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libdl.so.2 __gmon_start__ _Jv_RegisterClasses dladdr libpthread.so.0 pthread_getspecific sigaction pthread_attr_init pthread_mutex_unlock pthread_rwlock_rdlock pthread_key_delete pthread_join pthread_create pthread_cancel raise pthread_attr_setstacksize wait pthread_rwlock_wrlock __errno_location fork waitpid pthread_attr_destroy pthread_mutex_lock lseek64 pthread_mutex_trylock pthread_rwlock_init pthread_mutex_destroy pthread_mutexattr_init pthread_rwlock_unlock pthread_key_create pthread_mutexattr_settype longjmp pthread_setspecific pthread_rwlock_destroy system pthread_mutexattr_destroy pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutexattr_setpshared libstdc++.so.6 _ZNKSs16find_last_not_ofEcj _ZSt20__throw_out_of_rangePKc _ZSt7nothrow _Znwj _ZNSs6appendEPKc _ZNKSs4findEcj _ZSt16__throw_bad_castv _ZTTSt19basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE _ZNSs4_Rep9_S_createEjjRKSaIcE _ZNSsC1EjcRKSaIcE _ZNSs6resizeEjc _ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEESbIT_T0_T1_EPKS3_RKS6_ _ZNSsC1ERKSs _ZNSo3putEc 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_ZStrsIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES6_RS3_ _ZStplIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEESbIT_T0_T1_ERKS6_S8_ _ZTVSt14basic_ofstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEE _Znaj _ZNSsC1IPKcEET_S2_RKSaIcE _ZTVSt18basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE _ZSt18_Rb_tree_incrementPKSt18_Rb_tree_node_base _ZNSs6insertEjPKcj _ZNSolsEf _ZNSolsEi __cxa_pure_virtual _ZNSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE5clearESt12_Ios_Iostate _ZNSt13basic_filebufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE5closeEv _ZTTSt14basic_ifstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcEE _ZNSt15_List_node_base6unhookEv _ZTVSt15basic_streambufIcSt11char_traitsIcEE _ZSt29_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalancebPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS0_RS_ _ZSt16__ostream_insertIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_PKS3_i _ZNSs6assignEPKc _ZNSsC1EPKcjRKSaIcE _ZSt4cerr _ZTTSt19basic_istringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE _ZNKSs7compareEPKc _ZdlPvRKSt9nothrow_t _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc _ZTVSt19basic_ostringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE 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_ZTVN4llvm24TargetLoweringObjectFileE _ZTVN4llvm2cl11OptionValueINS_11SplitEditor19ComplementSpillModeEEE _ZTVN4llvm3ARM9hGPRClassE _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optIbLb1ENS0_6parserIbEEEE _ZN4llvm13LiveVariables2IDE _ZTVN4llvm9CallGraphE _ZN4llvm25CortexA9ItinerariesBypass8NoBypassE _ZTVN5clang23ExternalSLocEntrySourceE _ZTVN5clang25NSReturnsAutoreleasedAttrE _ZN4llvm2cl3optIPFPNS_12FunctionPassEvELb0ENS_18RegisterPassParserINS_16RegisterRegAllocEEEED1Ev _ZTVN4llvm15AliasSetTracker13ASTCallbackVHE _ZN4llvm17ProfileInfoLoader9UncountedE _ZTVN4llvm15ARMELFMCAsmInfoE _ZN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveType17RSSpecificTypeMapE _ZN4llvm22createDefaultSchedulerEPNS_16SelectionDAGISelENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE _ZTVN5slang18RSExportRecordTypeE _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optI17AsmWriterFlavorTyLb0ENS0_6parserIS2_EEEE _ZN4llvm16RegisterRegAlloc8RegistryE _ZTVN4llvm27X8664_MachoTargetObjectFileE _ZNK5clang13CXXRecordDecl25hasTrivialCopyConstructorEv _ZTVN4llvm12DISubprogramE _ZN4llvm18NoFramePointerElimE 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_ZN4llvm3X8623GR32_NOREX_NOSPRegClassE _ZN4llvm25createILPListDAGSchedulerEPNS_16SelectionDAGISelENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE _ZN4llvm3ARM26QQQQPR_with_ssub_0RegClassE _ZN4llvm3X8617GR8_NOREXRegClassE _ZTVN4llvm24ExtractValueConstantExprE _ZTVN5clang10FriendDeclE _ZN4llvm14object_deleterINS_12PassRegistryEE4callEPv _ZTVN4llvm3ARM14QQPR_VFP2ClassE _ZN4llvm3ARM10QPR_8ClassD1Ev _ZTVN5clang4sema17FunctionScopeInfoE _ZZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isRootRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncRoot _ZTVN5clang17ObjCInterfaceDeclE _ZTVZN5clang6Parser20ParseStructUnionBodyENS_14SourceLocationEjPNS_4DeclEE14CFieldCallback _ZTVN4llvm10RegionInfoE _ZTVZN5clang6Parser31ParseObjCClassInstanceVariablesEPNS_4DeclENS_3tok15ObjCKeywordKindENS_14SourceLocationEE16ObjCIvarCallback _ZN4llvm20JITExceptionHandlingE _ZN4llvm15callDefaultCtorINS_20MachineDominatorTreeEEEPNS_4PassEv _ZTVN4llvm20DOTGraphTraitsViewerINS_17PostDominatorTreeELb0EEE _ZN4llvm6X86_MC24createX86MCSubtargetInfoENS_9StringRefES1_S1_ _ZTVN4llvm3ARM10tcGPRClassE _ZTVN5clang26NoThreadSafetyAnalysisAttrE _ZTVN4llvm18BinaryConstantExprE _ZTVN5slang18RSExportMatrixTypeE _ZN4llvm17IntervalPartition2IDE _ZN4llvm19MallocSlabAllocatorD1Ev _ZTVN4llvm13MCAsmInfoCOFFE _ZTVN5clang12AsmLabelAttrE _ZN4llvm23FunctionPassManagerImpl2IDE _ZTVN5clang9NamedDeclE _ZTVN4llvm14GlobalVariableE _ZN4llvm10TargetData2IDE _ZTVN5clang6driver12JoinedOptionE _ZN5clang20TemplateIdAnnotation7DestroyEv _ZN4llvm15callDefaultCtorINS_17PostDominatorTreeEEEPNS_4PassEv _ZTVN5slang12RSExportFuncE _ZN4llvm3X8618GR32_NOREXRegClassE X86CompilationCallback_SSE _ZTVN5clang18NSConsumesSelfAttrE _ZTVN5clang8EnumDeclE _ZTVN5clang14NSConsumedAttrE _ZTVN5clang21analyze_format_string19FormatStringHandlerE _ZN4llvm2cl3optIjLb0ENS0_6parserIjEEED1Ev _ZTVN4llvm2cl6parserISsEE _ZTVN4llvm13MDNodeOperandE _ZTVN4llvm19FunctionPassManagerE _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetIN5clang10VectorTypeEEE _ZTVN4llvm15ARMGenInstrInfoE _ZTVN5clang12NoInlineAttrE _ZTVN4llvm24X86COFFMachineModuleInfoE _ZTVN4llvm3ARM13DPR_VFP2ClassE _ZN4llvm22StrongPHIEliminationIDE _ZTVN5clang17PragmaWeakHandlerE _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optISsLb1ENS0_6parserISsEEEE _ZTVN4llvm3PEIE _ZTVN4llvm19TargetInstrInfoImplE _ZN4llvm12X86SubTypeKVE _ZTVN4llvm3X8610RFP64ClassE _ZTVN4llvm14format_object1IjEE _ZTVN4llvm13MCInstPrinterE _ZTVN5clang31ClassTemplateSpecializationDeclE _ZTVN4llvm14SpillPlacementE _ZTVN4llvm15InsertValueInstE _ZTVN5clang20TemplateTypeParmDeclE _ZTVN4llvm21ConstantAggregateZeroE _ZN4llvm24createTDListDAGSchedulerEPNS_16SelectionDAGISelENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE _ZTVN4llvm6DIFileE _ZN5clang7CodeGen15CodeGenFunction14destroyARCWeakERS1_PN4llvm5ValueENS_8QualTypeE _ZZN4llvm13BallLarusNodeC1EPNS_10BasicBlockEE7nextUID _ZTVN5clang21TextDiagnosticPrinterE _ZTVN5clang19ObjCAtDefsFieldDeclE _ZN4llvm15callDefaultCtorINS_10LiveStacksEEEPNS_4PassEv _ZTVN5clang6driver17CommaJoinedOptionE _ZTVN5clang7CodeGen13CGObjCRuntimeE _ZTVN4llvm3ARM8CCRClassE _ZN4llvm2cl3optIN12_GLOBAL__N_112RewriterNameELb0ENS0_6parserIS3_EEED1Ev _ZN4llvm3X869VR64ClassD1Ev _ZN4llvm3X8613VR128RegClassE _ZN4llvm15callDefaultCtorINS_13LiveIntervalsEEEPNS_4PassEv _ZTVN4llvm3X8629GR64_TC_with_sub_8bit_hiClassE _ZN4llvm19ARMForwardingPathesE _ZN4llvm14object_deleterISsE4callEPv _ZTVN5clang16ObjCProtocolDeclE _ZTVN5clang22BlockInvocationContextE _ZTVN4llvm20LibCallAliasAnalysisE _ZTVN4llvm11BitCastInstE _ZTVN4llvm9FPExtInstE _ZTVN4llvm4UserE _ZTVN4llvm13FPPassManagerE _ZN4llvm10AsmPrinter2IDE _ZN4llvm18MFRenderingOptions21intervalTypesToRenderE _ZTVN4llvm10AllocaInstE _ZN4llvm15callDefaultCtorINS_15MachineLoopInfoEEEPNS_4PassEv _ZN4llvm14object_deleterISt3setINS_3EVTENS2_14compareRawBitsESaIS2_EEE4callEPv _ZTVN4llvm19ProcessImplicitDefsE _ZTVN4llvm15MachineLoopInfoE _ZN4llvm3X8614GR32_NOAXClassD1Ev _ZN4llvm3X8629GR64_TC_with_sub_8bit_hiClassD1Ev _ZTVN5clang21NSReturnsRetainedAttrE _ZN4llvm3ARM9QQPRClassD1Ev _ZTVN4llvm19X86SelectionDAGInfoE _ZN4llvm3sys9TimeValue7MinTimeE _ZTVN4llvm2cl17basic_parser_implE _ZTVN5clang9NakedAttrE _ZTVN4llvm22LoopDependenceAnalysisE _ZTVN5clang6driver6OptionE _ZTVN5clang18UsingDirectiveDeclE _ZTVN5clang19VisibleDeclConsumerE _ZTVN5clang16FileScopeAsmDeclE _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetIN5clang27DependentSizedExtVectorTypeEEE _ZTVN5clang6driver14SeparateOptionE _ZN4llvm12GCModuleInfo2IDE _ZTVN5clang15AlignMac68kAttrE _ZZN5slang15RSExportForEach12isDtorRSFuncEPKN5clang12FunctionDeclEE8FuncDtor _ZTVN4llvm13LiveVariablesE _ZTVN4llvm3X8616SEGMENT_REGClassE _ZTVN5clang7CodeGen12EHScopeStack7CleanupE _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetIN5clang29SubstTemplateTypeParmPackTypeEEE _ZN5slang16RSObjectRefCount15RSClearObjectFDE _ZN4llvm16PrintMachineCodeE _ZTVN4llvm10FoldingSetIN5clang23DependentSizedArrayTypeEEE _ZN4llvm21EnableSegmentedStacksE _ZTVN4llvm8LoadInstE _ZN4llvm13AliasAnalysis2IDE _ZN4llvm12TheARMTargetE _ZN4llvm12NoNaNsFPMathE _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optIjLb0ENS0_6parserIjEEEE _ZTVN5clang15LinkageSpecDeclE _ZTVN4llvm19ARMSelectionDAGInfoE _ZTVN4llvm7CmpInstE _ZTVN5slang12RSExportableE _ZTVN4llvm3X8614GR64_ABCDClassE _ZTVN4llvm12PtrToIntInstE _ZTVN4llvm17PostDominatorTreeE _ZN4llvm21RegisterTargetMachineINS_16ARMTargetMachineEE9AllocatorERKNS_6TargetENS_9StringRefES6_S6_NS_5Reloc5ModelENS_9CodeModel5ModelE _ZTVN4llvm17ARMTargetLoweringE _ZN4llvm14object_creatorINS_9StringMapIN5slang21RSExportPrimitiveType8DataTypeENS_15MallocAllocatorEEEEEPvv _ZTVN4llvm2cl6parserINS_6Region10PrintStyleEEE _ZTVN4llvm17MachineModuleInfoE _ZTVN4llvm11IVStrideUseE GLIBC_2.0 GCC_4.0.0 GCC_3.4 GLIBCXX_3.4.11 CXXABI_1.3 GLIBCXX_3.4.9 GLIBCXX_3.4 GLIBC_2.2 GLIBC_2.1 GLIBC_2.4 GLIBC_2.1.3 GLIBC_2.3 
jc /dev/null .S .ll .o .bc armv7-none-linux-gnueabi mFeatures.empty() +long64 Renderscript source compiler Built Dec 2 2011 15:03:00). Target APIs: - Build type: eng with assertions M group>    --help --version -I  -MD -M -S -additional-dep-target -allow-rs-prefix -a -bitcode-storage  -emit-asm Emit target assembly files -emit-bc -emit-dep -emit-llvm -emit-nothing Print this help text -java-reflection-package-name -java-reflection-path-base -j -no-link -output-dep-dir -o Specify output directory -p -target-api= -target-api Print the assembler version include-path false && "Invalid option in M group!" frameworks/compile/slang/llvm-rs-cc.cpp slangAssert failed at %s:%d - '%s' false && "Invalid option in output type group!" false && "Invalid output type!" llvm-rs-cc: Renderscript compiler (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/renderscript) based on LLVM (http://llvm.org): Add directory to include search path Additional targets to show up in dependencies output Allow user-defined function prefixed with 'rs'  should be 'ar' or 'jc' Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, emit .bc file Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, emit .ll file Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, but emit nothing Specify the package name that reflected Java files belong to Base directory for output reflected Java files Specify output directory for dependencies output Specify target API level (e.g. 14) rs_allocation.rsh rs_atomic.rsh rs_cl.rsh rs_core.rsh rs_debug.rsh rs_graphics.rsh rs_math.rsh rs_matrix.rsh rs_object.rsh rs_quaternion.rsh rs_time.rsh rs_types.rsh implicit-function-declaration .java #define RS_VERSION #include "rs_core.rsh" basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid invalid parameter for output dependencies files. type '%0' in different translation unit (%1 v.s. %2) has incompatible type definition target API level '%0' is out of range ('%1' - '%2') false && "Both case and default have specialized handlers" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_ast_replace.cpp frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_ast_replace.h mNewExpr && "Cannot replace an expression if we don't have a new expression" mOldStmt TUDecl != NULL && "Translation unit declaration (top-level " "declaration) is null object" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_context.cpp mGeneratedFileNames && "Must supply GeneratedFileNames" !VD->getName().empty() && "Variable name should not be empty" java_package_name(com.foo.bar)" in frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_reflection.h RSContext::reflectToJava : failed to do reflection (%s) !FD->getName().empty() && "Function name should not be empty" RSContext::processExportFunc : cannot export extern or static function '%s' Error: Missing "#pragma rs .rs.dtor RSPragmaHandler::handleNonParamPragma: expected a clang::tok::eod PragmaToken.isNot(clang::tok::eod) frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_pragma_handler.cpp RSPragmaHandler::handleIntegerParamPragma: illegal numeric literal RSPragmaHandler::handleIntegerParamPragma: expected a ')' RSPragmaHandler::handleOptionalStringLiteralParamPragma: illegal string literal RSPragmaHandler::handleOptionalStringLiteralParamPragma: expected a ')' set_reflect_license java_package_name Missing pragma for version in source file Pragma for version in source file must be set to 1 invalid function name prefix, "rs" is reserved: '%0' F && "Function marked as exported disappeared in Bitcode" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_backend.cpp Failed to export function %s: parameter type mismatch during creation of helper function. StructInfoMetadata->getNumOperands() == 0 && "Metadata with same name was created before" #rs_export_var #rs_object_slots #rs_export_func .helper_ Expected: Got: #rs_export_foreach #rs_export_type false && "Matrix type with unsupported dimension." frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_type.cpp ((EPT->getType() > DataTypeUnknown) && (EPT->getType() < DataTypeMax)) && "RSExportPrimitiveType::GetSizeInBits : unknown data type" false && "Variables should be validated before exporting" unions cannot be exported: '%0' false && "Unknown type cannot be exported" struct is not defined in this module anonymous structures cannot be exported bit fields are not able to be exported: '%0.%1' structures containing pointers cannot be exported: '%0' multidimensional arrays cannot be exported: '%0' vectors of non-primitive types cannot be exported: '%0' arrays of width 3 vector types cannot be exported: '%0' anonymous types cannot be exported false && "Unknown data type of the builtin" built-in type cannot be exported: '%0' primitive type cannot be exported: '%0' EVT != NULL && EVT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::ExtVector unions containing RS object types are not allowed RT != NULL && RT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Record false && "struct is not defined in this module" (RL != NULL) && "Failed to retrieve the struct layout from Clang." (*FI)->getKind() == clang::Decl::Field field type cannot be exported: '%0.%1' (RT != NULL) && (RT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::Record) (Dim > 1) && "Invalid dimension of matrix" invalid matrix struct: must have 1 field for saving values: '%0' invalid matrix struct: first field should be an array with constant size: '%0' invalid matrix struct: first field should be a float array: '%0' invalid matrix struct: first field should be an array with size %0: '%1' invalid matrix struct: must have exactly 1 field: '%0' unknown type cannot be exported: '%0' CAT != NULL && CAT->getTypeClass() == clang::Type::ConstantArray (CAT->getSize().getActiveBits() < 32) && "array too large" (Size > 0) && "Constant array should have size greater than 0" bool2 bool3 bool4 uchar2 uchar3 uchar4 ushort2 ushort3 ushort4 uint2 uint3 uint4 ulong2 ulong3 ulong4 float2 float3 float4 double2 double3 double4 rs_matrix2x2 rs_matrix3x3 rs_matrix4x4 rs_element rs_type rs_allocation rs_sampler rs_script rs_mesh rs_program_fragment rs_program_vertex rs_program_raster rs_program_store rs_font false && "Unknown data type" uchar ushort ulong  RD->isStruct() @ @ $ @ EI != NULL && "Element info not found" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_element.cpp EI->vsize == 1 && "Element not a primitive class (please " "check your macro)" EI->type == EPT->getType() && "Element has unexpected type" EI->vsize > 1 && "Element not a vector class (please check " "your macro)" EI->type == EVT->getType() && "Element has unexpected type" EI->vsize == EVT->getNumElement() && "Element has unexpected " "size of vector" RSExportElement::Create : type '%s' is not exportable RSExportVar::RSExportVar : Reflection of initializer to variable '%s' (of type '%s') is unsupported currently. false && "Unknown class of type" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_var.cpp !Name.empty() && "Function must have a name" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_export_func.cpp invokable non-static functions are required to return void Note: parameter '%s' in function '%s' has default value which is not supported Failed to export the function %s. There's at least one parameter whose type is not supported by the reflection (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassRecord) && "Parameter packet must be a record" DiagEngine && FD  0 isPointerType() && QT->getPointeeType().isConstQualified() CS Once <= 1 Once == 0 rsSetObject rsClearObject RefRSVar T->isStructureType() rsIntIter !BaseType->isArrayType() StmtCount < FieldsToDestroy StmtCount > 0 VD && DT && InitExpr frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_object_ref_count.cpp false && "can't have unions with RS object types!" (FD->getNumParams() == 2) && "Invalid rsSetObject function prototype (# params)" (FD->getNumParams() == 1) && "Invalid rsClearObject function prototype (# params)" PVT->isPointerType() && "Invalid rs{Set,Clear}Object function prototype (pointer param)" RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT) && "must be RS object type" !T->isArrayType() && "Should not be destroying arrays with this function" RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT) frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_object_ref_count.h (ClearObjectFD != NULL) && "rsClearObject doesn't cover all RS object types" (SetObjectFD != NULL) && "rsSetObject doesn't cover all RS object types" CompoundStmtCount == NewStmtCount !RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(T) Arrays of RS object types within structures cannot be copied StmtCount > 0 && StmtCount < FieldsToSet RSExportPrimitiveType::GetRSSpecificType(BaseType) == RSExportPrimitiveType::DataTypeUnknown (RSExportPrimitiveType::IsRSObjectType(DT)) && "Should be RS object" false && "Not RS object type!" (getCurrentScope() == S) && "Corrupted scope stack!" public synchronized = Element. ScriptField_ .createElement(rs); failed to open file ' ' for write .Item = new if (mItemArray[ ] == null) mItemArray[ ] = new Item(); FieldPacker = new FieldPacker( // check if (! )) { !"); static public static class for (int $ct = 0; $ct < ; $ct++) [$ct] .addI32( .getAllocation().getPtr()); .addMatrix( for (int = 0; .skip( copyAll return mItemArray[index]; copyToArray resize newSize if (mItemArray != null) mItemArray = ni; mAllocation.resize(newSize); copyNow mItemArray[index] = i; if (copyNow) copyToArray(i, index); copyToArrayLocal(i, fp); get_ return mExportVar_ = v; setVar(mExportVarIdx_ , v); bind_ copyToArrayLocal FieldPacker invoke(mExportFuncIdx_ mIOBuffer #padding_ .add( Element.U32( Element.U16( Element.U8( return mItemArray[index]. Generating .java ... /* */ package /** * @hide static extends // Constructor resources RenderScript super(rs, resources, id); private Element __ EF->getNumParameters() > 0 forEach_ // Verify dimensions Type tIn = ain.getType(); Type tOut = aout.getType(); forEach(mExportForEachIdx_ , ain , null , aout ScriptC static public class Item Item() Element.Builder = new Element.Builder( .create(); Element.A_8 Element.RGB_565 Element.RGB_888 Element.RGBA_5551 Element.RGBA_4444 Element.RGBA_8888 Element.F32_2 Element.F32_3 Element.F32_4 Element.U8_4 Element.MATRIX_4X4 Element.MATRIX_3X3 Element.MATRIX_2X2 Element.createPixel( Element.createUser( Element.createVector( .create() Element.USER_I32 createElement mItemArray = null; mIOBuffer = null; mElement = createElement( init( , count); usages , count, usages); private Item mItemArray[];    ScriptC_ Failed to generate class ' ( android.renderscript.* android.content.res.Resources Element.F32 Element.F64 Element.I8 Element.I16 Element.I32 Element.I64 Element.U8 Element.U16 Element.U32 Element.U64 Element.BOOLEAN Element.ELEMENT Element.TYPE Element.ALLOCATION Element.SAMPLER Element.SCRIPT Element.MESH Element.PROGRAM_FRAGMENT Element.PROGRAM_VERTEX Element.PROGRAM_RASTER Element.PROGRAM_STORE Element.FONT Element.DataKind.USER Element.DataKind.PIXEL_L Element.DataKind.PIXEL_A Element.DataKind.PIXEL_LA Element.DataKind.PIXEL_RGB Element.DataKind.PIXEL_RGBA Element.DataType.FLOAT_32 Element.DataType.FLOAT_64 Element.DataType.SIGNED_8 Element.DataType.SIGNED_16 Element.DataType.SIGNED_32 Element.DataType.SIGNED_64 Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_8 Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_16 Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_32 Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_64 Element.DataType.BOOLEAN Element.DataType.RS_ELEMENT Element.DataType.RS_TYPE Element.DataType.RS_SAMPLER Element.DataType.RS_SCRIPT Element.DataType.RS_MESH Element.DataType.RS_FONT Sampler Mesh ProgramFragment ProgramVertex ProgramRaster ProgramStore Font Byte2 Byte3 Byte4 Short2 Short3 Short4 Int2 Int3 Int4 Long2 Long3 Long4 Float2 Float3 Float4 Double2 Double3 Double4 Matrix2f Matrix3f Matrix4f addF32 addF64 addI8 addI16 addI32 addI64 addU8 addU16 addU32 addU64 addBoolean addMatrix addObj U8_2 U8_3 I8_2 I8_3 I8_4 U16_2 U16_3 U16_4 I16_2 I16_3 I16_4 U32_2 U32_3 U32_4 I32_2 I32_3 I32_4 U64_2 U64_3 U64_4 I64_2 I64_3 I64_4 F64_2 F64_3 F64_4 false && "GetPrimitiveTypeName : Unknown primitive data type" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_rs_reflection.cpp false && "RSReflection::GetVectorTypeName : Unsupported " "vector element data type" (EVT->getNumElement() > 1) && (EVT->getNumElement() <= 4) && "Number of elements in vector type is invalid" false && "GetMatrixTypeName : Unsupported matrix dimension" false && "RSReflection::GetVectorElementName : Unsupported " "vector element data type" (Index < (sizeof(VectorAccessorMap) / sizeof(const char*))) && "Out-of-bound index to access vector member" if (mIOBuffer == null) mIOBuffer = new FieldPacker(Item.sizeof * getType().getX()/* count */); !Val.isUninit() && "Not a valid initializer" (Val.getKind() == clang::APValue::Int) && "Bool type has wrong initial APValue" getIndentLevel() > 0 && "No indent" false && "Primitive type cannot have such kind of initializer" false && "Unknown kind of initializer" Initializer which is non-NULL to pointer type variable will be ignored false && "Unexpected type of value of initializer." false && "Unsupported initializer for record/matrix/constant " "array type variable currently" if (mItemArray == null) mItemArray = new Item[getType().getX() /* count */]; .getType().getElement().isCompatible(__ throw new RSRuntimeException("Type mismatch with false && "GetPackerAPIName : Unknown primitive data type" for (int ct = 0; ct < mItemArray.length; ct++) copyToArray(mItemArray[ct], ct); mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(0, mIOBuffer); if (mItemArray == null) return null; mIOBuffer.reset(index * Item.sizeof); copyToArrayLocal(i, mIOBuffer); int oldSize = mItemArray.length; int copySize = Math.min(oldSize, newSize); if (newSize == oldSize) return; Item ni[] = new Item[newSize]; System.arraycopy(mItemArray, 0, ni, 0, copySize); if (mIOBuffer != null) mIOBuffer = new FieldPacker(Item.sizeof * getType().getX()/* count */); FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker(Item.sizeof); mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(index, fp); (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPrimitive) && "Variable should be type of primitive here" (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassPointer) && "Variable should be type of pointer here" if (v == null) bindAllocation(null, mExportVarIdx_ else bindAllocation(v.getAllocation(), mExportVarIdx_ else bindAllocation(v, mExportVarIdx_ (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassRecord) && "Variable should be type of struct here" (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassConstantArray) && "Variable should be type of constant array here" (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassMatrix) && "Variable should be type of matrix here" (EV->getType()->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassVector) && "Variable should be type of vector here" private final static int mExportFuncIdx_ mIOBuffer.reset(index * Item.sizeof + FieldPacker fp = new FieldPacker( mAllocation.setFromFieldPacker(index, (I != mFieldIndexMap.end()) && "Requesting field is out of scope." if (mItemArray == null) return * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY! * The source Renderscript file: private final static int mExportVarIdx_ private final static int mExportForEachIdx_ if ((tIn.getCount() != tOut.getCount()) || (tIn.getX() != tOut.getX()) || (tIn.getY() != tOut.getY()) || (tIn.getZ() != tOut.getZ()) || (tIn.hasFaces() != tOut.hasFaces()) || (tIn.hasMipmaps() != tOut.hasMipmaps())) { throw new RSRuntimeException("Dimension mismatch between input and output parameters!"); public static final int sizeof = false && "Unsupported dimension of matrix" (ET->getClass() == RSExportType::ExportClassVector) && "Unexpected type." (mFieldIndexMap.find(F) == mFieldIndexMap.end()) && "Nested structure never occurs in C language." android.renderscript.Script.FieldBase private FieldPacker mIOBuffer; Failed to generate type class for struct ' /* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_5_6_5 Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_5_5_5_1 Element.DataType.UNSIGNED_4_4_4_4 Element.DataType.RS_ALLOCATION Element.DataType.RS_PROGRAM_FRAGMENT Element.DataType.RS_PROGRAM_VERTEX Element.DataType.RS_PROGRAM_RASTER Element.DataType.RS_PROGRAM_STORE BitCode Generating %s ... /* */ package %s; /** * @hide */ public class %s { }; byte[] data = { %4d, }; return data; } int offset = 0; byte[] seg; seg = getSegment_%d(); offset += seg.length; return bc; Error: could not create dir %s Error: could not write to file %s * This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY! * The source Renderscript file: %s Error: could not read file %s // return byte array representation of the bitcode. public static byte[] getBitCode() { return getBitCodeInternal(); private static byte[] getSegment_%d() { private static int bitCodeLength = %d; private static byte[] getBitCodeInternal() { byte[] bc = new byte[bitCodeLength]; System.arraycopy(seg, 0, bc, offset, seg.length); Opt: Index: Values: [ ]> GroupClass InputClass UnknownClass FlagClass CommaJoinedClass MultiArgClass JoinedOrSeparateClass JoinedAndSeparateClass Name:" Group: Alias: NumArgs: OPTIONS OVERVIEW: USAGE: [options]  0 && "Not implemented" bar #pragma i686-unknown-linux frameworks/compile/slang/slang.cpp (OutputFile != NULL) && (Error != NULL) && (DiagEngine != NULL) && "Invalid parameter!" mpModule == M && "Unexpected module change during LLVM IR generation" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_backend.cpp false && "Unknown output type" note: warning: fatal: 0 && "Diagnostic not handled during diagnostic buffering!" frameworks/compile/slang/slang_diagnostic_buffer.cpp ': symbols have different visibilities! ': can only link appending global with another appending global! Appending variables with different element types! Appending variables linked with different const'ness! Appending variables with different alignment need to be linked! Appending variables with different visibility need to be linked! Appending variables with different section name need to be linked! WARNING: Linking two modules of different data layouts! WARNING: Linking two modules of different target triples: Linking globals named ' ': symbol multiply defined! ' and ' Promote 'by reference' arguments to scalars Number of byval arguments promoted Number of dead pointer args eliminated Number of pointer arguments promoted Number of aggregate arguments promoted argpromotion vector::reserve .idx Merge Duplicate Global Constants Number of global constants merged constmerge llvm.used llvm.compiler.used Dead Argument Hacking (BUGPOINT USE ONLY; DO NOT USE) Number of unused return values removed Number of unread args replaced with undef deadarghaX0r Dead Argument Elimination deadargelim newret oldret Number of unread args removed Deduce function attributes functionattrs Number of functions marked readonly Number of functions marked readnone Number of arguments marked nocapture Number of function returns marked noalias Dead Global Elimination globaldce Number of functions removed Number of global variables removed Number of global aliases removed Global Variable Optimizer globalopt vector::_M_fill_insert .f isneg malloc_cont malloc_ret_null free_it .body newgv notinit llvm.global_ctors __cxa_atexit Number of functions deleted Number of globals deleted Number of globals localized Number of heap objects SRA'd Number of functions converted to fastcc Number of nest attributes removed Number of static ctors evaluated Number of globals marked unnamed_addr Number of globals marked constant Number of globals with initializers stored into them Number of global vars shrunk to booleans Number of aggregate globals broken into scalars Number of global uses devirtualized Number of global aliases resolved Number of global aliases eliminated Number of global C++ destructors removed Interprocedural constant propagation Number of args turned into constants Number of return values turned into constants ipconstprop Inliner for always_inline functions always-inline llvm.noinline Function Integration/Inlining inline-threshold inlinehint-threshold Number of functions inlined Control the amount of inlining to perform (default = 225) Threshold for inlining functions with inline hint Number of functions deleted because all callers found Number of call sites deleted, not inlined Number of allocas merged together Internalize Global Symbols internalize internalize-public-api-file internalize-public-api-list llvm.global_dtors llvm.global.annotations A file containing list of symbol names to preserve A list of symbol names to preserve WARNING: Internalize couldn't load file ' '! Continuing as if it's empty. Number of functions internalized Number of global vars internalized Number of aliases internalized extract-blocks-file extract-blocks loop-extract-single loop-extract '! Number of loops extracted A file containing list of basic blocks to not extract Extract Basic Blocks From Module (for bugpoint use) Extract at most one loop into a new function Extract loops into new functions WARNING: BlockExtractor couldn't load file ' Merge Functions mergefunc Number of functions merged Number of aliases generated Number of thunks generated Number of new functions created Partial Inliner partial-inliner partialinlining Number of functions partially inlined Remove unused exception handling info Number of noreturn calls optimized prune-eh Number of invokes removed Strip Unused Function Prototypes Number of dead prototypes removed strip-dead-prototypes Strip debug info for unused symbols Strip all llvm.dbg.declare intrinsics Strip all symbols, except dbg symbols, from a module Strip all symbols from a module strip-dead-debug-info strip-debug-declare strip-nondebug llvm.dbg.gv llvm.dbg.sp llvm.dbg.lv. llvm.dbg llvm.dbg.declare llvm.dbg.value llvm.dbg. Bitcode Writer vector::_M_insert_aux Global variable initializer is not a constant! Alias initializer is not a constant! Error at end of PARAMATTR block Invalid METADATA_ATTACHMENT reader! Multiple PARAMATTR blocks found! Alignment is not a power of two. Invalid MODULE_CODE_TRIPLE record Bitcode stream should be a multiple of 4 bytes in length Invalid bitcode wrapper header Error at end of type symbol table block Invalid Type ID in TST_ENTRY record Invalid Type ID in CST_SETTYPE record Invalid CE_BLOCKADDRESS record Error at end of constants block Error at end of value symbol table block Invalid Value ID in VST_ENTRY record Invalid BB ID in VST_BBENTRY record Invalid type forward reference in TYPE_BLOCK Error at end of type table block Invalid TYPE_CODE_NUMENTRY record invalid element type in pointer type Invalid type forward reference in TYPE_BLOCK_ID_OLD Obsolete bitcode contains unhandled recursive type Conflicting METADATA_KIND records Error at end of function block Invalid DEBUG_LOC_AGAIN record Invalid FUNC_CODE_DEBUG_LOC record Invalid instruction with no BB Never resolved value found in function! Malformed global initializer set Invalid MODULE_CODE_DATALAYOUT record Invalid MODULE_CODE_ASM record Invalid MODULE_CODE_DEPLIB record Invalid MODULE_CODE_SECTIONNAME record Invalid MODULE_CODE_GCNAME record Invalid MODULE_CODE_GLOBALVAR record Invalid MODULE_CODE_FUNCTION record Function not a pointer to function type! Invalid MODULE_PURGEVALS record Multiple MODULE_BLOCKs in same stream Insufficient function protos Malformed block record Invalid metadata kind ID Invalid ENTRY record Error at end of module block Malformed MODULE_CODE_VERSION Unknown bitstream version! Premature end of bitstream Invalid bitcode signature Invalid record at top-level Invalid TST_ENTRY record Malformed CST_SETTYPE record Invalid CST_INTEGER record Invalid WIDE_INTEGER record Invalid FLOAT record Invalid CST_AGGREGATE record Invalid CE_BINOP record Invalid CE_CAST record Invalid CE_GEP record Invalid CE_SELECT record Invalid CE_EXTRACTELT record Invalid CE_INSERTELT record Invalid CE_SHUFFLEVEC record Invalid CE_SHUFVEC_EX record Invalid CE_CMP record Invalid INLINEASM record Invalid constant reference! Invalid VST_ENTRY record Invalid VST_BBENTRY record Multiple TYPE_BLOCKs found! unknown type in type table Invalid Integer type record Invalid POINTER type record Invalid FUNCTION type record invalid type in function type Invalid STRUCT type record invalid type in struct type invalid TYPE table invalid STRUCT type record Invalid OPAQUE type record Invalid ARRAY type record Invalid ARRAY type element Invalid VECTOR type record Malformed metadata record Invalid METADATA_NODE record Invalid METADATA_KIND record Unknown instruction Invalid DECLAREBLOCKS record Invalid BINOP record Invalid CAST record Invalid GEP record Invalid EXTRACTVAL record Invalid EXTRACTVAL index Invalid INSERTVAL record Invalid INSERTVAL index Invalid SELECT record Invalid SELECT condition type Invalid EXTRACTELT record Invalid INSERTELT record Invalid SHUFFLEVEC record Invalid CMP record Invalid RET record Invalid BR record Invalid SWITCH record Invalid SWITCH record! Invalid INDIRECTBR record Invalid INDIRECTBR record! Invalid INVOKE record Invalid RESUME record Invalid PHI record Invalid LANDINGPAD record Invalid ALLOCA record Invalid LOAD record Invalid LOADATOMIC record Invalid STORE record Invalid STOREATOMIC record Invalid CMPXCHG record Invalid ATOMICRMW record Invalid FENCE record Invalid CALL record Invalid VAARG record Invalid blockaddress block # Too few function bodies found Malformed BlockInfoBlock Global not a pointer type! Invalid section ID Function not a pointer type! Invalid GC ID Invalid MODULE_ALIAS record " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - ARM Assembly Printer DW_OP_regx for S register DW_OP_bit_piece 32 32 DW_OP_bit_piece 32 0 DW_OP_regx for Q register: D1 DW_OP_piece 8 DW_OP_regx for Q register: D2 aeabi cortex-a8 vfpv3 vfpv2 __symbol_stub4 __TEXT __picsymbolstub4 __StaticInit .eabi_attribute JTI SJLJEH _set_ .cpu .fpu :lower16: :upper16: (PLT) DEBUG_VALUE: <- [1] [0] $non_lazy_ptr _LSDA_ eh_setjmp begin eh_setjmp end tlsgd gottpoff -(LPC -. arm-reserve-r9 arm-darwin-use-movt arm-strict-align Reserve R9, making it unavailable as GPR Disallow all unaligned memory accesses CPU: ' global-merge Enable global merge pass e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-i64:32:64-i16:16:32-i8:8:32-i1:8:32-v128:32:128-v64:32:64-a:0:32-n32-S32 e-p:32:32-f64:64:64-i64:64:64-i16:16:32-i8:8:32-i1:8:32-v128:64:128-v64:64:64-a:0:32-n32-S64 e-p:32:32-f64:64:64-i64:64:64-i16:16:32-i8:8:32-i1:8:32-v128:64:128-v64:64:64-a:0:32-n32-S32 e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-i64:32:64-v128:32:128-v64:32:64-n32-S32 e-p:32:32-f64:64:64-i64:64:64-v128:64:128-v64:64:64-n32-S64 e-p:32:32-f64:64:64-i64:64:64-v128:64:128-v64:64:64-n32-S32 ' does not support ARM mode execution! apsr cpsr d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26 d27 d28 d29 d30 d31 fpexc fpscr fpsid itstate lr pc q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q8 q9 q10 q11 q12 q13 q14 q15 qq0 qq1 qq2 qq3 qq4 qq5 qq6 qq7 qqqq0 qqqq1 qqqq2 qqqq3 r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 s17 s18 s19 s20 s21 s22 s23 s24 s25 s26 s27 s28 s29 s30 s31 sp spsr PHI INLINEASM PROLOG_LABEL EH_LABEL GC_LABEL KILL EXTRACT_SUBREG INSERT_SUBREG IMPLICIT_DEF SUBREG_TO_REG COPY_TO_REGCLASS DBG_VALUE REG_SEQUENCE COPY ABS ADCri ADCrr ADCrsi ADCrsr ADDSri ADDSrr ADDSrsi ADDSrsr ADDri ADDrr ADDrsi ADDrsr ADJCALLSTACKDOWN ADJCALLSTACKUP ADR ANDri ANDrr ANDrsi ANDrsr ATOMADD6432 ATOMAND6432 ATOMCMPXCHG6432 ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I16 ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I32 ATOMIC_CMP_SWAP_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_ADD_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_AND_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_MAX_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_MAX_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_MAX_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_MIN_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_MIN_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_MIN_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_NAND_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_OR_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_SUB_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_UMAX_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_UMAX_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_UMAX_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_UMIN_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_UMIN_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_UMIN_I8 ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I16 ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I32 ATOMIC_LOAD_XOR_I8 ATOMIC_SWAP_I16 ATOMIC_SWAP_I32 ATOMIC_SWAP_I8 ATOMNAND6432 ATOMOR6432 ATOMSUB6432 ATOMSWAP6432 ATOMXOR6432 B BCCZi64 BCCi64 BFC BFI BICri BICrr BICrsi BICrsr BKPT BL BLX BLX_pred BLXi BLXr9 BLXr9_pred BL_pred BLr9 BLr9_pred BMOVPCRX_CALL BMOVPCRXr9_CALL BR_JTadd BR_JTm BR_JTr BX BXJ BX_CALL BX_RET BX_pred BXr9_CALL Bcc CDP CDP2 CLREX CLZ CMNzri CMNzrr CMNzrsi CMNzrsr CMPri CMPrr CMPrsi CMPrsr CONSTPOOL_ENTRY CPS1p CPS2p CPS3p DBG DMB DSB EORri EORrr EORrsi EORrsr FCONSTD FCONSTS FMSTAT ISB Int_eh_sjlj_dispatchsetup Int_eh_sjlj_longjmp Int_eh_sjlj_setjmp Int_eh_sjlj_setjmp_nofp LDC2L_OFFSET LDC2L_OPTION LDC2L_POST LDC2L_PRE LDC2_OFFSET LDC2_OPTION LDC2_POST LDC2_PRE LDCL_OFFSET LDCL_OPTION LDCL_POST LDCL_PRE LDC_OFFSET LDC_OPTION LDC_POST LDC_PRE LDMDA LDMDA_UPD LDMDB LDMDB_UPD LDMIA LDMIA_RET LDMIA_UPD LDMIB LDMIB_UPD LDRBT_POST_IMM LDRBT_POST_REG LDRB_POST_IMM LDRB_POST_REG LDRB_PRE_IMM LDRB_PRE_REG LDRBi12 LDRBrs LDRD LDRD_POST LDRD_PRE LDREX LDREXB LDREXD LDREXH LDRH LDRHTi LDRHTr LDRH_POST LDRH_PRE LDRSB LDRSBTi LDRSBTr LDRSB_POST LDRSB_PRE LDRSH LDRSHTi LDRSHTr LDRSH_POST LDRSH_PRE LDRT_POST_IMM LDRT_POST_REG LDR_POST_IMM LDR_POST_REG LDR_PRE_IMM LDR_PRE_REG LDRcp LDRi12 LDRrs LEApcrel LEApcrelJT MCR MCR2 MCRR MCRR2 MLA MLAv5 MLS MOVCCi MOVCCi16 MOVCCi32imm MOVCCr MOVCCsi MOVCCsr MOVPCLR MOVPCRX MOVTi16 MOVTi16_ga_pcrel MOV_ga_dyn MOV_ga_pcrel MOV_ga_pcrel_ldr MOVi MOVi16 MOVi16_ga_pcrel MOVi32imm MOVr MOVr_TC MOVsi MOVsr MOVsra_flag MOVsrl_flag MRC MRC2 MRRC MRRC2 MRS MRSsys MSR MSRi MUL MULv5 MVNCCi MVNi MVNr MVNsi MVNsr NOP ORRri ORRrr ORRrsi ORRrsr PICADD PICLDR PICLDRB PICLDRH PICLDRSB PICLDRSH PICSTR PICSTRB PICSTRH PKHBT PKHTB PLDWi12 PLDWrs PLDi12 PLDrs PLIi12 PLIrs QADD QADD16 QADD8 QASX QDADD QDSUB QSAX QSUB QSUB16 QSUB8 RBIT REV REV16 REVSH RFEDA RFEDA_UPD RFEDB RFEDB_UPD RFEIA RFEIA_UPD RFEIB RFEIB_UPD RRX RSBSri RSBSrsi RSBSrsr RSBri RSBrr RSBrsi RSBrsr RSCri RSCrr RSCrsi RSCrsr SADD16 SADD8 SASX SBCri SBCrr SBCrsi SBCrsr SBFX SEL SETEND SEV SHADD16 SHADD8 SHASX SHSAX SHSUB16 SHSUB8 SMC SMLABB SMLABT SMLAD SMLADX SMLAL SMLALBB SMLALBT SMLALD SMLALDX SMLALTB SMLALTT SMLALv5 SMLATB SMLATT SMLAWB SMLAWT SMLSD SMLSDX SMLSLD SMLSLDX SMMLA SMMLAR SMMLS SMMLSR SMMUL SMMULR SMUAD SMUADX SMULBB SMULBT SMULL SMULLv5 SMULTB SMULTT SMULWB SMULWT SMUSD SMUSDX SRSDA SRSDA_UPD SRSDB SRSDB_UPD SRSIA SRSIA_UPD SRSIB SRSIB_UPD SSAT SSAT16 SSAX SSUB16 SSUB8 STC2L_OFFSET STC2L_OPTION STC2L_POST STC2L_PRE STC2_OFFSET STC2_OPTION STC2_POST STC2_PRE STCL_OFFSET STCL_OPTION STCL_POST STCL_PRE STC_OFFSET STC_OPTION STC_POST STC_PRE STMDA STMDA_UPD STMDB STMDB_UPD STMIA STMIA_UPD STMIB STMIB_UPD STRBT_POST_IMM STRBT_POST_REG STRB_POST_IMM STRB_POST_REG STRB_PRE_IMM STRB_PRE_REG STRBi12 STRBi_preidx STRBr_preidx STRBrs STRD STRD_POST STRD_PRE STREX STREXB STREXD STREXH STRH STRHTi STRHTr STRH_POST STRH_PRE STRH_preidx STRT_POST_IMM STRT_POST_REG STR_POST_IMM STR_POST_REG STR_PRE_IMM STR_PRE_REG STRi12 STRi_preidx STRr_preidx STRrs SUBSri SUBSrr SUBSrsi SUBSrsr SUBri SUBrr SUBrsi SUBrsr SVC SWP SWPB SXTAB SXTAB16 SXTAH SXTB SXTB16 SXTH TAILJMPd TAILJMPdND TAILJMPr TAILJMPrND TCRETURNdi TCRETURNdiND TCRETURNri TCRETURNriND TEQri TEQrr TEQrsi TEQrsr TPsoft TRAP TSTri TSTrr TSTrsi TSTrsr UADD16 UADD8 UASX UBFX UHADD16 UHADD8 UHASX UHSAX UHSUB16 UHSUB8 UMAAL UMAALv5 UMLAL UMLALv5 UMULL UMULLv5 UQADD16 UQADD8 UQASX UQSAX UQSUB16 UQSUB8 USAD8 USADA8 USAT USAT16 USAX USUB16 USUB8 UXTAB UXTAB16 UXTAH UXTB UXTB16 UXTH VABALsv2i64 VABALsv4i32 VABALsv8i16 VABALuv2i64 VABALuv4i32 VABALuv8i16 VABAsv16i8 VABAsv2i32 VABAsv4i16 VABAsv4i32 VABAsv8i16 VABAsv8i8 VABAuv16i8 VABAuv2i32 VABAuv4i16 VABAuv4i32 VABAuv8i16 VABAuv8i8 VABDLsv2i64 VABDLsv4i32 VABDLsv8i16 VABDLuv2i64 VABDLuv4i32 VABDLuv8i16 VABDfd VABDfq VABDsv16i8 VABDsv2i32 VABDsv4i16 VABDsv4i32 VABDsv8i16 VABDsv8i8 VABDuv16i8 VABDuv2i32 VABDuv4i16 VABDuv4i32 VABDuv8i16 VABDuv8i8 VABSD VABSS VABSfd VABSfq VABSv16i8 VABSv2i32 VABSv4i16 VABSv4i32 VABSv8i16 VABSv8i8 VACGEd VACGEq VACGTd VACGTq VADDD VADDHNv2i32 VADDHNv4i16 VADDHNv8i8 VADDLsv2i64 VADDLsv4i32 VADDLsv8i16 VADDLuv2i64 VADDLuv4i32 VADDLuv8i16 VADDS VADDWsv2i64 VADDWsv4i32 VADDWsv8i16 VADDWuv2i64 VADDWuv4i32 VADDWuv8i16 VADDfd VADDfq VADDv16i8 VADDv1i64 VADDv2i32 VADDv2i64 VADDv4i16 VADDv4i32 VADDv8i16 VADDv8i8 VANDd VANDq VBICd VBICiv2i32 VBICiv4i16 VBICiv4i32 VBICiv8i16 VBICq VBIFd VBIFq VBITd VBITq VBSLd VBSLq VCEQfd VCEQfq VCEQv16i8 VCEQv2i32 VCEQv4i16 VCEQv4i32 VCEQv8i16 VCEQv8i8 VCEQzv16i8 VCEQzv2f32 VCEQzv2i32 VCEQzv4f32 VCEQzv4i16 VCEQzv4i32 VCEQzv8i16 VCEQzv8i8 VCGEfd VCGEfq VCGEsv16i8 VCGEsv2i32 VCGEsv4i16 VCGEsv4i32 VCGEsv8i16 VCGEsv8i8 VCGEuv16i8 VCGEuv2i32 VCGEuv4i16 VCGEuv4i32 VCGEuv8i16 VCGEuv8i8 VCGEzv16i8 VCGEzv2f32 VCGEzv2i32 VCGEzv4f32 VCGEzv4i16 VCGEzv4i32 VCGEzv8i16 VCGEzv8i8 VCGTfd VCGTfq VCGTsv16i8 VCGTsv2i32 VCGTsv4i16 VCGTsv4i32 VCGTsv8i16 VCGTsv8i8 VCGTuv16i8 VCGTuv2i32 VCGTuv4i16 VCGTuv4i32 VCGTuv8i16 VCGTuv8i8 VCGTzv16i8 VCGTzv2f32 VCGTzv2i32 VCGTzv4f32 VCGTzv4i16 VCGTzv4i32 VCGTzv8i16 VCGTzv8i8 VCLEzv16i8 VCLEzv2f32 VCLEzv2i32 VCLEzv4f32 VCLEzv4i16 VCLEzv4i32 VCLEzv8i16 VCLEzv8i8 VCLSv16i8 VCLSv2i32 VCLSv4i16 VCLSv4i32 VCLSv8i16 VCLSv8i8 VCLTzv16i8 VCLTzv2f32 VCLTzv2i32 VCLTzv4f32 VCLTzv4i16 VCLTzv4i32 VCLTzv8i16 VCLTzv8i8 VCLZv16i8 VCLZv2i32 VCLZv4i16 VCLZv4i32 VCLZv8i16 VCLZv8i8 VCMPD VCMPED VCMPES VCMPEZD VCMPEZS VCMPS VCMPZD VCMPZS VCNTd VCNTq VCVTBHS VCVTBSH VCVTDS VCVTSD VCVTTHS VCVTTSH VCVTf2h VCVTf2sd VCVTf2sq VCVTf2ud VCVTf2uq VCVTf2xsd VCVTf2xsq VCVTf2xud VCVTf2xuq VCVTh2f VCVTs2fd VCVTs2fq VCVTu2fd VCVTu2fq VCVTxs2fd VCVTxs2fq VCVTxu2fd VCVTxu2fq VDIVD VDIVS VDUP16d VDUP16q VDUP32d VDUP32q VDUP8d VDUP8q VDUPLN16d VDUPLN16q VDUPLN32d VDUPLN32q VDUPLN8d VDUPLN8q VDUPfdf VDUPfqf VEORd VEORq VEXTd16 VEXTd32 VEXTd8 VEXTq16 VEXTq32 VEXTq8 VGETLNi32 VGETLNs16 VGETLNs8 VGETLNu16 VGETLNu8 VHADDsv16i8 VHADDsv2i32 VHADDsv4i16 VHADDsv4i32 VHADDsv8i16 VHADDsv8i8 VHADDuv16i8 VHADDuv2i32 VHADDuv4i16 VHADDuv4i32 VHADDuv8i16 VHADDuv8i8 VHSUBsv16i8 VHSUBsv2i32 VHSUBsv4i16 VHSUBsv4i32 VHSUBsv8i16 VHSUBsv8i8 VHSUBuv16i8 VHSUBuv2i32 VHSUBuv4i16 VHSUBuv4i32 VHSUBuv8i16 VHSUBuv8i8 VLD1DUPd16 VLD1DUPd16_UPD VLD1DUPd32 VLD1DUPd32_UPD VLD1DUPd8 VLD1DUPd8_UPD VLD1DUPq16 VLD1DUPq16Pseudo VLD1DUPq16Pseudo_UPD VLD1DUPq16_UPD VLD1DUPq32 VLD1DUPq32Pseudo VLD1DUPq32Pseudo_UPD VLD1DUPq32_UPD VLD1DUPq8 VLD1DUPq8Pseudo VLD1DUPq8Pseudo_UPD VLD1DUPq8_UPD VLD1LNd16 VLD1LNd16_UPD 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VQSHLsiv4i16 VQSHLsiv4i32 VQSHLsiv8i16 VQSHLsiv8i8 VQSHLsuv16i8 VQSHLsuv1i64 VQSHLsuv2i32 VQSHLsuv2i64 VQSHLsuv4i16 VQSHLsuv4i32 VQSHLsuv8i16 VQSHLsuv8i8 VQSHLsv16i8 VQSHLsv1i64 VQSHLsv2i32 VQSHLsv2i64 VQSHLsv4i16 VQSHLsv4i32 VQSHLsv8i16 VQSHLsv8i8 VQSHLuiv16i8 VQSHLuiv1i64 VQSHLuiv2i32 VQSHLuiv2i64 VQSHLuiv4i16 VQSHLuiv4i32 VQSHLuiv8i16 VQSHLuiv8i8 VQSHLuv16i8 VQSHLuv1i64 VQSHLuv2i32 VQSHLuv2i64 VQSHLuv4i16 VQSHLuv4i32 VQSHLuv8i16 VQSHLuv8i8 VQSHRNsv2i32 VQSHRNsv4i16 VQSHRNsv8i8 VQSHRNuv2i32 VQSHRNuv4i16 VQSHRNuv8i8 VQSHRUNv2i32 VQSHRUNv4i16 VQSHRUNv8i8 VQSUBsv16i8 VQSUBsv1i64 VQSUBsv2i32 VQSUBsv2i64 VQSUBsv4i16 VQSUBsv4i32 VQSUBsv8i16 VQSUBsv8i8 VQSUBuv16i8 VQSUBuv1i64 VQSUBuv2i32 VQSUBuv2i64 VQSUBuv4i16 VQSUBuv4i32 VQSUBuv8i16 VQSUBuv8i8 VRADDHNv2i32 VRADDHNv4i16 VRADDHNv8i8 VRECPEd VRECPEfd VRECPEfq VRECPEq VRECPSfd VRECPSfq VREV16d8 VREV16q8 VREV32d16 VREV32d8 VREV32q16 VREV32q8 VREV64d16 VREV64d32 VREV64d8 VREV64q16 VREV64q32 VREV64q8 VRHADDsv16i8 VRHADDsv2i32 VRHADDsv4i16 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VMLSLuv8i16 VMLSS VMLSfd VMLSfq VMLSslfd VMLSslfq VMLSslv2i32 VMLSslv4i16 VMLSslv4i32 VMLSslv8i16 VMLSv16i8 VMLSv2i32 VMLSv4i16 VMLSv4i32 VMLSv8i16 VMLSv8i8 VMOVD VMOVDcc VMOVLsv2i64 VMOVLsv4i32 VMOVLsv8i16 VMOVLuv2i64 VMOVLuv4i32 VMOVLuv8i16 VMOVNv2i32 VMOVNv4i16 VMOVNv8i8 VMOVRRS VMOVRS VMOVS VMOVSR VMOVSRR VMOVScc VMOVv16i8 VMOVv1i64 VMOVv2i32 VMOVv2i64 VMOVv4i16 VMOVv4i32 VMOVv8i16 VMOVv8i8 VMRS VMRS_FPEXC VMRS_FPSID VMSR VMSR_FPEXC VMSR_FPSID VMULD VMULLp VMULLslsv2i32 VMULLslsv4i16 VMULLsluv2i32 VMULLsluv4i16 VMULLsv2i64 VMULLsv4i32 VMULLsv8i16 VMULLuv2i64 VMULLuv4i32 VMULLuv8i16 VMULS VMULfd VMULfq VMULpd VMULpq VMULslfd VMULslfq VMULslv2i32 VMULslv4i16 VMULslv4i32 VMULslv8i16 VMULv16i8 VMULv2i32 VMULv4i16 VMULv4i32 VMULv8i16 VMULv8i8 VMVNd VMVNq VMVNv2i32 VMVNv4i16 VMVNv4i32 VMVNv8i16 VNEGD VNEGS VNEGf32q VNEGfd VNEGs16d VNEGs16q VNEGs32d VNEGs32q VNEGs8d VNEGs8q VNMLAD VNMLAS VNMLSD VNMLSS VNMULD VNMULS VORNd VORNq VORRd VORRiv2i32 VORRiv4i16 VORRiv4i32 VORRiv8i16 VORRq VPADALsv16i8 VPADALsv2i32 VPADALsv4i16 VPADALsv4i32 VPADALsv8i16 VPADALsv8i8 VPADALuv16i8 VPADALuv2i32 VPADALuv4i16 VPADALuv4i32 VPADALuv8i16 VPADALuv8i8 VPADDLsv16i8 VPADDLsv2i32 VPADDLsv4i16 VPADDLsv4i32 VPADDLsv8i16 VPADDLsv8i8 VPADDLuv16i8 VPADDLuv2i32 VPADDLuv4i16 VPADDLuv4i32 VPADDLuv8i16 VPADDLuv8i8 VPADDf VPADDi16 VPADDi32 VPADDi8 VPMAXf VPMAXs16 VPMAXs32 VPMAXs8 VPMAXu16 VPMAXu32 VPMAXu8 VPMINf VPMINs16 VPMINs32 VPMINs8 VPMINu16 VPMINu32 VPMINu8 VQABSv16i8 VQABSv2i32 VQABSv4i16 VQABSv4i32 VQABSv8i16 VQABSv8i8 VQADDsv16i8 VQADDsv1i64 VQADDsv2i32 VQADDsv2i64 VQADDsv4i16 VQADDsv4i32 VQADDsv8i16 VQADDsv8i8 VQADDuv16i8 VQADDuv1i64 VQADDuv2i32 VQADDuv2i64 VQADDuv4i16 VQADDuv4i32 VQADDuv8i16 VQADDuv8i8 VQDMLALslv2i32 VQDMLALslv4i16 VQDMLALv2i64 VQDMLALv4i32 VQDMLSLslv2i32 VQDMLSLslv4i16 VQDMLSLv2i64 VQDMLSLv4i32 VQDMULHslv2i32 VQDMULHslv4i16 VQDMULHslv4i32 VQDMULHslv8i16 VQDMULHv2i32 VQDMULHv4i16 VQDMULHv4i32 VQDMULHv8i16 VQDMULLslv2i32 VQDMULLslv4i16 VQDMULLv2i64 VQDMULLv4i32 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VQSHLuiv4i32 VQSHLuiv8i16 VQSHLuiv8i8 VQSHLuv16i8 VQSHLuv1i64 VQSHLuv2i32 VQSHLuv2i64 VQSHLuv4i16 VQSHLuv4i32 VQSHLuv8i16 VQSHLuv8i8 VQSHRNsv2i32 VQSHRNsv4i16 VQSHRNsv8i8 VQSHRNuv2i32 VQSHRNuv4i16 VQSHRNuv8i8 VQSHRUNv2i32 VQSHRUNv4i16 VQSHRUNv8i8 VQSUBsv16i8 VQSUBsv1i64 VQSUBsv2i32 VQSUBsv2i64 VQSUBsv4i16 VQSUBsv4i32 VQSUBsv8i16 VQSUBsv8i8 VQSUBuv16i8 VQSUBuv1i64 VQSUBuv2i32 VQSUBuv2i64 VQSUBuv4i16 VQSUBuv4i32 VQSUBuv8i16 VQSUBuv8i8 VRADDHNv2i32 VRADDHNv4i16 VRADDHNv8i8 VRECPEd VRECPEfd VRECPEfq VRECPEq VRECPSfd VRECPSfq VREV16d8 VREV16q8 VREV32d16 VREV32d8 VREV32q16 VREV32q8 VREV64d16 VREV64d32 VREV64d8 VREV64q16 VREV64q32 VREV64q8 VRHADDsv16i8 VRHADDsv2i32 VRHADDsv4i16 VRHADDsv4i32 VRHADDsv8i16 VRHADDsv8i8 VRHADDuv16i8 VRHADDuv2i32 VRHADDuv4i16 VRHADDuv4i32 VRHADDuv8i16 VRHADDuv8i8 VRSHLsv16i8 VRSHLsv1i64 VRSHLsv2i32 VRSHLsv2i64 VRSHLsv4i16 VRSHLsv4i32 VRSHLsv8i16 VRSHLsv8i8 VRSHLuv16i8 VRSHLuv1i64 VRSHLuv2i32 VRSHLuv2i64 VRSHLuv4i16 VRSHLuv4i32 VRSHLuv8i16 VRSHLuv8i8 VRSHRNv2i32 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tMVN tNOP tORR tPICADD tPOP tPOP_RET tPUSH tREV tREV16 tREVSH tROR tRSB tSBC tSETEND tSEV tSTMIA_UPD tSTRBi tSTRBr tSTRHi tSTRHr tSTRi tSTRr tSTRspi tSUBi3 tSUBi8 tSUBrr tSUBspi tSVC tSXTB tSXTH tTAILJMPd tTAILJMPdND tTAILJMPr tTAILJMPrND tTPsoft tTRAP tTST tUXTB tUXTH tWFE tWFI tYIELD Prefer 32-bit Thumb instrs Cortex-A8 ARM processors Cortex-A9 ARM processors avoid-partial-cpsr fp-only-sp hwdiv Enable divide instructions Enable NEON instructions neonfp noarm slow-fp-brcc FP compare + branch is slow slowfpvmlx t2dsp Thumb mode thumb2 Enable Thumb2 instructions Support ARM v4T instructions Support ARM v5T instructions Support ARM v6 instructions Support ARM v6t2 instructions Support ARM v7 instructions Enable VFP2 instructions Enable VFP3 instructions vmlx-forwarding arm1020e Select the arm1020e processor arm1020t Select the arm1020t processor arm1022e Select the arm1022e processor arm10e Select the arm10e processor arm10tdmi arm1136j-s arm1136jf-s arm1156t2-s arm1156t2f-s arm1176jz-s arm1176jzf-s arm710t Select the arm710t processor arm720t Select the arm720t processor arm7tdmi Select the arm7tdmi processor arm7tdmi-s arm8 Select the arm8 processor arm810 Select the arm810 processor arm9 Select the arm9 processor arm920 Select the arm920 processor arm920t Select the arm920t processor arm922t Select the arm922t processor arm926ej-s arm940t Select the arm940t processor arm946e-s arm966e-s arm968e-s arm9e Select the arm9e processor arm9tdmi Select the arm9tdmi processor cortex-a9 cortex-a9-mp cortex-m0 cortex-m3 cortex-m4 ep9312 Select the ep9312 processor Select the generic processor iwmmxt Select the iwmmxt processor mpcore Select the mpcore processor mpcorenovfp strongarm strongarm110 strongarm1100 strongarm1110 Select the xscale processor +v7,+noarm,+db,+hwdiv,+t2dsp,t2xtpk,+mclass Avoid CPSR partial update for OOO execution Restrict VFP3 to 16 double registers Has data barrier (dmb / dsb) instructions Floating point unit supports single precision only Enable half-precision floating point Is microcontroller profile ('M' series) Supports Multiprocessing extension Use NEON for single precision FP Does not support ARM mode execution Disable VFP / NEON MAC instructions Supports v7 DSP instructions in Thumb2 Enable Thumb2 extract and pack instructions Support ARM v5TE, v5TEj, and v5TExp instructions Has multiplier accumulator forwarding Select the arm10tdmi processor Select the arm1136j-s processor Select the arm1136jf-s processor Select the arm1156t2-s processor Select the arm1156t2f-s processor Select the arm1176jz-s processor Select the arm1176jzf-s processor Select the arm7tdmi-s processor Select the arm926ej-s processor Select the arm946e-s processor Select the arm966e-s processor Select the arm968e-s processor Select the cortex-a8 processor Select the cortex-a9 processor Select the cortex-a9-mp processor Select the cortex-m0 processor Select the cortex-m3 processor Select the cortex-m4 processor Select the mpcorenovfp processor Select the strongarm processor Select the strongarm110 processor Select the strongarm1100 processor Select the strongarm1110 processor R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q ! " R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a E F G H I J K L M N O P Q r ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 E F G H I J K L M N O P Q r ' E F G H I J K L M N O P Q ' E F G H I J K L M N O P Q r ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 9 : ; < = > ? @ E F G H N Q A ) * + , 9 : ; < A B C D A B r ) 9 A R S R S ) 9 A ) 9 A T U T U ) 9 A * 9 A V W V W * 9 A * 9 A X Y X Y * 9 A + : A Z [ Z [ + : A + : A \ ] \ ] + : A , : A ^ _ ^ _ , : A , : A ` a ` a , : A - ; B b c b c - ; B - ; B d e d e - ; B . ; B f g f g . ; B . ; B h i h i . ; B / < B j k j k / < B / < B l m l m / < B 0 < B n o n o 0 < B 0 < B p q p q 0 < B 1 = C 1 = C 1 = C 1 = C 2 = C 2 = C 2 = C 2 = C 3 > C 3 > C 3 > C 3 > C 4 > C 4 > C 4 > C 4 > C 5 ? D 5 ? D 5 ? D 5 ? D 6 ? D 6 ? D 6 ? D 6 ? 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Number of constant pool relocations created. p 0 / 0 / / / / /  o p p p p P P P P P  @  `  P p p 0 0 P p p 0 0 0 0 p p P P p p P P p 0 0 p 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 @ @ ` @ P P O P P P P P P 0 P @ P ` P P p 0 0 0 0 ` ` ` ` 0 P 0 0 0 0 P 0 p 0 0 p ` 0 @ @ @ 0 @ @ @ P p P @ p @ P 0 P P P P 0 P 0 ` ` ` ` P p M m M m 0 P p @ ` ` @ ` ` ` ` @ @ ` ` @ @ ` @ @ @ @ @ p p p p p p 0 0 0 0 P P 0 P P p p 0 p P p p p p @ ` ` 0 ` P ` p ` ` 0 P P p P P p p p p p p P P P P P P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P P 0 0 @ @ 0 @ 0 @ @ P 0 0 p p P 0 P 0 P P @ P P P @ @ @ @ @ P P P P P P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P P @ P P 0 0 @ @ @ P @ @ @ 0 P 0 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ O @ o ` / O O @ O @ @ O @ O @ o ` / / O @ O @ O @ O @ O @ o ` / / O @ O @ O @ O @ o ` / / O @ O @ O @ 0 0 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P P P P P P @ @ @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P P @ @ P 0 p P P @ @ @ @ P P @ @ @ @ @ @ P P P 0 0 p p @ @ @ @ @ @ 0 P 0 P P P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P 0 P 0 P P P 0 P 0 P P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P 0 P 0 P P P 0 P 0 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 0 P 0 P P P P P P 0 P 0 P P P 0 P 0 P P P 0 P 0 P P @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 0 @ 0 @ @ @ 0 @ 0 @ @ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P 0 @ P P P @ 0 @ 0 @ @ @ 0 @ 0 @ @ P P P P P P @ @ P P P P P P P P P P P P O O @ O @ @ O @ / O @ O @ O @ O @ / O @ O @ O @ / O @ O @ O @ @ 0 @ 0 @ @ 0 @ 0 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P P P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ O @ o ` / P @ ` P p p 0 0 P p p 0 0 0 p p P P O  _ 0 0 0 0 ? 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 P P P P _ P O O @ @ O @ O O 0 O O @ O ` _ P _ P P o o o o ` ` ` @ @ @ 0 0 0 0 O ` 0 O ` ` ` @ 0 0 0 @ @ P P ` ` P P 0 0 0 @ @ - @ ` ` @ ` ` ` ` @ @ @ p P @ @ @ @ @ @ O / @ @ @ ` ` ` ` ` ` ` P P P P P P p p @ @ @ P 0 _ ? @A D 0 hD D @ A C G G B E ( B ` @@ x \ Z V ^ h H H X @ @ F @C C C xD @ A @B A P @ p T R ` P 8 @ B 0 ' can not be undefined in a subtraction expression FIXME: relocations to absolute targets not yet implemented unknown ARM fixup kind! X86 AT&T-Style Assembly Printer __jump_table __IMPORT __pointers __fltused unord nlt nle $stub __imp_ + [.- @TLSGD @GOTTPOFF @INDNTPOFF @TPOFF @NTPOFF @GOTPCREL @GOT @GOTOFF @PLT @TLVP subreg no-rip +8 (%rip) #MEMBARRIER eh_return, addr: % ___tls_get_addr X86 Maximal Stack Alignment Check Force align the stack to the minimum alignment needed for the function. force-align-stack sub_16bit sub_32bit sub_sd sub_ss sub_xmm k j m q Y ] a e i n k Y ] a e j k Y ] a e j + 0 5 / - , 5 / - , # ! " # " % # & # ! " & # " # & !! """ #### $$$ %%% &&&& ''' @ H $ Z @ $ Z @ $ Z @ $ $$ Z @ 0$$ P Z "p0$$ t v J N R V b f Z ^ * t s v u J L K J L N P O N P R T S R T V X W V X Z \ [ Z \ ^ ` _ ^ ` b d c b d f h g f h + , - . / * 0 @ 2 t s 5 v u 6 t v J J J J N N N N R R R R V V V V Z Z Z Z ^ ^ ^ ^ b b b b f f f f t v t t v v x86-use-vzeroupper Minimize AVX to SSE transition penalty e-p:64:64-s:64-f64:64:64-i64:64:64-f80:128:128-f128:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128 e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-i64:32:64-f80:128:128-f128:128:128-n8:16:32-S128 e-p:32:32-f64:32:64-i64:32:64-f80:32:32-f128:128:128-n8:16:32-S128 e-p:32:32-f64:64:64-i64:64:64-f80:32:32-f128:128:128-n8:16:32-S32 X86 vzeroupper inserter x86-codegen Number of vzeroupper instructions inserted X86 Machine Code Emitter x86-emitter X86 FP Stackifier Stack overflow! Cannot pop empty stack! Access past stack top! illegal "f" output constraint Stack empty?? Stack cannot be empty! fixed input regs must be last on the x87 stack output regs must be last on the x87 stack clobbers must be last on the x87 stack implicitly popped regs must be last on the x87 stack Number of floating point instructions Number of fxch instructions inserted { z ! > . { z } | } ~ w x w w x y y y z z z Y X Z X [ X { z | z } z  ~ ~ ~ 9 8 : 8 ; 8 ? < @ < A < B = C = D = E > F > G > B = C = D = E > F > G > H ? I ? J ? K @ L @ M A } v  w v v w x x x y y y 1 * 3 + 4 * 6 * 7 + 8 , 9 , : , ; - < - = - m l n l o l ~ {  { { } |  | | | { ~ { { 0 / 2 / 5 / } |  | | | { ~ { { 0 2 5 }  | ~ 0 ! 2 ! 5 ! }  | ~ 0 > 2 > 5 > Segmented stacks does not support fastcall with nested function. Segmented stacks do not support vararg functions. 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K O A B C - , / 5 + 0 . @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ c T Y ^ 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above x86 64-bit X86: EM64T and AMD64 x86-64 GR64 GR64_with_sub_8bit CONTROL_REG VR128 VR256 GR32_NOSP GR32_NOAX GR64_NOSP GR64_TC GR64_NOREX GR8_NOREX GR16_NOREX GR32_NOREX DEBUG_REG VR64 GR64_TC_with_sub_8bit GR64_NOREX_with_sub_8bit RST GR32_NOREX_NOSP GR64_NOREX_NOSP SEGMENT_REG GR64_TCW64 GR8_ABCD_L GR8_ABCD_H GR16_ABCD GR32_ABCD GR64_ABCD GR32_TC GR32_NOAX_with_sub_8bit_hi GR64_TC_with_sub_8bit_hi GR32_AD +64bit-mode -64bit-mode BPL CR0 CR1 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 CR8 CR9 CR10 CR11 CR12 CR13 CR14 CR15 DH DIL DL DR0 DR1 DR2 DR3 DR4 DR5 DR6 DR7 EBP EBX ECX EDI EDX EFLAGS EIP EIZ ESI ESP FP0 FP1 FP3 FP4 FP5 FP6 FS R8B R8D R8W R9B R9D R9W R10B R10D R10W R11B R11D R11W R12B R12D R12W R13B R13D R13W R14B R14D R14W R15B R15D R15W RAX RBP RBX RCX RDI RDX RIZ RSI RSP SIL SPL ST1 ST2 ST3 ST4 ST5 ST6 ST7 XMM0 XMM1 XMM2 XMM3 XMM4 XMM5 XMM6 XMM7 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM11 XMM12 XMM13 XMM14 XMM15 YMM0 YMM1 YMM2 YMM3 YMM4 YMM5 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MUL_FpI32m80 MUL_FrST0 MWAIT MWAITrr NEG16m NEG16r NEG32m NEG32r NEG64m NEG64r NEG8m NEG8r NOOP NOOPL NOOPW NOT16m NOT16r NOT32m NOT32r NOT64m NOT64r NOT8m NOT8r OR32mrLocked OUT16ir OUT16rr OUT32ir OUT32rr OUT8ir OUT8rr OUTSB OUTSD OUTSW PAUSE PAVGUSBrm PAVGUSBrr PBLENDVBrm0 PBLENDVBrr0 PDEP32rm PDEP32rr PDEP64rm PDEP64rr PEXT32rm PEXT32rr PEXT64rm PEXT64rr PF2IDrm PF2IDrr PF2IWrm PF2IWrr PFACCrm PFACCrr PFADDrm PFADDrr PFCMPEQrm PFCMPEQrr PFCMPGErm PFCMPGErr PFCMPGTrm PFCMPGTrr PFMAXrm PFMAXrr PFMINrm PFMINrr PFMULrm PFMULrr PFNACCrm PFNACCrr PFPNACCrm PFPNACCrr PFRCPIT1rm PFRCPIT1rr PFRCPIT2rm PFRCPIT2rr PFRCPrm PFRCPrr PFRSQIT1rm PFRSQIT1rr PFRSQRTrm PFRSQRTrr PFSUBRrm PFSUBRrr PFSUBrm PFSUBrr PI2FDrm PI2FDrr PI2FWrm PI2FWrr PMULHRWrm PMULHRWrr POP16r POP16rmm POP16rmr POP32r POP32rmm POP32rmr POP64r POP64rmm POP64rmr POPA32 POPCNT16rm POPCNT16rr POPCNT32rm POPCNT32rr POPCNT64rm POPCNT64rr POPDS16 POPDS32 POPES16 POPES32 POPF16 POPF32 POPF64 POPFS16 POPFS32 POPFS64 POPGS16 POPGS32 POPGS64 POPSS16 POPSS32 PREFETCH PREFETCHNTA PREFETCHT0 PREFETCHT1 PREFETCHT2 PREFETCHW PSWAPDrm PSWAPDrr PUSH16r PUSH16rmm PUSH16rmr PUSH32r PUSH32rmm PUSH32rmr PUSH64i16 PUSH64i32 PUSH64i8 PUSH64r PUSH64rmm PUSH64rmr PUSHA32 PUSHCS16 PUSHCS32 PUSHDS16 PUSHDS32 PUSHES16 PUSHES32 PUSHF16 PUSHF32 PUSHF64 PUSHFS16 PUSHFS32 PUSHFS64 PUSHGS16 PUSHGS32 PUSHGS64 PUSHSS16 PUSHSS32 PUSHi16 PUSHi32 PUSHi8 RCL16m1 RCL16mCL RCL16mi RCL16r1 RCL16rCL RCL16ri RCL32m1 RCL32mCL RCL32mi RCL32r1 RCL32rCL RCL32ri RCL64m1 RCL64mCL RCL64mi RCL64r1 RCL64rCL RCL64ri RCL8m1 RCL8mCL RCL8mi RCL8r1 RCL8rCL RCL8ri RCPSSr_Int RCR16m1 RCR16mCL RCR16mi RCR16r1 RCR16rCL RCR16ri RCR32m1 RCR32mCL RCR32mi RCR32r1 RCR32rCL RCR32ri RCR64m1 RCR64mCL RCR64mi RCR64r1 RCR64rCL RCR64ri RCR8m1 RCR8mCL RCR8mi RCR8r1 RCR8rCL RCR8ri RDFSBASE RDFSBASE64 RDGSBASE RDGSBASE64 RDMSR RDPMC RDRAND16r RDRAND32r RDRAND64r RDTSC RDTSCP RELEASE_MOV16mr RELEASE_MOV32mr RELEASE_MOV64mr RELEASE_MOV8mr REPNE_PREFIX REP_MOVSB REP_MOVSD REP_MOVSQ REP_MOVSW REP_PREFIX REP_STOSB REP_STOSD REP_STOSQ REP_STOSW REX64_PREFIX ROL16m1 ROL16mCL ROL16mi ROL16r1 ROL16rCL ROL16ri ROL32m1 ROL32mCL ROL32mi ROL32r1 ROL32rCL ROL32ri ROL64m1 ROL64mCL ROL64mi ROL64r1 ROL64rCL ROL64ri ROL8m1 ROL8mCL ROL8mi ROL8r1 ROL8rCL ROL8ri ROR16m1 ROR16mCL ROR16mi ROR16r1 ROR16rCL ROR16ri ROR32m1 ROR32mCL ROR32mi ROR32r1 ROR32rCL ROR32ri ROR64m1 ROR64mCL ROR64mi ROR64r1 ROR64rCL ROR64ri ROR8m1 ROR8mCL ROR8mi ROR8r1 ROR8rCL ROR8ri RSM RSQRTSSr_Int SAHF SAR16m1 SAR16mCL SAR16mi SAR16r1 SAR16rCL SAR16ri SAR32m1 SAR32mCL SAR32mi SAR32r1 SAR32rCL SAR32ri SAR64m1 SAR64mCL SAR64mi SAR64r1 SAR64rCL SAR64ri SAR8m1 SAR8mCL SAR8mi SAR8r1 SAR8rCL SAR8ri SBB16i16 SBB16mi SBB16mi8 SBB16mr SBB16ri SBB16ri8 SBB16rm SBB16rr SBB16rr_REV SBB32i32 SBB32mi SBB32mi8 SBB32mr SBB32ri SBB32ri8 SBB32rm SBB32rr SBB32rr_REV SBB64i32 SBB64mi32 SBB64mi8 SBB64mr SBB64ri32 SBB64ri8 SBB64rm SBB64rr SBB64rr_REV SBB8i8 SBB8mi SBB8mr SBB8ri SBB8rm SBB8rr SBB8rr_REV SCAS16 SCAS32 SCAS64 SCAS8 SEG_ALLOCA_32 SEG_ALLOCA_64 SETAEm SETAEr SETAm SETAr SETBEm SETBEr SETB_C16r SETB_C32r SETB_C64r SETB_C8r SETBm SETBr SETEm SETEr SETGEm SETGEr SETGm SETGr SETLEm SETLEr SETLm SETLr SETNEm SETNEr SETNOm SETNOr SETNPm SETNPr SETNSm SETNSr SETOm SETOr SETPm SETPr SETSm SETSr SFENCE SGDT16m SGDTm SHL16m1 SHL16mCL SHL16mi SHL16r1 SHL16rCL SHL16ri SHL32m1 SHL32mCL SHL32mi SHL32r1 SHL32rCL SHL32ri SHL64m1 SHL64mCL SHL64mi SHL64r1 SHL64rCL SHL64ri SHL8m1 SHL8mCL SHL8mi SHL8r1 SHL8rCL SHL8ri SHLD16mrCL SHLD16mri8 SHLD16rrCL SHLD16rri8 SHLD32mrCL SHLD32mri8 SHLD32rrCL SHLD32rri8 SHLD64mrCL SHLD64mri8 SHLD64rrCL SHLD64rri8 SHR16m1 SHR16mCL SHR16mi SHR16r1 SHR16rCL SHR16ri SHR32m1 SHR32mCL SHR32mi SHR32r1 SHR32rCL SHR32ri SHR64m1 SHR64mCL SHR64mi SHR64r1 SHR64rCL SHR64ri SHR8m1 SHR8mCL SHR8mi SHR8r1 SHR8rCL SHR8ri SHRD16mrCL SHRD16mri8 SHRD16rrCL SHRD16rri8 SHRD32mrCL SHRD32mri8 SHRD32rrCL SHRD32rri8 SHRD64mrCL SHRD64mri8 SHRD64rrCL SHRD64rri8 SIDT16m SIDTm SIN_F SIN_Fp32 SIN_Fp64 SIN_Fp80 SLDT16m SLDT16r SLDT32r SLDT64m SLDT64r SMSW16m SMSW16r SMSW32r SMSW64r SQRTSDr_Int SQRT_F SQRT_Fp32 SQRT_Fp64 SQRT_Fp80 SS_PREFIX STC STI STR16r STR32r STR64r STRm ST_F64m ST_FP80m ST_FPrr ST_Fp32m ST_Fp64m ST_Fp80m32 ST_Fp80m64 ST_FpP32m ST_FpP64m ST_FpP64m32 ST_FpP80m ST_FpP80m32 ST_FpP80m64 ST_Frr SUB16i16 SUB16ri SUB16ri8 SUB16rm SUB16rr SUB16rr_REV SUB32i32 SUB32ri SUB32ri8 SUB32rm SUB32rr SUB32rr_REV SUB64i32 SUB64ri32 SUB64ri8 SUB64rm SUB64rr SUB64rr_REV SUB8i8 SUB8ri SUB8rm SUB8rr SUB8rr_REV SUBR_F32m SUBR_F64m SUBR_FI16m SUBR_FI32m SUBR_FPrST0 SUBR_FST0r SUBR_Fp32m SUBR_Fp64m SUBR_Fp64m32 SUBR_Fp80m32 SUBR_Fp80m64 SUBR_FpI16m32 SUBR_FpI16m64 SUBR_FpI16m80 SUBR_FpI32m32 SUBR_FpI32m64 SUBR_FpI32m80 SUBR_FrST0 SUB_F32m SUB_F64m SUB_FI16m SUB_FI32m SUB_FPrST0 SUB_FST0r SUB_Fp32 SUB_Fp32m SUB_Fp64 SUB_Fp64m SUB_Fp64m32 SUB_Fp80 SUB_Fp80m32 SUB_Fp80m64 SUB_FpI16m32 SUB_FpI16m64 SUB_FpI16m80 SUB_FpI32m32 SUB_FpI32m64 SUB_FpI32m80 SUB_FrST0 SWAPGS SYSCALL SYSENTER SYSEXIT SYSEXIT64 SYSRETL SYSRETQ TAILJMPd64 TAILJMPm TAILJMPm64 TAILJMPr64 TCRETURNdi64 TCRETURNmi TCRETURNmi64 TCRETURNri64 TEST16i16 TEST16mi TEST16ri TEST16rm TEST16rr TEST32i32 TEST32mi TEST32ri TEST32rm TEST32rr TEST64i32 TEST64mi32 TEST64ri32 TEST64rm TEST64rr TEST8i8 TEST8mi TEST8ri TEST8ri_NOREX TEST8rm TEST8rr TLSCall_32 TLSCall_64 TLS_addr32 TLS_addr64 TST_F TST_Fp32 TST_Fp64 TST_Fp80 TZCNT16rm TZCNT16rr TZCNT32rm TZCNT32rr TZCNT64rm TZCNT64rr UCOM_FIPr UCOM_FIr UCOM_FPPr UCOM_FPr UCOM_FpIr32 UCOM_FpIr64 UCOM_FpIr80 UCOM_Fpr32 UCOM_Fpr64 UCOM_Fpr80 UCOM_Fr UD2B VADDPDYrm VADDPDYrr VADDPDrm VADDPDrr VADDPSYrm VADDPSYrr VADDPSrm VADDPSrr VADDSDrm VADDSDrm_Int VADDSDrr VADDSDrr_Int VADDSSrm VADDSSrm_Int VADDSSrr VADDSSrr_Int VADDSUBPDYrm VADDSUBPDYrr VADDSUBPDrm VADDSUBPDrr VADDSUBPSYrm VADDSUBPSYrr VADDSUBPSrm VADDSUBPSrr VAESDECLASTrm VAESDECLASTrr VAESDECrm VAESDECrr VAESENCLASTrm VAESENCLASTrr VAESENCrm VAESENCrr VAESIMCrm VAESIMCrr VAESKEYGENASSIST128rm VAESKEYGENASSIST128rr VANDNPDYrm VANDNPDYrr VANDNPDrm VANDNPDrr VANDNPSYrm VANDNPSYrr VANDNPSrm VANDNPSrr VANDPDYrm VANDPDYrr VANDPDrm VANDPDrr VANDPSYrm VANDPSYrr VANDPSrm VANDPSrr VBLENDPDYrmi VBLENDPDYrri VBLENDPDrmi VBLENDPDrri VBLENDPSYrmi VBLENDPSYrri VBLENDPSrmi VBLENDPSrri VBLENDVPDYrm VBLENDVPDYrr VBLENDVPDrm VBLENDVPDrr VBLENDVPSYrm VBLENDVPSYrr VBLENDVPSrm VBLENDVPSrr VBROADCASTF128 VBROADCASTSD VBROADCASTSS VBROADCASTSSY VCMPPDYrmi VCMPPDYrmi_alt VCMPPDYrri VCMPPDYrri_alt VCMPPDrmi VCMPPDrmi_alt VCMPPDrri VCMPPDrri_alt VCMPPSYrmi VCMPPSYrmi_alt VCMPPSYrri VCMPPSYrri_alt VCMPPSrmi VCMPPSrmi_alt VCMPPSrri VCMPPSrri_alt VCMPSDrm_alt VCMPSDrr_alt VCMPSSrm_alt VCMPSSrr_alt VCVTDQ2PDYrm VCVTDQ2PDYrr VCVTDQ2PSYrm VCVTDQ2PSYrr VCVTPD2DQXrYr VCVTPD2DQXrm VCVTPD2DQXrr VCVTPD2DQYrm VCVTPD2DQYrr VCVTPD2PSXrYr VCVTPD2PSXrm VCVTPD2PSXrr VCVTPD2PSYrm VCVTPD2PSYrr VCVTPH2PSYrm VCVTPH2PSYrr VCVTPH2PSrm VCVTPH2PSrr VCVTPS2DQYrm VCVTPS2DQYrr VCVTPS2PDYrm VCVTPS2PDYrr VCVTPS2PHYmr VCVTPS2PHYrr VCVTPS2PHmr VCVTPS2PHrr VCVTSI2SDLrm VCVTSI2SDLrr VCVTSS2SI64rm VCVTSS2SI64rr VCVTSS2SIrm VCVTSS2SIrr VCVTTPD2DQXrYr VCVTTPD2DQXrm VCVTTPD2DQXrr VCVTTPD2DQYrm VCVTTPD2DQYrr VCVTTPD2DQrm VCVTTPD2DQrr VCVTTPS2DQYrm VCVTTPS2DQYrr VDIVPDYrm VDIVPDYrr VDIVPDrm VDIVPDrr VDIVPSYrm VDIVPSYrr VDIVPSrm VDIVPSrr VDIVSDrm VDIVSDrm_Int VDIVSDrr VDIVSDrr_Int VDIVSSrm VDIVSSrm_Int VDIVSSrr VDIVSSrr_Int VDPPDrmi VDPPDrri VDPPSYrmi VDPPSYrri VDPPSrmi VDPPSrri VERRm VERRr VERWm VERWr VEXTRACTF128mr VEXTRACTF128rr VEXTRACTPSmr VEXTRACTPSrr VEXTRACTPSrr64 VFMADDPDr132m VFMADDPDr132mY VFMADDPDr132r VFMADDPDr132rY VFMADDPDr213m VFMADDPDr213mY VFMADDPDr213r VFMADDPDr213rY VFMADDPDr231m VFMADDPDr231mY VFMADDPDr231r VFMADDPDr231rY VFMADDPSr132m VFMADDPSr132mY VFMADDPSr132r VFMADDPSr132rY VFMADDPSr213m VFMADDPSr213mY VFMADDPSr213r VFMADDPSr213rY VFMADDPSr231m VFMADDPSr231mY VFMADDPSr231r VFMADDPSr231rY VFMADDSUBPDr132m VFMADDSUBPDr132mY VFMADDSUBPDr132r VFMADDSUBPDr132rY VFMADDSUBPDr213m VFMADDSUBPDr213mY VFMADDSUBPDr213r VFMADDSUBPDr213rY VFMADDSUBPDr231m VFMADDSUBPDr231mY VFMADDSUBPDr231r VFMADDSUBPDr231rY VFMADDSUBPSr132m VFMADDSUBPSr132mY VFMADDSUBPSr132r VFMADDSUBPSr132rY VFMADDSUBPSr213m VFMADDSUBPSr213mY VFMADDSUBPSr213r VFMADDSUBPSr213rY VFMADDSUBPSr231m VFMADDSUBPSr231mY VFMADDSUBPSr231r VFMADDSUBPSr231rY VFMSUBADDPDr132m VFMSUBADDPDr132mY VFMSUBADDPDr132r VFMSUBADDPDr132rY VFMSUBADDPDr213m VFMSUBADDPDr213mY VFMSUBADDPDr213r VFMSUBADDPDr213rY VFMSUBADDPDr231m VFMSUBADDPDr231mY VFMSUBADDPDr231r VFMSUBADDPDr231rY VFMSUBADDPSr132m VFMSUBADDPSr132mY VFMSUBADDPSr132r VFMSUBADDPSr132rY VFMSUBADDPSr213m VFMSUBADDPSr213mY VFMSUBADDPSr213r VFMSUBADDPSr213rY VFMSUBADDPSr231m VFMSUBADDPSr231mY VFMSUBADDPSr231r VFMSUBADDPSr231rY VFMSUBPDr132m VFMSUBPDr132mY VFMSUBPDr132r VFMSUBPDr132rY VFMSUBPDr213m VFMSUBPDr213mY VFMSUBPDr213r VFMSUBPDr213rY VFMSUBPDr231m VFMSUBPDr231mY VFMSUBPDr231r VFMSUBPDr231rY VFMSUBPSr132m VFMSUBPSr132mY VFMSUBPSr132r VFMSUBPSr132rY VFMSUBPSr213m VFMSUBPSr213mY VFMSUBPSr213r VFMSUBPSr213rY VFMSUBPSr231m VFMSUBPSr231mY VFMSUBPSr231r VFMSUBPSr231rY VFNMADDPDr132m VFNMADDPDr132mY VFNMADDPDr132r VFNMADDPDr132rY VFNMADDPDr213m VFNMADDPDr213mY VFNMADDPDr213r VFNMADDPDr213rY VFNMADDPDr231m VFNMADDPDr231mY VFNMADDPDr231r VFNMADDPDr231rY VFNMADDPSr132m VFNMADDPSr132mY VFNMADDPSr132r VFNMADDPSr132rY VFNMADDPSr213m VFNMADDPSr213mY VFNMADDPSr213r VFNMADDPSr213rY VFNMADDPSr231m VFNMADDPSr231mY VFNMADDPSr231r VFNMADDPSr231rY VFNMSUBPDr132m VFNMSUBPDr132mY VFNMSUBPDr132r VFNMSUBPDr132rY VFNMSUBPDr213m VFNMSUBPDr213mY VFNMSUBPDr213r VFNMSUBPDr213rY VFNMSUBPDr231m VFNMSUBPDr231mY VFNMSUBPDr231r VFNMSUBPDr231rY VFNMSUBPSr132m VFNMSUBPSr132mY VFNMSUBPSr132r VFNMSUBPSr132rY VFNMSUBPSr213m VFNMSUBPSr213mY VFNMSUBPSr213r VFNMSUBPSr213rY VFNMSUBPSr231m VFNMSUBPSr231mY VFNMSUBPSr231r VFNMSUBPSr231rY VFsANDNPDrm VFsANDNPDrr VFsANDNPSrm VFsANDNPSrr VFsANDPDrm VFsANDPDrr VFsANDPSrm VFsANDPSrr VFsFLD0SD VFsFLD0SS VFsORPDrm VFsORPDrr VFsORPSrm VFsORPSrr VFsXORPDrm VFsXORPDrr VFsXORPSrm VFsXORPSrr VHADDPDYrm VHADDPDYrr VHADDPDrm VHADDPDrr VHADDPSYrm VHADDPSYrr VHADDPSrm VHADDPSrr VHSUBPDYrm VHSUBPDYrr VHSUBPDrm VHSUBPDrr VHSUBPSYrm VHSUBPSYrr VHSUBPSrm VHSUBPSrr VINSERTF128rm VINSERTF128rr VINSERTPSrm VINSERTPSrr VLDDQUYrm VLDDQUrm VLDMXCSR VMASKMOVDQU VMASKMOVDQU64 VMASKMOVPDYmr VMASKMOVPDYrm VMASKMOVPDmr VMASKMOVPDrm VMASKMOVPSYmr VMASKMOVPSYrm VMASKMOVPSmr VMASKMOVPSrm VMAXPDYrm VMAXPDYrm_Int VMAXPDYrr VMAXPDYrr_Int VMAXPDrm VMAXPDrm_Int VMAXPDrr VMAXPDrr_Int VMAXPSYrm VMAXPSYrm_Int VMAXPSYrr VMAXPSYrr_Int VMAXPSrm VMAXPSrm_Int VMAXPSrr VMAXPSrr_Int VMAXSDrm VMAXSDrm_Int VMAXSDrr VMAXSDrr_Int VMAXSSrm VMAXSSrm_Int VMAXSSrr VMAXSSrr_Int VMCALL VMCLEARm VMINPDYrm VMINPDYrm_Int VMINPDYrr VMINPDYrr_Int VMINPDrm VMINPDrm_Int VMINPDrr VMINPDrr_Int VMINPSYrm VMINPSYrm_Int VMINPSYrr VMINPSYrr_Int VMINPSrm VMINPSrm_Int VMINPSrr VMINPSrr_Int VMINSDrm VMINSDrm_Int VMINSDrr VMINSDrr_Int VMINSSrm VMINSSrm_Int VMINSSrr VMINSSrr_Int VMLAUNCH VMOV64toPQIrr VMOV64toSDrm VMOV64toSDrr VMOVAPDYmr VMOVAPDYrm VMOVAPDYrr VMOVAPDYrr_REV VMOVAPDmr VMOVAPDrr_REV VMOVAPSYmr VMOVAPSYrm VMOVAPSYrr VMOVAPSYrr_REV VMOVAPSmr VMOVAPSrr_REV VMOVDDUPYrm VMOVDDUPYrr VMOVDDUPrm VMOVDDUPrr VMOVDI2PDIrm VMOVDI2PDIrr VMOVDI2SSrm VMOVDI2SSrr VMOVDQAYmr VMOVDQAYrm VMOVDQAYrr VMOVDQAYrr_REV VMOVDQAmr VMOVDQArm VMOVDQArr VMOVDQArr_REV VMOVDQUYmr VMOVDQUYrm VMOVDQUYrr VMOVDQUYrr_REV VMOVDQUmr VMOVDQUmr_Int VMOVDQUrm VMOVDQUrr VMOVDQUrr_REV VMOVHLPSrr VMOVHPDmr VMOVHPDrm VMOVHPSmr VMOVHPSrm VMOVLHPSrr VMOVLPDmr VMOVLPDrm VMOVLPSmr VMOVLPSrm VMOVLQ128mr VMOVMSKPDYr64r VMOVMSKPDYrr32 VMOVMSKPDYrr64 VMOVMSKPDr64r VMOVMSKPDrr32 VMOVMSKPDrr64 VMOVMSKPSYr64r VMOVMSKPSYrr32 VMOVMSKPSYrr64 VMOVMSKPSr64r VMOVMSKPSrr32 VMOVMSKPSrr64 VMOVNTDQArm VMOVNTDQY_64mr VMOVNTDQYmr VMOVNTDQ_64mr VMOVNTDQmr VMOVNTPDYmr VMOVNTPDmr VMOVNTPSYmr VMOVNTPSmr VMOVPDI2DImr VMOVPDI2DIrr VMOVPQI2QImr VMOVPQIto64rr VMOVQI2PQIrm VMOVQd64rr VMOVQd64rr_alt VMOVQs64rr VMOVQxrxr VMOVSDmr VMOVSDrm VMOVSDrr VMOVSDrr_REV VMOVSDto64mr VMOVSDto64rr VMOVSHDUPYrm VMOVSHDUPYrr VMOVSHDUPrm VMOVSHDUPrr VMOVSLDUPYrm VMOVSLDUPYrr VMOVSLDUPrm VMOVSLDUPrr VMOVSS2DImr VMOVSS2DIrr VMOVSSmr VMOVSSrm VMOVSSrr VMOVSSrr_REV VMOVUPDYmr VMOVUPDYrm VMOVUPDYrr VMOVUPDYrr_REV VMOVUPDmr VMOVUPDrm VMOVUPDrr VMOVUPDrr_REV VMOVUPSYmr VMOVUPSYrm VMOVUPSYrr VMOVUPSYrr_REV VMOVUPSmr VMOVUPSrm VMOVUPSrr VMOVUPSrr_REV VMOVZDI2PDIrm VMOVZDI2PDIrr VMOVZPQILo2PQIrm VMOVZPQILo2PQIrr VMOVZQI2PQIrm VMOVZQI2PQIrr VMPSADBWrmi VMPSADBWrri VMPTRLDm VMPTRSTm VMREAD32rm VMREAD32rr VMREAD64rm VMREAD64rr VMRESUME VMULPDYrm VMULPDYrr VMULPDrm VMULPDrr VMULPSYrm VMULPSYrr VMULPSrm VMULPSrr VMULSDrm VMULSDrm_Int VMULSDrr VMULSDrr_Int VMULSSrm VMULSSrm_Int VMULSSrr VMULSSrr_Int VMWRITE32rm VMWRITE32rr VMWRITE64rm VMWRITE64rr VMXOFF VMXON VORPDYrm VORPDYrr VORPDrm VORPDrr VORPSYrm VORPSYrr VORPSrm VORPSrr VPABSBrm128 VPABSBrr128 VPABSDrm128 VPABSDrr128 VPABSWrm128 VPABSWrr128 VPACKSSDWrm VPACKSSDWrr VPACKSSWBrm VPACKSSWBrr VPACKUSDWrm VPACKUSDWrr VPACKUSWBrm VPACKUSWBrr VPADDBrm VPADDBrr VPADDDrm VPADDDrr VPADDQrm VPADDQrr VPADDSBrm VPADDSBrr VPADDSWrm VPADDSWrr VPADDUSBrm VPADDUSBrr VPADDUSWrm VPADDUSWrr VPADDWrm VPADDWrr VPALIGNR128rm VPALIGNR128rr VPANDNrm VPANDNrr VPANDrm VPANDrr VPAVGBrm VPAVGBrr VPAVGWrm VPAVGWrr VPBLENDVBrm VPBLENDVBrr VPBLENDWrmi VPBLENDWrri VPCLMULQDQrm VPCLMULQDQrr VPCMPEQBrm VPCMPEQBrr VPCMPEQDrm VPCMPEQDrr VPCMPEQQrm VPCMPEQQrr VPCMPEQWrm VPCMPEQWrr VPCMPESTRIArm VPCMPESTRIArr VPCMPESTRICrm VPCMPESTRICrr VPCMPESTRIOrm VPCMPESTRIOrr VPCMPESTRISrm VPCMPESTRISrr VPCMPESTRIZrm VPCMPESTRIZrr VPCMPESTRIrm VPCMPESTRIrr VPCMPESTRM128MEM VPCMPESTRM128REG VPCMPESTRM128rm VPCMPESTRM128rr VPCMPGTBrm VPCMPGTBrr VPCMPGTDrm VPCMPGTDrr VPCMPGTQrm VPCMPGTQrr VPCMPGTWrm VPCMPGTWrr VPCMPISTRIArm VPCMPISTRIArr VPCMPISTRICrm VPCMPISTRICrr VPCMPISTRIOrm VPCMPISTRIOrr VPCMPISTRISrm VPCMPISTRISrr VPCMPISTRIZrm VPCMPISTRIZrr VPCMPISTRIrm VPCMPISTRIrr VPCMPISTRM128MEM VPCMPISTRM128REG VPCMPISTRM128rm VPCMPISTRM128rr VPERM2F128rm VPERM2F128rr VPERMILPDYmi VPERMILPDYri VPERMILPDYrm VPERMILPDYrr VPERMILPDmi VPERMILPDri VPERMILPDrm VPERMILPDrr VPERMILPSYmi VPERMILPSYri VPERMILPSYrm VPERMILPSYrr VPERMILPSmi VPERMILPSri VPERMILPSrm VPERMILPSrr VPEXTRBmr VPEXTRBrr VPEXTRBrr64 VPEXTRDmr VPEXTRDrr VPEXTRQmr VPEXTRQrr VPEXTRWmr VPEXTRWri VPHADDDrm128 VPHADDDrr128 VPHADDSWrm128 VPHADDSWrr128 VPHADDWrm128 VPHADDWrr128 VPHMINPOSUWrm128 VPHMINPOSUWrr128 VPHSUBDrm128 VPHSUBDrr128 VPHSUBSWrm128 VPHSUBSWrr128 VPHSUBWrm128 VPHSUBWrr128 VPINSRBrm VPINSRBrr VPINSRDrm VPINSRDrr VPINSRQrm VPINSRQrr VPINSRWrmi VPINSRWrr64i VPINSRWrri VPMADDUBSWrm128 VPMADDUBSWrr128 VPMADDWDrm VPMADDWDrr VPMAXSBrm VPMAXSBrr VPMAXSDrm VPMAXSDrr VPMAXSWrm VPMAXSWrr VPMAXUBrm VPMAXUBrr VPMAXUDrm VPMAXUDrr VPMAXUWrm VPMAXUWrr VPMINSBrm VPMINSBrr VPMINSDrm VPMINSDrr VPMINSWrm VPMINSWrr VPMINUBrm VPMINUBrr VPMINUDrm VPMINUDrr VPMINUWrm VPMINUWrr VPMOVMSKBr64r VPMOVMSKBrr VPMOVSXBDrm VPMOVSXBDrr VPMOVSXBQrm VPMOVSXBQrr VPMOVSXBWrm VPMOVSXBWrr VPMOVSXDQrm VPMOVSXDQrr VPMOVSXWDrm VPMOVSXWDrr VPMOVSXWQrm VPMOVSXWQrr VPMOVZXBDrm VPMOVZXBDrr VPMOVZXBQrm VPMOVZXBQrr VPMOVZXBWrm VPMOVZXBWrr VPMOVZXDQrm VPMOVZXDQrr VPMOVZXWDrm VPMOVZXWDrr VPMOVZXWQrm VPMOVZXWQrr VPMULDQrm VPMULDQrr VPMULHRSWrm128 VPMULHRSWrr128 VPMULHUWrm VPMULHUWrr VPMULHWrm VPMULHWrr VPMULLDrm VPMULLDrr VPMULLWrm VPMULLWrr VPMULUDQrm VPMULUDQrr VPORrm VPORrr VPSADBWrm VPSADBWrr VPSHUFBrm128 VPSHUFBrr128 VPSHUFDmi VPSHUFDri VPSHUFHWmi VPSHUFHWri VPSHUFLWmi VPSHUFLWri VPSIGNBrm128 VPSIGNBrr128 VPSIGNDrm128 VPSIGNDrr128 VPSIGNWrm128 VPSIGNWrr128 VPSLLDQri VPSLLDri VPSLLDrm VPSLLDrr VPSLLQri VPSLLQrm VPSLLQrr VPSLLWri VPSLLWrm VPSLLWrr VPSRADri VPSRADrm VPSRADrr VPSRAWri VPSRAWrm VPSRAWrr VPSRLDQri VPSRLDri VPSRLDrm VPSRLDrr VPSRLQri VPSRLQrm VPSRLQrr VPSRLWri VPSRLWrm VPSRLWrr VPSUBBrm VPSUBBrr VPSUBDrm VPSUBDrr VPSUBQrm VPSUBQrr VPSUBSBrm VPSUBSBrr VPSUBSWrm VPSUBSWrr VPSUBUSBrm VPSUBUSBrr VPSUBUSWrm VPSUBUSWrr VPSUBWrm VPSUBWrr VPTESTYrm VPTESTYrr VPTESTrm VPTESTrr VPUNPCKHBWrm VPUNPCKHBWrr VPUNPCKHDQrm VPUNPCKHDQrr VPUNPCKHQDQrm VPUNPCKHQDQrr VPUNPCKHWDrm VPUNPCKHWDrr VPUNPCKLBWrm VPUNPCKLBWrr VPUNPCKLDQrm VPUNPCKLDQrr VPUNPCKLQDQrm VPUNPCKLQDQrr VPUNPCKLWDrm VPUNPCKLWDrr VPXORrm VPXORrr VRCPPSYm VRCPPSYm_Int VRCPPSYr VRCPPSYr_Int VRCPPSm VRCPPSm_Int VRCPPSr VRCPPSr_Int VRCPSSm VRCPSSm_Int VRCPSSr VROUNDPDm VROUNDPDm_AVX VROUNDPDr VROUNDPDr_AVX VROUNDPSm VROUNDPSm_AVX VROUNDPSr VROUNDPSr_AVX VROUNDSDm VROUNDSDm_AVX VROUNDSDr VROUNDSDr_AVX VROUNDSSm VROUNDSSm_AVX VROUNDSSr VROUNDSSr_AVX VROUNDYPDm VROUNDYPDm_AVX VROUNDYPDr VROUNDYPDr_AVX VROUNDYPSm VROUNDYPSm_AVX VROUNDYPSr VROUNDYPSr_AVX VRSQRTPSYm VRSQRTPSYm_Int VRSQRTPSYr VRSQRTPSYr_Int VRSQRTPSm VRSQRTPSm_Int VRSQRTPSr VRSQRTPSr_Int VRSQRTSSm VRSQRTSSm_Int VRSQRTSSr VSHUFPDYrmi VSHUFPDYrri VSHUFPDrmi VSHUFPDrri VSHUFPSYrmi VSHUFPSYrri VSHUFPSrmi VSHUFPSrri VSQRTPDYm VSQRTPDYm_Int VSQRTPDYr VSQRTPDYr_Int VSQRTPDm VSQRTPDm_Int VSQRTPDr VSQRTPDr_Int VSQRTPSYm 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XOR16i16 XOR16ri XOR16ri8 XOR16rm XOR16rr XOR16rr_REV XOR32i32 XOR32ri XOR32ri8 XOR32rm XOR32rr XOR32rr_REV XOR64i32 XOR64ri32 XOR64ri8 XOR64rm XOR64rr XOR64rr_REV XOR8i8 XOR8ri XOR8rm XOR8rr XOR8rr_REV XSAVEOPT XSAVEOPT64 XSETBV XSHA1 XSHA256 XSTORE 3dnow Enable 3DNow! instructions 3dnowa 64bit Support 64-bit instructions 64-bit mode (x86_64) Enable AES instructions Enable AVX instructions bmi Support BMI instructions bmi2 Support BMI2 instructions clmul cmov 64-bit with cmpxchg16b f16c fast-unaligned-mem Fast unaligned memory access fma3 fma4 lzcnt Support LZCNT instruction Enable MMX instructions movbe Support MOVBE instruction popcnt Support POPCNT instruction rdrand Support RDRAND instruction slow-bt-mem Bit testing of memory is slow sse Enable SSE instructions Enable SSE2 instructions Enable SSE3 instructions sse41 Enable SSE 4.1 instructions sse42 Enable SSE 4.2 instructions sse4a Support SSE 4a instructions ssse3 Enable SSSE3 instructions vector-unaligned-mem amdfam10 Select the amdfam10 processor Select the athlon processor athlon-4 Select the athlon-4 processor athlon-fx athlon-mp athlon-tbird athlon-xp athlon64 Select the athlon64 processor athlon64-sse3 Select the atom processor barcelona Select the c3 processor c3-2 Select the c3-2 processor core-avx-i core-avx2 Select the core2 processor Select the corei7 processor corei7-avx i386 Select the i386 processor Select the i486 processor Select the i586 processor Select the i686 processor istanbul Select the istanbul processor Select the k6 processor k6-2 Select the k6-2 processor k6-3 Select the k6-3 processor Select the k8 processor k8-sse3 Select the k8-sse3 processor nehalem Select the nehalem processor Select the nocona processor opteron Select the opteron processor opteron-sse3 penryn Select the penryn processor Select the pentium processor pentium-m pentium-mmx pentium2 Select the pentium2 processor pentium3 Select the pentium3 processor pentium3m Select the pentium4 processor pentium4m prescott Select the prescott processor shanghai Select the shanghai processor westmere Select the westmere processor winchip-c6 winchip2 Select the winchip2 processor Select the x86-64 processor yonah Select the yonah processor Enable 3DNow! Athlon instructions Enable carry-less multiplication instructions Enable conditional move instructions Support 16-bit floating point conversion instructions Enable three-operand fused multiple-add Enable four-operand fused multiple-add Allow unaligned memory operands on vector/SIMD instructions Select the athlon-fx processor Select the athlon-mp processor Select the athlon-tbird processor Select the athlon-xp processor Select the athlon64-sse3 processor Select the barcelona processor Select the core-avx-i processor Select the core-avx2 processor Select the corei7-avx processor Select the opteron-sse3 processor Select the pentium-m processor Select the pentium-mmx processor Select the pentium3m processor Select the pentium4m processor Select the pentiumpro processor Select the winchip-c6 processor t v J N R V b f Z ^ DDDD P i l n q m I M Q U k a e Y ] j r o """" * s u L P T X d h \ ` H P ( + . 0 5 / - , 6 K O S W c g [ _ a i l n q m I M Q U k a e Y ] j r """"~ + . 0 5 / - , K O S W c g [ _ ! . 0 5 / - , 6 K O S W c g [ _ a i l n q m I M Q U k a e Y ] j """"~ i l n q m I M U o " i l n q m k j r o 6 * s u H P ( + . 0 5 / - , 6 a ! 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Cannot find option named ' .note.GNU-stack Emit Intel-style assembly intel Emit AT&T-style assembly att x86-asm-syntax ## {si} {di} {ax} {cx} {fpcr} Choose style of code to emit from X86 backend: FORM: reloc_riprel_4byte reloc_riprel_4byte_movq_load reloc_signed_4byte reloc_global_offset_table unexpected instruction to relax: mc-x86-disable-arith-relaxation Disable relaxation of arithmetic instruction for X86 f @ D f D f f. unsupported relocation of modified symbol unsupported pc-relative relocation of difference unsupported relocation with identical base unsupported relocation of variable ' unsupported relocation of undefined symbol ' unsupported symbol modifier in relocation unsupported symbol modifier in branch relocation TLVP symbol modifier should have been rip-rel ah al ax bh bl bp bpl bx ch cl cr0 cr1 cr2 cr3 cr4 cr5 cr6 cr7 cr8 cr9 cr10 cr11 cr12 cr13 cr14 cr15 cs cx dh di dil dl dr0 dr1 dr2 dr3 dr4 dr5 dr6 dr7 ds dx eax ebp ebx ecx edi edx flags eip eiz es esi esp fp0 fp1 fp2 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AESIMCrr AESKEYGENASSIST128rm AESKEYGENASSIST128rr AND16i16 AND16mi AND16mi8 AND16mr AND16ri AND16ri8 AND16rm AND16rr AND16rr_REV AND32i32 AND32mi AND32mi8 AND32mr AND32ri AND32ri8 AND32rm AND32rr AND32rr_REV AND64i32 AND64mi32 AND64mi8 AND64mr AND64ri32 AND64ri8 AND64rm AND64rr AND64rr_REV AND8i8 AND8mi AND8mr AND8ri AND8rm AND8rr AND8rr_REV ANDN32rm ANDN32rr ANDN64rm ANDN64rr ANDNPDrm ANDNPDrr ANDNPSrm ANDNPSrr ANDPDrm ANDPDrr ANDPSrm ANDPSrr ARPL16mr ARPL16rr ATOMADD6432 ATOMAND16 ATOMAND32 ATOMAND64 ATOMAND6432 ATOMAND8 ATOMMAX16 ATOMMAX32 ATOMMAX64 ATOMMIN16 ATOMMIN32 ATOMMIN64 ATOMNAND16 ATOMNAND32 ATOMNAND64 ATOMNAND6432 ATOMNAND8 ATOMOR16 ATOMOR32 ATOMOR64 ATOMOR6432 ATOMOR8 ATOMSUB6432 ATOMSWAP6432 ATOMUMAX16 ATOMUMAX32 ATOMUMAX64 ATOMUMIN16 ATOMUMIN32 ATOMUMIN64 ATOMXOR16 ATOMXOR32 ATOMXOR64 ATOMXOR6432 ATOMXOR8 AVX_SET0PDY AVX_SET0PSY AVX_SETALLONES BEXTR32rm BEXTR32rr BEXTR64rm BEXTR64rr BLENDPDrmi BLENDPDrri BLENDPSrmi BLENDPSrri BLENDVPDrm0 BLENDVPDrr0 BLENDVPSrm0 BLENDVPSrr0 BLSI32rm BLSI32rr BLSI64rm BLSI64rr BLSMSK32rm BLSMSK32rr BLSMSK64rm BLSMSK64rr BLSR32rm BLSR32rr BLSR64rm BLSR64rr BOUNDS16rm BOUNDS32rm BSF16rm BSF16rr BSF32rm BSF32rr BSF64rm BSF64rr BSR16rm BSR16rr BSR32rm BSR32rr BSR64rm BSR64rr BSWAP32r BSWAP64r BT16mi8 BT16mr BT16ri8 BT16rr BT32mi8 BT32mr BT32ri8 BT32rr BT64mi8 BT64mr BT64ri8 BT64rr BTC16mi8 BTC16mr BTC16ri8 BTC16rr BTC32mi8 BTC32mr BTC32ri8 BTC32rr BTC64mi8 BTC64mr BTC64ri8 BTC64rr BTR16mi8 BTR16mr BTR16ri8 BTR16rr BTR32mi8 BTR32mr BTR32ri8 BTR32rr BTR64mi8 BTR64mr BTR64ri8 BTR64rr BTS16mi8 BTS16mr BTS16ri8 BTS16rr BTS32mi8 BTS32mr BTS32ri8 BTS32rr BTS64mi8 BTS64mr BTS64ri8 BTS64rr BZHI32rm BZHI32rr BZHI64rm BZHI64rr CALL32m CALL32r CALL64m CALL64pcrel32 CALL64r CALLpcrel16 CALLpcrel32 CBW CDQ CDQE CHS_F CHS_Fp32 CHS_Fp64 CHS_Fp80 CLC CLD CLFLUSH CLI CLTS CMC CMOVA16rm CMOVA16rr CMOVA32rm CMOVA32rr CMOVA64rm CMOVA64rr CMOVAE16rm CMOVAE16rr CMOVAE32rm CMOVAE32rr CMOVAE64rm CMOVAE64rr CMOVB16rm CMOVB16rr CMOVB32rm CMOVB32rr CMOVB64rm CMOVB64rr CMOVBE16rm CMOVBE16rr CMOVBE32rm CMOVBE32rr CMOVBE64rm CMOVBE64rr CMOVBE_F CMOVBE_Fp32 CMOVBE_Fp64 CMOVBE_Fp80 CMOVB_F CMOVB_Fp32 CMOVB_Fp64 CMOVB_Fp80 CMOVE16rm CMOVE16rr CMOVE32rm CMOVE32rr CMOVE64rm CMOVE64rr CMOVE_F CMOVE_Fp32 CMOVE_Fp64 CMOVE_Fp80 CMOVG16rm CMOVG16rr CMOVG32rm CMOVG32rr CMOVG64rm CMOVG64rr CMOVGE16rm CMOVGE16rr CMOVGE32rm CMOVGE32rr CMOVGE64rm CMOVGE64rr CMOVL16rm CMOVL16rr CMOVL32rm CMOVL32rr CMOVL64rm CMOVL64rr CMOVLE16rm CMOVLE16rr CMOVLE32rm CMOVLE32rr CMOVLE64rm CMOVLE64rr CMOVNBE_F CMOVNBE_Fp32 CMOVNBE_Fp64 CMOVNBE_Fp80 CMOVNB_F CMOVNB_Fp32 CMOVNB_Fp64 CMOVNB_Fp80 CMOVNE16rm CMOVNE16rr CMOVNE32rm CMOVNE32rr CMOVNE64rm CMOVNE64rr CMOVNE_F CMOVNE_Fp32 CMOVNE_Fp64 CMOVNE_Fp80 CMOVNO16rm CMOVNO16rr CMOVNO32rm CMOVNO32rr CMOVNO64rm CMOVNO64rr CMOVNP16rm CMOVNP16rr CMOVNP32rm CMOVNP32rr CMOVNP64rm CMOVNP64rr CMOVNP_F CMOVNP_Fp32 CMOVNP_Fp64 CMOVNP_Fp80 CMOVNS16rm CMOVNS16rr CMOVNS32rm CMOVNS32rr CMOVNS64rm CMOVNS64rr CMOVO16rm 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PACKSSWBrr PACKUSDWrm PACKUSDWrr PACKUSWBrm PACKUSWBrr PADDBrm PADDBrr PADDDrm PADDDrr PADDQrm PADDQrr PADDSBrm PADDSBrr PADDSWrm PADDSWrr PADDUSBrm PADDUSBrr PADDUSWrm PADDUSWrr PADDWrm PADDWrr PALIGNR128rm PALIGNR128rr PANDNrm PANDNrr PANDrm PANDrr PAUSE PAVGBrm PAVGBrr PAVGUSBrm PAVGUSBrr PAVGWrm PAVGWrr PBLENDVBrm0 PBLENDVBrr0 PBLENDWrmi PBLENDWrri PCLMULQDQrm PCLMULQDQrr PCMPEQBrm PCMPEQBrr PCMPEQDrm PCMPEQDrr PCMPEQQrm PCMPEQQrr PCMPEQWrm PCMPEQWrr PCMPESTRIArm PCMPESTRIArr PCMPESTRICrm PCMPESTRICrr PCMPESTRIOrm PCMPESTRIOrr PCMPESTRISrm PCMPESTRISrr PCMPESTRIZrm PCMPESTRIZrr PCMPESTRIrm PCMPESTRIrr PCMPESTRM128MEM PCMPESTRM128REG PCMPESTRM128rm PCMPESTRM128rr PCMPGTBrm PCMPGTBrr PCMPGTDrm PCMPGTDrr PCMPGTQrm PCMPGTQrr PCMPGTWrm PCMPGTWrr PCMPISTRIArm PCMPISTRIArr PCMPISTRICrm PCMPISTRICrr PCMPISTRIOrm PCMPISTRIOrr PCMPISTRISrm PCMPISTRISrr PCMPISTRIZrm PCMPISTRIZrr PCMPISTRIrm PCMPISTRIrr PCMPISTRM128MEM PCMPISTRM128REG PCMPISTRM128rm PCMPISTRM128rr PDEP32rm PDEP32rr PDEP64rm PDEP64rr PEXT32rm PEXT32rr PEXT64rm PEXT64rr PEXTRBmr PEXTRBrr PEXTRDmr PEXTRDrr PEXTRQmr PEXTRQrr PEXTRWmr PEXTRWri PF2IDrm PF2IDrr PF2IWrm PF2IWrr PFACCrm PFACCrr PFADDrm PFADDrr PFCMPEQrm PFCMPEQrr PFCMPGErm PFCMPGErr PFCMPGTrm PFCMPGTrr PFMAXrm PFMAXrr PFMINrm PFMINrr PFMULrm PFMULrr PFNACCrm PFNACCrr PFPNACCrm PFPNACCrr PFRCPIT1rm PFRCPIT1rr PFRCPIT2rm PFRCPIT2rr PFRCPrm PFRCPrr PFRSQIT1rm PFRSQIT1rr PFRSQRTrm PFRSQRTrr PFSUBRrm PFSUBRrr PFSUBrm PFSUBrr PHADDDrm128 PHADDDrr128 PHADDSWrm128 PHADDSWrr128 PHADDWrm128 PHADDWrr128 PHMINPOSUWrm128 PHMINPOSUWrr128 PHSUBDrm128 PHSUBDrr128 PHSUBSWrm128 PHSUBSWrr128 PHSUBWrm128 PHSUBWrr128 PI2FDrm PI2FDrr PI2FWrm PI2FWrr PINSRBrm PINSRBrr PINSRDrm PINSRDrr PINSRQrm PINSRQrr PINSRWrmi PINSRWrri PMADDUBSWrm128 PMADDUBSWrr128 PMADDWDrm PMADDWDrr PMAXSBrm PMAXSBrr PMAXSDrm PMAXSDrr PMAXSWrm PMAXSWrr PMAXUBrm PMAXUBrr PMAXUDrm PMAXUDrr PMAXUWrm PMAXUWrr PMINSBrm PMINSBrr PMINSDrm PMINSDrr PMINSWrm PMINSWrr PMINUBrm PMINUBrr PMINUDrm PMINUDrr PMINUWrm PMINUWrr PMOVMSKBrr PMOVSXBDrm PMOVSXBDrr PMOVSXBQrm PMOVSXBQrr PMOVSXBWrm PMOVSXBWrr PMOVSXDQrm PMOVSXDQrr PMOVSXWDrm PMOVSXWDrr PMOVSXWQrm PMOVSXWQrr PMOVZXBDrm PMOVZXBDrr PMOVZXBQrm PMOVZXBQrr PMOVZXBWrm PMOVZXBWrr PMOVZXDQrm PMOVZXDQrr PMOVZXWDrm PMOVZXWDrr PMOVZXWQrm PMOVZXWQrr PMULDQrm PMULDQrr PMULHRSWrm128 PMULHRSWrr128 PMULHRWrm PMULHRWrr PMULHUWrm PMULHUWrr PMULHWrm PMULHWrr PMULLDrm PMULLDrr PMULLWrm PMULLWrr PMULUDQrm PMULUDQrr POP16r POP16rmm POP16rmr POP32r POP32rmm POP32rmr POP64r POP64rmm POP64rmr POPA32 POPCNT16rm POPCNT16rr POPCNT32rm POPCNT32rr POPCNT64rm POPCNT64rr POPDS16 POPDS32 POPES16 POPES32 POPF16 POPF32 POPF64 POPFS16 POPFS32 POPFS64 POPGS16 POPGS32 POPGS64 POPSS16 POPSS32 PORrm PORrr PREFETCH PREFETCHNTA PREFETCHT0 PREFETCHT1 PREFETCHT2 PREFETCHW PSADBWrm PSADBWrr PSHUFBrm128 PSHUFBrr128 PSHUFDmi PSHUFDri PSHUFHWmi PSHUFHWri PSHUFLWmi PSHUFLWri PSIGNBrm128 PSIGNBrr128 PSIGNDrm128 PSIGNDrr128 PSIGNWrm128 PSIGNWrr128 PSLLDQri PSLLDri PSLLDrm PSLLDrr PSLLQri PSLLQrm PSLLQrr PSLLWri PSLLWrm PSLLWrr PSRADri PSRADrm PSRADrr PSRAWri PSRAWrm PSRAWrr PSRLDQri PSRLDri PSRLDrm PSRLDrr PSRLQri PSRLQrm PSRLQrr PSRLWri PSRLWrm PSRLWrr PSUBBrm PSUBBrr PSUBDrm PSUBDrr PSUBQrm PSUBQrr PSUBSBrm PSUBSBrr PSUBSWrm PSUBSWrr PSUBUSBrm PSUBUSBrr PSUBUSWrm PSUBUSWrr PSUBWrm PSUBWrr PSWAPDrm PSWAPDrr PTESTrm PTESTrr PUNPCKHBWrm PUNPCKHBWrr PUNPCKHDQrm PUNPCKHDQrr PUNPCKHQDQrm PUNPCKHQDQrr PUNPCKHWDrm PUNPCKHWDrr PUNPCKLBWrm PUNPCKLBWrr PUNPCKLDQrm PUNPCKLDQrr PUNPCKLQDQrm PUNPCKLQDQrr PUNPCKLWDrm PUNPCKLWDrr PUSH16r PUSH16rmm PUSH16rmr PUSH32r PUSH32rmm PUSH32rmr PUSH64i16 PUSH64i32 PUSH64i8 PUSH64r PUSH64rmm PUSH64rmr PUSHA32 PUSHCS16 PUSHCS32 PUSHDS16 PUSHDS32 PUSHES16 PUSHES32 PUSHF16 PUSHF32 PUSHF64 PUSHFS16 PUSHFS32 PUSHFS64 PUSHGS16 PUSHGS32 PUSHGS64 PUSHSS16 PUSHSS32 PUSHi16 PUSHi32 PUSHi8 PXORrm PXORrr RCL16m1 RCL16mCL RCL16mi RCL16r1 RCL16rCL RCL16ri RCL32m1 RCL32mCL RCL32mi RCL32r1 RCL32rCL RCL32ri RCL64m1 RCL64mCL RCL64mi RCL64r1 RCL64rCL RCL64ri RCL8m1 RCL8mCL RCL8mi RCL8r1 RCL8rCL RCL8ri RCPPSm RCPPSm_Int RCPPSr RCPPSr_Int RCPSSm RCPSSm_Int RCPSSr RCPSSr_Int RCR16m1 RCR16mCL RCR16mi RCR16r1 RCR16rCL RCR16ri RCR32m1 RCR32mCL RCR32mi RCR32r1 RCR32rCL RCR32ri RCR64m1 RCR64mCL RCR64mi RCR64r1 RCR64rCL RCR64ri RCR8m1 RCR8mCL RCR8mi RCR8r1 RCR8rCL RCR8ri RDFSBASE RDFSBASE64 RDGSBASE RDGSBASE64 RDMSR RDPMC RDRAND16r RDRAND32r RDRAND64r RDTSC RDTSCP RELEASE_MOV16mr RELEASE_MOV32mr RELEASE_MOV64mr RELEASE_MOV8mr REPNE_PREFIX REP_MOVSB REP_MOVSD REP_MOVSQ REP_MOVSW REP_PREFIX REP_STOSB REP_STOSD REP_STOSQ REP_STOSW RET RETI RETIW REX64_PREFIX ROL16m1 ROL16mCL ROL16mi ROL16r1 ROL16rCL ROL16ri ROL32m1 ROL32mCL ROL32mi ROL32r1 ROL32rCL ROL32ri ROL64m1 ROL64mCL ROL64mi ROL64r1 ROL64rCL ROL64ri ROL8m1 ROL8mCL ROL8mi ROL8r1 ROL8rCL ROL8ri ROR16m1 ROR16mCL ROR16mi ROR16r1 ROR16rCL ROR16ri ROR32m1 ROR32mCL ROR32mi ROR32r1 ROR32rCL ROR32ri ROR64m1 ROR64mCL ROR64mi ROR64r1 ROR64rCL ROR64ri ROR8m1 ROR8mCL ROR8mi ROR8r1 ROR8rCL ROR8ri ROUNDPDm ROUNDPDr ROUNDPSm ROUNDPSr ROUNDSDm ROUNDSDr ROUNDSSm ROUNDSSr RSM RSQRTPSm RSQRTPSm_Int RSQRTPSr RSQRTPSr_Int RSQRTSSm RSQRTSSm_Int RSQRTSSr RSQRTSSr_Int SAHF SAR16m1 SAR16mCL SAR16mi SAR16r1 SAR16rCL SAR16ri SAR32m1 SAR32mCL SAR32mi SAR32r1 SAR32rCL SAR32ri SAR64m1 SAR64mCL SAR64mi SAR64r1 SAR64rCL SAR64ri SAR8m1 SAR8mCL SAR8mi SAR8r1 SAR8rCL SAR8ri SBB16i16 SBB16mi SBB16mi8 SBB16mr SBB16ri SBB16ri8 SBB16rm SBB16rr SBB16rr_REV SBB32i32 SBB32mi SBB32mi8 SBB32mr SBB32ri SBB32ri8 SBB32rm SBB32rr SBB32rr_REV SBB64i32 SBB64mi32 SBB64mi8 SBB64mr SBB64ri32 SBB64ri8 SBB64rm SBB64rr SBB64rr_REV SBB8i8 SBB8mi SBB8mr SBB8ri SBB8rm SBB8rr SBB8rr_REV SCAS16 SCAS32 SCAS64 SCAS8 SEG_ALLOCA_32 SEG_ALLOCA_64 SETAEm SETAEr SETAm SETAr SETBEm SETBEr SETB_C16r SETB_C32r SETB_C64r SETB_C8r SETBm SETBr SETEm SETEr SETGEm SETGEr SETGm SETGr SETLEm SETLEr SETLm SETLr SETNEm SETNEr SETNOm SETNOr SETNPm SETNPr SETNSm SETNSr SETOm SETOr SETPm SETPr SETSm SETSr SFENCE SGDT16m SGDTm SHL16m1 SHL16mCL SHL16mi SHL16r1 SHL16rCL SHL16ri SHL32m1 SHL32mCL SHL32mi SHL32r1 SHL32rCL SHL32ri SHL64m1 SHL64mCL SHL64mi SHL64r1 SHL64rCL SHL64ri SHL8m1 SHL8mCL SHL8mi SHL8r1 SHL8rCL SHL8ri SHLD16mrCL SHLD16mri8 SHLD16rrCL SHLD16rri8 SHLD32mrCL SHLD32mri8 SHLD32rrCL SHLD32rri8 SHLD64mrCL SHLD64mri8 SHLD64rrCL SHLD64rri8 SHR16m1 SHR16mCL SHR16mi SHR16r1 SHR16rCL SHR16ri SHR32m1 SHR32mCL SHR32mi SHR32r1 SHR32rCL SHR32ri SHR64m1 SHR64mCL SHR64mi SHR64r1 SHR64rCL SHR64ri SHR8m1 SHR8mCL SHR8mi SHR8r1 SHR8rCL SHR8ri SHRD16mrCL SHRD16mri8 SHRD16rrCL SHRD16rri8 SHRD32mrCL SHRD32mri8 SHRD32rrCL SHRD32rri8 SHRD64mrCL SHRD64mri8 SHRD64rrCL SHRD64rri8 SHUFPDrmi SHUFPDrri SHUFPSrmi SHUFPSrri SIDT16m SIDTm SIN_F SIN_Fp32 SIN_Fp64 SIN_Fp80 SLDT16m SLDT16r SLDT32r SLDT64m SLDT64r SMSW16m SMSW16r SMSW32r SMSW64r SQRTPDm SQRTPDm_Int SQRTPDr SQRTPDr_Int SQRTPSm SQRTPSm_Int SQRTPSr SQRTPSr_Int SQRTSDm SQRTSDm_Int SQRTSDr SQRTSDr_Int SQRTSSm SQRTSSm_Int SQRTSSr SQRTSSr_Int SQRT_F SQRT_Fp32 SQRT_Fp64 SQRT_Fp80 SS_PREFIX STC STD STI STMXCSR STOSB STOSD STOSQ STOSW STR16r STR32r STR64r STRm ST_F32m ST_F64m ST_FP32m ST_FP64m ST_FP80m ST_FPrr ST_Fp32m ST_Fp64m ST_Fp64m32 ST_Fp80m32 ST_Fp80m64 ST_FpP32m ST_FpP64m ST_FpP64m32 ST_FpP80m ST_FpP80m32 ST_FpP80m64 ST_Frr SUB16i16 SUB16mi SUB16mi8 SUB16mr SUB16ri SUB16ri8 SUB16rm SUB16rr SUB16rr_REV SUB32i32 SUB32mi SUB32mi8 SUB32mr SUB32ri SUB32ri8 SUB32rm SUB32rr SUB32rr_REV SUB64i32 SUB64mi32 SUB64mi8 SUB64mr SUB64ri32 SUB64ri8 SUB64rm SUB64rr SUB64rr_REV SUB8i8 SUB8mi SUB8mr SUB8ri SUB8rm SUB8rr SUB8rr_REV SUBPDrm SUBPDrr SUBPSrm SUBPSrr SUBR_F32m SUBR_F64m SUBR_FI16m SUBR_FI32m SUBR_FPrST0 SUBR_FST0r SUBR_Fp32m SUBR_Fp64m SUBR_Fp64m32 SUBR_Fp80m32 SUBR_Fp80m64 SUBR_FpI16m32 SUBR_FpI16m64 SUBR_FpI16m80 SUBR_FpI32m32 SUBR_FpI32m64 SUBR_FpI32m80 SUBR_FrST0 SUBSDrm SUBSDrm_Int SUBSDrr SUBSDrr_Int SUBSSrm SUBSSrm_Int SUBSSrr SUBSSrr_Int SUB_F32m SUB_F64m SUB_FI16m SUB_FI32m SUB_FPrST0 SUB_FST0r SUB_Fp32 SUB_Fp32m SUB_Fp64 SUB_Fp64m SUB_Fp64m32 SUB_Fp80 SUB_Fp80m32 SUB_Fp80m64 SUB_FpI16m32 SUB_FpI16m64 SUB_FpI16m80 SUB_FpI32m32 SUB_FpI32m64 SUB_FpI32m80 SUB_FrST0 SWAPGS SYSCALL SYSENTER SYSEXIT SYSEXIT64 SYSRETL SYSRETQ TAILJMPd TAILJMPd64 TAILJMPm TAILJMPm64 TAILJMPr TAILJMPr64 TCRETURNdi TCRETURNdi64 TCRETURNmi TCRETURNmi64 TCRETURNri TCRETURNri64 TEST16i16 TEST16mi TEST16ri TEST16rm TEST16rr TEST32i32 TEST32mi TEST32ri TEST32rm TEST32rr TEST64i32 TEST64mi32 TEST64ri32 TEST64rm TEST64rr TEST8i8 TEST8mi TEST8ri TEST8ri_NOREX TEST8rm TEST8rr TLSCall_32 TLSCall_64 TLS_addr32 TLS_addr64 TRAP TST_F TST_Fp32 TST_Fp64 TST_Fp80 TZCNT16rm TZCNT16rr TZCNT32rm TZCNT32rr TZCNT64rm TZCNT64rr UCOMISDrm UCOMISDrr UCOMISSrm UCOMISSrr UCOM_FIPr UCOM_FIr UCOM_FPPr UCOM_FPr UCOM_FpIr32 UCOM_FpIr64 UCOM_FpIr80 UCOM_Fpr32 UCOM_Fpr64 UCOM_Fpr80 UCOM_Fr UD2B UNPCKHPDrm UNPCKHPDrr UNPCKHPSrm UNPCKHPSrr UNPCKLPDrm UNPCKLPDrr UNPCKLPSrm UNPCKLPSrr VAARG_64 VADDPDYrm VADDPDYrr VADDPDrm VADDPDrr VADDPSYrm VADDPSYrr VADDPSrm VADDPSrr VADDSDrm VADDSDrm_Int VADDSDrr VADDSDrr_Int VADDSSrm VADDSSrm_Int VADDSSrr VADDSSrr_Int VADDSUBPDYrm VADDSUBPDYrr VADDSUBPDrm VADDSUBPDrr VADDSUBPSYrm VADDSUBPSYrr VADDSUBPSrm VADDSUBPSrr VAESDECLASTrm VAESDECLASTrr VAESDECrm VAESDECrr VAESENCLASTrm VAESENCLASTrr VAESENCrm VAESENCrr VAESIMCrm VAESIMCrr VAESKEYGENASSIST128rm VAESKEYGENASSIST128rr VANDNPDYrm VANDNPDYrr VANDNPDrm VANDNPDrr VANDNPSYrm VANDNPSYrr VANDNPSrm VANDNPSrr VANDPDYrm VANDPDYrr VANDPDrm VANDPDrr VANDPSYrm VANDPSYrr VANDPSrm VANDPSrr VASTART_SAVE_XMM_REGS VBLENDPDYrmi VBLENDPDYrri VBLENDPDrmi VBLENDPDrri VBLENDPSYrmi VBLENDPSYrri VBLENDPSrmi VBLENDPSrri VBLENDVPDYrm VBLENDVPDYrr VBLENDVPDrm VBLENDVPDrr VBLENDVPSYrm VBLENDVPSYrr VBLENDVPSrm VBLENDVPSrr VBROADCASTF128 VBROADCASTSD VBROADCASTSS VBROADCASTSSY VCMPPDYrmi VCMPPDYrmi_alt VCMPPDYrri VCMPPDYrri_alt VCMPPDrmi VCMPPDrmi_alt VCMPPDrri VCMPPDrri_alt VCMPPSYrmi VCMPPSYrmi_alt VCMPPSYrri VCMPPSYrri_alt VCMPPSrmi VCMPPSrmi_alt VCMPPSrri VCMPPSrri_alt VCMPSDrm VCMPSDrm_alt VCMPSDrr VCMPSDrr_alt VCMPSSrm VCMPSSrm_alt VCMPSSrr VCMPSSrr_alt VCOMISDrm VCOMISDrr VCOMISSrm VCOMISSrr VCVTDQ2PDYrm VCVTDQ2PDYrr VCVTDQ2PDrm VCVTDQ2PDrr VCVTDQ2PSYrm VCVTDQ2PSYrr VCVTDQ2PSrm VCVTDQ2PSrr VCVTPD2DQXrYr VCVTPD2DQXrm VCVTPD2DQXrr VCVTPD2DQYrm VCVTPD2DQYrr VCVTPD2DQrr VCVTPD2PSXrYr VCVTPD2PSXrm VCVTPD2PSXrr VCVTPD2PSYrm VCVTPD2PSYrr VCVTPD2PSrr VCVTPH2PSYrm VCVTPH2PSYrr VCVTPH2PSrm VCVTPH2PSrr VCVTPS2DQYrm VCVTPS2DQYrr VCVTPS2DQrm VCVTPS2DQrr VCVTPS2PDYrm VCVTPS2PDYrr VCVTPS2PDrm VCVTPS2PDrr VCVTPS2PHYmr VCVTPS2PHYrr VCVTPS2PHmr VCVTPS2PHrr VCVTSD2SI64rm VCVTSD2SI64rr VCVTSD2SIrm VCVTSD2SIrr VCVTSD2SSrm VCVTSD2SSrr VCVTSI2SD64rm VCVTSI2SD64rr VCVTSI2SDLrm VCVTSI2SDLrr VCVTSI2SDrm VCVTSI2SDrr VCVTSI2SS64rm VCVTSI2SS64rr VCVTSI2SSrm VCVTSI2SSrr VCVTSS2SDrm VCVTSS2SDrr VCVTSS2SI64rm VCVTSS2SI64rr VCVTSS2SIrm VCVTSS2SIrr VCVTTPD2DQXrYr VCVTTPD2DQXrm VCVTTPD2DQXrr VCVTTPD2DQYrm VCVTTPD2DQYrr VCVTTPD2DQrm VCVTTPD2DQrr VCVTTPS2DQYrm VCVTTPS2DQYrr VCVTTPS2DQrm VCVTTPS2DQrr VCVTTSD2SI64rm VCVTTSD2SI64rr VCVTTSD2SIrm VCVTTSD2SIrr VCVTTSS2SI64rm VCVTTSS2SI64rr VCVTTSS2SIrm VCVTTSS2SIrr VDIVPDYrm VDIVPDYrr VDIVPDrm VDIVPDrr VDIVPSYrm VDIVPSYrr VDIVPSrm VDIVPSrr VDIVSDrm VDIVSDrm_Int VDIVSDrr VDIVSDrr_Int VDIVSSrm VDIVSSrm_Int VDIVSSrr VDIVSSrr_Int VDPPDrmi VDPPDrri VDPPSYrmi VDPPSYrri VDPPSrmi VDPPSrri VERRm VERRr VERWm VERWr VEXTRACTF128mr VEXTRACTF128rr VEXTRACTPSmr VEXTRACTPSrr VEXTRACTPSrr64 VFMADDPDr132m VFMADDPDr132mY VFMADDPDr132r VFMADDPDr132rY VFMADDPDr213m VFMADDPDr213mY VFMADDPDr213r VFMADDPDr213rY VFMADDPDr231m VFMADDPDr231mY VFMADDPDr231r VFMADDPDr231rY VFMADDPSr132m VFMADDPSr132mY VFMADDPSr132r VFMADDPSr132rY VFMADDPSr213m VFMADDPSr213mY VFMADDPSr213r VFMADDPSr213rY VFMADDPSr231m VFMADDPSr231mY VFMADDPSr231r VFMADDPSr231rY VFMADDSUBPDr132m VFMADDSUBPDr132mY VFMADDSUBPDr132r VFMADDSUBPDr132rY VFMADDSUBPDr213m VFMADDSUBPDr213mY VFMADDSUBPDr213r VFMADDSUBPDr213rY VFMADDSUBPDr231m VFMADDSUBPDr231mY VFMADDSUBPDr231r VFMADDSUBPDr231rY VFMADDSUBPSr132m VFMADDSUBPSr132mY VFMADDSUBPSr132r VFMADDSUBPSr132rY VFMADDSUBPSr213m VFMADDSUBPSr213mY VFMADDSUBPSr213r VFMADDSUBPSr213rY VFMADDSUBPSr231m VFMADDSUBPSr231mY VFMADDSUBPSr231r VFMADDSUBPSr231rY VFMSUBADDPDr132m VFMSUBADDPDr132mY VFMSUBADDPDr132r VFMSUBADDPDr132rY VFMSUBADDPDr213m VFMSUBADDPDr213mY VFMSUBADDPDr213r VFMSUBADDPDr213rY VFMSUBADDPDr231m VFMSUBADDPDr231mY VFMSUBADDPDr231r VFMSUBADDPDr231rY VFMSUBADDPSr132m VFMSUBADDPSr132mY VFMSUBADDPSr132r VFMSUBADDPSr132rY VFMSUBADDPSr213m VFMSUBADDPSr213mY VFMSUBADDPSr213r VFMSUBADDPSr213rY VFMSUBADDPSr231m VFMSUBADDPSr231mY VFMSUBADDPSr231r VFMSUBADDPSr231rY VFMSUBPDr132m VFMSUBPDr132mY VFMSUBPDr132r VFMSUBPDr132rY VFMSUBPDr213m VFMSUBPDr213mY VFMSUBPDr213r VFMSUBPDr213rY VFMSUBPDr231m VFMSUBPDr231mY VFMSUBPDr231r VFMSUBPDr231rY VFMSUBPSr132m VFMSUBPSr132mY VFMSUBPSr132r VFMSUBPSr132rY VFMSUBPSr213m VFMSUBPSr213mY VFMSUBPSr213r VFMSUBPSr213rY VFMSUBPSr231m VFMSUBPSr231mY VFMSUBPSr231r VFMSUBPSr231rY VFNMADDPDr132m VFNMADDPDr132mY VFNMADDPDr132r VFNMADDPDr132rY VFNMADDPDr213m VFNMADDPDr213mY VFNMADDPDr213r VFNMADDPDr213rY VFNMADDPDr231m VFNMADDPDr231mY VFNMADDPDr231r VFNMADDPDr231rY VFNMADDPSr132m VFNMADDPSr132mY VFNMADDPSr132r VFNMADDPSr132rY VFNMADDPSr213m VFNMADDPSr213mY VFNMADDPSr213r VFNMADDPSr213rY VFNMADDPSr231m VFNMADDPSr231mY VFNMADDPSr231r VFNMADDPSr231rY VFNMSUBPDr132m VFNMSUBPDr132mY VFNMSUBPDr132r VFNMSUBPDr132rY VFNMSUBPDr213m VFNMSUBPDr213mY VFNMSUBPDr213r VFNMSUBPDr213rY VFNMSUBPDr231m VFNMSUBPDr231mY VFNMSUBPDr231r VFNMSUBPDr231rY VFNMSUBPSr132m VFNMSUBPSr132mY VFNMSUBPSr132r VFNMSUBPSr132rY VFNMSUBPSr213m VFNMSUBPSr213mY VFNMSUBPSr213r VFNMSUBPSr213rY VFNMSUBPSr231m VFNMSUBPSr231mY VFNMSUBPSr231r VFNMSUBPSr231rY VFsANDNPDrm VFsANDNPDrr VFsANDNPSrm VFsANDNPSrr VFsANDPDrm VFsANDPDrr VFsANDPSrm VFsANDPSrr VFsFLD0SD VFsFLD0SS VFsORPDrm VFsORPDrr VFsORPSrm VFsORPSrr VFsXORPDrm VFsXORPDrr VFsXORPSrm VFsXORPSrr VHADDPDYrm VHADDPDYrr VHADDPDrm VHADDPDrr VHADDPSYrm VHADDPSYrr VHADDPSrm VHADDPSrr VHSUBPDYrm VHSUBPDYrr VHSUBPDrm VHSUBPDrr VHSUBPSYrm VHSUBPSYrr VHSUBPSrm VHSUBPSrr VINSERTF128rm VINSERTF128rr VINSERTPSrm VINSERTPSrr VLDDQUYrm VLDDQUrm VLDMXCSR VMASKMOVDQU VMASKMOVDQU64 VMASKMOVPDYmr VMASKMOVPDYrm VMASKMOVPDmr VMASKMOVPDrm VMASKMOVPSYmr VMASKMOVPSYrm VMASKMOVPSmr VMASKMOVPSrm VMAXPDYrm VMAXPDYrm_Int VMAXPDYrr VMAXPDYrr_Int VMAXPDrm VMAXPDrm_Int VMAXPDrr VMAXPDrr_Int VMAXPSYrm VMAXPSYrm_Int VMAXPSYrr VMAXPSYrr_Int VMAXPSrm VMAXPSrm_Int VMAXPSrr VMAXPSrr_Int VMAXSDrm VMAXSDrm_Int VMAXSDrr VMAXSDrr_Int VMAXSSrm VMAXSSrm_Int VMAXSSrr VMAXSSrr_Int VMCALL VMCLEARm VMINPDYrm VMINPDYrm_Int VMINPDYrr VMINPDYrr_Int VMINPDrm VMINPDrm_Int VMINPDrr VMINPDrr_Int VMINPSYrm VMINPSYrm_Int VMINPSYrr VMINPSYrr_Int VMINPSrm VMINPSrm_Int VMINPSrr VMINPSrr_Int VMINSDrm VMINSDrm_Int VMINSDrr VMINSDrr_Int VMINSSrm VMINSSrm_Int VMINSSrr VMINSSrr_Int VMLAUNCH VMOV64toPQIrr VMOV64toSDrm VMOV64toSDrr VMOVAPDYmr VMOVAPDYrm VMOVAPDYrr VMOVAPDYrr_REV VMOVAPDmr VMOVAPDrm VMOVAPDrr VMOVAPDrr_REV VMOVAPSYmr VMOVAPSYrm VMOVAPSYrr VMOVAPSYrr_REV VMOVAPSmr VMOVAPSrm VMOVAPSrr VMOVAPSrr_REV VMOVDDUPYrm VMOVDDUPYrr VMOVDDUPrm VMOVDDUPrr VMOVDI2PDIrm VMOVDI2PDIrr VMOVDI2SSrm VMOVDI2SSrr VMOVDQAYmr VMOVDQAYrm VMOVDQAYrr VMOVDQAYrr_REV VMOVDQAmr VMOVDQArm VMOVDQArr VMOVDQArr_REV VMOVDQUYmr VMOVDQUYrm VMOVDQUYrr VMOVDQUYrr_REV VMOVDQUmr VMOVDQUmr_Int VMOVDQUrm VMOVDQUrr VMOVDQUrr_REV VMOVHLPSrr VMOVHPDmr VMOVHPDrm VMOVHPSmr VMOVHPSrm VMOVLHPSrr VMOVLPDmr VMOVLPDrm VMOVLPSmr VMOVLPSrm VMOVLQ128mr VMOVMSKPDYr64r VMOVMSKPDYrr32 VMOVMSKPDYrr64 VMOVMSKPDr64r VMOVMSKPDrr32 VMOVMSKPDrr64 VMOVMSKPSYr64r VMOVMSKPSYrr32 VMOVMSKPSYrr64 VMOVMSKPSr64r VMOVMSKPSrr32 VMOVMSKPSrr64 VMOVNTDQArm VMOVNTDQY_64mr VMOVNTDQYmr VMOVNTDQ_64mr VMOVNTDQmr VMOVNTPDYmr VMOVNTPDmr VMOVNTPSYmr VMOVNTPSmr VMOVPDI2DImr VMOVPDI2DIrr VMOVPQI2QImr VMOVPQIto64rr VMOVQI2PQIrm VMOVQd64rr VMOVQd64rr_alt VMOVQs64rr VMOVQxrxr VMOVSDmr VMOVSDrm VMOVSDrr VMOVSDrr_REV VMOVSDto64mr VMOVSDto64rr VMOVSHDUPYrm VMOVSHDUPYrr VMOVSHDUPrm VMOVSHDUPrr VMOVSLDUPYrm VMOVSLDUPYrr VMOVSLDUPrm VMOVSLDUPrr VMOVSS2DImr VMOVSS2DIrr VMOVSSmr VMOVSSrm VMOVSSrr VMOVSSrr_REV VMOVUPDYmr VMOVUPDYrm VMOVUPDYrr VMOVUPDYrr_REV VMOVUPDmr VMOVUPDrm VMOVUPDrr VMOVUPDrr_REV VMOVUPSYmr VMOVUPSYrm VMOVUPSYrr VMOVUPSYrr_REV VMOVUPSmr VMOVUPSrm VMOVUPSrr VMOVUPSrr_REV VMOVZDI2PDIrm VMOVZDI2PDIrr VMOVZPQILo2PQIrm VMOVZPQILo2PQIrr VMOVZQI2PQIrm VMOVZQI2PQIrr VMPSADBWrmi VMPSADBWrri VMPTRLDm VMPTRSTm VMREAD32rm VMREAD32rr VMREAD64rm VMREAD64rr VMRESUME VMULPDYrm VMULPDYrr VMULPDrm VMULPDrr VMULPSYrm VMULPSYrr VMULPSrm VMULPSrr VMULSDrm VMULSDrm_Int VMULSDrr VMULSDrr_Int VMULSSrm VMULSSrm_Int VMULSSrr VMULSSrr_Int VMWRITE32rm VMWRITE32rr VMWRITE64rm VMWRITE64rr VMXOFF VMXON VORPDYrm VORPDYrr VORPDrm VORPDrr VORPSYrm VORPSYrr VORPSrm VORPSrr VPABSBrm128 VPABSBrr128 VPABSDrm128 VPABSDrr128 VPABSWrm128 VPABSWrr128 VPACKSSDWrm VPACKSSDWrr VPACKSSWBrm VPACKSSWBrr VPACKUSDWrm VPACKUSDWrr VPACKUSWBrm VPACKUSWBrr VPADDBrm VPADDBrr VPADDDrm VPADDDrr VPADDQrm VPADDQrr VPADDSBrm VPADDSBrr VPADDSWrm VPADDSWrr VPADDUSBrm VPADDUSBrr VPADDUSWrm VPADDUSWrr VPADDWrm VPADDWrr VPALIGNR128rm VPALIGNR128rr VPANDNrm VPANDNrr VPANDrm VPANDrr VPAVGBrm VPAVGBrr VPAVGWrm VPAVGWrr VPBLENDVBrm VPBLENDVBrr VPBLENDWrmi VPBLENDWrri VPCLMULQDQrm VPCLMULQDQrr VPCMPEQBrm VPCMPEQBrr VPCMPEQDrm VPCMPEQDrr VPCMPEQQrm VPCMPEQQrr VPCMPEQWrm VPCMPEQWrr VPCMPESTRIArm VPCMPESTRIArr VPCMPESTRICrm VPCMPESTRICrr VPCMPESTRIOrm VPCMPESTRIOrr VPCMPESTRISrm VPCMPESTRISrr VPCMPESTRIZrm VPCMPESTRIZrr VPCMPESTRIrm VPCMPESTRIrr VPCMPESTRM128MEM VPCMPESTRM128REG VPCMPESTRM128rm VPCMPESTRM128rr VPCMPGTBrm VPCMPGTBrr VPCMPGTDrm VPCMPGTDrr VPCMPGTQrm VPCMPGTQrr VPCMPGTWrm VPCMPGTWrr VPCMPISTRIArm VPCMPISTRIArr VPCMPISTRICrm VPCMPISTRICrr VPCMPISTRIOrm VPCMPISTRIOrr VPCMPISTRISrm VPCMPISTRISrr VPCMPISTRIZrm VPCMPISTRIZrr VPCMPISTRIrm VPCMPISTRIrr VPCMPISTRM128MEM VPCMPISTRM128REG VPCMPISTRM128rm VPCMPISTRM128rr VPERM2F128rm VPERM2F128rr VPERMILPDYmi VPERMILPDYri VPERMILPDYrm VPERMILPDYrr VPERMILPDmi VPERMILPDri VPERMILPDrm VPERMILPDrr VPERMILPSYmi VPERMILPSYri VPERMILPSYrm VPERMILPSYrr VPERMILPSmi VPERMILPSri VPERMILPSrm VPERMILPSrr VPEXTRBmr VPEXTRBrr VPEXTRBrr64 VPEXTRDmr VPEXTRDrr VPEXTRQmr VPEXTRQrr VPEXTRWmr VPEXTRWri VPHADDDrm128 VPHADDDrr128 VPHADDSWrm128 VPHADDSWrr128 VPHADDWrm128 VPHADDWrr128 VPHMINPOSUWrm128 VPHMINPOSUWrr128 VPHSUBDrm128 VPHSUBDrr128 VPHSUBSWrm128 VPHSUBSWrr128 VPHSUBWrm128 VPHSUBWrr128 VPINSRBrm VPINSRBrr VPINSRDrm VPINSRDrr VPINSRQrm VPINSRQrr VPINSRWrmi VPINSRWrr64i VPINSRWrri VPMADDUBSWrm128 VPMADDUBSWrr128 VPMADDWDrm VPMADDWDrr VPMAXSBrm VPMAXSBrr VPMAXSDrm VPMAXSDrr VPMAXSWrm VPMAXSWrr VPMAXUBrm VPMAXUBrr VPMAXUDrm VPMAXUDrr VPMAXUWrm VPMAXUWrr VPMINSBrm VPMINSBrr VPMINSDrm VPMINSDrr VPMINSWrm VPMINSWrr VPMINUBrm VPMINUBrr VPMINUDrm VPMINUDrr VPMINUWrm VPMINUWrr VPMOVMSKBr64r VPMOVMSKBrr VPMOVSXBDrm VPMOVSXBDrr VPMOVSXBQrm VPMOVSXBQrr VPMOVSXBWrm VPMOVSXBWrr VPMOVSXDQrm VPMOVSXDQrr VPMOVSXWDrm VPMOVSXWDrr VPMOVSXWQrm VPMOVSXWQrr VPMOVZXBDrm VPMOVZXBDrr VPMOVZXBQrm VPMOVZXBQrr VPMOVZXBWrm VPMOVZXBWrr VPMOVZXDQrm VPMOVZXDQrr VPMOVZXWDrm VPMOVZXWDrr VPMOVZXWQrm VPMOVZXWQrr VPMULDQrm VPMULDQrr VPMULHRSWrm128 VPMULHRSWrr128 VPMULHUWrm VPMULHUWrr VPMULHWrm VPMULHWrr VPMULLDrm VPMULLDrr VPMULLWrm VPMULLWrr VPMULUDQrm VPMULUDQrr VPORrm VPORrr VPSADBWrm VPSADBWrr VPSHUFBrm128 VPSHUFBrr128 VPSHUFDmi VPSHUFDri VPSHUFHWmi VPSHUFHWri VPSHUFLWmi VPSHUFLWri VPSIGNBrm128 VPSIGNBrr128 VPSIGNDrm128 VPSIGNDrr128 VPSIGNWrm128 VPSIGNWrr128 VPSLLDQri VPSLLDri VPSLLDrm VPSLLDrr VPSLLQri VPSLLQrm VPSLLQrr VPSLLWri VPSLLWrm VPSLLWrr VPSRADri VPSRADrm VPSRADrr VPSRAWri VPSRAWrm VPSRAWrr VPSRLDQri VPSRLDri VPSRLDrm VPSRLDrr VPSRLQri VPSRLQrm VPSRLQrr VPSRLWri VPSRLWrm VPSRLWrr VPSUBBrm VPSUBBrr VPSUBDrm VPSUBDrr VPSUBQrm VPSUBQrr VPSUBSBrm VPSUBSBrr VPSUBSWrm VPSUBSWrr VPSUBUSBrm VPSUBUSBrr VPSUBUSWrm VPSUBUSWrr VPSUBWrm VPSUBWrr VPTESTYrm VPTESTYrr VPTESTrm VPTESTrr VPUNPCKHBWrm VPUNPCKHBWrr VPUNPCKHDQrm VPUNPCKHDQrr VPUNPCKHQDQrm VPUNPCKHQDQrr VPUNPCKHWDrm VPUNPCKHWDrr VPUNPCKLBWrm VPUNPCKLBWrr VPUNPCKLDQrm VPUNPCKLDQrr VPUNPCKLQDQrm VPUNPCKLQDQrr VPUNPCKLWDrm VPUNPCKLWDrr VPXORrm VPXORrr VRCPPSYm VRCPPSYm_Int VRCPPSYr VRCPPSYr_Int VRCPPSm VRCPPSm_Int VRCPPSr VRCPPSr_Int VRCPSSm VRCPSSm_Int VRCPSSr VROUNDPDm VROUNDPDm_AVX VROUNDPDr VROUNDPDr_AVX VROUNDPSm VROUNDPSm_AVX VROUNDPSr VROUNDPSr_AVX VROUNDSDm VROUNDSDm_AVX VROUNDSDr VROUNDSDr_AVX VROUNDSSm VROUNDSSm_AVX VROUNDSSr VROUNDSSr_AVX VROUNDYPDm VROUNDYPDm_AVX VROUNDYPDr VROUNDYPDr_AVX VROUNDYPSm VROUNDYPSm_AVX VROUNDYPSr VROUNDYPSr_AVX VRSQRTPSYm VRSQRTPSYm_Int VRSQRTPSYr VRSQRTPSYr_Int VRSQRTPSm VRSQRTPSm_Int VRSQRTPSr VRSQRTPSr_Int VRSQRTSSm VRSQRTSSm_Int VRSQRTSSr VSHUFPDYrmi VSHUFPDYrri VSHUFPDrmi VSHUFPDrri VSHUFPSYrmi VSHUFPSYrri VSHUFPSrmi VSHUFPSrri VSQRTPDYm VSQRTPDYm_Int VSQRTPDYr VSQRTPDYr_Int VSQRTPDm VSQRTPDm_Int VSQRTPDr VSQRTPDr_Int VSQRTPSYm VSQRTPSYm_Int VSQRTPSYr VSQRTPSYr_Int VSQRTPSm VSQRTPSm_Int VSQRTPSr VSQRTPSr_Int VSQRTSDm VSQRTSDm_Int VSQRTSDr VSQRTSSm VSQRTSSm_Int VSQRTSSr VSTMXCSR VSUBPDYrm VSUBPDYrr VSUBPDrm VSUBPDrr VSUBPSYrm VSUBPSYrr VSUBPSrm VSUBPSrr VSUBSDrm VSUBSDrm_Int VSUBSDrr VSUBSDrr_Int VSUBSSrm VSUBSSrm_Int VSUBSSrr VSUBSSrr_Int VTESTPDYrm VTESTPDYrr VTESTPDrm VTESTPDrr VTESTPSYrm VTESTPSYrr VTESTPSrm VTESTPSrr VUCOMISDrm VUCOMISDrr VUCOMISSrm VUCOMISSrr VUNPCKHPDYrm VUNPCKHPDYrr VUNPCKHPDrm VUNPCKHPDrr VUNPCKHPSYrm VUNPCKHPSYrr VUNPCKHPSrm VUNPCKHPSrr VUNPCKLPDYrm VUNPCKLPDYrr VUNPCKLPDrm VUNPCKLPDrr VUNPCKLPSYrm VUNPCKLPSYrr VUNPCKLPSrm VUNPCKLPSrr VXORPDYrm VXORPDYrr VXORPDrm VXORPDrr VXORPSYrm VXORPSYrr VXORPSrm VXORPSrr VZEROALL VZEROUPPER V_SET0 V_SETALLONES W64ALLOCA WAIT WBINVD WINCALL64m WINCALL64pcrel32 WINCALL64r WIN_ALLOCA WRFSBASE WRFSBASE64 WRGSBASE WRGSBASE64 WRMSR XADD16rm XADD16rr XADD32rm XADD32rr XADD64rm XADD64rr XADD8rm XADD8rr XCHG16ar XCHG16rm XCHG16rr XCHG32ar XCHG32ar64 XCHG32rm XCHG32rr XCHG64ar XCHG64rm XCHG64rr XCHG8rm XCHG8rr XCH_F XCRYPTCBC XCRYPTCFB XCRYPTCTR XCRYPTECB XCRYPTOFB XGETBV XLAT XOR16i16 XOR16mi XOR16mi8 XOR16mr XOR16ri XOR16ri8 XOR16rm XOR16rr XOR16rr_REV XOR32i32 XOR32mi XOR32mi8 XOR32mr XOR32ri XOR32ri8 XOR32rm XOR32rr XOR32rr_REV XOR64i32 XOR64mi32 XOR64mi8 XOR64mr XOR64ri32 XOR64ri8 XOR64rm XOR64rr XOR64rr_REV XOR8i8 XOR8mi XOR8mr XOR8ri XOR8rm XOR8rr XOR8rr_REV XORPDrm XORPDrr XORPSrm XORPSrr XRSTOR XRSTOR64 XSAVE XSAVE64 XSAVEOPT XSAVEOPT64 XSETBV XSHA1 XSHA256 XSTORE DBG_VALUE aaa aad aam aas fabs #ACQUIRE_MOV PSEUDO! adcw adcl adcq adcb addw addl addq addb addpd addps addsd addss addsubpd addsubps fadds faddl fiadds fiaddl faddp fadd fadd %st(0), #ADJCALLSTACKDOWN #ADJCALLSTACKUP aesdeclast aesdec aesenclast aesenc aesimc aeskeygenassist andw andl andq andb andnl andnq andnpd andnps andpd andps arpl #ATOMADD6432 PSEUDO! #ATOMAND16 PSEUDO! #ATOMAND32 PSEUDO! #ATOMAND64 PSEUDO! #ATOMAND6432 PSEUDO! #ATOMAND8 PSEUDO! #ATOMMAX16 PSEUDO! #ATOMMAX32 PSEUDO! #ATOMMAX64 PSEUDO! #ATOMMIN16 PSEUDO! #ATOMMIN32 PSEUDO! #ATOMMIN64 PSEUDO! #ATOMNAND16 PSEUDO! #ATOMNAND32 PSEUDO! #ATOMNAND64 PSEUDO! #ATOMNAND6432 PSEUDO! #ATOMNAND8 PSEUDO! #ATOMOR16 PSEUDO! #ATOMOR32 PSEUDO! #ATOMOR64 PSEUDO! #ATOMOR6432 PSEUDO! #ATOMOR8 PSEUDO! #ATOMSUB6432 PSEUDO! #ATOMSWAP6432 PSEUDO! #ATOMUMAX16 PSEUDO! #ATOMUMAX32 PSEUDO! #ATOMUMAX64 PSEUDO! #ATOMUMIN16 PSEUDO! #ATOMUMIN32 PSEUDO! #ATOMUMIN64 PSEUDO! #ATOMXOR16 PSEUDO! #ATOMXOR32 PSEUDO! #ATOMXOR64 PSEUDO! #ATOMXOR6432 PSEUDO! #ATOMXOR8 PSEUDO! bextrl bextrq blendpd blendps blendvpd blendvps blsil blsiq blsmskl blsmskq blsrl blsrq bound bsfw bsfl bsfq bsrw bsrl bsrq bswapl bswapq btw btl btq btcw btcl btcq btrw btrl btrq btsw btsl btsq bzhil bzhiq calll * callq * callq callw calll cbtw cltd cltq fchs clc cld clflush cli clts cmc cmovaw cmoval cmovaq cmovaew cmovael cmovaeq cmovbw cmovbl cmovbq cmovbew cmovbel cmovbeq fcmovbe fcmovb cmovew cmovel cmoveq fcmove cmovgw cmovgl cmovgq cmovgew cmovgel cmovgeq cmovlw cmovll cmovlq cmovlew cmovlel cmovleq fcmovnbe fcmovnb cmovnew cmovnel cmovneq fcmovne cmovnow cmovnol cmovnoq cmovnpw cmovnpl cmovnpq fcmovnu cmovnsw cmovnsl cmovnsq cmovow cmovol cmovoq cmovpw cmovpl cmovpq fcmovu cmovsw cmovsl cmovsq #CMOV_FR32 PSEUDO! #CMOV_FR64 PSEUDO! #CMOV_GR16* PSEUDO! #CMOV_GR32* PSEUDO! #CMOV_GR8 PSEUDO! #CMOV_RFP32 PSEUDO! #CMOV_RFP64 PSEUDO! #CMOV_RFP80 PSEUDO! #CMOV_V2F64 PSEUDO! #CMOV_V2I64 PSEUDO! #CMOV_V4F32 PSEUDO! #CMOV_V4F64 PSEUDO! #CMOV_V4I64 PSEUDO! #CMOV_V8F32 PSEUDO! cmpw cmpl cmpq cmpb cmp cmppd cmpps cmpsw cmpsl cmpsq cmpsb cmpsd cmpss cmpxchg16b cmpxchgw cmpxchgl cmpxchgq cmpxchg8b cmpxchgb comisd comiss fcomp fcompi fcomi fcom fcos cpuid cqto crc32w crc32l crc32b crc32q cs cvtdq2pd cvtdq2ps cvtpd2dq cvtpd2ps cvtps2dq cvtps2pd cvtsd2siq cvtsd2sil cvtsd2ss cvtsi2sdq cvtsi2sd cvtsi2ssq cvtsi2ss cvtss2sd cvtss2siq cvtss2sil cvttpd2dq cvttps2dq cvttsd2siq cvttsd2si cvttss2siq cvttss2si cwtd cwtl daa das data16 decw decl decq decb divw divl divq divb divpd divps fdivrs fdivrl fidivrs fidivrl fdivp fdivr fdiv %st(0), divsd divss fdivs fdivl fidivs fidivl fdivrp fdiv fdivr %st(0), dppd dpps ds ret #eh_return, addr: enter es extractps f2xm1 lcallw lcallw * lcalll lcalll * lcallq * ljmpw ljmpw * ljmpl ljmpl * ljmpq * fbld fbstp fcoms fcoml fcomps fcompl fcompp fdecstp femms ffree ficoms ficoml ficomps ficompl fincstp fldcw fldenv fldl2e fldl2t fldlg2 fldln2 fldpi fnclex fninit fnop fnstcw fnstsw %ax fnstsw fpatan fprem fprem1 fptan frndint frstor fnsave fscale fsincos fnstenv fs fxam fxrstor fxrstorq fxsave fxsaveq fxtract fyl2x fyl2xp1 movapd movaps orpd orps vmovapd vmovaps xorpd xorps gs haddpd haddps hlt hsubpd hsubps idivw idivl idivq idivb filds fildl fildll imulw imull imulq imulb insw inw inw %dx, %ax insl inl inl %dx, %eax insb inb inb %dx, %al incw incl incq incb insertps int int3 into invd invept invlpg invpcid invvpid iretw iretl iretq fisttps fisttpl fisttpll fists fistl fistps fistpl fistpll #MEMBARRIER lock orq ucomisd ucomiss vcmp vcomisd vcomiss vcvtdq2pd vcvtdq2ps vcvtpd2dq vcvtpd2ps vcvtps2dq vcvtps2pd vcvtsd2si vcvtsd2ss vcvtsi2sd vcvtsi2ss vcvtss2sd vcvttps2dq vcvttsd2si vcvttss2si vucomisd vucomiss jae ja jbe jb jcxz jecxz je jge jg jle jl jmpl * jmpq * jmpq jmp jne jno jnp jns jo jp jrcxz js lahf larw larl larq lock cmpxchgw lock cmpxchg16b lock cmpxchgl lock cmpxchgq lock cmpxchgb lock cmpxchg8b lddqu ldmxcsr ldsw ldsl fldz fld1 flds fldl fldt fld leaw leal leaq leave lesw lesl lfence lfsw lfsl lfsq lgdtw lgdt lgsw lgsl lgsq lidtw lidt lldtw lmsww lock addw lock addl lock addq lock addb lock andw lock andl lock andq lock andb lock decw lock decl lock decq lock decb lock incw lock incl lock incq lock incb lock orw lock orl lock orb lock lock subw lock subl lock subq lock subb lock xorw lock xorl lock xorq lock xorb lodsb lodsl lodsq lodsw loop loope loopne lret lretw lretl lretq lslw lsll lslq lssw lssl lssq ltrw lock xaddw lock xaddl lock xaddq lock xaddb lzcntw lzcntl lzcntq maskmovdqu maxpd maxps maxsd maxss mfence minpd minps minsd minss cvtpd2pi cvtpi2pd cvtpi2ps cvtps2pi cvttpd2pi cvttps2pi emms maskmovq movd movdq2q movntq movq2dq movq pabsb pabsd pabsw packssdw packsswb packuswb paddb paddd paddq paddsb paddsw paddusb paddusw paddw palignr pandn pand pavgb pavgw pcmpeqb pcmpeqd pcmpeqw pcmpgtb pcmpgtd pcmpgtw pextrw phaddsw phaddw phaddd phsubd phsubsw phsubw pinsrw pmaddubsw pmaddwd pmaxsw pmaxub pminsw pminub pmovmskb pmulhrsw pmulhuw pmulhw pmullw pmuludq por psadbw pshufb pshufw psignb psignd psignw pslld psllq psllw psrad psraw psrld psrlq psrlw psubb psubd psubq psubsb psubsw psubusb psubusw psubw punpckhbw punpckhdq punpckhwd punpcklbw punpckldq punpcklwd pxor monitor montmul movw %ax, movw movl %eax, movl movabsq movb %al, movb movbew movbel movbeq movddup movdqa movdqu movhlps movhpd movhps movlhps movlpd movlps movmskpd movmskps movntdqa movntdq movntiq movntil movntpd movntps movsb movsl movsd movshdup movsldup movsq movss movsw movsbw movswl movsbl movswq movslq movsbq movupd movups movzbw movzbl movzwl movzwq movzbq mpsadbw mulw mull mulq mulb mulpd mulps mulsd mulss fmuls fmull fimuls fimull fmulp fmul fmul %st(0), mwait negw negl negq negb nop nopl nopw notw notl notq notb orw orl orq orb outw %ax, outw %ax, %dx outl %eax, outl %eax, %dx outb %al, outb %al, %dx outsb outsl outsw packusdw pause pavgusb pblendvb pblendw pclmulqdq pcmpeqq pcmpestri pcmpestrm pcmpgtq pcmpistri pcmpistrm pdepl pdepq pextl pextq pextrb pextrd pextrq pf2id pf2iw pfacc pfadd pfcmpeq pfcmpge pfcmpgt pfmax pfmin pfmul pfnacc pfpnacc pfrcpit1 pfrcpit2 pfrcp pfrsqit1 pfrsqrt pfsubr pfsub phminposuw pi2fd pi2fw pinsrb pinsrd pinsrq pmaxsb pmaxsd pmaxud pmaxuw pminsb pminsd pminud pminuw pmovsxbd pmovsxbq pmovsxbw pmovsxdq pmovsxwd pmovsxwq pmovzxbd pmovzxbq pmovzxbw pmovzxdq pmovzxwd pmovzxwq pmuldq pmulhrw pmulld popw popl popq popal popcntw popcntl popcntq popw %ds popl %ds popw %es popl %es popfw popfl popfq popw %fs popl %fs popq %fs popw %gs popl %gs popq %gs popw %ss popl %ss prefetch prefetchnta 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sete setge setg setle setl setne setno setnp setns seto setp sets sfence sgdtw sgdt shlw shlw %cl, shll shll %cl, shlq shlq %cl, shlb shlb %cl, shldw %cl, shldw shldl %cl, shldl shldq %cl, shldq shrw shrw %cl, shrl shrl %cl, shrq shrq %cl, shrb shrb %cl, shrdw %cl, shrdw shrdl %cl, shrdl shrdq %cl, shrdq shufpd shufps sidtw sidt fsin sldtw sldtl sldtq smsww smswl smswq sqrtpd sqrtps sqrtsd sqrtss fsqrt ss stc std sti stmxcsr stosb stosl stosq stosw strw strl strq fsts fstl fstps fstpl fstpt fstp fst subw subl subq subb subpd subps fsubrs fsubrl fisubrs fisubrl fsubp fsubr fsub %st(0), subsd subss fsubs fsubl fisubs fisubl fsubrp fsub fsubr %st(0), swapgs syscall sysenter sysexit sysretl sysretq testw testl testq testb # TLSCall_32 # TLSCall_64 # TLS_addr32 # TLS_addr64 ud2 ftst tzcntw tzcntl tzcntq fucompi fucomi fucompp fucomp fucom ud2b unpckhpd unpckhps unpcklpd unpcklps #VAARG_64 vaddpd vaddps vaddsd vaddss vaddsubpd vaddsubps vaesdeclast vaesdec vaesenclast vaesenc vaesimc 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offset External Name End Mark Length of Public Names Info pubnames_begin pubnames_end abbrev_begin Abbreviation Code EOM(3) abbrev_end debug_inlined_begin debug_inlined_end Dwarf Version Address Size (in bytes) MIPS linkage name Function name Inline count  :0x ] 0x Abbrev [ End Of Children Mark DWARF version number Offset Into Abbrev. Section llvm.dbg.enum llvm.dbg.ty llvm.dbg.cu DW_OP_consts DW_OP_deref DW_OP_plus_uconst Loc expr size DW_OP_constu text_end data_end Make an absence of debug location information explicit. Offset of Compilation Unit Info Length of Debug Inlined Information Entry Length of Compilation Unit Info GCC_except_table @LPStart @TType @TType base offset Call site Call site table length >> Call Site On exception at call site Action: cleanup Action: and Call between has no landing pad jumps to On action: cleanup On action: >> Action Record Catch TypeInfo Filter TypeInfo Cleanup No further actions Continue to action >> Catch TypeInfos << >> Filter TypeInfos << FilterInfo _GCC_specific_handler EOM(1) EOM(2) __forwarding combiner-alias-analysis dagcombine Number of dag nodes combined Turn on alias analysis during testing combiner-global-alias-analysis Include global information in alias analysis Number of pre-indexed nodes created Number of post-indexed nodes created Number of fp load/store pairs transformed to int Number of load/op/store narrowed @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @     <> < [TF=  , anyext , sext , zext , trunc to [ORD= [ID= dbg: :  SelectionDAG has nodes: @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ limit-float-precision vector::_M_range_insert srcloc nontemporal Generate low-precision inline sequences for some float libcalls Indirect operand for inline asm not a pointer! Unsupported asm: input constraint with a matching output constraint of incompatible type! Couldn't allocate output reg for constraint ' inline asm not supported yet: don't know how to handle tied indirect register inputs Invalid operand for inline asm constraint ' Couldn't allocate input reg for constraint ' Cannot generate unaligned atomic store Cannot generate unaligned atomic load @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ ?fast-isel-verbose fast-isel-abort use-mbpi Best scheduler for the target DAG Combining 1 Type Legalization Vector Legalization Type Legalization 2 DAG Legalization DAG Combining 2 Instruction Scheduling Instruction Creation Cannot select: target intrinsic % unknown intrinsic # FastISel missed call: FastISel missed terminator: FastISel miss: Enable verbose messages in the "fast" instruction selector Enable abort calls when "fast" instruction fails use Machine Branch Probability Info Instruction schedulers available (before register allocation): Instruction Selection and Scheduling DAG Combining after legalize types DAG Combining after legalize vectors Instruction Scheduling Cleanup Could not match memory address. Inline asm failure! Number of times dag isel has to try another path Number of instructions fast isel selected Number of instructions fast isel failed on Number of blocks selected using DAG Number of blocks selected entirely by fast isel @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ __ashlhi3 __ashlsi3 __ashldi3 __ashlti3 __lshrhi3 __lshrsi3 __lshrdi3 __lshrti3 __ashrhi3 __ashrsi3 __ashrdi3 __ashrti3 __mulqi3 __mulhi3 __mulsi3 __muldi3 __multi3 __mulosi4 __mulodi4 __muloti4 __divqi3 __divhi3 __divsi3 __divdi3 __divti3 __udivqi3 __udivhi3 __udivsi3 __udivdi3 __udivti3 __modqi3 __modhi3 __modsi3 __moddi3 __modti3 __umodqi3 __umodhi3 __umodsi3 __umoddi3 __umodti3 __negsi2 __negdi2 __addsf3 __adddf3 __addxf3 __gcc_qadd __subsf3 __subdf3 __subxf3 __gcc_qsub __mulsf3 __muldf3 __mulxf3 __gcc_qmul __divsf3 __divdf3 __divxf3 __gcc_qdiv __powisf2 __powidf2 __powixf2 __powitf2 __extendsfdf2 __gnu_h2f_ieee __gnu_f2h_ieee __truncdfsf2 __truncxfsf2 __trunctfsf2 __truncxfdf2 __trunctfdf2 __fixsfqi __fixsfhi __fixsfsi __fixsfdi __fixsfti __fixdfqi __fixdfhi __fixdfsi __fixdfdi __fixdfti __fixxfsi __fixxfdi __fixxfti __fixtfsi __fixtfdi __fixtfti __fixunssfqi __fixunssfhi __fixunssfsi __fixunssfdi __fixunssfti __fixunsdfqi __fixunsdfhi __fixunsdfsi __fixunsdfdi __fixunsdfti __fixunsxfsi __fixunsxfdi __fixunsxfti __fixunstfsi __fixunstfdi __fixunstfti __floatsisf __floatsidf __floatsixf __floatsitf __floatdisf __floatdidf __floatdixf __floatditf __floattisf __floattidf __floattixf __floattitf __floatunsisf __floatunsidf __floatunsixf __floatunsitf __floatundisf __floatundidf __floatundixf __floatunditf __floatuntisf __floatuntidf __floatuntixf __floatuntitf __eqsf2 __eqdf2 __nesf2 __nedf2 __gesf2 __gedf2 __ltsf2 __ltdf2 __lesf2 __ledf2 __gtsf2 __gtdf2 __unordsf2 __unorddf2 _Unwind_Resume __sync_val_compare_and_swap_1 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_2 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_8 __sync_lock_test_and_set_1 __sync_lock_test_and_set_2 __sync_lock_test_and_set_4 __sync_lock_test_and_set_8 __sync_fetch_and_add_1 __sync_fetch_and_add_2 __sync_fetch_and_add_4 __sync_fetch_and_add_8 __sync_fetch_and_sub_1 __sync_fetch_and_sub_2 __sync_fetch_and_sub_4 __sync_fetch_and_sub_8 __sync_fetch_and_and_1 __sync_fetch_and_and_2 __sync_fetch_and_and_4 __sync_fetch_and_and_8 __sync_fetch_and_or_1 __sync_fetch_and_or_2 __sync_fetch_and_or_4 __sync_fetch_and_or_8 __sync_fetch_and_xor_1 __sync_fetch_and_xor_2 __sync_fetch_and_xor_4 __sync_fetch_and_xor_8 __sync_fetch_and_nand_1 __sync_fetch_and_nand_2 __sync_fetch_and_nand_4 __sync_fetch_and_nand_8 promote-elements Allow promotion of integer vector element types @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ __sync_synchronize U 7 k V 6 j @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ W W W W W W W X X X X X X G O _ Y O 0EUnprocessed value in a map! Value in multiple maps! ReplacedValues PromotedIntegers SoftenedFloats ScalarizedVectors ExpandedIntegers ExpandedFloats SplitVectors WidenedVectors enable-legalize-types-checking Value with legal type was transformed! Processed value not in any map! @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ k j @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ Do not know how to scalarize the result of this operator! @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ k j list-td Top-down list scheduler Number of pipeline stalls Number of noops inserted list-burr list-tdrr source list-hybrid list-ilp disable-sched-cycles disable-sched-reg-pressure disable-sched-live-uses disable-sched-vrcycle disable-sched-physreg-join disable-sched-stalls disable-sched-critical-path disable-sched-height max-sched-reorder sched-avg-ipc Height Number of nodes unfolded Number of duplicated nodes Bottom-up register reduction list scheduling Top-down register reduction list scheduling Similar to list-burr but schedules in source order when possible Bottom-up register pressure aware list scheduling which tries to balance latency and register pressure Bottom-up register pressure aware list scheduling which tries to balance ILP and register pressure Disable cycle-level precision during preRA scheduling Disable regpressure priority in sched=list-ilp Disable live use priority in sched=list-ilp Disable virtual register cycle interference checks Disable physreg def-use affinity Disable no-stall priority in sched=list-ilp Disable critical path priority in sched=list-ilp Disable scheduled-height priority in sched=list-ilp Number of instructions to allow ahead of the critical path in sched=list-ilp Average inst/cycle whan no target itinerary exists. Can't handle live physical register dependency! Number of times scheduler backtracked Number of physical register copies sched-high-latency-cycles PHYS REG COPY Roughly estimate the number of cycles that 'long latency'instructions take for targets with no itinerary Number of loads clustered together ): CROSS RC COPY systems with Graphviz or gv! GraphRoot plaintext=circle Node label =" color=blue,style=dashed -> Node SelectionDAG::setGraphColor is only available in debug builds on systems with Graphviz or gv! SelectionDAG::getGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::setGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::clearGraphAttrs is only available in debug builds SelectionDAG::viewGraph is only available in debug builds on SelectionDAG::setSubgraphColor is only available in debug builds G C A @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ llvm.eh.catch.all.value Bundle Machine CFG Edges view-edge-bundles digraph { "BB# " [ shape=box ] " -> " -> "BB# " [ color=lightgray ] EdgeBundles Error: .dot Writing ' '... done. error opening file ' ' for writing! Pop up a window to show edge bundle graphs SSE execution domain fixup Print Garbage Collector Information Delete Garbage Collector Information Create Garbage Collector Module Metadata collector-metadata unsupported GC: GC roots for [sp] GC safe points for pre-call post-call , live = { Lower Garbage Collection Instructions Analyze Machine Code For Garbage Collection must override performCustomLowering. GC Lowering gc-lowering gc If Converter if-converter ifcvt-fn-start ifcvt-fn-stop ifcvt-limit disable-ifcvt-simple disable-ifcvt-simple-false disable-ifcvt-triangle disable-ifcvt-triangle-rev disable-ifcvt-triangle-false disable-ifcvt-diamond ifcvt-branch-fold Number of duplicated blocks Number of if-converted blocks disable-ifcvt-triangle-false-rev Number of simple if-conversions performed Number of simple (F) if-conversions performed Number of triangle if-conversions performed Number of triangle (R) if-conversions performed Number of triangle (F) if-conversions performed Number of triangle (F/R) if-conversions performed Number of diamond if-conversions performed cppop.and1 ctpop.sh cppop.and2 ctpop.step ctpop.part ctpop.part.sh bswap.2 bswap.1 bswap.i16 bswap.4 bswap.3 bswap.and3 bswap.and2 bswap.or1 bswap.or2 bswap.i32 bswap.8 bswap.7 bswap.6 bswap.5 bswap.and7 bswap.and6 bswap.and5 bswap.and4 bswap.or3 bswap.or4 bswap.or5 bswap.or6 bswap.i64 ctlz.sh ctlz.step .not address intrinsic. Cannot lower a call to a non-intrinsic function ' Code generator does not support intrinsic function ' WARNING: this target does not support the llvm.stack WARNING: this target does not support the llvm. WARNING: this target does not support the llvm.readcyclecoun ter intrinsic. It is being lowered to a constant 0 UUUUUUUU33333333 disable-post-ra Disable Post Regalloc Disable branch folding disable-branch-fold disable-tail-duplicate Disable tail duplication disable-early-taildup disable-code-place Disable code placement Disable Stack Slot Coloring disable-ssc disable-machine-dce Disable Machine LICM disable-machine-licm disable-machine-cse disable-postra-machine-licm Disable Machine Sinking disable-machine-sink disable-lsr Disable Codegen Prepare disable-cgp print-lsr-output print-isel-input print-gc Dump garbage collector data Show encoding in .s output show-mc-encoding show-mc-inst Enable MC API logging enable-mc-api-logging LLVM_VERIFY_MACHINEINSTRS verify-machineinstrs Verify generated machine code asm-verbose Add comments to directives. *** Code after LSR *** After Instruction Selection After codegen DCE pass After PreRegAlloc passes After Register Allocation After PostRegAlloc passes After ExpandPostRAPseudos After PreSched2 passes After PostRAScheduler After BranchFolding After TailDuplicate After CodePlacementOpt After PreEmit passes Disable pre-register allocation tail duplication Disable Machine Dead Code Elimination Disable Machine Common Subexpression Elimination Disable Loop Strength Reduction Pass Print LLVM IR produced by the loop-reduce pass Print LLVM IR input to isel pass Show instruction structure in .s output Enable the "fast" instruction selector *** Final LLVM Code input to ISel *** After Pre-RegAlloc TailDuplicate After Machine LICM, CSE and Sinking passes After codegen peephole optimization pass After StackSlotColoring and postra Machine LICM After PrologEpilogCodeInserter Live Variable Analysis livevars Alive in blocks: Killed by: No instructions. # Local Stack Slot Allocation localstackalloc Number of frame indices allocated into local block Number of virtual frame base registers allocated Number of frame indices references replaced (null) is null Alignment derived from LLVM BB EH LANDING PAD ADDRESS TAKEN Live Ins: Can't print out MachineBasicBlock because parent MachineFunction Predecessors according to CFG: Successors according to CFG: Machine Branch Probability Analysis machine-branch-prob [HOT edge] edge MBB# -> MBB# probability is Number of common subexpression eliminated Number of physreg referencing common subexpr eliminated Number of copies coalesced after commuting Number of copies coalesced MachineDominator Tree Construction =============================-------------------------------- machinedomtree <> Inorder PostDominator Tree: Inorder Dominator Tree: DFSNumbers invalid: slow queries. $pb Frame Objects: fi# dead variable sized , align= , fixed , at location [SP Constant Pool: cp# Jump Tables: jt# # Machine code for function Function Live Ins: Function Live Outs: . MachineFunction::viewCFGOnly is only available in debug builds on MachineFunction::viewCFG is only available in debug builds on # End machine code for function Machine Function Analysis scalar-evolution iv-users memdep live-values domfrontier lda MachineFunction Printer # earlyclobber, imp- imp-use dead    Machine Module Information machinemoduleinfo Machine code sinking machine-sink-split Split critical edges during machine sinking Number of machine instructions sunk Number of critical edges split machineverifier *** Bad machine code: - function: - basic block: (BB# - instruction: - operand : Last instruction was at Missing PHI operand No live range at use is not live in Live range: Inconsistent valno->def Valno is not defined at No live range at def is not a register. Register class Expected a register, but got a register PHI operand is not in the CFG Live stack: Virtual register Block ends at last instruction was at is defined at where valno # is live in Invalid definition index , not at the beginning of BB# No instruction at def index Foreign valno in live range has a valno not in Basic block starts at live into BB# , not live at live out of BB# Valno # components in : valnos ': Instruction: Too few operands operands expected, but given. Missing mayLoad flag Missing mayStore flag Missing slot index First terminator was: machine code errors. Found Instruction index out of order PHI operand is not live-out from predecessor is a predecessor according to the CFG. Explicit definition must be a register Explicit definition marked as use Explicit definition marked as implicit Explicit operand marked as def Explicit operand marked as implicit Extra explicit operand on non-variadic instruction Two-address instruction operands must be identical Kill missing from LiveVariables Virtual register has no Live interval Live range continues after kill flag Using a killed virtual register Illegal subregister index for physical register Illegal physical register for instruction Invalid subregister index for virtual register does not support subreg index Invalid register class for subregister index does not fully support subreg index No largest legal super class exists. No matching super-reg register class. Illegal virtual register for instruction Instruction loads from dead spill slot Instruction stores to dead spill slot Using an undefined physical register Multiple virtual register defs in SSA form LiveVariables: Block missing from AliveBlocks must be live through the block. LiveVariables: Block should not be in AliveBlocks is not needed live through the block. Block ends before last instruction index Valno not live at def and not marked unused Live range at def has different valno PHIDef value is not defined at MBB start Defining instruction does not modify register Early clobber def must be at a USE slot Non-PHI, non-early clobber def must be at a DEF slot Live range valno is marked unused Bad start of live segment, no basic block Live segment must begin at MBB entry or valno def Bad end of live segment, no basic block Live segment doesn't end at a valid instruction Register not marked live out of predecessor Different value live out of predecessor Multiple connected components in live interval Instruction killing live segment neither defines nor reads register MBB has more than one landing pad successor MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but doesn't have exactly one CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but its successor differs from its CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but ends with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via unconditional fall-through but has a condition! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't have exactly one CFG successor! MBB exits via unconditional branch but the CFG successor doesn't match the actual successor! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via unconditional branch but doesn't end with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via unconditional branch but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB conditionally falls through out of function! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't have exactly two CFG successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the CFG successors don't match the actual successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but ends with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/fall-through but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't have exactly two CFG successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the CFG successors don't match the actual successors! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't contain any instructions! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but doesn't end with a barrier instruction! MBB exits via conditional branch/branch but the branch isn't a terminator instruction! MBB exits via conditinal branch/branch but there's no condition! AnalyzeBranch returned invalid data! MBB live-in list contains non-physical register Bad instruction parent pointer Debug instruction has a slot index Non-terminator instruction after the first terminator Optimize machine instruction PHIs opt-phis phi-opt Number of PHI cycles replaced Number of dead PHI cycles Register allocator to use pick register allocator based on -O option Peephole Optimizations peephole-opts aggressive-ext-opt disable-peephole peephole-opt Number of bitcasts eliminated Number of compares eliminated Aggressive extension optimization Disable the peephole optimizer Number of extension results reused Number of move immediate foled Post RA top-down list latency scheduler Enable scheduling after register allocation Break post-RA scheduling anti-dependencies: "critical", "all", or "none" Debug control MBBs that are scheduled Number of fixed anti-dependencies post-RA-scheduler break-anti-dependencies postra-sched-debugdiv postra-sched-debugmod critical Prologue/Epilogue Insertion prologepilog pei Number of virtual frame regs encountered Number of frame index regs scavenged Number of bytes used for stack in all functions FixedStack Fast Register Allocator fast fast register allocator Number of loads added Number of stores added ran out of registers during register allocation Greedy Register Allocator Optimize for speed Optimize for size split-spill-mode greedy greedy register allocator Evict Rewriter Emit Debug Info Local Splitting Global Splitting After spilling Spiller Spill mode for splitting live ranges Before greedy register allocator After splitting live range around region After splitting live range around basic blocks Number of interferences evicted Number of split local live ranges Number of split global live ranges H z? Linear Scan Register Allocator Attempt trivial coalescing of interval ends Avoid write-write hazards for some register classes linear scan register allocator Number of registers for linearscan to rememberto skip. Ran out of registers during register allocation! Number of times we had to backtrack Number of registers downgraded Number of iterations performed linearscan-regalloc new-spilling-heuristic Use new spilling heuristic trivial-coalesce-ends avoid-waw-hazard linearscan linearscan-skip-count zD < L=Simple Register Coalescing simple-register-coalescing join-liveintervals disable-cross-class-join join-physregs Join physical register copies verify-coalescing Before register coalescing After register coalescing regcoalescing Number of copies extended Coalesce copies (default=true) Avoid coalescing cross register class copies Verify machine instrs before and after register coalescing Number of identity moves eliminated after coalescing Number of register classes inflated Number of cross class joins performed Number of interval joins performed Number of times interval joining aborted Number of instructions re-materialized Number of instruction commuting performed **** NOOP **** # preds left : # succs left : # rdefs left : Latency : Depth : Height : Predecessors: anti out ch - SU( : Latency= Reg= Successors:   Scoreboard: Prolog/Epilog Insertion & Frame Finalization Shrink wrap callee-saved register spills/restores Shrink wrap the specified function print SR sets for each iteration Print shrink wrapping debugging information Number of CSR spills+restores reduced. shrink-wrap shrink-wrap-func funcname print all DF sets Details Iterations print basic DF sets BasicInfo disable debug output None shrink-wrap-dbg SJLJ Exception Handling preparation Disable the old SjLj EH preparation pass Number of registers live across unwind edges _Unwind_SjLj_Register _Unwind_SjLj_Unregister disable-old-sjlj-eh lpad.val jt.land fn_context call_site __data exception_gep exn_selector_gep exn_val exn_selector_val pers_fn_gep lsda_gep lsda_addr jbuf_gep jbuf_fp_gep jbuf_sp_gep fcn_context fc_data exc_selector_gep select_val eh.sjlj.setjmp.catch trapbb invoke.num eh.sjlj.setjmp.cont notunwind sjljehprepare Number of invokes replaced Number of unwinds replaced LudS Slot index numbering slotindexes [ Number of local renumberings Number of global renumberings inline spiller default spiller standard trivial spiller Spiller to use: (default: standard) Spill Code Placement Analysis spill-code-placement ? 8 empty ): Number of splits finished Number of splits that were simple Number of rematerialized defs for splitting Number of copies inserted for splitting Number of invalid live ranges repaired stack-protector-buffer-size Insert stack protectors stack-protector __stack_chk_guard StackGuardSlot StackGuard CallStackCheckFailBlk __stack_chk_fail SP_return Lower bound for a buffer to be considered for stack protection stack-slot-coloring no-stack-slot-sharing color-ss-with-regs ssc-dce-limit stackcoloring Number of loads eliminated Number of stores eliminated Suppress slot sharing during stack coloring Color stack slots with free registers Number of stack slots eliminated due to coloring Number of stack slot refs replaced with reg refs Number of trivially dead stack accesses eliminated AEliminate PHI nodes for register allocation, intelligently Number of source copies inserted Number of destination copies inserted strong-phi-node-elimination strongphielim Number of PHIs lowered Tail Duplication tail-dup-size tail-dup-verify tail-dup-limit Malformed PHI in BB# Warning: malformed PHI in BB# non-existing BB# tailduplication Number of tails duplicated Number of dead blocks removed Number of phis added Maximum instructions to consider tail duplicating Verify sanity of PHI instructions during taildup missing input from predecessor BB# extra input from predecessor BB# Additional instructions due to tail duplication Number of tail duplicated blocks disable-sched-hazard Don't know how to commute: Disable hazard detection during preRA scheduling We do not support this DWARF encoding yet! ' has an invalid section specifier ' ' section type or attributes does not match previous section specifier DW.ref. .preinit_array Global variable ' .data. .bss .bss. .llvm.linkonce.b. .sbss .gnu.linkonce.sb. .llvm.linkonce.sb. .tdata .gnu.linkonce.td. .llvm.linkonce.td. .tbss .gnu.linkonce.tb. .llvm.linkonce.tb. .gnu.linkonce.b. .sbss. .tdata. .tbss. .text. .data.rel.local. .data.rel. .data.rel.ro. .data.rel.ro.local. .rodata. .rodata.str2. .rodata.str4. .rodata.str1. .text$ .bss$ .rdata$ .data$ Two-Address instruction pass twoaddressinstruction twoaddrinstr Number of two-address instructions Number of dead instructions deleted Number of instructions commuted to coalesce Number of instructions aggressively commuted Number of instructions promoted to 3-address Number of 3-address instructions sunk Remove unreachable machine basic blocks Remove unreachable blocks from the CFG unreachable-mbb-elimination unreachableblockelim Virtual Register Map virtregmap -> fi# ********** REGISTER MAP ********** Number of identity moves eliminated after rewriting Number of spill slots allocated trivial rewriter local rewriter schedule-spills Schedule spill code virtregrewriter Number of stores unfolded Number of dead stores elided Number of copies elided Number of modref unfolded Number of reloads omitted Number of re-materialization Number of values reused Rewriter to use (default=local) Number of dead spill slots removed Number of physical register spills Number of available reloads turned into copies Number of reloads deemed unnecessary Number of instructions commuted Number of re-materializable defs elided vector::_M_range_check agg-antidep-debugdiv agg-antidep-debugmod (last-use) Dead Def: Debug control for aggressive anti-dep breaker Control Flow Optimizer enable-tail-merge tail-merge-threshold tail-merge-size branchfolding Number of branches optimized Number of block tails merged Max number of predecessors to consider tail merging Min number of instructions to consider tail merging Number of times common instructions are hoisted Calculate spill weights calcspillweights @@ G ?fff? ?Code Placement Optimizer Number of loops aligned Number of intra loop branches moved Number of intra loop branches eliminated Remove dead machine instructions dead-mi-elimination codegen-dce Exception handling preparation Number of unwind instructions lowered Number of eh.resume calls lowered Number of eh.exception calls moved eh.value.call _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow eh.sel.catch.all unwind_resume exn.obj _unwind_edge .unwind llvm.eh.resume dwarfehprepare Number of landing pads split Expand ISel Pseudo-instructions Expand CodeGen Pseudo-instructions expand-isel-pseudos Post-RA pseudo instruction expansion pass disable-spill-hoist Disable inline spill hoisting Number of spilled live ranges Number of spilled snippets Number of folded loads Number of spills inserted Number of reloads inserted Number of reloads removed Number of spills removed Number of hoisted spills Number of rematerialized defs for spilling Number of folded stack accesses Number of omitted spills of reloads Debug Variable Analysis livedebugvars live-debug-variables livedebug Number of DBG_VALUEs inserted Enable the live debug variables pass EMPTY -phidef -phikill Live Interval Analysis disable-rematerialization constraints: Number of intervals split Number of original intervals ********** MACHINEINSTRS ********** ********** INTERVALS ********** Please check your inline asm statement for invalid Number of loads/stores folded into instructions B ALIU Live Stack Slot Analysis livestacks [Unknown] Number of instructions deleted by DCE Number of live ranges fractured by DCE Number of single use loads folded after DCE Eliminate PHI nodes for register allocation disable-phi-elim-edge-splitting Disable critical edge splitting during PHI elimination Number of atomic phis lowered Number of reused lowered phis Process Implicit Definitions processimpdefs Basic Register Allocator Seed Live Regs Initialize basic basic register allocator verify-regalloc MBB Live Ins Number of registers assigned Verify during register allocation Number of new live ranges queued Number of registers unassigned Render machine functions (and related info) to HTML pages Warning: Invalid interval number " " in -rmf-intervals. Skipping. Warning: Invalid interval range " Appended to function name to get output file name (default: ".html") Comma separated list of functions to render, or "*". Register classes to render pressure for. Live intervals to show alongside code. Don't display empty intervals. Render indexes not associated with instructions or MBB starts. Pretty print HTML. For debugging the renderer only..   table.code td { font-family: monospace; border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; border-bottom: 1px solid #dddddd; white-space: nowrap; } table.code td.p-z { background-color: #000000; } table.code td.p-l { background-color: #00ff00; } table.code td.p-h { background-color: #ff0000; } table.code td.l-n { background-color: #ffffff; } table.code td.l-d { background-color: #ff0000; } table.code td.l-u { background-color: #ffff00; } table.code td.l-r { background-color: #000000; } table.code td.l-s { background-color: #770000; } table.code th { border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; } 

Rendering Pressure Legend:

PressureDescriptionAppearance No PressureNo physical registers of this class requested.   Low PressureSufficient physical registers to meet demand.   High PressurePotentially insufficient physical registers to meet demand.   rendermf virt-nospills* virt* phys* < > & " rmf-file-suffix .html rmf-funcs rmf-classes rmf-intervals rmf-filter-empty-intervals rmf-empty-indexes Use SVG for vertical text. rmf-fancy-verts rmf-pretty-html

Aggressive Dead Code Elimination Number of instructions removed adce Profile Guided Basic Block Placement block-placement Number of basic blocks moved Optimize for code generation codegenprepare disable-cgp-branch-opts sunkaddr Number of blocks eliminated Disable branch optimizations in CodeGenPrepare Number of debug value instructions moved Number of trivial PHIs eliminated Number of GEPs converted to casts Number of uses of Cast expressions replaced with uses of sunken Casts Number of [s|z]ext instructions combined with loads Number of uses of [s|z]ext instructions optimized Number of uses of Cmp expressions replaced with uses of sunken Cmps Number of memory instructions whose address computations were sunk Number of return instructions duplicated @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ Simple constant propagation Number of instructions killed Value Propagation correlated-propagation correlated-value-propagation Number of selects propagated Number of phis propagated Number of comparisons propagated Number of memory access targets propagated Dead Code Elimination Dead Instruction Elimination die Number of insts removed Number of insts removed by DIE pass Dead Store Elimination dse Number of stores deleted Number of other instrs removed Early CSE early-cse Number of instructions CSE'd Number of instructions simplified or DCE'd Number of load instructions CSE'd Number of call instructions CSE'd Number of trivial dead stores removed Merge internal globals Global Merge _MergedGlobals .llvm. Number of globals merged Global Value Numbering gvn inttoptr enable-pre enable-load-pre .pre .pre-phi Number of blocks merged Number of loads deleted Number of loads PRE'd Number of instructions PRE'd Number of instructions deleted Number of instructions simplified Number of equalities propagated Induction Variable Simplification Enable canonical induction variable rewriting Verify the ScalarEvolution result after running indvars Number of congruent IVs eliminated Number of canonical indvars added Number of IV sign/zero extends eliminated Number of exit values replaced Number of loop exit tests replaced enable-iv-rewrite verify-indvars indvar.conv lftr.limit lftr.wideiv exitcond Number of indvars widened Number of aux indvars removed jump-threading-threshold Jump Threading jump-threading .thr_comm .thread thread-pre-split .pr Number of terminators folded Number of jumps threaded Max block size to duplicate for jump threading Number of branch blocks duplicated to eliminate phi Loop Invariant Code Motion disable-licm-promotion .promoted Disable memory promotion in LICM pass Number of load insts hoisted or sunk Number of call insts hoisted or sunk Number of instructions sunk out of loop Number of instructions hoisted out of loop Number of memory locations promoted to registers Delete dead loops loop-deletion loop-delete Number of loops deleted Recognize loop idioms loop-idiom memset_pattern16 .memset_pattern Number of memset's formed from loop stores Number of memcpy's formed from loop load+stores Rotate Loops loop-rotate .lr.ph Number of loops rotated Loop Strength Reduction loop-reduce enable-lsr-nested Enable LSR on nested loops enable-lsr-retry Enable LSR retry enable-lsr-phielim Enable LSR phi elimination scmp .termcond IV.S. IV.S.next. _Unroll loops loop-unroll unroll-threshold unroll-count unroll-allow-partial disable-unroll-scev The cut-off point for automatic loop unrolling Use this unroll count for all loops, for testing purposes Allows loops to be partially unrolled until -unroll-threshold loop size is reached. Use ScalarEvolution to analyze loop trip counts for unrolling loop-unswitch-threshold Max loop size to unswitch Unswitch loops loop-unswitch us-unreachable .us-lcssa .us Number of branches unswitched Number of switches unswitched Number of selects unswitched Number of unswitches that are trivial Number of simplifications of unswitched code Lower atomic intrinsics to non-atomic form loweratomic MemCpy Optimization memcpyopt tmpcast Number of memsets inferred Number of memcpy instructions deleted Number of memcpys converted to memset Number of memmoves converted to memcpy objc_autoreleasePoolPush objc_retain objc_retainBlock objc_release objc_autorelease objc_autoreleaseReturnValue objc_autoreleasePoolPop objc_retainedObject objc_unretainedObject objc_unretainedPointer objc_retain_autorelease objc_retainAutorelease objc_loadWeakRetained objc_loadWeak objc_destroyWeak objc_storeWeak objc_initWeak objc_moveWeak objc_copyWeak ObjC ARC contraction objc-arc-contract ObjC ARC expansion objc-arc-expand ObjC-ARC-Based Alias Analysis objc-arc-aa ObjC ARC optimization objc-arc enable-objc-arc-opts clang.imprecise_release clang.arc.copy_on_escape L_OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_ L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_SUP_REFS_$_ L_OBJC_METH_VAR_NAME_ l_objc_msgSend_fixup_ L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_ objc_storeStrong objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue clang.arc.retainAutoreleasedReturnValueMarker Number of calls peephole-optimized Number objc_storeStrong calls formed Number of no-op objc calls eliminated Number of autoreleases converted to releases Number of partially no-op objc calls eliminated Number of retain+release paths eliminated Number of return value forwarding retain+autoreleaes eliminated Reassociate expressions reassociate Number of insts linearized Number of multiplies factored Number of insts reassociated Number of expr tree annihilated Demote all values to stack slots reg2mem alloca point Number of registers demoted Number of phi-nodes demoted Interprocedural Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation SCCP: Don't know how to handle: Number of arguments constant propagated by IPSCCP Number of instructions removed by IPSCCP Number of globals found to be constant by IPSCCP Number of basic blocks unreachable ipsccp Scalar Replacement of Aggregates (SSAUp) Scalar Replacement of Aggregates (DT) Number of allocas copied from constant global Number of aggregates converted to scalar Number of scalar allocas adjusted to allow promotion scalarrepl-ssa scalarrepl .ld sroa.store.elt srcval sroa.load.elt Number of allocas broken up Number of allocas promoted Simplify the CFG simplifycfg Number of blocks simplified Simplify well-known library calls Number of library calls simplified Number of attributes added to library functions simplify-libcalls fiprintf strtol strtod strtof strtoul strtoll strtold strtoull strcoll setbuf setvbuf setitimer system malloc memrchr memccpy mkdir mktime realloc rmdir rewind remove realpath readlink calloc chmod ctermid clearerr closedir atoi atol atof atoll fopen fdopen feof fseek ftell fgetc fseeko ftello fileno fflush fclose fsetpos flockfile funlockfile ftrylockfile fputc fstat fstatvfs fread fwrite fgetpos getlogin_r getc_unlocked getchar getpwnam ungetc uname unlink unsetenv utimes perror pwrite popen pclose vscanf vsscanf vfscanf vprintf vfprintf opendir tmpfile htonl htons ntohl ntohs lstat lchown qsort __strdup __strndup _IO_getc _IO_putc __isoc99_scanf stat64 lstat64 statvfs64 __isoc99_sscanf fseeko64 ftello64 fstat64 fstatvfs64 strxfrm strtok memalign rename ferror fgets fputs getenv getitimer utime pread putchar valloc __strtok_r fopen64 tmpfile64 open64 strlenfirst strcmpload %c endptr nul leninc siprintf lhsv lhsc rhsv rhsc chardiff pow2 powrecip ispos isascii isdigit isdigittmp llvm.pow.f32 llvm.pow.f64 llvm.pow.f80 llvm.pow.f128 llvm.pow.ppcf128 llvm.exp2.ppcf128 llvm.exp2.f128 llvm.exp2.f80 llvm.exp2.f64 llvm.exp2.f32 llabs toascii Code sinking Number of instructions sunk Tail Call Elimination tailcallelim tailrecurse accumulator.tr Number of tail calls removed Number of return duplicated Number of accumulators introduced Combine redundant instructions Number of dead inst eliminated instcombine .op .cmp .sum idxscale phitmp __gnat_eh_personality __gxx_personality_v0 __objc_personality_v0 Number of constant folds Number of insts combined Number of factorizations Number of expansions Number of reassociations addconv .offs .c diff.neg notlhs notrhs .off .demorgan .masked and.shrunk nest ' arguments were dropped! umul_with_overflow WARNING: While resolving call to function ' sqrtfcall .lobit .mask uadd uadd.overflow .trunc sadd sadd.result sadd.overflow storemerge Number of dead stores eliminated suba .pn extract.t not. .lhs .rhs GV: Base: lpad.phi .split Break critical edges in CFG break-crit-edges _crit_edge Number of blocks inserted cstr chari aggregate-extracted-args loadgep_ .loc structArg targetBlock gep_reload_ .reload .exitStub .ce .ret codeRepl newFuncRoot Aggregate arguments to code-extracted functions .reg2mem .lpad-fix .noexc exn.lpad-body selector.lpad-body eh.lpad-body savedstack .exit instnamer Assign names to anonymous instructions Loop-Closed SSA Form Pass .lcssa Number of live out of a loop variables Canonicalize natural loops loop-simplify .preheader .nonloopexit .loopexit .backedge .be .outer Number of pre-header or exit blocks inserted Number of nested loops split out Number of loops completely unrolled Number of loops unrolled (completely or otherwise) Lower 'expect' Intrinsics lower-expect unlikely-branch-weight branch_weights lower-expect-intrinsic Weight of the branch likely to be taken (default = 64) Weight of the branch unlikely to be taken (default = 4) Number of 'expect' intrinsic intructions handled llvm.sjljeh.jmpbufty llvm.sjljeh.jblist mem2reg lowerinvoke enable-correct-eh-support jblink OldBuf oldjmpbufptr stackptr invokenum unwindbb TheJmpBuf sjret ssret stackptr.restore dounwind unwinderror ehlist notnull Lower invoke and unwind, for unwindless code generators Make the -lowerinvoke pass insert expensive, but correct, EH code lowerswitch LeafBlock SwitchLeaf NodeBlock Pivot NewDefault Lower SwitchInst's to branches Promote Memory to Register Number of alloca's promoted Number of PHI nodes inserted Number of dead alloca's removed Number of alloca's promoted with a single store Number of alloca's promoted within one block phi-node-folding-threshold simplifycfg-dup-ret magicptr infloop retval switch.early.test .old or.cond .critedge brmerge .mux switch.edge Control the amount of phi node folding to perform (default = 1) Duplicate return instructions into unconditional branches Number of speculative executed instructions Number of IV comparisons eliminated Number of IV remainder operations eliminated Number of IV operands folded into a use Number of IV identities eliminated Remove redundant instructions instsimplify Number of redundant instructions removed Unify function exit nodes mergereturn UnifiedUnwindBlock UnifiedUnreachableBlock UnifiedReturnBlock UnifiedRetVal with no main function! llvm_start_edge_profiling insert-edge-profiling The # of edges inserted. WARNING: cannot insert edge profiling into a module Insert instrumentation for edge profiling GCOV Profiler __llvm_gcov_global_state_pred insert-gcov-profiling llvm.gcov __llvm_gcov_writeout llvm_gcda_start_file llvm_gcda_emit_function llvm_gcda_emit_arcs llvm_gcda_end_file gcda __llvm_gcda_edge_table __llvm_gcov_ctr gcno oncg*404MVLL oncg*204MVLL llvm_gcda_increment_indirect_counter Insert instrumentation for GCOV profiling A C E OldFuncCounter NewFuncCounter newargc argv.cast argc.cast Path Profiler insert-path-profiling path-profile-pathdag pathNumber counterInc oldPC isMax pathInc newPC ] init: incr: cinc: pathdag. ' for writing! digraph " -> " [label= ] [color=black]; [color=cyan]; ] [color=blue]; [color=violet]; ] [color=red]; ] [color=green]; MAIN__ llvm_increment_path_count llvm_decrement_path_count functionPathTable llvm_start_path_profiling Insert instrumentation for Ball-Larus path profiling Output the path profiling DAG for each function. Instrumenting could not split a critical edge. WARNING: cannot insert path profiling into a module Optimal Edge Profiler insert-optimal-edge-profiling OptEdgeProfCounters llvm_start_opt_edge_profiling Insert optimal instrumentation for edge profiling Basic CallGraph Construction basiccg Call Graph >> #uses= CS< > calls external node CallGraph Root is: <> CallGraph Pass Manager max-cg-scc-iterations Call Graph SCC Pass Manager cgscc-passmgr Maximum CGSCCPassMgr iterations on one SCC Find Used Types print-used-types Types in use by this module: Simple mod/ref analysis for globals Number of functions without address taken Number of global vars without address taken Number of indirect global objects Number of functions that only read memory Number of functions that do not access memory globalsmodref-aa Count Alias Analysis Query Responses count-aa-print-all-failed-queries ===== Alias Analysis Counter Report ===== Total Alias Queries Performed Alias Analysis Counter Summary: Total Mod/Ref Queries Performed Mod/Ref Analysis Counter Summary: count-aa count-aa-print-all-queries responses ( %) NoModRef JustRef JustMod : Ptr: B] <-> No alias May alias Partial alias Must alias Analysis counted: no alias may alias partial alias must alias %/ % no mod/ref Exhaustive Alias Analysis Precision Evaluator ===== Alias Analysis Evaluator Report ===== Alias Analysis Evaluator Summary: No pointers! Alias Analysis Evaluator Pointer Alias Summary: Alias Analysis Mod/Ref Evaluator Summary: no mod/ref! Total ModRef Queries Performed Alias Analysis Evaluator Mod/Ref Summary: aa-eval print-all-alias-modref-info print-no-aliases print-may-aliases print-partial-aliases print-must-aliases print-no-modref print-mod print-ref print-modref no alias responses may alias responses partial alias responses must alias responses % no mod/ref responses mod responses mod & ref responses pointers, call sites NoAlias MayAlias PartialAlias MustAlias Unknown alias query result! Just Mod Just Ref Both ModRef <-> AA use debugger debug-aa Alias Set Printer print-alias-sets AliasSet[ may must alias, No access Ref Mod Mod/Ref [volatile] forwarding to Pointers: Unknown instructions: Alias Set Tracker: alias sets for pointer values. Basic Alias Analysis (stateless AA impl) basicaa Branch Probability Analysis Print CFG of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) Print CFG of function to 'dot' file View CFG of function (with no function bodies) error opening file for writing! dot-cfg-only dot-cfg view-cfg-only View CFG of function view-cfg [shape=record, label="{ truncated... }"]; :s CFG for ' ' function digraph " " { digraph unnamed { label=" cfg. '... Print debug info in human readable form Print fullpath when printing debug info print-dbginfo print-fullpath is function of type declared at is variable elements] [local] [def] bits, bit alignment, bit offset [private] [protected] [fwd] Invalid DIType Derived From: @[ dot-postdom-only dot-postdom dot-dom-only dot-dom view-postdom-only view-postdom view-dom-only view-dom Post dominance root node postdomonly Post dominator tree Dominator tree Print postdominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) Print postdominance tree of function to 'dot' file Print dominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) Print dominance tree of function to 'dot' file View postdominance tree of function (with no function bodies) View postdominance tree of function View dominance tree of function (with no function bodies) View dominance tree of function Induction Variable Users IV Users for loop with backedge-taken count (post-inc with loop in ?Counts the various types of Instructions Number of non-external functions Number of instructions (of all types) Number of ExtractElement insts instcount Number of GetElementPtr insts Number of Load insts Number of Store insts Number of Call insts Number of Invoke insts Number of Alloca insts Number of memory instructions Number of basic blocks Number of Ret insts Number of Br insts Number of Switch insts Number of IndirectBr insts Number of Unwind insts Number of Resume insts Number of Unreachable insts Number of Add insts Number of FAdd insts Number of Sub insts Number of FSub insts Number of Mul insts Number of FMul insts Number of UDiv insts Number of SDiv insts Number of FDiv insts Number of URem insts Number of SRem insts Number of FRem insts Number of Shl insts Number of LShr insts Number of AShr insts Number of And insts Number of Or insts Number of Xor insts Number of Fence insts Number of AtomicCmpXchg insts Number of AtomicRMW insts Number of Trunc insts Number of ZExt insts Number of SExt insts Number of FPToUI insts Number of FPToSI insts Number of UIToFP insts Number of SIToFP insts Number of FPTrunc insts Number of FPExt insts Number of PtrToInt insts Number of IntToPtr insts Number of BitCast insts Number of ICmp insts Number of FCmp insts Number of PHI insts Number of Select insts Number of UserOp1 insts Number of UserOp2 insts Number of VAArg insts Number of InsertElement insts Number of ShuffleVector insts Number of ExtractValue insts Number of InsertValue insts Number of LandingPad insts Interval Partition Construction Lazy Value Information Analysis lazy-value-info overdefined notconstant< constantrange< LibCall Alias Analysis libcall-aa Statically lint-checks LLVM IR Undefined behavior: Null pointer dereference Undefined behavior: Undef pointer dereference Unusual: All-ones pointer dereference Unusual: Address one pointer dereference Undefined behavior: Write to read-only memory Undefined behavior: Write to text section Unusual: Load from function body Undefined behavior: Load from block address Undefined behavior: Call to block address Undefined behavior: Branch to non-blockaddress Undefined behavior: Memory reference address is misaligned Undefined behavior: Caller and callee calling convention differ Undefined behavior: Call argument count mismatches callee argument count Undefined behavior: Call return type mismatches callee return type Undefined behavior: Call argument type mismatches callee parameter type Unusual: noalias argument aliases another argument Undefined behavior: Call with "tail" keyword references alloca Undefined behavior: memcpy source and destination overlap Undefined behavior: va_start called in a non-varargs function Unusual: Unnamed function with non-local linkage Unusual: Return statement in function with noreturn attribute Unusual: Returning alloca value Undefined behavior: indirectbr with no destinations Undefined result: sub(undef, undef) Undefined behavior: Division by zero Undefined result: Shift count out of range Undefined result: xor(undef, undef) Pessimization: Static alloca outside of entry block Undefined result: extractelement index out of range Undefined result: insertelement index out of range Unusual: unreachable immediately preceded by instruction without side effects lint Loop Dependence Analysis , header block: Load/store instructions: independent Pairwise dependence results: Number of dependence queries answered Number of distinct dependence pairs analysed Number of pairs with dependent accesses Number of pairs with independent accesses Number of pairs with unknown accesses verify-loop-info Natural Loop Information Verify loop info (time consuming) Loop Pass Manager Loop Pass Manager deque::_M_new_elements_at_front deque::_M_new_elements_at_back Print MemDeps of function print-memdeps in block from: Clobber NonFuncLocal Unknown _ZdlPv _ZdaPv _Znwj _Znaj _Znam _Znwm Memory Dependence Analysis Number of block queries that were completely cached Number of fully cached non-local ptr responses Number of cached, but dirty, non-local ptr responses Number of uncached non-local ptr responses Number of fully cached non-local responses Number of dirty cached non-local responses Number of uncached non-local responses Decodes module-level debug info module-debuginfo Compile Unit: Subprogram: GlobalVariable: Type: No Alias Analysis (always returns 'may' alias) no-aa Non phi translatable instruction found in PHITransAddr: PHITransAddr contains extra instructions: InstInput # .phi.trans.insert PHITransAddr: null PHITransAddr: Input # path-profile-early-termination In path profiling, insert extra instrumentation to account for unexpected function termination. ( ( Path Profiling Information Loader Load path profile information from file Path profile file loaded by -path-profile-loader warning: argument info header/data mismatch warning: path info header/data mismatch warning: bad header for path function info warning: path function info header/data mismatch error: bad path profiling file syntax, NoPathProfileInfo No Path Profile Information no-path-profile path-profile-loader path-profile-loader-file error: input ' ' file does not exist. Path Profiler Verifier path-profile-verifier path-profile-verifier-file edgefrompath.llvmprof.out error [ ()]: edge duplicate number error: unable to open file ' ' for output. Generating edge profile ' ' ... ()]: source ' ()]: target ' Compare the path profile derived edge profile against the edge profile. Edge profile file generated by -path-profile-verifier ' does not exist in the array map. does not exist in the array map. Post-Dominator Tree Construction postdomtree Profiling information estimator Number of loop executions used for profile-estimator Estimate profiling information profile-estimator-loop-weight profile-estimator NoProfileInfo No Profile Information no-profile (MF) (MB) ASSERT: could not repair function : arguments packet truncated! : data packet truncated! : Error opening ' : Unknown packet type # Profiling information loader profile-info-file the current program! The # of edges read. Load profile information from llvmprof.out Profile file loaded by -profile-loader WARNING: profile information is inconsistent with Profiling information verifier inWeight and BBWeight do not match BBWeight and outWeight do not match inWeight and outWeight do not match Function count and entry block count do not match Verify profiling information profile-verifier-noassert Disable assertions Block in Function ASSERT: Edge Edge has missing value Edge has negative value BasicBlock has missing value BasicBlock has negative value No ProfileInfo available verify-region-info print no details print-region-style style of printing regions => Region tree: End region tree region The # of regions The # of simple regions Detect single entry single exit regions Verify region info (time consuming) print regions in detail with element_iterator print regions in detail with block_iterator Region Pass Manager Region Pass Manager Print regions of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies) View regions of function (with no function bodies) Print regions of function to 'dot' file Show only simple regions in the graphviz viewer dot-regions-only view-regions-only View regions of function view-regions dot-regions only-simple-regions regonly Not implemented subgraph cluster_ label = ""; style = filled; color = style = solid; constraint=false Region Graph colorscheme = "paired12" Scalar Evolution Analysis (trunc (zext (sext ,+, }< nuw>< nsw>< nw>< * umax smax /u alignof( ***COULDNOTCOMPUTE*** Loop max backedge-taken count is Classifying expressions for: --> Exits: <> scalar-evolution-max-iterations Maximum number of iterations SCEV will symbolically execute a constant derived loop Unpredictable backedge-taken count. Unpredictable max backedge-taken count. Determining loop execution counts for: Number of loops with trip counts computed by force Number of trip counts computed with array length Number of loops with predictable loop counts Number of loops without predictable loop counts ScalarEvolution-based Alias Analysis scev-aa uglygep scevgep .iv.next .iv smax indvar indvar.next Type-Based Alias Analysis enable-tbaa Dominance Frontier Construction DomFrontier for BB is: ------------------------------------------------------------- Interval Contents: Interval Predecessors: Interval Successors: " __unnamed_ Bad TargetData ctor used. Tool did not specify a TargetData to use? Target Data Layout targetdata -p: a i i i i f i i i i i i i i i i i i s i i v Target Library Information targetlibinfo cl::location(x) specified more than once! Disable frame pointer elimination optimization Disable frame pointer elimination optimization for non-leaf funcs Disable optimizations that may increase FP precision Enable less precise MAD instructions to be generated Enable optimizations that may decrease FP precision Enable FP math optimizations that assume no +-Infs Enable FP math optimizations that assume no NaNs enable-sign-dependent-rounding-fp-math Force codegen to assume rounding mode can change dynamically Generate software floating point library calls Hard float ABI (uses FP registers) Soft float ABI (implied by -soft-float) Don't place zero-initialized symbols into bss section Emit exception handling information Emit debug information to debugger Emit debug info objfiles to disk Turn fastcc calls into tail calls by (potentially) changing ABI. Override default stack alignment Emit a call to trap function rather than a trap instruction Emit data into separate sections Emit functions into separate sections Use segmented stacks if possible. print-machineinstrs Print generated machine code disable-fp-elim disable-non-leaf-fp-elim disable-excess-fp-precision enable-fp-mad enable-unsafe-fp-math enable-no-infs-fp-math enable-no-nans-fp-math hard Target default float ABI type Choose float ABI type nozero-initialized-in-bss jit-enable-eh jit-emit-debug jit-emit-debug-to-disk tailcallopt stack-alignment Realign stack if needed realign-stack disable-jump-tables Do not generate jump tables. strong-phi-elim Use strong PHI elimination. trap-func fdata-sections ffunction-sections segmented-stacks %noreg SS# %vreg %physreg :sub( @@@ .data.rel.ro.local .data.rel .rodata .symtab .shstrtab .symtab_shndx .strtab .rela reloc-info A @@ version cannot be undefined Size expression must be absolute. Total number of PIC Relocations Total number of non-PIC relocations invalid 'common' alignment ' unable to evaluate offset for variable ' unable to evaluate offset to undefined symbol ' FK_Data_1 FK_Data_2 FK_Data_4 FK_Data_8 FK_PCRel_1 FK_PCRel_2 FK_PCRel_4 FK_PCRel_8 NO_APP .code16 .code32 .code64 .zero .ascii .asciz .byte .short .long .quad $d. $a. .align .globl .linkonce discard .secrel32 InlineAsm Start InlineAsm End .weak_definition .weak_reference .space L$start$code$ L$start$data$ L$start$jt8$ L$start$jt16$ L$start$jt32$ __text .syntax unified .subsections_via_symbols .type gnu_indirect_function tls_object no_type gnu_unique_object .hidden .indirect_symbol .internal .lazy_reference .local .no_dead_strip .symbol_resolver .private_extern .protected .reference .weak_definition .weak_def_can_be_hidden .cfi_sections .eh_frame , .debug_frame .cfi_def_cfa_offset .cfi_def_cfa .cfi_endproc .cfi_startproc .cfi_personality .cfi_offset .cfi_def_cfa_register .p2alignw .p2alignl , 0x .balign .balignw .balignl .handlerdata .personality .cantunwind .fnend .fnstart .org .endef .pad # .seh_endprologue .seh_savexmm .seh_savereg .seh_stackalloc .seh_setframe .seh_pushreg .seh_handlerdata .xdata .size .def .desc .weakref .thumb_func .seh_endchained .seh_startchained .seh_endproc .seh_proc encoding: [ 0x%02x 0b fixup offset: , value: , kind: .lcomm .comm .scl .zerofill \b \f \n \r \t .file .tbss .sleb128 .uleb128 .vsave { .save { .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset .cfi_rel_offset .cfi_same_value .cfi_restore_state .cfi_remember_state .cfi_lsda .setfp .seh_pushframe .seh_handler , @unwind , @except .loc basic_block prologue_end epilogue_begin is_stmt isa discriminator Don't know how to emit this value. > <> GOTNTPOFF TLSLD TLSLDM DTPOFF (GOT) (GOTOFF) (tpoff) (gottpoff) (tlsgd) ha16 got gotoff gotpcrel indntpoff gotntpoff tlsld tlsldm dtpoff tlvp mcexpr Number of MCExpr evaluations .set .equ .ascii .asciz .string .short .2byte .long .4byte .quad .8byte .single .float .align .align32 .p2align .p2alignw .p2alignl .org .fill .space .skip .globl .global .lazy_reference .no_dead_strip .symbol_resolver .private_extern .reference .weak_definition .weak_reference .weak_def_can_be_hidden .comm .common .abort .abort ' .include basic_string::substr Could not find include file ' not supported yet ignoring directive for now parsed instruction: [ .ifnotdef .else .equiv .byte .double .zero .indirect_symbol .lcomm unexpected ' ' (already modified) ' (no symbols present) invalid modifier ' unmatched .ifs or .elses for .file directives unassigned file number: ' not defined assembler local symbol ' expected ')' in parentheses expression expected identifier in directive non-local symbol required in directive unexpected modifier on variable reference invalid reference to undefined symbol brackets expression not supported on this target expected ']' in brackets expression expected identifier after '.ifdef' expected section directive before assembly directive literal value out of range for directive invalid floating point literal alignment directive can never be satisfied in this many bytes, ignoring maximum bytes expression maximum bytes expression exceeds alignment and has no effect unexpected token in '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive size, can't be less than zero invalid '.comm' or '.lcomm' directive alignment, can't be less than zero alignment must be a power of 2 unexpected token in '.line' directive unexpected token in '.file' directive explicit path specified, but no file number unexpected token in '.loc' directive file number less than one in '.loc' directive unassigned file number in '.loc' directive line number less than one in '.loc' directive column position less than zero in '.loc' directive is_stmt value not the constant value of 0 or 1 isa number not a constant value unknown sub-directive in '.loc' directive unexpected token in assignment assignment to pseudo-symbol '.' is unsupported (use '.space' or '.org').) invalid reassignment of non-absolute variable ' unexpected token in '.macro' directive no matching '.endmacro' in definition unexpected backslash at end of string invalid octal escape sequence (out of range) invalid escape sequence (unrecognized character) unexpected token at start of statement unexpected token in '.if' directive Encountered a .elseif that doesn't follow a .if or an .elseif unexpected token in '.elseif' directive unexpected token in '.else' directive Encountered a .else that doesn't follow a .if or an .elseif unexpected token in '.endif' directive Encountered a .endif that doesn't follow a .if or .else invalid use of pseudo-symbol '.' as a label macros cannot be nested more than 20 levels deep unexpected token in macro instantiation unexpected token in '.org' directive unexpected token in '.fill' directive invalid '.fill' size, expected 1, 2, 4, or 8 unexpected token in '.space' directive invalid number of bytes in '.space' directive unexpected token in '.zero' directive unexpected token in '.abort' directive .abort detected. Assembly stopping. ' detected. Assembly stopping. expected string in '.include' directive unexpected token in '.include' directive ' in file, no current macro definition invalid variant on expression ' unexpected symbol modifier following '@' .def .scl .type .seh_proc .seh_handler .seh_pushreg .seh_setframe .seh_stackalloc .seh_savereg .seh_savexmm .weak register number is too high expected @code size is not a multiple of 8 expected @unwind or @except register can't be represented in SEH unwind info unexpected token in section switching directive you must specify an offset on the stack offset is not a multiple of 16 a handler attribute must begin with '@' you must specify a stack pointer offset you must specify one or both of @unwind or @except .lsym .dump .section .secure_log_unique .secure_log_reset .zerofill .const .const_data .constructor .cstring .destructor .dyld .fvmlib_init0 .fvmlib_init1 .lazy_symbol_pointer .literal16 .literal4 .literal8 .mod_init_func .mod_term_func .non_lazy_symbol_pointer .objc_cat_cls_meth .objc_cat_inst_meth .objc_category .objc_class .objc_class_names .objc_class_vars .objc_cls_meth .objc_cls_refs .objc_inst_meth .objc_instance_vars .objc_message_refs .objc_meta_class .objc_meth_var_names .objc_meth_var_types .objc_module_info .objc_protocol .objc_selector_strs .objc_string_object .objc_symbols .picsymbol_stub .static_const .static_data .symbol_stub .thread_init_func .tlv .ident __dyld __fvmlib_init0 __fvmlib_init1 __OBJC __cat_cls_meth __cat_inst_meth __category __class __class_vars __cls_meth __cls_refs __inst_meth __instance_vars __message_refs __meta_class __module_info __protocol __selector_strs __string_object __symbols __picsymbol_stub __static_const __static_data __symbol_stub can't open secure log file: unexpected token in '.subsections_via_symbols' directive unexpected token in '.secure_log_reset' directive unexpected token in '.lsym' directive directive '.lsym' is unsupported unexpected token in '.desc' directive expected string in '.dump' or '.load' directive unexpected token in '.dump' or '.load' directive ignoring directive .dump for now ignoring directive .load for now expected identifier after '.section' directive unexpected token in '.section' directive expected segment name after '.zerofill' directive expected section name after comma in '.zerofill' directive unexpected token in '.zerofill' directive invalid '.zerofill' directive size, can't be less than zero invalid '.zerofill' directive alignment, can't be less than zero unexpected token in '.tbss' directive invalid '.tbss' directive size, can't be less thanzero invalid '.tbss' alignment, can't be lessthan zero unexpected token in '.secure_log_unique' directive .secure_log_unique specified multiple times .secure_log_unique used but AS_SECURE_LOG_FILE environment variable unset. .pushsection .popsection .previous .symver .weakref .protected .internal .hidden .comment expected a comma expected a '@' in the name notype .fini expected string in directive unknown flag expected the entry size entry size must be positive expected group name Linkage must be 'comdat' unknown section type unexpected token in '.ident' directive .popsection without corresponding .pushsection .previous without corresponding .section unexpected token in '.type' directive expected '@' or '%' before type expected symbol type in directive unsupported attribute in '.type' directive Mergeable section must specify the type Group section must specify the type invalid decimal number invalid binary number invalid hexadecimal number invalid octal number unterminated string constant unterminated single quote single quote way too long '\ unterminated comment invalid character in input uno ueq sgt sge slt sle nuw nsw exact inbounds linker_private linker_private_weak linker_private_weak_def_auto internal linkonce linkonce_odr weak_odr common appending dllimport dllexport extern_weak available_externally hidden protected = type = !{ ; Materializable declare fastcc coldcc x86_stdcallcc x86_fastcallcc x86_thiscallcc ptx_kernel ptx_device unnamed_addr gc " printing a value asm sideeffect alignstack ", " <> = <> = tail atomic volatile : No predecessors! preds = ; [ DW_TAG_user_base ] ; [ external thread_local unnamed_addr global constant , section " zeroinitializer blockaddress( c" ; ModuleID = ' target datalayout = " target triple = " module asm " deplibs = [ = metadata ; Error: Block without parent! N4llvm5ValueE N4llvm24AssemblyAnnotationWriterE PAL[ } zeroext signext noreturn nounwind uwtable returns_twice noalias nocapture readnone readonly optsize noinline inlinehint alwaysinline ssp sspreq noredzone noimplicitfloat naked nonlazybind alignstack( N4llvm10FoldingSetINS_17AttributeListImplEEE llvm.dbg.func.start llvm.dbg.stoppoint llvm.dbg.region.start llvm.dbg.region.end x86.sse42.crc32.8 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.32.8 x86.sse42.crc32.32 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.32.32 x86.sse42.crc64.8 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.64.8 x86.sse42.crc64.64 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.64.64 x86.sse42.crc32.16 llvm.x86.sse42.crc32.32.16 llvm.x86.sse.loadu.ps llvm.x86.sse2.loadu.dq llvm.x86.sse2.loadu.pd new.cast llvm.x86.sse2.movnt.dq llvm.x86.sse2.movnt.pd llvm.x86.sse2.movnt.i llvm.atomic llvm.atomic.swap llvm.atomic.load.add llvm.atomic.load.sub llvm.atomic.load.and llvm.atomic.load.nand llvm.atomic.load.or llvm.atomic.load.xor llvm.atomic.load.max llvm.atomic.load.min llvm.atomic.load.umax llvm.atomic.load.umin llvm.memory.barrier llvm.x86.sse.movnt.ps llvm.atomic.cmp.swap llvm.eh.exception llvm.eh.selector new.lpad exn.load sel.load N4llvm10BasicBlockE N4llvm10ilist_nodeINS_10BasicBlockEEE N4llvm15ilist_half_nodeINS_10BasicBlockEEE N4llvm10UndefValueE N4llvm12ConstantExprE N4llvm12BlockAddressE N4llvm19ConstantPointerNullE N4llvm14ConstantVectorE N4llvm14ConstantStructE N4llvm13ConstantArrayE N4llvm21ConstantAggregateZeroE N4llvm8ConstantE N4llvm4UserE N4llvm25GetElementPtrConstantExprE N4llvm17UnaryConstantExprE N4llvm18BinaryConstantExprE N4llvm18SelectConstantExprE N4llvm26ExtractElementConstantExprE N4llvm25InsertElementConstantExprE N4llvm25ShuffleVectorConstantExprE N4llvm23InsertValueConstantExprE N4llvm24ExtractValueConstantExprE N4llvm19CompareConstantExprE N4llvm10ConstantFPE N4llvm11ConstantIntE N4llvm10DebugRecVHE enable-debug-info-probe Enable debug info probe times line number info lost by times variable info lost by N4llvm2cl11OptionValueIbEE N4llvm2cl15OptionValueBaseIbLb0EEE N4llvm2cl15OptionValueCopyIbEE N4llvm2cl18GenericOptionValueE verify-dom-info Dominator Tree Construction Actual: Verify dominator info (time consuming) DominatorTree is not up to date! Computed: N4llvm13DominatorTreeE N4llvm17DominatorTreeBaseINS_10BasicBlockEEE N4llvm13DominatorBaseINS_10BasicBlockEEE N4llvm2cl3optIbLb1ENS0_6parserIbEEEE N4llvm2cl11opt_storageIbLb1ELb0EEE rm.neon.vabds. rm.neon.vabdu. rm.neon.vabs. rm.neon.vaddhn. rm.neon.vcls. rm.neon.vclz. rm.neon.vcnt. rm.neon.vcvtfp2fxs. rm.neon.vcvtfp2fxu. rm.neon.vcvtfxs2fp. rm.neon.vcvtfxu2fp. rm.neon.vhadds. rm.neon.vhaddu. rm.neon.vhsubs. rm.neon.vhsubu. rm.neon.vld1. rm.neon.vld2. rm.neon.vld2lane. rm.neon.vld3. rm.neon.vld3lane. rm.neon.vld4. rm.neon.vld4lane. rm.neon.vmaxs. rm.neon.vmaxu. rm.neon.vmins. rm.neon.vminu. rm.neon.vmullp. rm.neon.vmulls. rm.neon.vmullu. rm.neon.vmulp. rm.neon.vpadals. rm.neon.vpadalu. rm.neon.vpadd. rm.neon.vpaddls. rm.neon.vpaddlu. rm.neon.vpmaxs. rm.neon.vpmaxu. rm.neon.vpmins. rm.neon.vpminu. rm.neon.vqabs. rm.neon.vqadds. rm.neon.vqaddu. rm.neon.vqdmlal. rm.neon.vqdmlsl. rm.neon.vqdmulh. rm.neon.vqdmull. rm.neon.vqmovns. rm.neon.vqmovnsu. rm.neon.vqmovnu. rm.neon.vqneg. rm.neon.vqrdmulh. rm.neon.vqrshiftns. rm.neon.vqrshiftnsu. rm.neon.vqrshiftnu. rm.neon.vqrshifts. rm.neon.vqrshiftu. rm.neon.vqshiftns. rm.neon.vqshiftnsu. rm.neon.vqshiftnu. rm.neon.vqshifts. rm.neon.vqshiftsu. rm.neon.vqshiftu. rm.neon.vqsubs. rm.neon.vqsubu. rm.neon.vraddhn. rm.neon.vrecpe. rm.neon.vrecps. rm.neon.vrhadds. rm.neon.vrhaddu. rm.neon.vrshiftn. rm.neon.vrshifts. rm.neon.vrshiftu. rm.neon.vrsqrte. rm.neon.vrsqrts. rm.neon.vrsubhn. rm.neon.vshiftins. rm.neon.vshiftls. rm.neon.vshiftlu. rm.neon.vshiftn. rm.neon.vshifts. rm.neon.vshiftu. rm.neon.vst1. rm.neon.vst2. rm.neon.vst2lane. rm.neon.vst3. rm.neon.vst3lane. rm.neon.vst4. rm.neon.vst4lane. rm.neon.vsubhn. rm.vcvtr. rm.vcvtru. rm. rm.neon.vtb rm.neon.vacg eon.vcvt swap. onvertff. onvertfsi. onvertfui. onvertsif. onvertss. onvertsu. onvertuif. onvertus. onvertuu. os. tlz. tpop. ttz. xp. xp2. xpect. eturn.i ma. og. og10. og2. emcpy. emmove. emset. bjectsize. owi. tr.annotation. pc.dcb tx. ead.pm tx.read. tid. x.read.nctaid. pc.altivec. vg pc.altivec.v x.read.lanemask. add.with.overflow. mul.with.overflow. sub.with.overflow. pu.si. fnm hlqb core.chkct. core.eeu. core.endin. core.freer. core.getr. core.getst. core.getts. core.in. core.inct. core.initcp. core.initdp. core.initlr. core.initpc. core.initsp. core.inshr. core.int. core.mjoin. core.msync. core.out. core.outct. core.outshr. core.outt. core.peek. core.setc. core.setclk. core.setd. core.setev. core.setpsc. core.setpt. core.setrdy. core.settw. core.setv. core.syncr. core.testct. core.testwct. core. 86.mmx. 86. mx.p mp. 1.dpp dnow.p mi. hi. ep. li. vg. sni.aes mi.bextr. q. ubus. sqrt. dd.p 1.p xtr e3.pabs. vx. mi.blsmsk. npck q2p ddus. lendp e3.p ub. gn. pfr pit mp.p n.p .addsub.p lendvp ound. e3.ph askload.p qrt.p testnzc.p lend.p oadu. vnt. und.p lendv.p q2.p ovmsk.p toreu. ermilvar.p 2.crc32. permil.p se42.pcmp stri askstore.p sni.aeskeygenassist x.v roadcast.sd.256 i.256 sse3.pmadd.ub.sw.128 86.avx.vinsertf128. 86.avx.vextractf128. 86.avx.vbroadcastf128.p nu_ __builtin_ tack_save __builtin_stack_restore __builtin_init_trampoline __builtin_adjust_trampoline alpha __builtin_alpha_umulh __builtin_arm_ __builtin_arm_mcrr2 __builtin_thread_pointer ppc __builtin_altivec_ __builtin_altivec_v ptx __builtin_ptx_ ead_pm __builtin_ptx_read_smid __builtin_ptx_read_ tid_ __builtin_ptx_read_nctaid_ __builtin_ptx_read_lanemask_ __builtin_si_a __builtin_si_ __builtin_ia32_por __builtin_ia32_ ivs ddp hi_ ubus ddsubp np extr_u qrtp comisd permilp vts 642s vnt ddus undp vmskp vttp xtractps128 xt_v4hi et_v4hi ermil askloadp minposuw128 testnzcp __builtin_ia32_maskstorep __builtin_ia32_v roadcasts ermilvarp __builtin_ia32_vperm2f128_ i256 __builtin_ia32_vinsertf128_ eskeygenassist128 extractf128_ ldqi128_byteshift broadcastf128_p not_intrinsic llvm.adjust.trampoline llvm.alpha.umulh llvm.annotation llvm.arm.cdp llvm.arm.cdp2 llvm.arm.get.fpscr llvm.arm.ldrexd llvm.arm.mcr llvm.arm.mcr2 llvm.arm.mcrr llvm.arm.mcrr2 llvm.arm.mrc llvm.arm.mrc2 llvm.arm.neon.vabds llvm.arm.neon.vabdu llvm.arm.neon.vabs llvm.arm.neon.vacged llvm.arm.neon.vacgeq llvm.arm.neon.vacgtd llvm.arm.neon.vacgtq llvm.arm.neon.vaddhn llvm.arm.neon.vcls llvm.arm.neon.vclz llvm.arm.neon.vcnt llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfp2fxs llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfp2fxu llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfp2hf llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfxs2fp llvm.arm.neon.vcvtfxu2fp llvm.arm.neon.vcvthf2fp llvm.arm.neon.vhadds llvm.arm.neon.vhaddu llvm.arm.neon.vhsubs llvm.arm.neon.vhsubu llvm.arm.neon.vld1 llvm.arm.neon.vld2 llvm.arm.neon.vld2lane llvm.arm.neon.vld3 llvm.arm.neon.vld3lane llvm.arm.neon.vld4 llvm.arm.neon.vld4lane llvm.arm.neon.vmaxs llvm.arm.neon.vmaxu llvm.arm.neon.vmins llvm.arm.neon.vminu llvm.arm.neon.vmullp llvm.arm.neon.vmulls llvm.arm.neon.vmullu llvm.arm.neon.vmulp llvm.arm.neon.vpadals llvm.arm.neon.vpadalu llvm.arm.neon.vpadd llvm.arm.neon.vpaddls llvm.arm.neon.vpaddlu llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxs llvm.arm.neon.vpmaxu llvm.arm.neon.vpmins llvm.arm.neon.vpminu llvm.arm.neon.vqabs llvm.arm.neon.vqadds llvm.arm.neon.vqaddu llvm.arm.neon.vqdmlal llvm.arm.neon.vqdmlsl llvm.arm.neon.vqdmulh llvm.arm.neon.vqdmull llvm.arm.neon.vqmovns llvm.arm.neon.vqmovnsu llvm.arm.neon.vqmovnu llvm.arm.neon.vqneg llvm.arm.neon.vqrdmulh llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftns llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftnsu llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftnu llvm.arm.neon.vqrshifts llvm.arm.neon.vqrshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftns llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftnsu llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftnu llvm.arm.neon.vqshifts llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftsu llvm.arm.neon.vqshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vqsubs llvm.arm.neon.vqsubu llvm.arm.neon.vraddhn llvm.arm.neon.vrecpe llvm.arm.neon.vrecps llvm.arm.neon.vrhadds llvm.arm.neon.vrhaddu llvm.arm.neon.vrshiftn llvm.arm.neon.vrshifts llvm.arm.neon.vrshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrte llvm.arm.neon.vrsqrts llvm.arm.neon.vrsubhn llvm.arm.neon.vshiftins llvm.arm.neon.vshiftls llvm.arm.neon.vshiftlu llvm.arm.neon.vshiftn llvm.arm.neon.vshifts llvm.arm.neon.vshiftu llvm.arm.neon.vst1 llvm.arm.neon.vst2 llvm.arm.neon.vst2lane llvm.arm.neon.vst3 llvm.arm.neon.vst3lane llvm.arm.neon.vst4 llvm.arm.neon.vst4lane llvm.arm.neon.vsubhn llvm.arm.neon.vtbl1 llvm.arm.neon.vtbl2 llvm.arm.neon.vtbl3 llvm.arm.neon.vtbl4 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx1 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx2 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx3 llvm.arm.neon.vtbx4 llvm.arm.qadd llvm.arm.qsub llvm.arm.set.fpscr llvm.arm.ssat llvm.arm.strexd llvm.arm.thread.pointer llvm.arm.usat llvm.arm.vcvtr llvm.arm.vcvtru llvm.bswap llvm.convert.from.fp16 llvm.convert.to.fp16 llvm.convertff llvm.convertfsi llvm.convertfui llvm.convertsif llvm.convertss llvm.convertsu llvm.convertuif llvm.convertus llvm.convertuu llvm.cos llvm.ctlz llvm.ctpop llvm.cttz llvm.eh.dwarf.cfa llvm.eh.return.i32 llvm.eh.return.i64 llvm.eh.sjlj.callsite llvm.eh.sjlj.dispatch.setup llvm.eh.sjlj.functioncontext llvm.eh.sjlj.longjmp llvm.eh.sjlj.lsda llvm.eh.sjlj.setjmp llvm.eh.typeid.for llvm.eh.unwind.init llvm.exp llvm.exp2 llvm.expect llvm.flt.rounds llvm.fma llvm.frameaddress llvm.gcread llvm.gcroot llvm.gcwrite llvm.invariant.end llvm.invariant.start llvm.lifetime.end llvm.lifetime.start llvm.log llvm.log10 llvm.log2 llvm.longjmp llvm.memcpy llvm.memmove llvm.memset llvm.objectsize llvm.pcmarker llvm.pow llvm.powi llvm.ppc.altivec.dss llvm.ppc.altivec.dssall llvm.ppc.altivec.dst llvm.ppc.altivec.dstst llvm.ppc.altivec.dststt llvm.ppc.altivec.dstt llvm.ppc.altivec.lvebx llvm.ppc.altivec.lvehx llvm.ppc.altivec.lvewx llvm.ppc.altivec.lvsl llvm.ppc.altivec.lvsr llvm.ppc.altivec.lvx llvm.ppc.altivec.lvxl llvm.ppc.altivec.mfvscr llvm.ppc.altivec.mtvscr llvm.ppc.altivec.stvebx llvm.ppc.altivec.stvehx llvm.ppc.altivec.stvewx llvm.ppc.altivec.stvx llvm.ppc.altivec.stvxl llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddcuw llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddsbs llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddshs llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddsws llvm.ppc.altivec.vaddubs llvm.ppc.altivec.vadduhs llvm.ppc.altivec.vadduws llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgsb llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgsh llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgsw llvm.ppc.altivec.vavgub llvm.ppc.altivec.vavguh llvm.ppc.altivec.vavguw llvm.ppc.altivec.vcfsx llvm.ppc.altivec.vcfux llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpbfp llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpbfp.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpeqfp llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpeqfp.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequb llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequb.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequh llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequh.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequw llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpequw.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgefp llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgefp.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtfp llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtfp.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsb llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsb.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsh llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsh.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsw llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtsw.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtub llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtub.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtuh llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtuh.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtuw llvm.ppc.altivec.vcmpgtuw.p llvm.ppc.altivec.vctsxs llvm.ppc.altivec.vctuxs llvm.ppc.altivec.vexptefp llvm.ppc.altivec.vlogefp llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaddfp llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxfp llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxsb llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxsh llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxsw llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxub llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxuh llvm.ppc.altivec.vmaxuw llvm.ppc.altivec.vmhaddshs llvm.ppc.altivec.vmhraddshs llvm.ppc.altivec.vminfp llvm.ppc.altivec.vminsb llvm.ppc.altivec.vminsh llvm.ppc.altivec.vminsw llvm.ppc.altivec.vminub llvm.ppc.altivec.vminuh llvm.ppc.altivec.vminuw llvm.ppc.altivec.vmladduhm llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsummbm llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumshm llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumshs llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumubm llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumuhm llvm.ppc.altivec.vmsumuhs llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulesb llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulesh llvm.ppc.altivec.vmuleub llvm.ppc.altivec.vmuleuh llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulosb llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulosh llvm.ppc.altivec.vmuloub llvm.ppc.altivec.vmulouh llvm.ppc.altivec.vnmsubfp llvm.ppc.altivec.vperm llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkpx llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkshss llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkshus llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkswss llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkswus llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkuhus llvm.ppc.altivec.vpkuwus llvm.ppc.altivec.vrefp llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfim llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfin llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfip llvm.ppc.altivec.vrfiz 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llvm.ptr.annotation llvm.ptx.bar.sync llvm.ptx.read.clock llvm.ptx.read.clock64 llvm.ptx.read.ctaid.w llvm.ptx.read.ctaid.x llvm.ptx.read.ctaid.y llvm.ptx.read.ctaid.z llvm.ptx.read.gridid llvm.ptx.read.laneid llvm.ptx.read.lanemask.eq llvm.ptx.read.lanemask.ge llvm.ptx.read.lanemask.gt llvm.ptx.read.lanemask.le llvm.ptx.read.lanemask.lt llvm.ptx.read.nctaid.w llvm.ptx.read.nctaid.x llvm.ptx.read.nctaid.y llvm.ptx.read.nctaid.z llvm.ptx.read.nsmid llvm.ptx.read.ntid.w llvm.ptx.read.ntid.x llvm.ptx.read.ntid.y llvm.ptx.read.ntid.z llvm.ptx.read.nwarpid llvm.ptx.read.pm0 llvm.ptx.read.pm1 llvm.ptx.read.pm2 llvm.ptx.read.pm3 llvm.ptx.read.smid llvm.ptx.read.tid.w llvm.ptx.read.tid.x llvm.ptx.read.tid.y llvm.ptx.read.tid.z llvm.ptx.read.warpid llvm.readcyclecounter llvm.returnaddress llvm.sadd.with.overflow llvm.setjmp llvm.siglongjmp llvm.sigsetjmp llvm.sin llvm.smul.with.overflow llvm.spu.si.a llvm.spu.si.addx llvm.spu.si.ah llvm.spu.si.ahi llvm.spu.si.ai llvm.spu.si.and llvm.spu.si.andbi llvm.spu.si.andc llvm.spu.si.andhi llvm.spu.si.andi llvm.spu.si.bg llvm.spu.si.bgx llvm.spu.si.ceq llvm.spu.si.ceqb llvm.spu.si.ceqbi llvm.spu.si.ceqh llvm.spu.si.ceqhi llvm.spu.si.ceqi llvm.spu.si.cg llvm.spu.si.cgt llvm.spu.si.cgtb llvm.spu.si.cgtbi llvm.spu.si.cgth llvm.spu.si.cgthi llvm.spu.si.cgti llvm.spu.si.cgx llvm.spu.si.clgt llvm.spu.si.clgtb llvm.spu.si.clgtbi llvm.spu.si.clgth llvm.spu.si.clgthi llvm.spu.si.clgti llvm.spu.si.dfa llvm.spu.si.dfm llvm.spu.si.dfma llvm.spu.si.dfms llvm.spu.si.dfnma llvm.spu.si.dfnms llvm.spu.si.dfs llvm.spu.si.fa llvm.spu.si.fceq llvm.spu.si.fcgt llvm.spu.si.fcmeq llvm.spu.si.fcmgt llvm.spu.si.fm llvm.spu.si.fma llvm.spu.si.fms llvm.spu.si.fnms llvm.spu.si.fs llvm.spu.si.fsmbi llvm.spu.si.mpy llvm.spu.si.mpya llvm.spu.si.mpyh llvm.spu.si.mpyhh llvm.spu.si.mpyhha llvm.spu.si.mpyhhau llvm.spu.si.mpyhhu llvm.spu.si.mpyi llvm.spu.si.mpys llvm.spu.si.mpyu llvm.spu.si.mpyui llvm.spu.si.nand llvm.spu.si.nor llvm.spu.si.or llvm.spu.si.orbi llvm.spu.si.orc llvm.spu.si.orhi llvm.spu.si.ori llvm.spu.si.sf llvm.spu.si.sfh llvm.spu.si.sfhi llvm.spu.si.sfi llvm.spu.si.sfx llvm.spu.si.shli llvm.spu.si.shlqbi llvm.spu.si.shlqbii llvm.spu.si.shlqby llvm.spu.si.shlqbyi llvm.spu.si.xor llvm.spu.si.xorbi llvm.spu.si.xorhi llvm.spu.si.xori llvm.sqrt llvm.ssub.with.overflow llvm.stackprotector llvm.stackrestore llvm.stacksave llvm.trap llvm.uadd.with.overflow llvm.umul.with.overflow llvm.usub.with.overflow llvm.va_copy llvm.va_end llvm.var.annotation llvm.va_start llvm.x86.3dnow.pavgusb llvm.x86.3dnow.pf2id llvm.x86.3dnow.pfacc llvm.x86.3dnow.pfadd llvm.x86.3dnow.pfcmpeq llvm.x86.3dnow.pfcmpge llvm.x86.3dnow.pfcmpgt llvm.x86.3dnow.pfmax llvm.x86.3dnow.pfmin llvm.x86.3dnow.pfmul llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrcp llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrcpit1 llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrcpit2 llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrsqit1 llvm.x86.3dnow.pfrsqrt llvm.x86.3dnow.pfsub llvm.x86.3dnow.pfsubr llvm.x86.3dnow.pi2fd llvm.x86.3dnow.pmulhrw llvm.x86.3dnowa.pf2iw llvm.x86.3dnowa.pfnacc llvm.x86.3dnowa.pfpnacc llvm.x86.3dnowa.pi2fw llvm.x86.3dnowa.pswapd llvm.x86.aesni.aesdec llvm.x86.aesni.aesdeclast llvm.x86.aesni.aesenc llvm.x86.aesni.aesenclast llvm.x86.aesni.aesimc llvm.x86.avx.addsub.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.addsub.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.blend.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.blend.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.blendv.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.blendv.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.cmp.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.cmp.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvt.pd2.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvt.pd2dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvt.ps2.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvt.ps2dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvtdq2.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvtdq2.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvtt.pd2dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.cvtt.ps2dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.dp.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.hadd.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.hadd.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.hsub.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.hsub.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.ldu.dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.loadu.dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.loadu.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.loadu.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.maskload.pd llvm.x86.avx.maskload.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.maskload.ps llvm.x86.avx.maskload.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.maskstore.pd llvm.x86.avx.maskstore.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.maskstore.ps llvm.x86.avx.maskstore.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.max.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.max.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.min.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.min.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.movmsk.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.movmsk.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.movnt.dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.movnt.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.movnt.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.ptestc.256 llvm.x86.avx.ptestnzc.256 llvm.x86.avx.ptestz.256 llvm.x86.avx.rcp.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.round.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.round.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.rsqrt.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.sqrt.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.sqrt.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.storeu.dq.256 llvm.x86.avx.storeu.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.storeu.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vbroadcastss llvm.x86.avx.vbroadcastss.256 llvm.x86.avx.vpermil.pd llvm.x86.avx.vpermil.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vpermil.ps llvm.x86.avx.vpermil.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vpermilvar.pd llvm.x86.avx.vpermilvar.ps llvm.x86.avx.vtestc.pd llvm.x86.avx.vtestc.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vtestc.ps llvm.x86.avx.vtestc.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vtestnzc.pd llvm.x86.avx.vtestnzc.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vtestnzc.ps llvm.x86.avx.vtestnzc.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vtestz.pd llvm.x86.avx.vtestz.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vtestz.ps llvm.x86.avx.vtestz.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vzeroall llvm.x86.avx.vzeroupper llvm.x86.bmi.bextr.32 llvm.x86.bmi.bextr.64 llvm.x86.bmi.blsi.32 llvm.x86.bmi.blsi.64 llvm.x86.bmi.blsmsk.32 llvm.x86.bmi.blsmsk.64 llvm.x86.bmi.blsr.32 llvm.x86.bmi.blsr.64 llvm.x86.bmi.bzhi.32 llvm.x86.bmi.bzhi.64 llvm.x86.bmi.pdep.32 llvm.x86.bmi.pdep.64 llvm.x86.bmi.pext.32 llvm.x86.bmi.pext.64 llvm.x86.int llvm.x86.mmx.emms llvm.x86.mmx.femms llvm.x86.mmx.maskmovq llvm.x86.mmx.movnt.dq llvm.x86.mmx.packssdw llvm.x86.mmx.packsswb llvm.x86.mmx.packuswb llvm.x86.mmx.padd.b llvm.x86.mmx.padd.d llvm.x86.mmx.padd.q llvm.x86.mmx.padd.w llvm.x86.mmx.padds.b llvm.x86.mmx.padds.w llvm.x86.mmx.paddus.b llvm.x86.mmx.paddus.w llvm.x86.mmx.palignr.b llvm.x86.mmx.pand llvm.x86.mmx.pandn llvm.x86.mmx.pavg.b llvm.x86.mmx.pavg.w llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpeq.b llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpeq.d llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpeq.w llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpgt.b llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpgt.d llvm.x86.mmx.pcmpgt.w llvm.x86.mmx.pextr.w llvm.x86.mmx.pinsr.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmadd.wd llvm.x86.mmx.pmaxs.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmaxu.b llvm.x86.mmx.pmins.w llvm.x86.mmx.pminu.b llvm.x86.mmx.pmovmskb llvm.x86.mmx.pmulh.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmulhu.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmull.w llvm.x86.mmx.pmulu.dq llvm.x86.mmx.por llvm.x86.mmx.psad.bw llvm.x86.mmx.psll.d llvm.x86.mmx.psll.q llvm.x86.mmx.psll.w llvm.x86.mmx.pslli.d llvm.x86.mmx.pslli.q llvm.x86.mmx.pslli.w llvm.x86.mmx.psra.d llvm.x86.mmx.psra.w llvm.x86.mmx.psrai.d llvm.x86.mmx.psrai.w llvm.x86.mmx.psrl.d llvm.x86.mmx.psrl.q llvm.x86.mmx.psrl.w llvm.x86.mmx.psrli.d llvm.x86.mmx.psrli.q llvm.x86.mmx.psrli.w llvm.x86.mmx.psub.b llvm.x86.mmx.psub.d llvm.x86.mmx.psub.q llvm.x86.mmx.psub.w llvm.x86.mmx.psubs.b llvm.x86.mmx.psubs.w llvm.x86.mmx.psubus.b llvm.x86.mmx.psubus.w llvm.x86.mmx.punpckhbw llvm.x86.mmx.punpckhdq llvm.x86.mmx.punpckhwd llvm.x86.mmx.punpcklbw llvm.x86.mmx.punpckldq llvm.x86.mmx.punpcklwd llvm.x86.mmx.pxor llvm.x86.sse2.add.sd llvm.x86.sse2.clflush llvm.x86.sse2.cmp.pd llvm.x86.sse2.cmp.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comieq.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comige.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comigt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comile.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comilt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.comineq.sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtdq2pd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtdq2ps llvm.x86.sse2.cvtpd2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvtpd2ps llvm.x86.sse2.cvtps2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvtps2pd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsd2si llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsd2si64 llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsd2ss llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsi2sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtsi642sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvtss2sd llvm.x86.sse2.cvttpd2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvttps2dq llvm.x86.sse2.cvttsd2si llvm.x86.sse2.cvttsd2si64 llvm.x86.sse2.div.sd llvm.x86.sse2.lfence llvm.x86.sse2.maskmov.dqu llvm.x86.sse2.max.pd llvm.x86.sse2.max.sd llvm.x86.sse2.mfence llvm.x86.sse2.min.pd llvm.x86.sse2.min.sd llvm.x86.sse2.movmsk.pd llvm.x86.sse2.mul.sd llvm.x86.sse2.packssdw.128 llvm.x86.sse2.packsswb.128 llvm.x86.sse2.packuswb.128 llvm.x86.sse2.padds.b llvm.x86.sse2.padds.w llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.b llvm.x86.sse2.paddus.w llvm.x86.sse2.pavg.b llvm.x86.sse2.pavg.w llvm.x86.sse2.pcmpeq.b llvm.x86.sse2.pcmpeq.d llvm.x86.sse2.pcmpeq.w llvm.x86.sse2.pcmpgt.b llvm.x86.sse2.pcmpgt.d llvm.x86.sse2.pcmpgt.w llvm.x86.sse2.pmadd.wd llvm.x86.sse2.pmaxs.w llvm.x86.sse2.pmaxu.b llvm.x86.sse2.pmins.w llvm.x86.sse2.pminu.b llvm.x86.sse2.pmovmskb.128 llvm.x86.sse2.pmulh.w llvm.x86.sse2.pmulhu.w llvm.x86.sse2.pmulu.dq llvm.x86.sse2.psad.bw llvm.x86.sse2.psll.d llvm.x86.sse2.psll.dq llvm.x86.sse2.psll.dq.bs llvm.x86.sse2.psll.q llvm.x86.sse2.psll.w llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.q llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.w llvm.x86.sse2.psra.d llvm.x86.sse2.psra.w llvm.x86.sse2.psrai.d llvm.x86.sse2.psrai.w llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.d llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.dq llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.dq.bs llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.q llvm.x86.sse2.psrl.w llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.q llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.w llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.b llvm.x86.sse2.psubs.w llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.b llvm.x86.sse2.psubus.w llvm.x86.sse2.sqrt.pd llvm.x86.sse2.sqrt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.storel.dq llvm.x86.sse2.storeu.dq llvm.x86.sse2.storeu.pd llvm.x86.sse2.sub.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomieq.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomige.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomigt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomile.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomilt.sd llvm.x86.sse2.ucomineq.sd llvm.x86.sse3.addsub.pd llvm.x86.sse3.addsub.ps llvm.x86.sse3.hadd.pd llvm.x86.sse3.hadd.ps llvm.x86.sse3.hsub.pd llvm.x86.sse3.hsub.ps llvm.x86.sse3.ldu.dq llvm.x86.sse3.monitor llvm.x86.sse3.mwait llvm.x86.sse41.blendpd llvm.x86.sse41.blendps llvm.x86.sse41.blendvpd llvm.x86.sse41.blendvps llvm.x86.sse41.dppd llvm.x86.sse41.dpps llvm.x86.sse41.extractps llvm.x86.sse41.insertps llvm.x86.sse41.movntdqa llvm.x86.sse41.mpsadbw llvm.x86.sse41.packusdw llvm.x86.sse41.pblendvb llvm.x86.sse41.pblendw llvm.x86.sse41.pcmpeqq llvm.x86.sse41.pextrb llvm.x86.sse41.pextrd llvm.x86.sse41.pextrq llvm.x86.sse41.phminposuw llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxsb llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxsd llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxud llvm.x86.sse41.pmaxuw llvm.x86.sse41.pminsb llvm.x86.sse41.pminsd llvm.x86.sse41.pminud llvm.x86.sse41.pminuw llvm.x86.sse41.pmovsxbd llvm.x86.sse41.pmovsxbq llvm.x86.sse41.pmovsxbw llvm.x86.sse41.pmovsxdq llvm.x86.sse41.pmovsxwd llvm.x86.sse41.pmovsxwq llvm.x86.sse41.pmovzxbd llvm.x86.sse41.pmovzxbq llvm.x86.sse41.pmovzxbw llvm.x86.sse41.pmovzxdq llvm.x86.sse41.pmovzxwd llvm.x86.sse41.pmovzxwq llvm.x86.sse41.pmuldq llvm.x86.sse41.ptestc llvm.x86.sse41.ptestnzc llvm.x86.sse41.ptestz llvm.x86.sse41.round.pd llvm.x86.sse41.round.ps llvm.x86.sse41.round.sd llvm.x86.sse41.round.ss llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestri128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestria128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestric128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrio128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestris128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestriz128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpestrm128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpgtq llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistri128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistria128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistric128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrio128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistris128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistriz128 llvm.x86.sse42.pcmpistrm128 llvm.x86.sse.add.ss llvm.x86.sse.cmp.ps llvm.x86.sse.cmp.ss llvm.x86.sse.comieq.ss llvm.x86.sse.comige.ss llvm.x86.sse.comigt.ss llvm.x86.sse.comile.ss llvm.x86.sse.comilt.ss llvm.x86.sse.comineq.ss llvm.x86.sse.cvtpd2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvtpi2pd llvm.x86.sse.cvtpi2ps llvm.x86.sse.cvtps2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvtsi2ss llvm.x86.sse.cvtsi642ss llvm.x86.sse.cvtss2si llvm.x86.sse.cvtss2si64 llvm.x86.sse.cvttpd2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvttps2pi llvm.x86.sse.cvttss2si llvm.x86.sse.cvttss2si64 llvm.x86.sse.div.ss llvm.x86.sse.ldmxcsr llvm.x86.sse.max.ps llvm.x86.sse.max.ss llvm.x86.sse.min.ps llvm.x86.sse.min.ss llvm.x86.sse.movmsk.ps llvm.x86.sse.mul.ss llvm.x86.sse.pshuf.w llvm.x86.sse.rcp.ps llvm.x86.sse.rcp.ss llvm.x86.sse.rsqrt.ps llvm.x86.sse.rsqrt.ss llvm.x86.sse.sfence llvm.x86.sse.sqrt.ps llvm.x86.sse.sqrt.ss llvm.x86.sse.stmxcsr llvm.x86.sse.storeu.ps llvm.x86.sse.sub.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomieq.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomige.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomigt.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomile.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomilt.ss llvm.x86.sse.ucomineq.ss llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.b llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.d llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.w llvm.x86.ssse3.pabs.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.d llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.w llvm.x86.ssse3.phadd.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.d llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.w llvm.x86.ssse3.phsub.w.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pmadd.ub.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.pmul.hr.sw llvm.x86.ssse3.pmul.hr.sw.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.pshuf.b llvm.x86.ssse3.pshuf.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.b llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.b.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.d llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.d.128 llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.w llvm.x86.ssse3.psign.w.128 llvm.xcore.bitrev llvm.xcore.checkevent llvm.xcore.chkct llvm.xcore.clre llvm.xcore.clrsr llvm.xcore.crc32 llvm.xcore.crc8 llvm.xcore.eeu llvm.xcore.endin llvm.xcore.freer llvm.xcore.geted llvm.xcore.getet llvm.xcore.getid llvm.xcore.getps llvm.xcore.getr llvm.xcore.getst llvm.xcore.getts llvm.xcore.in llvm.xcore.inct llvm.xcore.initcp llvm.xcore.initdp llvm.xcore.initlr llvm.xcore.initpc llvm.xcore.initsp llvm.xcore.inshr llvm.xcore.int llvm.xcore.mjoin llvm.xcore.msync llvm.xcore.out llvm.xcore.outct llvm.xcore.outshr llvm.xcore.outt llvm.xcore.peek llvm.xcore.setc llvm.xcore.setclk llvm.xcore.setd llvm.xcore.setev llvm.xcore.setps llvm.xcore.setpsc llvm.xcore.setpt llvm.xcore.setrdy llvm.xcore.setsr llvm.xcore.settw llvm.xcore.setv llvm.xcore.sext llvm.xcore.ssync llvm.xcore.syncr llvm.xcore.testct llvm.xcore.testwct llvm.xcore.waitevent llvm.xcore.zext N4llvm8FunctionE N4llvm10ilist_nodeINS_8FunctionEEE N4llvm15ilist_half_nodeINS_8FunctionEEE llvm.x86.aesni.aeskeygenassist llvm.x86.avx.vbroadcast.sd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vbroadcastf128.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vbroadcastf128.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vextractf128.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vextractf128.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vextractf128.si.256 llvm.x86.avx.vinsertf128.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vinsertf128.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vinsertf128.si.256 llvm.x86.avx.vperm2f128.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vperm2f128.ps.256 llvm.x86.avx.vperm2f128.si.256 llvm.x86.avx.vpermilvar.pd.256 llvm.x86.avx.vpermilvar.ps.256 llvm.x86.ssse3.pmadd.ub.sw.128 N4llvm8ArgumentE N4llvm10ilist_nodeINS_8ArgumentEEE N4llvm15ilist_half_nodeINS_8ArgumentEEE N4llvm14GVMaterializerE N4llvm11GlobalAliasE N4llvm14GlobalVariableE N4llvm11GlobalValueE N4llvm10ilist_nodeINS_11GlobalAliasEEE N4llvm10ilist_nodeINS_14GlobalVariableEEE N4llvm15ilist_half_nodeINS_11GlobalAliasEEE N4llvm15ilist_half_nodeINS_14GlobalVariableEEE N4llvm9InlineAsmE indirectbr cmpxchg atomicrmw getelementptr fptrunc fpext fptoui fptosi uitofp sitofp ptrtoint icmp fcmp lshr ashr extractelement insertelement extractvalue insertvalue landingpad N4llvm11InstructionE N4llvm10ilist_nodeINS_11InstructionEEE N4llvm15ilist_half_nodeINS_11InstructionEEE both values to select must have same type vector select condition element type must be i1 selected values for vector select must be vectors vector select requires selected vectors to have the same vector length as select condition select condition must be i1 or mallocsize malloccall N4llvm11BitCastInstE N4llvm12PtrToIntInstE N4llvm12IntToPtrInstE N4llvm10FPToSIInstE N4llvm10FPToUIInstE N4llvm10SIToFPInstE N4llvm10UIToFPInstE N4llvm9FPExtInstE N4llvm11FPTruncInstE N4llvm8SExtInstE N4llvm8ZExtInstE N4llvm9TruncInstE N4llvm15UnreachableInstE N4llvm10ResumeInstE N4llvm10UnwindInstE N4llvm10InvokeInstE N4llvm14IndirectBrInstE N4llvm10SwitchInstE N4llvm10BranchInstE N4llvm10ReturnInstE N4llvm14LandingPadInstE N4llvm7PHINodeE N4llvm15InsertValueInstE N4llvm16ExtractValueInstE N4llvm17ShuffleVectorInstE N4llvm17InsertElementInstE N4llvm18ExtractElementInstE N4llvm9VAArgInstE N4llvm10SelectInstE N4llvm8CallInstE N4llvm8FCmpInstE N4llvm8ICmpInstE N4llvm17GetElementPtrInstE N4llvm13AtomicRMWInstE N4llvm17AtomicCmpXchgInstE N4llvm9FenceInstE N4llvm9StoreInstE N4llvm8LoadInstE N4llvm10AllocaInstE N4llvm7CmpInstE N4llvm14BinaryOperatorE N4llvm16UnaryInstructionE N4llvm14TerminatorInstE N4llvm8CastInstE cc ccc cc ccc cc ccc cc ccc cc ccc ccc cc cc ccc cc cc ccc cc cc ccc cc cc cc ccc ccccccccc c ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! % $ # " ) ( ' & prof N4llvm10FoldingSetINS_6MDNodeEEE N4llvm13MDNodeOperandE N4llvm6MDNodeE N4llvm14FoldingSetImpl4NodeE N4llvm8MDStringE Two passes with the same argument (- ) attempted to be registered! Unnamed pass: implement Pass::getPassName() Pass::print not implemented for pass: ' N4llvm14PassNameParserE N4llvm24PassRegistrationListenerE N4llvm14BasicBlockPassE N4llvm12FunctionPassE N4llvm13ImmutablePassE N4llvm10ModulePassE N4llvm4PassE N4llvm2cl6parserIPKNS_8PassInfoEEE N4llvm2cl11OptionValueIPKNS_8PassInfoEEE N4llvm2cl15OptionValueBaseIPKNS_8PassInfoELb0EEE N4llvm2cl15OptionValueCopyIPKNS_8PassInfoEEE N12_GLOBAL__N_116GetCFGOnlyPassesE Function Pass Manager BasicBlock Pass Manager Module Pass Manager Executions Structure Arguments debug-pass print-before print-after print-before-all Print IR before each pass print-after-all Print IR after each pass time-passes Executing Pass ' Made Modification ' Freeing Pass ' ' on BasicBlock ' '... ' on Function ' ' on Module ' ' on Region ' ' on Loop ' ' on Call Graph Nodes ' FunctionPass Manager ModulePass Manager BasicBlockPass Manager Analyses: Uninitialized Pass Preserved Required Pass Arguments: -*- ' Free these instances Releasing pass ' Running pass ' on module ' '. basic block *** IR Dump Before *** *** IR Dump After -- ' ' is not preserving ' Error reading bitcode file: ... Pass execution timing report ... print pass details when it is executed print pass name before it is executed print pass structure before run() print pass arguments to pass to 'opt' Print PassManager debugging information Print IR before specified passes Print IR after specified passes Time each pass, printing elapsed time for each on exit ' is the last user of following pass instances. N4llvm13MPPassManagerE N4llvm19FunctionPassManagerE N4llvm11PassManagerE N4llvm15PassManagerBaseE N4llvm13FPPassManagerE N4llvm13PMDataManagerE N4llvm17PMTopLevelManagerE N4llvm27PassManagerPrettyStackEntryE N12_GLOBAL__N_113BBPassManagerE N4llvm2cl3optINS_14PassDebugLevelELb0ENS0_6parserIS2_EEEE N4llvm2cl11opt_storageINS_14PassDebugLevelELb0ELb0EEE N4llvm2cl6parserINS_14PassDebugLevelEEE N4llvm2cl11OptionValueINS_14PassDebugLevelEEE N4llvm2cl15OptionValueBaseINS_14PassDebugLevelELb0EEE N4llvm2cl15OptionValueCopyINS_14PassDebugLevelEEE N4llvm2cl4listIPKNS_8PassInfoEbNS_14PassNameParserEEE N4llvm2cl12list_storageIPKNS_8PassInfoEbEE St6vectorIPKN4llvm8PassInfoESaIS3_EE St12_Vector_baseIPKN4llvm8PassInfoESaIS3_EE N4llvm15PassManagerImplE N4llvm23FunctionPassManagerImplE Print function to stderr print-function Print module to stderr print-module N12_GLOBAL__N_117PrintFunctionPassE N12_GLOBAL__N_115PrintModulePassE N4llvm10CallbackVHE N4llvm15ValueHandleBaseE i1 isVoid glue x86mmx v2i8 v4i8 v32i8 v2i16 v16i16 v8i32 v4i64 v8i64 v8f32 v2f64 v4f64 Metadata untyped @ @ P @ @ @ @ @ @ Preliminary module verification Broken module, no Basic Block terminator! Global is external, but doesn't have external or dllimport or weak linkage! Global is marked as dllimport, but not external Only global variables can have appending linkage! Only global arrays can have appending linkage! linker_private_weak_def_auto can only have default visibility! Global metadata operand cannot be function local! Invalid operand for global metadata! function-local metadata used in wrong function Instruction not embedded in basic block! Only PHI nodes may reference their own value! Instruction has a name, but provides a void value! Instruction returns a non-scalar type! Instruction referencing instruction not embedded in a basic block! Use of instruction is not an instruction! Instruction operands must be first-class values! Cannot take the address of an intrinsic! Referencing function in another module! Referring to a basic block in another function! Referring to an argument in another function! Referencing global in another module! No uses of invoke possible due to dominance structure! Invoke operand is PHI node with bad incoming-BB Invoke result not available in the unwind destination! Invoke result does not dominate all uses! Instruction does not dominate all uses! Cannot take the address of an inline asm! Both operands to a binary operator are not of the same type! Integer arithmetic operators only work with integral types! Integer arithmetic operators must have same type for operands and result! Floating-point arithmetic operators only work with floating-point types! Floating-point arithmetic operators must have same type for operands and result! Logical operators only work with integral types! Logical operators must have same type for operands and result! Shifts only work with integral types! Shift return type must be same as operands! FPToUI source and dest must both be vector or scalar FPToUI source must be FP or FP vector FPToUI result must be integer or integer vector FPToUI source and dest vector length mismatch FPToSI source and dest must both be vector or scalar FPToSI source must be FP or FP vector FPToSI result must be integer or integer vector FPToSI source and dest vector length mismatch UIToFP source and dest must both be vector or scalar UIToFP source must be integer or integer vector UIToFP result must be FP or FP vector UIToFP source and dest vector length mismatch SIToFP source and dest must both be vector or scalar SIToFP source must be integer or integer vector SIToFP result must be FP or FP vector SIToFP source and dest vector length mismatch Trunc only operates on integer trunc source and destination must both be a vector or neither zext source and destination must both be a vector or neither sext source and destination must both be a vector or neither fptrunc source and destination must both be a vector or neither fpext source and destination must both be a vector or neither Bitcast requires types of same width Bitcast operand must not be aggregate Bitcast type must not be aggregate LandingPadInst needs at least one clause or to be a cleanup. Block containing LandingPadInst must be jumped to only by the unwind edge of an invoke. LandingPadInst not the first non-PHI instruction in the block. Personality function doesn't match others in function Catch operand does not have pointer type! Filter operand is not an array of constants! Personality function is not constant! only applies to the function! does not apply to return values! does not support unsized types! only applies to parameters with pointer type! More than one parameter has attribute nest! Attribute sret not on first parameter! does not apply to the function! is not an integral vector type. vector element bit-width is odd. Intrinsic requires even byte width argument is not a floating-point type. is not a pointer and a pointer is required. Intrinsic prototype has incorrect vector element type! Intrinsic prototype has incorrect number of vector elements! is a vector and a scalar is required. Intrinsic has pointer to complex type. Intrinsic prototype has incorrect number of arguments! Intrinsic prototype has incorrect number of return types! Intrinsic prototype has no '...'! Intrinsic has wrong parameter attributes! Overloaded intrinsic has incorrect suffix: ' atomicrmw instructions must be atomic. atomicrmw instructions cannot be unordered. First atomicrmw operand must be a pointer. Argument value type does not match pointer operand type! Invalid indices for GEP pointer type! GEP is not of right type for indices! Function context does not match Module context! Functions may not have common linkage # formal arguments must match # of arguments for function type! Functions cannot return aggregate values! Attributes after last parameter! Varargs functions must have C calling conventions! Argument value does not match function argument type! Function arguments must have first-class types! Function takes metadata but isn't an intrinsic invalid linkage type for function declaration llvm intrinsics cannot be defined! Entry block to function must not have predecessors! blockaddress may not be used with the entry block! Invalid user of intrinsic instruction! cmpxchg instructions must be atomic. cmpxchg instructions cannot be unordered. First cmpxchg operand must be a pointer. Expected value type does not match pointer operand type! Stored value type does not match pointer operand type! Called function must be a pointer! Called function is not pointer to function type! Called function requires more parameters than were provided! Incorrect number of arguments passed to called function! Call parameter type does not match function signature! cannot be used for vararg call arguments! Function has metadata parameter but isn't an intrinsic Global variable initializer type does not match global variable type! 'common' global must have a zero initializer! 'common' global may not be marked constant! invalid linkage type for global declaration invalid linkage for intrinsic global variable wrong type for intrinsic global variable Alias should have external or external weak linkage! Alias and aliasee types should match! Alias cannot have unnamed_addr! Aliasee should be either GlobalValue or bitcast of GlobalValue Aliasing chain should end with function or global variable Named metadata operand cannot be function local! Terminator found in the middle of a basic block! Switch constants must all be same type as switch value! Duplicate integer as switch case Both operands to ICmp instruction are not of the same type! Invalid operand types for ICmp instruction Invalid predicate in ICmp instruction! Both operands to FCmp instruction are not of the same type! Invalid operand types for FCmp instruction Invalid predicate in FCmp instruction! Found return instr that returns non-void in Function of void return type! Function return type does not match operand type of return inst! Branch condition is not 'i1' type! Indirectbr operand must have pointer type! Indirectbr destinations must all have pointer type! The unwind destination does not have a landingpad instruction! Allocation instruction pointer not in the generic address space! Alloca array size must have integer type Load operand must be a pointer. Load result type does not match pointer operand type! Load cannot have Release ordering Atomic load must specify explicit alignment Non-atomic load cannot have SynchronizationScope specified Store operand must be a pointer. Store cannot have Acquire ordering Atomic store must specify explicit alignment Non-atomic store cannot have SynchronizationScope specified fence instructions may only have acquire, release, acq_rel, or seq_cst ordering. PtrToInt source must be pointer PtrToInt result must be integral IntToPtr source must be an integral IntToPtr result must be a pointer PHI nodes not grouped at top of basic block! PHI node operands are not the same type as the result! Intrinsic functions should never be defined! invalid llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call 1 invalid llvm.dbg.declare intrinsic call 2 alignment argument of memory intrinsics must be a constant int isvolatile argument of memory intrinsics must be a constant int llvm.gcroot parameter #1 must be an alloca. llvm.gcroot parameter #1 must either be a pointer alloca, or argument #2 must be a non-null constant. Enclosing function does not use GC. llvm.init_trampoline parameter #2 must resolve to a function. invalid arguments to llvm.prefetch size argument of memory use markers must be a constant integer llvm.invariant.end parameter #2 must be a constant integer Invalid operands for select instruction! Select values must have same type as select instruction! User-defined operators should not live outside of a pass! Invalid extractelement operands! Invalid insertelement operands! Invalid shufflevector operands! Invalid ExtractValueInst operands! Invalid InsertValueInst operands! llvm.gcroot parameter #2 must be a constant. llvm.stackprotector parameter #2 must resolve to an alloca. Basic Block does not have terminator! PHI nodes must have at least one entry. If the block is dead, the PHI should be removed! PHINode should have one entry for each predecessor of its parent basic block! PHI node has multiple entries for the same basic block with different incoming values! PHI node entries do not match predecessors! preverify Module Verifier Basic Block in function ' ' does not have terminator! Broken module found, compilation aborted! verification continues. compilation terminated. Invalid use of metadata! Instruction has null operand! Trunc only produces integer DestTy too big for Trunc ZExt only operates on integer ZExt only produces an integer Type too small for ZExt SExt only operates on integer SExt only produces an integer Type too small for SExt FPTrunc only operates on FP FPTrunc only produces an FP DestTy too big for FPTrunc FPExt only operates on FP FPExt only produces an FP DestTy too small for FPExt Clause is not constant! Attribute Attributes are incompatible! Wrong type for attribute Intrinsic parameter # Intrinsic result type Intrinsic result type # does not match return type. does not match parameter % is not an integer type. is not a vector type. is wrong! Intrinsic should return void '. It should be ' Invalid binary operation! GEP into unsized type! Invalid struct return type! Alias name cannot be empty! Aliasee cannot be NULL! Cannot allocate unsized type Operand is null N12_GLOBAL__N_18VerifierE N4llvm11InstVisitorIN12_GLOBAL__N_18VerifierEvEE N12_GLOBAL__N_111PreVerifierE STATISTICS: @protocol @encode @synchronized @throw @compatibility_alias @selector parsing Objective-C method @class @catch clause @dynamic @synthesize readonly readwrite nonatomic asm operand "/*FIXME: not done*/" 'case' case do/while in compound statement ('{}') parsing function body parsing function try block 'default' > > > > @ 2 3 GCC FP_CONTRACT STDC EXTENSION OPENCL inout oneway bycopy byref __exception_info GetExceptionInformation __exception_code GetExceptionCode __abnormal_termination AbnormalTermination parser at end of file : at annotation token : current parser token ' top-level asm block parser at unknown location pt_guarded_by pt_guarded_var scoped_lockable no_thread_safety_analysis acquired_after acquired_before exclusive_lock_function shared_lock_function exclusive_trylock_function shared_trylock_function unlock_function lock_returned locks_excluded exclusive_locks_required shared_locks_required opencl_image_access introduced obsoleted iboutletcollection opencl_kernel_function type name union struct enum parsing struct/union body final override attributes list alias declaration __underlying_type { namespace parsing namespace access declaration <> parsing struct/union/class body block literal parsing __bridge_retained operator template __uuidof < :: const_cast reinterpret_cast static_cast enable cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_khr_fp16 cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_byte_addressable_store native power mac68k cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_clang_storage_class_specifiers naked nodebug nonnull nothrow objc_gc regparm annotate NSObject dllimport dllexport may_alias base_check format_arg gnu_inline vecreturn always_inline returns_twice vec_type_hint objc_exception objc_returns_inner_pointer neon_vector_type neon_polyvector_type transparent_union warn_unused_result carries_dependency ns_bridged ns_returns_autoreleased ns_returns_not_retained cf_audited_transfer cf_returns_not_retained cf_returns_autoreleased cf_unknown_transfer objc_precise_lifetime ownership_returns ownership_holds ownership_takes reqd_work_group_size init_priority no_instrument_function bounded __cdecl __stdcall __fastcall __thiscall __pascal host shared launch_bounds nocommon uuid objc_arc_weak_reference_unavailable unspecified __private_extern__ __thread __module_private__ wchar_t half _Bool _Decimal32 _Decimal64 _Decimal128 type-name (decltype) __unknown_anytype (error) imaginary __pixel __int128_t __uint128_t __va_list_tag SFINAE diagnostics trapped. *** Semantic Analysis Stats: * % stack empty no record matching name vector element property expression printf0 0 > 0 <= (void*) l m n o p r s t u v x y z { | ~  ! !   N o o o o ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! w w w w w w __builtin_va_list class struct union enum YES Nil NO (...) , ... (^ (void) @private @protected @public @package @property @required @optional , nil , NULL , (void*)0 @try statements @catch @finally @interface @implementation const restrict const char[] Protocol * protocol-name _Complex _Imaginary template<...> class operator+ operator- operator* operator/ operator% operator^ operator& operator| operator~ operator! operator= operator< operator> operator+= operator-= operator*= operator/= operator%= operator^= operator&= operator|= operator<< operator>> operator<<= operator>>= operator== operator!= operator<= operator>= operator&& operator|| operator++ operator-- operator, operator->* operator-> operator new operator delete operator new[] operator delete[] operator() operator[] __VA_ARGS__ string-literal init-statement inc-expression __bridge __bridge_transfer Objective-C type CF type std::type_info expression-or-type std::nullptr_t sizeof... parameter-pack sizeof init-expression IBAction copyWithZone mutableCopy mutableCopyWithZone awakeFromCoder replacementObjectFromCoder classForCoder allocWithZone elif BOOL NSMutableArray NSArray NSMutableSet NSSet countOf NSUInteger objectIn AtIndexes NSArray * NSIndexSet * object-type ** range: NSRange inRange insertObject insertObject: atIndexes atIndexes: removeObjectFrom replaceObjectIn withObject withObject: replace with NSEnumerator enumeratorOf NSEnumerator * memberOf NSSet * objects intersect keyPathsForValuesAffecting automaticallyNotifiesObserversOf NSLogv NSLog vasprintf sigjmp_buf bad_alloc int const constexpr template<> cudaConfigureCall this system field has retaining ownership aapcs-vfp aapcs NSMutableString __CFString strftime strfmon vcmn_err zcmn_err kprintf gcc_cdiag gcc_cxxdiag gcc_tdiag a CFString an NSString a string type gcc_diag ownership_* Mac OS X iOS ios macosx this system declaration uses an unsupported type @ ` "C" "C++" const & __i __builtin_memcpy __builtin_objc_memmove_collectable forwardInvocation NSProxy (id) init method returns a type unrelated to its receiver type throw() noexcept( (void*) 0 nextObject this-> __imag __real ) < 0 ) <= 0 ) >= 0 ) == 0 ) != 0 __builtin_trap _GUID even odd __bridge_transfer __bridge __bridge_retained converts between Objective-C and C pointers in -fobjc-arc *( &( static_cast< Failed sequence: array type mismatch conversion failed Dependent sequence Normal sequence: derived-to-base case (rvalue derived-to-base case (xvalue derived-to-base case (lvalue bind reference to lvalue bind reference to a temporary user-defined conversion via list aggregate initialization constructor initialization zero initialization C assignment string initialization Objective-C object conversion array initialization pass by indirect restore Objective-C object retension too many initializers for reference array requires initializer list array requires initializer list or string literal non-constant array initializer address of overloaded function failed overload resolution for reference initialization failed non-const lvalue reference bound to temporary non-const lvalue reference bound to unrelated type rvalue reference bound to an lvalue reference initialization drops qualifiers conversion from property failed too many initializers for scalar referencing binding to initializer list initializer list for non-aggregate, non-scalar type overloading failed for user-defined conversion constructor overloading failed default initialization of a const variable initialization of incomplete type list initialization checker failure initializer expression isn't contextually valid resolve address of overloaded function extraneous C++03 copy to temporary qualification conversion (rvalue) qualification conversion (xvalue) qualification conversion (lvalue) implicit conversion sequence ( list initialization via constructor pass by indirect copy and restore result(s) , ambiguous , base paths present thread_local retain (or strong) NSCopying (by copy constructor) (direct reference binding) (reference binding) No conversions required Standard conversion: User-defined conversion: Ellipsis conversion Ambiguous conversion Bad conversion No conversion Lvalue-to-rvalue Array-to-pointer Function-to-pointer Noreturn adjustment Qualification Integral promotion Floating point promotion Complex promotion Integral conversion Floating conversion Complex conversion Floating-integral conversion Pointer-to-member conversion Boolean conversion Compatible-types conversion Derived-to-base conversion Vector conversion Vector splat Complex-real conversion Block Pointer conversion 4 8 < $ ( , Transparent Union ConversionWriteback conversion countByEnumeratingWithState __begin __end __range [with __builtin_shufflevector cannot instantiate %0 yet _Map_base __detail tr1 instantiating function definition instantiating static data member definition __strong __weak J interrupt save_volatiles force_align_arg_pointer __force_align_arg_pointer__ *** Analysis Based Warnings Stats: average CFG blocks per function. max CFG blocks per function. functions analyzed for uninitialiazed variables average variables per function. average block visits per function. max block visits per function. functions analyzed ( w/o CFGs). CFG blocks built. variables analyzed. max variables per function. block visits. = nil = 0 = false = nullptr = NULL = 0.0 = ? I 3 v _cmd {# #} <# #> [# #] OVERLOAD: COMPLETION: (Hidden) Pattern : || ... && ... ... , (OperatorCall) (BindTemporary) (Base initializer) .~ (Implicit destructor) (Base object destructor) (Member object destructor) ({ ... ; }) (Member initializer) [B ? ... : ... try ... do ... while __builtin_choose_expr( ) for ( if goto * switch [ B (ENTRY) ] (EXIT) ] (INDIRECT GOTO DISPATCH) ] ... catch ( %3d T: Predecessors ( Successors ( (Temporary object destructor) CF CG DADisk DADissenter DASessionRef reate ssize_t uintmax_t ptrdiff_t .str clang.global.decl.ptrs clang.decl.ptr cannot compile this %0 yet .cxx_destruct .cxx_construct _unnamed_cfstring_ OBJC_CLASS_$_NSConstantString OBJC_CLASS_$_ ClassReference __builtin_NSString _unnamed_nsstring_ static initializer linkage spec __objcFastEnumerationState __CFConstantStringClassReference _NSConstantStringClassReference Generating code for declaration llvm.metadata Simple C/C++ TBAA omnipotent char any pointer anon vtt __cxa_guard_abort memptr.isnull src.adj memptr.tobool memptr.adj memptr.isvirtual guard.uninitialized __cxa_guard_acquire __cxa_guard_release cmp.adj cmp.or.adj apcs-gnu no-mmx _interrupt_handler vector_ &y opencl.kernel_wg_size_info (ABIArgInfo Kind= Direct Type= Extend Ignore Indirect Align= ByVal= Realign= Expand gp_offset_p fits_in_gp fp_offset_p fits_in_fp mov r7, r7 @ marker for objc_retainAutoreleaseReturnValue arg.unpromote coerce.val coerce.val.ip icr.temp icr.cont icr.copy icr.cast icr.isnull agg.result .coerce @ A F C D object.index cudaSetupArgument cudaLaunch cannot yet compile %1 in this ABI static local variable initialization member function pointer conversions member function pointer null testing member function pointer comparison array cookie initialization array cookie reading loads of member pointers calls through member pointers cleanup.dest.slot cleanup.cond cleanup.isactive cleanup.dest cleanup.cont saved-rvalue saved-complex long long int long long unsigned int __isa __flags __reserved __FuncPtr __descriptor __block_literal_generic __size __copy_helper __destroy_helper __vtbl_ptr_type __block_literal_ .block_descriptor debug information for %0 is not yet supported constant l-value expression cond-cleanup.save nrvo .auto. .reg. saved_stack this initialization requires a guard variable, which the kernel does not support __cxx_global_array_dtor __dso_handle _GLOBAL__D_a __cxx_global_var_init _GLOBAL__I_a ehselector.slot exn.slot OBJC_EHTYPE __cxa_throw __cxa_end_catch __cxa_rethrow _ZSt9terminatev objc_terminate __cxa_free_exception __cxa_begin_catch __gcc_personality_v0 __gcc_personality_sj0 __gxx_personality_sj0 __gnu_objc_personality_v0 objc_exception_throw __cxa_call_unexpected finally.exn finally.for-eh ehcleanup filter.dispatch catch.dispatch __cxa_allocate_exception exn.byref.tmp exn.casted __cxa_get_exception_ptr _Unwind_SjLj_Resume_or_Rethrow __gnustep_objcxx_personality_v0 undef.agg.tmp temp.lvalue callee.knr.cast frombool predefined expression __func__. __FUNCTION__. __PRETTY_FUNCTION__. bf.reload.sext bf.field vecins sub.ptr.rhs.cast sub.ptr.lhs.cast ivar.offset .atomictmp .compoundliteral .atomicdst atomic library call acqrel bf.val.sext vecext unexpected cast lvalue ref.temp conditional operator arrayidx aggregate expression aggregate binary expression agg.tmp.ensured aggregate va_arg expression arrayinit.endOfInit GNU array range designator extension non-simple lvalue dynamic_cast lvalue dynamic_cast with a destination complex expression neg.r neg.i conj.i complex va_arg expression top level __cxa_bad_cast array.isempty array.atend __cxa_bad_typeid new.isnull __dynamic_cast scalar expression div.cont vla.negsize vla.inc incdec.funcptr incdec.ptr incdec.objptr idx.neg add.ptr sub.ptr.sub sub.ptr.div astypeCast lnot lnot.ext complex compound assignment arraydecay resval virtual base in offsetof cmp_shuf_idx cmp.r cmp.i and.ri or.ri dealloc state.ptr items.ptr currentitem drain Obj-C fast enumeration for this runtime Obj-C setter requiring atomic copy Obj-C getter requiring atomic copy GNUObjCMessageSend objc_sync_enter objc_sync_exit objc_enumerationMutation objc_getProperty objc_setProperty objc_getPropertyStruct objc_setPropertyStruct objc_assign_ivar objc_assign_strongCast objc_assign_global objc_assign_weak objc_read_weak objc_memmove_collectable objc_msg_lookup_sender objc_slot_lookup_super objc_msg_lookup objc_msg_lookup_super _i_ _c_ objc_get_meta_class objc_get_class .objc_metaclass_ref .objc_class_ref __objc_class_ref_ __objc_class_name_ .objc_str __objc_ivar_offset_ .guess __objc_ivar_offset_value_ .objc_selector_ @id __objc_id_type_info __objc_eh_typeinfo_ __objc_eh_typename_ .objc_method_list .class_name .objc_protocol_name .objc_protocol_list objc_lookup_class NSAutoreleasePool .objc_ivar_list .objc_static_class_name NXConstantString .objc_statics .objc_statics_ptr .objc_sel_name .objc_sel_types .objc_selector_list .objc_source_file_name .objc_load_function __objc_exec_class AnotherHack .objc_property_list .ivar.offsets .super_class_name _ZTVN7gnustep7libobjc22__objc_class_type_infoE __ObjC_Protocol_Holder_Ugly_Hack objc_exception_try_enter objc_exception_extract objc_copyStruct objc_msgSend_fpret objc_msgSendSuper2 objc_msgSendSuper objc_msgSend objc_exception_rethrow objc_end_catch objc_begin_catch _objc_super struct._prop_t struct._prop_list_t struct._objc_method struct._objc_cache OBJC_IVAR_$_ __DATA, __objc_data __OBJC, __image_info,regular L_OBJC_IMAGE_INFO struct.__method_list_t struct._objc_protocol_list struct._protocol_t struct._ivar_t struct._ivar_list_t struct._class_ro_t struct._class_t struct._category_t struct._super_message_ref_t struct._objc_typeinfo struct._objc_protocol struct._objc_ivar struct._objc_ivar_list struct._objc_method_list struct._objc_class_extension struct._objc_class struct._objc_category struct._objc_symtab struct._objc_module struct._objc_exception_data L_OBJC_LABEL_CLASS_$ L_OBJC_LABEL_NONLAZY_CLASS_$ L_OBJC_LABEL_CATEGORY_$ L_OBJC_METH_VAR_TYPE_ __DATA, __objc_const l_OBJC_PROTOCOL_$_ L_OBJC_PROTOCOL_ L_OBJC_CLASS_NAME_ L_OBJC_PROP_NAME_ATTR_ OBJC_EHTYPE_$_ objc_ehtype_vtable __DATA,__objc_const 0x0%x%s 0x%x%s OBJC_EHTYPE_id objc_assign_threadlocal L_OBJC_SYMBOLS L_OBJC_MODULES .objc_class_name_ =0 .globl .objc_class_name_ .objc_category_name_ .globl .objc_category_name_ =*m objc_exception_try_exit objc_msgSendSuper2_stret objc_msgSend_stret objc_msgSendSuper_stret l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_REFS_ l_OBJC_$_PROP_LIST_ l_OBJC_LABEL_PROTOCOL_$_ l_ objc_msgSend_stret_fixup objc_msgSend_fpret_fixup objc_msgSendSuper2_fixup objc_msgSend_fixup L_OBJC_INSTANCE_VARIABLES_ L_OBJC_CLASS_REFERENCES_ L_OBJC_METACLASS_ L_OBJC_CLASS_ L_OBJC_CLASS_PROTOCOLS_ L_OBJC_CLASS_METHODS_ L_OBJC_INSTANCE_METHODS_ L_OBJC_CLASSEXT_ isFlipped isKindOfClass respondsToSelector objectForKey objectAtIndex isEqualToString isEqual addObject OBJC_METACLASS_$_ l_OBJC_PROTOCOL_REFERENCE_$_ L_OBJC_CATEGORY_PROTOCOLS_ L_OBJC_CATEGORY_ L_OBJC_$_PROP_PROTO_LIST_ L_OBJC_PROTOCOL_REFS_ L_OBJC_PROTOCOLEXT_ l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_ l_OBJC_CATEGORY_PROTOCOLS_$_ l_OBJC_$_ l_OBJC_CLASS_PROTOCOLS_$_ l_OBJC_METACLASS_RO_$_ __DATA, __objc_ivar l_OBJC_$_INSTANCE_VARIABLES_ l_OBJC_CLASS_RO_$_ _objc_empty_cache _objc_empty_vtable sync.arg exceptiondata.ptr _call_try_exit did_catch_exception propagating_exception setjmp.result objc_exception_match __DATA, __objc_imageinfo, regular, no_dead_strip struct._objc_method_description struct._objc_method_description_list struct._objc_protocol_extension __DATA, __objc_classlist, regular, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_nlclslist, regular, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_catlist, regular, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_nlcatlist, regular, no_dead_strip L_OBJC_LABEL_NONLAZY_CATEGORY_$ __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals __TEXT,__objc_methtype,cstring_literals __DATA,__datacoal_nt,coalesced __OBJC,__protocol,regular,no_dead_strip __TEXT,__objc_classname,cstring_literals L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_ __DATA, __objc_classrefs, regular, no_dead_strip block variable layout for block: %s ivar layout for class '%s': __OBJC,__symbols,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__module_info,regular,no_dead_strip .lazy_reference .objc_class_name_ __OBJC,__property,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__cat_cls_meth,regular,no_dead_strip __TEXT,__objc_methname,cstring_literals l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_CLASS_METHODS_ l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_OPT_ l_OBJC_$_PROTOCOL_CLASS_METHODS_OPT_ __DATA, __objc_protolist, coalesced, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_selrefs, literal_pointers, no_dead_strip __OBJC,__message_refs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip objc_msgSendSuper2_stret_fixup __DATA, __objc_msgrefs, coalesced __OBJC,__instance_vars,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__cls_refs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__cls_meth,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__meta_class,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__inst_meth,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__class_ext,regular,no_dead_strip __OBJC,__class,regular,no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_superrefs, regular, no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_protorefs, coalesced, no_dead_strip L_OBJC_CATEGORY_INSTANCE_METHODS_ __OBJC,__cat_inst_meth,regular,no_dead_strip L_OBJC_CATEGORY_CLASS_METHODS_ __OBJC,__category,regular,no_dead_strip L_OBJC_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_OPT_ L_OBJC_PROTOCOL_CLASS_METHODS_OPT_ L_OBJC_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE_METHODS_ L_OBJC_PROTOCOL_CLASS_METHODS_ Vector: ComplexInt: ComplexFloat: __Block_byref_ *** AST Context Stats: types total. Builtin types BlockPointer LValueReference RValueReference ConstantArray IncompleteArray VariableArray DependentSizedArray DependentSizedExtVector FunctionProto FunctionNoProto UnresolvedUsing Paren Typedef TypeOfExpr TypeOf Decltype UnaryTransform Enum Elaborated Attributed SubstTemplateTypeParm SubstTemplateTypeParmPack Auto InjectedClassName DependentName PackExpansion ObjCObject ObjCInterface ObjCObjectPointer Total bytes = CopyFuncPtr DestroyFuncPtr @? "_vptr$ ^^? @0: @?0 ,R ,& ,D ,N ,G ,S ,V ,W ,C DependentTemplateSpecialization implicit default constructors created implicit copy constructors created implicit move constructors created implicit copy assignment operators created implicit move assignment operators created implicit destructors created __block_descriptor_withcopydispose ' (aka ' objcclass objcinstance the global namespace the global scope method <> / AccessSpec FileScopeAsm Friend FriendTemplate LinkageSpec Namespace NamespaceAlias ObjCCompatibleAlias ObjCCategory ObjCCategoryImpl ObjCImplementation ObjCProtocol ObjCMethod ClassTemplate FunctionTemplate TypeAliasTemplate TemplateTemplateParm CXXRecord ClassTemplateSpecialization TypeAlias UnresolvedUsingTypename UsingDirective UsingShadow ObjCAtDefsField ObjCIvar CXXMethod CXXConstructor CXXConversion CXXDestructor NonTypeTemplateParm ImplicitParam ParmVar EnumConstant IndirectField UnresolvedUsingValue ObjCClass ObjCForwardProtocol ObjCPropertyImpl StaticAssert TranslationUnit not available on introduced in obsoleted in first deprecated in *** Decl Stats: decls total. AccessSpec decls, each ( bytes) Block decls, FileScopeAsm decls, Friend decls, FriendTemplate decls, LinkageSpec decls, Label decls, Namespace decls, NamespaceAlias decls, ObjCCompatibleAlias decls, ObjCCategory decls, ObjCCategoryImpl decls, ObjCImplementation decls, ObjCInterface decls, ObjCProtocol decls, ObjCMethod decls, ObjCProperty decls, ClassTemplate decls, FunctionTemplate decls, TypeAliasTemplate decls, TemplateTemplateParm decls, Enum decls, Record decls, CXXRecord decls, TemplateTypeParm decls, TypeAlias decls, Typedef decls, Using decls, UsingDirective decls, UsingShadow decls, Field decls, ObjCAtDefsField decls, ObjCIvar decls, Function decls, CXXMethod decls, CXXConstructor decls, CXXConversion decls, CXXDestructor decls, NonTypeTemplateParm decls, Var decls, ImplicitParam decls, ParmVar decls, EnumConstant decls, IndirectField decls, UnresolvedUsingValue decls, ObjCClass decls, ObjCForwardProtocol decls, ObjCPropertyImpl decls, StaticAssert decls, TranslationUnit decls, ClassScopeFunctionSpecialization ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization ClassScopeFunctionSpecialization decls, ClassTemplateSpecialization decls, ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization decls, UnresolvedUsingTypename decls, $ $ @ & $ & $ $ $ $ ( mutable __module_private__ __thread extern __private_extern__ virtual throw( noexcept __attribute((noreturn)) __attribute((returns_twice)) = delete @implementation __asm ( @compatibility_alias @protocol @required @optional getter = setter = using typename using namespace @class @dynamic static_assert( @synthesize template < @interface C++ extern " LValueBitCast LValueToRValue GetObjCProperty NoOp BaseToDerived UncheckedDerivedToBase Dynamic ToUnion ArrayToPointerDecay FunctionToPointerDecay NullToMemberPointer NullToPointer BaseToDerivedMemberPointer DerivedToBaseMemberPointer UserDefinedConversion ConstructorConversion IntegralToPointer PointerToIntegral ToVoid VectorSplat IntegralCast IntegralToBoolean IntegralToFloating FloatingToIntegral FloatingCast FloatingToBoolean MemberPointerToBoolean CPointerToObjCPointerCast BlockPointerToObjCPointerCast AnyPointerToBlockPointerCast ObjCObjectLValueCast FloatingRealToComplex FloatingComplexToReal FloatingComplexToBoolean FloatingComplexCast IntegralRealToComplex IntegralComplexToReal IntegralComplexToBoolean IntegralComplexCast ARCConsumeObject ARCProduceObject ARCReclaimReturnedObject ARCCExtendBlockObject Dependent __extension__ FloatingComplexToIntegralComplex IntegralComplexToFloatingComplex ' ! " # & $ % $ % cannot yet mangle expression type %0 ?: operator with omitted middle operand cannot be mangled cannot yet mangle vec_step expression char_traits co dv eo aS pL mI mL dV rM aN oR eO lS rS oo __autoreleasing fL C1 C3 St Sa basic_string Sb basic_ostream So basic_iostream basic_istream Sd Di Dh Dn 11objc_object 10objc_class 13objc_selector U13block_pointer Dv u6typeof Dt 3eut _SUBSTPACK_ Da Dp U7_Atomic DT poly16_t uint16_t uint32_t uint64_t float32_t poly8_t __simd128_ __simd64_ uint8_t 12_GLOBAL__N_1 cv dt v1U _Z Lb 0_ LDnE sZ _ZGV Mangling declaration _ZT _ZTT _ZTV _ZTC _ZGR _ZTS _ZTI _block_invoke_ __block_global_ ?A ?B ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9 ?C ?D ?E ?F ?G ?H ?I ?J ?K ?L ?M ?N ?O ?P ?Q ?R ?S ?T ?U ?V ?W ?X ?Y ?Z ?_0 ?_1 ?_2 ?_3 ?_4 ?_5 ?_6 ?_U ?_V _J _K _N _W PAUobjc_object@@ PAUobjc_class@@ PAUobjc_selector@@ _E %4d | (empty) vtable pointer) vbtable pointer) (base) (primary base) (virtual base) (primary virtual base) sizeof= , dsize= nvsize= , nvalign= (CXXTemporary xvalue bitfield objcproperty vectorcomponent ' ComputeLHSTy= ComputeResultTy= elidable zeroing postfix (capture this) (capture byref nested this functional cast to Decl=' ' isFreeIvar selector= class= super (instance) super (class) Kind=MethodRef Getter=" " Setter=" Kind=PropertyRef Property=" super ADL) = ' __func__ __FUNCTION__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ sizeof __alignof vec_step ': catch parm = catch all <<>> "typedef "using = label "static_assert( );" \a break; continue; __array_extent __array_rank __is_convertible __is_same __builtin_types_compatible_p __is_convertible_to __is_base_of '\\' '\'' '\a' '\b' '\f' '\n' '\r' '\t' '\v' %x '\x __null /*implicit*/ /*implicit*/( @encode( @protocol( @selector( sizeof...( __has_nothrow_constructor __has_nothrow_copy __has_trivial_assign __has_trivial_constructor __has_trivial_copy __has_trivial_destructor __has_virtual_destructor __is_abstract __is_arithmetic __is_array __is_class __is_complete_type __is_compound __is_const __is_empty __is_enum __is_floating_point __is_function __is_fundamental __is_integral __is_literal __is_lvalue_reference __is_member_function_pointer __is_member_object_pointer __is_member_pointer __is_object __is_pod __is_pointer __is_polymorphic __is_reference __is_rvalue_reference __is_scalar __is_signed __is_standard_layout __is_trivial __is_trivially_copyable __is_union __is_unsigned __is_void __is_volatile __has_nothrow_assign goto @catch (...) { /* todo */ } @catch( @autoreleasepool volatile __builtin_astype( __atomic_load( __atomic_store( __atomic_exchange( __atomic_fetch_add( __atomic_fetch_sub( __atomic_fetch_and( __atomic_fetch_or( __atomic_fetch_xor( delete [] throw typeid( __uuidof( __builtin_choose_expr( __is_rvalue_expr __is_lvalue_expr ->isa super. __alignof vec_step __builtin_va_arg( <<>> __except ( <> __finally __try default: if ( _Generic( >>>( __builtin_offsetof( __builtin_shufflevector( switch ( while ( ? ) { do ?: @synchronized ( __atomic_compare_exchange_strong( __atomic_compare_exchange_weak( (null template argument) unsigned char unsigned short unsigned long unsigned long long long double __attribute__((address_space( ))) __unsafe_unretained >>>>>> <<<< <<<<<<< >>>> __include_macros sccs unassert @@@ @@@ @@@@ @ @@@@@@ @ @@ @@@@ | ^[] ~ \ {#} // __private_macro__ __export_macro__ lib/clang usr/include usr/local/include "%s %2d %4d" "%02d:%02d:%02d" __ms_struct__ attribute_analyzer_noreturn attribute_availability attribute_cf_returns_retained attribute_ext_vector_type attribute_ns_returns_retained attribute_ns_consumes_self attribute_ns_consumed attribute_cf_consumed attribute_objc_ivar_unused attribute_objc_method_family attribute_overloadable cxx_exceptions cxx_rtti enumerator_attributes objc_arr objc_arc objc_arc_weak objc_fixed_enum objc_instancetype objc_nonfragile_abi objc_weak_class arc_cf_code_audited c_alignas c_generic_selections c_static_assert cxx_access_control_sfinae cxx_alias_templates cxx_alignas cxx_attributes cxx_auto_type cxx_decltype cxx_delegating_constructors cxx_deleted_functions cxx_explicit_conversions cxx_implicit_moves cxx_inline_namespaces cxx_nonstatic_member_init cxx_noexcept cxx_nullptr cxx_override_control cxx_range_for cxx_rvalue_references cxx_strong_enums cxx_static_assert cxx_trailing_return cxx_variadic_templates __LINE__ __FILE__ __DATE__ __TIME__ __COUNTER__ _Pragma __BASE_FILE__ __INCLUDE_LEVEL__ __TIMESTAMP__ __has_feature __has_extension __has_builtin __has_attribute __has_include __has_include_next __has_warning ??? ??? ?? ??:??:?? ???? Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec attribute_cf_returns_not_retained attribute_deprecated_with_message attribute_ns_returns_not_retained attribute_unavailable_with_message cxx_default_function_template_args cxx_reference_qualified_functions cfe-pth PTH file uses an older PTH format that is no longer supported PTH file contains no cached source data Could not allocate memory for processing PTH file pragma once mark push_macro pop_macro system_header diagnostic __debug FENV_ACCESS CX_LIMITED_RANGE llvm_fatal_error llvm_unreachable overflow_stack handle_crash linker exestr DEFAULT fatal #pragma clang __debug llvm_fatal_error *** Preprocessor Stats: directives found: #define. #undef. source files entered. max include stack depth #if/#ifndef/#ifdef. #else/#elif. #endif. #pragma. on the fast path. [StartOfLine] [LeadingSpace] [ExpandDisabled] [UnClean=' '] Loc=< MACRO: #include/#include_next/#import: #if/#ifndef#ifdef regions skipped obj/fn/builtin macros expanded, token paste (##) operations performed, Header Map %s: %d buckets, %d entries %d. %s -> '%s' '%s' \ \ [-ferror-limit=] [-Werror -W basic_string::insert fix-it:" ":{ }:" fatal error: In file included from In included file: (in PCH) + ) : basic_string::erase ... note: (skipping expanded from macro: expansions in backtrace; use -fmacro-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) sS pP not a builtin function __builtin_atan2 Fnc __builtin_atan2f __builtin_atan2l __builtin_abs ncF __builtin_copysign __builtin_copysignf __builtin_copysignl __builtin_fabs __builtin_fabsf __builtin_fabsl __builtin_fmod __builtin_fmodf __builtin_fmodl __builtin_frexp Fn __builtin_frexpf __builtin_frexpl __builtin_huge_val __builtin_huge_valf __builtin_huge_vall __builtin_inf __builtin_inff __builtin_infl __builtin_ldexp ddi __builtin_ldexpf ffi __builtin_ldexpl LdLdi __builtin_modf ddd* __builtin_modff fff* __builtin_modfl LdLdLd* __builtin_nan __builtin_nanf fcC* __builtin_nanl LdcC* __builtin_nans __builtin_nansf __builtin_nansl __builtin_powi __builtin_powif __builtin_powil __builtin_pow __builtin_powf __builtin_powl __builtin_acos __builtin_acosf __builtin_acosl __builtin_acosh __builtin_acoshf __builtin_acoshl __builtin_asin __builtin_asinf __builtin_asinl __builtin_asinh __builtin_asinhf __builtin_asinhl __builtin_atan __builtin_atanf __builtin_atanl __builtin_atanh __builtin_atanhf __builtin_atanhl __builtin_cbrt __builtin_cbrtf __builtin_cbrtl __builtin_ceil __builtin_ceilf __builtin_ceill __builtin_cos __builtin_cosf __builtin_cosh __builtin_coshf __builtin_coshl __builtin_cosl __builtin_erf __builtin_erff __builtin_erfl __builtin_erfc __builtin_erfcf __builtin_erfcl __builtin_exp __builtin_expf __builtin_expl __builtin_exp2 __builtin_exp2f __builtin_exp2l __builtin_expm1 __builtin_expm1f __builtin_expm1l __builtin_fdim __builtin_fdimf __builtin_fdiml __builtin_floor __builtin_floorf __builtin_floorl __builtin_fma dddd __builtin_fmaf ffff __builtin_fmal LdLdLdLd __builtin_fmax __builtin_fmaxf __builtin_fmaxl __builtin_fmin __builtin_fminf __builtin_fminl __builtin_hypot __builtin_hypotf __builtin_hypotl __builtin_ilogb __builtin_ilogbf __builtin_ilogbl __builtin_lgamma __builtin_lgammaf __builtin_lgammal __builtin_llrint LLid __builtin_llrintf LLif __builtin_llrintl LLiLd __builtin_llround __builtin_llroundf __builtin_llroundl __builtin_log __builtin_log10 __builtin_log10f __builtin_log10l __builtin_log1p __builtin_log1pf __builtin_log1pl __builtin_log2 __builtin_log2f __builtin_log2l __builtin_logb __builtin_logbf __builtin_logbl __builtin_logf __builtin_logl __builtin_lrint __builtin_lrintf __builtin_lrintl __builtin_lround __builtin_lroundf __builtin_lroundl __builtin_nearbyint __builtin_nearbyintf __builtin_nearbyintl __builtin_nextafter __builtin_nextafterf __builtin_nextafterl __builtin_nexttoward __builtin_nexttowardf __builtin_nexttowardl __builtin_remainder __builtin_remainderf __builtin_remainderl __builtin_remquo dddi* __builtin_remquof fffi* __builtin_remquol LdLdLdi* __builtin_rint __builtin_rintf __builtin_rintl __builtin_round __builtin_roundf __builtin_roundl __builtin_scalbln ddLi __builtin_scalblnf ffLi __builtin_scalblnl LdLdLi __builtin_scalbn __builtin_scalbnf __builtin_scalbnl __builtin_sin __builtin_sinf __builtin_sinh __builtin_sinhf __builtin_sinhl __builtin_sinl __builtin_sqrt __builtin_sqrtf __builtin_sqrtl __builtin_tan __builtin_tanf __builtin_tanh __builtin_tanhf __builtin_tanhl __builtin_tanl __builtin_tgamma __builtin_tgammaf __builtin_tgammal __builtin_trunc __builtin_truncf __builtin_truncl __builtin_cabs __builtin_cabsf __builtin_cabsl __builtin_cacos __builtin_cacosf __builtin_cacosh __builtin_cacoshf __builtin_cacoshl __builtin_cacosl __builtin_carg __builtin_cargf __builtin_cargl __builtin_casin __builtin_casinf __builtin_casinh __builtin_casinhf __builtin_casinhl __builtin_casinl __builtin_catan __builtin_catanf __builtin_catanh __builtin_catanhf __builtin_catanhl __builtin_catanl __builtin_ccos __builtin_ccosf __builtin_ccosl __builtin_ccosh __builtin_ccoshf __builtin_ccoshl __builtin_cexp __builtin_cexpf __builtin_cexpl __builtin_cimag __builtin_cimagf __builtin_cimagl __builtin_conj __builtin_conjf __builtin_conjl __builtin_clog __builtin_clogf __builtin_clogl __builtin_cproj __builtin_cprojf __builtin_cprojl __builtin_cpow XdXdXd __builtin_cpowf XfXfXf __builtin_cpowl XLdXLdXLd __builtin_creal __builtin_crealf __builtin_creall __builtin_csin __builtin_csinf __builtin_csinl __builtin_csinh __builtin_csinhf __builtin_csinhl __builtin_csqrt __builtin_csqrtf __builtin_csqrtl __builtin_ctan __builtin_ctanf __builtin_ctanl __builtin_ctanh __builtin_ctanhf __builtin_ctanhl __builtin_isgreater __builtin_isgreaterequal __builtin_isless __builtin_islessequal __builtin_islessgreater __builtin_isunordered __builtin_fpclassify iiiii. __builtin_isfinite __builtin_isinf __builtin_isinf_sign __builtin_isnan __builtin_isnormal __builtin_signbit __builtin_signbitf __builtin_signbitl __builtin_clz __builtin_clzl iULi __builtin_clzll __builtin_ctz __builtin_ctzl __builtin_ctzll __builtin_ffs __builtin_ffsl __builtin_ffsll __builtin_parity __builtin_parityl __builtin_parityll __builtin_popcount __builtin_popcountl __builtin_popcountll __builtin_bswap32 __builtin_bswap64 __builtin_constant_p __builtin_classify_type FC*cC* __builtin_va_start vA. __builtin_va_end vA __builtin_va_copy vAA __builtin_stdarg_start __builtin_bcmp iv*v*z __builtin_bcopy vv*v*z __builtin_bzero vv*z nF __builtin_fprintf iP*cC*. Fp:1: __builtin_memchr v*vC*iz __builtin_memcmp ivC*vC*z v*v*vC*z __builtin_memmove __builtin_mempcpy __builtin_memset v*v*iz __builtin_printf Fp:0: __builtin_stpcpy c*c*cC* __builtin_stpncpy c*c*cC*z __builtin_strcasecmp icC*cC* __builtin_strcat __builtin_strchr c*cC*i __builtin_strcmp __builtin_strcpy __builtin_strcspn zcC*cC* __builtin_strdup __builtin_strlen zcC* __builtin_strncasecmp icC*cC*z __builtin_strncat __builtin_strncmp __builtin_strncpy __builtin_strndup __builtin_strpbrk c*cC*cC* __builtin_strrchr __builtin_strspn __builtin_strstr __builtin_return_address v*IUi __builtin_extract_return_addr v*v* __builtin_frame_address __builtin_flt_rounds __builtin_setjmp iv** __builtin_longjmp vv**i __builtin_unwind_init __builtin_snprintf ic*zcC*. nFp:2: __builtin_vsprintf ic*cC*a nFP:1: __builtin_vsnprintf ic*zcC*a nFP:2: __builtin_eh_return vzv* __builtin_frob_return_addr __builtin_dwarf_cfa vv* __builtin_extend_pointer ULLiv* __builtin_object_size zvC*i __builtin___memcpy_chk v*v*vC*zz __builtin___memmove_chk __builtin___mempcpy_chk __builtin___memset_chk v*v*izz __builtin___stpcpy_chk __builtin___strcat_chk __builtin___strcpy_chk __builtin___strncat_chk c*c*cC*zz __builtin___strncpy_chk __builtin___stpncpy_chk __builtin___snprintf_chk ic*zizcC*. Fp:4: __builtin___sprintf_chk ic*izcC*. Fp:3: __builtin___vsnprintf_chk ic*zizcC*a FP:4: __builtin___vsprintf_chk ic*izcC*a FP:3: __builtin___fprintf_chk iP*icC*. __builtin___printf_chk iicC*. __builtin___vfprintf_chk iP*icC*a __builtin___vprintf_chk iicC*a __builtin_expect LiLiLi __builtin_prefetch vvC*. __builtin_unreachable __builtin_alloca __sync_fetch_and_add ccD*c. ssD*s. iiD*i. LLiLLiD*LLi. __sync_fetch_and_add_16 LLLiLLLiD*LLLi. __sync_fetch_and_sub __sync_fetch_and_sub_16 __sync_fetch_and_or __sync_fetch_and_or_16 __sync_fetch_and_and __sync_fetch_and_and_16 __sync_fetch_and_xor __sync_fetch_and_xor_16 __sync_add_and_fetch __sync_add_and_fetch_1 __sync_add_and_fetch_2 __sync_add_and_fetch_4 __sync_add_and_fetch_8 __sync_add_and_fetch_16 __sync_sub_and_fetch __sync_sub_and_fetch_1 __sync_sub_and_fetch_2 __sync_sub_and_fetch_4 __sync_sub_and_fetch_8 __sync_sub_and_fetch_16 __sync_or_and_fetch __sync_or_and_fetch_1 __sync_or_and_fetch_2 __sync_or_and_fetch_4 __sync_or_and_fetch_8 __sync_or_and_fetch_16 __sync_and_and_fetch __sync_and_and_fetch_1 __sync_and_and_fetch_2 __sync_and_and_fetch_4 __sync_and_and_fetch_8 __sync_and_and_fetch_16 __sync_xor_and_fetch __sync_xor_and_fetch_1 __sync_xor_and_fetch_2 __sync_xor_and_fetch_4 __sync_xor_and_fetch_8 __sync_xor_and_fetch_16 __sync_bool_compare_and_swap bcD*cc. bsD*ss. biD*ii. bLLiD*LLiLLi. bLLLiD*LLLiLLLi. __sync_val_compare_and_swap ccD*cc. ssD*ss. iiD*ii. LLiLLiD*LLiLLi. LLLiLLLiD*LLLiLLLi. __sync_lock_test_and_set __sync_lock_test_and_set_16 __sync_lock_release __sync_lock_release_1 vcD*. __sync_lock_release_2 vsD*. __sync_lock_release_4 viD*. __sync_lock_release_8 vLLiD*. __sync_lock_release_16 vLLLiD*. __sync_swap __sync_swap_1 __sync_swap_2 __sync_swap_4 __sync_swap_8 __sync_swap_16 __atomic_load __atomic_store __atomic_exchange __atomic_fetch_add __atomic_fetch_sub __atomic_fetch_and __atomic_fetch_or __atomic_fetch_xor __atomic_thread_fence vi __atomic_signal_fence __atomic_is_lock_free __sync_fetch_and_min iiD*i __sync_fetch_and_max __sync_fetch_and_umin UiUiD*Ui __sync_fetch_and_umax __builtin_abort Fnr __builtin_index __builtin_rindex __assume __noop __debugbreak stdlib.h v*zz _Exit string.h zc*cC*z strerror c*i fp:0: stdio.h fp:1: fp:2: ic*cC*. fP:0: fP:1: fP:2: fs:0: vJi setjmp.h strings.h unistd.h vfork fj iJ __sigsetjmp iJi setjmp_syscall savectx qsetjmp getcontext vSJi strlcpy strlcat GGH. objc/message.h LdGH. Gv*H. vv*H. objc_getClass GcC* objc/runtime.h objc_getMetaClass vG /objc/objc-auto.h GGG* GGGY Gv* /objc/objc-exception.h iGG iG /objc/objc-sync.h fe math.h vv*vC*iC Blocks.h vvC*iC __builtin_annotation UiUicC* __builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString __builtin___NSStringMakeConstantString __builtin_eh_return_data_regno __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_1 __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_2 __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_4 __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_8 __sync_bool_compare_and_swap_16 __sync_val_compare_and_swap_16 __atomic_compare_exchange_strong __atomic_compare_exchange_weak plural ordinal err_cannot_open_file cannot open file '%0': %1 err_default_special_members err_deleted_non_function err_expected_colon expected ':' err_expected_namespace_name expected namespace name err_file_modified err_module_cycle err_module_not_built could not build module '%0' err_module_not_found module '%0' not found err_param_redefinition redefinition of parameter %0 err_target_invalid_feature invalid target feature '%0' err_target_unknown_abi unknown target ABI '%0' err_target_unknown_cpu unknown target CPU '%0' err_target_unknown_cxxabi unknown C++ ABI '%0' err_target_unknown_triple err_unsupported_bom ext_longlong long-long ext_no_declarators missing-declarations ext_variadic_templates c++11-extensions fatal_too_many_errors note_also_found also found note_duplicate_case_prev previous case defined here note_forward_declaration forward declaration of %0 note_invalid_subexpr_in_ice note_matching to match this '%0' note_possibility one possibility note_pragma_entered_here #pragma entered here note_previous_declaration previous declaration is here note_previous_definition previous definition is here note_previous_use previous use is here note_type_being_defined note_using warn_cxx98_compat_longlong c++98-compat-pedantic c++98-compat warn_integer_too_large warn_method_param_declaration duplicate-method-arg warn_module_build module-build err_arc_nonfragile_abi err_drv_I_dash_not_supported err_drv_clang_unsupported err_drv_command_failed err_drv_command_failure unable to execute command: %0 err_drv_command_signalled err_drv_invalid_arch_name invalid arch name '%0' err_drv_invalid_int_value err_drv_invalid_mfloat_abi invalid float ABI '%0' err_drv_invalid_remap_file err_drv_invalid_stdlib_name err_drv_invalid_value invalid value '%1' in '%0' err_drv_mg_requires_m_or_mm err_drv_missing_argument err_drv_no_ast_support err_drv_no_input_files no input files err_drv_no_such_file err_drv_objc_gc_arr err_drv_preamble_format err_drv_unable_to_make_temp err_drv_unable_to_remove_file unable to remove file: %0 err_drv_unknown_argument unknown argument: '%0' err_drv_unknown_language language not recognized: '%0' err_drv_unknown_stdin_type err_drv_unsupported_opt unsupported option '%0' err_drv_use_of_Z_option diagnostic msg: %0 warn_c_kext warn_drv_clang_unsupported warn_drv_input_file_unused warn_drv_not_using_clang_arch warn_drv_not_using_clang_cpp warn_drv_not_using_clang_cxx warn_drv_objc_gc_unsupported warn_drv_unused_argument warn_ignoring_ftabstop_value err_fe_error_backend error in backend: %0 err_fe_error_opening error opening '%0': %1 err_fe_error_reading error reading '%0' err_fe_error_reading_stdin error reading stdin err_fe_expected_clang_command err_fe_expected_compiler_job err_fe_incompatible_options '%0' cannot be used with '%1' err_fe_inline_asm err_fe_invalid_ast_action invalid action for AST input err_fe_invalid_ast_file invalid AST file: '%0' err_fe_invalid_plugin_name unable to find plugin '%0' err_fe_invoking error invoking%0: %1 err_fe_no_fixit_and_codegen err_fe_not_a_pch_file input is not a PCH file: '%0' err_fe_pch_error_at_end_block err_fe_pch_file_modified err_fe_pch_malformed err_fe_pch_malformed_block err_fe_remap_missing_to_file err_fe_stderr_binary err_fe_stdout_binary unable to create target: '%0' err_fe_unable_to_load_pch unable to load PCH file err_fe_unable_to_load_plugin err_fe_unable_to_open_logfile err_fe_unable_to_open_output unable to read PCH file: '%0' err_fe_unable_to_rename_temp err_not_a_pch_file err_pch_langopt_mismatch err_verify_inconsistent_diags err_verify_invalid_content invalid expected %0: %1 err_verify_missing_end err_verify_missing_start note_fe_inline_asm_here note_fixit_applied note_fixit_failed note_fixit_in_macro main file unchanged note_fixit_unfixed_error note_pch_macro_defined_as note_using_macro_def_from_pch warn_fixit_no_changes analyzer-incompatible-plugin warn_macro_name_used_in_pch warn_pch_different_branch warn_pch_target_triple warn_pch_version_too_new warn_pch_version_too_old warn_unknown_analyzer_checker unknown-warning-option unknown warning option '%0' warn_unknown_warning_option backslash_newline_space backslash-newline-escape err__Pragma_malformed err_conflict_marker err_defined_macro_name err_empty_character empty character constant err_exponent_has_no_digits exponent has no digits err_feature_check_malformed err_hex_escape_no_digits err_invalid_binary_digit err_invalid_char_raw_delim err_invalid_decimal_digit err_invalid_octal_digit err_invalid_pth_file err_pascal_string_too_long Pascal string is too long err_paste_at_end err_paste_at_start expected 'begin' or 'end' err_pp_bad_paste err_pp_bad_paste_ms invalid-token-paste err_pp_colon_without_question ':' without preceding '?' err_pp_division_by_zero err_pp_empty_filename empty filename err_pp_endif_without_if #endif without #if err_pp_error_opening_file error opening file '%0': %1 err_pp_expected_eol err_pp_expected_rparen err_pp_expected_value_in_expr expected value in expression err_pp_expects_filename err_pp_expr_bad_token_binop err_pp_file_not_found '%0' file not found err_pp_hash_error #error%0 err_pp_include_too_deep #include nested too deeply err_pp_invalid_directive err_pp_invalid_poison err_pp_line_digit_sequence err_pp_line_invalid_filename err_pp_line_requires_integer err_pp_linemarker_invalid_pop err_pp_macro_not_identifier err_pp_malformed_ident invalid #ident directive err_pp_missing_lparen missing '(' after '%0' err_pp_missing_macro_name macro name missing err_pp_missing_rparen missing ')' after '%0' missing value before operator err_pp_remainder_by_zero err_pp_used_poisoned_id err_pp_visibility_non_macro no macro named %0 err_pragma_comment_malformed err_pragma_message_malformed err_pth_cannot_read err_raw_delim_too_long err_ucn_escape_incomplete err_ucn_escape_invalid invalid universal character err_ucn_escape_no_digits err_ucn_escape_too_big err_unsupported_string_concat err_unterm_macro_invoc err_unterminated___pragma unterminated /* comment err_unterminated_raw_string err_warning_check_malformed malformed-warning-check ext_bcpl_comment ext_binary_literal c99-extensions ext_charize_microsoft @# is a microsoft extension ext_dollar_in_identifier '$' in identifier ext_embedded_directive ext_empty_fnmacro_arg four-char-constants ext_hexconstant_invalid ext_imaginary_constant ext_missing_varargs_arg ext_multi_line_bcpl_comment multi-line // comment multichar ext_named_variadic_macro variadic-macros ext_no_newline_eof newline-eof no newline at end of file ext_nonstandard_escape ext_on_off_switch_syntax unknown-pragmas ext_paste_comma ext_pp_bad_vaargs_use ext_pp_comma_expr ext_pp_extra_tokens_at_eol extra-tokens ext_pp_ident_directive ext_pp_import_directive ext_pp_include_next_directive ext_pp_line_too_big ext_pp_macro_redef %0 macro redefined ext_pp_warning_directive ext_pragma_syntax_eod ext_stdc_pragma_ignored ext_string_too_long overlength-strings ext_token_used language-extension-token extension used ext_unknown_escape unknown escape sequence '\%0' ext_variadic_macro null_in_char null-character null_in_file null character ignored null_in_string pp_err_elif_after_else #elif after #else pp_err_elif_without_if #elif without #if pp_err_else_after_else #else after #else pp_err_else_without_if #else without #if pp_hash_warning #warnings #warning%0 pp_include_next_absolute_path pp_include_next_in_primary pp_invalid_string_literal pp_macro_not_used unused-macros macro is not used pp_out_of_date_dependency pp_poisoning_existing_macro poisoning existing macro pp_pragma_once_in_main_file #pragma once in main file pp_redef_builtin_macro builtin-macro-redefined redefining builtin macro pp_undef_builtin_macro undefining builtin macro trigraph_converted trigraphs trigraph_ends_block_comment trigraph ends block comment trigraph_ignored trigraph ignored warn_char_constant_too_large warn_cxx11_keyword c++11-compat '%0' is a keyword in C++11 warn_extraneous_char_constant warn_hex_escape_too_large warn_nested_block_comment '/*' within block comment warn_octal_escape_too_large warn_pp_expr_overflow warn_pp_line_decimal warn_pp_undef_identifier unexpected debug command '%0' warn_pragma_ignored unknown pragma ignored warn_pragma_message #pragma messages warn_pragma_pop_macro_no_push warn_ucn_escape_too_large unicode warn_ucn_not_valid_in_c89 warn_unterminated_char warn_unterminated_string err_anon_type_definition err_arc_bridge_retain err_at_defs_cxx err_at_in_class err_attributes_not_allowed err_availability_redundant err_bitfield_member_init err_bool_redeclaration err_ctor_init_missing_comma err_default_arg_unparsed err_destructor_template_id err_dup_virtual class already marked '%0' err_duplicate_default_assoc err_duplicate_virt_specifier err_enum_template err_enumerator_unnamed_no_def err_expected_asm_operand err_expected_capture err_expected_catch expected catch err_expected_class_before expected 'class' before '%0' err_expected_class_name expected class name err_expected_colon_after expected ':' after %0 err_expected_comma expected ',' err_expected_comma_greater err_expected_comma_or_rsquare err_expected_equal_after expected '=' after %0 expected '=' after declarator err_expected_equal_designator err_expected_expression expected expression expected external declaration err_expected_field_designator err_expected_fn_body err_expected_ggg expected '>>>' err_expected_greater expected '>' err_expected_ident expected identifier err_expected_ident_in_using err_expected_ident_lbrace expected identifier or '{' err_expected_ident_lparen expected identifier or '(' err_expected_implementation err_expected_lambda_body err_expected_lbrace expected '{' err_expected_lbrace_or_comma expected '{' or ',' err_expected_less_after expected '<' after '%0' err_expected_lparen expected '(' err_expected_lparen_after expected '(' after '%0' err_expected_lparen_after_id expected '(' after %0 err_expected_lparen_or_lbrace expected '('or '{' err_expected_lsquare expected '[' err_expected_method_body expected method body err_expected_minus_or_plus err_expected_parameter_pack err_expected_property_name expected property name err_expected_rbrace expected '}' err_expected_rparen expected ')' err_expected_rsquare expected ']' err_expected_semi_after expected ';' after %0 err_expected_semi_after_expr expected ';' after expression err_expected_semi_after_stmt err_expected_semi_decl_list err_expected_semi_declaration err_expected_semi_for err_expected_statement expected statement err_expected_string_literal expected string literal err_expected_template expected template err_expected_type expected a type err_expected_type_id_after expected type-id after '%0' err_expected_unqualified_id err_expected_version err_expected_while extraneous '%0' before ';' err_friend_decl_defines_class err_friend_invalid_in_context err_friend_storage_spec err_func_def_no_params err_function_declared_typedef err_illegal_super_cast err_inline_namespace_alias err_invalid_complex_spec '_Complex %0' is invalid err_invalid_long_spec 'long %0' is invalid err_invalid_longlong_spec 'long long %0' is invalid err_invalid_short_spec 'short %0' is invalid err_invalid_sign_spec err_invalid_vector_decl_spec err_missing_catch_finally err_missing_class_definition err_missing_id_definition err_missing_param expected parameter declarator err_missing_proto_definition err_missing_sel_definition err_module_expected_ident err_module_expected_semi err_no_matching_param parameter named %0 is missing err_objc_concat_string unknown property attribute %0 illegal interface qualifier err_objc_missing_end missing @end err_objc_property_bitfield err_objc_unexpected_attr err_objc_unknown_at err_operator_string_not_empty err_parse_error parse error err_seh___except_block err_seh___except_filter err_seh___finally_block err_seh_expected_handler err_sizeof_parameter_pack err_synthesized_property_name err_templated_using_directive err_typename_identifiers_only err_unexpected_at unexpected '@' in program err_unexpected_typedef_ident err_unknown_template_name unknown template name %0 err_unknown_typename unknown type name %0 err_using_namespace_in_class err_zero_version error_empty_enum use of empty enum error_property_ivar_decl ext_alias_declaration ext_auto_storage_class auto-storage-class ext_auto_type_specifier ext_c1x_alignas c1x-extensions ext_c1x_generic_selection ext_c1x_static_assert ext_c99_compound_literal ext_duplicate_declspec ext_ellipsis_exception_spec ext_empty_source_file ext_empty_struct_union c++-compat ext_enumerator_list_comma ext_expected_semi_decl_list ext_extra_ivar_semi ext_extra_struct_semi extra ';' inside a %0 ext_for_range ext_gnu_address_of_label ext_gnu_array_range gnu-designator ext_gnu_case_range ext_gnu_conditional_expr ext_gnu_empty_initializer ext_gnu_indirect_goto ext_gnu_local_label ext_gnu_statement_expr ext_ident_list_in_param ext_inline_namespace ext_integer_complex ext_nonstatic_member_init ext_override_control_keyword ext_plain_complex ext_ref_qualifier ext_rvalue_reference ext_thread_before '__thread' before 'static' ext_top_level_semi note_previous_default_assoc w_asm_qualifier_ignored ignored %0 qualifier on asm warn_auto_storage_class warn_cxx98_compat_alignas warn_cxx98_compat_alignof warn_cxx98_compat_attribute warn_cxx98_compat_for_range warn_cxx98_compat_lambda warn_cxx98_compat_nullptr warn_cxx98_compat_scoped_enum warn_file_asm_volatile warn_pragma_expected_colon warn_pragma_expected_lparen warn_pragma_expected_rparen warn_pragma_ms_struct warn_pragma_pack_malformed warn_pragma_unknown_extension semicolon-before-method-body err_asm_invalid_escape err_odr_variable_multiple_def err_unsupported_ast_node note_expr_divide_by_zero division by zero note_odr_base class has base type %0 note_odr_bit_field note_odr_defined_here also defined here note_odr_enumerator note_odr_field field %0 has type %1 here note_odr_missing_base note_odr_missing_enumerator note_odr_missing_field no corresponding field here note_odr_not_bit_field field %0 is not a bit-field note_odr_number_of_bases note_odr_objc_method_here note_odr_objc_superclass note_odr_tag_kind_here note_odr_value_here declared here with type %0 note_odr_virtual_base err_abstract_type_in_decl err_access err_access_assign_base err_access_assign_field err_access_base_ctor err_access_copy_base err_access_copy_field err_access_ctor err_access_ctor_field err_access_dtor err_access_dtor_base err_access_dtor_exception err_access_dtor_field err_access_dtor_ivar err_access_dtor_temp err_access_dtor_var err_access_dtor_vbase err_access_field_ctor err_access_outside_class err_addr_ovl_ambiguous err_addr_ovl_no_qualifier err_addr_ovl_no_viable err_addr_ovl_not_func_ptrref err_altivec_empty_initializer expected initializer err_ambiguous_delete_operand err_ambiguous_memptr_conv err_ambiguous_reference reference to %0 is ambiguous err_ambiguous_tag_hiding err_arc_atomic_ownership err_arc_autoreleasing_var err_arc_cast_requires_bridge err_arc_collection_forward err_arc_illegal_method_def err_arc_illegal_selector err_arc_indirect_no_ownership err_arc_may_not_respond err_arc_method_not_found err_arc_mismatched_cast err_arc_multiple_method_decl err_arc_nonlocal_writeback err_arc_objc_object_in_struct err_arc_thread_ownership err_arc_unused_init_message err_arc_weak_no_runtime err_arg_with_address_space err_argument_invalid_range err_array_designator_negative err_array_init_different_type err_array_init_list_required err_array_init_not_init_list err_array_new_needs_size err_array_of_abstract_type err_array_size_non_int err_array_size_not_integral err_array_too_large err_as_qualified_auto_decl invalid lvalue in asm output err_asm_invalid_type_in_input err_asm_unknown_register_name err_asm_wide_character err_assoc_compatible_types err_assoc_type_incomplete err_assoc_type_nonobject err_atomic_op_needs_atomic err_atomic_specifier_bad_type err_attr_wrong_decl address space is negative err_attribute_invalid_size err_attribute_not_string err_attribute_weak_static err_attribute_wrong_decl_type err_attribute_zero_size zero vector size err_auto_different_deductions err_auto_not_allowed err_auto_var_requires_init err_bad_const_cast_dest err_bad_cstyle_cast_overload err_bad_cxx_cast_generic err_bad_cxx_cast_rvalue %0 is an incomplete type %0 is not a class %0 is not polymorphic err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_ptr %0 is not a pointer err_bad_language unknown linkage language err_bad_lvalue_to_rvalue_cast err_bad_memptr_lhs err_bad_memptr_rhs err_bad_new_type err_bad_parameter_name err_bad_receiver_type bad receiver type %0 err_bad_static_cast_overload err_bad_variable_name err_base_clause_on_union err_base_must_be_class err_bitfield_has_zero_width err_block_extern_cant_init err_block_on_nonlocal err_block_on_vm err_block_return_missing_expr err_blocks_disable err_bound_member_function err_builtin_definition err_c99_array_usage_cxx err_call_incomplete_argument err_call_incomplete_return err_case_not_in_switch err_cast_selector_expr err_catch_incomplete err_catch_param_not_objc_type err_catch_rvalue_ref err_cconv_change err_cconv_knr err_cconv_varargs CFString-literal base %0 is marked 'final' err_collection_expr_type err_conditional_ambiguous err_conditional_ambiguous_ovl err_conditional_void_nonvoid err_config_scalar_return err_conflicting_aliasing_type err_conflicting_ivar_bitwidth err_conflicting_ivar_name err_conflicting_ivar_type err_conflicting_super_class err_conflicting_types conflicting types for %0 err_const_var_requires_init err_constant_integer_arg_type err_constexpr_body_no_return err_constexpr_dtor err_constexpr_no_declarators err_constexpr_redecl_mismatch err_constexpr_tag err_constexpr_type_definition err_constexpr_var_declaration err_constexpr_virtual err_constexpr_virtual_base err_constexpr_vla err_constructor_byvalue_arg err_constructor_cannot_be err_constructor_redeclared err_constructor_return_type err_continuation_class err_continue_not_in_loop err_conv_function_not_member err_conv_function_redeclared err_conv_function_return_type err_conv_function_to_array err_conv_function_to_function err_conv_function_variadic err_conv_function_with_params err_conv_to_inaccessible_base err_decimal_unsupported err_decl_negative_array_size err_declarator_need_ident err_decrement_bool err_default_init_const err_default_not_in_switch err_delegating_ctor err_delete_operand err_deleted_decl_not_first err_deleted_function_use err_dependent_tag_decl err_destructor_cannot_be err_destructor_class_name err_destructor_name err_destructor_not_member err_destructor_redeclared err_destructor_return_type err_destructor_template err_destructor_typedef_name err_destructor_variadic destructor cannot be variadic err_destructor_with_params err_distant_exception_spec err_double_requires_fp64 err_dtor_expr_without_call err_dup_implementation_class reimplementation of class %0 err_duplicate_base_class err_duplicate_case duplicate case value '%0' err_duplicate_class_def err_duplicate_member duplicate member %0 err_duplicate_method_decl err_duplicate_property err_early_catch_all err_ellipsis_first_arg err_empty_scalar_initializer err_enum_invalid_underlying err_enumerator_too_large err_enumerator_wrapped err_exception_spec_in_typedef err_exception_spec_unknown err_exceptions_disabled err_excess_initializers err_expected_block_lbrace expected '{' in block literal expected a class or namespace err_expected_ident_or_lparen err_explicit_non_function err_explicit_out_of_class err_expr_not_ice err_extern_non_extern err_falloff_nonvoid_block err_field_designator_non_aggr err_field_designator_nonfield err_field_designator_unknown err_field_incomplete field has incomplete type %0 err_final_base derivation from 'final' %0 err_final_function_overridden err_flexible_array_init cannot use type %0 as a range err_for_range_incomplete_type err_for_range_storage_class err_format_attribute_not format argument not %0 function does not return %0 err_forward_ref_enum err_forward_superclass err_friend_def_in_local_class err_friend_is_member err_generic_sel_multi_match err_generic_sel_no_match err_getter_not_found err_global_call_not_config err_goto_into_protected_scope goto into protected scope err_iboutlet_object_type err_iboutletcollection_type err_ident_in_dtor_not_a_type '%0' declared as array of %1 err_illegal_initializer err_illegal_initializer_type illegal initializer type %0 err_imaginary_not_supported err_incomplete_base_class err_incomplete_member_access err_incomplete_object_call err_incomplete_type err_incomplete_typeid err_inconsistant_ivar_count err_init_conversion_failed err_init_element_not_constant err_init_incomplete_type err_init_list_bad_dest_type err_init_non_aggr_init_list err_init_objc_class err_init_priority_object_attr err_inline_main err_inline_namespace_mismatch err_inline_non_function err_int_to_block_pointer err_invalid_asm_cast_lvalue err_invalid_constexpr err_invalid_declarator_scope err_invalid_initialization err_invalid_neon_type_code err_invalid_pcs Invalid PCS type err_invalid_property_name err_invalid_this_use err_invalid_thread err_invalid_use_of_array_type err_ivar_reference_type err_kern_type_not_void_return err_literal_operator_params err_local_cant_init err_lvalue_to_rvalue_ref err_main_arg_wrong err_main_returns_nonint 'main' must return 'int' err_main_surplus_args err_main_template_decl 'main' cannot be a template err_member_def_does_not_match err_member_name_of_class err_member_qualification err_member_redeclared err_memptr_conv_via_virtual err_memptr_rhs_to_incomplete err_mismatched_exception_spec err_misplaced_ivar err_missing_atend err_missing_braces err_missing_default_ctor err_missing_param_declspec err_missing_type_specifier err_mode_not_primitive err_mode_wrong_type err_module_private_local err_multiple_final_overriders err_mutable_const err_mutable_function err_mutable_nonmember err_mutable_reference err_need_header_before_typeid err_nested_name_spec_non_tag err_nested_redefinition nested redefinition of %0 err_new_array_init_args err_new_array_nonconst err_new_array_of_auto err_new_incomplete_type err_no_matching_local_friend err_no_member no member named %0 in %1 err_no_member_suggest no suitable member %0 in %1 err_no_template_suggest err_non_extern_extern err_non_static_static err_non_thread_thread err_non_variable_decl_in_for err_non_virtual_pure err_nonfunction_block_type err_not_tag_in_scope err_ns_bridged_not_interface err_nsobject_attribute err_objc_array_of_interfaces err_objc_exceptions_disabled err_objc_object_catch err_objc_var_decl_inclass err_offsetof_array_type err_offsetof_bitfield err_offsetof_incomplete_type err_offsetof_record_type err_operator_arrow_circular err_operator_new_default_arg %0 must return type %1 err_operator_new_param_type err_operator_overload_must_be err_operator_overload_static err_overload_incorrect_fntype err_override_exception_spec err_ovl_ambiguous_call call to %0 is ambiguous err_ovl_ambiguous_init err_ovl_ambiguous_member_call err_ovl_ambiguous_object_call err_ovl_ambiguous_oper_binary err_ovl_ambiguous_oper_unary err_ovl_deleted_call err_ovl_deleted_init err_ovl_deleted_member_call err_ovl_deleted_object_call err_ovl_deleted_oper err_ovl_diff_return_type err_ovl_no_conversion_in_cast err_ovl_no_oper err_ovl_no_viable_object_call err_ovl_no_viable_oper no viable overloaded '%0' err_ovl_no_viable_subscript err_ovl_unresolvable err_ownership_type err_ownin_getter_rule err_param_default_argument err_param_typedef_of_void err_param_with_void_type err_parameter_name_omitted parameter name omitted err_partial_spec_redeclared err_pointer_to_member_type err_property_found_suggest err_property_not_found err_property_type err_pseudo_dtor_template err_pseudo_dtor_type_mismatch err_qualified_friend_def err_qualified_member_nonclass err_qualified_objc_access err_qualified_objc_catch_parm err_realimag_invalid_type err_recursive_superclass err_redefinition redefinition of enumerator %0 err_redefinition_of_label redefinition of label %0 err_ref_array_type err_ref_bad_target err_ref_init_ambiguous err_ref_non_value %0 does not refer to a value err_ref_qualifier_constructor err_ref_qualifier_destructor err_ref_qualifier_overload err_ref_vm_type err_reference_bind_failed err_reference_bind_init_list err_reference_to_void err_reference_without_init err_regparm_mismatch err_repeat_attribute err_ret_local_block err_return_block_has_expr err_returns_retained_mismatch err_selector_element_type err_setter_type_void type of setter must be void err_shufflevector_non_vector err_sizeof_alignof_bitfield err_sizeof_pack_no_pack_name err_static_assert_failed static_assert failed "%0" err_static_block_func err_static_illegal_in_new err_static_main err_static_non_static err_static_not_bitfield err_static_out_of_line err_static_overrides_virtual err_stmtexpr_file_scope err_subscript_function_type err_subscript_incomplete_type err_tag_definition_of_typedef err_tag_reference_conflict err_tag_reference_non_tag err_temp_copy_ambiguous err_temp_copy_deleted err_temp_copy_incomplete err_temp_copy_no_viable err_template_arg_field err_template_arg_method err_template_arg_must_be_expr err_template_arg_must_be_type err_template_arg_no_ref_bind err_template_arg_not_decl_ref err_template_arg_not_ice err_template_decl_ref err_template_id_not_a_type err_template_kw_missing err_template_linkage err_template_member err_template_member_noparams err_template_missing_args err_template_param_shadow err_template_spec_decl_friend err_template_spec_default_arg err_template_spec_friend err_template_tag_noparams err_template_typedef err_template_unnamed_class err_template_variable err_thread_non_global err_thread_non_thread err_thread_unsupported err_throw_abstract_type err_throw_incomplete err_throw_incomplete_ptr err_toomany_element_decls err_trailing_return_in_parens err_type_defined_in_condition err_type_defined_in_for_range err_typecheck_address_of err_typecheck_arr_assign_self err_typecheck_assign_const err_typecheck_bool_condition cast to incomplete type %0 expression is not assignable err_typecheck_incomplete_tag array size is negative err_typecheck_sclass_fscope err_typecheck_sclass_func err_typecheck_sub_ptr_object err_typecheck_subscript_value err_typecheck_unary_expr err_typecheck_zero_array_size err_typedef_not_bitfield err_typedef_not_identifier err_typename_missing err_typename_nested_not_found no type named %0 in %1 err_typename_nested_not_type err_unavailable %0 is unavailable err_unavailable_message %0 is unavailable: %1 err_undeclared_label_use use of undeclared label %0 err_undeclared_protocol err_undeclared_use use of undeclared %0 err_undeclared_use_suggest err_undeclared_var_use err_undef_interface err_undef_interface_suggest err_undef_superclass err_undef_superclass_suggest err_unexpected_friend err_unexpected_interface err_unexpected_namespace err_unexpected_typedef err_union_as_base_class unions cannot be base classes err_unknown_any_addrof err_unknown_any_function err_unknown_machine_mode unknown machine mode %0 err_unknown_receiver_suggest err_unknown_typename_suggest err_unsupported_machine_mode unsupported machine mode %0 err_unsupported_pragma_weak err_unsupported_vector_size err_use_continuation_class err_use_with_wrong_tag err_using_decl_conflict err_using_decl_constructor err_using_decl_destructor err_using_decl_redeclaration redeclaration of using decl err_using_decl_template_id err_using_directive_suggest err_using_requires_qualname err_using_typename_non_type err_uuidof_without_guid err_value_init_for_array_type err_variable_object_no_init err_virtual_non_function err_virtual_out_of_class err_vla_decl_in_file_scope err_vla_in_sfinae err_vla_non_pod err_vm_decl_in_file_scope err_vm_func_decl err_void_only_param err_void_param_qualified error_arc_weak_ivar_access error_bad_property_context error_bad_property_decl error_category_property error_duplicate_ivar_use error_implicit_ivar_access error_ivar_in_superclass_use error_missing_method_context error_no_super_class_message error_private_ivar_access error_property_implemented error_property_ivar_type error_protected_ivar_access error_reference_property error_strong_property error_weak_property ext_anonymous_struct ext_anonymous_union ext_array_init_copy ext_array_size_conversion ext_c99_array_usage ext_cast_fn_obj ext_catch_incomplete_ptr ext_catch_incomplete_ref ext_complex_component_init complex-component-init ext_delete_void_ptr_operand ext_designated_init ext_designated_init_cxx ext_enum_friend ext_enum_value_not_int ext_enumerator_too_large ext_expr_not_ice ext_flexible_array_in_array flexible-array-extensions ext_flexible_array_in_struct ext_flexible_array_init ext_flexible_array_union_gnu ext_flexible_array_union_ms ext_forward_ref_enum ext_forward_ref_enum_def ext_freestanding_complex ext_gnu_ptr_func_arith pointer-arith ext_gnu_subscript_void_type ext_gnu_void_ptr ext_implicit_function_decl ext_integer_increment_complex ext_invalid_sign_spec ext_missing_declspec ext_missing_type_specifier implicit-int ext_mixed_decls_code declaration-after-statement ext_ms_anonymous_struct ext_ms_forward_ref_enum ambiguous-member-template incompatible-pointer-types ext_new_paren_array_nonconst ext_nonclass_type_friend ext_out_of_line_declaration out-of-line-declaration ext_param_not_declared ext_predef_outside_function ext_return_has_expr ext_return_has_void_expr ext_return_missing_expr bind-to-temporary-copy ext_sizeof_function_type ext_sizeof_void_type ext_subscript_non_lvalue ext_template_arg_extra_parens ext_template_arg_local_type local-type-template-args ext_template_arg_unnamed_type unnamed-type-template-args address-of-temporary ext_typecheck_addrof_void ext_typecheck_base_super super-class-method-mismatch ext_typecheck_cast_nonscalar ext_typecheck_cast_to_union ext_typecheck_cond_one_void pointer-sign ext_typecheck_zero_array_size ext_typedef_without_a_name typedef requires a name ext_unelaborated_friend_type ext_using_undefined_std ext_vla ext_vla_folded_to_constant note_access_natural note_ambig_member_ref_scope note_ambiguous_candidate note_ambiguous_member_found note_arc_bridge note_arc_bridge_retained note_arc_bridge_transfer declaration in interface note_arc_retain_cycle_owner array %0 declared here note_array_size_conversion note_bad_memaccess_silence base class %0 specified here note_bitfield_decl bit-field is declared here note_callee_decl note_callee_static_array note_class_declared class is declared here note_compat_assoc note_condition_assign_silence note_constexpr_tmpl_virtual note_declared_at note_dependent_var_use note_destructor_type_here type %0 is declared here note_exits___block note_exits_cleanup note_exits_cxx_catch jump exits catch block note_exits_cxx_try jump exits try block note_exits_dtor note_exits_objc_catch jump exits @catch block note_exits_objc_finally jump exits @finally block note_exits_objc_ownership note_exits_objc_synchronized note_exits_objc_try jump exits @try block note_field_decl member is declared here note_field_designator_found field designator refers here note_final_overrider final overrider of %q0 in %1 note_first_required_here note_flexible_array_member note_for_range_begin_end note_for_range_type range has type %0 note_forward_class note_getter_unavailable note_global_declared_at global variable declared here note_hidden_tag type declaration hidden note_hiding_object declaration hides type note_implementation_declared note_indirect_goto_target note_indirection_through_null note_it_delegates_to delegating-ctor-cycles it delegates to note_ivar_decl ivar is declared here thread-safety note_member_declared_here member %0 declared here note_member_def_close_match note_member_of_template_here note_member_synthesized_at note_method_declared_at method declared here note_namespace_defined_here namespace %0 defined here note_non_literal_base_class note_non_literal_field note_non_literal_virtual_base note_nontemplate_decl_here note_nontrivial_has_virtual note_nontrivial_user_defined built-in candidate %0 note_ovl_candidate note_ovl_candidate_arity note_ovl_candidate_bad_conv note_ovl_candidate_bad_cvr note_ovl_candidate_bad_gc note_ovl_candidate_bad_target note_ovl_candidate_deleted inherited from here note_ovl_surrogate_cand note_ovl_too_many_candidates note_parameter_here note_parameter_named_here note_parameter_pack_here note_partial_spec_match note_please_include_header note_possible_target_of_call possible target for call note_precedence_bitwise_first note_prev_partial_spec_here previously declared '%1' here %0 is a builtin with type %1 note_previous_decl for type %0 note_previous_initializer note_property_declare property declared here note_property_impl_required implementation is here note_protected_by___block note_protected_by_cleanup note_protected_by_cxx_catch note_protected_by_cxx_try note_protected_by_objc_catch note_protected_by_objc_try note_protected_by_vla note_protected_by_vla_typedef note_pure_virtual_function note_ref_var_local_bind class template declared here note_required_for_protocol_at note_sentinel_here note_specialized_decl note_specialized_entity note_strlcpycat_wrong_size note_struct_class_suggestion note_switch_conversion note_template_arg_refers_here note_template_decl_here template is declared here note_template_declared_here note_template_param_here note_template_recursion_depth note_typename_refers_here note_unavailable_here note_undef_method_impl note_uninit_reference_member note_uninit_var_def variable %0 is declared here note_used_here used here note_using_decl note_using_decl_conflict conflicting declaration conflicting constructor previous constructor previously inherited here note_using_decl_target target of using declaration note_which_delegates_to which delegates to warn_access_decl_deprecated arc-abi warn_arc_object_memaccess arc-non-pod-memaccess arc-performSelector-leaks warn_arc_retain_cycle arc-retain-cycles warn_arc_retained_assign arc-unsafe-retained-assign array-bounds warn_asm_label_on_auto_decl warn_atomic_property_rule warn_attribute_ibaction warn_attribute_iboutlet warn_attribute_ignored %0 attribute ignored warn_attribute_method_def warn_attribute_not_on_decl unknown visibility '%0' warn_attribute_weak_on_field warn_attribute_weak_on_local implicit-atomic-properties warn_bad_receiver_type dangling-field bitwise-op-parentheses '&' within '|' warn_bool_switch_condition warn_builtin_unknown use of unknown builtin %0 non-pod-varargs warn_cannot_resolve_lock warn_case_empty_range empty case range specified warn_case_value_overflow warn_cast_align cast-align warn_cfstring_truncated warn_class_method_not_found warn_collection_expr_type warn_comparison_always tautological-compare enum-compare warn_condition_is_assignment idiomatic-parentheses overriding-method-mismatch distributed-object-modifiers warn_conflicting_param_types warn_conflicting_ret_types warn_conflicting_variadic warn_conv_to_base_not_used warn_conv_to_self_not_used warn_conv_to_void_not_used warn_cxx98_compat_cast_fn_obj warn_cxx98_compat_constexpr warn_cxx98_compat_decltype warn_cxx98_compat_enum_friend warn_decl_in_param_list warn_decl_shadow default-arg-special-member custom-atomic-properties warn_delegating_ctor_cycle delete-non-virtual-dtor warn_delete_array_type warn_delete_incomplete delete-incomplete warn_delete_non_virtual_dtor warn_deprecated deprecated-declarations %0 is deprecated warn_deprecated_def deprecated-implementations warn_deprecated_message %0 is deprecated: %1 deprecated-writable-strings warn_division_by_zero division by zero is undefined warn_double_lock warn_dup_category_def warn_duplicate_protocol_def warn_dyn_class_memaccess dynamic-class-memaccess warn_empty_format_string format-zero-length format string is empty warn_empty_if_body empty-body if statement has empty body warn_enum_too_large warn_enum_value_overflow overflow in enumeration value warn_enumerator_too_large parentheses-equality warn_excess_initializers warn_exit_time_destructor exit-time-destructors warn_extern_init warn_falloff_nonvoid_function invalid-noreturn warn_field_is_uninit warn_float_overflow literal-range warn_float_underflow warn_floatingpoint_eq float-equal format-invalid-specifier warn_format_nonliteral format-nonliteral warn_format_nonliteral_noargs format-security warn_fun_excludes_mutex warn_fun_requires_lock warn_global_constructor global-constructors warn_global_destructor constant-conversion bool-conversions warn_impcast_complex_scalar warn_impcast_float_integer warn_impcast_float_precision warn_impcast_integer_64_32 shorten-64-to-32 warn_impcast_integer_sign sign-conversion literal-conversion string-conversion warn_impcast_vector_scalar warn_implements_nscopying warn_implicit_atomic_property warn_implicit_function_decl warn_incompatible_vectors vector-conversions warn_incomplete_impl incomplete-implementation incomplete implementation warn_increment_bool warn_indirection_through_null null-dereference c++11-narrowing warn_initializer_out_of_order warn_initializer_overrides initializer-overrides warn_inst_method_not_found warn_invalid_asm_cast_lvalue warn_ivar_use_hidden shadow-ivar warn_lock_at_end_of_scope logical-op-parentheses '&&' within '||' constant-logical-operand warn_main_one_arg warn_maybe_uninit_var conditional-uninitialized warn_maynot_respond %0 may not respond to %1 warn_missing_braces missing-braces warn_missing_case1 switch-enum warn_missing_case2 warn_missing_case3 warn_missing_cases missing-field-initializers warn_missing_format_string format string missing missing-method-return-type warn_missing_prototype missing-prototypes warn_missing_sentinel warn_mixed_sign_comparison sign-compare warn_multiple_method_decl warn_no_unlock method-signatures warn_non_covariant_ret_types warn_non_virtual_dtor warn_nonnull_pointers_only warn_not_compound_assign warn_not_enough_argument warn_not_in_enum warn_null_arg null-arithmetic objc-missing-super-calls objc-nonunified-exceptions readonly-setter-attrs warn_offsetof_non_pod_type invalid-offsetof offset of on non-POD type %0 warn_on_superclass_use warn_overloaded_virtual overloaded-virtual warn_override_exception_spec warn_owning_getter_rule warn_padded_struct_anon_field padded warn_padded_struct_field warn_padded_struct_size warn_parameter_size large-by-value-copy undefined-reinterpret-cast warn_pragma_pack_pop_failed warn_pragma_pack_show warn_precedence_bitwise_rel warn_precedence_conditional warn_previous_alias_decl warn_printf_data_arg_not_used format-extra-args warn_printf_ignored_flag incomplete format specifier warn_printf_nonsensical_flag warn_printf_write_back warn_property_attr_mismatch warn_property_attribute warn_ptr_arith_exceeds_bounds warn_pure_function_definition warn_qual_return_type ignored-qualifiers warn_readonly_property warn_receiver_forward_class warn_redecl_library_builtin warn_redefinition_of_typedef typedef-redefinition warn_register_objc_catch_parm warn_remainder_by_zero warn_ret_addr_label return-stack-address warn_ret_local_temp_addr warn_ret_local_temp_ref warn_ret_stack_addr warn_ret_stack_ref warn_return_missing_expr warn_return_value_size warn_scanf_nonzero_width warn_self_assignment self-assign warn_shift_gt_typewidth shift-count-overflow shift count >= width of type warn_shift_negative shift-count-negative shift count is negative shift-overflow shift-sign-overflow warn_sizeof_array_param sizeof-array-argument sizeof-pointer-memaccess warn_standalone_specifier warn_static_array_too_small warn_static_main warn_static_non_static strict-selector-match warn_stringcompare string-compare warn_strlcpycat_wrong_size strlcpy-strlcat-size mismatched-tags warn_subscript_is_char char-subscripts warn_suggest_noreturn_block missing-noreturn warn_synthesized_ivar_access nonfragile-abi2 warn_template_arg_negative warn_template_arg_too_large pointer-type-mismatch conditional-type-mismatch warn_typename_missing typename-missing warn_undeclared_selector undeclared-selector undeclared selector %0 warn_undef_interface warn_undef_interface_suggest warn_undef_protocolref warn_undefined_internal warn_unimplemented_selector unimplemented selector %0 warn_uninit_var unknown attribute %0 ignored warn_unknown_method_family unrecognized method family warn_unlock_but_no_lock warn_unnecessary_packed warn_unneeded_internal_decl unneeded-internal-declaration warn_unneeded_member_function unneeded-member-function warn_unreachable unreachable-code will never be executed warn_unused_call unused-value warn_unused_comparison unused-comparison warn_unused_exception_param unused-exception-parameter unused exception parameter %0 warn_unused_expr expression result unused warn_unused_function unused-function unused function %0 warn_unused_label unused-label unused label %0 warn_unused_member_function unused-member-function unused member function %0 warn_unused_parameter unused-parameter unused parameter %0 warn_unused_property_expr unused-result warn_unused_variable unused-variable unused variable %0 warn_unused_voidptr warn_used_but_marked_unused used-but-marked-unused warn_user_literal_hexfloat user-defined-literals warn_user_literal_reserved header-hygiene warn_var_deref_requires_lock warn_variable_requires_lock warn_weak_import warn_weak_vtable weak-vtables warn_uninit_val use of uninitialized variable aggregate-return bad-function-cast c++0x-compat c++0x-extensions c++0x-narrowing cast-qual char-align comments ctor-dtor-privacy disabled-optimization discard-qual div-by-zero effc++ endif-labels extra format-y2k format=2 implicit init-self int-to-pointer-cast invalid-pch missing-format-attribute missing-include-dirs most nested-externs non-gcc nonportable-cfstrings old-style-cast old-style-definition pointer-to-int-cast redundant-decls sequence-point sign-promo strict-aliasing strict-aliasing=0 strict-aliasing=1 strict-aliasing=2 strict-overflow strict-overflow=0 strict-overflow=1 strict-overflow=2 strict-overflow=3 strict-overflow=4 strict-overflow=5 strict-prototypes switch-default synth type-limits undefined-internal unused-argument volatile-register-var write-strings Lexical or Preprocessor Issue Semantic Issue Parse Issue Inline Assembly Issue Modules Issue Related Result Type Issue #warning Directive Deprecations Format String Issue Value Conversion Issue #pragma message Directive Unused Entity Issue only special member functions may be defaulted only functions can have deleted definitions err_expected_colon_after_setter_name method name referenced in property setter attribute must end with ':' file '%0' modified since it was first processed err_friends_define_only_namespace_scope cannot define a function with non-namespace scope in a friend declaration err_invalid_storage_class_in_func_decl invalid storage class specifier in function declarator cyclic dependency in module '%0': %1 unknown target triple '%0', please use -triple or -arch %0 byte order mark detected in '%1', but encoding is not supported 'long long' is an extension when C99 mode is not enabled declaration does not declare anything variadic templates are a C++11 extension too many errors emitted, stopping now subexpression not valid in an integer constant expression note_previous_implicit_declaration previous implicit declaration is here definition of %0 is not complete until the closing '}' 'long long' is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_variadic_templates variadic templates are incompatible with C++98 integer constant is too large for its type warn_integer_too_large_for_signed integer constant is so large that it is unsigned redeclaration of method parameter %0 warn_method_param_redefinition redefinition of method parameter %0 building module '%0' from source -fobjc-arc is not supported with fragile abi '%0' not supported, please use -iquote instead err_drv_argument_not_allowed_with invalid argument '%0' not allowed with '%1' err_drv_argument_only_allowed_with invalid argument '%0' only allowed with '%1' err_drv_cc_print_options_failure unable to open CC_PRINT_OPTIONS file: %0 the clang compiler does not support '%0' err_drv_clang_unsupported_opt_cxx_darwin_i386 the clang compiler does not support '%0' for C++ on Darwin/i386 err_drv_clang_unsupported_per_platform the clang compiler does not support '%0' on this platform %0 command failed with exit code %1 (use -v to see invocation) %0 command failed due to signal %1 (use -v to see invocation) err_drv_conflicting_deployment_targets conflicting deployment targets, both '%0' and '%1' are present in environment err_drv_invalid_Xarch_argument_isdriver invalid Xarch argument: '%0', cannot change driver behavior inside Xarch argument err_drv_invalid_Xarch_argument_with_args invalid Xarch argument: '%0', options requiring arguments are unsupported err_drv_invalid_arch_for_deployment_target invalid architecture '%0' for deployment target '%1' err_drv_invalid_darwin_version invalid Darwin version number: %0 err_drv_invalid_gcc_output_type invalid output type '%0' for use with gcc tool invalid integral value '%1' in '%0' err_drv_invalid_libcxx_deployment invalid deployment target for -stdlib=libc++ (requires %0 or later) err_drv_invalid_opt_with_multiple_archs option '%0' cannot be used with multiple -arch options err_drv_invalid_output_with_multiple_archs cannot use '%0' output with multiple -arch options invalid option '%0' not of the form ; invalid library name in argument '%0' err_drv_invalid_version_number invalid version number in '%0' option '-MG' requires '-M' or '-MM' argument to '%0' is missing (expected %1 %plural{1:value|:values}1) '%0': unable to use AST files with this tool err_drv_no_linker_llvm_support '%0': unable to pass LLVM bit-code files to linker no such file or directory: '%0' cannot specify both '-fobjc-arc' and '%0' err_drv_output_argument_with_multiple_files cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files incorrect format for -preamble-bytes=N,END unable to make temporary file: %0 -E or -x required when input is from standard input err_drv_unsupported_option_argument unsupported argument '%1' to option '%0' unsupported use of internal gcc -Z option '%0' note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg ignoring -fapple-kext which is valid for c++ and objective-c++ only warn_drv_assuming_mfloat_abi_is unknown platform, assuming -mfloat-abi=%0 warn_drv_conflicting_deployment_targets conflicting deployment targets, both MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET '%0' and IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET '%1' are present in environment %0: '%1' input unused when '%2' is present not using the clang compiler for the '%0' architecture not using the clang preprocessor due to user override not using the clang compiler for C++ inputs Objective-C garbage collection is not supported on this platform, ignoring '%0' warn_drv_pch_not_first_include precompiled header '%0' was ignored because '%1' is not first '-include' warn_drv_pipe_ignored_with_save_temps -pipe ignored because -save-temps specified warn_drv_preprocessed_input_file_unused %0: previously preprocessed input unused when '%1' is present warn_drv_treating_input_as_cxx treating '%0' input as '%1' when in C++ mode, this behavior is deprecated warn_drv_unsupported_option_argument ignoring unsupported argument '%1' to option '%0' argument unused during compilation: '%0' ignoring invalid -ftabstop value '%0', using default value %1 err_fe_dependency_file_requires_MT -dependency-file requires at least one -MT or -MQ option expected a clang compiler command unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job in '%0' err_fe_invalid_code_complete_file cannot locate code-completion file %0 FIX-ITs cannot be applied when generating code error at end of module block in PCH file: '%0' file '%0' has been modified since the precompiled header was built malformed or corrupted PCH file: '%0' malformed block record in PCH file: '%0' err_fe_pth_file_has_no_source_header PTH file '%0' does not designate an original source header file for -include-pth err_fe_remap_missing_from_file could not remap from missing file '%0' could not remap file '%0' to the contents of file '%1' unable to change standard error to binary unable to change standard output to binary err_fe_unable_to_create_target err_fe_unable_to_find_fixit_file FIX-IT could not find file '%0' err_fe_unable_to_interface_with_target unable to interface with target machine unable to load plugin '%0': '%1' unable to open logfile file '%0': '%1' unable to open output file '%0': '%1' err_fe_unable_to_read_pch_file unable to rename temporary '%0' to output file '%1': '%2' '%0' does not appear to be a precompiled header file %0 was %select{disabled|enabled}1 in PCH file but is currently %select{disabled|enabled}2 err_pch_langopt_value_mismatch %0 differs in PCH file vs. current file err_relocatable_without_isysroot must specify system root with -isysroot when building a relocatable PCH file '%0' diagnostics %select{expected|seen}1 but not %select{seen|expected}1: %2 cannot find end ('}}') of expected %0 cannot find start ('{{') of expected %0 instantiated into assembly here FIX-IT applied suggested code changes FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes FIX-IT unable to apply suggested code changes in a macro note_fixit_main_file_unchanged FIX-IT detected an error it cannot fix note_incompatible_analyzer_plugin_api current API version is '%0', but plugin was compiled with version '%1' definition of macro '%0' in the precompiled header using this macro definition from precompiled header warn_cmdline_conflicting_macro_def definition of the macro '%0' conflicts with the definition used to build the precompiled header warn_cmdline_missing_macro_defs macro definitions used to build the precompiled header are missing warn_fe_cc_log_diagnostics_failure unable to open CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS file: %0 (using stderr) warn_fe_cc_print_header_failure unable to open CC_PRINT_HEADERS file: %0 (using stderr) warn_fe_macro_contains_embedded_newline macro '%0' contains embedded newline, text after the newline is ignored. FIX-IT detected errors it could not fix; no output will be generated warn_incompatible_analyzer_plugin_api checker plugin '%0' is not compatible with this version of the analyzer definition of macro %0 conflicts with an identifier used in the precompiled header warn_pch_compiler_options_mismatch compiler options used when building the precompiled header differ from the options used when using the precompiled header PCH file built from a different branch (%0) than the compiler (%1) PCH file was compiled for the target '%0' but the current translation unit is being compiled for target '%1' PCH file uses a newer PCH format that cannot be read PCH file uses an older PCH format that is no longer supported no analyzer checkers are associated with '%0' warn_unknown_negative_warning_option warn_unknown_warning_specifier unknown %0 warning specifier: '%1' backslash and newline separated by space _Pragma takes a parenthesized string literal version control conflict marker in file 'defined' cannot be used as a macro name builtin feature check macro requires a parenthesized identifier \x used with no following hex digits err_hexconstant_requires_exponent hexadecimal floating constants require an exponent invalid digit '%0' in binary constant invalid character '%0' character in raw string delimiter; use PREFIX( )PREFIX to delimit raw string err_invalid_character_to_charify invalid argument to convert to character invalid digit '%0' in decimal constant invalid digit '%0' in octal constant invalid or corrupt PTH file '%0' err_invalid_suffix_float_constant invalid suffix '%0' on floating constant err_invalid_suffix_integer_constant invalid suffix '%0' on integer constant '##' cannot appear at end of macro expansion '##' cannot appear at start of macro expansion err_pp_arc_cf_code_audited_syntax pasting formed '%0', an invalid preprocessing token err_pp_defined_requires_identifier operator 'defined' requires an identifier division by zero in preprocessor expression err_pp_double_begin_of_arc_cf_code_audited already inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' err_pp_duplicate_name_in_arg_list duplicate macro parameter name %0 err_pp_eof_in_arc_cf_code_audited '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' was not ended within this file err_pp_expected_comma_in_arg_list expected comma in macro parameter list expected end of line in preprocessor expression err_pp_expected_ident_in_arg_list expected identifier in macro parameter list expected ')' in preprocessor expression expected "FILENAME" or token is not a valid binary operator in a preprocessor subexpression err_pp_expr_bad_token_start_expr invalid token at start of a preprocessor expression err_pp_illegal_floating_literal floating point literal in preprocessor expression err_pp_include_in_arc_cf_code_audited cannot #include files inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' invalid preprocessing directive can only poison identifier tokens err_pp_invalid_tok_in_arg_list invalid token in macro parameter list #line directive requires a simple digit sequence invalid filename for #line directive #line directive requires a positive integer argument err_pp_linemarker_invalid_filename invalid filename for line marker directive err_pp_linemarker_invalid_flag invalid flag line marker directive invalid line marker flag '2': cannot pop empty include stack err_pp_linemarker_requires_integer line marker directive requires a positive integer argument macro names must be identifiers err_pp_missing_rparen_in_macro_def missing ')' in macro parameter list err_pp_missing_val_before_operator err_pp_operator_used_as_macro_name C++ operator '%0' cannot be used as a macro name remainder by zero in preprocessor expression err_pp_stringize_not_parameter '#' is not followed by a macro parameter err_pp_unmatched_end_of_arc_cf_code_audited not currently inside '#pragma clang arc_cf_code_audited' err_pp_unterminated_conditional unterminated conditional directive attempt to use a poisoned identifier pragma comment requires parenthesized identifier and optional string err_pragma_comment_unknown_kind unknown kind of pragma comment pragma message requires parenthesized string err_pragma_push_pop_macro_malformed pragma %0 requires a parenthesized string PTH file '%0' could not be read raw string delimiter longer than 16 characters; use PREFIX( )PREFIX to delimit raw string err_too_few_args_in_macro_invoc too few arguments provided to function-like macro invocation err_too_many_args_in_macro_invoc too many arguments provided to function-like macro invocation incomplete universal character name \u used with no following hex digits universal character name is too long unsupported non-standard concatenation of string literals unterminated function-like macro invocation missing terminating ')' character err_unterminated_block_comment raw string missing terminating delimiter )%0" builtin warning check macro requires a parenthesized string escaped_newline_block_comment_end escaped newline between */ characters at block comment end // comments are not allowed in this language binary integer literals are an extension ext_c99_whitespace_required_after_macro_name ISO C99 requires whitespace after the macro name dollar-in-identifier-extension embedding a directive within macro arguments is not portable empty macro arguments were standardized in C99 ext_four_char_character_literal multi-character character constant hexadecimal floating constants are a C99 feature imaginary constants are an extension varargs argument missing, but tolerated as an extension ext_missing_whitespace_after_macro_name whitespace required after macro name ext_multichar_character_literal named variadic macros are a GNU extension use of non-standard escape character '\%0' expected 'ON' or 'OFF' or 'DEFAULT' in pragma Use of comma pasting extension is non-portable __VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C99 variadic macro comma operator in operand of #if extra tokens at end of #%0 directive #ident is a language extension #import is a language extension #include_next is a language extension C requires #line number to be less than %0, allowed as extension #warning is a language extension expected end of directive in pragma unknown pragma in STDC namespace string literal of length %0 exceeds maximum length %1 that %select{C90|ISO C99|C++}2 compilers are required to support variadic macros were introduced in C99 null character(s) preserved in character literal null character(s) preserved in string literal pp_include_macros_out_of_predefines the #__include_macros directive is only for internal use by -imacros #include_next with absolute path #include_next in primary source file invalid string literal, ignoring final '\' current file is older than dependency %0 pp_pragma_sysheader_in_main_file #pragma system_header ignored in main file trigraph converted to '%0' character trigraph_ignored_block_comment ignored trigraph would end block comment character constant too long for its type warn_cxx98_compat_empty_fnmacro_arg empty macro argument list is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_less_colon_colon '<::' is treated as digraph '<:' (aka '[') followed by ':' in C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_pp_line_too_big #line number greater than 32767 is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_raw_string_literal raw string literals are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_unicode_literal unicode literals are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_variadic_macro variadic macros are incompatible with C++98 extraneous characters in character constant ignored warn_has_warning_invalid_option __has_warning expected option name (e.g. "-Wundef") hex escape sequence out of range warn_missing_whitespace_after_macro_name whitespace recommended after macro name octal escape sequence out of range warn_pp_convert_lhs_to_positive left side of operator converted from negative value to unsigned: %0 warn_pp_convert_rhs_to_positive right side of operator converted from negative value to unsigned: %0 integer overflow in preprocessor expression #line directive interprets number as decimal, not octal %0 is not defined, evaluates to 0 warn_pragma_debug_unexpected_command warn_pragma_diagnostic_cannot_pop pragma diagnostic pop could not pop, no matching push warn_pragma_diagnostic_invalid pragma diagnostic expected 'error', 'warning', 'ignored', 'fatal', 'push', or 'pop' warn_pragma_diagnostic_invalid_option pragma diagnostic expected option name (e.g. "-Wundef") warn_pragma_diagnostic_invalid_token unexpected token in pragma diagnostic warn_pragma_diagnostic_unknown_warning unknown warning group '%0', ignored pragma pop_macro could not pop '%0', no matching push_macro warn_stdc_fenv_access_not_supported pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS ON is not supported, ignoring pragma character unicode escape sequence too long for its type unicode escape sequences are only valid in C99 or C++ missing terminating ' character missing terminating '"' character err_address_of_label_outside_fn use of address-of-label extension outside of a function body err_alias_declaration_not_identifier name defined in alias declaration must be an identifier err_alias_declaration_specialization %select{partial specialization|explicit specialization|explicit instantiation}0 of alias templates is not permitted declaration of anonymous %0 must be a definition unknown cast annotation __bridge_retain; did you mean __bridge_retained? err_argument_required_after_attribute argument required after attribute @defs is not supported in Objective-C++ unexpected '@' in member specification an attribute list cannot appear here err_availability_expected_change expected 'introduced', 'deprecated', or 'obsoleted' err_availability_expected_platform expected a platform name, e.g., 'macosx' redundant %0 availability change; only the last specified change will be used err_availability_unknown_change %0 is not an availability stage; use 'introduced', 'deprecated', or 'obsoleted' bitfield member cannot have an in-class initializer redeclaration of C++ built-in type 'bool' missing ',' between base or member initializers err_cxx0x_attribute_forbids_arguments C++11 attribute '%0' cannot have an argument list err_cxx0x_attribute_requires_arguments C++1 attribute '%0' must have an argument list err_declaration_does_not_declare_param declaration does not declare a parameter unexpected end of default argument expression err_default_delete_in_multiple_declaration '= %select{default|delete}0' is a function definition and must occur in a standalone declaration err_default_template_template_parameter_not_template default template argument for a template template parameter must be a class template destructor name %0 does not refer to a template err_destructor_tilde_identifier expected a class name after '~' to name a destructor duplicate 'virtual' in base specifier err_duplicate_class_virt_specifier duplicate default generic association class member already marked '%0' err_dynamic_and_noexcept_specification cannot have both throw() and noexcept() clause on the same function enumeration cannot be a template err_enumerator_list_missing_comma missing ',' between enumerators unnamed enumeration must be a definition expected string literal or '[' for asm operand expected variable name or 'this' in lambda capture list err_expected_case_before_expression expected 'case' keyword before expression expected ',' or '>' in template-parameter-list expected ',' or ']' in lambda capture list err_expected_equal_after_declarator expected '=' or another designator err_expected_external_declaration expected a field designator, such as '.field = 4' expected function body after function declarator expected an identifier in using directive @end must appear in an @implementation context expected body of lambda expression err_expected_lbrace_after_base_specifiers expected '{' after base class list err_expected_lbrace_in_compound_literal expected '{' in compound literal err_expected_lparen_after_type expected '(' for function-style cast or type construction err_expected_member_name_or_semi expected member name or ';' after declaration specifiers err_expected_member_or_base_name expected class member or base class name method type specifier must start with '-' or '+' expected the name of a parameter pack err_expected_qualified_after_typename expected a qualified name after 'typename' err_expected_selector_for_method expected selector for Objective-C method err_expected_semi_after_attribute_list expected ';' after attribute list err_expected_semi_after_method_proto expected ';' after method prototype err_expected_semi_after_namespace_name expected ';' after namespace name err_expected_semi_after_static_assert expected ';' after static_assert expected ';' after %0 statement err_expected_semi_after_tagdecl expected ';' at end of declaration list expected ';' at end of declaration expected ';' in 'for' statement specifier err_expected_type_name_after_typename expected an identifier or template-id after '::' expected %select{identifier|unqualified-id}0 expected a version of the form 'major[.minor[.subminor]]' expected 'while' in do/while loop err_explicit_instantiation_with_definition explicit template instantiation cannot have a definition; if this definition is meant to be an explicit specialization, add '<>' after the 'template' keyword err_explicit_spec_non_template explicit %select{specialization|instantiation}0 of non-template %select{class|struct|union}1 %2 err_extraneous_token_before_semi cannot define a type in a friend declaration 'friend' used outside of class '%0' is invalid in friend declarations function definition does not declare parameters function definition declared 'typedef' err_generalized_initializer_lists generalized initializer lists are a C++11 extension unsupported in Clang err_iboutletcollection_builtintype type argument of iboutletcollection attribute cannot be a builtin type err_iboutletcollection_with_protocol invalid argument of iboutletcollection attribute err_id_after_template_in_nested_name_spec expected template name after 'template' keyword in nested name specifier err_id_after_template_in_typename_spec expected template name after 'template' keyword in typename specifier err_illegal_decl_reference_to_reference %0 declared as a reference to a reference cannot cast 'super' (it isn't an expression) err_incomplete_array_member_init array bound cannot be deduced from an in-class initializer namespace alias cannot be inline err_invalid_decl_spec_combination cannot combine with previous '%0' declaration specifier err_invalid_equalequal_after_declarator invalid '==' at end of declaration; did you mean '='? err_invalid_pixel_decl_spec_combination '__pixel' must be preceded by '__vector'. '%0' declaration specifier not allowed here err_invalid_reference_qualifier_application '%0' qualifier may not be applied to a reference '%0' cannot be signed or unsigned err_invalid_token_after_toplevel_declarator expected ';' after top level declarator err_invalid_vector_bool_decl_spec cannot use '%0' with '__vector bool' cannot use '%0' with '__vector' err_invalid_vector_decl_spec_combination cannot combine with previous '%0' declaration specifier. '__vector' must be first err_label_end_of_compound_statement label at end of compound statement: expected statement err_less_after_template_name_in_nested_name_spec expected '<' after 'template %0' in nested name specifier @try statement without a @catch and @finally clause cannot find definition of 'Class' err_missing_comma_before_ellipsis C requires a comma prior to the ellipsis in a variadic function type err_missing_dependent_template_keyword use 'template' keyword to treat '%0' as a dependent template name cannot find definition of 'id' cannot find definition of 'Protocol' cannot find definition of 'SEL' err_missing_whitespace_digraph found '<::' after a %select{template name|const_cast|dynamic_cast|reinterpret_cast|static_cast}0 which forms the digraph '<:' (aka '[') and a ':', did you mean '< ::'? expected a module name after '__import_module__' expected a semicolon name after module name err_multiple_template_declarators %select{|a template declaration|an explicit template specialization|an explicit template instantiation}0 can only %select{|declare|declare|instantiate}0 a single entity err_namespace_nonnamespace_scope namespaces can only be defined in global or namespace scope err_nested_namespaces_with_double_colon nested namespace definition must define each namespace separately err_not_opencl_storage_class_specifier OpenCL does not support the '%0' storage class specifier unexpected token after Objective-C string err_objc_directive_only_in_protocol directive may only be specified in protocols only err_objc_expected_equal_for_getter expected '=' for Objective-C getter err_objc_expected_equal_for_setter expected '=' for Objective-C setter err_objc_expected_property_attr err_objc_expected_selector_for_getter_setter expected selector for Objective-C %select{setter|getter}0 err_objc_illegal_interface_qual err_objc_illegal_visibility_spec illegal visibility specification err_objc_no_attributes_on_category attributes may not be specified on a category err_objc_properties_require_objc2 properties are an Objective-C 2 feature property name cannot be a bitfield err_objc_property_requires_field_name property requires fields to be named prefix attribute must be followed by an interface or protocol expected an Objective-C directive after '@' string literal after 'operator' must be '""' err_out_of_line_constructor_template_id out-of-line constructor for %0 cannot have template arguments err_out_of_line_template_id_names_constructor qualified reference to %0 is a constructor name rather than a template name wherever a constructor can be declared err_out_of_line_type_names_constructor qualified reference to %0 is a constructor name rather than a type wherever a constructor can be declared err_paren_sizeof_parameter_pack missing parentheses around the size of parameter pack %0 err_parser_impl_limit_overflow parser recursion limit reached, program too complex err_scoped_enum_missing_identifier scoped enumeration requires a name %0 only allowed in __except block %0 only allowed in __except filter expression %0 only allowed in __finally block expected '__except' or '__finally' block expected parenthesized parameter pack name in 'sizeof...' expression expected a property name in @synthesize err_template_spec_syntax_non_template identifier followed by '<' indicates a class template specialization but %0 %select{does not refer to a template|refers to a function template||refers to a template template parameter}1 err_templated_using_declaration cannot template a using declaration cannot template a using directive err_this_captured_by_reference 'this' cannot be captured by reference err_two_right_angle_brackets_need_space a space is required between consecutive right angle brackets (use '> >') typename is allowed for identifiers only err_typename_invalid_functionspec type name does not allow function specifier to be specified err_typename_invalid_storageclass type name does not allow storage class to be specified err_typename_refers_to_non_type_template typename specifier refers to a non-template err_typename_requires_specqual type name requires a specifier or qualifier err_unexected_colon_in_nested_name_spec unexpected ':' in nested name specifier err_unexpected_namespace_attributes_alias attributes can not be specified on namespace alias unexpected type name %0: expected identifier err_unspecified_vla_size_with_static 'static' may not be used with an unspecified variable length array size err_use_of_tag_name_without_tag must use '%1' tag to refer to type %0%select{| in this scope}2 'using namespace' is not allowed in classes version number must have non-zero major, minor, or sub-minor version property synthesize requires specification of an ivar alias declarations accepted as a C++11 extension 'auto' storage class specifier is not permitted in C++11, and will not be supported in future releases 'auto' type specifier is a C++11 extension _Alignas is a C1X-specific feature generic selections are a C1X-specific feature _Static_assert is a C1X-specific feature compound literals are a C99-specific feature ext_c99_variable_decl_in_for_loop variable declaration in for loop is a C99-specific feature duplicate '%0' declaration specifier exception specification of '...' is a Microsoft extension ISO C forbids an empty source file empty %select{struct|union}0 (accepted as an extension) has size 0 in C, size 1 in C++ commas at the end of enumerator lists are a %select{C99|C++11}0-specific feature extra ';' inside instance variable list range-based for loop is a C++11 extension ext_generalized_initializer_lists use of GNU address-of-label extension use of GNU array range extension use of GNU case range extension use of GNU ?: expression extension, eliding middle term use of GNU empty initializer extension use of GNU indirect-goto extension use of GNU locally declared label extension ext_gnu_missing_equal_designator use of GNU 'missing =' extension in designator ext_gnu_old_style_field_designator use of GNU old-style field designator extension use of GNU statement expression extension type-less parameter names in function declaration inline namespaces are a C++11 feature complex integer types are an extension ext_ms_enum_fixed_underlying_type enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are a Microsoft extension in-class initialization of non-static data member accepted as a C++11 extension '%0' keyword accepted as a C++11 extension plain '_Complex' requires a type specifier; assuming '_Complex double' reference qualifiers on functions are a C++11 extension rvalue references are a C++11 extension extra ';' outside of a function previous default generic association is here 'auto' storage class specifier is redundant and incompatible with C++11 warn_availability_and_unavailable 'unavailable' availability overrides all other availability information warn_cxx0x_right_shift_in_template_arg use of right-shift operator ('>>') in template argument will require parentheses in C++11 warn_cxx98_compat_alias_declaration alias declarations are incompatible with C++98 'alignas' is incompatible with C++98 alignof expressions are incompatible with C++98 attributes are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_defaulted_function defaulted function definitions are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_deleted_function deleted function definitions are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_enum_fixed_underlying_type enumeration types with a fixed underlying type are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_enumerator_list_comma commas at the end of enumerator lists are incompatible with C++98 range-based for loop is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_generalized_initializer_lists generalized initializer lists are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_inline_namespace inline namespaces are incompatible with C++98 lambda expressions are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_literal_operator literal operators are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_noexcept_decl noexcept specifications are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_noexcept_expr noexcept expressions are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_nonstatic_member_init in-class initialization of non-static data members is incompatible with C++98 'nullptr' is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_override_control_keyword '%0' keyword is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_ref_qualifier reference qualifiers on functions are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_rvalue_reference rvalue references are incompatible with C++98 scoped enumerations are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_static_assert static_assert declarations are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_top_level_semi extra ';' outside of a function is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_trailing_return_type trailing return types are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_two_right_angle_brackets consecutive right angle brackets are incompatible with C++98 (use '> >') warn_defaulted_function_accepted_as_extension defaulted function definition accepted as a C++11 extension warn_deleted_function_accepted_as_extension deleted function definition accepted as a C++11 extension warn_expected_qualified_after_typename meaningless 'volatile' on asm outside function warn_missing_dependent_template_keyword warn_objc_protocol_qualifier_missing_id protocol qualifiers without 'id' is archaic warn_parens_disambiguated_as_function_decl parentheses were disambiguated as a function declarator warn_pragma_align_expected_equal expected '=' following '#pragma %select{align|options align}0' - ignored warn_pragma_align_invalid_option invalid alignment option in '#pragma %select{align|options align}0' - ignored missing ':' after %0 - ignoring warn_pragma_expected_enable_disable expected 'enable' or 'disable' - ignoring warn_pragma_expected_identifier expected identifier in '#pragma %0' - ignored missing '(' after '#pragma %0' - ignoring missing ')' after '#pragma %0' - ignoring warn_pragma_extra_tokens_at_eol extra tokens at end of '#pragma %0' - ignored incorrect use of '#pragma ms_struct on|off' - ignored warn_pragma_options_expected_align expected 'align' following '#pragma options' - ignored warn_pragma_pack_invalid_action unknown action for '#pragma pack' - ignored warn_pragma_pack_invalid_constant invalid constant for '#pragma pack', expected %0 - ignored expected integer or identifier in '#pragma pack' - ignored unknown OpenCL extension %0 - ignoring warn_pragma_unused_expected_punc expected ')' or ',' in '#pragma unused' warn_pragma_unused_expected_var expected '#pragma unused' argument to be a variable name warn_semicolon_before_method_body semicolon before method body is ignored warn_static_inline_explicit_inst_ignored ignoring '%select{static|inline}0' keyword on explicit template instantiation warn_vector_long_decl_spec_combination Use of 'long' with '__vector' is deprecated err_asm_empty_symbolic_operand_name empty symbolic operand name in inline assembly string invalid %% escape in inline assembly string err_asm_invalid_operand_number invalid operand number in inline asm string err_asm_unknown_symbolic_operand_name unknown symbolic operand name in inline assembly string err_asm_unterminated_symbolic_operand_name unterminated symbolic operand name in inline assembly string err_odr_different_num_template_parameters template parameter lists have a different number of parameters (%0 vs %1) err_odr_different_template_parameter_kind template parameter has different kinds in different translation units err_odr_field_type_inconsistent field %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) err_odr_function_type_inconsistent external function %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) err_odr_ivar_type_inconsistent instance variable %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) err_odr_non_type_parameter_type_inconsistent non-type template parameter declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%0 vs. %1) err_odr_objc_method_num_params_inconsistent %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has a different number of parameters in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) err_odr_objc_method_param_type_inconsistent %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has a parameter with a different types in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) err_odr_objc_method_result_type_inconsistent %select{class|instance}0 method %1 has incompatible result types in different translation units (%2 vs. %3) err_odr_objc_method_variadic_inconsistent %select{class|instance}0 method %1 is variadic in one translation unit and not variadic in another err_odr_objc_property_impl_kind_inconsistent property %0 is implemented with %select{@synthesize|@dynamic}1 in one translation but %select{@dynamic|@synthesize}1 in another translation unit err_odr_objc_property_type_inconsistent property %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) err_odr_objc_superclass_inconsistent class %0 has incompatible superclasses err_odr_objc_synthesize_ivar_inconsistent property %0 is synthesized to different ivars in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) err_odr_parameter_pack_non_pack parameter kind mismatch; parameter is %select{not a|a}0 parameter pack external variable %0 defined in multiple translation units err_odr_variable_type_inconsistent external variable %0 declared with incompatible types in different translation units (%1 vs. %2) cannot import unsupported AST node %0 bit-field %0 with type %1 and length %2 here enumerator %0 with value %1 here no corresponding base class here no corresponding enumerator here class has %0 base %plural{1:class|:classes}0 %select{class|instance}0 method %1 also declared here note_odr_objc_missing_superclass no corresponding superclass here note_odr_objc_property_impl_kind property %0 is implemented with %select{@synthesize|@dynamic}1 here inherits from superclass %0 here note_odr_objc_synthesize_ivar_here property is synthesized to ivar %0 here note_odr_parameter_pack_non_pack %select{parameter|parameter pack}0 declared here %0 is a %select{struct|union|class|enum}1 here note_odr_template_parameter_here template parameter declared here note_odr_template_parameter_list template parameter list also declared here %select{non-virtual|virtual}0 derivation here warn_odr_tag_type_inconsistent type %0 has incompatible definitions in different translation units %select{return|parameter|variable|field}0 type %1 is an abstract class %1 is a %select{private|protected}0 member of %3 base class %0 has %select{private|protected}1 copy assignment operator field of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 copy assignment operator %select{base class|inherited virtual base class}0 %1 has %select{private|protected}3 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR*|}2constructor base class %0 has %select{private|protected}1 copy constructor field of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 copy constructor calling a %select{private|protected}0 constructor of class %2 field of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 constructor calling a %select{private|protected}1 destructor of class %0 base class %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor exception object of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor field of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor instance variable of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor temporary of type %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor variable of type %1 has %select{private|protected}2 destructor inherited virtual base class %0 has %select{private|protected}1 destructor field of type %0 has %select{private|protected}2 %select{default |copy |move |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |*ERROR* |}1constructor access to %select{private|protected}0 member outside any class context address of overloaded function %0 is ambiguous can't form member pointer of type %0 without '&' and class name address of overloaded function %0 does not match required type %1 address of overloaded function %0 cannot be converted to type %1 err_address_space_qualified_delete 'delete' cannot delete objects of type %0 in address space '%1' err_address_space_qualified_new 'new' cannot allocate objects of type %0 in address space '%1' err_alias_not_supported_on_darwin only weak aliases are supported on darwin err_alias_template_extra_headers extraneous template parameter list in alias template declaration err_allocation_of_abstract_type allocating an object of abstract class type %0 err_ambiguous_base_to_derived_cast ambiguous cast from base %0 to derived %1:%2 ambiguous conversion of delete expression of type %0 to a pointer err_ambiguous_derived_to_base_conv ambiguous conversion from derived class %0 to base class %1:%2 err_ambiguous_member_multiple_subobject_types member %0 found in multiple base classes of different types err_ambiguous_member_multiple_subobjects non-static member %0 found in multiple base-class subobjects of type %1:%2 ambiguous conversion from pointer to member of %select{base|derived}0 class %1 to pointer to member of %select{derived|base}0 class %2:%3 err_ambiguous_suitable_delete_member_function_found multiple suitable %0 functions in %1 a type named %0 is hidden by a declaration in a different namespace err_anon_bitfield_has_negative_width anonymous bit-field has negative width (%0) err_anon_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size size of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds size of its type (%1 bits) err_anonymous_record_bad_member anonymous %select{struct|union}0 can only contain non-static data members err_anonymous_record_nonpublic_member anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot contain a %select{private|protected}1 data member err_anonymous_record_with_function functions cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 err_anonymous_record_with_static static members cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 err_anonymous_record_with_type types cannot be declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 err_anonymous_struct_member_redecl member of anonymous struct redeclares %0 err_anonymous_struct_not_member anonymous %select{structs|structs and classes}0 must be %select{struct or union|class}0 members err_anonymous_union_member_redecl member of anonymous union redeclares %0 err_anonymous_union_not_static anonymous unions at namespace or global scope must be declared 'static' err_anonymous_union_with_storage_spec anonymous union at class scope must not have a storage specifier err_arc_array_param_no_ownership must explicitly describe intended ownership of an object array parameter err_arc_assign_property_ownership existing ivar %1 for property %0 with %select{unsafe_unretained| assign}2 attribute must be __unsafe_unretained cannot perform atomic operation on a pointer to type %0: type has non-trivial ownership %select{__block variables|global variables|fields|ivars}0 cannot have __autoreleasing ownership err_arc_bridge_cast_incompatible incompatible types casting %0 to %1 with a %select{__bridge|__bridge_transfer|__bridge_retained}2 cast err_arc_bridge_cast_wrong_kind cast of %select{Objective-C|block|C}0 pointer type %1 to %select{Objective-C|block|C}2 pointer type %3 cannot use %select{__bridge|__bridge_transfer|__bridge_retained}4 %select{cast|implicit conversion}0 of %select{Objective-C|block|C}1 pointer type %2 to %select{Objective-C|block|C}3 pointer type %4 requires a bridged cast collection expression type %0 is a forward declaration err_arc_convesion_of_weak_unavailable %select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of weak-unavailable object of type %1 to a __weak object of type %2 err_arc_gained_method_convention method implementation does not match its declaration err_arc_illegal_explicit_message ARC forbids explicit message send of %0 ARC forbids implementation of %0 ARC forbids use of %0 in a @selector err_arc_inconsistent_property_ownership %select{|unsafe_unretained|strong|weak}1 property %0 may not also be declared %select{|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}2 %select{pointer|reference}1 to non-const type %0 with no explicit ownership err_arc_init_method_unrelated_result_type init methods must return a type related to the receiver type err_arc_lost_method_convention method was declared as %select{an 'alloc'|a 'copy'|an 'init'|a 'new'}0 method, but its implementation doesn't match because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1 no visible @interface for %0 declares the selector %1 no known %select{instance|class}1 method for selector %0 %select{implicit conversion|cast}0 of %select{%2|a non-Objective-C pointer type %2|a block pointer|an Objective-C pointer|an indirect pointer to an Objective-C pointer}1 to %3 is disallowed with ARC multiple methods named %0 found with mismatched result, parameter type or attributes err_arc_new_array_without_ownership 'new' cannot allocate an array of %0 with no explicit ownership passing address of %select{non-local|non-scalar}0 object to __autoreleasing parameter for write-back ARC forbids Objective-C objects in structs or unions err_arc_objc_property_default_assign_on_object ARC forbids synthesizing a property of an Objective-C object with unspecified ownership or storage attribute err_arc_perform_selector_retains performSelector names a selector which retains the object err_arc_pseudo_dtor_inconstant_quals pseudo-destructor destroys object of type %0 with inconsistently-qualified type %1 err_arc_receiver_forward_class receiver %0 for class message is a forward declaration err_arc_receiver_forward_instance receiver type %0 for instance message is a forward declaration err_arc_strong_property_ownership existing ivar %1 for strong property %0 may not be %select{|__unsafe_unretained||__weak}2 thread-local variable has non-trivial ownership: type is %0 err_arc_unsupported_weak_class class is incompatible with __weak references the result of a delegate init call must be immediately returned or assigned to 'self' the current deployment target does not support automated __weak references err_arc_weak_unavailable_assign assignment of a weak-unavailable object to a __weak object parameter may not be qualified with an address space argument should be a value from %0 to %1 err_arithmetic_nonfragile_interface arithmetic on pointer to interface %0, which is not a constant size in non-fragile ABI err_array_designator_empty_range array designator range [%0, %1] is empty array designator value '%0' is negative err_array_designator_non_array array designator cannot initialize non-array type %0 err_array_designator_too_large array designator index (%0) exceeds array bounds (%1) cannot initialize array of type %0 with array of type %1 initialization with '{...}' expected for array err_array_init_non_constant_array cannot initialize array of type %0 with non-constant array of type %1 array initializer must be an initializer list%select{| or string literal}0 array size must be specified in new expressions array of abstract class type %0 err_array_size_ambiguous_conversion ambiguous conversion of array size expression of type %0 to an integral or enumeration type err_array_size_explicit_conversion array size expression of type %0 requires explicit conversion to type %1 err_array_size_incomplete_type array size expression has incomplete class type %0 size of array has non-integer type %0 array size expression must have integral or enumerated type, not %0 err_array_star_in_function_definition variable length array must be bound in function definition err_array_star_outside_prototype star modifier used outside of function prototype array is too large (%0 elements) automatic variable qualified with an address space err_asm_invalid_input_constraint invalid input constraint '%0' in asm err_asm_invalid_lvalue_in_input invalid lvalue in asm input for constraint '%0' err_asm_invalid_lvalue_in_output err_asm_invalid_output_constraint invalid output constraint '%0' in asm invalid type %0 in asm input for constraint '%1' err_asm_tying_incompatible_types unsupported inline asm: input with type %0 matching output with type %1 unknown register name '%0' in asm wide string is invalid in 'asm' err_assignment_requires_nonfragile_object cannot assign to class object in non-fragile ABI (%0 invalid) type %0 in generic association compatible with previously specified type %1 type %0 in generic association incomplete type %0 in generic association not an object type err_assoc_type_variably_modified type %0 in generic association is a variably modified type err_at_least_one_initializer_needed_to_size_array at least one initializer value required to size array err_atdef_nonfragile_interface invalid application of @defs in non-fragile ABI err_atomic_builtin_must_be_pointer first argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer (%0 invalid) err_atomic_builtin_must_be_pointer_intptr first argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to integer or pointer (%0 invalid) err_atomic_builtin_pointer_size first argument to atomic builtin must be a pointer to 1,2,4,8 or 16 byte type (%0 invalid) err_atomic_op_logical_needs_atomic_int first argument to logical atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer (%0 invalid) first argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to _Atomic type (%0 invalid) err_atomic_op_needs_atomic_int_or_ptr first argument to atomic operation must be a pointer to atomic integer or pointer (%0 invalid) _Atomic cannot be applied to %select{incomplete |array |function |reference |atomic |qualified |}0type %1 %select{||||||which is not trivially copyable}0 err_attr_objc_ownership_bad_type the type %0 cannot be retained err_attr_objc_ownership_redundant the type %0 already has retainment attributes set on it '%0' attribute invalid on this declaration, requires typedef or value err_attribute_address_function_type function type may not be qualified with an address space err_attribute_address_multiple_qualifiers multiple address spaces specified for type err_attribute_address_space_negative err_attribute_address_space_not_int address space attribute requires an integer constant err_attribute_address_space_too_high address space is larger than the maximum supported (%0) err_attribute_aligned_not_power_of_two requested alignment is not a power of 2 err_attribute_argument_n_not_int '%0' attribute requires parameter %1 to be an integer constant err_attribute_argument_n_not_string '%0' attribute requires parameter %1 to be a string err_attribute_argument_not_class %0 attribute requires arguments that are class type or point to class type err_attribute_argument_not_int '%0' attribute requires integer constant err_attribute_argument_not_lockable %0 attribute requires arguments whose type is annotated with 'lockable' attribute err_attribute_argument_out_of_bounds '%0' attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds err_attribute_argument_out_of_range %0 attribute parameter %1 is out of bounds: %plural{0:no parameters to index into|1:can only be 1, since there is one parameter|:must be between 1 and %2}2 err_attribute_argument_outof_range init_priority attribute requires integer constant between 101 and 65535 inclusive err_attribute_bad_neon_vector_size Neon vector size must be 64 or 128 bits err_attribute_can_be_applied_only_to_symbol_declaration %0 attribute can be applied only to symbol declaration err_attribute_can_be_applied_only_to_value_decl %0 attribute can only be applied to value declarations err_attribute_cleanup_arg_not_found 'cleanup' argument %0 not found err_attribute_cleanup_arg_not_function 'cleanup' argument %0 is not a function err_attribute_cleanup_func_arg_incompatible_type 'cleanup' function %0 parameter has type %1 which is incompatible with type %2 err_attribute_cleanup_func_must_take_one_arg 'cleanup' function %0 must take 1 parameter err_attribute_decl_not_lockable %0 attribute can only be applied in a context annotated with 'lockable' attribute err_attribute_first_argument_not_int_or_bool %0 attribute first argument must be of int or bool type err_attribute_invalid_implicit_this_argument '%0' attribute is invalid for the implicit this argument vector size not an integral multiple of component size err_attribute_invalid_vector_type invalid vector element type %0 err_attribute_missing_parameter_name attribute requires unquoted parameter err_attribute_multiple_objc_gc multiple garbage collection attributes specified for type argument to %0 attribute was not a string literal err_attribute_overloadable_missing %select{overloaded function|redeclaration of}0 %1 must have the 'overloadable' attribute err_attribute_overloadable_no_prototype 'overloadable' function %0 must have a prototype err_attribute_overloadable_not_function 'overloadable' attribute can only be applied to a function err_attribute_regparm_invalid_number 'regparm' parameter must be between 0 and %0 inclusive err_attribute_regparm_wrong_platform 'regparm' is not valid on this platform err_attribute_requires_objc_interface attribute may only be applied to an Objective-C interface err_attribute_section_invalid_for_target argument to 'section' attribute is not valid for this target: %0 err_attribute_section_local_variable 'section' attribute is not valid on local variables err_attribute_sentinel_less_than_zero 'sentinel' parameter 1 less than zero err_attribute_sentinel_not_zero_or_one 'sentinel' parameter 2 not 0 or 1 err_attribute_too_few_arguments attribute takes at least %0 argument%s0 err_attribute_too_many_arguments attribute takes no more than %0 argument%s0 err_attribute_uuid_malformed_guid uuid attribute contains a malformed GUID err_attribute_vecreturn_only_pod_record the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a POD (plain old data) class or structure (i.e. no virtual functions) err_attribute_vecreturn_only_vector_member the vecreturn attribute can only be used on a class or structure with one member, which must be a vector weak declaration cannot have internal linkage err_attribute_weakref_not_global_context weakref declaration of '%0' must be in a global context err_attribute_weakref_not_static weakref declaration must have internal linkage err_attribute_weakref_without_alias weakref declaration of '%0' must also have an alias attribute %0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|unions|variables and functions|functions and methods|parameters|parameters and methods|functions, methods and blocks|classes and virtual methods|functions, methods, and parameters|classes|virtual methods|class members|variables|methods|structs}1 err_attribute_wrong_number_arguments attribute %plural{0:takes no arguments|1:takes one argument|:requires exactly %0 arguments}0 err_attributes_are_not_compatible %0 and %1 attributes are not compatible 'auto' deduced as %0 in declaration of %1 and deduced as %2 in declaration of %3 err_auto_missing_trailing_return 'auto' return without trailing return type err_auto_new_ctor_multiple_expressions new expression for type %0 contains multiple constructor arguments err_auto_new_deduction_failure new expression for type %0 has incompatible constructor argument of type %1 err_auto_new_requires_ctor_arg new expression for type %0 requires a constructor argument 'auto' not allowed %select{in function prototype|in non-static struct member|in non-static union member|in non-static class member|in exception declaration|in template parameter|in block literal|in template argument|in typedef|in type alias|in function return type|here}0 err_auto_var_deduction_failure variable %0 with type %1 has incompatible initializer of type %2 err_auto_var_init_multiple_expressions initializer for variable %0 with type %1 contains multiple expressions declaration of variable %0 with type %1 requires an initializer err_auto_variable_cannot_appear_in_own_initializer variable %0 declared with 'auto' type cannot appear in its own initializer %select{const_cast||||C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 to %2, which is not a reference, pointer-to-object, or pointer-to-data-member address of overloaded function %0 cannot be cast to type %1 %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 is not allowed err_bad_cxx_cast_member_pointer_size cannot %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from member pointer type %1 to member pointer type %2 of different size err_bad_cxx_cast_qualifiers_away %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 casts away qualifiers %select{const_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from rvalue to reference type %2 err_bad_cxx_cast_scalar_to_vector_different_size %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from scalar %1 to vector %2 of different size err_bad_cxx_cast_vector_to_scalar_different_size %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 to scalar %2 of different size err_bad_cxx_cast_vector_to_vector_different_size %select{||reinterpret_cast||C-style cast|}0 from vector %1 to vector %2 of different size err_bad_dynamic_cast_incomplete err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_class err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_polymorphic err_bad_dynamic_cast_not_ref_or_ptr %0 is not a reference or pointer cannot cast from lvalue of type %1 to rvalue reference type %2; types are not compatible left hand operand to %0 must be a %select{|pointer to }1class compatible with the right hand operand, but is %2 right hand operand to %0 has non pointer-to-member type %1 cannot allocate %select{function|reference}1 type %0 with new '%0' cannot be the name of a parameter err_bad_reinterpret_cast_overload reinterpret_cast cannot resolve overloaded function %0 to type %1 err_bad_reinterpret_cast_reference reinterpret_cast of a %0 to %1 needs its address which is not allowed err_bad_reinterpret_cast_small_int cast from pointer to smaller type %2 loses information err_bad_static_cast_incomplete err_bad_static_cast_member_pointer_nonmp cannot cast from type %1 to member pointer type %2 address of overloaded function %0 cannot be static_cast to type %1 err_bad_static_cast_pointer_nonpointer cannot cast from type %1 to pointer type %2 %0 cannot be the name of a variable or data member unions cannot have base classes err_base_init_direct_and_virtual base class initializer %0 names both a direct base class and an inherited virtual base class err_base_init_does_not_name_class constructor initializer %0 does not name a class base specifier must name a class err_bitfield_has_negative_width bit-field %0 has negative width (%1) named bit-field %0 has zero width err_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size size of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds size of its type (%2 bits) err_block_decl_ref_not_modifiable_lvalue variable is not assignable (missing __block type specifier) 'extern' variable cannot have an initializer __block attribute not allowed, only allowed on local variables __block attribute not allowed on declaration with a variably modified type non-void block should return a value err_block_returning_array_function block cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1 err_block_with_return_type_requires_args block with explicit return type requires argument list blocks support disabled - compile with -fblocks or pick a deployment target that supports them reference to non-static member function must be called%select{|; did you mean to call it with no arguments?}0 err_break_not_in_loop_or_switch 'break' statement not in loop or switch statement err_builtin_annotation_not_string_constant __builtin_annotation requires a non wide string constant definition of builtin function %0 err_builtin_direct_init_more_than_one_arg initializer of a builtin type can only take one argument err_builtin_func_cast_more_than_one_arg function-style cast to a builtin type can only take one argument err_builtin_longjmp_invalid_val argument to __builtin_longjmp must be a constant 1 C99-specific array features are not permitted in C++ err_call_function_incomplete_return calling %0 with incomplete return type %1 argument type %0 is incomplete calling function with incomplete return type %0 err_cannot_determine_declared_type_of_overloaded_function cannot determine the type of an overloaded function err_cannot_form_pointer_to_member_of_reference_type cannot form a pointer-to-member to member %0 of reference type %1 err_cannot_pass_objc_interface_to_vararg cannot pass object with interface type %0 by-value through variadic %select{function|block|method}1 'case' statement not in switch statement err_cast_pointer_from_non_pointer_int operand of type %0 cannot be cast to a pointer type err_cast_pointer_to_non_pointer_int pointer cannot be cast to type %0 cannot type cast @selector expression cannot catch incomplete type %0 @catch parameter is not a pointer to an interface type cannot catch exceptions by rvalue reference function declared '%0' here was previously declared %select{'%2'|without calling convention}1 function with no prototype cannot use %0 calling convention variadic function cannot use %0 calling convention err_cfstring_literal_not_string_constant CFString literal is not a string constant err_class_extension_after_impl cannot declare class extension for %0 after class implementation err_class_marked_final_used_as_base err_class_redeclared_with_different_access %0 redeclared with '%1' access collection expression type %0 is not a valid object conditional expression is ambiguous; %0 can be converted to %1 and vice versa conditional expression is ambiguous; %0 and %1 can be converted to several common types %select{left|right}1 operand to ? is void, but %select{right|left}1 operand is of type %0 CUDA special function 'cudaConfigureCall' must have scalar return type conflicting types for alias %0 instance variable %0 has conflicting bit-field width conflicting instance variable names: %0 vs %1 instance variable %0 has conflicting type: %1 vs %2 conflicting super class name %0 declaration of const variable '%0' requires an initializer argument to %0 must be a constant integer err_constexpr_body_invalid_stmt statement not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 err_constexpr_body_multiple_return multiple return statements in constexpr function no return statement in constexpr function err_constexpr_ctor_missing_init constexpr constructor must initialize all members destructor cannot be marked constexpr err_constexpr_function_try_block function try block not allowed in constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 err_constexpr_method_non_literal non-literal type %0 cannot have constexpr members constexpr can only be used in variable and function declarations err_constexpr_non_literal_param constexpr %select{function|constructor}1's %ordinal0 parameter type %2 is not a literal type err_constexpr_non_literal_return constexpr function's return type %0 is not a literal type %select{non-constexpr declaration of %0 follows constexpr declaration|constexpr declaration of %0 follows non-constexpr declaration}1 %select{class|struct|union|enum}0 cannot be marked constexpr types cannot be defined in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 err_constexpr_union_ctor_no_init constexpr union constructor does not initialize any member variables cannot be declared in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}0 err_constexpr_var_requires_const_init constexpr variable %0 must be initialized by a constant expression err_constexpr_var_requires_init declaration of constexpr variable %0 requires an initializer virtual function cannot be constexpr constexpr constructor not allowed in %select{class|struct}0 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 variably-modified type %0 cannot be used in a constexpr %select{function|constructor}1 copy constructor must pass its first argument by reference constructor cannot be declared '%0' constructor cannot be redeclared constructor cannot have a return type continuation class has no primary class 'continue' statement not in loop statement conversion function must be a non-static member function conversion function cannot be redeclared conversion function cannot have a return type conversion function cannot convert to an array type conversion function cannot convert to a function type conversion function cannot be variadic err_conv_function_with_complex_decl must use a typedef to declare a conversion to %0 conversion function cannot have any parameters conversion from %0 to inaccessible base class %1 err_covariant_return_ambiguous_derived_to_base_conv return type of virtual function %3 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (ambiguous conversion from derived class %0 to base class %1:%2) err_covariant_return_inaccessible_base invalid covariant return for virtual function: %1 is a %select{private|protected}2 base class of %0 err_covariant_return_incomplete return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 is incomplete) err_covariant_return_not_derived return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 is not derived from %2) err_covariant_return_type_class_type_more_qualified return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (class type %1 is more qualified than class type %2 err_covariant_return_type_different_qualifications return type of virtual function %0 is not covariant with the return type of the function it overrides (%1 has different qualifiers than %2) GNU decimal type extension not supported '%0' declared as an array with a negative size declarator requires an identifier cannot decrement expression of type bool err_deduced_non_type_template_arg_type_mismatch deduced non-type template argument does not have the same type as the its corresponding template parameter (%0 vs %1) err_deep_exception_specs_differ exception specifications of %select{return|argument}0 types differ err_default_arg_in_partial_spec default template argument in a class template partial specialization default initialization of an object of const type %0%select{| requires a user-provided default constructor}1 'default' statement not in switch statement err_defaulted_copy_assign_const_param the parameter for this explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator is const, but a member or base requires it to be non-const err_defaulted_copy_assign_not_ref the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator must be an lvalue reference type err_defaulted_copy_assign_params an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator must have exactly one parameter err_defaulted_copy_assign_quals an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator may not have 'const', 'constexpr' or 'volatile' qualifiers err_defaulted_copy_assign_return_type an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator must return an unqualified lvalue reference to its class type err_defaulted_copy_assign_volatile_param the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted copy assignment operator may not be volatile err_defaulted_copy_ctor_const_param the parameter for this explicitly-defaulted copy constructor is const, but a member or base requires it to be non-const err_defaulted_copy_ctor_params an explicitly-defaulted copy constructor must have exactly one parameter err_defaulted_copy_ctor_volatile_param the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted copy constructor may not be volatile err_defaulted_default_ctor_params an explicitly-defaulted default constructor must have no parameters err_defaulted_move_assign_const_param the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move assignment operator may not be const err_defaulted_move_assign_not_ref the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move assignment operator must be an rvalue reference type err_defaulted_move_assign_params an explicitly-defaulted move assignment operator must have exactly one parameter err_defaulted_move_assign_quals an explicitly-defaulted move assignment operator may not have 'const', 'constexpr' or 'volatile' qualifiers err_defaulted_move_assign_return_type an explicitly-defaulted move assignment operator must return an unqualified lvalue reference to its class type err_defaulted_move_assign_volatile_param the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move assignment operator may not be volatile err_defaulted_move_ctor_const_param the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move constructor may not be const err_defaulted_move_ctor_params an explicitly-defaulted move constructor must have exactly one parameter err_defaulted_move_ctor_volatile_param the parameter for an explicitly-defaulted move constructor may not be volatile err_definition_of_explicitly_defaulted_member definition of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 err_definition_of_implicitly_declared_member definition of implicitly declared %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 err_delegating_codegen_not_implemented code generation for delegating constructors not implemented delegating constructors are permitted only in C++11 err_delegating_initializer_alone an initializer for a delegating constructor must appear alone err_delete_incomplete_class_type deleting incomplete class type %0; no conversions to pointer type cannot delete expression of type %0 deleted definition must be first declaration attempt to use a deleted function err_dependent_nested_name_spec nested name specifier for a declaration cannot depend on a template parameter err_dependent_non_type_arg_in_partial_spec non-type template argument depends on a template parameter of the partial specialization %select{declaration|definition}0 of %select{struct|union|class|enum}1 in a dependent scope err_dependent_typed_non_type_arg_in_partial_spec non-type template argument specializes a template parameter with dependent type %0 err_designator_for_scalar_init designator in initializer for scalar type %0 err_designator_into_flexible_array_member designator into flexible array member subobject destructor cannot be declared '%0' expected the class name after '~' to name a destructor err_destructor_expr_type_mismatch destructor type %0 in object destruction expression does not match the type %1 of the object being destroyed expected the class name after '~' to name the enclosing class destructor must be a non-static member function destructor cannot be redeclared destructor cannot have a return type destructor cannot be declared as a template destructor cannot be declared using a %select{typedef|type alias}1 %0 of the class name destructor cannot have any parameters err_different_return_type_for_overriding_virtual_function virtual function %0 has a different return type (%1) than the function it overrides (which has return type %2) err_dimension_expr_not_constant_integer dimension expression does not evaluate to a constant unsigned int err_direct_interface_unsupported indirection to an interface is not supported (%0 invalid) exception specifications are not allowed beyond a single level of indirection use of type 'double' requires cl_khr_fp64 extension to be enabled err_downcast_from_inaccessible_base cannot cast %select{private|protected}2 base class %1 to %0 %select{destructor reference|pseudo-destructor expression}0 must be called immediately with '()' err_dup_implementation_category reimplementation of category %1 for class %0 base class %0 specified more than once as a direct base class duplicate interface definition for class %0 err_duplicate_ivar_declaration instance variable is already declared duplicate declaration of method %0 property has a previous declaration catch-all handler must come last ISO C requires a named argument before '...' err_ellipsis_in_declarator_not_parameter only function and template parameters can be parameter packs scalar initializer cannot be empty non-integral type %0 is an invalid underlying type err_enum_redeclare_fixed_mismatch enumeration previously declared with %select{non|}0fixed underlying type err_enum_redeclare_scoped_mismatch enumeration previously declared as %select{un|}0scoped err_enum_redeclare_type_mismatch enumeration redeclared with different underlying type %0 (was %1) enumerator value is not representable in the underlying type %0 enumerator value %0 is not representable in the underlying type %1 exception specifications are not allowed in %select{typedefs|type aliases}0 exception specification is not available until end of class definition cannot use '%0' with exceptions disabled excess elements in %select{array|vector|scalar|union|struct}0 initializer err_excess_initializers_in_char_array_initializer excess elements in char array initializer err_expected_class_or_namespace err_explicit_instantiation_ambiguous partial ordering for explicit instantiation of %0 is ambiguous err_explicit_instantiation_constexpr explicit instantiation cannot be 'constexpr' err_explicit_instantiation_data_member_not_instantiated explicit instantiation refers to static data member %q0 that is not an instantiation err_explicit_instantiation_declaration_after_definition explicit instantiation declaration (with 'extern') follows explicit instantiation definition (without 'extern') err_explicit_instantiation_duplicate duplicate explicit instantiation of %0 err_explicit_instantiation_enum explicit instantiation of enumeration type %0 err_explicit_instantiation_in_class explicit instantiation of %0 in class scope err_explicit_instantiation_inline explicit instantiation cannot be 'inline' err_explicit_instantiation_member_function_not_instantiated explicit instantiation refers to member function %q0 that is not an instantiation err_explicit_instantiation_must_be_global explicit instantiation of %0 must occur at global scope err_explicit_instantiation_nontemplate_type explicit instantiation of non-templated type %0 err_explicit_instantiation_not_known explicit instantiation of %0 does not refer to a function template, member function, member class, or static data member err_explicit_instantiation_of_typedef explicit instantiation of typedef %0 err_explicit_instantiation_out_of_scope explicit instantiation of %0 not in a namespace enclosing %1 err_explicit_instantiation_requires_name explicit instantiation declaration requires a name err_explicit_instantiation_storage_class explicit instantiation cannot have a storage class err_explicit_instantiation_undefined_func_template explicit instantiation of undefined function template %0 err_explicit_instantiation_undefined_member explicit instantiation of undefined %select{member class|member function|static data member}0 %1 of class template %2 err_explicit_instantiation_unqualified_wrong_namespace explicit instantiation of %q0 must occur in namespace %1 err_explicit_non_ctor_or_conv_function 'explicit' can only be applied to a constructor or conversion function 'explicit' can only appear on non-static member functions 'explicit' can only be specified inside the class definition err_explicit_specialization_inconsistent_storage_class explicit specialization has extraneous, inconsistent storage class '%select{none|extern|static|__private_extern__|auto|register}0' expression is not an integer constant expression err_ext_vector_component_exceeds_length vector component access exceeds type %0 err_ext_vector_component_name_illegal illegal vector component name '%0' extern declaration of %0 follows non-extern declaration control reaches end of non-void block err_field_declared_as_function field %0 declared as a function field designator cannot initialize a %select{non-struct, non-union|non-class}0 type %1 field designator %0 does not refer to a non-static data member field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1 err_field_designator_unknown_suggest field designator %0 does not refer to any field in type %1; did you mean %2? err_field_instantiates_to_function data member instantiated with function type %0 err_filter_expression_integral filter expression type should be an integral value not %0 declaration of %0 overrides a 'final' function err_first_argument_to_va_arg_not_of_type_va_list first argument to 'va_arg' is of type %0 and not 'va_list' err_flexible_array_empty_struct flexible array %0 not allowed in otherwise empty struct err_flexible_array_has_nonpod_type flexible array member %0 of non-POD element type %1 initialization of flexible array member is not allowed err_flexible_array_init_needs_braces flexible array requires brace-enclosed initializer err_for_range_begin_end_types_differ 'begin' and 'end' must return the same type (got %0 and %1) err_for_range_decl_must_be_var for range declaration must declare a variable err_for_range_deduction_failure cannot use incomplete type %0 as a range err_for_range_iter_deduction_failure cannot use type %0 as an iterator err_for_range_member_begin_end_mismatch range type %0 has '%select{begin|end}1' member but no '%select{end|begin}1' member loop variable %0 may not be declared %select{'extern'|'static'|'__private_extern__'|'auto'|'register'|'constexpr'}1 err_format_attribute_implicit_this_format_string format attribute cannot specify the implicit this argument as the format string err_format_attribute_requires_variadic format attribute requires variadic function err_format_attribute_result_not err_format_strftime_third_parameter strftime format attribute requires 3rd parameter to be 0 ISO C++ forbids forward references to 'enum' types attempting to use the forward class %0 as superclass of %1 friend function cannot be defined in a local class friends cannot be members of the declaring class err_func_def_incomplete_result incomplete result type %0 in function definition err_func_returning_array_function function cannot return %select{array|function}0 type %1 err_function_marked_override_not_overriding %0 marked 'override' but does not override any member functions err_function_parameter_pack_without_parameter_packs type %0 of function parameter pack does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs err_function_specialization_in_class cannot specialize a function %0 within class scope err_function_template_partial_spec function template partial specialization is not allowed err_function_template_spec_ambiguous function template specialization %0 ambiguously refers to more than one function template; explicitly specify%select{|additional }1 template arguments to identify a particular function template err_function_template_spec_no_match no function template matches function template specialization %0 err_gc_weak_property_strong_type weak attribute declared on a __strong type property in GC mode controlling expression type %0 compatible with %1 generic association types controlling expression type %0 not compatible with any generic association type expected getter method not found on object of type %0 call to global function %0 not configured %select{ivar|property}2 with %0 attribute must be an object type (invalid %1) invalid type %0 as argument of iboutletcollection attribute identifier %0 in object destruction expression does not name a type err_ident_list_in_fn_declaration a parameter list without types is only allowed in a function definition err_illegal_decl_array_incomplete_type array has incomplete element type %0 err_illegal_decl_array_of_auto err_illegal_decl_array_of_functions '%0' declared as array of functions of type %1 err_illegal_decl_array_of_references '%0' declared as array of references of type %1 err_illegal_decl_mempointer_in_nonclass '%0' does not point into a class err_illegal_decl_mempointer_to_reference '%0' declared as a member pointer to a reference of type %1 err_illegal_decl_mempointer_to_void '%0' declared as a member pointer to void err_illegal_decl_pointer_to_reference '%0' declared as a pointer to a reference of type %1 illegal initializer (only variables can be initialized) err_illegal_message_expr_incomplete_type objective-c message has incomplete result type %0 err_illegal_qualifiers_on_catch_parm illegal qualifiers on @catch parameter err_illegal_union_or_anon_struct_member %select{anonymous struct|union}0 member %1 has a non-trivial %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 imaginary types are not supported err_implicit_empty_initializer initializer for aggregate with no elements requires explicit braces err_implicit_instantiate_member_undefined implicit instantiation of undefined member %0 err_implicit_object_parameter_init cannot initialize object parameter of type %0 with an expression of type %1 err_in_class_initializer_bad_type static data member of type %0 must be initialized out of line err_in_class_initializer_literal_type in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 requires 'constexpr' specifier err_in_class_initializer_non_const non-const static data member must be initialized out of line err_in_class_initializer_non_constant in-class initializer is not a constant expression err_in_class_initializer_volatile static const volatile data member must be initialized out of line err_incompatible_exception_specs target exception specification is not superset of source base class has incomplete type err_incomplete_in_exception_spec %select{|pointer to |reference to }0incomplete type %1 is not allowed in exception specification member access into incomplete type %0 err_incomplete_nested_name_spec incomplete type %0 named in nested name specifier incomplete type in call to object of type %0 err_incomplete_pointer_to_member_return incomplete return type %0 of pointer-to-member constant incomplete type %0 where a complete type is required err_incomplete_type_no_underlying_type an incomplete enumeration type has no underlying type yet err_incomplete_type_objc_at_encode '@encode' of incomplete type %0 err_incomplete_type_used_in_type_trait_expr incomplete type %0 used in type trait expression 'typeid' of incomplete type %0 inconsistent number of instance variables specified err_incorrect_defaulted_exception_spec exception specification of explicitly defaulted %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 does not match the calculated one err_incorrect_number_of_vector_initializers number of elements must be either one or match the size of the vector err_indirect_goto_in_protected_scope indirect goto might cross protected scopes err_indirect_goto_without_addrlabel indirect goto in function with no address-of-label expressions cannot initialize %select{a variable|a parameter|return object|an exception object|a member subobject|an array element|a new value|a value|a base class|a constructor delegation|a vector element}0 of type %1 with an %select{rvalue|lvalue}2 of type %3 initializer element is not a compile-time constant initialization of incomplete type %0 %select{|non-aggregate }0type %1 cannot be initialized with an initializer list err_init_list_constant_narrowing constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 err_init_list_variable_narrowing non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list err_init_method_bad_return_type init methods must return an object pointer type, not %0 initialization of non-aggregate type %0 with an initializer list cannot initialize Objective-C class type %0 can only use 'init_priority' attribute on file-scope definitions of objects of class type err_init_reference_member_uninitialized reference member of type %0 uninitialized err_initializer_string_for_char_array_too_long initializer-string for char array is too long err_inline_declaration_block_scope inline declaration of %0 not allowed in block scope 'main' is not allowed to be declared inline %select{|non-}0inline namespace cannot be reopened as %select{non-|}0inline 'inline' can only appear on functions invalid block pointer conversion %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1 err_introducing_special_friend must use a qualified name when declaring a %select{constructor|destructor|conversion operator}0 as a friend invalid use of a cast in a inline asm context requiring an l-value: remove the cast or build with -fheinous-gnu-extensions err_invalid_astype_of_different_size invalid reinterpretation: sizes of %0 and %1 must match %select{function parameter|typedef|non-static data member}0 cannot be constexpr err_invalid_constexpr_var_decl constexpr variable declaration must be a definition err_invalid_conversion_between_ext_vectors invalid conversion between ext-vector type %0 and %1 err_invalid_conversion_between_vector_and_integer invalid conversion between vector type %0 and integer type %1 of different size err_invalid_conversion_between_vector_and_scalar invalid conversion between vector type %0 and scalar type %1 err_invalid_conversion_between_vectors invalid conversion between vector type %0 and %1 of different size err_invalid_declarator_global_scope definition or redeclaration of %0 cannot name the global scope err_invalid_declarator_in_function definition or redeclaration of %0 not allowed inside a function definition or redeclaration of %0 not in a namespace enclosing %1 err_invalid_form_pointer_member_function cannot create a non-constant pointer to member function err_invalid_incomplete_type_use invalid use of incomplete type %0 invalid initialization of reference of type %0 from expression of type %1 err_invalid_member_use_in_static_method invalid use of member %0 in static member function incompatible constant for this __builtin_neon function err_invalid_non_static_member_use invalid use of nonstatic data member %0 %0 is not a valid property name (accessing an object of type %1) err_invalid_protocol_qualifiers invalid protocol qualifiers on non-ObjC type err_invalid_qualified_constructor '%0' qualifier is not allowed on a constructor err_invalid_qualified_destructor '%0' qualifier is not allowed on a destructor err_invalid_qualified_function_pointer type qualifier is not allowed on this function %select{pointer|reference}0 err_invalid_qualified_function_type type qualifier is not allowed on this function err_invalid_qualified_typedef_function_type_use a qualified function type cannot be used to declare a %select{static member|nonmember}0 function err_invalid_receiver_class_message receiver type %0 is not an Objective-C class err_invalid_receiver_to_message invalid receiver to message expression err_invalid_receiver_to_message_super 'super' is only valid in a method body err_invalid_ref_qualifier_function_type ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is only allowed on non-static member functions, member function pointers, and typedefs of function types err_invalid_ref_qualifier_typedef_function_type_use %select{static member|nonmember}0 function cannot have a ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}1' invalid use of 'this' outside of a nonstatic member function '__thread' is only allowed on variable declarations an array type is not allowed here err_invalid_use_of_function_type a function type is not allowed here err_ivar_access_using_property_syntax_suggest property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean to access ivar %2? instance variables cannot be of reference type err_kern_call_not_global_function kernel call to non-global function %0 kernel function type %0 must have void return type err_literal_operator_outside_namespace literal operator %0 must be in a namespace or global scope parameter declaration for literal operator %0 is not valid '__local' variable cannot have an initializer err_lvalue_reference_bind_to_temporary %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference to type %1 cannot bind to a temporary of type %2 err_lvalue_reference_bind_to_unrelated %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference to type %1 cannot bind to a value of unrelated type %2 err_lvalue_to_rvalue_ambig_ref rvalue reference cannot bind to lvalue due to multiple conversion functions rvalue reference to type %0 cannot bind to lvalue of type %1 %select{first|second|third|fourth}0 parameter of 'main' (%select{argument count|argument array|environment|platform-specific data}0) must be of type %1 too many parameters (%0) for 'main': must be 0, 2, or 3 err_maybe_falloff_nonvoid_block control may reach end of non-void block err_mem_init_not_member_or_class member initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base class err_mem_init_not_member_or_class_suggest initializer %0 does not name a non-static data member or base class; did you mean the %select{base class|member}1 %2? err_member_call_without_object call to non-static member function without an object argument out-of-line definition of %0 does not match any declaration in %1 err_member_def_does_not_match_ret_type out-of-line definition of %q0 differs from the declaration in the return type err_member_def_does_not_match_suggest out-of-line definition of %0 does not match any declaration in %1; did you mean %2 err_member_def_undefined_record out-of-line definition of %0 from class %1 without definition err_member_function_call_bad_cvr member function %0 not viable: 'this' argument has type %1, but function is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}2 err_member_function_initialization initializer on function does not look like a pure-specifier member %0 has the same name as its class err_member_not_yet_instantiated no member %0 in %1; it has not yet been instantiated non-friend class member %0 cannot have a qualified name class member cannot be redeclared err_member_reference_needs_call base of member reference is a function; perhaps you meant to call it%select{| with no arguments}? err_mempointer_in_nonclass_type member pointer refers into non-class type %0 conversion from pointer to member of class %0 to pointer to member of class %1 via virtual base %2 is not allowed cannot dereference pointer into incomplete class type %0 exception specification in declaration does not match previous declaration ivars may not be placed in %select{categories|class extension}0 '@end' is missing in implementation context cannot omit braces around initialization of subobject when using direct list-initialization %select{|implicit default }0constructor for %1 must explicitly initialize the %select{base class|member}2 %3 which does not have a default constructor err_missing_open_square_message_send missing '[' at start of message send expression parameter requires a declaration specifier err_missing_qualified_for_redecl must qualify the name %0 to declare %q1 in this scope C++ requires a type specifier for all declarations mode attribute only supported for integer and floating-point types type of machine mode does not match type of base type err_module_private_follows_public __module_private__ declaration of %0 follows public declaration %select{local variable|parameter|typedef}0 %1 cannot be declared __module_private__ err_module_private_local_class local %select{struct|union|class|enum}0 cannot be declared __module_private__ err_module_private_specialization %select{template|partial|member}0 specialization cannot be declared __module_private__ err_multiple_base_initialization multiple initializations given for base %0 err_multiple_default_labels_defined multiple default labels in one switch virtual function %q0 has more than one final overrider in %1 err_multiple_mem_initialization multiple initializations given for non-static member %0 err_multiple_mem_union_initialization initializing multiple members of anonymous union 'mutable' and 'const' cannot be mixed 'mutable' cannot be applied to functions 'mutable' can only be applied to member variables 'mutable' cannot be applied to references err_need_header_before_ms_uuidof you need to include before using the '__uuidof' operator you need to include before using the 'typeid' operator err_nested_name_member_ref_lookup_ambiguous lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous type %0 cannot be used prior to '::' because it has no members array 'new' cannot have initialization arguments only the first dimension of an allocated array may have dynamic size cannot allocate array of 'auto' allocation of incomplete type %0 no matching function found in local scope err_no_matching_local_friend_suggest no matching function %0 found in local scope; did you mean %2 no member named %0 in %1; did you mean %2? err_no_member_template_suggest no template named %0 in %1; did you mean %2? err_no_nsconstant_string_class cannot find interface declaration for %0 err_no_suitable_delete_member_function_found no template named %0; did you mean %1? err_noexcept_needs_constant_expression argument to noexcept specifier must be a constant expression non-extern declaration of %0 follows extern declaration non-static declaration of %0 follows static declaration non-thread-local declaration of %0 follows thread-local declaration err_non_type_template_in_nested_name_specifier qualified name refers into a specialization of function template '%0' declaration of non-local variable in 'for' loop %0 is not virtual and cannot be declared pure block pointer to non-function type is invalid err_nonstatic_flexible_variable non-static initialization of a variable with flexible array member err_nonstatic_member_out_of_line non-static data member defined out-of-line err_noreturn_block_has_return_expr block declared 'noreturn' should not return err_not_class_template_specialization cannot specialize a %select{dependent template|template template parameter}0 err_not_direct_base_or_virtual type %0 is not a direct or virtual base of %1 err_not_found_by_two_phase_lookup call to function %0 that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup err_not_integral_type_anon_bitfield anonymous bit-field has non-integral type %0 err_not_integral_type_bitfield bit-field %0 has non-integral type %1 err_not_reference_to_const_init %select{non-const|volatile}0 lvalue reference to type %1 cannot be initialized with a %select{value|temporary}2 of type %3 no %select{struct|union|class|enum}0 named %1 in %2 parameter of 'ns_bridged' attribute does not name an Objective-C class err_nsconsumed_attribute_mismatch overriding method has mismatched ns_consumed attribute on its parameter __attribute ((NSObject)) is for pointer types only err_nsreturns_retained_attribute_mismatch overriding method has mismatched ns_returns_%select{not_retained|retained}0 attributes array of interface %0 is invalid (probably should be an array of pointers) err_objc_decls_may_only_appear_in_global_scope Objective-C declarations may only appear in global scope cannot use '%0' with Objective-C exceptions disabled can't catch an Objective C object by value err_objc_pointer_cxx_catch_gnu can't catch Objective C exceptions in C++ in the GNU runtime err_objc_precise_lifetime_bad_type objc_precise_lifetime only applies to retainable types; type here is %0 err_objc_property_attr_mutually_exclusive property attributes '%0' and '%1' are mutually exclusive err_objc_property_requires_object property with '%0' attribute must be of object type cannot declare variable inside @interface or @protocol err_object_cannot_be_passed_returned_by_value interface type %1 cannot be %select{returned|passed}0 by value; did you forget * in %1 offsetof requires array type, %0 invalid cannot compute offset of bit-field %0 offsetof of incomplete type %0 offsetof requires struct, union, or class type, %0 invalid err_only_annotate_after_access_spec access specifier can only have annotation attributes err_only_constructors_take_base_inits only constructors take base initializers err_only_enums_have_underlying_types only enumeration types have underlying types circular pointer delegation detected err_operator_delete_dependent_param_type %0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use %1 instead err_operator_delete_param_type first parameter of %0 must have type %1 parameter of %0 cannot have a default argument err_operator_new_delete_declared_in_namespace %0 cannot be declared inside a namespace err_operator_new_delete_declared_static %0 cannot be declared static in global scope err_operator_new_delete_dependent_result_type %0 cannot have a dependent return type; use %1 instead err_operator_new_delete_invalid_result_type err_operator_new_delete_template_too_few_parameters %0 template must have at least two parameters. err_operator_new_delete_too_few_parameters %0 must have at least one parameter. err_operator_new_dependent_param_type %0 cannot take a dependent type as first parameter; use size_t (%1) instead %0 takes type size_t (%1) as first parameter err_operator_overload_default_arg parameter of overloaded %0 cannot have a default argument overloaded %0 must be a %select{unary|binary|unary or binary}2 operator (has %1 parameter%s1) err_operator_overload_must_be_member overloaded %0 must be a non-static member function err_operator_overload_needs_class_or_enum overloaded %0 must have at least one parameter of class or enumeration type err_operator_overload_post_incdec_must_be_int parameter of overloaded post-%select{increment|decrement}1 operator must have type 'int' (not %0) overloaded %0 cannot be a static member function err_operator_overload_variadic overloaded %0 cannot be variadic err_out_of_line_default_deletes defaulting this %select{default constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 would delete it after its first declaration err_overload_expr_requires_non_zero_constant overload requires a non-zero constant expression as first argument argument is not a function, or has wrong number of parameters exception specification of overriding function is more lax than base version err_ovl_ambiguous_conversion_in_cast ambiguous conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 call to constructor of %0 is ambiguous call to member function %0 is ambiguous call to object of type %0 is ambiguous use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (with operand types %1 and %2) use of overloaded operator '%0' is ambiguous (operand type %1) call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function %1%2 err_ovl_deleted_conversion_in_cast %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 uses deleted function call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 constructor of %1 call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 member function %1%2 call to %select{unavailable|deleted}0 function call operator in type %1%2 overload resolution selected %select{unavailable|deleted}0 operator '%1'%2 functions that differ only in their return type cannot be overloaded cannot convert %1 to %2 without a conversion operator type %0 does not provide a %select{subscript|call}1 operator err_ovl_no_viable_conversion_in_cast no matching conversion for %select{|static_cast|reinterpret_cast|dynamic_cast|C-style cast|functional-style cast}0 from %1 to %2 err_ovl_no_viable_function_in_call no matching function for call to %0 err_ovl_no_viable_function_in_init no matching constructor for initialization of %0 err_ovl_no_viable_member_function_in_call no matching member function for call to %0 no matching function for call to object of type %0 no viable overloaded operator[] for type %0 err_ovl_static_nonstatic_member static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types cannot be overloaded reference to overloaded function could not be resolved; did you mean to call it%select{| with no arguments}0? %0 attribute only applies to %1 arguments property's synthesized getter follows Cocoa naming convention for returning 'owned' objects err_pack_expansion_length_conflict pack expansion contains parameter packs %0 and %1 that have different lengths (%2 vs. %3) err_pack_expansion_length_conflict_multilevel pack expansion contains parameter pack %0 that has a different length (%1 vs. %2) from outer parameter packs err_pack_expansion_member_init pack expansion for initialization of member %0 err_pack_expansion_without_parameter_packs pack expansion does not contain any unexpanded parameter packs C does not support default arguments err_param_default_argument_member_template_redecl default arguments cannot be added to an out-of-line definition of a member of a %select{class template|class template partial specialization|nested class in a template}0 err_param_default_argument_missing missing default argument on parameter err_param_default_argument_missing_name missing default argument on parameter %0 err_param_default_argument_nonfunc default arguments can only be specified for parameters in a function declaration err_param_default_argument_redefinition redefinition of default argument err_param_default_argument_references_local default argument references local variable %0 of enclosing function err_param_default_argument_references_param default argument references parameter %0 err_param_default_argument_references_this default argument references 'this' err_param_default_argument_template_redecl default arguments cannot be added to a function template that has already been declared empty parameter list defined with a %select{typedef|type alias}0 of 'void' not allowed%select{ in C++|}0 argument may not have 'void' type err_parameters_retval_cannot_have_fp16_type %select{parameters|function return value}0 cannot have __fp16 type; did you forget * ? err_parens_pointer_member_function cannot parenthesize the name of a method when forming a member pointer err_partial_spec_args_match_primary_template class template partial specialization does not specialize any template argument; to %select{declare|define}0 the primary template, remove the template argument list err_partial_spec_fully_specialized partial specialization of %0 does not use any of its template parameters err_partial_spec_ordering_ambiguous ambiguous partial specializations of %0 class template partial specialization %0 cannot be redeclared err_partial_specialization_friend partial specialization cannot be declared as a friend err_placement_new_non_placement_delete 'new' expression with placement arguments refers to non-placement 'operator delete' err_pointer_to_member_call_drops_quals call to pointer to member function of type %0 drops '%1' qualifier%s2 err_pointer_to_member_oper_value_classify pointer-to-member function type %0 can only be called on an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 invalid use of pointer to member type after %select{.*|->*}0 err_pragma_options_align_mac68k_target_unsupported mac68k alignment pragma is not supported on this target property %0 found on object of type %1; did you mean to access it with the "." operator? err_property_not_as_forward_class property %0 refers to an incomplete Objective-C class %1 (with no @interface available) property %0 not found on object of type %1 err_property_not_found_forward_class property %0 cannot be found in forward class object %1 err_property_not_found_suggest property %0 not found on object of type %1; did you mean %2? property cannot have array or function type %0 err_protocol_has_circular_dependency protocol has circular dependency err_pseudo_dtor_base_not_scalar object expression of non-scalar type %0 cannot be used in a pseudo-destructor expression err_pseudo_dtor_call_with_args call to pseudo-destructor cannot have any arguments err_pseudo_dtor_destructor_non_type %0 does not refer to a type name in pseudo-destructor expression; expected the name of type %1 specialization of template %0 does not refer to a scalar type in pseudo-destructor expression the type of object expression (%0) does not match the type being destroyed (%1) in pseudo-destructor expression err_qualified_block_pointer_type qualifier specification on block pointer type not allowed err_qualified_catch_declarator exception declarator cannot be qualified friend function definition cannot be qualified with '%0' err_qualified_friend_not_found no function named %0 with type %1 was found in the specified scope qualified member access refers to a member in %0 err_qualified_member_of_unrelated %q0 is not a member of class %1 %select{property|ivar}0 access cannot be qualified with '%1' @catch parameter declarator cannot be qualified err_qualified_param_declarator parameter declarator cannot be qualified err_qualified_typedef_declarator typedef declarator cannot be qualified invalid type %0 to %1 operator trying to recursively use %0 as superclass of %1 err_redefinition_different_kind redefinition of %0 as different kind of symbol err_redefinition_different_type redefinition of %0 with a different type err_redefinition_different_typedef %select{typedef|type alias|type alias template}0 redefinition with different types (%1 vs %2) err_redefinition_extern_inline redefinition of a 'extern inline' function %0 is not supported in %select{C99 mode|C++}1 err_redefinition_of_enumerator cannot refer to declaration with an array type inside block reference to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}0 function %1 in %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function reference initialization of type %0 with initializer of type %1 is ambiguous ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a constructor ref-qualifier '%select{&&|&}0' is not allowed on a destructor cannot overload a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}0 with a member function %select{without a ref-qualifier|with ref-qualifier '&'|with ref-qualifier '&&'}1 cannot refer to declaration with a variably modified type inside block err_reference_bind_drops_quals binding of reference to type %0 to a value of type %1 drops qualifiers reference to type %0 could not bind to an %select{rvalue|lvalue}1 of type %2 reference to type %0 cannot bind to an initializer list err_reference_bind_to_bitfield %select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to bit-field %1 err_reference_bind_to_vector_element %select{non-const|volatile}0 reference cannot bind to vector element err_reference_has_multiple_inits reference cannot be initialized with multiple values err_reference_init_drops_quals initialization of reference to type %0 with a %select{value|temporary}1 of type %2 drops qualifiers err_reference_to_local_var_in_enclosing_function reference to local variable %0 declared in enclosed function %1 cannot form a reference to 'void' err_reference_var_requires_init declaration of reference variable %0 requires an initializer reference to type %0 requires an initializer function declared with with regparm(%0) attribute was previously declared %plural{0:without the regparm|:with the regparm(%1)}1 attribute '%0' attribute cannot be repeated returning block that lives on the local stack void block should not return a value err_return_in_block_expression return not allowed in block expression literal err_return_in_constructor_handler return in the catch of a function try block of a constructor is illegal function declared with the ns_returns_retained attribute was previously declared without the ns_returns_retained attribute err_second_parameter_to_va_arg_abstract second argument to 'va_arg' is of abstract type %0 err_second_parameter_to_va_arg_incomplete second argument to 'va_arg' is of incomplete type %0 err_selector_element_not_lvalue selector element is not a valid lvalue selector element type %0 is not a valid object err_shufflevector_argument_too_large index for __builtin_shufflevector must be less than the total number of vector elements err_shufflevector_incompatible_vector first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must have the same type first two arguments to __builtin_shufflevector must be vectors err_shufflevector_nonconstant_argument index for __builtin_shufflevector must be a constant integer invalid application of '%select{sizeof|__alignof}0' to bit-field err_sizeof_alignof_incomplete_type invalid application of '%select{sizeof|__alignof|vec_step}0' to an incomplete type %1 err_sizeof_alignof_overloaded_function_type invalid application of '%select{sizeof|__alignof|vec_step}0' to an overloaded function err_sizeof_nonfragile_interface invalid application of '%select{alignof|sizeof}1' to interface %0 in non-fragile ABI %0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack err_sizeof_pack_no_pack_name_suggest %0 does not refer to the name of a parameter pack; did you mean %1? err_spec_member_not_instantiated specialization of member %q0 does not specialize an instantiated member err_specialization_after_instantiation explicit specialization of %0 after instantiation err_specialize_member_of_template cannot specialize (with 'template<>') a member of an unspecialized template err_static_assert_expression_is_not_constant static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression function declared in block scope cannot have 'static' storage class err_static_data_member_not_allowed_in_local_class static data member %0 not allowed in local class %1 err_static_data_member_not_allowed_in_union_or_anon_struct static data member %0 not allowed in %select{anonymous struct|union}1 err_static_downcast_via_virtual cannot cast %0 to %1 via virtual base %2 the 'static' modifier for the array size is not legal in new expressions 'main' is not allowed to be declared static static declaration of %0 follows non-static declaration static member %0 cannot be a bit-field 'static' can only be specified inside the class definition 'static' member function %0 overrides a virtual function in a base class err_statically_allocated_object interface type cannot be statically allocated statement expression not allowed at file scope err_storage_spec_on_catch_parm @catch parameter cannot have storage specifier %select{|'typedef'|'extern'|'static'|'auto'|'register'|'__private_extern__'|'mutable'}0 err_storageclass_invalid_for_member storage class specified for a member declaration subscript of pointer to function type %0 subscript of pointer to incomplete type %0 err_subscript_nonfragile_interface subscript requires size of interface %0, which is not constant in non-fragile ABI err_switch_explicit_conversion switch condition type %0 requires explicit conversion to %1 err_switch_incomplete_class_type switch condition has incomplete class type %0 err_switch_into_protected_scope switch case is in protected scope err_switch_multiple_conversions multiple conversions from switch condition type %0 to an integral or enumeration type definition of type %0 conflicts with %select{typedef|type alias}1 of the same name implicit declaration introduced by elaborated type conflicts with %select{a declaration|a typedef|a type alias|a template}0 of the same name elaborated type refers to %select{a non-tag type|a typedef|a type alias|a template|a type alias template}0 err_tagless_friend_type_template friend type templates must use an elaborated type ambiguous constructor call when %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element}0 of type %1 %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element}0 of type %1 invokes deleted constructor copying a temporary object of incomplete type %0 no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element}0 of type %1 err_template_arg_address_of_non_pointer address taken in non-type template argument for template parameter of reference type %0 non-type template argument refers to non-static data member %0 err_template_arg_function_not_extern non-template argument refers to function %0 with internal linkage err_template_arg_list_different_arity %select{too few|too many}0 template arguments for %select{class template|function template|template template parameter|template}1 %2 non-type template argument refers to non-static member function %0 template argument for non-type template parameter must be an expression err_template_arg_must_be_template template argument for template template parameter must be a class template%select{| or type alias template}0 template argument for template type parameter must be a type non-type template parameter of reference type %0 cannot bind to template argument of type %1 err_template_arg_nontype_ambig template argument for non-type template parameter is treated as type %0 err_template_arg_not_address_of non-type template argument for template parameter of pointer type %0 must have its address taken err_template_arg_not_class_template template argument does not refer to a class template or template template parameter err_template_arg_not_convertible non-type template argument of type %0 cannot be converted to a value of type %1 non-type template argument does not refer to any declaration non-type template argument of type %0 is not an integral constant expression err_template_arg_not_integral_or_enumeral non-type template argument of type %0 must have an integral or enumeration type err_template_arg_not_object_or_func non-type template argument does not refer to an object or function err_template_arg_not_object_or_func_form non-type template argument does not directly refer to an object or function err_template_arg_not_pointer_to_member_form non-type template argument is not a pointer to member constant err_template_arg_object_not_extern non-template argument refers to object %0 that does not have external linkage err_template_arg_overload_type template argument is the type of an unresolved overloaded function err_template_arg_ref_bind_ignores_quals reference binding of non-type template parameter of type %0 to template argument of type %1 ignores qualifiers err_template_arg_reference_var non-type template argument of reference type %0 is not an object err_template_arg_template_params_mismatch template template argument has different template parameters than its corresponding template template parameter cannot refer to class template %0 without a template argument list template name refers to non-type template '%0' err_template_instantiate_undefined %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of undefined template %1 err_template_instantiate_within_definition %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation of template %1 within its own definition missing 'template' keyword prior to dependent template name '%0%1' err_template_kw_refers_to_class_template '%0%1' instantiated to a class template, not a function template err_template_kw_refers_to_function_template %0 following the 'template' keyword refers to a function template err_template_kw_refers_to_non_template %0 following the 'template' keyword does not refer to a template templates must have C++ linkage member %0 declared as a template extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of member %0 use of class template %0 requires template arguments err_template_nontype_parm_bad_type a non-type template parameter cannot have type %0 err_template_nontype_parm_different_type template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclaration err_template_outside_namespace_or_class_scope templates can only be declared in namespace or class scope err_template_param_default_arg_missing template parameter missing a default argument err_template_param_default_arg_redefinition template parameter redefines default argument err_template_param_different_kind template parameter has a different kind in template %select{|template parameter }0redeclaration err_template_param_list_different_arity %select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template %select{|template parameter }1redeclaration err_template_param_list_matches_nontemplate template parameter list matching the non-templated nested type %0 should be empty ('template<>') err_template_param_pack_default_arg template parameter pack cannot have a default argument err_template_param_pack_must_be_last_template_parameter template parameter pack must be the last template parameter declaration of %0 shadows template parameter err_template_parameter_default_friend_template default template argument not permitted on a friend template err_template_parameter_default_template_member cannot add a default template argument to the definition of a member of a class template err_template_parameter_pack_non_pack %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 conflicts with previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 err_template_qualified_declarator_no_match nested name specifier '%0' for declaration does not refer into a class, class template or class template partial specialization err_template_recursion_depth_exceeded recursive template instantiation exceeded maximum depth of %0 err_template_spec_decl_class_scope explicit specialization of %0 in class scope cannot declare an explicit specialization in a friend err_template_spec_decl_function_scope explicit specialization of %0 in function scope err_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope %select{class template|class template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class}0 specialization of %1 must originally be declared in namespace %2 err_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope_global %select{class template|class template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class}0 specialization of %1 must originally be declared in the global scope default argument not permitted on an explicit %select{instantiation|specialization}0 of function %1 err_template_spec_extra_headers extraneous template parameter list in template specialization or out-of-line template definition template specialization declaration cannot be a friend err_template_spec_needs_header template specialization requires 'template<>' err_template_spec_needs_template_parameters template specialization or definition requires a template parameter list corresponding to the nested type %0 err_template_spec_redecl_global_scope %select{class template|class template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class}0 specialization of %1 must occur at global scope err_template_spec_redecl_out_of_scope %select{class template|class template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class}0 specialization of %1 not in a namespace enclosing %2 err_template_spec_unknown_kind can only provide an explicit specialization for a class template, function template, or a member function, static data member, or member class of a class template extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of %0 %1 err_template_template_parm_no_parms template template parameter must have its own template parameters a typedef cannot be a template cannot declare a class template with no name variable %0 declared as a template err_template_variable_noparams extraneous 'template<>' in declaration of variable %0 err_tentative_def_incomplete_type tentative definition has type %0 that is never completed err_tentative_def_incomplete_type_arr tentative definition has array of type %0 that is never completed '__thread' variables must have global storage thread-local declaration of %0 follows non-thread-local declaration thread-local storage is unsupported for the current target cannot throw an object of abstract type %0 cannot throw object of incomplete type %0 cannot throw pointer to object of incomplete type %0 only one element declaration is allowed trailing return type may not be nested within parentheses err_trailing_return_without_auto function with trailing return type must specify return type 'auto', not %0 err_type_defined_in_alias_template %0 can not be defined in a type alias template types may not be defined in conditions types may not be defined in a for range declaration err_type_defined_in_param_type %0 can not be defined in a parameter type err_type_defined_in_result_type %0 can not be defined in the result type of a function err_type_defined_in_type_specifier %0 can not be defined in a type specifier address of %select{bit-field|vector element|property expression|register variable}0 requested err_typecheck_addrof_class_temporary taking the address of a temporary object of type %0 err_typecheck_ambiguous_condition conversion from %0 to %1 is ambiguous err_typecheck_arithmetic_incomplete_type arithmetic on a pointer to an incomplete type %0 err_typecheck_arr_assign_enumeration fast enumeration variables can't be modified in ARC by default; declare the variable __strong to allow this cannot assign to 'self' outside of a method in the init family err_typecheck_array_not_modifiable_lvalue array type %0 is not assignable read-only variable is not assignable value of type %0 is not contextually convertible to 'bool' err_typecheck_call_invalid_ordered_compare ordered compare requires two args of floating point type (%0 and %1) err_typecheck_call_invalid_unary_fp floating point classification requires argument of floating point type (passed in %0) err_typecheck_call_not_function called object type %0 is not a function or function pointer err_typecheck_call_too_few_args too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2 err_typecheck_call_too_few_args_at_least too few %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at least %1, have %2 err_typecheck_call_too_many_args too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected %1, have %2 err_typecheck_call_too_many_args_at_most too many %select{|||execution configuration }0arguments to %select{function|block|method|kernel function}0 call, expected at most %1, have %2 err_typecheck_cast_to_incomplete err_typecheck_cast_to_union_no_type cast to union type from type %0 not present in union err_typecheck_choose_expr_requires_constant '__builtin_choose_expr' requires a constant expression err_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_blocks comparison of distinct block types (%0 and %1) err_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_pointers comparison of distinct pointer types (%0 and %1) err_typecheck_comparison_of_fptr_to_void equality comparison between function pointer and void pointer (%0 and %1) err_typecheck_comparison_of_pointer_integer err_typecheck_cond_expect_scalar used type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required err_typecheck_cond_expect_scalar_or_vector used type %0 where arithmetic, pointer, or vector type is required err_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands incompatible operand types (%0 and %1) err_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands_null non-pointer operand type %0 incompatible with %select{NULL|nullptr}1 err_typecheck_convert_ambiguous ambiguity in initializing value of type %0 with initializer of type %1 err_typecheck_convert_incompatible %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from incompatible type|to parameter of incompatible type|from a function with incompatible result type|to incompatible type|with an expression of incompatible type|to parameter of incompatible type|to incompatible type}2 %1; %select{|dereference with *|take the address with &|remove *|remove &}3 err_typecheck_convert_incompatible_block_pointer incompatible block pointer types %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1 err_typecheck_decl_incomplete_type variable has incomplete type %0 err_typecheck_deleted_function conversion function from %0 to %1 invokes a deleted function err_typecheck_duplicate_vector_components_not_mlvalue vector is not assignable (contains duplicate components) err_typecheck_expect_scalar_operand operand of type %0 where arithmetic or pointer type is required err_typecheck_expression_not_modifiable_lvalue err_typecheck_ext_vector_not_typedef ext_vector_type only applies to types, not variables err_typecheck_field_variable_size fields must have a constant size: 'variable length array in structure' extension will never be supported err_typecheck_illegal_increment_decrement cannot %select{decrement|increment}1 value of type %0 err_typecheck_incompatible_address_space %select{assigning %1 to %0|passing %0 to parameter of type %1|returning %0 from a function with result type %1|converting %0 to type %1|initializing %0 with an expression of type %1|sending %0 to parameter of type %1|casting %0 to type %1}2 changes address space of pointer err_typecheck_incompatible_ownership %select{assigning %1 to %0|passing %0 to parameter of type %1|returning %0 from a function with result type %1|converting %0 to type %1|initializing %0 with an expression of type %1|sending %0 to parameter of type %1|casting %0 to type %1}2 changes retain/release properties of pointer err_typecheck_incomplete_array_needs_initializer definition of variable with array type needs an explicit size or an initializer incomplete definition of type %0 err_typecheck_incomplete_type_not_modifiable_lvalue incomplete type %0 is not assignable err_typecheck_indirection_requires_pointer indirection requires pointer operand (%0 invalid) err_typecheck_invalid_lvalue_addrof address expression must be an lvalue or a function designator err_typecheck_invalid_operands invalid operands to binary expression (%0 and %1) err_typecheck_invalid_restrict_invalid_pointee pointer to function type %0 may not be 'restrict' qualified err_typecheck_invalid_restrict_not_pointer restrict requires a pointer or reference (%0 is invalid) err_typecheck_invalid_restrict_not_pointer_noarg restrict requires a pointer or reference err_typecheck_ivar_variable_size instance variables must have a constant size err_typecheck_lvalue_casts_not_supported assignment to cast is illegal, lvalue casts are not supported err_typecheck_member_reference_arrow member reference type %0 is not a pointer err_typecheck_member_reference_ivar %0 does not have a member named %1 err_typecheck_member_reference_ivar_suggest %0 does not have a member named %1; did you mean %2? err_typecheck_member_reference_struct_union member reference base type %0 is not a structure or union err_typecheck_member_reference_suggestion member reference type %0 is %select{a|not a}1 pointer; maybe you meant to use '%select{->|.}1'? err_typecheck_member_reference_type cannot refer to type member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2' err_typecheck_member_reference_unknown cannot refer to member %0 in %1 with '%select{.|->}2' err_typecheck_negative_array_size err_typecheck_non_object_not_modifiable_lvalue non-object type %0 is not assignable err_typecheck_nonviable_condition no viable conversion from %0 to %1 err_typecheck_pointer_arith_function_type arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 err_typecheck_pointer_arith_void_type arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void illegal storage class on file-scoped variable illegal storage class on function err_typecheck_statement_requires_integer statement requires expression of integer type (%0 invalid) err_typecheck_statement_requires_scalar statement requires expression of scalar type (%0 invalid) err_typecheck_sub_ptr_compatible %0 and %1 are not pointers to compatible types subtraction of pointer %0 requires pointee to be a complete object type err_typecheck_subscript_not_integer array subscript is not an integer subscripted value is not an array, pointer, or vector invalid argument type %0 to unary expression err_typecheck_vector_comparison comparison of vector types (%0 and %1) not supported yet err_typecheck_vector_not_convertable can't convert between vector values of different size (%0 and %1) zero-length arrays are not permitted in C++ typedef member %0 cannot be a bit-field typedef name must be an identifier missing 'typename' prior to dependent type name '%0%1' typename specifier refers to non-type member %0 in %1 err_typename_refers_to_using_value_decl typename specifier refers to a dependent using declaration for a value %0 in %1 err_types_compatible_p_in_cplusplus __builtin_types_compatible_p is not valid in C++ err_uncasted_call_of_unknown_any %0 has unknown return type; cast the call to its declared return type err_uncasted_send_to_unknown_any_method no known method %select{%objcinstance1|%objcclass1}0; cast the message send to the method's return type err_uncasted_use_of_unknown_any %0 has unknown type; cast it to its declared type to use it cannot find protocol declaration for %0 err_undeclared_protocol_suggest cannot find protocol declaration for %0; did you mean %1? use of undeclared %0; did you mean %1? use of undeclared identifier %0 err_undeclared_var_use_suggest use of undeclared identifier %0; did you mean %1? cannot find interface declaration for %0; did you mean %1? cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1 cannot find interface declaration for %0, superclass of %1; did you mean %2? err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_0 %select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization}0 contains an unexpanded parameter pack err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_1 %select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization}0 contains unexpanded parameter pack %1 err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_2 %select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization}0 contains unexpanded parameter packs %1 and %2 err_unexpanded_parameter_pack_3_or_more %select{expression|base type|declaration type|data member type|bit-field size|static assertion|fixed underlying type|enumerator value|using declaration|friend declaration|qualifier|initializer|default argument|non-type template parameter type|exception type|partial specialization}0 contains unexpanded parameter packs %1, %2, ... friends can only be classes or functions unexpected interface name %0: expected expression unexpected namespace name %0: expected expression unexpected type name %0: expected expression err_uninitialized_member_for_assign cannot define the implicit default assignment operator for %0, because non-static %select{reference|const}1 member %2 can't use default assignment operator err_uninitialized_member_in_ctor %select{|implicit default }0constructor for %1 must explicitly initialize the %select{reference|const}2 member %3 err_union_member_of_reference_type union member %0 has reference type %1 the address of a declaration with unknown type can only be cast to a pointer type function %0 with unknown type must be given a function type err_unknown_any_var_function_type variable %0 with unknown type cannot be given a function type err_unknown_nested_typename_suggest no type named %0 in %1; did you mean %2? unknown receiver %0; did you mean %1? unknown type name %0; did you mean %1? err_unqualified_pointer_member_function must explicitly qualify name of member function when taking its address err_unsupported_global_register global register variables are not supported using '#pragma weak' to refer to an undeclared identifier is not yet supported err_unsupported_unknown_any_call call to unsupported expression with unknown type err_unsupported_unknown_any_decl %0 has unknown type, which is unsupported for this kind of declaration err_unsupported_unknown_any_expr unsupported type %0 for vector_size attribute, please use on typedef err_upcast_to_inaccessible_base cannot cast %0 to its %select{private|protected}2 base class %1 illegal redeclaration of property in continuation class %0 (attribute must be 'readwrite', while its primary must be 'readonly') err_use_continuation_class_redeclaration_readwrite illegal redeclaration of 'readwrite' property in continuation class %0 (perhaps you intended this to be a 'readwrite' redeclaration of a 'readonly' public property?) err_use_of_default_argument_to_function_declared_later use of default argument to function %0 that is declared later in class %1 use of %0 with tag type that does not match previous declaration err_using_decl_can_not_refer_to_class_member using declaration can not refer to class member err_using_decl_can_not_refer_to_namespace using declaration can not refer to namespace target of using declaration conflicts with declaration already in scope err_using_decl_conflict_reverse declaration conflicts with target of using declaration already in scope using declaration can not refer to a constructor err_using_decl_constructor_conflict can not inherit constructor, already inherited constructor with the same signature err_using_decl_constructor_not_in_direct_base %0 is not a direct base of %1, can not inherit constructors using declaration can not refer to a destructor err_using_decl_nested_name_specifier_is_current_class using declaration refers to its own class err_using_decl_nested_name_specifier_is_not_base_class using declaration refers into '%0', which is not a base class of %1 err_using_decl_nested_name_specifier_is_not_class using declaration in class refers into '%0', which is not a class using declaration can not refer to a template specialization err_using_dependent_value_is_type dependent using declaration resolved to type without 'typename' err_using_directive_member_suggest no namespace named %0 in %1; did you mean %2? no namespace named %0; did you mean %1? using declaration requires a qualified name 'typename' keyword used on a non-type cannot call operator __uuidof on a type with no GUID err_va_start_used_in_non_variadic_function 'va_start' used in function with fixed args array types cannot be value-initialized err_variable_instantiates_to_function %select{variable|static data member}0 instantiated with function type %1 variable-sized object may not be initialized err_variably_modified_new_type 'new' cannot allocate object of variably modified type %0 err_variably_modified_nontype_template_param non-type template parameter of variably modified type %0 err_variably_modified_template_arg variably modified type %0 cannot be used as a template argument err_vecstep_non_scalar_vector_type 'vec_step' requires built-in scalar or vector type, %0 invalid err_vector_incorrect_num_initializers %select{too many|too few}0 elements in vector initialization (expected %1 elements, have %2) err_virtual_member_function_template 'virtual' can not be specified on member function templates 'virtual' can only appear on non-static member functions 'virtual' can only be specified inside the class definition err_vla_decl_has_extern_linkage variable length array declaration can not have 'extern' linkage err_vla_decl_has_static_storage variable length array declaration can not have 'static' storage duration variable length array declaration not allowed at file scope variable length array cannot be formed during template argument deduction variable length array of non-POD element type %0 err_vm_decl_has_extern_linkage variably modified type declaration can not have 'extern' linkage variably modified type declaration not allowed at file scope function declaration cannot have variably modified type 'void' must be the first and only parameter if specified 'void' as parameter must not have type qualifiers dereferencing a __weak pointer is not allowed due to possible null value caused by race condition, assign it to strong variable first error_bad_category_property_decl property implementation must have its declaration in the category %0 property implementation must be in a class or category implementation property implementation must have its declaration in interface %0 property declared in category %0 cannot be implemented in class implementation synthesized properties %0 and %1 both claim ivar %2 error_dynamic_property_ivar_decl dynamic property can not have ivar specification instance variable %0 cannot be accessed because 'self' has been redeclared property %0 attempting to use ivar %1 declared in super class %2 error_ivar_use_in_class_method instance variable %0 accessed in class method missing context for method declaration error_missing_property_context missing context for property implementation declaration error_missing_property_interface property implementation in a category with no category declaration error_missing_property_ivar_decl synthesized property %0 must either be named the same as a compatible ivar or must explicitly name an ivar error_no_subobject_property_setting no @interface declaration found in class messaging of %0 error_nosetter_property_assignment setter method is needed to assign to object using property assignment syntax error_objc_synchronized_expects_object @synchronized requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid) error_objc_throw_expects_object @throw requires an Objective-C object type (%0 invalid) instance variable %0 is private property %0 is already implemented type of property %0 (%1) does not match type of ivar %2 (%3) instance variable %0 is protected error_readonly_message_assignment assigning to 'readonly' return result of an objective-c message not allowed error_readonly_property_assignment assigning to property with 'readonly' attribute not allowed property of reference type is not supported error_rethrow_used_outside_catch @throw (rethrow) used outside of a @catch block error_root_class_cannot_use_super %0 cannot use 'super' because it is a root class existing ivar %1 for strong property %0 may not be __weak error_synthesize_category_decl @synthesize not allowed in a category's implementation error_synthesize_weak_non_arc_or_gc @synthesize of 'weak' property is only allowed in ARC or GC mode error_synthesized_ivar_yet_not_supported instance variable synthesis not yet supported (need to declare %0 explicitly) existing ivar %1 for __weak property %0 must be __weak ext_anon_param_requires_type_specifier type specifier required for unnamed parameter, defaults to int ext_anonymous_record_with_type types declared in an anonymous %select{struct|union}0 are a Microsoft extension anonymous structs are a GNU extension ext_anonymous_struct_union_qualified anonymous %select{struct|union}0 cannot be '%select{const|volatile|restrict}1' anonymous unions are a GNU extension in C initialization of an array of type %0 from a compound literal of type %1 is a GNU extension implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is a C++11 extension use of C99-specific array features, accepted as an extension cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is an extension catch-incomplete-type-extensions ISO C++ forbids catching a pointer to incomplete type %0 ISO C++ forbids catching a reference to incomplete type %0 complex initialization specifying real and imaginary components is an extension cannot delete expression with pointer-to-'void' type %0 designated initializers are a C99 feature designated initializers are a C99 feature, accepted in C++ as an extension enumeration type %0 cannot be a friend ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of 'int' (%0 is too %select{small|large}1) ext_explicit_conversion_functions explicit conversion functions are a C++11 extension ext_explicit_instantiation_after_specialization explicit instantiation of %0 that occurs after an explicit specialization will be ignored (C++11 extension) ext_explicit_instantiation_without_qualified_id qualifier in explicit instantiation of %q0 requires a template-id (a typedef is not permitted) ext_explicit_specialization_storage_class explicit specialization cannot have a storage class expression is not integer constant expression (but is allowed as an extension) ext_flexible_array_empty_aggregate_gnu flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|class}1 is a GNU extension ext_flexible_array_empty_aggregate_ms flexible array member %0 in otherwise empty %select{struct|class}1 is a Microsoft extension %0 may not be used as an array element due to flexible array member %0 may not be nested in a struct due to flexible array member flexible array initialization is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in a union is a GNU extension flexible array member %0 in a union is a Microsoft extension ISO C forbids forward references to 'enum' types redeclaration of already-defined enum %0 is a GNU extension complex numbers are an extension in a freestanding C99 implementation ext_function_specialization_in_class explicit specialization of %0 within class scope is a Microsoft extension arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to%select{ the|}2 function type%select{|s}2 %1%select{| and %3}2 is a GNU extension subscript of a pointer to void is a GNU extension arithmetic on%select{ a|}0 pointer%select{|s}0 to void is a GNU extension implicit declaration of function %0 is invalid in C99 ext_implicit_lib_function_decl implicitly declaring C library function '%0' with type %1 ext_in_class_initializer_float_type in-class initializer for static data member of type %0 is a GNU extension ext_in_class_initializer_non_constant in-class initializer is not a constant expression, accepted as an extension ext_integer_complement_complex ISO C does not support '~' for complex conjugation of %0 ISO C does not support '++'/'--' on complex integer type %0 declaration specifier missing, defaulting to 'int' type specifier missing, defaults to 'int' ISO C90 forbids mixing declarations and code anonymous structs are a Microsoft extension ext_ms_explicit_constructor_call explicit constructor calls are a Microsoft extension forward references to 'enum' types are a Microsoft extension ext_nested_name_member_ref_lookup_ambiguous lookup of %0 in member access expression is ambiguous; using member of %1 ext_nested_pointer_qualifier_mismatch %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1 discards qualifiers in nested pointer types when type is in parentheses, array cannot have dynamic size non-class friend type %0 is a C++11 extension ext_offsetof_extended_field_designator using extended field designator is an extension out-of-line declaration of a member must be a definition parameter %0 was not declared, defaulting to type 'int' ext_param_promoted_not_compatible_with_prototype promoted type %0 of K&R function parameter is not compatible with the parameter type %1 declared in a previous prototype predefined-identifier-outside-function predefined identifier is only valid inside function ext_qualified_function_type_template_arg template argument of '%0' qualified function type is a GNU extension %select{void function|void method|constructor|destructor}1 %0 should not return a value void %select{function|method}1 %0 should not return void expression non-void %select{function|method}1 %0 should return a value ext_rvalue_to_reference_access_ctor C++98 requires an accessible copy constructor for class %2 when binding a reference to a temporary; was %select{private|protected}0 ext_rvalue_to_reference_temp_copy_no_viable no viable constructor %select{copying variable|copying parameter|returning object|throwing object|copying member subobject|copying array element|allocating object|copying temporary|initializing base subobject|initializing vector element}0 of type %1; C++98 requires a copy constructor when binding a reference to a temporary invalid application of 'sizeof' to a function type invalid application of '%select{sizeof|__alignof|vec_step}0' to a void type ISO C90 does not allow subscripting non-lvalue array address non-type template argument cannot be surrounded by parentheses template argument uses local type %0 template argument uses unnamed type ext_template_outside_of_template 'template' keyword outside of a template ext_template_parameter_default_in_function_template default template arguments for a function template are a C++11 extension ext_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope %select{class template|class template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class}0 specialization of %1 must originally be declared in namespace %2; accepted as a C++11 extension ext_typecheck_addrof_class_temporary ISO C forbids taking the address of an expression of type 'void' method parameter type %0 does not match super class method parameter type %1 C99 forbids casting nonscalar type %0 to the same type C99 forbids casts to union type ext_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_pointers ext_typecheck_comparison_of_distinct_pointers_nonstandard comparison of distinct pointer types (%0 and %1) uses non-standard composite pointer type %2 ext_typecheck_comparison_of_fptr_to_void ext_typecheck_comparison_of_pointer_integer ext_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands ext_typecheck_cond_incompatible_operands_nonstandard incompatible operand types (%0 and %1) use non-standard composite pointer type %2 C99 forbids conditional expressions with only one void side ext_typecheck_convert_discards_qualifiers %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1 discards qualifiers ext_typecheck_convert_incompatible_pointer incompatible pointer types %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1%select{|dereference with *|take the address with &|remove *|remove &}3 ext_typecheck_convert_incompatible_pointer_sign %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1 converts between pointers to integer types with different sign ext_typecheck_convert_int_pointer incompatible integer to pointer conversion %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1; %select{|dereference with *|take the address with &|remove *|remove &}3 ext_typecheck_convert_pointer_int incompatible pointer to integer conversion %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1; %select{|dereference with *|take the address with &|remove *|remove &}3 ext_typecheck_convert_pointer_void_func %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1 converts between void pointer and function pointer ext_typecheck_decl_incomplete_type tentative-definition-incomplete-type tentative definition of variable with internal linkage has incomplete non-array type %0 ext_typecheck_expression_not_constant_but_accepted expression is not a constant, but is accepted as one by GNU extensions ext_typecheck_ordered_comparison_of_function_pointers ordered comparison of function pointers (%0 and %1) ext_typecheck_ordered_comparison_of_pointer_and_zero ordered comparison between pointer and zero (%0 and %1) is an extension ext_typecheck_ordered_comparison_of_pointer_integer ordered comparison between pointer and integer (%0 and %1) zero size arrays are an extension ext_typename_outside_of_template 'typename' occurs outside of a template specify '%select{struct|union|class|enum}0' to befriend %1; accepted as a C++11 extension using directive refers to implicitly-defined namespace 'std' ext_variable_sized_type_in_struct field %0 with variable sized type %1 not at the end of a struct or class is a GNU extension variable length arrays are a C99 feature, accepted as an extension variable length array folded to constant array as an extension note_access_constrained_by_path constrained by %select{|implicitly }1%select{private|protected}0 inheritance here %select{|implicitly }1declared %select{private|protected}0 here note_access_protected_restricted object type %select{|%1 }0must derive from context type %2 note_ambig_member_ref_object_type lookup in the object type %0 refers here lookup from the current scope refers here candidate found by name lookup is %q0 member found by ambiguous name lookup note_ambiguous_type_conversion because of ambiguity in conversion of %0 to %1 use __bridge to convert directly (no change in ownership) use __bridge_retained to make an ARC object available as a +1 %0 use __bridge_transfer to transfer ownership of a +1 %0 into ARC note_arc_gained_method_convention declaration in interface is not in the '%select{alloc|copy|init|new}0' family because %select{its result type is not an object pointer|its result type is unrelated to its receiver type}1 note_arc_lost_method_convention block will be retained by %select{the captured object|an object strongly retained by the captured object}0 note_array_index_out_of_bounds conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 declared here note_atomic_property_fixup_suggest setter and getter must both be synthesized, or both be user defined,or the property must be nonatomic note_attribute_overloadable_prev_overload previous overload of function is here explicitly cast the pointer to silence this warning note_base_class_specified_here note_bitwise_and_in_bitwise_or_silence place parentheses around the '&' expression to silence this warning callee declares array parameter as static here compatible type %0 specified here place parentheses around the assignment to silence this warning note_condition_assign_to_comparison use '==' to turn this assignment into an equality comparison note_condition_or_assign_to_comparison use '!=' to turn this compound assignment into an inequality comparison note_constexpr_body_previous_return previous return statement is here note_constexpr_ctor_missing_init member not initialized by constructor note_constexpr_redecl_mismatch previous declaration was %select{not |}0marked constexpr note_constexpr_tmpl_non_literal_param %select{function|constructor}1 template instantiation is not constexpr because %ordinal0 parameter type %2 is not a literal type note_constexpr_tmpl_non_literal_return function template instantiation is not constexpr because return type %0 is not a literal type function template instantiation is not constexpr because it is virtual note_constexpr_tmpl_virtual_base constructor template instantiation is not constexpr because %select{class|struct}0 has virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 note_constexpr_virtual_base_here virtual base class declared here note_default_arg_instantiation_here in instantiation of default argument for '%0' required here note_default_argument_declared_here default argument declared here note_default_function_arg_instantiation_here in instantiation of default function argument expression for '%0' required here must qualify identifier to find this declaration in dependent base class note_enters_block_captures_cxx_obj jump enters lifetime of block which captures a destructible c++ object note_enters_block_captures_strong jump enters lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable note_enters_block_captures_weak jump enters lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable note_equality_comparison_silence remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning note_equality_comparison_to_assign use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment jump exits scope of __block variable note_exits_block_captures_cxx_obj jump exits lifetime of block which captures a destructible c++ object note_exits_block_captures_strong jump exits lifetime of block which strongly captures a variable note_exits_block_captures_weak jump exits lifetime of block which weakly captures a variable jump exits scope of variable with __attribute__((cleanup)) jump exits scope of variable with non-trivial destructor note_exits_objc_autoreleasepool jump exits autoreleasepool block jump exits scope of retaining variable jump exits @synchronized block note_explicit_instantiation_candidate explicit instantiation candidate function template here %0 note_explicit_instantiation_definition_here explicit instantiation definition is here note_explicit_instantiation_here explicit instantiation refers here note_explicit_template_arg_substitution_here while substituting explicitly-specified template arguments into function template %0 %1 note_explicit_template_spec_does_not_need_header 'template<>' header not required for explicitly-specialized class %0 declared here synthesized method is first required here initialized flexible array member %0 is here selected '%select{begin|end}0' %select{function|template }1%2 with iterator type %3 forward class is declared here note_function_template_deduction_instantiation_here while substituting deduced template arguments into function template %0 %1 note_function_template_spec_here in instantiation of function template specialization %q0 requested here note_function_template_spec_matched function template matches specialization %0 note_function_with_incomplete_return_type_declared_here or because setter is declared here, but no getter method %0 is found note_hidden_overloaded_virtual_declared_here hidden overloaded virtual function %q0 declared here class implementation is declared here note_in_class_initializer_float_type_constexpr use 'constexpr' specifier to silence this warning possible target of indirect goto consider using __builtin_trap() or qualifying pointer with 'volatile' note_inequality_comparison_to_or_assign use '|=' to turn this inequality comparison into an or-assignment note_inheritance_implicitly_private_here inheritance is implicitly 'private' note_inheritance_specifier_here '%0' inheritance specifier here note_init_list_narrowing_override override this message by inserting an explicit cast note_instantiation_contexts_suppressed (skipping %0 context%s0 in backtrace; use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to see all) note_instantiation_required_here %select{implicit|explicit}0 instantiation first required here note_local_variable_declared_here note_lock_exclusive_and_shared the other lock of mutex '%0' is here note_logical_and_in_logical_or_silence place parentheses around the '&&' expression to silence this warning note_logical_instead_of_bitwise_change_operator use '%0' for a bitwise operation note_logical_instead_of_bitwise_remove_constant remove constant to silence this warning note_member_def_close_const_match member declaration does not match because it %select{is|is not}0 const qualified member declaration nearly matches note_member_def_close_param_match type of %ordinal0 parameter of member declaration does not match definition (%1 vs %2) implicit default %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}0 for %1 first required here note_method_sent_forward_class method %0 is used for the forward class note_non_instantiated_member_here not-yet-instantiated member is declared here %0 is not literal because it has base class %1 of non-literal type %0 is not literal because it has data member %1 of non-literal type %2 note_non_literal_mutable_field %0 is not literal because it has a mutable data member note_non_literal_no_constexpr_ctors %0 is not literal because it is not an aggregate and has no constexpr constructors other than copy or move constructors note_non_literal_nontrivial_dtor %0 is not literal because it has a non-trivial destructor note_non_literal_user_provided_dtor %0 is not literal because it has a user-provided destructor %select{class|struct}0 with virtual base %plural{1:class|:classes}1 is not a literal type non-templated declaration is here note_nontrivial_has_nontrivial because type %0 has a %select{member|base class}1 with a non-trivial %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}2 because type %0 has a virtual %select{member function|base class}1 note_nontrivial_objc_ownership because type %0 has %select{no|no|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}1 ownership because type %0 has a user-declared %select{constructor|copy constructor|move constructor|copy assignment operator|move assignment operator|destructor}1 note_not_found_by_two_phase_lookup %0 should be declared prior to the call site%select{| or in %2| or in an associated namespace of one of its arguments}1 note_overridden_virtual_function overridden virtual function is here note_ovl_builtin_binary_candidate note_ovl_builtin_unary_candidate candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |is the implicit default constructor|is the implicit copy constructor|is the implicit move constructor|is the implicit copy assignment operator|is the implicit move assignment operator|is an inherited constructor}0%1 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function|function|constructor|constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0 %select{|template }1not viable: requires%select{ at least| at most|}2 %3 argument%s3, but %4 %plural{1:was|:were}4 provided note_ovl_candidate_bad_addrspace candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) is in address space %3, but parameter must be in address space %4 note_ovl_candidate_bad_arc_conv candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: cannot implicitly convert argument of type %2 to %3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4 under ARC note_ovl_candidate_bad_base_to_derived_conv candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: cannot %select{convert from|convert from|bind}2 %select{base class pointer|superclass|base class object of type}2 %3 to %select{derived class pointer|subclass|derived class reference}2 %4 for %ordinal5 argument candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: no known conversion from %2 to %3 for %select{%ordinal5 argument|object argument}4; %select{|dereference the argument with *|take the address of the argument with &|remove *|remove &}6 note_ovl_candidate_bad_conv_incomplete candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type %2 to %3 candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: %ordinal4 argument (%2) would lose %select{const|restrict|const and restrict|volatile|const and volatile|volatile and restrict|const, volatile, and restrict}3 qualifier%select{||s||s|s|s}3 note_ovl_candidate_bad_cvr_this candidate %select{|function|||function|||||function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|}0 not viable: 'this' argument has type %2, but method is not marked %select{const|restrict|const or restrict|volatile|const or volatile|volatile or restrict|const, volatile, or restrict}3 note_ovl_candidate_bad_deduction candidate template ignored: failed template argument deduction candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has %select{no|__weak|__strong}3 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__weak|__strong}4 ownership note_ovl_candidate_bad_list_argument candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: cannot convert initializer list argument to %3 note_ovl_candidate_bad_overload candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: no overload of %3 matching %2 for %ordinal4 argument note_ovl_candidate_bad_ownership candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 not viable: %select{%ordinal6|'this'}5 argument (%2) has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}3 ownership, but parameter has %select{no|__unsafe_unretained|__strong|__weak|__autoreleasing}4 ownership candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0 not viable: call to %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}1 function from %select{__device__|__global__|__host__|__host__ __device__}2 function candidate %select{function|function|constructor|function |function |constructor |constructor (the implicit default constructor)|constructor (the implicit copy constructor)|constructor (the implicit move constructor)|function (the implicit copy assignment operator)|function (the implicit move assignment operator)|constructor (inherited)}0%1 has been explicitly %select{made unavailable|deleted}2 note_ovl_candidate_explicit_arg_mismatch_named candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for template parameter %0 note_ovl_candidate_explicit_arg_mismatch_unnamed candidate template ignored: invalid explicitly-specified argument for %ordinal0 template parameter note_ovl_candidate_incomplete_deduction candidate template ignored: couldn't infer template argument %0 note_ovl_candidate_inconsistent_deduction candidate template ignored: deduced conflicting %select{types|values|templates}0 for parameter %1 (%2 vs. %3) note_ovl_candidate_inherited_constructor note_ovl_candidate_instantiation_depth candidate template ignored: substitution exceeded maximum template instantiation depth note_ovl_candidate_substitution_failure candidate template ignored: substitution failure %0 note_ovl_candidate_underqualified candidate template ignored: can't deduce a type for %0 which would make %2 equal %1 conversion candidate of type %0 remaining %0 candidate%s0 omitted; pass -fshow-overloads=all to show them passing argument to parameter here passing argument to parameter %0 here parameter pack %0 declared here note_partial_spec_deduct_instantiation_here during template argument deduction for class template partial specialization %0 %1 partial specialization matches %0 note_partial_spec_unused_parameter non-deducible template parameter %0 please include the header <%0> or explicitly provide a declaration for '%1' place parentheses around the %0 expression to evaluate it first note_precedence_bitwise_silence place parentheses around the %0 expression to silence this warning note_precedence_conditional_first place parentheses around the '?:' expression to evaluate it first note_precedence_conditional_silence place parentheses around the '%0' expression to silence this warning previous declaration of class template partial specialization %0 is here note_previous_access_declaration note_previous_builtin_declaration note_previous_declaration_special previous declaration was %select{*ERROR*|a copy constructor|a move constructor|*ERROR*|*ERROR*|*ERROR*|not a special member function}0 note_previous_exception_handler note_previous_explicit_instantiation previous explicit instantiation is here previous initialization %select{|with side effects }0is here%select{| (side effects may not occur at run time)}0 note_previous_template_specialization previous template specialization is here note_prior_template_arg_substitution while substituting prior template arguments into %select{non-type|template}0 template parameter%1 %2 jump bypasses setup of __block variable jump bypasses initialization of variable with __attribute__((cleanup)) jump bypasses initialization of catch block jump bypasses initialization of try block note_protected_by_objc_autoreleasepool jump bypasses auto release push of @autoreleasepool block jump bypasses initialization of @catch block note_protected_by_objc_finally jump bypasses initialization of @finally block note_protected_by_objc_ownership jump bypasses initialization of retaining variable note_protected_by_objc_synchronized jump bypasses initialization of @synchronized block jump bypasses initialization of @try block note_protected_by_variable_init jump bypasses variable initialization note_protected_by_variable_nontriv_destructor jump bypasses variable with a non-trivial destructor jump bypasses initialization of variable length array note_protected_by_vla_type_alias jump bypasses initialization of VLA type alias jump bypasses initialization of VLA typedef unimplemented pure virtual method %0 in %1 note_ref_or_ptr_member_declared_here %select{reference|pointer}0 member declared here binding reference variable %0 here note_refconst_member_not_initialized %select{const|reference}0 member %1 will never be initialized note_referenced_class_template note_related_result_type_inferred %select{class|instance}0 method %1 is assumed to return an instance of its receiver type (%2) note_related_result_type_overridden overridden method returns an instance of its class type note_related_result_type_overridden_family overridden method is part of the '%select{|alloc|copy|init|mutableCopy|new|autorelease|dealloc|finalize|release|retain|retainCount|self}0' method family required for direct or indirect protocol %0 %select{function|method|block}0 has been explicitly marked sentinel here attempt to specialize declaration here explicitly specialized declaration is here change size argument to be the size of the destination did you mean %select{struct|class}0 here? conversion to %select{integral|enumeration}0 type %1 note_template_arg_internal_object non-template argument refers to %select{function|object}0 here non-template argument refers here note_template_arg_refers_here_func template argument refers to function template %0, here note_template_class_instantiation_here in instantiation of template class %0 requested here %select{function template|class template|type alias template|template template parameter}0 %1 declared here note_template_default_arg_checking while checking a default template argument used here note_template_member_class_here in instantiation of member class %0 requested here note_template_member_function_here in instantiation of member function %q0 requested here note_template_nontype_parm_different_type template non-type parameter has a different type %0 in template argument note_template_nontype_parm_prev_declaration previous non-type template parameter with type %0 is here note_template_param_different_kind template parameter has a different kind in template argument template parameter is declared here note_template_param_list_different_arity %select{too few|too many}0 template parameters in template template argument note_template_param_prev_default_arg previous default template argument defined here note_template_parameter_pack_here previous %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 declared here note_template_parameter_pack_non_pack %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{| pack}1 does not match %select{template type|non-type template|template template}0 parameter%select{ pack|}1 in template argument note_template_prev_declaration previous template %select{declaration|template parameter}0 is here use -ftemplate-depth-N to increase recursive template instantiation depth note_template_static_data_member_def_here in instantiation of static data member %q0 requested here note_template_type_alias_instantiation_here in instantiation of template type alias %0 requested here note_template_unnamed_type_here unnamed type used in template argument was declared here note_transparent_union_first_field_size_align %select{alignment|size}0 of first field is %1 bits referenced member %0 is declared here %select{declaration|function}0 has been explicitly marked %select{unavailable|deleted|deprecated}1 here method definition for %0 not found uninitialized reference member is here %select{|previous }0using declaration note_using_decl_constructor_conflict_current_ctor note_using_decl_constructor_conflict_previous_ctor note_using_decl_constructor_conflict_previous_using note_using_value_decl_missing_typename add 'typename' to treat this using declaration as a type note_var_fixit_add_initialization initialize the variable %0 to silence this warning override_keyword_only_allowed_on_virtual_member_functions only virtual member functions can be marked '%0' war_ms_using_declaration_inaccessible using declaration refers to inaccessible member '%0', which refers to accessible member '%1', accepted for Microsoft compatibility access declarations are deprecated; use using declarations instead warn_accessor_property_type_mismatch type of property %0 does not match type of accessor %1 warn_anon_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size size of anonymous bit-field (%0 bits) exceeds size of its type; value will be truncated to %1 bits warn_arc_non_pod_class_with_object_member %0 cannot be shared between ARC and non-ARC code; add a copy constructor, a copy assignment operator, and a destructor to make it ABI-compatible %select{destination for|source of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to ownership-qualified type %2 warn_arc_perform_selector_leaks performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown capturing %0 strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle assigning retained object to %select{weak|unsafe_unretained}0 variable; object will be released after assignment warn_arc_retained_property_assign assigning retained object to unsafe property; object will be released after assignment warn_arc_trivial_member_function_with_object_member %0 cannot be shared between ARC and non-ARC code; add a non-trivial %select{copy constructor|copy assignment operator|destructor}1 to make it ABI-compatible warn_array_index_exceeds_bounds array index of '%0' indexes past the end of an array (that contains %1 element%s2) warn_array_index_precedes_bounds array index of '%0' indexes before the beginning of the array ignored asm label '%0' on automatic variable warn_atomic_property_nontrivial_assign_op objc-property-atomic-setter-synthesis atomic property of type %0 synthesizing setter using non-trivial assignment operator atomic-property-with-user-defined-accessor writable atomic property %0 cannot pair a synthesized %select{getter|setter}1 with a user defined %select{getter|setter}2 ibaction attribute can only be applied to Objective-C instance methods %0 attribute can only be applied to instance variables or properties warn_attribute_ignored_for_field_of_type %0 attribute ignored for field of type %1 warn_attribute_malloc_pointer_only 'malloc' attribute only applies to functions returning a pointer type method attribute can only be specified on method declarations warn_attribute_nonnull_no_pointers 'nonnull' attribute applied to function with no pointer arguments %0 attribute ignored when parsing type warn_attribute_precede_definition attribute declaration must precede definition warn_attribute_sentinel_named_arguments 'sentinel' attribute requires named arguments warn_attribute_sentinel_not_variadic 'sentinel' attribute only supported for variadic %select{functions|blocks}0 warn_attribute_type_not_supported '%0' attribute argument not supported: %1 warn_attribute_unknown_visibility warn_attribute_void_function_method attribute %0 cannot be applied to %select{functions|Objective-C method}1 without return value warn_attribute_weak_import_invalid_on_definition 'weak_import' attribute cannot be specified on a definition __weak attribute cannot be specified on a field declaration __weak attribute cannot be specified on an automatic variable warn_attribute_wrong_decl_type %0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|unions|variables and functions|functions and methods|parameters|parameters and methods|functions, methods and blocks|classes and virtual methods|functions, methods, and parameters|classes|virtual methods|class members|variables|methods|variables, functions and labels|fields and global variables}1 warn_auto_implicit_atomic_property property is assumed atomic when auto-synthesizing the property warn_availability_unknown_platform unknown platform %0 in availability macro warn_availability_version_ordering feature cannot be %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}0 in %1 version %2 before it was %select{introduced|deprecated|obsoleted}3 in version %4; attribute ignored receiver type %0 is not 'id' or interface pointer, consider casting it to 'id' warn_bind_ref_member_to_parameter binding reference member %0 to stack allocated parameter %1 warn_bind_ref_member_to_temporary binding reference member %0 to a temporary value warn_bitfield_width_exceeds_type_size size of bit-field %0 (%1 bits) exceeds the size of its type; value will be truncated to %2 bits warn_bitwise_and_in_bitwise_or switch condition has boolean value warn_braces_around_scalar_init braces around scalar initializer warn_call_to_pure_virtual_member_function_from_ctor_dtor call to pure virtual member function %0; overrides of %0 in subclasses are not available in the %select{constructor|destructor}1 of %2 warn_call_wrong_number_of_arguments too %select{few|many}0 arguments in call to %1 warn_cannot_pass_non_pod_arg_to_vararg cannot pass object of %select{non-POD|non-trivial}0 type %1 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}2; call will abort at runtime cannot resolve lock expression to a specific lockable object overflow converting case value to switch condition type (%0 to %1) cast from %0 to %1 increases required alignment from %2 to %3 warn_category_method_impl_match objc-protocol-method-implementation category is implementing a method which will also be implemented by its primary class input conversion stopped due to an input byte that does not belong to the input codeset UTF-8 class method %objcclass0 not found (return type defaults to 'id') collection expression type %0 may not respond to %1 %select{self-|array }0comparison always evaluates to %select{false|true|a constant}1 warn_comparison_of_mixed_enum_types comparison of two values with different enumeration types (%0 and %1) using the result of an assignment as a condition without parentheses warn_condition_is_idiomatic_assignment warn_conflicting_overriding_param_modifiers conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in declaration of %0 warn_conflicting_overriding_param_types conflicting parameter types in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2 warn_conflicting_overriding_ret_type_modifiers conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in declaration of %0 warn_conflicting_overriding_ret_types conflicting return type in declaration of %0: %1 vs %2 warn_conflicting_overriding_variadic conflicting variadic declaration of method and its implementation warn_conflicting_param_modifiers conflicting distributed object modifiers on parameter type in implementation of %0 conflicting parameter types in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2 warn_conflicting_ret_type_modifiers conflicting distributed object modifiers on return type in implementation of %0 conflicting return type in implementation of %0: %1 vs %2 conversion function converting %0 to its base class %1 will never be used conversion function converting %0 to itself will never be used conversion function converting %0 to %1 will never be used warn_cxx98_compat_array_size_conversion implicit conversion from array size expression of type %0 to %select{integral|enumeration}1 type %2 is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_auto_type_specifier 'auto' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 cast between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object is incompatible with C++98 'constexpr' specifier is incompatible with C++98 'decltype' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_delegating_ctor delegating constructors are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_empty_scalar_initializer scalar initialized from empty initializer list is incompatible with C++98 befriending enumeration type %0 is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_explicit_conversion_functions explicit conversion functions are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_explicit_instantiation_after_specialization explicit instantiation of %0 that occurs after an explicit specialization is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_friend_is_member friend declaration naming a member of the declaring class is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_friend_redefinition friend function %0 would be implicitly redefined in C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_nonclass_type_friend non-class friend type %0 is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_pass_non_pod_arg_to_vararg passing object of trivial but non-POD type %0 through variadic %select{function|block|method|constructor}1 is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_sfinae_access_control substitution failure due to access control is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_extra_parens redundant parentheses surrounding address non-type template argument are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_local_type local type %0 as template argument is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_template_arg_unnamed_type unnamed type as template argument is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_template_outside_of_template use of 'template' keyword outside of a template is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_template_parameter_default_in_function_template default template arguments for a function template are incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_template_spec_decl_out_of_scope %select{class template|class template partial|function template|member function|static data member|member class}0 specialization of %1 outside namespace %2 is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_typename_outside_of_template use of 'typename' outside of a template is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_unelaborated_friend_type befriending %1 without '%select{struct|union|class|enum}0' keyword is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_unicode_type '%0' type specifier is incompatible with C++98 warn_cxx98_compat_using_decl_constructor inherited constructors are incompatible with C++98 declaration of %0 will not be visible outside of this function declaration shadows a %select{local variable|variable in %2|static data member of %2|field of %2}1 warn_default_arg_makes_ctor_special addition of default argument on redeclaration makes this constructor a %select{default|copy|move}0 constructor warn_default_atomic_custom_getter_setter atomic by default property %0 has a user defined %select{getter|setter}1 (property should be marked 'atomic' if this is intended) constructor for %0 creates a delegation cycle warn_delete_abstract_non_virtual_dtor delete called on %0 that is abstract but has non-virtual destructor 'delete' applied to a pointer-to-array type %0 treated as delete[] deleting pointer to incomplete type %0 may cause undefined behaviour delete called on %0 that has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor Implementing deprecated %select{method|class|category}0 warn_deprecated_fwdclass_message %0 maybe deprecated because receiver type is unknown warn_deprecated_string_literal_conversion conversion from string literal to %0 is deprecated warn_double_const_requires_fp64 double precision constant requires cl_khr_fp64, casting to single precision locking '%0' that is already locked duplicate definition of category %1 on interface %0 duplicate protocol definition of %0 is ignored %select{destination for|source of|first operand of|second operand of}0 this %1 call is a pointer to dynamic class %2; vtable pointer will be %select{overwritten|copied|moved|compared}3 enumeration values exceed range of largest integer enumerator value %0 is not representable in the largest integer type warn_equality_with_extra_parens equality comparison with extraneous parentheses warn_err_new_delete_object_array %select{allocating|destroying}0 an array of %1; this array must not %select{be deleted in|have been allocated from}0 non-ARC code warn_exception_caught_by_earlier_handler exception of type %0 will be caught by earlier handler warn_excess_initializers_in_char_array_initializer declaration requires an exit-time destructor warn_expecting_lock_held_on_loop expecting mutex '%0' to be locked at start of each loop warn_explicit_instantiation_inline_0x warn_explicit_instantiation_must_be_global_0x warn_explicit_instantiation_out_of_scope_0x warn_explicit_instantiation_unqualified_wrong_namespace_0x 'extern' variable has an initializer control reaches end of non-void function warn_falloff_noreturn_function function declared 'noreturn' should not return field is uninitialized when used here magnitude of floating-point constant too large for type %0; maximum is %1 magnitude of floating-point constant too small for type %0; minimum is %1 comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe warn_format_invalid_conversion invalid conversion specifier '%0' warn_format_invalid_positional_specifier invalid position specified for %select{field width|field precision}0 warn_format_mix_positional_nonpositional_args cannot mix positional and non-positional arguments in format string format string is not a string literal format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) warn_format_nonsensical_length length modifier '%0' results in undefined behavior or no effect with '%1' conversion specifier warn_format_string_is_wide_literal format string should not be a wide string warn_format_zero_positional_specifier position arguments in format strings start counting at 1 (not 0) warn_found_via_dependent_bases_lookup use of identifier %0 found via unqualified lookup into dependent bases of class templates is a Microsoft extension cannot call function '%0' while mutex '%1' is locked calling function '%0' requires %select{shared|exclusive}2 lock on '%1' warn_function_attribute_wrong_type '%0' only applies to function types; type here is %1 warn_gc_attribute_weak_on_local Objective-C GC does not allow weak variables on the stack declaration requires a global constructor declaration requires a global destructor warn_gnu_inline_attribute_requires_inline 'gnu_inline' attribute requires function to be marked 'inline', attribute ignored warn_goto_into_protected_scope warn_illegal_constant_array_size size of static array must be an integer constant expression warn_impcast_bitfield_precision_constant implicit truncation from %2 to bitfield changes value from %0 to %1 warn_impcast_bool_to_null_pointer initialization of pointer of type %0 to null from a constant boolean expression implicit conversion discards imaginary component: %0 to %1 warn_impcast_different_enum_types implicit conversion from enumeration type %0 to different enumeration type %1 implicit conversion turns floating-point number into integer: %0 to %1 implicit conversion loses floating-point precision: %0 to %1 implicit conversion loses integer precision: %0 to %1 warn_impcast_integer_precision warn_impcast_integer_precision_constant implicit conversion from %2 to %3 changes value from %0 to %1 implicit conversion changes signedness: %0 to %1 warn_impcast_integer_sign_conditional operand of ? changes signedness: %0 to %1 warn_impcast_literal_float_to_integer implicit conversion turns literal floating-point number into integer: %0 to %1 warn_impcast_null_pointer_to_integer implicit conversion of NULL constant to integer warn_impcast_string_literal_to_bool implicit conversion turns string literal into bool: %0 to %1 implicit conversion turns vector to scalar: %0 to %1 default assign attribute on property %0 which implements NSCopying protocol is not appropriate with -fobjc-gc[-only] property is assumed atomic by default warn_implicit_decl_requires_setjmp declaration of built-in function '%0' requires inclusion of the header warn_implicit_decl_requires_stdio declaration of built-in function '%0' requires inclusion of the header implicit declaration of function %0 warn_incompatible_qualified_id %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from incompatible type|to parameter of incompatible type|from a function with incompatible result type|to incompatible type|with an expression of incompatible type|to parameter of incompatible type|to incompatible type}2 %1 incompatible vector types %select{assigning to|passing|returning|converting|initializing|sending|casting}2 %0 %select{from|to parameter of type|from a function with result type|to type|with an expression of type|to parameter of type|to type}2 %1 incrementing expression of type bool is deprecated indirection of non-volatile null pointer will be deleted, not trap warn_init_list_constant_narrowing constant expression evaluates to %0 which cannot be narrowed to type %1 in C++11 warn_init_list_variable_narrowing non-constant-expression cannot be narrowed from type %0 to %1 in initializer list in C++11 warn_init_ptr_member_to_parameter_addr initializing pointer member %0 with the stack address of parameter %1 %select{field|base class}0 %1 will be initialized after %select{field|base}2 %3 initializer overrides prior initialization of this subobject warn_initializer_string_for_char_array_too_long warn_inline_namespace_reopened_noninline inline namespace cannot be re-opened as a non-inline namespace instance method %objcinstance0 not found (return type defaults to 'id') warn_instance_method_on_class_found instance method %0 found instead of class method %1 invalid use of a cast in a inline asm context requiring an l-value: accepted due to -fheinous-gnu-extensions, but clang may remove support for this in the future local declaration of %0 hides instance variable warn_label_attribute_not_unused The only valid attribute for labels is 'unused' mutex '%0' is still locked at the end of its scope warn_lock_exclusive_and_shared mutex '%0' is locked exclusively and shared in the same scope warn_logical_and_in_logical_or warn_logical_instead_of_bitwise use of logical '%0' with constant operand warn_lunsigned_always_true_comparison comparison of unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression %0 is always %1 only one parameter on 'main' declaration warn_many_braces_around_scalar_init too many braces around scalar initializer warn_maybe_falloff_nonvoid_function control may reach end of non-void function variable %0 may be uninitialized when used here warn_maybe_uninit_var_captured_by_block variable %0 may be uninitialized when captured by block warn_member_extra_qualification extra qualification on member %0 warn_mismatched_exception_spec suggest braces around initialization of subobject enumeration value %0 not handled in switch enumeration values %0 and %1 not handled in switch enumeration values %0, %1, and %2 not handled in switch warn_missing_case_for_condition no case matching constant switch condition '%0' %0 enumeration values not handled in switch: %1, %2, %3... warn_missing_exception_specification %0 is missing exception specification '%1' warn_missing_field_initializers missing field '%0' initializer warn_missing_method_return_type method has no return type specified; defaults to 'id' no previous prototype for function %0 missing sentinel in %select{function call|method dispatch|block call}0 comparison of integers of different signs: %0 and %1 multiple methods named %0 found warn_no_constructor_for_refconst %select{struct|union|class|enum}0 %1 does not declare any constructor to initialize its non-modifiable members mutex '%0' is still locked at the end of function warn_non_contravariant_overriding_param_types warn_non_contravariant_param_types warn_non_covariant_overriding_ret_types %0 has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor nonnull attribute only applies to pointer arguments warn_noreturn_function_has_return_expr function %0 declared 'noreturn' should not return use of unary operator that may be intended as compound assignment (%0=) not enough variable arguments in %0 declaration to fit a sentinel case value not in enumerated type %0 warn_ns_attribute_wrong_parameter_type %0 attribute only applies to %select{Objective-C object|pointer}1 parameters warn_ns_attribute_wrong_return_type %0 attribute only applies to %select{functions|methods}1 that return %select{an Objective-C object|a pointer|a non-retainable pointer}2 null passed to a callee which requires a non-null argument warn_null_in_arithmetic_operation use of NULL in arithmetic operation warn_null_in_comparison_operation comparison between NULL and non-pointer %select{(%1 and NULL)|(NULL and %1)}0 warn_objc_missing_super_dealloc method possibly missing a [super dealloc] call warn_objc_missing_super_finalize method possibly missing a [super finalize] call warn_objc_object_attribute_wrong_type '%0' only applies to objective-c object or block pointer types; type here is %1 warn_objc_pointer_cxx_catch_fragile can not catch an exception thrown with @throw in C++ in the non-unified exception model warn_objc_precise_lifetime_meaningless objc_precise_lifetime is not meaningful for %select{__unsafe_unretained|__autoreleasing}0 objects warn_objc_property_attr_mutually_exclusive warn_objc_property_copy_missing_on_block 'copy' attribute must be specified for the block property when -fobjc-gc-only is specified warn_objc_property_default_assign_on_object default property attribute 'assign' not appropriate for non-gc object warn_objc_property_no_assignment_attribute no 'assign', 'retain', or 'copy' attribute is specified - 'assign' is assumed warn_objc_property_retain_of_block objc-noncopy-retain-block-property retain'ed block property does not copy the block - use copy attribute instead class implementation may not have super class %q0 hides overloaded virtual %select{function|functions}1 objc-property-matches-cocoa-ownership-rule padding %select{struct|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%select{|s}4 to align anonymous bit-field padding %select{struct|class}0 %1 with %2 %select{byte|bit}3%select{|s}4 to align %5 padding size of %0 with %1 %select{byte|bit}2%select{|s}3 to alignment boundary warn_param_default_argument_redefinition %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value argument; pass it by reference instead ? warn_partial_specs_not_deducible class template partial specialization contains %select{a template parameter|template parameters}0 that can not be deduced; this partial specialization will never be used warn_pointer_attribute_wrong_type '%0' only applies to pointer types; type here is %1 warn_pointer_indirection_from_incompatible_type dereference of type %1 that was reinterpret_cast from type %0 has undefined behavior. warn_pragma_options_align_reset_failed #pragma options align=reset failed: %0 warn_pragma_options_align_unsupported_option unsupported alignment option in '#pragma options align' warn_pragma_pack_invalid_alignment expected #pragma pack parameter to be '1', '2', '4', '8', or '16' #pragma pack(pop, ...) failed: %0 warn_pragma_pack_pop_identifer_and_alignment specifying both a name and alignment to 'pop' is undefined value of #pragma pack(show) == %0 warn_pragma_unused_expected_var_arg only variables can be arguments to '#pragma unused' warn_pragma_unused_undeclared_var undeclared variable %0 used as an argument for '#pragma unused' %0 has lower precedence than %1; %1 will be evaluated first operator '?:' has lower precedence than '%0'; '%0' will be evaluated first previously declared alias is ignored warn_printf_asterisk_missing_arg '%select{*|.*}0' specified field %select{width|precision}0 is missing a matching 'int' argument warn_printf_asterisk_wrong_type field %select{width|precision}0 should have type %1, but argument has type %2 warn_printf_conversion_argument_type_mismatch conversion specifies type %0 but the argument has type %1 data argument not used by format string warn_printf_format_string_contains_null_char format string contains '\0' within the string body flag '%0' is ignored when flag '%1' is present warn_printf_incomplete_specifier warn_printf_insufficient_data_args more '%%' conversions than data arguments flag '%0' results in undefined behavior with '%1' conversion specifier warn_printf_nonsensical_optional_amount %select{field width|precision}0 used with '%1' conversion specifier, resulting in undefined behavior warn_printf_positional_arg_exceeds_data_args data argument position '%0' exceeds the number of data arguments (%1) use of '%%n' in format string discouraged (potentially insecure) property attribute in continuation class does not match the primary class property %0 '%1' attribute does not match the property inherited from %2 warn_property_getter_owning_mismatch property declared as returning non-retained objects; getter returning retained objects warn_property_types_are_incompatible property type %0 is incompatible with type %1 inherited from %2 array-bounds-pointer-arithmetic the pointer incremented by %0 refers past the end of the array (that contains %1 element%s2) warn_ptr_arith_precedes_bounds the pointer decremented by %0 refers before the beginning of the array function definition with pure-specifier is a Microsoft extension '%0' type qualifier%s1 on return type %plural{1:has|:have}1 no effect attribute 'readonly' of property %0 restricts attribute 'readwrite' of property inherited from %1 receiver %0 is a forward class and corresponding @interface may not exist incompatible redeclaration of library function %0 warn_redeclaration_without_attribute_prev_attribute_ignored '%0' redeclared without %1 attribute: previous %1 ignored redefinition of typedef %0 is invalid in C 'register' storage specifier on @catch parameter will be ignored warn_related_result_type_compatibility_class method is expected to return an instance of its class type %0, but is declared to return %1 warn_related_result_type_compatibility_protocol protocol method is expected to return an instance of the implementing class, but is declared to return %0 remainder by zero is undefined returning address of label, which is local returning address of local temporary object returning reference to local temporary object address of stack memory associated with local variable %0 returned reference to stack memory associated with local variable %0 returned return value of %0 is a large (%1 bytes) pass-by-value object; pass it by reference instead ? warn_root_inst_method_not_found instance method %0 is being used on 'Class' which is not in the root class warn_runsigned_always_true_comparison comparison of %0 unsigned%select{| enum}2 expression is always %1 zero field width in scanf format string is unused warn_scanf_scanlist_incomplete no closing ']' for '%%[' in scanf format string warn_second_parameter_of_va_start_not_last_named_argument second parameter of 'va_start' not last named argument warn_second_parameter_to_va_arg_never_compatible second argument to 'va_arg' is of promotable type %0; this va_arg has undefined behavior because arguments will be promoted to %1 warn_second_parameter_to_va_arg_not_pod second argument to 'va_arg' is of non-POD type %0 warn_second_parameter_to_va_arg_ownership_qualified second argument to 'va_arg' is of ARC ownership-qualified type %0 explicitly assigning a variable of type %0 to itself warn_setter_getter_impl_required property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @synthesize, @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this class implementation warn_setter_getter_impl_required_in_category property %0 requires method %1 to be defined - use @dynamic or provide a method implementation in this category warn_shift_result_gt_typewidth signed shift result (%0) requires %1 bits to represent, but %2 only has %3 bits warn_shift_result_sets_sign_bit signed shift result (%0) sets the sign bit of the shift expression's type (%1) and becomes negative sizeof on array function parameter will return size of %0 instead of %1 warn_sizeof_pointer_expr_memaccess argument to 'sizeof' in %0 call is the same expression as the %select{destination|source}1; did you mean to %select{dereference it|remove the addressof|provide an explicit length}2? warn_sizeof_pointer_type_memaccess argument to 'sizeof' in %0 call is the same pointer type %1 as the %select{destination|source}2; expected %3 or an explicit length '%0' ignored on this declaration array argument is too small; contains %0 elements, callee requires at least %1 'main' should not be declared static warn_strict_multiple_method_decl result of comparison against %select{a string literal|@encode}0 is unspecified (use strncmp instead) size argument in %0 call appears to be size of the source; expected the size of the destination warn_struct_class_previous_tag_mismatch %2 defined as a %select{struct|class}0%select{| template}1 here but previously declared as a %select{class|struct}0%select{| template}1 warn_struct_class_tag_mismatch %select{struct|class}0%select{| template}1 %2 was previously declared as a %select{class|struct}0%select{| template}1 warn_subobject_initializer_overrides subobject initialization overrides initialization of other fields within its enclosing subobject array subscript is of type 'char' block could be declared with attribute 'noreturn' warn_suggest_noreturn_function %select{function|method}0 %1 could be declared with attribute 'noreturn' direct access of synthesized ivar by using property access %0 non-type template argument with value '%0' converted to '%1' for unsigned template parameter of type %2 non-type template argument value '%0' truncated to '%1' for template parameter of type %2 warn_template_export_unsupported exported templates are unsupported warn_template_spec_extra_headers extraneous template parameter list in template specialization warn_tentative_incomplete_array tentative array definition assumed to have one element warn_transparent_union_attribute_field_size_align %select{alignment|size}0 of field %1 (%2 bits) does not match the %select{alignment|size}0 of the first field in transparent union; transparent_union attribute ignored warn_transparent_union_attribute_floating first field of a transparent union cannot have %select{floating point|vector}0 type %1; transparent_union attribute ignored warn_transparent_union_attribute_not_definition transparent_union attribute can only be applied to a union definition; attribute ignored warn_transparent_union_attribute_zero_fields transparent union definition must contain at least one field; transparent_union attribute ignored warn_transparent_union_nonpointer 'transparent_union' attribute support incomplete; only supported for pointer unions warn_type_mismatch_continuation_class objc-continuation-property-type type of property %0 in continuation class does not match property type in primary class warn_typecheck_cond_incompatible_pointers pointer type mismatch (%0 and %1) warn_typecheck_cond_pointer_integer_mismatch pointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expression (%0 and %1) warn_typecheck_function_qualifiers qualifier on function type %0 has unspecified behavior warn_typecheck_zero_static_array_size 'static' has no effect on zero-length arrays warn_unavailable_fwdclass_message %0 maybe unavailable because receiver type is unknown cannot find protocol definition for %0 %select{function|variable}0 %q1 has internal linkage but is not defined warn_undefined_reinterpret_cast reinterpret_cast from %0 to %1 has undefined behavior. warn_unimplemented_protocol_method method in protocol not implemented warn_uninit_self_reference_in_init variable %0 is uninitialized when used within its own initialization variable %0 is uninitialized when used here warn_uninit_var_captured_by_block variable %0 is uninitialized when captured by block warn_unknown_attribute_ignored unlocking '%0' that was not locked packed attribute is unnecessary for %0 %select{function|variable}0 %1 is not needed and will not be emitted member function %0 is not needed and will not be emitted ignoring return value of function declared with %0 attribute %select{equality|inequality}0 comparison result unused property access result unused - getters should not be used for side effects ignoring return value of function declared with warn_unused_result attribute expression result unused; should this cast be to 'void'? warn_use_out_of_scope_declaration use of out-of-scope declaration of %0 %0 was marked unused but was used user-defined literal with suffix '%0' is preempted by C99 hexfloat extension user-defined literals not starting with '_' are reserved by the implementation warn_using_directive_in_header using namespace directive in global context in header warn_var_deref_requires_any_lock %select{reading|writing}1 the value pointed to by '%0' requires locking %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1 %select{reading|writing}2 the value pointed to by '%0' requires locking %select{'%1'|'%1' exclusively}2 warn_variable_requires_any_lock %select{reading|writing}1 variable '%0' requires locking %select{any mutex|any mutex exclusively}1 %select{reading|writing}2 variable '%0' requires locking %select{'%1'|'%1' exclusively}2 warn_weak_identifier_undeclared weak identifier %0 never declared an already-declared variable is made a weak_import declaration %0 %0 has no out-of-line virtual method definitions; its vtable will be emitted in every translation unit Automatic Reference Counting Issue N . b 7 $ R " # $ $ 4 5 6 7 $ Y e f @ A j k ' ( ) * + , - / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < > ? % . $ = % Z c \ ] ` a m . ^ ~  Q Y y S T U V X ] _ 3 r l f h Y ? ! e ( ' ) O 2 ~ ` i v l m > @ A D E F S X V W T ? B V C ( U V W h L M U W j n o r z ] ; c d a x d g n : \ < = x { _ T d d k p t G O * - . = R a { | n p 5 s i  ' u - u v w m 9 } W t W Z [ ^ z $ 3 H I v w & < = > ? ; ! " # r } ~ ( ) * , - / 0 1 2 4 + . 3 6 5 8 9 : o f B A *** File Manager Stats: real files found, real dirs found. virtual files found, virtual dirs found. dir lookups, dir cache misses. file lookups, file cache misses. *** Identifier Table Stats: # Identifiers: %d # Empty Buckets: %d Ave identifier length: %f Max identifier length: %d retainCount performSelector finalize _Alignas _Generic _Static_assert and_eq bitand bitor compl not_eq xor_eq __attribute __builtin_choose_expr __builtin_offsetof __builtin_va_arg __label__ __is_literal_type __import_module__ __declspec __forceinline __unaligned __kernel __private __global __local __constant __read_only __write_only __read_write __builtin_astype __vector __fp16 __bridge_retain __alignof__ __asm __attribute__ __complex __complex__ __const__ __decltype __imag__ __inline __inline__ __nullptr __real__ __restrict __restrict__ __signed __signed__ __typeof __typeof__ __volatile __volatile__ __ptr64 __ptr32 __w64 __try __except __finally __leave __int64 __if_exists __if_not_exists __int8 __int16 __int32 __interface __char16_t __char32_t not_keyword Hash density (#identifiers per bucket): %f > <<>> GB-18030 BOCU-1 SDSU UTF-EBCDIC UTF-1 UTF-7 UTF-32 (LE) UTF-32 (BE) UTF-16 (LE) UTF-16 (BE) +/v dL sfs ( 1 3 vector::_M_fill_insert <<<>>> local SLocEntry's allocated ( B of Sloc address space used. loaded SLocEntries allocated, files with line #'s computed, files with macro args computed. <<<<>>>> __DATA,__cfstring __OBJC,__cstring_object,regular,no_dead_strip __DATA, __objc_stringobj, regular, no_dead_strip E-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-n32 mblaze ~{dirflag},~{fpsr},~{flags} .text.startup {bx} {dx} {st(1)} adzDWeABbvfcCtukxywZY +soft-float aapcs-linux 6M 7M 7A 6T2 6K 6ZK 6J 5TE 5TEJ 5T #define unix __gnu_linux__ __ELF__ _REENTRANT _GNU_SOURCE __FreeBSD__ __FreeBSD_cc_version __KPRINTF_ATTRIBUTE__ __NetBSD__ __unix__ _POSIX_THREADS __rtems__ bfin BFIN __ADSPBLACKFIN__ __ADSPLPBLACKFIN__ MSP430 __MSP430__ _mips _MIPSEB __REGISTER_PREFIX__ __le32__ __pnacl__ __ppc__ _ARCH_PPC __powerpc__ __POWERPC__ _ARCH_PPC64 _LP64 __LP64__ __powerpc64__ __ppc64__ _BIG_ENDIAN __BIG_ENDIAN__ __NATURAL_ALIGNMENT__ __LONG_DOUBLE_128__ 10206 __VEC__ __ALTIVEC__ __PPC__ __PPU__ __CELLOS_LV2__ __LP32__ __PTX__ __microblaze__ _ARCH_MICROBLAZE __MICROBLAZE__ __SPU__ __s390__ __s390x__ _WIN32 __mips_o32 _ABIO32 _MIPS_SIM __mips_eabi __mips_n32 _ABIN32 __mips_n64 _ABI64 sun __svr4__ __SVR4 __DragonFly__ 100001 __DragonFly_cc_version __tune_i386__ __OpenBSD__ __minix _EM_WSIZE _EM_PSIZE _EM_SSIZE _EM_LSIZE _EM_FSIZE _EM_DSIZE _MIPSEL __native_client__ sparc __sparcv8 SOFT_FLOAT tce __TCE__ __TCE_V1__ __amd64__ __amd64 __x86_64 __x86_64__ __i486 __i486__ __tune_i486__ __pentium_mmx__ __tune_pentium_mmx__ __i586 __i586__ __tune_i586__ __pentium __pentium__ __tune_pentium__ __tune_pentium3__ __tune_pentium2__ __tune_i686__ __tune_pentiumpro__ __i686 __i686__ __pentiumpro __pentiumpro__ __pentium4 __pentium4__ __tune_pentium4__ __nocona __nocona__ __tune_nocona__ __core2 __core2__ __tune_core2__ __atom __atom__ __tune_atom__ __corei7 __corei7__ __tune_corei7__ __k6_2__ __tune_k6_2__ __k6_3__ __tune_k6_3__ __k6 __k6__ __tune_k6__ __athlon __athlon__ __tune_athlon__ __athlon_sse__ __tune_athlon_sse__ __k8 __k8__ __tune_k8__ __geode __geode__ __tune_geode__ __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ __NO_MATH_INLINES __AES__ __AVX__ __SSE4_2__ __SSE4_1__ __SSSE3__ __SSE3__ __SSE2__ __SSE2_MATH__ __SSE__ __SSE_MATH__ _M_IX86_FP __3dNOW_A__ __3dNOW__ __MMX__ __CYGWIN__ __CYGWIN32__ __INTEL__ __HAIKU__ _WIN64 _CPPRTTI _CPPUNWIND _CHAR_UNSIGNED _MT _MSC_VER _MSC_EXTENSIONS _RVALUE_REFERENCES_SUPPORTED _NATIVE_NULLPTR_SUPPORTED _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS 600 _M_IX86 WINNT _X86_ __MSVCRT__ __MINGW32__ __attribute__((a)) __declspec(a) __MINGW64__ _M_X64 _M_AMD64 __arm __arm__ __ARMEL__ __ARM_ARCH_ __THUMB_INTERWORK__ __ARM_EABI__ __SOFTFP__ __XSCALE__ __THUMBEL__ __thumb__ __thumb2__ __APCS_32__ __VFP_FP__ __ARM_NEON__ +soft-float-abi +vfp2 +vfp3 +neon compute10 compute11 compute12 compute13 compute20 no-fma ptx20 ptx21 ptx22 ptx23 sm10 sm11 sm12 sm13 sm20 sm21 sm22 sm23 mcount .mcount __mcount e-p:32:32-i64:32-f64:32-n32 E-p:32:32:32-i8:8:8-i16:16:16 itanium sse4 sse4.2 sse4.1 5621 __APPLE_CC__ __APPLE__ __MACH__ OBJC_NEW_PROPERTIES __STATIC__ __DYNAMIC__ iphoneos win32 v4 rfp s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s17 s18 s19 s20 s21 s22 s23 s24 s25 s26 s27 s28 s29 s30 s31 d0 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26 d27 d28 d29 d30 d31 q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6 q7 q9 q10 q11 q12 q13 q14 q15 __clear_cache __builtin_arm_qadd __builtin_arm_qsub __builtin_arm_ssat iiUi __builtin_arm_usat __builtin_arm_ldrexd __builtin_arm_strexd iLLUiv* __builtin_arm_get_fpscr __builtin_arm_set_fpscr vUi __builtin_arm_vcvtr_f __builtin_arm_vcvtr_d __builtin_arm_mcr vUiUiUiUiUiUi __builtin_arm_mcr2 __builtin_arm_mrc __builtin_arm_mrc2 __builtin_arm_cdp __builtin_arm_cdp2 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__builtin_ia32_sfence __builtin_ia32_rcpps __builtin_ia32_rcpss __builtin_ia32_rsqrtps __builtin_ia32_rsqrtss __builtin_ia32_sqrtps __builtin_ia32_sqrtss __builtin_ia32_maskmovdqu vV16cV16cc* __builtin_ia32_storeupd vd*V2d __builtin_ia32_movmskpd __builtin_ia32_pmovmskb128 __builtin_ia32_movnti vi*i __builtin_ia32_movntpd __builtin_ia32_movntdq vV2LLi*V2LLi __builtin_ia32_psadbw128 V2LLiV16cV16c __builtin_ia32_sqrtpd __builtin_ia32_sqrtsd __builtin_ia32_cvtdq2pd V2dV4i __builtin_ia32_cvtdq2ps __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2dq V2LLiV2d __builtin_ia32_cvtpd2ps V4fV2d __builtin_ia32_cvttpd2dq V4iV2d __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si __builtin_ia32_cvtsd2si64 __builtin_ia32_cvtps2dq V4iV4f __builtin_ia32_cvtps2pd V2dV4f __builtin_ia32_cvttps2dq __builtin_ia32_clflush vvC* __builtin_ia32_lfence __builtin_ia32_mfence __builtin_ia32_storedqu vc*V16c __builtin_ia32_pmuludq128 V2LLiV4iV4i __builtin_ia32_psraw128 __builtin_ia32_psrad128 __builtin_ia32_psrlw128 __builtin_ia32_psrld128 __builtin_ia32_pslldqi128 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char fpr; unsigned short reserved; void* overflow_arg_area; void* reg_save_area;} __builtin_va_list[1]; typedef char* __builtin_va_list; typedef struct __va_list_tag { unsigned gp_offset; unsigned fp_offset; void* overflow_arg_area; void* reg_save_area;} __va_list_tag;typedef __va_list_tag __builtin_va_list[1]; typedef void* __builtin_va_list; typedef int __builtin_va_list[4]; __TEXT,__StaticInit,regular,pure_instructions E-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v128:128:128-n32:64 E-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v128:128:128-n32 e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32-n8:16:32-S128 e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128 E-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-n32 e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-n32 e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:32:64-v128:32:128-a0:0:32-n32-S32 e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:32:64-v128:32:128-a0:0:32-n32-S32 e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:32-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:64:128-a0:0:32-n32-S64 e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:64:128-a0:0:64-n32-S64 _RVALUE_REFERENCES_V2_SUPPORTED e-p:16:16:16-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:16:32-n8:16 E-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-n32 e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:32-i16:16:32-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-n32 e-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-p:32:32:32-v128:32:32 e-p:32:32-i64:64:64-f64:64:64-n1:8:16:32:64 e-p:64:64-i64:64:64-f64:64:64-n1:8:16:32:64 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lesslessequal greatergreaterequal caret caretequal pipepipe pipeequal equalequal hashhash hashat periodstar arrowstar coloncolon lesslessless greatergreatergreater annot_cxxscope annot_typename annot_template_id annot_primary_expr annot_pragma_unused $URL$ /lib/Basic /src/tools/clang cfe/ clang version 2.8 ( Clang 2.8 ( 0 Recycler element size: Recycler element alignment: Number of memory regions: Bytes used: Bytes allocated: Bytes wasted: (includes alignment, etc) Number of elements free for recycling: N4llvm19MallocSlabAllocatorE N4llvm13SlabAllocatorE  5 ? q ? @ j 0123456789ABCDEF0 0123456789abcdef0 INFINITY infinity NAN nan } q 5 = -1 APInt( b, 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ _ / version 2.8svn Optimized build (unknown) 15:01:06 Host: Host CPU: = - - (default: *no default* : for the - option: ' defined more than once! [options] -- OPTIONS: True FALSE TRUE False must occur exactly one time! requires a value! ' specified. does not allow a value! ' not enough values! help-hidden Display all available options print-options print-all-options '. Try: ' -help' : Did you mean '- '? Must specify at least positional arguments: See: -help Can specify at most = *unknown option value* Low Level Virtual Machine (http://llvm.org/): = *cannot print option value* : CommandLine Error: Argument ' Cannot specify more than one option with cl::ConsumeAfter! ' value invalid for floating point argument! ' value invalid for uint argument! ' value invalid for integer argument! ' is invalid value for boolean argument! Try 0 or 1 may only occur zero or one times! bad num occurrences flag value! multi-valued option specified with ValueDisallowed modifier! : Bad ValueMask flag! CommandLine usage error: Display available options (-help-hidden for more) Print non-default options after command line parsing Print all option values after command line parsing Display the version of this program error - this positional option will never be matched, because it does not Require a value, and a cl::ConsumeAfter option is active! error - option can never match, because another positional argument will match an unbounded number of values, and this option does not require a value! : Unknown command line argument ' : Not enough positional command line arguments specified! : Too many positional arguments specified! must be specified at least once! N4llvm2cl5aliasE N4llvm2cl3optIbLb0ENS0_6parserIbEEEE N4llvm2cl3optIcLb0ENS0_6parserIcEEEE N4llvm2cl3optISsLb0ENS0_6parserISsEEEE N4llvm2cl3optIiLb0ENS0_6parserIiEEEE N4llvm2cl3optIjLb0ENS0_6parserIjEEEE N4llvm2cl6parserIcEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserIcEE N4llvm2cl6parserISsEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserISsEE N4llvm2cl6parserIfEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserIfEE N4llvm2cl6parserIdEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserIdEE N4llvm2cl6parserIyEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserIyEE N4llvm2cl6parserIjEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserIjEE N4llvm2cl6parserIiEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserIiEE N4llvm2cl6parserINS0_13boolOrDefaultEEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserINS0_13boolOrDefaultEEE N4llvm2cl6parserIbEE N4llvm2cl12basic_parserIbEE N4llvm2cl17basic_parser_implE N4llvm2cl19generic_parser_baseE N4llvm2cl6OptionE N4llvm2cl11opt_storageIbLb0ELb0EEE N4llvm2cl11opt_storageIcLb0ELb0EEE N4llvm2cl11opt_storageISsLb0ELb1EEE N4llvm2cl11opt_storageIiLb0ELb0EEE N4llvm2cl11opt_storageIjLb0ELb0EEE Ss N4llvm2cl11OptionValueIjEE 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N4llvm3sys11ThreadLocalIKNS_27CrashRecoveryContextCleanupEEE DW_TAG_class_type DW_TAG_array_type DW_TAG_entry_point DW_TAG_enumeration_type DW_TAG_formal_parameter DW_TAG_imported_declaration DW_TAG_label DW_TAG_lexical_block DW_TAG_member DW_TAG_pointer_type DW_TAG_reference_type DW_TAG_compile_unit DW_TAG_string_type DW_TAG_structure_type DW_TAG_subroutine_type DW_TAG_typedef DW_TAG_union_type DW_TAG_unspecified_parameters DW_TAG_variant DW_TAG_common_block DW_TAG_common_inclusion DW_TAG_inheritance DW_TAG_inlined_subroutine DW_TAG_module DW_TAG_ptr_to_member_type DW_TAG_set_type DW_TAG_subrange_type DW_TAG_with_stmt DW_TAG_access_declaration DW_TAG_base_type DW_TAG_catch_block DW_TAG_const_type DW_TAG_constant DW_TAG_enumerator DW_TAG_file_type DW_TAG_friend DW_TAG_namelist DW_TAG_namelist_item DW_TAG_packed_type DW_TAG_subprogram DW_TAG_thrown_type DW_TAG_try_block DW_TAG_variant_part DW_TAG_variable DW_TAG_volatile_type DW_TAG_dwarf_procedure DW_TAG_restrict_type DW_TAG_interface_type DW_TAG_namespace DW_TAG_imported_module DW_TAG_unspecified_type DW_TAG_partial_unit DW_TAG_imported_unit DW_TAG_condition DW_TAG_shared_type DW_TAG_lo_user DW_TAG_hi_user DW_TAG_auto_variable DW_TAG_arg_variable DW_TAG_return_variable DW_TAG_vector_type DW_TAG_rvalue_reference_type DW_TAG_template_alias DW_TAG_MIPS_loop DW_TAG_type_unit DW_TAG_format_label DW_TAG_function_template DW_TAG_class_template DW_CHILDREN_yes DW_CHILDREN_no DW_AT_location DW_AT_sibling DW_AT_name DW_AT_ordering DW_AT_byte_size DW_AT_bit_offset DW_AT_bit_size DW_AT_stmt_list DW_AT_low_pc DW_AT_high_pc DW_AT_language DW_AT_discr DW_AT_discr_value DW_AT_visibility DW_AT_import DW_AT_string_length DW_AT_common_reference DW_AT_comp_dir DW_AT_const_value DW_AT_containing_type DW_AT_default_value DW_AT_inline DW_AT_is_optional DW_AT_lower_bound DW_AT_producer DW_AT_prototyped DW_AT_return_addr DW_AT_start_scope DW_AT_bit_stride DW_AT_upper_bound DW_AT_abstract_origin DW_AT_accessibility DW_AT_address_class DW_AT_artificial DW_AT_base_types DW_AT_calling_convention DW_AT_count DW_AT_data_member_location DW_AT_decl_column DW_AT_decl_file DW_AT_decl_line DW_AT_declaration DW_AT_discr_list DW_AT_encoding DW_AT_external DW_AT_frame_base DW_AT_friend DW_AT_identifier_case DW_AT_macro_info DW_AT_namelist_item DW_AT_priority DW_AT_segment DW_AT_specification DW_AT_static_link DW_AT_type DW_AT_use_location DW_AT_variable_parameter DW_AT_virtuality DW_AT_vtable_elem_location DW_AT_allocated DW_AT_associated DW_AT_data_location DW_AT_byte_stride DW_AT_entry_pc DW_AT_use_UTF8 DW_AT_extension DW_AT_ranges DW_AT_trampoline DW_AT_call_column DW_AT_call_file DW_AT_call_line DW_AT_description DW_AT_binary_scale DW_AT_decimal_scale DW_AT_small DW_AT_decimal_sign DW_AT_digit_count DW_AT_picture_string DW_AT_mutable DW_AT_threads_scaled DW_AT_explicit DW_AT_object_pointer DW_AT_endianity DW_AT_elemental DW_AT_pure DW_AT_recursive DW_AT_signature DW_AT_main_subprogram DW_AT_data_bit_offset DW_AT_const_expr DW_AT_enum_class DW_AT_linkage_name DW_AT_MIPS_loop_begin DW_AT_MIPS_tail_loop_begin DW_AT_MIPS_epilog_begin DW_AT_MIPS_loop_unroll_factor DW_AT_MIPS_linkage_name DW_AT_MIPS_stride DW_AT_MIPS_abstract_name DW_AT_MIPS_clone_origin DW_AT_MIPS_has_inlines DW_AT_MIPS_stride_byte DW_AT_MIPS_stride_elem DW_AT_MIPS_ptr_dopetype DW_AT_sf_names DW_AT_src_info DW_AT_mac_info DW_AT_src_coords DW_AT_body_begin DW_AT_body_end DW_AT_GNU_vector DW_AT_GNU_template_name DW_AT_MIPS_assumed_size DW_AT_lo_user DW_AT_hi_user DW_AT_APPLE_optimized DW_AT_APPLE_flags DW_AT_APPLE_isa DW_AT_APPLE_block DW_AT_APPLE_runtime_class DW_AT_APPLE_omit_frame_ptr DW_AT_APPLE_property_name DW_AT_APPLE_property_getter DW_AT_APPLE_property_setter DW_FORM_block2 DW_FORM_addr DW_FORM_block4 DW_FORM_data2 DW_FORM_data4 DW_FORM_data8 DW_FORM_string DW_FORM_block DW_FORM_block1 DW_FORM_data1 DW_FORM_flag DW_FORM_sdata DW_FORM_strp DW_FORM_udata DW_FORM_ref_addr DW_FORM_ref1 DW_FORM_ref2 DW_FORM_ref4 DW_FORM_ref8 DW_FORM_ref_udata DW_FORM_indirect DW_FORM_sec_offset DW_FORM_exprloc DW_FORM_flag_present DW_FORM_ref_sig8 DW_OP_addr DW_OP_const1u DW_OP_const1s DW_OP_const2u DW_OP_const2s DW_OP_const4u DW_OP_const4s DW_OP_const8u DW_OP_const8s DW_OP_dup DW_OP_drop DW_OP_over DW_OP_pick DW_OP_swap DW_OP_rot DW_OP_xderef DW_OP_abs DW_OP_and DW_OP_div DW_OP_minus DW_OP_mod DW_OP_mul DW_OP_neg DW_OP_not DW_OP_or DW_OP_plus DW_OP_shl DW_OP_shr DW_OP_shra DW_OP_xor DW_OP_skip DW_OP_bra DW_OP_eq DW_OP_ge DW_OP_gt DW_OP_le DW_OP_lt DW_OP_ne DW_OP_lit0 DW_OP_lit1 DW_OP_lit2 DW_OP_lit3 DW_OP_lit4 DW_OP_lit5 DW_OP_lit6 DW_OP_lit7 DW_OP_lit8 DW_OP_lit9 DW_OP_lit10 DW_OP_lit11 DW_OP_lit12 DW_OP_lit13 DW_OP_lit14 DW_OP_lit15 DW_OP_lit16 DW_OP_lit17 DW_OP_lit18 DW_OP_lit19 DW_OP_lit20 DW_OP_lit21 DW_OP_lit22 DW_OP_lit23 DW_OP_lit24 DW_OP_lit25 DW_OP_lit26 DW_OP_lit27 DW_OP_lit28 DW_OP_lit29 DW_OP_lit30 DW_OP_lit31 DW_OP_reg0 DW_OP_reg1 DW_OP_reg2 DW_OP_reg3 DW_OP_reg4 DW_OP_reg5 DW_OP_reg6 DW_OP_reg7 DW_OP_reg8 DW_OP_reg9 DW_OP_reg10 DW_OP_reg11 DW_OP_reg12 DW_OP_reg13 DW_OP_reg14 DW_OP_reg15 DW_OP_reg16 DW_OP_reg17 DW_OP_reg18 DW_OP_reg19 DW_OP_reg20 DW_OP_reg21 DW_OP_reg22 DW_OP_reg23 DW_OP_reg24 DW_OP_reg25 DW_OP_reg26 DW_OP_reg27 DW_OP_reg28 DW_OP_reg29 DW_OP_reg30 DW_OP_reg31 DW_OP_breg0 DW_OP_breg1 DW_OP_breg2 DW_OP_breg3 DW_OP_breg4 DW_OP_breg5 DW_OP_breg6 DW_OP_breg7 DW_OP_breg8 DW_OP_breg9 DW_OP_breg10 DW_OP_breg11 DW_OP_breg12 DW_OP_breg13 DW_OP_breg14 DW_OP_breg15 DW_OP_breg16 DW_OP_breg17 DW_OP_breg18 DW_OP_breg19 DW_OP_breg20 DW_OP_breg21 DW_OP_breg22 DW_OP_breg23 DW_OP_breg24 DW_OP_breg25 DW_OP_breg26 DW_OP_breg27 DW_OP_breg28 DW_OP_breg29 DW_OP_breg30 DW_OP_breg31 DW_OP_fbreg DW_OP_piece DW_OP_deref_size DW_OP_xderef_size DW_OP_nop DW_OP_push_object_address DW_OP_call2 DW_OP_call4 DW_OP_call_ref DW_OP_form_tls_address DW_OP_call_frame_cfa DW_OP_bit_piece DW_OP_implicit_value DW_OP_stack_value DW_OP_lo_user DW_OP_hi_user DW_ATE_boolean DW_ATE_address DW_ATE_complex_float DW_ATE_float DW_ATE_signed DW_ATE_signed_char DW_ATE_unsigned DW_ATE_unsigned_char DW_ATE_imaginary_float DW_ATE_UTF DW_ATE_packed_decimal DW_ATE_numeric_string DW_ATE_edited DW_ATE_signed_fixed DW_ATE_unsigned_fixed DW_ATE_decimal_float DW_ATE_lo_user DW_ATE_hi_user DW_DS_leading_overpunch DW_DS_unsigned DW_DS_trailing_overpunch DW_DS_leading_separate DW_DS_trailing_separate DW_END_big DW_END_default DW_END_little DW_END_lo_user DW_END_hi_user DW_ACCESS_protected DW_ACCESS_public DW_ACCESS_private DW_VIS_exported DW_VIS_local DW_VIS_qualified DW_VIRTUALITY_virtual DW_VIRTUALITY_none DW_VIRTUALITY_pure_virtual DW_LANG_C DW_LANG_C89 DW_LANG_Ada83 DW_LANG_C_plus_plus DW_LANG_Cobol74 DW_LANG_Cobol85 DW_LANG_Fortran77 DW_LANG_Fortran90 DW_LANG_Pascal83 DW_LANG_Modula2 DW_LANG_Java DW_LANG_C99 DW_LANG_Ada95 DW_LANG_Fortran95 DW_LANG_PLI DW_LANG_ObjC DW_LANG_ObjC_plus_plus DW_LANG_UPC DW_LANG_D DW_LANG_lo_user DW_LANG_hi_user DW_ID_up_case DW_ID_case_sensitive DW_ID_down_case DW_ID_case_insensitive DW_CC_program DW_CC_normal DW_CC_nocall DW_CC_lo_user DW_CC_hi_user DW_INL_inlined DW_INL_not_inlined DW_INL_declared_not_inlined DW_INL_declared_inlined DW_ORD_col_major DW_ORD_row_major DW_DSC_range DW_DSC_label DW_LNS_advance_pc DW_LNS_copy DW_LNS_advance_line DW_LNS_set_file DW_LNS_set_column DW_LNS_negate_stmt DW_LNS_set_basic_block DW_LNS_const_add_pc DW_LNS_fixed_advance_pc DW_LNS_set_prologue_end DW_LNS_set_epilogue_begin DW_LNS_set_isa DW_LNE_define_file DW_LNE_set_discriminator DW_LNE_lo_user DW_LNE_hi_user DW_MACINFO_undef DW_MACINFO_define DW_MACINFO_start_file DW_MACINFO_end_file DW_MACINFO_vendor_ext DW_CFA_offset DW_CFA_advance_loc DW_CFA_restore DW_CFA_set_loc DW_CFA_advance_loc1 DW_CFA_advance_loc2 DW_CFA_restore_extended DW_CFA_undefined DW_CFA_register DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression DW_CFA_expression DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf DW_CFA_val_offset DW_CFA_val_offset_sf DW_CFA_val_expression DW_CFA_MIPS_advance_loc8 DW_CFA_GNU_window_save DW_CFA_GNU_args_size DW_CFA_lo_user DW_CFA_hi_user DW_TAG_template_type_parameter DW_TAG_template_value_parameter DW_TAG_GNU_template_template_param DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack DW_TAG_GNU_formal_parameter_pack DW_AT_MIPS_software_pipeline_depth DW_AT_MIPS_allocatable_dopetype DW_AT_MIPS_assumed_shape_dopetype DW_AT_APPLE_major_runtime_vers DW_AT_APPLE_property_attribute DW_AT_APPLE_objc_complete_type UNREACHABLE executed LLVM ERROR: N4llvm14FoldingSetImplE N4llvm21formatted_raw_ostreamE i386-unknown-linux -darwin Can't allocate RWX Memory Can't release RWX Memory Unknown buffer N4llvm12MemoryBufferE N12_GLOBAL__N_120MemoryBufferMMapFileE N12_GLOBAL__N_115MemoryBufferMemE ! .so /etc/llvm/ /proc/self/exe HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib/ /usr/X11R6/lib/ /usr/lib/ : can't get status of file LLVM_LIB_SEARCH_PATH /usr/local/google/llvm/lib can't rename ' ' as ' : can't make file readable : can't make file writable : can't make file executable : can't create directory : can't set mode : can't destroy file not a file or directory /bin/rm -rf : can't erase directory : can't read source file : can't create file : can't make unique filename : can't create temporary file : can't open directory PE : /usr/local/google/llvm/etc/llvm : can't set file modification time : failed to recursively remove directory. : can't open source file to copy : can't create destination file for copy : can't write destination file : can't create temporary directory : can't determine file object type TMPDIR /var/tmp TMP TEMP TEMPDIR /dev/urandom 0123456789abcdef . Stack dump: Program arguments: N4llvm23PrettyStackTraceProgramE N4llvm22PrettyStackTraceStringE N4llvm21PrettyStackTraceEntryE N4llvm3sys11ThreadLocalIKNS_21PrettyStackTraceEntryEEE [1m [0m TERM dumb COLUMNS [0;30m [0;31m [0;32m [0;33m [0;34m [0;35m [0;36m [0;37m [0;1;30m [0;1;31m [0;1;32m [0;1;33m [0;1;34m [0;1;35m [0;1;36m [0;1;37m [0;40m [0;41m [0;42m [0;43m [0;44m [0;45m [0;46m [0;47m [0;1;40m [0;1;41m [0;1;42m [0;1;43m [0;1;44m [0;1;45m [0;1;46m [0;1;47m Process not started! Child timed out Program could not be executed (core dumped) Cannot open file ' ' for Cannot dup2 Couldn't fork Child timed out but wouldn't die Error waiting for child process Can't redirect stderr to stdout The process couldn't be killed! %-2d %-*s %#0*lx + %tu Included from stats === === === %*u %-*s - %s Enable statistics output from program ... Statistics Collected ... N4llvm14format_object5IjjjPKcS2_EE Registered Targets: (none) " and " Unable to find target for this triple (no targets are registered) No available targets are compatible with this triple, see -version for the available targets. Cannot choose between targets " No JIT compatible target available for this host N4llvm3sys15ThreadLocalImplE Enable -time-passes memory tracking (this may be slow) File to append -stats and -timer output to Miscellaneous Ungrouped Timers Total Execution Time: %5.4f seconds (%5.4f wall clock) Error opening info-output-file ' track-memory info-output-file ----- %7.4f (%5.1f%%) %9lld ---User Time--- --System Time-- --User+System-- ---Wall Time--- ---Mem--- --- Name --- Total for appending! 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