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      1 ; RUN: llc < %s -march=x86-64 -mcpu=corei7 | FileCheck %s
      3 target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
      5 ; Check that a <4 x float> compare is generated and that we are
      6 ; not stuck in an endless loop.
      8 ; CHECK: cmp_2_floats
      9 ; CHECK: cmpordps
     10 ; CHECK: ret
     12 define void @cmp_2_floats() {
     13 entry:
     14   %0 = fcmp oeq <2 x float> undef, undef
     15   %1 = select <2 x i1> %0, <2 x float> undef, <2 x float> undef
     16   store <2 x float> %1, <2 x float>* undef
     17   ret void
     18 }
     20 ; CHECK: cmp_2_doubles
     21 ; CHECK: cmpordpd
     22 ; CHECK: blendvpd
     23 ; CHECK: ret
     24 define void @cmp_2_doubles() {
     25 entry:
     26   %0 = fcmp oeq <2 x double> undef, undef
     27   %1 = select <2 x i1> %0, <2 x double> undef, <2 x double> undef
     28   store <2 x double> %1, <2 x double>* undef
     29   ret void
     30 }
     32 ; CHECK: mp_11193
     33 ; CHECK: psraw   $15
     34 ; CHECK: ret
     35 define void @mp_11193(<8 x float> * nocapture %aFOO, <8 x float>* nocapture %RET)
     36 nounwind {
     37 allocas:
     38   %bincmp = fcmp olt <8 x float> <float 1.000000e+00, float 1.000000e+00, float 1.000000e+00, float 1.000000e+00, float 9.000000e+00, float 1.000000e+00, float 9.000000e+00, float 1.000000e+00> , <float 3.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00, float 3.000000e+00>
     39   %t = extractelement <8 x i1> %bincmp, i32 0
     40   %ft = sitofp i1 %t to float
     41   %pp = bitcast <8 x float>* %RET to float*
     42   store float %ft, float* %pp
     43   ret void
     44 }