__dso_handle __INIT_ARRAY__ __FINI_ARRAY__ __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 pthread_mutex_lock open close pthread_mutex_unlock __errno __android_log_buf_write strcmp strncmp strlen vsnprintf __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 abort snprintf strcpy __android_log_print __android_log_vprint access fputs __sF free __aeabi_idiv localtime malloc strcat strncat write fprintf memcpy strcspn _tolower_tab_ strsep strerror strtoul qsort __exidx_end __exidx_start __data_start _edata __bss_start __bss_start__ _bss_end__ __bss_end__ __end__ _end _stack memset __cxa_pure_virtual strncpy strchr memcmp memmove _ZdlPv strtod strtol strrchr realloc __aeabi_uldivmod __aeabi_uidivmod __aeabi_uidiv __aeabi_idivmod opendir readdir closedir fopen fclose fread time mktime log ceil floor pow fmod modf readlink atol strstr sprintf _ctype_ stat pthread_mutex_init pthread_mutex_destroy fgets BIO_ctrl CRYPTO_malloc BIO_write SSLv3_client_method BIO_free BIO_s_mem BIO_new SSLv23_client_method TLSv1_client_method SSL_connect SSL_write SSL_read SSL_CTX_set_verify SSL_shutdown SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations SSL_get_error SSL_CTX_free SSL_CTX_new SSL_set_fd SSL_free SSL_new SSL_load_error_strings X509_get_subject_name SSL_library_init CRYPTO_num_locks CRYPTO_set_locking_callback CRYPTO_set_id_callback getpid memchr strcasecmp fwrite X509_print_ex ioctl gethostbyname getsockopt atoi socket setsockopt connect read gettimeofday recvfrom sendto fflush exit ERR_get_error_line ERR_error_string_n X509_STORE_CTX_get_error fstat chmod bsd_signal X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth X509_STORE_CTX_get_current_cert X509_NAME_get_text_by_NID sscanf __aeabi_atexit _Znaj _ZdaPv _Znwj fileno __isthreaded _ZNK7android7RefBase9incStrongEPKv _ZNK7android7RefBase9decStrongEPKv printf __aeabi_ldivmod __cxa_guard_acquire __cxa_guard_release _ZN7android15elapsedRealtimeEv pthread_once pthread_self pthread_attr_init pthread_attr_setdetachstate pthread_create pthread_attr_destroy clock_gettime system mkdir sleep unlink _ZN7android6Looper8removeFdEi _ZN7android6Looper5addFdEiiiPFiiiPvES1_ _ZN7android6Looper7pollAllEiPiS1_PPv pthread_getspecific pthread_setspecific pthread_key_create _ZN7android6LooperC1Eb pipe fcntl _ZNK7android6Sensor7getNameEv _ZNK7android6Sensor9getVendorEv _ZNK7android6Sensor9getHandleEv _ZNK7android6Sensor7getTypeEv _ZNK7android6Sensor11getMaxValueEv _ZNK7android6Sensor13getResolutionEv _ZNK7android6Sensor13getPowerUsageEv _ZNK7android6Sensor11getMinDelayEv _ZNK7android16SensorEventQueue12setEventRateEPKNS_6SensorEx _ZNK7android16SensorEventQueue13disableSensorEPKNS_6SensorE _ZNK7android16SensorEventQueue12enableSensorEPKNS_6SensorE _ZN7android16SensorEventQueue4readEP12ASensorEventj _ZNK7android16SensorEventQueue5getFdEv _ZN7android9SingletonINS_13SensorManagerEE5sLockE _ZN7android9SingletonINS_13SensorManagerEE9sInstanceE usleep _ZN7android13SensorManager16createEventQueueEv _ZN7android13SensorManager16getDefaultSensorEi _ZNK7android13SensorManager13getSensorListEPPKPKNS_6SensorE _ZN7android13SensorManagerC1Ev pthread_equal pthread_mutexattr_init pthread_mutexattr_destroy pthread_mutexattr_settype pthread_join __libc_init _exit select fsync mknod rename sigprocmask umask bcopy fork execv optind getopt pclose waitpid popen fscanf puts lrand48 srand48 strnlen strtok_r strtok inet_addr inet_ntoa ldexp getaddrinfo freeaddrinfo gai_strerror __aeabi_d2f __aeabi_d2iz __aeabi_dadd __aeabi_dcmpeq __aeabi_dcmpge __aeabi_dcmpgt __aeabi_dcmple __aeabi_dcmplt __aeabi_dcmpun __aeabi_ddiv __aeabi_dmul __aeabi_dsub __aeabi_f2d __aeabi_f2iz __aeabi_f2uiz __aeabi_fadd __aeabi_fcmpun __aeabi_fdiv __aeabi_fmul __aeabi_fsub __aeabi_i2d __aeabi_i2f __aeabi_l2d __aeabi_lmul __aeabi_ui2d __aeabi_ui2f __aeabi_ul2d __isinf __isinff sin cos sinf cosf acos sqrt acosf sqrtf logf asin asinf atan2 atan atan2f atanf exp expf fmodf floorf log10 log10f powf ceilf __isfinite frexp frexpf __isfinitef __aeabi_d2lz modff __signbit __signbitf tan tanf ldexpf __aeabi_fcmplt __aeabi_d2uiz __aeabi_fcmpeq __aeabi_fcmple __aeabi_fcmpge __aeabi_fcmpgt liblog.so libicuuc.so libssl.so libcrypto.so libutils.so libgui.so libc.so libstdc++.so libm.so
N1 floating point N2 floating point N3 if then else N4 fixed point N5 sin,cos etc. N6 floating point N7 assignments N8 exp,sqrt etc. D/rilc: main() D/rilc: argv[%d] = '%s' D/rilc: showHelp() and exit() %s [configFile] [jobName] -h: This help ch Starting GpsRun to run [%s] job from [%s] file I/gpsd Start RildClient. E/gpds ERROR: Failed to start RIL client /vendor/etc/gps.xml q r t q u ,q GlReqOnFactTest OnBeforeRequestStart OnMessage tlsEnable false FactoryTestFilePath ForceSuplMsb true AutoSUPLVersionForNI noDataStandalone SuplNIGpsIcon I/gpsd: CustomerModule::%s : MSG_SET_POSITION_MODE(%d) arp-supl-enable ReAidingType 2 WarmStandbyTimeout1Seconds 0 WarmStandbyTimeout2Seconds rti-config IgnoreJniTime IgnoreJniLocation SyncLto 3 gllto.glpals.com:80/rtistatus.dat arp-supl-cap-msb arp-supl-cap-msa I/gpsd: MSG_SET_SUPL_SERVER %d acSuplServer SuplPort I/gpsd: CustomerModule::%s : MSG_SET_SUPL_SERVER : type(%d), acSuplServer(%s), SuplPort(%s), tlsEnable(%d) I/gpsd: CustomerModule::%s : MSG_BEFORE_NI_MESSAGE SuplVersion 1 SuplMinorVersion /data/data/com.android.angryGps/secgps.conf E/gpsd ERROR: %s: load_properties error %d GPS_LOGGING cLogEnabled SSL SUPL_HOST SUPL_PORT supl.google.com 7276 SPIRENT SUPL_VERSION D/gpsd: %s() SUPL NI : ULTS Mode SensorsEnable I/gpsd: sending MSG_FORCE_GPS_ICON I/gpsd: CustomerModule::%s : MSG_BEFORE_DELETE_AIDING_DATA(%x) START_MODE I/gpsd: START_MODE : %d ignore_aiding_mask I/gpsd: Ignore Mask : %x ENABLE_XTRA I/gpsd: CustomerModule::%s : MSG_NI_NOTIFY_RSP ltoStatus.txt %s%s gps_started E/gpsd ERROR: FactoryTestFilePath = %s is too long, max length with file name %s is %d glonass_started r D/gpsd: %s: called with factory test mode(GPS CW) enabled D/gpsd: %s: called with factory test mode(GLONASS CW) enabled glonass_fcn D/gpsd: [%s]: FCN = %d ) D/gpsd: [%s]: FCN = 0 ) D/gpsd: FactoryTest request started E/gpsd ERROR: Cannot start FactoryTest request E/gpsd ERROR: Cannot create FactoryTest request %s: %s %s SENSOR OPERATION_MODE OPERATION_TEST_MODE D/gpsd: %s : operationTestMode(%d), operationModePropertyStr(%s), enableXtra(%d) MS BASED MSBASED MS ASSISTED MSASSISTED STANDALONE D/gpsd: %s() ULTS Mode enable_lto LbsEnable H/W SENSITIVITY TEST GLONASS I/gpsd: H/W SENSITIVITY TEST :GLONASS mode I/gpsd: H/W SENSITIVITY TEST :GPS mode H/W CNO TEST I/gpsd: H/W CNO TEST :GLONASS mode I/gpsd: H/W CNO TEST :GPS mode H/W CW TEST E/gpsd ERROR: Unsupported value of operation_mode DYNAMIC_ACCURACY TIMEOUT D/gpsd: Dynamic Accuracy Feature is disabled for CEP test (timeout = %d) ACCURACY D/gpsd: Periodic GPS Request Started E/gpsd ERROR: Cannot start Periodic request E/gpsd ERROR: Cannot create Periodic request I/gpsd: %s() entry (cw_mode = %d) I/gpsd: %s() PRN : (%d) I/gpsd: %s() CW : (%lf) sv_cno.info w+ I/gpsd: %s fwrite() I/gpsd: %s() exit ltoFileName acLtoDir gpioDelayMs /sys/class/power_supply/battery/gps Error opening file: %s (%s) opening file: %s (%d) 0 Error writting to GPIO %s: (%s) LP_MODE_PATH writting to GPIO %s: (%s) GpsHalGpioClear LPmode set stop %s GpsHalGpioClear LPmode set none %s 1 Power enable delay: %dms GpsHalGpioSet LPmode set start %s GpsHalGpioSet LPmode set none %s LPmode true ioctlNStdby WriteSysfs /sys/class/rfkill rfkill %s/%s/type %s/%s/state No GPIO file for %d %s %d Error opening file: %s (%s) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/delivery/gpsd/hal/BrcmGpsHalGpioSysfs.cpp 0 1 %s pin [%d] value[%s] successful %s %d Error writting to GPIO %d: (%s) Error reading from GPIO: %d (%s) Value %c not recognized rfkillNStdby gpioNResetPath gpioNStdbyPath %s %d: error [%s] /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/delivery/gpsd/hal/BrcmGpsHalGpioIoctl.cpp GPIO states %X (pin %d state %d) %s %d Error opening %s (%d:%s) ioctl: %d:%s GPIO %d set to %d acPortName RildClient stop start registerModule unregisterAllModules I/rilc: RildClient::%s : called I/rilc: %s : called D/rilc: %s : pModule = 0x%08X sendMessageToClient OnMessage RildClientModule I/rilc: %s : called onStart ~RildClientModuleFreqSync onRegisterModule RildClientModuleFreqSync GlEngineOnFreqUpdate D/rilc: %s : etRequest = %d E/rilc ERROR: %s: Unexpected CNTIN clock request (%d) D/rilc: %s : called I/rilc: %s : called setRefFreqStatus onStop setReferenceLocation GlReqOnNmea setEphemeris stopRequest parsingDCS setAcquisitionAssistance ignoreCold setAlmanac reqperiodicKeepalive GlReqOnStop startRequest GlReqOnMeas OnTimer GlReqOnResponse RildClientModuleControlPlane onStop ControlPlaneTisTimer D/rilc: %s : called WarmStandbyTimeout1Seconds 0 WarmStandbyTimeout2Seconds ReAidingType enable_lto false I/rilc: GLGPS_REQ_MEAS_PERIODIC : ulPeriodMs=%d, lAccuracyMeters = %d, rsp_time = %d LtoEnabled = %s I/rilc: GLGPS_REQ_MEAS_SINGLE_SHOT suppress LTO I/rilc: GLGPS_REQ_MEAS_SINGLE_SHOT : lAccuracyMeters = %d, sTimeOutSec = %d LtoEnabled = %s I/rilc: GLGPS_REQ_PERIODIC : ulPeriodMs=%d, lAccuracyMeters = %d, rspTime = %d I/rilc: GLGPS_REQ_SINGLE_SHOT : lAccuracyMeters = %d, rsp_time = %d true D/rilc: %s : warmStandbyDisabled %d E/rilc ERROR: %s: pReq = NULL I/rilc: %s: pReq = pCPRequest I/rilc: %s: pReq = pPeriodicTimerRequest E/rilc ERROR: %s: pReq = %p D/rilc: %s : stopRequest called I/rilc: %s: ulDataToIgnore = 0x%08X %u ignore_aiding_mask I/rilc: %s: COLD START ulDataToIgnore = 0x%08X I/rilc: %s: Periodic stop (Timer cb) I/rilc: %s: Single shot stop (Timer cb) E/rilc ERROR: %s: error creating periodic request I/rilc: %s: %s armed(%d) D/rilc: %s(%s, %s) cp-enhanced-assisted TISEnabled RILEnabled cp-cold-start cp-guard-time-sec periodic-relax-timeout-sec onStart fixPositionRequest ~RildClientModuleControlPlane onRilCustomConfig setUTCModel ignoreTime disableWarmstandby GlReqOnAsstStatus onRegisterModule setReferenceTime reset setIonosphericModel onMessage onFreqQuery RildClientModuleFreqSyncSamsung I/rilc: %s : called D/rilc: RildClientModuleFreqSyncSamsung::%s : EVENT_GL_FREQ_QUERY E/rilc ERROR: %s : EVENT_RIL_RESPONSE Parse Error. I/rilc: RildClientModuleFreqSyncSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : OEM_RIL_UNSOL_GPS_FREQUENCY_AIDING : Entry E/rilc ERROR: %s: invalid message size Searching... Ajusting... I/rilc: Frequency Status : %s onFreqOff onFreqRequest < 8 4 0 , ( $ V onMessage responseMeasurements setReferenceLocation setDgpsCorrections setRTIntegrity netReportSessionType RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung setAssistanceData OnTimer fixPositionRequest setReferenceTime SamsungWakeLockTimer E/rilc ERROR: %s:%d: Error: The sessionType(%d) is out of bounds E/rilc ERROR: %s:%d : Unknown error cause from RIL, iErrorCause(%d) D/rilc: %s W/rilc: %s: asst.flag = 0x%08X D/rilc: %s: unsol_gps_mtlr_notification (req_id=%u, notify_type=%u, loc.deferredLocEventType=%u, loc.locEstimateType=%u, client_id=%s, client_name=%s (len=%u, dcs=%u, format=%u), requestor_id=%s (len=%u dcs=%u, format=%u) D/rilc: %s: GpsNiNotification (size=%u, notification_id=%u, ni_type=%u, notify_flags=%u, timeout=%d, default_response=%d, requestor_id=%s, text=%s, requestor_id_encoding=%u, text_encoding=%u, extras=%s I/rilc: %s: otAcqAid.GPSTow = %ld, acqAssist->gpsTow = %lu W/rilc: Network is reporting more SVs for tow assistance than the maximum allowed (sent: %d, mas: %d) I/rilc: acqAssist->numberOfSat=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].Dopp1=%d DoppErr=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].PrnID=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].AngExt=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].Azimuth=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].CodePhase=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].DopExt=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].Dopp0=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].Dopp1=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].DoppErr=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].Elevation=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].GPSBitNumber=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].IntCodePhase=%d I/rilc: otAcqAid.arrStAiding[%d].SearchWindow=%d I/rilc: %s: GpsTow = %lu, gpsWeek = %lu, nrOfSats = %d I/rilc: %s: (%d / %d) I/rilc: %s: oEph.SatID = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.ExtensionBit = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.SatStatus = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.codeL2 = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.URA = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.health = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.IODC = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.L2Pdata = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.SF1Reserved0 = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.SF1Reserved1 = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.SF1Reserved2 = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.SF1Reserved3 = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.T_GD = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Toc = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.a_f2 = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.a_f1 = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.a_f0 = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Crs = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Delta_n = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.M0 = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Cuc = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.e = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.Cus = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Asqrt = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.Toe = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.FitIntervalFlag = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.AODO = %lu I/rilc: %s: oEph.Cic = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Omega0 = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Cis = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.i0 = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Crc = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Omega = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.Omega_dot = %ld I/rilc: %s: oEph.IDOT = %ld W/rilc: %s: SatID:%d out of the limits W/rilc: Network is reporting more SVs for almanac assistance than the maximum allowed (sent: %d, mas: %d) D/rilc: %s : called I/rilc: %s: sizeof(measurePos) = %d I/rilc: %s: pMeas->GPSTow = %lu, pMeas->GPSTowFull = %lu I/rilc: %s: rilMeas->gpsTow = %d W/rilc: %s: measurements reported by gll higher than expected I/rilc: %s: nrOfSats = %d I/rilc: (%d), rilMeas->GpsMeasure[i].satId =%d I/rilc: (%d), rilMeas->GpsMeasure[i].cno =%d I/rilc: (%d), rilMeas->GpsMeasure[i].doppler =%d I/rilc: (%d), rilMeas->GpsMeasure[i].wholeChips =%d I/rilc: (%d), rilMeas->GpsMeasure[i].fracChips =%d I/rilc: (%d), rilMeas->GpsMeasure[i].lcsMultiPath =%d I/rilc: (%d), rilMeas->GpsMeasure[i].pseuRangeRmsErr =%d I/rilc: E/rilc ERROR: %s: pAidReq = NULL I/rilc: %s: ucNSAT %d 0x%08X I/rilc: %s: posMethod = %d I/rilc: %s: requestAid->assistanceFlag:0x%08X I/rilc: %s: refLoc->shapeType = 0x%02X W/rilc: Not altitude or pos error present, discarding position info E/rilc ERROR: %s: invalid position type(%d) = %d I/rilc: pos->horizontalAccuracy=%d, lAccuracyMeters = %d, accuracy.flag = 0x%02X, rsp_time = %d I/rilc: %s: %s MSG_WAKE_LOCK_ACQUIRE I/rilc: %s: %s armed(%d) D/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: oem_function_id = 0x%02X, cmd = 0x%02X E/rilc ERROR: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: error = %d I/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : MSG_NI_NOTIFY_RSP D/rilc: No response from User E/rilc ERROR: %s : EVENT_RIL_RESPONSE Parse Error. I/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : OEM_RIL_UNSOL_GPS_MESSAGE_CALL_SESSION_STATUS : Entry E/rilc ERROR: %s: Possible damaged or unexpected parameter given from RIL. rildDataLen(%u), sizeof(unsol_gps_session_status_info)=(%u). E/rilc ERROR: %s: Unknown session information. I/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : OEM_RIL_UNSOL_GPS_NETWORK_CELL_PARAMETERS : Entry I/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : OEM_RIL_UNSOL_GPS_MEASURE_POSITION : Entry E/rilc ERROR: %s: Possible damaged or unexpected parameter given from RIL. rildDataLen(%u), sizeof(unsol_gps_measure_position)=(%u). I/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : OEM_RIL_UNSOL_GPS_ASSIST_DATA_MSG : Entry : sz=%u E/rilc ERROR: %s: Possible damaged or unexpected parameter given from RIL. rildDataLen(%u), sizeof(unsol_gps_assist_data_noti_type)=(%u). I/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : OEM_RIL_UNSOL_GPS_MTLR_NOTIFICATION : Entry E/rilc ERROR: %s: Possible damaged or unexpected parameter given from RIL. rildDataLen(%u), sizeof(unsol_gps_mtlr_verification)=(%u). I/rilc: RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung::%s: 0x%02X : OEM_RIL_UNSOL_GPS_RESET_ASSIST_DATA_MSG : Entry D/rilc: WakeLockTimer::%s : called MSG_WAKE_LOCK_RELEASE I/rilc: %s: gpsTow = %lu I/rilc: %s: RIL(1): lat = 0x%08X I/rilc: %s: RIL(2): lat = 0x%08X I/rilc: %s: GLL: lat = %lf, lon = %lf I/rilc: %s: RIL: lat = %ld, lon = %ld I/rilc: %s: IPC_GPS_SHAPE_TYPE_NO_LOCATION setAcquisitionAssistance 0123456789ABCDEFsetEphemeris responsePosition setAlmanac responseAssistance netReportSessionEnd setUTCModel setIonosphericModel ~RildClientModuleControlPlaneSamsung sendingGpsMtlrNotification onStop onStart sendMessageToServer onRegisterModules D/rilc: %s : called E/rilc ERROR: %s : disconnection failure. E/rilc ERROR: %s : connection failure. RildClientSamsung ~RildClientSamsung Create Instance initialize connect SecRildClient sendMessageToServer D/rilc: %s: (RequestId = 0x%02X, Length = %d) D/rilc: %s: No SecRil send message. D/rilc: %s D/rilc: %s: No SecRil disconnection. D/rilc: %s : called D/rilc: %s : No SecRil connection. disconnect load_properties %s: %s malloc failed. %d r %s: failed to open %s (%d) = x l virtual int broadcom::GlToolsCallbacksImpl::OnPutPendingEvent(void (*)()) OnAsstStatus Run HandleIncomingMessage OnStop OnNvStgWrite OnResponse SetOnBeforeRequestStart ProcessEvent SendMessage SendGpsExtensionMessage AID AIDR /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlGpsdInterface.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlGpsdInterface.h m_pGlEngine != 0 m_pGlEngineInterfaceImpl != 0 data size == sizeof(GlToolsCbOnPendingEvent) IPC Communication Error, %s:%d %s MainSelectManager GlGpsdInterface::%s(%p) GlGpsdInterface::%s(%d, %p, %u) %s %s: GlEngine is not initialized OnBrmJobStopped: exit() gpsd GlEngine::OnTimerSet(%u, %d, %d) %s: Couldn't allocate %u bytes. GlEngine::OnNvStgRead GlGpsdInterface::%s NvStorageToIgnore [%08X] NvStorageToClear [%08X] GlEngine::FromStorageToGll GlGpsdInterface::%s(%s) g_pGlTools Failed to read config file. Test for unsupported parameters IOnCustomConfig must return non-zero value for unrecognized parameters. Failed to parse config file. Failed to parse config file. There are %d unrecognized parameters Failed to initialize SelectManager Failed to initialize TimerManager Failed to create GlEngine false true %s: SUPLLOG %s %s %s: GetSensorsContext().Init(): %x Failed to start BRM job. /data/.gpsd.lock Process is already running, the second instance will not be started! %s %s: %s = %s Unsupported parameter : '%s' 0 GlEngine::OnPPSPlatformTime GlEngine::OnSysLogLine GlEngine::Tick GlEngine::Tick(); GlEngine::OnResponse pFixStatus invalid valid GlGpsdInterface::%s(%8.6f, %8.6f, %d, %d) %s GlEngine::OnAsstStatus spirent GlEngine::OnLtoFileRead GlEngine::FromLTOFileToGll GlEngine::OnNvStgWrite GL_NV_STG_IN_PROGRESS GL_NV_STG_FIRST GL_NV_STG_LAST UNKNOWN !isNvRamWriterOpen #%06dE NvStorage: Couldn't Open file! #%06dE NvStorage: %d out of %d Bytes written only! GlEngine::ChipData ASIC skip read %d bytes ASIC damage read %d bytes GlEngine::OnAsicData ASIC skip write %d bytes ASIC damage write %d bytes GlEngine::OnStart !s_bIsGlEngineStarted null ASIC open failed GlEngine::OnStop s_bIsGlEngineStarted GL_STOP_SW_PANIC GL_STOP_ABORT GL_STOP_HW_PANIC GL_STOP_BAD_TIME Unsupported stop code from GLL: %d SetOnGpsExtensionMessage Init OnNvStgRead OnStart SetConfig AddSelectHandler OnLtoFileRead SetExtSensInfo SetAsstAlm SetAsstIono StopAllRequests StopRequest SetAsstEph SetAsstEph SetAsstAcq OnStop SetSensConfig SetSensRawInfo OnFreqUpdate SetAsstPos SetOnFreqUpdate SetAsstPreciseTime SetFixStatus SetAsstPreciseTime SetAsstUtc StartRequest SetAsstTime RefFreqStatus SetOnStart SetRealTimeIntegrity OnStart SetOnStop SetAsstAlm CUST CB: GlEngine::%s(%d) CUST: GlEngine::%s() /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlEngineInterfaceImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) CUST CB: GlEngine::%s() MakePlatformTestReq CUST: GlRequest::MakePosReqPeriodic() /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlRequestFactoryImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) pRequest CUST: GlRequest::MakeCntInReq() CUST: GlRequest::MakeCollectEph() CUST: %s() CUST: GlRequest::MakeAsstStatReq() CUST: GlRequest::MakeGetGpsDataReq() CUST: %s(%ld, %ld, %ld, %ld, %d) CUST: GlRequest::MakeMeasReqSingle() CUST: GlRequest::MakeMeasReqPeriodic() CUST: GlRequest::MakeSyncInReq() CUST: %s(%f, %f, %f) CUST: GlRequest::MakePosReqSingle() CUST: GlRequest::MakePosReqPeriodic() list CUST: GlRequest::MakeFactTestReq() MakeGeofenceReq MakeFreqScanReq SetOnFactTest GlReqOnGeofenceEvent SetOnStart StopAfter SetOnCntin /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlRequestInterfaceImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) pReq pReqImpl CUST CB: GlRequest::OnStop() CUST: GlRequest::%s() pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) CUST CB: GlRequest::OnSyncInStatus() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnAsstStatus() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnMeas() CUST CB: %s(%d) CUST CB: GlRequest::OnGpsData() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnSyncInReport() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnSyncInLatched() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnFactTest() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnStart() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnResponse() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnCntin() CUST CB: GlRequest::OnNmea() SetGsvRate SetOnResponse SetOnStop SetOnSIGMeasurement SetOnNmea CUST TIMER %s FIRED CUST TIMER %s DISARM /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlTimer.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) CUST TIMER %s ARM %d ms ConfigPropertyBool::Attach(%s) gpsd /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/ConfigProperty.cpp ASSERT(%s) 0 ConfigPropertyUChar::Attach(%s) ConfigPropertyLong::Attach(%s) ConfigPropertyString::Attach(%s) OpenTTY Close Init Open rxSize %s stats: %d times (max %d 0x%x) <= %u: %u GpsSerialCom: write(fd=%d, %d) returned %d, errno = %d(%s) GpsSerialCom: write(fd=%d, %d) returned %d ERROR: Unexpected error writing to the com port %d:%s ERROR: ASSERT in %s:%d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/hal/BrcmGpsHalCom.cpp ERROR: 0 write to com port Nothing to write!! GpsSerialCom::%s GpsSerialCom::%s(GPS: CLOSE: %d) Opening TCP %s @ %d ERROR: Error creating socket ERROR: Connetion to UIPC failed Tcp %s:%d opened Ok fd=%d GpsSerialCom::%s("%s",%ld) ERROR: Error identifying port speed. ERROR: Open error %d %s ERROR: Error reading GPS serial port config ERROR: Error configuring the GPS serial port ERROR: Error reading back the port configuration. GpsSerialCom::%s(GPS: OPEN: %d) null : tcp asic com thru tcp asic com thru TTY cLogEnabled acPortName lBaudRate eFlowControl ucSwFlowControlXon ucSwFlowControlXoff OpenTCP set_ref_location update_network_state init update_network_availability ni_message CID AGpsRilInterfaceImpl::%s(): callbacks are not initialized AGpsRilInterfaceImpl::%s(%d, %s) AGpsRilInterfaceImpl::%s() /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/AGpsRilInterfaceImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) callbacks AGpsRilInterfaceImpl::%s(%d, %d, %d, %s) AGpsRilInterfaceImpl::%s(%d) AGPSRIL: GlEngine::StopAllRequests() AGPSRIL: GlRequest::MakeCntInReq() AGPSRIL: GlEngine::StartRequest() agps_reflocation && sz_struct == sizeof(AGpsRefLocation) GLSUPL_CELL_INFO_GSM: mcc = %d, mnc = %d, lac = %d, cid = %d GLSUPL_CELL_INFO_WCDMA: mcc = %d, mnc = %d, cid = %d SUPL (%s): MSISDN:%s SUPL (%s): ignore set_set_id call type is not MSISDN type == AGPS_SETID_TYPE_NONE set_set_id RequestLocationId LBS: %s(%d, %d, %d, %d) LBS: %s(%d, %d, %d) LBS: %s() unsupported cell type SetLocationId default true false Unsupported supl cap value: '%s' acSuplServer SuplPort SuplForNTTDocomo arp-supl-enable arp-supl-interface-device arp-supl-disable-device on arp-supl-cap-msb arp-supl-cap-msa arp-supl-cap-ecid enhanced-assisted prefer-coarse-time rti-config RtiEnable SuplUT1Seconds SuplUT2Seconds SuplUT3Seconds SuplFixedMNC SuplFixedMCC SuplFixedLAC SuplFixedCellID SuplLogEnable SuplVersion SuplMinorVersion SuplHmacHash SHA1 SuplConfig.hmacHash = GLSUPL_HASH_SHA1 SHA256 SuplConfig.hmacHash = GLSUPL_HASH_SHA256 auto SuplConfig.hmacHash = GLSUPL_HASH_AUTO SuplConfig.hmacHash unsupported value: %s tlsEnable SuplConfig.bTLS = %d tlsCertPath SuplConfig.tlsCertPath = %s tlsStopForInvPath SuplConfig.bTlsStopForInvPath = %d arp-supl-ssl-method SSLv3 SuplConfig.m_eSSLMethod = SSLv3(%d) SSLv23 SuplConfig.m_eSSLMethod = SSLv23(%d) SuplConfig.m_eSSLMethod = TLSv1(%d) arp-supl-ssl-verify none SuplConfig.m_nSSLVerifyMode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE peer SuplConfig.m_nSSLVerifyMode = SSL_VERIFY_PEER gllto.glpals.com:80/rtistatus.dat SuplConfig::SaveConfigState() Couldn't allocate %u bytes to save the state of SuplConfig. ( " 8 2 & , ssl_verify_callback Arm GlSuplEngine* broadcom::GlSuplHalAndroid::Init(GlEngine*) . 6 R V X Z \ ^ d f h l m n x SUPL-connection SUPL-CID SUPL_ASSERT: %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlSuplHalAndroid.cpp ASSERT(%s) false SUPL_A SUPL_M SUPL2_C SUPL2_E SUPL2_W SUPL2_N SUPL2_I SUPL2_D SUPL2_U SUPL_C SUPL_E SUPL_W SUPL_N SUPL_I SUPL_D SUPL_U %s: %s SUPL2_A SUPL2_M %s SUPL: SSL_CTX_free() %s: SUPL Timer is set Using Fixed CellInfo: CellId=%d, MCC=%d, MNC=%d, LAC=%d IBrcmGpsHalSupl::RequestLocationId() %s: Using default IMSI 001010000000000 h-slp.mnc%03d.mcc%03d.pub.3gppnetwork.org SUPL: Auto SLP: %s:%d %s: Verify:%d, Error:%d, Depth:%d %s: %s %s: peer cert's common name=%s %s: peer's domain name=%s %s: returns NOK %s: OK SSLv3 SSLv23 TLSv1 SUPL: ctx = SSL_CTX_new(%s) SUPL: SSL_CTX_new(%s=%p) failed SSL_VERIFY_PEER SSL_VERIFY_NONE SUPL: Unsupported value in SuplConfig.m_nSSLVerifyMode: %d SUPL: SuplConfig.arp-supl-ssl-verify is %s SUPL: SuplConfig.tlsCertPath is "%s" NULL SUPL: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, "%s", "%s") SUPL: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, "%s", "%s") failed, ret = %d SUPL: SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, %s, NULL) SUPL: The TLS certificate path "%s" is inaccessible. (The errno of stat() = %d.) SUPL: Security Warning: The target TLS path "%s" is inaccessible. (The errno of stat() = %d.) Continuing this SUPL session without client-side server certificate checking. SUPL: Error TLS certificate path is not specified SUPL: Security Warning: Server's certificate will not be verified. SUPL: m_device_name is null or not found. GlSuplHalAndroid::OnClose(error=%d) CreateTimer broadcom::GlSuplHalAndroid::GlSuplHalAndroid(broadcom::SelectManager&, broadcom::TimerManager&, broadcom::GlGpsdInterface*) DestroyTimer autoConfigSlp virtual broadcom::GlSuplHalAndroid::~GlSuplHalAndroid() R init GpsNiInterfaceImpl::%s(%d, %d) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsNiInterfaceImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) 0 %02X GpsNiInterfaceImpl::%s() callbacks respond virtual broadcom::GlRtiStatusDownloader::~GlRtiStatusDownloader() OnClose DownloadRtiStatus RtiStatus-connection RTI download FAILED: Connection timeout GlRtiStatusDownloader::%s() %s GET %s HTTP/1.0 Host: %s rti-config string is too long: %s rti-config has unrecognized format: %s RTI domain=%s, port=%d, file=%s RTI download in progress RTI download disabled RTI download FAILED: Error in Connect function RTI download FAILED: invalid rti-config HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: %s%d RTI download OK (%d bytes) RTI parse OK GPS RTI %x:%x SBAS RTI %x:%x QZSS RTI %x:%x GLONASS RTI %x:%x /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlRtiStatusDownloader.cpp ASSERT(%s) m_pEngine RTI parse FAILED (%d) RTI download FAILED: No data received from server RTI download FAILED: Server response: %s OnConnect broadcom::GlRtiStatusDownloader::GlRtiStatusDownloader(broadcom::SelectManager&, broadcom::TimerManager&) OnData LbsConfig: The configuration parameter %s cannot be changed at runtime. gpsd LbsEnable true LbsCellEnable CellEnable LbsWlanEnable WlanEnable LbsServer LbsPort LbsLog LbsLocal LbsWlScanIntervalSec LbsConfig LbsTAC LbsIMEIPropName bcmls2.glpals.com OnGpsStart LBS-CID LBS LBS-connection LBS_ASSERT: %s LBS_E: LBS_W: LBS_I: LBS_U: LBS_D: LBS: Close connection LBS: Send data (%d) LBS: Request connection LBS: GlLbsSetDeviceId: imsi=%s, imei=%s Lbs::%s LBS interface request RIL/WLAN LBS: init LBS: LbsCellEnable=%d LBS: LbsWlanEnable=%d RilLearnedDbSizeKb=%d RilDownloadedDbSizeKb=%d WlanLearnedDbSizeKb=%d WlanDownloadedDbSizeKb=%d LBS: lbsConfig: %s LBS: RIL init LBS: WLAN init %s:%d:%s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/LbsContext.cpp file_id < GLLBS_FILE_COUNT Reach max %d tiles lbsdata lbsdata1 lbsdata2 lbsdata3 *name %s%s %s%s-%03d.sto LBS file <%s> fails to open! Errno = %d CbLbsOsNvsFileOpen: Open file %d-%d file_id < GLLBS_FILE_COUNT && index < LBSHAL_MAX_FILE_PER_ID_COUNT ltoStatus.txt LTO file path : %s Error <%d> to open LTO status file %lu LTO downloaded at %s CbLbsOsNvsFileClose: Close file %d-%d Error to write from file id = %d-%d (%s) CbLbsOsNvsFileWrite : Persist file %d-%d Error to read from file id = %d-%d (%s) CbLbsOsNvsFileRead: Read file %d-%d SetOnRequestRil LBS-CID GlLbsInterface::%s(%p) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlLbsInterface.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) GlLbsInterface::NotifyRil() off on GlLbsInterface::NotifyWlan(%d) %s BSSID: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x rssi=%d m_rilRequestReceiver LBS: RIL is disabled IBrcmGpsHalLbsRil::RequestRil() start IBrcmGpsHalLbsRil::RequestRil() stop m_wlanRequestReceiver LBS: WLAN is disabled IBrcmGpsHalLbsWlan::RequestWlan() start IBrcmGpsHalLbsWlan::RequestWlan() stop 0 SetOnRequestWlan %hx:%hx:%hx:%hx:%hx:%hx %d %d error creating thread %d(%s) r wpa_cli scan 2>&1 wpa_cli scan_results OnTimer ResetSensorsStates OnFixStatus OnGlEngineStop OnDownloadAltitude ConfigInit OnMessage SensorsLog true SensorsDebugLog SensorsEnable SensorsForceEnable SensorsPowerSave SensorsMoEnable SensorsHeadingEnable SensorsOrientationEnable SensorsTurnEnable SensorsTurnRateEnable SensorsRawAcclGyroEnable SensorsBaroEnable SensorsStepEnable SensorsTimePeriodGyroMs SensorsTimePeriodMs SensorsTimePeriodAcclMs SensorsMask SensorsUserStepSize SENS_CTX: %s: CONFIG: %x SENS_CTX: %s: %lf, %lf SENS_CTX: %s SENS_CTX: sens# = %d SENS_CTX: type = %d, sampl = %d SENS_CTX: rsens# = %d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/sensors/SensorsContext.cpp ASSERT(%s) m_pGpsdInterface != NULL data != NULL SENS_CTX: ASSERT: %s: %d SENS_CTX: %s: %d %d %d SENS_CTX: Request from GLL to stop sensors SENS_CTX: Request from GLL to start sensors SENS_CTX: CONFIG: %s = %s OnGlEngineStart OnSensorsThreadStop SensorsThreadProc SENS_MGR: CMD: SENSORS_CMD_STOP_AND_QUIT SENS_MGR: ASSERT: %s: %d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/sensors/SensorsImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_sensors_thread_id, pthread_self()) SENS_MGR: %d: %.3f SENS_MGR: %s SENS_MGR: %s: done SENS_MGR: sensors_start_process SENS_MGR: CONFIG: SensorsLog=%d SensorsDebugLog=%d SensorsMask=0x%02X SensorsTimePeriodGyroMs=%d SensorsTimePeriodAcclMs=%d SensorsMoEnable=%d SensorsTurnEnable=%d SensorsTurnRateEnable=%d SensorsHeadingEnable=%d SensorsRawAcclGyroEnable=%d SensorsStepEnable=%d Sensors.SM pSensorsImpl OnSensorsThreadStart NdkSensorsScanStart /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/sensors/sensors_ndk.cpp ASSERT(%s) queue.get() SENS_MGR: ALOOPER_POLL_WAKE SENS_MGR: ALOOPER_POLL_ERROR SENS_MGR: ugh? poll returned %d SENS_MGR: %s active_sensors SENS_MGR: %p %s SENS_MGR: enableSensor: %p: ret = %d SENS_MGR: setEventRate: %p, %d, %lld ret = %d SENS_MGR: %s END SENS_MGR: disableSensor: %p: ret = %d SENS_MGR: deactivate_sensors numSensors=%d Sensor=%d Name=%s Vendor=%s Handle=%d Type=%d MaxValue=%f Resolution=%f PowerUsage=%f MinDelay=%d SENS_MGR: NdkSensorsStart SENS_MGR: 0x%x, %d, %d, %p SENS_MGR: numSensors=%d SENS_MGR: queue=%p !active_sensors SENS_MGR: %s %s activate ACCELEROMETER MAGNETIC_FIELD GYROSCOPE SENS_MGR %s %s BARO SENS_MGR: sensors_init: %d NdkSensorsScanStop @? |? ? > ? OnSetFixStatus SensorsSetFixStatus SensorsStopScan SocketUnInit SocketInit OnSensorsThreadStop OnAltRequest OnSensorsThreadStart %lf,%lf,%lf SENS_BARO: HEAD: %lf, %lf, %lf SENS_BARO: S:HEA: %.6f, %12.6f SENS_BARO: dBaroP = %f, dBaroM = %f %lf SENS_BARO: S:BAR: %.6f, %12.6f SENS_BARO: recvfrom(): %d SENS_BARO: received: %s %s SENS_BARO: Sending %s(%d) SENS_BARO: Error sendto KEEP_ALIVE: %d(%s) %s,%d SENS_BARO: Error sendto STOP: %d(%s) %s,%d,%d SENS_BARO: Error sendto START: %d(%s) SENS_BARO: Error sendto HELLO: %d(%s) SENS_BARO: %s SENS_BARO: Error socket %d(%s) localhost SENS_BARO: Error Unknown host %d(%s) SENS_BARO: UDP socket addr: 0x%0x SENS_BARO: UDP socket port: %d SENS_BARO: UDP socket %d: connect %d SENS_BARO: Failed to connect server socket %d not SENS_BARO: Socket is%s initialized %lld,%d SENS_BARO: baro_poll_data SENS_BARO: %s: %d SENS_BARO: Starting BroadcomMEMsService service am startservice com.broadcom.bms/.BroadcomMEMsService am startservice -a com.broadcom.bms.StartBroadcomMEMsService SENS_BARO: baro file path : %s SENS_BARO: Baro status file is not exists SENS_BARO: Baro status file failed to open: %d(%s) SENS_BARO: baro data loaded: %s %lu %f SENS_BARO: delta = %d, tr = %d, percent = %f SENS_BARO: baro data valid: %d sec SENS_BARO: baro file path: %s SENS_BARO: Error to open baro status file: %d(%s) SENS_BARO: baro data saved: %s SENS_BARO: %s: %lf %d SENS_BARO: server request: %lf, %lf, %lf SENS_BARO: Baro server calibration: alt = %lf, geoid = %lf, dP0 = %lf, altM = %lf SENS_BARO: bAlt = %d, alt = %f, altG = %f, altD = %f, acc = %f, pos = %d, %lf, %lf, %lf SENS_BARO: Baro internal calibration: alt = %f, acc = %f, dP0 = %f SENS_BARO: CMD: SENSORS_BARO_CMD_FIX_STATUS SENS_BARO: ASSERT: %s: %d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/sensors/SensorsBaroImpl.cpp SENS_BARO: CMD: SENSORS_BARO_CMD_REQUEST_ACCUMULATED_DATA SENS_BARO: CMD: SENSORS_BARO_CMD_STOP_AND_QUIT SENS_BARO: CMD: SENSORS_BARO_CMD_ALT_REQUEST SENS_BARO: CMD: SENSORS_BARO_CMD_CONNECTION_ERROR SENS_BARO: pthread_join SENS_BARO: m_sensorsSelectManager.Init SENS_BARO: m_sensorsSelectManager.AddSelectHandler SENS_BARO: CONFIG: SensorsBaroEnable=%d SensorsBaroValidTimeMin=%d SENS_BARO: %s done SensorsBaro.SM ASSERT(%s) pSensorsBaroImpl SENS_BARO: CONFIG: %s = %s SensorsBaroEnable true SensorsBaroValidTimeMin $PHAL,0 $PHAL,1 $PHAL,2 $PHAL,3 $PBMS,0 baro.dat Init OnSelect SensorsStartScan SensorsThreadProc ProcessData OnRequestData OnError SensorsRequestAccumulatedData OnClose Init SensorsBaroDownloader OnConnect OnData DownloadAltitude AltServer-connection
SENS_BARO_SRV: %s /maps/api/elevation/xml?locations=%lf,%lf&sensor=false GET %s HTTP/1.0 Host: %s SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT request: %s SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT download FAILED: Connection timeout HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: SENS_BARO_SRV: %s%d SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT download OK (%d bytes) SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT parse OK SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT %lf /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/sensors/SensorsBaroDownloader.cpp ASSERT(%s) m_pBaro SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT parse FAILED: %s SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT download FAILED: No data received from server SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT download FAILED: Server response: %s SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT download in progress maps.googleapis.com SENS_BARO_SRV: ALT download FAILED: Error in Connect function fE E D D D E API: GlLbsAppStop(%p) API: GlLbsAppStopAll() API: GlLbsAppRequestLocationPeriodic(%u, %d) API: GlLbsConfigure() API: GlLbsGpsInit() API: GlLbsSync(%d, %d) API: GlLbsSetDeviceId(NULL) API: GlLbsSetDeviceId(%s, %s, %s) @(#)Broadcom LBS ver. 140096, 2012/Aug/01, 19:17:40 API: GlLbsInit() API: GlLbsForceReload() API: GlLbsForceSave() API: GlLbsRilInit() Alloc RIL downloaded DB buffer Alloc RIL learned DB buffer API: GlLbsWlanInit() Alloc WLAN downloaded DB buffer Alloc WLAN learned DB buffer null API: GlLbsGpsNotifyNmea: %d (%s API: GlLbsOsData(%d) API: GlLbsWlanNotify error %d API: GlLbsWlanNotify(%d), type %d API: GlLbsRilNotify(%d, %d) (GSM,%d)(%d,%d,%d,%d) (WCDMA,%d)(%d,%d,%d) (CELL,0) (GSM,%d)(%d,%d,%d,%d)(%d,%d)(%d,%d)(%d,%d) (WCDMA,%d)(%d,%d,%d)(%d,%d)(%d,%d)(%d,%d)(%d,%d) (CELL, 0) (NMR-MRL,%d,(%d,%d),(%d,%d),(%d,%d)) (STOP) (TYPE,%d) API: GlLbsGpsNotifyStop API: GlLbsGpsRequestAssistantData(%d, 0x%X) API: GlLbsDone() API: GlLbsOsTimeout() API: GlLbsOsDisconnected() API: GlLbsOsConnected(%d) API: GlLbsGpsNotifyPosition(%f, %f, %d, %d) valid %d API: GlLbsTick() ComputeAndSaveWlanAp computed. Recs %d. Saved %d. MAC(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) ComputeAndSaveWlanAp NOT computed. Recs %d. MAC(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) %-30s: OnNotifyFromWlan() %-30s: OnNotifyFromRil() %-30s: OnNotifyGpsStop() %-30s: OnNotifyNmea() %-30s: OnNotifyFromGps() %-30s: OnRequestPeriodicLocation(%d,%d) GLLBSEngine::setLastPosition lat = %f, lon = %f %-30s: EXIT %-30s: ENTRY WLAN Instance already exist Alloc memory for WLAN Engine WLAN Allocation error WLAN Instance created RIL Instance already exist Alloc memory for RIL Engine RIL Allocation error RIL Instance created Set RL: (%lf, %lf, %d) unc %d WLAN: ComputeUpdateWlanPosition ct %u lt %u dt %u sz = %d WLAN: Unexpected data type = %d GLLBSEngine::ProcessErrorRilResponse: error %d RIL type %d. RIL: NMR:Position NOT Computed. %d %d RIL: Unexpected data type = %d GPS updated %d, valid %d, (%f,%f,%d,%d) StopSessions GLLBSEngine::StartPeriodicSession GLLBSEngine::Destroy: LBS Instance is NULL LBS Instance already exist Alloc ASN1 buffer Allocation error Alloc memory for LBS Engine LBS Instance created BIN: Decode: %d bytes LBS Protocol version error: %d != %d Decoding failed Encoding failed: stat=%d offset %d BIN: Encode: %d bytes [ K*L *I _ h g , G ]h &a 5Q i i^,F "K J x %-30s: onRequestCellDbUpload() %-30s: onRequestWlanDbUpload() %-30s: onAbort() %-30s: onWlanUpdated() %-30s: onRilUpdated() %-30s: onReferenceLocationUpdated() %-30s: onTimeout() false true %-30s: onConnected(%s, %d) %-30s: EXIT %-30s: ENTRY error ok LbsConEngine::onSessionCompleted(%s) CB: GlLbsSyncDoneCb(%d) %-30s: onRequestWlanNeighbors(%d) %-30s: onRequestCellNeighbors(%d) %-30s: onRequestLTO(%d,%d) %-30s: onRequestNavigationModel() %-30s: onRequestReferenceTime() %-30s: onRequestReferenceLocation() 999990123456789 (IMEI, %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X) (IMSI, %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X) DeviceId changed %-30s: onDeviceIdUpdated() %-30s: onDisconnected() %-30s: onDataReceived(%d) Out of memory Switching to CLIENT positioning: lastPosExists = %c, lastPos.speed = %f, wlan->range() = %d Switching to SERVER positioning: lastPosExists = %c, lastPos.speed = %f, wlan->range() = %d LbsConfig: null string passed + = LbsConfig: Parsing parameter "%.*s" ... LbsConfig: Unsupported parameter ignored: "%.*s" MinDbSyncDelay MinCheckpointDistance MaxPositionTTL LbsMode DisableDbUpload RilLearnedDbSizeKb RilDownloadedDbSizeKb WlanLearnedDbSizeKb WlanDownloadedDbSizeKb %s < %d => %s = 0 LbsConStateReady onTimeout LbsConStateWaitForConnection LbsConStateWaitForInfo onTimeout waitID waitRIL waitWLAN LbsConStateWaitForInfo: %s %s %s LbsConStateWaitForInfo: Not enough data for request *c c c c c c [ K*L *I _ h g , G ]h &a 5Q i i^,F "K J x LbsConStateWaitForResponse errorCode = %s LBS_CELLS() LBS_AD_REQ() LBS_AD_RSP() LBS_END() LBS_ACK() Unexpected message type: %d Error decoding ASN.1 message Empty message received failed to allocate nodes for WLAN meas %d/%d failed to allocate nodes for GSM meas %d/%d failed to allocate nodes for WCDMA meas %d/%d unsentCount:linklist pointer error! setStatus:linklist pointer error! BRCMLBS true false CELL out of range(%s) d1=%d d2=%d BRCMNMR ~w w w w rw xw LBS LTO NVS NMR WLAN WNMR UNKNOWN Open %s for write failed Write %s failed Saved %d records/%d bytes of %s Incorrect %s DB magic number Mismatched record count %d != %d(exp) Read %d bytes of %s (count=%d) Incorrect %s DB version number %d vs. %d Open %s for read failed Invalid %s header Removed record from WLAN Learned DB: idxFirst=%d, idxLast=%d, idxRoot=%d, idxFirstFreeRecord=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: BST is not balanced Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: nodes are not in right order Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: idx=%d Found record in WLAN Learned DB: idx=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: idxFree=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: idxFree.prevIndex=%d, idxFree.nextIndex=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: cyclic reference in free records list Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: idxFirst=%d, idxLast=%d, idxRoot=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: idxFirst=%d, idxLast=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: idx=%d, idx.nextIndex=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: idx=%d, idx.nextIndex.prevIndex=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: numNodesInList=%d, numRecords=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: numNodesInTree=%d, numNodesInList=%d Corrupted WLAN Learned DB: numNodesInTree=%d, numFreeRecords=%d, numRecords=%d Reseting WLAN Learned DB Saving WLAN Learned DB: idxFirst=%d, idxLast=%d, idxRoot=%d, idxFirstFreeRecord=%d Loaded WLAN Learned DB: idxFirst=%d, idxLast=%d, idxRoot=%d, idxFirstFreeRecord=%d WLAN Learned DB is corrupted DB load failed Loading WLAN Learned DB BRCMLWL Inserted new record to WLAN Learned DB: idxNew=%d, idxFirst=%d, idxLast=%d, idxRoot=%d, idxFirstFreeRecord=%d Updated record in WLAN Learned DB: idx=%d, idxFirst=%d, idxLast=%d, idxRoot=%d, idxFirstFreeRecord=%d WNMR before sort %d records WNMR after sort %d records out of range - no last known pos false true WLAN out of range(%s) m_radius=%d d2=%d BRCMNWL LbsEngState LbsEngStateIdle LbsEngStateIdle:: OnRequestPeriodicLocation enter. LbsEngStateIdle:: StartPeriodicSession save failed LbsEngStateIdle:: OnRequestPeriodicLocation success LbsEngStateIdle:: OnRequestPeriodicLocation return %d LbsEngState LbsEngStateWaitForResponse LbsEngStateWaitForResponse:: OnNotifyFromRil lbsEng %s null not null LbsEngStateWaitForResponse:: OnRequestPeriodicLocation enter. LbsEngStatePeriodic::OnRequestPeriodicLocation: StartPeriodicSession save failed LbsEngStateWaitForResponse:: OnRequestPeriodicLocation return %d CB: cbLbsGpsReqLocationStop CB: cbLbsGpsReqLocationSingle(%d,%d,%d) pos request started or no GlEngine CB: cbLbsGpsReqLocationPeriodic(%d,%d) %s Unexpected GpsCtllCbGlEngCbOnEEFileRead Unexpected GpsCtllCbGlEngCbOnLTOFileRead Unexpected GpsCtllCbGlEngineOnAsicData CB: cbLbsGpsSetAssistantData(%d) invalid valid GpsReqOnResponse(%8.6f, %8.6f, %d, %d) %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../lbs_core/./LbsGps.cpp BIN: %s BIN: %s... lbs_assert %s:%d %s L%06d%c %s %c%06d%c %s cbLbsOsTimerDisarm is NULL CB: cbLbsOsTimerDisarm(%d) cbLbsOsTimerArm is NULL CB: cbLbsOsTimerArm(%d, %d) cbLbsOsTimerDestroy is NULL CB: cbLbsOsTimerDestroy(%d) cbLbsOsTimerCreate is NULL CB: cbLbsOsTimerCreate() cbLbsOsMemDeAlloc is NULL CB: cbLbsOsMemDeAlloc(%p) cbLbsOsMemAlloc is NULL CB: cbLbsOsMemAlloc(%d) CB: cbLbsOsMemAlloc returns %p cbLbsOsGetMsTime is NULL cbLbsOsNvsFileWrite is NULL CB: cbLbsOsNvsFileWrite(%d,%d,%d) CB: cbLbsOsNvsFileWrite returns %d cbLbsOsNvsFileRead is NULL CB: cbLbsOsNvsFileRead(%d,%d,%d) CB: cbLbsOsNvsFileRead returns %d cbLbsOsNvsFileClose is NULL CB: cbLbsOsNvsFileClose(%d,%d) cbLbsOsNvsFileOpen is NULL CB: cbLbsOsNvsFileOpen(%d, %d, %d) CB: cbLbsOsNvsFileOpen returns %d cbLbsOsConnectionWrite is NULL CB: cbLbsOsConnectionWrite(%d, %d) cbLbsOsConnectionClose is NULL CB: cbLbsOsConnectionClose(%d) cbLbsOsConnectionRequest is NULL CB: cbLbsOsConnectionRequest() ***LBSWARN:: MAC out of range: (%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) rssi = %d, lat/lon = %f, %f, mtd = %f ***LBSWARN: staIdx %d, lat/lon %f, %f rssi is %d!!! LbsComputeWlanApPosition: pos_found %d, lat/lon %f, %f alt %d posErr %d. maxrs %d recs %d LbsComputeWlanPosition: pos_found %d, lat/lon %f, %f alt %d posErr %u. recs %d LbsComputeWlanPosition: [%d (%d)] Found MAC(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) rssi = %d, lat/lon = %f, %f, unc %d LbsComputeWlanPosition: [%d (%d)] NOT Found MAC(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) rssi = %d -----------: Combine with GPS position %f/%f res: lat = %f lon = %f ***NMRNoNMRFallback_1 lat=%f lon=%f valid %d. dtime %f time %d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d null notnull ***NMRNoFallback_2 lat=%f lon=%f valid %d. time %d:%d:%d %d:%d:%d gps %s gpsValid %d ***NMRNoFallback_2 NMRPOS is NULL NMRComputePositionWithAuxInfo num %d found %d MRL: Not primary cell in the cell list MRL: Skip primary cell %d-%d-%d MRL: Skip neighbor cell RSCP for psc %d not present MRL: FOUND PRIMARY in neighbor cell PSC %d cid %d lat %f lon %f MRL: Skip neighbor cell psc %d MRL: Got neighbor cell psc %d cid %d lat %f lon %f ####### GOT Primary cid %d in MRL. psc %d arfcnDl %d. rscp = %d MRL: ELMT[%d].cellMeasuredResultsList.n = %d NMR: Not primary cell in the cell list NMR: Not found primary cell %d-%d-%d-%d NMR: FOUND PRIMARY in neighbor cell arfcn %d bsic %d cid %d lat %f lon %f NMR: Skip neighbor cell arfcn %d bsic %d NMR: Got neighbor cell arfcn %d bsic %d cid %d lat %f lon %f ERROR:NMR: FOUND another PRIMARY in neighbor cell arfcn %d bsic %d cid %d lat %f lon %f, idx %d Adjust primary %d cid %d to rssi %d instead of %d. psc %d arfcn %d DO NOT Adjust primary %d cid %d to rssi %d instead of %d. psc %d arfcn %d ####### DO NOT Add Primary cid to NMR ****VBNCP: return -1 %d NMR measurements. %d MRL measurements. Present N %d M %d Got meas. nmr %d mrl %d ********************nMR_NUM = %d********************************** FAILURE: No data to process %d. Got 2G tower (cid %d arfcn %d bsic %d) lon %.10f lat %.10f az %d bw %d erp %d hght %f meas %d unc %d %d. Got 3G tower (cid %d arfcnDl %d psc %d) lon %.10f lat %.10f az %d bw %d txPower %d hght %f meas %d unc %d *************** NMR: Cannot Compute NMR. Fallback to cid lat/lon %f/%f NMR: Successfully computed NMRposition lat = %f lon = %f #######NMR: Resulting position lat = %f lon = %f 2d WlanComputePosUncertainty: unc %u rssi = %d rtn = %f num = %d ***ComputeUNC: numtow %d rtn %f ***ComputeUNC: GOOD: numtow %d rtn %f meters %f WlanEx WP = (%lf, %lf) acc=%d VBWP%d = (%lf, %lf) acc=%d Wlan WP = (%lf, %lf) acc=%d ***ComputeUNC: GOOD: numtow %d mintow %d rtn %f ts %f meters %f ***ComputeUNC: numtow %d mintow %d rtn %f ***ComputeUNC: GOOD: numtow %d mintow %d rtn %f meters %f WLANAP: curIdx = %d staIdx = %d maxrs = %d num %d, lat = %f lon = %f alt %f WLANAP: Data too close: lat = %f, %f lon = %f, %f WlanComputePosUncertainty: unc %u rssi = %d rtn = %f num = %d NMR: Warning: Maximum iterations (%d) exceeded in ECEF2LLA! WLAN: WlanComputeApPosition:NUMBER %d, inNum %d Nelder res: minX = %f minY = %f icount %d num %d fault %d qual %f) WLANCP: Nelder res: minX = %f minY = %f icount %d num %d fault %d qual %f WL: Using init pos because of a %5.1f local min NMR: NMRComputePosition: number of stations %d is greater than %d. NMR: NMRComputePosition: number of stations %d NMR: Error: EffectiveTowers[0] == NULL NMR: Error: sumweight is %f , but must be >= 1 NMR: rToNeigh %f towers %d Nelder1 res: minX = %f minY = %f icount %d num %d fault %d qual %f) NMR: Using init pos because of a %5.1f local min NMR: Not enough unique tower locations for a solution. NMR: NMRComputePosition: return TRUE. unc %d Query Cell GSM(%d,%d,%d,%d)(arfcn:%d,bsic:%d) Query Cell WCDMA(%d,%d,%d)(psc:%d) Query Learned Cell count=%d Add GSM(%d,%d,%d,%d)(arfcn:%d,bsic:%d) Add WCDMA(%d,%d,%d)(psc:%d) Add Cell: unknown type Pos(%lf,%lf) cbLbsRilDataReq is NULL CB: cbLbsRilDataReq(%d) Upload cells %d / %d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../lbs_core/./LbsRilMgr.cpp SetCellId GSM(%d, %d, %d, %d) SetCellId WCDMA(%d, %d, %d) learnedCells disabled neighborCells disabled requestCells: lastSyncTime=%d now=%d msLBSADREQ.referenceLocationRequested = 1 upload GSM measurement %d upload WCDMA measurement %d upload WLAN measurement %d IAS msLBSADREQ.m.neighborsCellsRequestPresent = 1 (Cell DB size=%d) Error in LTO data! LTO file can not be opened! Error writing to LTO file! msLBSADREQ.m.ltoRequestPresent = 1 Set RL: server pos(%lf, %lf, %d) unc %d invalid server pos(%lf, %lf, %d) unc %d LbsConEngine requests: RT=%c, RL=%c, NM=%c, AGNSS=%c, LTO=%c, NC=%c, NW=%c, UC=%c, UW=%c LBSRESP: RT LBSRESP: RL LBSRESP: navigation model LBSRESP: AGNSS Response LBSRESP: raw LTO LBSRESP: cells LBSRESP: wlans LBSRESP: more msLBSADREQ.m.neighborsCellsRequestPresent = 1 (WLAN DB size=%d) msLBSADREQ.neighborsCellsRequest.m.cellArrayPresent = 1 msLBSADREQ.neighborsCellsRequest.m.wlanArrayPresent = 1 LBS:GetSessionTimeMs: No OS get_time callback LBS:GetSessionTimeMs: currentTimeMs %u is less than m_start_time %u LBS: NotifyAppWithPosition: TRY and SET position lat/lon %f/%f invalid valid CB: cbLbsAppNotifyPosition(%8.6f, %8.6f, %d, %d) %s LBS:CheckUpdateSession: currentTimeMs %u is invalid LBS: CheckUpdateSession: Use GPS position lt %u acc %u lat/lon %f/%f LBS: CheckUpdateSession: Use RIL position lt %u acc %u lat/lon %f/%f LBS: CheckUpdateSession1: Cannot Use RIL position st %d lt %u ct %u ha %d am %d LBS: CheckUpdateSession1: But save RIL position as the best so far: vl %d ha %d am %d, lat/lon %f/%f LBS: CheckUpdateSession: Use WLAN position lt %u acc %u lat/lon %f/%f LBS: CheckUpdateSession1: Cannot Use WLAN position st %d lt %u ct %u ha %d am %d LBS: CheckUpdateSession1: But save WLAN position as the best so far: vl %d ha %d am %d, lat/lon %f/%f LBS: CheckUpdateSession1: Cannot Use GPS position st %d lt %u ct %u vl %d ha %d am %d LBS: CheckUpdateSession1: But save GPS position as the best so far: vl %d ha %d am %d, lat/lon %f/%f Timer creation failed No more timers available Timer is already armed Failed to arm timer Timer is not armed p1=%p, l1=%d, p2=%p server side WLAN pos req size=%d cbLbsWlanDataReq is NULL CB: cbLbsWlanDataReq(%d) Upd/Add MAC(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) Pos(%lf, %lf, acc = %2d), rssi = %d) -> Found Pos(%lf, %lf, acc = %2d), rssi = %d) -> Pos replace (%lf, %lf, acc = %2d, rssi = %d) -> Pos add (%lf, %lf, acc = %2d, rssi = %d) -> UpdateWlan::Do NOT Save MAC(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X). DBUnc = %d < CompUnc %d Upload wlans %d/%d(%d) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../lbs_core/./LbsWlanMgr.cpp learnedWlans disabled neighborWlans disabled AddPositionScan: [%d] i %d NOT Found MAC(%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X) rssi = %d LbsWlanPosAlgApi::AddMeasInfoRecord: [%d. num %d]. %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x. rssi %d. lat/lon %f, %f. Do average %f (ct %u sat %u) %d LbsWlanPosAlgApi::AddMeasInfoRecord: [%d. num %d]. %02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x.%02x. rssi %d. lat/lon %f, %f. Set AVG time %u LbsWlanPosAlgApi::UpdateRecords: IGNORE pos with accuracy %d LbsWlanPosAlgApi::UpdateRecords: res %d Compute pos for idx %d. Records %d. cond1 %d cond2 %d ct %u, chkt %u, ut %u, nr %d LbsWlanPosAlgApi::Do NOT UpdateRecords yet %d for idx %d. Records %d. cond1 %d cond2 %d ct %u, chkt %u, cur %u, ut %u, nr %d ***SKF***: Load: Set pos_estimate[1] to %f/%f, was %f/%f ***TDF***: Invalid input %d %d %d %d %d ***TDF***: Invalid input: dmm %d == 1 ***TDF***: Invalid input: ddd %d == 1 ***TDF***: Invalid input: dhh %d == 1 Tdiff %f pelat %f pelon %f splat %f splon %f inspeed %11.8e (%11.8e) sigs (%f %f %f %f) ***SKF***: elon %f elat %f plon %f plat %f K %f mlon %f mlat %f s_p %f s_c %f ***SKF***: Update: Set pos_estimate[1] to %f/%f, was %f/%f unc %f scp_2 %f ***SKF***: Restart ***SKF***: state: initial ***SKF***: state: first ***SKF***: state: running ***SKF***: state: ##### DEFAULT!!! ####### /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxDList.c Run-time assertion '%s' failed. Line %d, File %s unrecognized completion status normal completion status ERROR: Status %d %s Element name: %s Stack trace: Module: %s, Line %d ERROR: Status Element name: Stack trace: Module: Line (null) ERROR : no memory available ? %E Encode buffer overflow Unexpected end of buffer on decode Unexpected identifier encountered: expected = %s, parsed = %s Enumerated value %s not in defined set Duplicate element in ASN.1 SET or XSD all type Missing required element in ASN.1 SET or XSD all type Element index %s not within bounds of ASN.1 SET or XSD all type Max elements defined for repeating field exceeded Element with identifier %s is an invalid option in choice No dynamic memory available Invalid hex string Invalid real value Max items in sized character or binary string field exceeded Invalid value specification Nesting level too deep Value constraint violation: field %s, value %s Unexpected end of file detected Invalid UTF-8 character at index %s Array index out of bounds Invalid parameter passed to function or method Invalid value format Context is not initialized Value will not fit in target variable Character is not within the defined character set Invalid XML state for attempted operation Error condition returned from XML parser: %s Sequence elements not in correct order File not found or can't be opened Read error Write error Invalid Base64 string Socket error Attribute "%s.%s" not defined Regexp error: %s: %s Pattern match violation: field %s, value %s Missing required attribute "%s" Host name could not be resolved HTTP error: %s SOAP error. Code: %s, Reason: %s Unexpected element "%s" found Invalid number of occurences of element %s (%s) Invalid message buffer Decode "%s" for element "%s.%s" failed Decode of attribute "%s.%s" failed Current stream must be closed before opening a new stream Unexpected null pointer value: %s General failure: %s Attribute '%s' value '%s' does not match defined fixed value Multiple errors; see context error list for details on each error Derived type could not be decoded due to missing type info Address is already in use Remote connection was reset Host was unreachable due to network or host failure Socket is not connected Connection refused Invalid socket option SOAP fault message Mark is not supported on this type of stream Feature not supported: %s ; W N= Z E$ ` ^ T" . V ' i = ^ s e"] /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxMemHeapAlloc.c pMemBlk = %p: %s = NULL %s = %p, data = %p, size = %i free , saved %s = %p, data = %p, size = %i, refCnt = %u%s pMemBlk = NULL Mem block, ptr = %p, size = %u, nsaved = %u, maxFreeElem = ? %u Raw mem block = NULL Raw mem block, ptr = %p, size = %u, refCnt = %u %s pElem Memory report at %s, line %i Error %d: %s. pElem invalid MemLink memory heap broken rtxMemHeapDebug.c absent raw block type flag invalid code guard value invalid mem block size invalid start border elem invalid end border elem raw flag on invalid mem elem size pElem->nunits != pNextElem->prevOff free elems is not joined invalid beginOff field invalid nsaved field invalid maxFreeElem field broken free list free list contains allocated elem invalid prevFree/nextFree free list contains not all free elems /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxMemHeapFree.c mem pointer valid rtxMemHeapInvalidPtrHook.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxMemHeapRealloc.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtsrc/rtContext.c Invalid object identifier Invalid field length detected Invalid tag value Invalid binary string value Invalid index for table constraint identifier Invalid value for relational table constraint fixed type field List error: concurrent modification attempt while iterating List error: illegal state for attempted operation Attempt to invoke encode or decode method on a non-PDU type Element type could not be resolved PER encoding for element does not match configured value Element with tag %s not defined in SEQUENCE /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_common.c 'value' /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pu_common.c _UNKNOWN_ /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../asn1/lbs1/./LBS1.c -.0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz notSent prepared sent gps gpslto glPosAutonomous glPosCellID glPosLastKnown glPosUeAssistedAgps glPosUeBasedAgps glPosUnknown lto10days lto2days lto7days eph raw all inview dataMissing protocolError systemFailure unexpectedDataValue unexpectedMessage unspecified t V : /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../asn1/lbs1/./LBS1Dec.c p /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../asn1/lbs1/./LBS1Enc.c 'pvalue->ltoFrame' 'pvalue->reserved1' 'pvalue->reserved2' 'pvalue->reserved3' 'pvalue->azimuth' 'pvalue->beam_width' 'pvalue->ant_agl' 'pvalue->aRFCN' 'pvalue->bSIC' 'pvalue->satId' 'pvalue->primaryScramblingCode' 'pvalue->rxLev' 'value' 'pvalue->refUC' 'pvalue->ltoTotalFrames' 'pvalue->gpsWeek' 'pvalue->gpsToe' 'pvalue->nSAT' 'pvalue->toeLimit' 'pvalue->cellIdentity' 'pvalue->ephemCodeOnL2' 'pvalue->ephemURA' 'pvalue->ephemSVhealth' 'pvalue->ephemIODC' 'pvalue->ephemL2Pflag' 'pvalue->ephemToc' 'pvalue->ephemAF0' 'pvalue->ephemToe' 'pvalue->ephemFitFlag' 'pvalue->ephemAODA' 'pvalue->ephemOmegaADot' 'pvalue->ephemIDot' 'pvalue->uarfcn_DL' 'pvalue->rscp' 'pvalue->txPower' 'pvalue->latitude' 'pvalue->longitude' 'pvalue->uncertainty' 'pvalue->avrgFactor' 'pvalue->apRssi' 'pvalue->memoryCells' 'pvalue->memoryWlans' GlSuplHal::OnAidingReceived(%d) GlSuplEngine::SetPreferCoarseTime(%d) GlSuplEngine::SetEnhancedAssisted(%d) GlSuplEngine::SetHmacHash(%d) GlSuplEngine::SetMinorVersion(%d) GlSuplEngine::SetVersion(%d) Version is not supported GlSuplHal::MemFree(%p) GlSuplTimer::Disarm() GlSuplTimer::Arm(%d) GlSuplHal::SaveLto(%d) GlSuplHal::NotificationVerificationReq() GlSuplHal::RequestLocationId() GlSuplHal::DestroyTimer(%p) GlSuplHal::CreateTimer() returns %p GlSuplHal::CloseConnection() GlSuplHal::RequestConnection() GlSuplHal::MemAlloc(%d) returns %p GlSuplEngine::VerificationRsp(%d) GlSuplEngine::SetTimers(%d, %d, %d) GlSuplEngine::AbortWithStatusCode(%d) GlSuplEngine::Abort() GlSuplHal::Write(%d) GlSuplEngine::SetCapabilities() MSA MSB autonomous AFLT E-CID E-OTD OTDOA PosTechnology:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s MSA MSB ? no PrefMethod: %s RRLP RRC TIA-801 PosProtocol:%s%s%s GlSuplEngine::GetCapabilities() GlSuplEngine::SetID(%d) valid invalid GlSuplEngine::SetLocationId(%s) GlSuplEngine::OnTimeout() GlSuplEngine::OnConnected(%d) GlSuplEngine::OnDataReceived(%d) GlSuplEngine::OnDisconnected() %d GlSuplEngine::StartSuplSession(%08X) Start session failed: another session exists Start session failed GlSuplEngine::OnNetworkRequest(%p, %d, %s) MSA preferred; capMSA=%d MSA preferred/Both; capMSA=%d MSB preferred; capMSB=%d MSB preferred/Both; capMSB=%d rtiparser: not a number in %s, pos %d rtiparser: unexpected value in %s, pos %d = Version rtiparser: Unsupported version %d rtiparser: Missing version Timestamp rtiparser: Missing timestamp BadGpsPRNs BadSbasPRNs BadQzssPRNs BadGlonassOSNs rtiparser: Unexpected attribute %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:318 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:331 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:41 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:173 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:717 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:259 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:264 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:821 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:386 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:390 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:394 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_proxy.cpp:89 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_request.cpp:74 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_settings.cpp:201 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_settings.cpp:187 SoftAssert in %s:%d Assertion failed in %s:%d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glutils/glutl_utils.cpp %c%06ld%c timeout_60s GLP_%s,count,total_us,HIST1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,ge256,max GLP_%s,%lu,%lu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%hu,%lu GLP_HalTimer,%lu,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 GLP,cause,duration(ms) ,%s GLP,%s,%lu , ,%lu GLP,index(%d) used by %s and %s initGLL /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glcommon/glmepeif_types.cpp SIGAID(%02u): %02u SIGAID(%02u): Svid, %u GPS, %u SBAS, %u GLNS, %u QZSS SIGAID %s(%02u): %02d %c%c%c%c UnitTest %i %f %10.10f %f %f cl CL sl SL bl BL fl FL stl STL csp CSP ep EP ss SS cno CNO dly DLY xcor XCOR adr ADR <%s> <%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s> PE GPS SBAS GLNS QZSS @# //depot/client/core/qa_line_v19 (official) //depot/client/core/qa_line_v19@140096 (official) //depot/client/core/qa_line_v19@140096 (official) %sPlatformTest(%d) %sEnableLowPowerExt(%c) %sEnableHahmMode(%c) %sSetCntInClockParams(%lu Hz, %u PPB, %u) %sSetEcpuRefClockParams(%lu Hz) %sSetPadNum(%u) %sSetRfAtt(%u) %sSetOscOffsAiding(%lu ms, %.1f PPB, %.1f PPB) %sSetUserDynamicLimits(%u m/s, %f m/s^2) %sSetBitAiding(%d words) Valid Invalid %sSaveNvRamAndRtc(%lu %lu %lu, %s) %sSetRefClockParams(%lu Hz, %hu PPB, %hu PPB) %sSetConfigParameters(): GL_RF_UNKNOWN GL_RF_PALS7 GL_RF_BARRACUDA GL_RF_2075_LN22 GL_RF_2075_BRCM GL_RF_2076_BRCM GL_RF_2076_BRCM_EXT_LNA GL_RF_PALS7_BRCM GL_RF_PALS7_4751 GL_RF_BARRACUDA_BRCM GL_RF_BARRACUDA_EXT_LNA GL_RF_BARRACUDA_BRCM_EXT_LNA GL_RF_4751_BLUEFIN GL_RF_4751_DANUBE GL_RF_4751_DANUBE_EXT_LNA GL_RF_2075_ALADDIN GL_RF_2075B0_BRCM GL_RF_47511_BLUEFIN GL_RF_47511_BRCM GL_RF_UNKNOWN_ARG GL_RF_47511_BRCM_EXT_LNA %sSetRfType(%s) GLMEIF_PWR_FULL GLMEIF_UNKNOWN GLMEIF_PWR_SAVE %sSetPowerState(%s) %sSetSatAidingGps(), %lu Lms, %fTmMs , %f TmUncMs %sSetSatAidingGlns(), %lu Lms, %fTmMs , %f TmUncMs SATAID: <%02d[%f %f|%f %f|%c%c%c%c%c%c%c]> %sSetSignalAiding(%d SVs) %sMeasureRefTime() %sDataBurstCtrl(%c, %u, %u) Data Burst Is not supported with this Asic %sSetPMMSettings(%hu %hu %hu %hu) %sSetSyncInConfig(%u) %sSetPpsConfig(%u %lu) HIGH Unknown LOW %sSetBlankingConfig(%u, %s) %sSetMeasConfig(%d ms) %sSetMeasurementPeriodCorrection(%hd ms) %sSet1HzPhaseMs(%f ms) %sSetPpsAiding(%c, @%f + %f, %f) %sarmSYNCIN(%c) %sMeasureCNTIN(%c) %sAsicToStandby() %sTurnAsicOn() GLL @%d %sCWTest() Created GlChovyCtrl Size,GlChovyCtrl,%u Size,m_otGroupMgr,%u Size,m_otAsicCfg,%u GlMeasEng:: Using lower acquisition thresholds GLONASS GPS GlMeasEng:: enable Analog IF output (%s) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/instance/glme_chovyctrl.cpp POSTBIT PREBIT POSTFRAME /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/parameters/glme_chovy_receiver_params.cpp GLONASS GPS SBAS GetModeTrkParams: Cnstl %u (%s) Mode %u (%s) GetGearTrkParams: Cnstl %u (%s) Mode %u (%s) GearIndex %u ? " M@ < p? ; < < @ < L> A < > R? ? A @ 3 B W B ? @ 3 B W B A yD yD @ /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/windmgr/glme_clkmodmgr.cpp <%s> TimeMs(%lu) Flg( ) OscOffPpb(%lf) OscOffUncPpb(%lf) MaxOscOffUncPpb(%lf) GpsSysTmBiasMs(%lf) GpsSysTmBiasUncMs(%lf) GlnsSysTmBiasMs(%lf) GlnsSysTmBiasUncMs(%lf) bit BIT sep SEP osc OSC <%s> <%s> %sBIT SYNC> <%sBIT DESYNC> %sCOR SYNC(Z)> %sCOR DESYNC(W)> %sCOR CTR ADJUST> %sOSC CTR ADJUST> %sOSC UNC ADJUST> FactoryTest: Clock Propagation Disabled! Prop clk unc from %.1f ppb to %.1f ppb, %.0f INPUTrst /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/windmgr/glme_sataidmgr.cpp GlMeSatAidMgr::GetSatAid SvId%02d dTargetTimeLms %.3f PropTimeLms %.3f Age [%ld %ld] DopplerPpb %.3f DopplerUncPpb %.3g RcvdSysTimeMs %.6f RcvdSysTimeUncMs %.6f UNAVAILABLE TimeStampLms %.6f PeGlbSysTmSec %.9f UncUsec %.6f GlMeAcqWin::OverrideSubEpoch Orig TrigTimeMs(%lf) TimeStampMs(%lf) TrigTimeStampUncMs(%lf) GlMeAcqWin::OverrideSubEpoch New TrigTimeMs(%lf) TimeStampMs(%lf) TrigTimeStampUncMs(%lf) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/windmgr/glme_windmgr.cpp GOOD nope GlMeWinMgr::IsAidingGoodForTrack called for SvId%02d at LMS time %.12f AidPRUncChips %.3f (%.3f) DopplerUncPpb %.3f (%.3f) %s F T GlMeWinMgr SetTMDecodeInfo svid%hu StartOfStringS %lf, TMdecInfoSet %s No Sat Aiding for %u at time %.12f Clk time offset not known precisely: SvId%u at time %.12f ClkModMgr: IsNeverSeenMsmt %c dOscOffUncPpu <= dFreqUncPpu %c PlatformSpecificFlags %c Result %c GetMeAcqWindow SvId%02d, dTargetTimeLms = %lf, flags = %08lX GetMeAcqWindow Params in TMDecodeInfo:svid%hu,timeStampMs %lf,InfoSet:%s GetMeAcqWindow TMDecodeInfoMs:Ref svid%hu, PRNi %hu,flighttimediffUs %lf GetMeAcqWindow svid%hu StartOfStringS %lf,timeintoStringS %lf,symbolPos%d,TrigTimeStampS %lf GetMeAcqWindow(SvId %hu, dTrigTimeStampS %lf)::ucGlnsStrPhsInSym from Aiding %i GetMeAcqWindow(SvId %hu, dTrigTimeStampS %lf)::ucGlnsStrPhsInSym from Measurement %i known WinMgr SetSatAidInfo ClkModFlags bIsGlnsTimeGoodEnough %s GPSBit->GLNSBit GPSEpoch->GLNSEpoch GLNSBit->GPSBit GLNSEpoch->GPSEpoch WinMgr SetSatAidinfo: systimebiasUncGpsUs:%lf,systimebiasUncGlnsUs:%lf timedebug lEpochCountAdjustment %ld %ld %ld GlMeMeasAidFilter::UpdateFrameManagerSync SvId%02d, (dTimeStampLs,ulEpochCnt) = %lf,%lu (otWin.dTrigTimeStampS,ulFinalEpochCount) = %lf,%lu otWin.ucGlnsStrPhsInSym = %i /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/instance/glme_measaidfilter.cpp 4 P ] cWB + z k@ z 4 @ ] cW/tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/msmtmgr/glme_framemgr.cpp GlMeFrameAidMgr::Reset() GlMeFrameAidMgr::UpdateAiding bumping TLM index GlMeFrameAidMgr::FoundTLM %d %lu %lu %lu false true %s == FrameAidMgr::GetAiding(%g, %lu, %d, %d) GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u entered GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u returning NOT_SYNCED GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u GoodTowCount %u ulTimeNotConfirmedS %lu ( %lu - %ld ) GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u TowConfirmed %u TowEpochCnt %lu GoodEpochCnt %lu GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u GoodTowCount %u SubframeCounted true GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u HaveSatAidInfo %u GlbGpsSysTmUncSec %.9f GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u HaveSatAidInfo %u systm = %ld (%ld - %lu) , lstm = %ld = (%lu - %lu) / 1000 unc = %f GetTowMeas sv=%d count=%d err=%lu GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u GoodTowCnt %u TimeErr %lu SatAidTime %.9f RcvdSysTime %lu SatAidTimeStamp %lu SyncedTimeStamp %lu GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u TimeError %lu exceeds max allowable %lu GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u TimeNotConfirmed %lu exceeds max allowable Fail %lu Resetting to SEARCH because MAX_TIME_NOT_CONFIRMED_TOW_FAIL_AID_SEC GetTowMeas returns GLME_FRAME_NOT_SYNCED because error > MAX_TIME_ERROR_SEC GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u TimeNotConfirmed %lu exceeds max allowable Pass %lu Resetting to SEARCH because MAX_TIME_NOT_CONFIRMED_TOW_PASS_AID_SEC GetTowMeas returns GLME_FRAME_NOT_SYNCED because not confirmed time > MAX_TIME_NOT_CONFIRMED_TOW_PASS_AID_SEC GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u in 'do nothing' else block GetTowMeas: svid %u caller %u exiting EpochCnt %lu ObservedEpochCnt %lu RcvdSysTime %lu SyncedState %u returning %u GlMeFrameAidMgr::UpdateAiding bumping HOW index GlMeFrameAidMgr::FoundHOW %d %lu.%d %lu.%d %lu.%d %2ld %s SvId %u FllGoodWord %u FllReceived %u FllParity %u FllOverlap %u SvId %u PllGoodWord %u PllReceived %u PllParity %u PllOverlap %u FrameMgr[E,%02d,%02d,%02d,%08lx,%08lx,%02d,%02d,%c,%c,%08lx,%08lx,%08lx,%08lx] %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/include/glme_framemgr.h GlMeFrameMgr[F,%02d,%d] GlMeFrameMgr[L,%02d] GlMeFrameMgr::SendSubFrame: SvId %hu too many failures -> SetState(SEARCH) GlMeFrameMgr[DHSF,%02d,%d,%ld] GlMeFrameMgr[O,%02d,%d,%ld] GlMeFrameMgr::AddBestWord: SvId%02d GlMeFrameMgr::AddBestWord: WER %d %d %d Synced TOWLms updated to %lu GlMeFrameMgr[A,%02u,%ld,%02lu,%02d,%c,%c,%ld] %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx %d %d GlMeFrameMgr[L,%02d] %08lx GlMeFrameMgr::AddBestWord: SvId%02d bad HOW or TLM -> SetState(SEARCH) SvId=%d expected %ld <= %ld GlMeFrameMgr::Synced: SvId %hu GLME_DSPDATABIT_EPOCH_CNT_WILL_RESET -> SetState(SEARCH) GlMeFrameMgr::Update: SvId = %hu, state = SEARCH SYNCED UNKNOWN! GlMeFrameMgr[I,B,%02d,%c,%c,%3d,%ld] GlMeFrameMgr[S,%02d,%ld] GlMeFrameMgr[S,%02d,F,%3d,%ld] GlMeFrameMgr[S,%02d,P,%3d,%ld] GlMeFrameMgr::Search: SvId %hu GLME_DSPDATABIT_EPOCH_CNT_WILL_RESET -> SetState(SEARCH) otDataBits.m_ulEpochCnt = %lu Bits2Epochs(otDataBits.m_ucNumBits) = %lu ulPriorEpochCnt = %lu pstSearch->ulEpochCnt = %lu GlMeFrameMgr[L,%02d] GOT SYNC!!! Gotsync SvId(%u) TowLms %lu FirstBlock %ld, (databits %f epochcount %lu sync epoch cnt %lu tow(%lu) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/msmtmgr/glme_meas.cpp dBm SNR null pointer REJECTED accepted GetSigMeasForClockModel(%u) %s%s %.1f mode %u %s RAW prp .pk .PK .DC.BM .NV.BM .bl.bm .DOP .CPH .dop vtea..rdxc Slot[%hu] 0x%lu Meas{%u %u %0.3f} Time{%u %lu} %s:%s %s {%hu %u %0.3f%s} Slot[%hu] 0x0 DspMeas[%d] { %hd } SlotState Reconstructing epoch count for SvId%02d: Last known good epoch cnt = %lu timestampLs = %.12f dopplerPpb = %.3f Current timestampLs = %.12f deltaTimeSecs = %.9f doppler uncertainty (ppb) = %.3f assuming worst-case clock error (ppm) = %.3f Reconstructed epoch cnt = %lu UncMs = %.9f Epoch count uncertainty exceeds 0.5 millisecond - invalidating epoch count DCD NAV bm nbq BM tt TT bl BL Tow[%lu,%lu] SYSTEMTIME valid: %lu %lu SYSTEMTIME INVALID: %lu %lu F T < framesync %s,systime valid %s SvId%02d has Peak Valid but not Doppler. < TARGET:%f, MSMTTM:%.8f, PROP:%.8f, EC %lu, SYSTM:%lf /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/msmtmgr/glme_msmtholder.cpp GlMeMsmtHolder::SetDSPMeas(%d) MsmtMgr_AcqVsAssist:: SvId%02d INVALID MsmtMgr_AcqVsAssist:: SvId%02d skipped check, rejected measurement. SetDSPMeasXCorr Thresh %f SvId%02d SS %f dspframesync DSPFRAMESYNC subfrm SUBFRM frameoffset %.6f(%.6f) targettime=%lu relationship lms=%lu subframeinms=%lu %s FrameSynced %hu SigMeasEpoch %lu TowMeasEpoch %lu TowMeasRcvdSysTime %lu PropTime %hu TargetTimeLms %.6f MsmtTimeStampLms %.6f RcvdSysTime Path 1 Sv %hu RstLms %.6f RcvdSysTime Path 2 Sv %hu RstLms %.6f RemovedFrameSync systemtime SYSTEMTIME LSS UNKNOWN MODE1_HACQ PMM HSS MIXMODE MODE1_NOT_HACQ BIT2D SRCH_NONFOCAL SRCH_FOCAL SRCH_2DBIT TRK_PREBIT TRK_POSTBIT TRK_POSTFRAME TRK_WIPEOFF TRK_SNIFF ILLEGAL MODE! LOW NOTMEAS MED HIGH CORR ILLEGAL MULTIPATH TYPE! /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/msmtmgr/glme_msmtmgr.cpp DSPDataBits: FLL DSPDataBits: PLL Chan %u SvId %u NumBits %u EpochCnt %lu SystemTimeCnt %lu TimeStampLs %.9f Bits: %08lx Mags: ss SS cn CNO tmt TMT pk PK dop DOP cp CP ep EP bm BM bl nbq BL DCD NAV dup DUP xcorr XCORR <%s> <%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s> bit BIT tm TM GetGlnsBitAndTMInfoFromMeas SvId%02d LMS %lu %s %s GlMeMsmtMgr::UpdateTunnelDetector CurrTimeStampLms = %lu LastValidTimeStampLms = %lu TunCnt %hd InTun %hd CrossCorrelationSignalStrengthHistory %f LowTransitionCount sv%02d C/No:%hd %cLL.%c %s %d/%d/%d 0x%08lX:%08lX LowTransitionCount sv%02d C/No:%hd %cLL.%c %s %d/%d/%d 0x%08lX:%08lX:%08lX OK Unreliable TmDecodeDebug SvId %d SymPos %u EpCnt %lu SyncEpCnt %lu GetGlnsStrPhsInSym(%d) DspMeas(TimeLms=%lf, EpochCnt=%lu) Elapsed(TimeLms=%lf, EpochCnt=%lf,%ld) AcqWin(TimeLms=%lf, EpochCnt=%lu) ucGlnsStrPhsInSym=%u bStat=%c dup2ch RPN %d CH %d,Empty Duplicated buffer. SN m_otMeGpsDspMeasFlg.Add(%u) SetDSPMeasXCorr Thresh %f SvId%02d SS %f MeasureSubBitDebug LMS %lu SV %d BitOffset %d meas MeasureSubBitDebug LMS %lu SV %d BitOffset %d %d GOOD nope ST HacqMode1DspMeas SvId%02d %lf %i %f %f HacqMixModeDspMeas SvId%02d %lf %i %f %f F T GlMsmtMgr:: Using lower acquisition thresholds Size,m_otMeClkMeas,%u Size,m_otMeSigMeas,%u Size,m_otMsmtArray,%u Size,m_MeasSlotBuffer,%u Size,m_otMsmtWaasArray,%u Size,m_otMeFrameAidMgr,%u /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/msmtmgr/glme_waasframemgr.cpp WAASDATA SvId%02d:%d,%c,%08lX Send WAASDATA SvId%02d:%d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glmeasaidfilter/common/glme_receiver_parameters_logger.cpp ~ "~ (~ .~ 4~ :~ @~ F~ L~ R~ X~ ^~ ~ ~ H . ( ( ( H ~ ( H 2 GL_REQ_QUERY_CNTIN GL_REQ_QUERY_RQD_ASST_DATA GL_REQ_QUERY_SYNCIN GL_REQ_SINGLE_SHOT GL_REQ_PERIODIC GL_REQ_FACTORY_TEST GL_REQ_MEAS_SINGLE_SHOT GL_REQ_MEAS_PERIODIC GL_REQ_TIMER GL_REQ_COLLECT_EPH GL_REQ_QUERY_GPS_DATA GL_REQ_PLATFORM_TEST GL_REQ_GEOFENCE GL_REQ_BREADCRUMB /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glposeng/req_mgr/glrequest.cpp %s(%08lX) cb=(%c%c%c%c%c%c %c%c%c%c) PRN=%hd(%hd) items=%d mode=%d max_duration=%hd acc=%ld per=%lu timeout=%hd s_mask_acc%d=%ld s_mask_tout%d=%d acc=%ld tout=%hd per=%lu timeout=%hd Enh=%d Ctime=%d acc=%ld tout=%hd age=%hu acc=%ld tout=%hd Enh=%d Ctime=%d test=%d p0=%ld p1=%ld p2=%ld p3=%ld p4=%ld p5=%ld DurationSec=%ld data=0x%lx Warning: Requested accuracy is negative, using default instead. Warning: Requested accuracy too large, using 400m instead. Z GlSettings::SetWarmStandbyTimeoutsMs(%d, %d) GlSettings::SetAsstFlags(0x%08X) d > 0* - /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gltools_dev/project/make/../../src/gltools_impl.cpp Couldn't start new BRM job, BRM is already running Couldn't allocate memory for BrmEngine. The static memory is already in use. GlTools instance already exists. Couldn't allocate memory for GlToolsImpl. The static memory is already in use. Couldn't allocate memory for IrmEngine. The static memory is already in use. Couldn't deallocate memory for GlToolsImpl. Couldn't deallocate memory for GlToolsImpl. The static memory is not in use. Couldn't deallocate memory for BrmEngine. Couldn't deallocate memory for BrmEngine. The static memory is not in use. Couldn't deallocate memory for IrmEngine. Couldn't deallocate memory for IrmEngine. The static memory is not in use. %s:%d %s GlTools %s:%d %s |s r r Zr Br q q Xq Lq |q p Xp s 0w w w w Fw y JOB_STATE_INIT JOB_STATE_IDLE JOB_STATE_TASK_INIT JOB_STATE_START_REQ JOB_STATE_WAIT_4_STOP JOB_STATE_FINISHED UNKNOWN BRM: GlRequest::BrmReqOnGeofenceEvent() ERROR: Couldn't start new BRM job, BRM is already running req_brm BRM: GlRequest::MakePosReqPeriodic(%d, %d, %d) BRM: GlRequest::MakePosReqSingle(%d, %d, %d) BRM: GlRequest::MakeMeasReqSingle(%d, %d, false, %d) BRM: GlRequest::MakeMeasReqPeriodic(%d, %d, false, %d) BRM: GlRequest::MakeCntInReq() BRM: GlRequest::MakeAsstStatReq() BRM: GlRequest::MakeGetGpsDataReq(%d) BRM: GlRequest::MakeFactTestReq(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) BRM: GlRequest::MakePlatformTestReq(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) BRM: GlRequest::MakeFreqScanReq(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d) BRM: GlRequest::MakeGeofenceReq(%.6f, %.6f, %.1f) BRM: GlRequest::MakeBreadcrumbReq() XML: This very long string should corrupt the stack BRM: GlRequest::BrmReqOnMeas() BRM: GlRequest::OnAsstStatus() BRM: GlRequest::OnGpsData() BRM: GlRequest::OnFactTest() BRM: GlRequest::OnStop() $PGLOR,0,BRM,STOP $PGLOR,0,BRM,START,%s,%d,%d,%s,%d,%d ERROR: Couldn't generate NMEA sentence for BRM,START ---TASK---<%s-%s>---TASK---|%d of %d| ASSERT /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gltools_dev/project/make/../../src/nmea_brm.cpp ASSERT(0!=strcmp("ASSERT", pJob->acJobId)) failed CRASH STACK ERROR: BrmProcessEvent(): unknown state %d ASSERT(!pJob) failed ---TASK---<%s-%s>---TASK---|%d of %d| sleep %dms BRM: GlRequest::OnStart() ERROR: BRM: GlRequest::OnStart(%d) p ^ ~ l Z H 6 $ IRM CNTIN %d %.1f %.1f CNTIN Calibrated %0.1fppb (+/-%0.1fppb) unknown CNTIN Error[%d]: "%s" IRM: GlRequest::MakeBreadcrumbReq() /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gltools_dev/project/make/../../src/nmea_irm.cpp ASSERT(pRequest) failed ASSERT(glTools) failed OnSyncInLatched::NTP Failed maybe NTP Server not Ready! IrmReqOnStop() , reload IRM: Reload LTO on off true lat lon radius IRM: GlRequest::MakeGeofenceReq([%f,%f],%.1f) IRM: IRM_FLIGHT_MODE,1 IRM: IRM_FLIGHT_MODE,0 unc PPS OFF PPS ON timeout IRM: GlRequest::MakeSyncInReq() alm IRM: GlRequest::MakeGetGpsDataReq() IrmReqOnGpsData() Lat %f illegal Lon Alt HorAcc VerAcc AgeSec %lu missing IRM: IrmSetAid_pos %s parameter "%s" = "%s" IRM: IrmSetAid_pos %0.6f,%0.6f,%0.1f [%0.1f,%0.1f] %d = %d offst_ppb %ld unc_ppb offst_age_sec IRM: IrmSetAid_freq +%lus grow_ppb IRM: IrmSetAid_freq %ldppb IRM: IrmSetAid_freq %s parameter "%s" = "%s" IRM: IrmSetAid_freq %ldppb +/- %huppb IRM: IrmSetAid_freq +/-%huppb pos freq IRM: IrmSetAid %s aiding "%s" IRM: GlRequest::MakeAsstStatReq() IrmReqOnStart() IRM: IrmStartFactory prn duration_sec avg_int_sec GL_FACT_TEST_MODE GL_FACT_TEST_ITEMS IRM: prn=%d,duration_sec=%d,avg_int_sec=%d,mode=%d,items=%d IRM: GlRequest::MakeFactTestReq() IrmReqOnFactTest() rtc_error_ms pos_error pos_age_sec osc_age_sec osc_unc_ppb week tow unc_ms IRMSetRefTime:: WN=%d TOW=%ld %s%lu UNC_MS= IRMSetRefTime:: Incorrect formatting flagsRcvd %d low medium normal IRM: GlRequest::MakeCollectEph() IRM: GlRequest::MakeCntInReq() period fixcount validfix acc IRM_perMeas IRM: GlRequest::MakeMeasReqPeriodic() IrmMeas(%s) %d = { %d Periodic Single PeriodicTimeOutSec IRM_per IRM: GlRequest::MakePosReqPeriodic() IrmReqOnResponse() IRM:ssMeas(%ds) IRM: GlRequest::MakeMeasReqSingle() IRM:ss(%ds) IRM: GlRequest::MakePosReqSingle() $pglirm req_arm_syncin req_pos_single req_pos req_meas_single req_meas req_cntin req_collect_eph stop quit abort clear req_aid set_aid req_gps_data factory startup pwm pps cpu ref_time fix_status lto clk_unc_change supl_ni flight_mode req_geofence req_breadcrumb $pglirm, . Expect "$pglirm" IRM: [%s] CMD%s IRM: IRM_CMD_START_POS_SINGLE IRM: IRM_CMD_START_POS_PERIODIC IRM: IRM_CMD_START_MEAS_SINGLE IRM: IRM_CMD_START_MEAS_PERIODIC IRM: IRM_CMD_START_CNTIN IRM: IRM_CMD_START_COLLECT_EPH IRM: IRM_CMD_ARM_SYNCIN_CAPTURE IRM: IRM_CMD_STOP all IRM: req not found IRM: IRM_CMD_FACTORY IRM: IRM_REQ_AID IRM: IRM_SET_AID IRM: IRM_REQ_GPS_DATA IRM: IRM_STARTUP IRM: IRM_CMD_CLEAR IRM: IRM_CMD_ABORT IRM: IRM_CMD_QUIT IRM: IRM_PWM IRM: IRM_PPS IRM: IRM_CPU IRM: IRM_SET_REF_TIME IRM: IRM_SET_FIX_STATUS IRM: IRM_CMD_LTO IRM: IRM_CLOCK_UNC_CHANGE IRM: IRM_CMD_START_GEOFENCE IRM: IRM_CMD_START_BREADCRUMB IRM: Unknown cmd ignore_pos ignore_nav ignore_time ignore_ram_alm ignore_osc ignore_lto ignore_rom_alm Not used OK Frequency out of range No input frequency HAL unresponsive Frequency unreliable UtcData IonoData PosQual TimeData Eph_GPS_Data Alm_SBAS_Data ERROR: BRM: OnPlatformTest() %lu errors BRM: OnPlatformTest() BRM: GlRequest::NmeaReqOnMeas(%d, %u, %u, %u, %u) BRM: GlRequest::NmeaReqOnMeas(NULL) ERROR: NmeaReqOnStart(0x%x,%d) fail ERROR: No NMEA stream found ERROR: Request listener could not be created Alm_ _Data <%s id="%d" toa="%d" health="%hu"/> <%s/> <%s> %s> %s[%d] ,%d NmeaReqOnAsstStatus() ERROR: Couldn't create Nmea Stream '%s' BE ALM LTO CBEE GPS SBAS GLONASS QZSS 0123456789ABCDEFn $ 8 n ( > R p J $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ B $ p d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 n x > 6 6 n n l l n n D ( ( J J > > > > > > > > > \ 4 H n n Z Z D D * * z z j J Z 6 6 " " r r d d P P D D 6 6 * * J J \ R H > 4 ^ 0 0 0 x R B & & | f P : p p H H X X 0 0 | ^ ^ @ @ | | ^ ^ @ @ " " d d D D $ $ v ^ F f f B B z z R R * * @ @ " h | 8 P D , , , , Z , V V ! = ignore_ Ignore ignore_pos IgnorePosition ignore_nav IgnoreNav ignore_time IgnoreTime ignore_ram_alm IgnoreRamAlm ignore_osc IgnoreOsc ignore_lto IgnoreBadLtoList ignore_rom_alm IgnoreRomAlm ignore_iono IgnoreIono ignore_utc IgnoreUtc ignore_osc_if_bad_uid IgnoreOscIfBadUid ignore_eeim IgnoreEeim ignore_terrain IgnoreTerrain ignore_calibration IgnoreCalibration delete_ Delete delete_pos DeletePosition delete_nav DeleteNav DeleteTime true asst_ AsstIgnore asst_ignore_time AsstIgnoreTime asst_ignore_precise_time AsstIgnorePreciseTime asst_ignore_pos AsstIgnorePosition asst_ignore_eph AsstIgnoreEphemeris asst_ignore_glns_eph AsstIgnoreGlonassEphemeris asst_ignore_alm AsstIgnoreAlm asst_ignore_glns_alm AsstIgnoreGlonassAlm asst_ignore_iono AsstIgnoreIono asst_ignore_utc AsstIgnoreUtc asst_ignore_acq AsstIgnoreAcquisitionAssistance asst_ignore_rti AsstIgnoreRti asst_ignore_sens AsstIgnoreSensor asst_ignore_fix AsstIgnoreFix asst_ignore_lto AsstIgnoreLto asst_ignore_cbee AsstIgnoreCbee asst_ignore_all AsstIgnoreAll GPS= GLONASS= SBAS= QZSS= *** INIT: Asst cnt %d *** INIT: Task "%s-%s" cnt %d *** INIT: Job "%s" *** SYNPARSER: %c=%d in file %s line(%u) col(%u) %s SPA error SPA ncoh out of range SPA IntSec out of range SPA RBW out of range SPA RBW must come before VBW SPA VBW out of range SPA coh must come before VBW SPA coh out of range unknown format "%s" token parameter wrong size (line %d) %f %hd %d %ld %lu %s 1 false 0 token parameter %s failed %lx GLL freeze agc missed attrib value s GLL notch filter missed attrib value gps glonass disabled StopAfter missed attrib value l PlatformTestReq missed attrib value SerialStressTest TaskReq missed attrib value h u b f aid_mask missed attrib value TaskFarStart missed attrib value TaskFeature missed attrib value TaskStartup missed attrib value TaskAsst missed attrib value d Field "offst_age_sec" is negative Task missed attrib value BRM is disabled Job missed attrib value GLL HA REMAP missed attrib value GLL missed attrib value /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gltools_dev/project/make/../../src/xml_parser.cpp ASSERT(pGllConfig->etRfType != GL_RF_UNKNOWN) failed ASSERT(pGllConfig->etFreqPlan != FRQ_PLAN_UNKNOWN) failed ASSERT(0) failed ASSERT(!bError) failed true, DISABLED, HW, SW, HAL missed attrib value parse string is too long.Increase internal buf parse string is read unexpected attribute (1) "%s" *** : Addtl %d "%s" (idx=%d,len=%d) in file %s line(%u) col(%u) Addtl missed attribute *** : Attr %d "%s" (idx=%d,len=%d) in file %s line(%u) col(%u) *** : Data %d "%s" (idx=%d,len=%d) in file %s line(%u) col(%u) unexpected attribute (2) "%s" missed glgps token id=" Id=" %s token %s="%s" is skipped Too many entries attribute "%s" missing %s token "%s" appeared too many times. %s token "%s" is not supported error in XML token *** %s: Token %d = "%s" (len=%d) in file %s line(%u) col(%u) unexpected token Couldn't allocate memory for TSynLevel. The static memory is already in use. Couldn't deallocate memory for TSynLevel. The static memory is not in use. ?xml glgps job hal gll pos position gps_time freq frequency time asst assistance startup features far_start task stop_after req_pos_single req_pos req_meas_single req_meas req_asst req_ftest req_cntin req_bench gll_features periodic_hor_acc_remap remap req_gll_data req_freq_scan req_geofence req_breadcrumb aid_mask notch_filter agc_freeze req_platform_test AcPortName acPortName AcBaudRate lBaudRate AcNmeaOutName acNmeaOutName AcLogEnabled cLogEnabled AcLogDirectory acLogDirectory AcLogFileName acLogFileName AcLtoDir acLtoDir LtoFileName ltoFileName AcNvStoDir acNvStoDir AcNvStoName acNvStoName AcEEDir acEEDir AcEEFileName acEEFileName AcAlmFile acAlmFile SuplLogFullName acSuplLogFullName AcSuppressNvmemWrite cSuppressNvmemWrite RfType FrqPlan LogPriMask LogFacMask AdsSyncInMode AdsSyncInUncUsec AdsUplinkTmOffMs RfAtt PmmPercent PadNum PpsEnable pps-enable PpsOffsetMs pps-offset-ms PpsOffsetNs pps-offset-ns PpsWidthNs pps-width-ns PpsMaxUncertaintyNs pps-max-uncertainty-ns PpsOscDriftPpb pps-osc-drift-ppb NvmemWritePeriodMs nvmem-write-period-ms CountInOffsetPpb count-in-offset-ppb BurstMode burst-mode ConfigParameters config_parameters DynMode LtoCbeeQatest lto-cbee-qatest PlatformSpecificFlag PeriodicTimeOutSec Wait4UserTimeoutSeconds WarmStandbyTimeout1Seconds WarmStandbyTimeout2Seconds PsfSignalStrength psf-signal-strength PsfClockVariationModel psf-clock-variation-model PsfEnableLowerDetectionThresholds psf-enable-lower-detection-thresholds PsfExpectLargeClockOffset psf-expect-large-clock-offset PsfEnableAnalogIfOutput psf-enable-analog-if-output PsfEnablePedVdr psf-enable-ped-vdr PsfEarlyMeasurements psf-early-measurements PsfEnableLeastSquares psf-enable-least-squares PsfEnableWideBinning psf-enable-wide-binning PsfDerateTimeAiding psf-derate-time-aiding PsfCwFtsWide psf-cw-fts-wide PsfRecoverJobsUponBadTime psf-recover-jobs-upon-bad-time PsfStrictAssert psf-strict-assert PsfNotConnected psf-not-connected PsfDisableClamping psf-disable-clamping ExtGlnsBias PsfTimingApplication FlowControl DebugStrict AsicDacEnabled PrecTimerEnabled In Out Id id Repeat repeat EnableRandomSleepBetweenIterations RandomSleepSecondsBetweenIterations Lat Lon Alt HorAcc VerAcc AgeSec WeekNum TowMs OffsetPpb offst_ppb UncertaintyPpb unc_ppb OffsetAgeSec offst_age_sec Week week Tow tow RtcErrorMs rtc_error_ms PositionError pos_error PositionAgeSec pos_age_sec OscOffsetPpb osc_offset_ppb OscAgeSec osc_age_sec OscUncPpb osc_unc_ppb EnableLowPowerPmm enable_low_power EnableLowPowerEls EnableStitching enable_stitching EnableFalseAlarms enable_false_alarms EnableHahmMode enable_hahm_mode EnablePropagate1s enable_propagate1s EnableLowPowerExt enable_low_power_ext HighestElevation highest_elevation EnableLowPowerTestMode enable_low_power_test_mode EnableFlightMode enable_flight_mode EnableLtoUpdateCalibration enable_lto_update_calibration EnableLowPowerGlolp EnableLowPowerPedestrian Enabled enabled TrustPositionForSec trust_pos_for_sec ClearPositionAfterSec clear_pos_after_sec TestPeriodSec period_in_sec TestDurationSec duration_in_sec BE ALM LTO CBEE CAL MEAS Timeout timeout AccuracyMask acc Prn PRN FactoryTestItems GL_FACT_TEST_ITEMS FactoryTestMode GL_FACT_TEST_MODE Period period FixCount fixcount ValidFixes validfix DurationSec duration_sec AveragingIntervalSec avg_int_sec GsvRate gsv_rate PreferCoarseTime prefer_coarse_time Age age Data data InitL1OffsetHz init_freq EndL1OffsetHz end_freq StepFreqHz step_freq AcquisitionTimeUs acq_time_us Band band Fcn FCN FenceLatitude FenceLongitude FenceRadius Type TestIdHex TxPacketsPerSecond RxPacketsPerSecond PatternId TxLength RxLength Pattern AllParameters ResolutionBandwidthHz VideoBandwidthHz CoherentMs NoncoherentCount Freq Mode LoopCoefficient Value GL_FACT_TEST_ONCE GL_FACT_TEST_CONT GL_FACT_TEST_CW GL_FACT_TEST_CN0 GL_FACT_TEST_FRQ GL_FACT_TEST_WER GL_FACT_TEST_ACQ GL_GPS_DATA_NAV GL_GPS_DATA_ALM GL_GPS_DATA_TIME GL_GPS_DATA_POS GL_GPS_DATA_IONO GL_GPS_DATA_UTC GL_SBAS_DATA_ALM GL_GLONASS_DATA_ALM GL_QZSS_DATA_ALM GL_FACT_TEST_BAND_GPS GL_FACT_TEST_BAND_GLONASS GL_RF_UNKNOWN GL_RF_PALS7 GL_RF_BARRACUDA GL_RF_2075_LN22 GL_RF_2075_BRCM GL_RF_2076_BRCM GL_RF_2076_BRCM_EXT_LNA GL_RF_PALS7_BRCM GL_RF_PALS7_4751 GL_RF_BARRACUDA_BRCM GL_RF_BARRACUDA_EXT_LNA GL_RF_BARRACUDA_BRCM_EXT_LNA GL_RF_4751_BLUEFIN GL_RF_4751_DANUBE GL_RF_4751_DANUBE_EXT_LNA GL_RF_2075_ALADDIN GL_RF_2075B0_BRCM GL_RF_47511_BRCM GL_RF_47511_BLUEFIN GL_RF_47511_BRCM_EXT_LNA GL_RF_4752_BRCM GL_RF_4752_BRCM_EXT_LNA FRQ_PLAN_UNKNOWN FRQ_PLAN_10MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_12MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_13MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_14_4MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_15_36MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_16_2MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_16_367667MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_16_369MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_19_2MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_19_68MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_19_8MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_20MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_33_6MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_38_4MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_52MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_10MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_367667MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_369MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM_13MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_19_2MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_19_6608MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_19_2MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_38_4MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_52MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_33_6MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_100PPB FRQ_PLAN_10MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_367667MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_369MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_369MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM_13MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_16_8MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_19_2MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_13MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_1_625MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_26MHZ_2PPM_38_4MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_33_6MHZ_2PPM_26MHZ_300PPB FRQ_PLAN_10MHZ_2PPM_10MHZ_500PPB FRQ_PLAN_12_655MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_18_26MHZ_2PPM FRQ_PLAN_25_31MHZ_2PPM LOG_EMERG LOG_ALERT LOG_CRIT LOG_ERR LOG_WARNING LOG_NOTICE LOG_INFO LOG_DEBUG LOG_EMERGENCY LOG_CRITICAL LOG_ERROR LOG_GLLIO LOG_GLLAPI LOG_NMEA LOG_RAWDATA LOG_ASIC_IO LOG_RF_DEBUG LOG_BBTEST LOG_UNITTEST LOG_DEVAK LOG_DEVCV LOG_DEVET LOG_DEVJG LOG_DEVIA LOG_DEVKF LOG_DEVMR LOG_DEVMS LOG_DEVSP LOG_DEVPM LOG_DEVDH LOG_DEVRA LOG_DEVRS LOG_DEVVG LOG_USR1 LOG_USR2 LOG_USR3 LOG_USR4 LOG_USR5 LOG_INTEGR LOG_SENS LOG_DEFAULT_FULL LOG_DEFAULT DYN_AUTOMATIC DYN_PEDESTRIAN DYN_VEHICLE REFERENCE HIGH LOW PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_REFERENCE PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_HIGH PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_LOW PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UNUSED_3 PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UNUSED_4 PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UNUSED_5 PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UNUSED_6 PSF_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UNUSED_7 MEDIUM PSF_CLOCK_VARIATION_REFERENCE PSF_CLOCK_VARIATION_MEDIUM PSF_CLOCK_VARIATION_HIGH PSF_CLOCK_VARIATION_UNUSED_3 DISABLED GPS GLONASS PSF_ANALOG_IF_OUTPUT_DISABLED PSF_ANALOG_IF_OUTPUT_GPS PSF_ANALOG_IF_OUTPUT_GLONASS PSF_ANALOG_IF_OUTPUT_UNUSED_3 PSF_NO_INFO PSF_LOWER_DETECTION_THRESHOLDS PSF_EXPECT_LARGE_CLOCK_OFFSET PSF_PEDESTRIAN_VDR_ALLOWED PSF_EARLY_MEASUREMENTS PSF_ENABLE_LSQ PSF_ENABLE_WIDE_BINNING PSF_HEX PSF_STRICT_ASSERT PSF_DISABLE_CLAMPING PSF_TIMING_APPLICATION GL_RF_ATT_DISABLED GL_RF_ATT_3DB GL_RF_ATT_6DB GL_RF_ATT_9DB GL_RF_ATT_12DB GL_RF_ATT_15DB GL_RF_ATT_18DB in" and "out out in ERR END START CHAR ERROR !-- DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, SOME STRING DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING Runtime < 2 sec. Abort run. Please re-run and enter larger number of loops. Dhrystone( %s) time for %ld passes = %7.1lf Register option selected? NO This machine benchmarks at %10.1lf dhrystones/second ARM MIPS rating = %10.3lf Dhrystone Benchmark, Version 1.1 (Language: C) Register option not selected. Number of loops: %ld Runtime (sec): %8.1lf Dhrystones/sec: %10.1lf ARM MIPS rating: %10.3lf %s %24.17f %9.3f %9.3f %s %24.17f %9.3f%9.3f ########################################## %s Precision C/C++ Whetstone Benchmark Double Calibrate %11.2f Seconds %10.0lf Passes (x 100) Use %d passes (x 100) %s Precision C/C++ Whetstone Benchmark Loop content Result MFLOPS MOPS Seconds MWIPS %39.3f%20.3f Wrong answer Results to load to spreadsheet MWIPS Mflops1 Mflops2 Mflops3 Cosmops Expmops Fixpmops Ifmops Eqmops Results to load to spreadsheet %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f 2 > 8 & , l f ` Z T N r & . 6 > F N V marshal_gps_delete_aiding_data marshal_agps_ril_set_ref_location marshal_gps_start gps_release_wakelock_cb agps_ril_request_setid marshal_gps_stop gps_status_cb gps_acquire_wakelock_cb marshal_agps_set_server marshal_agps_data_conn_failed marshal_agps_ril_update_network_availability gps_xtra_download_request_cb gps_set_capabilities_cb SendGpsExtensionMessage gps_sv_status_cb marshal_gps_inject_location marshal_agps_data_conn_closed agps_status_cb GPSD LIBGPS IPC Connection with libgps has been established IPC Connection closed by libgps. Restarting GPS daemon... gpsd GpsiServer is already initialized /data/.gps.interface.pipe.to_gpsd /data/.gps.interface.pipe.to_jni Couldn't initialize ipcTransport Couldn't initialize ipcDispatcher m_ipcDispatcher.SetMessageHandler failed gps-xtra gps-debug agps gps-ni agps_ril IPC Communication Error, %s:%d %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gps_interface/gpsi_server/GpsiServer.cpp ASSERT(%s) false %sGPSE_MSG(%d, %p, %u, %d, %d, %p); GPSIS.OUT. AGPS_RIL_NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI AGPS_RIL_NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE AGPS_RIL_NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_MMS AGPS_RIL_NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE_SUPL AGPS_RIL_NETWORK_TTYPE_MOBILE_DUN AGPS_RIL_NETWORK_TTYPE_MOBILE_HIPRI AGPS_RIL_NETWORK_TTYPE_WIMAX UNKNOWN %sagps_ril_update_network_state(%d, %s(%d), %d, "%s"); GPSIS.INP. %sagps_ril_update_network_state(%d, %s(%d), %d, NULL); %sgps_start(); %sgps_cleanup(); %sagps_data_conn_closed(); %sgps_stop(); %sagps_data_conn_failed(); %sgps_request_utc_time_cb(); %sgps_release_wakelock_cb(); %sgps_xtra_download_request_cb(); %sgps_acquire_wakelock_cb(); %sgps_inject_location(%f, %f, %f); %sgps_inject_time(%lld, %lld, %d); %sgps_init(); m_pOnGpsExtensionMessage | %s%d,%d,%d,%d %sgps_sv_status_cb(NULL); %sgps_sv_status_cb(n=%d, used_mask=0x%08X, prn/snr/elevation/azimuth={%s}); %sagps_data_conn_open("%s"); %sagps_data_conn_open(NULL); %sagps_ril_update_network_availability(%d, "%s"); %sagps_ril_update_network_availability(%d, NULL); GPS_NI_RESPONSE_DENY GPS_NI_RESPONSE_ACCEPT GPS_NI_RESPONSE_NORESP %sgps_ni_respond(%d, %s(%d)); %sgps_xtra_inject_xtra_data(%d); %sgps_xtra_inject_xtra_data(%p, %d); %sgps_ni_notify_cb(notification_id=%d, ni_type=%u, notify_flags=%u, timeout=%d, default_response=%d, requestor_id="%s", text="%s", requestor_id_encoding=%d, text_encoding=%d, extras="%s"); %sgps_ni_notify_cb(NULL); AGPS_TYPE_C2K AGPS_TYPE_SUPL NULL %sagps_set_server(%s(%d), "%s", %d); | AGPS_RIL_REQUEST_REFLOC_CELLID | AGPS_RIL_REQUEST_REFLOC_MAC %sagps_ril_request_refloc(0x%X = 0%s%s); %sagps_ril_request_refloc(0); | AGPS_RIL_REQUEST_SETID_IMSI | AGPS_RIL_REQUEST_SETID_MSISDN %sagps_ril_request_setid(0x%X = 0%s%s); %sagps_ril_request_setid(0); | GPS_CAPABILITY_SCHEDULING | GPS_CAPABILITY_MSB | GPS_CAPABILITY_MSA | GPS_CAPABILITY_SINGLE_SHOT %sgps_set_capabilities_cb(0x%08X = 0%s%s%s%s); AGPS_SETID_TYPE_IMSI AGPS_SETID_TYPE_NONE AGPS_SETID_TYPE_MSISDN %sagps_ril_set_set_id(%s(%d), "%s"); %sagps_ril_set_set_id(%s(%d), NULL); GPS_STATUS_SESSION_BEGIN GPS_STATUS_NONE GPS_STATUS_SESSION_END GPS_STATUS_ENGINE_ON GPS_STATUS_ENGINE_OFF %sgps_status_cb(%s[%d]); %sgps_status_cb(NULL); %sagps_ril_ni_message("%s", %d); %sagps_ril_ni_message(%p, %d); | GPS_LOCATION_HAS_LAT_LONG | GPS_LOCATION_HAS_ALTITUDE | GPS_LOCATION_HAS_SPEED | GPS_LOCATION_HAS_BEARING | GPS_LOCATION_HAS_ACCURACY %sgps_location_cb(0x%04X = 0%s%s%s%s%s, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %lld); %sgps_location_cb(NULL); GPS_RELEASE_AGPS_DATA_CONN GPS_REQUEST_AGPS_DATA_CONN GPS_AGPS_DATA_CONNECTED GPS_AGPS_DATA_CONN_DONE GPS_AGPS_DATA_CONN_FAILED %sagps_status_cb(%s(%u), %s(%u)); %sagps_status_cb(NULL); %sgps_delete_aiding_data(0x%04X = GPS_DELETE_ALL); | GPS_DELETE_EPHEMERIS | GPS_DELETE_ALMANAC | GPS_DELETE_POSITION | GPS_DELETE_TIME | GPS_DELETE_IONO | GPS_DELETE_UTC | GPS_DELETE_HEALTH | GPS_DELETE_SVDIR | GPS_DELETE_SVSTEER | GPS_DELETE_SADATA | GPS_DELETE_RTI | GPS_DELETE_CELLDB_INFO %sgps_delete_aiding_data(0x%04X = 0%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s); GPS_POSITION_MODE_MS_BASED GPS_POSITION_MODE_STANDALONE GPS_POSITION_MODE_MS_ASSISTED GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_SINGLE GPS_POSITION_RECURRENCE_PERIODIC %sgps_set_position_mode(%s(%u), %s(%u), %u, %u, %u); AGPS_REF_LOCATION_TYPE_GSM_CELLID AGPS_REF_LOCATION_TYPE_UMTS_CELLID %sagps_ril_set_ref_location(%s(%d) = {type:%d, mcc:%d, mnc:%d, lac:%d, cid:%u}, %u); %sagps_ril_set_ref_location(%s(%d) = {%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X}, %u); AGPS_REG_LOCATION_TYPE_MAC %sagps_ril_set_ref_location(%p = %s(%d), %u); %sagps_ril_set_ref_location(NULL, %u); GpsInterface is NULL Unknown message %d gps_location_cb marshal_gps_xtra_inject_xtra_data marshal_gps_inject_time marshal_gps_ni_respond marshal_agps_data_conn_open marshal_gps_set_position_mode marshal_agps_ril_ni_message marshal_agps_ril_set_set_id marshal_gps_cleanup HandleGpsExtensionMessage gps_request_utc_time_cb HandleIncomingMessage gps_nmea_cb gps_ni_notify_cb agps_ril_request_refloc marshal_agps_ril_update_network_state marshal_gps_init Init CALL_SENTRY: %s took %lu ms (from%lu to %lu) (log=%lu,%lu,%lu), start: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d gpsd /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gps_interface/gpsi_common/CallSentry.cpp ASSERT(%s) false WriteData HandleIncomingMessage HandleIncomingMessage OnOpen HandleIncomingMessage RestartConnection Out of range error in IpcDispatcher::GetMessageHandler(serverId=%u) gpsd Out of range error in IpcDispatcher::SetMessageHandler(serverId=%u, ...) Couldn't allocate %u bytes for IpcSmartBuffer, %s:%d %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/ipc.cpp close(fd%d) returned error %d, errno = %d Can not get the file descriptor's flags, errno=%d. Can not set FD_CLOEXEC option, errno=%d. Can not set O_NONBLOCK option, errno=%d. mkfifo(%s, %d) returned error, errno = %d(%s), %d ASSERT(%s) false Can't open named pipe %s for %s, errno = %d (%s) write %s: Cannot communicate (write) with a %s %s => %s: write(fd%d, data, %d) returned %d, errno = %d %s: Non-atomic operations are prohibited for this pipe. IPC Communication Error, %s:%d %s %s: Cannot communicate (read) with a %s %s => %s: read(fd%d, data, %d) returned %d, errno = %d %s: Can't close read fd of named pipe. %s: Can't close write fd of named pipe. %s: Can not create pipe, errno=%d. %s: Can not set pipe non-blocking, errno=%d. Can not open IPC communication channel. SetBufferSize WriteData ReadData OnOpen /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/SelectManager.cpp ASSERT(%s) false MAX_FD_RECORDS exceeded select(%d, ...) returned error %d, errno = %d Error in SelectManager::AddSelectHandler: the handler is already registered gpsd Can not add new Select Handler Connect Close OnSslHandshake(fd%d, %s:%s) OnTcpConnect(fd%d, %s:%s) Connection::WriteToBuffer(fd%d, %u) Socket buffer is full. Couldn't allocate %d bytes for connection's write buffer. Connection is not established, cannot perform Write(). /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/Connection.cpp ASSERT(%s) m_writeBuf && m_writeBufPos <= m_writeBufSize SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ EAGAIN write EINTR SSL_write %s(%d, buf, %u) returned %d, errno=%s. %s(%d, buf, %u) returned %d, errno=%d. SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE Single thread usage verification failed in %s:%d %s gpsd /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/VerifySingleThreadUsage.h false %s(fd=%d, rd=%d, wr=%d, err=%d, user_data) Connection::OnSelect getsockopt(%d, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, valopt) returned %d, errno=%d Couldn't connect to %s:%s, connection refused. Couldn't connect to %s:%s, network is unreachable. Couldn't connect to %s:%s, errno=%d. SSL_new failed, errno=%d. SSL_set_fd(%p, %d) failed, errno=%d SSL_connect(%d) returned %d, ssl_connect_error=%d, errno=%d. Connection::WriteFromBuffer(fd%d, %d) Can not perform Connect(). Connection is already in use, close it first. Can not perform Connect(). Resolve() failed. Connection is not established, cannot perform Read() Connection closed by peer read SSL_read close(fd%d) returned error %d, errno = %d Connection::OnResolved() Can not create socket descriptor, errno=%d. Binding fd=%d to device "%s" Binding fd=%d to the device "%s" failed...%d(%s) Can not get the file descriptor's flags, errno=%d. Can not set O_NONBLOCK option, errno=%d. Read Write OnSelect ProvideFdListForSelect HandleIncomingMessage SetFqdn SOCK_DGRAM SOCK_STREAM SOCK_RAW SOCK_RDM SOCK_SEQPACKET SOCK_PACKET UNKNOWN Dns instance is already initialized, %s:%d %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/Dns.cpp Dns::%s(this=%p) Dns instance is not initialized, %s:%d %s IPC Communication Error, %s:%d %s Dns::%s(this=%p, name=%s, port=%d) Using getaddrinfo() to lookup DNS name %s:%s. %s:%d: DNS query finished: err-code=%d(%s) AF_INET6 AF_INET %s: ai_flags=%d, ai_family=%s(%d), ai_socktype=%s(%d), ai_protocol=%d, ai_addrlen=%u, sin_family=%s(%d), sin_port=%d, address=%s %s: ai_flags=%d, ai_family=%s(%d), ai_socktype=%s(%d), ai_protocol=%d, ai_addrlen=%u %s: Couldn't resolve ip=%s:%s Dns thread is already running error creating thread %d(%s) %d ASSERT(%s) !m_pDnsEvents || m_pDnsEvents == pDnsEvents %s: %p->OnResolved(sin_family=%s(%d), sin_port=%d, address=%s) 0 DNS Name was resolved but not used: %s:%d %s: %p->OnResolved() %s: %p->OnResolved(NULL) dns_thread_proc Resolve Init ProvideFdListForSelect Disarm OnSelect Error in TimerManager::Arm(), MAX_TIMERS limit exceeded Single thread usage verification failed in %s:%d %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/TimerManager.cpp gpsd /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/VerifySingleThreadUsage.h ASSERT(%s) false Invalid timer handle %d Arm pthread_create() returned %d, errno = %d gpsd Can't start thread which is already started, tid = %d Can't join to thread which was never started. pthread_join returned %d for tid = %d, errno = %d v& |& & & & & & j& p& SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN SSL_ERROR_NONE SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL SSL_ERROR_SSL UNKNOWN %s ssl_error = %s(%d) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../ipc/SslLib.cpp Error: SSL ThreadsLockingCallback type %d, but MAX is %d. /proc/self/exe Error resolving symlink /proc/self/exe. %s: Path too long. Truncated. %s: mkdir(%s) failed: name is too long %s: mkdir(%s) failed: errno = %d %s: Couldn't create fifo. Existing file "%s" is not fifo. %s: mkfifo(%s, %d) returned %d %s: close(fd%d) returned error %d, errno = %d Cannot get the file descriptor's flags, errno=%d. Cannot set FD_CLOEXEC option, errno=%d. %s: Cannot get the file descriptor's flags, errno=%d. %s: Cannot set O_NONBLOCK option, errno=%d. write read %s: Can't open named pipe %s for %s, errno = %d OpenFifo: Created new fifo [%s]. OpenFifo: Cannot create new fifo [%s]. Error [%s] Try to adjust path value of [acNmeaOutName] and/or [ctrlPipe] in gpsconfig.xml OpenFifo: Existing file "%s" is not fifo. OpenFifo: Opened "%s" OpenFifo: "%s" need a reader before open will succeed IRM named pipe '%s' was successfully opened for read /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/glgps_hal_cmd.cpp ASSERT(%s) rest > 0 read(iCmdFd, buf + %d, %d) returned %d dataSize <= MAX_GL_COMM_PACKET_IN CTRL: %s IRM: %s len <= MAX_GL_COMM_PACKET_IN , $pglirm IRM: Wrong NMEA address field: "%s", expected: $pglirm gpsd set_config IRM: Unsupported configuration parameter: "%s" IRM Parse error: empty parameter name start_brm IRM Parse error in start_brm: empty BRM file name IRM Parse error in start_brm: empty BRM job name Failed to read BRM file. stop_brm IRM: Stop BRM assert IRM: assert false asic skip read 0 IRM: asic skip read %d IRM: asic skip write %d damage IRM: asic damage read %d IRM: asic damage write %d IRM Parse error: unsupported asic command name [%s] IRM: too big cmd message, max allowed size is %d GpsHalNmeaOpen: NMEA capacity exceeded GpsHalNmeaClose : closed fd=%d GpsHalNmeaClose: Attempt to close not opened NMEA fifo GpsHalNmeaWrite: [cat %s] to read NMEA and continue [cat %s] to stream out NMEA GpsHalNmeaWrite: %s not ready for writing. GpsHalNmeaWrite: Attempt to write to not opened NMEA fifo Serial_Errors: %sTXcrc %d , %sTXseq %d %sRXcrc %d %sRXseq %d %sRXmal %d TX%d[%d] RX%d[%d] /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/glgps_hal_init.cpp ASSERT(%s) false acLogDir 1: %s acLtoDir 1: %s EINVAL ? ENOMEM gpsd pthread_setspecific(key, %p) returned error %d(%s) ASSERT in %s:%d: %s %s mkdir(%s) failed: name is too long gpsd mkdir(%s) failed: errno = %d GpsHalNvStgOpenRead GpsHalNvStgWrite GpsHalNvStgOpenWrite Attempt to write to not opened NV storage file Attempt to read from not opened NV storage file w+ NVRAM file [%s] open(w+) error (%d:%s) NVRAM file open([%s],w+) OK r NVRAM file [%s] open(r) error (%d:%s) NVRAM file [%s] opened for reading Attempt to close not opened NV storage file Closed NVRAM file GpsHalNvStgRead GpsHalNvStgClose GpsHalPlatfNvStorageInit AID AIDR GlPlatfAiding::StopLbs() GlPlatfAiding::StartLbs() GlPlatfAiding::StopSupl() GpsHalAiding::Stop(), m_bStarted=%d GlPlatfAiding::StartSupl() Start Supl aiding GlPlatfAiding::GlPlatfAiding elapsed %d, timeout %d A R GlPlatfAiding::OnLbsAid(%d) type %d, timer %s %d, m_bLbs %d, m_bSupl %d GlPlatfAiding::OnSuplAid(%d) type %d, timer %s %d, m_bLbs %d, m_bSupl %d spirent GpsHalAiding::Start(), m_bStarted=%d, aid=%d AD up to date unknown TIMER %s FIRED TIMER %s DISARM /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GlPlatfTimer.cpp ASSERT(%s) m_timerManager TIMER %s ARM %d ms !m_timerManager ? ? ? ? ? UpdateGpsStatus start stop delete_aiding_data set_position_mode FixStatus GlRequestOnStop cleanup inject_time GpsInterface GpsInterfaceImpl::%s() /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) !m_pRequest GPSI: GlEngine::StopAllRequests() SESSION_BEGIN NONE SESSION_END ENGINE_ON ENGINE_OFF UNKNOWN %s(%s(%d)) %-30s: EXIT %-30s: ENTRY GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%x) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) pFixStatus pFixStatus->sSvCount <= (int)_DIM(pFixStatus->aSvInfo) 0 GPSI: GlEngine::StopRequest(%p) %s(%p, %d) GlRequest started OK GlRequest failed to start gpsd OnBeforeRequestStart Unable to start MSA session: SUPL is disabled [%s][line = %d] : INVALID POSITION MODE GpsInterfaceImpl: Running customer request %x GPSI: GlRequest::MakePosReqPeriodic() GPSI: GlRequest::MakePosReqSingle() m_pRequest GPSI: GlEngine::StartRequest(%p) GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%s) gps-xtra agps gps-ni agps_ril Interface "%s" is not supported HasPendingBrmJob() Starting BRM job "%s"... Failed to start BRM job. Instance().m_bIsWakelockAcquired == false GpsInterfaceImpl::OnCustStartRequest(%x) %-30s: OnBrmStopped() on_factory_test(): prn = %d on_factory_test(CW): snr = %d on_factory_test(SNRdbHZ): snr = %d Wrong arguments coming from GLL: GlRequest.OnNmea(%p, %p, %d) GpsInterfaceImpl::GlRequestOnResponse() %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%03d,%f,%f,%0.f,%0.f,%0.f,%0.f,%0.f,%f IBrcmGpsHalPos::OnFixStatus() %s(%p) %-30s: OnGlRequestStop %-30s: OnGlEngineStop %-30s: OnGlEngineStart GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d) Unsupported position mode (%d). %-30s: OnSetPositionMode GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%f, %f, %f) Ignored GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%f, %f, %f) %-30s: OnInjectLocation GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%llu, %d) Ignored GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%llu, %d) %-30s: OnInjectTime %-30s: OnStop GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(mode = %d, recurrence = %d, min_interval = %d, preferred_accuracy = %d, preferred_time = %d) %-30s: OnStart callbacks %-30s: OnInjectLTO GpsInterfaceImpl::%s(ISelectManager&, %p) GpsiInit() failed %-30s: OnStartBrm(%s, %s) GlRequestOnStart StartGlRequest inject_location Init init get_extension ReleaseDataConnection data_conn_open RequestDataConnection init AGpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%d, %s, %d) AGpsInterfaceImpl::%s(): callbacks are not initialized AGpsInterfaceImpl::%s AGpsInterfaceImpl::%s(%s) AGpsInterfaceImpl::%s() /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/AGpsInterfaceImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) callbacks data_conn_failed set_server data_conn_closed init inject_xtra_data GpsXtraInterfaceImpl::%s() /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsXtraInterfaceImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) callbacks GpsXtraInterfaceImpl::%s(%d) LBS: Sync done <%d> ltoStatus.txt LTO Status file failed to open! Path: %s Errno = %d LTO last downloaded at %d/%d/%d %d:%02d:%02d ChkDoLbsSync : %d %d %d Download LTO now No need to download LTO now LTO download request (LBS) LTO download request GpsInterfaceStateIdle /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateIgnoreInjected.h ASSERT(%s) 0 Unexpected gps_stop() command (ignored). GPS is already stopped. gpsd GpsInterfaceStateResetingAdB4BrmBG /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateResetingAD.h ASSERT(%s) 0 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateResetingAdB4BrmBG.cpp GpsInterfaceStateResetingAdB4BrmFG /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateResetingAD.h ASSERT(%s) 0 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateResetingAdB4BrmFG.cpp GpsInterfaceStateResetingAdB4Request /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateResetingAD.h ASSERT(%s) 0 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateResetingAdB4Request.cpp GpsInterfaceStateRunning /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateApplyInjected.h ASSERT(%s) 0 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateRunning.cpp GpsInterfaceStateStartingRequest /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/GpsInterfaceStateStartingRequest.cpp ASSERT(%s) 0 SuplLogDecodePdu %s: must be called from a valid SUPLLOG session Internal Check %s,%f GL_NMEA[%s WriteLtoFile GetLtoData ReadLtoFile SetLtoData %s::%s() %s::%s(%p, %u) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/LtoCache.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) m_pLtoData %s::%s(%p) ReleaseCache m_nMemLockCounter == 0 %s%s LTO file path : %s LTO file <%s> fails to open! Errno = %d Error writing to fd = %d (%s) ltoStatus.txt LTO status file path : %s Error <%d> to open LTO status file %lu LTO downloaded at %s LTO file [%s] opened for reading (fd=%d) %s: read(fd%d(%s), %p, %d) returned %d, errno = %d(%s) read_res == lto_file_stat.st_size Size of LTO file is %d Closed LTO file (fd=%d) LTO file [%s] was not found! LTO open suppressed LtoCache NmeaNrFixEnd NmeaNrClear NmeaNrFixStart NmeaNrSessionStart /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/NetNmeaReporterImpl.cpp ASSERT(%s) pthread_equal(g_main_thread_id, pthread_self()) CUST: NetNmeaReporter::%s() CUST: NetNmeaReporter::%s(%d)%s CUST: NetNmeaReporter::%s(%u)%s CUST: NetNmeaReporter::%s(%u, %u)%s NmeaNrSessionEnd NmeaNrSetPosSource NmeaNrProtocol NmeaNrSetSessionType UART /cache/gpspipe /var/log/gl gllog.txt /data/ gldata.sto /data/gps/ cbee.cbee HalPlatf::RestoreConfigState() HalPlatf::SaveConfigState() Couldn't allocate %u bytes to save the state of HalPlatf. HalPlatf::SetCfgValue(%s, %s) gpsd %s: Critical Error. Unknown configuration parameter "%s"="%s" acPortName s lBaudRate l acNmeaOutName cLogEnabled b acLogDirectory acLogFileName acLtoDir ltoFileName acNvStoDir acNvStoName acEEDir acEEFileName acAlmFile acSuplLogFullName cSuppressNvmemWrite eFlowControl ucSwFlowControlXon uc ucSwFlowControlXoff SetCfgValue /data/.gpslogd.pipe /cache/glgpsctrl arp-supl-use-apn true bPrintToConsole 1 ulLogLineThreshold LogCatBufferName main system radio gpslogdPipePath ctrlPipe TcpConnectionTimeout ReAidingRetryIntervalSec ReAidingIntervalSec ReAidingType HalLogLevel LOG_CRIT LOG_WARNING LOG_INFO LOG_DEBUG LOG_VERBOSE timeout acc ignore_aiding_mask WarmStandbyTimeout1Seconds WarmStandbyTimeout2Seconds ignore_asst_mask enable_lto gpioNStdbyPath gpioNResetPath gpioDelayMs rfkillNStdby ioctlNStdby %d cLogEnabled cLogEnabled %d => %d Log FILE LOGCAT DAEMON Unsupported parameter value "%s" = "%s" gpsd SyncLto LbsSyncLto SyncLtoThresholdDays LbsSyncLtoThresholdDays IgnoreJniTime IgnoreJniLocation WakeLock AssertEnabled b l s GL_FACT_TEST_MODE GL_FACT_TEST_ITEMS arp-supl-cap-msb arp-supl-cap-msa arp-supl-cap-ecid l m m m &m l ,m l 2m l l 8m l >m Dm Jm l Pm l l Vm l l l \m bm l l l l l m Bm xm m m m Bm m Bm m Bm Bm m Bm m m m Bm m Bm Bm n Bm Bm Bm n 0n Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm fm \n n n n n \n n \n n \n \n n \n n n n \n n \n \n n \n \n \n n n \n \n \n \n \n n m n n n n m n m n m m n m n n ~n m xn m m rn m m m ln fn m m m m m `n SIGTERM SIGCHLD SIGINT SIGPIPE SIGHUP SIGQUIT SIGILL SIGALRM SIGSEGV SIGABRT SIGFPE SIGTSTP SIGSYS SIGXCPU SIGXFSZ UNKNOWN SIGNAL: %s (%d) received. signal(%s(%d)) returned SIG_ERR. signal(%s(%d)) returned %p. MAX_SIGNAL_HANDLERS exceeded. TextFileReader::ReadFile(): Couldn't allocate %u bytes. GPS %s TextFileReader::ReadFile(): Couldn't open configuration file '%s' for read. /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/TextFileReader.cpp ASSERT(%s) str_len <= str_sz-sizeof('\0') TextFileReader::ReadFile(): Couldn't (re)allocate %u bytes. Vt Pt Jt Dt s \t GetExePath LaunchProcess CreateFifo SetNonBlock gpsd %s: Couldn't create fifo. Existing file "%s" is not fifo. %s: mkfifo(%s, %d) returned error, errno = %d(%s) %s: Can't open named pipe %s for write, errno = %d Cannot get the file descriptor's flags, errno=%d. Cannot set FD_CLOEXEC option, errno=%d. %s: Log pipe is full, sleep up to %d ms before second write attempt... BrcmGpsHalLogdClient %s: select(fd%d, read, write, NULL, %d ms) returned %d, errno = %d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s D/gpsd CALL_SENTRY: Log::%s took %d ms, start: %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d write %s: write(fd%d, data, %d) returned %d, errno = %d BrcmGpsHalLogdClient::WriteLine %s: close(fd%d) returned error %d, errno = %d gpslogd daemon died C/gpsd E/gpsd W/gpsd I/gpsd D/gpsd V/gpsd %s: Couldn't allocate %u bytes BrcmGpsHalLogdClient::WriteLineFmtV %s: Couldn't format message using fmt="%s" %010u %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s %010u /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/hal/BrcmGpsHalLogdClient.cpp ASSERT(%s) size < (int)sizeof(buf) BrcmGpsHalLogdClient::WriteCmd strlen(slogPipeName) + 4 < sizeof(cmdPipeName) .cmd strlen(slogPipeName) + 4 < sizeof(logcatPipeName) .logcat res == 0 fdCmd != -1 fd != -1 %s: Cannot get the file descriptor's flags, errno=%d. %s: Cannot set O_NONBLOCK option, errno=%d. false SetGpsdPid %d SetLogDir %s SetPrintToConsole %d SetLogLineThreshold %d Close /proc/self/exe %s: Error resolving symlink /proc/self/exe. %s: Path too long. Truncated. gpslogd (EACCES). The requested access would be denied to the file, or search permission is denied for one of the directories in the path prefix of pathname. (ENOENT). A component of pathname does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link. . (ENOTDIR). A component used as a directory in pathname is not, in fact, a directory. Cannot execute "%s", errno=%d%s Launching process "%s"... %s: fork() returned %d, errno=%d %s: execv("%s") failed, errno=%d gpslogdPipePath CloseFd OpenFifo gpsd GpsHalPlatfCloseLogFile false acLogDir=%s true cLogEnabled=%s Rotate, threshold = %d, lines = %u %s: Couldn't allocate %u bytes BrcmGpsHalLogCat::WriteLineFmtV %s: Couldn't format message using fmt="%s" LogCatBufferName | | | | { | /var/log/gl /.tmp %s/.tmp/gl-%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d%02d%02d.tmp %s/gl-%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d%02d%02d.txt a pid = %d gpsd Can not open file [%s] Ignore redundant mkdir failed error for %d seconds Rotate, threshold = %d, lines = %u GpsHalPlatfCloseLogFile Cannot rename file [%s] to [%s], errno=%d preventing dead lock with the next message C/gpsd E/gpsd W/gpsd I/gpsd D/gpsd V/gpsd BrcmGpsHalLog::Log: Couldn't allocate %u bytes BrcmGpsHalLog::Log: Couldn't format message using fmt="%s" %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d %s %s J 0123456789ABCDEF ,%lu.%1lu /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/android/gps_interface/../gpsd/common/glgps_hal_net.cpp ASSERT(%s) 0 #%06luD GpsHalNrProtocol(0x%lx, %lu) %d %d ==> 0x%lx $PGLOR,NET ,U ,S ,2 ,3 ,4 ,C ,L N S W A U F D C , L T E O B ,%d ,0 #%06luD GL_NMEA[%s #%06luD GpsHalNrFixEnd(0x%lx) %lu #%06luD GpsHalNrFixStart(0x%lx) LbsConStateDelayConnection Unexpected message '%s' in '%s' onTimeout onConnected LbsConStateWaitForPeriodicWlan loaded tile size %d != info.size %d, drop tile not covered - no last known pos tile id=%d coverage(%s) radius=%d distToCenter=%d true tile[%d] loaded not covered by tiles false loadTileByMeas count=%d tile[%d] not found (deleted)! tile[%d] %d hits tile[%d] has %d hits - max recycled deleted tile[%d] recycled tile[%d] ts=%d now=%d recycled equal tile[%d] dist=%d, radius=%d/%d saved db to empty tile[%d] recycled tile[%d] recycled farthest tile[%d] max distance=%d Saved db to recycled tile[%d] Save master file and tile Open WNMR master file for write failed Failed to write master file Failed to write master tile info Load master file and tile Open WNMR master file for read failed Invalid master file Invalid master tile info BIN: AGNSS: %d bytes Set EPH: (%d) %02d msLBSADREQ.m.navigationModelRequestPresent = 1 RTRC: %d ms Set RT: (%d, %d) msLBSADREQ.referenceTimeRequested = 1 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxBitDecode.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxBitEncode.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxCheckBuffer.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxContext.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtxsrc/rtxStream.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_BitString.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_common.c determine length of fragmented length field /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_ConsInt16.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_ConsInt8.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_ConsInteger.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_ConstrainedString.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_ConsUInt16.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_ConsUInt8.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_ConsUnsigned.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_DynOctetString.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_OctetString.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pd_OpenType.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_BitString.c 'value' /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_ConsInteger.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_ConstrainedString.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_ConsUnsigned.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_extension.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_OctetString.c /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gllbs_dev/project/make/../../../../../import/asn1_runtime/./rtpersrc/pe_SmallNonNegWholeNumber.c very large SmallNonNegWholeNumber GlEngineSuplAdapter::GlReqOnStop(%p) GlEngineSuplAdapter::GlReqOnStart(%p, %d) GlRequest started OK GlRequest failed to start glcb_supl_ReportFromSuplEnd() %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%03d,%f,%f,%0.f,%0.f,%0.f,%0.f,%0.f GlEngineSuplAdapter::GlReqOnMeasurement(%p, %d) GANSSAddUTCModel type %d is not supported GlEngineSuplAdapter::GlReqOnAid(%p, %08X) GlEngineSuplAdapter::GlReqOnPositionStart(%p, %d) invalid valid GlEngineSuplAdapter::GlReqOnPosition(%p, %s) %02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ GlEngineSuplAdapter::GlReqOnResponse(%p, %s) $ < 0 Z 4 f . v 8 4 v D & ^ , [ K*L *I _ h g , G ]h &u h 5 &H4 waBiNgI L 6 C?t %-30s: OnAbortWithStatusCode(%d) %-30s: OnAbort %-30s: OnTimeout %-30s: OnReportLocationInfo() %-30s: OnReportGpsMeasurements() %-30s: OnConnected(%d) BIN: %s 0 %-30s: OnSetLocationId(%s) %-30s: OnVerificationResponse(%d) %-30s: OnConnectionClosed %-30s: OnRequest() %-30s: EXIT %-30s: ENTRY glsupl_SetID() must be called %-30s: OnRequestAssistanceData() Copy_GLRRLP_RequestedAssistData_to_SUPL10_RequestedAssistData failed Missing or incorrect SLP Session ID. %-30s: OnPosition() PDU binary PDU offset %d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/glnet_dev/project/make/../../../../../proprietary/deliverables/glnet_dev/supl2/./GlSupl10Mgr.cpp Error encoding SUPL PDU SUPLINIT SUPLSTART SUPLRESPONSE SUPLPOSINIT SUPLPOS SUPLEND SUPLAUTHREQ SUPLAUTHRESP SUPLTRIGGEREDSTART SUPLTRIGGEREDRESPONSE SUPLTRIGGEREDSTOP SUPLNOTIFY SUPLNOTIFYRESPONSE SUPLSETINIT ? SUPLREPORT Sending %s SUPLINIT is too big -- please ABORT MAC Binary SHA256 MAC Binary SHA1 MAC Binary PDU size mismatch: %d, %d %-30s: OnError(%d) Unsupported version: %d GeographicTargetArea_ellipticalArea is not supported GeographicTargetArea_polygonArea is not supported @(#)Broadcom GL SUPL ver. 2 140096, 2012/Aug/01, 19:17:40 Create SUPL2 Arming UT2(%d) Arming UT1(%d) Arming UT3(%d) SUPL-1.0-con-004 - Missing or incorrect SLP Session ID. %-30s: OnError(%d) Received SUPLINIT SUPL-1.0-con-003 - Invalid SET Session ID. %-30s: On_SUPL_INIT Received SUPLSTART %-30s: On_SUPL_START Received SUPLRESPONSE Received SUPLPOSINIT %-30s: On_SUPL_POS_INIT Received SUPLPOS %-30s: On_SUPL_POS Received SUPLEND SUPL-1.0-con-004 - Missing or incorrect SLP Session ID. Received SUPLAUTHREQ %-30s: On_SUPL_AUTH_REQ Received SUPLAUTHRESP %-30s: On_SUPL_AUTH_RESP Received SUPLTRIGGEREDSTART %-30s: On_SUPL_TRIGGERED_START Received SUPLTRIGGEREDRESPONSE %-30s: On_SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE Received SUPLTRIGGEREDSTOP %-30s: On_SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP Received SUPLNOTIFY %-30s: On_SUPL_NOTIFY Received SUPLNOTIFYRESPONSE %-30s: On_SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE Received SUPLSETINIT %-30s: On_SUPL_SET_INIT Received SUPLREPORT %-30s: On_SUPL_REPORT Unexpected message type: %d %-30s: On_SUPL_RESPONSE %-30s: On_SUPL_END * ` P F GlSupl10StateReady OnReportLocationInfo OnReportGpsMeasurements OnPosition OnRequestAsistanceData OnSetLocationId OnVerificationResponse OnConnected OnTimeout SUPL_REPORT SUPL_SET_INIT SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE SUPL_NOTIFY SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE SUPL_TRIGGERED_START SUPL_AUTH_RESP SUPL_AUTH_REQ SUPL_POS SUPL_POS_INIT SUPL_RESPONSE SUPL_START SUPL is not ready GlSupl10StateWait4_SUPL_END OnReportLocationInfo OnReportGpsMeasurements OnPosition OnRequestAsistanceData OnRequest OnSetLocationId OnVerificationResponse OnConnected SUPL_REPORT SUPL_SET_INIT SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE SUPL_NOTIFY SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE SUPL_TRIGGERED_START Arming UT3(%d) GlSupl10StateWait4_SUPL_POS OnPosition OnRequest OnSetLocationId OnVerificationResponse OnConnected SUPL_REPORT SUPL_SET_INIT SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE SUPL_NOTIFY SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE SUPL_TRIGGERED_START GlSupl10StateWait4_SUPL_REPORT OnReportLocationInfo OnReportGpsMeasurements OnRequestAsistanceData OnRequest OnSetLocationId OnVerificationResponse OnConnected SUPL_SET_INIT SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE SUPL_NOTIFY SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE SUPL_TRIGGERED_START GlSupl10StateWait4Connection OnReportLocationInfo OnReportGpsMeasurements OnPosition OnRequestAsistanceData OnRequest OnSetLocationId OnVerificationResponse OnTimeout SUPL_REPORT SUPL_SET_INIT SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE SUPL_NOTIFY SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE SUPL_TRIGGERED_START SUPL_AUTH_RESP SUPL_AUTH_REQ SUPL_POS SUPL_POS_INIT SUPL_RESPONSE SUPL_START SUPL_INIT GlSupl10StateWait4ConnectionAndVerification OnReportLocationInfo OnReportGpsMeasurements OnRequest OnTimeout SUPL_REPORT SUPL_SET_INIT SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE SUPL_NOTIFY SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE SUPL_TRIGGERED_START SUPL_AUTH_RESP SUPL_AUTH_REQ SUPL_POS SUPL_POS_INIT SUPL_RESPONSE SUPL_START SUPL_INIT GlSupl10StateWait4ConnectionAndVerification::Check(), C:%c,L:%c,V:%c,P:%c,A:%c Unexpected message OnVerificationResponse() in GlSupl10StateWait4ConnectionAndVerification state GlSupl10StateWait4ConnectionSI OnReportLocationInfo OnReportGpsMeasurements OnPosition OnRequest OnVerificationResponse OnTimeout SUPL_REPORT SUPL_SET_INIT SUPL_NOTIFY_RESPONSE SUPL_NOTIFY SUPL_TRIGGERED_STOP SUPL_TRIGGERED_RESPONSE SUPL_TRIGGERED_START SUPL_AUTH_RESP SUPL_AUTH_REQ SUPL_POS SUPL_POS_INIT SUPL_RESPONSE SUPL_START SUPL_INIT [ K*L *I _ h g , G ]h &u h 5 &H4 waBiNgI L 6 C?t MAC Binary API: glsupl_PrepareSuplEnd(%d) PDU binary PDU offset %d glsupl_DecodeSuplInit10 - ERROR glsupl_DecodeSuplInit10 - SUCCESS glsupl_DecodeSuplInit10 - SUPLINIT decoded glsupl_DecodeSuplInit10 - Unexpected message r r r 0 ( Clock Model type %d is not supported Orbit Model type %d is not supported Almanac type %d is not supported /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/glnet_dev/project/make/../../../../../proprietary/deliverables/glnet_dev/supl2/./GlSuplConv.cpp ERROR: Unknown or unsupported SET ID type (%d) Unsupported hrpdCell Cell Info type Unsupported umbCell Cell Info type Unsupported wimaxBS Cell Info type Unknown Cell Info type / B D7q [ V9 Y ? ^ [ 1$ } Ut] r t i G $o, - tJ \ vRQ> m 1 ' Y G Qc g)) '8! . m,M 8STs e jv. ,r Kf p K Ql $ 5 p j l7 LwH' 4 9J NO [ o.h toc x x lP xq * _ h ' obG ]h &s " 7 5X ] oJ R F* 6Lt%-30s: EXIT %-30s: ENTRY Unexpected message %s in %s state RRLP: encoding PDU failed RRLP PDU: PositioningCapabilityResponse RRLP PDU: ProtocolError RRLP PDU: ReportMeasurements MPR RN = %d %-30s: OnMeasurePositionRequest() %-30s: OnAssistanceData() %-30s: ProtocolError(%d) %-30s: OnPositioningCapabilityRequest() RRLP PDU: Acknowledgement RRLP PDU: LocationError RRLP PDU: RequestMissingAssistanceData RRLP PDU: ReportPosition GlRrlpStateReady OnReportGpsMeasurements OnReportLocationInfo OnRequestAssistanceData Second request with same ref. number ignored GlRrlpStateWait4More z ( 8 H X h x l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l / V/ - / - - - - / . L; > > > = P= L; < < Broadcom, ver,Aug 1 2012 19:18:40 %0*d %*d %d System Failure Unexpected message received Protocol parsing error Needed data value is missing A datavalue takes a value that cannot be used The underlying positioning method returned a failure No positioning method could be found matching requested QoP, SET capabilities and positioning method specified by SLP No positioning protocol could be found being available at SET and SLP The SET was not responding Wrong ULP version There were not enough resources available to serve the SET Invalid session identity The SET does not support Non-Proxy mode of operation The SET does not support Proxy mode of operation The SET is not authorized by the SLP The network does not authenticate the SET, only used in SUPL AUTH_RESP The SUPL INIT message is not authenticated by the SET or the SLP User denied consent for location determination session User granted consent for location determination session SUPL10_undefined /GPS.txt a+ [%s]%s:%s,%s%s [%s]%s:%s,75.75,240.0.1%s %s [%s]%s:%s %ld [%s]%s:%s%s [%s]%s:%s,%s # LAC_CELLID(MCC,MNC): %d, %d # LAC_CELLID(MCC,MNC,UC):%d,%d,%d # LAC_CELLID(NID,SID,BASEID,BASELAT,REFPN):%d,%d,%d,%d,%d QoP #NI_MSB QoP #NI_MSA 75 0 %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,0,1 #%s %s,%s #%s QoP .00 %s,%f,%f %10.5lf,%10.5lf %d,%g %4d,%d %s,%s,SUPL_POS Eph Aiding to GPS SUPL_POS , %s,%s,%s #%s position req Eph Aiding to GPS SUPL_POS position req %s,%s,SUPL_POS #%s measurement Info SUPL_POS %s,%s,%s #position resp SUPL_POS %s,%s,SUPL_POS #protocol error %s,%s,SUPL_POS #unknown RRLP %s,%s,SUPL_POS #asn1PD_ASN1T_RRLP_PDU failed %d.%d.%d %s,%s,SUPL_END #%s [%s]0x%s:%s %s,%s,SUPL_END %s,%s,SUPL_POS %s,%s,SUPL_START # SUPL_MODE: SI_MSA # SUPL_MODE: SI_MSB %s,%s,SUPL_RESPONSE %s %s,%s,SUPL_POSINIT %s %s,%s,SUPL_AUTHREQ %s,%s,SUPL_AUTHRESP %s,%s #SUPL10_undefined {} !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstu # F e ) L o7 q R = { Xn M ( d G " Y z < S p 6 Z y ?P s 5 m N + g D ! 4 r Q> x [ E f * O l 2 W t 8 ] ~ & ` C, j I \ 9 u V 3 H k -B a ' K h . A b $| _ : v U 0 % c @ / i J 1 T w ; ^ }HS HS HS TS TS TS :l :l :l :l :l :l :l :l k k k |k |k |k |k |k |k Jk k j l /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:2990 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:3199 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:3318 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:684 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:642 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:635 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:3455 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:2670 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:3297 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:3028 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:1848 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:726 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:719 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:712 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:705 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:506 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:698 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:990 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:499 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:691 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:677 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:670 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:492 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:663 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:656 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec.cpp:649 ? /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec_base.cpp:42 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec_base.cpp:55 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec_base.cpp:68 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec_base.cpp:99 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_codec_base.cpp:355 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_eefilereader.cpp:47 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:733 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:699 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:666 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:650 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:618 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:590 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:574 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:437 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:421 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:403 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:386 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:369 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:352 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:335 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:319 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:291 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:275 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:259 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:243 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:227 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:214 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:199 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:160 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:91 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:77 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_engine.cpp:55 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_glpeif.cpp:245 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_glpeif.cpp:201 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_ltofilereader.cpp:26 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_math.cpp:163 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_math.cpp:237 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_math.cpp:709 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_math.cpp:746 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gldebug/src/gldebug_nvstoragereader.cpp:77 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glutils/glutl_array.cpp /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glutils/glutl_bitbuffer.cpp %s %08lx %s%08lx /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glutils/glutl_patch_base.cpp /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glutils/glutl_set.cpp %i %02d dm ? aw db cv iq rd td vc hb si gp me ma sf bm wm gd sa ra oa cp st nv rp tr gt ef eb ge ! se " gi # am $ io % sm & ut ' lt ( ps ) rb * es + rw , ms - md = cm ds df dw < rs @ ac AC A ha B ah C hs D sh H as > oo . ee / ei 0 do P co 1 ff 2 mc 3 rh 4 sp E sr F ep G rx 5 cc 6 ik 7 rt I ba 8 su 9 hm : in ; at J pa K ak L xd M xs N xp O sx Q pt R pr %s%s%02X%c%c %s Error decoding SLOG entry. Line missing header. Line missing bytes. Expected %d bytes but only %d were found. Error decoding SLOG entry. Missing line %d of %d lines Error decoding SLOG entry. Missing line 1 of %d lines. Error decoding SLOG entry. Expected line %d but found line %d of %d lines. Error decoding SLOG entry. Error in b64 decode. Error decoding SLOG entry. Entry size is %d. Max supported size is %lu. SLOG entry corrupt on Line Number:%d Error: Error decoding SLOG entry. Unrecognized tag "%c%c". Error decoding SLOG entry. Line missing entry tag and body. SysLogEntry %hu != %hu from %d /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glutils/glutl_slog_codec.cpp @^@ Z L L L L * x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x V x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x V x x x v x V x x V /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../gl_frame/glutils/glutl_str_format.cpp 1.!FINITE 0.NaN -[%f -> %g as number too big!]- ***Unsupported format***:' %f INF NaN X : : : : : : : J B r 0 4 Z & D# D# & & D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# % % D# D# D# D# D# D# & 2& 2' % b% % D# $ $ D# ^$ $ D# $ $ z$ $ D# ($ b# F- + + - D# - D# D# D# . D# ( D# D# D# D# D# D# ( r( D# D# D# D# D# D# ( h( L( D# D# D( D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# D# ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' <' /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_acqmgr.cpp PFT: Latency %ldms PFT: Latency %ldms (bin %u) Warning: Heartbeat Time less than last time, got %f was %f IAATEST %fppm h=%f r=%f hd=%f rd=%f ValidFlag=%d SS_Avg: %fdBm over %d blocks (Channel %d) MESVD,SvId%02d,%d, SIO:RxERR MF packet #%lu. Field:%s Data:%02X %s %.1f%% (%lu times) %s %.1f%% GlMeAcqMgr::CwComplete and Test reported valid CW signals GlMeAcqMgr::CwComplete and Test reported saturated CW signal strengths GlMeAcqMgr::CwComplete and Test failed to produce any valid CW measurements VLSS disabled PFT: MiscReg read error 0x%08lX expected 0x%08lX PFT: MiscReg is 0x%08lX Beluga_gpsMisc read 0x%08lX AR DR gps%s DUMP 0x%04X: %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX gpsDR DUMP[%d] 0x%08lX gpsGlbRegDump 0x%04X: %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX SetFirstFixLms %lu F T MSECSTATUS current LMS %lu IsFirstFix() %s FirstFixLms %lu Answer %s GlMeAcqMgr::OkToSearchAgain() Ephemeris Decode Parity Fail Rate=%.1f%% (%lu out of %lu) sv%d ss=%d WER Statistics %8sdBm Fail Rate=%.1f%% (%lu out of %lu) Gll Ran for %.1f Secs Serial Tx: %lu packets Tx'd, %lu Seq errors, %lu CRC errors, Avg Rate=%.1f bytes/sec TxSeq:%lu TxCrc:%lu Tx:no_bytes_sent Serial Rx: %lu packets Rx'd, %lu Seq errors, %lu CRC errors, %lu Malformed Pckts, Avg Rate=%.1f bytes/sec RxSeq:%lu RxCrc:%lu RxMalformed:%lu Rx:No_data_received Serial Roundtrip Latency Statistics: 0ms<=x< 250ms: 250ms<=x< 500ms: 500ms<=x< 750ms: 750ms<=x<1000ms: 1000ms<=x<1250ms: 1250ms<=x<1500ms: 1500ms<=x<1750ms: 1750ms<=x<2000ms: 2000ms<=x: Average %.1fms Latency(<=250ms):%d%% Latency(>500ms):%d%% __REPORT__ Platform: Communication error%s GlMeAcqMgr::IsOkToStartDualSearch bIsOk(%s) ucTotalChanAvailable(%hu) ucTotalChanNeeded(%hu) ASO:[ ] ASSO%i:[ BSO:[ W2K:[ AQ:[ ASQ:[ BQ:[ ] DispatchChannelSbasLow %02d Got PpsCapture @ %.10f ASIC ms (%d) GLONASS GPS LogAgc(%s %cradio) vga=%ld agc=%.1lf power_save initial wait_to_stop_power_save steady_power_save wait_to_start_power_save full_power off Communication breakdown!!! Asic mismatch!!! test CW CWTest:CreateNormalSrchObj(%d, %d) returned %d CWTest: chan missing(%d) CWTest: watchdog timer! GlMeAcqMgr::test Got RefTimeCapture HSclk=%f RTC=%f GlMeAcqMgr::test START REFERENCE GlMeAcqMgr::test RTCoffsetPpu=%f Got SyncinCapture @ %.10f ASIC ms mesmAcqMgr Size,m_otAcqMgrAsst,%u Size,m_otAcqMgrBlnd,%u Size,m_otAsicInitSm,%u Size,m_otSyncInSm,%u Size,m_otChanMgr,%u Size,m_otSoCont,%u PFT: PacketCounts Latency:%d TxCount:%d RxCount:%d+1 Total:%d platform_test PFT: watchdog timer! PFT: Communication breakdown!!! PFT: unknown test PFT: totally unexpected packet 0x%x[%d] PFT: slightly unexpected packet 0x%x[%d] AcqReady ME::ready unknown packet type 0x%x GlMeAcqMgr::ready Got RefTimeCapture HSclk=%f RTC=%f GlMeAcqMgr::ready RTCoffsetPpu=%f Got RefTimeCapture @ %f ASIC ms RefTimeCnt= %f ms ME_AcqMgr_report_ GlMeAcqMgr::IsFirstFix(false) FactoryTest: Event AM2SO_KILL_SPECIFIC for sv%02hd, IS_GLONASS_SVID:%d FactoryTest: Event AM2SO_KILL_IMMD for sv%02hd, IS_GLONASS_SVID:%d ME2AM_ECPU_FEATURES_CHANGED is not supported with this chip! AcqMgr: Empty: %c %c %c GlMeAcqMgr::ready() - Going to Standby GlMeAcqMgr::ready() - cannot do platform_test %d&%d&%d ON PMM::me GLONASS %s +RMW [snr=%d][bBinErr=%c/%c][bBinCtr=%c/%c][bBinDir=%c/%c] GlMeAcqMgr::ProcessHeartbeat: blanking count = %lu clk freq = %.3f ratio = %.6f ProcessHeartbeat: m_HeartBeatIntrvlChngPndng = %hu, m_usDecimCount = %hu, m_usDecimRatio = %hu HeartBeatIntrvlChngPndng: heartbeatTimeMs = %lu, heartbeatIntervalMs = %hu, newHeartbeatPhaseMs = %hu interval > 1000 ms: ulNewHeartbeatTimeMs = %lu Beluga_gpsMisc +RMW 0x%08lX = (0x%08lX & ~0x%08lX) | 0x%08lX AcqMgr: Need data bits for SvId%02d standby GlMeAcqMgr::ready() - Shutting down GlMeAcqMgr::ready() - EXIT dM jM pM XM ^M 4Y HY \Y Y Y e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e f e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e f f e e w w y w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w x Xy w w x (P Q@p 1@ A@ !@ P X F k F h G G G G G G P X F k F h 7 7 7 7 7 7 G G G G G G Q@ 1@ A@ !@ (P j ` 8 & $ % J c u H L /0 C o %% 5$ 9 8 $d > = < d c b a :N@ $ % d c b a % o d c b a :NP) d%% c5$ 5b 5a d c b a D C B A " | &u T $) t 5 ut u v" Y iV 8 Q s r q p MNOp up q r st7/ t > r s q p s r [ s r q p{ / x P %a A 8 L : s r q p s r q p MNOp C p0 s r q p :* s r q p s r q px :_ $ 6 > 5 6 5d @ u2 62 2p u2 s r q p 2 < s r q p s r q p z = s r q p q$ 5p s r q p rT p qEpp r3 s4 4 2 3 u >& r s0 a L : x = r s / > 9 8 rC sD 5 6 7 4 L : $MNO` u5u6 u3 u4 0 u5 u6 u5u6 4 2 3 u >& r s C ; ; m ; ; m ; ; m ; ; m ; ; m ; ; m ; ; m ; ; m 4750A0 SHUTTLE 4750A1 4751_FPGA_8051_ECPU 4760A0 UNKNOWN INIT_STAGE J: Loading Shuttle Patch INIT_STAGE J: Loading 4750A0 Patch INIT_STAGE J: Loading 4750A1 Patch INIT_STAGE J: Loading '4751 FPGA with 8051 ECPU' Patch INIT_STAGE J: Loading 4760A0 Patch Error: detected obsolete version (SHUTTLE) of Barracuda chip - no longer supported. Please upgrade to A0 or A1. INIT_STAGE J: Error: SHUTTLE chip version no longer supported. Please upgrade to A0 or A1. /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_acqmgr_asicinit.cpp meif4751A0Patch Switching to ECPU mode meif4751Patch initial ecpuVSmeif Sending autobaud 4751 A0 detected! 4751 A1 detected! 4751 A2 detected! 47511 A0 detected! 4751 version number unknown (%u %u %u)! mesmAsicInit off ERROR :Asic Type Not Supported: Check your RfType INIT_STAGE A: Soft Reset of ASIC Brcm GPS radio - radio init Brcm radio init - set external LNA Sending 8051 ECPU memory initialization and reset patch on INIT_STAGE B: ASIC is reset, continue with init. INIT_STAGE H: Received ECPU code ROM checksum = INVALID! INIT_STAGE H: Received ECPU code ROM checksum = (%08lx) CHIP=%s INIT_STAGE H: Disabling ECPU burst control INIT_STAGE M: Received Patch checksum = (%08lx) got ECPU_VERSION (0x%08lX) ECPU CHANGELIST %lu ECPU CHANGELIST ECPU PATCH VERSION %lu Asic type mismatch between config file and device PALS7 (0x%08X) BARRACUDA (0x%08X) 2075A0 ASIC (0x%08X) 2075B0 ASIC (0x%08X) 2075A0 FPGA (0x%08X) 2075B0 FPGA (0x%08X) 476X ASIC (0x%08X) 476X FPGA (0x%08X) 2076 ASIC (0x%08X) 2076 FPGA (0x%08X) 4751 ASIC (0x%08X) 4751A0 FPGA (0x%08X) 4751A1 FPGA (0x%08X) 47511A0 ASIC (0x%08X) 47511A0 FPGA (0x%08X) ASIC mismatch = (0x%08X) Brcm GPS radio - readback 1 Brcm GPS radio - readback 2 Brcm GPS radio - computing Rcal/RCcal Brcm GPS radio - Rcal=0x%.2X RCcal=0x%.2X Brcm GPS radio init complete GlAcqMgrInit: RTC is off, no High Speed RTC available GlAcqMgrInit: RTC is on, capturing RTC INIT_STAGE K: Got RefTimeCapture @ %.10f ASIC ms RefTimeCnt=%f secs Ignore HB : T=%c V=%c R=%c ROM=%c INIT_STAGE L: Initialization complete, starting full ME GlAcqMgrInit: NVRAM data is INVALID: RTC is not available GlAcqMgrInit: RTC Valid(%f ms, %lu, %lu) INIT_STAGE Error .. timed out waiting for response from ASIC INIT_STAGE I: Requesting ECPU Patch Checksum INIT_STAGE I: Disabling ECPU burst control INIT_STAGE G: Starting Heartbeat INIT_STAGE C: Loading GPS core system registers INIT_STAGE D: Loading ECPU system parameters Beluga_cclk 0x%lX GlMeAcqMgrAsicInit::ContinueStartupPackets(): Sending idle packet for chan0 = %u INIT_STAGE E: Switching to high speed ECPU clock (freq plan must match h/w!) **** ECPU clock switch not applicable to this ASIC **** INIT_STAGE F: Requesting ECPU ROM Checksum **** ECPU Patch not required for this ASIC **** OFF GLNS GPS ADDR = 0x%02X, DATA = 0x%08X (Frequency = %d Hz, LC = %d, Mode = %s) ADDR = 0x%02X, DATA = 0x%08X ADDR = 0x%02X, DATA = 0x%08X (P W[ X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 Y- T 1 2 3 4 L 3 53 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 tC t s p # @ $ u " H/ , u e u u >& $ % J c u H L 0 C o %% 5$ 9 8 $d > = < d c b a :N@ $ % d c b a % o d c b a :NP) d%% c5$ 5b 5a d c b a D C B A " ' U N O " j " QP M ` e` p p S w 7 "z {< o + > = < :N@ " " D E F G :s 3 3 3 3 : D E F G"" P X P X F k F h C h : ~ 9 ! ! 2 t t t t t t t t t" * t" u t t " P X P X F k F h C h : ~ (P P X P X F k F h C h : ~ (PP X P X F k : ~ P X P X F k F h C h : ~ _p _p 2 2}c4 }c430g}30g} q5 q5 3J J 3? ? 3_p _p 2 [ [3 3 2 3L L 47 Y 7 Y4Y Y 2 V V3Y Y 4 ; ;4 7 4 Y Y 4 F F 3Y Y 3Y Y 3\| \| 3 3 FA FA3Y Y 2 4 k ! ' V_ V_2 '3! 3 k 3nA 3nA 4 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_acqmgr_asst.cpp GlMeAcqMgrAsst::GetPmmMode - returning %hu Chan Received Martyr(%u) Blnd(%u) Needed(%u) All Chan Received Martyr(%u) Blnd(%u) Needed(%u) initial fc50factory fc50 fcFRESH fc100 fc100ft fc300ft fc300 fc500 fc2000 wait4gpsFreq Switch fcState wait4gpsLost mesmAssistedMgr assisted Requested %u Reset Requested Martyr Free'd Chan /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/include/gl_measaidfilter_if.h CreateNormalSrchObj-> sv %hd, user dynamics state is %s drill list: SExx SEok SBxx SBok OSxx OSok SEgln ok SBgln ok 2 3L L 47 Y 7 Y4Y Y 2 V V3Y Y 4 ; ;4 7 4 V_ V_2 k ' ! 3nA 3 '3! k 3nA 4! V V 2 3! 4 V ' Lm RH$ ? e [3 3+ H4 4 ? 3RH$4 [ e 2+ H Lm4 ' 4 4 _p _p 2 2}c4 }c430g} 0g}3q5 q5 3? ? 3J J 3 [ [3_p _p 2 3 (N (N2Y (N k ( ( 2k 3 (N3Y 3 GlMeAcqMgrBlnd::GetPmmMode - returning %hu ErrorBinningAborted %ld %d BlndMgr TerminateSearches(%d) BlndMgr kill so %d BlndMgr(%s:%d): otSvIdInSoSet %02d *m_potBlondsSvIdQueue otSvIdKillSet GlMeAcqMgrBlnd::CreateSearchObject() - no channel available m_otSetOfSvIdScanned otSvIdMustScan GlMeAcqMgrBlnd::CreateSearchObject() - invalid SVID BlndMgr searching for sv %hd with VeryLowDrillList drill scan BlndMgr searching for sv %hd with %s /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_acqmgr_blnd.cpp BlndMgr sv %hd (%02d) search idle initial normal indoor2000 indoor1000 opensky me->m_otSetOfSvIdNotScanned me->m_otSetOfSvIdScanned me->m_potBlondsSvIdQueue->GetSet() indoor mesmBlondMgr /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_acqmgr_syncin.cpp initial wait4syncinReq mesmSyncIn wait4syncinPulse wait4syncinArm ChanMgr::KeepAlive() 0x%lx (free 0x%lx) ChanMgr::Release(ch%hd) 0x%lX ChanMgr::Confirm(sv%hd) on ch%hd 0x%lX (was ch%hd) ChanMgr::NiceToMove(sv%hd ch%u) GlMeChanMgr::SBAS only ch%u reserved! Not supporterd yet! ChanMgr::UpdateNumChannels() - Update to %d full channels ChanMgr::Reserve(sv%hd) ch%hd ,CurrentTime=%lu, usReqPhase=%d m_d1HzPhaseMs = %f (arg=%f) /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_lscvmetric.cpp 1 . BROADCOM 4751 2 r 2 b _ l 6 P I, Hp q HpX q r H h O JHxP` y a z b H hH B& ! \ ! 3 $Q P T l H@j I h B C D I}" hQC ! H# H A Q ! Q ! `AhA A`O p! 2 d ! 0t! AP d * ' `Q . |e H h I `$ $ 2 d | y j " I 0m 9h iAb A " I40m 9h b b ! i c A / 0 - x c B _ | A A #/ \ ( < 9 * ` x_ O - @ xx@ XF O 0 S F ) pG 2 / ~ ( @ 0 I @ 0 ( 9 v h h ( ` " ( ( . r p 8\ b 8 8 ( J K \ h R $ @ C @ C ` ( h 2 # < 9 Xff bB d O = G d- b$2 p8 2 d 7 ' $ & & & & & 'C { d F F' B < ( I x I x ) ( pG ( pG ! ` ! I x & pG ( F I x ( ! F& !F @ ' Y ^ [ 6 L p H qx " I x@ p x pGp p p x ) $ E I x@ p# 0 # > r s r s N . H ` - _NO < 8h 8 @ ( FI `EJ A `DI " `O O Qj $C A A ! A A A ! AA `QO O Qb % %(F ] 8h & &1F [ 8h@ ' '9F Q $ D D !I hD @ A I h@ I h@ $. = O O @jA D d D d D T D T D D " !/ ) ( F) r _) G ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . + 6 F $ " O ,D O # & # d @ 0F (S T ` J K ! A $ B A R $ ` I ) ) J ! A $ B A R ` I ) , t \'( p 0 J K ! A $ B A R $P `RhZ` I ) ) J ! A $ B A R `@hX`0 I ) 0 , t \'( , $ Q ? L0 Q @k w' @ t x 2 / ( I` "HF R B \'( . + p D F F (" $ ` x 0 M K ! A B < B <2 B A B ` I ) ) M ! A B < B <2 B A @ `0 I ) 0 P | &( P k ? k @k m @ | $ p "I h )! !K!MZ !F TB F 6 B I ) ) ) ! M y v yYv z v@z vp F 6 B I ) ) ! @ x s x t y uAy u B Zw ! ! ! ?FQ& /@kGD l'9@ FS' ? . x 8 O H `k $H @ !H k a I p N " I xJx @ " x C H h C C ` xCh# CC cC` yBh " pbB RB` @ . # Z @" R ! 3 a ! 2 vj @ 1 . BROADCOM 4751A2 G # ' $ & & & & & 'C 2 X% & " 0 x L &`x8 # F ? H# fp HO U x !y ) q&p x ! p p $ $ ! p !ApiF H% 9 p(F" 2 ! X ! 0 $H@j$J h B C D x}"QC ! H# Q O @" ? T1 J " b h - O F KHAx $ T ,$ GO O CM &hxp ( " (i $ =H% @ 8x ( h 6H xP 8x $ T % !hF" m B .H@j.I `.H x.H# 8p . ` $ D'H# I H 1% (i x ) Bx * * J x $ Bx ! hp H q ! ` h U F U H$0 hA ` F O ! j ! X ! 2 @P . + H ! p - W - 2 / $ < - r - 1 - - N \ ( H J x p JAx p I x ppG 4 ! ! . + / I x hyax" ! " . D H x ( H@j I h B C D I}" xQC ! pG 2 " p @ - X H x H h ! B " ! ! B " I ! A ! pG4 ! ! L H - O H hO h @h F_F F\F]F ! , o ~I h x@ #. #&yIp p ! , 0 uH x( # , e pHv @ ( hI1 E F Fv U DDF. B & B O $ 1 B F Fd B F( 1 B F Fm F- LH!" x !@ ( R GL ( ' ( &`( ( ( p !HF, f HF0 ( R # , 8 ( x % d q @ " ( P v L 8 4 x ( m , ( , ( , ( L h h8`( h@h8`( ( HF G !, ! 4 ! ! | - G F , y $L ! HF, ` `x&x @ !HF, V 7! ` O ( p` m F B rB B B ` B!!p ` 0 ` x`p x p p!!HF, 0F 4 ! $ x - O $%F . 0 J N O1` !:p " :F O @ r - ~ -/ } 0 v ! w@ 8p H , x / / $= o | { | 0 H " x !@ ( 8 `( ( IE ` , ` , h H " x !@ ( `( , o ( , h ( x ( _ . . B B B B HE `& E v v B' H ! p 8p 2 + x S m ] 5 | x + B i " !. ! | s. , Ha 8p > (: h j B bH " x !@ ( X i( j( ( i@ UJ PC |0 v @ @0 @ @1Bi AaJH , 9 / @ . d $ %L >H x @ 9H x 7H ! x/ . r 0 b . 1h | ! B h %J p ( 9p & %H , #H , . . ^ H ! x0 H ! x/ ! 0Aw !A 1h %J| w } @ ? B Ih@ \ $ ! ! ! ! ! 4 ! ! ! ! Q H , O ` 0h ~ , 0hO 1 } . . H ! x/ M 0h ~ 1R t }R B| uB} {@hI 0 ]" PCHb1h |0 % $Hbk % R HHb $\ % $ ! V 0 [ 1KwC %[ K P A \ ( $ w = % 0 xI p $4 Ax! Ap p. + h B A 8p I p a % $ F8 8p ) A ! iI ! 0 w ~ [ 1Kw [ K P I p( 8p $ 7 X 2H x@ / 0H x7 ? 8pe P 8p 0 $ +I C 8x &H x0 0 %I C @ (s ) H x O7 + + . H + O ` + + ! ! 3 ! ! ! 0 @~ @ + q H + k . ( . 0 } | . + @ ) - 0B~ R 1Jw B~ % R J " w 8 iA \ ( *$ w@ p G H ! x/ $ @ + q 1H % iA \, ( w@ r $ $ a % @ + 0 | t / / - + @l + . Qe@m + . Q . h @ + 3I 0H x@\ ( @ @ + d + 0D + W 0D ! @ m + @ I H x@ `( 8p . \ * / E \ ! D ! ! ! r B . + lh H hH B H h% ! - G & 0F2F IB 0 ! #! ) $ I I ` " t G w l Q / O l ( @ 6 M =F iC l !! d ` @ P G + 4 ! ! & # - 8 w < ( ( " !/ ' ( ' @' H I h ` 4 ! ! * ' 2 - @F x + ~I}H h@ pG |H@ xHCzI @ LAi 2 - OuHO x@ HCrI VF F F FUF 7 K I DTE .Fm @ & B v & O p B F u F ^H " x !@ ' (- UO= ' s XF' @F' } ! + ; @ ( @ &! 0x ' [ % 8 4 x ' R m - O' 4 - G ! + >N F !0x+ (j !0x+ E !0x+ n !0x+ .L7! !p/ ` x`p x p p p!!0x+ 'H@ x2xHC%I&K !H ? h # @O 0 KO ~ , # * O H ! / [ sE 8F ! *F0x G !+ 4 ! ! ! ! 3 * ' p % v , ! & # h 4 # IZ H O X ! H x - A M F !(x+ L !`x @ (x+ u '` ( p` g 7 B p ` / > ` x`p x p p p(x A!!+ ! 4 ! 2 / F / y ~ G # p8 h ' $ & & $ & & 'C 6 3 } Z $ ( ' G Q G H O ` 2 & # t D $! ( " X \ ( ( 4 - G & 0F2F IB 0 ! #! ) $ I I ` " t G w l Q - O l ( @ 6 M =F iC l !! d ` @ P G ( = x " $ - / : N p O H U F U @ p (F O p@ " 6 B F B p (F p@ : 8 $ e G " F P G 0 . C G 0 4 C G p J I xO U0 \C *I L F # ) @ ! "B C CI B 9 F ) H @ ! "B C CI B F F F,B @ CI ) p Fp N 0 }KJ x xH x T\xuK T \ ) ! TvI h ' ` - O F I N x@ F % 7h+ @ ' - + ? O ( - " x p. @ (+ p % 0` ( - L H!x@\p Z 0` K"x % \ 0 ! T ( 9 ( 0x 0p 0x@ 0p ( + + O L 7` ~ T - A F (F+ nL pC `- mOa 8 D - 0D 8 !(F( 0 h !0D `(F A( - O\N ? $ (F + d \ - ( (< `(p (~ ( 0h ! @ 0` 1 D0` 11` !HF( 1h B 11`( 1h B !HF( 1h 0`p (L - !HF( k $E ( -H x hI HC ( ( a 1h 0` @ - (' II] ! [ J #Q]XC ! PU ( > 0h ! 0`HF( K 1h 0` x 4 ' IF F , @(F% p P7~, n x p " $ X 2 ) b $ h z 6 3 X $ l K , , p p * ' L ! H1 n O q+ p . + r rM P] . p - A H N x M0DAx OI Ap (p F 0])xH@- (pd 8h B - $ M'& O- ' (x C(p Fd ( A( [ a T H ( 4 * & T d L M N # ( 1 #Tr +TI 1 Q @ q ( 1 #Tr +TI 1 Q @ q ( { { p F ) I. m " `O L O 1. l . @ R O 1, f O 0% d ( ) F ? 8) >) pG F ) O pG C ? pG?" " @pG 6 3 $ 4 ^ ? ?( @ N0p@ H( - ( , q " L X ( + + h | L;("h (+ ( " !? ( ( ( @( KI F@h ) ) h C ` Xpa p L X` h C I ` h 2 / n - @F F "x ) | I H h@ pG H@ xHCI @ LA1 ' * - OzHO x@ HCwI VF F F FUF 7 K I DTE .Fm @ & B v & O p B F u F cH " x !@ ( R (- ZO= ( XF( ( @F( % ! ' @ ( @ &! 0x ( % 8 4 x ' m - O' $ - G ! ' CN F !0x' D (u !0x' > E !0x' !0x' p 3L x ( O O # O 7 !p - ` x`p x p p p!!0x' &H@ x2xHC$I&K H ? h # AO 0 KO ~ , # * O H ! / [ sE 8F *F0x G !' n x p q 3 * ' T ( ! ( ) @ + ^ + d * ' L 8p + \ + d - G F ' 4L5O !8x' `x ! @ 8x' O ` ( ^ + 2 (` 0 p` 5 + # 7 + B A B ` 5 + # 7 + B p ` - ` x`p x p p8x G!!' q 8 L F . & # T X # IZ H! [ l " ' d F ' ` D@ ' \ D@_H h a - G\NO 1h ' L XM (x C0hd' I RIZf h h I cf Rh I Zf' & 1h ! R !Xf ' F ' 1hd ! R !Xf , F ""! ' T # ' x 0h*h I f Zf ' F ' 0h i ' $ E I) p I F p x ! + 0hAn )p B ' (x 1 (p ' \ % /p ' (x@ )p @ @ H ` `@F x | q r p 3 $ *$ ! * t . . * * n F C 4 < | , + @ @0 I!HC * ; * 2 H # ? d- H < 9 hff bB d O = G d- $2 t8 2 d 7 H 1 . BROADCOM 4751 ! pF ? ! L r 9id m $ Rx ASIC revision = 0x%08X /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_meif_parser.cpp SendPatchMsg(%u) MEIF_ACK_MSG MEIF_NACK_MSG MEIF_ERROR_MSG MEIF_STATE_REPORT_MSG Unknown MEIF_CONFIG_VALUES_MSG MeifMessage(0x%04x, 0x%04x) %s MEIF_NACK_UNEXPECTED_SERIAL MEIF_NACK_ILLEGAL_LENGTH MEIF_NACK_CHECKSUM_ERROR MEIF_NACK_GARBAGE_RECEIVED Nack reason(0x%04x)(%s) %u /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/acqmgr/glme_so_cont.cpp Normal SO %d created Normal SO %d destroyed Size,alUnionSrchObjMem,%u Size,GlMeSrchObj,%u Size,GlDspBase,%u Size,GlDspBinwmm,%u Size,GlDsp1dbit,%u Size,GlDsp2dbit,%u Size,GlDspTrk,%u Size,GlDspCcrnmm,%u Size,GlDspBat,%u 0 F F Z j B 0 0 0 P P | | | B < B B < 4 4 \ 4 4 4 \ R 4 4 & 0@ 0@33 @ ?33 >333 33 33 > /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/asic/glme_asic_cfg.cpp OK invalid NVRAM %s: ucCrc:0x%02x ver:0x%04hx nvRam:{%lx,%lx,%lx,%lx} ASIC disable SBAS (0x%lx,0x%lx)==>(0,0) - @ @ @ @ @ Y?33 > Y P P GlMeAsicPcktSender::SendPacket() - DISABLED, would have sent: /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/asic/glme_asicpcktsndr.cpp t 0 r > b T /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/asic/glme_asicpktrtr.cpp SIO:TxERR: CRC Error: Type 0x%hx ch %u SIO:TxERR: SEQ Error: Type 0x%hx ch %u ParseChipData: %s[%hd] %02X ... SEQ CdpSum=0x%08lX CcpSum=0x%08lX angle=0x%08lX mag=0x%08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %s called with usSize = %hu, ulRemainingBytes = %lu, state = %d.%hd input buffer enter SIO:RxERR %hu bytes before SOP SOP Length EOH SIO:RxERR: CRC ch %u rx:%02X expected:%02X lost:%hu EOP %srewind buffer ulRemainingBytes %lu %s Uh oh! Recursive call %sSkip first SOP at byte %u, usSize = %hu %safter SOP skip loop, usSize = %hu rewind %s got packet, usSize = %hu, seqnum = %u, seqnumIdx = %u, expected seqnum = %u, seqOk = %u, chan1 = 0x%02X, drop = %d %s ignoring packets during algo change %s Special Case ERAM dump! SIO:RxERR: Seq err (algo change) ch %u seq %u (expected %u) %s Parse() succeeded ME_AcqMgr_ %s got 0x%lx[%hu] ch %u ME_Dsp_ %s - got kill for channel %d GL_RSP_PACKET_IQ_DUMP received on channel %u %s GOT 0X%lX[%hu] CH %u %s Packet Ch(%hu) >= MAX_ECPU_CHANNELS(%hu) %s Parse() failed SIO:RxERR: Sequence error ch %u seq %u (expected %u) dropped %d continue ParseChipData: 8 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/asic/glme_cmdpckt.cpp GlMeEcpuFeaturesCtrl: BlankingType= disabled internal conditional external BlankingMonEnabled= false true BlankingMonType= any BlankingExtPol= lowToBlank highToBlank GlMeCmdPacket::setField(0x%lx, %d, %u, 0x%lx)/%d val&~msk = 0x%lx ~(val|msk) = 0x%lx U 0 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/asic/glme_rsppacket.cpp 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 F G G F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F TF F F TF HF F TF TF TF TF HF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF HF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF HF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF TF HF rH rH , G , G ,iH bG e H4? G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G rH rH , G , G ,iH bG | H G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G # ( L= L= rH rH , G , G ,iH bG e H4? G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G rH rH , G , G ,iH bGJ H G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0GZ 9HZ 9H , G , G ,iH bGl jHfyoG H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G !,6?IR\dmv~ jYH jYH , G , G ,iH bGP H } G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G<( H<( H , G , G ,iH bG H 5 G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G gH gH , G , G ,iH bG u H G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0GCalculateMode1SnrNorm(sv%u,ch=%d): fStdDev %.2f ... ulSnrEst1=%lu,ulSnrEst2=%lu NCStat = %d Xcor Detected(sv%u,ch=%d): ulMagSum %lu ulStdDev %.2f Std2MeanRatio %.2f ulSnrEst %lu NCStat %hu CalculateMode1SnrZoom(sv%u,ch=%d): zero mag & pwr sums CalculateMode1SnrZoom(sv%u,ch=%d): Negative Variance CalculateMode1SnrZoom(sv%u,ch=%d): fStdDev %.2f ... ulSnrEst1=%lu (%f),ulSnrEst2=%lu NCStat = %d NonMonotonic rising corrvec edge %i %f NonMonotonic falling cor vec edge %i %sReportBadBitAlign chan0 %hd, SvId %hd %sReportNoEnergy chan0 %hd, SvId %hd /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/dsp/gldsp_base.cpp ErrCorVec = [ ] MeasCorVec = [ ModelCorVec = [ GetM3Snr: fNoisePwr = %f (from table) fAdjustedNoisePwr = %f (compensated for blanking) usNumEramSamps = %hu ucCopCoh = %u fMag = %f = %f M3SnrUnadjusted = %f = %f M3SnrAdjusted = %f = %f pkTriangleFit left[%d] 0x%lx = %s pkTriangleFit right[%d] 0x%lx = %s pkTriangleFit(0x%lx, %u, %u) maxPos %u = { 0x%lx } pkTriangleFit Not Finite (fGradient=%s fFitIdx=%s fEstPow=%s) <%sEgy0MiniCvZoom> [ %i ]; %sCompensateNoisePwrForBlanking: fUnadjustedNoisePwr = %f fBlankingRatio = %.6f fNoisePowerScale = %.6f fAdjustedNoisePwr = %f DSPMeas modify(%hu,%hu): Setting CNO_VALID InvalidHacqMode1SigMeas SvId%02d %lf %i %f %f InvalidHacqMixModeSigMeas SvId%02d %lf %i %f %f InvalidVLSSMeas SvId%02d %lf ValidHacqMode1SigMeas SvId%02d %lf %i %f %f ValidHacqMixModeSigMeas SvId%02d %lf %i %f %f %sReportM1Normal channel0 %d, SvId%02d, Coh=%d, NcStat=%d, snr=%d, SS=%.1fdBm otRs.dTimeStampLs=%.10f m_dTimeStampSecs=%.10f dTimeAdjustment4Start2MidPointSec=%.10f dTimeAdjustment4Mid2EndPointSec=%.10f F T %sReportM1Zoom channel0 %d, SvId%02d, Coh=%d, NcStat=%d, snr=%d, SS=%.1fdBm, MulDet:%s false true SvId %u chan %u issued DSP2SO_RESTARTME:bitsaligned %s,par %s SvId %u chan %u issued DSP2SO_GLNSWIPEOFF_ERROR:bitsknown %s, bitsaligned %s Chan %u SvId%02d CheckAlignment dTargetTime %.9f dTimeStampSecs %.9f msmtIntvlInMs %d sDelta %hd SvId %u chan %u issued DSP2SO_MOVEME, sDelta = %hd Chan %u SvId %u CheckAlignment dTimeStampSecs = %.9f usNumBlocksPerMsmtIntvl = %hu : IsItOkToMove() returned false %sProcessHssFreq(M3Snr) channel0 %d, SvId%02d, Snr %f Cop RangeRate=%f [ 2nd zoom mode1 peak, index=%f, validity=%d Received full zoom corrvec, SvId%02d chan0 %d <%sPrcChnTm><%d,%d> ProcessChanTime SvId%02d chan0 %u - first block, m_ulCarrierInc not updated DspBase::ProcessChanTime: lEstimatedNco:%08lx m_ulCarrierInc:%08lx CorrelatorFreq:%.2f ulHsDelta:%lu ratio:%.12f - m_ulCarrierInc updated to %lu (0x%08lx) SvId%02d, sysCnt:%lu, epCnt:%lu DSPMeas modify(%hu,%hu): Altering Doppler New(%.2lfppb) Meas(%.2lfppb,%.2lfdBm) AltMeas(%.2lfppb,%.2lfdBm) SvId%02d chan %u issued DSP2SO_RESTARTME_WRONGTRIGGER, TrigMs:%lf GlDspBase::ProcessTrig(Glns epochcnt update) (SvId%02d chan %hu): reconstructing epoch count = %lu, wipeoffenable:%d GlDspBase::ProcessTrig(Glns wipeoff from aid) (SvId%02d): syncEpcnt = %lu, trigSec[ecpu %lf,host %lf] <%sProcessTrigger> FAIL ok GlDspBase::Program%s sv%u %s hwGLNS=%d bGlnsParam=%d ucHwGnssId=%u bQzssOrSbas=%d (fact=%u id=%u) GlDspBase destructor: ch%02hu sv%02hu algo = %lu GlDspBase::~GlDspBase(): HEY! Someone called me twice! mesmDsp GlDspBase constructor: ch%02hu sv%02hu %sProgramCw SvId%02d coh %f noncoh %u dopPpu %.9f M1Zoom M1Norm M3Zoom gH gH , G , G ,iH bG | H e G H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G |H |H G G e H G @ A C E GRI K LbN P Q#S T*V W Y Z [L] ^ `Sa b c1esf g h"jUk l m n p#qCras{t u v w x y z { | } ~ #< #< | | | | } } d 0u ` L= L=Z 9HZ 9H , G , G ,iH bGl jHfyoG H4? G4? Gft F G F 0 Hft0G L= L=5 0 5? 9 /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/dsp/DSPTrack/glme_viterbi.cpp _tBits_viterbi @ /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/event_router/glme_evtrtr.cpp . < ` V V $ V V V V v V V & V V D V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V : V V V ` z n ~ x r l f ` Z T N H B < " /tmp/11916869/customers/samsung/Mantaandroid/../../../proprietary/deliverables/gll_dev/project/make/../../glmeaseng/glchovyctrl/search/glme_srchobj.cpp ConnectDsp2DspInterface Parent[SvId(%hu),Chn(%hu)] Connected to: Child[SvId(%hu),Chn(%hu)] MicroBin Child SV %u Chan %d SoIdx %d MicroBin Child SV %u no channel available Child SV %u no dupmeas buffer available Child SV %u Chan %d SoIdx %d Child SV %u no channel available Child SV %u no dupmeas buffer available Child SV %u Chan %d SoIdx %d Child SV %u no channel available Child SV %u no dupmeas buffer available GetAwgPwr() missing m_psmDsp sv%02u ch%02hd GetAwgPwr() deallocated m_psmDsp sv%02u ch%02hd algo %d Missing m_evtRtr! sv%02u ch%02hd Searching PEForcedFastReacq SET SvId%02d initial GlMeSrchObj::initial: m_usPmmReportIntrvlMs = %hu, m_usPmmCorrTimeMs = %hu WaitHereForChildren Reacquisition FactoryTest: Reacquisition allows new DspObj sv%02u ch%02hd PEForcedFastReacq CLEARED SvId%02d Tracking EnergyFound LssBinBit LSSBinBit: SvId%02d Child did not find energy %d; going to track LSSBinBit: SvId%02d Child found energy %d; going to track Binning SearchObject FactoryTest: Setting the Glonass SVID and initiating Glonass acquisition GlMeSrchObj::SearchObject: AM2SO_CHANGE_RATE: m_usPmmReportIntrvlMs = %hu, m_usPmmCorrTimeMs = %hu DMicroBin Parent SV %u Chan %d SoIdx %d InstanceId %d Child SV %u Chan %d SoIdx %d InstanceId %d SvId%02d Child to Parent SlowRacq Lacq MediumRacq Macq FastRacq LacqAndHacq Hacq FactoryTest: Hacq allows new DspObj sv%02u ch%02hd SvId%02d Child to Parent Failed Transfering Meas SvId%02d Child to Parent Mchacq Sacq DoubleMacq Parent SV %u Chan %d SoIdx %d InstanceId %d