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      1 # -*- Python -*-
      3 import os
      4 import platform
      5 import re
      6 import subprocess
      9 # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
     11 # name: The name of this test suite.
     12 config.name = 'Clang'
     14 # Tweak PATH for Win32
     15 if platform.system() == 'Windows':
     16     # Seek sane tools in directories and set to $PATH.
     17     path = getattr(config, 'lit_tools_dir', None)
     18     path = lit.getToolsPath(path,
     19                             config.environment['PATH'],
     20                             ['cmp.exe', 'grep.exe', 'sed.exe'])
     21     if path is not None:
     22         path = os.path.pathsep.join((path,
     23                                      config.environment['PATH']))
     24         config.environment['PATH'] = path
     26 # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
     27 #
     28 # For now we require '&&' between commands, until they get globally killed and
     29 # the test runner updated.
     30 execute_external = (platform.system() != 'Windows'
     31                     or lit.getBashPath() not in [None, ""])
     32 config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(execute_external)
     34 # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
     35 config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm', '.cu', '.ll', '.cl', '.s']
     37 # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
     38 config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
     40 # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run.
     41 clang_obj_root = getattr(config, 'clang_obj_root', None)
     42 if clang_obj_root is not None:
     43     config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(clang_obj_root, 'test')
     45 # Set llvm_{src,obj}_root for use by others.
     46 config.llvm_src_root = getattr(config, 'llvm_src_root', None)
     47 config.llvm_obj_root = getattr(config, 'llvm_obj_root', None)
     49 # Clear some environment variables that might affect Clang.
     50 #
     51 # This first set of vars are read by Clang, but shouldn't affect tests
     52 # that aren't specifically looking for these features, or are required
     53 # simply to run the tests at all.
     54 #
     55 # FIXME: Should we have a tool that enforces this?
     57 # safe_env_vars = ('TMPDIR', 'TEMP', 'TMP', 'USERPROFILE', 'PWD',
     59 #                  'IOS_SIMULATOR_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET',
     60 #                  'VCINSTALLDIR', 'VC100COMNTOOLS', 'VC90COMNTOOLS',
     61 #                  'VC80COMNTOOLS')
     62 possibly_dangerous_env_vars = ['COMPILER_PATH', 'RC_DEBUG_OPTIONS',
     63                                'CINDEXTEST_PREAMBLE_FILE', 'LIBRARY_PATH',
     64                                'CPATH', 'C_INCLUDE_PATH', 'CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH',
     65                                'OBJC_INCLUDE_PATH', 'OBJCPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH',
     66                                'LIBCLANG_TIMING', 'LIBCLANG_OBJTRACKING',
     67                                'LIBCLANG_LOGGING', 'LIBCLANG_BGPRIO_INDEX',
     68                                'LIBCLANG_BGPRIO_EDIT', 'LIBCLANG_NOTHREADS',
     69                                'LIBCLANG_RESOURCE_USAGE',
     70                                'LIBCLANG_CODE_COMPLETION_LOGGING']
     71 # Clang/Win32 may refer to %INCLUDE%. vsvarsall.bat sets it.
     72 if platform.system() != 'Windows':
     73     possibly_dangerous_env_vars.append('INCLUDE')
     74 for name in possibly_dangerous_env_vars:
     75   if name in config.environment:
     76     del config.environment[name]
     78 # Tweak the PATH to include the tools dir and the scripts dir.
     79 if clang_obj_root is not None:
     80     llvm_tools_dir = getattr(config, 'llvm_tools_dir', None)
     81     if not llvm_tools_dir:
     82         lit.fatal('No LLVM tools dir set!')
     83     path = os.path.pathsep.join((llvm_tools_dir, config.environment['PATH']))
     84     config.environment['PATH'] = path
     86     llvm_libs_dir = getattr(config, 'llvm_libs_dir', None)
     87     if not llvm_libs_dir:
     88         lit.fatal('No LLVM libs dir set!')
     89     path = os.path.pathsep.join((llvm_libs_dir,
     90                                  config.environment.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH','')))
     91     config.environment['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = path
     93 ###
     95 # Check that the object root is known.
     96 if config.test_exec_root is None:
     97     # Otherwise, we haven't loaded the site specific configuration (the user is
     98     # probably trying to run on a test file directly, and either the site
     99     # configuration hasn't been created by the build system, or we are in an
    100     # out-of-tree build situation).
    102     # Check for 'clang_site_config' user parameter, and use that if available.
    103     site_cfg = lit.params.get('clang_site_config', None)
    104     if site_cfg and os.path.exists(site_cfg):
    105         lit.load_config(config, site_cfg)
    106         raise SystemExit
    108     # Try to detect the situation where we are using an out-of-tree build by
    109     # looking for 'llvm-config'.
    110     #
    111     # FIXME: I debated (i.e., wrote and threw away) adding logic to
    112     # automagically generate the lit.site.cfg if we are in some kind of fresh
    113     # build situation. This means knowing how to invoke the build system though,
    114     # and I decided it was too much magic. We should solve this by just having
    115     # the .cfg files generated during the configuration step.
    117     llvm_config = lit.util.which('llvm-config', config.environment['PATH'])
    118     if not llvm_config:
    119         lit.fatal('No site specific configuration available!')
    121     # Get the source and object roots.
    122     llvm_src_root = lit.util.capture(['llvm-config', '--src-root']).strip()
    123     llvm_obj_root = lit.util.capture(['llvm-config', '--obj-root']).strip()
    124     clang_src_root = os.path.join(llvm_src_root, "tools", "clang")
    125     clang_obj_root = os.path.join(llvm_obj_root, "tools", "clang")
    127     # Validate that we got a tree which points to here, using the standard
    128     # tools/clang layout.
    129     this_src_root = os.path.dirname(config.test_source_root)
    130     if os.path.realpath(clang_src_root) != os.path.realpath(this_src_root):
    131         lit.fatal('No site specific configuration available!')
    133     # Check that the site specific configuration exists.
    134     site_cfg = os.path.join(clang_obj_root, 'test', 'lit.site.cfg')
    135     if not os.path.exists(site_cfg):
    136         lit.fatal('No site specific configuration available! You may need to '
    137                   'run "make test" in your Clang build directory.')
    139     # Okay, that worked. Notify the user of the automagic, and reconfigure.
    140     lit.note('using out-of-tree build at %r' % clang_obj_root)
    141     lit.load_config(config, site_cfg)
    142     raise SystemExit
    144 ###
    146 # Discover the 'clang' and 'clangcc' to use.
    148 import os
    150 def inferClang(PATH):
    151     # Determine which clang to use.
    152     clang = os.getenv('CLANG')
    154     # If the user set clang in the environment, definitely use that and don't
    155     # try to validate.
    156     if clang:
    157         return clang
    159     # Otherwise look in the path.
    160     clang = lit.util.which('clang', PATH)
    162     if not clang:
    163         lit.fatal("couldn't find 'clang' program, try setting "
    164                   "CLANG in your environment")
    166     return clang
    168 # When running under valgrind, we mangle '-vg' onto the end of the triple so we
    169 # can check it with XFAIL and XTARGET.
    170 if lit.useValgrind:
    171     config.target_triple += '-vg'
    173 config.clang = inferClang(config.environment['PATH']).replace('\\', '/')
    174 if not lit.quiet:
    175     lit.note('using clang: %r' % config.clang)
    177 # Note that when substituting %clang_cc1 also fill in the include directory of
    178 # the builtin headers. Those are part of even a freestanding environment, but
    179 # Clang relies on the driver to locate them.
    180 def getClangBuiltinIncludeDir(clang):
    181     # FIXME: Rather than just getting the version, we should have clang print
    182     # out its resource dir here in an easy to scrape form.
    183     cmd = subprocess.Popen([clang, '-print-file-name=include'],
    184                            stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    185     if not cmd.stdout:
    186       lit.fatal("Couldn't find the include dir for Clang ('%s')" % clang)
    187     return cmd.stdout.read().strip()
    189 config.substitutions.append( ('%clang_cc1', '%s -cc1 -internal-isystem %s'
    190                               % (config.clang,
    191                                  getClangBuiltinIncludeDir(config.clang))) )
    193 config.substitutions.append( ('%clangxx', ' ' + config.clang +
    194                               ' -ccc-clang-cxx -ccc-cxx '))
    195 config.substitutions.append( ('%clang', ' ' + config.clang + ' ') )
    196 config.substitutions.append( ('%test_debuginfo', ' ' + config.llvm_src_root + '/utils/test_debuginfo.pl ') )
    198 # FIXME: Find nicer way to prohibit this.
    199 config.substitutions.append(
    200     (' clang ', """*** Do not use 'clang' in tests, use '%clang'. ***""") )
    201 config.substitutions.append(
    202     (' clang\+\+ ', """*** Do not use 'clang++' in tests, use '%clangxx'. ***"""))
    203 config.substitutions.append(
    204     (' clang-cc ',
    205      """*** Do not use 'clang-cc' in tests, use '%clang_cc1'. ***""") )
    206 config.substitutions.append(
    207     (' clang -cc1 ',
    208      """*** Do not use 'clang -cc1' in tests, use '%clang_cc1'. ***""") )
    209 config.substitutions.append(
    210     (' %clang-cc1 ',
    211      """*** invalid substitution, use '%clang_cc1'. ***""") )
    213 ###
    215 # Set available features we allow tests to conditionalize on.
    216 #
    217 # As of 2011.08, crash-recovery tests still do not pass on FreeBSD.
    218 if platform.system() not in ['FreeBSD']:
    219     config.available_features.add('crash-recovery')
    221 # Shell execution
    222 if platform.system() not in ['Windows'] or lit.getBashPath() != '':
    223     config.available_features.add('shell')
    225 # ANSI escape sequences in non-dump terminal
    226 if platform.system() not in ['Windows']:
    227     config.available_features.add('ansi-escape-sequences')
    229 # Registered Targets
    230 def get_llc_props(tool):
    231     set_of_targets = set()
    232     enable_assertions = False
    234     cmd = subprocess.Popen([tool, '-version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
    236     # Parse the stdout to get the list of registered targets.
    237     parse_targets = False
    238     for line in cmd.stdout:
    239         if parse_targets:
    240             m = re.match( r'(.*) - ', line)
    241             if m is not None:
    242                 set_of_targets.add(m.group(1).strip() + '-registered-target')
    243             else:
    244                 break
    245         elif "Registered Targets:" in line:
    246             parse_targets = True
    248         if re.search(r'with assertions', line):
    249             enable_assertions = True
    251     return {"set_of_targets":    set_of_targets,
    252             "enable_assertions": enable_assertions}
    254 llc_props = get_llc_props(os.path.join(llvm_tools_dir, 'llc'))
    255 if len(llc_props['set_of_targets']) > 0:
    256     config.available_features.update(llc_props['set_of_targets'])
    257 else:
    258     lit.fatal('No Targets Registered with the LLVM Tools!')
    260 if llc_props['enable_assertions']:
    261     config.available_features.add('asserts')
    263 if lit.util.which('xmllint'):
    264     config.available_features.add('xmllint')