Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in develop
      1 fullpage=true
      2 page.title=Develop
      3 header.hide=1
      4 carousel=1
      5 tabbedList=1
      6 @jd:body
      8 <style>
      9 #noplayer-message {
     10 position:absolute;top:50%;left:0;width:100%;z-index:-1;text-align:center;display:none;
     11 }
     12 #player-frame object {z-index:1;}
     13 </style>
     15 <div id="player-wrapper">
     16   <div id="player-frame">
     17     <div id="noplayer-message">
     18       <!-- busted flash player message -->
     19       Your video is supposed to appear here.<br/>
     20       Make sure you have the <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" target="_blank">Flash&reg; Player</a>.
     21     </div>
     22     <div id="player"><!-- Youtube embeds here... actually replaces this div --></div>
     23     <a class="close" onclick="$('#player-wrapper').hide()">close video</a>
     24   </div>
     25 </div>
     28 <div class="wrap">
     29    <!-- Slideshow -->
     30    <div class="slideshow-container slideshow-develop col-16">
     31        <a href="" class="slideshow-prev">Prev</a>
     32        <a href="" class="slideshow-next">Next</a>
     33        <div class="frame">
     34            <ul>
     35                <li class="item carousel-home">
     36                  <div class="col-8">
     37                    <img
     38 src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-g05If_eKKRQ/UAcrVLI-OYI/AAAAAAAAAr8/AWvunVb5S-w/s320/nexus7.png"
     39 class="play no-shadow no-transform" />
     40                  </div>
     41                 <div class="content-right col-6">
     42                   <p class="title-intro">From the blog:</p>
     43                   <h2>Getting Your App Ready for Jelly Bean and Nexus 7</h2>
     44                   <p>For many people, their first taste of Jelly Bean will be on the beautiful 
     45                     Nexus 7. While most applications will run just fine on Nexus 7, who wants 
     46                     their app to be just fine? Here are some tips for optimizing your application 
     47                     to make the most of this device.</p>
     48                   <p><a
     49 href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/07/getting-your-app-ready-for-jelly-bean.html" class="button">Read
     50 more</a></p>
     51                 </div>            
     52               </li>
     53                <li class="item carousel-home">
     54                  <div class="col-8">
     55                    <img
     56 src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6qyjPxTuzv0/T6lde-Oq_fI/AAAAAAAABXc/zle7OFEGP44/s400/fddns%2Bcopy.png"
     57 class="play no-shadow no-transform" />
     58                  </div>
     59                 <div class="content-right col-6">
     60                   <p class="title-intro">From the blog:</p>
     61                   <h2>Using DialogFragments</h2>
     62                   <p>In this post, I'll show how to use DialogFragments with the <a
     63 href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/app/DialogFragment.html">v4 support
     64 library</a> (for backward compatibility on pre-Honeycomb devices) to show a simple edit dialog and
     65 return a result to the calling Activity using an interface.</p>
     66                   <p><a
     67 href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/05/using-dialogfragments.html" class="button">Read
     68 more</a></p>
     69                 </div>            
     70               </li>
     71                <li class="item carousel-home">
     72                    <div class="col-8">
     73                      <img
     74 src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6K1kfNOdek8/T72bXvtTSQI/AAAAAAAABmw/kYzmJt0_328/s1600/google-play-subscriptions.png" class="play"></div>
     75                    <div class="content-right col-6">
     76                    <p class="title-intro">From the blog:</p>
     77                    <h2>In-app Subscriptions in Google Play</h2>
     78                    <p>Starting today, developers can use In-app Billing to sell monthly or annual
     79 subscriptions from inside of their apps. All subscriptions are auto-renewing, for every app and game
     80 and every type of subscription product.</p>
     81                    <p><a class="button"
     82 href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/05/in-app-subscriptions-in-google-play.html">Read
     83 more</a></p>
     84                    </div>                
     85                 </li>
     86                <li class="item carousel-home">
     87                    <div class="col-8">
     88                      <img
     89 src="{@docRoot}images/home/developers_live.png" class="play"></div>
     90                    <div class="content-right col-6">
     91                    <h2>Learn what great apps are made of</h2>
     92                    <p>Every week we host a live broadcast in which we review a collection of apps and games
     93                      nominated by the creators. It's no-holds-barred and we tell you exactly what is flawed or
     94                      fantastic in each app and how to make improvements.</p>
     95                    <p><a href="" class="button" onclick="$('ul#DevelopersLive li:first
     96 a').click();return false;">Watch the latest review</a></p>
     97                    </div>                
     98                 </li>
     99            </ul>
    100        </div>
    101    </div>
    102    <!-- /End slideshow -->
    103 </div>
    104 <div class="wrap">
    105 	<!-- news and feature feed -->
    106 	<div class="feed col-8" style="margin-left:0">
    107 		<ul class="feed-nav">
    108 			<li class="active">DEVELOPER NEWS</li>
    109 			<li>FEATURED DOCS</li>
    110 		</ul>
    111 		<div class="feed-container">
    112 			<div class="feed-frame">
    113                                 <!-- DEVELOPER NEWS -->
    114 				<ul>
    115 					<li><a href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/06/android-sdk-tools-revision-20.html">
    116                                           <div class="feed-image" style="background:url('http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Kp1qE5du6l8/T-xurIjfPgI/AAAAAAAABAM/kuWQwPgi0rw/s640/newactivity+(1).png') no-repeat 0 0">
    117                                           </div>
    118                                           <h4>Android SDK Tools, Revision 20</h4>
    119                                           <p>Along with the preview of the Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) platform, we launched Android SDK Tools R20 and ADT 20.0.0. Here are a few things...</p>
    120 					</a></li>
    121 					<li><a href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/04/faster-emulator-with-better-hardware.html">
    122                                           <div class="feed-image" style="background:url('../images/emulator-wvga800l.png') no-repeat 0 0">
    123                                           </div>
    124                                           <h4>A Faster Emulator with Better...</h4>
    125                                           <p>Today were thrilled to announce several significant improvements to the emulator, including a dramatic...</p>
    126 					</a></li>
    127 					<li><a href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/04/android-c2dm-client-login-key.html">
    128                                           <div class="feed-image" style="background:url('../images/develop/auth-code.png') no-repeat 0 0">
    129                                           </div>
    130                                           <h4>Android C2DM  Client Login key...</h4>
    131                                           <p>In the upcoming weeks, some of the older Client
    132 					Login authentication keys will expire. If you generated the token youre...</p>
    133 					</a></li>
    134 					<li><a href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2012/04/accessibility-are-you-serving-all-your.html">
    135                                           <div class="feed-image">
    136                                           </div>
    137                                           <h4>Accessibility</h4>
    138                                           <p>We recently published some new resources to help developers make their Android applications more accessible... </p>
    139 					</a></li>
    141 				</ul>
    142                                 <!-- FEATURED DOCS -->
    143 				<ul>
    144 					<li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/google/play/billing/index.html">
    145 						<h4>Google Play In-app Billing</h4>
    146 						<p>In-app Billing is a Google Play service that lets you sell digital content from inside your applications. You can sell products as standard in-app products (one-time purchase) or with subscriptions (recurring...</p>
    147 					</a></li>
    148 					<li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/contacts-provider.html">
    149 						<h4>Contacts Provider</h4>
    150 						<p>The Contacts Provider is a powerful and flexible Android component that manages the device's central repository of data about people. You can use it to build powerful social features...</p>
    151 					</a></li>
    152 					<li><a href="{@docRoot}training/efficient-downloads/index.html">
    153 						<h4>Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery</h4>
    154 						<p>This training class demonstrates the best practices for scheduling and executing downloads using techniques such as caching, polling, and prefetching.</p>
    155 					</a></li>
    156 					<li><a href="{@docRoot}training/backward-compatible-ui/index.html">
    157 						<h4>Creating Backward-Compatible UIs</h4>
    158 						<p>This training class demonstrates how to use UI components and APIs available in newer versions of Android in a backward-compatible way, ensuring that your application still runs on previous versions...</p>
    159 					</a></li>
    160 				</ul>
    161 			</div>
    162 		</div>
    163 	</div>	<!-- /news and feature feed -->
    164 	<!-- video feed -->
    165 	<div class="feed col-8" style="margin-right:0">
    166 		<ul class="feed-nav">
    167 			<li class="active">DEVELOPERS LIVE</li>
    168 			<li>VIDEO PLAYLISTS</li>
    169 		</ul>
    170 		<div class="feed-container">
    171 			<div class="feed-frame">
    172 				<ul id="DevelopersLive">
    173 				</ul>
    174 				<ul id="VideoPlaylists">
    175 				</ul>
    176 			</div>
    177 		</div>
    178 	</div>
    179 	<!-- /video feed -->
    180 </div>
    182 <br class="clearfix"/>
    193 <script src="//swfobject.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/swfobject/swfobject.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    194 <script type="text/javascript">
    196 /* Load a video into the player box.
    197  * @param id        The YouTube video ID
    198  * @param title     The video title to display in the player box (character escaped)
    199  * @param autoplay  Whether to automatically play the video
    200  */
    201 function loadVideo(id, title, autoplay) {
    202   swfobject.embedSWF('//www.youtube.com/v/' + id + '&rel=1&border=0&fs=1&autoplay=' +
    203       (autoplay?1:0), 'player', '525', '330', '9.0.0', false, false, {allowfullscreen: 'true'});
    204   $("#videoPlayerTitle").html("<h2>" + unescape(title) + "</h2>");
    205   $("#player-wrapper").show();
    206   setTimeout(function(){$('#noplayer-message').show()}, 2000);
    207 }
    209 /* Draw all videos from a playlist into a 'videoPreviews' list
    210  * @param data  The feed data returned from the youtube request
    211  */
    212 function renderVideoPlaylists(data) {
    213   var MAX_LIST_DESC_LENGTH = 130; // the length at which we will trim the description
    214   var MAX_VIDEO_DESC_LENGTH = 100; // the length at which we will trim the description
    215   var MAX_LIST_LENGTH = 4; // number of videos to put in the list
    216   var feed = data.feed;
    217   var entries = feed.entry || [];
    218   var playlistId = feed.yt$playlistId.$t;
    220   var $ulVideos = $('<ul style="display:none"/>');
    221   var summary = feed.media$group.media$description != null ? feed.media$group.media$description.$t : feed.subtitle.$t;
    223   var $liPlaylist = $('<li class="playlist"></li>');
    224   var $aPlaylist = $('<a href="" onclick="togglePlaylist(this);return false;"></a>');
    225   $liPlaylist.append($aPlaylist);
    226   $aPlaylist.append('<h4>' + feed.title.$t + '</h4>');
    228   var playlistDescription = summary.substr(0, MAX_LIST_DESC_LENGTH);
    229   playlistDescription += playlistDescription.length == MAX_LIST_DESC_LENGTH ? "..." : ""; // add ellipsis if we've chopped the description
    230   $aPlaylist.append('<p>' +  playlistDescription + '</p>');
    232   // Loop through each entry (each video) and add it to the 'videoPreviews' list
    233   var length = feed.entry.length < MAX_LIST_LENGTH ? feed.entry.length : MAX_LIST_LENGTH; // max of 4 videos per list
    234   for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    235     var entry = entries[i];
    237     var title = entry.title.$t;
    238     var id = entry.media$group.yt$videoid.$t;
    239     var thumbUrl = entry.media$group.media$thumbnail[0].url;
    240     var fullDescription = entry.media$group.media$description.$t;
    241     var playerUrl = entry.media$group.media$content[0].url;
    243     var shortDescription = fullDescription.substr(0, MAX_VIDEO_DESC_LENGTH);
    244     shortDescription += shortDescription.length == MAX_VIDEO_DESC_LENGTH ? "..." : ""; // add ellipsis if we've chopped the description
    246     var img = $('<img src="' + thumbUrl + '" width="60" height="45"/>');
    247     var a = $('<a href="#" onclick="loadVideo(\'' + id + '\',\'' + escape(title) + '\',true); return false;" />');
    248     var pShortDescription = $('<p>' + shortDescription + '</p>');
    249     var h5Title = "<h5>" + title + "</h5>";
    250     var li = $('<li class="playlist-video"/>');
    252     li.append(a);
    253     a.append(img).append(h5Title).append(pShortDescription);
    255     $ulVideos.append(li);
    257     // use the first entry's thumbnail for the playlist
    258     if (i == 0) {
    259       $aPlaylist.prepend('<img src="' + thumbUrl + '" width="120" height="90"/>');
    260     }
    261   }
    263   if (feed.entry.length > MAX_LIST_LENGTH) {
    264     // add item to go to youtube for playlist
    265     $ulVideos.append('<li class="more"><a href="//www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL' + playlistId + '">More &raquo;</a></li>');
    266   }
    268   $liPlaylist.append($ulVideos);
    269   $('#VideoPlaylists').append($liPlaylist);
    270 }
    273 function renderDevelopersLivePlaylist(data) {
    275   var MAX_DESC_LENGTH = 125; // the length at which we will trim the description
    276   var feed = data.feed;
    277   var entries = feed.entry || [];
    278   var playlistId = feed.yt$playlistId.$t;
    280   var ul = $('#DevelopersLive');
    282   // Loop through each entry (each video) and add it to the '#DevelopersLive' list
    283   for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    284     var entry = entries[i];
    286     var title = entry.title.$t;
    287     var id = entry.media$group.yt$videoid.$t;
    288     var thumbUrl = entry.media$group.media$thumbnail[0].url;
    289     var fullDescription = entry.media$group.media$description.$t;
    290     var playerUrl = entry.media$group.media$content[0].url;
    291     var shortDescription = fullDescription.substr(0, MAX_DESC_LENGTH);
    292     shortDescription += shortDescription.length == MAX_DESC_LENGTH ? "..." : ""; // add ellipsis if we've chopped the description
    294     var img = $('<img src="' + thumbUrl + '" width="120" height="90"/>');
    295     var a = $('<a href="#" onclick="loadVideo(\'' + id + '\',\'' + escape(title) + '\',true); return false;" />');
    296     var pShortDescription = $('<p>' + shortDescription + '</p>');
    297     var h4Title = "<h4>" + title + "</h4>";
    298     var li = $('<li/>');
    300     li.append(a);
    301     a.append(img).append(h4Title).append(pShortDescription);
    303     ul.append(li);
    304   }
    305 }
    309 /* This 'playlist' object defines the playlist IDs for each tab.
    310  * Each name inside 'playlist' corresponds to class names for the tab that the playlists belong to (eg: "googleioTab" and "googleioBox" divs).
    311  * Each string in 'ids' is the ID of a YouTube playlist that belongs in the corresponding tab.
    312  */
    313 var playlists = {
    314   'googleio' : {
    315     'ids': ["4C6BCDE45E05F49E"]
    316   },
    317   'fridayreview' : {
    318     'ids': ["B7B9B23D864A55C3"]
    319   },
    320   'officehours' : {
    321     'ids': ["7383D9AADA6E6D55"]
    322   },
    323   'about' : {
    324     'ids': ["D7C64411AF40DEA5"]
    325   }
    326 };
    328 /* Request the playlist feeds from YouTube */
    329 function showVideosPlaylists() {
    330   for (var x in playlists) {
    331     var ids = playlists[x].ids;
    332     for (var i in ids) {
    333       var script = "<script type='text/javascript' src='//gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/"
    334                     + ids[i] +
    335                     "?v=2&alt=json-in-script&max-results=50&callback=renderVideoPlaylists&orderby=published'><\/script>";
    336       $("body").append(script);
    337     }
    338   }
    339 }
    342 /* Request the playlist feeds from YouTube */
    343 function showDevelopersLivePlaylist() {
    344   var playlistId = "B7B9B23D864A55C3"; /* The Friday Review */
    345   var script = "<script type='text/javascript' src='//gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/"
    346                 + playlistId +
    347                 "?v=2&alt=json-in-script&max-results=10&callback=renderDevelopersLivePlaylist&orderby=published'><\/script > ";
    348   $("body").append(script);
    349 }
    352 function togglePlaylist(listLink) {
    353   var $list = $(listLink).parent();
    354   var $ul = $list.find('ul');
    355   if ($ul.is(":visible")) {
    356     $ul.slideUp(function() {
    357       $list.css({'height':'inherit'});
    358     });
    359   } else {
    360     $list.closest('ul').find('li.playlist').find('ul').slideUp();
    361     $ul.slideDown();
    362     $list.css({'height':'auto'});
    363   }
    364 }
    366 showDevelopersLivePlaylist();
    367 showVideosPlaylists();
    368 </script>