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      1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      7 #pragma once
      9 #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
     11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
     12 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
     14 class PanelManager;
     16 // A platform independent implementation of BrowserWindow for Panels.  This
     17 // class would get the first crack at all the BrowserWindow calls for Panels and
     18 // do one or more of the following:
     19 // - Do nothing.  The function is not relevant to Panels.
     20 // - Throw an exceptions.  The function shouldn't be called for Panels.
     21 // - Do Panel specific platform independent processing and then invoke the
     22 //   function on the platform specific BrowserWindow member.  For example,
     23 //   Panel size is restricted to certain limits.
     24 // - Invoke an appropriate PanelManager function to do stuff that might affect
     25 //   other Panels.  For example deleting a panel would rearrange other panels.
     26 class Panel : public BrowserWindow {
     27  public:
     28   virtual ~Panel();
     30   // Returns the PanelManager associated with this panel.
     31   PanelManager* manager() const;
     33   void Minimize();
     35   void Restore();
     37   const gfx::Rect& bounds() const { return bounds_; }
     39   bool minimized() const { return minimized_; }
     41   // BrowserWindow overrides.
     42   virtual void Show();
     43   virtual void ShowInactive();
     44   virtual void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
     45   virtual void Close();
     46   virtual void Activate();
     47   virtual void Deactivate();
     48   virtual bool IsActive() const;
     49   virtual void FlashFrame();
     50   virtual gfx::NativeWindow GetNativeHandle();
     51   virtual BrowserWindowTesting* GetBrowserWindowTesting();
     52   virtual StatusBubble* GetStatusBubble();
     53   virtual void ToolbarSizeChanged(bool is_animating);
     54   virtual void UpdateTitleBar();
     55   virtual void ShelfVisibilityChanged();
     56   virtual void UpdateDevTools();
     57   virtual void UpdateLoadingAnimations(bool should_animate);
     58   virtual void SetStarredState(bool is_starred);
     59   virtual gfx::Rect GetRestoredBounds() const;
     60   virtual gfx::Rect GetBounds() const;
     61   virtual bool IsMaximized() const;
     62   virtual void SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen);
     63   virtual bool IsFullscreen() const;
     64   virtual bool IsFullscreenBubbleVisible() const;
     65   virtual LocationBar* GetLocationBar() const;
     66   virtual void SetFocusToLocationBar(bool select_all);
     67   virtual void UpdateReloadStopState(bool is_loading, bool force);
     68   virtual void UpdateToolbar(TabContentsWrapper* contents,
     69                              bool should_restore_state);
     70   virtual void FocusToolbar();
     71   virtual void FocusAppMenu();
     72   virtual void FocusBookmarksToolbar();
     73   virtual void FocusChromeOSStatus();
     74   virtual void RotatePaneFocus(bool forwards);
     75   virtual bool IsBookmarkBarVisible() const;
     76   virtual bool IsBookmarkBarAnimating() const;
     77   virtual bool IsTabStripEditable() const;
     78   virtual bool IsToolbarVisible() const;
     79   virtual void DisableInactiveFrame();
     80   virtual void ConfirmSetDefaultSearchProvider(
     81       TabContents* tab_contents,
     82       TemplateURL* template_url,
     83       TemplateURLModel* template_url_model);
     84   virtual void ConfirmAddSearchProvider(const TemplateURL* template_url,
     85                                         Profile* profile);
     86   virtual void ToggleBookmarkBar();
     87   virtual void ShowAboutChromeDialog();
     88   virtual void ShowUpdateChromeDialog();
     89   virtual void ShowTaskManager();
     90   virtual void ShowBackgroundPages();
     91   virtual void ShowBookmarkBubble(const GURL& url, bool already_bookmarked);
     92   virtual bool IsDownloadShelfVisible() const;
     93   virtual DownloadShelf* GetDownloadShelf();
     94   virtual void ShowRepostFormWarningDialog(TabContents* tab_contents);
     95   virtual void ShowCollectedCookiesDialog(TabContents* tab_contents);
     96   virtual void ShowThemeInstallBubble();
     97   virtual void ConfirmBrowserCloseWithPendingDownloads();
     98   virtual void ShowHTMLDialog(HtmlDialogUIDelegate* delegate,
     99                               gfx::NativeWindow parent_window);
    100   virtual void UserChangedTheme();
    101   virtual int GetExtraRenderViewHeight() const;
    102   virtual void TabContentsFocused(TabContents* tab_contents);
    103   virtual void ShowPageInfo(Profile* profile,
    104                             const GURL& url,
    105                             const NavigationEntry::SSLStatus& ssl,
    106                             bool show_history);
    107   virtual void ShowAppMenu();
    108   virtual bool PreHandleKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event,
    109                                       bool* is_keyboard_shortcut);
    110   virtual void HandleKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event);
    111   virtual void ShowCreateWebAppShortcutsDialog(
    112       TabContentsWrapper* tab_contents);
    113   virtual void ShowCreateChromeAppShortcutsDialog(Profile* profile,
    114                                                   const Extension* app);
    115   virtual void Cut();
    116   virtual void Copy();
    117   virtual void Paste();
    118   virtual void ToggleTabStripMode();
    119 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
    120   virtual void OpenTabpose();
    121 #endif
    122   virtual void PrepareForInstant();
    123   virtual void ShowInstant(TabContentsWrapper* preview);
    124   virtual void HideInstant(bool instant_is_active);
    125   virtual gfx::Rect GetInstantBounds();
    126 #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    127   virtual void ShowKeyboardOverlay(gfx::NativeWindow owning_window);
    128 #endif
    130   // Construct a native panel BrowserWindow implementation for the specified
    131   // |browser|.
    132   static BrowserWindow* CreateNativePanel(Browser* browser, Panel* panel);
    134  protected:
    135   virtual void DestroyBrowser();
    137  private:
    138   friend class PanelManager;
    140   // Panel can only be created using PanelManager::CreatePanel().
    141   Panel(Browser* browser, const gfx::Rect& bounds);
    143   // Platform specifc BrowserWindow implementation for panels.  It'd be one of
    144   // PanelBrowserWindowGtk/PanelBrowserView/PanelBrowserWindowCocoa.
    145   scoped_ptr<BrowserWindow> browser_window_;
    147   gfx::Rect bounds_;
    149   // Is the panel minimized?
    150   bool minimized_;
    153 };