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      1 // Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "chrome/browser/visitedlink/visitedlink_master.h"
      7 #if defined(OS_WIN)
      8 #include <windows.h>
      9 #include <io.h>
     10 #include <shlobj.h>
     11 #endif  // defined(OS_WIN)
     12 #include <stdio.h>
     14 #include <algorithm>
     16 #include "base/file_util.h"
     17 #include "base/logging.h"
     18 #include "base/message_loop.h"
     19 #include "base/path_service.h"
     20 #include "base/process_util.h"
     21 #include "base/rand_util.h"
     22 #include "base/stack_container.h"
     23 #include "base/string_util.h"
     24 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     25 #include "content/browser/browser_thread.h"
     26 #include "chrome/browser/history/history.h"
     27 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
     29 using file_util::ScopedFILE;
     30 using file_util::OpenFile;
     31 using file_util::TruncateFile;
     33 const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderSignatureOffset = 0;
     34 const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderVersionOffset = 4;
     35 const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderLengthOffset = 8;
     36 const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderUsedOffset = 12;
     37 const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderSaltOffset = 16;
     39 const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileCurrentVersion = 2;
     41 // the signature at the beginning of the URL table = "VLnk" (visited links)
     42 const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileSignature = 0x6b6e4c56;
     43 const size_t VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderSize =
     44     kFileHeaderSaltOffset + LINK_SALT_LENGTH;
     46 // This value should also be the same as the smallest size in the lookup
     47 // table in NewTableSizeForCount (prime number).
     48 const unsigned VisitedLinkMaster::kDefaultTableSize = 16381;
     50 const size_t VisitedLinkMaster::kBigDeleteThreshold = 64;
     52 namespace {
     54 // Fills the given salt structure with some quasi-random values
     55 // It is not necessary to generate a cryptographically strong random string,
     56 // only that it be reasonably different for different users.
     57 void GenerateSalt(uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH]) {
     58   DCHECK_EQ(LINK_SALT_LENGTH, 8) << "This code assumes the length of the salt";
     59   uint64 randval = base::RandUint64();
     60   memcpy(salt, &randval, 8);
     61 }
     63 // AsyncWriter ----------------------------------------------------------------
     65 // This task executes on a background thread and executes a write. This
     66 // prevents us from blocking the UI thread doing I/O.
     67 class AsyncWriter : public Task {
     68  public:
     69   AsyncWriter(FILE* file, int32 offset, const void* data, size_t data_len)
     70       : file_(file),
     71         offset_(offset) {
     72     data_->resize(data_len);
     73     memcpy(&*data_->begin(), data, data_len);
     74   }
     76   virtual void Run() {
     77     WriteToFile(file_, offset_,
     78                 &*data_->begin(), static_cast<int32>(data_->size()));
     79   }
     81   // Exposed as a static so it can be called directly from the Master to
     82   // reduce the number of platform-specific I/O sites we have. Returns true if
     83   // the write was complete.
     84   static bool WriteToFile(FILE* file,
     85                           off_t offset,
     86                           const void* data,
     87                           size_t data_len) {
     88     if (fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
     89       return false;  // Don't write to an invalid part of the file.
     91     size_t num_written = fwrite(data, 1, data_len, file);
     93     // The write may not make it to the kernel (stdlib may buffer the write)
     94     // until the next fseek/fclose call.  If we crash, it's easy for our used
     95     // item count to be out of sync with the number of hashes we write.
     96     // Protect against this by calling fflush.
     97     int ret = fflush(file);
     98     DCHECK_EQ(0, ret);
     99     return num_written == data_len;
    100   }
    102  private:
    103   // The data to write and where to write it.
    104   FILE* file_;
    105   int32 offset_;  // Offset from the beginning of the file.
    107   // Most writes are just a single fingerprint, so we reserve that much in this
    108   // object to avoid mallocs in that case.
    109   StackVector<char, sizeof(VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprint)> data_;
    111   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncWriter);
    112 };
    114 // Used to asynchronously set the end of the file. This must be done on the
    115 // same thread as the writing to keep things synchronized.
    116 class AsyncSetEndOfFile : public Task {
    117  public:
    118   explicit AsyncSetEndOfFile(FILE* file) : file_(file) {}
    120   virtual void Run() {
    121     TruncateFile(file_);
    122   }
    124  private:
    125   FILE* file_;
    126   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncSetEndOfFile);
    127 };
    129 // Used to asynchronously close a file. This must be done on the same thread as
    130 // the writing to keep things synchronized.
    131 class AsyncCloseHandle : public Task {
    132  public:
    133   explicit AsyncCloseHandle(FILE* file) : file_(file) {}
    135   virtual void Run() {
    136     fclose(file_);
    137   }
    139  private:
    140   FILE* file_;
    141   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AsyncCloseHandle);
    142 };
    144 }  // namespace
    146 // TableBuilder ---------------------------------------------------------------
    148 // How rebuilding from history works
    149 // ---------------------------------
    150 //
    151 // We mark that we're rebuilding from history by setting the table_builder_
    152 // member in VisitedLinkMaster to the TableBuilder we create. This builder
    153 // will be called on the history thread by the history system for every URL
    154 // in the database.
    155 //
    156 // The builder will store the fingerprints for those URLs, and then marshalls
    157 // back to the main thread where the VisitedLinkMaster will be notified. The
    158 // master then replaces its table with a new table containing the computed
    159 // fingerprints.
    160 //
    161 // The builder must remain active while the history system is using it.
    162 // Sometimes, the master will be deleted before the rebuild is complete, in
    163 // which case it notifies the builder via DisownMaster(). The builder will
    164 // delete itself once rebuilding is complete, and not execute any callback.
    165 class VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder
    166     : public HistoryService::URLEnumerator,
    167       public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TableBuilder> {
    168  public:
    169   TableBuilder(VisitedLinkMaster* master,
    170                const uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH]);
    172   // Called on the main thread when the master is being destroyed. This will
    173   // prevent a crash when the query completes and the master is no longer
    174   // around. We can not actually do anything but mark this fact, since the
    175   // table will be being rebuilt simultaneously on the other thread.
    176   void DisownMaster();
    178   // HistoryService::URLEnumerator
    179   virtual void OnURL(const GURL& url);
    180   virtual void OnComplete(bool succeed);
    182  private:
    183   friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<TableBuilder>;
    185   ~TableBuilder() {}
    187   // OnComplete mashals to this function on the main thread to do the
    188   // notification.
    189   void OnCompleteMainThread();
    191   // Owner of this object. MAY ONLY BE ACCESSED ON THE MAIN THREAD!
    192   VisitedLinkMaster* master_;
    194   // Indicates whether the operation has failed or not.
    195   bool success_;
    197   // Salt for this new table.
    198   uint8 salt_[LINK_SALT_LENGTH];
    200   // Stores the fingerprints we computed on the background thread.
    201   VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprints fingerprints_;
    202 };
    204 // VisitedLinkMaster ----------------------------------------------------------
    206 VisitedLinkMaster::VisitedLinkMaster(Listener* listener,
    207                                      Profile* profile) {
    208   InitMembers(listener, profile);
    209 }
    211 VisitedLinkMaster::VisitedLinkMaster(Listener* listener,
    212                                      HistoryService* history_service,
    213                                      bool suppress_rebuild,
    214                                      const FilePath& filename,
    215                                      int32 default_table_size) {
    216   InitMembers(listener, NULL);
    218   database_name_override_ = filename;
    219   table_size_override_ = default_table_size;
    220   history_service_override_ = history_service;
    221   suppress_rebuild_ = suppress_rebuild;
    222 }
    224 VisitedLinkMaster::~VisitedLinkMaster() {
    225   if (table_builder_.get()) {
    226     // Prevent the table builder from calling us back now that we're being
    227     // destroyed. Note that we DON'T delete the object, since the history
    228     // system is still writing into it. When that is complete, the table
    229     // builder will destroy itself when it finds we are gone.
    230     table_builder_->DisownMaster();
    231   }
    232   FreeURLTable();
    233 }
    235 void VisitedLinkMaster::InitMembers(Listener* listener, Profile* profile) {
    236   DCHECK(listener);
    238   listener_ = listener;
    239   file_ = NULL;
    240   shared_memory_ = NULL;
    241   shared_memory_serial_ = 0;
    242   used_items_ = 0;
    243   table_size_override_ = 0;
    244   history_service_override_ = NULL;
    245   suppress_rebuild_ = false;
    246   profile_ = profile;
    248 #ifndef NDEBUG
    249   posted_asynchronous_operation_ = false;
    250 #endif
    251 }
    253 bool VisitedLinkMaster::Init() {
    254   // We probably shouldn't be loading this from the UI thread,
    255   // but it does need to happen early on in startup.
    256   //   http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=24163
    257   base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    258   if (!InitFromFile())
    259     return InitFromScratch(suppress_rebuild_);
    260   return true;
    261 }
    263 VisitedLinkMaster::Hash VisitedLinkMaster::TryToAddURL(const GURL& url) {
    264   // Extra check that we are not incognito. This should not happen.
    265   if (profile_ && profile_->IsOffTheRecord()) {
    266     NOTREACHED();
    267     return null_hash_;
    268   }
    270   if (!url.is_valid())
    271     return null_hash_;  // Don't add invalid URLs.
    273   Fingerprint fingerprint = ComputeURLFingerprint(url.spec().data(),
    274                                                   url.spec().size(),
    275                                                   salt_);
    276   if (table_builder_) {
    277     // If we have a pending delete for this fingerprint, cancel it.
    278     std::set<Fingerprint>::iterator found =
    279         deleted_since_rebuild_.find(fingerprint);
    280     if (found != deleted_since_rebuild_.end())
    281         deleted_since_rebuild_.erase(found);
    283     // A rebuild is in progress, save this addition in the temporary list so
    284     // it can be added once rebuild is complete.
    285     added_since_rebuild_.insert(fingerprint);
    286   }
    288   // If the table is "full", we don't add URLs and just drop them on the floor.
    289   // This can happen if we get thousands of new URLs and something causes
    290   // the table resizing to fail. This check prevents a hang in that case. Note
    291   // that this is *not* the resize limit, this is just a sanity check.
    292   if (used_items_ / 8 > table_length_ / 10)
    293     return null_hash_;  // Table is more than 80% full.
    295   return AddFingerprint(fingerprint, true);
    296 }
    298 void VisitedLinkMaster::AddURL(const GURL& url) {
    299   Hash index = TryToAddURL(url);
    300   if (!table_builder_ && index != null_hash_) {
    301     // Not rebuilding, so we want to keep the file on disk up-to-date.
    302     WriteUsedItemCountToFile();
    303     WriteHashRangeToFile(index, index);
    304     ResizeTableIfNecessary();
    305   }
    306 }
    308 void VisitedLinkMaster::AddURLs(const std::vector<GURL>& url) {
    309   for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator i = url.begin();
    310        i != url.end(); ++i) {
    311     Hash index = TryToAddURL(*i);
    312     if (!table_builder_ && index != null_hash_)
    313       ResizeTableIfNecessary();
    314   }
    316   // Keeps the file on disk up-to-date.
    317   if (!table_builder_)
    318     WriteFullTable();
    319 }
    321 void VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteAllURLs() {
    322   // Any pending modifications are invalid.
    323   added_since_rebuild_.clear();
    324   deleted_since_rebuild_.clear();
    326   // Clear the hash table.
    327   used_items_ = 0;
    328   memset(hash_table_, 0, this->table_length_ * sizeof(Fingerprint));
    330   // Resize it if it is now too empty. Resize may write the new table out for
    331   // us, otherwise, schedule writing the new table to disk ourselves.
    332   if (!ResizeTableIfNecessary())
    333     WriteFullTable();
    335   listener_->Reset();
    336 }
    338 void VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteURLs(const std::set<GURL>& urls) {
    339   typedef std::set<GURL>::const_iterator SetIterator;
    341   if (urls.empty())
    342     return;
    344   listener_->Reset();
    346   if (table_builder_) {
    347     // A rebuild is in progress, save this deletion in the temporary list so
    348     // it can be added once rebuild is complete.
    349     for (SetIterator i = urls.begin(); i != urls.end(); ++i) {
    350       if (!i->is_valid())
    351         continue;
    353       Fingerprint fingerprint =
    354           ComputeURLFingerprint(i->spec().data(), i->spec().size(), salt_);
    355       deleted_since_rebuild_.insert(fingerprint);
    357       // If the URL was just added and now we're deleting it, it may be in the
    358       // list of things added since the last rebuild. Delete it from that list.
    359       std::set<Fingerprint>::iterator found =
    360           added_since_rebuild_.find(fingerprint);
    361       if (found != added_since_rebuild_.end())
    362         added_since_rebuild_.erase(found);
    364       // Delete the URLs from the in-memory table, but don't bother writing
    365       // to disk since it will be replaced soon.
    366       DeleteFingerprint(fingerprint, false);
    367     }
    368     return;
    369   }
    371   // Compute the deleted URLs' fingerprints and delete them
    372   std::set<Fingerprint> deleted_fingerprints;
    373   for (SetIterator i = urls.begin(); i != urls.end(); ++i) {
    374     if (!i->is_valid())
    375       continue;
    376     deleted_fingerprints.insert(
    377         ComputeURLFingerprint(i->spec().data(), i->spec().size(), salt_));
    378   }
    379   DeleteFingerprintsFromCurrentTable(deleted_fingerprints);
    380 }
    382 // See VisitedLinkCommon::IsVisited which should be in sync with this algorithm
    383 VisitedLinkMaster::Hash VisitedLinkMaster::AddFingerprint(
    384     Fingerprint fingerprint,
    385     bool send_notifications) {
    386   if (!hash_table_ || table_length_ == 0) {
    387     NOTREACHED();  // Not initialized.
    388     return null_hash_;
    389   }
    391   Hash cur_hash = HashFingerprint(fingerprint);
    392   Hash first_hash = cur_hash;
    393   while (true) {
    394     Fingerprint cur_fingerprint = FingerprintAt(cur_hash);
    395     if (cur_fingerprint == fingerprint)
    396       return null_hash_;  // This fingerprint is already in there, do nothing.
    398     if (cur_fingerprint == null_fingerprint_) {
    399       // End of probe sequence found, insert here.
    400       hash_table_[cur_hash] = fingerprint;
    401       used_items_++;
    402       // If allowed, notify listener that a new visited link was added.
    403       if (send_notifications)
    404         listener_->Add(fingerprint);
    405       return cur_hash;
    406     }
    408     // Advance in the probe sequence.
    409     cur_hash = IncrementHash(cur_hash);
    410     if (cur_hash == first_hash) {
    411       // This means that we've wrapped around and are about to go into an
    412       // infinite loop. Something was wrong with the hashtable resizing
    413       // logic, so stop here.
    414       NOTREACHED();
    415       return null_hash_;
    416     }
    417   }
    418 }
    420 void VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteFingerprintsFromCurrentTable(
    421     const std::set<Fingerprint>& fingerprints) {
    422   bool bulk_write = (fingerprints.size() > kBigDeleteThreshold);
    424   // Delete the URLs from the table.
    425   for (std::set<Fingerprint>::const_iterator i = fingerprints.begin();
    426        i != fingerprints.end(); ++i)
    427     DeleteFingerprint(*i, !bulk_write);
    429   // These deleted fingerprints may make us shrink the table.
    430   if (ResizeTableIfNecessary())
    431     return;  // The resize function wrote the new table to disk for us.
    433   // Nobody wrote this out for us, write the full file to disk.
    434   if (bulk_write)
    435     WriteFullTable();
    436 }
    438 bool VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteFingerprint(Fingerprint fingerprint,
    439                                           bool update_file) {
    440   if (!hash_table_ || table_length_ == 0) {
    441     NOTREACHED();  // Not initialized.
    442     return false;
    443   }
    444   if (!IsVisited(fingerprint))
    445     return false;  // Not in the database to delete.
    447   // First update the header used count.
    448   used_items_--;
    449   if (update_file)
    450     WriteUsedItemCountToFile();
    452   Hash deleted_hash = HashFingerprint(fingerprint);
    454   // Find the range of "stuff" in the hash table that is adjacent to this
    455   // fingerprint. These are things that could be affected by the change in
    456   // the hash table. Since we use linear probing, anything after the deleted
    457   // item up until an empty item could be affected.
    458   Hash end_range = deleted_hash;
    459   while (true) {
    460     Hash next_hash = IncrementHash(end_range);
    461     if (next_hash == deleted_hash)
    462       break;  // We wrapped around and the whole table is full.
    463     if (!hash_table_[next_hash])
    464       break;  // Found the last spot.
    465     end_range = next_hash;
    466   }
    468   // We could get all fancy and move the affected fingerprints around, but
    469   // instead we just remove them all and re-add them (minus our deleted one).
    470   // This will mean there's a small window of time where the affected links
    471   // won't be marked visited.
    472   StackVector<Fingerprint, 32> shuffled_fingerprints;
    473   Hash stop_loop = IncrementHash(end_range);  // The end range is inclusive.
    474   for (Hash i = deleted_hash; i != stop_loop; i = IncrementHash(i)) {
    475     if (hash_table_[i] != fingerprint) {
    476       // Don't save the one we're deleting!
    477       shuffled_fingerprints->push_back(hash_table_[i]);
    479       // This will balance the increment of this value in AddFingerprint below
    480       // so there is no net change.
    481       used_items_--;
    482     }
    483     hash_table_[i] = null_fingerprint_;
    484   }
    486   if (!shuffled_fingerprints->empty()) {
    487     // Need to add the new items back.
    488     for (size_t i = 0; i < shuffled_fingerprints->size(); i++)
    489       AddFingerprint(shuffled_fingerprints[i], false);
    490   }
    492   // Write the affected range to disk [deleted_hash, end_range].
    493   if (update_file)
    494     WriteHashRangeToFile(deleted_hash, end_range);
    496   return true;
    497 }
    499 bool VisitedLinkMaster::WriteFullTable() {
    500   // This function can get called when the file is open, for example, when we
    501   // resize the table. We must handle this case and not try to reopen the file,
    502   // since there may be write operations pending on the file I/O thread.
    503   //
    504   // Note that once we start writing, we do not delete on error. This means
    505   // there can be a partial file, but the short file will be detected next time
    506   // we start, and will be replaced.
    507   //
    508   // This might possibly get corrupted if we crash in the middle of writing.
    509   // We should pick up the most common types of these failures when we notice
    510   // that the file size is different when we load it back in, and then we will
    511   // regenerate the table.
    512   if (!file_) {
    513     FilePath filename;
    514     GetDatabaseFileName(&filename);
    515     file_ = OpenFile(filename, "wb+");
    516     if (!file_) {
    517       DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open file " << filename.value();
    518       return false;
    519     }
    520   }
    522   // Write the new header.
    523   int32 header[4];
    524   header[0] = kFileSignature;
    525   header[1] = kFileCurrentVersion;
    526   header[2] = table_length_;
    527   header[3] = used_items_;
    528   WriteToFile(file_, 0, header, sizeof(header));
    529   WriteToFile(file_, sizeof(header), salt_, LINK_SALT_LENGTH);
    531   // Write the hash data.
    532   WriteToFile(file_, kFileHeaderSize,
    533               hash_table_, table_length_ * sizeof(Fingerprint));
    535   // The hash table may have shrunk, so make sure this is the end.
    536   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    537       BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, new AsyncSetEndOfFile(file_));
    538   return true;
    539 }
    541 bool VisitedLinkMaster::InitFromFile() {
    542   DCHECK(file_ == NULL);
    544   FilePath filename;
    545   GetDatabaseFileName(&filename);
    546   ScopedFILE file_closer(OpenFile(filename, "rb+"));
    547   if (!file_closer.get())
    548     return false;
    550   int32 num_entries, used_count;
    551   if (!ReadFileHeader(file_closer.get(), &num_entries, &used_count, salt_))
    552     return false;  // Header isn't valid.
    554   // Allocate and read the table.
    555   if (!CreateURLTable(num_entries, false))
    556     return false;
    557   if (!ReadFromFile(file_closer.get(), kFileHeaderSize,
    558                     hash_table_, num_entries * sizeof(Fingerprint))) {
    559     FreeURLTable();
    560     return false;
    561   }
    562   used_items_ = used_count;
    564 #ifndef NDEBUG
    565   DebugValidate();
    566 #endif
    568   file_ = file_closer.release();
    569   return true;
    570 }
    572 bool VisitedLinkMaster::InitFromScratch(bool suppress_rebuild) {
    573   int32 table_size = kDefaultTableSize;
    574   if (table_size_override_)
    575     table_size = table_size_override_;
    577   // The salt must be generated before the table so that it can be copied to
    578   // the shared memory.
    579   GenerateSalt(salt_);
    580   if (!CreateURLTable(table_size, true))
    581     return false;
    583 #ifndef NDEBUG
    584   DebugValidate();
    585 #endif
    587   if (suppress_rebuild) {
    588     // When we disallow rebuilds (normally just unit tests), just use the
    589     // current empty table.
    590     return WriteFullTable();
    591   }
    593   // This will build the table from history. On the first run, history will
    594   // be empty, so this will be correct. This will also write the new table
    595   // to disk. We don't want to save explicitly here, since the rebuild may
    596   // not complete, leaving us with an empty but valid visited link database.
    597   // In the future, we won't know we need to try rebuilding again.
    598   return RebuildTableFromHistory();
    599 }
    601 bool VisitedLinkMaster::ReadFileHeader(FILE* file,
    602                                        int32* num_entries,
    603                                        int32* used_count,
    604                                        uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH]) {
    605   // Get file size.
    606   // Note that there is no need to seek back to the original location in the
    607   // file since ReadFromFile() [which is the next call accessing the file]
    608   // seeks before reading.
    609   if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) == -1)
    610     return false;
    611   size_t file_size = ftell(file);
    613   if (file_size <= kFileHeaderSize)
    614     return false;
    616   uint8 header[kFileHeaderSize];
    617   if (!ReadFromFile(file, 0, &header, kFileHeaderSize))
    618     return false;
    620   // Verify the signature.
    621   int32 signature;
    622   memcpy(&signature, &header[kFileHeaderSignatureOffset], sizeof(signature));
    623   if (signature != kFileSignature)
    624     return false;
    626   // Verify the version is up-to-date. As with other read errors, a version
    627   // mistmatch will trigger a rebuild of the database from history, which will
    628   // have the effect of migrating the database.
    629   int32 version;
    630   memcpy(&version, &header[kFileHeaderVersionOffset], sizeof(version));
    631   if (version != kFileCurrentVersion)
    632     return false;  // Bad version.
    634   // Read the table size and make sure it matches the file size.
    635   memcpy(num_entries, &header[kFileHeaderLengthOffset], sizeof(*num_entries));
    636   if (*num_entries * sizeof(Fingerprint) + kFileHeaderSize != file_size)
    637     return false;  // Bad size.
    639   // Read the used item count.
    640   memcpy(used_count, &header[kFileHeaderUsedOffset], sizeof(*used_count));
    641   if (*used_count > *num_entries)
    642     return false;  // Bad used item count;
    644   // Read the salt.
    645   memcpy(salt, &header[kFileHeaderSaltOffset], LINK_SALT_LENGTH);
    647   // This file looks OK from the header's perspective.
    648   return true;
    649 }
    651 bool VisitedLinkMaster::GetDatabaseFileName(FilePath* filename) {
    652   if (!database_name_override_.empty()) {
    653     // use this filename, the directory must exist
    654     *filename = database_name_override_;
    655     return true;
    656   }
    658   if (!profile_ || profile_->GetPath().empty())
    659     return false;
    661   FilePath profile_dir = profile_->GetPath();
    662   *filename = profile_dir.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Visited Links"));
    663   return true;
    664 }
    666 // Initializes the shared memory structure. The salt should already be filled
    667 // in so that it can be written to the shared memory
    668 bool VisitedLinkMaster::CreateURLTable(int32 num_entries, bool init_to_empty) {
    669   // The table is the size of the table followed by the entries.
    670   uint32 alloc_size = num_entries * sizeof(Fingerprint) + sizeof(SharedHeader);
    672   // Create the shared memory object.
    673   shared_memory_ = new base::SharedMemory();
    674   if (!shared_memory_)
    675     return false;
    677   if (!shared_memory_->CreateAndMapAnonymous(alloc_size)) {
    678     delete shared_memory_;
    679     shared_memory_ = NULL;
    680     return false;
    681   }
    683   if (init_to_empty) {
    684     memset(shared_memory_->memory(), 0, alloc_size);
    685     used_items_ = 0;
    686   }
    687   table_length_ = num_entries;
    689   // Save the header for other processes to read.
    690   SharedHeader* header = static_cast<SharedHeader*>(shared_memory_->memory());
    691   header->length = table_length_;
    692   memcpy(header->salt, salt_, LINK_SALT_LENGTH);
    694   // Our table pointer is just the data immediately following the size.
    695   hash_table_ = reinterpret_cast<Fingerprint*>(
    696       static_cast<char*>(shared_memory_->memory()) + sizeof(SharedHeader));
    698   return true;
    699 }
    701 bool VisitedLinkMaster::BeginReplaceURLTable(int32 num_entries) {
    702   base::SharedMemory *old_shared_memory = shared_memory_;
    703   Fingerprint* old_hash_table = hash_table_;
    704   int32 old_table_length = table_length_;
    705   if (!CreateURLTable(num_entries, true)) {
    706     // Try to put back the old state.
    707     shared_memory_ = old_shared_memory;
    708     hash_table_ = old_hash_table;
    709     table_length_ = old_table_length;
    710     return false;
    711   }
    713 #ifndef NDEBUG
    714   DebugValidate();
    715 #endif
    717   return true;
    718 }
    720 void VisitedLinkMaster::FreeURLTable() {
    721   if (shared_memory_) {
    722     delete shared_memory_;
    723     shared_memory_ = NULL;
    724   }
    725   if (!file_)
    726     return;
    728   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    729       BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, new AsyncCloseHandle(file_));
    730 }
    732 bool VisitedLinkMaster::ResizeTableIfNecessary() {
    733   DCHECK(table_length_ > 0) << "Must have a table";
    735   // Load limits for good performance/space. We are pretty conservative about
    736   // keeping the table not very full. This is because we use linear probing
    737   // which increases the likelihood of clumps of entries which will reduce
    738   // performance.
    739   const float max_table_load = 0.5f;  // Grow when we're > this full.
    740   const float min_table_load = 0.2f;  // Shrink when we're < this full.
    742   float load = ComputeTableLoad();
    743   if (load < max_table_load &&
    744       (table_length_ <= static_cast<float>(kDefaultTableSize) ||
    745        load > min_table_load))
    746     return false;
    748   // Table needs to grow or shrink.
    749   int new_size = NewTableSizeForCount(used_items_);
    750   DCHECK(new_size > used_items_);
    751   DCHECK(load <= min_table_load || new_size > table_length_);
    752   ResizeTable(new_size);
    753   return true;
    754 }
    756 void VisitedLinkMaster::ResizeTable(int32 new_size) {
    757   DCHECK(shared_memory_ && shared_memory_->memory() && hash_table_);
    758   shared_memory_serial_++;
    760 #ifndef NDEBUG
    761   DebugValidate();
    762 #endif
    764   base::SharedMemory* old_shared_memory = shared_memory_;
    765   Fingerprint* old_hash_table = hash_table_;
    766   int32 old_table_length = table_length_;
    767   if (!BeginReplaceURLTable(new_size))
    768     return;
    770   // Now we have two tables, our local copy which is the old one, and the new
    771   // one loaded into this object where we need to copy the data.
    772   for (int32 i = 0; i < old_table_length; i++) {
    773     Fingerprint cur = old_hash_table[i];
    774     if (cur)
    775       AddFingerprint(cur, false);
    776   }
    778   // On error unmapping, just forget about it since we can't do anything
    779   // else to release it.
    780   delete old_shared_memory;
    782   // Send an update notification to all child processes so they read the new
    783   // table.
    784   listener_->NewTable(shared_memory_);
    786 #ifndef NDEBUG
    787   DebugValidate();
    788 #endif
    790   // The new table needs to be written to disk.
    791   WriteFullTable();
    792 }
    794 uint32 VisitedLinkMaster::NewTableSizeForCount(int32 item_count) const {
    795   // These table sizes are selected to be the maximum prime number less than
    796   // a "convenient" multiple of 1K.
    797   static const int table_sizes[] = {
    798       16381,    // 16K  = 16384   <- don't shrink below this table size
    799                 //                   (should be == default_table_size)
    800       32767,    // 32K  = 32768
    801       65521,    // 64K  = 65536
    802       130051,   // 128K = 131072
    803       262127,   // 256K = 262144
    804       524269,   // 512K = 524288
    805       1048549,  // 1M   = 1048576
    806       2097143,  // 2M   = 2097152
    807       4194301,  // 4M   = 4194304
    808       8388571,  // 8M   = 8388608
    809       16777199,  // 16M  = 16777216
    810       33554347};  // 32M  = 33554432
    812   // Try to leave the table 33% full.
    813   int desired = item_count * 3;
    815   // Find the closest prime.
    816   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(table_sizes); i ++) {
    817     if (table_sizes[i] > desired)
    818       return table_sizes[i];
    819   }
    821   // Growing very big, just approximate a "good" number, not growing as much
    822   // as normal.
    823   return item_count * 2 - 1;
    824 }
    826 // See the TableBuilder definition in the header file for how this works.
    827 bool VisitedLinkMaster::RebuildTableFromHistory() {
    828   DCHECK(!table_builder_);
    829   if (table_builder_)
    830     return false;
    832   HistoryService* history_service = history_service_override_;
    833   if (!history_service && profile_) {
    834     history_service = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
    835   }
    837   if (!history_service) {
    838     DLOG(WARNING) << "Attempted to rebuild visited link table, but couldn't "
    839                      "obtain a HistoryService.";
    840     return false;
    841   }
    843   // TODO(brettw) make sure we have reasonable salt!
    844   table_builder_ = new TableBuilder(this, salt_);
    846   // Make sure the table builder stays live during the call, even if the
    847   // master is deleted. This is balanced in TableBuilder::OnCompleteMainThread.
    848   table_builder_->AddRef();
    849   history_service->IterateURLs(table_builder_);
    850   return true;
    851 }
    853 // See the TableBuilder declaration above for how this works.
    854 void VisitedLinkMaster::OnTableRebuildComplete(
    855     bool success,
    856     const std::vector<Fingerprint>& fingerprints) {
    857   if (success) {
    858     // Replace the old table with a new blank one.
    859     shared_memory_serial_++;
    861     // We are responsible for freeing it AFTER it has been replaced if
    862     // replacement succeeds.
    863     base::SharedMemory* old_shared_memory = shared_memory_;
    865     int new_table_size = NewTableSizeForCount(
    866         static_cast<int>(fingerprints.size() + added_since_rebuild_.size()));
    867     if (BeginReplaceURLTable(new_table_size)) {
    868       // Free the old table.
    869       delete old_shared_memory;
    871       // Add the stored fingerprints to the hash table.
    872       for (size_t i = 0; i < fingerprints.size(); i++)
    873         AddFingerprint(fingerprints[i], false);
    875       // Also add anything that was added while we were asynchronously
    876       // generating the new table.
    877       for (std::set<Fingerprint>::iterator i = added_since_rebuild_.begin();
    878            i != added_since_rebuild_.end(); ++i)
    879         AddFingerprint(*i, false);
    880       added_since_rebuild_.clear();
    882       // Now handle deletions.
    883       DeleteFingerprintsFromCurrentTable(deleted_since_rebuild_);
    884       deleted_since_rebuild_.clear();
    886       // Send an update notification to all child processes.
    887       listener_->NewTable(shared_memory_);
    889       // We shouldn't be writing the table from the main thread!
    890       //   http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=24163
    891       base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;
    892       WriteFullTable();
    893     }
    894   }
    895   table_builder_ = NULL;  // Will release our reference to the builder.
    897   // Notify the unit test that the rebuild is complete (will be NULL in prod.)
    898   if (rebuild_complete_task_.get()) {
    899     rebuild_complete_task_->Run();
    900     rebuild_complete_task_.reset(NULL);
    901   }
    902 }
    904 void VisitedLinkMaster::WriteToFile(FILE* file,
    905                                     off_t offset,
    906                                     void* data,
    907                                     int32 data_size) {
    908 #ifndef NDEBUG
    909   posted_asynchronous_operation_ = true;
    910 #endif
    912   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    913       BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
    914       new AsyncWriter(file, offset, data, data_size));
    915 }
    917 void VisitedLinkMaster::WriteUsedItemCountToFile() {
    918   if (!file_)
    919     return;  // See comment on the file_ variable for why this might happen.
    920   WriteToFile(file_, kFileHeaderUsedOffset, &used_items_, sizeof(used_items_));
    921 }
    923 void VisitedLinkMaster::WriteHashRangeToFile(Hash first_hash, Hash last_hash) {
    924   if (!file_)
    925     return;  // See comment on the file_ variable for why this might happen.
    926   if (last_hash < first_hash) {
    927     // Handle wraparound at 0. This first write is first_hash->EOF
    928     WriteToFile(file_, first_hash * sizeof(Fingerprint) + kFileHeaderSize,
    929                 &hash_table_[first_hash],
    930                 (table_length_ - first_hash + 1) * sizeof(Fingerprint));
    932     // Now do 0->last_lash.
    933     WriteToFile(file_, kFileHeaderSize, hash_table_,
    934                 (last_hash + 1) * sizeof(Fingerprint));
    935   } else {
    936     // Normal case, just write the range.
    937     WriteToFile(file_, first_hash * sizeof(Fingerprint) + kFileHeaderSize,
    938                 &hash_table_[first_hash],
    939                 (last_hash - first_hash + 1) * sizeof(Fingerprint));
    940   }
    941 }
    943 bool VisitedLinkMaster::ReadFromFile(FILE* file,
    944                                      off_t offset,
    945                                      void* data,
    946                                      size_t data_size) {
    947 #ifndef NDEBUG
    948   // Since this function is synchronous, we require that no asynchronous
    949   // operations could possibly be pending.
    950   DCHECK(!posted_asynchronous_operation_);
    951 #endif
    953   if (fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
    954     return false;
    956   size_t num_read = fread(data, 1, data_size, file);
    957   return num_read == data_size;
    958 }
    960 // VisitedLinkTableBuilder ----------------------------------------------------
    962 VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::TableBuilder(
    963     VisitedLinkMaster* master,
    964     const uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH])
    965     : master_(master),
    966       success_(true) {
    967   fingerprints_.reserve(4096);
    968   memcpy(salt_, salt, sizeof(salt));
    969 }
    971 // TODO(brettw): Do we want to try to cancel the request if this happens? It
    972 // could delay shutdown if there are a lot of URLs.
    973 void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::DisownMaster() {
    974   master_ = NULL;
    975 }
    977 void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::OnURL(const GURL& url) {
    978   if (!url.is_empty()) {
    979     fingerprints_.push_back(VisitedLinkMaster::ComputeURLFingerprint(
    980         url.spec().data(), url.spec().length(), salt_));
    981   }
    982 }
    984 void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::OnComplete(bool success) {
    985   success_ = success;
    986   DLOG_IF(WARNING, !success) << "Unable to rebuild visited links";
    988   // Marshal to the main thread to notify the VisitedLinkMaster that the
    989   // rebuild is complete.
    990   BrowserThread::PostTask(
    991       BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
    992       NewRunnableMethod(this, &TableBuilder::OnCompleteMainThread));
    993 }
    995 void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::OnCompleteMainThread() {
    996   if (master_)
    997     master_->OnTableRebuildComplete(success_, fingerprints_);
    999   // WILL (generally) DELETE THIS! This balances the AddRef in
   1000   // VisitedLinkMaster::RebuildTableFromHistory.
   1001   Release();
   1002 }