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      1 // label_reachable.h
      3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 //
      7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 //
      9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 // limitations under the License.
     14 //
     15 // Copyright 2005-2010 Google, Inc.
     16 // Author: riley (at) google.com (Michael Riley)
     17 //
     18 // \file
     19 // Class to determine if a non-epsilon label can be read as the
     20 // first non-epsilon symbol along some path from a given state.
     23 #ifndef FST_LIB_LABEL_REACHABLE_H__
     24 #define FST_LIB_LABEL_REACHABLE_H__
     26 #include <unordered_map>
     27 using std::tr1::unordered_map;
     28 using std::tr1::unordered_multimap;
     29 #include <vector>
     30 using std::vector;
     32 #include <fst/accumulator.h>
     33 #include <fst/arcsort.h>
     34 #include <fst/interval-set.h>
     35 #include <fst/state-reachable.h>
     36 #include <fst/vector-fst.h>
     39 namespace fst {
     41 // Stores shareable data for label reachable class copies.
     42 template <typename L>
     43 class LabelReachableData {
     44  public:
     45   typedef L Label;
     46   typedef typename IntervalSet<L>::Interval Interval;
     48   explicit LabelReachableData(bool reach_input, bool keep_relabel_data = true)
     49       : reach_input_(reach_input),
     50         keep_relabel_data_(keep_relabel_data),
     51         have_relabel_data_(true),
     52         final_label_(kNoLabel) {}
     54   ~LabelReachableData() {}
     56   bool ReachInput() const { return reach_input_; }
     58   vector< IntervalSet<L> > *IntervalSets() { return &isets_; }
     60   unordered_map<L, L> *Label2Index() {
     61     if (!have_relabel_data_)
     62       FSTERROR() << "LabelReachableData: no relabeling data";
     63     return &label2index_;
     64   }
     66   Label FinalLabel() {
     67     if (final_label_ == kNoLabel)
     68       final_label_ = label2index_[kNoLabel];
     69     return final_label_;
     70   }
     72   static LabelReachableData<L> *Read(istream &istrm) {
     73     LabelReachableData<L> *data = new LabelReachableData<L>();
     75     ReadType(istrm, &data->reach_input_);
     76     ReadType(istrm, &data->keep_relabel_data_);
     77     data->have_relabel_data_ = data->keep_relabel_data_;
     78     if (data->keep_relabel_data_)
     79       ReadType(istrm, &data->label2index_);
     80     ReadType(istrm, &data->final_label_);
     81     ReadType(istrm, &data->isets_);
     82     return data;
     83   }
     85   bool Write(ostream &ostrm) {
     86     WriteType(ostrm, reach_input_);
     87     WriteType(ostrm, keep_relabel_data_);
     88     if (keep_relabel_data_)
     89       WriteType(ostrm, label2index_);
     90     WriteType(ostrm, FinalLabel());
     91     WriteType(ostrm, isets_);
     92     return true;
     93   }
     95   int RefCount() const { return ref_count_.count(); }
     96   int IncrRefCount() { return ref_count_.Incr(); }
     97   int DecrRefCount() { return ref_count_.Decr(); }
     99  private:
    100   LabelReachableData() {}
    102   bool reach_input_;                  // Input or output labels considered?
    103   bool keep_relabel_data_;            // Save label2index_ to file?
    104   bool have_relabel_data_;            // Using label2index_?
    105   Label final_label_;                 // Final label
    106   RefCounter ref_count_;              // Reference count.
    107   unordered_map<L, L> label2index_;        // Finds index for a label.
    108   vector<IntervalSet <L> > isets_;    // Interval sets per state.
    110   DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LabelReachableData);
    111 };
    114 // Tests reachability of labels from a given state. If reach_input =
    115 // true, then input labels are considered, o.w. output labels are
    116 // considered. To test for reachability from a state s, first do
    117 // SetState(s). Then a label l can be reached from state s of FST f
    118 // iff Reach(r) is true where r = Relabel(l). The relabeling is
    119 // required to ensure a compact representation of the reachable
    120 // labels.
    122 // The whole FST can be relabeled instead with Relabel(&f,
    123 // reach_input) so that the test Reach(r) applies directly to the
    124 // labels of the transformed FST f. The relabeled FST will also be
    125 // sorted appropriately for composition.
    126 //
    127 // Reachablity of a final state from state s (via an epsilon path)
    128 // can be tested with ReachFinal();
    129 //
    130 // Reachability can also be tested on the set of labels specified by
    131 // an arc iterator, useful for FST composition.  In particular,
    132 // Reach(aiter, ...) is true if labels on the input (output) side of
    133 // the transitions of the arc iterator, when iter_input is true
    134 // (false), can be reached from the state s. The iterator labels must
    135 // have already been relabeled.
    136 //
    137 // With the arc iterator test of reachability, the begin position, end
    138 // position and accumulated arc weight of the matches can be
    139 // returned. The optional template argument controls how reachable arc
    140 // weights are accumulated.  The default uses the semiring
    141 // Plus(). Alternative ones can be used to distribute the weights in
    142 // composition in various ways.
    143 template <class A, class S = DefaultAccumulator<A> >
    144 class LabelReachable {
    145  public:
    146   typedef A Arc;
    147   typedef typename A::StateId StateId;
    148   typedef typename A::Label Label;
    149   typedef typename A::Weight Weight;
    150   typedef typename IntervalSet<Label>::Interval Interval;
    152   LabelReachable(const Fst<A> &fst, bool reach_input, S *s = 0,
    153                  bool keep_relabel_data = true)
    154       : fst_(new VectorFst<Arc>(fst)),
    155         s_(kNoStateId),
    156         data_(new LabelReachableData<Label>(reach_input, keep_relabel_data)),
    157         accumulator_(s ? s : new S()),
    158         ncalls_(0),
    159         nintervals_(0),
    160         error_(false) {
    161     StateId ins = fst_->NumStates();
    162     TransformFst();
    163     FindIntervals(ins);
    164     delete fst_;
    165   }
    167   explicit LabelReachable(LabelReachableData<Label> *data, S *s = 0)
    168     : fst_(0),
    169       s_(kNoStateId),
    170       data_(data),
    171       accumulator_(s ? s : new S()),
    172       ncalls_(0),
    173       nintervals_(0),
    174       error_(false) {
    175     data_->IncrRefCount();
    176   }
    178   LabelReachable(const LabelReachable<A, S> &reachable) :
    179       fst_(0),
    180       s_(kNoStateId),
    181       data_(reachable.data_),
    182       accumulator_(new S(*reachable.accumulator_)),
    183       ncalls_(0),
    184       nintervals_(0),
    185       error_(reachable.error_) {
    186     data_->IncrRefCount();
    187   }
    189   ~LabelReachable() {
    190     if (!data_->DecrRefCount())
    191       delete data_;
    192     delete accumulator_;
    193     if (ncalls_ > 0) {
    194       VLOG(2) << "# of calls: " << ncalls_;
    195       VLOG(2) << "# of intervals/call: " << (nintervals_ / ncalls_);
    196     }
    197   }
    199   // Relabels w.r.t labels that give compact label sets.
    200   Label Relabel(Label label) {
    201     if (label == 0 || error_)
    202       return label;
    203     unordered_map<Label, Label> &label2index = *data_->Label2Index();
    204     Label &relabel = label2index[label];
    205     if (!relabel)  // Add new label
    206       relabel = label2index.size() + 1;
    207     return relabel;
    208   }
    210   // Relabels Fst w.r.t to labels that give compact label sets.
    211   void Relabel(MutableFst<Arc> *fst, bool relabel_input) {
    212     for (StateIterator< MutableFst<Arc> > siter(*fst);
    213          !siter.Done(); siter.Next()) {
    214       StateId s = siter.Value();
    215       for (MutableArcIterator< MutableFst<Arc> > aiter(fst, s);
    216            !aiter.Done();
    217            aiter.Next()) {
    218         Arc arc = aiter.Value();
    219         if (relabel_input)
    220           arc.ilabel = Relabel(arc.ilabel);
    221         else
    222           arc.olabel = Relabel(arc.olabel);
    223         aiter.SetValue(arc);
    224       }
    225     }
    226     if (relabel_input) {
    227       ArcSort(fst, ILabelCompare<Arc>());
    228       fst->SetInputSymbols(0);
    229     } else {
    230       ArcSort(fst, OLabelCompare<Arc>());
    231       fst->SetOutputSymbols(0);
    232     }
    233   }
    235   // Returns relabeling pairs (cf. relabel.h::Relabel()).
    236   // If 'avoid_collisions' is true, extra pairs are added to
    237   // ensure no collisions when relabeling automata that have
    238   // labels unseen here.
    239   void RelabelPairs(vector<pair<Label, Label> > *pairs,
    240                     bool avoid_collisions = false) {
    241     pairs->clear();
    242     unordered_map<Label, Label> &label2index = *data_->Label2Index();
    243     // Maps labels to their new values in [1, label2index().size()]
    244     for (typename unordered_map<Label, Label>::const_iterator
    245              it = label2index.begin(); it != label2index.end(); ++it)
    246       if (it->second != data_->FinalLabel())
    247         pairs->push_back(pair<Label, Label>(it->first, it->second));
    248     if (avoid_collisions) {
    249       // Ensures any label in [1, label2index().size()] is mapped either
    250       // by the above step or to label2index() + 1 (to avoid collisions).
    251       for (int i = 1; i <= label2index.size(); ++i) {
    252         typename unordered_map<Label, Label>::const_iterator
    253             it = label2index.find(i);
    254         if (it == label2index.end() || it->second == data_->FinalLabel())
    255           pairs->push_back(pair<Label, Label>(i, label2index.size() + 1));
    256       }
    257     }
    258   }
    260   // Set current state. Optionally set state associated
    261   // with arc iterator to be passed to Reach.
    262   void SetState(StateId s, StateId aiter_s = kNoStateId) {
    263     s_ = s;
    264     if (aiter_s != kNoStateId) {
    265       accumulator_->SetState(aiter_s);
    266       if (accumulator_->Error()) error_ = true;
    267     }
    268   }
    270   // Can reach this label from current state?
    271   // Original labels must be transformed by the Relabel methods above.
    272   bool Reach(Label label) {
    273     if (label == 0 || error_)
    274       return false;
    275     vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets();
    276     return isets[s_].Member(label);
    278   }
    280   // Can reach final state (via epsilon transitions) from this state?
    281   bool ReachFinal() {
    282     if (error_) return false;
    283     vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets();
    284     return isets[s_].Member(data_->FinalLabel());
    285   }
    287   // Initialize with secondary FST to be used with Reach(Iterator,...).
    288   // If copy is true, then 'fst' is a copy of the FST used in the
    289   // previous call to this method (useful to avoid unnecessary updates).
    290   template <class F>
    291   void ReachInit(const F &fst, bool copy = false) {
    292     accumulator_->Init(fst, copy);
    293     if (accumulator_->Error()) error_ = true;
    294   }
    296   // Can reach any arc iterator label between iterator positions
    297   // aiter_begin and aiter_end?  If aiter_input = true, then iterator
    298   // input labels are considered, o.w. output labels are considered.
    299   // Arc iterator labels must be transformed by the Relabel methods
    300   // above. If compute_weight is true, user may call ReachWeight().
    301   template <class Iterator>
    302   bool Reach(Iterator *aiter, ssize_t aiter_begin,
    303              ssize_t aiter_end, bool aiter_input, bool compute_weight) {
    304     if (error_) return false;
    305     vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets();
    306     const vector<Interval> *intervals = isets[s_].Intervals();
    307     ++ncalls_;
    308     nintervals_ += intervals->size();
    310     reach_begin_ = -1;
    311     reach_end_ = -1;
    312     reach_weight_ = Weight::Zero();
    314     uint32 flags = aiter->Flags();  // save flags to restore them on exit
    315     aiter->SetFlags(kArcNoCache, kArcNoCache);  // make caching optional
    316     aiter->Seek(aiter_begin);
    318     if (2 * (aiter_end - aiter_begin) < intervals->size()) {
    319       // Check each arc against intervals.
    320       // Set arc iterator flags to only compute the ilabel or olabel values,
    321       // since they are the only values required for most of the arcs processed.
    322       aiter->SetFlags(aiter_input ? kArcILabelValue : kArcOLabelValue,
    323                       kArcValueFlags);
    324       Label reach_label = kNoLabel;
    325       for (ssize_t aiter_pos = aiter_begin;
    326            aiter_pos < aiter_end; aiter->Next(), ++aiter_pos) {
    327         const A &arc = aiter->Value();
    328         Label label = aiter_input ? arc.ilabel : arc.olabel;
    329         if (label == reach_label || Reach(label)) {
    330           reach_label = label;
    331           if (reach_begin_ < 0)
    332             reach_begin_ = aiter_pos;
    333           reach_end_ = aiter_pos + 1;
    334           if (compute_weight) {
    335             if (!(aiter->Flags() & kArcWeightValue)) {
    336               // If the 'arc.weight' wasn't computed by the call
    337               // to 'aiter->Value()' above, we need to call
    338               // 'aiter->Value()' again after having set the arc iterator
    339               // flags to compute the arc weight value.
    340               aiter->SetFlags(kArcWeightValue, kArcValueFlags);
    341               const A &arcb = aiter->Value();
    342               // Call the accumulator.
    343               reach_weight_ = accumulator_->Sum(reach_weight_, arcb.weight);
    344               // Only ilabel or olabel required to process the following
    345               // arcs.
    346               aiter->SetFlags(aiter_input ? kArcILabelValue : kArcOLabelValue,
    347                               kArcValueFlags);
    348             } else {
    349               // Call the accumulator.
    350               reach_weight_ = accumulator_->Sum(reach_weight_, arc.weight);
    351             }
    352           }
    353         }
    354       }
    355     } else {
    356       // Check each interval against arcs
    357       ssize_t begin_low, end_low = aiter_begin;
    358       for (typename vector<Interval>::const_iterator
    359                iiter = intervals->begin();
    360            iiter != intervals->end(); ++iiter) {
    361         begin_low = LowerBound(aiter, end_low, aiter_end,
    362                                aiter_input, iiter->begin);
    363         end_low = LowerBound(aiter, begin_low, aiter_end,
    364                              aiter_input, iiter->end);
    365         if (end_low - begin_low > 0) {
    366           if (reach_begin_ < 0)
    367             reach_begin_ = begin_low;
    368           reach_end_ = end_low;
    369           if (compute_weight) {
    370             aiter->SetFlags(kArcWeightValue, kArcValueFlags);
    371             reach_weight_ = accumulator_->Sum(reach_weight_, aiter,
    372                                               begin_low, end_low);
    373           }
    374         }
    375       }
    376     }
    378     aiter->SetFlags(flags, kArcFlags);  // restore original flag values
    379     return reach_begin_ >= 0;
    380   }
    382   // Returns iterator position of first matching arc.
    383   ssize_t ReachBegin() const { return reach_begin_;  }
    385   // Returns iterator position one past last matching arc.
    386   ssize_t ReachEnd() const { return reach_end_; }
    388   // Return the sum of the weights for matching arcs.
    389   // Valid only if compute_weight was true in Reach() call.
    390   Weight ReachWeight() const { return reach_weight_; }
    392   // Access to the relabeling map. Excludes epsilon (0) label but
    393   // includes kNoLabel that is used internally for super-final
    394   // transitons.
    395   const unordered_map<Label, Label>& Label2Index() const {
    396     return *data_->Label2Index();
    397   }
    399   LabelReachableData<Label> *GetData() const { return data_; }
    401   bool Error() const { return error_ || accumulator_->Error(); }
    403  private:
    404   // Redirects labeled arcs (input or output labels determined by
    405   // ReachInput()) to new label-specific final states.  Each original
    406   // final state is redirected via a transition labeled with kNoLabel
    407   // to a new kNoLabel-specific final state.  Creates super-initial
    408   // state for all states with zero in-degree.
    409   void TransformFst() {
    410     StateId ins = fst_->NumStates();
    411     StateId ons = ins;
    413     vector<ssize_t> indeg(ins, 0);
    415     // Redirects labeled arcs to new final states.
    416     for (StateId s = 0; s < ins; ++s) {
    417       for (MutableArcIterator< VectorFst<Arc> > aiter(fst_, s);
    418            !aiter.Done();
    419            aiter.Next()) {
    420         Arc arc = aiter.Value();
    421         Label label = data_->ReachInput() ? arc.ilabel : arc.olabel;
    422         if (label) {
    423           if (label2state_.find(label) == label2state_.end()) {
    424             label2state_[label] = ons;
    425             indeg.push_back(0);
    426             ++ons;
    427           }
    428           arc.nextstate = label2state_[label];
    429           aiter.SetValue(arc);
    430         }
    431         ++indeg[arc.nextstate];      // Finds in-degrees for next step.
    432       }
    434       // Redirects final weights to new final state.
    435       Weight final = fst_->Final(s);
    436       if (final != Weight::Zero()) {
    437         if (label2state_.find(kNoLabel) == label2state_.end()) {
    438           label2state_[kNoLabel] = ons;
    439           indeg.push_back(0);
    440           ++ons;
    441         }
    442         Arc arc(kNoLabel, kNoLabel, final, label2state_[kNoLabel]);
    443         fst_->AddArc(s, arc);
    444         ++indeg[arc.nextstate];      // Finds in-degrees for next step.
    446         fst_->SetFinal(s, Weight::Zero());
    447       }
    448     }
    450     // Add new final states to Fst.
    451     while (fst_->NumStates() < ons) {
    452       StateId s = fst_->AddState();
    453       fst_->SetFinal(s, Weight::One());
    454     }
    456     // Creates a super-initial state for all states with zero in-degree.
    457     StateId start = fst_->AddState();
    458     fst_->SetStart(start);
    459     for (StateId s = 0; s < start; ++s) {
    460       if (indeg[s] == 0) {
    461         Arc arc(0, 0, Weight::One(), s);
    462         fst_->AddArc(start, arc);
    463       }
    464     }
    465   }
    467   void FindIntervals(StateId ins) {
    468     StateReachable<A, Label> state_reachable(*fst_);
    469     if (state_reachable.Error()) {
    470       error_ = true;
    471       return;
    472     }
    474     vector<Label> &state2index = state_reachable.State2Index();
    475     vector< IntervalSet<Label> > &isets = *data_->IntervalSets();
    476     isets = state_reachable.IntervalSets();
    477     isets.resize(ins);
    479     unordered_map<Label, Label> &label2index = *data_->Label2Index();
    480     for (typename unordered_map<Label, StateId>::const_iterator
    481              it = label2state_.begin();
    482          it != label2state_.end();
    483          ++it) {
    484       Label l = it->first;
    485       StateId s = it->second;
    486       Label i = state2index[s];
    487       label2index[l] = i;
    488     }
    489     label2state_.clear();
    491     double nintervals = 0;
    492     ssize_t non_intervals = 0;
    493     for (ssize_t s = 0; s < ins; ++s) {
    494       nintervals += isets[s].Size();
    495       if (isets[s].Size() > 1) {
    496         ++non_intervals;
    497         VLOG(3) << "state: " << s << " # of intervals: " << isets[s].Size();
    498       }
    499     }
    500     VLOG(2) << "# of states: " << ins;
    501     VLOG(2) << "# of intervals: " << nintervals;
    502     VLOG(2) << "# of intervals/state: " << nintervals/ins;
    503     VLOG(2) << "# of non-interval states: " << non_intervals;
    504   }
    506   template <class Iterator>
    507   ssize_t LowerBound(Iterator *aiter, ssize_t aiter_begin,
    508                      ssize_t aiter_end, bool aiter_input,
    509                      Label match_label) const {
    510     // Only need to compute the ilabel or olabel of arcs when
    511     // performing the binary search.
    512     aiter->SetFlags(aiter_input ?  kArcILabelValue : kArcOLabelValue,
    513                     kArcValueFlags);
    514     ssize_t low = aiter_begin;
    515     ssize_t high = aiter_end;
    516     while (low < high) {
    517       ssize_t mid = (low + high) / 2;
    518       aiter->Seek(mid);
    519       Label label = aiter_input ?
    520           aiter->Value().ilabel : aiter->Value().olabel;
    521       if (label > match_label) {
    522         high = mid;
    523       } else if (label < match_label) {
    524         low = mid + 1;
    525       } else {
    526         // Find first matching label (when non-deterministic)
    527         for (ssize_t i = mid; i > low; --i) {
    528           aiter->Seek(i - 1);
    529           label = aiter_input ? aiter->Value().ilabel : aiter->Value().olabel;
    530           if (label != match_label) {
    531             aiter->Seek(i);
    532             aiter->SetFlags(kArcValueFlags, kArcValueFlags);
    533             return i;
    534           }
    535         }
    536         aiter->SetFlags(kArcValueFlags, kArcValueFlags);
    537         return low;
    538       }
    539     }
    540     aiter->Seek(low);
    541     aiter->SetFlags(kArcValueFlags, kArcValueFlags);
    542     return low;
    543   }
    545   VectorFst<Arc> *fst_;
    546   StateId s_;                             // Current state
    547   unordered_map<Label, StateId> label2state_;  // Finds final state for a label
    549   ssize_t reach_begin_;                   // Iterator pos of first match
    550   ssize_t reach_end_;                     // Iterator pos after last match
    551   Weight reach_weight_;                   // Gives weight sum of arc iterator
    552                                           // arcs with reachable labels.
    553   LabelReachableData<Label> *data_;       // Shareable data between copies
    554   S *accumulator_;                        // Sums arc weights
    556   double ncalls_;
    557   double nintervals_;
    558   bool error_;
    560   void operator=(const LabelReachable<A, S> &);   // Disallow
    561 };
    563 }  // namespace fst
    565 #endif  // FST_LIB_LABEL_REACHABLE_H__