1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 2 <glgps xmlns="http://www.glpals.com/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.glpals.com/ glconfig.xsd" > 3 <!--HAL Confguration --> 4 <hal 5 acPortName="/dev/s3c2410_serial1" lBaudRate="115200" cLogEnabled="false" acLogDirectory="/data/gps/log/" ltoFileName="lto2.dat" 6 enhanced-assisted="false" cp-enhanced-assisted="false" TISEnabled="false" RILEnabled="true" LPmode="false" cp-cold-start="false" cp-guard-time-sec="2" 7 arp-supl-enable="true" arp-supl-cap-msb="true" arp-supl-cap-msa="true" arp-supl-cap-ecid="false" arp-supl-reaiding-time-sec="1200" 8 acSuplServer="supl.google.com" SuplPort="7276" 9 LbsEnable="true" LbsLocal="false" LbsServer="bcmls2.glpals.com" LbsPort="7275" LbsSyncTimeSec = "60" LbsSyncLto="true" LbsSyncCells="true" 10 LbsGetGpsAssistance="false" 11 LbsSyncLtoThresholdDays="3" 12 gpioNStdbyPath="/sys/class/sec/gps/GPS_PWR_EN/value" 13 gpioNResetPath="/sys/class/sec/gps/GPS_nRST/value" 14 gpioDelayMs="250" 15 lcsApiSockName="/dev/socket/gps" 16 acNvStoDir="/data/gps/" 17 /> 18 19 <!-- Parameters passed to GlEngine --> 20 <!--gll 21 LogPriMask="LOG_DEBUG" 22 LogFacMask="LOG_GLLAPI | LOG_DEVIA | LOG_NMEA | LOG_RAWDATA | LOG_DEVMS | LOG_ASIC_IO | LOG_BBTEST | LOG_DEVET | LOG_MESM | LOG_DEVKF | LOG_DEVJG | LOG_DEVMR" 23 FrqPlan="FRQ_PLAN_10MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_100PPB" FrqPlan="FRQ_PLAN_10MHZ_2PPM" "FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM" 24 RfType="GL_RF_PALS7" "GL_RF_BARRACUDA" "GL_RF_2075_LN22" "GL_RF_2075_BRCM" "GL_RF_PALS7_BRCM" "GL_RF_BARRACUDA_BRCM" "GL_RF_BARRACUDA_EXT_LNA" 25 NOTE: "GL_RF_BARRACUDA_EXT_LNA" should be used for BAS 26 LbsEnable="true" LbsLocal="true" LbsServer="bcmlbsqa1.glpals.com" LbsPort="7275" LbsSyncTimeSec = "60" LbsSyncLto="true" LbsSyncCells="true" 27 /--> 28 29 <!-- NOTE: BrcmRFwildBase, BrcmRFclkDiv, anBrcmRFclkRefHz only needed for Broadcom RF front end test chips 30 ( i.e. GL_RF_2075_BRCM and GL_RF_PALS7_BRCM ) --> 31 32 <gll 33 LogPriMask="LOG_DEBUG" 34 LogFacMask="LOG_GLLAPI | LOG_NMEA | LOG_ASIC_IO" 35 FrqPlan="FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_300PPB" 36 RfType="GL_RF_4751_DANUBE_EXT_LNA" 37 pps-enable="false" pps-offset-ms="0" pps-width-ns="100" 38 WarmStandbyTimeout1Seconds="5" 39 WarmStandbyTimeout2Seconds="10" 40 CNoSmoothEnable="true" 41 > 42 <periodic_hor_acc_remap> 43 <remap in="50" out="55" /> 44 </periodic_hor_acc_remap> 45 </gll> 46 47 <!-- List of jobs can be performed by the GPS controller --> 48 49 <!-- The default job all parameters are set to default values --> 50 <!-- Periodic Position Fix using default settings --> 51 <job id="Periodic"> 52 <task> 53 <req_pos/> 54 </task> 55 </job> 56 57 <!-- Periodic Position with the ROM almanac ignored for simulator testing --> 58 <job id="Simulator_Periodic"> 59 <task id="cont" repeat="1"> 60 <startup ignore_rom_alm="true" /> 61 <req_pos validfix="2000" duration_sec="4500"/> 62 </task> 63 </job> 64 65 <!-- Repetetive cold starts --> 66 <job id="Cold_Starts"> 67 <task repeat="1000000"> 68 <startup 69 ignore_osc="false" 70 ignore_rom_alm="false" 71 ignore_ram_alm="false" 72 ignore_pos="true" 73 ignore_nav="true" 74 ignore_time="true" 75 /> 76 <req_pos validfix="1"/> 77 </task> 78 </job> 79 80 <!-- Repetetive cold starts with the ROM almanac ignored for simulator testing --> 81 <job id="Simulator_Cold_Starts"> 82 <task repeat="1000000"> 83 <startup 84 ignore_osc="false" 85 ignore_rom_alm="true" 86 ignore_ram_alm="false" 87 ignore_pos="true" 88 ignore_nav="true" 89 ignore_time="true" 90 /> 91 <req_pos validfix="1"/> 92 </task> 93 </job> 94 95 <!-- Repetetive warm starts 96 Stored ephemeris data is discarded before the start begins 97 This simulates GPS receiver start after it was left off for more that 4 hours 98 --> 99 <job id="Warm_Starts"> 100 <task repeat="1000000"> 101 <startup ignore_nav="true"/> 102 <req_pos validfix="1"/> 103 </task> 104 </job> 105 106 <!-- Repetetive warm starts performed on GPS simulator --> 107 <job id="Simulator_Warm_Starts"> 108 <task repeat="1000000"> 109 <startup 110 ignore_rom_alm="true" 111 ignore_nav="true" 112 /> 113 <req_pos validfix="1"/> 114 </task> 115 </job> 116 117 <!-- Repetetive hot starts --> 118 <job id="Hot_Starts"> 119 <task repeat="1000000"> 120 <req_pos validfix="1"/> 121 </task> 122 </job> 123 124 <!-- This job must be performed every time the GPS simulator scenarion is reset --> 125 <job id="CollectEphemeris"> 126 <task repeat="1"> 127 <startup 128 ignore_osc="true" 129 ignore_rom_alm="true" 130 ignore_ram_alm="true" 131 ignore_pos="true" 132 ignore_nav="true" 133 ignore_time="true" 134 /> 135 <req_pos validfix="200"/> 136 </task> 137 </job> 138 139 140 <!-- This job performes series of single shot requests using the data stored 141 in NVRAM to simulate assistance data received from the network 142 The QoS parameters are set to maxmize the GPS sensitivity 143 --> 144 <job id="Assisted_Cold_Starts"> 145 <task repeat="1000000"> 146 <startup 147 ignore_rom_alm="true" 148 ignore_ram_alm="true" 149 /> 150 <asst> 151 <!--pos Lat="-30.0" Lon="-50.0" Alt="50" /--> 152 <pos Lat="33.7691" Lon="-84.4062" Alt="300" /> 153 <!--pos Lat="37.0" Lon="-122.0" Alt="50" /--> 154 <!--pos Lat="37.26533652" Lon="-121.94128855" Alt="51.4" /--> 155 </asst> 156 <req_pos_single acc="50" timeout="30" /> 157 </task> 158 </job> 159 160 <!-- This job performes series of single shot requests using the data stored 161 in NVRAM to simulate assistance data received from the network 162 The QoS parameters are set as it woudld be set by Spirent ULTS executing 163 3GPP TS performance tests. 164 --> 165 <job id="3GPP_Assisted_Cold_Starts"> 166 <task repeat="1000000"> 167 <startup 168 ignore_rom_alm="true" 169 ignore_ram_alm="true" 170 /> 171 <asst> 172 <!--pos Lat="-30.0" Lon="-50.0" Alt="50" /--> 173 <pos Lat="33.7691" Lon="-84.4062" Alt="300" /> 174 <!--pos Lat="37.0" Lon="-122.0" Alt="50" /--> 175 <!--pos Lat="37.26533652" Lon="-121.94128855" Alt="51.4" /--> 176 </asst> 177 <req_pos_single acc="25" timeout="20" /> 178 </task> 179 </job> 180 181 <!-- This job starts signle chanel factory test mode 182 The signal is expected to be in the range from -125 dBm to -145 dBm 183 with the frequency offset range from -2 ppm to +2 ppm 184 for this mode to provide reliable results 185 --> 186 <job id="Factory_High_SNR"> 187 <task id="test" repeat="1"> 188 <startup 189 ignore_osc="true" 190 ignore_rom_alm="true" 191 ignore_ram_alm="true" 192 ignore_pos="true" 193 ignore_nav="true" 194 ignore_time="true" 195 /> 196 <req_ftest 197 PRN="1" 198 GL_FACT_TEST_MODE="GL_FACT_TEST_CONT" 199 GL_FACT_TEST_ITEMS="GL_FACT_TEST_WER" 200 avg_int_sec="10" 201 duration_sec="60" 202 /> 203 </task> 204 </job> 205 206 <!-- This job is intended to be ran after the Factory_High_SNR job 207 It uses the TCXO offset stored in NVRAM during the Factory_High_SNR job 208 --> 209 <job id="Factory_Low_SNR"> 210 <task id="test" repeat="1"> 211 <startup 212 ignore_osc="false" 213 ignore_rom_alm="true" 214 ignore_ram_alm="true" 215 ignore_pos="true" 216 ignore_nav="true" 217 ignore_time="true" 218 /> 219 <req_ftest 220 PRN="1" 221 GL_FACT_TEST_MODE="GL_FACT_TEST_CONT" 222 GL_FACT_TEST_ITEMS="GL_FACT_TEST_WER" 223 avg_int_sec="10" 224 duration_sec="200" 225 /> 226 </task> 227 </job> 228 229 </glgps> 230