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      1 # conditions used in both common.gypi and skia.gyp in chromium
      2 #
      3 {
      4   'conditions' : [
      6     ['skia_os == "win"',
      7       {
      8         'defines': [
      9           'SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN32',
     10           'SK_IGNORE_STDINT_DOT_H',
     11           '_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS',
     12         ],
     13         'msvs_cygwin_shell': 0,
     14         'msvs_settings': {
     15           'VCCLCompilerTool': {
     16             'WarningLevel': '1',
     17             'WarnAsError': 'false',
     18             'DebugInformationFormat': '3',
     19             'AdditionalOptions': [ '/MP' ],
     20           },
     21           'VCLinkerTool': {
     22             'AdditionalDependencies': [
     23               'OpenGL32.lib',
     24               'usp10.lib',
     25             ],
     26           },
     27         },
     28         'configurations': {
     29           'Debug': {
     30             'msvs_settings': {
     31               'VCCLCompilerTool': {
     32                 'DebugInformationFormat': '4', # editAndContiue (/ZI)
     33                 'ProgramDataBaseFileName': '$(OutDir)\\$(ProjectName).pdb',
     34                 'Optimization': '0',           # optimizeDisabled (/Od)
     35                 'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['_DEBUG'],
     36                 'RuntimeLibrary': '3',         # rtMultiThreadedDebugDLL (/MDd)
     37                 'ExceptionHandling': '0',
     38                 'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false',      # /GR-
     39                 'WarningLevel': '3',             # level3 (/W3)
     40               },
     41               'VCLinkerTool': {
     42                 'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true', # /DEBUG
     43                 'LinkIncremental': '2',             # /INCREMENTAL
     44               },
     45             },
     46           },
     47           'Release': {
     48             'msvs_settings': {
     49               'VCCLCompilerTool': {
     50                 'DebugInformationFormat': '3',   # programDatabase (/Zi)
     51                 'ProgramDataBaseFileName': '$(OutDir)\\$(ProjectName).pdb',
     52                 'Optimization': '3',             # full (/Ox)
     53                 'WholeProgramOptimization': 'true', #/GL
     54                # Changing the floating point model requires rebaseling gm images
     55                #'FloatingPointModel': '2',       # fast (/fp:fast)
     56                 'FavorSizeOrSpeed': '1',         # speed (/Ot)
     57                 'PreprocessorDefinitions': ['NDEBUG'],
     58                 'RuntimeLibrary': '2',           # rtMultiThreadedDLL (/MD)
     59                 'ExceptionHandling': '0',
     60                 'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'false',      # /GR-
     61                 'WarningLevel': '3',             # level3 (/W3)
     62               },
     63               'VCLinkerTool': {
     64                 'GenerateDebugInformation': 'true', # /DEBUG
     65                 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': '1',      # useLinkTimeCodeGeneration /LTCG
     66               },
     67               'VCLibrarianTool': {
     68                 'LinkTimeCodeGeneration': 'true',   # useLinkTimeCodeGeneration /LTCG
     69               },
     70             },
     71           },
     72         },
     73       },
     74     ],
     76     ['skia_os in ["linux", "freebsd", "openbsd", "solaris"]',
     77       {
     78         'defines': [
     79           'SK_SAMPLES_FOR_X',
     80           'SK_BUILD_FOR_UNIX',
     81           'SK_USE_COLOR_LUMINANCE',
     82           'SK_GAMMA_APPLY_TO_A8',
     83         ],
     84         'configurations': {
     85           'Debug': {
     86             'cflags': ['-g']
     87           },
     88           'Release': {
     89             'cflags': ['-O2'],
     90             'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ],
     91           },
     92         },
     93         'cflags': [
     94           # TODO(tony): Enable -Werror once all the strict-aliasing problems
     95           # are fixed.
     96           #'-Werror',
     97           '-Wall',
     98           '-Wextra',
     99           '-Wno-unused',
    100           # suppressions below here were added for clang
    101           '-Wno-unused-parameter',
    102           '-Wno-c++11-extensions'
    103         ],
    104         'include_dirs' : [
    105           '/usr/include/freetype2',
    106         ],
    107       },
    108     ],
    110     ['skia_os == "mac"', 
    111       {
    112         'defines': [
    113           'SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC',
    114         ],
    115         'configurations': {
    116           'Debug': {
    117             'xcode_settings': {
    118               'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '0',
    119             },
    120           },
    121           'Release': {
    122             'xcode_settings': {
    123               'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '3',
    124             },
    125             'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ],
    126           },
    127         },
    128         'xcode_settings': {
    129           'SYMROOT': '<(DEPTH)/xcodebuild',
    130           'SDKROOT': 'macosx10.6',
    131 # trying to get this to work, but it needs clang I think...
    132 #          'WARNING_CFLAGS': '-Wexit-time-destructors',
    133           'CLANG_WARN_CXX0X_EXTENSIONS': 'NO',
    134         },
    135       },
    136     ],
    138     ['skia_os == "ios"', 
    139       {
    140         'defines': [
    141           'SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS',
    142         ],
    143         'configurations': {
    144           'Debug': {
    145             'xcode_settings': {
    146               'GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL': '0',
    147             },
    148           },
    149         },
    150         'xcode_settings': {
    151           'SYMROOT': '<(DEPTH)/xcodebuild',
    152         },
    153       },
    154     ],
    156     ['skia_os == "android"', 
    157       {
    158         'defines': [
    159           'SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID',
    160           'SK_BUILD_FOR_ANDROID_NDK',
    162         ],
    163         'configurations': {
    164           'Debug': {
    165             'cflags': ['-g']
    166           },
    167           'Release': {
    168             'cflags': ['-O2'],
    169             'defines': [ 'NDEBUG' ],
    170           },
    171         },
    172         'libraries': [
    173           '-lstdc++',
    174           '-lm',
    175           '-llog',
    176         ],
    177         'cflags': [
    178           '-fno-exceptions',
    179           '-fno-rtti',
    180         ],
    181         'conditions': [
    182           [ 'skia_target_arch == "arm"', {
    183             'ldflags': [
    184               '-Wl',
    185               '--fix-cortex-a8',
    186             ],
    187           }],
    188           [ 'skia_target_arch == "arm" and arm_thumb == 1', {
    189             'cflags': [
    190               '-mthumb',
    191             ],
    192           }],
    193           [ 'skia_target_arch == "arm" and armv7 == 1', {
    194             'defines': [
    195               '__ARM_ARCH__=7',
    196             ],
    197             'cflags': [
    198               '-march=armv7-a',
    199               '-mfloat-abi=softfp',
    200             ],
    201             'conditions': [
    202               [ 'arm_neon == 1', {
    203                 'defines': [
    204                   '__ARM_HAVE_NEON',
    205                 ],
    206                 'cflags': [
    207                   '-mfpu=neon',
    208                 ],
    209              }],
    210             ],
    211          }],
    212         ], 
    213       },
    214     ],
    216     # We can POD-style initialization of static mutexes to avoid generating
    217     # static initializers if we're using a pthread-compatible thread interface.
    218     [ 'skia_os != "win"', {
    219       'defines': [
    220         'SK_USE_POSIX_THREADS'
    221       ],
    222     }],
    224   ], # end 'conditions'
    225 }
    227 # Local Variables:
    228 # tab-width:2
    229 # indent-tabs-mode:nil
    230 # End:
    231 # vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: