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      1 '''
      2 Created on May 16, 2011
      4 @author: bungeman
      5 '''
      6 import sys
      7 import getopt
      8 import bench_util
     10 def usage():
     11     """Prints simple usage information."""
     13     print '-o <file> the old bench output file.'
     14     print '-n <file> the new bench output file.'
     15     print '-h causes headers to be output.'
     16     print '-f <fieldSpec> which fields to output and in what order.'
     17     print '   Not specifying is the same as -f "bctondp".'
     18     print '  b: bench'
     19     print '  c: config'
     20     print '  t: time type'
     21     print '  o: old time'
     22     print '  n: new time'
     23     print '  d: diff'
     24     print '  p: percent diff'
     26 class BenchDiff:
     27     """A compare between data points produced by bench.
     29     (BenchDataPoint, BenchDataPoint)"""
     30     def __init__(self, old, new):
     31         self.old = old
     32         self.new = new
     33         self.diff = old.time - new.time
     34         diffp = 0
     35         if old.time != 0:
     36             diffp = self.diff / old.time
     37         self.diffp = diffp
     39     def __repr__(self):
     40         return "BenchDiff(%s, %s)" % (
     41                    str(self.new),
     42                    str(self.old),
     43                )
     45 def main():
     46     """Parses command line and writes output."""
     48     try:
     49         opts, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:o:n:h")
     50     except getopt.GetoptError, err:
     51         print str(err) 
     52         usage()
     53         sys.exit(2)
     55     column_formats = {
     56         'b' : '{bench: >28} ',
     57         'c' : '{config: <4} ',
     58         't' : '{time_type: <4} ',
     59         'o' : '{old_time: >10.2f} ',
     60         'n' : '{new_time: >10.2f} ',
     61         'd' : '{diff: >+10.2f} ',
     62         'p' : '{diffp: >+8.1%} ',
     63     }
     64     header_formats = {
     65         'b' : '{bench: >28} ',
     66         'c' : '{config: <4} ',
     67         't' : '{time_type: <4} ',
     68         'o' : '{old_time: >10} ',
     69         'n' : '{new_time: >10} ',
     70         'd' : '{diff: >10} ',
     71         'p' : '{diffp: >8} ',
     72     }
     74     old = None
     75     new = None
     76     column_format = ""
     77     header_format = ""
     78     columns = 'bctondp'
     79     header = False
     81     for option, value in opts:
     82         if option == "-o":
     83             old = value
     84         elif option == "-n":
     85             new = value
     86         elif option == "-h":
     87             header = True
     88         elif option == "-f":
     89             columns = value
     90         else:
     91             usage()
     92             assert False, "unhandled option"
     94     if old is None or new is None:
     95         usage()
     96         sys.exit(2)
     98     for column_char in columns:
     99         if column_formats[column_char]:
    100             column_format += column_formats[column_char]
    101             header_format += header_formats[column_char]
    102         else:
    103             usage()
    104             sys.exit(2)
    106     if header:
    107         print header_format.format(
    108             bench='bench'
    109             , config='conf'
    110             , time_type='time'
    111             , old_time='old'
    112             , new_time='new'
    113             , diff='diff'
    114             , diffp='diffP'
    115         )
    117     old_benches = bench_util.parse({}, open(old, 'r'))
    118     new_benches = bench_util.parse({}, open(new, 'r'))
    120     bench_diffs = []
    121     for old_bench in old_benches:
    122         #filter new_benches for benches that match old_bench
    123         new_bench_match = [bench for bench in new_benches
    124             if old_bench.bench == bench.bench and
    125                old_bench.config == bench.config and
    126                old_bench.time_type == bench.time_type
    127         ]
    128         if (len(new_bench_match) < 1):
    129             continue
    130         bench_diffs.append(BenchDiff(old_bench, new_bench_match[0]))
    132     bench_diffs.sort(key=lambda d : [d.diffp,
    133                                      d.old.bench,
    134                                      d.old.config,
    135                                      d.old.time_type,
    136                                     ])
    137     for bench_diff in bench_diffs:
    138         print column_format.format(
    139             bench=bench_diff.old.bench.strip()
    140             , config=bench_diff.old.config.strip()
    141             , time_type=bench_diff.old.time_type
    142             , old_time=bench_diff.old.time
    143             , new_time=bench_diff.new.time
    144             , diff=bench_diff.diff
    145             , diffp=bench_diff.diffp
    146         )
    148 if __name__ == "__main__":
    149     main()