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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "net/base/net_util.h"
      7 #include <iphlpapi.h>
      9 #include <algorithm>
     11 #include "base/file_path.h"
     12 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     13 #include "base/string_piece.h"
     14 #include "base/string_util.h"
     15 #include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
     16 #include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
     17 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
     18 #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
     19 #include "net/base/escape.h"
     20 #include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
     21 #include "net/base/net_errors.h"
     23 namespace net {
     25 bool FileURLToFilePath(const GURL& url, FilePath* file_path) {
     26   *file_path = FilePath();
     27   std::wstring& file_path_str = const_cast<std::wstring&>(file_path->value());
     28   file_path_str.clear();
     30   if (!url.is_valid())
     31     return false;
     33   std::string path;
     34   std::string host = url.host();
     35   if (host.empty()) {
     36     // URL contains no host, the path is the filename. In this case, the path
     37     // will probably be preceeded with a slash, as in "/C:/foo.txt", so we
     38     // trim out that here.
     39     path = url.path();
     40     size_t first_non_slash = path.find_first_not_of("/\\");
     41     if (first_non_slash != std::string::npos && first_non_slash > 0)
     42       path.erase(0, first_non_slash);
     43   } else {
     44     // URL contains a host: this means it's UNC. We keep the preceeding slash
     45     // on the path.
     46     path = "\\\\";
     47     path.append(host);
     48     path.append(url.path());
     49   }
     51   if (path.empty())
     52     return false;
     53   std::replace(path.begin(), path.end(), '/', '\\');
     55   // GURL stores strings as percent-encoded UTF-8, this will undo if possible.
     56   path = UnescapeURLComponent(path,
     57       UnescapeRule::SPACES | UnescapeRule::URL_SPECIAL_CHARS);
     59   if (!IsStringUTF8(path)) {
     60     // Not UTF-8, assume encoding is native codepage and we're done. We know we
     61     // are giving the conversion function a nonempty string, and it may fail if
     62     // the given string is not in the current encoding and give us an empty
     63     // string back. We detect this and report failure.
     64     file_path_str = base::SysNativeMBToWide(path);
     65     return !file_path_str.empty();
     66   }
     67   file_path_str.assign(UTF8ToWide(path));
     69   // We used to try too hard and see if |path| made up entirely of
     70   // the 1st 256 characters in the Unicode was a zero-extended UTF-16.
     71   // If so, we converted it to 'Latin-1' and checked if the result was UTF-8.
     72   // If the check passed, we converted the result to UTF-8.
     73   // Otherwise, we treated the result as the native OS encoding.
     74   // However, that led to http://crbug.com/4619 and http://crbug.com/14153
     75   return true;
     76 }
     78 bool GetNetworkList(NetworkInterfaceList* networks) {
     79   // GetAdaptersAddresses() may require IO operations.
     80   base::ThreadRestrictions::AssertIOAllowed();
     82   IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES info_temp;
     83   ULONG len = 0;
     85   // First get number of networks.
     86   ULONG result = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, 0, NULL, &info_temp, &len);
     87   if (result != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) {
     88     // There are 0 networks.
     89     return true;
     90   }
     92   scoped_array<char> buf(new char[len]);
     93   IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *adapters =
     94       reinterpret_cast<IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *>(buf.get());
     95   result = GetAdaptersAddresses(AF_UNSPEC, 0, NULL, adapters, &len);
     96   if (result != NO_ERROR) {
     97     LOG(ERROR) << "GetAdaptersAddresses failed: " << result;
     98     return false;
     99   }
    101   for (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *adapter = adapters; adapter != NULL;
    102        adapter = adapter->Next) {
    103     // Ignore the loopback device.
    104     if (adapter->IfType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) {
    105       continue;
    106     }
    108     IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS* address;
    109     for (address = adapter->FirstUnicastAddress; address != NULL;
    110          address = address->Next) {
    111       int family = address->Address.lpSockaddr->sa_family;
    112       if (family == AF_INET || family == AF_INET6) {
    113         IPEndPoint endpoint;
    114         if (endpoint.FromSockAddr(address->Address.lpSockaddr,
    115                                   address->Address.iSockaddrLength)) {
    116           std::string name = adapter->AdapterName;
    117           networks->push_back(NetworkInterface(name, endpoint.address()));
    118         }
    119       }
    120     }
    121   }
    123   return true;
    124 }
    126 }  // namespace net