1 " LLVM coding guidelines conformance for VIM 2 " $Revision$ 3 " 4 " Maintainer: The LLVM Team, http://llvm.org 5 " WARNING: Read before you source in all these commands and macros! Some 6 " of them may change VIM behavior that you depend on. 7 " 8 " You can run VIM with these settings without changing your current setup with: 9 " $ vim -u /path/to/llvm/utils/vim/vimrc 10 11 " It's VIM, not VI 12 set nocompatible 13 14 " A tab produces a 2-space indentation 15 set softtabstop=2 16 set shiftwidth=2 17 set expandtab 18 19 " Highlight trailing whitespace and lines longer than 80 columns. 20 highlight LongLine ctermbg=DarkYellow guibg=DarkYellow 21 highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=DarkYellow guibg=DarkYellow 22 if v:version >= 702 23 " Lines longer than 80 columns. 24 au BufWinEnter * let w:m0=matchadd('LongLine', '\%>80v.\+', -1) 25 26 " Whitespace at the end of a line. This little dance suppresses 27 " whitespace that has just been typed. 28 au BufWinEnter * let w:m1=matchadd('WhitespaceEOL', '\s\+$', -1) 29 au InsertEnter * call matchdelete(w:m1) 30 au InsertEnter * let w:m2=matchadd('WhitespaceEOL', '\s\+\%#\@<!$', -1) 31 au InsertLeave * call matchdelete(w:m2) 32 au InsertLeave * let w:m1=matchadd('WhitespaceEOL', '\s\+$', -1) 33 else 34 au BufRead,BufNewFile * syntax match LongLine /\%>80v.\+/ 35 au InsertEnter * syntax match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+\%#\@<!$/ 36 au InsertLeave * syntax match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/ 37 endif 38 39 " Enable filetype detection 40 filetype on 41 42 " Optional 43 " C/C++ programming helpers 44 augroup csrc 45 au! 46 autocmd FileType * set nocindent smartindent 47 autocmd FileType c,cpp set cindent 48 augroup END 49 " Set a few indentation parameters. See the VIM help for cinoptions-values for 50 " details. These aren't absolute rules; they're just an approximation of 51 " common style in LLVM source. 52 set cinoptions=:0,g0,(0,Ws,l1 53 " Add and delete spaces in increments of `shiftwidth' for tabs 54 set smarttab 55 56 " Highlight syntax in programming languages 57 syntax on 58 59 " LLVM Makefiles can have names such as Makefile.rules or TEST.nightly.Makefile, 60 " so it's important to categorize them as such. 61 augroup filetype 62 au! BufRead,BufNewFile *Makefile* set filetype=make 63 augroup END 64 65 " In Makefiles, don't expand tabs to spaces, since we need the actual tabs 66 autocmd FileType make set noexpandtab 67 68 " Useful macros for cleaning up code to conform to LLVM coding guidelines 69 70 " Delete trailing whitespace and tabs at the end of each line 71 command! DeleteTrailingWs :%s/\s\+$// 72 73 " Convert all tab characters to two spaces 74 command! Untab :%s/\t/ /g 75 76 " Enable syntax highlighting for LLVM files. To use, copy 77 " utils/vim/llvm.vim to ~/.vim/syntax . 78 augroup filetype 79 au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.ll set filetype=llvm 80 augroup END 81 82 " Enable syntax highlighting for tablegen files. To use, copy 83 " utils/vim/tablegen.vim to ~/.vim/syntax . 84 augroup filetype 85 au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.td set filetype=tablegen 86 augroup END 87 88 " Additional vim features to optionally uncomment. 89 "set showcmd 90 "set showmatch 91 "set showmode 92 "set incsearch 93 "set ruler 94 95 " Clang code-completion support. This is somewhat experimental! 96 97 " A path to a clang executable. 98 let g:clang_path = "clang++" 99 100 " A list of options to add to the clang commandline, for example to add 101 " include paths, predefined macros, and language options. 102 let g:clang_opts = [ 103 \ "-x","c++", 104 \ "-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS=1","-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS=1", 105 \ "-Iinclude" ] 106 107 function! ClangComplete(findstart, base) 108 if a:findstart == 1 109 " In findstart mode, look for the beginning of the current identifier. 110 let l:line = getline('.') 111 let l:start = col('.') - 1 112 while l:start > 0 && l:line[l:start - 1] =~ '\i' 113 let l:start -= 1 114 endwhile 115 return l:start 116 endif 117 118 " Get the current line and column numbers. 119 let l:l = line('.') 120 let l:c = col('.') 121 122 " Build a clang commandline to do code completion on stdin. 123 let l:the_command = shellescape(g:clang_path) . 124 \ " -cc1 -code-completion-at=-:" . l:l . ":" . l:c 125 for l:opt in g:clang_opts 126 let l:the_command .= " " . shellescape(l:opt) 127 endfor 128 129 " Copy the contents of the current buffer into a string for stdin. 130 " TODO: The extra space at the end is for working around clang's 131 " apparent inability to do code completion at the very end of the 132 " input. 133 " TODO: Is it better to feed clang the entire file instead of truncating 134 " it at the current line? 135 let l:process_input = join(getline(1, l:l), "\n") . " " 136 137 " Run it! 138 let l:input_lines = split(system(l:the_command, l:process_input), "\n") 139 140 " Parse the output. 141 for l:input_line in l:input_lines 142 " Vim's substring operator is annoyingly inconsistent with python's. 143 if l:input_line[:11] == 'COMPLETION: ' 144 let l:value = l:input_line[12:] 145 146 " Chop off anything after " : ", if present, and move it to the menu. 147 let l:menu = "" 148 let l:spacecolonspace = stridx(l:value, " : ") 149 if l:spacecolonspace != -1 150 let l:menu = l:value[l:spacecolonspace+3:] 151 let l:value = l:value[:l:spacecolonspace-1] 152 endif 153 154 " Chop off " (Hidden)", if present, and move it to the menu. 155 let l:hidden = stridx(l:value, " (Hidden)") 156 if l:hidden != -1 157 let l:menu .= " (Hidden)" 158 let l:value = l:value[:l:hidden-1] 159 endif 160 161 " Handle "Pattern". TODO: Make clang less weird. 162 if l:value == "Pattern" 163 let l:value = l:menu 164 let l:pound = stridx(l:value, "#") 165 " Truncate the at the first [#, <#, or {#. 166 if l:pound != -1 167 let l:value = l:value[:l:pound-2] 168 endif 169 endif 170 171 " Filter out results which don't match the base string. 172 if a:base != "" 173 if l:value[:strlen(a:base)-1] != a:base 174 continue 175 end 176 endif 177 178 " TODO: Don't dump the raw input into info, though it's nice for now. 179 " TODO: The kind string? 180 let l:item = { 181 \ "word": l:value, 182 \ "menu": l:menu, 183 \ "info": l:input_line, 184 \ "dup": 1 } 185 186 " Report a result. 187 if complete_add(l:item) == 0 188 return [] 189 endif 190 if complete_check() 191 return [] 192 endif 193 194 elseif l:input_line[:9] == "OVERLOAD: " 195 " An overload candidate. Use a crazy hack to get vim to 196 " display the results. TODO: Make this better. 197 let l:value = l:input_line[10:] 198 let l:item = { 199 \ "word": " ", 200 \ "menu": l:value, 201 \ "info": l:input_line, 202 \ "dup": 1} 203 204 " Report a result. 205 if complete_add(l:item) == 0 206 return [] 207 endif 208 if complete_check() 209 return [] 210 endif 211 212 endif 213 endfor 214 215 216 return [] 217 endfunction ClangComplete 218 219 " This to enables the somewhat-experimental clang-based 220 " autocompletion support. 221 set omnifunc=ClangComplete 222