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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 package com.android.phone;
     19 import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils;
     20 import android.util.Log;
     22 import com.android.internal.telephony.Call;
     23 import com.android.internal.telephony.Connection;
     24 import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone;
     25 import com.android.internal.telephony.CallManager;
     26 import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyCapabilities;
     28 /**
     29  * Helper class to keep track of enabledness, visibility, and "on/off"
     30  * or "checked" state of the various controls available in the in-call
     31  * UI, based on the current telephony state.
     32  *
     33  * This class is independent of the exact UI controls used on any given
     34  * device.  To avoid cluttering up the "view" code (i.e. InCallTouchUi)
     35  * with logic about which functions are available right now, we instead
     36  * have that logic here, and provide simple boolean flags to indicate the
     37  * state and/or enabledness of all possible in-call user operations.
     38  *
     39  * (In other words, this is the "model" that corresponds to the "view"
     40  * implemented by InCallTouchUi.)
     41  */
     42 public class InCallControlState {
     43     private static final String LOG_TAG = "InCallControlState";
     44     private static final boolean DBG = (PhoneApp.DBG_LEVEL >= 2);
     46     private InCallScreen mInCallScreen;
     47     private CallManager mCM;
     49     //
     50     // Our "public API": Boolean flags to indicate the state and/or
     51     // enabledness of all possible in-call user operations:
     52     //
     54     public boolean manageConferenceVisible;
     55     public boolean manageConferenceEnabled;
     56     //
     57     public boolean canAddCall;
     58     //
     59     public boolean canEndCall;
     60     //
     61     public boolean canSwap;
     62     public boolean canMerge;
     63     //
     64     public boolean bluetoothEnabled;
     65     public boolean bluetoothIndicatorOn;
     66     //
     67     public boolean speakerEnabled;
     68     public boolean speakerOn;
     69     //
     70     public boolean canMute;
     71     public boolean muteIndicatorOn;
     72     //
     73     public boolean dialpadEnabled;
     74     public boolean dialpadVisible;
     75     //
     76     /** True if the "Hold" function is *ever* available on this device */
     77     public boolean supportsHold;
     78     /** True if the call is currently on hold */
     79     public boolean onHold;
     80     /** True if the "Hold" or "Unhold" function should be available right now */
     81     // TODO: this name is misleading.  Let's break this apart into
     82     // separate canHold and canUnhold flags, and have the caller look at
     83     // "canHold || canUnhold" to decide whether the hold/unhold UI element
     84     // should be visible.
     85     public boolean canHold;
     88     public InCallControlState(InCallScreen inCallScreen, CallManager cm) {
     89         if (DBG) log("InCallControlState constructor...");
     90         mInCallScreen = inCallScreen;
     91         mCM = cm;
     92     }
     94     /**
     95      * Updates all our public boolean flags based on the current state of
     96      * the Phone.
     97      */
     98     public void update() {
     99         final Phone.State state = mCM.getState();  // coarse-grained voice call state
    100         final Call fgCall = mCM.getActiveFgCall();
    101         final Call.State fgCallState = fgCall.getState();
    102         final boolean hasActiveForegroundCall = (fgCallState == Call.State.ACTIVE);
    103         final boolean hasHoldingCall = mCM.hasActiveBgCall();
    105         // Manage conference:
    106         if (TelephonyCapabilities.supportsConferenceCallManagement(fgCall.getPhone())) {
    107             // This item is visible only if the foreground call is a
    108             // conference call, and it's enabled unless the "Manage
    109             // conference" UI is already up.
    110             manageConferenceVisible = PhoneUtils.isConferenceCall(fgCall);
    111             manageConferenceEnabled =
    112                     manageConferenceVisible && !mInCallScreen.isManageConferenceMode();
    113         } else {
    114             // This device has no concept of managing a conference call.
    115             manageConferenceVisible = false;
    116             manageConferenceEnabled = false;
    117         }
    119         // "Add call":
    120         canAddCall = PhoneUtils.okToAddCall(mCM);
    122         // "End call": always enabled unless the phone is totally idle.
    123         // Note that while the phone is ringing, the InCallTouchUi widget isn't
    124         // visible at all, so the state of the End button doesn't matter.  However
    125         // we *do* still set canEndCall to true in this case, purely to prevent a
    126         // UI glitch when the InCallTouchUi widget first appears, immediately after
    127         // answering an incoming call.
    128         canEndCall = (mCM.hasActiveFgCall() || mCM.hasActiveRingingCall() || mCM.hasActiveBgCall());
    130         // Swap / merge calls
    131         canSwap = PhoneUtils.okToSwapCalls(mCM);
    132         canMerge = PhoneUtils.okToMergeCalls(mCM);
    134         // "Bluetooth":
    135         if (mInCallScreen.isBluetoothAvailable()) {
    136             bluetoothEnabled = true;
    137             bluetoothIndicatorOn = mInCallScreen.isBluetoothAudioConnectedOrPending();
    138         } else {
    139             bluetoothEnabled = false;
    140             bluetoothIndicatorOn = false;
    141         }
    143         // "Speaker": always enabled unless the phone is totally idle.
    144         // The current speaker state comes from the AudioManager.
    145         speakerEnabled = (state != Phone.State.IDLE);
    146         speakerOn = PhoneUtils.isSpeakerOn(mInCallScreen);
    148         // "Mute": only enabled when the foreground call is ACTIVE.
    149         // (It's meaningless while on hold, or while DIALING/ALERTING.)
    150         // It's also explicitly disabled during emergency calls or if
    151         // emergency callback mode (ECM) is active.
    152         Connection c = fgCall.getLatestConnection();
    153         boolean isEmergencyCall = false;
    154         if (c != null) isEmergencyCall =
    155                 PhoneNumberUtils.isLocalEmergencyNumber(c.getAddress(),
    156                                                         fgCall.getPhone().getContext());
    157         boolean isECM = PhoneUtils.isPhoneInEcm(fgCall.getPhone());
    158         if (isEmergencyCall || isECM) {  // disable "Mute" item
    159             canMute = false;
    160             muteIndicatorOn = false;
    161         } else {
    162             canMute = hasActiveForegroundCall;
    163             muteIndicatorOn = PhoneUtils.getMute();
    164         }
    166         // "Dialpad": Enabled only when it's OK to use the dialpad in the
    167         // first place.
    168         dialpadEnabled = mInCallScreen.okToShowDialpad();
    170         // Also keep track of whether the dialpad is currently "opened"
    171         // (i.e. visible).
    172         dialpadVisible = mInCallScreen.isDialerOpened();
    174         // "Hold:
    175         if (TelephonyCapabilities.supportsHoldAndUnhold(fgCall.getPhone())) {
    176             // This phone has the concept of explicit "Hold" and "Unhold" actions.
    177             supportsHold = true;
    178             // "On hold" means that there's a holding call and
    179             // *no* foreground call.  (If there *is* a foreground call,
    180             // that's "two lines in use".)
    181             onHold = hasHoldingCall && (fgCallState == Call.State.IDLE);
    182             // The "Hold" control is disabled entirely if there's
    183             // no way to either hold or unhold in the current state.
    184             boolean okToHold = hasActiveForegroundCall && !hasHoldingCall;
    185             boolean okToUnhold = onHold;
    186             canHold = okToHold || okToUnhold;
    187         } else if (hasHoldingCall && (fgCallState == Call.State.IDLE)) {
    188             // Even when foreground phone device doesn't support hold/unhold, phone devices
    189             // for background holding calls may do.
    190             //
    191             // If the foreground call is ACTIVE,  we should turn on "swap" button instead.
    192             final Call bgCall = mCM.getFirstActiveBgCall();
    193             if (bgCall != null &&
    194                     TelephonyCapabilities.supportsHoldAndUnhold(bgCall.getPhone())) {
    195                 supportsHold = true;
    196                 onHold = true;
    197                 canHold = true;
    198             }
    199         } else {
    200             // This device has no concept of "putting a call on hold."
    201             supportsHold = false;
    202             onHold = false;
    203             canHold = false;
    204         }
    206         if (DBG) dumpState();
    207     }
    209     public void dumpState() {
    210         log("InCallControlState:");
    211         log("  manageConferenceVisible: " + manageConferenceVisible);
    212         log("  manageConferenceEnabled: " + manageConferenceEnabled);
    213         log("  canAddCall: " + canAddCall);
    214         log("  canEndCall: " + canEndCall);
    215         log("  canSwap: " + canSwap);
    216         log("  canMerge: " + canMerge);
    217         log("  bluetoothEnabled: " + bluetoothEnabled);
    218         log("  bluetoothIndicatorOn: " + bluetoothIndicatorOn);
    219         log("  speakerEnabled: " + speakerEnabled);
    220         log("  speakerOn: " + speakerOn);
    221         log("  canMute: " + canMute);
    222         log("  muteIndicatorOn: " + muteIndicatorOn);
    223         log("  dialpadEnabled: " + dialpadEnabled);
    224         log("  dialpadVisible: " + dialpadVisible);
    225         log("  onHold: " + onHold);
    226         log("  canHold: " + canHold);
    227     }
    229     private void log(String msg) {
    230         Log.d(LOG_TAG, msg);
    231     }
    232 }