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      8 	<TITLE>collperf</TITLE>
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     13 <H2>collperf</H2>
     14 <P>collperf is a test program for comparing collation performance and key lengths of ICU, Windows native collation
     15 and Unix/POSIX collation. It operates on a file of lines (names, for example), and performs one of three tests:</P>
     17 <OL>
     18 	<LI>Sort Key generation. Report on key lengths and key generation times.
     19 	<LI>Binary search. Report the average time required to look up each of the names (file lines) from the file in
     20 	a sorted list of all of the names.
     21 	<LI>Quick Sort. Report the time required to sort the file in memory, using the C library qsort function. The file
     22 	order is randomized prior to the sort.
     23 </OL>
     25 <P>
     26 <P><B>Usage Summary</B></P>
     28 <BLOCKQUOTE>
     29 	<P>
     30 	<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFFBF0">
     31 		<TR>
     32 			<TD WIDTH="100%">
     33 				<P><TT>collperf -help</TT>
     34 				<BLOCKQUOTE>
     35 					<PRE><TT>Usage: strperf options...
     36 -help                  Display this message.
     37 -file file_name        utf-16 format file of names
     38 -locale name           ICU locale to use. Default is en_US
     39 -langid 0x1234         Windows Language ID number. Default 0x409 (en_US)
     40                        see http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/winbase/nls_8xo3.htm
     41 -win                   Run test using Windows native services. (ICU is default)
     42 -unix                  Run test using Unix strxfrm, strcoll services.
     43 -uselen                Use API with string lengths. Default is null-terminated strings
     44 -usekeys               Run tests using sortkeys rather than strcoll
     45 -loop nnnn             Loopcount for test. Adjust for reasonable total running time.
     46 -terse                 Terse numbers-only output. Intended for use by scripts.
     47 -french                French accent ordering
     48 -norm                  Normalizing mode on
     49 -shifted               Shifted mode
     50 -lower                 Lower case first
     51 -upper                 Upper case first
     52 -case                  Enable separate case level
     53 -level n               Sort level, 1 to 5, for Primary, Secndary, Tertiary, Quaternary, Identical
     54 -binsearch             Binary Search timing test
     55 -keygen                Sort Key Generation timing test
     56 -qsort                 Quicksort timing test</TT></PRE>
     57 				</BLOCKQUOTE>
     58 			</TD>
     59 		</TR>
     60 	</TABLE>
     61 </P>
     62 </BLOCKQUOTE>
     64 <P><B>Example</B></P>
     66 <BLOCKQUOTE>
     67 	<P>
     68 	<TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFFBF0">
     69 		<TR>
     70 			<TD WIDTH="100%"><TT>C:\&gt;collperf -loop 200 -file latin.txt -keygen -shifted -level 4<BR>
     71 				file &quot;latin.txt&quot;, 7604 lines.<BR>
     72 				Sort Key Generation: total # of keys = 197704<BR>
     73 				Sort Key Generation: time per key = 4253 ns<BR>
     74 				Key Length / character = 1.730054</TT></TD>
     75 		</TR>
     76 	</TABLE>
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