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      1 ; RUN: opt -mergefunc %s -disable-output
      2 ; This used to crash.
      4 target datalayout = "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:32:64-f32:32:32-f64:32:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-f80:32:32-n8:16:32"
      5 target triple = "i386-pc-linux-gnu"
      7 %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum" }
      8 %"struct.kc::impl_CexpressionDQ" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option", %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"*, %"struct.kc::impl_CexpressionDQ"* }
      9 %"struct.kc::impl_Ctext" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option", i32, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*, %"struct.kc::impl_Ctext_elem"*, %"struct.kc::impl_Ctext"* }
     10 %"struct.kc::impl_Ctext_elem" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum", i32, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* }
     11 %"struct.kc::impl_ID" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum", %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"*, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*, i32, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* }
     12 %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum" = type { i32 (...)** }
     13 %"struct.kc::impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option", %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"*, %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"* }
     14 %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum", i8* }
     15 %"struct.kc::impl_elem_patternrepresentation" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum", i32, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*, %"struct.kc::impl_ID"* }
     16 %"struct.kc::impl_fileline" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum", %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*, i32 }
     17 %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_fileline" }
     18 %"struct.kc::impl_outmostpatterns" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option", %"struct.kc::impl_elem_patternrepresentation"*, %"struct.kc::impl_outmostpatterns"* }
     19 %"struct.kc::impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo" = type { %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option", %"struct.kc::impl_outmostpatterns"*, %"struct.kc::impl_outmostpatterns"*, %"struct.kc::impl_Ctext"* }
     21 @_ZTVN2kc13impl_filelineE = external constant [13 x i32 (...)*], align 32
     22 @.str = external constant [1 x i8], align 1
     23 @_ZTVN2kc22impl_fileline_FileLineE = external constant [13 x i32 (...)*], align 32
     25 define void @_ZN2kc22impl_fileline_FileLineC2EPNS_20impl_casestring__StrEi(%"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %_file, i32 %_line) align 2 {
     26 entry:
     27   %this_addr = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"*, align 4
     28   %_file_addr = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*, align 4
     29   %_line_addr = alloca i32, align 4
     30   %save_filt.150 = alloca i32
     31   %save_eptr.149 = alloca i8*
     32   %iftmp.99 = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*
     33   %eh_exception = alloca i8*
     34   %eh_selector = alloca i32
     35   %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32
     36   store %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr
     37   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %_file, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %_file_addr
     38   store i32 %_line, i32* %_line_addr
     39   %0 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
     40   %1 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %0, i32 0, i32 0
     41   call void @_ZN2kc13impl_filelineC2Ev() nounwind
     42   %2 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
     43   %3 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %2, i32 0, i32 0
     44   %4 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %3, i32 0, i32 0
     45   %5 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* %4, i32 0, i32 0
     46   store i32 (...)** getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i32 (...)*]* @_ZTVN2kc22impl_fileline_FileLineE, i32 0, i32 2), i32 (...)*** %5, align 4
     47   %6 = load %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %_file_addr, align 4
     48   %7 = icmp eq %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %6, null
     49   br i1 %7, label %bb, label %bb1
     51 bb:                                               ; preds = %entry
     52   %8 = invoke %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* @_ZN2kc12mkcasestringEPKci()
     53           to label %invcont unwind label %lpad
     55 invcont:                                          ; preds = %bb
     56   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %8, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %iftmp.99, align 4
     57   br label %bb2
     59 bb1:                                              ; preds = %entry
     60   %9 = load %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %_file_addr, align 4
     61   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %9, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %iftmp.99, align 4
     62   br label %bb2
     64 bb2:                                              ; preds = %bb1, %invcont
     65   %10 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
     66   %11 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %10, i32 0, i32 0
     67   %12 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %11, i32 0, i32 1
     68   %13 = load %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %iftmp.99, align 4
     69   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %13, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %12, align 4
     70   %14 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
     71   %15 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %14, i32 0, i32 0
     72   %16 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %15, i32 0, i32 2
     73   %17 = load i32* %_line_addr, align 4
     74   store i32 %17, i32* %16, align 4
     75   ret void
     77 lpad:                                             ; preds = %bb
     78   %eh_ptr = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
     79               cleanup
     80   %exn = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh_ptr, 0
     81   store i8* %exn, i8** %eh_exception
     82   %eh_ptr4 = load i8** %eh_exception
     83   %eh_select5 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh_ptr, 1
     84   store i32 %eh_select5, i32* %eh_selector
     85   %eh_select = load i32* %eh_selector
     86   store i32 %eh_select, i32* %save_filt.150, align 4
     87   %eh_value = load i8** %eh_exception
     88   store i8* %eh_value, i8** %save_eptr.149, align 4
     89   %18 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
     90   %19 = bitcast %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %18 to %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"*
     91   call void @_ZN2kc13impl_filelineD2Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %19) nounwind
     92   %20 = load i8** %save_eptr.149, align 4
     93   store i8* %20, i8** %eh_exception, align 4
     94   %21 = load i32* %save_filt.150, align 4
     95   store i32 %21, i32* %eh_selector, align 4
     96   %eh_ptr6 = load i8** %eh_exception
     97   call void @_Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow()
     98   unreachable
     99 }
    101 declare void @_ZN2kc13impl_filelineC2Ev() nounwind align 2
    103 define void @_ZN2kc13impl_filelineD1Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %this) nounwind align 2 {
    104 entry:
    105   %this_addr = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"*, align 4
    106   %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32
    107   store %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"** %this_addr
    108   %0 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"** %this_addr, align 4
    109   %1 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %0, i32 0, i32 0
    110   %2 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* %1, i32 0, i32 0
    111   store i32 (...)** getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i32 (...)*]* @_ZTVN2kc13impl_filelineE, i32 0, i32 2), i32 (...)*** %2, align 4
    112   %3 = trunc i32 0 to i8
    113   %toBool = icmp ne i8 %3, 0
    114   br i1 %toBool, label %bb1, label %return
    116 bb1:                                              ; preds = %entry
    117   %4 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"** %this_addr, align 4
    118   %5 = bitcast %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %4 to i8*
    119   call void @_ZdlPv() nounwind
    120   br label %return
    122 return:                                           ; preds = %bb1, %entry
    123   ret void
    124 }
    126 declare void @_ZdlPv() nounwind
    128 define void @_ZN2kc13impl_filelineD2Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %this) nounwind align 2 {
    129 entry:
    130   %this_addr = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"*, align 4
    131   %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32
    132   store %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"** %this_addr
    133   %0 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"** %this_addr, align 4
    134   %1 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %0, i32 0, i32 0
    135   %2 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* %1, i32 0, i32 0
    136   store i32 (...)** getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i32 (...)*]* @_ZTVN2kc13impl_filelineE, i32 0, i32 2), i32 (...)*** %2, align 4
    137   %3 = trunc i32 0 to i8
    138   %toBool = icmp ne i8 %3, 0
    139   br i1 %toBool, label %bb1, label %return
    141 bb1:                                              ; preds = %entry
    142   %4 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"** %this_addr, align 4
    143   %5 = bitcast %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %4 to i8*
    144   call void @_ZdlPv() nounwind
    145   br label %return
    147 return:                                           ; preds = %bb1, %entry
    148   ret void
    149 }
    151 define void @_ZN2kc22impl_fileline_FileLineC1EPNS_20impl_casestring__StrEi(%"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %_file, i32 %_line) align 2 {
    152 entry:
    153   %this_addr = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"*, align 4
    154   %_file_addr = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*, align 4
    155   %_line_addr = alloca i32, align 4
    156   %save_filt.148 = alloca i32
    157   %save_eptr.147 = alloca i8*
    158   %iftmp.99 = alloca %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"*
    159   %eh_exception = alloca i8*
    160   %eh_selector = alloca i32
    161   %"alloca point" = bitcast i32 0 to i32
    162   store %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr
    163   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %_file, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %_file_addr
    164   store i32 %_line, i32* %_line_addr
    165   %0 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
    166   %1 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %0, i32 0, i32 0
    167   call void @_ZN2kc13impl_filelineC2Ev() nounwind
    168   %2 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
    169   %3 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %2, i32 0, i32 0
    170   %4 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %3, i32 0, i32 0
    171   %5 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* %4, i32 0, i32 0
    172   store i32 (...)** getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i32 (...)*]* @_ZTVN2kc22impl_fileline_FileLineE, i32 0, i32 2), i32 (...)*** %5, align 4
    173   %6 = load %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %_file_addr, align 4
    174   %7 = icmp eq %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %6, null
    175   br i1 %7, label %bb, label %bb1
    177 bb:                                               ; preds = %entry
    178   %8 = invoke %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* @_ZN2kc12mkcasestringEPKci()
    179           to label %invcont unwind label %lpad
    181 invcont:                                          ; preds = %bb
    182   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %8, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %iftmp.99, align 4
    183   br label %bb2
    185 bb1:                                              ; preds = %entry
    186   %9 = load %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %_file_addr, align 4
    187   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %9, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %iftmp.99, align 4
    188   br label %bb2
    190 bb2:                                              ; preds = %bb1, %invcont
    191   %10 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
    192   %11 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %10, i32 0, i32 0
    193   %12 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %11, i32 0, i32 1
    194   %13 = load %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %iftmp.99, align 4
    195   store %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* %13, %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"** %12, align 4
    196   %14 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
    197   %15 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %14, i32 0, i32 0
    198   %16 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %15, i32 0, i32 2
    199   %17 = load i32* %_line_addr, align 4
    200   store i32 %17, i32* %16, align 4
    201   ret void
    203 lpad:                                             ; preds = %bb
    204   %eh_ptr = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i8* bitcast (i32 (...)* @__gxx_personality_v0 to i8*)
    205               cleanup
    206   %exn = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh_ptr, 0
    207   store i8* %exn, i8** %eh_exception
    208   %eh_ptr4 = load i8** %eh_exception
    209   %eh_select5 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh_ptr, 1
    210   store i32 %eh_select5, i32* %eh_selector
    211   %eh_select = load i32* %eh_selector
    212   store i32 %eh_select, i32* %save_filt.148, align 4
    213   %eh_value = load i8** %eh_exception
    214   store i8* %eh_value, i8** %save_eptr.147, align 4
    215   %18 = load %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"** %this_addr, align 4
    216   %19 = bitcast %"struct.kc::impl_fileline_FileLine"* %18 to %"struct.kc::impl_fileline"*
    217   call void @_ZN2kc13impl_filelineD2Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_fileline"* %19) nounwind
    218   %20 = load i8** %save_eptr.147, align 4
    219   store i8* %20, i8** %eh_exception, align 4
    220   %21 = load i32* %save_filt.148, align 4
    221   store i32 %21, i32* %eh_selector, align 4
    222   %eh_ptr6 = load i8** %eh_exception
    223   call void @_Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow()
    224   unreachable
    225 }
    227 declare i32 @__gxx_personality_v0(...)
    229 declare void @_Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow()
    231 define void @_ZN2kc21printer_functor_classC2Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* %this) nounwind align 2 {
    232 entry:
    233   unreachable
    234 }
    236 define %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"* @_ZN2kc11phylum_castIPNS_17impl_withcaseinfoES1_EET_PT0_(%"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"* %t) nounwind {
    237 entry:
    238   ret %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"* null
    239 }
    241 define %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* @_ZNK2kc43impl_ac_direct_declarator_AcDirectDeclProto9subphylumEi(%"struct.kc::impl_ac_abstract_declarator_AcAbsdeclDirdecl"* %this, i32 %no) nounwind align 2 {
    242 entry:
    243   ret %"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* undef
    244 }
    246 define void @_ZN2kc30impl_withcaseinfo_WithcaseinfoD0Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo"* %this) nounwind align 2 {
    247 entry:
    248   unreachable
    249 }
    251 define void @_ZN2kc30impl_withcaseinfo_WithcaseinfoC1EPNS_26impl_patternrepresentationES2_PNS_10impl_CtextE(%"struct.kc::impl_withcaseinfo_Withcaseinfo"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_outmostpatterns"* %_patternrepresentation_1, %"struct.kc::impl_outmostpatterns"* %_patternrepresentation_2, %"struct.kc::impl_Ctext"* %_Ctext_1) nounwind align 2 {
    252 entry:
    253   unreachable
    254 }
    256 define void @_ZN2kc21impl_rewriteviewsinfoC2EPNS_20impl_rewriteviewinfoEPS0_(%"struct.kc::impl_CexpressionDQ"* %this, %"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"* %p1, %"struct.kc::impl_CexpressionDQ"* %p2) nounwind align 2 {
    257 entry:
    258   unreachable
    259 }
    261 define %"struct.kc::impl_Ctext_elem"* @_ZN2kc11phylum_castIPNS_9impl_termENS_20impl_abstract_phylumEEET_PT0_(%"struct.kc::impl_abstract_phylum"* %t) nounwind {
    262 entry:
    263   unreachable
    264 }
    266 define void @_ZN2kc27impl_ac_parameter_type_listD2Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_Ccode_option"* %this) nounwind align 2 {
    267 entry:
    268   ret void
    269 }
    271 define void @_ZN2kc21impl_ac_operator_nameD2Ev(%"struct.kc::impl_Ctext_elem"* %this) nounwind align 2 {
    272 entry:
    273   ret void
    274 }
    276 declare %"struct.kc::impl_casestring__Str"* @_ZN2kc12mkcasestringEPKci()