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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      7 #pragma once
      9 #include <map>
     10 #include <string>
     11 #include <vector>
     13 #include "base/basictypes.h"
     14 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
     15 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
     16 #include "base/values.h"
     17 #include "chrome/common/pref_store.h"
     18 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     20 class FilePath;
     21 class PrefNotifier;
     22 class PrefStore;
     24 // The PrefValueStore manages various sources of values for Preferences
     25 // (e.g., configuration policies, extensions, and user settings). It returns
     26 // the value of a Preference from the source with the highest priority, and
     27 // allows setting user-defined values for preferences that are not managed.
     28 //
     29 // Unless otherwise explicitly noted, all of the methods of this class must
     30 // be called on the UI thread.
     31 class PrefValueStore {
     32  public:
     33   // In decreasing order of precedence:
     34   //   |managed_platform_prefs| contains all managed platform (non-cloud policy)
     35   //        preference values.
     36   //   |managed_cloud_prefs| contains all managed cloud policy preference
     37   //        values.
     38   //   |extension_prefs| contains preference values set by extensions.
     39   //   |command_line_prefs| contains preference values set by command-line
     40   //        switches.
     41   //   |user_prefs| contains all user-set preference values.
     42   //   |recommended_platform_prefs| contains all recommended platform policy
     43   //        preference values.
     44   //   |recommended_cloud_prefs| contains all recommended cloud policy
     45   //        preference values.
     46   //   |default_prefs| contains application-default preference values. It must
     47   //        be non-null if any preferences are to be registered.
     48   //
     49   // |pref_notifier| facilitates broadcasting preference change notifications
     50   // to the world.
     51   PrefValueStore(PrefStore* managed_platform_prefs,
     52                  PrefStore* managed_cloud_prefs,
     53                  PrefStore* extension_prefs,
     54                  PrefStore* command_line_prefs,
     55                  PrefStore* user_prefs,
     56                  PrefStore* recommended_platform_prefs,
     57                  PrefStore* recommended_cloud_prefs,
     58                  PrefStore* default_prefs,
     59                  PrefNotifier* pref_notifier);
     60   virtual ~PrefValueStore();
     62   // Creates a clone of this PrefValueStore with PrefStores overwritten
     63   // by the parameters passed, if unequal NULL.
     64   PrefValueStore* CloneAndSpecialize(PrefStore* managed_platform_prefs,
     65                                      PrefStore* managed_cloud_prefs,
     66                                      PrefStore* extension_prefs,
     67                                      PrefStore* command_line_prefs,
     68                                      PrefStore* user_prefs,
     69                                      PrefStore* recommended_platform_prefs,
     70                                      PrefStore* recommended_cloud_prefs,
     71                                      PrefStore* default_prefs,
     72                                      PrefNotifier* pref_notifier);
     74   // Gets the value for the given preference name that has the specified value
     75   // type. Values stored in a PrefStore that have the matching |name| but
     76   // a non-matching |type| are silently skipped. Returns true if a valid value
     77   // was found in any of the available PrefStores. Most callers should use
     78   // Preference::GetValue() instead of calling this method directly.
     79   bool GetValue(const std::string& name,
     80                 Value::ValueType type,
     81                 const Value** out_value) const;
     83   // These methods return true if a preference with the given name is in the
     84   // indicated pref store, even if that value is currently being overridden by
     85   // a higher-priority source.
     86   bool PrefValueInManagedStore(const char* name) const;
     87   bool PrefValueInExtensionStore(const char* name) const;
     88   bool PrefValueInUserStore(const char* name) const;
     90   // These methods return true if a preference with the given name is actually
     91   // being controlled by the indicated pref store and not being overridden by
     92   // a higher-priority source.
     93   bool PrefValueFromExtensionStore(const char* name) const;
     94   bool PrefValueFromUserStore(const char* name) const;
     95   bool PrefValueFromDefaultStore(const char* name) const;
     97   // Check whether a Preference value is modifiable by the user, i.e. whether
     98   // there is no higher-priority source controlling it.
     99   bool PrefValueUserModifiable(const char* name) const;
    101   // Check whether a Preference value is modifiable by an extension, i.e.
    102   // whether there is no higher-priority source controlling it.
    103   bool PrefValueExtensionModifiable(const char* name) const;
    105  private:
    106   // PrefStores must be listed here in order from highest to lowest priority.
    107   //   MANAGED_PLATFORM contains all managed preference values that are
    108   //       provided by a platform-specific policy mechanism (e.g. Windows
    109   //       Group Policy).
    110   //   MANAGED_CLOUD contains all managed preference values supplied
    111   //       by the device management server (cloud policy).
    112   //   EXTENSION contains preference values set by extensions.
    113   //   COMMAND_LINE contains preference values set by command-line switches.
    114   //   USER contains all user-set preference values.
    115   //   RECOMMENDED_PLATFORM contains all recommended (policy) preference values
    116   //      that are provided by a platform-specific policy mechanism.
    117   //   RECOMMENDED_CLOUD contains all recommended (policy) preference values
    118   //      that are provided by the device management server (cloud policy).
    119   //   DEFAULT contains all application default preference values.
    120   enum PrefStoreType {
    121     // INVALID_STORE is not associated with an actual PrefStore but used as
    122     // an invalid marker, e.g. as a return value.
    123     INVALID_STORE = -1,
    126     EXTENSION_STORE,
    128     USER_STORE,
    131     DEFAULT_STORE,
    133   };
    135   // Keeps a PrefStore reference on behalf of the PrefValueStore and monitors
    136   // the PrefStore for changes, forwarding notifications to PrefValueStore. This
    137   // indirection is here for the sake of disambiguating notifications from the
    138   // individual PrefStores.
    139   class PrefStoreKeeper : public PrefStore::Observer {
    140    public:
    141     PrefStoreKeeper();
    142     virtual ~PrefStoreKeeper();
    144     // Takes ownership of |pref_store|.
    145     void Initialize(PrefValueStore* store,
    146                     PrefStore* pref_store,
    147                     PrefStoreType type);
    149     PrefStore* store() { return pref_store_.get(); }
    150     const PrefStore* store() const { return pref_store_.get(); }
    152    private:
    153     // PrefStore::Observer implementation.
    154     virtual void OnPrefValueChanged(const std::string& key);
    155     virtual void OnInitializationCompleted();
    157     // PrefValueStore this keeper is part of.
    158     PrefValueStore* pref_value_store_;
    160     // The PrefStore managed by this keeper.
    161     scoped_refptr<PrefStore> pref_store_;
    163     // Type of the pref store.
    164     PrefStoreType type_;
    166     DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PrefStoreKeeper);
    167   };
    169   typedef std::map<std::string, Value::ValueType> PrefTypeMap;
    171   friend class PrefValueStorePolicyRefreshTest;
    172   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrefValueStorePolicyRefreshTest, TestPolicyRefresh);
    173   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrefValueStorePolicyRefreshTest,
    174                            TestRefreshPolicyPrefsCompletion);
    175   FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PrefValueStorePolicyRefreshTest,
    176                            TestConcurrentPolicyRefresh);
    178   // Returns true if the preference with the given name has a value in the
    179   // given PrefStoreType, of the same value type as the preference was
    180   // registered with.
    181   bool PrefValueInStore(const char* name, PrefStoreType store) const;
    183   // Returns true if a preference has an explicit value in any of the
    184   // stores in the range specified by |first_checked_store| and
    185   // |last_checked_store|, even if that value is currently being
    186   // overridden by a higher-priority store.
    187   bool PrefValueInStoreRange(const char* name,
    188                              PrefStoreType first_checked_store,
    189                              PrefStoreType last_checked_store) const;
    191   // Returns the pref store type identifying the source that controls the
    192   // Preference identified by |name|. If none of the sources has a value,
    193   // INVALID_STORE is returned. In practice, the default PrefStore
    194   // should always have a value for any registered preferencem, so INVALID_STORE
    195   // indicates an error.
    196   PrefStoreType ControllingPrefStoreForPref(const char* name) const;
    198   // Get a value from the specified store type.
    199   bool GetValueFromStore(const char* name,
    200                          PrefStoreType store,
    201                          const Value** out_value) const;
    203   // Called upon changes in individual pref stores in order to determine whether
    204   // the user-visible pref value has changed. Triggers the change notification
    205   // if the effective value of the preference has changed, or if the store
    206   // controlling the pref has changed.
    207   void NotifyPrefChanged(const char* path, PrefStoreType new_store);
    209   // Called from the PrefStoreKeeper implementation when a pref value for |key|
    210   // changed in the pref store for |type|.
    211   void OnPrefValueChanged(PrefStoreType type, const std::string& key);
    213   // Handle the event that the store for |type| has completed initialization.
    214   void OnInitializationCompleted(PrefStoreType type);
    216   // Initializes a pref store keeper. Sets up a PrefStoreKeeper that will take
    217   // ownership of the passed |pref_store|.
    218   void InitPrefStore(PrefStoreType type, PrefStore* pref_store);
    220   // Checks whether initialization is completed and tells the notifier if that
    221   // is the case.
    222   void CheckInitializationCompleted();
    224   // Get the PrefStore pointer for the given type. May return NULL if there is
    225   // no PrefStore for that type.
    226   PrefStore* GetPrefStore(PrefStoreType type) {
    227     return pref_stores_[type].store();
    228   }
    229   const PrefStore* GetPrefStore(PrefStoreType type) const {
    230     return pref_stores_[type].store();
    231   }
    233   // Keeps the PrefStore references in order of precedence.
    234   PrefStoreKeeper pref_stores_[PREF_STORE_TYPE_MAX + 1];
    236   // Used for generating PREF_CHANGED and PREF_INITIALIZATION_COMPLETED
    237   // notifications. This is a weak reference, since the notifier is owned by the
    238   // corresponding PrefService.
    239   PrefNotifier* pref_notifier_;
    241   // A mapping of preference names to their registered types.
    242   PrefTypeMap pref_types_;
    244   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PrefValueStore);
    245 };