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      1 //===- YAMLBench - Benchmark the YAMLParser implementation ----------------===//
      2 //
      3 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
      4 //
      5 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
      6 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
      7 //
      8 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
      9 //
     10 // This program executes the YAMLParser on differntly sized YAML texts and
     11 // outputs the run time.
     12 //
     13 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
     16 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
     17 #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
     18 #include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
     19 #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
     20 #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
     21 #include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
     22 #include "llvm/Support/system_error.h"
     23 #include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
     24 #include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
     26 using namespace llvm;
     28 static cl::opt<bool>
     29   DumpTokens( "tokens"
     30             , cl::desc("Print the tokenization of the file.")
     31             , cl::init(false)
     32             );
     34 static cl::opt<bool>
     35   DumpCanonical( "canonical"
     36                , cl::desc("Print the canonical YAML for this file.")
     37                , cl::init(false)
     38                );
     40 static cl::opt<std::string>
     41  Input(cl::Positional, cl::desc("<input>"));
     43 static cl::opt<bool>
     44   Verify( "verify"
     45         , cl::desc(
     46             "Run a quick verification useful for regression testing")
     47         , cl::init(false)
     48         );
     50 static cl::opt<unsigned>
     51   MemoryLimitMB("memory-limit", cl::desc(
     52                   "Do not use more megabytes of memory"),
     53                 cl::init(1000));
     55 struct indent {
     56   unsigned distance;
     57   indent(unsigned d) : distance(d) {}
     58 };
     60 static raw_ostream &operator <<(raw_ostream &os, const indent &in) {
     61   for (unsigned i = 0; i < in.distance; ++i)
     62     os << "  ";
     63   return os;
     64 }
     66 static void dumpNode( yaml::Node *n
     67                     , unsigned Indent = 0
     68                     , bool SuppressFirstIndent = false) {
     69   if (!n)
     70     return;
     71   if (!SuppressFirstIndent)
     72     outs() << indent(Indent);
     73   StringRef Anchor = n->getAnchor();
     74   if (!Anchor.empty())
     75     outs() << "&" << Anchor << " ";
     76   if (yaml::ScalarNode *sn = dyn_cast<yaml::ScalarNode>(n)) {
     77     SmallString<32> Storage;
     78     StringRef Val = sn->getValue(Storage);
     79     outs() << "!!str \"" << yaml::escape(Val) << "\"";
     80   } else if (yaml::SequenceNode *sn = dyn_cast<yaml::SequenceNode>(n)) {
     81     outs() << "!!seq [\n";
     82     ++Indent;
     83     for (yaml::SequenceNode::iterator i = sn->begin(), e = sn->end();
     84                                       i != e; ++i) {
     85       dumpNode(i, Indent);
     86       outs() << ",\n";
     87     }
     88     --Indent;
     89     outs() << indent(Indent) << "]";
     90   } else if (yaml::MappingNode *mn = dyn_cast<yaml::MappingNode>(n)) {
     91     outs() << "!!map {\n";
     92     ++Indent;
     93     for (yaml::MappingNode::iterator i = mn->begin(), e = mn->end();
     94                                      i != e; ++i) {
     95       outs() << indent(Indent) << "? ";
     96       dumpNode(i->getKey(), Indent, true);
     97       outs() << "\n";
     98       outs() << indent(Indent) << ": ";
     99       dumpNode(i->getValue(), Indent, true);
    100       outs() << ",\n";
    101     }
    102     --Indent;
    103     outs() << indent(Indent) << "}";
    104   } else if (yaml::AliasNode *an = dyn_cast<yaml::AliasNode>(n)){
    105     outs() << "*" << an->getName();
    106   } else if (dyn_cast<yaml::NullNode>(n)) {
    107     outs() << "!!null null";
    108   }
    109 }
    111 static void dumpStream(yaml::Stream &stream) {
    112   for (yaml::document_iterator di = stream.begin(), de = stream.end(); di != de;
    113        ++di) {
    114     outs() << "%YAML 1.2\n"
    115            << "---\n";
    116     yaml::Node *n = di->getRoot();
    117     if (n)
    118       dumpNode(n);
    119     else
    120       break;
    121     outs() << "\n...\n";
    122   }
    123 }
    125 static void benchmark( llvm::TimerGroup &Group
    126                      , llvm::StringRef Name
    127                      , llvm::StringRef JSONText) {
    128   llvm::Timer BaseLine((Name + ": Loop").str(), Group);
    129   BaseLine.startTimer();
    130   char C = 0;
    131   for (llvm::StringRef::iterator I = JSONText.begin(),
    132                                  E = JSONText.end();
    133        I != E; ++I) { C += *I; }
    134   BaseLine.stopTimer();
    135   volatile char DontOptimizeOut = C; (void)DontOptimizeOut;
    137   llvm::Timer Tokenizing((Name + ": Tokenizing").str(), Group);
    138   Tokenizing.startTimer();
    139   {
    140     yaml::scanTokens(JSONText);
    141   }
    142   Tokenizing.stopTimer();
    144   llvm::Timer Parsing((Name + ": Parsing").str(), Group);
    145   Parsing.startTimer();
    146   {
    147     llvm::SourceMgr SM;
    148     llvm::yaml::Stream stream(JSONText, SM);
    149     stream.skip();
    150   }
    151   Parsing.stopTimer();
    152 }
    154 static std::string createJSONText(size_t MemoryMB, unsigned ValueSize) {
    155   std::string JSONText;
    156   llvm::raw_string_ostream Stream(JSONText);
    157   Stream << "[\n";
    158   size_t MemoryBytes = MemoryMB * 1024 * 1024;
    159   while (JSONText.size() < MemoryBytes) {
    160     Stream << " {\n"
    161            << "  \"key1\": \"" << std::string(ValueSize, '*') << "\",\n"
    162            << "  \"key2\": \"" << std::string(ValueSize, '*') << "\",\n"
    163            << "  \"key3\": \"" << std::string(ValueSize, '*') << "\"\n"
    164            << " }";
    165     Stream.flush();
    166     if (JSONText.size() < MemoryBytes) Stream << ",";
    167     Stream << "\n";
    168   }
    169   Stream << "]\n";
    170   Stream.flush();
    171   return JSONText;
    172 }
    174 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    175   llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
    176   if (Input.getNumOccurrences()) {
    177     OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buf;
    178     if (MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(Input, Buf))
    179       return 1;
    181     llvm::SourceMgr sm;
    182     if (DumpTokens) {
    183       yaml::dumpTokens(Buf->getBuffer(), outs());
    184     }
    186     if (DumpCanonical) {
    187       yaml::Stream stream(Buf->getBuffer(), sm);
    188       dumpStream(stream);
    189     }
    190   }
    192   if (Verify) {
    193     llvm::TimerGroup Group("YAML parser benchmark");
    194     benchmark(Group, "Fast", createJSONText(10, 500));
    195   } else if (!DumpCanonical && !DumpTokens) {
    196     llvm::TimerGroup Group("YAML parser benchmark");
    197     benchmark(Group, "Small Values", createJSONText(MemoryLimitMB, 5));
    198     benchmark(Group, "Medium Values", createJSONText(MemoryLimitMB, 500));
    199     benchmark(Group, "Large Values", createJSONText(MemoryLimitMB, 50000));
    200   }
    202   return 0;
    203 }