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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 /*
     18  * This program constructs binary patches for images -- such as boot.img
     19  * and recovery.img -- that consist primarily of large chunks of gzipped
     20  * data interspersed with uncompressed data.  Doing a naive bsdiff of
     21  * these files is not useful because small changes in the data lead to
     22  * large changes in the compressed bitstream; bsdiff patches of gzipped
     23  * data are typically as large as the data itself.
     24  *
     25  * To patch these usefully, we break the source and target images up into
     26  * chunks of two types: "normal" and "gzip".  Normal chunks are simply
     27  * patched using a plain bsdiff.  Gzip chunks are first expanded, then a
     28  * bsdiff is applied to the uncompressed data, then the patched data is
     29  * gzipped using the same encoder parameters.  Patched chunks are
     30  * concatenated together to create the output file; the output image
     31  * should be *exactly* the same series of bytes as the target image used
     32  * originally to generate the patch.
     33  *
     34  * To work well with this tool, the gzipped sections of the target
     35  * image must have been generated using the same deflate encoder that
     36  * is available in applypatch, namely, the one in the zlib library.
     37  * In practice this means that images should be compressed using the
     38  * "minigzip" tool included in the zlib distribution, not the GNU gzip
     39  * program.
     40  *
     41  * An "imgdiff" patch consists of a header describing the chunk structure
     42  * of the file and any encoding parameters needed for the gzipped
     43  * chunks, followed by N bsdiff patches, one per chunk.
     44  *
     45  * For a diff to be generated, the source and target images must have the
     46  * same "chunk" structure: that is, the same number of gzipped and normal
     47  * chunks in the same order.  Android boot and recovery images currently
     48  * consist of five chunks:  a small normal header, a gzipped kernel, a
     49  * small normal section, a gzipped ramdisk, and finally a small normal
     50  * footer.
     51  *
     52  * Caveats:  we locate gzipped sections within the source and target
     53  * images by searching for the byte sequence 1f8b0800:  1f8b is the gzip
     54  * magic number; 08 specifies the "deflate" encoding [the only encoding
     55  * supported by the gzip standard]; and 00 is the flags byte.  We do not
     56  * currently support any extra header fields (which would be indicated by
     57  * a nonzero flags byte).  We also don't handle the case when that byte
     58  * sequence appears spuriously in the file.  (Note that it would have to
     59  * occur spuriously within a normal chunk to be a problem.)
     60  *
     61  *
     62  * The imgdiff patch header looks like this:
     63  *
     64  *    "IMGDIFF1"                  (8)   [magic number and version]
     65  *    chunk count                 (4)
     66  *    for each chunk:
     67  *        chunk type              (4)   [CHUNK_{NORMAL, GZIP, DEFLATE, RAW}]
     68  *        if chunk type == CHUNK_NORMAL:
     69  *           source start         (8)
     70  *           source len           (8)
     71  *           bsdiff patch offset  (8)   [from start of patch file]
     72  *        if chunk type == CHUNK_GZIP:      (version 1 only)
     73  *           source start         (8)
     74  *           source len           (8)
     75  *           bsdiff patch offset  (8)   [from start of patch file]
     76  *           source expanded len  (8)   [size of uncompressed source]
     77  *           target expected len  (8)   [size of uncompressed target]
     78  *           gzip level           (4)
     79  *                method          (4)
     80  *                windowBits      (4)
     81  *                memLevel        (4)
     82  *                strategy        (4)
     83  *           gzip header len      (4)
     84  *           gzip header          (gzip header len)
     85  *           gzip footer          (8)
     86  *        if chunk type == CHUNK_DEFLATE:   (version 2 only)
     87  *           source start         (8)
     88  *           source len           (8)
     89  *           bsdiff patch offset  (8)   [from start of patch file]
     90  *           source expanded len  (8)   [size of uncompressed source]
     91  *           target expected len  (8)   [size of uncompressed target]
     92  *           gzip level           (4)
     93  *                method          (4)
     94  *                windowBits      (4)
     95  *                memLevel        (4)
     96  *                strategy        (4)
     97  *        if chunk type == RAW:             (version 2 only)
     98  *           target len           (4)
     99  *           data                 (target len)
    100  *
    101  * All integers are little-endian.  "source start" and "source len"
    102  * specify the section of the input image that comprises this chunk,
    103  * including the gzip header and footer for gzip chunks.  "source
    104  * expanded len" is the size of the uncompressed source data.  "target
    105  * expected len" is the size of the uncompressed data after applying
    106  * the bsdiff patch.  The next five parameters specify the zlib
    107  * parameters to be used when compressing the patched data, and the
    108  * next three specify the header and footer to be wrapped around the
    109  * compressed data to create the output chunk (so that header contents
    110  * like the timestamp are recreated exactly).
    111  *
    112  * After the header there are 'chunk count' bsdiff patches; the offset
    113  * of each from the beginning of the file is specified in the header.
    114  */
    116 #include <errno.h>
    117 #include <stdio.h>
    118 #include <stdlib.h>
    119 #include <string.h>
    120 #include <sys/stat.h>
    121 #include <unistd.h>
    122 #include <sys/types.h>
    124 #include "zlib.h"
    125 #include "imgdiff.h"
    126 #include "utils.h"
    128 typedef struct {
    129   int type;             // CHUNK_NORMAL, CHUNK_DEFLATE
    130   size_t start;         // offset of chunk in original image file
    132   size_t len;
    133   unsigned char* data;  // data to be patched (uncompressed, for deflate chunks)
    135   size_t source_start;
    136   size_t source_len;
    138   off_t* I;             // used by bsdiff
    140   // --- for CHUNK_DEFLATE chunks only: ---
    142   // original (compressed) deflate data
    143   size_t deflate_len;
    144   unsigned char* deflate_data;
    146   char* filename;       // used for zip entries
    148   // deflate encoder parameters
    149   int level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy;
    151   size_t source_uncompressed_len;
    152 } ImageChunk;
    154 typedef struct {
    155   int data_offset;
    156   int deflate_len;
    157   int uncomp_len;
    158   char* filename;
    159 } ZipFileEntry;
    161 static int fileentry_compare(const void* a, const void* b) {
    162   int ao = ((ZipFileEntry*)a)->data_offset;
    163   int bo = ((ZipFileEntry*)b)->data_offset;
    164   if (ao < bo) {
    165     return -1;
    166   } else if (ao > bo) {
    167     return 1;
    168   } else {
    169     return 0;
    170   }
    171 }
    173 // from bsdiff.c
    174 int bsdiff(u_char* old, off_t oldsize, off_t** IP, u_char* new, off_t newsize,
    175            const char* patch_filename);
    177 unsigned char* ReadZip(const char* filename,
    178                        int* num_chunks, ImageChunk** chunks,
    179                        int include_pseudo_chunk) {
    180   struct stat st;
    181   if (stat(filename, &st) != 0) {
    182     printf("failed to stat \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    183     return NULL;
    184   }
    186   unsigned char* img = malloc(st.st_size);
    187   FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb");
    188   if (fread(img, 1, st.st_size, f) != st.st_size) {
    189     printf("failed to read \"%s\" %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    190     fclose(f);
    191     return NULL;
    192   }
    193   fclose(f);
    195   // look for the end-of-central-directory record.
    197   int i;
    198   for (i = st.st_size-20; i >= 0 && i > st.st_size - 65600; --i) {
    199     if (img[i] == 0x50 && img[i+1] == 0x4b &&
    200         img[i+2] == 0x05 && img[i+3] == 0x06) {
    201       break;
    202     }
    203   }
    204   // double-check: this archive consists of a single "disk"
    205   if (!(img[i+4] == 0 && img[i+5] == 0 && img[i+6] == 0 && img[i+7] == 0)) {
    206     printf("can't process multi-disk archive\n");
    207     return NULL;
    208   }
    210   int cdcount = Read2(img+i+8);
    211   int cdoffset = Read4(img+i+16);
    213   ZipFileEntry* temp_entries = malloc(cdcount * sizeof(ZipFileEntry));
    214   int entrycount = 0;
    216   unsigned char* cd = img+cdoffset;
    217   for (i = 0; i < cdcount; ++i) {
    218     if (!(cd[0] == 0x50 && cd[1] == 0x4b && cd[2] == 0x01 && cd[3] == 0x02)) {
    219       printf("bad central directory entry %d\n", i);
    220       return NULL;
    221     }
    223     int clen = Read4(cd+20);   // compressed len
    224     int ulen = Read4(cd+24);   // uncompressed len
    225     int nlen = Read2(cd+28);   // filename len
    226     int xlen = Read2(cd+30);   // extra field len
    227     int mlen = Read2(cd+32);   // file comment len
    228     int hoffset = Read4(cd+42);   // local header offset
    230     char* filename = malloc(nlen+1);
    231     memcpy(filename, cd+46, nlen);
    232     filename[nlen] = '\0';
    234     int method = Read2(cd+10);
    236     cd += 46 + nlen + xlen + mlen;
    238     if (method != 8) {  // 8 == deflate
    239       free(filename);
    240       continue;
    241     }
    243     unsigned char* lh = img + hoffset;
    245     if (!(lh[0] == 0x50 && lh[1] == 0x4b && lh[2] == 0x03 && lh[3] == 0x04)) {
    246       printf("bad local file header entry %d\n", i);
    247       return NULL;
    248     }
    250     if (Read2(lh+26) != nlen || memcmp(lh+30, filename, nlen) != 0) {
    251       printf("central dir filename doesn't match local header\n");
    252       return NULL;
    253     }
    255     xlen = Read2(lh+28);   // extra field len; might be different from CD entry?
    257     temp_entries[entrycount].data_offset = hoffset+30+nlen+xlen;
    258     temp_entries[entrycount].deflate_len = clen;
    259     temp_entries[entrycount].uncomp_len = ulen;
    260     temp_entries[entrycount].filename = filename;
    261     ++entrycount;
    262   }
    264   qsort(temp_entries, entrycount, sizeof(ZipFileEntry), fileentry_compare);
    266 #if 0
    267   printf("found %d deflated entries\n", entrycount);
    268   for (i = 0; i < entrycount; ++i) {
    269     printf("off %10d  len %10d unlen %10d   %p %s\n",
    270            temp_entries[i].data_offset,
    271            temp_entries[i].deflate_len,
    272            temp_entries[i].uncomp_len,
    273            temp_entries[i].filename,
    274            temp_entries[i].filename);
    275   }
    276 #endif
    278   *num_chunks = 0;
    279   *chunks = malloc((entrycount*2+2) * sizeof(ImageChunk));
    280   ImageChunk* curr = *chunks;
    282   if (include_pseudo_chunk) {
    283     curr->type = CHUNK_NORMAL;
    284     curr->start = 0;
    285     curr->len = st.st_size;
    286     curr->data = img;
    287     curr->filename = NULL;
    288     curr->I = NULL;
    289     ++curr;
    290     ++*num_chunks;
    291   }
    293   int pos = 0;
    294   int nextentry = 0;
    296   while (pos < st.st_size) {
    297     if (nextentry < entrycount && pos == temp_entries[nextentry].data_offset) {
    298       curr->type = CHUNK_DEFLATE;
    299       curr->start = pos;
    300       curr->deflate_len = temp_entries[nextentry].deflate_len;
    301       curr->deflate_data = img + pos;
    302       curr->filename = temp_entries[nextentry].filename;
    303       curr->I = NULL;
    305       curr->len = temp_entries[nextentry].uncomp_len;
    306       curr->data = malloc(curr->len);
    308       z_stream strm;
    309       strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    310       strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
    311       strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
    312       strm.avail_in = curr->deflate_len;
    313       strm.next_in = curr->deflate_data;
    315       // -15 means we are decoding a 'raw' deflate stream; zlib will
    316       // not expect zlib headers.
    317       int ret = inflateInit2(&strm, -15);
    319       strm.avail_out = curr->len;
    320       strm.next_out = curr->data;
    321       ret = inflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
    322       if (ret != Z_STREAM_END) {
    323         printf("failed to inflate \"%s\"; %d\n", curr->filename, ret);
    324         return NULL;
    325       }
    327       inflateEnd(&strm);
    329       pos += curr->deflate_len;
    330       ++nextentry;
    331       ++*num_chunks;
    332       ++curr;
    333       continue;
    334     }
    336     // use a normal chunk to take all the data up to the start of the
    337     // next deflate section.
    339     curr->type = CHUNK_NORMAL;
    340     curr->start = pos;
    341     if (nextentry < entrycount) {
    342       curr->len = temp_entries[nextentry].data_offset - pos;
    343     } else {
    344       curr->len = st.st_size - pos;
    345     }
    346     curr->data = img + pos;
    347     curr->filename = NULL;
    348     curr->I = NULL;
    349     pos += curr->len;
    351     ++*num_chunks;
    352     ++curr;
    353   }
    355   free(temp_entries);
    356   return img;
    357 }
    359 /*
    360  * Read the given file and break it up into chunks, putting the number
    361  * of chunks and their info in *num_chunks and **chunks,
    362  * respectively.  Returns a malloc'd block of memory containing the
    363  * contents of the file; various pointers in the output chunk array
    364  * will point into this block of memory.  The caller should free the
    365  * return value when done with all the chunks.  Returns NULL on
    366  * failure.
    367  */
    368 unsigned char* ReadImage(const char* filename,
    369                          int* num_chunks, ImageChunk** chunks) {
    370   struct stat st;
    371   if (stat(filename, &st) != 0) {
    372     printf("failed to stat \"%s\": %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    373     return NULL;
    374   }
    376   unsigned char* img = malloc(st.st_size + 4);
    377   FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb");
    378   if (fread(img, 1, st.st_size, f) != st.st_size) {
    379     printf("failed to read \"%s\" %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
    380     fclose(f);
    381     return NULL;
    382   }
    383   fclose(f);
    385   // append 4 zero bytes to the data so we can always search for the
    386   // four-byte string 1f8b0800 starting at any point in the actual
    387   // file data, without special-casing the end of the data.
    388   memset(img+st.st_size, 0, 4);
    390   size_t pos = 0;
    392   *num_chunks = 0;
    393   *chunks = NULL;
    395   while (pos < st.st_size) {
    396     unsigned char* p = img+pos;
    398     if (st.st_size - pos >= 4 &&
    399         p[0] == 0x1f && p[1] == 0x8b &&
    400         p[2] == 0x08 &&    // deflate compression
    401         p[3] == 0x00) {    // no header flags
    402       // 'pos' is the offset of the start of a gzip chunk.
    404       *num_chunks += 3;
    405       *chunks = realloc(*chunks, *num_chunks * sizeof(ImageChunk));
    406       ImageChunk* curr = *chunks + (*num_chunks-3);
    408       // create a normal chunk for the header.
    409       curr->start = pos;
    410       curr->type = CHUNK_NORMAL;
    411       curr->len = GZIP_HEADER_LEN;
    412       curr->data = p;
    413       curr->I = NULL;
    415       pos += curr->len;
    416       p += curr->len;
    417       ++curr;
    419       curr->type = CHUNK_DEFLATE;
    420       curr->filename = NULL;
    421       curr->I = NULL;
    423       // We must decompress this chunk in order to discover where it
    424       // ends, and so we can put the uncompressed data and its length
    425       // into curr->data and curr->len.
    427       size_t allocated = 32768;
    428       curr->len = 0;
    429       curr->data = malloc(allocated);
    430       curr->start = pos;
    431       curr->deflate_data = p;
    433       z_stream strm;
    434       strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    435       strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
    436       strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
    437       strm.avail_in = st.st_size - pos;
    438       strm.next_in = p;
    440       // -15 means we are decoding a 'raw' deflate stream; zlib will
    441       // not expect zlib headers.
    442       int ret = inflateInit2(&strm, -15);
    444       do {
    445         strm.avail_out = allocated - curr->len;
    446         strm.next_out = curr->data + curr->len;
    447         ret = inflate(&strm, Z_NO_FLUSH);
    448         curr->len = allocated - strm.avail_out;
    449         if (strm.avail_out == 0) {
    450           allocated *= 2;
    451           curr->data = realloc(curr->data, allocated);
    452         }
    453       } while (ret != Z_STREAM_END);
    455       curr->deflate_len = st.st_size - strm.avail_in - pos;
    456       inflateEnd(&strm);
    457       pos += curr->deflate_len;
    458       p += curr->deflate_len;
    459       ++curr;
    461       // create a normal chunk for the footer
    463       curr->type = CHUNK_NORMAL;
    464       curr->start = pos;
    465       curr->len = GZIP_FOOTER_LEN;
    466       curr->data = img+pos;
    467       curr->I = NULL;
    469       pos += curr->len;
    470       p += curr->len;
    471       ++curr;
    473       // The footer (that we just skipped over) contains the size of
    474       // the uncompressed data.  Double-check to make sure that it
    475       // matches the size of the data we got when we actually did
    476       // the decompression.
    477       size_t footer_size = Read4(p-4);
    478       if (footer_size != curr[-2].len) {
    479         printf("Error: footer size %d != decompressed size %d\n",
    480                 footer_size, curr[-2].len);
    481         free(img);
    482         return NULL;
    483       }
    484     } else {
    485       // Reallocate the list for every chunk; we expect the number of
    486       // chunks to be small (5 for typical boot and recovery images).
    487       ++*num_chunks;
    488       *chunks = realloc(*chunks, *num_chunks * sizeof(ImageChunk));
    489       ImageChunk* curr = *chunks + (*num_chunks-1);
    490       curr->start = pos;
    491       curr->I = NULL;
    493       // 'pos' is not the offset of the start of a gzip chunk, so scan
    494       // forward until we find a gzip header.
    495       curr->type = CHUNK_NORMAL;
    496       curr->data = p;
    498       for (curr->len = 0; curr->len < (st.st_size - pos); ++curr->len) {
    499         if (p[curr->len] == 0x1f &&
    500             p[curr->len+1] == 0x8b &&
    501             p[curr->len+2] == 0x08 &&
    502             p[curr->len+3] == 0x00) {
    503           break;
    504         }
    505       }
    506       pos += curr->len;
    507     }
    508   }
    510   return img;
    511 }
    513 #define BUFFER_SIZE 32768
    515 /*
    516  * Takes the uncompressed data stored in the chunk, compresses it
    517  * using the zlib parameters stored in the chunk, and checks that it
    518  * matches exactly the compressed data we started with (also stored in
    519  * the chunk).  Return 0 on success.
    520  */
    521 int TryReconstruction(ImageChunk* chunk, unsigned char* out) {
    522   size_t p = 0;
    524 #if 0
    525   printf("trying %d %d %d %d %d\n",
    526           chunk->level, chunk->method, chunk->windowBits,
    527           chunk->memLevel, chunk->strategy);
    528 #endif
    530   z_stream strm;
    531   strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
    532   strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
    533   strm.opaque = Z_NULL;
    534   strm.avail_in = chunk->len;
    535   strm.next_in = chunk->data;
    536   int ret;
    537   ret = deflateInit2(&strm, chunk->level, chunk->method, chunk->windowBits,
    538                      chunk->memLevel, chunk->strategy);
    539   do {
    540     strm.avail_out = BUFFER_SIZE;
    541     strm.next_out = out;
    542     ret = deflate(&strm, Z_FINISH);
    543     size_t have = BUFFER_SIZE - strm.avail_out;
    545     if (memcmp(out, chunk->deflate_data+p, have) != 0) {
    546       // mismatch; data isn't the same.
    547       deflateEnd(&strm);
    548       return -1;
    549     }
    550     p += have;
    551   } while (ret != Z_STREAM_END);
    552   deflateEnd(&strm);
    553   if (p != chunk->deflate_len) {
    554     // mismatch; ran out of data before we should have.
    555     return -1;
    556   }
    557   return 0;
    558 }
    560 /*
    561  * Verify that we can reproduce exactly the same compressed data that
    562  * we started with.  Sets the level, method, windowBits, memLevel, and
    563  * strategy fields in the chunk to the encoding parameters needed to
    564  * produce the right output.  Returns 0 on success.
    565  */
    566 int ReconstructDeflateChunk(ImageChunk* chunk) {
    567   if (chunk->type != CHUNK_DEFLATE) {
    568     printf("attempt to reconstruct non-deflate chunk\n");
    569     return -1;
    570   }
    572   size_t p = 0;
    573   unsigned char* out = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE);
    575   // We only check two combinations of encoder parameters:  level 6
    576   // (the default) and level 9 (the maximum).
    577   for (chunk->level = 6; chunk->level <= 9; chunk->level += 3) {
    578     chunk->windowBits = -15;  // 32kb window; negative to indicate a raw stream.
    579     chunk->memLevel = 8;      // the default value.
    580     chunk->method = Z_DEFLATED;
    581     chunk->strategy = Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
    583     if (TryReconstruction(chunk, out) == 0) {
    584       free(out);
    585       return 0;
    586     }
    587   }
    589   free(out);
    590   return -1;
    591 }
    593 /*
    594  * Given source and target chunks, compute a bsdiff patch between them
    595  * by running bsdiff in a subprocess.  Return the patch data, placing
    596  * its length in *size.  Return NULL on failure.  We expect the bsdiff
    597  * program to be in the path.
    598  */
    599 unsigned char* MakePatch(ImageChunk* src, ImageChunk* tgt, size_t* size) {
    600   if (tgt->type == CHUNK_NORMAL) {
    601     if (tgt->len <= 160) {
    602       tgt->type = CHUNK_RAW;
    603       *size = tgt->len;
    604       return tgt->data;
    605     }
    606   }
    608   char ptemp[] = "/tmp/imgdiff-patch-XXXXXX";
    609   mkstemp(ptemp);
    611   int r = bsdiff(src->data, src->len, &(src->I), tgt->data, tgt->len, ptemp);
    612   if (r != 0) {
    613     printf("bsdiff() failed: %d\n", r);
    614     return NULL;
    615   }
    617   struct stat st;
    618   if (stat(ptemp, &st) != 0) {
    619     printf("failed to stat patch file %s: %s\n",
    620             ptemp, strerror(errno));
    621     return NULL;
    622   }
    624   unsigned char* data = malloc(st.st_size);
    626   if (tgt->type == CHUNK_NORMAL && tgt->len <= st.st_size) {
    627     unlink(ptemp);
    629     tgt->type = CHUNK_RAW;
    630     *size = tgt->len;
    631     return tgt->data;
    632   }
    634   *size = st.st_size;
    636   FILE* f = fopen(ptemp, "rb");
    637   if (f == NULL) {
    638     printf("failed to open patch %s: %s\n", ptemp, strerror(errno));
    639     return NULL;
    640   }
    641   if (fread(data, 1, st.st_size, f) != st.st_size) {
    642     printf("failed to read patch %s: %s\n", ptemp, strerror(errno));
    643     return NULL;
    644   }
    645   fclose(f);
    647   unlink(ptemp);
    649   tgt->source_start = src->start;
    650   switch (tgt->type) {
    651     case CHUNK_NORMAL:
    652       tgt->source_len = src->len;
    653       break;
    654     case CHUNK_DEFLATE:
    655       tgt->source_len = src->deflate_len;
    656       tgt->source_uncompressed_len = src->len;
    657       break;
    658   }
    660   return data;
    661 }
    663 /*
    664  * Cause a gzip chunk to be treated as a normal chunk (ie, as a blob
    665  * of uninterpreted data).  The resulting patch will likely be about
    666  * as big as the target file, but it lets us handle the case of images
    667  * where some gzip chunks are reconstructible but others aren't (by
    668  * treating the ones that aren't as normal chunks).
    669  */
    670 void ChangeDeflateChunkToNormal(ImageChunk* ch) {
    671   if (ch->type != CHUNK_DEFLATE) return;
    672   ch->type = CHUNK_NORMAL;
    673   free(ch->data);
    674   ch->data = ch->deflate_data;
    675   ch->len = ch->deflate_len;
    676 }
    678 /*
    679  * Return true if the data in the chunk is identical (including the
    680  * compressed representation, for gzip chunks).
    681  */
    682 int AreChunksEqual(ImageChunk* a, ImageChunk* b) {
    683     if (a->type != b->type) return 0;
    685     switch (a->type) {
    686         case CHUNK_NORMAL:
    687             return a->len == b->len && memcmp(a->data, b->data, a->len) == 0;
    689         case CHUNK_DEFLATE:
    690             return a->deflate_len == b->deflate_len &&
    691                 memcmp(a->deflate_data, b->deflate_data, a->deflate_len) == 0;
    693         default:
    694             printf("unknown chunk type %d\n", a->type);
    695             return 0;
    696     }
    697 }
    699 /*
    700  * Look for runs of adjacent normal chunks and compress them down into
    701  * a single chunk.  (Such runs can be produced when deflate chunks are
    702  * changed to normal chunks.)
    703  */
    704 void MergeAdjacentNormalChunks(ImageChunk* chunks, int* num_chunks) {
    705   int out = 0;
    706   int in_start = 0, in_end;
    707   while (in_start < *num_chunks) {
    708     if (chunks[in_start].type != CHUNK_NORMAL) {
    709       in_end = in_start+1;
    710     } else {
    711       // in_start is a normal chunk.  Look for a run of normal chunks
    712       // that constitute a solid block of data (ie, each chunk begins
    713       // where the previous one ended).
    714       for (in_end = in_start+1;
    715            in_end < *num_chunks && chunks[in_end].type == CHUNK_NORMAL &&
    716              (chunks[in_end].start ==
    717               chunks[in_end-1].start + chunks[in_end-1].len &&
    718               chunks[in_end].data ==
    719               chunks[in_end-1].data + chunks[in_end-1].len);
    720            ++in_end);
    721     }
    723     if (in_end == in_start+1) {
    724 #if 0
    725       printf("chunk %d is now %d\n", in_start, out);
    726 #endif
    727       if (out != in_start) {
    728         memcpy(chunks+out, chunks+in_start, sizeof(ImageChunk));
    729       }
    730     } else {
    731 #if 0
    732       printf("collapse normal chunks %d-%d into %d\n", in_start, in_end-1, out);
    733 #endif
    735       // Merge chunks [in_start, in_end-1] into one chunk.  Since the
    736       // data member of each chunk is just a pointer into an in-memory
    737       // copy of the file, this can be done without recopying (the
    738       // output chunk has the first chunk's start location and data
    739       // pointer, and length equal to the sum of the input chunk
    740       // lengths).
    741       chunks[out].type = CHUNK_NORMAL;
    742       chunks[out].start = chunks[in_start].start;
    743       chunks[out].data = chunks[in_start].data;
    744       chunks[out].len = chunks[in_end-1].len +
    745         (chunks[in_end-1].start - chunks[in_start].start);
    746     }
    748     ++out;
    749     in_start = in_end;
    750   }
    751   *num_chunks = out;
    752 }
    754 ImageChunk* FindChunkByName(const char* name,
    755                             ImageChunk* chunks, int num_chunks) {
    756   int i;
    757   for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; ++i) {
    758     if (chunks[i].type == CHUNK_DEFLATE && chunks[i].filename &&
    759         strcmp(name, chunks[i].filename) == 0) {
    760       return chunks+i;
    761     }
    762   }
    763   return NULL;
    764 }
    766 void DumpChunks(ImageChunk* chunks, int num_chunks) {
    767     int i;
    768     for (i = 0; i < num_chunks; ++i) {
    769         printf("chunk %d: type %d start %d len %d\n",
    770                i, chunks[i].type, chunks[i].start, chunks[i].len);
    771     }
    772 }
    774 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    775   if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) {
    776     usage:
    777     printf("usage: %s [-z] <src-img> <tgt-img> <patch-file>\n",
    778             argv[0]);
    779     return 2;
    780   }
    782   int zip_mode = 0;
    784   if (strcmp(argv[1], "-z") == 0) {
    785     zip_mode = 1;
    786     --argc;
    787     ++argv;
    788   }
    791   int num_src_chunks;
    792   ImageChunk* src_chunks;
    793   int num_tgt_chunks;
    794   ImageChunk* tgt_chunks;
    795   int i;
    797   if (zip_mode) {
    798     if (ReadZip(argv[1], &num_src_chunks, &src_chunks, 1) == NULL) {
    799       printf("failed to break apart source zip file\n");
    800       return 1;
    801     }
    802     if (ReadZip(argv[2], &num_tgt_chunks, &tgt_chunks, 0) == NULL) {
    803       printf("failed to break apart target zip file\n");
    804       return 1;
    805     }
    806   } else {
    807     if (ReadImage(argv[1], &num_src_chunks, &src_chunks) == NULL) {
    808       printf("failed to break apart source image\n");
    809       return 1;
    810     }
    811     if (ReadImage(argv[2], &num_tgt_chunks, &tgt_chunks) == NULL) {
    812       printf("failed to break apart target image\n");
    813       return 1;
    814     }
    816     // Verify that the source and target images have the same chunk
    817     // structure (ie, the same sequence of deflate and normal chunks).
    819     if (!zip_mode) {
    820         // Merge the gzip header and footer in with any adjacent
    821         // normal chunks.
    822         MergeAdjacentNormalChunks(tgt_chunks, &num_tgt_chunks);
    823         MergeAdjacentNormalChunks(src_chunks, &num_src_chunks);
    824     }
    826     if (num_src_chunks != num_tgt_chunks) {
    827       printf("source and target don't have same number of chunks!\n");
    828       printf("source chunks:\n");
    829       DumpChunks(src_chunks, num_src_chunks);
    830       printf("target chunks:\n");
    831       DumpChunks(tgt_chunks, num_tgt_chunks);
    832       return 1;
    833     }
    834     for (i = 0; i < num_src_chunks; ++i) {
    835       if (src_chunks[i].type != tgt_chunks[i].type) {
    836         printf("source and target don't have same chunk "
    837                 "structure! (chunk %d)\n", i);
    838         printf("source chunks:\n");
    839         DumpChunks(src_chunks, num_src_chunks);
    840         printf("target chunks:\n");
    841         DumpChunks(tgt_chunks, num_tgt_chunks);
    842         return 1;
    843       }
    844     }
    845   }
    847   for (i = 0; i < num_tgt_chunks; ++i) {
    848     if (tgt_chunks[i].type == CHUNK_DEFLATE) {
    849       // Confirm that given the uncompressed chunk data in the target, we
    850       // can recompress it and get exactly the same bits as are in the
    851       // input target image.  If this fails, treat the chunk as a normal
    852       // non-deflated chunk.
    853       if (ReconstructDeflateChunk(tgt_chunks+i) < 0) {
    854         printf("failed to reconstruct target deflate chunk %d [%s]; "
    855                "treating as normal\n", i, tgt_chunks[i].filename);
    856         ChangeDeflateChunkToNormal(tgt_chunks+i);
    857         if (zip_mode) {
    858           ImageChunk* src = FindChunkByName(tgt_chunks[i].filename, src_chunks, num_src_chunks);
    859           if (src) {
    860             ChangeDeflateChunkToNormal(src);
    861           }
    862         } else {
    863           ChangeDeflateChunkToNormal(src_chunks+i);
    864         }
    865         continue;
    866       }
    868       // If two deflate chunks are identical (eg, the kernel has not
    869       // changed between two builds), treat them as normal chunks.
    870       // This makes applypatch much faster -- it can apply a trivial
    871       // patch to the compressed data, rather than uncompressing and
    872       // recompressing to apply the trivial patch to the uncompressed
    873       // data.
    874       ImageChunk* src;
    875       if (zip_mode) {
    876         src = FindChunkByName(tgt_chunks[i].filename, src_chunks, num_src_chunks);
    877       } else {
    878         src = src_chunks+i;
    879       }
    881       if (src == NULL || AreChunksEqual(tgt_chunks+i, src)) {
    882         ChangeDeflateChunkToNormal(tgt_chunks+i);
    883         if (src) {
    884           ChangeDeflateChunkToNormal(src);
    885         }
    886       }
    887     }
    888   }
    890   // Merging neighboring normal chunks.
    891   if (zip_mode) {
    892     // For zips, we only need to do this to the target:  deflated
    893     // chunks are matched via filename, and normal chunks are patched
    894     // using the entire source file as the source.
    895     MergeAdjacentNormalChunks(tgt_chunks, &num_tgt_chunks);
    896   } else {
    897     // For images, we need to maintain the parallel structure of the
    898     // chunk lists, so do the merging in both the source and target
    899     // lists.
    900     MergeAdjacentNormalChunks(tgt_chunks, &num_tgt_chunks);
    901     MergeAdjacentNormalChunks(src_chunks, &num_src_chunks);
    902     if (num_src_chunks != num_tgt_chunks) {
    903       // This shouldn't happen.
    904       printf("merging normal chunks went awry\n");
    905       return 1;
    906     }
    907   }
    909   // Compute bsdiff patches for each chunk's data (the uncompressed
    910   // data, in the case of deflate chunks).
    912   printf("Construct patches for %d chunks...\n", num_tgt_chunks);
    913   unsigned char** patch_data = malloc(num_tgt_chunks * sizeof(unsigned char*));
    914   size_t* patch_size = malloc(num_tgt_chunks * sizeof(size_t));
    915   for (i = 0; i < num_tgt_chunks; ++i) {
    916     if (zip_mode) {
    917       ImageChunk* src;
    918       if (tgt_chunks[i].type == CHUNK_DEFLATE &&
    919           (src = FindChunkByName(tgt_chunks[i].filename, src_chunks,
    920                                  num_src_chunks))) {
    921         patch_data[i] = MakePatch(src, tgt_chunks+i, patch_size+i);
    922       } else {
    923         patch_data[i] = MakePatch(src_chunks, tgt_chunks+i, patch_size+i);
    924       }
    925     } else {
    926       patch_data[i] = MakePatch(src_chunks+i, tgt_chunks+i, patch_size+i);
    927     }
    928     printf("patch %3d is %d bytes (of %d)\n",
    929            i, patch_size[i], tgt_chunks[i].source_len);
    930   }
    932   // Figure out how big the imgdiff file header is going to be, so
    933   // that we can correctly compute the offset of each bsdiff patch
    934   // within the file.
    936   size_t total_header_size = 12;
    937   for (i = 0; i < num_tgt_chunks; ++i) {
    938     total_header_size += 4;
    939     switch (tgt_chunks[i].type) {
    940       case CHUNK_NORMAL:
    941         total_header_size += 8*3;
    942         break;
    943       case CHUNK_DEFLATE:
    944         total_header_size += 8*5 + 4*5;
    945         break;
    946       case CHUNK_RAW:
    947         total_header_size += 4 + patch_size[i];
    948         break;
    949     }
    950   }
    952   size_t offset = total_header_size;
    954   FILE* f = fopen(argv[3], "wb");
    956   // Write out the headers.
    958   fwrite("IMGDIFF2", 1, 8, f);
    959   Write4(num_tgt_chunks, f);
    960   for (i = 0; i < num_tgt_chunks; ++i) {
    961     Write4(tgt_chunks[i].type, f);
    963     switch (tgt_chunks[i].type) {
    964       case CHUNK_NORMAL:
    965         printf("chunk %3d: normal   (%10d, %10d)  %10d\n", i,
    966                tgt_chunks[i].start, tgt_chunks[i].len, patch_size[i]);
    967         Write8(tgt_chunks[i].source_start, f);
    968         Write8(tgt_chunks[i].source_len, f);
    969         Write8(offset, f);
    970         offset += patch_size[i];
    971         break;
    973       case CHUNK_DEFLATE:
    974         printf("chunk %3d: deflate  (%10d, %10d)  %10d  %s\n", i,
    975                tgt_chunks[i].start, tgt_chunks[i].deflate_len, patch_size[i],
    976                tgt_chunks[i].filename);
    977         Write8(tgt_chunks[i].source_start, f);
    978         Write8(tgt_chunks[i].source_len, f);
    979         Write8(offset, f);
    980         Write8(tgt_chunks[i].source_uncompressed_len, f);
    981         Write8(tgt_chunks[i].len, f);
    982         Write4(tgt_chunks[i].level, f);
    983         Write4(tgt_chunks[i].method, f);
    984         Write4(tgt_chunks[i].windowBits, f);
    985         Write4(tgt_chunks[i].memLevel, f);
    986         Write4(tgt_chunks[i].strategy, f);
    987         offset += patch_size[i];
    988         break;
    990       case CHUNK_RAW:
    991         printf("chunk %3d: raw      (%10d, %10d)\n", i,
    992                tgt_chunks[i].start, tgt_chunks[i].len);
    993         Write4(patch_size[i], f);
    994         fwrite(patch_data[i], 1, patch_size[i], f);
    995         break;
    996     }
    997   }
    999   // Append each chunk's bsdiff patch, in order.
   1001   for (i = 0; i < num_tgt_chunks; ++i) {
   1002     if (tgt_chunks[i].type != CHUNK_RAW) {
   1003       fwrite(patch_data[i], 1, patch_size[i], f);
   1004     }
   1005   }
   1007   fclose(f);
   1009   return 0;
   1010 }