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    254         <h1 class="page_title">Internationalization (i18n)</h1>
    255       </div>
    256         <!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS -->
    257         <div id="toc">
    258           <h2>Contents</h2>
    259           <ol>
    260             <li>
    261               <a href="#l10">How to support multiple languages</a>
    262               <ol>
    263                 <li style="display: none; ">
    264                   <a>h3Name</a>
    265                 </li>
    266               </ol>
    267             </li><li>
    268               <a href="#overview-predefined">Predefined messages</a>
    269               <ol>
    270                 <li style="display: none; ">
    271                   <a>h3Name</a>
    272                 </li>
    273               </ol>
    274             </li><li>
    275               <a href="#overview-locales">Locales</a>
    276               <ol>
    277                 <li>
    278                   <a href="#locales-supported">Supported locales</a>
    279                 </li><li>
    280                   <a href="#locales-usage">How extensions find strings</a>
    281                 </li><li>
    282                   <a href="#locales-testing">How to set your browser's locale</a>
    283                 </li>
    284               </ol>
    285             </li><li>
    286               <a href="#overview-examples">Examples</a>
    287               <ol>
    288                 <li>
    289                   <a href="#examples-getMessage">Examples: getMessage</a>
    290                 </li><li>
    291                   <a href="#example-accept-languages">Example: getAcceptLanguages</a>
    292                 </li>
    293               </ol>
    294             </li>
    295               <li>
    296                 <a href="#apiReference">API reference: chrome.i18n</a>
    297                 <ol>
    298                   <li style="display: none; ">
    299                     <a href="#properties">Properties</a>
    300                     <ol>
    301                       <li>
    302                         <a href="#property-anchor">propertyName</a>
    303                       </li>
    304                     </ol>
    305                   </li>
    306                   <li>
    307                     <a href="#global-methods">Methods</a>
    308                     <ol>
    309                       <li>
    310                         <a href="#method-getAcceptLanguages">getAcceptLanguages</a>
    311                       </li><li>
    312                         <a href="#method-getMessage">getMessage</a>
    313                       </li>
    314                     </ol>
    315                   </li>
    316                   <li style="display: none; ">
    317                     <a>Events</a>
    318                     <ol>
    319                       <li>
    320                         <a href="#event-anchor">eventName</a>
    321                       </li>
    322                     </ol>
    323                   </li>
    324                   <li style="display: none; ">
    325                     <a href="#types">Types</a>
    326                     <ol>
    327                       <li>
    328                         <a href="#id-anchor">id</a>
    329                       </li>
    330                     </ol>
    331                   </li>
    332                 </ol>
    333               </li>
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    340           For information on how to use experimental APIs, see the <a href="experimental.html">chrome.experimental.* APIs</a> page.
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    343         <!-- STATIC CONTENT PLACEHOLDER -->
    344         <div id="static"><div id="pageData-name" class="pageData">Internationalization (i18n)</div>
    346 <!--
    347 [NOTEs for editors:
    348  * Try to be consistent about string vs. message (it's probably not yet).
    349 -->
    352 <p id="classSummary">
    353 An <em>internationalized</em> extension
    354 can be easily
    355 <em>localized</em> 
    356 adapted to languages and regions
    357 that it didn't originally support.
    358 </p>
    360 <p>
    361 To internationalize your extension,
    362 you need to put all of its user-visible strings into a file
    363 named <a href="i18n-messages.html"><code>messages.json</code></a>.
    364 Each time you localize your extension
    365 you add a messages file
    366 under a directory
    367 named <code>_locales/<em>localeCode</em></code>,
    368 where <em>localeCode</em> is a code such as
    369 <code>en</code> for English.
    370 </p>
    372 <p>
    373 Here's the file hierarchy
    374 for an internationalized extension that supports
    375 English (<code>en</code>),
    376 Spanish (<code>es</code>), and
    377 Korean (<code>ko</code>):
    378 </p>
    380 <img src="images/i18n-hierarchy.gif" alt="In the extension directory: manifest.json, *.html, *.js, _locales directory. In the _locales directory: en, es, and ko directories, each with a messages.json file." width="385" height="77">
    383 <h2 id="l10">How to support multiple languages</h2>
    385 <p>
    386 Say you have an extension
    387 with the files shown in the following figure:
    388 </p>
    390 <img src="images/i18n-before.gif" alt="A manifest.json file and a file with JavaScript. The .json file has &quot;name&quot;: &quot;Hello World&quot;. The JavaScript file has title = &quot;Hello World&quot;;" width="323" height="148">
    392 <p>
    393 To internationalize this extension,
    394 you name each user-visible string
    395 and put it into a messages file.
    396 The extension's manifest,
    397 CSS files,
    398 and JavaScript code
    399 use each string's name to get its localized version.
    400 </p>
    402 <p>
    403 Here's what the extension looks like when it's internationalized
    404 (note that it still has only English strings):
    405 </p>
    407 <img src="images/i18n-after-1.gif" alt="In the manifest.json file, &quot;Hello World&quot; has been changed to &quot;__MSG_extName__&quot;, and a new &quot;default_locale&quot; item has the value &quot;en&quot;. In the JavaScript file, &quot;Hello World&quot; has been changed to chrome.i18n.getMessage(&quot;extName&quot;). A new file named _locales/en/messages.json defines &quot;extName&quot;." width="782" height="228">
    409 <p class="note">
    410 <b>Important:</b>
    411 If an extension has a <code>_locales</code> directory,
    412 the <a href="manifest.html">manifest</a>
    413 <b>must</b> define "default_locale".
    414 </p>
    416 <p>
    417 Some notes about internationalizing extensions:
    418 </p>
    420 <ul>
    421   <li><p>
    422     You can use any of the <a href="#overview-locales">supported locales</a>.
    423     If you use an unsupported locale,
    424     Google Chrome ignores it.
    425   </p></li>
    427   <li>
    428     In <code>manifest.json</code>
    429     and CSS files,
    430     refer to a string named <em>messagename</em> like this:
    431     <pre>__MSG_<em>messagename</em>__</pre>
    432   </li>
    434   <li>
    435     In your extension's JavaScript code,
    436     refer to a string named <em>messagename</em>
    437     like this:
    438     <pre>chrome.i18n.getMessage("<em>messagename</em>")</pre>
    440   </li><li> <p>
    441     In each call to <code>getMessage()</code>,
    442     you can supply up to 9 strings
    443     to be included in the message.
    444     See <a href="#examples-getMessage">Examples: getMessage</a>
    445     for details.
    446     </p>
    447   </li>
    449   <li><p>
    450     Some messages, such as <code>@@bidi_dir</code> and <code>@@ui_locale</code>,
    451     are provided by the internationalization system.
    452     See the <a href="#overview-predefined">Predefined messages</a> section
    453     for a full list of predefined message names.
    454     </p>
    455   </li>
    457   <li>
    458     In <code>messages.json</code>,
    459     each user-visible string has a name, a "message" item,
    460     and an optional "description" item.
    461     The name is a key
    462     such as "extName" or "search_string"
    463     that identifies the string.
    464     The "message" specifies
    465     the value of the string in this locale.
    466     The optional "description"
    467     provides help to translators,
    468     who might not be able to see how the string is used in your extension.
    469     For example:
    470 <pre>{
    471   "search_string": {
    472     "message": "hello%20world",
    473     "description": "The string we search for. Put %20 between words that go together."
    474   },
    475   ...
    476 }</pre>
    478 <p>
    479 For more information, see
    480 <a href="i18n-messages.html">Formats: Locale-Specific Messages</a>.
    481 </p>
    482   </li>
    483 </ul>
    485 <p>
    486 Once an extension is internationalized,
    487 translating it is simple.
    488 You copy <code>messages.json</code>,
    489 translate it,
    490 and put the copy into a new directory under <code>_locales</code>.
    491 For example, to support Spanish,
    492 just put a translated copy of <code>messages.json</code>
    493 under <code>_locales/es</code>.
    494 The following figure shows the previous extension
    495 with a new Spanish translation.
    496 </p>
    498 <img src="images/i18n-after-2.gif" alt="This looks the same as the previous figure, but with a new file at _locales/es/messages.json that contains a Spanish translation of the messages." width="782" height="358">
    501 <h2 id="overview-predefined">Predefined messages</h2>
    503 <p>
    504 The internationalization system provides a few predefined
    505 messages to help you localize your extension.
    506 These include <code>@@ui_locale</code>,
    507 so you can detect the current UI locale,
    508 and a few <code>@@bidi_...</code> messages
    509 that let you detect the text direction.
    510 The latter messages have similar names to constants in the
    511 <a href="http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/i18n.html#BIDI">
    512 gadgets BIDI (bi-directional) API</a>.
    513 </p>
    515 <p>
    516 The special message <code>@@extension_id</code>
    517 can be used in the CSS and JavaScript files of any extension,
    518 whether or not the extension is localized.
    519 This message doesn't work in manifest files.
    520 </p>
    522 <p class="note">
    523 <b>Note:</b>
    524 Content script CSS files can't use
    525 predefined messages such as <code>@@extension_id</code>.
    526 For details, see
    527 <a href="http://crbug.com/39899">bug 39899</a>.
    528 </p>
    530 <p>
    531 The following table describes each predefined message.
    532 </p>
    534 <table>
    535 <tbody><tr>
    536   <th>Message name</th> <th>Description</th>
    537 </tr>
    538 <tr>
    539   <td> <code>@@extension_id</code> </td>
    540   <td>The extension ID;
    541     you might use this string to construct URLs
    542     for resources inside the extension.
    543     Even unlocalized extensions can use this message.
    544     <br>
    545     <b>Note:</b> You can't use this message in a manifest file.
    546     </td>
    547 </tr>
    548 <tr>
    549   <td> <code>@@ui_locale</code> </td>
    550   <td>The current locale;
    551     you might use this string to construct locale-specific URLs. </td>
    552 </tr>
    553 <tr>
    554   <td> <code>@@bidi_dir</code> </td>
    555   <td> The text direction for the current locale,
    556        either "ltr" for left-to-right languages such as English
    557        or "rtl" for right-to-left languages such as Japanese. </td>
    558 </tr>
    559 <tr>
    560   <td> <code>@@bidi_reversed_dir</code> </td>
    561   <td> If the <code>@@bidi_dir</code> is "ltr", then this is "rtl";
    562        otherwise, it's "ltr". </td>
    563 </tr>
    564 <tr>
    565   <td> <code>@@bidi_start_edge</code> </td>
    566   <td> If the <code>@@bidi_dir</code> is "ltr", then this is "left";
    567        otherwise, it's "right". </td>
    568 </tr>
    569 <tr>
    570   <td> <code>@@bidi_end_edge</code> </td>
    571   <td> If the <code>@@bidi_dir</code> is "ltr", then this is "right";
    572        otherwise, it's "left". </td>
    573 </tr>
    574 </tbody></table>
    576 <p>
    577 Here's an example of using <code>@@extension_id</code> in a CSS file
    578 to construct a URL:
    579 </p>
    581 <pre>body {
    582   <b>background-image:url('chrome-extension://__MSG_@@extension_id__/background.png');</b>
    583 }
    584 </pre>
    586 <p>
    587 If the extension ID is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef,
    588 then the bold line in the previous code snippet becomes:
    589 </p>
    591 <pre>background-image:url('chrome-extension://abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdef/background.png');
    592 </pre>
    594 <p>
    595 Here's an example of using <code>@@bidi_*</code> messages in a CSS file:
    596 </p>
    598 <pre>body {
    599   <b>direction: __MSG_@@bidi_dir__;</b>
    600 }
    602 div#header {
    603   margin-bottom: 1.05em;
    604   overflow: hidden;
    605   padding-bottom: 1.5em;
    606   <b>padding-__MSG_@@bidi_start_edge__: 0;</b>
    607   <b>padding-__MSG_@@bidi_end_edge__: 1.5em;</b>
    608   position: relative;
    609 }
    610 </pre>
    612 <p>
    613 For left-to-right languages such as English,
    614 the bold lines become:
    615 </p>
    617 <pre>dir: ltr;
    618 padding-left: 0;
    619 padding-right: 1.5em;
    620 </pre>
    623 <h2 id="overview-locales">Locales</h2>
    625 <p>
    626 You can choose from many locales,
    627 including some (such as <code>en</code>)
    628 that let a single translation support multiple variations of a language
    629 (such as <code>en_GB</code> and <code>en_US</code>).
    630 </p>
    633 <h3 id="locales-supported">Supported locales</h3>
    635 <p>
    636 Extensions can use any of the
    637 <a href="http://code.google.com/chrome/webstore/docs/i18n.html#localeTable">locales that the Chrome Web Store supports</a>.
    638 </p>
    641 <h3 id="locales-usage">How extensions find strings</h3>
    643 <p>
    644 You don't have to define every string for every locale
    645 that your internationalized extension supports.
    646 As long as the default locale's <code>messages.json</code> file
    647 has a value for every string,
    648 your extension will run no matter how sparse a translation is.
    649 Here's how the extension system searches for a message:
    650 </p>
    652 <ol>
    653   <li>
    654      Search the messages file (if any)
    655      for the user's preferred locale.
    656      For example, when Google Chrome's locale is set to
    657      British English (<code>en_GB</code>),
    658      the system first looks for the message in
    659      <code>_locales/en_GB/messages.json</code>.
    660      If that file exists and the message is there,
    661      the system looks no further.
    662   </li>
    663   <li>
    664      If the user's preferred locale has a region
    665      (that is, the locale has an underscore: _),
    666      search the locale without that region.
    667      For example, if the <code>en_GB</code> messages file
    668      doesn't exist or doesn't contain the message,
    669      the system looks in the <code>en</code> messages file.
    670      If that file exists and the message is there,
    671      the system looks no further.
    672   </li>
    673   <li>
    674      Search the messages file for the extension's default locale.
    675      For example, if the extension's "default_locale" is set to "es",
    676      and neither <code>_locales/en_GB/messages.json</code>
    677      nor <code>_locales/en/messages.json</code> contains the message,
    678      the extension uses the message from
    679      <code>_locales/es/messages.json</code>.
    680   </li>
    681 </ol>
    683 <p>
    684 In the following figure,
    685 the message named "colores" is in all three locales
    686 that the extension supports,
    687 but "extName" is in only two of the locales.
    688 Wherever a user running Google Chrome in US English sees the label "Colors",
    689 a user of British English sees "Colours".
    690 Both US English and British English users
    691 see the extension name "Hello World".
    692 Because the default language is Spanish,
    693 users running Google Chrome in any non-English language
    694 see the label "Colores" and the extension name "Hola mundo".
    695 </p>
    697 <img src="images/i18n-strings.gif" alt="Four files: manifest.json and three messages.json files (for es, en, and en_GB).  The es and en files show entries for messages named &quot;extName&quot; and &quot;colores&quot;; the en_GB file has just one entry (for &quot;colores&quot;)." width="493" height="488">
    699 <h3 id="locales-testing">How to set your browser's locale</h3>
    701 <p>
    702 To test translations, you might want to set your browser's locale.
    703 This section tells you how to set the locale in
    704 <a href="#testing-win">Windows</a>,
    705 <a href="#testing-mac">Mac OS X</a>, and
    706 <a href="#testing-linux">Linux</a>.
    707 </p>
    709 <h4 id="testing-win">Windows</h4>
    711 <p>
    712 You can change the locale using either
    713 a locale-specific shortcut
    714 or the Google Chrome UI.
    715 The shortcut approach is quicker, once you've set it up,
    716 and it lets you use several languages at once.
    717 </p>
    719 <h5 id="win-shortcut">Using a locale-specific shortcut</h5>
    721 <p>
    722 To create and use a shortcut that launches Google Chrome
    723 with a particular locale:
    724 </p>
    726 <ol>
    727   <li>
    728     Make a copy of the Google Chrome shortcut
    729     that's already on your desktop.
    730   </li>
    731   <li>
    732     Rename the new shortcut to match the new locale.
    733   </li>
    734   <li>
    735     Change the shortcut's properties
    736     so that the Target field specifies the
    737     <code>--lang</code> and
    738     <code>--user-data-dir</code> flags.
    739     The target should look something like this:
    741 <pre><em>path_to_chrome.exe</em> --lang=<em>locale</em> --user-data-dir=c:\<em>locale_profile_dir</em></pre>
    742   </li>
    744   <li>
    745     Launch Google Chrome by double-clicking the shortcut.
    746   </li>
    747 </ol>
    749 <p>
    750 For example, to create a shortcut
    751 that launches Google Chrome in Spanish (<code>es</code>),
    752 you might create a shortcut named <code>chrome-es</code>
    753 that has the following target:
    754 </p>
    756 <pre><em>path_to_chrome.exe</em> --lang=es --user-data-dir=c:\chrome-profile-es</pre>
    758 <p>
    759 You can create as many shortcuts as you like,
    760 making it easy to test your extension in multiple languages.
    761 For example:
    762 </p>
    764 <pre><em>path_to_chrome.exe</em> --lang=en --user-data-dir=c:\chrome-profile-en
    765 <em>path_to_chrome.exe</em> --lang=en_GB --user-data-dir=c:\chrome-profile-en_GB
    766 <em>path_to_chrome.exe</em> --lang=ko --user-data-dir=c:\chrome-profile-ko</pre>
    768 <p class="note">
    769 <b>Note:</b>
    770 Specifying <code>--user-data-dir</code> is optional but handy.
    771 Having one data directory per locale
    772 lets you run the browser
    773 in several languages at the same time.
    774 A disadvantage is that because the locales' data isn't shared,
    775 you have to install your extension multiple times  once per locale,
    776 which can be challenging when you don't speak the language.
    777 For more information, see
    778 <a href="http://www.chromium.org/developers/creating-and-using-profiles">Creating and Using Profiles</a>.
    779 </p>
    782 <h5 id="win-ui">Using the UI</h5>
    784 <p>
    785 Here's how to change the locale using the UI on Google Chrome for Windows:
    786 </p>
    788 <ol>
    789   <li> Wrench icon &gt; <b>Options</b> </li>
    790   <li> Choose the <b>Under the Hood</b> tab </li>
    791   <li> Scroll down to <b>Web Content</b> </li>
    792   <li> Click <b>Change font and language settings</b> </li>
    793   <li> Choose the <b>Languages</b> tab </li>
    794   <li> Use the drop down to set the <b>Google Chrome language</b> </li>
    795   <li> Restart Chrome </li>
    796 </ol>
    799 <h4 id="testing-mac">Mac OS X</h4>
    801 <p>
    802 To change the locale on Mac,
    803 you use the system preferences.
    804 </p>
    806 <ol>
    807   <li> From the Apple menu, choose <b>System Preferences</b> </li>
    808   <li> Under the <b>Personal</b> section, choose <b>International</b> </li>
    809   <li> Choose your language and location </li>
    810   <li> Restart Chrome </li>
    811 </ol>
    814 <h4 id="testing-linux">Linux</h4>
    816 <p>
    817 To change the locale on Linux,
    818 first quit Google Chrome.
    819 Then, all in one line,
    820 set the LANGUAGE environment variable
    821 and launch Google Chrome.
    822 For example:
    823 </p>
    825 <pre>LANGUAGE=es ./chrome
    826 </pre>
    829 <h2 id="overview-examples">Examples</h2>
    831 <p>
    832 You can find simple examples of internationalization in the
    833 <a href="http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/api/i18n/">examples/api/i18n</a>
    834 directory.
    835 For a complete example, see
    836 <a href="http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/chrome/common/extensions/docs/examples/extensions/news/">examples/extensions/news</a>.
    837 For other examples and for help in viewing the source code, see
    838 <a href="samples.html">Samples</a>.
    839 </p>
    842 <h3 id="examples-getMessage">Examples: getMessage</h3>
    844 <!--
    845 [PENDING: improve this section. it should probably start with a
    846 one-variable example that includes the messages.json code.]
    847 -->
    849 <p>
    850 The following code gets a localized message from the browser
    851 and displays it as a string.
    852 It replaces two placeholders within the message with the strings
    853 "string1" and "string2".
    854 </p>
    856 <pre>function getMessage() {
    857   var message = chrome.i18n.getMessage("click_here", ["string1", "string2"]);
    858   document.getElementById("languageSpan").innerHTML = message;
    859 }
    860 </pre>
    862 <p>
    863 Here's how you'd supply and use a single string:
    864 </p>
    866 <pre><em>// In JavaScript code</em>
    867 status.innerText = chrome.i18n.getMessage("error", errorDetails);
    869 <em>// In messages.json</em>
    870 "error": {
    871   "message": "Error: $details$",
    872   "description": "Generic error template. Expects error parameter to be passed in.",
    873   "placeholders": {
    874     "details": {
    875       "content": "$1",
    876       "example": "Failed to fetch RSS feed."
    877     }
    878   }
    879 }
    880 </pre>
    882 <p>
    883 For more information about placeholders, see the
    884 <a href="i18n-messages.html">Locale-Specific Messages</a> page.
    885 For details on calling <code>getMessage()</code>, see the
    886 <a href="#method-getMessage">API reference</a>.
    887 </p>
    889 <h3 id="example-accept-languages">Example: getAcceptLanguages</h3>
    890 <p>
    891 The following code gets accept-languages from the browser and displays them as a
    892 string by separating each accept-language with ','.
    893 </p>
    895 <pre>function getAcceptLanguages() {
    896   chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(function(languageList) {
    897     var languages = languageList.join(",");
    898     document.getElementById("languageSpan").innerHTML = languages;
    899   })
    900 }
    901 </pre>
    903 <p>
    904 For details on calling <code>getAcceptLanguages()</code>, see the
    905 <a href="#method-getAcceptLanguages">API reference</a>.
    906 </p>
    908 <!-- END AUTHORED CONTENT -->
    909 </div>
    911         <!-- API PAGE -->
    912         <div class="apiPage">
    913         <a name="apiReference"></a>
    914         <h2>API reference: chrome.i18n</h2>
    916           <!-- PROPERTIES -->
    917           <div class="apiGroup" style="display: none; ">
    918             <a name="properties"></a>
    919             <h3 id="properties">Properties</h3>
    921             <div>
    922               <a></a>
    923               <h4>getLastError</h4>
    924               <div class="summary">
    925                 <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
    926                 <span>chrome.extension</span><span>lastError</span>
    927               </div>
    928               <div>
    929               </div>
    930             </div>
    932           </div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
    934           <!-- METHODS -->
    935           <div id="methodsTemplate" class="apiGroup">
    936             <a name="global-methods"></a>
    937             <h3>Methods</h3>
    939             <!-- iterates over all functions -->
    940             <div class="apiItem">
    941               <a name="method-getAcceptLanguages"></a> <!-- method-anchor -->
    942               <h4>getAcceptLanguages</h4>
    944               <div class="summary"><span style="display: none; ">void</span>
    945                   <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
    946                   <span>chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages</span>(<span class="null"><span style="display: none; ">, </span><span>function</span>
    947                       <var><span>callback</span></var></span>)</div>
    949               <div class="description">
    950                 <p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
    951                 <p>Gets the accept-languages of the browser. This is different from the locale used by the browser; to get the locale, use <code>window.navigator.language</code>.</p>
    953                 <!-- PARAMETERS -->
    954                 <h4>Parameters</h4>
    955                 <dl>
    956                   <div>
    957                     <div>
    958           <dt>
    959             <var>callback</var>
    960               <em>
    962                 <!-- TYPE -->
    963                 <div style="display:inline">
    964                   (
    965                     <span class="optional" style="display: none; ">optional</span>
    966                     <span class="enum" style="display: none; ">enumerated</span>
    967                     <span id="typeTemplate">
    968                       <span style="display: none; ">
    969                         <a> Type</a>
    970                       </span>
    971                       <span>
    972                         <span style="display: none; ">
    973                           array of <span><span></span></span>
    974                         </span>
    975                         <span>function</span>
    976                         <span style="display: none; "></span>
    977                       </span>
    978                     </span>
    979                   )
    980                 </div>
    982               </em>
    983           </dt>
    984           <dd class="todo">
    985             Undocumented.
    986           </dd>
    987           <dd style="display: none; ">
    988             Description of this parameter from the json schema.
    989           </dd>
    990           <dd style="display: none; ">
    991             This parameter was added in version
    992             <b><span></span></b>.
    993             You must omit this parameter in earlier versions,
    994             and you may omit it in any version.  If you require this
    995             parameter, the manifest key
    996             <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
    997             can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
    998           </dd>
   1000           <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES -->
   1001           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1002             <dl>
   1003               <div>
   1004                 <div>
   1005                 </div>
   1006               </div>
   1007             </dl>
   1008           </dd>
   1010           <!-- OBJECT METHODS -->
   1011           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1012             <div></div>
   1013           </dd>
   1015           <!-- OBJECT EVENT FIELDS -->
   1016           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1017             <div></div>
   1018           </dd>
   1020           <!-- FUNCTION PARAMETERS -->
   1021           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1022             <div></div>
   1023           </dd>
   1025         </div>
   1026                   </div>
   1027                 </dl>
   1029                 <!-- RETURNS -->
   1030                 <h4 style="display: none; ">Returns</h4>
   1031                 <dl>
   1032                   <div style="display: none; ">
   1033                     <div>
   1034                     </div>
   1035                   </div>
   1036                 </dl>
   1038                 <!-- CALLBACK -->
   1039                 <div>
   1040                   <div>
   1041                   <h4>Callback function</h4>
   1042                   <p>
   1043                     The callback <em>parameter</em> should specify a function
   1044                     that looks like this:
   1045                   </p>
   1046                   <p style="display: none; ">
   1047                     If you specify the <em>callback</em> parameter, it should
   1048                     specify a function that looks like this:
   1049                   </p>
   1051                   <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1052                   <pre>function(<span>array of string languages</span>) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>;</pre>
   1053                   <dl>
   1054                     <div>
   1055                       <div>
   1056           <dt>
   1057             <var>languages</var>
   1058               <em>
   1060                 <!-- TYPE -->
   1061                 <div style="display:inline">
   1062                   (
   1063                     <span class="optional" style="display: none; ">optional</span>
   1064                     <span class="enum" style="display: none; ">enumerated</span>
   1065                     <span id="typeTemplate">
   1066                       <span style="display: none; ">
   1067                         <a> Type</a>
   1068                       </span>
   1069                       <span>
   1070                         <span>
   1071                           array of <span><span>
   1072                       <span style="display: none; ">
   1073                         <a> Type</a>
   1074                       </span>
   1075                       <span>
   1076                         <span style="display: none; ">
   1077                           array of <span><span></span></span>
   1078                         </span>
   1079                         <span>string</span>
   1080                         <span style="display: none; "></span>
   1081                       </span>
   1082                     </span></span>
   1083                         </span>
   1084                         <span style="display: none; ">paramType</span>
   1085                         <span style="display: none; "></span>
   1086                       </span>
   1087                     </span>
   1088                   )
   1089                 </div>
   1091               </em>
   1092           </dt>
   1093           <dd class="todo" style="display: none; ">
   1094             Undocumented.
   1095           </dd>
   1096           <dd>Array of the accept languages of the browser, such as en-US,en,zh-CN</dd>
   1097           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1098             This parameter was added in version
   1099             <b><span></span></b>.
   1100             You must omit this parameter in earlier versions,
   1101             and you may omit it in any version.  If you require this
   1102             parameter, the manifest key
   1103             <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
   1104             can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
   1105           </dd>
   1107           <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES -->
   1108           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1109             <dl>
   1110               <div>
   1111                 <div>
   1112                 </div>
   1113               </div>
   1114             </dl>
   1115           </dd>
   1117           <!-- OBJECT METHODS -->
   1118           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1119             <div></div>
   1120           </dd>
   1122           <!-- OBJECT EVENT FIELDS -->
   1123           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1124             <div></div>
   1125           </dd>
   1127           <!-- FUNCTION PARAMETERS -->
   1128           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1129             <div></div>
   1130           </dd>
   1132         </div>
   1133                     </div>
   1134                   </dl>
   1135                   </div>
   1136                 </div>
   1138                 <!-- MIN_VERSION -->
   1139                 <p style="display: none; ">
   1140                   This function was added in version <b><span></span></b>.
   1141                   If you require this function, the manifest key
   1142                   <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
   1143                   can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
   1144                 </p>
   1145               </div> <!-- /description -->
   1147             </div><div class="apiItem">
   1148               <a name="method-getMessage"></a> <!-- method-anchor -->
   1149               <h4>getMessage</h4>
   1151               <div class="summary"><span>string</span>
   1152                   <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1153                   <span>chrome.i18n.getMessage</span>(<span class="null"><span style="display: none; ">, </span><span>string</span>
   1154                       <var><span>messageName</span></var></span><span class="optional"><span>, </span><span>string or array of string</span>
   1155                       <var><span>substitutions</span></var></span>)</div>
   1157               <div class="description">
   1158                 <p class="todo" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p>
   1159                 <p>Gets the localized string for the specified message. If the message is missing, this method returns an empty string (''). If the format of the <code>getMessage()</code> call is wrong  for example, <em>messageName</em> is not a string or the <em>substitutions</em> array is empty or has more than 9 elements  this method returns <code>undefined</code>.</p>
   1161                 <!-- PARAMETERS -->
   1162                 <h4>Parameters</h4>
   1163                 <dl>
   1164                   <div>
   1165                     <div>
   1166           <dt>
   1167             <var>messageName</var>
   1168               <em>
   1170                 <!-- TYPE -->
   1171                 <div style="display:inline">
   1172                   (
   1173                     <span class="optional" style="display: none; ">optional</span>
   1174                     <span class="enum" style="display: none; ">enumerated</span>
   1175                     <span id="typeTemplate">
   1176                       <span style="display: none; ">
   1177                         <a> Type</a>
   1178                       </span>
   1179                       <span>
   1180                         <span style="display: none; ">
   1181                           array of <span><span></span></span>
   1182                         </span>
   1183                         <span>string</span>
   1184                         <span style="display: none; "></span>
   1185                       </span>
   1186                     </span>
   1187                   )
   1188                 </div>
   1190               </em>
   1191           </dt>
   1192           <dd class="todo" style="display: none; ">
   1193             Undocumented.
   1194           </dd>
   1195           <dd>The name of the message, as specified in the <a href="i18n-messages.html"><code>messages.json</code></a> file.</dd>
   1196           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1197             This parameter was added in version
   1198             <b><span></span></b>.
   1199             You must omit this parameter in earlier versions,
   1200             and you may omit it in any version.  If you require this
   1201             parameter, the manifest key
   1202             <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
   1203             can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
   1204           </dd>
   1206           <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES -->
   1207           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1208             <dl>
   1209               <div>
   1210                 <div>
   1211                 </div>
   1212               </div>
   1213             </dl>
   1214           </dd>
   1216           <!-- OBJECT METHODS -->
   1217           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1218             <div></div>
   1219           </dd>
   1221           <!-- OBJECT EVENT FIELDS -->
   1222           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1223             <div></div>
   1224           </dd>
   1226           <!-- FUNCTION PARAMETERS -->
   1227           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1228             <div></div>
   1229           </dd>
   1231         </div>
   1232                   </div><div>
   1233                     <div>
   1234           <dt>
   1235             <var>substitutions</var>
   1236               <em>
   1238                 <!-- TYPE -->
   1239                 <div style="display:inline">
   1240                   (
   1241                     <span class="optional">optional</span>
   1242                     <span class="enum" style="display: none; ">enumerated</span>
   1243                     <span id="typeTemplate">
   1244                       <span style="display: none; ">
   1245                         <a> Type</a>
   1246                       </span>
   1247                       <span>
   1248                         <span style="display: none; ">
   1249                           array of <span><span></span></span>
   1250                         </span>
   1251                         <span>string or array of string</span>
   1252                         <span style="display: none; "></span>
   1253                       </span>
   1254                     </span>
   1255                   )
   1256                 </div>
   1258               </em>
   1259           </dt>
   1260           <dd class="todo" style="display: none; ">
   1261             Undocumented.
   1262           </dd>
   1263           <dd>1 - 9 substitution strings, if the message requires any.</dd>
   1264           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1265             This parameter was added in version
   1266             <b><span></span></b>.
   1267             You must omit this parameter in earlier versions,
   1268             and you may omit it in any version.  If you require this
   1269             parameter, the manifest key
   1270             <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
   1271             can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
   1272           </dd>
   1274           <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES -->
   1275           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1276             <dl>
   1277               <div>
   1278                 <div>
   1279                 </div>
   1280               </div>
   1281             </dl>
   1282           </dd>
   1284           <!-- OBJECT METHODS -->
   1285           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1286             <div></div>
   1287           </dd>
   1289           <!-- OBJECT EVENT FIELDS -->
   1290           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1291             <div></div>
   1292           </dd>
   1294           <!-- FUNCTION PARAMETERS -->
   1295           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1296             <div></div>
   1297           </dd>
   1299         </div>
   1300                   </div>
   1301                 </dl>
   1303                 <!-- RETURNS -->
   1304                 <h4>Returns</h4>
   1305                 <dl>
   1306                   <div>
   1307                     <div>
   1308           <dt>
   1309             <var style="display: none; ">paramName</var>
   1310               <em>
   1312                 <!-- TYPE -->
   1313                 <div style="display:inline">
   1314                   (
   1315                     <span class="optional" style="display: none; ">optional</span>
   1316                     <span class="enum" style="display: none; ">enumerated</span>
   1317                     <span id="typeTemplate">
   1318                       <span style="display: none; ">
   1319                         <a> Type</a>
   1320                       </span>
   1321                       <span>
   1322                         <span style="display: none; ">
   1323                           array of <span><span></span></span>
   1324                         </span>
   1325                         <span>string</span>
   1326                         <span style="display: none; "></span>
   1327                       </span>
   1328                     </span>
   1329                   )
   1330                 </div>
   1332               </em>
   1333           </dt>
   1334           <dd class="todo" style="display: none; ">
   1335             Undocumented.
   1336           </dd>
   1337           <dd>Message localized for current locale.</dd>
   1338           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1339             This parameter was added in version
   1340             <b><span></span></b>.
   1341             You must omit this parameter in earlier versions,
   1342             and you may omit it in any version.  If you require this
   1343             parameter, the manifest key
   1344             <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
   1345             can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
   1346           </dd>
   1348           <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES -->
   1349           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1350             <dl>
   1351               <div>
   1352                 <div>
   1353                 </div>
   1354               </div>
   1355             </dl>
   1356           </dd>
   1358           <!-- OBJECT METHODS -->
   1359           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1360             <div></div>
   1361           </dd>
   1363           <!-- OBJECT EVENT FIELDS -->
   1364           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1365             <div></div>
   1366           </dd>
   1368           <!-- FUNCTION PARAMETERS -->
   1369           <dd style="display: none; ">
   1370             <div></div>
   1371           </dd>
   1373         </div>
   1374                   </div>
   1375                 </dl>
   1377                 <!-- CALLBACK -->
   1378                 <div style="display: none; ">
   1379                   <div>
   1380                   <h4>Callback function</h4>
   1381                   <p>
   1382                     The callback <em>parameter</em> should specify a function
   1383                     that looks like this:
   1384                   </p>
   1385                   <p>
   1386                     If you specify the <em>callback</em> parameter, it should
   1387                     specify a function that looks like this:
   1388                   </p>
   1390                   <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1391                   <pre>function(<span>Type param1, Type param2</span>) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>;</pre>
   1392                   <dl>
   1393                     <div>
   1394                       <div>
   1395                       </div>
   1396                     </div>
   1397                   </dl>
   1398                   </div>
   1399                 </div>
   1401                 <!-- MIN_VERSION -->
   1402                 <p style="display: none; ">
   1403                   This function was added in version <b><span></span></b>.
   1404                   If you require this function, the manifest key
   1405                   <a href="manifest.html#minimum_chrome_version">minimum_chrome_version</a>
   1406                   can ensure that your extension won't be run in an earlier browser version.
   1407                 </p>
   1408               </div> <!-- /description -->
   1410             </div>  <!-- /apiItem -->
   1412           </div>  <!-- /apiGroup -->
   1414           <!-- EVENTS -->
   1415           <div id="eventsTemplate" class="apiGroup" style="display: none; ">
   1416             <a></a>
   1417             <h3>Events</h3>
   1418             <!-- iterates over all events -->
   1419             <div class="apiItem">
   1420               <a></a>
   1421               <h4>event name</h4>
   1423               <div class="summary">
   1424                 <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns -->
   1425                 <span class="subdued">chrome.bookmarks</span><span>onEvent</span><span class="subdued">.addListener</span>(function(<span>Type param1, Type param2</span>) <span class="subdued">{...}</span>);
   1426               </div>
   1428               <div class="description">
   1429                 <p class="todo">Undocumented.</p>
   1430                 <p>
   1431                   A description from the json schema def of the event goes here.
   1432                 </p>
   1434                 <!-- PARAMETERS -->
   1435                 <div>
   1436                   <h4>Parameters</h4>
   1437                   <dl>
   1438                     <div>
   1439                       <div>
   1440                       </div>
   1441                     </div>
   1442                   </dl>
   1443                 </div>
   1444               </div> <!-- /decription -->
   1446             </div> <!-- /apiItem -->
   1448           </div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
   1450           <!-- TYPES -->
   1451           <div class="apiGroup" style="display: none; ">
   1452             <a name="types"></a>
   1453             <h3 id="types">Types</h3>
   1455             <!-- iterates over all types -->
   1456             <div class="apiItem">
   1457               <a></a>
   1458               <h4>type name</h4>
   1460               <div>
   1461               </div>
   1463             </div> <!-- /apiItem -->
   1465           </div> <!-- /apiGroup -->
   1467         </div> <!-- /apiPage -->
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