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      1 page.title=Android 3.0 APIs
      2 sdk.platform.version=3.0
      3 sdk.platform.apiLevel=11
      4 @jd:body
      6 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      7 <div id="qv">
      9 <h2>In this document</h2>
     10 <ol>
     11   <li><a href="#api">API Overview</a></li>
     12   <li><a href="#api-level">API Level</a></li>
     13 </ol>
     15 <h2>Reference</h2>
     16 <ol>
     17 <li><a
     18 href="{@docRoot}sdk/api_diff/11/changes.html">API
     19 Differences Report &raquo;</a> </li>
     20 </ol>
     22 </div>
     23 </div>
     26 <p><em>API Level:</em>&nbsp;<strong>{@sdkPlatformApiLevel}</strong></p>
     28 <p>For developers, the Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} platform is available as a downloadable
     29 component for the Android SDK. The downloadable platform includes an Android library and system
     30 image, as well as a set of emulator skins and more. The downloadable platform includes no external
     31 libraries.</p>
     33 <p>For developers, the Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} platform is available as a
     34 downloadable component for the Android SDK. The downloadable platform includes
     35 an Android library and system image, as well as a set of emulator skins and
     36 more. To get started developing or testing against Android {@sdkPlatformVersion},
     37 use the Android SDK Manager to download the platform into your SDK.</p>
     44 <h2 id="#api">API Overview</h2>
     46 <p>The sections below provide a technical overview of what's new for developers in Android 3.0,
     47 including new features and changes in the framework API since the previous version.</p>
     53 <h3>Fragments</h3>
     55 <p>A fragment is a new framework component that allows you to separate distinct elements of an
     56 activity into self-contained modules that define their own UI and lifecycle. To create a
     57 fragment, you must extend the {@link android.app.Fragment} class and implement several lifecycle
     58 callback methods, similar to an {@link android.app.Activity}. You can then combine multiple
     59 fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI in which each
     60 pane manages its own lifecycle and user inputs.</p>
     62 <p>You can also use a fragment without providing a UI and instead use the fragment as a worker
     63 for the activity, such as to manage the progress of a download that occurs only while the
     64 activity is running.</p>
     66 <p>Additionally:</p>
     68 <ul>
     69   <li>Fragments are self-contained and you can reuse them in multiple activities</li>
     70   <li>You can add, remove, replace and animate fragments inside the activity</li>
     71   <li>You can add fragments to a back stack managed by the activity, preserving the state of
     72 fragments as they are changed and allowing the user to navigate backward through the different
     73 states</li>
     74   <li>By <a
     75 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">providing
     76 alternative layouts</a>, you can mix and match fragments, based
     77 on the screen size and orientation</li>
     78   <li>Fragments have direct access to their container activity and can contribute items to the
     79 activity's Action Bar (discussed next)</li>
     80 </ul>
     82 <p>To manage the fragments in your activity, you must use the {@link
     83 android.app.FragmentManager}, which provides several APIs for interacting with fragments, such
     84 as finding fragments in the activity and popping fragments off the back stack to restore their
     85 previous state.</p>
     87 <p>To perform a transaction, such as add or remove a fragment, you must create a {@link
     88 android.app.FragmentTransaction}. You can then call methods such as {@link
     89 android.app.FragmentTransaction#add add()} {@link android.app.FragmentTransaction#remove
     90 remove()}, or {@link android.app.FragmentTransaction#replace replace()}. Once you've applied all
     91 the changes you want to perform for the transaction, you must call {@link
     92 android.app.FragmentTransaction#commit commit()} and the system applies the fragment transaction to
     93 the activity.</p>
     95 <p>For more information about using fragments, read the <a
     96 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">Fragments</a> documentation. Several
     97 samples are also available in the <a
     98 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/index.html#Fragment">
     99 API Demos</a> application.</p>
    104 <h3>Action Bar</h3>
    106 <p>The Action Bar is a replacement for the traditional title bar at the top of the activity window.
    107 It includes the application logo in the left corner and provides a new interface for items in the
    108 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/menus.html#options-menu">Options Menu</a>. Additionally, the
    109 Action Bar allows you to:</p>
    111 <ul>
    112   <li>Add menu items directly in the Action Bar&mdash;as "action items."
    113     <p>In your XML declaration for the menu item, include the {@code
    114 android:showAsAction} attribute with a value of {@code "ifRoom"}. When there's enough room, the menu
    115 item appears directly in the Action Bar. Otherwise, the item is placed in the
    116 overflow menu, revealed by the menu icon on the right side of the Action Bar.</p></li>
    118   <li>Replace an action item with a widget (such as a search box)&mdash;creating an
    119 "action view."
    120     <p>In the XML declaration for the menu item, add the {@code android:actionViewLayout} attribute
    121 with a layout resource or the {@code android:actionViewClass} attribute with the class name of a
    122 widget. (You must also declare the {@code android:showAsAction} attribute so that the item appears
    123 in the Action Bar.) If there's not enough room in the Action Bar and the item appears in the
    124 overflow menu, it behaves like a regular menu item and does not show the widget.</p></li>
    126   <li>Add an action to the application logo and replace it with a custom logo
    127     <p>The application logo is automatically assigned the {@code android.R.id.home} ID,
    128 which the system delivers to your activity's {@link android.app.Activity#onOptionsItemSelected
    129 onOptionsItemSelected()} callback when touched. Simply respond to this ID in your callback
    130 method to perform an action such as go to your application's "home" activity.</p>
    131     <p>To replace the icon with a logo, specify your application logo in the manifest file with the
    132 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html#logo">{@code android:logo}</a>
    133 attribute, then call {@link android.app.ActionBar#setDisplayUseLogoEnabled
    134 setDisplayUseLogoEnabled(true)} in your activity.</p></li>
    136   <li>Add breadcrumbs to navigate backward through the back stack of fragments</li>
    137   <li>Add tabs or a drop-down list to navigate through fragments</li>
    138   <li>Customize the Action Bar with themes and backgrounds</li>
    139 </ul>
    141 <p>The Action Bar is standard for all applications that use the new holographic theme, which is
    142 also standard when you set either the <a
    143 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code
    144 android:minSdkVersion}</a> or <a
    145 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code
    146 android:targetSdkVersion}</a> to {@code "11"}.</p>
    148 <p>For more information about the Action Bar, read the <a
    149 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">Action Bar</a> documentation. Several
    150 samples are also available in the <a
    151 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/index.html#ActionBar">
    152 API Demos</a> application.</p>
    157 <h3>System clipboard</h3>
    159 <p>Applications can now copy and paste data (beyond mere text) to and from the system-wide
    160 clipboard. Clipped data can be plain text, a URI, or an intent.</p>
    162 <p>By providing the system access to the data you want the user to copy, through a content provider,
    163 the user can copy complex content (such as an image or data structure) from your application and
    164 paste it into another application that supports that type of content.</p>
    166 <p>To start using the clipboard, get the global {@link android.content.ClipboardManager} object
    167 by calling {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)}.</p>
    169 <p>To copy an item to the clipboard, you need to create a new {@link
    170 android.content.ClipData} object, which holds one or more {@link android.content.ClipData.Item}
    171 objects, each describing a single entity. To create a {@link android.content.ClipData} object
    172 containing just one {@link android.content.ClipData.Item}, you can use one of the helper methods,
    173 such as {@link android.content.ClipData#newPlainText newPlainText()}, {@link
    174 android.content.ClipData#newUri newUri()}, and {@link android.content.ClipData#newIntent
    175 newIntent()}, which each return a {@link android.content.ClipData} object pre-loaded with the
    176 {@link android.content.ClipData.Item} you provide.</p>
    178 <p>To add the {@link android.content.ClipData} to the clipboard, pass it to {@link
    179 android.content.ClipboardManager#setPrimaryClip setPrimaryClip()} for your instance of {@link
    180 android.content.ClipboardManager}.</p>
    182 <p>You can then read a file from the clipboard (in order to paste it) by calling {@link
    183 android.content.ClipboardManager#getPrimaryClip()} on the {@link
    184 android.content.ClipboardManager}. Handling the {@link android.content.ClipData} you receive can
    185 be complicated and you need to be sure you can actually handle the data type in the clipboard
    186 before attempting to paste it.</p>
    188 <p>The clipboard holds only one piece of clipped data (a {@link android.content.ClipData}
    189 object) at a time, but one {@link android.content.ClipData} can contain multiple {@link
    190 android.content.ClipData.Item}s.</p>
    192 <p>For more information, read the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/text/copy-paste.html">Copy
    193 and Paste</a> documentation. You can also see a simple implementation of copy and paste in the API Demos
    194 sample and a more complete implementation in the Note Pad sample.</p>
    199 <h3>Drag and drop</h3>
    201 <p>New APIs simplify drag and drop operations in your application's user interface. A drag
    202 operation is the transfer of some kind of data&mdash;carried in a {@link android.content.ClipData}
    203 object&mdash;from one place to another. The start and end point for the drag operation is a {@link
    204 android.view.View}, so the APIs that directly handle the drag and drop operations are
    205 in the {@link android.view.View} class.</p>
    207 <p>A drag and drop operation has a lifecycle that's defined by several drag actions&mdash;each
    208 defined by a {@link android.view.DragEvent} object&mdash;such as {@link
    209 android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_STARTED}, {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED}, and
    210 {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DROP}. Each view that wants to participate in a drag
    211 operation can listen for these actions.</p>
    213 <p>To begin dragging content in your activity, call {@link android.view.View#startDrag startDrag()}
    214 on a {@link android.view.View}, providing a {@link android.content.ClipData} object that represents
    215 the data to drag, a {@link android.view.View.DragShadowBuilder} to facilitate the "shadow"
    216 that users see under their fingers while dragging, and an {@link java.lang.Object} that can share
    217 information about the drag object with views that may receive the object.</p>
    219 <p>To accept a drag object in a {@link android.view.View} (receive the "drop"), register the view
    220 with an {@link android.view.View.OnDragListener OnDragListener} by calling {@link
    221 android.view.View#setOnDragListener setOnDragListener()}. When a drag event occurs on the view, the
    222 system calls {@link android.view.View.OnDragListener#onDrag onDrag()} for the  {@link
    223 android.view.View.OnDragListener OnDragListener}, which receives a {@link android.view.DragEvent}
    224 describing the type of drag action has occurred (such as {@link
    225 android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_STARTED}, {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DRAG_ENTERED}, and
    226 {@link android.view.DragEvent#ACTION_DROP}). During a drag, the system repeatedly calls {@link
    227 android.view.View.OnDragListener#onDrag onDrag()} for the view underneath the drag, to deliver a
    228 stream of drag events. The receiving view can inquire the event type delivered to {@link
    229 android.view.View#onDragEvent onDragEvent()} by calling {@link android.view.DragEvent#getAction
    230 getAction()} on the {@link android.view.DragEvent}.</p>
    232 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> Although a drag event may carry a {@link
    233 android.content.ClipData} object, this is not related to the system clipboard. A drag and drop
    234 operation should never put the dragged data in the system clipboard.</p>
    236 <p>For more information, read the <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/drag-drop.html">Dragging and
    237 Dropping</a> documentation. You can also see an implementation of drag and drop in the <a
    238 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/DragAndDropDemo.html">
    239 API Demos</a> application and the <a
    240 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/HoneycombGallery/index.html">Honeycomb Gallery</a>
    241 application.</p>
    245 <h3>App widgets</h3>
    247 <p>Android 3.0 supports several new widget classes for more interactive app widgets on the users
    248 Home screen, including: {@link android.widget.GridView}, {@link android.widget.ListView}, {@link
    249 android.widget.StackView}, {@link android.widget.ViewFlipper}, and {@link
    250 android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper}.</p>
    252 <p>More importantly, you can use the new {@link android.widget.RemoteViewsService} to create app
    253 widgets with collections, using widgets such as {@link android.widget.GridView}, {@link
    254 android.widget.ListView}, and {@link android.widget.StackView} that are backed by remote data,
    255 such as from a content provider.</p>
    257 <p>The {@link android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo} class (defined in XML with an {@code
    258 &lt;appwidget-provider&gt;} element) also supports two new fields: {@link
    259 android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#autoAdvanceViewId} and {@link
    260 android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#previewImage}. The {@link
    261 android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#autoAdvanceViewId} field lets you specify the view ID of the
    262 app widget subview that should be auto-advanced by the app widgets host. The
    263 {@link android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#previewImage} field specifies a preview of what the
    264 app widget looks like and is shown to the user from the widget picker. If this field is not
    265 supplied, the app widget's icon is used for the preview.</p>
    267 <p>To help create a preview image for your app widget (to specify in the {@link
    268 android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo#previewImage} field), the Android emulator includes an
    269 application called "Widget Preview." To create a preview image, launch this application, select the
    270 app widget for your application and set it up how you'd like your preview image to appear, then save
    271 it and place it in your application's drawable resources.</p>
    273 <p>You can see an implementation of the new app widget features in the <a
    274 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/StackWidget/index.html">StackView App Widget</a> and <a
    275 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/WeatherListWidget/index.html">Weather List Widget</a>
    276 applications.</p>
    280 <h3>Status bar notifications</h3>
    282 <p>The {@link android.app.Notification} APIs have been extended to support more content-rich status
    283 bar notifications, plus a new {@link android.app.Notification.Builder} class allows you to easily
    284 create {@link android.app.Notification} objects.</p>
    285 <p>New features include:</p>
    286 <ul>
    287   <li>Support for a large icon in the notification, using {@link
    288 android.app.Notification.Builder#setLargeIcon setLargeIcon()}. This is usually for
    289 social applications to show the contact photo of the person who is the source of the
    290 notification or for media apps to show an album thumbnail.</li>
    291   <li>Support for custom layouts in the status bar ticker, using {@link
    292 android.app.Notification.Builder#setTicker(CharSequence,RemoteViews) setTicker()}.</li>
    293   <li>Support for custom notification layouts to include buttons with {@link
    294 android.app.PendingIntent}s, for more interactive notification widgets. For example, a
    295 notification can control music playback without starting an activity.</li>
    296 </ul>
    300 <h3>Content loaders</h3>
    302 <p>New framework APIs facilitate asynchronous loading of data using the {@link
    303 android.content.Loader} class. You can use it in combination with UI components such as views and
    304 fragments to dynamically load data from worker threads. The {@link
    305 android.content.CursorLoader} subclass is specially designed to help you do so for data backed by
    306 a {@link android.content.ContentProvider}.</p>
    308 <p>All you need to do is implement the {@link android.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks
    309 LoaderCallbacks} interface to receive callbacks when a new loader is requested or the data has
    310 changed, then call {@link android.app.LoaderManager#initLoader initLoader()} to initialize the
    311 loader for your activity or fragment.</p>
    313 <p>For more information, read the <a
    314 href="{@docRoot}guide/components/loaders.html">Loaders</a> documentation. You can also see
    315 example code using loaders in the <a
    316 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/LoaderCursor.html">LoaderCursor</a>
    317 and <a
    318 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/app/LoaderThrottle.html">
    319 LoaderThrottle</a> samples.</p>
    323 <h3>Bluetooth A2DP and headset APIs</h3>
    325 <p>Android now includes APIs for applications to verify the state of connected Bluetooth A2DP and
    326 headset profile devices. For example, applications can identify when a Bluetooth headset is
    327 connected for listening to music and notify the user as appropriate. Applications can also receive
    328 broadcasts for vendor specific AT commands and notify the user about the state of the connected
    329 device, such as when the connected device's battery is low.</p>
    331 <p>You can initialize the respective {@link android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile} by calling {@link
    332 android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter#getProfileProxy getProfileProxy()} with either the {@link
    333 android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile#A2DP} or {@link android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile#HEADSET}
    334 profile constant and a {@link android.bluetooth.BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener} to receive
    335 callbacks when the Bluetooth client is connected or disconnected.</p>
    340 <h3 id="animation">Animation framework</h3>
    342 <p>An all new flexible animation framework allows you to animate arbitrary properties of any object
    343 (View, Drawable, Fragment, Object, or anything else). It allows you to define several aspects of an
    344 animation, such as:</p>
    345 <ul>
    346   <li>Duration</li>
    347   <li>Repeat amount and behavior</li>
    348   <li>Type of time interpolation</li>
    349   <li>Animator sets to play animations together, sequentially, or after specified delays</li>
    350   <li>Frame refresh delay</li>
    351 </ul>
    353  <p>You can define these animation aspects, and others, for an object's int, float, and hexadecimal
    354 color values, by default. That is, when an object has a property field for one of these types, you
    355 can change its value over time to affect an animation. To animate any other type of value, you tell
    356 the system how to calculate the values for that given type, by implementing the {@link
    357 android.animation.TypeEvaluator} interface.</p>
    359 <p>There are two animators you can use to animate the values of a property: {@link
    360 android.animation.ValueAnimator} and {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator}. The {@link
    361 android.animation.ValueAnimator} computes the animation values, but is not aware of the specific
    362 object or property that is animated as a result. It simply performs the calculations, and you must
    363 listen for the updates and process the data with your own logic. The {@link
    364 android.animation.ObjectAnimator} is a subclass of {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} and
    365 allows you to set the object and property to animate, and it handles all animation work.
    366 That is, you give the {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} the object to animate, the
    367 property of the object to change over time, and a set of values to apply to the property over
    368 time, then start the animation.</p>
    370 <p>Additionally, the {@link android.animation.LayoutTransition} class enables automatic transition
    371 animations for changes you make to your activity layout. To enable transitions for part of the
    372 layout, create a {@link android.animation.LayoutTransition} object and set it on
    373 any {@link android.view.ViewGroup} by calling {@link
    374 android.view.ViewGroup#setLayoutTransition setLayoutTransition()}. This causes default
    375 animations to run whenever items are added to or removed from the group. To specify custom
    376 animations, call {@link android.animation.LayoutTransition#setAnimator setAnimator()} on the {@link
    377 android.animation.LayoutTransition} and provide a custom {@link android.animation.Animator},
    378 such as a {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} or {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator}
    379 discussed above.</p>
    381 <p>For more information, see the <a
    382 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/graphics/prop-animation.html">Property Animation</a> documentation. You can
    383 also see several samples using the animation APIs in the <a
    384 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/index.html">API
    385 Demos</a> application.</p>
    390 <h3>Extended UI framework</h3>
    392 <ul>
    394   <li><b>Multiple-choice selection for ListView and GridView</b>
    396 <p>New {@link android.widget.AbsListView#CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL} mode for {@link
    397 android.widget.AbsListView#setChoiceMode setChoiceMode()} allows users to select multiple items
    398 from a {@link android.widget.ListView} or {@link android.widget.GridView}. When used in
    399 conjunction with the Action Bar, users can select multiple items and then select the action to
    400 perform from a list of options in the Action Bar (which has transformed into a Multi-choice
    401 Action Mode).</p>
    403 <p>To enable multiple-choice selection, call {@link
    404 android.widget.AbsListView#setChoiceMode setChoiceMode(CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL)} and register a
    405 {@link android.widget.AbsListView.MultiChoiceModeListener MultiChoiceModeListener} with {@link
    406 android.widget.AbsListView#setMultiChoiceModeListener setMultiChoiceModeListener()}.</p>
    408 <p>When the user performs a long-press on an item, the Action Bar switches to the Multi-choice
    409 Action Mode. The system notifies the {@link android.widget.AbsListView.MultiChoiceModeListener
    410 MultiChoiceModeListener} when items are selected by calling {@link
    411 android.widget.AbsListView.MultiChoiceModeListener#onItemCheckedStateChanged
    412 onItemCheckedStateChanged()}.</p>
    414 <p>For an example of multiple-choice selection, see the <a
    415 href="{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/view/List15.html">List15.
    416 java</a>
    417 class in the API Demos sample application.</p>
    418   </li>
    421   <li><b>New APIs to transform views</b>
    423     <p>New APIs allow you to easily apply 2D and 3D transformations to views in your activity
    424 layout. New transformations are made possible with a set of object properties that define the view's
    425 layout position, orientation, transparency and more.</p>
    426     <p>New methods to set the view properties include: {@link android.view.View#setAlpha
    427 setAlpha()}, {@link
    428 android.view.View#setBottom setBottom()}, {@link android.view.View#setLeft setLeft()}, {@link
    429 android.view.View#setRight setRight()}, {@link android.view.View#setBottom setBottom()}, {@link
    430 android.view.View#setPivotX setPivotX()}, {@link android.view.View#setPivotY setPivotY()}, {@link
    431 android.view.View#setRotationX setRotationX()}, {@link android.view.View#setRotationY
    432 setRotationY()}, {@link android.view.View#setScaleX setScaleX()}, {@link android.view.View#setScaleY
    433 setScaleY()}, {@link android.view.View#setAlpha setAlpha()}, and others.</p>
    435     <p>Some methods also have a corresponding XML attribute that you can specify in your layout
    436 file, to apply a default transformation. Available attributes include: {@code translationX}, {@code
    437 translationY}, {@code rotation},
    438 {@code rotationX}, {@code rotationY}, {@code scaleX}, {@code scaleY}, {@code transformPivotX},
    439 {@code transformPivotY}, and {@code alpha}.</p>
    441     <p>Using some of these new view properties in combination with the new <a
    442 href="#animation">animation framework</a> (discussed
    443 above), you can easily apply some fancy animations to your views. For example, to rotate a
    444 view on its y-axis, supply {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} with the {@link
    445 android.view.View}, the "rotationY" property, and the start and end values:</p>
    446 <pre>
    447 ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "rotationY", 0, 360);
    448 animator.setDuration(2000);
    449 animator.start();
    450 </pre>
    451   </li>
    454   <li><b>New holographic themes</b>
    456     <p>The standard system widgets and overall look have been redesigned and incorporate a new
    457 "holographic" user interface theme. The system applies the new theme
    458 using the standard <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html">style and theme</a> system.</p>
    460 <p>Any application that targets the Android 3.0 platform&mdash;by setting either the <a
    461 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code android:minSdkVersion}</a>
    462 or <a
    463 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code
    464 android:targetSdkVersion}</a> value to {@code "11"}&mdash;inherits the holographic theme by default.
    465 However, if your application also applies its own theme, then your theme will override the
    466 holographic theme, unless you update your styles to inherit the holographic theme.</p>
    468 <p>To apply the holographic theme to individual activities or to inherit them in your own theme
    469 definitions, use one of several new {@link android.R.style#Theme_Holo Theme.Holo}
    470 themes. If your application is compatible with version of Android lower than 3.0 and applies
    471 custom themes, then you should <a
    472 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html#SelectATheme">select a theme based on platform
    473 version</a>.</p>
    475   </li>
    478   <li><b>New widgets</b>
    480     <ul>
    481     <li>{@link android.widget.AdapterViewAnimator}
    482     <p>Base class for an {@link android.widget.AdapterView} that performs animations when switching
    483     between its views.</p></li>
    485     <li>{@link android.widget.AdapterViewFlipper}
    486     <p>Simple {@link android.widget.ViewAnimator} that animates between two or more views that have
    487     been added to it. Only one child is shown at a time. If requested, it can automatically flip
    488   between
    489     each child at a regular interval.</p></li>
    491     <li>{@link android.widget.CalendarView}
    492     <p>Allows users to select dates from a calendar by touching the date and can scroll or fling the
    493 calendar to a desired date. You can configure the range of dates available in the widget.</p></li>
    495     <li>{@link android.widget.ListPopupWindow}
    496     <p>Anchors itself to a host view and displays a list of choices, such as for a list of
    497     suggestions when typing into an {@link android.widget.EditText} view.</p></li>
    499     <li>{@link android.widget.NumberPicker}
    500     <p>Enables the user to select a number from a predefined range. The widget presents an input
    501 field and up and down buttons for selecting a number. Touching the input field allows the user to
    502 scroll through values or touch again to directly edit the current value. It also allows you to map
    503 positions to strings, so that the corresponding string is displayed instead of the index
    504 position.</p></li>
    506     <li>{@link android.widget.PopupMenu}
    507     <p>Displays a {@link android.view.Menu} in a modal popup window that's anchored to a view. The
    508 popup appears below the anchor view if there is room, or above it if there is not. If the IME (soft
    509 keyboard) is visible, the popup does not overlap the IME it until the user touches the
    510 menu.</p></li>
    512     <li>{@link android.widget.SearchView}
    513     <p>Provides a search box that you can configure to deliver search queries to a specified
    514 activity and display search suggestions (in the same manner as the traditional search dialog). This
    515 widget is particularly useful for offering a search widget in the Action Bar. For more information,
    516 see <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/search/search-dialog.html">Creating a Search Interface.</p></li>
    518     <li>{@link android.widget.StackView}
    519     <p>A view that displays its children in a 3D stack and allows users to swipe through
    520   views like a rolodex.</p></li>
    522     </ul>
    523   </li>
    525 </ul>
    529 <h3>Graphics</h3>
    531 <ul>
    532   <li><b>Hardware accelerated 2D graphics</b>
    534 <p>You can now enable the OpenGL renderer for your application by setting {@code
    535 android:hardwareAccelerated="true"} in your manifest element's <a
    536 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code &lt;application&gt;}</a>
    537 element or for individual <a
    538 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a>
    539 elements.</p>
    541 <p>This flag helps applications by making them draw faster. This results in smoother animations,
    542 smoother scrolling, and overall better performance and response to user interaction.</p></li>
    545   <li><b>View support for hardware and software layers</b>
    547     <p>By default, a {@link android.view.View} has no layer specified. You can specify that the
    548 view be backed by either a hardware or software layer, specified by values {@link
    549 android.view.View#LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE} and {@link android.view.View#LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE}, using
    550 {@link android.view.View#setLayerType setLayerType()} or the <a
    551 href="{@docRoot}reference/android/view/View.html#attr_android:layerType">{@code layerType}</a>
    552 attribute.</p>
    553     <p>A hardware layer is backed by a hardware specific texture (generally Frame Buffer Objects or
    554 FBO on OpenGL hardware) and causes the view to be rendered using Android's hardware rendering
    555 pipeline, but only if hardware acceleration is turned on for the view hierarchy. When hardware
    556 acceleration is turned off, hardware layers behave exactly as software layers.</p>
    557     <p>A software layer is backed by a bitmap and causes the view to be rendered using Android's
    558 software rendering pipeline, even if hardware acceleration is enabled. Software layers should be
    559 avoided when the affected view tree updates often. Every update will require to re-render the
    560 software layer, which can potentially be slow.</p>
    561     <p>For more information, see the {@link android.view.View#LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE} and {@link
    562 android.view.View#LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE} documentation.</p>
    563   </li>
    566   <li><b>Renderscript 3D graphics engine</b>
    568 <p>Renderscript is a runtime 3D framework that provides both an API for building 3D scenes as well
    569 as a special, platform-independent shader language for maximum performance. Using Renderscript, you
    570 can accelerate graphics operations and data processing. Renderscript is an ideal way to create
    571 high-performance 3D effects for applications, wallpapers, carousels, and more.</p>
    572 <p>For more information, see the <a
    573 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/graphics/renderscript.html">3D Rendering and Computation with
    574 Renderscript</a> documentation.</p></li>
    575 </ul>
    580 <h3>Media</h3>
    583 <ul>
    585   <li><b>Time lapse video</b>
    587 <p>Camcorder APIs now support the ability to record time lapse video. The {@link
    588 android.media.MediaRecorder#setCaptureRate setCaptureRate()} sets the rate at which frames
    589 should be captured.</p></li>
    591   <li><b>Texture support for image streams</b>
    593 <p>New {@link android.graphics.SurfaceTexture} allows you to capture an image stream as an OpenGL ES
    594 texture. By calling {@link android.hardware.Camera#setPreviewTexture setPreviewTexture()} for your
    595 {@link android.hardware.Camera} instance, you can specify the {@link
    596 android.graphics.SurfaceTexture} upon which to draw video playback or preview frames from the
    597 camera.</p></li>
    599   <li><b>HTTP Live streaming</b>
    601 <p>Applications can now pass an M3U playlist URL to the media framework to begin an HTTP Live
    602 streaming session. The media framework supports most of the HTTP Live streaming specification,
    603 including adaptive bit rate. See the <a
    604 href="{@docRoot}guide/appendix/media-formats.html">Supported Media Formats</a> document for
    605 more information.</p></li>
    607   <li><b>EXIF data</b>
    609 <p>The {@link android.media.ExifInterface} includes new fields for photo aperture, ISO, and exposure
    610 time.</p></li>
    612   <li><b>Camcorder profiles</b>
    614 <p>New {@link android.media.CamcorderProfile#hasProfile hasProfile()} method and several video
    615 quality profiles (such as {@link android.media.CamcorderProfile#QUALITY_1080P}, {@link
    616 android.media.CamcorderProfile#QUALITY_720P}, {@link
    617 android.media.CamcorderProfile#QUALITY_CIF}, and others) allow you to determine camcorder
    618 quality options.</p></li>
    620   <li><b>Digital media file transfer</b>
    622 <p>The platform includes built-in support for Media/Picture Transfer Protocol (MTP/PTP) over USB,
    623 which lets users easily transfer any type of media files between devices and to a host computer.
    624 Developers can build on this support, creating applications that let users create or manage rich
    625 media files that they may want to transfer or share across devices. </p></li>
    627   <li><b>Digital rights management (DRM)</b>
    629 <p>New extensible digital rights management (DRM) framework for checking and enforcing digital
    630 rights. It's implemented in two architectural layers:</p>
    631 <ul>
    632   <li>A DRM framework API, which is exposed to applications and runs through the Dalvik VM for
    633 standard applications.</li>
    634   <li>A native code DRM manager that implements the framework API and exposes an interface for DRM
    635 plug-ins to handle rights management and decryption for various DRM schemes.</li>
    636 </ul>
    638 <p>For application developers, the framework offers an abstract, unified API that simplifies the
    639 management of protected content. The API hides the complexity of DRM operations and allows a
    640 consistent operation mode for both protected and unprotected content, and across a variety of DRM
    641 schemes.</p>
    643 <p>For device manufacturers, content owners, and Internet digital media providers the DRM
    644 framework?s plugin API provides a means of adding support for a DRM scheme of choice into the
    645 Android system, for secure enforcement of content protection.</p>
    647 <p>The preview release does not provide any native DRM plug-ins for checking and enforcing digital
    648 rights. However, device manufacturers may ship DRM plug-ins with their devices.</p>
    650 <p>You can find all of the DRM APIs in the {@link android.drm} package.</p></li>
    652 </ul>
    656 <h3>Keyboard support</h3>
    658 <ul>
    659 <li>Support for Control, Meta, Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock modifiers. For more information,
    660 see {@link android.view.KeyEvent#META_CTRL_ON} and related fields.</li>
    662 <li>Support for full desktop-style keyboards, including support for keys such as Escape, Home, End,
    663 Delete and others. You can determine whether key events are coming from a full keyboard by
    664 querying {@link android.view.KeyCharacterMap#getKeyboardType()} and checking for {@link
    665 android.view.KeyCharacterMap#FULL KeyCharacterMap.FULL}</li>
    667 <li>{@link android.widget.TextView} now supports keyboard-based cut, copy, paste, and select-all,
    668 using the key combinations Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+A.  It also supports PageUp/PageDown,
    669 Home/End, and keyboard-based text selection.</li>
    671 <li>{@link android.view.KeyEvent} adds several new methods to make it easier to check the key
    672 modifier state correctly and consistently. See {@link android.view.KeyEvent#hasModifiers(int)},
    673 {@link android.view.KeyEvent#hasNoModifiers()},
    674 {@link android.view.KeyEvent#metaStateHasModifiers(int,int) metaStateHasModifiers()},
    675 {@link android.view.KeyEvent#metaStateHasNoModifiers(int) metaStateHasNoModifiers()}.</li>
    677 <li>Applications can implement custom keyboard shortcuts by subclassing {@link
    678 android.app.Activity}, {@link android.app.Dialog}, or {@link android.view.View} and implementing
    679 {@link android.app.Activity#onKeyShortcut onKeyShortcut()}.  The framework calls this method
    680 whenever a key is combined with Ctrl key.  When creating an <a
    681 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/menus.html#options-menu">Options Menu</a>, you can register keyboard
    682 shortcuts by setting either the {@code android:alphabeticShortcut} or {@code
    683 android:numericShortcut} attribute for each <a
    684 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/menu-resource.html#item-element">{@code &lt;item&gt;}</a>
    685 element (or with {@link android.view.MenuItem#setShortcut setShortcut()}).</li>
    687 <li>Android 3.0 includes a new "virtual keyboard" device with the id {@link
    688 android.view.KeyCharacterMap#VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD}. The virtual
    689 keyboard has a desktop-style US key map which is useful for synthesizing key events for testing
    690 input.</li>
    692 </ul>
    697 <h3>Split touch events</h3>
    699 <p>Previously, only a single view could accept touch events at one time. Android 3.0
    700 adds support for splitting touch events across views and even windows, so different views can accept
    701 simultaneous touch events.</p>
    703 <p>Split touch events is enabled by default when an application targets
    704 Android 3.0. That is, when the application has set either the <a
    705 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#min">{@code android:minSdkVersion}</a>
    706 or <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#target">{@code
    707 android:targetSdkVersion}</a> attribute's value to {@code "11"}.</p>
    709 <p>However, the following properties allow you to disable split touch events across views inside
    710 specific view groups and across windows.</p>
    712 <ul>
    713 <li>The {@link android.R.attr#splitMotionEvents android:splitMotionEvents} attribute for view groups
    714 allows you to disable split touch events that occur between child views in a layout. For example:
    715 <pre>
    716 &lt;LinearLayout android:splitMotionEvents="false" ... >
    717     ...
    718 &lt;/LinearLayout>
    719 </pre>
    720 <p>This way, child views in the linear layout cannot split touch events&mdash;only one view can
    721 receive touch events at a time.</p>
    722 </li>
    724 <li>The {@link android.R.attr#windowEnableSplitTouch android:windowEnableSplitTouch} style property
    725 allows you to disable split touch events across windows, by applying it to a theme for the activity
    726 or entire application. For example:
    727 <pre>
    728 &lt;style name="NoSplitMotionEvents" parent="android:Theme.Holo">
    729     &lt;item name="android:windowEnableSplitTouch">false&lt;/item>
    730     ...
    731 &lt;/style>
    732 </pre>
    733 <p>When this theme is applied to an <a
    734 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code &lt;activity&gt;}</a> or <a
    735 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/application-element.html">{@code &lt;application&gt;}</a>,
    736 only touch events within the current activity window are accepted. For example, by disabling split
    737 touch events across windows, the system bar cannot receive touch events at the same time as the
    738 activity. This does <em>not</em> affect whether views inside the activity can split touch
    739 events&mdash;by default, the activity can still split touch events across views.</p>
    741 <p>For more information about creating a theme, read <a
    742 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html">Applying Styles and Themes</a>.</p>
    743 </li>
    744 </ul>
    748 <h3>WebKit</h3>
    750 <ul>
    751   <li>New {@link android.webkit.WebViewFragment} class to create a fragment composed of a
    752 {@link android.webkit.WebView}.</li>
    753   <li>New {@link android.webkit.WebSettings} methods:
    754     <ul>
    755       <li>{@link
    756 android.webkit.WebSettings#setDisplayZoomControls setDisplayZoomControls()} allows you to hide
    757 the on-screen zoom controls while still allowing the user to zoom with finger gestures ({@link
    758 android.webkit.WebSettings#setBuiltInZoomControls setBuiltInZoomControls()} must be set
    759 {@code true}).</li>
    760       <li>New {@link android.webkit.WebSettings} method, {@link
    761 android.webkit.WebSettings#setEnableSmoothTransition setEnableSmoothTransition()}, allows you
    762 to enable smooth transitions when panning and zooming. When enabled, WebView will choose a solution
    763 to maximize the performance (for example, the WebView's content may not update during the
    764 transition).</li>
    765     </ul>
    766   <li>New {@link android.webkit.WebView} methods:
    767     <ul>
    768       <li>{@link android.webkit.WebView#onPause onPause()} callback, to pause any processing
    769 associated with the WebView when it becomes hidden. This is useful to reduce unnecessary CPU or
    770 network traffic when the WebView is not in the foreground.</li>
    771       <li>{@link android.webkit.WebView#onResume onResume()} callback, to resume processing
    772 associated with the WebView, which was paused during {@link android.webkit.WebView#onPause
    773 onPause()}.</li>
    774       <li>{@link android.webkit.WebView#saveWebArchive saveWebArchive()} allows you to save the
    775 current view as a web archive on the device.</li>
    776       <li>{@link android.webkit.WebView#showFindDialog showFindDialog()} initiates a text search in
    777 the current view.</li>
    778     </ul>
    779   </li>
    780 </ul>
    784 <h3>Browser</h3>
    786 <p>The Browser application adds the following features to support web applications:</p>
    788 <ul>
    789   <li><b>Media capture</b>
    790     <p>As defined by the <a href="http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/camera/">HTML Media Capture</a>
    791 specification, the Browser allows web applications to access audio, image and video capture
    792 capabilities of the device. For example, the following HTML provides an input for the user to
    793 capture a photo to upload:</p>
    794 <pre>
    795 &lt;input type="file" accept="image/*;capture=camera" />
    796 </pre>
    797 <p>Or by excluding the {@code capture=camera} parameter, the user can choose to either capture a
    798 new image with the camera or select one from the device (such as from the Gallery application).</p>
    799   </li>
    801   <li><b>Device Orientation</b>
    802     <p>As defined by the <a
    803 href="http://dev.w3.org/geo/api/spec-source-orientation.html">Device Orientation Event</a>
    804 specification, the Browser allows web applications to listen to DOM events that provide information
    805 about the physical orientation and motion of the device.</p>
    806     <p>The device orientation is expressed with the x, y, and z axes, in degrees and motion is
    807 expressed with acceleration and rotation rate data. A web page can register for orientation
    808 events by calling {@code window.addEventListener} with event type {@code "deviceorientation"}
    809 and register for motion events by registering the {@code "devicemotion"} event type.</p>
    810   </li>
    812   <li><b>CSS 3D Transforms</b>
    813     <p>As defined by the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-3d-transforms/">CSS 3D Transform
    814 Module</a> specification, the Browser allows elements rendered by CSS to be transformed in three
    815 dimensions.</p>
    816   </li>
    817 </ul>
    821 <h3>JSON utilities</h3>
    823 <p>New classes, {@link android.util.JsonReader} and {@link android.util.JsonWriter}, help you
    824 read and write JSON streams. The new APIs complement the {@link org.json} classes, which manipulate
    825 a document in memory.</p>
    827 <p>You can create an instance of {@link android.util.JsonReader} by calling
    828 its constructor method and passing the {@link java.io.InputStreamReader} that feeds the JSON string.
    829 Then begin reading an object by calling {@link android.util.JsonReader#beginObject()}, read a
    830 key name with {@link android.util.JsonReader#nextName()}, read the value using methods
    831 respective to the type, such as {@link android.util.JsonReader#nextString()} and {@link
    832 android.util.JsonReader#nextInt()}, and continue doing so while {@link
    833 android.util.JsonReader#hasNext()} is true.</p>
    835 <p>You can create an instance of {@link android.util.JsonWriter} by calling its constructor and
    836 passing the appropriate {@link java.io.OutputStreamWriter}. Then write the JSON data in a manner
    837 similar to the reader, using {@link android.util.JsonWriter#name name()} to add a property name
    838 and an appropriate {@link android.util.JsonWriter#value value()} method to add the respective
    839 value.</p>
    841 <p>These classes are strict by default. The {@link android.util.JsonReader#setLenient setLenient()}
    842 method in each class configures them to be more liberal in what they accept. This lenient
    843 parse mode is also compatible with the {@link org.json}'s default parser.</p>
    848 <h3>New feature constants</h3>
    850 <p>The <a
    851 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html">{@code &lt;uses-feature&gt;}</a> 
    852 manfest element should be used to inform external entities (such as Google Play) of the set of
    853 hardware and software features on which your application depends. In this release, Android adds the
    854 following new constants that applications can declare with this element:</p>
    856 <ul>
    857   <li>{@link android.content.pm.PackageManager#FEATURE_FAKETOUCH "android.hardware.faketouch"}
    858     <p>When declared, this indicates that the application is compatible with a device that offers an
    859 emulated touchscreen (or better). A device that offers an emulated touchscreen provides a user input
    860 system that can emulate a subset of touchscreen
    861 capabilities. An example of such an input system is a mouse or remote control that drives an
    862 on-screen cursor. Such input systems support basic touch events like click down, click up, and drag.
    863 However, more complicated input types (such as gestures, flings, etc.) may be more difficult or
    864 impossible on faketouch devices (and multitouch gestures are definitely not possible).</p>
    865     <p>If your application does <em>not</em> require complicated gestures and you do
    866 <em>not</em> want your application filtered from devices with an emulated touchscreen, you
    867 should declare {@link
    868 android.content.pm.PackageManager#FEATURE_FAKETOUCH "android.hardware.faketouch"} with a <a
    869 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html">{@code &lt;uses-feature&gt;}</a>
    870 element. This way, your application will be available to the greatest number of device types,
    871 including those that provide only an emulated touchscreen input.</p>
    872     <p>All devices that include a touchscreen also support {@link
    873 android.content.pm.PackageManager#FEATURE_FAKETOUCH "android.hardware.faketouch"}, because
    874 touchscreen capabilities are a superset of faketouch capabilities. Thus, unless you actually require
    875 a touchscreen, you should add a <a
    876 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html">{@code &lt;uses-feature&gt;}</a>
    877 element for faketouch.</p>
    878   </li>
    879 </ul>
    884 <h3>New permissions</h3>
    886 <ul>
    887   <li>{@link android.Manifest.permission#BIND_REMOTEVIEWS
    888 "android.permission.BIND_REMOTEVIEWS"}
    889   <p>This must be declared as a required permission in the <a
    890 href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/service-element.html">{@code &lt;service&gt;}</a> manifest
    891 element for an implementation of {@link android.widget.RemoteViewsService}. For example, when
    892 creating an App Widget that uses {@link android.widget.RemoteViewsService} to populate a
    893 collection view, the manifest entry may look like this:</p>
    894 <pre>
    895 &lt;service android:name=".widget.WidgetService"
    896     android:exported="false"
    897     android:permission="android.permission.BIND_REMOTEVIEWS" />
    898 </pre>
    899 </ul>
    903 <h3>New platform technologies</h3>
    905 <ul>
    906 <li><strong>Storage</strong>
    907   <ul>
    908   <li>ext4 file system support to enable onboard eMMC storage.</li>
    909   <li>FUSE file system to support MTP devices.</li>
    910   <li>USB host mode support to support keyboards and USB hubs.</li>
    911   <li>Support for MTP/PTP </li>
    912   </ul>
    913 </li>
    915 <li><strong>Linux Kernel</strong>
    916   <ul>
    917   <li>Upgraded to 2.6.36</li>
    918   </ul>
    919 </li>
    921 <li><strong>Dalvik VM</strong>
    922   <ul>
    923   <li>New code to support and optimize for SMP</li>
    924   <li>Various improvements to the JIT infrastructure</li>
    925   <li>Garbage collector improvements:
    926     <ul>
    927     <li>Tuned for SMP</li>
    928     <li>Support for larger heap sizes</li>
    929     <li>Unified handling for bitmaps and byte buffers</li>
    930     </ul>
    931   </li>
    932   </ul>
    933 </li>
    935 <li><strong>Dalvik Core Libraries</strong>
    936   <ul>
    937   <li>New, much faster implementation of NIO (modern I/O library)</li>
    938   <li>Improved exception messages</li>
    939   <li>Correctness and performance fixes throughout</li>
    940   </ul>
    941 </li>
    942 </ul>
    946 <h3 id="api-diff">API differences report</h3>
    948 <p>For a detailed view of all API changes in Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} (API Level
    949 {@sdkPlatformApiLevel}), see the <a
    950 href="{@docRoot}sdk/api_diff/{@sdkPlatformApiLevel}/changes.html">API Differences Report</a>.</p>
    956 <h2 id="api-level">API Level</h2>
    958 <p>The Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} platform delivers an updated version of
    959 the framework API. The Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} API
    960 is assigned an integer identifier &mdash;
    961 <strong>{@sdkPlatformApiLevel}</strong> &mdash; that is
    962 stored in the system itself. This identifier, called the "API Level", allows the
    963 system to correctly determine whether an application is compatible with
    964 the system, prior to installing the application. </p>
    966 <p>To use APIs introduced in Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} in your application,
    967 you need compile the application against the Android library that is provided in
    968 the Android {@sdkPlatformVersion} SDK platform. Depending on your needs, you might 
    969 also need to add an <code>android:minSdkVersion="{@sdkPlatformApiLevel}"</code>
    970 attribute to the <code>&lt;uses-sdk&gt;</code> element in the application's
    971 manifest. If your application is designed to run only on Android 2.3 and higher,
    972 declaring the attribute prevents the application from being installed on earlier
    973 versions of the platform.</p>
    975 <p>For more information, read <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html#ApiLevels">What is API
    976 Level?</a></p>