 R_ARM_PRIVATE_1 R_ARM_PRIVATE_2 R_ARM_PRIVATE_3 R_ARM_PRIVATE_4 R_ARM_PRIVATE_5 R_ARM_PRIVATE_6 R_ARM_PRIVATE_7 R_ARM_PRIVATE_8 R_ARM_PRIVATE_9 R_ARM_PRIVATE_10 R_ARM_PRIVATE_11 R_ARM_PRIVATE_12 R_ARM_PRIVATE_13 R_ARM_PRIVATE_14 R_ARM_PRIVATE_15 R_ARM_ME_TOO R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ16 R_ARM_THM_TLS_DESCSEQ32 ( B S ) ( DELTA_B ( S ) ) U 7T U T =U _ _ _ _ ` reloc_name_in_error_message Arm_reloc_property v% v% m% Ll& n% m& n% number_of_children child name make_tree Add_lib_group_symbols Add_archive_symbols Add_archive_symbols %s: lib groups: %u %s: archive libraries: %u -u vector::_M_fill_insert --whole-archive %s: total lib groups members: %u %s: loaded lib groups members: %u %s: total archive members: %u %s: loaded archive members: %u /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ %s: malformed archive header at %zu %s: malformed archive header size at %zu %s: malformed archive header name at %zu %s: bad extended name index at %zu %s: bad extended name entry at header %zu %s: short archive header at %zu %s: bad archive symbol table names %s: no archive symbol table (run ranlib) %s: member at %zu is not an ELF object ! ! ` ~Task_token ~Task_list add add_writer is_blocked include_member options get_file_and_offset convert_types `{% @ 0 {% 0 p N4gold21Add_lib_group_symbolsE + @{% {% N4gold19Add_archive_symbolsE + l{% {% h + {% N4gold4TaskE {% P %s: must be processed by '%s' toolchain %s: object tag '%d, %s' is incompatible with tag '%d, %s' /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/attributes.h vector::_M_range_insert }% P pd c u c c d d d u d d u t u @d t Pd `d t Pt N4gold30Output_attributes_section_dataE + }% & do_print_merge_stats do_write_to_buffer do_add_input_section do_print_to_mapfile do_tls_offset do_set_tls_offset set_data_size do_set_out_shndx do_load_address do_write data_size convert_types get_output_view offset Attributes_section_data target convert_types arg_type convert_types new_attribute Vendor_object_attributes /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ ** dynbss .bss object set_current_data_size_for_child emit_copy_reloc options do_print_merge_stats do_write_to_buffer do_add_input_section do_tls_offset do_set_tls_offset set_data_size do_set_out_shndx do_load_address do_print_to_mapfile convert_types add_global emit_copy_reloc emit_copy_reloc add_global emit_copy_reloc emit_copy_reloc add_global emit_copy_reloc emit_copy_reloc add_global emit_copy_reloc /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ %s: can not read directory: %s Dir_cache_task Attempt to open %s/%s failed %s: closedir failed: %s N12_GLOBAL__N_114Dir_cache_taskE find is_blocked initialize add_blockers % a b ^ 0^ f ` add add add_writer + @ % {% /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ bad section name offset for section %u: %lu unexpected link in section %u header: %u != %u unexpected duplicate type %u section: %u, %u duplicate definition for version %u verneed vn_aux field out of range: %u vernaux vna_name field out of range: %u verneed vna_next field out of range: %u verneed vn_next field out of range: %u verdef vd_cnt field too small: %u verdef vd_aux field out of range: %u verdaux vda_name field out of range: %u verdef vd_next field out of range: %u size of dynamic symbols is not multiple of symbol size symbol %s has undefined version %s DYNAMIC section %u link out of range: %u DYNAMIC section %u link %u is not a strtab DT_SONAME value out of range: %lld >= %lld DT_NEEDED value out of range: %lld >= %lld missing DT_NULL in dynamic segment invalid dynamic symbol table name index: %u dynamic symbol table name section has wrong type: %u bad e_ehsize (%d != %d) bad e_shentsize (%d != %d) vector::reserve basic_string::substr unexpected verneed version %u unexpected verdef version %u D % P S @ 0 ` P P % Q `T @G - p P 0 0 N4gold12Sized_dynobjILi64ELb1EEE + % di% N4gold12Sized_dynobjILi64ELb0EEE + ` % di% need_section_contents index need_section_contents need_section_contents need_section_contents def_section_contents def_section_contents def_section_contents def_section_contents symbol_section_contents object dynsym_index symbol_section_contents symbol_section_contents symbol_section_contents read_dynamic read_dynsym_section convert_types set_xindex do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_add_symbols options read_dynamic read_dynsym_section do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_add_symbols read_dynamic read_dynsym_section do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_add_symbols read_dynamic read_dynsym_section do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_add_symbols version_index finalize set_index set_dynsym_index add_def record_version get_dynobj_for_sym define_base_version clear_weak create_gnu_hash_table target sized_create_elf_hash_table sized_create_elf_hash_table % C a @ % + % % N4gold6VerdefE h + % N4gold12Version_baseE % p % + % % N4gold15Verneed_versionE %s: %s: fatal error: %s: %s: warning: %s: %s: error: /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ %s: %s: %s: undefined reference to '%s' %s: %s: %s: undefined reference to '%s', version '%s' object undefined_symbol options /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ %s: total bytes mapped for read: %llu %s: maximum bytes mapped for read at one time: %llu %s: file too short: read only %zd of %zd bytes at %lld %s: file too short: read only %lld of %lld bytes at %lld %s: attempt to map %lld bytes at offset %lld exceeds size of file; the file may be corrupt %s: mmap offset %lld size %lld failed: %s could not reopen file %s %s: stat failed: %s %s: lseek failed: %s %s: readv failed: %s %s: pread failed: %s munmap failed: %s %s: fstat failed: %s Attempt to open %s succeeded .a .so -l cannot find %s%s cannot find %s cannot open %s: %s target open options Input_file ~Task_token ~Task_list ~File_view clear_views read_multiple convert_types do_readv find_or_make_view make_view add_view is_locked is_writable remove_writer lock add_writer release open open ~File_read unlock ~View %s: internal error in %s, at %s:%d Task_function Close_task_runner /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ cannot mix -static with dynamic object %s cannot mix -r with dynamic object %s cannot use non-ELF output format with dynamic object %s cannot mix split-stack '%s' and non-split-stack '%s' when using -r Task_function Layout_task_runner Incremental linking might be possible (not implemented yet) cannot mix -r with --gc-sections or --icf /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/workqueue.h : out of memory Task_function Middle_runner no input files Task_function Gc_runner % P $ % ` p P N4gold9Gc_runnerE + % 0 % N4gold13Middle_runnerE + % 0 % h + 8 % N4gold20Task_function_runnerE 0 % % P Task_function is_blocked ~Task_token ~Task_list queue_middle_tasks shndx output_section options target + % {% N4gold13Task_functionE /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ % N4gold15Initialize_lockE + % z$ Condvar options wait Lock release acquire ~Lock_impl_nothreads < % P + ` % % N4gold22Condvar_impl_nothreadsE h + % N4gold12Condvar_implE % % ` + % % N4gold19Lock_impl_nothreadsE h + % N4gold9Lock_implE % 0 /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ %s: ICF Converged after %u iteration(s) %s: ICF stopped after %u iteration(s) Could not find symbol %s to unfold %llx %llx %llux @ ICF_R Contents = ._ZN ._ZZ vector::_M_insert_aux ? S get_folded_section target is_section_included is_function_ctor_or_dtor get_section_contents is_preemptible object options internal error: %s: incremental build info not provided /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/options.h /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ the link might take longer: cannot perform incremental link: %s ** incremental link inputs list /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/stringpool.h no incremental data from previous build invalid incremental build data different version of incremental build data unsupported ELF data encoding %d [group] --incremental-changed --incremental-unchanged --incremental-unknown ' '"'"' command line changed output is not an ELF file. ELF file too short invalid ELF version 0 unsupported ELF version %d invalid ELF class 0 unsupported ELF class %d invalid ELF data encoding %s: incompatible target p % P p + , % 0 p E 9 % p p$ p% 0 % p A = N4gold24Sized_incremental_binaryILi64ELb1EEE + @ % < % N4gold24Sized_incremental_binaryILi64ELb0EEE + % < % N4gold24Sized_incremental_binaryILi32ELb1EEE + % < % N4gold24Sized_incremental_binaryILi32ELb0EEE + % < % h + D % N4gold18Incremental_binaryE < % ` p get_output_view create_incremental_inputs_section_data sized_create_inputs_section_data get_offset_from_key sized_create_inputs_section_data sized_create_inputs_section_data sized_create_inputs_section_data finalize file Unusually large LEB128 decoded, debug information may be corrupted Write_sections_task Write_data_task Write_symbols_task ** relocs ** zero fill .init .fini section name pool output symbol name pool dynamic name pool Section_info of %s missing. Section %s changed. sha1 md5 %s: requires executable stack .dynstr .strtab .shstrtab .gnu.lto_ .gnu_debuglink .debug_abbrev .debug_info .ctors .dtors .jcr .init_array .fini_array .gnu_incremental_inputs .gnu_incremental_strtab .note.GNU-stack .eh_frame_hdr .dynamic .rel .rela .ctors. .dtors. .init_array. .fini_array. .interp ** note header .symtab ** symtab .symtab_shndx .gnu.version ** versions .gnu.version_d ** version defs .gnu.version_r ** version refs .dynsym ** dynsym .dynsym_shndx ** hash .gnu.hash gold GNU uuid /dev/urandom /dev/urandom: read failed: %s 0x .text. .rodata. .rodata .data. .data .bss. .tdata. .tdata .tbss. .tbss .sdata. .sbss. .sbss .sdata2. .sbss2. .lrodata. .lrodata .ldata. .ldata .lbss. .lbss .gcc_except_table. .gnu.linkonce.t. .gnu.linkonce.r. .gnu.linkonce.d. .gnu.linkonce.b. .gnu.linkonce.s. .gnu.linkonce.s2. .gnu.linkonce.sb2. .gnu.linkonce.tb. .gnu.linkonce.l. .gnu.linkonce.armextab. .gnu.linkonce.armexidx. .debug_line .debug_str .debug_frame .debug_loc .debug_macinfo .debug_ranges Write_after_input_sections_task /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/layout.h Section order changed. Expecting %s but see %s 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPWRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_ %s: missing .note.GNU-stack section implies executable stack load segment overlap [0x%llx -> 0x%llx] and [0x%llx -> 0x%llx] read-only segment has dynamic relocations shared library text segment is not shareable --build-id=uuid failed: could not open /dev/urandom: %s /dev/urandom: expected %zu bytes, got %zd bytes --build-id argument '%s' not a valid hex number unrecognized --build-id argument '%s' x x H x x : : H : x : : : : : H x P D D P D D D D D D P h Z Z h Z Z Z Z Z Z h ! M % V|$ % o % % v % T % ] % \ % \ % O % O % e % l % r % % x % % % % % % % % % $ % % % $ % % % % % % % % % |$ % \ % % O % 2 % V|$ C % ] % T % l % e % % v % $ % % % $ % % |$ C % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % / % % ( layout_eh_frame options layout_eh_frame layout_eh_frame layout_eh_frame layout_group set_info_symndx set_should_link_to_symtab convert_types layout_group layout_group layout_group layout_reloc set_info_section do_print_merge_stats do_write_to_buffer do_add_input_section do_tls_offset do_set_tls_offset do_set_out_shndx do_load_address set_output_data layout_reloc layout_reloc layout_reloc include_section 5 % C % G % S % 5 % ^ % C % G % k % v % % S % include_section include_section include_section add add_writer is_blocked write_binary get_output_view write_build_id data_size offset write_data symtab_index dynsym_index make_output_segment Kept_section set_is_comdat set_object set_shndx output_section_name set_dynamic_symbol_size finalize_data_size target add_target_dynamic_tags create_interp create_version_sections set_link_section set_info assign_local_dynsym_offsets create_dynamic_symtab set_dynsym_index set_final_data_size set_address set_file_offset create_symtab_sections set_symtab_index info place_orphan_sections_in_script set_section_addresses_from_script set_segment_offsets segment_precedes create_incremental_info_sections create_build_id relaxation_loop_body doing_static_link find_first_load_seg set_name set_info_section_symndx attach_allocated_section_to_segment default_section_order choose_output_section check_output_data_for_reset_values % , % P N e pc T % @ M f PR ` | % M N z % M e M % ` ` N4gold17Close_task_runnerE + % 0 % N4gold31Write_after_input_sections_taskE + % {% N4gold18Write_symbols_taskE + 8 % {% N4gold15Write_data_taskE + ` % {% N4gold19Write_sections_taskE + % {% N4gold18Layout_task_runnerE + % 0 % L % pd c u c c d d d u 0h d d u t @d t Pd `d t Pt + ` % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi9ELi64ELb1EEE % pd c u c c d d d u f d d u t @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi4ELi64ELb1EEE % P pd c u c c d d d u h d d u t @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi9ELi64ELb0EEE % p pd c u c c d d d u g d d u t P @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi4ELi64ELb0EEE L % 0 pd c u c c d d d u h d d u t @d t Pd `d t Pt + ` % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi9ELi32ELb1EEE % @ pd c u c c d d d u pg d d u t @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi4ELi32ELb1EEE % ` P pd c u c c d d d u i d d u t @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi9ELi32ELb0EEE % @ pd c u c c d d d u g d d u t @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold25Output_relocatable_relocsILi4ELi32ELb0EEE .fini_array .preinit_array .init_array .fini_array .preinit_array .init_array .fini_array .preinit_array .init_array .fini_array .preinit_array .init_array % 0 pd c u c c d d d u d d u t @ @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold23Output_data_fixed_spaceE % P pd c u c c d d d u d d u t p @d t Pd `d t Pt + % & N4gold21Output_data_zero_fillE Memory map %s 0x%llx 0x%0*llx %10s load address 0x%-*llx 0x%0*llx %10s -u (%s) cannot close map file: %s cannot open map file %s: %s 0x%0*llx %s Allocating common symbols 0x%0*llx %10s %s Discarded input sections Archive member included because of file (symbol) /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ Common symbol size file data_size address target is_section_included print_input_section global_symbol object global_symbol global_symbol global_symbol report_include_archive_member /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ symbol %u out of range for SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX section extended index for symbol %u out of range: %u section name section has wrong type: %u missing SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX section size of symbols is not multiple of symbol size local symbol %u section index %u out of range unknown section index %u for local symbol %u section group %u info %u out of range symbol %u name offset %u out of range symbol %u invalid section index %u section %u in section group %u out of range invalid section group %u refers to earlier section %u relocation section %u has bad info %u %s: removing unused section from '%s' in file '%s' %s: ICF folding section '%s' in file '%s'into '%s' in file '%s' %s: unsupported ELF machine number %d local symbol %u section name out of range: %u >= %u %s is not supported but is required for %s in %s .note.GNU-split-stack .note.GNU-no-split-stack .note .preinit_array personality .gnu.linkonce.d (invalid) .zdebug_ .gnu.attributes .gnu.linkonce --copy-dt-needed-entries --add-needed in function +0x%lx d % ` 0 0 ` @ 9 P4 A @ p % $ p P : ` J P p H p P @ @ l% p P~ PI @ @ P 0 p & ` @ O 0 O @ h% p P 0 m % # 0 # " ! 0 @ 0 P: 0 & ` F p P4 0 ` 0 & p p N4gold12Sized_relobjILi64ELb1EEE + @ % h% N4gold12Sized_relobjILi64ELb0EEE + % h% read_symtab_xindex convert_types initialize_symtab_xindex read_symtab_xindex initialize_symtab_xindex read_symtab_xindex initialize_symtab_xindex read_symtab_xindex initialize_symtab_xindex compute_final_local_value_internal output_section set_merged_symbol_value address write_local_symbols options get_output_view output_symtab_index output_dynsym_index has_output_symtab_entry has_output_dynsym_entry value find_single_comdat_section set_linkonce_size add_comdat_section set_xindex do_set_section_offset object do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_set_local_dynsym_offset set_output_dynsym_index do_finalize_local_symbols set_output_symtab_index do_count_local_symbols set_input_shndx set_is_section_symbol may_be_discarded_from_output_symtab target set_no_output_symtab_entry do_add_symbols do_layout set_relocatable_relocs do_read_symbols get_output_section_offset set_local_got_offset local_got_offset set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry local_symbol_input_shndx dynsym_index symtab_index local_symbol symbol_section_and_value global_symbol compute_final_local_value_internal write_local_symbols value do_set_section_offset do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_set_local_dynsym_offset do_finalize_local_symbols do_count_local_symbols do_add_symbols do_layout do_read_symbols get_output_section_offset set_local_got_offset local_got_offset set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry local_symbol_input_shndx dynsym_index symtab_index local_symbol symbol_section_and_value global_symbol compute_final_local_value_internal set_merged_symbol_value write_local_symbols output_symtab_index output_dynsym_index has_output_symtab_entry has_output_dynsym_entry value convert_types do_set_section_offset do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_set_local_dynsym_offset set_output_dynsym_index do_finalize_local_symbols set_output_symtab_index do_count_local_symbols set_input_shndx set_is_section_symbol may_be_discarded_from_output_symtab set_no_output_symtab_entry do_add_symbols do_layout do_read_symbols get_output_section_offset set_local_got_offset local_got_offset set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry local_symbol_input_shndx dynsym_index symtab_index local_symbol symbol_section_and_value global_symbol compute_final_local_value_internal write_local_symbols value do_set_section_offset do_initialize_xindex do_section_entsize do_set_local_dynsym_offset do_finalize_local_symbols do_count_local_symbols do_add_symbols do_layout do_read_symbols get_output_section_offset set_local_got_offset local_got_offset set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry local_symbol_input_shndx dynsym_index symtab_index local_symbol symbol_section_and_value global_symbol set_has_unknown_needed_entries D % ^! + ` % % N4gold21Sized_dwarf_line_infoILi64ELb1EEE h + % N4gold15Dwarf_line_infoE % % @ Z! + % % N4gold21Sized_dwarf_line_infoILi64ELb0EEE D % @ W! + ` % % N4gold21Sized_dwarf_line_infoILi32ELb1EEE % 0T! + % % N4gold21Sized_dwarf_line_infoILi32ELb0EEE h% %s: use the --help option for usage information %s: must take a non-empty argument /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.x/sysroot format '%s' not supported; treating as elf (supported formats: elf, binary) unable to parse dynamic-list script file %s unable to parse version script file %s unable to parse script file %s %s: invalid option value (expected a floating point number): %s %s: invalid option value (expected an integer): %s Usage: %s [options] file... Options: %s: must take one of the following arguments: %s invalid argument to --section-start; must be SECTION=ADDRESS --section-start address missing --section-start argument %s is not a valid hex number may not nest libraries in groups may not nest groups in libraries --plugin-opt requires --plugin. ignoring --threads: %s was compiled without thread support ignoring --thread-count: %s was compiled without thread support unable to open -retain-symbols-file file %s: %s -shared and -static are incompatible -shared and -pie are incompatible -shared and -r are incompatible -retain-symbols-file does not yet work with -r binary output format not compatible with -shared or -pie or -r --hash-bucket-empty-fraction value %g out of range [0.0, 1.0) Options --incremental-changed, --incremental-unchanged, --incremental-unknown require the use of --incremental Report version and target information Do not copy DT_NEEDED tags from shared libraries Allow multiple definitions of symbols Do not allow multiple definitions Allow unresolved references in shared libraries Do not allow unresolved references in shared libraries Only set DT_NEEDED for shared libraries if used Always DT_NEEDED for shared libraries -l searches for shared libraries -l does not search for shared libraries Bind defined function symbols locally Check segment addresses for overlaps (default) Do not check segment addresses for overlaps Compress .debug_* sections in the output file Do not output cross reference table Demangle C++ symbols in log messages Do not demangle C++ symbols in log messages Look for violations of the C++ One Definition Rule Do not look for violations of the C++ One Definition Rule Delete all temporary local symbols Add data symbols to dynamic symbols Add C++ operator new/delete to dynamic symbols Add C++ typeinfo to dynamic symbols Read a list of dynamic symbols Exclude libraries from automatic export Do not export all dynamic symbols (default) (ARM only) Do not warn about objects with incompatible enum sizes Do not treat warnings as errors (ARM only) Fix binaries for Cortex-A8 erratum. (ARM only) Do not fix binaries for Cortex-A8 erratum. (ARM only) Rewrite BX rn as MOV pc, rn for ARMv4 (ARM only) Rewrite BX rn branch to ARMv4 interworking veneer Min fraction of empty buckets in dynamic hash Use timestamps to check files (default) Read only symbol values from FILE Map whole files to memory (default on 64-bit hosts) Map relevant file parts to memory (default on 32-bit hosts) Keep files mapped across passes (default) Release mapped files after each pass Write map file on standard output Do not page align data, do not make text readonly Page align data, make text readonly Enable use of DT_RUNPATH and DT_FLAGS Disable use of DT_RUNPATH and DT_FLAGS Create an output file even if errors occur Report undefined symbols (even with --shared) (ARM only) Ignore for backward compatibility Create a position independent executable Preread archive symbols when multi-threaded Print symbols defined and used for each input Ignored for SVR4 compatibility Generate relocations in output Relax branches on certain targets keep only symbols listed in this file Add DIR to runtime search path Add DIR to link time shared library search path Sort common symbols by alignment Emit only debug line number information Strip debug symbols that are unused by gdb (at least versions <= 6.7) Strip LTO intermediate code sections (ARM only) The maximum distance from instructions in a group of sections to their stubs. Negative values mean stubs are always after the group. 1 means using default size. Use less memory and more disk I/O (included only for compatibility with GNU ld) Stack size when -fsplit-stack function calls non-split Do not link against shared libraries Identical Code Folding. '--icf=safe' Folds ctors, dtors and functions whose pointers are definitely not taken. Number of iterations of ICF (default 2) List folded identical sections on stderr Do not list folded identical sections Do not fold this symbol during ICF Don't remove unused sections (default) List removed unused sections on stderr Do not list removed unused sections Print resource usage statistics Set target system root directory Print the name of each input file Do not run the linker multi-threaded Number of threads to use in initial pass Number of threads to use in middle pass Number of threads to use in final pass Set the address of the bss segment Set the address of the data segment Set the address of the text segment Create undefined reference to SYMBOL Warn about duplicate common symbols Do not warn about duplicate common symbols (default) Warn if the stack is executable Do not warn if the stack is executable (default) Don't warn about mismatched input files Warn when skipping an incompatible library Don't warn when skipping an incompatible library Warn if text segment is not shareable Do not warn if text segment is not shareable (default) Report unresolved symbols as warnings Report unresolved symbols as errors (ARM only) Do not warn about objects with incompatible wchar_t sizes Include only needed archive contents Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL Allow unused version in script (default) Do not allow unused version in script Default search path for Solaris compatibility Mark output as requiring executable stack Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable Mark object for lazy runtime binding (default) Mark object requiring immediate process Mark object not to use default search paths Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime Mark DSO not available to dlopen Mark DSO not available to dldump Mark output as not requiring executable stack Mark object for immediate function binding Mark DSO to indicate that needs immediate $ORIGIN processing at runtime Where possible mark variables read-only after relocation Don't mark variables read-only after relocation Do not permit relocations in read-only segments Permit relocations in read-only segments (default) %s: %s: %s lib end without lib start Group end without group start elf binary Supported targets: -%c -- -z %c%s %s: supported targets: Report bugs to %s ,: unexpected argument missing argument may not nest libraries May not nest groups Z-OPTION unknown -z option unknown option unknown demangling style '%s' COLLECT_NO_DEMANGLE P, /usr/lib -pie and -r are incompatible %s: missing group end Report usage information help Report version information Not supported false true no-add_needed no-allow_multiple_definition no-allow_shlib_undefined no-as_needed [ignored] Ignored assert [elf,binary] Set input format no-Bdynamic no-Bstatic Bind defined symbols locally no-Bsymbolic no-Bsymbolic_functions [=STYLE] Generate build ID note build_id no-check_sections [none,zlib] compress_debug_sections no-copy_dt_needed_entries Output cross reference table no-cref Define common symbols Do not define common symbols no-define_common Alias for -d no-dc no-dp [all,files,script,task][,...] Turn on debugging SYMBOL=EXPRESSION Define a symbol defsym no-no_demangle no-detect_odr_violations Delete all local symbols no-discard_all no-discard_locals no-dynamic_list_data no-dynamic_list_cpp_new no-dynamic_list_cpp_typeinfo dynamic_list Set program start address entry lib,lib ... exclude_libs Export all dynamic symbols no-export_dynamic Link big-endian objects. EB Create exception frame header no-eh_frame_hdr Link little-endian objects. no-enum_size_warning Treat warnings as errors no-fatal_warnings SYMBOL Call SYMBOL at unload-time _fini no-fix_cortex_a8 fix_v4bx fix_v4bx_interworking no-g Set shared library name soname no-i FRACTION 0.0 hash_bucket_empty_fraction [sysv,gnu,both] Dynamic hash style hash_style PROGRAM Set dynamic linker path dynamic_linker Work in progress; do not use Do a full build no-incremental Assume files changed incremental_changed Assume files didn't change incremental_unchanged incremental_unknown Call SYMBOL at load-time _init just_symbols no-map_whole_files no-keep_files_mapped Search for library LIBNAME Add directory to search path library_path EMULATION Ignored for compatibility no-print_map MAPFILENAME Write map file Map Do not page align data no-nmagic no-omagic enable_new_dtags disable-new_dtags no-noinhibit_exec no-no_undefined Set output file name a.out LEVEL Optimize output file size optimize [binary] Set output format oformat no-p no-pie no-pic_executable no-pipeline_knowledge no-preread_archive_symbols print_symbol_counts no-Qy no-emit_relocs Generate relocatable output no-relocatable no-relax retain_symbols_file rpath rpath_link SECTION=ADDRESS Set address of section section_start [={ascending,descending}] sort_common Strip all symbols no-strip_all Strip debugging information no-strip_debug no-strip_debug_non_line no-strip_debug_gdb no-strip_lto_sections stub_group_size no-no_keep_memory Generate shared library no-shared no-Bshareable 0x4000 split_stack_adjust_size [none,all,safe] icf COUNT icf_iterations no-print_icf_sections keep_unique Remove unused sections no-gc_sections no-print_gc_sections no-stats sysroot no-trace Read linker script Run the linker multi-threaded no-threads Number of threads to use thread_count thread_count_initial thread_count_middle thread_count_final -1U Tbss Tdata Ttext Synonym for --debug=files no-verbose Read version script version_script no-warn_common no-warn_constructors no-warn_execstack no-warn_mismatch no-warn_multiple_gp no-warn_search_mismatch no-warn_shared_textrel no-warn_unresolved_symbols no-error_unresolved_symbols no-wchar_size_warning Include all archive contents no-whole_archive wrap Trace references to symbol trace_symbol no-undefined_version PATH Start a library search group start_group End a library search group end_group Start a library start_lib End a library end_lib Sort dynamic relocs Do not sort dynamic relocs nocombreloc Set common page size to SIZE common_page_size nodefs noinitfirst nointerpose nolazy noloadfltr Set maximum page size to SIZE max_page_size nomuldefs Do not create copy relocs nocopyreloc nonodefaultlib nonodelete nonodlopen nonodump nonoexecstack nonow noorigin norelro notext notextoff % ;$ % ;$ % process_one_option add_file lib add_sysroot finalize print register_option ** section headers ** segment headers ** file header ** fill ** string table ** dynamic ** symtab xindex ** group ** merge strings %s: munmap: %s %s: write: %s %s: close: %s %s: mremap: %s %s: mmap: %s %s: open: %s .o cannot find entry symbol '%s' crtbegin crtend /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/merge.h %s: write: unexpected 0 return-value %s: mmap: failed to allocate %lu bytes for output file: %s entry symbol '%s' exists but is not defined dot moves backward in linker script from 0x%llx to 0x%llx address of section '%s' moves backward from 0x%llx to 0x%llx invalid alignment %lu for section "%s" section group retained but group element discarded H & 0 A pd c u c c d d d u pi d d u t p' @d t Pd `d t Pt & B pd c u c c d d d u i d d u t ' @d t Pd `d t Pt & P `D pd c u c c d d d u e d d u t ' @d t Pd `d t Pt & F pd c u c c d d d u Pf d d u t ( @d t Pd `d t Pt P & 0 pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t @' ( t Pd `d t Pt & P 0 pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t ' ! t Pd `d t Pt & p 0 pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & @! t Pd `d t Pt & P pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & t Pd `d t Pt P & p pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & ` t Pd `d t Pt & pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t P& p) t Pd `d t Pt & p pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & t Pd `d t Pt & pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t % 0 t Pd `d t Pt P & 0 0 pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t % t Pd `d t Pt & P pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t % t Pd `d t Pt & P @ P p ` p 0 & pd c u c c d d d u d d u t `% @d t Pd `d t Pt & p 0 pd c u c c d d d u p d d u t 0% t Pd `d t Pt 4 & # pd c u c c d d d u 0 d d u t % @d t Pd `d P Pt & @ pd c u c c d d d u d d u t u @d t Pd `d t Pt d & # pd c u c c d d d u d d u t $ @d t Pd `d Pt & pd c u c c d d d u d d u t $ @d t Pd `d 0 Pt & # @ @z c u c c d u x d d u t p$ & # 0z c u c c d u @y d d u t @$ ` & # p z c u c c d u y d d u t $ & 0 c u c c d u d d u t u N4gold17Output_data_groupILi64ELb1EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_groupILi64ELb0EEE + ` & & N4gold17Output_data_groupILi32ELb1EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_groupILi32ELb0EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi4ELb0ELi64ELb1EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi4ELb0ELi64ELb0EEE + ` & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi4ELb0ELi32ELb1EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi4ELb0ELi32ELb0EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi9ELb1ELi64ELb1EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi9ELb1ELi64ELb0EEE + ` & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi9ELb0ELi64ELb1EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi9ELb0ELi64ELb0EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi9ELb0ELi32ELb1EEE + & & N4gold17Output_data_relocILi9ELb0ELi32ELb0EEE + ` & & N4gold14Output_sectionE + & & N4gold20Output_symtab_xindexE + & & N4gold19Output_data_dynamicE + & & N4gold18Output_data_strtabE + & & N4gold24Output_data_const_bufferE + @ & & N4gold17Output_data_constE + p & & N4gold19Output_section_dataE + & & N4gold18Output_file_headerE + & & N4gold22Output_segment_headersE + & & N4gold22Output_section_headersE + @ & & N4gold11Output_dataE h + l & + & $ + ` & $ + & $ + & $ + & $ + ` & $ + & $ + & $ + & $ + ` & $ N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi4ELb0ELi64ELb1EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi4ELb0ELi64ELb0EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi4ELb0ELi32ELb1EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi4ELb0ELi32ELb0EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi9ELb1ELi64ELb1EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi9ELb1ELi64ELb0EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi9ELb0ELi64ELb1EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi9ELb0ELi64ELb0EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi9ELb0ELi32ELb1EEE N4gold22Output_data_reloc_baseILi9ELb0ELi32ELb0EEE set_data_size do_out_shndx data_size do_print_to_mapfile set_final_data_size do_set_out_shndx do_out_shndx do_load_address set_should_link_to_symtab do_write offset get_output_view do_write do_write do_write set_should_link_to_dynsym do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_write do_print_merge_stats do_write_to_buffer do_add_input_section do_tls_offset do_set_tls_offset do_set_out_shndx do_load_address local_symbol value Got_entry set_current_data_size_for_child do_write set_local_got_offset output_section local_symbol value Got_entry do_write set_local_got_offset local_symbol value Got_entry do_write set_local_got_offset local_symbol value Got_entry do_write set_local_got_offset do_write convert_types do_write do_write do_write add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global add_global target get_address get_output_section_offset address get_symbol_index dynsym_index dynsym_index output_dynsym_index dynsym_index set_needs_dynsym_index set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_needs_output_dynsym_entry symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc get_address get_output_section_offset get_symbol_index dynsym_index set_needs_dynsym_index set_needs_output_dynsym_entry symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc get_address get_output_section_offset get_symbol_index dynsym_index output_dynsym_index set_needs_dynsym_index set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_needs_output_dynsym_entry symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc get_address get_output_section_offset get_symbol_index dynsym_index set_needs_dynsym_index set_needs_output_dynsym_entry symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc get_address get_symbol_index symtab_index symtab_index output_symtab_index symtab_index set_needs_dynsym_index symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc get_address get_symbol_index symtab_index set_needs_dynsym_index symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc get_address get_symbol_index symtab_index output_symtab_index set_needs_dynsym_index symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc get_address get_symbol_index symtab_index set_needs_dynsym_index symbol_value local_section_offset target_arg Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc Output_reloc add_input_section options Input_section add_input_section add_input_section add_input_section first_section_load_address set_tls_offsets set_offset set_section_list_addresses set_address set_file_offset finalize_data_size set_section_addresses add_initial_output_data remove_output_section add_output_section_to_nonload add_output_section_to_load restore_states discard_states save_states add_merge_section input_sections_begin input_sections_end relaxed_input_section save_input_sections convert_types write_to_postprocessing_buffer postprocessing_buffer create_postprocessing_buffer do_write input_section has_priority section_name index output_address output_offset is_input_address_mapped find_relaxed_input_section find_merge_section convert_input_sections_to_relaxed_sections convert_input_sections_in_list_to_relaxed_sections add_merge_input_section find_merge_section Output_merge_string do_set_keeps_input_sections set_no_zero_null Output_merge_string do_set_keeps_input_sections set_no_zero_null Output_merge_string do_set_keeps_input_sections set_no_zero_null set_output_section shndx relobj endian_do_write endian_do_write do_write sized_write sized_write sized_write sized_write set_final_data_size do_adjust_output_section get_strtab_size do_out_shndx set_output_section do_size do_write do_sized_write get_sized_symbol do_sized_write do_sized_write get_sized_symbol do_sized_write do_size do_write do_sized_write do_sized_write do_sized_write do_sized_write do_write do_sized_write write_section_headers_list symtab_section dynsym_section do_sized_write write_section_headers_list do_sized_write write_section_headers_list do_sized_write write_section_headers_list do_size default_alignment_for_size & pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t % t Pd `d t Pt & ` 0 pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t % t Pd `d t Pt & @ pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t % 0 t Pd `d t Pt & ` p pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & t Pd `d t Pt & @ pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t P& p) t Pd `d t Pt & pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & ` t Pd `d t Pt & pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & t Pd `d t Pt & pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t & @! t Pd `d t Pt & 0 pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t ' ! t Pd `d t Pt & ` pd c u c c d d d u @u d d u t @' ( t Pd `d t Pt 1& 0 h + 1& N4gold14Output_section25Checkpoint_output_sectionE t2& p P " pd c u c c d d d u " d d u t 0( @d " @ " " " p " $ + 2& & N4gold19Output_merge_stringIcEE 3& " pd c u c c d d d u " d d u t `( @d " @ " " p " " # + 3& & N4gold19Output_merge_stringItEE 3& P " pd c u c c d d d u " d d u t ( @d " @ " " " " # 0 + 3& & N4gold19Output_merge_stringIjEE /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ input file does not match -EB/EL option unrecognized output format %s relaxation 4& 2 02 P2 + 4& z$ N4gold26Set_parameters_target_onceE parameters_force_valid_target options check_target_endianness target size_and_endianness set_target_once set_target set_doing_static_link set_options set_errors 2 % ] % % 4& % Plugin_hook Plugin_finish /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ input files added by plug-ins in --incremental mode not supported yet 6& : 0: 3 p3 3 I N4gold11Plugin_hookE + 6& {% run run options add add_writer is_blocked ~Task_token ~Task_list get_symbol_resolution_info object make_sized_plugin_object target do_get_global_symbols do_get_global_symbol_counts do_initialize_xindex do_section_addralign do_section_info do_section_link do_section_type do_section_address do_section_entsize do_section_flags do_section_name do_section_size do_section_contents do_layout do_read_symbols do_get_global_symbols do_get_global_symbol_counts do_initialize_xindex do_section_addralign do_section_info do_section_link do_section_type do_section_address do_section_entsize do_section_flags do_section_name do_section_size do_section_contents do_layout do_read_symbols do_get_global_symbols do_get_global_symbol_counts do_initialize_xindex do_section_addralign do_section_info do_section_link do_section_type do_section_address do_section_entsize do_section_flags do_section_name do_section_size do_section_contents do_layout do_read_symbols do_get_global_symbols do_get_global_symbol_counts do_initialize_xindex do_section_addralign do_section_info do_section_link do_section_type do_section_address do_section_entsize do_section_flags do_section_name do_section_size do_section_contents do_layout do_read_symbols `<& Z Y `J I I PI + l<& {% N4gold13Plugin_finishE <& k m I + =& i% N4gold9PluginobjE |=& o o I PM M d V L L L `L 0L L K K pK @K K J J + =& <& N4gold15Sized_pluginobjILi32ELb1EEE <>& q Pp I P O a W O O `O 0O O N N pN @N N M M M + `>& <& N4gold15Sized_pluginobjILi32ELb0EEE >& Pr q I R R i @X R `R 0R R Q Q pQ @Q Q P P P PP + ?& <& N4gold15Sized_pluginobjILi64ELb1EEE ?& `n r I U U f Y `U 0U U T T pT @T T S S S PS S + ?& <& N4gold15Sized_pluginobjILi64ELb0EEE Add_symbols Start_group Finish_group Unblock_token %s: not an object or archive %s: file is empty Read_script -l: Read_symbols group ( Read_symbols lib ( Read_symbols /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/readsyms.h skipping incompatible %s while searching for %s /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/archive.h B& P y s Pt C& @z 0 @C& z 0 s dC& y @u C& p `{ s N4gold11Read_scriptE + B& {% N4gold12Finish_groupE + C& {% N4gold11Start_groupE + (C& {% N4gold11Add_symbolsE + LC& {% N4gold12Read_symbolsE + pC& {% file add add_writer is_blocked ~Task_token ~Task_list group lib do_group add_blocker set_blocker do_read_symbols options set_blocker @D& p p + LD& {% N4gold13Unblock_tokenE Debug abbreviations extend beyond .debug_abbrev section; failed to reduce debug abbreviations /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ Extremely large compile unit in debug info; failed to reduce debug info Debug info extends beyond .debug_info section;failed to reduce debug info Invalid DIE in debug info; failed to reduce debug info Debug info extends beyond .debug_info section; failed to reduce debug info 8 H 8 0 x X H X x do_set_out_shndx do_out_shndx do_load_address offset data_size get_output_view postprocessing_buffer target set_data_size set_final_data_size LH& p P @ P p p 0 H& p P @ P p @ p 0 N4gold33Output_reduced_debug_info_sectionE + H& & N4gold35Output_reduced_debug_abbrev_sectionE + `H& & /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ reloc section size %zu is not a multiple of reloc size %d could not convert call to '%s' to '%s' relocation section %u uses unexpected symbol table %u unexpected entsize for reloc section %u: %lu != %u reloc section %u size %lu uneven could not decompress section %s Relocate_task Scan_relocs Gc_process_relocs Read_relocs { h p @ 8K& P S P \K& p K& 0 0 ` K& @S R P N4gold13Relocate_taskE + K& {% N4gold11Scan_relocsE + DK& {% N4gold17Gc_process_relocsE + hK& {% N4gold11Read_relocsE + K& {% initialize initialize initialize initialize set_is_section_symbol set_input_shndx output_dynsym_index set_output_dynsym_index has_output_dynsym_entry set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry set_no_output_symtab_entry set_output_symtab_index output_symtab_index has_output_symtab_entry may_be_discarded_from_output_symtab initialize_input_to_output_map set_merged_symbol_value set_is_section_symbol set_input_shndx output_dynsym_index set_output_dynsym_index has_output_dynsym_entry set_needs_output_dynsym_entry set_must_have_output_symtab_entry set_no_output_symtab_entry set_output_symtab_index output_symtab_index has_output_symtab_entry may_be_discarded_from_output_symtab initialize_input_to_output_map set_merged_symbol_value value_from_output_section value_from_output_section do_relocate_sections sized_target split_stack_adjust split_stack_adjust_reltype object find_functions target convert_types global_symbol split_stack_adjust_reltype options emit_relocs relocate_for_relocatable strategy symtab_index local_symbol_input_shndx output_section symtab_index convert_types local_symbol get_reloc_addend value relocate_for_relocatable relocatable_relocs do_relocate_sections sized_target split_stack_adjust split_stack_adjust_reltype find_functions global_symbol split_stack_adjust_reltype emit_relocs relocate_for_relocatable symtab_index local_symbol_input_shndx local_symbol get_reloc_addend value relocate_for_relocatable do_relocate_sections sized_target split_stack_adjust split_stack_adjust_reltype find_functions global_symbol split_stack_adjust_reltype emit_relocs relocate_for_relocatable symtab_index local_symbol_input_shndx local_symbol get_reloc_addend value relocate_for_relocatable do_relocate_sections sized_target split_stack_adjust split_stack_adjust_reltype find_functions global_symbol split_stack_adjust_reltype emit_relocs relocate_for_relocatable symtab_index local_symbol_input_shndx local_symbol get_reloc_addend value relocate_for_relocatable write_sections offset data_size postprocessing_buffer get_output_view address write_sections write_sections convert_types write_sections do_scan_relocs emit_relocs_scan scan_relocatable_relocs is_section_included set_must_have_output_symtab_entry scan_relocatable_relocs do_scan_relocs emit_relocs_scan scan_relocatable_relocs set_must_have_output_symtab_entry scan_relocatable_relocs do_scan_relocs emit_relocs_scan scan_relocatable_relocs set_must_have_output_symtab_entry scan_relocatable_relocs do_scan_relocs emit_relocs_scan scan_relocatable_relocs set_must_have_output_symtab_entry scan_relocatable_relocs do_read_relocs do_read_relocs do_read_relocs do_read_relocs add add_writer is_blocked ~Task_token ~Task_list . = %s 0x%x FILEHDR PHDRS FLAGS(%u) AT( ; SECTIONS { PHDRS { FILL( NOLOAD DSECT INFO OVERLAY %s (%s) SUBALIGN( } :%s KEEP( SORT_BY_NAME( EXCLUDE_FILE( SORT_BY_ALIGNMENT( SHORT LONG SQUAD BYTE %s( ** expression TLS sections are not adjacent /DISCARD/ fill value is not absolute .comment no segment %s dot may not move backward ?*[ marker for orphaned output section %s /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ SORT_BY_NAME(SORT_BY_ALIGNMENT( SORT_BY_ALIGNMENT(SORT_BY_NAME( DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END may only appear once in a linker script DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END must follow DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN may only appear once in a linker script SPECIAL constraints are not implemented mismatched definition for constrained sections may only specify load address for PT_LOAD segment PHDRS load address overrides section %s load address using only one of FILEHDR and PHDRS is not currently supported sections loaded on first page without room for file and program headers are not supported using FILEHDR and PHDRS on more than one PT_LOAD segment is not currently supported alignment of section %s is not absolute subalign of section %s is not absolute fill of section %s is not absolute allocated section not in any segment section in two PT_LOAD segments allocated section not in any PT_LOAD segment no matching section constraint x x x do_print_merge_stats do_add_input_section do_tls_offset do_set_tls_offset set_final_data_size do_set_out_shndx do_load_address orphan_section_init put_headers_in_phdrs address load_address create_note_and_tls_segments create_segments target options total_header_size set_section_addresses place_orphan data_segment_align add_input_section add_fill add_data finish_output_section start_output_section finish_sections start_sections set_address finalize_data_size script_section_type_name section_type alternate_constraint check_constraint set_section_addresses print set_section_addresses relaxed_input_section set_addralign convert_types print set_section_addresses endian_write_to_buffer data_size endian_write_to_buffer get_output_view offset do_write_to_buffer last_place b& u Px Ps q q q q q x 0N r 0r 0 Pr ps u Db& 0 s 0s p# ` ~ 8 0 " $ @s b& ` r r s & a b& 0u x r r r r / c& z z pd c u c c d d d u d d u t z @d t Pd `d ' Pt Pc& @u w r r v r Q `u N4gold21Orphan_output_sectionE + a& \c& N4gold25Output_section_definitionE + b& \c& N4gold28Output_section_element_inputE + `b& dc& N4gold27Output_section_element_dataE + b& dc& N4gold22Output_data_expressionE + b& & N4gold37Output_section_element_dot_assignmentE + c& dc& h + lc& h + c& N4gold16Sections_elementE N4gold22Output_section_elementE dc& pr w r r r r r \c& q 0x q q q q q q r r r 0r @r Pr `r d& P q q q q 0| q r r r 0r @r Pr `r { + d& \c& N4gold26Sections_element_assertionE He& Pu px q q q q pw q r w r 0r @r Pr `r u + `e& \c& N4gold31Sections_element_dot_assignmentE e& ` q q q } `} q r | r 0r @r Pr `r P| + f& \c& N4gold27Sections_element_assignmentE hf& u x r r r r ~ Pv + f& dc& N4gold27Output_section_element_fillE f& r r r r r { + g& dc& N4gold32Output_section_element_assertionE hg& r ~ } r 0} | + g& dc& N4gold33Output_section_element_assignmentE - - - - - - - . . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 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X. %s:%d:%d: %s --no-define-common --define-common } extern "C++" { extern "Java" { " VERSION { { %s { global : local : %s ASSERT( , "%s") PROVIDE_HIDDEN( PROVIDE( %s = %s: Dumping linker script ENTRY(%s) " command line --entry= --undefined= Java C++ -L invalid character ABSOLUTE ALIGNOF ASSERT AS_NEEDED BIND BLOCK CONSTANT CONSTRUCTORS CREATE_OBJECT_SYMBOLS DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN DATA_SEGMENT_END DATA_SEGMENT_RELRO_END DEFINED EXCLUDE_FILE EXTERN FILL FORCE_COMMON_ALLOCATION GROUP HLL INCLUDE INHIBIT_COMMON_ALLOCATION INPUT KEEP LENGTH LOADADDR MAP MAX MEMORY MIN NEXT NOCROSSREFS NOFLOAT ONLY_IF_RO ONLY_IF_RW ORIGIN OUTPUT OUTPUT_ARCH OUTPUT_FORMAT PROVIDE PROVIDE_HIDDEN SEARCH_DIR SECTIONS SEGMENT_START SIZEOF SIZEOF_HEADERS SORT SORT_BY_ALIGNMENT SORT_BY_NAME SPECIAL STARTUP SUBALIGN SYSLIB TARGET TRUNCATE VERSION global len org sizeof_headers extern PT_NULL PT_LOAD PT_DYNAMIC PT_INTERP PT_NOTE PT_SHLIB PT_PHDR PT_TLS PT_GNU_EH_FRAME PT_GNU_STACK PT_GNU_RELRO unknown PHDR type (try integer) %s:%d:%d: DATA_SEGMENT_ALIGN not in SECTIONS clause /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ %s:%d:%d: ignoring command OPTION; OPTION is only valid for scripts specified via -T/--script invalid use of PROVIDE for dot symbol %s:%d:%d: invalid use of VERSION in input file version script assignment of %s to symbol %s failed: symbol not defined '%s' appears as both a global and a local symbol for version '%s' in script wildcard match appears in both version '%s' and '%s' in script wildcard match appears as both global and local in version '%s' in script unrecognized version script language '%s' %s: SECTIONS seen after other input files; try -T/--script %s:%d:%d: ignoring SEARCH_DIR; SEARCH_DIR is only valid for scripts specified via -T/--script using '%s' as version for '%s' which is also named in version '%s' in script 9 > > > > > n > > > 9 b > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 n b > > 9 > 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 > > > X h x 6k& El& :m& ?k& Gk& Nk& Yo% Xk& ]k& W& ck& lk& ! 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This program is free software; you may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) a later version. This program has absolutely no warranty. basic_string::erase GNU gold (%s) %s 1.9 & /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ %3d completed task %s (user: %ld.%06ld sys: %ld.%06ld wall: %ld.%06ld) %3d sleeping %3d awake %3d running task %s add_blocker remove_blocker remove_writer pop_front push_back set_list_next find_runnable_or_wait push_front ~Task_list set_thread_count & ] ] ] 0] + & & N4gold25Workqueue_threader_singleE h + & N4gold18Workqueue_threaderE & ] ] DSECT section type is unsupported COPY section type is unsupported INFO section type is unsupported OVERLAY section type is unsupported memory regions are not supported PHDRS syntax error FLAGS memory exhausted $end $undefined '=' OREQ ANDEQ RSHIFTEQ LSHIFTEQ DIVEQ MULTEQ MINUSEQ PLUSEQ '?' 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"! "! "! h"! H"! ("! "! "! !! @#! 8'! '! &! &! &! x&! h&! X&! 0&! '! h+! P+! +! *! *! *! *! *! `*! +! /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ (unknown) read_header_tables read_header_prolog symbol_section read_line_mappings do_addr2line offset_to_iterator read_header_tables read_header_prolog symbol_section read_line_mappings do_addr2line read_header_tables read_header_prolog symbol_section read_line_mappings do_addr2line read_header_tables read_header_prolog symbol_section read_line_mappings do_addr2line one_addr2line ** eh_frame_hdr ** eh_frame /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ehframe.h /tmp/android-build-bb7e003d31d08f72cabc269a652912b7/src/build/../binutils/binutils-20100303/gold/ ` & ` ! ! P ! pd c u c c d d d u ! d d u t ` ! @d t ! ! t Pt & P ! ! ! pd c u c c d d d u ! d d u t 0 ! @d t Pd `d t Pt N4gold8Eh_frameE + L & & N4gold12Eh_frame_hdrE + l & & do_print_merge_stats do_write_to_buffer do_add_input_section do_tls_offset do_set_tls_offset do_set_out_shndx do_load_address read_cie Cie is_section_included read_cie read_cie read_cie do_write offset data_size get_output_view write write write write write write write write set_final_data_size set_data_size do_write do_sized_write get_fde_pc address do_sized_write get_fde_pc do_sized_write get_fde_pc do_sized_write get_fde_pc %s(%s) SEGMENT_START("%s", DEFINED(%s) , %s) ABSOLUTE( ? : ~ (%s ! 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GCC: (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3
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